ROM -THS ftOT DEUOATKD TO THE tWM STATES BT TBC CONSTITOTIO?., NOR fHOHIBITED BY IT TO THE STATES, ASK HESEHVED TO TUBS! ' ifCS HBSPECTIVELY, OB T THE PKOPLE Amendment to tkt Constitution, ArtUlt 1. C. F. FISHER, .1 Y NO. XLIX, OF VOL. XX ( ; (Whole 1039.) " SALISBURY, N. C; 31 AY 22,1840. EDITOR AD rKOPKIETOR f! I t y . - I- J- - 'S fi. . : . h . ivg lu. JU. III) to . Kill ; )!ie T tbs las W. op.' & k y'', the ited . -l;l. re.'- lU (ai. pit ". d iiiff . . 10' III1I4 V - idly S- v.U; spV- w IStSy & e In-. tarf f tw 15, if. i IH . ll 1L lata x-tel mas- KM F civ; Kid- steps. II N 9.. U Ml tV--.. li nes' d it . 6(k nci ief ys ltd mil or thi' r , The VVia-Tiai. Cakousuji w.pubfif4icd every Friday, at $1 per annum, m advance, or 50, if not paid in tftrc oioiih;"lora Hie time of subscribing. CtT No inset Will be disCOltfipned. BlUll ll arrearage-, are pud, f ib subscriber is worth the subscription ', and the ere to ooufy the Editor of wii-h to discontinue, at least 0sini beforo the end of the year subscribed (or, will be considered a near engagement. ' ' AJuerlupmenti conspir uously ind correctly in ured at III per square- -(or 310 fffisyor fiflttn lines 'of this liitil type) for the first insertion, and 23 cent t,ir each contiuiuuco. Ccnrt and Judicial advertise ipBt & (XT cent bighor ibd the above rates. A de duction of 33 J per cent, from t! regular pricca will he made Id yearly advertisor Advcrtineicnts arnt m for publicatinii, murt be marked .with the num ber of iuaettimis desired, or they will be continued till i .-bid, and charged iccordingjy. i - ... Toecur attention, all leter adilrcwcd to the E3i tert en burtnest, must (it frrt nf Pottage. i r .1 ti .. . JUST RECEIVED, : : AT THE ALISByiY COFFEE-HOUSE llESPrcTFULLTTinPwms i bii customer! and t'ao public generally, that ho ia pow receiving and openin;, at his Cetablialniiunl in Sulishurv,' a l-gjijiilid Asortmcoof every thing deairablo in hivUneot busmen among- which will bo found jrdincsjv llerring, Lemons, " Piue Apples, - Malaga (irapes, Hyeon lea, i a b'l'ter, swoet a I: J gin-;lKtndon Murtard. - . " t .. . i. . ' err Nut?, -Porter. Ancbois. s Tm hWOVrterf. Knslitli Walnuts, l.tjt C!iS4uou, Cloves, Pepper, r2. . 1 lavde Nuts, a 'Albany Ale, , k$ ftiaysili'ijfTt"''''u,'"'l'''tB' Eenceof ('innamoh, . Vfiint, '4 -r Cloves, All kinds ol Cnrdiala, m. ' All kinds of Wines, J All UM of l.kjiinrs, ' " All of (liet best (ymlity and lalest iinportutioiis7 " and hpice, -vr. tnnih ("iirars best,' baeeo, r' Sim!), - '"f- ''" .r-c- : ;':J MiMtsses f Kroo t4 Loaf Sugar, ft. .. . JUisifl'', , 1:1 . Almonds," " 3 y$!ther' wish a great variety nf otlicrirocencs lixilfdious tn mentinn, no1! which" ho witt scIHe: try Iw fr cah. . ; -, " ; i ' ' : r' m. Rouechc returos lis thanks for the liberal jri'muajje heretofore receive') and solicits ilg cotinu ance. , ' ? : Feb.,14, 1810.25. VROH S.iLISB VRlftoASHE VlltF.; N. C. -ttvtt ntVann-peparts from Sshsbtrry a ieikswe-t r 1 vrrm ftt Trvri-rsn rM 4m KftUtUt4V VvilrtW 4 La XitifcUrv-. na Mnndays, Aonoays, uursoay saiuu ;, "ATM. ; anil Arrives at Sitnrdivs, at 5 .0 chick Ahviile next dav's at 9 o'clock, P. M t Returning, leuves Ashvilla on Mondays, Tburs lays, and S.itunlsys, at 5 oJclock, A. M. ; and ar rivei at Salisbury next days at 6 o'clock. P. M. 1 " A. P.KM'INI, ' .- w - U. W. LONG. jiy-H.'4ia?efigfrs--lewvirg--R-bighi Nt- r for4' Nwhville, Teimesoe, will find no delay'' whatever oa this route. -V A. B. & K. W fi. Salibur-, N. C, Jan. 3, 1? 10. 1 tf -1 To- Travellers; 'piIEiravellinp eomomnity are rpectfu!!y inform-- 1 tl-at the SuWcriber is now runiting Iih lined: -t-cHtwa- Ralrtgfc by 'way nf Piti hnm' arw 'A 4ib"f'- SiliJwirt, in small NortbeKn wade C'ehef of the 6rl aviog JtaleigS on Mondays and TrHi-'--! at in A. M , arrivins ift Nalisbury next days at 10 i. M, LeatMix Saos!iry ooTuf-fedayaaad Fridays at '2 A. M., s:r viiij in Ra'sit'h next das hi 10 P. M. His l.nrpfs are pond, aud driverii (nrtwularlv can ful f l -commotltttmg. . JOEL McCBAN.4; 1 tva. mm. J- . ' -1 . . B. N?at vsmtA at he .Msw Hotel. jS" Hook: Bindery:. lVffl-Iu:TI., KooUIIindcr, INFORMS the public that he'still carries on an . EiRblishment of the above kit.d in CuARtoTrE, Xorth. Carolina, a few doors south of the Mint. UiviDg, as he conceives, a thorough knowledge of n business, he feels no hesitation in as-urtnglhi)- shjiiiit wii m paironige htm, tti'it their work ball be done in the very best siyle.stroiig, and pq accommodatins terms 1 " - - rw Btwks and other articles sbnt from a. distancfi to ' i-ily returned when done. The public are request "-tn''tfvro - :;- r- . . .. CO Orders left' at the Western Carolinian Of- w will be eunciiiallv forwarded for comoletion. - nariotte, ret. 7, iw. r VllilttlOVY fpilE Subscriber having purchased Ibis -I Establishment and tilted it in a style fctr tlis acconimoiisiioD 01 1 raveucrs sua Boanlers, U now prepared for their recep - 'ion. Hi TABLE will always bs furtiislicd With the best the markeC can.afford; b BR wiilTa good eepp'j of choice Liquors; lis -W'na fhall alwayi be kept io fine order ; and rril Sta M (winch are very extesHcJ are well supplied with I'rovtader of tha, first quality, and attended by good oH faithful haslten. t; lit bnoea, by strict attention to the business, in per "O. to 1 iv satisfaction to all who msv favor hfm with h-ir patrocsge. And he only ssks a rail and trial. f-t AMIKr.W UAUItU-l '". 1 -': ; tA L-iinrSM, Jt Feb. 21, ITl t: - it I)R;G.B.I)OU(JLAS 1 1 AS removed his Ofljro to io. 1, a of the Office Kow of tho Mansion Hotel, lately occupied by Dr. II. Aumm. January 17, J 34U. , . DR. hKXMtfili KIMJW, RESPECTFULLY ofluwhia profewiional service to thf citizens of Stlisbnry, and tho imrrounditi" country. , Hiaollice ix in Mr. Weat'a new brick-build' , inp, nearly opp.ite J. Jf. W. .Murphy's store, Salinhury, N. C'Aupeit 3t, 1"CW. t ' KiM-. M'vJ , f' . HAH Located himself at Col. David Ramsey 'i, Oakley Grovo, Iredell coun ty, N, C, and reseclfully (enilera Iiis service to the public in the variou de' partments of his profession. January 10, 1840., "" , p'.- X ... ' v. From tie South Carolina Manufacturing" Co. 'nUE Subscriber has received a large supply of Nails A from tho above Company erjua I, if not superior, toN(ftUiern rnnke, and, has made arrangements for a t regular supply; which will be sold, whokiulrnr Mail, on reasonable terms. MJCIIAKL BROWNE Salisbury, N. March 87, 1S40- . . , Just Reed, tffor Salc IVIioksnk or Retail, 100 Kegs Nails, sssortod sizes, , '", : ' , " ;' , 10 Hogsheads Sugar, . - '15 da Molanses', '" '" , " ' , 250 Sacks Salt,,,' ... . ,v- - f. 10 Dozen (icrman grass sythes, ' - : I Ji 'do,,." nglili grain do., I 1 "0 Burrcls supTtine flour. " ftn rr ... v . 1 t - ------ ... u uoe ouiicii naiBin, t- - , M , 7 : - J. St W. MURPHY. -Salisbury, March 27, 1510. .. . tf i'.T!IE Syfcsribgrjeeps c.pjistantly.oo.j)A.l.' 0.00 ; al assortment oT- T "'r READY MADS CLOTHING for Gentlowen's wear, such' u Coal. Pantaloon, arid f'eslsyofr' 'S)d"'M" v'i11wlr"--',wB;ff, i' well made and fasbiounble.; JIes also prepared to cut, and male clothing in lTie m ftvhionahle and durable ,S'j's, and warranted to fit. J le, jl keeps a goidas - wirtmonl of Cloths, Cassimereland Vestinjs.ol the first Equalities,. selected by biuisclf in the New York .Market, "fitl of "wtucrt be will sett low fitr Cash"'' T-"- 17 J"N. B.' He still continues to teach the art of Cutting : garments on the mwt approved plans of the Lest Tailors - Now Vork and PbiUidelpliia.--- V vr v CO" Cutting fr customers dorie on the shortest no. tice, and orders from a distance attended to with de ; spath. OO" His shop will be found in Mr. Cowan's large brick building. . : BMAJ. F. FttALEY. . CABINET WORK. -i-'Jvt' Tltfi mfT.f m lT,e ' 't (?'jjjilL ''J P"1),IC ,,,u, o continues the lipiwii! .'id ... . : O-. y h . iiMiiiri-iinat inutiirl-.Tlnkiiic . i. JN.THK VILLAGE OF LEXINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA;. -H- prepr. to execute all b:riitioOs of work in !i(s line of business in a very superior style, as re. TurVr terms thaniH nfforded bv nnv other wiaU Urfnw -tUw --J;..- l.xi.U . t trdeT!r"frrrrmi "rrirtrifir thtmlrfTiHr-TPi.nieitrf-iTT-4-4 .,prmf,ny nfKj rthtirily-ewtitH. Produce, Scantling and Plank tnkeiT in exchange i r- 1. j vitiii 11. 1 t. . .-i. iur worn. . ... I ll.iot V I i IlIVo. Ixinstnn.'Fel), 7; 140. r mT. I'UINGj- AN kLK---r-- HAVE just received from New Yorl and Philadc-Uj phia, an extensive assottnient of ' J Winter Oroods,,, mr osli.TIo or )ry (loods, Hardware, Tinware, Crock iry.GBOCERlES, Drugs and - dieines, Dye-Stulls, Paints and " "- '. ' '-.i,t)il, Boots and Sljpes, - Saddlery, Acj inc. -In sltort, thcic Sloalt'mes -almost ewety article neled by the Farmtr, Mitrhuuir, of the Fatkwnablrt u" -n conniry, K. B They will sell low for cash, or tn punctual dealers on time; or in exchange fr country Produce, '-Concord. Jan. 17th, 1S40. - . tt rv -Painting. , , -jriitT.1? mv irr loenW hirremlf m the-nwn i of Cmirord, Would now oITer his services to4he Puwte, as an 4lrntitrntal and -f-.tsTi Painlrr; - He ftaftcrs himself that his long expimence in the above J.uxiness, and the specimens ol work he has executed in his line, will b a sufficient recoinmen'lntion. He will alst attend iQanvtall maden him, in the HOUSE PAINTING BUSINESS, and is Confident ho can give satlractioii to all lio may 1 ptnnliiy The Public is respectfully renuosteil in eairsnilen coursjro him", aa ho is determined lo execute ll work CommiltdJ to him In the b-wl possible mannnr. a-is li.:..t... -J v -:.. 11 1. . .. i- .1 f.. . iages,aone wnn neaiaess ana nemwicn. .Ccncord, N. C, March 21, 1J:19. ft To Joiiriietiuru oaili.TIal.f i. . r , - - '"'. rnll Subscriber will give tfeady employtncnt to two js. imod Jnnrnevnien Coscli-makerit, who can come well recommended for habits of sobriety and industry. TI..,H.nnv- will hetnmakaaiiri rensir lmches. &'. .0r which, (il they suit; he will pay inrersi wsre. j , ,;"' 4 JOI1.V P. MAHItY. Iv;gtonOctober llr 19.19. r e a tf MOFFAT'S LIFE PILL5? V .BITTERS. rpnn lifb giving pills' and pikevix KIXTERS, so celebrated, and so much used by the etnicieu m every pari 01 lae country, is now re csived ana lor saje oy 1110 ftoieniiers ;" i, E CRlr- . IIOGER. Atrents. , Messrs. Spsimjs &- Piuki.e, in (onoir l, IS', C, in alo Agcats hit tlie same. ' . . . . ' .. P. ti. See' tiL-iscinci!t.-Aptil I, '25. . :. 1 1 ESPECTFULLV u.fornis Lis old. friends aud cuMtoiners, llit be has permanently laud himself in Snlislmry.' H will giv bis personal attentinii to tho Apothecary business, in whieh he has been etigsged for J he last ten years, and may be found at all times either at bis residence, or al the shop, where he will take great pleasure iu waiting iipju all who may give him a call. C1 If. cV C. K. WUF.ELER return their un ; feigned thanks to their friends and customers esjiecially Physicians nod Merchants lot Uie very liberal natroiin"0 bestowed upon them the past year, and in return iur their kindness and I iIkth li ly, are determined to sell t'hoin ling, Mvutctnes, 1'aintt, eye., lower than any other shop in North Carolina. All Physicians and others, who order or buy Drvgt, Meicine, Painli, $c.t from them, where the price or quality do not perfectly please, are at ull limes privileged to return them immyli atcly at tho samo price; at they hold JlicuiseJves respoiwiMe, in all cases, (0 their friends and cus tomers for the quality of. every aticlo they sell them.. They will ooen their ppring business with tlio largest stock ol Jfrugs, Mtdtcino, raints, dj' ever bruught into this market ; and all who may wish nny. thing in their luiej aud have the rA, or good credit, thall bo accommodated, if strict; attention to their business, good physic, and low prices can do it. One or both of I hern will at all times give their peronal-a,Uejiiion to the ! Dusiness. 1 ucir tiuop ill uo j'j ii m an iiniirs iur llio""Sccomim)ilutrotf of iTie sick, au3 prescriptions carefully mailo up at short notice. .. Medicine and directions eiven in all cases.- The cnsultation Burns will b given when tiecessary, and tho n cd-1 ical nttention of either' obtained by applying Ri 1 1 tboir shop. Tire worthy pnor,'Without1noney; "ishafl I not want for modicine to relieve them ol (huir at I TlielioTis. , - vft:i". - . - " - .fv.'.'(Jji. 4a A LARGE Assortment of ;vYi Frcsb am nd Genuine Car. Tf ' den SEED'S, just received from ,tho New Lebanon Sha kers, (catalogiii's ol which can bo seen at our store.) AJso,icat.Oval Ilexes and Ilnnd'SwilU for Ladies, -r or saletjr- V.Bi&V. K. WIIKKLKK.'-- "LAMPv TRAINED, UNSEED For sale by . C. C. K." W HEELER. Salisbury, Jan. 10, 1840. . 'i.- a . Sfiuibcr Six , .'- 1 CIl,f!A LK-AT-VV H EELERS'-. bnlistwry, Jn. 10, 1810, ' r, ' SPANISH CIGARS, fine Clmwjng ant Fwb & king Tobacco, , AT WHEKLEUS" ' lOOLSCAPLetter, and V rapping Vh pfi r, a ml Pasterjoards, at wholesnle by. V C. K. it C. K. WHEELER. -. TV' . jGWToJ)acocliewer8i jf yonwant "JlhJg1 "WHEELERS'. 'fE AS, Wines, and Spirits, for medical pur poses, f'r.saw by C 15. c C K WHEELER. Sali.sbury. Feb. 21,1-i-tO. r A LARGE Assnrlmenlof Jewellery, 'Koives, I'iaifj la:cilltAj!yuilJ c, very low, at nhftleenle, by calling upon V. IS. 6i C. Iv. W IU.KI.Eu. rebruary 21, LSiO, , ,'-' . r . IIM KOBIHEHN-. Jiarnfehcs,- Bl GGII y SULKIES, All with Harness and North ern matched Horses, may be " hnd cheep, by spplvios to CTBr&C'JC: WHEELERS Sulwbury, Feb. 21, 1840. . p : , lVaulciI, " . -NE HrNDREI) GALLONS of fresh color- w lem. pa, d-nreAsed Cftatop OH." Annlv tn I C; B. V V, K. WHEELER.; V t rvn V ? v a ,J f PiLE SuhscMbers, A emits fur iULtsxi t-jfton Ca , tm r uctory, would inloriTLlhe public IhaLlhey have juM received and newofli-r for sale", who'ewJe and retail, the Cotton Yarns of said Fsetorv, con- sistin;; of various -numliers. Tho S Jperior quali-ti-i and character of tbe Yarns of this Factory are ik well tested and) knowo as to rwd no recom. chase will Tilcase give u a call. C. It. Jf C. K. WIII-XLEK, Agts. April 21. 110. ; . - ' '. If.- IN-MOCKSV 1 LLF..-DA VI P. f X)i!NTT7TC; V THOMAS FOSTER INFORMS the public that ho Us rnumod from his former stand, to his new biiildinea on llrt nublic fqusrc, in U)8 Tows ofMockaville, where be will eon- tiime to keep s IIUUSE OF KNTKIU AINMENT. llis Mouse la rootnysnd commodious; attached to which are six comfortable Offices for gentleineg of the Bar, sll convenient to lbs Court Houe.. The unVcri bet pledej himw-lf to' the mn-t diliireot xerlsins,to give KiMHetinn to such as may Call on him. His Ts ble. Bar and Stable are proniied m the be-it manner that the c rtitry will ailHrd, and his servants are faith, ful and prompt. ' ( Feb. 1 1. KW. ' " 71 tf , TWIN COTTON SEED. Vnmsll quantity of the above SEED, raiJtiI hy Mr Williarn Tli'ria, formerlv of Ilaviilkon ('o-infy, a Ictt fir Sale at tins t uTira, at $J 0O pet hundred,-, , L1 I. - tf ' l'OLITIC3 OF THE I).lV. 1 ' --. I ItHm the Globe. . ' -:v",f':t COMPARISON OF JIARRISON'S WITH MIL P01NSKTT?S MILITIA ORCJANIZaTION. ? I'-'- 'oKJiiiRM-HARatrnVw-'' PRoissMto,"",,:-' ..' , iv The educating of evory boy in tho Uuited States at tlio public e,CHinso. These are his wonls, in his report of tho lOtli January, 1B17,- on this head : , " '-. - " As the " important advantages" of the military part of the education will accrue to the communi ty and not to the individuals who acq iiro it, it is proper that the whole cpense of the es.ablishme,,, I should bo borne bv the nublie treasvru. . " " That to comport with equality, which is the ' . ' basis of our Constitution, the organisation of the " establishment should be such as to extend, without exception, to evory individual of the prer age. j That, to secure this, the contemplated military 'instruction should not be given in distinct scliooN, OHtablishcd-for that purjog, but that it should form a branch of education in every school 111 the i'111 ted. Stales. . " Tbatu, rorpso o( military iiiNlitutiona sliould be formed to attend to the gymnastic' aud ckmon. tary part of education in every scIkmiI in lUe Uni ted Kutog,- whilst the more scientific part of the art of war shall be communicated by professors of thq tactics, to bo established m all the higher sem inaries." f:'1.'. . , , ' Mr. Poinsett's plan proposes nothing ti 4hissorL , Gr.r.m. llnniutfa'i w.THoi'osr.O, 1 ( , - 2. To clmoil'y the militia and he mndo the whole mass of the inluiaiu4t lpreacnt eU i tho JJtuieSf continue burdened with the charge of 4 furnishins their own arnuu aa i.ndy 'bi first mill- '. tia law which remains in force ; aqd also burden- lie says, expressly, that hi system " will iot a, feet the constitution of thf cornse'as h now exuis, forlhrofd4Hiiy?ulymVstr dicipline.? Jur- rtsos Ktporf of Jan. 10, 117 " f Ih s''sr warcoTir one hondtrd uio ciosa, aim is uiua uescrim 14 111 111s mwji worus : "'. ' Tht junior or mhlilfo flat ttil be composed of fn- vJio have, small famUmSy Or tJuMtoiaiaet auus, i who are tn the full enjoyment of itwiy it'rvgih oni activity, and whose niinJs trill be more entile vjcifi J to miliary crdor-and thminve of ptory, ihirn taoirn ii- wiore adianced vtriwtof life. 'Uepor Jon. 19, . : Here wo have a body ol and hundred thousaud .. young men exclusively, " excited to military ardor and love of .glory," to make up ihe leaven for the gieat batch of tho ordinary malitia, all of which, t4 as will be seen presently, Hvrison designed should be under the command of tho President of the ' United Slates; the right, of th Executivo of the "States to interfere with, or la be "even theTnediuni of ro'iiniiiiiicnring tlio Pre-idunl's orders, being ex- 1 preswiv iiileriJirted. ' 7 - ftir. I'uiiisott s pinn ntso pajirisen ciniwiiieatKm"r. .The clussitication of Mr Poiiiseit ctuitomplale'J threo chides, nil suhjoe; to be called but in e;in:r gency, through th Executive of tlio Shite one hundred, thousand men only, to utidorgo. training probably len . days in the year j fur " four years then to remain as a reserve for f iur years longer, nud "tlienTie""exoinfiK "Tlio 'eflccPof TiisyHtui'n would be tn relieve scveii-eighlhs of the militia of rtevfms-ws-t'twtf -,-irwsijMrtjsrjs and useless musierttigs J and to make ten days el- roiusolt makes the nmximuin ol the number to be ? in active training one hundred thousand, and these " to be called out in small bodies, near the depots, of arms, al convenient seasons lor their bosuies, and 10 be paid for the five days, ton days, or greater length of time, if circumstances required it, (not exceeding thirty days during the whole year, and in ordinary times, probably not cxcecdinc the firt T , 71 TTr" alii,..,.,.!.. mm days,) out ol the public 1easury. COMPARE tHB BV MURKS OF TUB TW O SrSTKMS. Harristtn's plan would hnve burdened the nation with the rlurgo'of teaching every individual of the proper ago, the gymnastic and elementary part . nl" education," in one claxs o schools,' and --the " more scientific part of war," in a corps of miltta " ry isstitutMMis," " the whole expense of the estab lishment to bw borno by tho public Tieasuaj." What the cost of this universal military education would amounMojt iaf impiisiiblftlot iiilaaay We think that the pay o( a primto wotld hardly del ray tho tuition bill of each military scholar. Upon the supposition that it would take this sum, " tho ehVct would be to saddle the government with the expense of maintaining all tho mala minors in , tho country, as a standing army. . The outlay would s'-arcely bo less.-. 'Mr. Poiimett's scheme is ' :'-,7al Ieat freo 'tram ibis pigaLiMsl-.v-,4.' -"Harris-mir plan" 1n"' keepnig tip" the mililia, as it now trtst), fr the ordmartj duties of muster dis tiiMugnout 1 no union, tome expense nt arms and accnutrcM.eiils7minfia fines, loss or tIme7Vc7"r;tlf thisisdono away witb in Mr. Poinselt's proposition, By mustering the portions of w ihtm near arsenals placed in convenient situations, Mr. roinsntt would have the active class of tho mililia perfectly armed on osrsnii, wilhoot exnense tn llieiii.- Inrrisoirs miiiiia eiia!iiihiiieiil (in addition to the old system, which he would still keep up) con ' slut of tho junior or middle rlis,tA' 100,000 yoiinjr men, to be trained for on month For the ""pay" of fhrserfce" rrrakcxrfliTiriTvisionr-lHit- t,e Mb.--liUlic J, a, ilk Liit-jyterUit u. uso liis wi wiink,) S u estimates of Vie rrpenstt of training the cjfrert and srrprants of the militia " the United States. These 1 'bmt(s art made on a supposed immhrr nf on hundred thousand , men, tlir-idtd equally, a ! iwuriy o may or, into twenty Jire, tin guilts." He gives then the detailsfor which we have not roomupon the supposition, thai Congress would allow "full pay," and ho thus sums up the 'regale: .Vi ;' v ; ., , : '. ... " rMiitotin the whole, United Stales ''militia at a million, then the Mat expense of training the of. ficcrtof the militia enrfd be some hundred thou sand dolltirs less than two millions" The militia is now nearly double the iminber for which. ILirrisotL estimated.-Tlw esiHnato to fay for training the officers woulJ therefore now be ' nearly four millions ! ; ' - He, however, submitted sooner cstinvite, nnnn Ihe supposition that Congress would not allow so . iiAjcu on 8 basil li;ch lis tlus gives t ".. . " The fUUnnng tftimt't it mlide cm the tuppo. ititian vf the vjfivtrionly rtrrititg kalf ptf. The climate yrfHrtJi, ioiccrrr, irwn a npfxm float that no cjfurr it tit rtcrirt Ltt than thirty Jifflart per mtvu'k, and the sergeant full paj mud rations" ..'-;; "J..-.,.: , . i ....'. ;' After giving the dotatls, he sums up the end Jt ' trainiugMhe 't!iceiae "cum milhonficdhtutdrti aud Krcntg eighl thousand JoJUri . " Z": Mf. romaettfs e-niftiste, which provided M pay th. men as well as tbemirK-rs, r their I'm nf time wheq trarniug," ammun-d to a half millio ouy : '" . - . - Sift mur-W Hir lU kAi '.L at. It - . y nZ A " : 7. . "nposeup. ni ma 1 rvnsur? aim soon in r un in m, Hmi subject to militia duty. but there is another point of comMrisM which distinguishes the political origin of the two plans. iiuniwni s ' una 11 oown as nmdamental : ' " That the President should in all eases addr bis orders immediately to s.ime officer of the mi. .ilia, and not the EXECUTIVE of any State. The GO ERXOR of a Suut'ii NOT a mitMi J!jrf BOUND tetrm,te the imim of the Pns xdent; he canmH lw ired lor disiAtdU nre' of or-, dors, and punished by the sct.tcuce of a court gur. fial." . ... , - ,' ? - 1. TI'' cerfi fnly imaeks of ihe achool wbir.b first pinnod the black cockade 00 llarrisotts'a hat. Tr, whole of it, indeed, from the tuition ui Ihe school the paying tbtfoflWrs under' training 1,1 the et. cltnion of Ihe men to ili;ft feature wbTob enable the rresiot-ot to coinmaiKl. throuch an mW w hom he may puiinh for dii3jedicoc by court-rwrttal,'-' Ujtrs tbiww tflewlmr'B m Bich Harrison oe Id hisxMniTOifc-ioQ iu the daj f "' of the Alien and Keduioa law. ' ..s , Mr. Poinsett s fdan enable tU Chief " Magnirar vf a Staler and) in this he dirimmtet the.; AdrntntstraltoB- hict smuij tnamaitf " Rights from that wtnch wwHrtnew the F..-.:n,l -era. It'tntl-C not be 'brr-ttva that ilarrtmn. na . the 9d of Felmiary last,' in 1ttr U tW. Louts have here analyzed, si ioc Lu would now ure j the nation. ,;m - ' . ' .v ..... ,'lom the AV'Var&.i4MSx. Ut, AVa wero huAy i-esmw-wheiw-rtVOT intelfi. geut farmer frura one of iie counties f ihe iuteri or, when. ihe low price f gn'w -was mentioned, and the attempts of cerUm parlixaQ presses throw' the blame on the Administraiioq. " Y-prenily rnfstake," said our fiiend, " if yoo setose tiie farmers do not understand that ques tion. They are not s,jc!i inattentive observers of events, or so unskilful in drawing conclusions as you city politicians sometimes syji-Mwe. Do not, I pray you, pay fliCiti so bad a compliment a to irw ginctlmt, in cleat ..a is p--.i: &r thern n go m , Tjit fMtmtMjmw4mipjmAiAyi cxpjnuions-of paper monev, of-wbich the etnuda I.-. .1. w.-1- 'e . . . follow by" a general nominal increaso of i'irio. .i.:-t. 1 . , I wu kv ,,y ,110 OlIlK Ol inO l-OIIM -"Hlltr. won;!! n-iiciiru iii-j proo'idsoi sgneupure ss well ss' thing el e. .They know'tdat thiijnerea . of: prices awakewrd and aiimulste J fpeculatitfiui . t'Tiey liio tliat InmdredV of 'pVrs.Wis borrowed T" enormous sums of nionev trnm the LuA. 1.1 ? f XjtfiCllDi-8 sUilirUi-84-f - now insi qui ormn pi-ulattt'tr. thf w f.rtt.- er arm ies n vcgotable pd, that we were obi id to import wheal and potatoes; from Earope f .f our own ceisumption..Tbey saw that when thecm. barrassments of I9.I7 our rommerco, the prico of graiti continuing as faijh aa ever, our pco plo began to pay a mart diligent attcnticn tofcr cullivaii.ui, and lands which Uii hitherto remain. strown with seed. H ire von farot!e;i iJn. i .r, .v,. meeting of the farmers of Ontario equity, in th year l-i7, tn account'of wbi. h was eive,, ,n ror own columns, at which, on a-revioir r-f i-e son-.- what unlucky jcsnli of their own siK-c-jlstions in. land, they concluded to turn them to the het a,-. count, by taking advents? rf-tSr faroraVe mar. ket and devoting the acre ihcv had prelmse.l x the cultivation of wLiM ? . . " The farmers know al-, that w!en high price . 'Lfa,!LLajDtia.iia4 pt'. ttr ehVct. ond"- niica.tiicir.graoerics to bursting, the s.ocubnors., - unablo to realize their t xpcctatiorM tf profit, wr obliged to throw their stores into marlettbat abundance-was Ihus added to abundance, ant? tin. . the price of grain has nercssarily fallen. Tb 7 know bU that there is no foreign market Jo ."take off what; we cannot cotisjrne they 'on Vfarnl .!--"-----s that its quality rendered it compan.vely clteiiKao that it r I . I 1 tmMA na entered without the navexnt ..r 1.... " H.Ur&SJUifesa that mi"$$sitlim sMsm,mwi are, riots on sccoont of the derrf?s of bresid. Im they know IhaVl' also iu corn laws, in, somo respocU more absurd than those of En!and m,w giai hhu uour are subjected to heavier d i tics insomo di-aricts of the c intryjlian in oth ers. Thus they see :bnbo intentions of Provt dence, wliidi created iW-,-tV hirrrjiisz; of loll, and cl Clunales liial ijic! n.i.i., .1' rest with , what it can produce in ihe grctaest' cheapiiess and abondaoee, bM been frost raattd b the folly of human leoiMaii'in. -"-frrc fTrmm ln'Tnc;c.Hm nier7an. UU Mm in W iosiW;twu er Ihrce' V . iVccTinT' a state ol vcbemetit exaniratKn sgaina the ad ministration, heeause it refu-ed to Cflfm-ct iUe'f . with MuCddla'absnk , T 1 chanis aNcrib.-d all lleembarrasmeulsprij cabm. " hiii came up-j our commerce. When however, they saw that very bank fit suing a cm; r which added to the mischief anj confjstoo iicu thev U'h'-ld it tutcrlerniP wnh trtrsa nlvn.. by ilsc.iom.ou, s,x:uIalior, when ther f-in j it .....,,.) . ivueot its n,4 note when they saw it at k st 'imping paymci.i'i:i fiC!p. less msolvxncy, mai.y be;Jt to tl i they hid CTiuimtted a rmstake, aiwl that e. " -mn so mucb to tiiameas' v I been led lasainnosr'. 'H.t- 1 .. , . 1 .1 t. . 1 o j..ii wni'ii.i t,i the In.ted btates Dank wts more , r v- the Administration. True it is t;.ai u-io.v-Vf them, wbf have urJergoue lbs chie c.f i,.t ,o, still reiinm in tb- r in-r.- it v . I habit lliau corrcctrta. ' : - " Of rr: 1V-, -5.-Av. .w-.T!-A wS- 4

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