- I Y'KGINlA." l. VVe have Waited to receive full returns before wilting any itatenwtil of th) result of the election in Vugmia. f r tne 'a"'' ,wo wks, the Harri son prints have teen filled with hums, shouts, and every .demoriatratinn of extravagant joy for the thrice glorious victory which they, hs usual, anticipated- knew that they would crow any how, if only, like the fellow' wjho was badly drubbed, pecans they were not killod, and, therefore, paid no regard to their noise and blusier beforehand. .Since Mr. Riven deserted the rajikiof the Admin titration, there havo been three partiea in the State, '..as' our reader! doubtless know the Democratio Republicans, Federal uWuigsH and Conferva tives or Rivet men. In the- two last Legislatures, the " Whigs" and Conservatives together had iall majority .over the Administration party, but in consequence of A refusal of the Rives party to act cordially iiher with. the.,. W.higs'V or Demo crats, neither of these two great parties could gain the ascendancy, the other holding the balance of - power. Within the last few months, Mr. Rives - Jms succeeded iu what he ban been trying son if time to accomplish, a coalition with the M Whigs." "lie bai mounted the federal cockade and gone over, bag and baggage, to the ' log cabin ..and " hnrd cider" party, carrying with him a sufficient number of his friends to give the Federalists a smatl majority in the Legiilaiurc. The Republican strength is not weakened, ex cept in hi desertion of the Hive's party, which has ' been lieretofore more than half-acting with the . ..Whigs, but have .now only gone over in name; and to a hearty co operation with the Federal Harrison party.! Tho most satisfactory conclusion which we are able to form of the result front the reports on both sides is, that the partite stand in the Senate 10 Repuhliciins and 18 Federalists, a tie : jn the i House, there is a l-ederal majority of 8 or 10. , ' This majority in the Legislature is, jiowevef, no ; evidence that the" popular vote will be in favor of Harrison. -.Tho "Whigs" themselves admit that i ' in some counties, tho contest turned not on polili cul but local questions, so that the result was no test of party strength; and another thing : in the -tartTan-irii n any county gives the iht. of voting, enabling oiM man to vote repeatedly, n lie lias mo required qualification in difTorent counties. . This is not the caw in the Presidential election. WitllOHl hcill'J fit nil ilini-nllrnrrnd hu I position of liio parties in the Legislature, we look confidently to tho Contest next fall, as one that will triumphantly clear away any doubts which may now be entertained, of the stern and unwaver ing adherence of the Old Dominion to the doc trines of Jcflerson and tho Republican party. - She will nver barter her proud birthright cf honor, ; fur a mess of pottage, or a barrel of", hard cider,1!. fi.v wasiji.mji'u.ys urt.Niwi or paixk We beg leave to call the attention of the Ran t-ederahststothe following opinions of Gen. Wash mgton, on the subjects of paper emiwions and bank ing. Will they come tr ihe question now, aodde .... tiuuiice VV4tingtoo- Loom-IAwo? Mrk-wmrt lie says : " iliat tho want of specie, is represented us "roater thfin it r-.slly i -'i ' In the ye.ir 17"?, (Sen. Washington wrote tj a Son ntor in one ol tne ivioliiera Mates, on the sunje-t of pa pi-r money, mi which no thus savor-eases himselt, V muko the extracts from the letter as found among tl writings ot lien. W nsliinglnn published byipnrks: "I do not hesitate to ehM-larc, that if 1 had Oice'lb-V0XeTaTiirc,'ilTviJuld liiVeJeiTtive'Tni" dHly aBamt rwneTrwrKTorT7"Tipoa tub imu'ai. iauaii!iriMt.'urjutjitm.t t. . iu Jiei;c3iu4,j:.,oWtiis iiuui-.aasisiga retwijos tor . -ilns-jofljuon, would.. bo as unneceary as tedious. The ground lias been so cf.en troJlilt a"ilacc remains. In a worj, Uie necessity arising for the want ol upccie, is represented as greater than it really is. I cos- TEND 1 HAT BY Till: Rt UTIMT, NOT WITH THE SHADOW - nr 4 TIIINU, WE A lit: TO BK BKNFriTTED. 1 110 WIHJOIll ot uisn, iu my humble opinion, cannot at this tune, de vise a plan by which Uie credit of paper money wouiu be long supported : consequently, depreciation keens. i pwextMttrttnrTirjinTtTty'OfTtie eTuission, and articles tor w hich it is exchanged, rine m a greater ratio man tne linking value of the money. Wherein, then, is the rRMta, tmf. I't.AM t.b, tug artisan, antrm go ! " " An evil equally great is the door it immediately o,k-ti for fuecnhviou, HY WHICH THE LEAST lifelC.MN.i ANi 1'F.itlIAl'S MOST VALU.V Ttl K I'ART'lK TUB COMMUNITY ARK FLAY F.l) UPON BY TUB MORE KNOWING AND CRAFTY Sl'KCULATOKS." - l"t Uis vahmkr. the artisan, norider on these truths fiTeniember,lt is the voice ot Washington f peaking from thegrave,lliat puts thefluestioq: " V herein, then is tlie FARMxa, the piasiek, the aTisAi benefitted ! " Remember, hiwever, that, ss Mr. Huchnnan ssvs, we know tint the existence of banks and the circula tion of paper are now so identified with the habits of our people that tney rxoT W aooiisiicd, even it it -erc desirable; and that to REFORM, and sot to dc- fc'rov, is our multo. -Oftr-A -rwr -rrr-r)rnirr-ftrt'jf)lf Ffilrml nes made by the rctierahsts in the last few months, of new and wondcrluTtriiiigs appertainingto their camlidate, old Gen. Harriaon : they have lately found out, for the first time, that heia a great Gen eral, mighty hero, and profound atatcimnn, with other tliinjjiof the aumesort ; all strange enough to . besure ; bufnothiog loa new woniler just hrmighl to light by a very observant and highly respects- We member of the Federal "Whig" party. It ia a pretty generally received opinion, that moat rneii in tht't world, lmelmbra" ieafc'ihtl frail as Jhey grow very old end approach to Oen. Harri- soil's age near lliree "ecors yean aud ten and gradually sink to the grave by the decay of nature. This is not the case with Gen. Harrison, accord ing to the late discovery ; fo , instead of declining, be actually grows stronger every day ; Heai what a correspondent of the) National Intetligen cersays: "A man of Grn. Itanium kahitt of life but grows hardier at ht growl older " Ac cording to this rule, how many years will it take the old General to become immortal ! N. R. Who knows but thia may lead at last to lbs discovery of the long-aowght F.lixer of Life, which may be nothing more nor less than real M wd eider." Amos Kendall baa resigned hisolTice of Post waster General. Fee hia card in mother column. &latt Rigfos RrpMican Mr-ting in CYiurkjVa. The extract beio w, fromMhe'-'Mx:tti:i:-'cniitaii)' some account of an overwhelming meeting held iu Charleston, on the evening of the 7th iiist. We will give the address and proceedings on the occa sion next week; "They certainly convey a "strong rebuke of the course and conduct of Mr. Somtor ' Preston. II:irrionism finds Utile that is encoura- ging or congenial in the Palmetto State : ,JW The Democratic Stale Itightt Party of Ckarl$. fo.--Sncha gaUiering of tlic people a look place on Thursday night, is not often witnessed in our City. The City H ill was crammed to overflowing, and every window and the wide steps were tilled witii eager hat tenors. The feeling 'hat pervaded this great awtembly .was worthy of the occasion. The defence of the prin ciples on which our party is bused, by the successive speakers who addressed the throng, was received with an enthusiasm that loaves no Imps among us for the op erations of that now zealot of Harrison mm (one of the bona tors of South ( -nrolina) who, on Monday hut, in the Whig ynuna Men's Convention at Bultnnnre. re- . .furring, .to: the . federal candi'date, pledged himself '" ts ; Aewtt (o km his lahm, hit Ihattqhli, hit prrimn and , aispurte." iiilDor,lint!iou(rlit,anduispersonwill have as little effect here as his punx, and he had as wpii nurse tnn all ftir his private romforc The Hon. Hensi L PiM-aNsr, Mayor, was called to the t :hir, and while the Comniit'.ee"wrre preparing uie Aiiurutis ana itemilutione, was called upon to ad. dress the mcelinir, which he did. and for an hour dc. lighted them with an eloquent and vivid sketch of the principles, aims and character ol the two great parlies of the Union. We do not attempt any report of the speeches, ; a.r. I'inckncv waa followed br Mr. Mem m.Kiia on the part of the Committee, who read the ad dress and resolutions which the reader will find in our . paper. After which,"he addressed the Mwting. i'here. was in Mr. Memminger's speech, a clearness of iiiougiu, Cheney oi reasoning, vigor oi mntiafc sne high-toned fueling that thoroughly routed the whole throng. . i he Meeting was alxo audreed rt Messrs, Rutrrr, Elmori and others, and went on increasing in enthusiasm to the last. 'The Address and Resolutions , were adopted without a dissenting voice, and are now put forth to the world aa the sentiments of sn over whelming majority of the people of Charleston. The 7 Resolution rxpresning our confidence in Mr. Csf.Hous and grateful appreciation of Ins eminent services to the otate, was received with repeated bursts oi applause, and when the Chairman in submitting the different res olutions to the approval of the Meeting, came to that, he said;-"gentlemen, I will not put the question on this Resolution, he wosnswered by a simultaneous burnt from every part of the crowd that fairly shook the Hall, ana unii moi in voice not 10 vo inufiisen, uioi no wu right in supposing there could be no doubt or question .;: The Federalists are using ".Mr;-2j?S!S!r. ""ffeify'''muK'ir'tlia"'amo stylo that Jack Falstall ; proposed lo destiny' the' French army.. His plna waa, to jfhortsft 50 mnri, go to iheTfench irm"y"at)3 L..li.!lJJ.tttfR.5 4dLUaamtliiH thent'-frT, then l more aud kill them, then 50 mora and kill them, and so on until be had killed every sou ofa-Fronch man irr th'r ",'liDlo"nrmy.-'c--"-V- r- The FcJernl plan is much te snmo j they .ake State by Siate, and kill off the Democf otlerRepub .lieans, jfiiowut Jiiercy,wfirst, Connecticut next, Virginia and now they are crying out for Geor gia. If they keep on at this rale, they will posi lively not leave poor Van Curen a single Stale, but sweep the whole and leave him without a solitary vote, jost as Jack F.dstafl left the French army without a man. This is neither liberal nor fair ; they aught, ta -divide, und loavs Van at least one little State out of iho ii6. Come ! Come, good - l eds, uou t take all. WT- se -of erit iturnrnj nirstrwrrr. Tiie My number of this periodical has been on our tnhle some dnvs. A want of leisure has pre vented our ex'inuuipg nnd noticing it before. He have so often mentioned its high mrri's and unri valled claims as a Literary work of ability and taste, that any commendation now, would be but rcpeti'toii. h is only jeacssary lu aayaliaLthe va-4 lnSX-f. t!lLijLtl-FC tt M I f 'llit'i?il oTTTurpriMHii.iiiii)ilfJ fully su-itain the picvioasly acquired reputation of wnrfcv - " .:ri-ia25B!r been fo.J vorcd by the publisher, with the back numbers of the present volume of this beautiful magazine. From the examination which we have been able to give tho miiuliers before us, we consider it as ono of the most interesting andjchasto pLJliojnaoy pe. TfToTnciTsoTtTii same character now published. In appearance an I execution, it is certainly surpassed by none ; euch number contains a fine engraving and a piece of music. The list of contributors alone,, is a sufficient assurance of its character. Amongst others, we notice the names of Mrs. Si gournt'v, Mrs. Embury, Mrs. Stephens, Prof. Im graham, and other of ability in this country and England. The contents are entirely original. The work h pul!ihed by Wm. W. Suiwdeu, 100 Ful- toivstropt, iw -York- Terms- f .V per annum in advance, or 54 during the year. It h is lieen lately found out that the battle ol Fort Migs was a great victory ; its anniversary, 8th this moiitii, was, wo see, celebrated with much parade in Ne York Citv. Will Ihe battle of Fort 6"'eerns"i be remembered in like manner t :.V Oh, Tia they never mention Aaf ' - The holiness of Congress lias been pushed forward some fiteps lately. Uotli Houses adjourned for several days, week belore last, to prepare the halls for III sum mer session. Since re-adncnibling, they have been go ing on in rather more of a buainesa way. In tho Senate, on Thursday, the 7th Instant, an inte resting debate occurred on the important iuhjctof the public expen.l'turcs, originated by a motion to print a claificd report made by Mr, Woodbury, in obedience I'l a esli (iji ml'inuitiuii by the t'eimtu. We aliaH nm tice thi horealltir, The House has, at lasUsncceeded In passing the Civ il Appropriation bill, for the payment of public officers, JjidjmiclttoAiU rsl rmrtv. with their usual desiga of embarrassing all the operations of Government, opposed It 10 the last, and it waspnlyesrriedrjy trre deter mined perseverance of the Republicsns. Tha Banking law his been under discussion in ths Senate, but no final action has taken place. A bill, tn enaure the more faithful execution of the laws rela ting to the collection of the duties on imports," has passed the House of Representatives. A memorial was presented by Mr. Henry to the House on the 13th, from a Urge number of the citizens of Beaver County, Pennsylvania, praying tor an increase ot uie i arm, so as to afford ample protecuon ta manufactures in this country. , . '-. t n Vri.t. the I.Vh. the House MHed a resolution regulating the mibject of Pnblie Printing. On the j same day a motion was made by Mr. Jones of Virginis,! that the House resolve itself into a Committee of Uie ; vviu.u f,r th rMirnrw. ot taking no the .lndeindnt j i -T- opposition would not raise objoclimi, inasmuch as it' had been charged that it waa ool the intention of the AdminUtratHm oartv to act on Uie Bill this Mession. rk. int.n m th mniinn. a liirli waa hat. all the "Whig party vdung m Uia negaiive. 1'ob tut. vtsirit rnoiiNU. ""MCTuiioii: LaM Tuesday was a. proud day for the Republicans of iHviiUon County.,, it was generally known tint Mr. Finli"r would address the jn-ople on Unit day, and that there would be a meeting of the op ponents of Gen. Harrison. Our friends accordingly as sembled iu immense force; many of th federalist at tended a I to, douUtluMi for tit pure of set-ing Mr. f iner ilemoiisiieu by their chostm chttmpion, as it was tvhttpcrtd about that bo would be replaj to. You will have seen the otficial record of the proceeding; the resummon euuwtay, wiuiootdotibt, the fntuntntt ot niiif-tt'tiths of ihoto who voted fot Charles Futh-r t tho lost election, Without ludulging in unnecestrily harsh denuueiatinn of our opponents, they are yet suf ficiently Md and decided; that they will be resuondud t at the Summer and Fall elections, by a majority of 1110 ireeinenoi imr ixuniy, 1 uoconcieulioiuly Oeiicve. Mr. Fisher addressed ths people for about two hours. It is impossible todo justice to his speech by any analy sis : it is but sheer io-slice tossy that he fu'llv suitUined his high reputation as a popular speuker, lie coin menced by alluditijj to his reasons -ti leaving Wash ingtoo.and repelle! some of lbs pet'y calumnies which bsve beoAcirniilsted by his snemie; citing the oames of several leading W intra who have done worse than he had, and reminding ihctnot ihririnennaistency.&c, I le then took up the causes of the hard limn, ana wont into s very full account of the operation of the Banking system upon Ihe trade and business of the country. - tie uennnncea tne comiuctoi the Hanks as the true cause of the present scarcity of money, aud staled that tncy naii, in tne year icw, caneu in thirty millions 01 uieir paper, aua as uis process w sun going on, mat 11 doubtless now amounted tooisr forty millions ! hum millions of paper money withdrawn from circulation in liixteen months! ' Is nut this a rtnrtiiiic fact! Mr. K. then went into an examination of Geo. Harrison's rre Itnthnt in regard to his age, ability, and political opinions. , tin all thesn points, he wss exceedingly clear, snd at times very ointment. He' allowed that Gen. Harri- son never was considered s great General until he was nominated for the Fresidencjrr-Tharthe very "fact of Uie .appointment ot a Committee to answer fur him. proved that Ins own friends were aware of Ins infirmi tics, and unwillmj to triust bun. lie did not chargs that (ien. llarririon was an Abolitionist, but that he Was the candidate of the Abolition pirty; and in this con flection, read copious extracts of AhobtMO nspers, te show the poople whst wcro their designs a ml purposes, snd tho extent of their machinations against their rights. Upon this subject, he wss very mil and ratis factory, and 1 am much mistaken, if it did not make a deep impression on the publics mind. " He examined Gen.. Harrison's opinions on lln? Tariff, and commented Inn the celebrated .declaration made bv him. a recited i (he resolution of tlie meeting; Uiat on the power of ihe Uenerai Uovernment in rotation to Internal In). provements, Gen. Harrison was still more obiectiona- W-Mia4 4hewsewasnc1rmrwi Clay, Uamard, liverett, fitc.; to be down under this Ad- ministrayw nm was elected, the Whnla systom would be revived and enlarged. la connection w ith this suhject, Mr. F, exposed the iii-iuceriiy and deceptive character or-tiie charges made by the Federal party against the A'liiim iwrtio,ve-eoret ertrsvsganwiii Xpiini-: lures, that while they were making a grest out-cry tor rctrenchnioiit and reform, they were for making ap propriations tor Internal Improvements lo the amount of .many tnillinnai. that hey voted to appropriate more iqoney for the Cumberland road alone, than they .could possibly take from the salaries of, public officers. He then went at large into an explanation ot his cnurae ia Congress. He took up many of the voles he had given, and showed that be could not have voted otherwise, aud been faithful to his own pfinciplos, and the rights and intercuts of bis constituent. Tbtit parf-of his speech is regarded by tho moderate of both pattie, as a tri iimphaiit and unanswur ibls vindication of his own course. , ' After Mr. Fudier had concluded, there was a call by the t'ciUraliiti Cr Mr. Bromincl! tn reply. This was sit for appearance, fur Mr. llrummell had come pre pared with his oncuments, and a weil conned speech I shall nnf follow Mm through the devious- windings of his speech. It was nude up of abrwis snd patent ; .intgs Bttion was devntaf Jaa anco-M-Uie-JMJeii btates Dank, and of Uon. Harrison from the charge ol Abolition, which bad not been made by Mr. fisher. Rut that which lie and Ins friends evidently regarde KrtMtraogt enectrve part of- are tirade, was. fepe.titttm oi sundry Mate newspaor anecdotes ef Harrison' old suMier, among nthpr, that one had called young man a "liar in the Ohio Legislature, another about a school-master and hw scholars in the last war, running atle Ihe post-hoy to hear the news from the army, and Iwv 4ite peH-bor'irtew-fiTr'nni'lina' atitimlnceXf That was a general hurrah for the tJeneral. .KawJMlttitJie SSmiBstories Irbiiv-Mrr WoTehesd", st 'Aprtl CJotrrt, and told in much better style, they vociferously ap pended Mrt Hrnnimelrr ilrtrwhrdeTrf'ttrN parTTif ht speech was but an indifferent copy of Mr. Morebead's. Mr. Fiaher's-rsply was overwhelming this is conce ded by friend snd foe; he alluded to Mr. ftrnnimell's defence of Harrison from the charge of Abolition ; he hud not fnado the charge; but ho supposed that as Mr. I!rumm!ll had prejmredjiis ipccili.indJiail juMinff rt rfTOBt be iplk'en". Mn Rrummell's habit in this re gard is so well known here, that Uiii retort excited much merriment. Mr. Fisher exposed the contempt for the understandingnf Uie people which Mr. liruni mell and his axsnciates manifested in trying to make them believe that Harrison is a poor mas and liven in a log cabin, ic He held up to public view Uiat cele brated horse-hill, calfcd llarrwon's lite, and the effect was indescribsblo. , . When Mr. Fisher concluded, the peop!e rc In a body, and would not liMon to- Mr BruinincU's reply I do not with In add tnthmnrtiflcattnn which wasrnani teat in the countenance of Mr. Brummell am! hu fj iiMidj.1 and which he doubtless feels keenly enough whenever he looks back upon the scene, but mention these cir cumstances, as a faithful chronicler of passing events To conclude Uiis article, which is already longer than I could wish, I assure you, that Uie indications at the meeting were of the most cheering character ; our in telligence from different parts 'of the County is still more encouraging. Rest assured, that we shall give a good account ot Dsvidseo at trie next ejections- i '-'''-DAVHJSOW. -- Davidson County, N. C, May 19, lt'K ' TfS.i..iril5iT!TT roa mr. vrKrritJc csrolimats. A Democratic Republican Meeting waa held in Ash-, borough, Ibindojph eot!nty,onjhe Nh insWOu motion ot' Oen Hoover, Thomas FaeiT, K., wss sppointcd Chairman, and John 1). Drown and D, C. J oh nson. re quested to act as Secretaries. - ' 'Afier the object of tho meeting had been explained by Gen. tfuorge Hoover, Uie following Preamble and Rclutiotia were offered by Tidancc Lanc liiq., which rig read, were tittttnimntiBlf gilmited: ... t WiiKar.s, the Constitution of the United Ftatcs provdes Uiat each Slate hall be divided into as many Electoral Districts astiieresre teoatorsand Reprcaou J&llZSSj? C!lBTt'r,2tn Mc') State, in such manucr as tlieliiialauires thnrrof shall iwiV W6' ttytawT - And, whereas, it is nmnM that Uie Counties of RandolptrrGotffordi ana Chsthstn shall compose tme;; District i t.iererre, :. KetnletJ, That we recommend to Uie Democrats of said District, to hold meetings snd appoint Delegates to meet suck Delegates as shall ba appointed by this meeting, at such time snd place as shall be hereafter appointed, to nominate an Klector on. the Repuhlicaq Ticket for thia District, to vote for President and Vice President of U. 8. , 1 " f . ?rnwrf,Tht we have entire confidence in the Re publican principles of out present Cbicf-Magistrstc, M. Vsa Iluren, and recommend him to our felluw-citiaens lor a re-election to the Prnaidency of the united Htatns; b-eue be bas pledged hia, uncompromising hostility to the schemes of the AbnlitwnisM, and believes that their interference with southern rights, if tolerated, will be productive of Uie worst consequences, and end in a to- Jet.rfrcd,T.at we approve of Uie nomination of Oen. R win'us M. Kaond-ns as tha Democratic Republican candidate for Governor of this Bute, and that we will ' uae all hnonrabl means to secure bis election. by the Chair, to meet other Dcleiate in a Cotiveartoo " to a.'iiitliarc sn TITirciorrto'v.it: Cenl.' Gwrgo ILioirr, and John 1). llrewn, Tula nee Itne, Jerenush t:(Kiper, Itoniainin llawkiiis, Howgil Julian, Jaim-s Folk, and KU llrower, IVirs., together with Iho Chairman. KW, That the Do'egates be in.trnctrd to invite Grin. R. M. Ssundert and John M. Moivhou.t to attend thn uiecling of tho Oi:uioc-riitic Convention ill this Dis trict, whenever and at ench place as it shall meet. Jiffidi'tJ, That thene Kt-mdiitions be published in the Western Carolinian, North Carolina Standard, and Konth ru Ciliien, , . . THOMAS FRUIT, Chairman. Johv IX I'hows, ) c 1.C. Jo , 'jcretancs. Toil TIIK WKSTKR-X CABOI.IMAX. EniToa: Happening lobe present at the met- ils ing of the Republicans of Davidson County, on Tu dsy last. I listened with, great plussure to the sonti nieuta contained in the Resolutions adopted, and the able remarks of Mr. Fwher, our Representative iu Con ' treiia, in wli.cli .ha dcliucd very distinctly lite grtwt1 leading principles of the 8tate-.Rjghis Itepuuluam par ty. Amongst othor subjects touched upon by Mjr. F.,he conchuively demonstrated that the "hard times,'' so much haiped upon by the Fedeial iarty, are not altri. butable to the Government, but to the Banks, the great montcd powers of the couiifry ; who have, wilhiu Uie f last seventeen months, withdrawn from circulation for ty millions of dollars, thus creating the great scarcity of money. And further, that the "hard times" consisted entirely tiid solely in the scarcity of money for that our commerce is quite as extensive and flourishing as it has ever been our country abounds in great plenty of all 'Uie necessaries and luxuries ol lilo ws, havo neither been visited by war, pesUlupce, of famiiie.1 Tho Government, he said, could only cause bard limes by levying high taxes on the people and squandering the money. The taxes levied by tho Government are , win Her now, than they have ever been before, and near ly all the money collected is immediately paid out .agaia ainoug-usf - and a scarcity of money can-onjy be created by wiUidrawing it from among the people and not leltiug it out again. He proceeded lo assign his reasons why he could, not support Harrison tor President ; because Harrison's principles were diamet rically opposed to those of tho Republican party ; be being an Internal Improvement man, a. Tariflile, and tho candidate ol the Abolitionists. Resales, ss be is now nearly seventy years old, fie can he neither nieu , tally nor bodily qualified to discharge thearduous duties ot 1'residcnt and, In fact, that he nvrr was capacita . ted. Mr. F.. said that be could not know the private sentiment of Gcu. iarrism's heart, but from Uiotact of his having repeatedly refused te answer any flue , lions aa to Ins course or sentimeiits. on (he subject of ; Abolition, there Was strong roaon for suspicioo that someUiing was wrong. . Mr. F. spoke about two hours, .Llauchuie .uuao-iuo.t hi' ths IssdiiMf-tomes-ef trreesyr'f io not pretend to give you even a meagre sketch of his remarks. After ha had concluded. 1 heard a buitimg ftniohgrt' a'sinaU' chisier if Federalisls, who had coi- lected aiioul the bar, aud looking tin, ohaorved a pen. tleinan tnaking his way towards the Jmlo s ImucIi, who . ' J " lAwked withal so fierce and grim, li mfJrvSlmt'io WavsUsdow dared not follow - On' inquiry, 1 'waa informed, that' it waa a certain Mr. Druminell, of- hom, if you do Dot know him, I caa on- ly say to you that be is a county court Lawyer by profesxion, and what, in mountain parlance, would ie called "i tall, likely youhgjgoblor,' a TreeT lalker against time.il soon iierceived that iis wss "all my L. fancy paiuted him," areal M Wing " orator, well charg- - eu wan nrst proot anti-loco toco powder, and had ed tn Uie mouUi with Wise, Bind, and Truman Hmith documents and specebee detulcaUon! staiuluig army fiorida Blood-hounds nrt and tiddlcatic.ks ; all well rammed down with "hard times. " After squaring himself on the Judga' stand, with the tclf-complaifJnit pim a la-Woreiiead, ho opened ms volley, while " Words of learned length and thundering sound, . Amazed the gasing W fciggios" ranged around, And still they paiod, and still the wonder grew. That on tmntllitad could carry all bo knew." He fired his flrnt broadide, by reading Die resolutions pawvd at a meeting in yulisbnry 4; JiyuFwii.4lu. aimca, i ocgan to uauer myaeii mat ne won hi discharge bis whole stockof ammunition on Mr.F.andhiefnenda who did not consider the mere fact of their opposing Mr. Van Huron in lS15,aa indispensable reawm why -rfreysfiutd fatl-fit fove with old Gen. HaTrise In 11(1 - considering, too, that the same objections urged then, against Van Iluren, operate with stronger force against llsrriwm now and that we poor Loeo-Focoe ,. would escape l is wrath. Vain hope! for hia first rake fW Umn(t-Mr-i and frdsj--atOTb1fyg'e"dowp upon us wuu ine oia song oi u. n. mnR t-n. Jack- iiM'amnrMimwvdft lures one sort of money for the Governrncnt and an-1 log cabins hard cider, fee., tc and thoo wound ttn ,by jcading icUcx. at luul aarJ Iwigof .. fir, aid-de camp some-body to lur. aoiubody-clae, describing in detail the battle of the Thames and battle of Tippeca noe baving spoken 3 hours and 24 minutes, enter ' tnining the company with some twenty cantos of the i old VMiig song, to the tunc of 'slang-whang-garan-go.' I undetstand lhatalLUio cnt't-wili be set tt' miiiie sliortly, so that the vnung " Whiggies'', may loam to sing them by note. Upon the whole, I think that Mr. 11. may be ranked as No. i. among that philanthropic gang I of County Court Lawyers, who, J M With tongues lo pity tuned, and hearts of steel, Too full otsuunding senUmenl lofeol, Could all onmoved a starving mother pis. . To pour their sorrows u'er a dying aw." . , . These men ha ve of late ta ken- u p Uie Humane a nd patri ot c waetice of travelling from Counfv todmntv. and h. rangeuing Uie people, with the fundable design of screening tne lunKe, and money-Miaj-kiiiLllie-CounU: Hum Hit' O-IIUIII which is their just due, and rf abusing and villifying the Government, whkb has neither the power nor will to do the country harm. When Mr. Brammell concluded, the sun being about , half an hour high, Mr. Fisher rose in reply. I ahall not attempt a description of the manner in which Mr. Fisher demolished his assailant suffice :t' to say, bis reply, throughout, wss one ot the most powerful and withering 1 ever hoard inflicted upon any poor mortal,, Otiaor'two points in tt, howevr,"Ti re too pond to be -lnst,'and I resps a tiMfe'ftyttrtrtmyour ipsco - by notiemg thesn. r - - -"'" Mr. Ficher took us Uie Resolutions of 1S15. whkB;, ' mi. xi. iiu, i.iu vu uiv iiivuviiiiF, aim aaiu-"iiiav lie par- ticipsted in the adoption of these Resolutions that ho approved of their principles the, and he approved of 1 hem. MUIl- . t'arjL ymi say aa much, sir tasked Mr.- F. Do you, sir, subacnbe to the jinneinles of these. Resolu tions! Mr. Itrummell nuide no reply. I ask yon again, sir, (said Mr. F.) to say lothis aemb!y, bi forowhom yon have been reading those Ri-sololions, evidently to condemn my political course, if you subscribe tn the , uucwines couiamed in Uieml An rrniql l h pen--t -Tinrnan, KlliTir. I ., IslikC Iiis great prototype, liun la like his great prototype, (i - Haituon,he will answer noqnestions, for fuarofccttinir Into a hobble. . Mr. UroinmeU had said a grest deal about B "stand . ing army," that Urn Preudeul was gmng to rain a great staniUog asm jXautyXM msn, to-be armedaud uud U destroy Uieir own libe.-tiesaud lives, and to be marched -shmrt from Htatu to tttnta'ttj Influencli the eleelioii. In reply to this, Mr. Fiaher said, that it was a great out-cry about not hie done for political hft'ect, and to deceive the people. Ho said that the plan f;ir reor ganizing uia miiina, isieiy suiMuittod to txiogres by tle Secretary of War, and which has givn the (Mo ralists such a soiro, was made in obedience to a Reso lution of that body.'jut that Uie plan waiso imprauica. ble and futile, that ho was well aastited not a single member of Crnvrewof any party would vote for it and even the President, lie was eonvincsd, was not . in favor of it. So, before Uie gentleman's fears of this great raw-boad-and-blo-sly-bonca could be rcali.ed, be mnst firrf get Congress In favor ot passing the law, . (which, as yet, baa not even been mentioned on the floor of Congress,) get tht President In favor ol Vao as that he will sign it, get Uie States tn cbsngs Uieir election laws, so as to enable men.to vote who are not resiaenti of a Smu, and Uien the President must be sure lo'solect men for marching about who will vota as he wants them. The gentloman's fears of Uie probBbmty of the coun try's being Burdened with ijiui great standing ermr. reminds me, Mr lid. tor, ".the ..Mjiry aVut, il,.tUi Cl. I hesrd related recently with great applause? I let mis tress went out into the kitchen one morning, snd found her little servant girl crying most p'teouoly. What in the world is the matter. Sully ! said the old hdy. Why, missus, said the girl, I was'jti-rt thinking, if I should llv? Id be grown tip, and then get niarrird,.a,nd thou Id have a sweet little baby, and it was to live till it could rou aloiit, and te to nweet, and It was to go out to play in our baek-yard, and our bakoUivrn was to b niit red hot, and my j.et t little bibv was lo get m'o t: oven snd bo burnt to doath 1 tih ! what should I do! on! ool and the girl cried, and the old.Jady crimf, until Ihfy al.fmed the whole p'aittatiyii, and then they all cried together. Nigli! coiimig rm, Mr. Fifher was compelU-dlo c it tlmrt liix remm k. ' SV lien ha closed, Mr. lltuui- oieil again jmiipd up and attetniiod to call ll.e" attention of I lie t rwd, but it was sot", the 'Ucpub'i eans had heard rnimjrh of lits slang, ai.d the feds Ms trieniltj, were ashamed of their numbers. ' So, the Acsn, (like tir Jolin More,) was soon left alone in his glory, rapping away on tue toiiow -heartless table, and llfuii durmtr " lg Cstiitis," "Standing Army," "Hwartwwit and Price," to the lonely benches who remained silent Uiat tbey might hear, but who could not hear that Hit y might, uudcrstand ! ' .' ;I : r " A SPECTATOR, MaylLlSlO.7 , Jfffjfcjfr 4a ' , ' " MEXICO AND TEXAS. JFVom Jlafumoras. The schr. Alexander Wash, ington, arrived yesterday from Mutamoras, which port she lolt on the 15th inst. Cjpt. Duarborn has favored ui with a copy of an extra of the Anela, containing the result of the battle which took place.. between the 1 ednralists, under .optita, and tho Uoveromont troops under Jlrt'sra, together with some particulars relative to lh trial of the Fedcr- alist prisoners, ucn. Jupata was tried by a court, martini, eondeanncd ami shut, and his head was cut off and sent to Ins native place for exhibition ! 1 wo 1 exinn nfficera were also shot, and the one hundred and fifty prisoners taken were conducted to Matsmoras, in order to bfl soul to Vera Cruz. r A. .0. Jfcr, Affil 87.' JliTtgioH in TVjtus. The brig Susan Mary, bound to Jtlatngorda, hai on board a church with' all its appendages, pulpit, pews, cVc. ' This build in); has been erected aud Humped by Mr. James . Wells, builder, of this city, ready for putting tip. "' -X Journal of Comment, ' AppoinlmtHti hg the Prttldtnt, bg and irtth the ad we and coascsf of the Senate. Janies JJ. Sfi'epard, oTKorth Carolina, to bJ Attorney of iIkj ",!a tIVB,:l;"rJ!LX.If? islrict of Worth Carolina, i t u, lJli,w, J ntoa, fesigued. llohert M. Noxen, Collector of tht Cu-ttoma aL Etlenton, North Carolina, vice William McNidcf, decliued the apimmtment. 1 Froai lAs PhiUdclphi Spirit f tk Timet. '"Mjlitterioua Disappearance. AVe ltarti thaf a Mr. Cope, a merchant of -Cincinnati, who had been - Maylngai the Mansion House, rcTSrner'bnithiTi'id''' MarliOt it rPef, during the greater part of this win ter, suddenly disappeared bHit the 1st ol Apnlj and has not been since beard of, either by the land lord ,J!i,Xncrkirk,.or any f hia friends-in This city or t'lncinimti. He left in his room alibis hag gnge, among which are several trunks locked, which are supposed to contain money, clothes and goods of value. He had always been very prompt in paying bis board, and at the time he. disappeared was only about il fortnighroir tbrea weeks in" arrears.- ' Ho was known lo carry about Ins person generally, from $300 to tlOUO. .A npthscmyifcriiiui ditapptara mm has ores4- in Philadelphia, Mr. Paul Gedikts, a merchant 'of ' Mchwesville, left bit lodging at the City Hotel, and has not since been heard from. He is sup- - Still Another A, young' man namod ''Muses Frv, from Lancaster county, (Pa.) arrived in Phil- . - adotphia, the latter part of last week, with a drove lii JCfttlJc ami Jhcep. He soUJmstock, and -ws at T". the Hotel in Callowhill st., where be stopped on . SJtn to count about 6oth in bank notes, which ho WRW&f&'KSiiffiCHi iM'plaemgihrmr'mf pocket, ho went out, since whit h tune b(f has not re turned 1 1 wlitH,- eotrtftttiin bill tr"calilivUi ,-. he had purchased, was found in one of the pig styes oflhoyardon Sunday morning. ' ; ' UNITED IX WEDI)CK, " Irr Witk(rjoToT6fi 1!ieT3t&1niitsii H oTlhoRer.r James Purvis, THOMAS A. IlAtiL'K, fco,., of this Town, to Miss DKLPI1IA VKICLIMIA, denjhun of Abner Carmichael, Esq , of Wilkoahoro'. ' ' In this County, on the 7th inmant,by tha Rov. Janiea D. Hall, ''Mr. JAWB SKlll'Ji to Miss JAM? P, THOMPSON.,., d , - .v- -, -1 '--"- ?PIIE Members of tho Cavalry Ci'miinnv latelv ILife' (2f&J-l ..i Zmm yji ir 3r Jf ' ' 1 at the Court houso in Saliskiry, on Saturday, Ik S0( iiatant, at 10 o'clock, A. fit the purpose - t of adopting a Constitution and acodeof Bye-laws -- . for Iho government of the Company. , . WILLIAM IjOt'Kr", RICHARD LOWKY.'S i Joseph tool; . P.. 1IENDERSO.V, 6' B I j:u. s. maunamaiia,; V, S. A punctual, ultendmco of tho members is ' abtolulely neeetmrtf. . ' 'May 23,1840. 40 tm . fTHlE Subscritierr wishing to removs in in W'et, offers for aalo bis House and premises, situa ted half a mile North of MorksVille, on tho road I ! ft. 1... ' - lenniiig 10 Jlillli'Vllir.,, s - It eoniaiiis 15 acres of land well watered with two good Miriugs, and under a good state of culti vaiion, and bason il a Dwelling-House, krchn, f sinoke-hotise, new framed barn, and other build ings in good repair. " , Terms made easy lo suit Iho purchaser, as I ant determined losdispotie of it between thts and tha first day of September next. ' ' 4 : : wm.otricii- r -1 Mocksville, N. Ci; May 22.TP40. 3w. ' NoVitc. If-iiO Hlf S,ib-,iber ha, SS on hand, t ki... ,m.m..4 and f..r Sale, at his Nhop, in oaiiboury, thrca nrst rate Kmd IVazimt. Dfeember 0, ' . ' ' ' tf. i ...