... .,,. H,ri isaon-be. expenditure Jm future time " ,,l lor terity. It amounted l 174,006 fir ').:,;), and averaged above half a million a year ji,r each of llie three preceding year. la 182 1 was but 1171,153. ' - IS. Pensions, except iMwie to invalid, wis the ,u 1 it,;m noted by .Mr. P.. I;.r, deduction. They ere -ratiiitie from the Treasury, and not an ex tohsm ."f Government. They amounted in 1539 to ' a3,t)33,7i. being near three times what they were in 1-21- They bad been au enormous dram upon the Treasury for the lawl seven years, amouot ii,jr in to 64 S.OflOjUfMl -uWipieiiily aver afHijt about half thai turn. . " - 18. Purchase of iatnU from I't liant was anoth er largo itemto be deducted, ami winch had vast ly increased of !ile. Jul 624,. this hand of expen. ililor only amounted to $ l.'.),. 7 ; m 13- it was 1,703,123 ; In HMO was a high as thne oul In 13T. $2,4 j4,0lM ;nnd it- J.jt wa, " 4.03,5IS. Thuse were heavy, exiieiidtturcs, in curred for the, great object of relieving the States from (lie incumbrance or an Indian population ; but thu"h heavy it is not "money gone from the Tree- aurv tievur to return lo it. It all returns, and with profit in i iho rale of the lands acquired j yet the vafct tiling paxi Oil whs msau, is cireu biiim ui as a ru inous extravagance, for which ie Goths--hou'd bg dri ven from the Capitol! ; 17. Removal of Indiana and their wars was another item rwarly connected with the last, and , subject to the same remarks. It had grown up of . hue, and was directed to the good ol the States. In lS24it was ""iiqtlung J .in 1M it was $1,75, !U4. lii1 the three proceeding years it was re spectively in round numbers, 8I,MW,000, 6,500,. 000, and ft5,00U,O00. This is one of the largest fed era i, m isi: cm ?;e.vtati( .v r.xrovn. We are oit in the b,t f troubling readers with any notice i.f ihe slung matter conumed in the Federal organ here. We are wilting to l1 its fcwertiwn pass f.r what.the-y w;!l bring, wi'h tile P-'I';- - The hut number, however, of that sheet, contains a Inter over ihe i. -nature-of the 1 1, hi, Henry Clay, the content- of wlicIS rerpitre same Dot ice. It seems that the 1 cdcral set here, una We to find any thin that ihey could either contra diet or disprove in what Mr. Fivhef did say in hi remark at the Republican meeting on the Gth iuM., thh rnv.ss:T roxtr.sr. If th'-ro are any wild think tTut llie con'eM i;. going on in this eimntry t a mere tfu;i!'- tu de. cide which shall occupy the Prv-.idt-iiti.il chair, Martin Van Cjrcn.or Wm. II. ilirmon, they art far from seeing the real state of altairs, or viewing ihi struggle in its proper light. Never, since the I'.iuiuLtiuo of rmr (lovernmcnt, ha there been a moie important rri-.is in the af fUir of this imlioo than is now present never hm the coateat beteeu the two grt.it politic d ortit?!i, which have aUni Khhkl in dir-.;i ojimwiiion of Lave tfken op their old trade of last Milliliter, and . principle unJ ficy, been iue clearly narrowed re-sort li contempUhle murtprtttntaliom, id -order iJ..??t,ct.tte. carc:ifnit poiuis of doc. la citfadt aomething lhat'Ke Jii mit jag.' j tnae.than at prevent. It u 'tme when every mad , From Mr. C'siyVi k-tter, it would apppr tliat lie j s'"',u' J,Wk to pnnciple, reno:ei of nil patiiuli- was iiiinrined by Mr, l. C Jiies,lhat ,MrFlr JC-w nle had aiKrttd m his renia. kit, that bt- (Mr. Cla; ,; had been oppiwed to the noininntkm of Jeo. H irri- (itn. Ilarrismh iHyvlirtty ul J&t'me. tnsiiN worth and uhiliiytxight certamlv to lie apprecia. tc-J nf liiglily, wlu-re he is best known at hniiif aniong.-l his neighburs, and in Thu ttate w here lie lives. The following otlicial rvturnstiow Imw tiin. Harrison stixid at home tu hm younger dayx, when, if he was ever fit at all, he niust have bc-on more cotiiHileiit than at present, to till ollice. If the enthusiastic feeling in favor of the oh) General prevails at the West, as the' Federal papers Mate, why, ijit re has been a wonderful change, Oint's all From the niiie of tie P'frrnt T 'e!- Mr. KU eanil.'r, t'(,e lanjiorri, ir la H liifr'r, were due'i-ul nine, as ilvt I ;ii-!;.i 1 ; I.-ti Htld gf La., he- "an'u T. 'Jt ? Xjii Dr. TaTiaU-fo arid ibany p!ti. ' r.m Mr Alemiiv-ler x -cunsiJi red 4'i-pt-- . Jtr.l. Two ol' her children m? i.iu-4 i;t h'-r !-. A nmiiy"us lime rVad bodn davo Ut t;iM the Steaiibat Hotel. - Ttm number of tmmk Lca he tAen pLar to day i about fifty, and maoy are MiH in a 4ia gerous and dying ewditii. As soon a pmrntile we Mtl pi.Ui-h a t- cl liw aoa as Minister to Colombia. tMr,tiis w tuA on- ly a rvtrttd, but a ajar iJatcmrnt. - Mr. Fisher We. em-ciallv rf the old State Riuhla Renubiu .... , - . - -p , .. ciin party, h arc now cailed upon to take part in a contest, from" w hich we have, I' r mime tiine.ntaod I l. I I I .r i ;iwii-j utTf var?ies w prej4ce, ani ex. lSrAnd.Tmaily; Mr.Tli noted tho julri of $232, 369 for iniicelluneou objects,; not reduceable to a precise. head, wUicb swelled the list of expendi. lures, without belonging to the exjicitsea of the (Jovernmcntl J9, Jh Exploring Expedition was the last of the rtems. is was of recent origin, amounting to t three piecedinif years. These are. the eighteen heads of extraordinary inent'umed it as a rejwt which had been frequent- amine ilispaMiooa'ely the eottree which cur princi- ly charged aid oevor detiied, that Mr. Clay was ! P,ei rcpiire us to lake. NVver has there been a opposed to the appointment of (Jen. 1 1 rrnson. hen the truth of uur motto, prinfijAt not That lhia was what Mr. F. eaid, we can prow byiw," ought to be more clearly impreyscJ on tlie "a crowd of witnesses, and for confirmation of our J mind of eyery true Republican. Within a few statement, we refer the reader to ihe publication in 'years, various causes have operated in some tnea this paperjf a pumbcr of gemkmcn bebmging t 4r Jo break d iwntlm old pxity lines, -and we the Central Committee of Vigilance for Kiwan Co. I have beo asmxiauej, .r a sbart time, m action ii we cm noi anow tnai ttie lessons ol experience t ' re now opposoj tu oi in principle. are d. feat .. C7 -- C7 free one since he was so Iwdly walen in the contest lor. Humes of the killed, wouodrd, od ibww iirg, . Governor of that Slate, aiid aftorwards the Verv w hose Wm baie mil bero irA. .hindmost of all, and botrrmi-am in his own, Meanwhile Wf the luaolje .f w ls4 r. e .i t ' i . .u i i filMids and riatrt a M-w Urs,w lme County for the Legislature, asthe tclurns bebw : ,,'.,, jt'. ... . t.. ' " . . v -(? rbatl be itble to c our cJiie sb xne r5'r. exhibit : ' -rTntriWTaaneTK -tMttninirii9 pJT rR clw for Qwrnw rj Oho, m Bj ,,Uch shallered, Uc area in cyirJsv. m 120: " . " .," ' ' or !c ' i ami aorroonded hx the teiiiti;ike fe'sase". I'm iJm' l - ; ; - "KS iwotHHleo, te dy,g. Oar It . lla,rim; - " ( 4,niU ;tr.;esareftntrm)p. tt tire eW ansi siesuute. V)1fe.W R, luri of. Elcclum r 'jteprtrtnMi''- ircigbborii pW m- mt 'jhtmitta euunty, (Ilanuoa'i prwut rtWnua Tg fe"" 'e U la rlear.ru ii 1"H1. ' . ,. r r! th atroeta attd in wigang 1r frarn thm imm. Itat id T. Dniwy, "i 2,33!) elected. , From an iwrtimate ade, Aim m aa4. sleslrw Alex. DtiDcan, JIhi BtiioytiP, 1)3 n'l. , IIhwps, . W. 11. llarrimn. 'l.-'-.'-'iol.-cted. . - 1 ,Tt N t elected. 1,1117 clocted, l.4")tt oi $ lectoil. tion of" property. a tuootm t- lX9JSte d-4Eir. f Tie HaV Vt'J..t. d tw eetfyt how nmny i.t taki-s la niakt a f!ocei, accord- " v '-. ,, - , y'; : "ina to tlie teeliriica'itica of ajamrv; ta ibere KT A W extern Harrison p.or wuta.ns the follow. " . .,,. vr.tihdV ; ruZiAJMU kmi 4 hundred or a liundrr-4 'd fi'y pervows, who had : ing ot-jeciiun to Mr. Van lluren; "March 2tHh, lM-.Mr. Van Ruren voted to strike out triu " no military apiropriation bill, Ihe sect mtke lioeu w legates to the ctiVr-royal Cv.rrnftoo at ma. to ... . . . - - . i lost wiaormj, we might suppoM tliat llitfwgoal ! the tiaie b3ua. when parties man rally im-t" writ: For ihe continuation of tlie Cumberland R.W, 'J!,""nre ' r?fP2f , , at sustained last summer, would have tanght the the old dioctijtheatAj areagaia form. SWOJIWI? -Alark this! oppoaaau of the ifi9f tl nrnvivnint Svliiri .An nriTinimtit ff.xm lliaa Atirnnc . i ' - J .JL'?J: aho. Ing under the old banners of emul rights, '! . I 1 Vitf 7 . ... pohertuch fools as they think them, to be deceived !,rare ai.J no elusive or oaiti. frl r,n ,.r ilia fvuilh am Vnt. It ui annurtenarit tn lh ; . ... ' . . . i"Bi,lU wo eic.usive or paiual tavwra, on ....... ' 'r " . . ' OV ttteir low Irickerv atlfl nuarcnrMeiitatinn. intii ! -, . - . . . pure haseof the Indian lauds ; and, al.housh large, -.'belief of any (liing they may - choose to a j-.- C"" ""'!. tor protcc iu-.,: I yet the .ales of the lands v .It far mora than renn- ruy m deny 1Wie of oi.joctiuns urged by Mr. 1 iJwfe4 n.Uttlm, oa t he " utlr. 1 he j ' tlllfSe it. ' ' PuUr s.m.. l.,.4 u.l4 ..i lt.'.-.1 r' tVpii.l.Mltilt FtjwtLVn ru .rVre,l.;,. mill lw i I ' f I I .1 1- .. -- :-r . I ' . . . . ' . ! . . - i .- vcnciai, quo uicy resori o u.is puuui evasion, to 'come between w-3 two great parties lr acen-1 oivrn me puoiic mtiKi irorrr tacts wnicu tttey oan . jtUere are bJt two candid ilex, and we are not im-et.-. W hat miseraUe end sneaking conduot 1 w efcoosa' 11 wen. W This being so, tiw iinaiiou is Wougbl horae la us, wlnjther we iha'i lay asle cur oU prj uficea saiiwt Van -fer-aa t at'I ""y Ici'geMHoim?H"tif tlie"OpfKii- tinn say fur which orlieiie they did not ote, to -whlth lliey now etifiel;-and lor which thrjaifl fefl' THE CAROLINIAN." Salisbury, l riilaj, H 9!, 1810. m '-A'itfc- Rrghtt Rrpvhiican Tided. 'tOB COVEH.NOH, ;taSaJaS r- Adn.imslral.on irrnow that the whole is eiototled. i . - j I . 4 ' uuiunuee, or ronucui: ikcejjc-nt; 10 uie wm'j I iii'iii AxistKni : . " " Ik7" " Tke ;xicy m,lhiri the Onfral frrtsnn nk mi fiitiiir nunKATiON or llllorln TO SlKET Tlltl rUni.H' KVK, ithilroccuuym An pre- PUBLIC FXPBXDITl'RES. We this week publish a hih! interrrtit r .trn.aUr.DZiSUllfUiiA c'iporiaul documenlon ihesjltjcrtit tii Puotie l.t. . ntnv iifok-smns a be e-ri soaod ItentihlKraa d.ic. 'pcnditiires a subject that ought tibe invest igatcd trine --c, bJker 4 shallatluw the Apposition expeiHliluroiMiid Mr. B,,aml the amount expended ! Jialous care by W-ty man. Jh, otlicial ,J 'Jcli we have Jieij'i&wj sidiciiK-iii gi,c'ii, i one uiai . was maue oy Hie v-, u ' ' iw mna m i if aitfriijn pariy a crctary of the Treasury in tittiCT tojaire(.i4n.ft)r.th3lfa rrmrt nf the Senate." Itia a Tull exhibit of the ex- i a oiaerent mfimfftMtLMJMt. IZuitiM&WiigK auJiiwwnmeeetng vw-UMfa'asswnanlW - Vt'k'ial tiiyilfHff with the year 1621, during Mr. Monroe' adniinis j which, in its prmatM aad p!icy, we have always tration, and carried down to the present year- been directly opposed. Tb accompanying remarks ; of" r Be iitog. wiii 4e. TkS-Ji WiQti 4orly- aaU - f iin Cfwceal their- 7 lounrJ useful and conclusive in explaining the tabu- j f ederal principles by raising a hue and cry against la r statement. We earnestly commend the whole the .Idmirrrstration, its extravagance and other to Ihe attention of the reader, ' It is'clear.'satis bojliears, sot up to divert attention from them- j ''Etcforxyand 'doemva completoly overt nrmngi byawlyens bnl he thing a?I' diiwpyclr-yty -ettami. aplaiu statcmcm, which .plain men may understand, . nation. It is a tict, that speaks louder than words, all the false charges of profligate expenditure con-: thai they have never yet ina Iu any avowal of prin stantly ningbytho KedcralUta agaiut tho Admin- ciple; and why ! The reason is clear. Hecause . istratiou. 5i Wisit humbugvii irkiggoritm so their asiortintiiit of a party hare no principles, goes another Federal Whig humbug by ihe board, upon which they agree, except the ooe principle At this rale, these trading politician wili be en of getting into oOice without regard to the means tircly it of capital before bwg, for, take away ; This i not (lie ctto with the other psrty - iheir bog-bears of Van fturen's extravagance his.Tba KfpuMican Convention which mat at Ildlti standing nmfjke and -bow. m.4Mrtlv-4b.-itt jMnMtttfitwtisxpillWl wBiy g-wtn-leo: jC'eciieii, i nfiineuis and proclaiming -the Kepubhcan doc- is more thau we ran'imagin. .it will, however, trtnes of '99 as theirs, J-jctrinei upon which, in li.-ike bjit liiiie, doTirence iu the eaJ, they csn still the coming contest, Ihey would-stand or fall. asrrt as boldly ever, which, is all they do liny. These are facts w hich every Republican ought to -drrwrFruu or fnNe. is niaflvr ot no" ciH.-oJeMhuu wcieh well Lc;.ie he a!ii(iiiis Fis nriircinies for ', full of.cmiitiiieiH," wbka i".ef r.cA lite Ilr. M CONGRESS. .. j rii?on Hill," and a ytty good lkii 4" IIatfioav , From some reanon or other, our Washington papers' w it was, being a pull ban, haixw aad sr,i. fiir tlia last week have not reached here regularly j the This Iwll was afiilfroML. F.a'uixJwt ta roil lfcrmigU Ht mail brrkijrtit a, hondlo, tint the late hour only ad- the eastern porlHm d" Ihe L'smou; but awsiuckiiy nuts a brief police -of Lhc Congnsioiial proccedinj;!!, (i,r f,.,i0ml whiggery and ftmnwas of its sVus. Vm. . The Amalo hsa been engaged, cluuflylu tho d;rmiB s,0,,pwl ,'a,t ball ty 4 iJli er cz: bfVy,eof;i lWto 83, Mr. Uall'a pag law, denominated a p.n ng trundled a-aWl ditsr, inilitrd and Lh to secure the Irecdoni of olocttona." This Federal t- J,ke pwdlgioiie uuiiiuug, tbe H'iaa CH pr. tempt to resive tlia arineirfa of the odious snd ihniei- ved deficient iq siamiiw, and snd4m?y roraes!.,. . table Alien and tSmlitvm liaws.-lna thus .mtt witttl strike lei'iMted AiVumrm,ibrw iifiS9 ilt. bnhi!' ami iliJ at '"UyHii umWniaflrTtt nltra-Fcdi'ralii'U went in its fuvor amonurt othiir.w .i.n. i,i...;,.. ;..-;.-' -' f oe the Mnes Iieberry, lwit W il muin, and Sua j lk. -s ., ,v U.l -u T- J- from N. CSIsde, and Trnman Hmith. the AM lh" ''i ':--Tlr,L,-T -fata, yltnAVtHP,tunHlieiywT" QiilgiuTuTrsT" , tttitl;ttotm of Are '11. W are iHW The Silo-Treasurj lull is now before the I louse, and - ' W car.1na1soor4.ke pwnj.iajciiaifaav r-j-we-alull ailkuttuiib4sitiv-sJk tXattuutmmminig-- iieral wang, ot the AUiniiiitratioij)rtyMitig afraiiJ ' l!LwMJ&miwxz OSKI'4- All-OJ.MMfcM DY TIILI.U.binK.NT, . ' MUued as much rt " as iW i."'. r ' JJf and tnththt admce amlconmlif the Senate. opfHmi.m m iheir owaKwtw'u ;tt-y flsc . John M. Niles, (of Connocticut) to bo Postmasv tually. 'IVy bare ogs M ciJcr, i4 dr mat ter jenerat, in the place of A mos Kentlull, resigned. ' ters if that ami, and now I r-y dauU tv-le ti nibi - ...1.-J.JB mi swi ,.l ,i ' siisaa- iisxi0hA.' a t.& t jiaai luiuiniixu iu 1 isx. inf iums ir tisx n t..i"s 1 I f T. nv 1 fiA a W xt iniiuriir I ""Vom & Aafcac! tM;M.) free TreJir. fra oauce T " ' ,w Fntnax EvEMNorMay S--GoWl? f4 1he regular Ueak 0Viu"-YrW.. ' About one o'clock on Thursday, tho 7lh instant,! ' , . the attention ol the citizens of Natchez was altrac- . LQWIIR MISSISSIPPI CIVHR. ted by en unusual and continuous roaring of thun. ! St'osmer Bwljnginn, srrsvod JasfagM, ia-u a der to the southward, at which point hung masses ripe of 14 feet tn il.e AHnss tjW, dar eg V "I of black clouds, some of them "stationary, and oth. hours preciviinj i,er deiailor fnm Twrt and .... . . . J ' 4U-. .1 - ... 1 . I 4 - I era whirling along with unucr-currunts, but all dri Vma a little east ol' north. 'As there .was crideut that thp rtvnr. in nin i.'.hf fcu-.,iv .1 . P .m .. - V ' rJTATK LW.ISLATURF; .SVa', ur fou-u.-i and iaiie IIEXRY MILIAR. ! -Jl.S.-i; A..11.KML.NT, UlloRGK I. ' J Mini. t'.wimnn.i-COUtPllII.IP IIKDRICK. i-- .1. . n .t .i ji....4-.ij.-i . .. 1. in ureif ,n-. 1 or milium, mi meir iiewnp'iprrs um iiiuni-encc- oi oiu irrpinccs cgainst a man wuo, 1 jpiaytf ratt'p-T than -11 .. ' . ' "-'---' " 1 - ' r71-1 I'iuiseil con- ,. tiic.r pack of travelling, office Wiling sjicech ma-: strained to support at heartily as he ever, Under 1 JUL'? ."alL?.'"? B.r.-.T-v,iT,"i.n'.:J.''."i.-.".i. i...u : 1..1..J I &LLU.N "n JUL '.'JL-zdM-A-XAJiilalp-Xjr-Uuti'i-u Ml WHITi: MEX'.. 1 r f i a . . - what will they do for a bobby-wberw wilt thev : " , ' ,ttJ -rn mai.ers nave find a subject through which to expend thdr ,li bw .c,"Kk,' ."".Nl cunning smart g ,..t slant, on Van Buren ! The standing armv 10 f u,u cUrZ Gea Harrison'. ..., .1.. ..hiU ia ,u el.,l.t. k, ", n? '' " h-J " M A-njwg that 1 " i.n i-.,t,'l t,i a.i'l I., Li,.l.. I.C... J .. ta J ,. . !i-.. ,1 , -td :;f.-ri.i..:.a-;- .1.- - i nnu nvrr rernnd um ux fact if f, m rajr JlmA. Uiu are ovofRu-d ; H ia IV cieaid .'uo particular alarm. - - : Ihiiis from the Kaft to tcnivvlsea wittsaai la sani flte dinner lad Is in lha lara-o hotels hud rutii, a f'e. The U. II. ston-xxj at IV. Vaaut's aCacSaikn. little before tw.o o'clock, and most of our citiii"ns took k m-grucn snd tuirk,nd tv.watjt lira tit i&reve- liiere wis scarcelv s dry k r-a t"se r :at.a. Mards, tho rain was precipitated in tremendous .tgy n.- . , tv. , ' - .,.u.. till .!! "Btn tier ii.tP Utile Dctore two o clock, and most of ur citizens looK 1118 negroes ana utorMndt. were bitting at their tables, when, suddenly; tho f rt ' ree dry atmrwphcre was darkened, so as to require the ,Jrf 'VV' htmg ot Whronrtfff tnimit the tornado, in all t .wtalh, was upon us. I; vMtl l- MUXK,( The strongest buildings shook as if IiwkpiI with m' 'j R i nd '1 pjiCiwdfr, m, lha, teA. JaWJVasWa-a-aiy-; Mrt4miwrThw-ifr&.--1,Ti;rl-"i rdrc" fiiiibrP'" 'f ' -- ; -'- ; . - luru'froio distant ruins, all shot through tho air as 4 DEPARTED Till-! LIFE, TO TILE PUBLIC. The underiigned, tncmlrrs of the Central Com- n.iitee of Vigilance for Rowan County, have seen J in the list Watchman, published in this nlacc, a J li'shly perveit(,d statenicut of a portion of Mr.) I bliei'a remarks at '.lie Republican meeting held J 'n .Wednesday of our luil Court. We fiml in tliat ' "4-artrirgTnnmg-W--t;ei rath r aihamed -of"- tdiakmg that at grnwo enji!e. if tlirfiwn frinu yiiinKtv rulnimll.-- TIia . a, .una. nhere soon became lighter and then sueli A,, . r . At her refitlerice, ia Canrru CVear.esi the lk pt ere soon Mm lighter, and men suctt ftn aw- r reddenly, Mrs. MELLKIATSltUXR. lul sci-ne of rmn as perhaps never before-met the -ai;od Wl yoira. - - eye of man Uxame oianilest. ,.The irreatcr nartof ' (lis ruin was eflocted in ihn nl.nrl tti-..i.i i.f rVnm ' LaliJLnsiiallie. Il 'tt- Ileory.Cky to Ilanul- $ fit' CTirt. Wejt, giving them all that they can ' ..!, . . T ii t,,.t I .f lir ' - It even honest man woo reallv ilesrcs to know . . ., . .Li r ii e . 'twt-o .U, aiii fims iihl ., n, dniU made bv the tru'h, examine thi doctiiueut carefully for him- . . 3 , i -,. . . .. ., , ,s.sja ti, ntv -.mrX levr, M 94 v nine aUotb- ' seii, and -judge with what justice the Fedcralisu, - . .u,lu , , i I, .i i ... i er rtnrv whicn tri-jv have (Uru J tt, .? over the . have ramd all the cuiuor agiiust the Admiwstra- , , ' , ,i . . -Kiium of tie ct prwf!?d aaio tai eld General : i ti in prolhnate extravagance, uphold, how out , , . . e . ,, ., , , , !'ey now v that ihe. la A l m-14 pwr ' of iLcir own uioulhs they hall b ewdemncd. , , , , . . 1 .... , , . , w-te ril0. tjt!t 'hCXittt'AU tUt H.t, e hB.iiru. I hry have chargvd llie ex!wnditure of 37 rpiluoti . ' ! I'ltirrrgale amount of last year, on the Adiuni- t , , , ' . . iiio i u in im, irii-ji.i..-u iii ma euun tpacu oi irom m - w ' -lb;siia v?, '''"'''aJil'bJLktiieaiy V-t C Q tl O Hi the tornado lasted nearly half an hour. For about live minutes it was more like the explosive force of gun p twder than any thing clsu it could have been com pited to. ' Hundreds of rooms were burst open as if barrels of j?unpodei bad leu ignitnd in each. As far as glasses or tlia naked eye can reach, ths first traces of the toriiudo are to be ee.cn frorti ilm Nlchea Uuirdown the river about, ten' miles, bearing considerably went of ,aotitl. Sweeping -emstliwNateheie twhtnd, it ei-osthe-potnt be-1-iW tbt plantation of U ivid Ilarland, lis., opposilo la f OU are hereby comm.! ad to pnJ tt t Court lar.imn. iv h- m.,: iIia HK.K.L 1 1,.-. I. ..r n.t r 1 iH, o .ininiKMis oi i . hi. I, mire. r.sn.. m iiu i ... ... . . . . ..- . panic makers, when thev see bv the official state- ' PJ". romrr,itfug an assault, dri-j uh lfCo.cord... It the, struck ihe N.tchea bh.rTinn.rmU 4!, ue.1.1 tbat,of tb. 37 miil'ions, only 13 went for tbe!'" ' " ' ,r,J tnd' ; o'?- h near the ; indgc, IS IWiny muster. , ... , . , .. .. .. . er lutie .cfetrra n.4 rrtwra of this aurt: Lr mann-m called the liners, which it but alii-liilv I F- aVdor of the Csj.' a T "r"1-' m r Nhe Gen. H.mv voted rtl, free .h;,.'' f' mred,lrcpl the mansion late of Charles R, !"" , .!!X IL WlKST.O, batirrce was ur appropriations, voted lor vy u,eft " Green, I.sa., called tho " Ilellevito," ami the an-i ' ""st""?. way ai, iii'i. K-lfaame Fclcral Whigs. whoarc now dcimiiuins .'"7 "J""'? "t?.- W ; cmut forest in' whicU il was mooomod, into a TPT il. Ttrjr.,r.iu- rJ il.o A ,t . ..-... ' m..l "u Costs ol ctMirt . 1 Iii w as in I !k? O.'iio J "2is mass of ruins. - .' ' U ' t in C. Jiiimsiif thin pIacefcfroin wiiich the foliow. j ing is an extract : , . M.W'aniMTvi, May 12th. HI1, j "I)Ka Sia; I'treceivH yoar faior, !tmg that Mr 1 I varies lolier, the nittmVr ofC'tHigreioruui your ir;ct,i a public addrras .winch he made lo sume of Ins i inw it uenl, asserted that f had opposed the sppiir.t incut nt tier.cral llarrism, aMiniver to Colombo, W-, - inn.. rit'hia-TOrTTTeajilti '.-.iisj, w0M y u. irtim or lot aasen-on. , f .h--- : u would be HUJiat?.-n !-aL-i , U then struci the crty ihriwgh ,l w W Hth 4 , rroiu tlioaluye extract, M r-Jones seems lo have f tr y - if , ,11" li..n.irrnf t- IUPra,MIj rw f larriwm sjymisjM fliij aejra4iat'iMisr.'4(i -.of uue mile, and iiwliidoil -iwe-ewiire-rirer ami the - written a letter to Mr. Cl.iv. iiiformini him lliatL- Ij - , - Jum at (hjt tiiiie. AVL JjMXC-t.tf W fii .j, Fede, Mrtv atteimiIe(J teJ ! bia approbaJ I-f ' !: I : . ' - I ' ! l a i a it siM aw auit.si.i-i uil lll-p IWtlf, sctuM of Ifrtomal Im-1 ,uu. ruwinjeo ; of dwellnig,. .torealeiuinoiu.flat.lKMt.; fn other uui-T-wert-T--- r1 mv",, wn ' . """..""o w" i w..a Inioel entire fiom the Vadulta ferrv to the With a full know led-n. oT all these facts, thev men' Dm 'o lo P""1 mem lor any ciiortioes. .iHMisaippt uotton rresa. A lew rragnienis of have vet had the uubtusbW clTroitt-rv'io cUim -"" by AW -iA ur',: oweuuigs aii.i remain, out uiey can scarcely bo . . .... z.". ndjpwl the npMuitiiienl ot Gm llarritcm as - .Mtnwter to Cojombt-r, Arc. " e were present, and heard Mr. Fiher through-! tut, and we feel no hesitation in aavtnff that be: carjyig i n.fioo, rivers, iive' inoth' . chs. lfrA . whicn . Miwll iviile ira'le no rurh assertion as the one charjed. ' He Mid, lhat it had Ixen petieraily reported and fre- Ujy, that he was opposed to the Bpoiutmeut of, f;en. Harrison ns M mister to Colombia but be did t hinmelf o.Tr the fneivrtx; fy, Hr mrn'v'rt" , "tttiiry as an undi---;iiitcd rcjhirt. ' .i ' l'i cocclusinii, w ij cannot Irjt 'mark thft great uVegard tl f,iir. tlealing evinced by this attack on sn uiumTOrtnnt ni-rt of Mr. Fisher's remarks. If 11 a ... ''f. j.ines desired to contradict any thing aaid on !,: occasion, w hy did he not confine himscIL to fat VV hy did he not take up some of the char f' "'id1." agaitiai Gen. thrrison and disprove tnemt, I ie rciiKDn is obyioCis. "tfv aciaed on t he only point "here there was room even for misrepresenting, parades this iifisreiresenlation ofhisowo man. I 'ati.re, to parry the force of the well authenti- rwl wily." all the decency,!' and '"talent cuuiilrv, I tl ail th htm '"Itetmdf of the Bine iu.lr and servituda of. double . Uuic I called shelters. , I Tin law 4m4 lh Inding-i .t-i- lutheupnor city, or Natnhey.onlhe ly a lwuo escaped oiiniHgo or utter ruin. The 'ted facta tubniiueJ to the people by Mr: Fisher " e ho the coj.(e of tins Cotinl t ill not suf. r theawrdves lo lie thus hooawinCefl, and drawn fl frnm the true issue now before the country. A.M'L 1 Fi t V e. ''irvn v mil t-v Jinn.. ' -' UN COUGH EN OUR; GFO. VOfiLEIt, 1 i.nlP sITir. : RICUU, U)WRY,i I ;Ct)B RIBELIN, , JOS. W. HAMPTON, in Government, while tbey are the very party V' ,,,rnTf. rcrnor oi tne lerritory,, ru.5bvterian and Mo-hodist churches have their wb.lwxeW.rW uaiidered million. uhi r(V" h-rPion, when h.s veto would ; , ,0Vve,; thrown down, their roofslroken and walls millions. , "'W'STirTaiTVw c e 'whTtTi ertue Klari ison pa per w ill publish ihii statement ;-Uhey cannot deny its correctnes and it airirtls" ain ojiportunity to show f.ir play. If they are not afraid ol the light, let them lay this table nf facts before the people, and we idiall see its eirct. ll'm. .V. Pnk-f.'tbs fumer Uinted States Districl Attumey tor New York, who UR this country, charged " as a tWfaulter to Government, hss1 rentiy returned from Europe; - I le asserts his innocence af the charg-- j11 - i - " r."r- j" in iU roof. Parker's great Southern F.xcbange ia j . .Tbcse.l-cU the Journals of Ohio and Indianaf level with the dust. Gn at dar.ingo has Jbteii done a?iOV.--they cauuut laa-deiWed.- i . . -. The towa of Natchez, MiHpi,i, ,u been secaotly vimt -id; with l!it most terriSc and dertmclivc storm of! which we have ci cr heard. A dutail.STiCcoaat of its borror will be fUmd in aoo'hrr column.- TO! TUB WESTKRS CAHOLISUS, ' ""..' "'--- To Ik Mhfai in Ik III Conarmual Ihtlrirl irfm: Know ye all, tliat I an hereby authorized says that aiiC-smiuatiuodf bis accounts will prove the ; and ieooeted to inform too. Hut th official pgt!icauon 3 AM'L.V REEVF... Gaverntoeut Iq be indeWod to him, ittJ of the other 'o"aHc.niimaieHiiiiheerUf..reonimiitfld t-.tbe "dir-f w.r. a befttofire bcheved, and l.as demanded an in-1 ''lZT , m (TJ"tyf " L ' . ,4, ... , rsetP'T r the present; anJ tlie et.U!i.!ied ainanulscto-r testigaunn. V - - - ; !fie"as well a private csitriUutora, sr retfull I fieVressia.-Capt- 'r li-trgtr. who '" lired j, 1 rt,iieted ru rearter to lorwsrd their ii6ricM)s to the youtii-esst ertrwiky ol this IVwnlv. was kdled ia lhe new or?n, wIhcIi we doubt not, wdl m due time lhs town, on the2U intnl,by fslling hoi. bis bors. .' l. M! -dirts 'sheet lie started Ikmm hte m Ihe evening quite intoxicated, I-'1, -'- , y ,B '0R V ami before proeee.lmg hr, fell Inn his fcyir.e, ntptnrmj ! . ' lB rtvlqMt " lhe Aoctn. a b!ood-vew;l. of which be. dieil in lut p.ree re Kir. P.' S- I at rrm to andent.nd, Mr. Ptintor, tliat I Cape R xwf ntit a habitual inebriate be was su irt "am acting ly nqurtt, and tot as one of the " J6g,CaB iou-. worth- cinwo.md the Ixtd of an intwest- iw ' ana -iiara ncei no . iaur irK-oa, dUstriou. ' in? fsmilr. r 'JB .HURT. nlTErvF. will bo euld, at puiuc mica iW 14 Jt " nay ta Juno next, at r-e li;t-'re:i. v- t A1 evinnrr - nof't.Tit tcawa.i u,e vtmM j.r .--f,r belonging to tins estate f aaii rt-,J, JL.---.Ci-JU-rj-,i-- Eight Head of norset, Two Male, Thirty head of Cattl-, aboat CO l.eal of II rs SO head of Sheep, about tt.-uartd pjud of I.ic., three or f ho miiidrei bus-ws t-T lUxa, f .ar ."f. hwwl-ert lw.h-n rt arh, .ii.-ir. in to .the Cil'irituTand Maunion House, both being iinrotifcd, and tlie Uer atorie broken' in. The house of rtliPrifl l)d ha not a timber atandinj, and hundreds of oilier dwellings are nearly in tho aarne situation. Tho Court-Huuw at Vid ilia, jm rish of Concordia, is utturlv-torn down, nlso the dwelling houses of Dr. M'Whorteriiitid Messrs. Dtinlap and Mtacey, E-mjs. Thu paiiah jail is part ly torn down. , ... . ,. ' , . ' . ". Rut now the worst runinina to bo told. ParUh Judge Keeton, of Cmifiordia, was instantly killed tine at amner at tne no. so ol Mr. 8;acey. Ho w.ia a noU'o ai.d esteemed inun.l ,u other p-raoa whs killed in Vidaha, alihough aonic others were hurt. At. the Natchetejuudiiig, out oflifty or wx ly flat boats, only six are mrw afloat. TIi.iko bent; acquainted, suppose is many ns one hundred flat boat men were drowned in tho river, which awnlled instantly to the height of six or eight feet, j ' ' - .The ateainhoais, Hinds, Praric.and St. Law. re nee were destroyed and sunk at the landing, and Ihe Vid ilia ferry boat on the river more or bus person! b.uig lost in the two first named boats. m sa.oneO; Cart, ooe eel of R'ack;! tiuXrt.-vi-ingCtoiisils, Household-: Ki'.c'ltm Fura.l jrr.at.t sixty acres of Oats, WaiitTiiif miiWlgvfavtrjr ty'OfwbvriiffiSirScili i" Also, nt the same limdand flac. ,Tw,!r XetroS b..'!"ngi)g lo-aaid lalo l h-mu-s-?-' Tile terme of jrrcJit and 'ciHer cond.tw-t ws'l be made known a tlie dar of ale.' - ' - y AUTHl II NEXL., A.im-i. C Davie County, May ?9, If 13. , -U. VO'r('l Tlie iStuckbuIdrr. in IW -i-iisr J ' Mariuf.ictnririg Comjfltir, ate jKtf.-J that an Inst ilment of Twenty Dollars si r.t s-ar be' payable to the onder-igiurd, c, tVs l-i qCJm " next. . liy order of tis 1 hrect jrs f t"- Ccwpaa. ! I, . "WM.- II. UORAII, Tresw,'' : Salisburv, May 2nti V. ft. Ml Iticd. y 'for Sale, H'im!ita!tcrR(tei!; 10 Kegs Nails, atMted titm, M ilugkbcsds f ujar, . ' ' -it !" da. t Jiulaaset, 250 fsttksfislt, . . -u It) IosCa t-erinaa grass rrt. " " i d da. jr. E-igtmli Jram -dw, - ' . - )'J llarreU wiperrina fl-ur, - . Jaoaes Btincb Baasaa, ' . Ry . i. wVilKi av. f shtbury, Warch 27, Isio.' i. t i. rSs?wK3f?itt'in f I ' " r A 7- - -v i . 4