i r' - s ... . T o I i ca I l)e pa r t iu u I. jri f,t J'tnuvri .n Lis t'.e :t.a- of n"rtvj. ' :..t 1 .-.. :r. r . e. tr.e c.-'x w 'lay s.y. -viw tiud aa4 grey,- ' -r . i pa. away, ! -V iejA-j-,iOj ti-s! b.-pe that d: s -r ra kefua-, .-5 tie tear i -i-t it .a Wfc'aJ ta li 1L li a ' Jt i " ca-..r in. . . L . presence of Tier T.t. 'fix . r. 1 VI. k ".! C'-. Sat, ia ;W.uw light' tiU tiitJ. " I nw .,-; '.kit jilt tur life, '" m r eijM. spaug arid tur!ra, T an tycw . sr. aarwio J aicre, r- Ta a a !.'. . ' - v' Ws wfr !( er wiy, . V wrt - a fr-swaa wo eat , no brightness on Wv; . 3t?t.5 -.. fcvl t fcvi . t ia e grave. TftE BIBLE. W ( JiJSS.-- , cua M niea uiukin. marts l-a tV Mlwili:r.tptt , rati jt-t y tritas ? ' Or ha, ot why, stwm i- '5 s- ci.; ct wtrh he ! ! r ij i r angatatut tbeirailvfc.. , ,n in '?- Tic. i emrttfi-ijm titcir prutt;. M I SCE L-L ANE-OUS . :M jejiV-s K-mMi Ait triu, V4 Curw t s'sin .'Mf i-.r,'- : iisf yrttr f?i tiai .tiy Cw-e, V-cites, W ' -vzss. J4k. jaAjria-tanw ftt' the tiwriiftri, wrn,r, -j ..r:v, t,v fc cttifrluluy, tr rtdiculu MiiJ A cuc 14 ixs I -Id, by ti.i bo are jrjn ia It' . t lf jj.wiIiS'-Uit.i .wM-fjTy-i'.'jj i . pt bt 4iu recollect rf m ; .r i Ua m a strong of toe f.alti, t' (faWi W h t'tSt tflrtitirt to iiat :U f a-t.-l -KJJ w-Kb apprMaehti to- " 5!-VJ! it 'tw4 irresiistK ..-.SiiMtr.l!si5 at-tunwiif. - i - I few-.WiTer.TK.taf ntwd wTIS i iv trk rt la ie .HMin ri.rkaiu met- lmfa ml cirT!ny a'rnonc tin"! i":i".riT!tit !? -!, in tV year' , a ett- rW S, '! fTTHS-PM WS opon ttw high ''jjl .ti- tkji t f?4 e fjitit .1" a cre-tccututsr l mI . t-w aal Larimf, lulaml, tr tie , ieifcS ttit e-,htttt rttc f while ar.l r.e Si J. "or'HainiUcaMVcn, God d;ive na-rcy npmi you. ' 14.-4 .tiie waiwciU- itiut aunuj ottft wa r 4hv--aiil ." Ainfu 1" with nmrh wdetnculy. Ho an ( tt-cljuily ari-use.). and awked, VVW ia iln;re '' , Therti wino rply. Hh v iicc weinpffto echo ' into Hamilton rito njmrtmftit!), nnd ho tijeh re i meniixreil tlml the douf a opn that eommuni' ;Ciitfd Utwrenthc two rooms- lie luteried iumiit t Iv. iuii lifird nothing save tho I;tiiii; of his own htrt. He said to tiiinself, " It ii nil mere ima ;irt:iltjf, and agiij endeavored to coinpow him-Z-.:.f, nl think of Dometbintr elite. Ha laid hi ti.-nd once nyire uixKi the pillow, 'an1) then he dii- hnctly heard, for the first linio, the Major' well ktiuwn step. It wa iiit a mntter o be mititiiken aU.ut. Tlic ferrule Mound, the pau for the fojt, the aotmd ayairi, facas'uro'd iu its return, as if nil were agsin in life, lie heard it first upon the ptazia heard it approach, pass through thu door froiTi-tho pinz?.a into the centre apartment, and there it seemed to pu,asif thO figure of the do parted were stnndiug on the other aide of the doof," ia the room it had bo lately occupied. liordon rH, he went to the window that opened upon tiie pisx.a,'and looked out, Tho night wa ery' leauiiliil i the moon had gone down ; trie tsy was of the deepest azure, and tne ww aasn oi the waves upon the rocks, at the foot of the bltjfT, was tiie only thiiuttliat engaged bis notice, encept tins estrrme brigbtnesa and lucidity of a solitaf y star that traced ita glittering pathway of light to ward Kim, across tho distant waters ot the ocean. All else was still and respweful. It wry re- markaUe!" said be, " i could have sworn I bear J k PVJle turned towards the door that opened be tweei the two rooms. The, Major's apartment was darkened by tho shutters boin closed, and ho could distiflgui-h nothing inside it. He w'whed the dfor wero hutLbut lU a repugnance at Uie iea ot tumn it ; and while he stood gazing into me dai k room, the thought ul being in the predcnco oi a di-eiiitxxlied spirit roe in his mind ; and, though, a brave man, be could not immediately control the bmtung sensation of terror that begun to possess hiift. " Ho longed fof lhe voice of any living be-, mg ; and though fbr moment the idea of ridicuo .deterred hun, ho determined on calling up the ofti .cerwh occupied the other apartment, ' - He pwcd on to the piata, ami tn he approached -the other extremity of the building, the Kcnlinel on duty perceived him. " I lute you pen long utationeu heic ! eaid Lap.., ; i'...u.. '"-: ' VALL'B OF CLOVER. As aa improver f.f the soil, clover utamJ pre ettmirot alwvf hit other grasps 'cultivated- in the country, oiiiaoy are the uuful properties of do vi-r, und no iriaiiy and so important are the uwi to wlitcl; tt can he applied, that, iinrpintionahly, ought to hn e Himriired in tiie imwt valuable ol our ijra.et. F.vc.u hcrdRrussor timothy, excellent a they are, could be t-p ired with ri injury to tho agriculture of the, country than clover. Admitting hat many eupjioyid to be. the f.icj, that clover, when utod either a'paturo or hay, in not o pala Uible to all soru of stock a some other gMsttes adinittinif. too. that tiie exnetiso of cuttin clover and curing it for hay, ij greater l,han that of other grajes, yet there eJ(ist many good and sullieieiit reason to justify its exteusivo culture. The pro duce of cluver is far greater than that of any ether Krqjuvaud although it may tiot be the moat pulata hie to nil Hortu ol stock, yet it is aulhcientlv so tn answer all tbo'purpescs of pauture or bay. In the ue of clover nlonc, we have scarce had any expe rience, but a mixture of clover and herdograss has been found la our own husbandry to make excellent paturi, nnd first-rate hay for stocks, of every do scription. ' ' '-' '' : . '; Cut it ii not to the nlmimant produce of clover, nor to its palatable and nutritive qualities, that we are to look for its principal, excellence. A an im prover t the soil, it elands unrivalled. , Some of. it pocutw excellencies, by which it is distinguish. ed-uow other grasses, are the following It re ceives phuater to a far greater advantage than any of the other grasse it meliorates and improves the soil in a very peculiar manner it produces an excellent green crop to be turned under, for the purpose of inanure-and it forms a peculiarly ten der sward, which in of grpat ue in Agriculture. 1 he swsrd of clover, or the clover lay, as it is fre quently called, is almost a preparation for any other croji. It needs but to be turned over, to put the ground in firnt rate order far wheat or any thing I'lHe,. m ricectinv to enliiv lie una important plant, every farmer keeps himself behind the times, and Itehind Ins own interest! , .tv e advise all to in trodnco idover into their farms with all practical speed. Oemutsec farmer. , ROM 7.'i.(j(K) to llMUHXIof the Morus Mnltiratiiie ;uttni.r- At'ilv -at - - --'1'JltN W t It i - 1 Septemix-r 2. r-:t;. , tf. - A t, t Jl . k " J--r , ... y Iron from Hit Kii4 Hotuilaiii . " MUX CU.Ul'ANY. ' I'piin Subcrilers have imtno arrangements with the 1. above Company, (or tlie regular tinpply ol SUPERIOR IRON, which is well adapted to Wagon, and Carriage Work, Ihwse Shoeing, is., which will he mid on resnablo terms. J- & W, "MURPHY. Salmbury, Pccembor 6, H.YX hm-- MoKaVs VAJe VvUs WvVtcvs. IIIESE medicines are indebted for their name to A their manifest and sensible action in purifying tho springs and channels ot life, and enduing them with renewed tone and vigor, in many nunnmu cor. lifted cases which have bi'CflThade public, and in nU most every species of disease to which the human frame ia liable, the happy effects of MOFFAT'S LIFE PILLS ANDf UKMa bIH EUs have been gratefully aud publicly acknowledged by t.he persons benefitted, and who were previously unac quainted with the beautifully philosophical princi ples upon which they are cumnoumiea, ana upon which they consequently act. , ? ' Tho LIFE MEHICIM;8 recommcni them- lv4 in diseases of everv descrinlion. - 1'hcir first . operation is to loosen from the coats o tbe stomach A rchy ; bis grand-dam Young Lottery, also by Sir ' and bowel, tho-various impurities and crudities Archy, out of Col. Singleton's celebruted Lottery, '. constantly settling around them and to remove i by imported Bedford ouj of the imported mare Ar.. .U l,..l.,uH r.nam .h -h n, nr in Hip- ennvoln. viiini'i. viuuoi nun was oi l v rGllnse ! h a . IIIU (mi UVllVB .1 IIIWI. - Dill f I 1 I'' UUI B lions of the small intestines. Other incdicincs on-; )ipn. by Ilicpbestion out of Lottery by Sported r V partially eleanse these, and leave such collected Beiltbrd, dec. Hirpheslion was got by the import. tain (lonwii. ' l)td you-r-lid yon happen to iwo any Vme on ' th -i-z dtiw, the time ....i '""fdidiiot"" " . ' , from the .Vie York Ohterver. , - r 'TWO'lISSIfyXAIHES EATEN TJY SAVAGES.' ' Through the kindness of a gnnticman in this city, we are permitted to publish au sxtraet from a Inttor iiittl ri-eelvrd hv him. enntninin" the honrt. ' ... .iiil'iflM,4 riwitnzmtemiFv7 AlisionBries in .New Zealand have shared the fate of Lyman and Mun son t1' " . .' -',;'' s . Grandiired by the AMERICAN Et'LiP&p " the Champion of Amrriai-M'inner vf ihe ' Great Match Race, the North agai ' ae South' 8 2 0 , 0 0 0 atide I ' THE TIIOROUGILBRED HORE, It RED by Col. Wade Hampton of South Cam. lina, will nmko his second Season at Sali which commenced on the UUt ultimo, and will, i m the 20th of June net, at $20 the Seaso " 830 to insure, the money to be paid as soon aj tj Mare is ascertained to be in foal, or the proirtv changes owners; and fifty cents to the gnwpw OCT Mares sent from a distauce will be well's? tended to, and fed with grain at 30 cents per dav' To those that wish it, a good lot will be furnisbei gratis but iu no instance will I bo respnnsib! f(Jf accidents or cscapos. ' R. W; LON'O . Salisbury, N. C, March 13, 1840. 28 .'. j,. " r... - -. -- ' V r KDiaREEt '; I Certify that LATH was bred by mefandj that he was fualcd in the Spring of 1S33. H , got by Godolpbin, bis, dam Pocahontas, bv a;. masses behind as to produce habitual costivenoss, with all its train of evils, or sudden diarrhoea, with its imminent dangers. ..This fact is well known to all regular anatomists, who examine the human boweln after death t and hence the prejudice, of these well informed men against quack medicines, or medicines prepared and berulded to the public by ignorant persona.- The second cfluct t)f tho Life Medicines is to cleanse the kidneys and the bladder, and by this means, the liver and the lungs, the healthful action of which entirely depends up on tho regularity of the urinary organs. The Wood, wtjicbrtakeiitr red colorfrom the njjency of the liver and the lungs before it passes into the eo iuiru uui ui inc uuui oi oir Archy, " ' DESCRIPTION, PERFORMANCE,' LAT1L U a fine bay, witliout- while, 15 -hanur. ""' inces high, with gmal bone and capital action.? At three years old, he won tho 'produce stake at Xj.5 lumbia, two time tieats, beating Mr. Jaylor'j Gllv ' Daisy, arid Captnirt Sparin's colt, Convention, nine ' ouicis pniiig iiiiiuiu .i wu wcoks aiUirwnrus fie won the jockey club purse, three mile heats, at ' ' Augusta, beating Kite and distancing lilack Bird, At Charleston, ho was beaten, by Clodhopper for the jockey club purse, three mile heats; being very : much nmiss, lie way drawn after TbSJlrtt beL At 4 years old, he won the jockey club purse, four ,:. iil..Wej ieurVed a few i ui f ruii- : ! , Gordon returned at once to bis room, vexed with himsr.lf for bavin Tiia ow'n"YHlu7i?, aud went tn bed lie was thoroughly awake, and had regained, as he; thought, entire possession of his t.tcultie. u My old comradc,1,'said he, what could bo posnildy wanfof inoj We wer alway- frieniiM.li('frtcd, gallant ftdlow that ho wasl No manai his enemy, except "upon the field it- -self. VV'hy should I have dreaded to meet him, evrt if such ah rntjc;dll possibly beJl- Ji And yet, so constituted are we, that a moment or two after this cojirsc of thought had occupied his i. i , . i. imiMi, tie wasaimoxi paralyzed wun urcna, ny me recurrence of the n;me well known step that now sei-med incing the dark and tenantlcss apartment. Hi even fancied an irregularity in it, that bclo kcned, as he tlmiwht, komo distress of mind ; and i . i .t i , i. t !: the mm w?t, wfetcii nrH the stu.rel " ","' ryvr . " " """."" .. -.. . 4,;, ....,! lm ',. !-. of their moftal existence, to expiate aomo mm ijr- ,tii(i'. bl, . 'ii-' ' ji ,, II' moat-D cinitr, cun-n-u ilia iiiio-tmiiiiioii, nuu imii. tMn-oWS6ll1SUu" It"" rtat g ft tf t?sre nrtiw rxn.s on eaeh et t, Ik a tzj.l oa Our i toward the r-i, ete!Ml.ng iSf !e lt;'f rte stmet wre, and forminj a " The .missionary, brig, Camden, left- Urfdu the Wlllw- If.B IWIHI, .VT- .Till. , , 1 ! , , , i , vin lieert ihe sport of srf ilJ-Hintufctt rfre'cKnuana WPA riewstlaf two ot t1,e Miaaiooa. r(r x ' will';, in uuriu i vitiu in inu ismiiu of Ewomango, on o of the Jtew Hebrides, were killttd and eaten by the natives. ? v ' t 1 " (; I hey - were. Moss-rs Wi uama nnd llama. ott . tw!T ,tertei t( iv,,t!f'',fth tXcSSSiiii tS C"rtts, and was therefore with great earnestness that be ex- claimed: ' -. ' In the name of pod, Hamilton; s '.hat you1 " a .!. I. ! Uisi iJatacai-- rl dwrm-. the e.rU "'ce 'rom "'"' commuiuca- T... .,, '. j v''' litis" ope'ii-iir' iii)ii''t h d9y,'a-i!ewsed'lui wleiifcAhiltWiJ dmp.tftj tims soul: '- --- ' JJ.yf''ftt 'teit--.bijbiJieak ..te-m. In t ten Jays von will apply for a furlougliit will not he wy-intpj ta yi iiMjj4wwewhe-ifirtlicaT t knew; them both at. Upolu Mr. Williams qnie jiitimately; hr( was a highly intelligent and gen tlemntdy mini, one ol the most indefatigable of all Christian tnissiotiarics. ..Ho itl& author of a ve ry vnhihlo work on Ihe South .-'en Islands ; a third gentleman, not a missionary; Mr. Cunningham, who was with them at t'10 lime, escaped by flight, and jl have the painful intelligence from his own lips. Mr Harris was In ill health, and could not make bis escape, while Mr. Williams was rather advanced in life. " MV. Cunningham, who hearJ tho war cry raised, turned and saw Mr. Harris pursued by tho savanna ; in an instant after he iw him fall peir- eett thrmictrirrtri TnnTiy 'spBaTsT .llr. C. Tlien urg cd Mr. tV ilhains to run for the boat which was nt imo distance. The hitter misunderstood him, and ran into the wate-r to swim olf to the brig, but was overtaken a'ld murdered. Mr. C. with di!H- in -4 Ij tav 1 loumi opriiei i;ut, atiJ r ctw ictl wtiH eacb-othr, ht ne-air if Vjl jr Ll'f wiraVnitiiilly Irit ."-HJi-t it t er rirej'ioai t air.- a 1 -ym tA Xuwtte nmrtewil-tWwe- TTh'r. HidiJi.'b iwiol'i w H'lt'iw m then it ailLba successful. 5. L..ra.mX.M...,.-,,, f - m,r mrr&im"Wlvnr ITKjmnrT' CJuJl---i WTW( 'iZZfitiZS: U,i lUnttoa's .partment Jteloiil of your aflaira. . Go to London. ,-, i rr. IU t ' V- t-" Jt Mum t Nn.-rJermyawieewtH ?- v-iS pirsTfeS.-aKoJ-wtth i'OT wwww-ati npanmrm looKin-; mm me gar; iVrt- w,:firr-tijOtcI:rM'VT wie"iwwxnefami-TnwnirrTTO rne enrmney- piecf, nu yen "ill im-rr nuu pnprrs wnico esiai)' out culty reached the boat noiaJeliicj.,' " Thesb iihfoftunafo niiVsioriaries were sent byJt.Iidort44a4M'y Sf-rrrtyjund- the"'.ss"0T spoken of in the letter was one employe, in its aor v ice," '- heart, being thus purified by them, and nourished mile heats, at. Camden, beating Sir Kenneth and I by food coming from aj:ean ly. lliroilgll III . vi-1113, rciivwa cvi'iy ill yi uiu bjibi- tern, and triumphantly mounts the banner ol heuilii in tho b!oomin cheek. '-' ' '-' -:-MflflatWegetable- Life" ftIedicincs"'havVi)C-n'--T thorpugaly tested, and. pronounced a sovereign re- - mmi'v for DvsnerKia. t latulenet . 1 'alnitntion of the ache, tiesiiessness, in temr, Anxiety, languor and Melancholy, Costiveness, Diarrhtra, Cholera, Fevers ol all kinds, Rhumatism, Gout, Dropsies of ail kinds, Gravel, WormSj Asthm tiutir Scurvy, Llcer Inveterate bores, fccorbtitic Eruptlownnd Bad, Complexion, Eruptive, com plaints, Sallow, Cloudy,' and. other"disagteablo Complexions, Salt Rhoum, Jirysiplas, Commotr- Colds and Influenza, and various other complaints which alllict the human trame. in rrvsn and Aui'K, particularly, the Lite Medicines have, been most eminently successful ; so much so, that in the Fever nnd Ague Districts, Physicians almost uni versally presenbo I hem. All that Mr. Mnflat requires of his patients is to be particular in taking the Life Medicines strictly according to ibo directions. It is not by a news paper notice, or by any thing that he -himself triny nsytrt thefr favor, 1hnt he hopes o"gain Crcda. It is alono bv the results of a fair trial. MOFFAT'S MEDICAL MANUAL: designed as a domestic guide to health. This little pamph- I.. l:.j i II' l m et o-1- 11 i . ' . 'U1 ,u- "X- " u- ,,olml' ' -"oway, iew Turf or M ,0 hi ,,,,, silK ,vptv p, , , 1 ork, has been published for .ttie.-UuroojHiftv-i. r4n w-.--- nt.-ilfiituf miirn Toll. Air. Mnlt.t t U,v ,.f.l,n.r . ".. ."JJLIl.!"mMM , IJW " "J " ' ."-v-.Jfc-r.J. flfllTn in.Ii.rl lr,.. i.f.; .1,1..,., ..,.. i il- . . uiivv . imii . upit , .iui H'Hini m siivancs . w mo iiuia, jusi netore, no reached the Judges' stand ; and getting entangled lithOnist Ilia Carri.fe - -gcs,-h(rstamd-an-1hjury HjjiclTiamid"wr withdrawal from the turf. - v ',' J..w-.-fiJlk of.Oi, firqtln'ffift'' he evinced in hm trial with Bay Maris, Charlolifl t Russo, and Kitty lleth, and in point of blood he is f inferior to none, whether itnportud or native. II ii - constitution is jrobui.h. haling never-beea-tiiclrr and trsTcmpe'r good. li lis cojo r form, and actkxt ! apeak 'Tor them . ives. vl a word, Iatb onites in" himself as many claims to public patronage as any ' young Stallion that I know. ' -r zr ;.--jcp: w Dl- HA MI-rOxFV Willwood, Jan. 22, 13'J.. From-the above certificate of Cul.'Ha'nl(' who bred and h. d Lath trained for the Turf, it will . j he seen that he con ilered him a race horse Ohe first class not only from the races ho has inen. tioned as having run puhltely, hut from private tri. I als ho has made with horsou wluuh are now on the j Turf, and running with considerable Micceas. It -J jIL ."l' k .c.ryed ,liy ' his ccrtilicatv that he j considered Lath of the purest blood not to be jsupasscd by any horse, imported orintive. j I consider it entirely ujes snry to attcmnt to rulogise Lath, either for his performances on the I Ihiak Ji U-iiTIi. r-iwt am". -sr. t-a vX w t () ptasAa (at hours t gather, apfar Mr?!r at Gordon's window, ... 2t -Lsi . -Al "- ! tli-1 rufif c rit mard with tbm s they 4 M Lis -w, ewleavorjng to beguile . iljs d"n, itpy. wnimg, li. night tf jat- T 1 a epeedy nnd happy r--n w lnr. . .-.,-. Tfce -J tf ,t"it... -i " ."? wai peculiar. It k - ccr ii 1 . ,-sr .a t tS. ir fi.rralo sit tlm ui L4 v.tr. i. - isrw hejrdi tor, at-i'4-a !.. tt btfy with tha tn. . tiy oe?y i: the wm!cn . j,u:i. at -,. at s'uut rrrrri- , a p. I . fr- r regularly, that t- -r" - a tf rt -ie in lisrenwig it. &' Ukkt rr r this a-ureil way, tte ii vot-rr t1 e.r attti-a be- .w njij'-I, t'y fro nnpha'ic as we li!r Tt r.i r . kin r r e, as it the. I'riim t i k t ui tf . b; pvt, aero, some placid j " But I have rnirh a cold." (2) . - -. .inwiey i -r-for n wH.7 hh the faet of my mairinge.and will give you the 4iJuj,;jjd.iiJ in deep distress, and these papi-rs will establish tlie.ir rijihts. Do not forget me !'' Captain Gordon did not recollect how long bo remained in the posturo in which he had listened to the spirit of his departed friend ; but when he aro it was broad day. He dressed himself, and weul u town ; drew up a statement of the ufiair, uuj a i tlienticBted it by his oath. He bad no intention of quitting the co'uny during that year; hut an arri val brnuht intelligence of tho death ofliis father." f-sr.iui to a Inrge eTiTIe; WTthm I lie ten Javs, he app'ied fur a furlough, but such hud been the mortality -among the officers, that the co uinaiuling ollicer ithought proper to'refuse his reqtietit. Another arrival having, however, bronht to the island a reinforcement fur the garrison, he loucd the dilhculty removed, upon a second appli cation, in three weeks, m wiled for " And then my wrist is lame." (3) " It will cure it," JiaiLijaiUly. ui44) j Can you not recoil I one piece I ! "It is some time since I practised." () " Were you'not playing as I entered ! " " (My drumming." " Wll, drum ne a tune then." - - - - ! After telling about twenty niore lux, tho l.uly jplay. Now, this is altogether wrong. If the young , gcntlemnn is jioor, and tliu lady don't want to plav, j let her just say so. "Kut if he is a rich simpleton, let her just cetjijyjict heryjf nMhe piano, nnd gn ."HiaT the tvayi Bachelor's Mutton. and wiH- be finindv hrgiily" infe'resting to .persons seeking health. It treats upon prevalent diseases. and-lhB"CT islTreon Price Qi cents for sale by Mr. Mnflat's agents generally, . .. ..I.... i.i i i. 1.- " - "" 'iiiv. HIIIUU, UUl llrll , come irom stock both sire ajjd,iratjisii(Vj M I -j-grnntr-ffiim, lliat are or the running blood. Fur I instance, his sire, Godolphin, made- his fitir .nileai :i.Jf 1 ad.0:ki'4.--l - .-. V :.:',..! hi V.i , ::. ! sstte ..tW iA!.y To the Public. "rtHK Siibscrilier takes tins method of informing the JU ll JiuX MIICSS 01 CUTTING-STONE as iisuaVat his (IranitP (nary, heien miles South f halisbury, near the . d Charleston rnsd, where he is able to supply all orders for MII.L-STO.NES of tho best grit, und on Um shortest notice. ALSO for Sale, at the lowest prices, V f t:i fa:rs -.ait.-4.et lll f Atn wit brabe iat! creak of ; An Irinh Compliment. lovely girl was benA ing her head over a rose -tree, which a lady wns ! purchasing from an Irish basket woman in Convent f.arilen Market, when the woman, looking kindly nd appli- j at the young beauty, said :' I axes jer pardon, Scotland, J roimsr ladr. but if its ideaainir to ve. I'd.hank ve li.:..ir.: I i...t : r 1. i ... , ---m-- r.riVtTif';si7e h it if, ,h- lnl l,;r"ar'J l,!IV0 procceded-tn London, .lie etif. the lady out of consato with tho color of her flow. - ,. Jt . 1 hired, however, one greiaWo engagenmnt atieri' FMI.JStturAiu Courier. ..,- - . . i tm.iirr in ruru ins u nti niril ft nm....l.. !....!. l .1: . . ;"- j. "l,".,..;u cji . ati sideiablo eclat. Tins ra.e Knuied him the memo. rililf. rinnn rrf tl.A . r .1 .1 . ........ u, ianiiiuii ui me norm. i(i o.l' i rm.u.y inajjUMMvHsi- . -..TrtTylirjwrnr:-putation as a racer, c, stands, unquestioned, bilh iu hnMand and Athcricn. 'I'h trmttA rlttfti; f I alh ' t 1 ! OM Lottery, bred by the creut southern amateur - I of horses. Cnl. R. Simrliri.i,, r u i. i:- l.J t ....iii,. uuui aruuus, na . , produced more fine race horses .ban any" oilier ' imaro in the Union. Thus, it mil be .0ii ibat' there is united in Lath two of the Iwst iludJ in the SOIltll. Il.lllllllittl'a nrr.l .......l.l. 1 .U ti.i " e ...... ' . .ii. vuica ui me nonn. WINDOW Sll.lt, I)()OR RILLS. DOOU STEPS, J. HOULSIKJUSER, Stout-Cutter. Sn!i(.hnn (ct. jth, lltl. tf. N.'B Orders for snjr of tho above wrought arti cles, directed to me at Salisbury, will be tmnctiullv at ewled to. ' j . fVo Onvuiys o Vs. . I !'K ,h!-rllT.rA''", jyptmrJpalail -&pMdU for .'i ui . ny wnien, a mi.i will do much better il,"i .t Apatom 4 -a pa 1 1 ii n ?;.A . q Oi . at tii tatt . li. M.t ! , iis t-suwjic tarfry vrsani nia!e ligl.t of . r: . ':.;; V t.r on the field of bat- ?1e, t iv tT U H - rirj ; jv I r at !n tn, :! iKchily purtud :il IU .-l'tjt uU.ce rs S Hfca, Licl . ta IWH ks ;( li and aceuert . was . . i..i-ers vi aucr . i "ton., . tut if llamil- ti3 l is w ,t it. It .as a teter, at i ipd L ' Tte Mainr cotif. lent ii r.T ""s 1. V ' . fr o' great eiiuit- hi n cr, atre drViers t itater'. i ucse, He rt- wd ttsw. ti "aSer k. w seized, while 'eaoesi wnraf . ; t , Irread, Capt. Gordon, - a. Usrwd kt arwa at sw'srt of the same . lit. i' . . - Nw, is as --. Ct C'I n'iit f;er this tnon. J J e-a, tin -., la mired ta bedatber t f , Sjursi b-!eU arTjrcteJly awake. IU o & t. aaj distrewing thought -r Jrvsa. ti .V;d te eio his short 3 -l.r, a fc . mir.lT made but one ' t.a . : t, mml bit fwt b'l been latterly fcrolr.. It ! ln '. b bad rendered jus .. ht t fcf surprise. a Ending himself , e. Ifeo-ietv . i j .r.awl l l a only j 1 .Vl.-lt. II trJ . tbe thr aid and departure, nnd I.i friend". K-cciTiMlTn.ui Turn, were no lunger impressed so ,-.;, ,,.,. i.:U' s. - ,i;....i....:. '...( .n... V.IIM'1, ,, ,no UUIKlll 1H vividly as at firsjjijKismiml. -'ihoif iflocTion. ,Trtrenta love, during infiincy and and so far as idly dews of u:.i. .1 1 ii.. u .i '. i - . , .i . r .i i '-iiuini, mniu ucw-ciiu cuuuuy on l ie just nuu utter cond emn ion. the sound of the Maim a iron , ' ' . c ,. . ! tue uuin. t - , r n , ... I ,,nvir auvnn ,lllll HITr, 11 II ri II if 11 -O m Tiyji .ITw,h:-.hilM the notrimonv ,f L, r?, 0 HwoKe nitbout apparent cause, as ho had i ' s r. . -ti o i i .l i - i . ., ,r , u. n i. human infirinily will allow, like the kim! diM on the eventful iuht in Dominica, and to nis li. . u: l i j n .. .. 11 started tnim bis bed immediately, ran" uu he eervsnt, ertlered hnrse, and tfisf n n fi-A. meat upon the way, mitil he-reached thctiouse in Jermyn street. He found 'he papers as he had ex. peeted. He relieved the widow and orphan of l)is . . Ten miles, sir; : .' , tftranztr .You must be. mistaken. - They told unhappy friend, and ratabliahed. then a sucb, in- i "e M wata back tliat it was mil eight. - th mrwTitaneo to which they were entitled by his I W. It, sir, seeinj it's you, you may have rm r nr tTT-y ' . ..'r.iiiL-i how far is it tn Itrookfield ! tunity of improving the WoimI of that noble'sndv useful animal, the Horse, as rarely occurs in tlrtf secuon oi country. And the nubHe csn bve ia I addition, in a short time;. the opportunity of 'mSe- ling more satisfactorily f Lath's blood, c, by 1 j his colts of last Sonne's irct. ns it is expected there ' i will be many of them dropped by mares. in llii 1 str""M " to. ays. . As a ui roii.geiterjLlH f smuns almost unrivalled, as is proven by his last j Spring's services so few of the lurse number t g , . rTn. ;"'apt,tto him, ,o, proving iul J. slV the Sninille as al- T .. R. U.I- .a ... ,.i-i, 1,9 iHUJinf. una oi cuursiAcie.ia u Tijhbinjof fti . Wohes. '"" I think, by tins improved Spindle, th'. tame water wun i ne 1111.11 nirm oi . iir-n ;. ss to keep from hfatinu or killin ner. The riinrtet is " coiiKnedTiv than It is so coustructed 2r.-r.Lt. Jt:a"Lcl ruy alty, the young Hamilton was pniroinzed by tho tjueen of Eiiglaiid, and early obtained a comniis. ion in lite army, to which be was attached at the time this tale was told to me. . . -..... It . also known that Captain Gordon rose very high in his military career, and waa throughout his lite distinguished as a brave and hoporable officer, and a fortunate general. - rt- f , ii ft ibaUr Hail wouidn 'a . sy hot ly et tvfr It SOi A Scrtnmcr. There is a young lady of" sweet sixteen " down the Seneca river, who cut her two cords of wood per day, when not too much engaged in household aflairs. Being at school the otber day, ahe settled aome difference between herself and the achool-mastcr, by trundling him headfore most oitt'nf the house, aud closing tho driers upon him. What a glorious remedy for the "bard .wn jvwij kiam'S Sst. The . of bis friend j tihs w such a companion " to armi" wouM le.- tm w k. ."it. rbttk reictied the p:. I Otto ffraffe Jarnat. . ... .- ; . . - - ; v '.--. . A "Meteor, doscrild a leing (Srre times the t'ue iff an ordinnry farm kouf, recently f. II in the neighborhood of Cook's Manor, Upper Canada. It gave a very severe shock to the earth and the nerves of the good people in that quarter. . I.ocpfoca Tactict.' One of the beneficiaries of will do st lent one-third more business, and the meal of superior qmlity.' - Any person wlshir.g to use one of tlie Spindle", may obtain one or mor, by making application, (with in a short time) to the Kubucriber at Mocksville, I .vie Co. N. C. I think the probable cost will t exceed I. . for the Patent and Npimllc ready fur use. i im ailKWrvinif penns Mrc fy 1 mr MiT) f?,Tnilltt in cco !ul o .rat ion : Col. W. F. Kelly, Thos. Fo. ter, Joseph Hall and Sam'l. Foster of Davie County; fiilhrolh Dickson and David J. Ramsoiir ot I.inml'n- N. B. Marcs aifMmkitnn. iJlii -Und ltb at home, ns be will notjremqyedfrom , his stable iii Salisbury, under any circun .taiieest j during the Season March 13, lH(f.'" I nmcii. isosuy. rpiIK SLn.SCRIER living near Ixiiiglon, Dark!, aon County, takes this method ti inform the Pt j he that he will enter into contract with any Per. m, or7 l" noirrin iavi.i....,, w ...... , , r i-.t i Clvarles CntRlh of Rowan ; AiIJihui Mcre of David. am, and William I) . of Hnrry, alt of whom nre high-" OcU.Ier !i", 1 . !. r tf f pilE Subscriber living toHn miles south.of Salis bury, inlcmU keeping constantly on baud, Alar ble and Graaitt Slabs expressly for a , TOMB STONKS, so that bo can execute any order in that Line, on the shortest notice. - v ALSO the Botlevue Hospital applied at the Dispensary fori He is rea.lv toex . nte any work which mav be called medical advice, and wasasfced by one of tho Tacub in HCC'LPTUKLNU, HTOXE-CUTtINU, EN ty' how he came in town. " Ob," aaid he, " woGRAVLNG, int., and he assures thosa who may favor' were all let out to vote. Th V aent their cars for'' m ,vUh thc'r work ,,ml Ul'le well done according usLacosand we all came down." Well, but -n,rac b hs M - were there no W,i2 ,mon2 you?" inquired the r A. f0" h.f Jal t T 'f !?,cut of Rock, , doctor. .... Oh. yes," aaid Iho voter, in a suppress. ESr;.0' Apply to the ed tone, " but they trrre all phyriclrd the dan be ; v . '. rvnni V PiitrttDa fa ..andcottld'ntcome.'VA'.l'. Sw. Noretaber 1st, 1JS. ' lies, wlio wish houses, factories, or nv other kind ol buildinirs ereeleJ of lln.L ... I... IJ .1 ...l..n I durable, and in a style as any workman itJm - 1A Will Iwi tnAltlr. nt V.., T)-:-L a",!.-.!?-" ..,M,U iiV wuill WC it IF 11 ua. , He UusU that hisilonp experience in will entitle him to a share of public patronage. He would refer gentlemen wishing work done in V Line of Businosx. to the Female Acailemv and the nr . fire proof Clerk's office in Salisbury, as spccimeni0' his work. . N. B. Those wishintr work done, will nlease !? word at the office of the Western Carolinian, and shall be punctually attended to. RODERT COX Davidson, April 1 lsnp. . if Pockct-Book Found. VA9 found, about two weeks siocp, hetweef ' T Omcord and Mr. Noah Pariee'a, on the mam rtage Road, a POCKE T-BOOK, containing om j valuable papers. The owner can have it ( P , plication to the subscriber) by describing the same, and paying for this advertisement. '..'" WILLIAM OTRICI. , Wocksvlllo, Feb. 7, fS10. "

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