f I " t nut .,.. i..t! me .mi.' who " not SO hasty in juinmnr: i, a c.imcltiMMii a' the mer- .chuiia,. b'JtJ'irm tinrtw"ta-tiluiitiuviimi. n- ami tfil-cti'Mt-, '; about to 'Uke up fcii i U del absurdity, whirh the merchants- then,.-,, he j nre s-h mied of. They umleMtand the biktpry A i , the American trade in ;Mm; the events of which 1 speak have taken place under their iiuui(24te'b' servution, aii.1 Un-V aiVnot to lo driven fr.Nt, their inrluMnn by faliie km! scihcIcss outcry, be it re "jejawrt as often as it may." , , ; fjcli i the substance of our rierid'e remaiks, and from what we know of the forming population, and we enn boast of having known them, well in our time., we have little doubt of the Iruib tif his r?yrefctitaiion. from the lialtimtrt RtyuUietn. tjctw " Lo (Viin " at North Bend Gen. llarri. a. t the window breathing fresh air o old Soldier at- wmnUnir tu cnrrifriun1cu Willi him" I M t-ommn-Julm C. .Wnlit,'lvid Gwynne, arid O. M. Hpencer, tn front of rh esbin Wright wih the key - iiihtsQsnd. 'f he (uibiwinjj' dmlifue occurs belweer. llifl Old Soldier and " Th li.iiimitie " ! ' . "Old Soldier, lb Gen. II,trn'ii live here, gentlemen 1 - Tht CouwtlHj fXf- r C v ' OW SAJirr. l Wish IdWI! Ililll. , ''' committee,-- Yoe, can'i ci litm.f , r SnUitr Why, giitUmi.erif I hope" In In' jiot aicki . - i'ie committee N, the One", lis not fii:k. He never was iuVtieY health hi lus.hlc, aid you may tell every body that bo i'jist at cdpuble of attending' to business a bo was twenty years ago. '' Old Soldier. Then, why can't i e bun, (.' f!cmen 1 1 Oh, I ipiKwe, nwy Jw, tbu Jienfiral tws tompany, aomeof tha bif bug frmTTf3Trrcrrinati. I can wait till they a, re C"ie. I'll jtut take aoal on thof itowp there f p.r I wouldn't like tn iniw Wiiflg lb old Ijt'fit'fQl, aUer walking ao laf out ol ' mv way.' '' s ' ' tommitfrt, The CiHtioral in nnitlior sick no etiaacfid with company but yon ean'l ' him. Here one of "The Coimnlttce," lookiiig round, n the 0I4J (leneral piping tbenugh a window of . the calim r,re a psno nt niit, and wsfl him "dear (JiMirirf, jiwt k'pp out of aight' a few min utes, we'll noon ;t rid of thin fellow, but if bsaevs 1 you peeping in lliitway. it Will Ml bajly." " Welt, right," any the lencrl, " I wish the clnctiori wait twf, for I em tired of beiujr, " cooped, AVWiVf Why, eentlemen, I don't knnw wba( to ninki) of thiv' " I'irtan" old friei nnd'of CJea I I-irris .it, atiitlwtiitu up in tny it iratnyiog a jjri'al many hu.ru t tlunirs about Irrw, and I thoui'ht white t was down in these parts, fa r -rail and cei him fof "old '"tlmeaaa'ke,'hil juif have " Ins air.hority to contradict nil the slanders his ene. in'ics are pulling' about ayuitihi him. You may de ncntl, gentlemen, It would be of service t the old those matters. ' ' ... The commit lee Friend, fcny thingyoa wish to . jy tQ Ueu.llJtrraonryoa can eay to us, and we tan answer ir Iiirk ; Old Soldier Hut, jentbjmen, I'd rallies hear tlia General answer for himsolf. v: . - . i-Z-The c omjite.Tha(t friend, is what tho Gen- T ( ral dotf do now.- ... ., Old Soldier. That ' queer. ra Why don't he ltt)1''i'. lut-bllllaclf ttuw 1 - Ai' - , - Tke co'mmiltee. Puscauao his friends determined T ' . i that itmas not "politic" ihst he should, and ap- :;' pointed a " Cotnniitlne " to answer for hiuu -CW biHdwr. w iiii, gcnileiticn, wlto are the "f'ommitte ?-; --- pZ:"'r ' Tie comntittre-Wn thrr-c. ,. ; Old. $ f'iifr'. -Wiir,"lhenr"f;pntlfiirien7 if vou arr tjiithmiziift trrffnawiirfi oiod as to ti'll ma whether the General is an Abo. fctto'f'wr.cWfcW to any Hill for ubolibbiti Slavery in Ihe iti ici - of t'olunibial "' I'--M- 1 The committee. TltCH are' rjucstimis, friend, wiiii h wo don t answer, , i j..'.' .. ' . Old SidJ'ur. Wliv, liowj" this? - You ny y .iTiMit allow iTo fienerni to answer tTT himself', 1 i i vtrtt i-ti-11 1 1' f r ' i 1 j iii 1 tii"H"r,lTT Tirill Ic itlkvlloiii:, vou It'll llli) VOU il.ill ...ws um . im.ww.iir.iww Ur.ironJ m iy ten yuulhat the nucstKmyou i.avo nhkvuu urn io. ilnrriion's triomls d v.ry pstiirs which Gent: don t Hunk tt "politic for bin. or Pr us to aiier.. r . Old SMier'hy not ? - Mr. Yon Burcn has ,'nn-iwered them. . . ': ' . ' . The eommittrtf Yes," and the bijrser foul hq . r he lost all ctiuuce of eetlinir a sinele Abolition fuTinyif1: ; ;. rL'-fW SMirr.Oh, hot that's the gam, is it? , lie CiW(.'ircf. (Chufklinjr, and slappinc the uhl aohlior on the back,) Lie low and keep ilurkl tSintViho game, my d lid nf wax. Come take ' a glass ol' cidef to ihe old General's health and success. Hu's the e!J so Idier'a friend -t Hi Soldier. I'd rather take a glass of old rye, i! ii's tho aaiiie to . yon, penllemen. " - fThe committer. We are tee.totallcrs.fricnj nnd the Gi nenil dju'tLVQ uJii frit Wtjuiy .Ihiug 7 lui Tli!ud cider." ' ' iO,7ii Siddicr. Well, tlial's atrange ! The Gen. jttt'i.LUe to like that sort of stuff; but he' gi t tu:; olJ, rud 1 iptso the Doctors preacrilie it.- 1 know, however, as an old soldier, that its very dnn. eercts lo chant' fioiit in the face of the t-neiuy. llu'd butter uiind howiho follows them doctors' -prcHcrii.tinni, or they'll kill him.---;1 - ';".-TI rommitre. Frierid, it wo's hof 'flits Hoctors, H,ut "the cointnitlee," that prcscrilicd Hard Cidr JoiLiUwUUttWiu.si t iifiy itww'rfit tt 1 tie twvt ., tic " drink for him, till after the election. Old Soldier. Well, the old mfinTniay drink whntUfi phrases, but yoa don't turn mj'ftank. gen tlomen, witfi ny such pop-gun as that ; ami, it the Gciieral.am't mightily changed since I ki t him, nnd you II just let mV odor him the mi'sjth of my aiitecu, you'tlsuon see whether Im's a tef-totfiir. " riyo'iic.iii lu L.oine, ( utk'ineii, just let me go Mil and take a shake hands with the old man y howdv-ilo, and cood-bye, and give him a drsp from - ' my caul, en. - I'll rumi you to any nothtr. JL'hc cmttitiiltrf,' - A-ie-o!J .l know that orders must bo obe ved. . Now, we , vre put here to cusrd the old General from talk leg to any body and every body. If we let you in to see him, others will expect to bo admitted, and - iben we might as well let him, go at large. - Old SoUier. WelwhyshouM'thepo atlarjict It's a fieo country, and the old man's arrived 'at yeura of discretiyn, I suppose, by this time. : .-.The cm!ntttetan said you were a friend of ', i.!n. Ii'irrisoii, 1 Now, il yoo arc, vou won I press this matter j for you know ho is old now, and if he ; wre allowed to talk to every body, he nright in lore bis chance of eleoiion, fiir ho losinjifis me- iii'irV end ii aptl as all old men arev to forgot ta.4 tl ty what lie said yestenlay ; and it lie were to tell t rie of these Loco Focoa today that he v as in fa r f the Abolition scheme, and another one to; fti'.rrow that bo wasaijain if, they would 1 aMr tO tl.llil.uie llil!' UilU .lit u.ii X'tlU:ia..a.. e b'.iit- vou are ati'fid lu'W t'HUlU. fi'i that my old jimt riil i rn,i.tit'v :inuu'ttl :iir the worc mce lif ullowa binm:l' tb'lrt iiiit tip' here, and forbidden to mi.k tf In iill! ii'imiiHir " Staf4, -H(i- ymt mr -irm, 1 aim jntwtfwfc tbat the ruu wlp caii't lie triHmsii U4itiMVnr . tii binixelf and wuk Hit loa jpiiiitne qmcii'r on ill attbj'Tta una to uU im:li, a liu! tti 1t "iit iwuriaiS IU. the tiovernnienL " Tkt rrmmittn..Vt"Mi limtlor iul:;isiii4wlm!!- ' cr tcn. llarriaou i lit firr t'ti" I'f'iimiiipj rr nun' ao that we elect IiTiu. lir wiU iiitvt oiiniiLaiua in the country in liii cubmitt, Old ftnMrr. Then we Jin0 Hhiuht efts mi oC tbern and let the tldimrul a jA-ibunifk Boa who do you moan by She (ibleJi aiuw.uu tiiwuumii- Irv 1 ' " J'ae Commttiet. Tor iitu!ia.,?'Wiiiiii b , Sccrt tury f Mtutc, uuii Hivint i.is::riiai"J' off ttm Treaauiy, and ' " - .' Old i'uiJter Tbufe wt'b muftim);, jnw n'd'nt poatiy furtiittr. W trbinr:-minirr'l.tlie mi Vou couid'irt Hwke tiie dime mumt auiuieinuv ' thru ing in Hives. Ja llurird Cmwemtiib eraliNt, who voted, ejfirnut ub umn!betle amnf during flie lint war, aiii T(:jiilfer n,iiirwuuina " the liritmh, rmght surely to awiinttb Birr au.uldj i)i int;rat and Soldier f tlir 'Irntt iwwv, iitbmtt tli uialie- weight r! a eenejrude Ilnmnrsriru Waltattt" (lilt, . . i ti. .i , w . -i.ui. w "-r, lljrd cidor and auur berT ai,ftiiiwf'rrniu;'- cr. :. :' ; a --' . ; ' - - 7 . John C TCright, (eue nf ;tlie lmmlr!',), Yon old rancaf! How dure nmu w any. agaimit Mr. WebWur t The ilw iir oa.uii juat, unrichteooa, uncnnlututumtil lUillui war. and -Mr. ebauw wm ijjiit sMiaipitiwiHfitS ana, B J l - . . I . . ' it..... jll . MUM. Ultfltt. friend of Can.' llam.ro, w.d uhiee &. Wett- iturl tTWhrlvmi old sramll..wtt .iffCiflU. BireiiNMIi .. . . ." ... to tne iat war, i m he trieiia an jus. mmia.- name-bef- r "y J:" " nnttee.") l)iiut lell lumwourmunaeS F irrSfln Harrntau'a suke, 4imi Soil iliiwl I nr tUw Him of the catfiHWt lull Iiim jnuriiinmtv John C. W right, I wiU WllJnm. fcm. luim soa and kis frmods inufl nut aiiuA ni.timf urn mdl be ushamed to own roe. I wiH Mill! Bum ; 3Ijfl name is JOHN C W U(i'ET',.-'u nmamihrtuiw d great passion,) 'Hbluod, IW lUin 01: aHuiitL.t you.bc.cuUis ym4Hi -4mm-mtimAwS-vmihm telling your name. JletiienilwrsFnewregiilsIlenii B uard tl party agHitvat tlaniiHirfliiiii'li Gritn, liarrinoOlt us not comniU .oudmIWhu. ,, - t r tr.:,.i.i ' (....it - - :.. - ' t f I will m-tmt Wobsw ...b.mid !Jw mm w.lknff . Democrat. 1 .ill iell Hum. . ..rAiUir.ssino.riia- olJJ soldier tjonfj I api"3ulni "14 win'suy- jmrtiMt old John Adnm,tio atmrmnnuma yjiiiny er. Adams. . fain an old iFeuunilerv,iiuillllin.'beura- who knows it Gm. JJarrimiB to'nwtuHoJi liHftByi-L me the bettitr for it. 1 InrmnrU' eiilntiilai ff.nlec al jinuer tn New S'wk, I wa u FwUw- al member of Conreiw ifrnm thiin, and! wntrd! &itf John Qtiiucv Adams lor iTmulurm wiiimittie-nieev tion wi u to the House, f iwus ufinr.n((r. ITd') eral Judp hi Uhin, end am nownniwruf t&m faili eral tiazntte in Cinrinuuli, imfl.iint'iir!llii aiim nit-,",warisworfurten-IlBr.-im.'! "Tm 'liwsr now I hope y.m old vn'ibiinlLw'hiiS uni. ,ty .keule, .orih.LJluu. herever lie jf'"" 'nn Humsim itmJUTnt havjA .donir jvot"'? Jiiajyi-Jf, lyriwtit rtiiie Mtm Uiirts'ttr. as effect! u'uifj as he roulii Imiie liliint ii! ii,mwl& ' Tho foul! why emifcl'nt he luny 'thr liimit! Waft. Bte r ahd Federalism 1 - , ' Old Soldur. ( Talking In !tunHnilT Xriim Cm right ! and is it possible ttiut Tjnn. Euitthou, u . iiifiu unu a crnwin tien.-iney iwoo ti. i'iii('iti ni hVtangctl ; liul I lii hwe i,u re -mlU " unulb- ' inW hen.". jkn 0, Wripht. (Trnmhlmr,, mifl nr awttmiitir tone) 1 do lie I. eve rt wnlU umirgr1 Sinsmuririj diriiie ! This is do plnee fur nm. t'l yirtt tt- into te Cabin and h'uve 'Gst. uiic au Smiuim tiw nuinnpe liiua. v .Liu. fi fyf r bum "" H He has cot os into a simine and aiow UwrUwwitu -It's just bke mm, and if he ihufu on t,) iGamirriil into a scraie that be can't jmimhk ijI,iC wull ha wonder. . . -t Old .Wdiv Well, n(Mid Uvu, mniiunen.. Plense tell (he old Geimnik'thut'wiiuiill llitnc H i let out mid wed lo sjit!it fur ilunwul E"i,'aiL ags nin.- - - " Gu-ynne 4" A'cncr-Trituit., ici!femua.'ufi raway ottnnned. " e atsnro vnu imn wumi Hiii. Harnsnn is etneted Jra,iik)ifl 1tie""w.iliu"iwi"i lie. glad tose lim friondtt. Scm .nrnettum j'ub uf Hard Cider end let's pnrt frnmiU. Old Soldier. I nni not a ibt:,trw ynitfiimeni, and if General Harrison doisriu vIinonc tiuaiiinic me into hi bourn, lie milmtriniie .'rroniuiisiiliim; . me py an olier of old clnttiwi.-wiidmiiiilwijfuni swst ' r i - i i tri . .i 'i. i .a: 1UC Mi'iierai may WKfan u.rn w,ow nitr mnsr for this rmpaicn. ' ... !:,':v,.T..'v:.-.,'au saa,ikL tti.tttA -autl. fl x. HP .nn-uiin, ''" ' t .... ...www "UU -wliww if.. i .miissr T!fi Cimmit!(nj ttk.Mi-.B7T thallium ffiir HHm .via iM..utr.-4 a in iiiwie.Wa,lu,uii.iii(mu.B am mortitied mA aimmeoUihal aural mw mi- tmnen MMnild .-ir Hwraiaawy. have so far lost thmrwi-.h'-TamiBW wlefnmrmiinieir vimi are obh"ed 4 athiit on .twn. Hi-w fkntw spenkje" to any rnei.' ( nr Jit, abmiltJ Detinu Ilia. to I Wifitnw JbLliiSJUflk!; ryieeafl ?fw- ki trrTmandUt!u.ftrimir; may f letters ly. sane ueT witn :uniiaer. nrid it would kill hsm lo aiiuer jimrru. "5 Old SvUurvl thm.glit ynu tiilil mw.ti w'iilir bpt that V lie never -us ;in IwrtHr 8ir4l.h im Uns life and as -capable -uf attending ao 3i liuisiwwi a bo was 20 years nsrtT' tn.iu' eiiliiinmn. iib to!:l me tTTfc infti in Ihe ;b"iuitp - Ulut his roemory was failing him, anS tuut itir amine al jt Loco f'iico lo-iliiy taut 'be v.us au iliuneiiir .t.i..liw lion, end anutlier me ti.-morniw tthiit Ru wi ega'inst it, and thus expose 'JumsuUV Grjnne and Sprnctr. Tt ante 'iintv'w'tua w Ihiniffiit you Were a Tritmil ortliedeiuiTii Old &Aditrj&i 1 h irtettr' trtrf swn .i;'. ter all I've aeea and heard hi, I womi: ih man bis friend than to coop him rip iimf ami! wr euard over him. 1 am jretime i8 fcuf tf j a houhj live to a trtmi ChiiiJiiuud. I :bm w thrnn. it - . a a m.iaBfJiulatoliim. (ee I errttonal Laws, Kev-1 . , ra.auvliurt-aiwiHitit .i . a m qr,'lr, in tho proceed ttrWirvTKltf f n ,(t,,ri,m., Mi.n,,, .Ma,.!,-., I ; : " .i "T ' :4Ttonrrnr;sf. " It is part of "their cred to believe ' nswer ".' - , , ..-. ! ' 'isww'Tu.w).iftt-r?ti(.ii 1 '. i ttrrrrcrriTr'--irSj'' TXT- ." T. 7", V T-mnr -rm -itt , i ... , r u...,,... ..t. ,.,.n-. tin.,, mni t-.iiiii, u ri, liu M z uni in.iF rnnniui u ...au.. )t turn iiiO over to f!i-iiii'!r4 to speculate t.n. VVe lujiie.. c. part friends Old SMler U inlcmcn, I leave you inorejn sorrow than in ang-r. I wippow you thjnk yi,u are liinp-r nothing inore tliari your duty to your mmnirv. tut. uemlenifii I have m occasion tor a Coniimttee'' or guard ot my .door, and if ever wort 'iiuiihl rm pa-tnu tlirouh the county o. hock imj, whena-1 hve, you will find no lock np'm my tiior, nut " the etr'ing of the latch pulled in i ; from tha Maditon In ) Courier. SELLING FREE MEN" AS 'SLATES IN THE STATE OP INDIANA!! 5foi;h hn been aaid in defenca of the charge nt-nnihi Geaeral Harrriaon.ol voting in the Senate of uhio tn m Jwi wiiUa irica as staves ;.auu m.u aril Uamsoir avrn lettew m ilennil and excuipa. tion. liwe bcn virv eXteneivelv imLlihhed. The elmriewbowever, renmiua weH establiehed, and B ttiiiif us therecordaoftha Senate of (Jhm shall con 'iiuiH tn eiat.'ao lon.-r miimt the testimony to estab lish ihie eliarire le wirrtetuiiied. (See journal of the SeniitB of Ohio of January the 20th, 121.) But w have resumed thin subject to show, mat tioa section of the Ohio Legislature, with all its edimiBfleaiv an old acquaintance of (ieneral fl.irnin, and had ru new hewrora to prescut to his mtil f fin-, wlnle Governor of the Territory ofr fmliumi,n he approvedj and eigned "An act He. ) ttHstin j Crimea and Punishments," containing aec i ttimMiorewhoua than the teetion for which he vo. ; ted in the Ohio Senate : more oiliouK, itiaROiueh as it emuht an escape trom tim most uegraumst ana Iliiiiuiintjiir aivrvitiide a criminal oflence piinit.li abhi with WHlI'PlN(i in the full nieawire of tHIlirY-SLNE STUIPES f I and with a double '"' ,.B-r -r !M"4 . ... . Ski.. 3'J.. When any oerson or persona Biiatt, on , r . - . t'h ,,f M(M, .tfr WTTTntrTit.Til Wnj n una ui iiiin, wiiu ... i ..... rhe oiwte of proaecutKio, it shall and may be law. tut fiir the court before whom such conviction! shall lie bail (Ktto obdkb tub she b iff, to sel! ob nraTTTiii! rRnsum ' or teutons o coiwicted, to SHUVU e, tw rtasox'oK PERSON! who will thu sAin njtit a .to costs for such term of time m the court will think reasonable. ' , '.. -.lml f auehv prion or perwmii, so'scBtcnced ?ua11 amljmmhry.cc j t '? ho:!i serv.ee shall be txpirod.be or she. ao ab.( ihe pence, be . VVHlrl KlJ . vyi'l tl IH1KII iiiKUTlUPiiS I and slifill moreover aervewo liuy for everv one so lost. . , 3'" l'y it T ami every court, in wnien a grauu )ury m, " JESSE B. .THOMAS.-I -" fMieaEer of the Htmse of Representatives. - "B. CI1 A M BEItS, r ' " :" ,r . PresidcntoCthe CounciL ' Approifed-Scpt. 17, 1907. ' t"' -WILUVM HENR.T UARRiSON" But wa Governor Harrisijn at this time cloth eifc wifli the veto power T his friends would ask. tv Ii via : he was more nmnlv thsn the Exccu- tiya of any State of this Union was. See the " Or ttinunce tor tne jioyermnentiii , tne terniory of the L'oili'd States, Northwest of tho River OhW Tiiisordinanc may be found in all of our mi wmi. lews- finnr-'t79& inclusive TO tho present )'vt W a n in i(U frtun .1 1 . AljlilJ LIIO i .. ..... . .1 f n "And all bills hnvng passed by a majority of ;h-rriMiiav, anil hy a mnpntv of the Council, ahalj ffi 'rretrto "tli'iT 'Gove rlior r'iirsVssenf, lilt ho Ihil or- li'irihlative act whatever, sAu be of any rvruewunownuuxHtw. m iTia. vi. rn tunm n liutlnin, X.lLiiv fmiii nnas with. mm his .wwthouni every -member of the - TO TIIi-Pt;BI,lC.- - - it ft Impossible', in eotweqiiettca of nf !!h, M iwrforra the ri.uiea of Postmaster; in a satisfactory maniier, I bavu resigned , . .i,-.r..r. L ..,.. lietf hertl Ceneni in tiinr oific",. to tnkn ciluut as soon as. aiy snccessot c;m hit anpoiutedi vfett ttuviiij been fortuiiHte enough to accumulate y'wonlt!t tu a public ofliee, I am under the necessity of rwi-tiiio lo ji.ue,hrjxiitit.c cmpk.ynitwt a -i. uuiFto mv sirenijtli and condition ; fur the purpose ormeeOn.j the current expanses of a considerable Ihrnilw, . .- - -. C" 1 :X tr-r hmirs each day devoted to the pen, Wv-' mir arrnhundtuwfnf tinm fbr relaxation amleNer tnsev haw rniind by experience, from the excite uiqiIl oI' ooinrHUMiion, lo be rther ertmluctve to my himith t!um itijunnusfAiul this is the occupntion, :i!rev all others, most ngreeablu to my taste and mf present inclination. . ..wr. Kktrwrro-Rrves have kindly 'nffereirine tfie prolits ot sucli subscription to the Extra Globe liir tin) pn'seut aenson, as may be raised on my nc aiiit; ami I have consenteil to contribute to it un urjowmibernexl, if such a number of subscribers Imil tw filitntlieil :m will warrant flint .fen. r am tfie i-re inc!iued to this devotion ofJmy imm iran a nesire 10 prcveui any misconstruction -i ,f n,. mullVi!9 -yRU hv M.m. m tiiction witfV the President or his adininistratinnj'oo I "'.. . . 11 . f ...-- mi iittni.t Af ilj Mt...MM A oils. UiuLiuxxt- iUuit 4traiiiHn -frtc ttr nri'cr prtfn to nnhlitr Ntatiom On tbo contiary my ,.fi.in-. , i!, Vn.t,t . ki- v.. ! ,.,!. .,i t.;- cPmnBM. K... ia'L ! WM&r officially associated with him: j my .retnrions.witli every member of Cabinet hw I 're-'.i '.JllllUrmlr of a huU fneaulv characler.- and ' " - - .u." i u(1h mta ,.i i ,k. 4.i:..:....: t (trmwa no MlwieiuHiit. ..ljr.liQlcing...praricipV.. itmwi ny iiiK rresiuein l i-mk onon as eentml ! to-tiin prwservqtmn of tihertyind a Goyernni? il jif, U iMinnut; anil it I bad supposed that my resifina. i turn cimtii anuaair-r ttieir snccesa, I should have Aaiiooii as ineneesaryarranemenlsarc made, prrinosnl, with mora axtended addres, will be presented to tha friends of tne Administration. .- AMOS KENDALL. 1Tt u. tto. ' - 3IOCKiTILLE PROPEUTY FOR 5ALE. 3Tiaa rnmse and lot bel-vwi!; to tho Subscriber, Modiswlhi, Havte CouVtv. iU lie sold at j P'lblic auetiun,on Tuesday, thnj'JtJth of this month, j PT,1V-) premie are ejceedingly d.irable, I (iitiidr a a taiiuly re snleiutfl of as a birsine estab- ;iNlimenr.c! Term! will be mule k'mwn on the day ar salt. . - JUNIUS L. CLEM M ON S, 3:5 wile, N. My 13, 1S1P. it. : c;t:e ot tin';, ! U I: I THE CAROLINIAN. ; . . SalMniry, Friday, MA If 22, 1810. -State Righti Republican Ticket. 4 . FOR GOVERNOR, f t-.. - ROMULUS" M. SAUNDERS. - - - STATE LEGISLATURE. ' - - -Senate, for Rowan and pa w HENRY MILLER. Oiinon-JESSE A. CLEMENT, GEORGE LT SM1TIL - , , . DAVIDSON COUNTY.-f:ommon-COL. PHILIP HEDR1CIC ': SKtriffCQL. JOHN M. SMITH. . Extract from the answer of Gen. Harrison's " Secret Committee," (or conscience keepers) to the Oswego Union Association : , '. 00" " Tht policy it, that the General farrimnl MAKE NO n RTUKK DKeLSBATION Of HIS OI'lRIOSa TO MEET THE PUBLIC LYE, uhite occupying hi pre lent position "as a candidate for the Presidency. (& A mistake occurred in our last week'a pa- ings of tho Ilepublican meeting lf n,vi(W ins, nstead of Dnuiel T. Warner, one : , . m of the Aasistant Chairmen, asprinied.it should have been Danikl T. Waskf.k. "w , : STANDING ARMY! . t RawJIead-ani-Bloody-BonetlXVar lSwardu and ' -, " ' . Dagtri I v '.. Well, it is all over with us now A'an Bureq ia going to have a " etatiding army " of 200,000 men, composed of the Farmers of the country, raised on purpose to cut their own throats and destroy their own libertius; So. say theJhrttljMsjrr - - 4eMfrora tr'm jia ini.v nrfl ivrn unou-n. niuuii iifirs AHnwou v. in m it is time to be preparing our minds for these terrible thinca.il ll is reallv awful to think about, YnuT that have tears,' prepara to shed them how." A afterJcsjarihing, in LJW!tatTeUng;.jianjnottth.ejr. women and children at the Nbrth as being nut of employment, and turned loose hungry and naked how shocking !-went on to tell how JMr. Van Bu. rcn was going to got this "standing army," and how wo should then aco the smoka of the burnings, 1 and hear the shrieks of the women, and the criei . or..lho.poor,litUe..hulplcu children. It waa-vei,. ry aflbctinji to bear. him. What abloody mon- ' ster that Van Buren must be! Nero, and all the - lothcr tyrants of. Rome, were fooja to him thry only killed a fellow occasionally by way of amuse. mont, but he ia going to establish a " standing ar my "all over the country, of the People thamsolves, juu"u' " ", m me eiec. J. ,!'!, Jwn, , VS-j! ; iimke'Tirem turn iq and" kill their wives and child---' rctlt nna wjnt up 1ne i,uody work, of course, liy killing themselves ! I or b11 parties that 1mve ever existed, ns faros prores tharthry Ihiht so i-ollicrwise,.would''they atterrmrtBdcMtrni such siliy ub- surj( rkl;euluus stories as they pVflke of whit' they . n , , ' now calling an Buren'sstaiidina army sehoine? ng army Just think for a moment of try ing to impose such stuff on the pcoplo.as truth,' Is it not plain, lhot j they havfe a contempt for limit understatidinjMjin mihK llicrir fools enough to hehevo any false sto- ry that can be trumped up ? Let us look at this great bug bear of a " standing army," and sue what it isi Instead of being ft bill recommended " by Van Burcn, and before Congress, as many of the Fcdeialists represent, it is nothing more than a plan for re-organiz.rig tho militia, proposed to Con gress by Mr. Poinsett, the Secretary of War. For ourselves, we consiJer it a fiolih andimprnc . ticshfe onorentirly too much Mcver to be dan-g-jrous; if there was any thing real in the matter; wo should go as grent lengths in opposing it as any or those who are now trying to make it a political hobby to ride into office; but il there is any man, ; "',, ,he crn,i,r)'. recommends its.adop tion, we navo yet to learn wlio lie is. tit assort and defy contradiction. that Mr. VaiV Bureii ta -aor recommended the adoption of the plan. RrffM.W''g fr1net"'nW of tho terrible thing the Fedcrjlist! are trying to make of itv They -say -ft is a schemo to break down liberty, and liowt, Even if the plan was adopted, idle as it is, -how would it give the Presi- dent more power or endanger liberty ? Tho "atand ingarmy" would bo composed of the people thenr--solves, wlio are tho militia. Would th people break down their own liberties woulJ they engage, in B war against each other, or what? But. sav Thc WoiSiTeiful men, tlieTresident intends lo march them about from Stato to State, to turn the eiec - p.dns";TuriidelectionV" the freai men Trom one State to another to vote " Are thesd storiea not an insult o;i the understanding's of the peoplo t It is all a lalse t;y of wolf, wolf," from beginning to end. Such plans have been repeated ly laid before Congress, but never acted on;-f-they -have always fallen still-born, as this w ill. There is one thing, however, that these Federal orators take special car to avoid the meption of, and. that is, the fact that their tandidate, 6. ItarrUon, once t oHorcd a much mora exceptionable plan to Con. gross ;-a plan tomaka soldiers nfiha boys of the country, and keep up a standing arniy, at an annual expense of 2,mi0,0UO j but this was all right and pitriotie to tien. llarrwon, and he ia fit fir Presi. ' j denf, but Jfr. Van Buren h fryirig to dejtroy liber- ty, and rnusl be turncJ oul of cifice, becauje tfiel ' - , ."' ' . f cctctary of m ar rt'coinmcnils a p'an h-s. 1 tioimblo than Gen. IlnrriNjn's, to Coimrpiu i. ial'edernl logic mjil reasoning fir ymj, " tor a correct view of (jcn. Harrisnn', ,,an. "standing army," the reader is referred t W article on our first page, under the head of tict of the llav." , V,M A Change came o'er the mnrit of their Thtf When, scarcely twelve months ago, it &i diclcd to the Federal Whi.s" h.ire, e where in the South, that Mr. Clay would not rj ceive the nomination of the " Harrisburg Conven. tion," and that Gen. Harrison, ui all prolan,!,,.. ; would they laughed the idea to perfect acorn, u being highly ridicutuus, mid altogether out of il question , nicy uisiswu iiiai uio caneuistes shou!4 pledge their allegiance unconditionally t JJr. Clav and the party, one and all, unequivocally declu that lie alone could carry the vote of NorU, cM9 liiia, or the South, Many of them, to our certaia knowledge, who ore now going all lengths for uM rlnon, expressed their dctcrinination to vote fyr Plxv. and nn nlher mnn. nnil i.hn inU ,1... ., , J ' . . . uu out (,m Would be forced into a support of Harrison,' tht. mently asserted an unqualihed opposition thatcouis under no circumstances be changed. They cslkd him then a weak, incomptftnt old man, without pit. tensions or qualifications fiir , the high station President. Thcso were their real sentiments, tj mark the change, arid the cauae of the change. The summer passed by Ihe yvintcr came, and witk it, the time lor the meeting of he " Harrisbur Convention." Thero wa a mighty gathering of tho - Whig? forces from every" part of th Lnion, AboIitiotiists-tHartford Conveuti(n rVc ralista Alien ana Beuition law men Anti-Mi. sorts Southern Federalists, and Banli-men, ttn. swenng to Ihe uamo of good Whigs,",, sppeartj to consult together, anil agree on a President U would cany out their prineiptet! t , 'Plicy proc4 to business ; Mr. Clay is uoiniitlted, and at the fin ballot received by far the largest number of vote, showing him to bo the preference of the JSurlliwii and Southern Federal Bank party, of whom th?r was a majority in the Convention. It being evil dent that Clay would receive the nomination by i pojraraTVSfo proceed was cl.tange.dj and rt. was couclox'od to vote by Stjfo.- Oo the second ballot, behold Mr. Clay was tliron pjtejb)ar!lj!.-byrliia Northern friends thoegh f vojeaTor by tho Bouthero delegation and Get, Jla ws4ftkea up as the-iwlrtV'Tlrtr)'e fi;orT not as a fit, competent, or preferable, but u'lkti afairatecandidatepf this motley,4-Whtgpam," having as many rfiflo'rent political principles asthe garment of Joseph hod colors. , . n. Now, what was tho me aning of this manojurri and changa, and cspeeklly of-this word araili- hkt '. Simply this: Ihe Abolition jwrly of tU I North ntiu.West refused, to support Mri Claj in v - ,. . consequence, asiney say, ot tus Afili-AboUUi speech ill Congress last session, and threatens!,' in caso h was nominated, ta withdraw their en-' operation from the VYhig"," and bring rmt a can- didatfl qf their own, the Convention well tnowin; lliot tholrength of the " Whijj:!! party .Jtasds. K.'J'it.i'l .)?. ..aiiliLtheirAlwUtiojL;lliW that their defection would ncutrelizo the "Whig" Vote of the North, wire compelled to vield-and, ia opposition to their own preferences, suffer the nomination of Harrison, whom the Abolitinoists would support. This is the wholeecret of llieolil General's nomination ; lot the Federalists' here disprove it if they enrr.- ; ' .'--''.,... riio news is published to tire faithful tWigt tnontr was 'twclrgdltrtmt South" wifn 'dismay :iif " confusion .too great to ho concealed. ;. It, srtnnM fn the oar of the astonished ' Whigs" as fit death-knell of their hopes. They were I&W cotpplcU'ly ''iilmck.'and surprized out of lufir discretion which, hy the' way, thoy.can be bars-' ly said to liva recovered yet. Tin firstjrujriuLl tH'eliTimTnalioti was not only doubted, but ridvCii- led and disputed every whore a few days, howtr er, brought xjnnfirmation unquestioned, and then there was "hurrying lo and froL in the Federal camp. '"They raved, denounced, and utterly refu sed to receive the old General, in their first trsm-.l port. After a while, being somewhat, recovered from the shock, pursitadod bv their love (or, and ttw P.-!!yn,ion-0i-?beiidarJi scliemoaiif th Tiv J iff. Internal Imnrovcment. and nank.monooolies- n.l MuiM,n . .... , ' I-l. i m.. ,u, :,r iK-ipicns ana nojieiess ptigm i.., resistance to this Abolition influence fairly whip'' into tho ranks, they swallow tho bitter pill throw up their caps, and cry aloud for OlJ Tip," th-' j" Hero "the "MiiitaryChiefiainr"tlieurngci. bin and "hard cider " candiijnto of the g1".. Al!itloaFWcral-Ai This is the 'ofQhelrtngojn jlippi.ni1! of cfhTeillaT oprtonents, and the history of the rise "aud progress TornarrTsorjism iu the Soutb"T " ."HARD TIMES.J;( , ';.'1 The Federal orators and editor! are in the habit , of laying all tho blnme of the hard timesat tne door of the Administration. A late Englisb" "Til Mavnf f r'..l,.l n..t ..l.l.ot ,; fnr.l-llis. t' ' v.. itnm UC4, quii'DKU .... i ' and drew a most heart-rending picture of the deep & t tress pervading bil township and the tei lilmrlKioJ. -T-he-wflrfrrrTgrfi pittsuce of wages open food, While it rcniiined J it Present high price. ihey.couUgatiio-clotliinl. nd the liorne trade had fallen off in consequence. .Ft" ty year back, there had not been such deep distre . fc,"Lord Nolbeurne:. Do yoo mean to say they f 1 ..worse condition now, tlian you ever remember., J'Tlie Mayor of Carlislo leplied-be came there l state that fact. The wapes were lower than be erf remefnbered ta the cotton trade." . " s What will jhey say to this ! Hat the Adminis tration in this country caused the deep dmre ind low wagei in. England, too! England i suffering from the very same curse which baa vw ited thi! country the exces!of unrestricted lank' ing the ruinoui abuse,inf the paper traah systciB, the unlimited expansion! 6nd!udden'contleti', which is its iiicvitnble" consequence. This o' brountit about the distresi existing in thiseouotrj. and tha same causa haa occasioned it in Eflsj1! The Administration ' may be as reasonaT'ry " justly accord of n tfje other. ":. -' " il ft' -.1- lily ."L-t'.ii i t.