V MAIN 1 -Tin two m 7 iinno otitm bx the cu.xtrnoTio.t, Nog f rohibitiso it to thr states, arc rwrived to the si a res rripkctivelv, ok to thr rvirt.it. Amtndment$ to Ike Constitution, Article X. B. AUSTIN & C- I NO. XLVIII, OF VOL. XX. -(Whole !o. 1038.) SALISBURY, N. C, BUY 15; 1840. . Editor r.ad Irfj;rk'ltr. i ii im a m The WerrKKi -C.iti.iiAa it. puiiiart!fi -rwrw Fhubiu, 1 at$2 per annua, m advuiici.ut a2 iili, J'nur tiii iu ii three rorimM rn " !l"- rn injKrnmrt. .so taper will a discoiiimufid oiiiil uli iirwttntptMim dual,. It tlie ubscrrbar worth I'm aittatre tiumnuajiil Jin itul- ure tt) notify Jiutwreiit wwiiT&ilwcmUniiif. atltutbC ! M buxth before the euti of flic weur iuKiritiil tbs, j ,ll tje-COlttiuetou Eupij-Hlimiu, , . ' I .. fry AivrtitemnUt cotwjiwuauB'j BiiL'iEtrrMBri vrted at 1 par minaTo--iil'.i!;li , ikies. litis sowd tyH' 1ur''e hmi 4ikHir;ijjji.iuit5iuunti: each Mitiuuuce; Cuuti, rnaii Juuuiaii mii-arm-tuen' 583 P" tober liura tiaiibiwi-atttuti. Adtw-j. - iuciMJft uf ii'ij ijwr went, ftum rilie fibular arums. hJB. U made to yearly uUvartwnHi. s2r &iWiMraanq tjat iu fur iublictiiii.tuiu4t ttstHHiKi! mitUiXuu buio-!-tier of uinmluma deairettVnr tlnj iV, iH'tUL..imL Uil. L fcrfcid, and chrjttf fduisjt.c ..?-.', .'. jj. ' To encore attention. all teuiwaand!tU,ai;Eii-H vm on biismoMi, muni i fr tf 'J'mtnm, . 4 J ' roHical ,B!"j9.rBWl. ." - j, " LIKE OIIIERT tPClKUj T SXILIUUtB tTJUUM'. ; TliEALXTLU. JLlKite ' "I hear 'the. spenb of the hiiUiff ilitiiC, ThuU callntt tin chilnrmi a hu)im' Jatiui MutluT ! oh, where tli'tl Ttuitnia Uim Shall we nut v.t'i. tt. itutt wtit-p uitiiuitt1 li it. wltoro the fi jwor uf litt urorir innT ml tht ia'-flt rluiior lhrnn;'li tiifinifiti dtuimni" Not thdri', not ltmrt:, ijiy a;Uu, .'" " - . It) it whure Ihe fcuthrrypitin rwi "SudThe tlatT"crowi riper '.uutiinr aiinig ka? r mid.t the "reeii wiuutih ill j-llUirmfwatth W'ticio tlie trujraut iutw (mriHnit tin -rtntnw Amtd atrSTrftv irrititliiiUx: on tiuiti stttrrj j.Eji-rtaaf.i!'tt-iJrf.rh 'f "'i r'h" j uinijdBimiK ' ".iU thert,Tiut tnere,anyctiitri:.m ' :; t i Ai T.t t ww stitrulf in lum.ti sMirrtnai iiiil h Wltfre tlte rivers wtnuWor ,rT rm. ' " "rWrw"4helkiirHiirSisa And the diammid Iiliie up ilK'irmn mmiu, j And the pearl .'luaius ftirih Frnuj -tltt aonJ turmiid' mnm 4wirieWwwt',wtiWf 'Www "ttwrnmif , ; ..!. I r P ' .'ot tltere, itol 'thwe, oty iihuil f lire halh not seen nty f m.ilt btg , ' L-f- -hutU Wtt -htSfTd TtB Hi!i iii!jf tlfiiivr itreniwcaanal ptnttrr a .wiirltl sniun ?'-ifro and ticalit ilia) itul iiiiliTiliiHii-; Time d. th n(rl lnir'liemi lit lunciu Jjim Far Unyond thf chtutW ttnil Jtt'Vimil litt'luu. lLisjJierA JlJ JJtoreT4HyHlJ,' AI IS CEL LA. OCS,: ' - ,l t fiiiiall fiHluug 'iiiuge tin Jluuih Biuuiitrt, tluiro is Uill suuwm Hi sne-tii a durwiiuih wnau: ' u;t)i;cl tv litueh aiteutuni wiiile Iu lUiiiiliHUiatiuoiiut! oi a aiuguldr IV-Miid dliuf rcIiMi.- !tn it .in.lt niTwiiilr 4mU a kind Jiearuut jfufluw, k.Ut. UitiftuuiUit uiu h. iut ubUilUiiM,4Ulll tlMi .llltllfU UIHHtMltolli l'ir citeertuUteW iluiinj e-vory (liiiruii jmfl piutur-j' w -hi n wiuier, as 3ad fi.ilm'liien was aiu.ioi wuu Ui good-naiartid Wtm, wife lgr tttqe Bjvrattir wo' i 2. . i' U 'i.. ...Jl ... d KViiKOlieu irom a ituiibuhu mac uiui-iuiia ol i OuU. umt a Mtraiiyr tiiit jjiiL tit . wutj Hal ltlite cuuid be dtsliiiuMiitul aiiutm uli hiasThue. .i tiure, as he wore a larf tktfk 'liuuu,, wttiu:i !). i .1 .-..nirivrri 10 null over Iim linuti Httnt lllir ;.- ' U.ai!i:or. and want amigtita tiOtf"t-'L LI JrJfc..- Jsmhim j -ss :,-tt-i miT. crm.'.-.i us KiW wnaiislnii 1"..'. .. ... ...7 A . M.ix M.aw..nw.rfnrrf taiulheu.f bull ui alratil WMurejimur wtufc ho Imr;. "crnrtr(""sniiU;T. TUttu ainrun Iluva-f i . i.-u v-.-.-- - i - n . ..r. iMiiir.. 1 1 1 liny iiiitv t-titi i i i ii ii wmi. in a short -tttite -af.erw.aTik, -Tdtiwil I11 oi Miuiiuw ! -Heeomg plseo. ' 1 n tlie uioruttip, ns lui- ant jibiui' lit in ids Uausl,'thuadie'J Uiins'fiuia-uwiib;!; leas for you, my gd !rntd,?itrikitiit' 'iui 8 am p; but of tins be assured, 'Until cuu mrc uiT.u grattk- lui ; fur when the Ticli and tlie iowbuU lunaaii: tnn A night froia Ibfir iiiHimjnuiute guiiynn wlkj t .tiite mie as a matt sfcouiat wta-nnte-nimi jcin' Religion. fluid tW, theronre,by (his sheet an kHareU with aa oyt4il 4111 4ti.ate-tttaititi.tt tfewtfi-U ajlur (Jj ,apiiiie religion. Tou will often want lu iu the slurut. -. 1 iant tturae 4MMiea. . . Je-l ,t ,n the time '' danger, the storms and feints . lyi lmt nm, linsw o-Hiiwaj stbidi aegitit.r"-uf iri7 Chermh true religion Mrecisrry ris you N.iw tvehaiken twrianilj tiitlatiC putt tmujAL will tfy. with abhorretWe ami cunlempt, aoperstj. f.iiih in these itroimttm, but mill tte mttMiijin itltie-;i ,, and eiithuMiism. Th first ia theWforJion t.tl;-vt jtan to muBrtriaJ ol mem - aiuiarcuaiinjy, .' toau to CoiiMOtir Jiow tie tUiouu: J;i Out. 4uautuw J.tu Wdsanuu whtiiia1Xtt4ir'ueuiiiliiitiitiHtV4c aud was Cuiueined jwjUi Mte -IB ihie un wthtuii i lie had beeu brought up. Hu iaitt, tlie wok -to. wui; sdUaiied with In Bituatiun, atua Uic SuUi awn Um t;wiriiinwn"teriieBrilBj-mi Hi iuiww; f- "us exi-nence but, Hia ihe ejoiitruTj-, Hiufl w wiry. nuctre tt l-th uf uddinj a tew wumrs to tihiktr w'iiKffc( he was detuned to live- 1 In inwe irmr m- win .:' c. . .it 1 iL. ..r.i'....n ;....rfa. ;' 1 ',1' l -If IITU T T i..l III. .W. ..I. 1. t.'.W llti.!!. l.ftV years loiii'er ttiati iiitture 4ta nt-ssmitil: . --- . '1. 14. lj. " . m be j.-rtej'' cnediiie itTungfre. . tin was iHiuliit" ln "braiu ita aarunti aMint ua - hL-trioagtrt into tnTtrra neHrrur manim uti tin IHlie gSrUCn, TIUU OtTjtl trtJIJUlJIiym .i.-".iiiinu,iii wtrp -.1.. ....... fl !MU.,.u.u.in .irt' M.i.' t..i' IW4M ! t i.. ... .11 i !.. .11.... ni.ll ..a J null, iw :tun liw nuiuii tom im..... aart grievous dini'poniiiiitt ul nft jiwiett, l'lror , niy second w otti, grain tiuil sa hMtwnr cuaii my. pear-tree ahull not have iiowtq-iii itw iti aim m Itniiisaiini tie linen.11 , - ' , This was also aa-eiited in. Tiinhuliiini aw an t!' th liekabur Wing, is in ecsiacies with a cou her nm. and hkod tn rt flowu miil ouuit wait, hia"' olu uf beauiiful feet he saw th other day, bctuug- 1 wife of uekeiio.pi Ua i!4 3iiMttiiib. uVJ : t s JiiMiiiii bi.iftv' iiifcr,ii.Siiliwiiiwiiliiir!ir 1 . D m.ll lltleil jllllllMUl Itfi l!r.Ul.illKi,ll.lt.illlWII1WIIIIIU - . . . ., that the JtadMly teavd tt ssr mm ttwifSiWh-i.l" BottAliirtattBTHni than the girl has one oT the r;ght Kind of motuer, Nothing disturUod Inm m.uuh m txm,n h rat ftorau. A- the lenut.riil creature unied a cor - Wis fti-ntrri.itiiirt if ii.ju.i1. If . Ttn tmnwiin . rence uf the nuiaaucu. atli tttwn wttiMuS. sin , he anpruacbad close To lte truni;!jr. .miti in llnv approacwa cloaetouite wunr!,.mn. im sm, . .1 .1! n hitpet told bun bit toiri sand UsaS wuni.:" Than .m her children, ami alt will not allow ymi 10 uckp, wist(e. u ttlariy , w,,, ut or gretri Wl, hoever tat is jmflicutswtiBwiiu!liiV eraVnn your dear little toet in piece of kid skin, j col,teoilht he should have full liberty to in not be able to noeift iff mtil tiutulil! Iimuib-.; ami rfuui open tha way for cold, cough, '"f1ugej. hit preference to ejihcr color. All I re hiui so to order. The wwh amui atgwtttfl ar ;; tmtarrhis consiimpttists, iuflu:oz.iB, and all imagi- j mn Jltttt w,. 1 cn lo pay him a traveller, who, after nny fmidHjrar'Bd oa. nahiwand unnnauinablo diseatws lo ereeji into frienflly vUit at the Mand, he will not Ink tn to his way. Yeart 'itistad mi. ,utt aj ,Ib Uw; syattftn, nor d.s she wish yo to lay 8 crop o n,, and molasses children I n ' wishea htd tm fully ri liM, & 4itstss: , tmrrw to. fnrf ovea th ktlanca oi jr.mir Ufa, to aitoil . . . ? . - ,, , ' . , thietaa ia httm,irf to aaife'-iia'teB tiiv.'TiB-! ,miiitemi-r and makeyooblow vour'husband when baked nstrr.--1 ho New lork airomcle t.m. t.:...4.i-.:-lm.f.n Sitinof huHhsads. we are noiisiaiea that Justice l.loodgo-!, tin attempting to ar- ity wtwld he Iklatfied nr tnarie niiniie-tr.. V hap- KIM. I UU 111 II1J VIWH . t-.w b. ' I -P ' - M.lT. . ... . .. - pe-d that the birth-day tit 3je iwtuirnaii. Md! mi i were the annus. They er iflituri" 1nl,fjr rm u ewrmnf ef iflu day idul inatle him 79 years, and Mietjn lit yem of agJ, whtm the unxm lUut wi glutting Cmni!i ,tli wimluw ofliie hut acemed suddmily to lw tsximgtiished, and the tam rushed down i lie dark eiimdtt iuii liw glaring mi I ho Burfiice uf tlic ocesn, uvr wiiicli Wits iruj art uiliLintr.il culiuitpsci, 1 tlitiuch the akirs Bwnimt to be metered by" the wuiit.H, md went houviugonvrati with their- mighty av uf vlouilik ' Sir I. lri))ed dead from the boiislw, atyj tlio .filtage of tltu lrre lurucd to a (ia!e r-d. All at-emud lo jirognotiticatn tho ap ' priu:lt of Deatti i and in a tew iniuutcs ulWrwardu wire- otinuyli, he catua. llo. wan,, howuvery very dtJitruite from all titut the woriliy couplo had heard til' hum H wa curt.tiofy rathr thiu. and had wry Itttfa color, but he was well drested, and his tleuiirttrMtnt w:ta that of a gentleman. Rowing wry pommy 10 mo anctoni pair, ne toiu ii.etn lie ; am merely to- give notice that by right they j should have belond to hint on that day, but a fifty I ywirs respit waa granted, and when thnt period , hipi XiroU, bo stiouW visu litem again. Ilotltcnl wiunmt awv, tutu luuuu, nuu me wara, aiio roe ; - -n,v" "jtnii ptain, wnen louowea Successively or two or tlw next Hlty yeaw every thing paatd on a huiot-1 more veais uoon the aame trr.m.i,l. w.ll l,H..Ht th ly abelurar but aa the time drowr uour.for the ufrpomted" advent of. Death, Jan became thought- liiland he felt no pleasure at jhe idea of. t ie an- Uoipatud vtsit-. I'he day ahived, and lath came, .! L.. .1. L . . .L-r'.- ifiTOniKm uv Huiio iiurmm in im tun njrtuor oc- ?.,ou nou unaa, vtiit ,; ytu can ' ha.vo no abjection to aixmnpuny me ; Cr assuredly you: have hitherto Veil highly prtvilcgnd, and have Jived twig- enough".. The old dame wept and clung feuUy to hep husband, as jf alio (eared tliey were Jb m iliviiliid atterptutttiiig awaytroiii tlio earth winch Uiuy had dwelt so Ions and so happily to- jf'thtir.. Poor $chalkou also luoluid very downcut tni moved, aftet Death but' slowly. ' A they IjJfciWXikH w.tid.i.t.Uhw-ap-taat4 iHnar. it, when a auditen thought struck him. lie enuoti iu ut.'tt'.ti ana sinu, " sir, allow me to pro I 1"." 9nmBllli,1S ru 0ljr j""'1'0? "S one, rTnnd: wtr haraTio p.raviBmrE.tam toffiufirm,- or i would; climb yottilur peaMree, and take a stock of iikhttMt fruit with us f Vou are atlive and oblf-iimf. and w,? I au sure, tr-get it for ms.?V Death, with gruat eonde!tceiis(on, complied aoJ aseesding uS tr; gnthereu" a. great number of peara, which htf threw down to'oid Schalken and his wifoA lenytl Iw dftormint'.d tiptMi dexceniiinjj, but, to his suqiri5 "aud; apparent consternation, discovered I' time ho wa immovable ; nor would Jan allow him tu lva tho tree uniil he had given them a pruinise ofT lining aiiotlier half century vj Tltey jocg-!'! on the:old way for fifty years more and Death cuino to the day. lie waa by no means sa.nolim aa he had formerly been, for the trick ihuf Sehullten had put upon htm Jtad olli ndod his ditiifv and' hurt hia prida not a little." . " Conie, Jin,'iaid hfr you uaatl me sciirvily the bthec day, (D-aill tiiinka but litile uf fifty years !) and I'm now dumnuiutid to loone no luno coino. Jiia .woa.sittiin k his table busily employed In wntinir, wheil ik-uth enlered. Uo raised hn fieaJ nul i - j or i T ' nmr oomluet towards you merit blame, but I have domr with, such knaveries now. and have learnt to siimild line to do all the good I can, nod was en gugod huu you. arrived in making my willh that a pour loii, who naa always been Mini to us, may i .. a L ouner me to hmsh iw.uiisisji a i p ibsmswii ifnpap ,., , , 1 S " T'i -tBfcsWM ill iMsiisiuil.BB.-fr.irji--Trr-----.Ts T 111 - " Tiur I Ft iuii h rim 1111 I I uf fi rr nfrntiTTr f ft rr"'x r VTTr itu taua "... 'iivviimoj tvyiiu W mitinm toy tusk wiTTb entM.J)eatTj U.us ap pvaleth rrfccnuhr mfusc ns toifijer, and t'-uToJ loin Htll' in a chair from which he found il as difficult i..' IP nrW t1" "" m muimm iwiu in. i . . . i i r i i l r- . i- mar- treu. lim lilieratmn w bought at the ex pentte of an additional fifty year, at the end of titi4 ywHr-aJrexaetly"-ofi-- tKei r bi rthdwyv Jntr S.tlmtiki-n -tod In wife died quietly on their bed, and tho salt wafer flowed freely in the lUtle yillagO, iu which they had; l:vcd long enough to le comud eiwl the futher and mother bf all itf inhabitants. and giury uf ifw humau nature ; the ln'o last the deprorantm and disgrace of tt. Remember the es- asuea of aeligitiii u a heart void of ufltiico towards tfiini and toward man ; not subtle, speculative npin tiinitr but an activa vital principle of faith. Earl r. r" PhiLisph'i.-X Jove-smitten profe.-mor in on of mlr ci'lleyHS, after" conversing awhile with his Ool H"nnn.tlvi mirmtinr'tmiie of tftlritnonv. enn - . - - p 1 - j " - ' ' " 1 ...... I . .. .....Ui:H.UiU.4LHUw w A m.. . 1 . 1 fc I k . 1. m i, v.... 1 t . A . jiikiiuiirr.F - , - ; , ,, ' r 1 1, . ' -v- r t j i - . U uii.w... j, jr Wl!.well, that' will do, Madam," Mad ber philotinpoii al lover; V and now rtppose ire change Urn ubjent.w ; . . , . .- . -. . " .1 Ui ter.in ikult Shot M.ll. Tll.'.l HT.l e. mic to uoa " hantiu gin.ana wnieu were Mttf to ' 1011 m ... - . I .... 1 i ,. 1 K..- I...A.. w 1 I I. I I. ... i. 1 HUrMI "It ''r-BBiaMUi)MiJhfcAliaTO - . . ... . - . ..! - n(.c':,iiit was hid from 2lt, .MoLartiio tnua oroiie A. mil tu hirnself: .- . . . .1. - 1....- . ..a M..ll.b r...r.h, -A!i:, your mouter uive-yn. u . ..8,.. m 'hiiirif otimivw. ajw nernnn wo may wan. a "ctiuplaof year-. more for vou yet j slick to your 1 ilnr shoes, and dori't make" a simpleton of your-M sjeltV Btsome jee-rn pp girls have done before now RK.M.VUKS ON THK CENKHaL IMINCIPLKS ; OF lIUrfBANDItY. ' , I. Whatever iuay ba the nature of jour, toil, and lh situation of your farm, reiiminUr thai tlwre ia no aoil ao, goud, but it jay be xhanNtfd and ruined by bad lillaulaiid that tht.ro i itoim ao bad, that eaiuiot bo rendvred fortilu by gfixl til laj;t.', even barrou lteath, if it can be jtlnuyhed and awarded.' ' ' - 3. The true art ol husbandry rontivta in anffor ing oo crop to grow upou your laud, that will ao far. exhaust ,yoor noil aa to lessen the value of your succeeding crop, whatever profit such a crop uiay afford you. .. " , 3. .To avoid ihia. auflhr no nn nnn tn nmw Iiva years auccessivoly, upon the.aame piece of groutal, excepting grass and buck wheat, without the for. uhzMg aid of rit:h mauures M support the Mrength 0J tlu, l0i ad even thon, a chatiKe i( crops will generally do beat, excepting onions, carrots, and hemp. 4. Every plant derives from the earth for its growth, ucl proortie aa are peculiar to itaoir.- gul 0f those properties itaelf, without iesKeuing its powers to produce some other plants. This fact is moat striking in the arlicl of flax, which will not bear to ba reiwated ofltwr than once in eoven - I .. ... yeaw, onu is common to all crops, with the excep. Hon ol those notid'jtj as above. ; VT-'C o. lo avoitl tins evil, arrange your farm into such divisions as will enable you to improve all the variety of crops your lands may require, tn such regular iuccoiwioii, as to form routine of 5, 0, or .7 yearaaixiu-diojLiuAhetatwettalttTrtiTnt BitU- ation of yur farm. ; ' , ; -3.-Thts-metiiod'il make noof land soptl, and good belter. Try and see. farmer' Vg,iunt, To Produce a Yellme Rote, without a Thorn. Take the geoistella, or sweet broom ; cut it dow IS.Ximn .Jlu!-luclieaj)l jLe ground, engraft upon the cemr stems, slips from the white rose bush and, if the process is proiicrly managed, you will yelloyt jttthe most brillmift jmmr-' Two toriM of Itleuinet." It is a great lie .''SI t9.JHWwhalj0ue.jiiibe" some e-nete' an ancient pliilsjplier. who rewiotl, .".it Ua vreaie blewting still, not to desire what one does not pos J'Ord Ntrrburyt X:welhu Lorilship, while ttttejy ittmspnsed, was threatened with a octermina lion of blood to the head. ' Surgeon C I accord ingly opened the temporal artery : and, whilst ut lending the 0HTratton, his Loidkhip said to him, iu his usual quick manner, " C I, I believe you were never called to the liar r " iSo, my Lord, never was," replied the Surgeon. Well,' I am sore, JIIoitor, 1 c.un safely aay, you have cut figure in Thk yemfi.1 v -v - A leernid clergyman in Maino, was accosted in Irt0folowitig Dtanuer.,V -iHijnr preacher - who - despmed edocwt ton -r- 8tr;-yo - have brrrto ,. ..v .i i college, L suppoeo." Yea air," waa ito reply. " I nm llmiikful," rejoined the former, '" that the took place in lialaam'i time, but such things are of rare occurrence at the present day . A lady liM.kin at some Mtnck'mgt in r dry good morf. nnu ren or ne c crK. wno was a raw ma. . " 1 . 11 1 .- j T l. ..... 1. . ! I . ;. . . . . .'. .t T 'Tl . ' . " T. TK V. ttVftrst' rt h - timtUSIfrr - rVgl--tftT-- fc sw H.,.ininti. rn,mmww9rTll9imni UIFff TW"W"tl T' Tl V'rTT f,rTlT fTT 1 itun 11 ln 11 ll" J O11" 1 "a iiiui.n. ciy un itinniv i MlJffiayJutuflyt;. ihe mice. Jacob Lopes, otherwise Jacls Gardner, a free .Mackiiiaailiii has been and til it, we believe, in the habit of qundrigatitif.'-or conveying in a hack members of ihe XJiiarWiia UoIcgaUaf.4Many-of w Item al ways are lawyers, to Columbia, in order to aileitd the Ipgislnlure. Now, Jack is a very inventive or jm- ginittive genius,-ami no mney or cnicKens bi a tough story ; and, on one' occasion, indulging his passengers, rather freely with epeciment or his po etic propensity, one of Jlie party, a lawyer, ad drented nnd rebuked him. very gravely thus 'jJack I what unconscionable stories you are tell, ins wlieraxuuld. you have contiacled so shucking a habit ft V.:Ah!--Mass T.,n said tho feceliou charioteer, " I been drivin, lawyers to tolumby loo long r-7-CAarjMfot Conner.- ... V 1 " " rather," said a bright lad, the ton of General W m, l.'have they turned the. brick Church into a Grocery 1".,." Why, what do you meant "eaid the father.' "O, noihmg, only I aaw " Hard Ci der'' advertised in rear of the pu'pi on the'day of rho Harnsnii Convention, said toe ladr rf. 'I uti Mtu klins Adnce to his .Sun. I hav often told fyou tlut every man muni be the niakor or marrar of his own tortuue. -1 tviieat 4Jie- doctrine: tie who depends upon incfttmnit industry and integrity, tJpend4ieHi tsrtmf- the-tiefeleetrtiMi' tm"" sited kiud. I hey arc the creators ot lortune ana liiime, aiidfouiidera and never caa-disupitoinl. or desert you. They control all human dealings, and (urn even vicissitudes of fortuno't tendency to a contrary nature. 1 ou have genius, you have h am ing, you have imlustry at time, but you want per severance I without it voii can do nothinir. I bid I you lenr this timit in your rnind rmim'jyjL , l ),un.nimi ' " iVof ISad.A bill concerning intermarriages be. whiles and blncks, fx-ing before the Mifsa- I inril, tJ "1BIO.UI T. . .Tl 1 11 lilt, lit V. I I w 1111 , n - .. , do fcot to M.e , n 0 . JJ . ..!., h,. a mere matter oftos. for ' ... 7. .. ... ... - ... such I coMider to be the whole nnesiion of inter- murri.iL'O between persons of diHbrunt colnr. It is T . . . .. ,, matter of ia-t.. and if mv friend rom Nan- 1 . I . I II J I .1 t I ul m Manlar K'.i .l tll. l liSM I.U (I. A m.ll. 1 ie- ' 'v-j ... 7 ........... that " be lost his shirt and a tuyortty of bis jan. taloona." Blondrto,!, however, abowed good blood, land Jtimice wis iTiutnpnanw- . , " , 1 . ; I'OLtTlCd OF Tilt; DVV. - 'row Mr Sorlk Carolina Standard. ? ' CALM AND RATIONAL CONSIDERATIONS, ADDBBitSEB lO TUB AMEUK'AN pKOptB, ON, THK I'kMI ,' ' DENTUL BLIiL-I IOJt VOH From what has already .been, said, it is very plainly seen, thnt lien. Harrison is the Hank am didate, in opposition to Mr. Van Huron, the vtocratie Rtpublicait candidate, for the Presiden cy. In other words, Harrison is the caimiduto ol the mo.iritd aristocracy, in opposition to the riihts and liberties of (lie people : while Mr. V.ui Duruu ia the candidate of the free sotereign and indt j pendent people of he United Siaies. The formerl will be supjHirtcd by the whole power and wiron ; ue vf the Hanks power unknown to the Von- j artuto't, uttd at trnr with lliercntu of our tlwrn- mtnl i and the latter, by tho uiiboiight'aulliagi'sol free and indA'peudont people. Nowrthe qni'slinn arises, big with tho fate of our existence M a ni) 'tion, which of the -two candidates, unW ho pir cumstaances already sluted, ought in 'Justice anil reason to succeed r , Ilurrisoii has beeu started h .1 thft fntr end of sll nMnie; ii. wit ; Tlu, lUml I tocratical party the bid Hartford Ornvrntion I blue liehl Federal partf the An.t..V(io'tic, Abo lition,.Tariff, and Internal nproeemrut purlieu all, qlt cotiinbuted to the utmost of their tnight in general caucus assembled, to bring into lite fiold this modern Ajax Tt'lanion. Now, 1 would sk in all coincience, from such a hcteroi;etiiu4 hihsh of abuiditie and Bbominations,-whal but the most direful conwiuencea Jaahe-couittry-oul4-rtsultj in the electina Of Harrison 7 It would be a com plettf end fiii.il Iriuiiiflh over the Conslitdtion j for, lot it never bo forgotten, although kis conscience ir7rW1HramIWtr ed, h wii'id pledged belore the country-io arrv - out the ineaturea of the belore meiitiouod factions . .1 .t ' i -1. ... i f . . . " . in an ijieir mueous autormiiy. iow, tiieii. the . grand question prescntir itaejt wthOjIgenieiiraidT umlcrstanUiiig ol every man interested In Ihe dot loud Jiiinsell. to aid m the destruction tri rho blond- nougnt fousinuiion ot itis miners, by aupporting i Harrison, a mere loot in the hands of wicked and LJimng men. or comeJike patrtotlo HejMHjIt. xcafl, and sustain Mr..Y.au Uurcnt--- r: It it so perfectly obvious, jha. evary roari, with half an eye, may see it if he Will, that, as llarri- -tan U in the hands of ths "AfctififidTontt f Vdwif Jfank Ykig parties, b is to ba, uaed to aJwiiic Ae inUreits and doctrines of these twewicked, ' infatuated factions the latter aspiring to set aside the written Constitution of the country, and to con- trdl the Government by the agency of Banking cor'i porationsi while tho former still more wickedly ' proposes entirely to disregard tho spirit of thai in- , crcd instrument, which guarantees the rii:ht of property in our slaves, and at oncoJo fihtSiskjda very i fhe butted states, t 1 bust antimg, wiihoiit " any 'comHn.4ation wlti.'- '- : in-"WJinit. ""BoUTTtern titatea of this rmmeme amount of proiter- .iiy, tuiir4n'-may-'Hiataiieetif- by-'-yeaft-of -tlie n loost unwearied industry and applicniion. to buxi , ness and all to gratify the whima of a of tnis.l paUiollo 4MMHtdr'M-w hoiieetiw ren mrjr-Soijth'.--' em blood, who can find it inliis heart to aupixirt , auch a wicked and aboininahld combination T a combination formed, not only to deprive us cf bur lawful property, but to scatter death and ilcstruc 1 r"i J " - " .k-,...Ljk-1-1 - -' ; - k. . . y Q JVA fitV OpOfX Giir iI:Vrrisiin, I am 'u((irly til a h to Bccounfoporr what principle of 'priiprlofy Ilia Southern UAii? can supiort the nomination. Such is,-however; thsir iuveteratn hatred of Mr." .Vao'BurwnJncy'BTe'fceTJS in such close accordance with those of the South, that Utey stem lo- be wtllin,- for-the take-ufde-; (eating his ro-election, to jeopardise, forever, the poaco and happiness of this portion of the cohfihle. racy. Upon the mere cast of a die they epienr . to be determined to' risk our political nlvatinn; and but for the principles and efforts of tho Demn. era tic party, these blind, maliui:.u, aud iufatualud men would, beyond questionrsucceed in dttfiiy. ing jprcver tho blessings, and lilx-rties of the fair- est portion" 01 earlh. The people the free, sotten lira,' tiii indtmn dent people of this Republic, upon whom tho fed sfc. a . .. .1 l" ti . "erai ariMoerncv nas ever Knineti wiut coiiiompi.a poor, ignorant, and mean, and incapable of self go ' vernment, have always triumphed over, and will ciMtouer. their into Bcab e toe. As Inmcst nmn. thoy have no interest 1n doing wrong and if left! d WtmrBits, to-worship tlie cocked bat - free to act under tho influence of their own unhias 1,n rtrer of a straw captain ? It admits but of ... .... ... ... I J..;. 1 - 'ri.. r. 1 i- . . ... jed judgments, they' alwaVs haveand . nlwuys .wiljjM do right. According to Vie philosophy of their . principles, who hold in suph estimation Ihe honur of the nobility, it is perfectly natural for tha arista i racy to Inake war upon tha Democracy' becaii . the former huvinir control, perlwoca, of a few 4liatiaittl-dtllirk enc over tht opinion of the latter, while at Ihe same time, they may not b so wall infonned j but they naturally think they are bi tter and triVr men than thoir poor Democratic neighbors, and. there, fore, ought lo control their cor, simply because Jhey may bv sheer chance havo a liulo more pro. nerl v in their otmstwion. Whether it l! rtcnnired 1 j 1 . 1 fv itilL-rilsoe APrtll.rwie. it mnlt-es nn ftf'l-retir-pn Tftlieir souls be rtotsoned by tho Drincioloa of an. locrncy, this is their uniform practice towards ! thofco whom they term the " common Pcvi:lt:' . :. Old JoU Adams, of alien and atnlittott law me. ,l.oory rfJitod. CiiJior ji-Julauv.Ai-n. cmck bratnrd rcdrrnl Ah otirivnistme, -a ijlatmi i 'iridj into twaflas.t in all countries, sociely wa es, to wit: "ihe gentlemen and thu slmiJtmcn." HUH nd "Th gentlemen,' being rell bor-i. nnd meq of.' Ruined Country. U a recent del,.,,, j,.' nrowrtv. were to fill fill theofiii-r. anil eiliiii.,il'tli . 1:... It.itlJi. P...K...-... i t-.j 1. . 1 . . t 1 . - ut ' ...... . 1 ill born "iwiemrn"- jjch as our iriduMric I.. . ' .. - ' ious farmers mn mecnam. s, wuiom these would-Im sou tr u n1ut.11 uu-pitn. lieri-, li'iiow-couiilry. men, , in ooid renei, aro tne. principles of th,e Hank, Aristocracy, Irom tho day of the elder Adams, down to Ihe present tune. They then esteemed: uie peopie onr ana inortiar, ana lit only to be tlie servant of "fie ee.ntlcmcnJ' anA it it iunt ao'sti and yet, these are the men, with their despicable principle, that would tiavo tho uiililiihhin-j jnipn deuce lo deceive ymi into the support of Harrwon, known to bo one of their own kidney in politician every essential particular; for he supported the el. der ; Adams ag'jiiwt Mr. jelflir-inn, as be jl id the younger against tJen. Jacksyn. In saying tlru much, fur be it from mo to condonm the utquisi. tion, or eujuy mailt, of proerty obtained in an fiou est, and honorable way, either by inheritance or by . iiidiistrinus labor, , ,Jt by no melius necessa) tly fol., r. lows that bocausen miinowus property , tlint there. I'ur.e, Iio must bo en arisinrrat. Ntt ao. I have knuuoi niany gcutluinen of fortune, to titter .honor be it Kiid, who were as good Democrats aa any in the mil ion mid who, in thoir htnrls,dcteNlcd tho aristocracy; and I have known others, entirely ilea, tittita uf proporty, 4ait having tolerablo educations, tube, iu principle, as great aristocrats at ever lived. The possession of properly, therefore, tfoos not weemrily and exclusively create the arinio. cratfcal bias, though it way and does produce this 4 'eject; but it may exist to an alarming extent, with or vithmit this ctititiiigmicy, from an early inculcit. . tion of false aiid.cornipt polnical pVinciples. When, ever," therefore, prbfxrty ia brought to atd in tin discrimination of such intolorable, principloB, and seeks to acquire au undue influi-iieo over the minds, of the Democracy, and of necessity, in the Coon cila of the nation, it is time to bfl alatinud forthe aalbty of our political institutions. - ; - lorelntlicrs liod from the tyranny nd on lrCi",ion f J1'0 'J 9'K f"'g! ld fr l- erty tit the now, nerh-iillylifl vain, if within the lapse ol hair a. century iioiij.lljd.jicJiievemout of . our ; natioira, iiidt'pciidi'nce wo . are again to be f brought into thraldom, still more tyrannical and op. (inmaivo, through the agency pf the monied riHto v cracy in tho shape of Dunks. , Shall our political' form of Government, which gurantees equal lightt tt.DL) .'I'm ic'soaJbe aubiertil Jjy-the.uiacliiwj, ry ot bunks, and the. Government of n inorieyed aristocracy eroded 4jKn its' ruins f lharcn for,, bid ! v But jt reully would setini that sucli istba (fcsiindnie federah-a,; by thHr blindnntffiiTOf unifjd teal, r If the' madness of party npiril : tlie. J untiring labor of partisans, jn and out of Congress ' of lackeys Bnd underttrapicr of every grade of the cnrrunlion of tho ureas f.l" ihe fnlanhttoils iif elr-- IHlafs'rbritifi'dt'fiiTiiatioTi of loiter , writ'erai spiest" and ' Abolitionists j of tlio vast expwliturba olV 6f lawyers, fudets, doctors, and Merchants : to gether with tho whole Hunk power of the country,' can accomplish the overthrow and ruin uf the Ciuv- -ernnicnt, theil, indeed, no may aurely expect it,, since they all aocm bent uK)i titling (he Abolition. - -istt to the utmost of their pow or, in making I larrisou lhe.ucxLfjreaidouWLllul relying impliculy upoaa wise and overruling IVovidonce, tn the justice, of, . ... oof causraiid The suiiclily of oitr principles, as well as ujion the virtue, lriotisui, and intelli. geuce of ahe people upon the honest hard wirk. - 1 nig farmert and mechanic of the country, whoso government it is in virtue of the bloody sacrifices, f sullerings and privations of a Washington, anJ his cotnptriots in arms of Uevolutitaiary momory . ' and cherishing: in their heart' core,.. Ihe aacred - prfTVrHptos" of KepubTTcirri'lilteri v, "s - f-l'f " ihmt -"-w-.iin-ncHri Imlept'dence, by tho ever memorable Ji-lhsrsou, tho ,Liont of J)emo. , " i Crury, now ihry are MiWJiitoBCtioi wtidismayyT"".;. . T..l ed and nvc7(alieriiigr being ever girdeid fit th'-- .T ' ' panoply of.tiuth, they rush to the conjlict. t' Wik-sLasMBWr ".'iiiss'?!!;!' - " - irom Deiiiocratic Maine Id Itepubhcan '.'Georgia';- from good, old. Democratic Virginia, Ihe, futher of Stales, to the young qpd blooming Democratic ? M.Mouri. . . : UOMEO. v , vri,r V iiisuion ot uen, iKirrison a Mt i.. tBTy-cintmsuaJiinriible the lederahsta hove tried " in vain to rover ine sting ol lit, truth by pompous itidtnation, but it will not do they are feirly sm-'lZ vtctcdinf hayingwt rm ffleTTIlioliii signal hum. buga of tho ago, as the nllyinjf point for national -4Nit4i4imim It-rtewr hiM'-licrjil- 1Vi8tettne'a'''Tliar,r" " Old Tip" had any msrits aa a civilian his niiTir"' tary glory is proved to be of .the real " ta.rporal " Fussy" ofdor -what 011 earth he has now to donend . on but thu "crackers and hard cider" we cnimot -see. ; If they will carry him into the Presidency, very wen. isji not a sirnngo stuto ol things, when the party that claims " al tho mlcnta," are driven to select for thoir standard tho pooriM pioco of fus- tinn 111 twe'nlyVix Stulus Jon Jhnpgrjy, jhflt, cu ii.s "Oil inn ucccwy,ft flalher 1 ieme v a In. gethor with the watch word of " log cnbius and naru cm r, wtieu the parly Unit have f..r lilleou year been denouncing and deploring tho elevation of a great general to the Presidency, Acrniae he waa a military man, pas by coutomnluouslv their 0110 explanation. The federalists have no tj'itical sincerity, Relieving in tlio jnlallibility of trick ana nypicrwy, iney iiiiiik ttio lower the trick and tho grosser the pretence, the totter will be tho - chance I entrapping wie people. Thoy believe the people ar stoeK-d in ipnAraticc and siHnidii-JL tlTTp'kTp,ibio mnlinirht darkness ot soul. mat rentiers an uinguise unnocts-ary 111 rheir game for ofrice.lAlr.CfayAjolsMosliame to have brought"" homo to him jtll the Ihcatrical denunciation which " 1 ho once'apouted so elotpiently against-Militury Chirfiains. lit ouco united with Adams to pre. vent iho horrible citlamily of a Military President, "rifid for other purpotes." Ho now unite with a .toilar t Inettmn to nrevent tlm ...mil. -..I-m I'd"1'10 re-election of a lawyer, "and for oilier pur- iimuiii tn me wnnio is, unit it is a horribloTaliiimly to tlio COuntrv. " morn t I-' ' "'itn plaguc-pcatiUutoa nd famine, for ""iL '"1 (rm,iU n,,', country J j-ery.jjamcstly. "(T"u.la tM;l't'V8 " TCharlrt,,n Mercury. 1 ...leu , mi lirilinifll, lir VOtllUOUOil. HO llfllliMU iion niemls-r, admitted .." thai tho trade of Ent. land, ud the progress of tlio tratlo of Franco, and : (ho trade oi the .United Slates showed Sotno Verv curious remilts."' It nniH-ared that tlm French . trade beiween 1'i'l ninilS:!.! had advnnrt.rf IS per cent. Tho Uu of the United State ad-'r I vanced Ot per cent. Tho trade of Gr.-ut Rritaio- had ndvaiicod o;ily 21 pr cent., and during the last year, in 1110 Bcciniin 01 WHICH no lllld BCCVSS, Uli. tish trade ban fallen 10 percent, more than thai ot' Fruncf, and one hundred per cent, nmrc than that or tho ".foiled State The Opposition here constant.' ly exclaimed that Gen. Jackson wa ruining coor. rociro und the camtry. UMc, . , - i "t - I 'I I i '1 S ' "!;. :;V'.-- -1 ml TX -0:! 'A