CAOLIM-AN. NOT DEtKttATKD TO TNI tlfll'KD mm BY THIS roSITITVTIOif , NOU PKOH1 KITED Ht IT TO TUB Rim, All BBSEBVED TO TH1 M AfES IMPBCTlVBtT, OB TO TBI FBOFLB. Amendment! to tk CMMfidrtMH, Article X.- -THE fOWKKI B. AUSTIN & C. F. FISIIEK, i Editor and Proprietor. ) .. NO. XLHi; OF VOL. XX. (Whole Io. 1033.) SALISBURY, N. C, APRIL 10, 1840. TERMS , . . . , Of TH B WEiTBB CABOMXUS . ' Tie Western Carolinian it published every Fai- ., tW3 Dollars per annum it' paid io' advance, or TVo Dollar end Fifty Cent if Dot paid before lit ea- i-tioo of three month. . - No npf be discontinued until H arrearages . . h. unless at the discretion or the hditors ; and More oO'V 1114 Uitor T wish to discontinue , gasxB before tlia end of a year, will be. consider. H M a new ogBgOmenC r . . ' advertisement wl" conspicuously and correctly Lncd tt one dollar per square (of $10 ems, or fif- . .. f iI.a -i-nn tha nrot inciArfmn j 25 certt for each continuance, t Courtand Judicial -jvertisetnenl will be chsigod 2-' per cent more than ti above price A deduction -of ,t:) per cent from ths regular price will be made to yearly advertiser. Advertisement cent in for publication, mnst have the numbs r of time marked on them, or they will be inner. Idll forbid, an4 charge for accordingly. . ; Letters addressed to the Editors on busmen must be port pt'tor they will nut be attended to. . x; KKW vJlJTOitttflt.C JOHN C. PALMER.lias another new supply of cold and silver Lever Watches," plain English and French, do., cold Pub Chains and Key, Breast P;ns, Fmjer Ring, eilver Butler Knives, Pencil, (patrnt. and plainj loolb Picks, Fob Chains, Spectacles-snd ThimblearSUel sod Gilt Fob Chains tnd Key. , v Also, a very flno nd lorjfo assortment of Razors', ,jyjcketand pen-knives, by different Manufacturers, with ; her articles usually kept by Jewelers, ail of which wilt be suld very low for ewA,or only sis months c rod it, al ter which timer interest will bo elm reed. ' Work done faithfully and punctually, ' ' Sliburv. May 2. 1b!,4--:- A - tf-. To TratieVtr.g. . . fpiIE travelling Community are respectfully inform m- CO mat ine nuuNioer w now ruining nut iiiik ui rect from Raleijli by way of Pjttsboro' and Ashboro' to fklistiury", in sirialt K'orthenr made Goseh of tlt first ' order; luaving Rsleiph on Mondays and ThomlHVs at lu A. M., arriving in Salisbury next days at 10 P, M. leaving Balisbury on TuenUysand Fridaya al2 A. M., Jta'aigh next in UlU ' ' ' His horses are good, and drivers particularly careful i nd accommodating. , . , ." JOEL Mcl.IN, ' . "Fek' 12, 1839, v. J . ,. . .'- i, 11 N. B. Seats secured at the Manaion lintel. . ' Just Reed. & for Sale, IVholemlo orRcM!, 4J!LKcga SAileUga7rted sima, ' ., 7 . ' , 10 Hogsheads Suijar, ' " . ' ' -"" : 15. do.w Molasses, 25( Racks Salt. . . ' " " : ' 10 iXvxen (Jwman grasB sythrr, 6 iini English ifraiti du., .W Barrels nuperlise flrxir,' I VII hiMwIi Im Willi. ; " " 1 By -J "--A " J. MCRPI1V." S),li,bury,-Msfch 87, MQAtf- TOTICE. All thoae indebtod to theEslste of Jn "TurncruTOT.rerilWf Ky 'nM'&m&m r.r, frwT7r quested to come forward a,nd moke Immediate payment, m no longer indulgence can be-giyenl All hoe hav ing claim against saijf Entatn, are renuested to present them, duly authenticated, within thdjiino prescribed -to kw, or thie notKe-Wtii-W nl4iw-lr of their re. S. TURN Kit, -; RTiwaiTCburiry; t", April tv, KW." fTst from lhe86vtkQnfnwfW''C fPiIE Subscriber ha rrceived I !ffieit')ply of Naili l from the,abntfe Company equali if not uuermr, to Northern make, and ha made arrangement for s regular supply i whiih will bn ld. wltnlrtite or retail, -o-rewnsWewns.- MKM:ir-HH4W S Salubnry. N. C Mnrcl) 07, H W. ;s - w." Iron from the! Killed fountain : ,4 . , iron . 11lE,Subscribfrs hate made arrangement with the above Company, for tlie regular supply of ( . surEnion iron, " which is well adapted to Wagon, and Carriage Work, Home Shoeing, &c.whicl will be Hd on reasonable terms, . '.i. . . J.& W. ktiatFliy. Salisbury, December fiJSS'J. ,4 ., 1 Orn. . , ' To Jouriieynifii.roacIi-MakrrB.v fnHB Snlwcrilier ltivedi'iTOpmnttojwo. . gO'iCJo'iirieytneo Oaicli-iuaker, wfjo can come well recommended (or habilsof shriety and industry. Theirbuine will be to makeand repair Cnache, etc., fcf which, fif they suit) be will pay liberal wages. . . JOHN P, MABRY. Lexington,, Oc"Uor it; is:!9." " " "." ,f IN MOCK3V1LLE, DAYiK, gUUiNfYJS. C. THOMAS FOSTER :: ? INFORMS the public that lie hss removeil from bis fbrmer stand, to his nc huildinn on the public piare, in the Town of Mocksville, where he will ton imus to keep a HOUSE OP ENTERTAINMENT. His House is roomy tnd ooinmodibns; attached to which are lix comfortable Olllcee fat gentlemen of the Bar. all convenient to the Court Houoe. The ubseri- bcr pledge himself io the most diligent exertion, to i;v aaiiiitclioii lii sucli bh Hi aV tall on blm, We, Bar and Stables are provided in the bet manner that the country will afford, and hi ervant are faith ful and prompt. - ' - . . ' THE Subacribcr bavinr porchased Uii Esubliihmeut and fltsnf it tw a style for Uie accoo-modst-rm of Travellers and Boarders. jsBOWprepated fat their recep tion. - Hia TABLE will alwiyl ha furnmbed - With the best the market con afibrd; his BAR with a' cood supply of. choice Liquors ; Ills' HKDS .l,.tl .!.,.. k. L.j 1m fin. nrJpr i Sl.d HIS Ktl- Wes (which an wer. ..tenMve'i are wsll supplied with Yt1 "aBXMaaskaBW Provender ef the first quality, nd attended by good L thoso wlw purchase to sell gio- ' " ' l aad faithful ItnailM.- ' '. - ' " . v a i.Tl. I.if Medieinea may al-obe had of ny Hi hopes by strict itfcntion to the husmeff, in per- n, to sits .ti.r.i'i'uMi m all who mar favor liltn with son. their natron , Aiul h nnlv ssks a cult and trial.' o-- - - . - ANDREW CALDCLCl'GH LfXimrtnn. IS C. . P.K 91. 119. ' . 14 "4 PROM r,000 to 100,000 of Uie Morns Multicsulis '- a suitings. Apply at ' ru " ' .AVlto wants better litideticef ' f WOULD refer the reading public to the numerous i-voluntary letters published recently in this paper and in the Good tiainantan, relative to the happy and ... beneficial effects of the administration of MOWAT8 LIFE PILLS n PIIEMX BITTERS. ' Those who have perused. tlie letters above referred to will observe that in almost every caso they attest the ... fact, that uo iucoiivtjuitnca of ony sort atlends th.e ta king of thesa miHlicincs, in ordinary cases, but that the , patient, without fueling their operation, is universally left in a stronger and better state of health than was ' experienced previous to beini; atHicted with disease : and in all cases of acute suffering, great relief is ob tained in a few houra, and t care is generally effected iu two. or throe days. ., ' ' .' Iq cases of FLVER of ever description, and all bilious.i rTections, it is unnecessary for me to say augbt, I 'as I believe' the LIFE MEDICINES are nowoniver ' sally admitted o be the most speedy and effectual cure extsnt in all diseases of that class. ' I The LIFE MEUICLNES are also a moat excellent relief in alTcctions of the Liver and Bowels, has beon proved In hundreds of cases where patients have . come forward and -requested that their experience in : .taking them might be published fur tho benefit of others. ' In their operation in such casns, they restore the tone . of the Stomach, ntrcngthn the digestive organs, and , invigorate Hie general functions of the whole body, and '"thus become to both sexes (for they are perfectly adapted to each) sn invslunble mean of preventing disease and restoring health. ' - in nlTiictions of the head, whether accompanied with "" pain aria giddiness, 'or marked by the grievous calami " ty of impaired lenta energy fin palpitations of the 1 heart, flatulence, loss of aptietilo and strength, and the multiplied symptom of disordered digestion THE l.lrt; JKl)l'.:iiM',3 will no round to possess the most- salutary efficacy. ' , 1' . " , Constitutions relaxed, west, or decayed, in men or women. r under the immediate influence of THE LIFE MEDICINES, Old cough, Jims, and con- suinpiive naoits are soon rouevoa snu spoeouy cureo. PpyertV 'iltloind ernaciated limbs wjlere jonir """meet tile MppiMielnKeTl)ie ctTiBvralcrTBuil' will -beeome rich and- balsamic, aud lbe limbs, be covered with flesh, firm and healthy. f iU :Scrraua (Jisordcrs of jevery kihi, an'! from whatever eausearVing, fly before the etD'Cti of TUB LIFE ME DIClNKS.jind all tliat trlfn of sinkings, anxieties, and ' treinours which so dresdlullv affect the weak, the se- MJicnUf,Aiii lint delicate,. wUJ ja shurt4imsbe suc , cfHwied by liK;rfulncfw, and every presage of health. For weakness, deficiency of natural strength, end rlnxation nf tha- vcssRlsrby too frequent indulgence ot ' the passions, th i medicine is sale, eortaiu,'aud In- valuable remedy. - '.. , . ' . ' . Those who have Jong resided in hot climates, knd ere lanffiiid end relaxed-tntfieir-wfioleystemj-aiJI take THE LIFE MEDICINES with the happiest ef fects; and persons rcmovinjr to the Southern Ktate or West Indies cannot store ' i' inoro imiorUut article of . health and lite. " , . ' . ' The following cases are -among the most recent cures efTucted,.and eratefully acknowledced. by the eeraons benelitted-i - - V..: Case of Jncob C. Hunt;' New Windsor,' Orange County, N. Y, A dreadful tumor destroyed nearly the "" whole of his fuce, nise and law.' Experienced quick - TPtieflniiir the use of the Life Medicines, ind in lee than threfmnnthe was entaroly cared. Csse rep9rted, with a wooJ engraving tn a new pamphlet now in v- pre,-, I . -"' - - T-sr Case of Tho. Purcell, sen'r., 81 year of tge wa afflicted 18 years with swell ngs in hi fegh-wa en tirely cured oy taKmg puu in a ween. Q,m 0f J0n Dnultoa, Aberdeen, Ohio rheumatism five years is" en't itc'I'y cured has used' the LIFE" M & " D1CINES fiir Worms in. children end round them " anvereian remedv. ' ' ' i- i" ' . Case ofliwis Austin periodical lick headache 1- wavs relieved by a small dose now entirely free from it Cswof-Adon- A ipcb enred-of trmrt mreterate ind Cs.of A jail Adyns.. Windsor, Ohio- Ciwof Adah Adams. Windsor. Ohio rheumatism. gravel, "liver affections, and general nervoui debility, had JbucmcuuSued seven year, wa raispd Jrorn het Wkii-WjbVH '""a most extraordinary cure she is now a very healthy and .robust woman attested by her husband Shubel 'Adam, " - . r Case of Mrs. Badger, wife ot Joeph Badger nearly similar to above result lhe aaine. - , -'. . XUm of-iJiJaii;,CBiodaanUA J0UDUtnma!7'MH9r,, man subject to ill health severs! years a email course nf the Lift) Me1)einc entirely restored her is now halo and healthy.' Cas of Mis Thomas, daughter of Eli Thomas tough and symptom of - consumption cured in four week Her sior cured of a severe attack of inflauj Diory rhcunutism in one iff ek! " . - . " Case of M. Colvincored of severe attack of cr " let fever in a few days by the Life Medicine. Case of Harriet Twogood, Sslina, N. Y. wa lo a - very low state of health a year and a half did not es- peel to recover. Mm T. t now able" to walk about and is rapidly recovering both health and trength.t y... . v . Csse of, Benjamin J, Tucker severe case of Fevet . and AsT'ie -cured in a very short spsxe of lime. li--rectioni followed strictly. - " . - - -, tiseof Amoe Ds vis affection of the liver-afbr trying doctors' romedie in vain for a long time, wa , cured by the Life Medicine without trouble. -, " Extraordinary case ef Lymsn Prstt, who wasafllict rxf with-Phthisic 2tt years effected perfect cure in 24 hours by the use of, the Life Medicine. .Taousndatperonafflirted iti like manner; iarp. by a judicious use' of MOFFAPS LIFE PILLS and PHENIX B1TTERS been restored to the enjoyment of f 11 the comfort ofjifr, The Bitter re plesjant to the taste and smell, gently infringe the fibre of thrfst'.m! oiva that erooer teosilv which s irnod dieee- A s nothinaxan .be better adapted to helpand nourish- the o.sstiUitiun,Aaliiao ja notbingl. niore generally acKnowieagoa to ob pecuiwrij; ciousin all inwaid wasting, Iofs of appetite, indiges tion depression of spirit, trembling or shaking of the hails'and lim,K olnlinate coughs, shortness of breath, or doniMinipliV habrti, Tia f.ifg Merjjctnet powr9 wrni-lerf'rl efiieaey inall norvouadiaordr-rifii,huadacheNWeaknt----i-sheaine3i andlowne8sofsptrlMllun0flnnvuM,l' ll;l, wa nderiogof tho mind, yspnrs and melancnoiy.sna an kinds of hysteric complaints are gradually removea wy -Qjeir'oseV. lii sickness of the siointiclC flstuffncles.'or obstruction, they are sale and powerful, apd as a purl fier of lbs Wood, they have ndttheii equal in the world I " For additional particulars of the above medicines, sea "TMoflki's "Good Satntritan,": rtiy'''f"'h'c.', ,.ec,Tn; ihA mAas-tirinn : chut l-h iiidbid wv -...- . tfi'e' different Ajenta who have lhe isetticino m ie. , , French 'riermsnraiid Spapih dircctiotia m be ob tamed pn appiicaiipn at we, ,w -v All ooatpa id letter will rcaetve in-menui" .iii.i nd sold by WILLIAM B. MOFFAT, 3-3 IJ . I Tinwdway. New York. A liberal deJiu-Uoa mail lo r t!; pnnci,) Hru-rjirts in every mwn thronghoiit tri ; -,.:. 1 u,.ln. mrj ,il0 c.n.H... Ak for Monat's Life . 1. 11 1 tijvi . ... ... j - ... -' r - 1.11. ll.r,iT l.illflMr and basiirn tnai a Tac suiiinc .of John Moffst's rignatorn is upon thelnlwlof each bot -f nr hnt of I'illa. : lyj ui mil"- - t Theohoee MeJicinti mny It hanrf Crtti if I .liier;r fwr Agenlf for the Proprietor. I U ! '..fSaH.Wy, Jtn. 3, JSlO -, - ; ' - - 1 '-' : -7 SPRINGS SHANkXE UAVE just received from New York arid Philadel phia, an Extensive assortment of Winter Goods. 5 CONBISTING Or Dry Goods, Hardware, Tinware, Crock., , v ery, GROCERIES, Drugs end I Me. ; dicyes, Dye-Stud, Paint ocy v Oil, Bool and 8hoee, -"''"i: , ' i . Sudtllrry, &c., &c. ' 7 ; Iu short, their Stock comprises almost every article needed by the Farmer, lUtehmiet or the FhionaUt$ of the town of country. ' ." v ' , : . H. B. They will sell low for cash, or to punctual dealers on time j or in exchange for country Produce. Concord, Jan. 17th, 16W. - V U OTnilE Subscriber having located himself in the town iX of Concord, Would now offer hi services to the Public, as an - j,,., i. OrnnmentAl nnd Sign Painter. Ue flatters himself that hi long experience in the above Business, and the specimen of work he ha executed in hi line, will be uihleient recommendation. ' - lie will also attend to toy all made or) him in the HOUSE PAINTING BUSINESS, end is confidoot be can give eatisfketioo to all who may employ him. . : The Public i respectfully requested to call and en courage him, he is determined to execute all work committed to him in tlie best possible manner. . OCT Also, Painting and Trimrmns' tiodaol iii riagei, done with neauies ud despatch. : -:---:-r:r"x.:h--i.-:W: RAiNEY. -BOLTING CLOTHS, 1 1 AVE on hand, and intend keeping a supply of the MX best Anchor Stamp BolUng Cloths, comprising all the various Nos. used in this region ot country. Where ail who wian me ricie can oe sup. plied in quantities to so it durchaaer, and on reasonable terms.!! . - " - -iuo-;v Wove VVire for Screens, Sifters, sc., kept constant ly on hand.- . HALL ft JOHNStlW,V:-i foot o bai obstv FiyetlevilW, Msy 17, 1UX tf - X, Cotton Picking, t rWOSE who wish to have their Co(n ftcxrd and 1- Packed in the beat possible manner, and on the shortest notice, will do well td call oa the Bubsoriber, who will himself attend personally to the business, His is situated on the Wilkesboro' road, (Howard's Planta tmn.l 4 miles north west 'or Halmbiiry, and m in ex- client order, for receiving, PIC KIM O and PACK ING COTTON. v 1,: Planters and Merchants who will entrust their Cot ton to hi special charge, ahall not go away dissatisfied. -JLs SLU CRAtG& -f1- rVi...h.L .! ' ,fiIA . ...,.,.-. r I ilia ottoscnoer iirmgsnren Tnne uramoi nane-1 Bum imcwwiiwMiif . wij any umnui ajimvrs vy.voij iui T TOMB MONKS,- the hortestnotice. 7-. .-.;.'-;, ; ,. He is resdv tn execute in work which mv be called for in SCULPTURING,. WrONE-CUTTING, EN GRAVING, Su3., and ha assures those who may favor Juajuib.JJieix,,wuuw tQ contract, be has no pajr. w A complete large Dairy Trough for le cut of Rock, for the purpose of preserving milk cool. . Apply to the Subscriber. ' -. ' ' ' . .' -r- ENOCH E. rilll.LIPS. November 1U 119. if. rilHK SUBSCRIBER living near Lexington, David- on County, take this method to inform the Pub lie that he will enter into contract with any Person, or persona, either in Davidson, Rowan, or Cabarrus Coun ties, who wish houses, factonss, or any other- kind of buildings erected of Brick, to build them as cheap, as durable, ind in a good style ss any workman in Una country, - v r He will also, mould and bura the Brick, if wanted. He trusts tliat hi long experience in MOULDING AND LAYING BRICK, . will entitle hrm to a share of p ihlio patronage. lie would refer ventlemen w i-liing work done in his Line of Business, to the female Academy and the haw L fire protf Clerk s office in Sniirtuty.M specimens of hi work.'- i - V"- ' ' V---" '' '.' ' N. B. " Those wishing work done, will p!eae leave word at the o.Tice of the Western Carolinian, and it shall be punctually attended tor - ' r . ' ' . - s - .. nnnvnT COX. tf - Dwn April W, 1939.- . ; !Vb': Owners oI MVUs. rpHE Subscriber ha an imprnvrd patent Spindlftor 1 t,IU hu m-liii-h. a mill will iln much better than - j w't) ,, ..; f.rrm of Hplnd!i'. It is so constructed ; .J(0 ke-pfpom healing or killing tho meal in any man- The ruunor is so cou fined by the Spindle a l- w,v, i0 preserve IU balance, and ot course there I no rubblntr of fhe stones. I think, by mm-nnprnvfir ppmntei'Tnfrseme'wswr ill do at ieM one-lhird more business, and Uie meal of luoermr nualitv. .. y J , . - . 'Any pen-m Wishing to use one of the Spindles, nay obtain one or more, hy making application, ( wnn in a short time) to tho Subscriber st Mocksville, Davie Co. IS. C. I think the probable cost will not oxeced tor the Patent and Boindle ready for ns. The billowing persons have my Patent Mill Spindle in micccasfol operation : Col. W. F. Kelly, Tho. Fos ter, Joseph jail and "-iarn'i, roster of JJavie txmnty Gilbretb Dickson and David J. Ramsoar. of Lincoln; Charles Griffith of Rowan ; Addimn Moore of David, son, a ad William Dos of Surry, all of whom are kigk fy pleased with it performance.' L MY GILBERT. Oclober25,lRnn. , - tf " Twin CoVlbti SccAr Vimall quantity of the above SEED, raised hf Mr. William Thomas, formerly of Davidson County, is left tor Sale at this Office, at $2 00 per hundred. !.' ; ' V; f , ' -. f, ' NOUTIl-EASTERN BOUN DAUY. To thb " Slit ate or thb Ukitku 8tits : I transmit 'to (he Senate, herewith, copies of ullicial note which have passed between the Secretary of : state and the l?ritmh Minister, since my last Mes sage, on tho subject of the Resolution of the 1 7 tli iof Jaiiuary.J.. ,51, VAN UVUE.N' v: Wellington, March 20,1940. Fox to Mr. Foriyih, ' WsHiNoro, March 13, 1840. The unoeraigned, her Britannic Majesty's Envoy Ex traordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, has been in structed by hi Government to -make the following communication to the Secretary of Stale of the United States, in reference to the boundary negotiation, and the affair of the disputed territory. . - . -' , Her Majesty' .Government have had under .their consideration tlie official bote addressed to tlie under signed by the Secretary of State t the United States, on tlie 24th of hurt Dee., in reply to a note from the un dersigned ol the 2d of Nov. preceding, la which the un designed protested, in the name of ,Jis Government, against the extensive system or aggression purnued by the people of the Bute ot Maine within the disputed territory, to the prejudice of Ilia rishts ot Great Ilritisn, " ind in manifest violation of Hi provisions! reiiuents entered iiuo ociween ino suinoniiea w uie two coun tries at the beginning of the last year. Her Majesty' Government have also had their at tention directed to the public oiCMMge transmitted by lhe (uivernor otMaina to the Lccislaluro of the iSutn. on tiie 3d of January of the present year, Upon a consideration of the statements contained in f these two official document, her Majesty'sGoverninent ,. regret to Boo that the principal scis of encroachment which were denounced awl complained of on the part of Great Britian, so far from being either disproved, or discontinued, or satisfactorily explained by the authori ties of tlie Stale ot Main, are, on the contrary, peraist- . ol in, and publicly avowed. ll..Majiiity..cwnefl (tructed tlie undersigned once more formally to protest I r against those act of encroachment and aggression, llor Alajeely'e uovernuignt claim and expect from - the good faith of the OoveTtiment of theUaitefl Stales, that the people of Maine shall replace tliemauive in the situation in which they stood before the sgreeinent , of last Vear were signed that they shall therefore- re tire from th talley f the Aroostook that they shall , occupy that valley in a temporary manner, only lor the purpose, as agreed upon, of preventing depredations; and Dial they shall. not, construct fortifications, nor . make roada or .permanent eUIcmontcc Until this be done by the peoplo- of the State .of. Maine, and a ioag as that pmiple shell persist in the J present system 'or aggression, her Majesty's Govern " tnent will fuel it their duly to make such-military ar- rangemenU aa may be required tor the protection of ? her Majesty's right. And her Majesty's Government deem it right lo declare tliat if the result of the. u nj us "tillable proceedings of the-State of Ma mo should -b 'collision between bur Majesty' troops end the peoplo of that State, the responsibility of all the consequence! mat may enaue therefrom, be they what llicy my, will , rest with the people and Government of the United States. -.:"' ; " ' ' ' ' v ' The undersiriged lias been' jnMructedlo add totlils cominunlcslion, that her Majesty sU.ivernmunt are no ly wailuig for the detailed rsport -ot the British com missionecs recently employed to survey the disputed 'territory, wnwn report, it was Believed, would be com pleted ajid delivered to her. Majesty's Government by the end of the present month, in order to traushiit to 5 jkPoWWt.SHiy.iled. 8Mas 'a,, Wlji'.tn, jtheir," last proposal upon uie sunject oi tno rjounusry nugoiia lion... . v j'-,-" ' ,.','. '. '' ' 5 '. The undersigned avails hinwlf of this ocrasion to re - new to the Secretary of State of tho United State the , , - , - JJ, S, FOX' " t . TfirT Forty Ik to Mr. Fox. ' .-'y lrBri"rr or !r-Vi," ' . WAaiiiPHifos, March 25, lftlfrpr The undersigned, Secretary of State of tho United states, acknowledges to hav received Mr Fox com municstion of tbsl3th inaiant, in reforence to the boon- dsry n- iiation snd the affairs of the disputed territory,- Toy infbrmatioo given in fhe elosing part of it. that a roply -to Ihs Jsst proposition uf tlte liuiud. AltU upon tie subject of the boundary may be expected in a siiort time, is highly gratifying to the President, who baa, however, gives direction to the undersigned, in miking this acknowledgment, to accompany it with the expression of bis profound regret that Mr. Fox's note is in no other respect satisfactory. 4 After tha arrangements which. In the beginning of last year, were entered mto on tha part ot the two Government, with regard to lhe occupation of the disputed territory, tho President had indulged the hope that the causes of irritation which bad grown out ol this branch of (be subject would have been removed. Relying on lhe disposition of Maine to cooperate with the Federal G nmeajt in all that could lead to a spe cifio adjustment of tha principal juoKt:on, the Prcsi. dent lelt eonAJent that in determination to manum order and peace on the border would be fully carried out. . He looked upon ll apprehensions of dwign by lb pernio of Maine to take p Mansion of the territory, ! a without adequate foundation; deeming it improb. w utai oa me eve ot an amicable adjustment of lhe : question, any portino of Uie American people would, w mom ca ssaaa awtwnot otyet yoopard the suecess at Uie negoUatioB ind endangor the peace oflhe coun try. A troublesome, irritating snd comparatively un important, because subordinate, subject, being thus dis posed of, the President hoped that the parties would be left free st onee to discuss snd finally edjusWhe prin cipal question, la this he has bwrt disappointed. While the proceedings of her -MajeMyV-Governmcnv at home, have been attended, with onlooked for delays, its attention haa been diverted from the great subject in controversy by repeated complaints, imputinir to a portion of the people. of lhe United Slates designs to vi'.'nie the enniemsnbf of their Uorernm-nt 1 deSVns wh irh have neyer hferi entertained, and a-hirh Mr knows would receive no countensuco from' this Gov- eminent - - - , It 11 to b6 regret'ed that it Uii late hour, so much misapprehension still exists on the sid of the Briiiah -Government as to tha object rid. cAvioua tpuaning o( tha existing arrangements respecting the disputed SnrT ritory. The ill success which appear, lo have attended the alSirts of tho nndersipned toennverj-thrnutrli Mr. -vlLi.i..i .:....'. e . . - ruvuiuei ni.jmiv vu ernineni, more correct impres sion respecting them, calls tisr a recurrence to the sub iect. and a brief review of the corrcKiondi.'iice whieh has mwn out of It. mey tend to reriHive the erronerma view which prevail, as to the manner irr which the terms of Uie arrangement referred to have been obser ved. - ... ,' - : i j, Ai Mr. Fox had 410 authority lo make any agreement respecting Uie exorciae of juiisdiction over the disnu- tad territory, that between him and the-alnderstgned, of mm iiHu xcDruarytio.w, bad lor it object anna pro visional arrangement for tha restoration and nie-erva- Iton of peace in the territory. To accomplish Uii ob ject, it provided that her Msiectv'a officer should not seek to axpcl. by military force, the armed parly which had been sent by Maine into the district bordering on tne riestook rivers and that, oa tha otter hinrf. th Government of Maine would voluntarily, and without needless delsy, withdraw bevoud the bounds of the dia. 4"" ,miu,r any irrned force Ihcn wifhin fhem. P.e- sides this, the arrangcnieiit had other objects Uie dis piTtiioir ot iKilorHius tniMiwrs, and the protection ot publii property from depredation. In case future no ressil) stutuhl ansa Kir fins, the operation was to be conducted by concert, jointly or perateiv, according ta agreement between the Government of Maine and New Jlrnnwick, In this Inst mentioned respect, the agreement looked toroine furtlmr arrfintjemfnl between Ala ino and Jow. . Brunswick. Through' tlie agency of General. Scott, one was agreed to, cm the Ski and '25th of March fol lowing, by which Sir John Harvey hound muiselt not to seek, without renewed instruction to that effect . from his Government, Jo take military possession of the Territory, or to rcpfl from it by military force the armed civil posse, or the troop of Maine, i On the part of Maine, it ws agreed by her Governor that no at tempt should be msde, without renewed instruction from the Legislature, to disturb by arm the province of New Brunswick in the possession of tne Madawaska settlements; or interrupt the usual comniunicatioii be- tweea that and the upper province, As oposeessiot and jurisdiction, they were to remain unchanged, each'' party holding, in fact, pussexsion of part oUho diaputod t Territory, but jrch denying the right of the other to do so. Withoul tliat un'rKtanding, Maine was,' with- " 6ut unnecessary delay, to withdraw her military force, leaving only, under a land agent, a small civil posse, armed or unarmed, lo protoct Jhe Umber recentyf cut. .... and la prevent further depredations. . ,4n the complaints of infrsctions of the agreements of ( tlie Stale or Maine, addrmwed to the undersigned, Mr." ' Fux has assumed two positions, which are Dot author ised by the terms of those agreements! 1st, admitting Utr !( lit i Msme t mamutt a eivrt posse m the-eis- putcd territory for the purpose staled in the agree- , mcnt, be doe so with the rontricUon that the action of tlio pnssq wai tfl be oonftnerr within certain limits; and ' 2d, by making the advance of the Maine posse into the .valley of the UpperSt Johns, the ground ot hi , . complaint ot encroaenment npun tne Mauawasha set. . tlement, he amnmes to extend' tha limit of that sottla '' mcnt beyond those it occupied at tha date of the agree- mem." Jrj eitljef dTBlcc' positions. . .' . , , . -. . In the nrst place, ootiiinj i round in the agreement subneribed to by Governor Fairfield and Sir John Har vey, defining any timtta m the thsprtted temtory wrth.- in which Uie operation of the civil posse ofMeine were to be circumscribed. Tha task of preserving the 4 limber recently cut, and or preyentnijr, nirther dopre datiohs wtkirt the' ditjtultd territory, was assigned lo the State of Maine after her military force alumld have been withdrawn from if ; ind it was to be accomplished bv a civil noise, armed or unarmed, which waa tn eon- tinne in the territory, and to operate in every part of it'.'.... . where its sgoncy might be required to protect the tim- " . ber already Out, snd prevent furUier depredations, with out any ioiitation whatf ver, or any restrictions, except such as might bo construed into an attempt lo disturb, .. by arma the Province of New Brunswick in her poeaea. -aion of the Madawska settlement, or interrupt tho umi I comtnuhieation between the Provinces. It isthu in the exercise of sTi gitimatrright, and Irt the conscien tious dincliarge of sn obligation hnnoeed 'upon her by a i Sureinn compact, that Uie State of Maine has dbnelhose' whioh fiave given rise to complaints ftr which. no. ' adequate cause is perooivcd. The endereigncd i-crt . confident, thst when lhp-e acta shsH.baye.lwva Wusid.J... ered by hor Majesty s Government at home, aa ex-: , plained in hi note to Mr. Fox, of lhe 24th Dus last," and in connection with the foregoing reuiarku, they ' "" will no longer be viewed as calculated to excite the apprehension of her Msjorty's Government that th faith of existing arrangements ii to to broken, on tha. pan 01 uie u mica ouioSr- k q egvt 0 Jne.scoBti.poiijuni assuraea Fox,, that the advance of tlio Maine posse along tha " valley of the Roslonk to the mouth of Fish River, knd into the valley of the Upper Ht Johns, is st variance , 1 with the terma and spirit of the acrcementa the tin- . r dermgned muerobsetvg.lhat IT at variance 'with "ahy'or , their provwions, it could only be with these which se ' abH-bttt Majesty 't Province of New Brhnswick at-aiimt anyatiempt todrstrtrtrttw posnoss-nn orthe MadaWattf" spttlomont, and to Interrupt the oil omnmtm-rsi-on Mw,cAJ!fi;,Clr.aiie The agreement eould only have reference to the Mads waska settlements as confined within their actual limits at the lime it wa subneribed; The undersigned, ' in his not of Ui 24th of December last, ststed tha ' reasons why the mo'uth'of Fish Riyer and the nortion Of the ValleV of the SL Johns Ihrnuoh whirh it n.. - ' oouM-i. oa fVpr.Anse f-e eonssleii-dus rmhnrtetf "1 (f7" the Alsdawaska settlements. Were the United Slates ' to admit the prelension set up on Uie part ofereat!' '. Britain, to give to the M-idawaxka settlements s of consUucuve eyidenoe that i,.i(ht, at this lime, suit the the purposes of her Majesty's colonial authorities, those settlement might soon be made, with like justice, to embrace any porUnns of the dismited lernloi-v : anrf the right given to the Province rrf New Brunswick to occupy thorn temporarily, and for a eneci! nurno" might, by Inferenco ouite a plnmiblo, give tha juris. , diction exercised by her Majesty's sutl-orflie an ex tent wnicn woiiin render Uie prosonl stale of the ques. . tion, so Ion 2 as it Could be maintained, enuivalnnt i.t decision on the merits of 1he svhole controversy in fs- vor 01 ureet Urit.iu.- irthe small settlement of Made. waakaon thq north siddof tho St. Johns means tho whole valley of thai river -if a boom arrow tha Pi.h river, and a station of a small ooas on the uuli of the Ht. Johns at the month of Fiaii riner iaa die--tnrbance of that settlement, which is twenty-five miles . bslowVwiUtio the meaning of the agreement, it ii diffj. -cult la conceive that there are any limitations to the aretewMonaof Vr Mjsy fc-vefBment un.leyirrcf--'"; how'Uic 'State of M line could exercise the preventiysj power With regard lo trespassers, which wss, on her part, the great object of the temporary arrangement. The moyernenl of Britiph troops, lately witneaaed in ' Uie deputed fi-rritory, and the croc t ion' of military worki for their protection ind iccommodaf ion. of u t.irh authentie infiirmalion.-tecentlyTeceiTed irrho Depart-' ment of Stain, has been communicated to Mr. Fox, iui- part a still graver aspect to the maUorimmndiai!. ' dor consideration.' The fact of thoso miliurv lions established beyond a doubt, left dnexplainod, or unwtiaflietorily accounted n,r. by Mr. Fox's note ot the the part of the United States colonial agents, as Inconsistent with amnmCo..,. whose main ohjnct waa trrdivest S fluestion. alnsulc auf. 1 tkiently perplexed and complicate.!, from sleh embsr in-Tin- mm wiiu which ins proeeedmrs or the uiiu-ii .uuKrrnit-w rwnrrorniM io snrmnnd rt, . II, as Mr. Fob must sdmit, th ol.iecla of the lata . agreements were lhe remoyal of all nnjitary jnrce aud. m preservation or wo pftcrty I mm lurther spolil. . tiuns leaving the poawwim, and junsdietion aa they ' stood kfore the Slate of Maine found itself compcllej to act agaitM Uie Uepiers tthc Presiileiit cannrt but " Jonsiiler tbsl lhe conduct of the American local author- itic. strongly and most tavorably contrarts with Uiatof ' lhe colonial authorities of her Majesty's Government wuua me one promptly withdrawing Us military f,r, . his conBnod itself lo Uie ue of the small rt-M-ne. .rm...l agreed epon, Ind has duu ro ct not ner'ry to '" ' Uie eccotnplnhmoHt of the convetitiinal ohi-rts, every , ' meapire ts ken or indicated by the other patly, is' es,L.n. usiij miliary in iw cimnnrr, ana can be jnstifie-1 on ly by a well founded apprehension that hostilities mUrt em-i,,----" - -- -- With such fpellpg and ponvictkms, the President could not see, without pauil'ul surprise, the attempt of Mr, fox, under instmctiofis fmm his Governnmnl, to give to the existing stale of thing character not wsr ranted by tie friendly, din ition ef tho United Statsj i - -Iffi-'" ' .V '-'v r . ; .. -'.,..,; " " ' '. ' i '. . . -.- ' ' V- iTrtrP?psw a ' f v '" r HI ! t - . i'

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