'4 ut r, ",:..' i tin'1". ' i t :, ... . . , I it, . Ik. . (... 4 nli an..:, bcidcea and frtifi'-t;M'. . mil ii. .,,., ii.i.i.-i, in rivers 'Hlii!rii.ir:f, or- I I . (... ... , t-X'j' r ! i. i'lmn It.ji&rUiiitit.) ti.o r -inal ot vm.'sits HUT ,J " 1 '' 1 -.1 C i-illltlil."! eVlll Hl'V tMwUll- ;,uJo an linn? on account of tlie Mr. Ik. ti.cn' rose IWiiinkc another mMion, and with. Fpain 'of 119,1. which, wis acquired I'tori, i-r o! tui-e pais. i da. 1 1,0 third i t jam in nt omn- r that was, hi punt un extra nun. (.IT III'! motion, mi. IllnMiH HOeoUH ;.f war debts. The fourth is 17, in i:i vi ."- .tv i ', i,r i'ir-..y- ..rj or i. jUi nii ini -rruiof I- i'Mira ie.;et. iriatnfh, olUhe si:Ulement ici'tiitti.iii iii! isitr tu u..-jyn tiie fuUf.i. t. Awl, lu-tly, h 1 iijr-i s tfv v ' ir.xke -tummou C!tai w.:i iLc Ailin.m! i.i tsr -;' llig t!lilt ir;l-'.' p IM.'lit X VWlli ;1 itH;if.J--M:5j;.. and of i't !ul a ,f rrckle e j,.-ra!..i;n" Xt.d , t-'ir t'iiJ .fytfHClT t d tei-ffK: tnfnj-rit;)--. Ot tl4i sultftt. ftmtti t'urolrfii h w iei;v l-.li l.tr ,. rouvl in .ii' .Tlie .(', .1 it t it w,,,,.i 1 j ; -i a- 'j ! r-H it her w "n'lk flm i. i r t I ii t Ti i , i in i" ' .'.t i ; a. T t 1, on to iny, cuiui'rv in toil uuthetitic the Govornmnnt cxiKtnscs ' ft.r paU, goin biu:k as lur bs Mr. Munrie' aJilunin (ration ; add tliertby enabling every ciii.en in ct ery part of ilie country, to see tlio aciuiil, the com- : .:.. ..,,,1 i!, Aifiiit pum-iirliliirfii ut llie V f fnqm' sranf fcf M-f trfiT tjlranramary , (j()Venime)t ,he w,()e .ri,KJ. Tliis proccej- ' " ' ' ' . i. J.Ltu . T-. :.; j 4cco jn' tvr tint yejr, w.ntn livo n'i! f-i r'fK.m" m T. U SMITH, Regtiiar. u II.. ....... mmn liif rMon for llmt purtKs, usk-.l Umt tlw p.iwr- ! "'II I ill .03 lr tlx.- mrce -f ciiiUun lo ih new ruu.-s :id to him (which ai ! ttil .Mr- 11. w-n! ifi ti,. LJ w.ld ithm .their jimiH... Thefilih is that hts tilMCt 1 ' I'iirr-iti if-lin- rtci 71 ,"'""" ucci-miu 01 iiw u f ' lonu, the luii ul uu : 1 mix;r;dL,a iuau. .1 .10 nun i j , o wmi "i ...f . it.. .1. :.. c 101 o 1.1 .inf.. a KPiies or Vi'ir 1 t nt'Y u w.u t'W.i. - 1 uoMxm m c 1, ), 4 w So: t ("ti to coiiiid tttM'i, iii!! 'ft f ly s'tiM- i iti'o ti.fi tumn u btcb Vc'l't is i .l.iU'Kif i :! ifiti:j'ii'!'Jre 4,'fs; r. tut .j-,n.iji(; Cwj.;j!j ."lorn n !jfv 1; , V. rtfj'ocinj, tl 'f .ti thmipin-'.! ,t:fiw;'iibf, l&rrttre t9 it " t ft 't i, 1 it .' jrt c,t Al.n 'm' " r 'K '"nrrl (u.vrrniiii'M wtntlll.fj 11 if t., ti-v i iii-8 tii tiiptotrt, tut ll-&rinuimA n-mi .Vua ih !i .1 t'i' t h.'C iff'ii),l ine jfTit ! ' fi. , ViIM l Ilia ('(UbTltMtj .il, tui ISU' vjp's i,.t-M-i!'ir ilt'l tu the Suulh.' . - VI. i rfui, 'I ht u kj ini tri t" -r J Hhica fu twi.'ii puri'r br l';f A'nui.nir!i..c ut it;l t'm nr'.ul eviU riMiijj Itorn im-ikf tuiii.e lir r, arcj tit rt'ore lu th iiu.rrjr C " 1 r ' iwm rv, in loumlivj u.ii win? cniiid.'ral :m qt (. (.. ': H'wif, ttiil 14 cntit!d M cur iealou eiif . .i;.fi'.ia r M. frtrifrfif, Ti lt tti6 1fbcoriijtrti"ii !. luiii'-d which h i b'rt) iuoe by Afp-1tf- twn sytumt tim w(itr:j!'ii ui tn AS;itHn;tt. va m mi.evti ! t'.r m t ;! m Sotitipf Ki. i.i 1 TMIi f IU- I'll - .M to ii o-titHii-u: Aid rt-fX l. I. Ritiih'4, 'J b it iu Hlinitifv 1. j UuMmt rtit ffo p uf publio p.!iy iiWl iu tut true.jtif of .t'i- Moiiili, v,e J tva. S.'riiii.V4w &ki -firJ Iiiii. If ig ili e.6 h'licf KtjJ vnjifurt, & . U &Mh VtatiUn we ptotfpet mm?ive to t.un tb te . .1 etiim m JHMfie:it ef Un MuiiH Mu- " ' ft. RtHivfd, Ti,at llis H . Jim t'. C.lWa. r . Tutor jii Cutistp . MtiiUlM !" faartf ewid-?-iwrir,!i ftfrrprt r,f fiir't.i1'iw:iticJ. W t'i iU -atu) ril with wfi rti be li. v'.d.ctd l n "",' t u M'TOrrtgT y t :. & 3 7 sis ' tlZ SrS.i S-lI 2 ? 2 ' ; ti: . ; 11 7 1-5- -r I.-t ;- s.f-v.-.-" . :.;. ' 1 3 -ft , , 3 , . ... -.'.. 5 ' . "' "i . 3' ' - 5 -' - 1 A -2 , . m ': - ' i 25 5 s , " s r ; ,y ; ' p " r 1 1 f ' j .. ;' . " ..-;, .. 1 jsi - - S..- ESSS. ?t,t- , g i ii rf priii'.iptu tit tbs Ixwht'are tmi f '".J '-'. s a'uJ.'nEiiitau..,-1 f -r --i- - - i 1 . 5 'X Cl .0 a -4 - - S Aftei tha ri-fi.liriri' rtf tLfi IJjL... Ur.i4-I-H lt tloft -,iiijk;;!!iA.:itt ; .M r:;1- :lifc". C i j J E t , I M I i.1 ( i !C . t 1 iid fren v-3 t'lrtiiwnd bv ttiB ll.rti 1 P..- .1. : . j. 1 j,, . -- t-. ' -. ft ttrnitr w wpara-rty put to the fleeting, aai er.t i nitwit. ... jt .t.-..i ..i . " 1 .............su. I'.p.'U, I J-. 'lim.jn 11 mi m 1 i ovi :rn .m i:xt - ex iks 1 m a k. -. -H . -1 ii v " ,r- j- y j? r TtrEtmur frp.TJir. Ma i: Sia : I have tin; Junior to kiilxiiit lhi.1 Tpwit i; . r " 1- . 1 L f i e . ciiixit c iinimsuica wun- trie joiinwiiijj by thn S riite rm t!ie V I Ji uft ; If Ui:tJitd, Tltat the Secritaiy u the Treary r:. , pptrtu the Mte the jr;ri;isitc atrxtn.t uf i! -j.jUuq at yiacmM .y4rt4 -ffpgr-Ti' 11 y i ' H 1. . - -r 1 - IS M j: is 5 -1 - U i" i? i ; 1- O 51 3. - C. X 1 -1 " T in anoiliwcc'imirt t-r eti!i yer Um ttnettat. V: - uiiH jiKimi ui 01 u.y jayiueMU on accouiil , . tm m. the :!ar2:e a.miit fur oc.-aiaHcnt ! 'rr -r -. i H puriiujM.iwtlm'iiia mn'tiientf i aeemuil ut J i.'.. i-.a!- ' I !miirKfoi ei4 'i.etnnif t3t.w of Vir ti 1 ' h' inliad become nccM-sary, Mr. IJ. itinl, from the Kvte(tmtie tlTurtii itmd- for tome y;am past, to ( impress the .country with , the Utief thai tho ex '' penditurenhud increaced ihrei -fu!d in the last twelve ' ve,ir thnt thev had risen froiri Till It TEEN to iTIIIRTV-MNK milluHis of dollar ; nd that ! (hw enormous increnso d . the ell'cct of the ex ! travagnnce, and conopiion, and of the iacottipc. tciuy ihf IhC Aduiltoiatf af rou' l.fctr fiaH SkfewleJ j that of Mr. Adumn end Mr. Mi woo. 'Ibese two i latter Administrations were Iwld p as the model lot economy; those of Mr. Vail Burcn amlGener. i'nl Jackson were utigmaticed 1 ai nionstem of es- travajniice ; arid tablen of figures wt-ro warran I g?d na ti j;ive color to the character! attributed to leach. TheseWstcmatio efforts this reiterated a-iertion made on this floor, of thirteen million increased to thirty-nine and the effect which inch statemeols must hava upoatho miuds of those who I cannot ee the purposes for which the money was , etpetiiM, "appeared to him (Mr. B.) to require I some more lot mul and authentic refutation than I any one individual could give something more j imNsin than the "spw-ch of a solitary ' member icould allord. rauiiliar with im action oi tne (iovernment for twenty year jiast coming into Ithoetmie in the time of Mr. Monroe remain i.iQ4 in it ever trince a friend to economy in pub' die and. in private life and closely scrutinizing 'the expenditures of the (Jovorninent during the whole time he (Mr, B.) felt himself to be very Tatloat any "time1 to have rinen in his place, and" to have expoiied the delusion of thisfitrlcen and thir ty nine million bugbear; and if ho did' not do so, it was because, in tho first place, ha was disincli ned to band contradictions on tlic floor ol theSen- ute ; and, iu the second place, because lie relied on tiie uilcllmence -o! -tlH country to et all rt'ht view he had nwdij himself tho instrument of pro curing, and the Secretary of the Treasury had oowf presented it. ' It a ready for the coulein plutioiiof ilm- A'nericaa people ;nnd he- could wish everjr. cilizen.to have tfie 'picture in hi own Mirf.-.a.-i'r.-.:'i:yrfr- " uuiuj.if iimi iiu iiniii Kimiuiiijjiuc 11 ! ma uwn uru eoltecting mate rials fiir the gradual increase ol the navy and the improvement ol the navy yarda. The anieiith ilH0,3iKi Ci fir durable public builiiiiijijs. The eighth U $ 19,972 01 for bridges and furtifica tioiw. . The ninth is !J")U,!)o.i ID for roa-ln, canals, and break-waters, and improvements in river and harbors, except the Cumberland riml, which was Hated by itself. The tenth is $171,153 13 liif pruvV ding af ins far" the militia of the I'nited SiateH, and for arniiiiB' the liirtificatwus. -The ckut'iill) is $1,20.7 , Oi'O 41, for all 'pensions, except, tin wo of invalids. Thetwelvth is $129,057 pOfufpurchasinglandfrora liuliaut, and iaytug fir Indian Jejrpdaiimw, Iha ... lFiIrti)eiitIi,"and'las;tteiii, ik the Hum of $2'jfl,6t -21 for miscellaneous objects, and for property luht, or injuries committed, during hostilities with any-., power. The total, of all these items, except the public debt, is $-,222,252 fcO. : This total added to (he sum paid on account of tlje publicdebt, makes close uHin twenty-five niillious,, of dollars ; and this deducted from the aggregate of n;ar, thirty ; two millions, kave.a a fraction over seven millions for the real expenseg of the Governinent the or. dinary and peftnaiwttL excuses during the last .', year of Mr. Monffjc's administration. ' This is cortaiuly a sitialactor result. It exempts (ho Ad ' ministration of that period from the impiitatioii of, extravagance, which the unexphiined exhibilon of rffio aggregate expenditures might have drawn n. npon it in the muuw of umiifbrined persons. .It clears that Administration from all blame. jLmuslll be satisfactory tci every candid mind. ( And now let uj apply the lest of the same examination to Some years of the present Administration, now so " incontinently charged with ruinous extravagance. Let us see how the same rule Will work, when op- plied to the prcserif period ;"ahd, for that purpose, , let us take the last year in the table, that of 1839. . Let others fuke any year that they please, or as many as they please j I take one, because, 1 only propose to give an example ; and I take tho last' One in the table, .because it i the last. Let ug proceed with 1his examination; and see what the 40mdurAiMtitltUiHmprtor w ilMwt Comnioncing wjth the aggregate payments from the Treasury for all objects, Mr. B. said, it would be seen bt the foot of the first column in the first table, that they; amounted ;to 837,129,000 t?l) passing tplhostcortd j;i.9mn.r.and.it..jroitl$l btt.aemz that this sum wa reduced to $20,92,797 75 ; and lde ,5 -i ip cvJknin, a-'xl -" ! 4 . f -I 1 -1 i' 1-3 it J V , -t X J- S .t anii t-,;ir-.f 1 X : & v c 0 . .. e' c; y ri A- 7- mi i.,tir y tn o'ij.-ct in tlit; fiistrirtet Co! i-ftiiiii'-J. 'he lA.'.r.(i,' L'apodiii'fti, and ojfci!si. l..i...l i .: I... I . "' I" tiroree .( 44 tii nr.;ufj i - piiuiiv uiiu.nr- 1 1 an ku ,;r, i,iC'.n a .4 t.-u&. - i I .in, nil r..s-V f3;ii'?.r,:;.U-i,Tfc,,,, ,,ii:i . , , . f5 Z TTI.'ii.H &u i i.-il-u r. . -v .,.wr-4-wit!i nc?!"oli!V iHiiieuuiai. mv t.nc ia jmiiiii " w m f 'It r ""j -V- "au ii'. ior wruwrny J'.l or 4cioin t;Si -T !.-' '. is aaar -- ri. r....... .. . ... .if. . j - , " ." "i " i re -;r i- i - Sr i ' 5; il w- , in; i. nomuiii, ii oil i mihq cay rTk nc-la . the Register of tho Tie w tn, wi.h in,tructi'j;. K JIJUAa;UtX-fltMIi.iii.-iil, tni.ii ate 1 VWJ T" I'iatien lii'.-iri'd in thfeo ker.u .... ... . iicn.l anii' ;il, I'uuktif A. . ff-j was r-rf ic:.'tf, a!-o, t-r'p.f ..rc at 1;1M.f; Soon ll:g file j.tx;nc sum which lad lyn rfn-ir4 csch i"5r n ni'ii.iUjl i.fti;h lieni'ista-? in m.-i ,.. ,3 re'eruu-a ai l.iwwr WUiaonSiiiirr c .itHtiiiarv. ' ; v - - ' i'n !!' iig thi-.t this .would taj U?l.'y v fu! lur ytc .,4 i .-. ;'.-r.-r" .-.- ii.-J-.-. P-'t-'T f ? . j; . v - 3;aS 5 J4 . nJxt: 5sjS ' 5 i ris.f r s ,BI,. -ti - tltricen to -pb.iieM a copy of this report, owreceived from the-Socrctary of .the Treasury, under the call of the.Ki'nato, and, jrinled by its order; be could svaJV every eitizea-t ptmess one" of thesd a jtiionlic 'copies, bearing the' Imprimatur of U American Senate; but that was impwwible j and, limiting hia action to what was possible, lie 'would propiwo to pi mt such number of extra copies as wourJVnaWe soiiw tn reach exrry" quarter of tEe Union. IU anew that the rcpnrt could easily go through the newspapers, (for it was very short,) and he hoped tlmt it would Appear in every paper that was a friend to truth and la fair dealing that wihlied to give correct information to its readers, lie Imped it. would appear in all such papers; but that was not sufficient. The uewapujier pubhea tiOiia. wersnot offiotenfly free from cavil to an swer his purpose ; no puphcation could be sufficient ;-Uut-tbt triads by th6 order -of the-Senatejand i4..,.u-M..v oii:..t..i .'-J-...t..;i""T: "'.if ' llkruqiiim, . un w Mi:u Ilia utH.UUII3lll IISCI1 Id UQ forth, with the Senatorial imprimatur upon iu tti miif fnnTcry f ; i a r t c: r ot tiie L'nion. lie wished a large number to be printed ; but would not suggest any particular number, until latter sum was itself reduced to 913,023.800 18 ; and, referring to the second table, under the year 1P39, and it would be seen hyw. this aggregate of -J thirty seven millions was reduced to thirteen and a half. It was a great reduction ; a reduction i i.f nearly twa thirds from the aggregate amount paid out; and left for the pfoiKT expenses of the Go. venimexit its ordinary and perinauont expeusea ho had first given to the Senate some view of the papers themselves, tid thus shown them to be wor an inconceivably small sinn for a great, nation of seventeen million of souls,' covering un immenso extent of territory, and acting a part, among the great power of tho world. To trace this reduc tion to show the reasons of (he difference between the first and the third columns, Mr. B. would follow the same process which he had pursued in explain. ing the expenditures of the year 1824i anq' ask fox noilimg m one case which bad not been granted in tba.ather.--:. '" ryy Tt ZZ 1Z The ii rst item 4a be JtiedTrwHne tTiiri-" aVPI1' tnillifln MnffrMfrnlp ,'A itm auni r.rftl1 1 lit . to public debt.' lie repealed, on account of the public -debt j for it was paid in redemption of Treasury- notes; and these treasury notes were so much oVl.t '"m-rrrl in nient, iniil though s,nal , 1'a'1 '" c-sidep,- - J , !!;; J;- '-3 yenr,, in tnafaiuie t tt .j((.''5 and, of ciirse; nwelhnv u rf'dtS;- make up the ii,o,mtios , J aii of hicli-ihe crxtutry ha.5 so much. ' .0. The next item growicul ' the three pur centum fund lo , new State, on tho amount r tU lauds sold withiu their limit, u isduetolheSntesbycomn" a tonbideration, and a nut .,,17 legato one ,t t.((,t m u. iiie reuerut iniius. T fuf la!),this item amotintedt0jjj;. 670; and, being a debt due to ,u Slatea, la no. part of the Ooterl " merit expense For the previous years, " when tho t,.j ' salea were at the lureest ....... ..I .1... d... . " w iivu auinu u, mn eiaieq had na. glected for some years to drt thuir money, tho.paymouli , this accoiuit aniounted 16 ttcj, ono and a half million 0f (Mb,,; and, of ciRirse,; swellet to (,aJ amount the txtravapanre of IS 30, '37, hnd-.W! In the v. 1824 t.his item was only 17,7i j, - A 'I'llO Bimli ilom ,.!. J , red was nearly allied ta the f,(f; mcr. .. It'was 819S,5:J0 two pr centum ,oo the salea of the public lands to mnke rosib w, the.new-SiaUa.and applintite ST: the Cumberland road. In U year 1824 it a only 17,0("jj but in the great sales of 135, '6 and '7, il amounted to near 8lt. 000, ., Here again was rv. ment of a tlebt converted wasteful extravagance. ' .. 7. Donations of money tn, or pajmeuls on account of, tho Dm. (net of 'Columbia,. was (he sei- enth item of deduction ivhich Sir. . 'mentioned. It amnuntcd . was a new item in the list f Gw. , ern.neut payment's, having nau. Z yeaV 1P32. AllT that tirns t 831 3,000 ia.i.ycar. to win-. la3nHwrl- y ear- 8, omouiited to near 440,t00.; It was a gratuity to the Dilrkl, which had oo pohUcul rililii, -it was a gratuitV which had a other; 'object Jhan..' to relieve it Horn burthens improvident ly coft. traded; yet receive'd . Iha asual cliaraxjlet tf - corrupt extrar-;' gancc. ' . . s . .. w. I ho survey ol the eoait was tho eighth item which Mr. IS. explained. It was a tempo- rary and' extraordinary .object, which had grown up from a tri tie to a large amount, within a foW-tjeajts past,, ajjd.aiiiuuute4.la $01. DM fortheyear lx:)l. I'rr- vious to Oeueral Jackson s at!-- mmtstra tiorr it- rarel v txwfSfcff lor tho year -1S36, 7,atid 'a, it iiHiunled to about 220,000. 9. Duties refunded tu niercuanti items which had lately growa op among "our 'Treasury paymcui I rom 124 to l'Al, it was an- i - t. S i -p j. a . . w i Si it A. - i. lowing Jiiu tjcjaji uU w hi. h 111 "Bern! j.hs th.H mhTM-.n frtjrr'.,f iuiri Br j , i Mi'ifrii'iej P'ft"r tattsticr.l Ll' n ('.r ..i I im!ve fcuch in!r Nft. I hat eau:-xrJ it - a..i I . tic. - . - . I't less .)i:,.! rei.?ei.!'i( irrt r i a: 4 jsr ii I rt. ".-I- 21 i i I i - i I T- w .?c.iri-:5 : s - c c: j - i u . rr i o-'i urr !, tin t.j vtatccn nis br-f.!.: a Mifjnt,it!:,n dtiif.i ty it.i. r, -u' . ' " V it la iiip'.i rrviwrt, 4Jv f-Hr;V ftT,"" - t 't" '- fren'.rv 'i.f i:-a"Tif..' i.ri! supply the place of the revenue deposited with the I Slates in 1630. or shut on in bunks iliirincr ilm thy of the most ample multiplication, and of the j suspension of 137, or due from merchant, to most extensive diUusioo. ' ' ' ; i whom indulgenctf had hern rrjllldi... Tn tiitiiily h " n II 1 in I , II"" I'fHT .vir. n- men oiienetnietrUitcajmJMi-r i.,,io.;,.ai.i.. r.,.wi" ii,.. n. ...... :tm .,, it,. ii:t:t . 1 -vw ' " ... ' . . v. - v.. '.VIM- I ' , . .11- J - " V '"f F chaiiictut and coiitcnts. IJeJirst onj ,?w4lh, aggfegate.and the NwWitfifeurrii 'WtJ delVi, it paid off the debt alinoat as fast as it un. wovuruuieiiv irum me yeur ion to i3oi, in- ( contracted iU Above eleven millions of this debt ""I .g. imminu i.iniRcu iV t-midineu inu was paid u amouuliiig la almost throne - detailed Statoment ortha payments annually trrndot third part of the aggregate expenditure of that on accouut of , all tempurary or extraordinary ob- year ; and thus, nearly the ono third part of tho jects, including the public debt, lor the same pe- sum whiim ijchargrd upon the Adiimijs;mUflti. as J-wJJ-lwaa payment . Uurij qnlumn of tho Grst onej and lire two, taken of debt !-n mero payment or Treasury notes together, would enable every nlm-n t,. aee the ac- which we had iwued to nin.plv the place of our tual expenditures, and tho-comparative expendi.mipacc( revenue. This item" hein deducted tores, ol tho Government fy.thc whole period : from the 37 miliums, reduces il ta 20. which be had mentioned. .ri ,. . . , . . '.:' -, , tr-.i I.. I 4i i no second item to lie deducted is stated irt' Mr. U. tlreii examined tho actual and the com- ., lnKln ,, , . , c . . t Y parative.,K,,SeSof twof tho years, tnken from ' ' , fAcT$ of trust funds; and he two c'ltrasted perils relefredVo and" uivo CZJXTP" lrU! ' i.,,1 n.. ....,!,.. r.i,.. ...., . i.. .r. i '.T... .: , ...i. lln, and other Indians, on the aaleof their. w u. m..i.i,.n ui my ..u. im ,u OUT IMOIIS ttlllCIl I .. I .. 1- . - wmrwincn-imr nmnr cihtcs; nci as I tic IP i " Ii I i r, j- is r r, i p i; eg 15 T ILiu. B'i i. M. rv.'rt I' 4 fc 7 : ii ". 'w i U- -1 -1 f-J i " j-4 :- i g . -- -r.- tr: -, '. mm M wVirl-i1 r-JUil;. igl- " frtr-x: f-nrirrehi tn effect alt this surpruc and indiguationP V"; iei-llt iM tr KH. t,!&i..'if-.r-n t r? - :, - - .- ' ., I ' I the puhhc mind ;' but pasin on tolhe (vcbnd I -8..lhe third i i'jiU44jt dt Atwtr uf j. -;?Tri yr-r rr r-rlf-xr g -i.-- ?a7ftr- ?T TCihiwrato-wa what werethe .xi)iidiluresTndo.i'11'&")2 27,"tir r.-v" Scid- "- l tin 'isVt? ' . Ai:ie any jAtrrvie ti-' Afr-!a- ' 1 I'Ui't 't td ea 4 uuu im)tirMi. aipiint k pet- 'i . wliiure, t r rut ef Uir pay. ' k.b-w & " crs. !:.!. i.'t Tur ( f i U.tfli' oil CCS- r;..ui.k uil -t. : 1 cisi-4 - .1-1 .13 l; ..wi.i! t W Ii, i II'' ii: 1, '.i r tm.Jeu : CfHi't uf llilt!!l?H. " ' 1 e-s fOipref-'s,-.' "WITT. C '3 5- c - I -? , -I . . i: ii 1 This was a favor, or an act u justice to merchants, graottsl by " acts of CmigresrW by judKial liucision.s, or by reversal of pre. vious coubtrncliims of the la. .lua.napaxl of 4h-Xvwii-- expenditure, thouih,being refund-, ed from the Treasury, it gncsfae to the enumeration to swell Ik gcncnil'aggregato 16 swell tlsl cry of extravagance-;and to prove the hostility -of the Admiur-lri tion to-mcrchants t T'f ' "' , -a 10. A tenth item to be dnW; ted wan"tlic um"of $71407 Ut '.' eoliVetrw- materials- (or ths--ia - t'rease s the jiayy. 4This 'wai. an expenditure Tor the Intoreee- fence uf, the'eountry, and atort" ; ged about $300,00!) per Snain1 since the commencement of Gttw JackPon' admin ia t r t i mi Uiiigh only $123,000 in lt21.'lf il'l clearly- 4W- part- of the-axpii1"--of . Government, but an outbsf . laiauijr s cry asaiust tie; .. . ., ' .. . . . . ..r i..; - , , -fi.i dreadhil extravagance, the c.Fruniion andthe wick-1 ! L 1 SLTTl IZXi t inw vwiti raimni wtiu u nAiiiilts7 hit Tiinu inp nrMl . aodtliehis, of theyears mentioned , the tahle.,: mo jear lrji and l'J-and began with the first , imu. k.,, V" , ' 7, item in the fir culumu.' This showed the apnre-' ! ?' l ? preceding vears averaged Bate expenditure, for every object for tha veer r ' ! 'I ,;m'tef f"1"1"" .v ' 1S2I. t6 have ken 31.947-ve . JV, f thirty-two-million, of dollars, 'said Mr, B.,'and if Vln Vh 'x'ri St". .1 .'T. " " -...-4 ..1.,... ...:.!. ' . 1' " the rar 192 1 : so that it becomes mono hum muium cviiinuanuii. vrr? Cillia-: l . . " - . ... ,4Ue-Mlish,ng,i,e pnbhcrofW . 1? " "' ' 'inj 11,1111 no exis- es a new . . : ... 1 i- - i iu i-uoraui, . aim T.i ratsinir a Crv n.iaint j, .M canes . -oi, sin- innroi S" a.imintdiTnimit: 'Tto.i : . .. " . . . . o n t iueir r. Mb - :. . -irx j '" -u a vn juurjnuuoJHMO-Hie-rft5t romtms Admimstratiort, " '-".: , : item In be deducted is the sum of xiMiidilurrTndii',t7,o.).i i.Tir indemnities; that is to sav. for - pendent of the public, debt, and this larger aggre. :uncJ covered from foreign nations, under Gen. pjmr wiH befijund Wbo reduced mnre than one Jackson's administration, for merrhants who,hac nan; itsmKs to :i,330,l44 71. This is a hoa vy deduction, but it is not all. Passing on to the linnt rommn, r it w tt.ni - i been plundered under' previous Administrations J ,"?ney' WI'('1 recejveij, had itune. iiitmr-- Trim'i in b an' wnr til'irmar.U'toJ .mi' 1.. 1I.0 so ol the Government for permatiflnt and or.lina. ,'2",ful ovrnert an their reiiicctivo ilirla were as. ..i.:.... i... .. . . - j-n.in;.,,l rt.-..... m .. v 7 "ij'iv-i", iuuviciiiieiii 01 ina ieminrary ana ex-1 '""'"1- f " p;'ynient tor isju was neir ttiree rrsnrninsry ones, tor Una same year, were only i'Ji 2i,m:;,sh in t n,' cvm 27 i-ci , -c-j.tj.-K, ?m fit t?.r. a'-r.s 1 t. .'.-..Kl.tltrrt-i , w.v.sntrvi' i-"' x H,30fs 4ti t I2.ti.i.5.; 1 1 1-.1J , 4U 1 . !-: ? 1 ' lr vt J-3.." l-;n, la:t7 J . 1- rut:j-,sisj t 1; t4 -r.7,vis .' r 24I.UO-J jj ! 17.. .7.1.1 u r,i? iV2'.MJ..V ::v i;i.;i.0J7 v.)t iti.rii'L-771 2J,7i:U7.V. II! l".ri.4!7VJ"'t 17..illjj-i.iif' V-1urT 5 1 ,3743.4 V4 .'.;i,,.j.. 4t:H H 1 X':01 1 r i57,jVJ.;"-o i 4Ti.'.i'i;u7 ; 7 f, tS '.7jr.f.ri. ,'t - ..- -' i .nu . ; .. t :; .''t :7 ,- 'v.' 7 .-7 r'.I..M K J 1 1. -,!' 7 I i'K.iJl xi l;j?:7.fH4 41 i'J.- .-a1 I" ' r? T-: 0 f- ' . . ii t ; Vj 4, f ' S .'i.a i' A .us.4wii;t; liL-Ji t. i - x 2 i-4.' lie; - , cr t ri i.i i - : . j i t. H - 'is ; . " n , r, i , w: w o x . 35 w C a w -a .- r s - i' . J f S - 5 ' . f - .-M . r-. f ' 3 ' V : ! ' is sj -iic; v i. i- ... s - n r w'x. fv r. x w 1 i r -2a 5 i r k , wntu mi o iDinion: dui lor l u ihri urevio.w ij ; i7iV'V!,i 03; Ixing lesslhaa thesMte-frmrth pirf''?r ,'!moBL ;-;.;2.J?R Jtw--iewHhirty twrraIMiia.foJa Iif wiiltwwj and, according to the accusa- . j j. I"1 1'!Le. tPasonablc, and ues fan-iowardsi " "t-.hr. Oppoaition, goutlemcn, eimstittted ao " a rKlioviiij AJr. M wiroes administration from -the ! "mc'' ,he """id rxtravagance of tfios years t f irVliiiitiTM.n li.tlinl. .V .... . . .'fei.it Lm 1, ... iL& Jlir.. i . A . f ... r v,iVI, 9 Yivir n mo areyitie fx : " m .imm hiit uuter live tajtwcfn U16 fKscnl limes am t ioseot I'4. ' W wn Inik.i M year, the sim of riMr lire nfilli ,1US WUi nuiil mil i.r ! b' evury r-ituea to ondorsiand the imtmrtant iviint i ,l10 Trmsury for Indemnities U inerchania muler of tb Government expenditures a x.iiit on which, the Florida, treaty no one ever thought f, nwkinJ alive Govern. I"10 w,vl,ie " "'at as a part uf fho expen j pemlnure (or the year would hare subjecTed it-' (i imh, w nwKe it rnltrely satisfactory, and toena- ' the citizens of a free and representative jjimiit .snout-1 always well mfiirmed to attain 01 the ttovernnient.; o one ver thoiijht of ' ! this full satisfsctKMa let us rrw on to tlte second is. ! Injuring the Adminiitrvioo about il.. These run. 3 -i W"' ("wrked B,) and tut our rveaoo its ftrt column, ru,l been 'reserved for tliu '.present day. ; umler the year 1S24. , We 'shall there find every , f' U frt time in'llio hisiorv of our coon. li'tLTllMiMon- public l"'- iilgS'lijo liolher of Hie Targe Iica4 -of reri-ntr expenditure." Formr Iv tuese liuildinjjs were of iwrisa- r able- mamialif, and 'sunk uin!er.. the decay pf Jime ot, the '.Tv gns of fjre f for some yeare peit; duialilormaterials had beensclec. led,' and fire proof edifices eom Awliiil."" Thf) WwniJilMra MX Ihis Purtmso In 1839. was$I,S"i tlie-,r) Irnnrm vt any country, the rr-coverv nfio. . .am.riir.1 ..-.ft . . p ? .1.. j., . . tlitnn.liaa 1...... iV, "'- .if . ' - " ""s vii nOTiuni ni n, itm onucuon ol " turoisueiw, a,(tj tnmr payment to temporary and extraordinary ; objert, " and , i.fWh4b S-teh s fie puhttC. iI-'-l, ki 4 S:.i, vw tt H!e- Ii r ttar e;.is r lurre j'f tint .vjsrnj.il i, 'ca'Via! d .iit'aiis ta m,viey leJ;ct l 'li t;vri i ft tolnnt.is, of otfirww, a-m-ry "" ue - , l..lfi. the ercfi-u. duties retuptlnl, Ij.jaWwt', "J..H UiKsa.iinJ iiailtnwif coileciij furhhe gtajiu) , j'.'i v it,c n J.f tjatoavy4 .iatduduig lawwiw? i 19- tUmd C'.:-i m fiiir'tit Auditor's OQetj. r " , . .. . T. L HMITIT. Register. C" ; ' ' '.-''7v..rr.- .... - - l N- i r "Si -o Jfr. Ikstax, t'.ic l:it r of t'l-e SccraUry ami the ta Ut, er w lut&.i ! frinlil.'" s ','.''' :" L ' vl' .' '... ., . . .. r '!"'", ';' ' ' V ., "'',' .-'. '..-".'!' " ahich reduced an aggregate of tiar''thirty4ww ir twn citiama, tieciiiuea a 8rcad1'ultravaifnco. minions 10 a uac'ion over seven tmliimi. We'.-""nous waste r.t moni-iriir which a mud .and , fchull there find the esplauntiou of the liireirnre-Pr'''S,lltJ Adiuiniutratma . mu.t be tlrut fnuu between the - first and third cfdumn. , The firrf Perl .;.-'. . . . . , v ' , -item is the sum of $l6,.'Wi,303 70, paid , ac-1: 4. The Pmrth itein ix a small sum U 1 675 M coiiiitpTthe principal, and 'intrrost ef tl.e punfe "t-r .ninw of States on wenont of expend.ioron li.r debt. Tlie-a-wwl hi the 1mm of .4,S01,3-5O, the general U-nefu during the lale war, Irv.as a '"3 MHo tiKrchauts for ladewoitici undwr tho treaty payment of deli, and nut an expense of Govern- 7A'S-- j Z'J-tl J. .:",t.' 7....-. ;--'V A X: V '.--. h ' ' '.: i, ' " '' :'. .. "t. .'. ..'''.- 041, and nrar the same (t m three preced'ng .years. Tina a- ibr.tlir? Jjr 'i.-. i: :' uj..j"-t : I Imiiolii of iKisicnty and not cuafg' ea'hlo as an exH'n!e upon j,cc' llmt flilniinislrnlinnat.' . . & . V 4 1 2. The sum of f7.tt.570 f,' bridgos'and fortifitfaiioiis, was ins tweliili item which Mr. B. P"""! ed out for 'de'ductioo, being W of them exnenditurei for the ben- 1 efit of jmgierity ; the expenditure extraordinary and temporary, . thi Imnefit.. gcoeraL atsd J"" . li"Tbit ium k '$1,401,(109 for tiie irrtprovetnrnl n"'. bsrbrfr." arid ftiads." exclusive tho C-miberland nad, was aitota- nf ihn samecli'. artiT. la 1P24, it was bui '" t 955, but took a start then would, have known no buuiw had it not been fir tho MayiruW vein. . , , , -,'" 11. Providing arms for the litia of the States, nd eanjoi'j r " 1 - j j..