1 i t I H b it J. a. i Ml e ar ta J II 1 iie4 nr ' laAi-V am lib. itlU a. . 4 and, '.- rorjT eii- the fer e the the rt the tie Pt r e :Uft i!irj !"t' Adi n- .j the Srgr m tb lit) M eawet fgrort pry. r one- .-Tlw i at rated to P wiU,i of hn eiM wl that akodU i'he Secret. We were al i long to divine the mo- iiirn)wp!erfihrknlk"iOlf.riwlwMiJ la IjiiPji Mi 't! fj":eclv"Pin 'i fr and- the other republican presses of llie Stale, charging tliat ihey were secretly supported by I lie General Go ' vrrHiiit'Ut. Mr. Man-bead laid it down aa an invd r'tiill rule, we understand, that whenever any man, or tit of men, designed to do ail evil deed, they always tc-ok care to charge jut auch a design upon .ofotB.'.! 'I. af keapew oinm the innocent, the real jA. . . . " i- i . r fendera were en2nSel m the aoeomphshment of their wsiil'i. "0 are aiiliiiif tu titktt up Mr MoicluvuJ'a axiom, ami to try kim by it. 5sx" r, UA certain Mr. .Zsvely, wuu .Djnnerly Edited a Federal Whig puperat GreerolKiro', under the im mediate .eyet if not under the control,' of Mr Moorbead, waa lately ipatalled aa " aneociatcd edi-' - lor" of ihf Fat etteville Observer, but he had hard ly got warm in his chair, be lore he issued a Proa , peel us to publish a federal paper in Raleigh and ia the ahort space of tlx -dHyf issued iheirat nuii.ber, to the utter astiaiuihinent .of evea the htgs of Rdleiyh, who theniselvea CfMild not ac- ut for tli steam like velocity; of such move- inchtv 'Tbc followingfroiij ilieKnluigb Standard, cxplaittahie matter: v . ' .' r, ,.''. K hltZ jvely (recent!y an editor' at Greensboro', the reaidenccNrf Mr. Morehead,) has established a press ioKaleish; wliKh waa so quickly (tone after being talked ot, tbat do due could dice Uiat the editor had much mure than timrf-enooh to write the" Prwpectus. It ie customary ta HBae The prospectus of a paper ser- erai months previous to puttjicaUon, for Uie purpose of obtaining auiMcribcrs. e .X i-.iTJw peeepeetua of the 6n Wi Iwued on Uie tJHUi of tVb W ), and the lirA ila,mber sppoared 4th of March, 1110. Now let thisqueaifoo be put to every euui of common sense, whether or not, witlim the suaee of sil days, the editor could btye pioc u red ,su bw; ri bers eouugh to support his paper or even to jushty him ia cmehciri?. "ThoUnawer must bo irreistibly4n the i.ejritive. It folio a, then, that there must be a stocret liole, t sugir f 'ird. mlo which the editor, mdukey-lik, is psmtued lo tlirast bis dirty -paw." Coming Is he doe from Grventuuro', (Uiougb Bui directly,) w it not very likely that Mr. M. knows something of this secret hole! Is it not tueaaery proUible, that this silitot has mne to Ralegh lor tbe sole purpose of advancing the claims of Jdr, Alorehead! . Ana aa the birth ot-tbis pa por was raUier nmnatore, and tiieretore talculstod to to divert public attention, should make charges of cor- riutmn,madant, upon the Editor Ol the "Standard," " a.id Ifie Utlier riliio-s iu the State who have opposed.bi -.WMse.-! AWaotinat ttittsbornotrn, 1 r; Ta. ld reiweo tn co; moon Ibnhers at Orange as the " ignorant class," he will find that the people geoerally have sense enough Xorlk Easter Homrularj. On our first pase win oe iimiiw me correspondence, alluued to in ou lat, between MrVFoBsrrif.Sticreiary ofState.'aml - Wrr Forrtti BntushTTilwiater at Wailirngtoo. iir i .i . , - "o win ouiyi;iiiar concerning, tnie correspoiui ance, thaf we consider It at least batokeaing, en the " furt of the ttrifish AjinUteri any thing but a diapo. sitirxi ti aeitle peaceubly tliislong standing control i JVC.; f:Z- . " !.v" . ' . fl The foHoyirtg Hesulutionrrccenily pnased by tlie T I legislature n M iine, ano) the remarks of Mr. liuc- -1iannn and .Miv Benton, hiadoin the United States . Senate otu the 3tf tilAmotp tw fguoJ Oddet. oui Congresstoftal h'ad, wilt p'aco our readers in pps: Sevionoi the liit in which this question ia'viewud ut Washington and Tu Maine. ; , ; JFifq.VjrJatnnlew'theJUihovernmenrriliii. " f ine present seioa of Congress, make or accept a lislinct and ritifct ry proposition tor the- immediate aijiiinent of the R'xW'hry Question, it will bo the do- AV - tyotthe-Gewertif IR.VciJmeut take Military pcaudj.lora, we are told fgyjifl?:; rmatlbe di-mnlul torrttwy-t art4rtrt-thTTtf me"ot a sovereign Male, we call upon the nations. I (iovernment to ftjll'il its coostitetiooal obligation toestablixh tlie linj; wlucl.it-haaaJeihl declare J K) tJrrhftlrueTiiiiii!ary : nnd to protect tins State id extending fier jujisdiciioe -wTOW-inwiwsTTinirijoj Hr.t.ilfOIJ.r. . - f:TltTfte of . a irreJeemabitT ipeVyCUXCtflcyi attribute all the pe. i iniiry euilwr t.n-'inehls (f tlio country to llie po ll y pursued by the Genern! Government, and to the v l 'f : . ... u -L . ... ' C ... I. n .. j rruwvry eiiH, wntiu, ub jn, is iiui nouwii . 1 1 our law. ' I.id.ed, the cryf " hard time " is mainly reli-d iirn by,,e rvfcrji!islA-laivaL Z ' T tlio lepuU'icuu liceaien of this country - IH.DU Ilip.iBti- ut lvuiuij itiiu f upport of a man for the PreriJency Vjxmi whtwe political Jtaroae-a they have again and again pass iiIonilemnaiiNi. 'Weehouid relax greatly (d our admiration of our Ifoasted1 aystern of . republican government, if "we could btlieve that ttje). pQoptit had created in the General Government "an agent that can, at its wilr and plen.urc, blight and de ,ifoy the indomitable spirit of cnterprize. and. in Wintry of the hardy yehmanry of this land ( an agm thai can ruin the currency, destroy our ere dit, and depreciate the value of all descriptions of property and produce ia this vat empire nf Inex .liiMuVawiMjreesWe-askfTan -rt- he posaible that the mere act of the -General Government col. jeeting, and diabtuSug iameJisiteJj,,. 40,0OO,Ott0i ' where there ia a circulation of $500,000,000. pro dure uch direful consequence lo Ihe.cnrrency, trade, tod labor of lbe caudtry4-N- intelligent, reflecting man will'an"swer yea. The evil lie i flnt wnraehfheaWe ofcollecting and disbursing the revenues of Government, as in the corrupt and corrupting hanking ayaietTt'ith which the labor and eftergie of our citiwms art preed (o the earth, and tHe productions oCtheir inil'imj I'TUtllTPl VkhilesST As a happy illustration of our views on this tub- ixt, we call the reader' Bttention lo the following commuiiicaliont ' rOfc tUE tSTKtlS CROt.lfH5. ' SlissRs Editoss : In the address put forth by "lbe tlft jaity ut tit ferwsnGftnd Jorjr,and which -was ooddntJt, drawn up by one of the Federal Lawyers, we see the Mlowmg words: " We cannot ahnt our eye to ths net, that a heavy pressure now exists iq this commn "ty. thir citiaent are vexed and hirrasacd. with debt, rad is dull and languishing, our products for market are etremely low, money ta sesree," etc, end then ic idiire nes on to attribute the whole ol ihcse evi in tlie C.-o ral Goverament. I propose, Messrs. E li lljn m a short manner, to examine tlie. truth and mrnhlcness of these chsrgee against the General Go vsraraenl. , . -. ' Ti Grst diarge K that our e'Hixens ire liarnseed -n aeai. Worn I would respectfully aa, now is in 'xn-rrnment to blame lor tliis I Jli Government wee oar crUxens to to in debt Those who srs wert in ot tbeii own . free will, wilbont noWg, or compylwn on the part of Ibe.uovern ' V hTt tient mfatfi (jjg Government be eondemhed ywie.the people have gooe ia deMI lbe cmrge e rrticulona sa it hj illibertL '. The ofr r Large VAlm-We-- dnii,' fiVe low." Now, 1 am greatlyst a "i.. tu i,,, ( .. . ,, . - - . . , ... rJ , torn. h.o ei,i knows that Rood prtce. tew dat Z.LL i,'.. , "V" ,roilu''-t U-JuU'i:d t..:L,, !luUlltumilIgule wue of Treasury Z7 r tlW,f' 0 0 w a"1" J" ii W' i ftiMw ww Ijn-i tu-o up an i-mil vith i nays -m need or our proJucu, they won't buy Uiem.ot oar, j to, Uim il-orm? twtituia dav, ihe Stnles were we can t sell tueui, and ihey bacomtt m tru mi wii twm-ti :n tlm ntati ol peiums. Mr. Oaten, ui !', , . . . .a',.;ifrntoil a.pniiuua ufaug Cngraw ui pat Government U jower In lure f,re."n oatm .t w.imiiur rite ww.a ardent spirit m tlMt Army lo buy trow u ; and U, being llie case, I n.ouW like :at.tw,airt .t!. ,u U Cmmi. Mr. AdauuiauJ -iJbiafcjtaitatitefWcril iMymmTi3iiSmmi,'iim ' e,i? ,bow ! . ' I fit Mi 1 he. nett ajiwdemeaaor .charned an Ike fenaiaaiimt ' earmaaM! of? ttu h Uut . 0 acaroe." Tkat watey a. ae, II 'JS "iZU -,aa. io snow now uovernmenl m tu blame tor low pram ? .11- ... . a think mi one will doubt ; tut I uulci-l-tie pa - . Oor'"nent J luaiutp mu. tiim !e-ni.tim axppnenee, wiucb waa not ahort, "vpniwent can walie maavy ws-ily by - ii mm iuoa. that- M0ooi. t titer a ik-termined , k.ng rt ..! Ir-n the peonfe by tujrb tax; tan Hm imnrmrjmnm. tb .rct ,h buamea. uf ConEr. via not nowrthe ca for 0..: tuxes ksve been iwiweai, '.,muitt ww-litwi t6rth.eluM- ( Ae t4 are atill going dowa. lipw, then. Xiownuwni en 'th. of (t ,".tiean booadarr, the t- to blame for Uie ecarwty t money ! ,Tbe cuarjr- rirlua,l4BW-tllIlwrt ut jj--,,,. frqnl reeoiiec e(woleoae, made eilher ttirough iuoraiioe, et a lie- )t) Umiium (wiiMi uitbUovernuienl loi lie 'gu V u P?n PBOple- " . ' i h4tUTOBU- Ifwing .tutetury. or Oovern. But althouebj cannot eee, nor can anv baW eW imm -teaiitM a. the Untum Uurno.wit counter , , ace, how Oovernwent can make aiowy eiUieraeeme er jprum wriei..y, auewer ha been recve4. . Plenty, we may aUNwe and kaw lit there n HU wvw , Mr fron tn- eumianaicatioa ,er o(T thai can ande done rt. TliCTe mmmtimr t ttto fltrtliJimtteri wliteh wat ain lh tnlv oa Ti. . 7 -v " " u-mrwmw laati, mim lie a.4 net itn Uie temper die hat it already greater tUantiie tioverniw..tt,i, - "WuvwriiiMtur inr.ttnt an amwnr inubt be ahort I v leae chocked, will toua be greater than ti IWu. tit onewtJ. VV.i il orTwcted aiiwer tu our counter w tb power, anu not the UiMernnieql, tbat bw bniusht pne.'ia-recsttmli.wR will ,Uy liKit oa thia uuea the preaeura on the Oouutry, and thatia rmuie mmam -Mai. W, mll tbea lie inlonoed wiietlter the Dritwh ecarce, VVbat power m th ?-Jt it drmwmfti arrenmterttaacreWio ilia m4naitioat.tfd iedutppned . w' l- Bn",(. 'y"" - -eaaee kb.,M1irj mnxaulv. iir Wlleuier ahe- rct'iMea, and in ot tbe prensnre and d.fliculuoi Uiat now aet Uie. im-nv. veenMll mww wriu we hive ta dk tie waa country from one end to the other ; -iM Uw peep aMl4Uinrtbt vm ftm Sumf the loth af May ae the ""T rely-on it, they never will eee better tiatea, ami! ny aTwiMurrawtit; Uat lie tlMMirht' that- in all human thia Baiikiaff aj--teni ie brought to ea id or ffTWtiXeeji,j? itiwn o ttw Brttub Uovernmeut would , changed tor the better. . The Banka tu Xtim Kute have anaine' MOfw.tbe lirat i4" hum. tihould lite ane for aome time paat been woping war ?iit nVpeopte, ' mth-- uirenml laaa, wnich llivmi forhid, we cn pnt nd they are every dy jrroauij woreo. -3ht 'ttr imtl: ea,ttire Ma'bepaaeaa". aa we may wilt break np IhoiManda, M now eertami but ttl lbey .uiiiiiiS(sit tbcthe iwiHeetion of the country. are aciiinj tlieir own doom, a they tow otiiew, ia equally certain. It w time that Ilia people eftwokl b- rm to tutderxund tbte Bankinj eyiaein ; ead wimn thw do understand it, thsy will aee that itieaet tiie (mvem- nient, but these beartiea and te iwrtiWMon. iiat tooiiej pieniy or ecarce, ai uieir win ann aww- ", . X A r AliJil.U. '-if -X. . . . 7u "J. -i, . - a av. iL. T f T IT ft . i ZKZ Z , . (H. i. r-wTO A7i . . . r cuts ioantv ana iiistriet. i mm iii tir tfnni .niirihi .1... i. I I- Li . I . 1 . I ' . Ji . -j ,-....,, didates in this County .-Uwt fiakerf wanly. bf Nurtb Crohn., Trum- SmZZZZ liartford. CtnnecticuL Twnnder If be assa me sx" e . - - - .wyiit.aw-neiiiisiiciiBi ar Kowan ta Federilmtn by eucuXaed other mratw1 ij other members of Congress, and tint iarje eatcheaanv aooo 1 eapected, printed in Ihith,epTely to ajwrnae rrS TIarnaon, lkir whil The Fedoral hsad-.cs tiunk lbe people. On the first paje.of the pampol-Hsentase, ia a large horse in Uie style of UA. iativwr jatrinipiawmavswtt rhrtificaiiia,JwiH!b eery aaooa Sarpeiton, wtb hiph heart, iwwed tuwk.anakcKtatL"hKm 1 tlaatasatlfeBMsbfl'' PTKttt tfw tin. Kaf rtia al.nis slu Bj hisside,eUodsa man in boots to bw knew, an. r T . : . , " "m.utm.mn i..'i4.iinotrT ttw laws i! natioiiSfcWe had hand. ?-Ibis, J presume, e mended btr Iha-Oawaiwl VTCM'toviwjMtua. wiwt ubosmow tbey were intended btmaelt. vost sijcU a picture may be atuek dwim - Ifaamt .wiwtlttrMI' nit "tl-Kinl It. H n.ntl.t.. ti.... 1. ' i.LL VIIMO IWU. fHRKT-T OV .1 , m. w.muinf m .ur riortiwnitrn?ilier tor gnti warlike prepara'Lions, hut country. . r,.., ., - - weitiW U& to-tua mouth of the Columbis, that im- . I, would ask you, Mwrr Jilitnr. jarkethea tiiese i rMtaMnVrrt.cBir ferrifory which my triend and members of Congrosa, and otb-rsof the same panrarho Kadtanfriarr UmnatBrnprirely and persevertnirly t M - ...ill ...... I L . 1 I i. nave sucn norroroi wwonmi; uncie rvu) nvatev fw ,mgm that the people are s childish a te ae caught with -msrr mrwtreiM. Uirnud to tbe warlike preparations ptcturc or.a inaa hidding a horse,! .-J ahould like itfyt.wtBrtiiisMriV Woait aia point to the Italia, know whether the man holding he horse is a aw-; tsas-i.rtie iirvlircriwttcillivot nommnnitinn rect tifceiieas or tjonerai i.Leo. K w an aef hie" is called the aara! CWer Cmtulidalc, fiir to are he looks like a hard looking oil roarirr-eiul if 4t were tI! rWoiitt(d' oropartiig for a stale of 1km notfor his cpauletta, nd ooe would take him to we ulttnv, .-.. ' ' ' I Gf-peraL , . '. .: v' ' Ty...j $n awlmMt iatiuiei ihaiwaf-cea oluudoruu gnua iwr,D f " Ifta." Ibts beautilut aeutenee stmet m-nth jreat -.foroa whew myywcatrgtiTtne fietureon tiw urst page j Hnnyttitmr nattrm stamlj wear. If we r aud then on itbe last ' . 'gngatgaKjaaiast,, Taw jawai ssassa wrtmtNwr-i UUvum. wdiiacut-aJ ll- -warL S.-. H i,i.ii.ii, nncli n-ftws U Weni ilt Ut T jn yon my iur w uie isiier. i no yxcuire on .ne last page a og camaano a amrrei tij in ro rutin, ;1'5SiSli'flawa-r ;jwaa.,iimiv tf 'vMii't-h nreora ncro mnwii, mi .c w-isc m wi uan. .i it -r'sksa k traaa taswas fatal eirk m that atah'iA "' - i A i I ! UMlutnurt. .. .r- ---1 menlsl coat, nor hepaulett.; be is tare-b ami fcJOKI H II HO UW wn iiMaiiMe r,VMJ 11 mmwn cidr." or something still atmo?nr. To conclude, Messrs. Editors, this picture afturr plainly s'iows wUt these llarriHNiites tiunk ot the ua- i r- instead or giving rgumenis, iact,snl tim i im t im nf luui send out pictures of horses, log cabins, and cater bar rels, sod hope, by these eieaiie, to caama the rntnmBmH,mvmiluim genwral pln. m di rni biiii ranjr tituit, rt'i titiv wi u uiu wtUi worn out uui wan.. Jh - ment m 0Tet,that titers. in aa they aa to think. Uiey 'i'I find, alter the excitement pie ar riot an easily taken in as .ssd mat uieomy way ia euaviace iree men, a u. treat tnemancn,noiaacuuareak '-"rZ iUr UUM AA.- 1 ' mi , c ..: : 1. : i . vl llf proc.!, w umn.iK.ii imiuimm ceivcn too late for tins week a paper,. YneaMi 0,,r 2-. " ' They shall From tkt Xtw Far HeraM xfra, of .llardk JB. ftrna Mfff Imipr from rkifia-f!Miire mtnmar of Me ForeiiTa TrmdtWmr ht, Jdsliwl - -tk;. -l.-.h lJ,.!n..i,. '.1,i,.,i off the Hook, from Canton, with wwi&x.texsln n.,; r..l f 'i.ii .rJ',.":-: ;; - .,i- ...... ... ti,;. o .t. hitrlinaa innri.Be. -Tmm can trade et.ll eont.aued alhe latest dal 3W .1. I iL.. ..i a ,i Y- "LL.. '' 'IL k. iT: V-JSZxLi 9tZ:. -rt1eTter,.rrive4rtn- Cbae, (Urn the Commi.KHier.) w. drmmeri u. 'under the flvgsof ether aa'KiM. a tin ba h.amru. done, and urging tbe utmost de'pttca to kwKng Mt? easels taken up t freiifhl tu AVbainpoa, ss th;r! m srest dan-rer thnT thrf WftlM fr1 f'"" " r in a wek " It was the ireneral eimum tl.it an enur; toppage to the Creiyqrde wi'ul use pleer.- km? Win tti. mntuumsw- the pnttuna e the (lav r Atler tlie bsttle b 'tween thediuw- .wl the Hntw, fMlwll. aMi; tu.tlirw 'hsewtid'otr the Adrninia at the BffuMhe troops of Uie Uttot w -nf in loa .llliDin. mlu,. i..t rlrMii.nl ies as won. no. and wok away aH tbe U-ttrf. r-- .Ti.ea....-- ae "Aimtni had died u but wu.. hs unwMma..iii"- , ., . UnXi I n' e..eM a. P-k.a, uii . .oui, '', W"u' J? the bttlel and for lb PrpjJ otjirMuruij K erJ- .i..-li uaae-w ttw-rssniirrrauiranr fact uws ,f the Etnncn tor future operation. '.. ; Jcbarw-tun, w ttaa. uaiy ohjee f ihe- Whigs.Hf. f V - . - T !tari;, wwui tu. iie!r tl lurt thardid not dare to ' - . r ' T"!,. "V f.!. ! vote n-rilrrt'. til. On llur liuai iBMtire iW tlie hill . .1 . vi ttnn j r T u. iur . . ' win ...n. 1 . .. . .'. . r nl. .S . i.n.r MMMtttv fuiitii.n ini n.iiowiiiM cji.i--.t w. . .-.....i J L .. .1.. M ...... r. I '.mail ,d" lliat ertw nvnivru dy ton - j " I f,-JMwe.' Caierila. Feb. 1 4. 140. " V'On the Wth orthi mtifh, 1 hli ciiaemaVmilifc.ai ttufcirarr ui ih mapmivvlo hike tlie . ...n, n ihe UiuGrande with 2,tHI0 : bill .U .T Cmimttew ;. but tti tt'bigti, ttwaigh res. : mer) and len piece of artillery ; leaviM-l.ntIO m-n Ur Hmxmm naL laweaiiwueted, and tl,ey bad Id coverTampio, and 1,000 mnreto garti U- fttin uny. aiinsr tfw paaaa of ihe bill .A - tamora. 1 r-com.nend this ns to I apread n, '.eoutiiutaJ m .euussmw tin ttmw in - mg cabin the country ad.o.mng Texas, en ' your .de. in or ctv,. 'till Ci' oJur.lt at latriu he a at- , der that emigration may he s-ended. IhnkT itetnp!,.. rtwaeYtte ir-wt the-IhIL The Whig I m? eomrmnd and that of Gee, CanM,?-,. are n , eaaaartrfto.iaa.-u thmr,ohi trmka, which wa. metered 4 503 ".r.et.. M itam.fs and Tamwro WMt fhemfaf lorce til Commit. are wrongly ti.riod; and we are ,,t pre. t!l.r-nnt.rf a rriumm. Th.. game waa p arrd to receive, but actually amend 10 r. m put- ietrewA ta wih. mij.l, and tlie Hoase sat Ml ' L,,,t 4lhbwmieofoory." ; -m ;riattlrdirv th. uptraJIcltai: . . " '. . ' ' ' ' did any rcrr tg a; e a a to n al.. ' ; i j i- :irlJiUui..iu--t-mnnMroT nniiiwu pray. a, , U4j. tw iBMira ihuiuusi oaukrupl law were pre. ; mit ma .twmi to t:,. Jiicj.rv Cuuiuutt. The ml--t.Mtiumai !erm. .-r,i .t.,!,!,,-. ni,i.,uuL uie mies, were nut recuivt!. ' iireh.Jl, Tint Uuauiiilion tor the ad- iHHtriim m iliv IMU Mar couimir up, , .fmwim urn miiH, ) jh Uiutauwu to mlil lbe !AmaUW fn :41t. UieitHjt, itt,iie wa uppmi to acting on thie .inirwuw. iwiHminent at the prerent time. He waa tone e' UMet wrta'aiziiuiall' doaired peace peace with iall aatew; tauiiat 'qimKtP oaNiwa,that te preserve ;gaaa- la -Pw To Ota vorl4 that' we were pre ; ir ti-n-ne wiwiVee.V Ana he waa also of opinion 'imtiiarraaaimwrin wtueli ie bail Hniiaiulonwi I ha mih. J - iecaaaiiKaaeatrtheaaverot States, had encooraced a ,liW.waesitf;aoematllgW mitmmHm..valA wnbwl hr M eheiny.. It was !! wretr-uaMl wroament. stul ueteneeleas.and .. . ' , i pnua, -imny laisssimi i a ut br an mtmnv. and . it aurtwtssnteet. Tim Hensttk nome days since. .... - . ;T T" ' T. iwnv iwwiiimis iif 'i mmm niiniwi n mat nnainr 1 "' IUt nlK.Mul' k. t U. .... (-r AV,Trtaisaa,1Blemivtlaaiahe pneseesed relauveto nrtiLw :.mi,: t. .,hh,na nlra. ,1.. otawmi auaU .eibaMum troatwn -The reply to ; taat maMtass ts tior yer been receiveaV but- every f Jstwrrrttt I'tewn.u.xi. r. v. Th.t.lowii,i ' avlme-; Inar. 1 tie. ilmiti. (ivirniaenl are uot onlv cow. ittiieitruiiei j! wnU wlneh iimly swroachingope- r ,m, .nn . ... swtofw (wraKemujw tat.-i'Vol only' to the id 01 iimi wnnnniiic rtvfir. -mt to the; Uermudaa, ramavwsntfiray juuilirntiKin y, n.,.. m u twjtnxntlfiSiSar Tl.e miserabia twiwet d'-iinJiriirrTiku revenue. j-siii m aiM 1. -j-'.. wish to invites . jjtrreBWiaa. TTw-rieraVm ITii itortfrefrrUiui(ta asr An....-wr-titw fj'M "-Xni 'UiT Ifinas lltillsi iVerttt, rtoojtt, fhi, ' ' 1 ' l".t.i , P .II liiwiua.tirv:K.- tTwnan.oet: tfirrrmmeinsjuome.- All ths aih. .... , " lww !,.. WWBL aeneeleel aio.. Al Till in1 (CuiaTm-JW fwaarilnti. nC (rtsntressv rvwolutiaiw rnaiiinn-r the Ireada eTtbB W'-htiwiu tNavr- Deprtments to submit pataw liar ttjte (psiBraJiaud permanent defence of Ui cra.a3rfclii- 'tmni tins nliainbi r. I )m oTTneae' 1'! fa iiiiwiI rrssf-wuwerwl tbi resolution ;1he other ea icnwawnugiii. Wlawntttrr eame ia we shall see sviasuiMe -fws4 ' unl- laaiuaiient delenee of thS conn- tn'rtlt nwsuiumx iiniwnaintfewnu may require UwjtssfrsKtxsn;: anftHrna not for adjourning. idtsaasNuc low oiswMaaft nfi adjoanwmnt, unUl accad- or eveo these i wrottmtjsaTiieTBjopaaL. ' lii -the- ttMoIutina 1 tat .B,-, !-, tkrkammm JS. 17. -tm 'j Urfttn rasMC, JSlur asne unimpnrUiirl buin tmm was it - j tmmmm. Illw iw tkm- of Mrr IHt was tikrn be iawH tamyewtwwasi. asattnsssif the Uuaaa oa it to the li n. arsiT ' Kmunsnu.' 3m iAt.,.f!twiii U Alter the-reenitioo and refr sve.4' art?" inuwh-.S ritiosiW memorial, the UU: 9ereaTititrttjijrifi ttr the nrmiuMsaiiea nfthe - j fJiiniawnaaii.lUaa.ibi. ate-ef ilbwv bairatia, and ansrj Btn:iuaHi tt.e!liriii H.n,ann ... ..i ;j T- T.I?- J - ptpw. - .iarf saal.tbantDsaiaiUeed hiectiaua area further ihlj.we e tlwntr aw iuetu. thereon, Mr. ! Mel: ct.raiww-.iaamrt the llw,4,gr4MJ.and tspe vrtUtw--mr-'-ariverti,w!,t: ? Tnrc..tTmi'rJet.-m.,ut.rliii4W Din was .abucii-isp .tr Peatoa rnsjaed tarfrike-uut tUIKt, put " 'Uwiil the hwar ot adJaurniiH-nt. I i i ' TXi m ipatiflTref ffee Vrwertcan 5lir(rnin.n . . w "iitmis March aD?lH 110. Hiim)m ui. use Is mi a nine uf rrrit Uuu .mms inxntfrrsmit' lierm I im- attetm't' ol tile fv , ... - i . -- .... Vanaw UTitim 'A'lliifdjuiinedh the ante.' anlothera . . triun vnt-ai lUTli itiwwrtetond 110 fur the bill, aud , 1 fj 'jgr HlnuM' iiwtub. T'ltnday lait. with at dntor lilting of twrnty nine ,lttr when weiriej, t hausiaJ, and' duusied,"tln y ad mrw d, V it U the UiiderstaiNliiig that tlio bill should ba ojHwed td tlie next day. The neat day did nt tueod the matter, and it w.ia not till a WJbwirJEyida) night that the bill was passed. - Most of tlie di.usiofta during this long aessioti n utted tu all) thing else but the Treasury note bill. The scenes which look lce, were jueily des cribed by Mr. 1'ickena, as, scenes of cuetfusiun and 'dlarrace.',,' -r" ; r ' ' Not even the imminent danger oi a foreign war, which becactrf appareut upon the communication to the N.mat by the recent correpaidetice be I ween Mr, Fo and Mr. Fooyth. could arrrl the facliuuacuurse of the Whig iu tbe II tune. They Mill continued tlieir clamor .about he abuea ut the Adiuiuistralion, and true tu their vocation, cu deavored to place their own country in lbe wrong aa to tbe controversy with Great Britiaiw k It was said that " this btilligen-nt cirrojoodtoc was g . up Ly the Administration to direct the alteiiti ol the peole from their corrupt ions," that a. war , about llie saw-logs would Imb unneceswiry and ab, surd, uVc. It was remarked, that tkewe eeclies were exact copies of the federal apeectiea of the British party iu 1813. v - . . ) i DrtrtetiQt ire in Arte Prlnn$.K fin rAe - out on the night of the lSih.wliichdeat niyeat pmper : ty em ma ted at between f 10(1,000 and 9300 000. , It eommt-nced in tbe Store of Messrs. Daid Felt, J Co., stationers, iu (he acouid story, and 10 leas jtnan two noura, me whole range 01 ui.e ijpr ttory building, from the store of Messrs.. TuoJ eV Bsr. ; nets tu the-corner ol Customhouse struct, presotit. ; fa Complote tnasa cT ruins. ' " - Biwats-Marcl 21T 1 " The LiM Coje. Al U ppenimi of the City Court, this morning, the Attorney General stated that, on reduction, he had eoneludrd net lo prose cute the iudiotuient against Mr. Brecbenridge any fBrtherand therefore en'ered a noil rrnnjtit. which terminate .all further proceedings jn tlie case. The same dipciijpw waa anado of llie In idict.nenl against the liav. Sir. Cross, the. aasociate editor of he Rev. Or. urcckenbridgc, in ttte pubtt' the.Court of Oyer and Terminer, of Jame Wood. Baruh Ann I'eake, last Autumn, was closed laat night ar 10 o'clock, the Jury bringing in a verdict ot not viltt, m the ground of tntnmtf. ;s- ue tnat was trtnioMea aoimiwIiat ooner asiine rare wnumit argumew ana tmuer nvreiy a i .. . . . . . ... . --a, fiwmMow tue-voon axtne instance tT aiessra. Johnaonanj ISrooke ot) lbe part of tlie Common weallh. ', - j ... ; '., :. if"1 The 8yiilne In fnntnin tlin ormint nf incant'lv Lwat regarded strm diaeuaaioti aide5 theVvidenc. Z flawed by a brief efiarge fronijudge King, after Which the iq rv retired for t few minutes. and returned with ver .dict as eirert above,. Wood remaina thn (into. dy of lht eourl under Mm act cf AtsemUy Tron ding for such cases, and sv ill be immediately re. moved I rorn' prison In a lunatic asylum. lhert to be confined ae Inrig a hie- crmditron hisy aeern ro're euire. Pkilitdelphin Penntyhitniart, . : ' -' , Profitable Voye. The Inquire, publuJicdw . NamuAet. etaie. that one c4" the hale ship :,Vhirh TtceDlly. arrived atihat place fwryi the P' ' cilic, is estimated to have cleared mora lhao a dol lar an hour,' beside iutereat on eost, cVc, from the " time she tailod, until the hour of her arrival. .' -FtrrffiKiThe Savannah Geortrian. of the 29th ult., haa the fulfowing item : -fc - - r , Indian jlimfrr,7-Ereqr 'rekvtwtig'ta "'blftod.' 'Caplain 'Brooks, of the (Jeneral- Clinclk inToj:ia-tt, thai a-mw time tnreek7ffio Rev. Mr. , MeRea, of the Mt'llxKlist rpiropal Chorch, wn killed while ridinj his circuit by ludhtia. within . tnree miiri 14 wicam i'y- . W4liwrirts3tiru,6iirTO i" Ci.t....l 1 - . ... - . . .t,, wikui'jav evening, nnnging intelligence of llie aptur and rletTncrwm-of I rf&KU'm'' nurnetf, the mules, killed, an I the sergeant tu corn mand of the train mertallv wounded. - - JV Tear of the Worll The first diy of llie year I 1840 of the Chrinlinn era, was the'25th of iha month Tebet, in the year of Iho world ftflOl, . eordinir to lbe Jewish account : the commence. Lmenl.ol,vtbe. yaar aerrHing.til Iho Cuustan. iiie.piiimoxaccouiii j anu me negmniag nf the year 73.T2, according lo the Alciandriiiu arrnurind the year 900,000, bf tbe Chinese computation. . DEPARTED THIS LIFE, ' In Davie Cmnty,i the 4th instanC Xlra. R. CllAKL IIU.VI'ER. wHeof Mr. W lluniee. Mrs. Ifuntur had been a member of ihe I'reKytcrian chorrh for many year previous to her death, and wa greMly esteemed for her piety and Jnsny smialile qualities a Hj .i nrcniisiniaiicea. v . - 1 In Divie County, on the 8th InaUnt. ALKVANDER SMOOT, E-rj., k mwt worthy and rhypaculile citizen.' . ' On Saturday morning, the 2th r.f Frhnianr last, of ;rml""nrycwimptionfcMr. HUGH VKJX.'lf. of this place, aged bottt ihirty year. ..' The recent conned ton .J deceased wjih Iha puU'icatiua of -the lmel!. gencer, snable us to tastily fully to his grent moral - worth. Ilrs nnexeeptionabla deportment, simtsined by vignrou and well dijciplined mind, had seciued to -fciw many tWofed fWehdi, and the hive and esteem of . an ni acquaintances. He wa ettive of Surry coun ty. North Carotin, and at in early age became propria, lor of a newspaper in Halibnry. ia the sain Hi. 1. Havfng resolvad to risk but fortune ia the mih.wet. nt re-iioma ui i usraKttsa, ang soon alter volunteered !ia services In th FUwida campaign of M, the ei-- attre of wliu-Ii, estldntierj his disesse. His remains were int-r'vf with masonic honors, by a larje nnmt of the fraternitv, of which he was a distinguMhod mt her. Mrmn ( Muuistippi) Intelligent. .ue wseaiKHiteii 111 ijUuktun Tt V I I . I ManuhVloring Company, are notified that an I wtnlmeiii of Twenty.ftve dollar on each share wilt tw pavaiit'i 10 the andefwgned'nn the 11 nf ; May next., II v order f ihe ILreet-wsnf the jTioaJ w.ii. 11. iiurau; TreaeuTv.r. -Salishury, NrCr April lfr;l?m: la ODTQK H L. K . apiJE Suhscnter, as attorney bo- M u rt ha Thorn, ton. mW fur aala 777 1 Acre ()f i,, . ten in cpanan&urg wmrtcl, S. C, en lb wateta f Bignd Little Buck Creeks j-Also, 100 Acre in same Piwtrict, in the fork cJ! North and Kajth Packolot UitwtsPersons wishing to urchaea a perl or the' whole of these lamia, are invited loex. mine thwn, and address the Subscriber at Si!i. uury, - ' - -, -. ... . .- -f t ; ' JAMES P. POXDER, Attorney. April 10, 1940.' v - . r t 7 r .. a-J 0 V ft.?1 X A fPI'E Sohwriber haion han,, " - tL anil a Klja 1 ... . . la !w II V O U H VIV.- 3 111 IE S;ilw;riber ofl-r f.r sale 4!3, Atro.ut" l.nnd, fitualtxl in tjjmrlatiliurg Ihitrict, o. I"., o liiawi Creek. lter the I4ani ford rn Broud Uiver, and tlie Pat kolet Iliver ; aud ulo, lai Acres. or lliereaoou't, in the came -ctKn, betwet-n 1 North and Jswth Pckdel Kiver,..Any ri"to7f" wilting to urehaae tl whole or any 'art oif thino Is ml, can raamine lhen, aud addn sa lite fulfil- her at SufiaUiry. N. C. . , JAMF-S P. IlitNiiER. April 10. l4n. 3w. 3!ore GootlThings, JljST I1KCEIYEI), AT THE SALWBUUY C'OFFCE-lIOttfr; KSrF.Cl Fl'LLY iufrns his cuttoiiiffS ai,d tint nulrlic generally, thai he is now receiving and opening, at his establishment in Salisbury, a .. ... .! plend.d Akiitmeut ol every tiling uesiruuie 111 hia line of vui. teas among which will be found Sardine,- ilxraons, J t Merriags, Pine Appleav I , - CudbVfc,, 'JRannansst .- . AUrkAhii, . (.Malaga Uispas, Cbt-ese, -. " t jU)oales, . ( All kmda of Cracker, sucb Powder and Nat as boner, swent and gnh liondon, Mustard, g' Nut, Aecbow, - - Riigluh aluLu, First rait 0stcra, 4icoa .trt Cmmaiou, Ciovca, PcpBCr,irirs . - , Niw. II I it 'iil." and Sptee, tlaiieKul, fimoaii Cur' best. Albany AS Che win? aud aotekmg T4: owark Cider, Kaence of Ctnnatnca. ' Rurth. ... ' jpt.. Mint, , " t ., ;cioveiv: Molasses, , 1 Brmri and Losf Surar, 5lkini!olColialii, All kinds of Wines, ' All kunhjuf Lh)Uorrw r ' AH of tli bcM quality and - e Ran. mis Alntuadiy latest tinjKjrtatsaui; . . Oranges, - Together with a great variety of Mber'Grticertee too tedious to iiietitioo, aal .which ho.wiU vtl ry luw furcash. ' -. '., Mona. Rouecfie felnma fci thaufcs 'fur lbe liberal rtrrahereuJaieceire.aiidaulicttsitsco(iiiu. ' . nromr, ibl he ba prtiiiinertily located. hioMu'.f m a!i'Utry.v He w.ll give Li rwsonat..,. rwmw w Tnrj Ajunnw urj uuiieb, tu wuicn ae baa been engaged fur llie lat ten jeara, and. may be round at all time either al bneatuxnoe, or at tbe ahop, where) ;ul laJie-greel-plesur in " wailtog ujvai nil who may give h I call. f.i B. 4 C- Jv U HULF.U -retutt-heir on- " gned thanks to their fnendbd cusioorr specially Physician and Merrhanls fof the very lit! patrotiage, bestuwed upon tbem llie past year, and in return fu tlieir lundneaa ami lihersli- it, are (Ji.'lerraiUHl to sell them UrvftSledicmr, Paint, de-i lower than any other ahop t Hotlh Carutina. A3 Phyaiciana and v'hers, who order or Imy DrngrjLlekint, Painty djT .frtmi them, . where tlie price r fymlily o not prrfectljr plcaia?, are at all tituta privileged to return them immcdi ately at lbe same price T a Ihey hold themeelvea remonlile, in all casta, in their fiieiidsarid .cus tonreTt fhnhe" quaW) iuTivery article Ihey aril Ihem. They will open their aprinir liuaineaa with ' thn Urgi at.ck of MrJrrto'w, PmhI djf,,evcr Lrought into Ibis market! ndjiIIXhose wl ay" wishr nTvthihJ;"TtriTuTfie, anil have the cator go-id credit, shall be acconimcMlated, if atrict atleulioa to tlieir; buiiMHa, gotal physic; arid low pricee ran do it., 0;ie or UHh of tbem Kill at aril giv thMrrr hurtes." 41 heir.aliop will be cpen at all houra for Uievuxumnwidatiurt f tW-iwk ind i" p", Tir inn can-fjU -wide' wt al-ilwrt notrct'. Mediciner n thrwkaifiriiri CoosuliaiiHi t and advasa of Dr, Hg Or. Dutiglaas, nnd Dr. Burn will be given when necessity, eud the med cat attention of eilher obtained by applying.,.! their shop. Thf-worthy for, without money, shall not want for medicine lo relieve "them ofthtir f- fliciion. rrehruarr tLltf 10 .at C!arIfii.rrtlv A LARGIJ- AsaorWnl of - tien 8LEDI3, juat recetveoV from 'the New Lebanon SHh- kers, (rala!neaof which can be seen at our satire-) Also, neat Oval Bote, and.IUnd Swifta fr Ladies, t at sale by C U. 61 C. K. W HEELER. L.IJUr. TR.'U.YEDi.Wl) LIXSEIW OZEiS, Tor wile br ' , Cll'tVC. Sa!inbury,'Jan.lO, 140. K. M HEELER. , . . .aiiiuncr six, s TOP, SALE AT - WHEELTIRS'. PAM?nCIGARS.6e Chew iaganl Sl V? J ling Tobacco, . t , AT - WHKEI.Klis T i Teb,?!, 18104,,.. rri' -"- pOOLSCAP, Cetier, and W rapping Paper, and i " M arwvy-nsei ma w if' f it -a sj Vy , . -CB.&CK. wiiFfcl.r.n ' . -. . l ebroaiy s?, I40. . a. . VTOVVTnteeN a.'tTy'ni waul tUellflliV" I ell Mr. .mt f.M . I I Hi reb.29.lM0. ithekleeV.1 nPl' A?, Wines,andKp.rie. rn".fir&1 pur fbaeav ; .t sale bTC. Cai U. K..M liKKLJ'.lL ujinuuiT, I CO. SI, 4 I'J. . A LARGE Assortment jf Jcbtellerr, Knire. f Peisctta, Needloa, Thimble, cViJ c'an bo had very low, ar WbdeswK by calling ofwm . ' C. II. cV C, K. WHEELER. . February 51, 1 540. .? , - - n -..' - U - aH3e Roantnitf - aH.ae omi Barouches. GGlKSULKiES. s All with I U men and North- V era matched Ilm-sra, may be " J lad cheap, by aprdvin to v; , C",J- C-.iv, nllKELER QNH HUXWim GALIXSofV!,dor. it lCM,cdd-preaed Cactor Oilr Apply , . -i3a-aUiy, Jat8l.l19. - ... U. 4 . A-' - ' a-. ... J .' . . ' .. 1 ..m.BMSWUiW'SP'IMM I T . t . ! ' - - -'-i ' I " -A ; 1..' 1 1- .