t J . r i A V ! UN i I "i M JB CE LTANEO VST FKA.M'E. Farewell. Oxford without bead! Ormoni, Orfari. Kircwcii. doke witrewt "' ' 1 7 y litlury nf England, The moral of th late proceedtuu in Ihe French ! CliBOihe- of Ifc-puiie concerning the Duke of Ne mours' I), na'ioi Bill-, lies deeper tlmn the simple 'itin l economy'." II w not nierelythut the peo- pie do not like tr(py wi hnily for a royal limuly, but lh.it they cannot.' France it altered, film ia m longer the France that worshipped the rising (tar at veramlle. mid fluttered her chivalry Ml ' Fohtainbteau; They fcity that she is growing pfos-Xru-nius slid j-arfjful in proportion ; that h:r iiinu- Ucturing industry w rHpiilly welling into impur. tance; and l!:it ht r f-tes and sjieCiacIes are being enperVded hv the labors uf the steam engine, the. spiiininVjiiuiy mid the furnace.. Alt Ibis Iruej and this hi the very reason by site, cannot, annra . to expend rge sum far the eupport if nuuier . ,uu Block of-miiicii. She ia finding out better modes for the mventinent of capital. The trrtrtttutionH. nf France are essentially pop. ulur; all but one orUie Orleans dynasty, which is fat ileweiihii( mlu fye unpoptilurity tint cngulpb ed Charles X. The fWl of the law of prunogen. Mure, and lite hrognliortW" hereditary titles, hve woraedl miraculous change, in France. . By the farmer rrnjjiMire,, the country) no longer burthened vi!h large inheritance jrr a fesr bauds, a popubj ' tion fif younger ii billeted upon Me produce is broken &HitoWinifedttMorM0ffcmrty. 'IV re , ' raorw small farms and yiiHtyerdsui f ranee than in jtv other pirrrof hnr pe of wmilar extent, i e in (rt raHfc ermeeqiieficenl Oiei quel pertiiiof family eaiean.img wrviving children.' By be tatter . roaun, the dawling ninutiiiii,( of ariiHoctncy have beeu blotted out. awl there la no Miliar ur (rut or wMidcr fit dukes, or princes, or nmrqnW Tb whay the people, therefore, are rlvcd a' nearly m owibielo nne e'eiir .ihjl.Aj . i j r... . no roan if( jn' fir a np(!raiiim or a ti'irtior nHther deceraiiime ror title brinjj diatinction.- There U tut liMhjier lofty order of ptrpi-Wal pr. teti-aoiijreediiij the upjier, airland overnhadowitip . itl ifi(r cf pit-li-t4lHtft- )lti'ud below. Tliia eij(ht,haa boen plucfced up and caM Uxirj Ihe earth to work ont il oajn aalvation with Its own harr. Unrnnittt theitun and twarthy' crowd it ha ' then, reniam frf eMmw'irtiximl pimp and prince' ' .ly pride J The nigeaot has 'vanished-"-the' htirri rlear-iind the Biijteraiition ha pad awa . . je"hrfhrt'l'nie3'the" oriental hwury "if tdie and psmnrnMl ej.ite, , . . " Welt ha Da LnmenniaaDolied the taw of f?crii- --WffliliiJ'fStrlyl aft rVitn, iha labor'! the Ti.Wif: jf " . itanee of mau. ''He who doea not JalMir ha nnbiv a- r me fiirrhia'gSiiihiagaudfcriiie aoiloflife. "fhey - - treof ljnj(oijithkwiriH i n, VouMe. The sub division of the laiid give every man something, but pn must aet bimseit rn earnest in v.k5 it more, andjft maka it ownj-h. jTH"il,! unoeraand wa. tolerabljKplenly in these BroffN."of induatrv ia 4 a revefati. Trom ttiH pSfW. Wal, H I " neverrmjnd the- Black-- cluU'l It il( the progreasof necesmly. - So long r. .'..., ' ' ,. . . c . m ihe law of primngeRitiireniiaied there wa over much Wealth nnrl overmuch poverty aide by jiHe gord plenry and squalid want. Now there i,.or ousht to bo.iieitner; and tlio rww cnndifinn of intuit fWrces ItKiae wlio hitherto folded themselves up in secure taaVi.' to "ti actlvrly for their maim eWMr, id come itjtvn iiUu. the luiuiita t( traTic, and ind,a!', by th.iSl'Ximiilef liecoiniiion rights l.f lha ople. Tho rtoce U covered wlth ateam ing brow nobody idle new'clinnnels of em uloviueiit ardail.vjipeji!,devi'tt that he ha srtmethiiig In falvr for, and something ,; J pre?ervhe r kpo hfttr .SoyjrtqtiandiprMig for Vhows and prrrewion and ti this industrious e'u. ail anrat,.Urt.jM imenl-of subioHHWOH l.'ewt fy loHenBrau(f royalqiiarleringspxiiire. Fmiice will limea irnat Heal of poetry by all this; her im aeination may no but as hor revenue come in t but wihd natiotiaailvantagemmthnfla in eiuirrani ano ivnes i .lts JuUpp.'A'4if' -eie-4 ihtoa-, or, uiuk-ri.uiuuj. W MJUitJffr ' perete gninu to overturn them. . He cannot iNeya It bit IhniilV al ihe cost of million against (heir etui- eent fatal Hie we:iittjii'r trie peojte grow ny tneir labor, tholeiw ini:Iinalioo they will exhibit, to en - "dure such attempts upon their purse He is Ihe richest mini in LQrope, and France has already , dene more llnhi eobah f..r hi children.- - Aft . the reverses ol lor:une he bus ecn, and Ihe met " N tied eVpertrnce tiehaa had tt (ha world,, it is "strange thai lie should tAke up with avarice, thai -M- u g.sid old "Kuntlcmativice,", and -almve all, so openly and ou so expo.-J a podustat, tliat nil the wot Id ran me him with gleaming eyes and wrin' kled finger counting his rouleniis. Hi subject have outlived the cnwarrantablentemands of h igiairt; ihcy Invo even eutlivcd Ihe euioiion of in diimtior. le ram)ol even get up a Miisntinn in the cujifueion of lii-.h he rniglit carry hi point, They reject his bill Calmly, and Ihn work ot the nation goc An juat a if nothing reimrk ibl ImJ hapienr(f. ' These sign are otninous, and if he ha Hit crorige to mterpn t lliem, he will retreat fiom t'.ie jwTl ion heTias Jaken up. If not, .Tie "is nslitile.like.lv to maintain hit own safety as Ihe T)uke to aet 'his bill. 4 Wh it then will become mbMrtomlJfWwcl'Qto4 '-miilMim.immmXMMe4u ' bead! " Farewell, duke without a duchy . ... - .. .. " iTTi .1 t....... .l. 1.1.- Tetherly, of Charleston, N( H.aa indicted for atealinj horse,, the property of Juaiah WmMltnan of Nottingham. "Onr being Hk if guiliy, or not guilty," h said" they mijht i-t kim down as . guil'Ji h,be wwit into jhf t'lfn Imlge.forhe j ! ; nlg'r, nmt tinUmrH't -fifty there ,t ir mm to tip nn; ? I ' or it1iore lo eat, m look IhoJieiiHt put of pity, rode him "lip the country, where there was tray ; ' rruNigh, and Add him to 1 mnn whi would fed him , ' sveUv noi aJUrvatuiA t(v slir.ve.'. Ha thmtgM eom about -ridid -ibo. horse btn-k lo k owner, JwUbeiadc travejled a hard thatJie.wntiW rathnr ' go to Ihe Slate Prison for a dozen year than ride him ejrain diaen mite - The Court sentenced bun to three years bard hbor 111 tle c'.aia Prison. m . . a) .K i - ', -V ' A Lost wealth ,roay IteregNtncd by.a courae eyn I dustry the wrecK n ncaim epairea oy teruer, nee firgoiron knowledge restored, by atudy lieasted (riendslupanrihed into forgivene eveo forfeited repututioo won back : by iMinitenco ami srirtoe. But who ever again ookej oc-n hia varr cished honor-recalled liis alighted years, and stamp d thero with wisdom or rtlueed from HsavcnN retord thu fearful blot of a wasted life., - . V There ia notlnng which keen'y ,wmmdj a lit fje) mind, a t witnci the objects of ii je.Hiy 3almly pursuing their own concern, without the pM notiro of it puoY poying , ' -- - ' Mn. -- i..'-u-r. . ' ' '- ' . YANK II U MOB. ' ( r The fiillowitijT very hMinorowa police report, w Wh larJ in a lut wnbrf the Sii Iii - IJuJtt'tin, Will he found very a miming ; I'olict Office, A'op. 7. Abijah llemingway wa brought up from a black hole this mormnar h ' glance at his face and appearance wit oiiricient to deaignate, beyond doubt, to what genua of the ape ilea hKi he iieliMiired. The alircwd twinkle of a amall grey ee the cotlon band i win handkerchief, curiouiy twntted uboul hia loo)?, lythe nock the drilled trowmr, iiieetiii( a' mid h p with a pair of mlHtmiial bine wnollon K;kuijiH-tlirt road airiped Valencia veat, with the itnpea running dinotiaiiy ocro- the cheat and mitiii; in an acute angle at the wamtbatid the fhock of eoarae hair which bung about the forehead like a bundle of buck, wheat over a pumpkin ell Jbetrayed an unalloyed Yankee of the greenest kiml-i-to"uMe bia own ex-, preanifin, "juat picked olT tb buah." Having la keo hia aeatie rroaaed hie lege, put hi elbow up-. oo hi knee, and dropped hi ouder jaw into the palm of bia right baud, exhibiting in the nianu a- ,re an enormoua md of pigtail, wtnen ne coo titiued lo roll and twiit about ia hi mouth, while hi Ince exhibited the moat ludicrom contortion. The witiMtanea having been called up, ttaied lhat, as they eaioe down Kecond eireel last nigbt, about eleven oVIock, they beard a vcice which appeared to proceed partly from under ground, calling out for help. ; They' proceeded to the spot whence the no: an aeenied lo proceed, when Iheji'diHCoveTBrhthe , prisoner in a newly dug collar Iran, with a aegar in his oHiuth. fie had st ated lijinself on lha cor ner atone" of the new edifice, and was smoking vrv deliberatelyrfeverynowand then calling out,- Vhy the blaze don't yoo coma and help a fel low out, aome o yet If t hie is ihe way you treat stranger nut here, I guess I'll get hum as -anon aa powuhl Kut if any on you ever cum to Saeo, I kalkilaie yoii II git jease. t . r. . :. I 1.1 -a- L. . .1 A11 ,,,.1 . td tie watchman, aupwoning him either lo be drunk or crazy, lodged him in tiie calaboote. ' At this htage of the evidnee ,Mr. Jl emrningway, who bad Been lor some lime very oogeiy, urae urn u " Voii be darned I hadn't drunk a drop of nothing to aiVuK on, seoce I left dairaeider barrel in saco L" Hr wto ordered to ait flow r " Am t I gotrg to1. luivea Miance lo aay nothin I" " Presently ; keep quiet.? The other leitiniony having been go e . . .'i. . l j i . u m - t) ....... inrougn wiuituuriiig vincii snr. n ugjr nr.. up hi the confab. In honor addrewied him wilt) Well, Mr, Ahviah nfttnmingway, now we'll hear what jrou've got o sajf'for yourself." "-Wal, I WfcbSteVr'ihn'irir Uil 1 dew think lhene"re follora Ihiil been jobber. ing to you are the nreateat w no bad word, sir. virtve wiwernvrnv t yrre"iri- Ttere mo ywi nrnw1 froin.Li? -VVv iow, Squire, if yxm wont qnili'- wheel about, I'll tell you te whole conaarn. You I hain't been here but aoprifew diva, and I do i't kere how Boon I git away. .1 had a few notions to dispose on, and I, thought rhnuld find a pretty good market here amongst I he lilnckfoet Indians, r. Icet Indiana. , Where did you comerVomT" 'Now, Squire, don t keen puttin on me so, you apile my ' story Wat, aa 1 was sayin", there s a .feller -that I got acquainted with, invited me td go to the tlieatre. 71 didn ( know exactly what he meant, but 1 kinder thought I'd go, any how ; amf went . according. Sich, Squire, you bainl no idea!" " Well, wall, never mind ell that answer my (yf-' lion ; where did you come from T who are ydut . . , . . , ...... a v. am-M- raw u -. . ... wnai are ynu aoing nere t - leu me at once. Now don't, Squire I What'a- Ike use of getii ingV in n passion, ami putting mo out so olleo J Wal, F w a"s any tti rweiiT" To ;ibi"herre7and Squire' S :u cau.i guoaa jabat ,fieithea4.hWw'Nlt ':- there jest about half dreised, and the way the jtUdLhtakeJiPt L''g j'nd. twked aro' ..flyf Qua4.waa, nQ.btiainesa lo nobody, now 1 tell you, I I'hon Ihere ' wa feller come out in hia night cap and a calico " gowu:j)ut he stomjied and Lollercd aa if he got : reaHCdup lo kill, inspickand fcpiin new broadcloth. toim-win ana pneino th-roir u.aii,'iia nsenr mniiM'iil, if vou please , ill you give me some account of -yrtursolf V - W'at, Squire, 1 kalkilaiauJ: I will. ; You know, then, that by the by, Squire, do you tnnw where Portland is, way down in Ihe sitaio of Maine T"" wYe, well. go on.". " Why, I diJn'l come from ihere ! But there 'a a place in Ine Mine Sta'e' called Keuncbunk ;, I pnoee you nM w ; wt at w wf nmt w r- 1 ee, Yea, thausjuj w rttvi t v ;e TjJi3- pra yen mi. 1 011 say yuti came Iroin Kennebuuk 1 u"No, -I don'l, Squire, execjl v. , If you must know all abobt it,' I'll tell, you.- My name is Abijah Humminguay, son of old deacon Ezra, Hemming wny.of 8e.o, Maine,' -Tliey cull me, principally. Long Mi jo (iyr shnrtiiesa I've got asmier earning her four petica a week in the cotton' factory j and I've got a 0mimUi in Ltiwetl, aiwl another in these, parts tnewhcrethnt I expect baa turned Mor. inon 5 and I've come ouUicre to see about her, and ! try to git her backhand went tike ft darned fool to the theatre, and in trying to gtt tew the tavern where I put up, I felP slarij into the mud, and if theae ere darned crittersaayI warnt aa sober a a doacoii.'they I won't ay IlieyKe, but if they don'l stretch the tnckcring oat of be truth, Fll be gosh darned lew blate. , Thai's what I've aot,tuy. uf; ,'i "fc mo nn't." Go way, air, and oMrtirraytpt tike darned I HnitM jmii viuniiiii up nij tjutHinr cf mill irow-". 1 sera. "lioawav.iur. inawiv. S.r mo rrv 'snake. rmrc) 'l "at, rguojs I will. -Gnnd day, Souire j if.yoa i.-w. .......V ...... ..... .-r jj. , HIMIi With a whole kin I" Ari4- Alnj.ih Hitrininwnv stalked out of llie ofTwe. -k tt is slid a man will live one hundred vesra hisown new sjiaper. Try it "A tatch waa Union In lha pit ot the Djiera in wc shall itiHtantlv ascertain where it is. The thief, terntv'd at this, vodeavrired to escape, and by hia agilnliou discovered himself. " "v. - -7. - :'; Rare, -wfusct of Cvnjygnl' AJtcHorv'l a Case, before a New Vork Court, a Woman, a wit- ne, swore that she had nrtcr 11. tifht of ,hrr hatband for twtlte hirnr togtthrr, at ang one time, either dnj or night, during a peruid of JSfy jreor:.: :ir r A .t ' TIaeVri SomcWy deacril tinder to he a thin rag, such aa the modern female dress, intended to Mich tparki, raise asirr. and Ifghl up wuitchtt, , ii Jlmutifu!.-k deaf and dumb person being ? Pari f fb toaer enmplatrrf'irt tf.VfOflffurr Tt i? . .... . . . - ' . . pany, take this method to intnrm those interexted. ilia t mi," It is just seven ; irr rfew minute, my watch th8f Uin6 lw , npo Z wilt. strike, ihawmaNajrrmand by thaXfwaiy w yncMjrfJand. beJoMring4 aaw Casaaana. sttua. asked what waa hia idea of f5trgivene!, took the pencil and wrote" it ia the odor which flowera v'iclit when trampk-d on." . , . .j-?1 . , ..... - ".. ' ' '. '-' . . ,' v.'- V r I)It.(J. 15. DOKJLAS A rA if AS removed hm Ofi"e to 1 . ..Jl te Olhe How of the Ma".'"" Hotel, lately occupied by lr. H. Austin. !anuary'l7,lM0. , Hit. tr.A.MIEIS KILMAtf, RF-SI'ECTFULtY oiler his profesiooal service to ! the citisen of HdialHiry, nd the eurron ruling county. Ilia office u, Mr. Wef new brick-build-inp, nearly oppueite J. A. W,'Morphy'tore. . Salisbury, N. C. Augurt ). sr.. r.. ? 2 isiiw --o -, HAS Located lnmJf at Col.' Uavia Ramaev's. Oaklev Grove, Iredell coon- tv. N. C. and respectfuIlK lenders bis serv ice to Ibe public- in thearioua da part menla of bi profession. January 1U. ie4U. . . I MOFFAT'S LIFE PILLS BITTERS rpiIE IJFB GIVING FILLS. AM) PHUSM JL IJITTtRSreo celebrated, and so mucli used by the afflicted ut every part of the country, is now re. ceived and for sale by the Subscriber. . 0KES 6i BtXiEtt, Agents. Mesar. Spaiaue ti SaAaixt, ia Concord, N. C.,r also Ageuu for the ssmc.' ' i P. 8.; Bee advertweinent April , . m HORSES FOR BALE. PAlft of YOUNG well broke NORTHERN HORSES, and a SINGLE NORTHERN TROT TKU lor Bale by v'! JOHN L SHAVERv Salisbury, Dw. 13, 1939.- CABINETWORK. (2 l.rr?- THE Subscriber informs the public that be continues the CabinrtVTInLIng ! lluines, . IN THE VILLAGE X)V LEXINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. lie i prepared to execute all descriptioria of work in hia Iiim of buatneaa in-a veryjHruoratyle.aire garia workmanship and materiala, aiiTcertainly on lover termi than is afforded by any other estab lishment of Ihe kind in this legion of country. Order from V distance thankfully received and ftfruupilyjinCwitbM Produce, Scantling and Plank taken in exchange for work: NATHAN C. PARKS, Lexington Feb. 7, 141). , 9 NOtifc, Pjopoaal wl be received mini the 15th of April next, for. building two BRICK BUILDINGS.' for the use of the Poor of Rowan ciiiy.T5J feet in Ihe clear ; the other to be fitly "two feet long by eighteen in the clear, one etory high.' For fur ther particular of plan and conditions," apply to Uamel H. Creaa and Jobn Uoughenour, contractor for the Board ot Wardena of the Poor. - Salisbury, March 0, 1840 30 4 w for sale,;: (f)f SACKS of Liverpool Salt 5 ' ' Sugar, Codec, and Molasses;; " - 6 boxes of Sherry and Madeira AVitie; ' 1,000 lbs. fine and common chewing Tobacco; - 4,dozen grass Scythes ; : -. . -Hot. Anker Botlirig Clotba aiid Screen Wire, By CRESS 6c BOGER. Salisbury, March 19, 1840. . " Poeket-Book Found, t- fo't ,wo v"'eJs aince, between tfge Road, a POCKE I -BOOK, containing some valuable papers., The owner can have it (on an. pliertiion tot be subscriber) by de?rrbmn t heaame, and paviiftr, lor thu advertiHement. - ' . . uii 1 1 111 n-roini Mrckyille, Feb. 7. 1840. -r r v' rpHRSwWetWf tepsWlaiitlrtm'haTid,'i geticr- V 1 anHH-iiiiuiji ui '," READY MADE 'CLOTHING," lor Gentbiinen' wer, such CT$rih(alo6nt, and rrsri, 01 goou - . - , , Goods; 4' well mad and fashionable, He is also ore pared to cut. and. mae clothing injhe twtt fathwnable and iuruLU aiyks a s4 wr ssMtoi to ai- Hrln, keeps-a' good sortmeut of Cloths, Cassinwrciand Vestin" ol the first qualities, Selected by himself in (he New Vork Market, all of which lie will anil low for Cash. . - r' N. R . He still continue io.tooh the art of Cutting garments on the rriont pnmved plauof the best Tailors ill iNew luraand ruilailelplna. V' - ftT" Cutting for customers done on the shortest no tice, end ordeas Irom a distsnee attended to with Ce. spalh; (Cr nil shop wilfbe found in Mr. Cowan' I k. . . M 1 . I) L' . f o Ktn.iuu To tho Public. rpHE Subscriber takes thi method of informingthe A public, that he still continue to carry on the bu siness of - . - '-..., n -'- rPTTIVP-CTfiVP - N , . I'll HilUTiJlUitllJ, s ususl. at 111 Granite Unary.' seven miles Smith of PWLlf.'S-W V.MrJwton,.toaUv.berAba, ia. suie taupuiy u .oroers , mr jhh-M "I-1 1 lb bust grit, ana on tho honest notioe. . . x . . -- .' -als- ; '. ' '- ' :.', for Sale, it the West prices, 'J yl-f - 4 WI.VDOW. SIIJ.S, POOR PtLIil, DOOR STEPS, t UULiUlt HUlLlllu KUCH8, TOMBSTONESt I GOLD GRINDERS, 4c. Ac &c ' 7 7 J. HOUL8HOUSER, Stone-Cutter. Ss!iriry.'Ct&5th.l ' , i if - N. B. Order for sny of the sbnve wrouirhtBrti. clcs, directed to me at Salisbury, will be punctually at- nded Us. J. IL 1L npIIE PuWriber, in" conformity o reeent liurtructmrta saw CewiBanvftrna. ted in Davulsnn Conaty, will be prosecuted acoordinir 1 1-.. -t .i f - - . . O JOHN WARD, Agent ' Davidson, April 18, 183a .. - " ' '. '- LANDS:'- ' ' : .' Tract, No 1 conuining 88 acres, lying on tbe ronr milebranch. ' - 2 eontiimng 90 aerea, lying on the wa ters of the Flat Swamp. , s- - 3 csitatine 8.HII0 acres, Ivin? on Lick ; creek, Fist Kwamp,od YsHkio River. 4 conUiniag l.fBO, lying on Flat Swamp conuinipg HH7, lying on IJck creek. ,7 containing 1.412. lying oa FlstSwmap. f-contining m lying on Lick creek. 0 containing 601 r Iving on Lick creek. IO-7 containing fm acres, lying on Lick 9 J U k una 1 ii nwanip,. , i W- etining, IJXL, lying en Lick trcek. , 1 eontaiaing Ifill, located on fmir mile branch sad Jacob creek, adjoiuing tiie Lead mine, - s Salisbury Female Academy TM1E Troste'ea of the Salisbury Female Academy - inform the Public, that this 'institution is now under the care of Miss EA J. Bakeh, a young, lady in whone literary qualifications and capacity for such a situation Ihey have perfect confidence j and who ha hitherto laughl Music in this and oth er neminane wnn enure saiiBiatnuu. Tenia of TuitioiuFot beginners, per session of five months, - , - 9 U or the Rudiments, with Grammar, Geo-. arranhv. and History, ! . - 5 ou . The aliove, with the higher branches in the i literary department, !. i , usic, on thePiaiio and Guitar, 23 ? Painting, J 1U UU Ornamental Needlework, and the making Wai , Flowera will also be taught, if desired, at 5 each.. N. B. The French Language ia also taught, to those who desire it, by a gentleman who ia a na- live of France. By Order of the Trusteea. - T. L. COWAN, Cliairman. February 28, 1840. - 1 27 V Grandiired fty the AMERICAN ECLIPSE, the CkammoH of Amcnca rrmaef of t Aa . m , . n .1 . r . ...... ; trrear mate nace,in jroria again ( , lAr South $ 2 0,000 andcf ' s THE THOROUGH-BRED HORSE, BRED by Col. WadV Hampton of South Caro. lina, will make hia soCond Season at Saliibury, which commenced on Me ultimo, and vill end r on the 20th of Jane next, a25 the beason, and 940 to insure, the money to tie paid aa soon aa the Mare ia ascertained to be in fuel, or the property . . .. ll r sf' changes owners; and fifty centsvto the groom,- (Or Mare lent from a diatanceVill be well at- tended to, and fed with grain al 3(rcenl per day. U lliuvn iiiai wivu ft, hiii. n ifjitiiBitmi gratia but in no inatance will 1 be resnnnsiUe Tor . I . 11 til t IXTrfl acciiieoia or escape. ; . vuiiu. Salisbury, N. C, March 13, 1840. V28 r I Certify that LATH a bred bv me,nnd that be wa loaiea in me spring ci iva. tie was got by Godolphin, bia dam Pocahontas, by Sir Atchy t nta granoaam ioung lottery, also by tixts Archy, out ot vol. Hingleton celebralBd Lottery, by imported Bedford out of the imported mare An. vUlimi-iGWpbiii, waa g ot by lidipse; hi lam" Sylph, by Ilaephestton out of Lottery by.impqrted nefliora, vc. liaBpnestioo waa got by the import ed uuzzarq put ot the dam of air Archy.. : U CESCRIPTIOX PERFORMANCE. . it iii : - e. . - ... . ar un.ui ui'.e onw, wimout wnno. ia hands a idcea high, Vith good bone and capital action." At Kl, .f f'Co. tunianwodOcat., beating Mr. Taylor1, filly, . Diiiay, and Captain Spann'a coll, Convention, nine other paying torleit. iwo week allerwarda he won the jockey club purse, three mile heat,' at Augusta, beating Kite and distancing Black Bird At Charleston, he waa beateo by Clodhopper foa the jockey club purse, three mile beats ; being very mucu amiss, ne was urdwn aiicr me oral liebU At 4 year old, he, won the jockey club purse, four mile heals, at Camdon, beating Sir Kenneth and Dorabella at three beats; losing the first in conse quence of bolting-when several Icngtha in advance of-the field, just before be reached the Judges' aland awMfrg mmg ewtatigtcrf mngat tea rri'af ges, he sustained an injury which occasioned hi withdrawal from the turf. . ' :',.. lialluaji.a,jrACftllgxseCJ)lJr he evinced-10 his trial with BHTiJaria, Charlotte Russe, and Kitty Heth, and rtiTWrTit of blood he ia inferior lo none, whether imported or native. His cwietitiiticwmboWft) havthg bevJT'tjeerrSicr and hi temrrjgo(id.H!Sj:o speak for themselves. In a word. Lath uniTes" in TjimslTa" man'jLnia topublic patronagea aoy ypiing.piNinon inai 1 Know. -y ----- WADE HAMPTON- T WillwoOdrJar. ti, 1 83th From the above certificate of Col. Hampton, who bred and had Lath trained for the Turf, it will be seen that he considered him a race horse of the titf?9t&mJbm hm -meo.V tioned as having run publicly, but from private tri als he has made with horse which are now on the Turf, and running with considerable succes. It will also be observed by hia certificate, thai he considered Lath of the purest blood not to be upasaed by any horse, imported or native, . , ' ; I 'contlder it entirely unneceaaary to attempt to 4 ruingisB ijam, eiiuer lor ni penornmncea ou tho". Turf or as to bia blood, aioce in every respect ho is ao'wcll attested. 'But will remark, that Lath baa not only descended from pure blood, bot .hss " come from stock both aire and grand-sire, dam and grand-dam, that are of Ihe running blood. . For instance, bia aire, Godolphin, made hia four miles ia 7 minutes arid 50 Kcouda; Jiia irrand-irerlhe- J American Eclipse, ao well known at Ihe north and soutn, mac-e nia time in me great match re, the . ntMlh against the aoulh, laO.000 aside, in 7 min utea antf 87 eeeoodsf which Eclipse Won wiih con. aiderable eclat;This Tace gained him the' iiiemnT rablc "name of the champion of the north; li s ' dam sired by the renowned Sic Archy,'whose re- nutation as a racer, &c, statida unquestioned, both in England and America ,Tle grand dam of Lath," Old Lottery )tred by the great ami I hern Imoteur of horses, Cof. R. Singleton of South Carolioa, has . produced morefine race horses than ny other mare in ihe Union. Thua, it will be seen that there it united, iri Lath two of the best stud in the. tmtth; llatnpttat'a and Stngtctuii'ij'TroSsc'd Willi . Gen. Coles' of Ihe north. t " . u , . iC , .. The public ia now presented with such anoppnr- tnnity of improvinst the blood of that. tobUs..aoe usoful 'animat, the Horse, aa rarely occurs in this ' section of country. And the public can have in addition, in a shnrtJiine, the opporlomTy-of judg ing more satisfactorily of Lath's blood, &c, by his colts of last Spring's get, as it is expected there will be many of them dropped bv mares in fhi section in a few days. As a sure foal-getter Lath stand almost unrivalled, aa ia proven by hi last Spring' services so few of the large number of mares put to him not proving in foal. 1 L ; . ' ' R. W. L. N. B. Mnrca sent from a distance wilt alwav find Lath kt home, a he will not be removed from hia stable in Salisbury, under any circumstances, during the Season. . , , March 13, I40. ' MITCIILESS SANATIVC.' rIHS invaluable Medicine ii for sate by tiie suWribcr.at Jlilledgeville, Mnnt.mnierv c., N.C. . . W. E. El RAGE. Febtuaiv II, ISiO. ' ' r Great Western Stage Line, FROM SALISBURY to ASIIEVILLE, N, Q. TjHE aliove line i now in full nper-itirn,aid ar- rive at, and departairoip Sutixbury as follows: . Leaves Salisbvry on Mnndiiys, Thiirwliivs, and Sttiurdaya, al 6 o'clock, A. M. ; and arrive at Ashville next day at 8 o'clock, P. t' " Returning, leave Ashville on M.mhUvs, Tliur. UIJV, Bill! uniuiunjv, m v vipKi ! IVI.' anO af. nvea at Salwbury next day at n o'clock, P. M. - a. BFNcrsi, R. w.,LO;. N. B. Paengcra reaving Raleigh, N. Ciw itHBiivioc, i oinicoacuf win iiiiu ny ueiay wnatevi .:n f ,:n c.j , '" on una rouio. , .- n. ot iv. vi, i ivi .t ... . k n ik ... Salisbury, N. C, Jan. 3, 1840. tf M.-aiisu. iswiiii 1 i a .. i. , , mtm tw '."' !- -irf :' e :w .is. iii ii k a.s, aw4aiiiurr. INFORMS the'public that he atill csrries on an' " , Eitublishmeni of the above kind In C'HARi.urrr Nirth Carolina, a few door south of ihe Min Having, a he conceives, a thorough knowledge 0f ills uubmic-ib, na iccib iiu iiraiwiiuB hi assuring lhsje : who may wish lo patronise him, llmt their, work ' almll be done in the very best style, strong, and oq ' accommodating terms (, - w ".,'.' ? i ' Books and other article sent from a distance to , ; be bound, will be promptly attended to and care. . fully returned when done.-. The public are request. td to give me a trial. V" . ,'. A . e ' , ' - a OCT Order left ai the Wesfbrn Carolinian Of. - " mv lice will be runctmilly forwarded (br completion. Charlotte, Feb." 7,1 8407 1 . "7" .-r An Impostor ! 4 ' IlfE most sincerely regret, llmt cases of hypocri. y o ollon occur among the clerical ranks-. and we hope the M wolf in sheep's clothing," named in the following letter,;, from Mr; Mayhew, Vilj r.f v ' coiva hi jut desert f ijn)Oijii.4ipore4be"m' '; ti :i - . 1....1'.' ejr. X N V munity, ra,a oiro aiong, urotner typos, llmt tie v . i may be held up to universal Contempt, and thu av . t , many irom uecoming nis oupes. , r 1 , I;:3J'i;:::YiIi7'ptSccmt!Cf..l7I93ll. Sih: Although I am tHH pet aonally acqiuiiiite'd " wit b yojj, I. trutt, wJW perceiyc the ohw of my letter, you will exausetlio liberty I take in ad- dressing ynu, It ia possible, you may not be aware. A . thai a man,,by the name of fcrioa L. renwick, now ro thw ciiy, (formerly a "Biipltsr preacher, nnd fe4 T nul tarty known to the C4tiisena ot ftlwiroe County - v aa the V Reiertnd Impottor ,") ia manufactuhng t i ' of whicb,VJ perceiv yww4 Agii , hve every ren to bolicvo, air.'ihat Mr. Feo J1 wick ia an unprincipled man, aa he, was, not lonrV . aince, depoeed4om the miniairyjfor taking on. t 1 warranmoie nueniea wfim memner 01 jiis cnurch ; " , I, therefore, a the enemy of knavery, feci autious , . that he, should beapeedily exposed, let tratny of4' ' my fellow.citbtcna Htiuild be defraud by huooul- w of their money, if ;iot iheir character.' I d.iem .'- it tna cotiscieutioua duly pi every roan',' to eipose villainy and vice wherever and whenever he metis v it.Itesides, air, wtiK'her consideration should ' prompt me to ronke ki.,.A tot voti the alwive facts: from a -wasting skeleton Wjerfect henhh m.d thai, loo, by the simple means of using one vial and i a half of the MaichlcsV Siinalive, which 1 bought at--ttW;firOTdwnyftif-CrFTa lor tnw city; ueiievingf that you ill duly appre ciate the motive which have inddcod me to ad- dreaewlhv)-wiceTemvomVio9ryran you will take the earliest steps to expose to the twW thslmnotreilwiefe7tbe aehV-r "-SirT-vgfTrespw'iruny; X ' J."P. MAYflEWr Dr. David 8. Row lamC Boston, Mai. ' V T.SvrrJWrJyueillifl.k'axehaJsaJ)( iffjr i, lyw juui vm, win nana you una leuer, anu, a' j you oesire, he will give you a more detailed, ae- count of Fenwick, than it would be possible Or cut to oo on paper. . -, ; j. p. Jl., LOOK OUT ! Look out ! I look" out for an IX FAMOUS KNAVE,1 by the name of EN03 . L.FENWK;K.o New York, who waa formerly! BAPTIST; PREACHER, and better known' to.. the ciiir.en of Monroo County as the REVER END Impostor,'? the -ouiie villian, wta."r was dismissed from the pulpit, aomutnne iiice, Cr improper conduct, is now rerldering himself gill more infamous, by wickedly aliempiing to imnotf. not merely Uion the Church, but uimllie WHOLE , COMMUNITY. , ' A few month ago, thi Scoundrel wrote to lb subscriber at Boston, and wished lo be appointed aruueuLjLr iha slo-ol" jlMiobls iiostivt--l-Tlie General Agent, not .knowing, hia depraved character, gave him an agency, and Arwatded " him a quantity tf the medidne. Thia he anea uliL and icuuuwl the rmmey.aml ordered .su'b. ar lot, whica waa aeut about one month aince. To avoJd any aimpicimj a to the rfra of bi ap plying Cr en agency, or lo conceal bia Cfoeea Foot," be made a partial KmitlsncVof lira aalea ot the last tarwdy'Wdaye'a with Utter Ajonimrn, the General Agent learnt that this Reverend DeWtver ia now impiously man uf'ic'uring wilh hisown unholy hand a worihksi medicine,-r-a Bpuriaus Sanative, which be i en pioymg swinoung periicra to palm upon tne puunc rnv-TemanrTJriginal. 7 : (XT If the people ol America will only bear om faet in mind, there is nol even a pouibilUn of their being duped Jy (bis .unpriuciftUd. Uluia ,Tba.-, tact 1 mi: K3" Pedler or tronfllinr Agew hat ever been empL'ued in thit country to trll thi JSanatioermlo Vetree-tr mM any -jwrion te-artf Hwaaiitwi.jj Again, every Agent of Ihe true Sanative, ia apjiointed by the General Arent, and receive the medicine directly from tht Drpodl' ry in Boston. v " " ) 03T Let all who buy the Sanative, (and almott every body doe buy ii.) remrr.brr the aborfifor" and they may be rurt of obtaining the Genuine Or igwal Compound. OO-N. B Every Agent ol the Mstchhrt 8aa ative, i rarnetilf desired to give an immediaf alarm, hy having thia article inserted one jnonm i i all the papers ,in their Jowns. And that lb General Agent may be certain that the public are put pn the Look Out for the Impottor, he will kin Iv'thank all hia Agent to forward him a copy e.ich paper advortised in, at toon i po$ible. t V I). S. ROWLAND, General American Agent," Depoailory N". I1-' Dec. 20, 1830. , Washinglon St., Bw1" ,r--': tr