I 3 -i' t i i ,4 t. K t t ft'oHii-al iH-p.irliiH iit. " UUt OKIIAT (LltU AT BAKDOM fKlVI.' . A FRAGMENT. 5inee Iriirin mike I be. miiii of hiimni thin;. And halt our ims-iy from our Ub' ipringi-, sinop hf"j) best joy -coiisiil Hi p':ce and ease, And f.-w cm w(v'ii,ir B;Tve, but 'ill caulea. Oli! li t the uiiymitiu spirit learn"; from hence, A Btrull imkindneas 11 a presi oflcnce. n farpe hntmtje to beatow, we wish in train, Rut all may shun the guilt of giVing pain ; To Mesa mankind with tide of flowing wrallh, With power to .luce Uihiii, and tocntwn Willi health, Our litilo lut denies, but tic von decrees 1 1 To aU the gill of nui'ring to ease. . TVi getille oflicea of patient love, .., Jleyond all flattery, und til price shots; ... The mild forbearance of another's fault, The nutating word suppressed aa soon aa thought, On these, Heaven bide the awecti of life depend, And crushed ill-fortune when it undo a fruibd, -A wiliiary bluMiugi:w can find, , .. Our j")'a Aith those tie luve are ioterlwmedi 1 . , And he slws-e unki'ful tenderness remove . ' 'Tlieobntructiii thorn, that wound the friend lis toyes, tSinootli mil another rugged path skine", ' i ' But scatters rosea In adorn his own: V ', ". . Hinall alight, contempt, O'glect, urimir'd with hi In, Ilak(i up in number, wlU Uiey want m weight, 7 Those, -and a tltoraand grief minute as t hese, - Destruy our comfort and Cirrock our panes. , MISCELLANEOUS. ! Crtililor and Dt htar,-Z I'lie reaenl acafcitj of money ttin absence of all market for the rvai Vnd luuduiv proilucta of our'anil, and the conr 'uent ilopieciiilioii ill' projM;rty generally, aliould t.ndnioiiiari ilia creditor in deitl mililly mid lumently with hia dubinr. . 1 here la iiiuny a man among ua Villi lliouwiiula or irienAa hi lna limiila, wlto , not witliilundiii, whuijjr unublelo raite money to meet nit neiiii. . vviiHt i ine oovioun auty w t emu for in aocb a caau 1 Hi iiubl it j-rlecily aecure but Ibo money i not to b bad. tiliall he pounce iiiion hi victim Iwu ibo euitlv iiikmi iiiat proy ud , tilt) bun with coal bring ruin and distftiaa .upon lna fuiiiily kivo Hcenwi to Iho ininmlert of the -pw r tnndo tho wnrtortrjrTjf dommic tfctnirKf iiitpptneim, and by the mci i'ico of tlm little tdnvan '.m: and eomlbrta of lifu, which of tlmiiimjlvi'a aro ttorth but lij!lu;1)iif, fiolh ibo forca "6f acihfroir, JSLtJn Jilg.uly pfwyitMCwtterayWMWftlt . Iiouaea of j y uihi iilfniaiitiieaa into hotixt't ol ami nnd tofr'iw biat bia crtrdit, wImhi uw' be weed Fnt and iliwruo ; pljtcf btHt limy tiwlveti iUv.hope joJ rloifijt what bjH nioit deairea paving ilia holiest Uebtaf ' Wu ripsar, vhall the creditor lo lliiaT wbjalt eliirly h a ftAI to do; or would it not timufo debtor, tho band of kinrlnem. A little in dulenco ia aortleliiiieii oflgreiit benefit lo t man in - Miaileiwd ctrcuniatancea. - In nine case out of ten the creditor win ginni ttim whhotit ntiy, r at leaat - forirjut trrconvciwrice to bttie)ff-r JMjihettBpt nt o lorhenr.iocii a-npiriL of "doni2 tw the would lie iIoik by'' govern the conduct of, the Credilntiri bii denlina with hiJ)i;bvor and by doing, o vast amount of .Tniwry and aiiflitrifi) will be averted froin iho commutiijy ; nnd many a face now eucirckd with lire wotkinut of"care and nnunty, will be bhliieiioil with plrdsin hopeaaurJ itiitictpiiiiHi of the future. And to nuy one ex. sept it lie a very Skylvck, Ihiratinjj fur hit jwwari - t'f'riA-tlttt'will he mnjnwly more grairfyinjthDft the aaiul'u-lion.f a debt, by the nncrifice of ten timet Ha aigount in probity. yfaftirirt Itmci, ' " Tlie iuiporluiit nut tuitxu"iig' Mif;o,''ir1$ p'yig the Qiiutithm," i thuadiapasiHonttU'ly nnd phi lokophicklly trmiied upon by "AnOld Hncluilor," (in Frazicr'a MaguKinr) who speak as one having tho authority of long and perplexing experience, aa wen as proitaMitijf a proiouuu tneoreticai anowiene V" ' of Itie rrbuTlroTTpniffitfitPi;' WtcrtrartbrWtrf-Nrf r&i.ttt,uArUuYM sltows tvbw4rive beyrr'tbnwgrrrTbtTtroiiTt-Wc weight tho mill can best tell."- N ow, young bachelors and . iurpi-Mt'riMt( tnanc," ienTi nrt;in wt rrrry'Tit . .1" it,.. ..,:..f..r ...... Ti. i. ui... .. . "oft coout4r, insy rend or "skip" it -junl u " i, they ploase. Amtrtcan Stattvnbn. " Though if is imposib!e to'sny any "'thing ve--JLy-irwbbe-'TiiiTwHr wrw ".- lillle.lact .nnd ohservaffnn will always tell you , whether thafirl who refused yoo would have been . worth liuvmg, bad she accepted. I iftii speaking , "- o, vebul coiuiuutiiculioiM only, as nbiy ever f writes ho, dirt speak, 1 It is usual, in all caVof jvfn;4l,jt the lady to say, that she fa deeply grate ' , V ful for the Whit yon have done her but feelmg r - ' " . v' only friendship for you slid rev-ret that ehe cannot 1 Jic.i cpl jMAir proiMiaali i!u5.. I havebeerd the wonls ( .Su olkn that I know tlicni by heart.- The words, however varied, signify little it i the tono and murtiier in w hich they are prooouncod, that must guide vou in formiuii vour estimate nf the cruel ijuoJUlJufcy-ara pnunuiicii4 jttmi4ett wrtrks of sorrow u.itead of triumph, showing uuleigned regiut for hiving rauW piiii which she could not alleviate if tier voice is (siR, uubrnk"ti and trem - uUsis her -y -4imml with a half formed tear, which it requires even nn t lloft tn'subitue, thru, I aay, yuu amy sliare in tuf sorrow, for you have prohnlily lost a prize worth gaining but though yotgwfp,l W"h4y'irlipe;tt3;p nm 1 i any nn-lei nnA, for Iheie m evident I v good feel . tog to build r;nn- I)-tioi, 'ilicn:ore, fly out, and r tiwke an idiot tf,yotireIuci!f!. rece tvmg yuur refji al: (ubinit wa aeisid grace, suliett a cnnliiiu , - " - snre of frie'wisiifl, to sippuit you uudnr 'lie heart ' cu)iiug 111 .c I ion yuii hivo- s,niaimil. Take her t hand ol jlMrting ki it lrcqneutly but quieiry" ... ho outrt cwJuct orny kind jest a littki nt the J " fXpcusi? of yi ;r own fatlunt, witliout, tntweter, aU lory' Uie 111 her estiinutioB by the, oinmifr In " wiikh you receive your m'lileuis; let bej sorrow 'be UMiigte.! uilirJoiiruli.sCai.d tl.oro U iwknow. -ijiij bii soon ib'uigs it change. "."Tliose iiwtruo-' 7"7-Tliirt7p!l' w!T ffeiVf ,Kttr OinlntofluW fii'fb'veVv " "-'"". ,MIC retjoiri skill, tac!' ouickntss, and -j- tHhngj m wrsUs Ut, La aitutcciated.aud acu:d jjputu. If yu want these qOalittes, Just ttiake love, purse , . t'm hsiid-T-it is a safe mode of procetditig, and will answer admirable with all ranks, 'front Almack t . to the. Borough. There is u.ily one clas with . r whom it will not aucr, and thut is tint very class "Worth having. . 4 "- If, ou the oiherjiadd, the ladyrefiiiMs ynu in ' ready made Bud well delivered H-ech, v. Iiic.b 1 . t bad evidently been prepared and kept waiting for .v, you, then make your bow and thank your stars for , "y yiw lucky stscaise. Ifhe sdmotirsliea your m eoo.iJerato jjonduct," bids .yu cnlua your excited ' ftclin;;. an4mPioi1 aRUctioni If she triumph, 111 r ' . fact, and condeseeoJuigly imlile, then cut a ceiwr r ', lor joy.aoJ conic djwu in the altitude M John of Vokigitaa nyiu Men ury, inrjou imve causa to , rejoice. If the bidy 'sosps at you, as much at to My( Vou are an impudent fnjliwt' which njay vV ' nuw limes be true, though it thotild rhl'exacily fegttrtit'tUtHi leply witbtv-4ew-statrtvte-'ttl Mt-- Landon's mig't r---z" " Theri ui stmUieracfimes Weexe,' "" That sweeps with clianpole course the teas; ' 1'ixefl to oJe point, oh ! fint'itul gale 1 Tlwu srt not lor my wandering ail." If he burnt out in a loud fit of laughter, a I once knew ladv to d, thou join her by all means, lor on maybe sure she is an 1 1 1-bred buy don, or a downright iJut. But, if unable to Suk, grief, t having caused yon pmri, makes her burst into eara, a a little Swedish girl once did when aucli proposal wnt made lo her, then join her if you like, lor the chances are that you have lout una worth weeding tor. V I'rvm Murryriti't Ditir) Second fin it CUlilN'l&S CHAIlACJ Ua OF THE AMKRICAXS. A ir'?iilleiiuin -narrated to mo a Mrt'nlar aiieciitieu , if the ruling tiaaaion, which he witneaaed on an oc casion w lieu lite rail cart were thrown off the road, and nearly oiih hundred peojtle kiltwd, or injured iu T a greater or k'a degree. On the kido oflhe road Uy a nun witti ma te to aevorcly Imcturerii'thrit the Wie had been forced - through the tain, tni projectea ouimo in -row. era.. Over him hung hi wife, with the utmost licitude, the blood ruiiniujt down from a severe cut , i l i.. .j At i;.. I... !. received on lltr IH'ao, aim mwuuop iij aim u bia alaler, who m ulao much injured. The poor women were Inmenlhi; over him, ntidtltiiiking no thinir of their own hurtwhile he, it appear, wat also thinking nothing about hit injury, but only la. menting iho di:lay which would be oucanontd by it. "Oh I my dear, dear Iaaac, wtiat can be done with your leg T" excUirhed the wife in the deepest dixtreat. .. ' What ill liecome of uy ieir 1 " cried the man. "WliHl'atn becoinoof my bunincaii, I ahould.hke to know!" iMOh! dear brother," aid the other female, " don't think about your huxinest nrw, think ol getting tured. - . " Think of getting cured I must think how the bill are In be mot, and 1 not there lo lake them up. 1 hey will Do protcsieo n aura a I ite nere. ' "Oh! never mind the bum, dear nuaband .fhink-nf your pre cniua leg." " Nol mind the bill ! ibTit TTnuat mind the bills mv credit will be ruined," ' N"l when lhey know what t)M hnpwned, bro?. ihor. .On I dear, dearthat ie'g, that leg." A Choptrr on Halt- 'Therm is no peojde so in genious at cmMtdicnta a the Yniikeea. " A Yankee edit6i'1iio iiuj(lii fo know alf eWif'il.ljive ui" a chapter 'bn tho line of hats, which it very good in ilk wny, though the cuatoni ajMiken of ih nut so. would never," anya the aforeaaid Yankee editor,' "enter (he head of person oul bf New England, tu ue thoir huts for any other purMscs than as a -covering for their heads. In other part of the globe-, when n man bows ferociously to ' friend he takes oft bis hat. '.SucVa custom cannot tie adopt-. ed here, for a man's hat is hit pocket-book, his su chul, In pantry, his clothes bag, his tool chest, or In Segar box, as occasion may require, and il be rhould take oil hia bat in hurry, awkward circum stance must need ensue. We once knew a gen. tlcutart, who haying purchased a dozen of eggs for hia mother, forthwith popped them into his bat. On his way home he met a pretty girl, with whose charuii bu -liad jong boco ainitlon, and wishing to be particularly polite, he took oil his hut preimra- tory to making the low' bow.' -The twelve eggs, obeying the laws of gravitution, were precipitated to tlv paveniHOl, and instantly smnshod to atoms; and tho Ixuulilol while garment of the astonished :.fc,:.r;w.v.Jj.-.-.-.....l II. t'l. . a.--" How often, doring a windy day, de we see a hit- less wight chasing a eloud of papers which have ; made their escape, and are borne on the wings of Ua wind. It has Wn remarked by foreignera that the na Inch they carry on their hesds. A lawyer is- ..f-JS.UlMJI lfU ! JUMtl UM IHlUh M' gnl documents, and sometime his law books, are drnwtSd1rilsbhtrA "Pbf ileum's Tial is not un frenuently an apothecary a shop in rniumlure: a merchant's hat is 'crammed with samples of mer chandise ; and i stage driver's hat is slufled with short journey seldom burl hem himself with a trunk, but lakes a tilmoge ol ap rel in lit hat 1 a late m'unlieror the nlassnchostilts Legislature, repre neuting k tou nut more than twenty ntile from l.oston, always carried his dinner to tne iate ilmise in his hat and we have seldom seen the hat fan editor, whioh was not ntufled with damp news paers, stolon pmagrsphs, and unanswered duns! " . ... . . Latter Paper. , Phihtoiih). Tho following piece of philosophy is taken I mm the feller of Jonathan Slick. Jona than is the onlv mhs we have met with in a long j ihuo, who ittwtbtWytteedvents-tieirrg mi love with a lady fagwfiaV . ' . " If women du i.rl up a (eller heart strings, though, ibey keep his out of other scrapes any body til trtl you that. A mart that U tit love a teetle ia not always a runuin into ruin holea, und other such plat es. lie d si'l go gambling, and ia'ut a l?!ijRlW4 .stfigUtX. . .m ' w.i'a.MTSWTiismr.,. J.V Love.", lKCOjduig tamy notion nf il,i r geod anchor for us on this ere voyage of life! it brings us tip so all ktandmg when we put on loo much sail. It puts tne in mind, jiiiw 1 think on it.'nf r ur cjuise thrisjgh Hell Gate in Capt, Doolittle's sUon for jist as the tide and wind was carrying ua 00 the. rocks, we dmpl anchor and kept oil. I look on the uses of women purty much as 1 look on the fresh- et, that in the spring brings down the Connecticut the. real neb toil for the Uieadou In W cathcrafuild. they make a u rent deal of splutter ami luss 111 their spring time, with their rustles, and their ribhana, . and their flotillas, I know ; but when ihcy light on a lei lor for good, thev are the retl onion patchesof hi exisienee. fuj us.lQgctJberUuU llteuiakiUtif. ef 8ob Ceewtine lias grow aiiv thing ; but keep u apart, and we sro all thistles snd nettles, - An fannramui. A few davs ago, a J waa trundling a whor Ibirrnw through one of ourstrwte, he was conaidemu'y annoyed by a sow with her lit tle juvenile porkers, who, not having the fcar of hog-reeves before Ifieir eyes, h id started on a pub- lie promenade. The wheelbarrow, as wheelbar row are ait In do, kept up a squeaking, in very ttood imitution of a grunier. . The aforesaid sow, ttiinking him of the whelbarrow to bo inflicting cruelly upon ber jft'prtng, imnieJiately eeixed bitn by the leg. J- turning round and coolly sur. -veyiftg the old sow, addrewed lier iu this wise, you d d old lool.tlon't you know a wbed-'nirs rov trirt n pig. - - v Cop pie." A, lady in Indianapolis, who signs herself " a whig," has aeni a cap to the editor of the Ohio Journal, to bo protected totTrsj. Harrison. " j. . , -. - ,-st f . .. ... .-, TU 9 -to (uuurtjuuadt 4dif,r urnrI: .. ouitare tlie exMdienta adojited by letter writera to exrH"due tlie dHiw-ry ot their U tier ; but the following memorandum, written on a letter address ed to the Natchez Pout Ollicc, capt every thing of the kind we have ever aeen : " The purtniBHter r,i I confer a favor by inform ing Mr. W r of tliia letter, or aendinu it to him by the first opportunity, a he moved into vour country about the first of December la, end T I think hvea at dnttance from your poal otitce, If you are a. wnjjle mart, it will be worth your trituhle to go, aa be baa a very pretty daughter !" Great Harrison, he wat the one 'J'o lead the tout of freedom on. liirhmimd Whig. And when they went the foe to find, H Oreal HarriBon " he Staid behind. - n v Era. Tht Doctor Outwitttd. Dr. Mounscy, riding over some downs, observed shepherd tending his flock with ne coat on,---tlSfkeeTfrichd, aatd. the Doctor, who gsive you that new fcoatr The aheoherd. thinkine he waa a pane, replied, the une that clothed you the parish.- The Doctor, highly pleased with the answer, rode on a' little way, and then desired his servant to go back and ask the shepherd if be wanted a place, as be want ed a fool. The servant delivered the message. " Tell your master," said the shepherd, M that his living will not suppoit three of ua. GruruliirrJ by tht AMERICAN ECLIPSE, the Champion of America Winner of the Great Match Race, the North against - tht South $ 2 0,000 aride ! : " TUG THOROUGH BRED HORSE, 2iym3 URF.D by Col. Wade Hampton of South Caro lina, will make hia second Season at Saliihury, which commenced on the 21H ultimo, und will end on the of June next, v $25 the Heason, and 40 to insure, the money to be paid as soon as the Mare i is ascertained to be in foul, or the, property clmiiijet owners ; and fifty cents to the groom. (nrMares seirfVonf h-"idistattce"wiri"beeirf: lended to, and led with grain at 30 cents per day. To tlioseJttiat Wish it, a eood lot wilt be furnished -gratis r but jn nn instance will I be nqinririMe forivrsges, done wttbucetne and despatch, -- V I ,-M..,.l. ,.r r.w.: j H. VV. lINti. " . . . . 1 Mlhur. N.'t'. March 13 lfiifl ' 2S a- L J PKiflGREKT 1 Certify that L AT.H was bred by me, and that lie was foaled in the Spring of 1833. He was got by GoJolphin, his dam Pocahontas, by Sir ArcbyXliis grM Archy, out of Col. Singleton's celebrated Lottery, by imported Bedford out of the imported mare- An- vjllina. Gmblphin was got by Eclipse ; hia dam Sylph, by Huepbestion out of Lottery by imported Bedford, ce.. Hasphestion was got by the import ed Buzzard out of the dam of Sir Archy. ' - DESCRIPTION, PERFORMANCE, c. LATH is it fine bay, without white, 15 hands 3 inc.es hiirh, with eood bone and capital action. AtltVW for the Patent and Spindle. ready for ue. three years old.'he won the prodoce Slake at Co- lumbia, two mile heats, beating Mr. Taylor's fillv, D.sy.tuidCaptain.pann'.J,. otnersiiayiiigmrieii. iwo weeKsauerwarus Jte chsrles Griffith of Rowan; Addison Moore of Lhvid won the jockey club purse, three mile heats, at i,n tnj William Dohs of Surry, all of whom are high- Aiigtism, oennng ivii dim oisinncing niaca; oira. he jic.koy club pur, three mile heats; being very i much amiss, he was drawn after- the first heat. At 4 years old, he won the ickey elub purse, four mile heals, at Camden, beating Sir Kenneth and Itoriiben ftttbrea "heats iioimg- thcrflm irr ennse- queiice of bolting when several lengths in advance stand 1 and gettinit entangled amongst the carria gej, li&MstaitKjd J9...!,njr!!:kij9 Wiflidrawal fronr the "turn " - L41U ws av'aea lloise ef 4he first elats, which T 7T , . r .In ;,V ..' ne bvioccu 111 wnmim wim nay lunrm, vnariuiii- Kusse, ana ivuiy item, anu in potui 01 uioou ne i inferior to none, whether iniportud or native. - His BWlUuliP4UU and Ins temper good, itis color, lorm, and action jpvak for themselves, la a word, Lath unites in himself as many claims to public patronage aa any young Stallion that 1 know. WADE HAMPTON. Uillwood, Jan.!i2, 1839. From the above, certificate of Col. Hampton, who bred nnd had Lath trained for the Turf, it will be seen that he considered him a race horse of the first clasav not only from tbe races be baa' men tioned as having run publicly, but from private tri als he has mailo with horses whtch are now on the Turf, and running with considerable success. It wiuTl)e)1jerveabyTi7s cerfificafe, ifittfTie considered Lath of tbe purest blood not to be su passed by any horse, imported or native. 1 consider it entirely unnecessary to attempt, to eulogise Lath, either for hit performances on tho Turf or as to hit blood, since in every respect he is so well attested. But will remark, that Lath has nol wily ikucawied -irom smis- bkodi' bet-haf" - eofne from stuck bulb aire and- grand-sire, dam and grand-dam, that are of the running blood.'- For instance, his sire, Godolphiu, made his four miles in I. .minutes and. .50 seconds jjiis grand-sire, the American r.clipse, to well known at the north and south, marie hia time in the great match race, the north against the south, 130,000 aside, in 7 min utes and 37 seconds, which Eclipse won with con siderable eclat. This race gained him the memo rable name of tha champion oflhe north.-"-' His dtim sued by the renowned Wir Arutiy, wh re- putation as a racer, du;., ttamU unquestioned, both in England and America. The grand dam of Lath, (Old Lottery, bred by (be great southern amateur prnuueea more- nue race norses than any other mare in the Union. . Thus, it will be seen tha there il unitedlrrLaltJ two uTlbe Wsl'ituJ In the south, Hampton's and Singleton'. Crossed with Gen. Coles' of the north, The public ia now presented with such an oppor tunity of improving the blood of that noble sod useful animal, the Horse, a rarely occur in this section of country. And the public can have in addition, in a short time, the opportunity of judg ing more satisfactorily of Lath's blood, cVe., by his colts of last Spring's get, as it is expected there will be many of them dropped by marea in this section in a few days. As a sure ioal getter Lath stands almost unrivalled, aa ia proven by bia last Spring'a services o lew of the large number of mare put to bin not proving in foal. , , ' ' R. W.L- N. B- Marea sent from a distance will always - ' find Lath at home, aa he will not be removed from bia stable in Salisbury, under any circumstances, during the Season, . . March 13, If 10. Iron from the King's Mountain : ;"moN"""coMrANY- 1HE SuUcrilwr ba,v made arraingementa w ith the . aoove Uoiiuiany, lor the regular, supply ot SUPERIOR IRON, which in well adapted to.Wasron, and Carriage Work, Moine Shoeintf, &.C, which will be fold on reasonable Lna. . J. Si V. JlURI'lIY. Salisbury, December Cm. To Journeymen Coach-Makers. , rjjg gbacnber will give tteady employment totwo X go0& Journeymen Coach-makera, who can come well reeoiunienaefl tor naouaoi aourieij auu ihuuhj. Their buaineaa will be to make and repair Ctwchea, Siti, lot which, (if ihcy suit) be will pay liberal wape. i JOHN P. MABUY. Lexington, October It, 1839. tf SPUING! PH ANKLE " ' ' UAVE just received from Wew York and rnusaoi phia, an extensive assortment of , Winter Goods, C0MSIBTIS8 or 1 Dry Goods, Hardware, Tjnware, Crock ery, ROCER1ES, Drugs and Me 1 ';X dicines, Dye-StufTs, Paints and Oil. Boot and Shoes, , ', Saddlery, cc. Ate. In ahorL their Stock comprises almost every article needed by the fVsier, Mecfcenic, or the Vuhtonable of the town or country. . j N. B. They will sell low for cssh. or to punctual dealers on time j or in exchange for country Produce. Concord, Jan. 17th, lrmi. V u grpiIE Subscriber having located himself in the town I il a( Concord, would now offer bis services to the (Public, as an . t , Ornament. il and JSign Painler. , I le rlatiera himself that his long experience in the above Business, and the specimens of work be has executed in his line, will be a sufficient recommendation. ? He will also attend to any call rondo on hira in the. HOUSE PAINTING BUSINESS, and ia confident he Can give satisfaction to all wIh may ernnloy htm" ..the j'.u-l&.u jtMpectfuIlt jequ.cM4lP,,!PijeA coarage iilm, as he ia determined to execute all. work committed to him in the best possible manner. Dj" Also, Hunting and Trimming all kinds ot - t. ,T. nnuiui. - oiiconi, ii. xuii.u , .o n i m n ar...u oi ioin if f HUE Subscriber has so improved patent Spmdle for Mills, by which, a mill will do much better than with the usual form of Spindles. It is so constructed as to keep from hrating or killing the meal in any man- nerj- ; Tne runner w confined by tiie ptmiie.as oi ways to preserve its balance, and of course there is no rubbing of the stones. , ,r " . ' 3- : ""-; I think, hv this improved Soindle. tlif. same water will do at least one-third more business, snd the meal ot superior qusiny. . V Any person wisnir.ir io uso oiw m mewf siumunrs, may obtain one Of more, by tusking application, (with- - in a snort time) to me suiMcnour ai aiocxsvuie, usvie to. N. C. I Hunk the probable cost will not exceed r Tne roo'n pcnwstraveTnTrttent Mitl Kpmdle ,u "V0";"', T. ' , i. ' YrJ' 7, . uy pleased Willi its pertormance. JL,. M. lilLHf.K l . To tho t Public. HE Su?rcriber tsko mlsTnctbod hritlfbrmmglhe f-whn-wiy wiah ti patronise 4itrnrihnthefr-wor-L Public, that he still continues to carry on the bu- I shall be done in the .vpr.v..bt;atiitvletrjmiAttdjl- 'trtrreai OT"' .t' - CUTTINGSTONE aiS.lOTna Salisbury, near tbe ,-ld CbsrlMUM. road,-where he ia able to supply sll order for MILL-STONES ofthe prj Jnj on crit, and on the shortest notice. , also for Sale, st the lowest prices. , ROUGH BUILDING ROCKS, TOMB STONES, GOLD GRINDERS, 4c. 4c. io. J. HOUIHOUSER, 8toue-Cutter. Salisbury, Oct. aruh, 139. tf. h orders tor any ot tne above wrought arti cles, directed to me at Salisbury, will be punctually at- euoea uu - . . . . . j BOLTING CLOTHS. mm svrns minimis 1 1 AVE on kand, and intend keeping a supply of the 1 1 beat AnrVinr Rlarnn Ttnltlnor flAtti. Icomprising all-lbe-Vajious-io. uw)d4n-thi wifion of country. Where sll who wish the article can be np- plied in quantities to suit purchssers, and on reasonable terms. aijw Wove Wire for Screens, Sifters, &c. kept constant ly on hand.- HALL JOHiSHON, FOOT Or MA t HOC NT. FayetUvillc, May 17, 1830. - - . tf A uAmc-Notice. 'HJIE Subscriber, in conformity to recent instructions 1. leceived from the North Carolina Gold Mine Com pany, takes this method to inform those interested, that hereafter all persons found tieepsiwinf upon thefullow-- ing t raci 01 uno, oeionginp 10 ssia company, suna ted in Davidson County, will be prosecuted according to the strict letter of the Lsw. . , ' JOHN WARD, Agent -Davidson, April IS, lm . tf -..'.LANDS t:-: Tract, No 1 containing acres, lying on the four .- s- mile branch. 2 containing Wl acres, lying on tbe wa- - ters of the Flat Swimp. ai-rcentaininjt 8,SO0 acres, lying o Lk k 'creek. Flat Swamp, sod Vatlkin River. " 4 conuinmg 1,000, lying on Flat Swamp x o-oontininir tt'j7. lying en Lick, creek, . containing 1.4tAlyuigon t lat Mwmap. - - u a : i..f i . - : o conuiiiiiDg wai, lying oq mcs creek v 0 containing 601, lying on Lick creek. M ' 10 containing 1.H97 acres, lying on Llcl . creek and Fist Swamp. ' 10 contmning, lying on Liek creek C." ,: 12 containing 1,317, located 00 four suit branch and Jacob creek, adjoining the Lead mine. MATCHLESS SANATIVE. fpiHS invaluable Medicine ia for sale by .the ' aubsoriber, at Millcdgeville, MiMit.omery coi N C. , W. E. BI R1GE. s Februsry 21, 140. .. . , w . IVm CoUort Seed. A small quantity of (be abov SEED, raised by Mr. William Thomas, former lv of Davsiaon County, left for Sale at thi Office, at 00 per hundred. Jfovetabrr 1st, 1J0. tf 1 N - MOCKSV 1 LLE, I A V 1 K ?01NT fr 1II031AS FOSTER INFOjtM the public that he has removfd rrorn , firmer eland, to his new buildmas on il.. ; !. T ,.i".t,.Ltu,ii .T.. . ru'K tiuue to keep a llOL'ici OK ENTERTAIN V it ton. EST.. His House ia roomy anil coinniodioua : ati.hJi .' which are ai comfortuble Office tbr geotlemea of th. Bar, all convenient to the Court House. The aubucru ber pledge himself to the most diligent euution. crive aatiafaction to aoch" may call on him It.. ble, Bar and Stable are provided in the bei BiantHa" that the country will aftord, and hia eetvanta are fainT ful and prompt H. - - ' , Feb. 14, 183D.".- - '. , . T4 $?,:.( rpHE SUBSCRIBER living near Lexington; frX K. sen County, lakos this method to inform 'the Pub! ' persons, either in Itavwlwn, Rowan. or Cabarrus UuC ..V, ' ' i vMicr aUM Qt buildings erected of Brick, to build them ss cheap, u durable, and, in as. good style at any workman ia &m' country. ,,.-. . ' " s. ... lie will also, mon m ana ourn tna Brick, if wanted, lie trusts that his long experience in ' . ' MOULDING AND LAYING- BRICK. w will entitle him to a share of public psimnage.' ' . v tie would reter geniieinenwisiung work dons ia hi' -Line of Business, to the Jf'einsle Acsdomy and the new fire proof Clerk's office in Salisbury, as speoimeniof ' qis wora. v. ft ' N. B. Thowt wbhinff worK done, will Dlcaw UL - word t the office of the Western Carolinian. rul it t .ll U .,..l...ll.. .Hl..f..J I. - . ', " ' - ROBERT COX ' lo. y-,.y.tf 1 Davidson, April 18, 1K19, rnHE Subiicribor hsving purchased tiis a- f4tsbtiaiiment snd fitted it m a style nrnji b tor me accommodation ot Traveller an Smi Bnsrdors, is now prepared for their recess turn. His TABLE will always be furnished . ? . 't With the best tho market can afford; V his BAK with a good supply or choice Liquors; M'. ttbUH snail tiwsys oe sepi tn nne order snd lna Sn. bles (which sre very extensive) are well supplieil ; Provender of the first quality, and attended bt jmi " and faithful hostlers. " 1 ..." He hopes, by strict attention to the busincM. in nsr. I son, .to. give satiafactwn lo jU who msy fsvpr him .wiuW'. their patronage.' And he only aks a call and trklJV ' -AiVnttBW UALUCLEUCn. Ixin?ton, N. C.J Feb ?1. 18iffli. , ... i -,w . n -Tf' jpiIK Subscriber keeps constantly on hand, s gets, i at (feortment of ' ' ; . ; . , RExlDY 1VLDE CLOTHING, - - - for Gentlemen's wear, such at Goats, Punlalom,rit' Vettt, of good , 7 Goods, r well made and fashionable. lie is also prepared to r!htL a rid make clothing in the most faMnmhle end cVuMf -tlyle, and warranted to fit. lie, also,Jtceps s goul a sortment of CIotliB, Csshi meres and Venting ot the'irst ' qualities, selected by biinselt in we-New lork Market, all of which he wilj sell low for Cash. 4 ' ', . M. 0. t lie still continues 10 teacn the art ol Uultirij . garments on the most approved plans of the best Tailor 111 IMnw inrk and l:lulsdelpliis. ft7" Cutting for customer dime on the shortest n lice, and orders from a distance attended to with dp-spnth.'r-ICSL.Il!? shop w iTI be found in Mr. Cowniia Isrge brick building. UKXJ. f . r ltAlXT. Book Hinder h. '. 1VJW. IaLVTEIt, nook-Kititlrr, I Establishment of tlie above kind in CiiAMUTts, I North Cerolinn', a few doors south of the Miut. Having, as" he conceives, a thorough knowledge of liia business, ha feds no hesitation in assuring Ik1 " t accom modatmg 4erro . 1 Bt,bks nnd o,he' r,i,'lM W!',,, frnm im ed to give me a trial. ; . . , . . ; " Oir Order left nt the Western Carolinian 1M- fjee will be (iincluiillv forwarded for comi!tiian. Charlotte, Feb. 7, 1840. ' I x CABINET WORI ... - . - r i - THE Subscriber inlorrMlai public that be continues the Cabinet-Tlnkiii; Huinesv " IN THE VILLAGE OF . LEXINGTOxV, NORTH CAROLINA. He is prepared to execute ell description of in his line of business tu a very superior style,"' ttards workmanship and materials, auJ certaiolf lorrr termt 1lmma aflorqed by any of her saw - UshmcntJtt-tUa kind i this iegio-dJ cououy. Orders from a distnnce tbunUullvreceived promptly and faithfully executed. Produce, Scantling and Plunk taken in r xchint ' lor work. NA THAN C. rAR LeiingtonTFebT 7. 1840.. -.- 77 AZ"-- f" THE Subscriber living seveq miies'south or." but-y,' inirtndtf keeping constsntly 00 band, M ble and Granite Slabs expresely for ' if " : r :irOIB -STONES,- - so that he can execute any order in that Line, a tf shortest notice. ' , - - -Atso-x ' ; He is ready to execute srty work which may be can in St:uLPTUltlNGHmNF;TriN& j; GltAVING, ,;., and he awuree Uiose who iusj ft him Willi their wprk, that unless well don sccoeiiat lo contract, be has no pay. . . A ComDlete lar-n t ipv Tmn h tn mle. cut of fia-tbe purpuattut preseramg eaukeM-t-jAJI-l- ouoscriwr. ENOCH E. PHILLIPS, November 1st, 1S?9. Cottbn Picking- THOSE who, wjah tu have their Cotton Pickd isJ Packed in tbe beat possible manner, snd ot hortet notice, will do well to call 00 the Substri who will himself attend personally to tbe butincs- -' s' Oil 'v j is situsted on the Wilkesboro' road, (Howsrd's Pl lion,) 4 milee north went of Silisburr, snd is w celUnt order, fi receiving, PICKISQ snd W-' ISO COTTON.' . Plsnters snd MerchsnU who will entrust theft ton to bis specil char,ahall not go.swsy d'1 ' R. N. CRAr0 Novemher 'JO. IsWfL i V fti.'i'i t.iROM 73.WKI to 100,000 of the Morns M"!" . V Cutting Ani.ly.r THIS OFr" , September 20, : "

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