I I ; 1 1 ' . - r "'-'- t i MISCELLANEOUS, i ,i 'i'UAVkI'IM Tllli- EAST.-; liV Ai.rNIi U ! (i7l,R. i :K n A? t t III li,C fifiilK", U jijliv, J'! till nii.it.!, J Hik io.vUi UJfl'v S-'I'l' I 1" Ui'4 in Willi a roaud lace and i who K'i ene.J u-i wilii baste J u I li'lli I . . W:,.i KP.' ! d, a 'hI hp . ii. i san'ei, v, ii li i a,h one of that kind of siv.iw's i tn ;'! i.iy good wii'jii thVy arc not cnun 'iih n'ire said of ber spoiled child, he liut Ins owr way .; but the sud- ij'j i(inl toe cloud on ins facte the m i: ii' railicU'il, seemed intended toluol, ii cut, l,t w m i; radieleJl, seemed intended to hint, ";- 1 can be devil if 1 pfennI, a. tyrant when 1 were a lull's reserved at first, but an I 1 wotifd !'capmii win.'' W mike it n i.uiiit on h i. ocrrtsinns to roneiiit..u a i;:'l'-'i H I ran, we mhjii fH'ri'i.t') an uiidcTHtriiijiingj, ..mi I 'ill lUoa familiar chat ; but hu-coimiieiiccd at'. i ..... . -' - !! a cun.om luniiioii. , Almost a soon a. compliments were 4 nnrf li ..a;ieil 'to my .servant, wdm was standing in tlie i'L'lIi.M".!. -jk.?iL'. 'I'"1 KyoBCt tiaim: '!vl,r .ir you tioiii '! how long l4nv you Jwsmi llii (lie r'ulicbl ll'n vou ineiiive viiiih, or did any one nci m you wiiu turn : arc you picft-ou wnn nii iii:r vice ? iiud, alter receiving (ojiiiea to ll llmfl im portant rpicrat'tf, he added, in a good hiiuiourcd but i I ti nt way, which showed him to let iioricciMioiiicd lu di'iiiiil, " H'liat pidtob hadyourniiiS'nr ? hrinjf I li"in tu luo.'' I made him a sign to bung the piiioU, wliicli wer in.tantJy in the ebteft Imndit. ; Whyii in: wuv that lluj hiiUli'r pistol.y had pcrciiou ha-kn, h thrtiw tticm asid wit!i eurnnipt, siyiug, i know tiipnc ttirr Ho of your ta'ifck (mbe), i-nin6 berft jtnu timo ngo, and had uch, 'l'li'iy (.linn-d xr.n a pair, but 1 would not have ttttm ; nf wlmt ii! would they Imj In mot Tht!e ore what I like? "and he, produced a good bit much worn lair of Morliuii't's d'.icliing pistolo. . " If you had hiiv of thii kind," mid hc,j" I should haw got them from you j but Un-m of jouri are poocli (tranh.) Niw, wbat clsn havo you? Ihe thiun I um fond rf'nro pisto!, islmwls and coutrxi Mirlj fin thiH;" Hud Ik; poinlwd to hi iwn ctoiik, which wan. of scarlet loth.. " IIjvo yrt any Cnshmeru HtniwJs likn jfjin sec ! ".pointing to no old w.ir, fringed with dn;r wrllip hiad. i told liiin lUil being triol lra as ve wt-rt;, wiiuj pof to li.imlad, it waa nrt likf ly we hli'aihf Imv uoh fljiiii's it!i uh. nor had I i, 1. 1 i.ici, i ouu ii jiijiii;; uii my own tx.-U unu boily rkthoa. Vi'lifti ! nothing "-aa'id lit;." Sue what IJiIK. totfctiout I"iiii4ui'C ttiiVe ie, aHi'uiast uw I' W ' m&itir fiiufiilfilctu wr" T.VVaTiirT it,'' iid bo, " iia fof your'eouiiti) ;' but I must go ' , 1 1 prayrrs.'K vn r.ini'f nte." - - r ---'-o tie-' heSiflS m .Hid couiiiieiicii hiriuiimuz, hut by much the groat 11 part uf be Jiiius was paid in ljuttbiiuns wjir-. ii:f s to ho pi'opto, and enquiries of toy own servant aauiu niysjVTittriSuTit rnpiRTrTJIir. Atlafl lie ..liiiWhed nf-. d turned to jne, I (lad it the mean time taken is a capital clap knife, which 1 had set a.iiile liu in) self, uiid Which T now' presented to liim . , u tfeapon urgn'utiit.e,tatlierfor peaceful or war- I mo itir)i isftM, mid of tin; best rnniiulacfur in liim- 'j'ul. It was graeiotiNly mceived and appeared t t;s-ii his harl a little, lor lie been me quite f ice- "tirm.. ' Wbnro u ji.ii tbw itaniud !''' deinundud 'lie, pi lilting to the felt Curjivt oil wbe'll we wrr .', I. Mil sitting. V What did ymi give for il ? " I t-W, hitji. ." Ym bnve ben chcati.d," uid be, " it J.Z pour ull.nr it 1 not world more than half th - " " riunTfTieriK" fasketl hTt'n wliether TiemaJernri v i " Tliey have n gun to do so," uid ho, '.'and 1 .1 ic i-i 1111 (vrellt.-nl uno here mnv." I asked to" son . ii. oli rviii.' that il lor tale, and that il I approved v ' 'fit, I tdmuid. piifchasu il "No, 110," auid be, - " it yi u like it. it 1 yours, 1 will tind tho nioiieV." j T f- -rrinrrrMW;;i ii.- .1 . ntiii 1 reauv uu wibii to nurc 1.1x0 suirh in t W",r'f-htHirir:'-r--Tf il. 1 if I ...i.. .1 1.; .... .... ,....fli 1. . .'. n v i.... inn 11 . 11 ,v , wu...uLiAi.iAi-iiii.m;m-iiiia.......jMr.. ,;.--,i.. .-.r- . 1 hrtr?1 salin. Wlmt X haw to irive I rrive with pleaauru ; but a traveller is seldom well provided -wilh siiuru ailic.i1-, aiiil 1(1 contrary to my cus- torn and .Mi receive valuable presents with" ut return. A good dot' I lo the vfatiio straiu passed between 11-, from which I gathered clearly enough il,a.t the 'L'i- "'"?'?. nlU((,t wveriil tiinp-i In the "TiaiKeAiine prcMiiiis bu hniTrccuivcd frmn other Ira v. Hers, and took occasion lo mention the articles w inch would be most neu-plnblc ; atid as I was desij. r.is to tu.ikt as many friends as 1 could for, the IsuimIU 4' fwuire jMnef by, at a mmlnrutr evpertsi, I lin k the (isrtuiiity of bis abusing a blunt pair uf Persian scustus, with u Licit bu was in vaJn nt h iiipimi; I" cut "a pice uf paper,' "to prticut liim an t-xceuent 'airof hn-gbsll Ones. , , l ins i.rcfl'-cu thr-ittltRtt- ire -fwntd to reeeive from my pie'v ions gift of tho kr.ifu, Bud drcwfnirha long eiilogiuin iijioii (ho Enejis'i and their ec(l!eut .oiuuia.liUei); but I bi aid no more of die carpel. The next subject ho attacked me ijiont was eat iutho flesh of. swine.' I saw," snid be " n whole herd of ilium as I returned 'iust now; bm the sun was low-oibenvisu I sliotld have killed r ncTir tWo-. - n hy shnnldyott have-done so I .. askf-I u yiiidtMiolafl!ieiii,Jvyuu I" Anattn ntllnh! i-rod forliid P'cx'rrhiornl he; ttiey are . 'pejus iflfleap. ''True," replied 1, "bnt' vou "rTi$'fc'Cdoftt3T be;" uud t'Tpiftl llii.'i-s ti,ey lire li r a tuw." "-Aipt fuxr-',- iiw riit-tlritt'rrugaTi atv WX' no, k ti piieij Mit4 11 is omy u Hv jioor deViN who tl V k . . . " . . i riiUliem. M eiH uol P0U1 are taten hero. in. sislgi i "unu wan ari! lui'tiiu ten by oilf lm. Theileg. C4uld not deny cither point. ''"Well, tmw,'!fm. I, wtt-'' tell; abcut t'n H.c '. ot tne inmg ; imy, are ull alike l..rl):Udei ats, iiipi nivrv mi vtt'i ii u- - nut jui 11s cmjip in inn reason of thi tbmg. W hat do w ild hogs live on, j;iii,-i,-', ipiiini mid, nail ,", m. pked ho..'" Good there is liothing unclean 01 uw- -,.4iuij iu tbtJ.-40iM,,by o.osaj. W'J, what do foxes teed upon, and herons and the other targe waterfowl you eatl" " Why, the'' foxc's eiU birds i-iid Miiuil ix.'snts, siid tne others eiit fis nnd Worms" ? M Well, tl,.,,," said f, " vluriy is tbe cleanest animal V " tiystbo ifuth', observed theIii g, Mrninlo suno ot those ntHiul htm.' " Wnllali ! if I had kiio vn you were coining here, Should Certainly have killed one of the.-sj wild bogs aud trough! it to you.'' No, no, Aga," said I, '(thai will never do. When I am with'Musstil m:n 1 neither eat bugs, nor drink wine. Why should 1 do what would . bo disagreeable to "iy "iosls t" ." Nut ut alt, m4 at alt,! suid Ue, 5 what hastily j "your own pftoplo shijuld have ok cd it ; and as for wine, will you bnve any f I can (,'ivo you both wine and brandy " I .excused my self front ei:In:r,4i gisnl deal to the honest Beg's iisapwiiu!ment, I suspert, though ha swuru.thuV he ?wd given up drinking en'irely 4ie bad mado the - tovah or Vow -xd,rejientance and remmeiatirm fur ho sui ; 'but tie juke about the liog's Ib'sli was ' ejit up iui the Ulht. , hn the pillow came in, my portion was as usual, in a t-vl'Hrate ib-b, ami lio swore he had of. ercd tit? cMik to put pork in for me, and that pork :it- was; and .afterwards, when we drank ton out oi ! iiiv nips he iillttlcd to wash the one In; used j Hire 'drinking out of it. "Ah !"' Mid I, in reply, i " this is ull very fine, Aga, in my pre-eriec : tint I ; I. me strum; doubts upon the subject. I would not M piece of one of these samo tine fit hogs "u t saw to Wv, and hi vour way, pu-t arriving al your iacl tier a long march. ' N., ti , liy your" tad."' fi-ntit-d lie. Jam-hiiiir. " I us.iurc vou iJ'1 ' cat mcii thiiiK."' " V!, you Bay mo ; hnt rf you du not, Aa, umiiy do. 'Tlifcw, now, lliut fierce looking old tollow oiporto oie," pointing to a inowt trofiiil'iitx tooliini! wliito-bcttded old KtmrJ, Hike my utli there t llireti tUini ho is -hind at lo.'liliri';, drink nig ,-itn, nd wt Jin- jH.rk." "IlaMhe old fool!" wid lite Ui'2, laiiliiiigtiii fnorc licarluy-4-ii.luUi, l.cve be 'bo tt bit r,f liver at ull it he has it ha? iiot a droji tif rxJ blood in it ; he would, not fighi a ' child. Do you kuuw that I canu it dcjiid upon that old Heaoul A i evwl to oU:y orders ; when l HI him 4111W1 bia Uo(p ? wajxl l,0ff. biiii 'wioibw, mid tbat. i olwuya away Umn thy rrtftiiy ; I if no!, U'oU, 1'or (ho wiii, bu only drinks it w bmifvur he can pot it : nod ni (or tho pork, M'udili Utl ah ! I ' Ix.li.fVe lm would 1 at its (it her "And ao be wf'it 011, nil in txc llefit bu- . r ' - ' moiir. 7 Koij-tum Ajju, w it'll ali bi rouiiK-s and pre datory b.ibit, hn a ili'.iiiiful !iaru oi knMitiuiia, if not of rclitioiu ncrupWs-r-a, ve;y ioiiimou c-' vitli tnguua and pliuiddrer'a. Iu"uskeil iiiB irtiitij ou4y whether the bullab boru hanolc of (Iib clasp .; kn I had given liim were not iwjus, or unclean? --if hn niiolil ay bia prayers with it on Inn wt Wirt t ferhnpa you do not know that ail Mahom edana, when llu-y aay their prayer, ought to lay anido every weapon of war. Bud every arliclo ul gold and silver, and even ofailk fruni tho attire, aa wring cniijrary to tho litiinblc tone 01 -niuirt' ju which adijn'aa to the lieity (should he uttered. Assuredly Uie 1 day of repentance, in the 'matter of blfKHlhlied aiid plunder, dra a not appear aa yet to have come to Uooatum Beg. Ho dwelt upon tlia ninny fraya ln bud been in, atid the plunder he bad taken, with a .eat and eagerness which allowed bow Ktruug ibo ap!rit was yet in bim. - Ib'-fold run le had been woijialeu at least a do zen times, in spite of the. bort armour. "-" I have nT4(r1tfa,BUM", wear it always; but I have learned to put very lit. fte tfip-t In'1 it my trot isTii Heaven 1" suid Tie, wnii as 111 in ami tinmen a nine us 11 uis cause was ttw1 nwKt'Tljitiirmii''Ttaii' 1 ca'rtli.V IIir-jiitncdTri'tfa' others 111 lumeiiimg the evil days ou which the pre sent taee-ot-tvw-tia tat en.-". ne widen -t4i-KiIiatg i... ...,! ,i,t i.,;ii.... -,l. i will you find If the good hnrscmen aiid stout sol dicrs are dead or Imvo fled the land, or have taken , io lit ptonh M-r force, to make aa much money as will pay the FWiu, aud lecd their wives and chil dren; and whal't a soldier gond for when he has touched a'plough?" 1 agreed with liim in thinking that the country bad lost all apicarance of prosper.... ity and the people at! spirit nnd brilliancy : but it did -not appear that all had taken to peaceful occupa tions; the dangets of the road sulliciently proved I tbat. ."AhC said be, "that is all a Irillo ; a j few loolies here and there no gallant bands of ! horsemen now ; but itl ronteiitcd -I, Koostum j f!.ig, am pledge for your safety ; nothing shall j touch you betweiu this andjvufri, you are a good-luai-)rt iiii.WjfeiUUsiif i. Ums yaui'h yea-." tatrdrta-rtpra try men 1 have seen, w ho could do nothing but cat ' and hIcCi; your eyes- are open', and you have sense ; 1st annulled, to-morrow you shall see Kulri in silriv.'' '. , The. 'jfii.sf titJL.Bjl hl-ThE: M ' ' iw'pg nfcquti t of lhe tower of Babul is loin Sir Robert K. I'or- 1 1 '-17. and 1 !i0. ns mioted bv nrolWuir KlUuuuu ...T.lu..4a.i-km.ew TKCKnrl'SWerrK'Clt .... it presents two slagesof bills : the fir! about fit) luot high, cloven" into a deep ravine by the ram, and intersected 'by t!to furrow of ". To the base of the second ascent is iiboul U00 feet from the hot i torn of the entire pile, and from the base uf this 1 ruin to' the top- 't-'i feel On lhe western side, tiie eiiiirn muss rises nt oueo from the plain in ouo TntipmrlrmsJ T ti otirh "irf r (itn r ' py t u fn ntif-'nTli m; Lr . T." ken in the lon s of in sweeping acclivities bv time and violence. Tho South and North fronts j me particularly abrubl towards the point of tho brick ruiu; oiiihe Ninth side there are larrre piles of rums uf fine ami solid brick work, project iug from among immense masses of rubbish at tbe base; Ihe tine bricks were evidently part of I ho icMivoie s'iiniiii, ii is n muni mass leci oroail, 1 , .... , , . I :i r. !.. - 1:. 1 r . 1 inaue 01 11. u iiniM iicauiuui urn-K inasonrv, and pie senling the npjiarent angle ofsoui" structure orP cinally rd a square shnj p, the remnms of which tanJ on 'he east to lli heiplit of S." feet nnd to the foulh V'J fit", ft is rent from tho top to near ly half way-down, tho remains of the masonry are furnace 'liurpt bricks; they are united by a cairn tetius cement about qo.uier of an iiieb in thick-?-., having ii it 11 layer of straws, and so barj that it could not to ecJiaraledrTfMf tiiisn" oTirii) strncmre was m.t altered, but the piles nf fine brick thrown .wn were vitrified with the various colors, viiiiiicaiii'ii ol gla-s in tlie in.iniil.icl"iies; ibe lines oj ciMiM-nt ate visible aim (hsUuct and are vi tntii'd. The ivi!i-umi!i power apjienis to have IK.t,., !.,, bove, and that senltcred ruins fell from , l,il,,.- ,,,i,.i it,,,., ii. Ko...iii ,,fih nmm in-' Irnfnii 1:1. The heal i f n fire .wm'eh proilnced such Rtnav !nii nimM , )n- trnFii'd with llit ti'rrei( the s,ro,,ge, furnace, and from the general appear- ance of tbe clef, in the wall, nnd tlM'so vitrificit''- niHss"s, 1 sttoiilrt be metineil, snys the tnithor, to tiMntwifilie estsrw;-i'' t hgbnW-Vw 4ieven. U urns by tiio exmsitk!ii rd1 any condmstiblo mat--: trrrWM -tiavo txt!lf itred'Tfrf difletciiV m.'iiiraiii" cos . 'Hie enlire suVface of tho structure appears to have been Pieed with lute brick, f , Anlrishiiinu being, asked v. bother bo did not frequently r.onwrse with a friend in Irish, replied, " ' No, indeed ; Jemmy often speaks to me in Irish, but I alwnys .answer bim in English." " Why so"! "; " Because, yon .see, I don't want Jemmy to tutiW that I ahderstand Irish."" , :, ' A bkkerimg (inuple, residing near Mancbester, wero recently overhead iu high controversy, aud the lepenlent Benedict cxciniined, " I'm drier mined I'll have ouc quiet week with thee ! n " But bow wilt thou get it? bow wilt thou set ill bow wilt tlmli get il!" said the taunting .spouse,' with-; that " d 4 iteration w'bicL married ladies so pro vokingly practise. "I'll koep thee a wtek after thou arti'ld ! " vas tlie, tender reiiinder ! It may, we think, bo set down as an itivanao '' r'ult, ttmt be who paya more attention tu the bu-Miii-wt of other ja-ople than he doc to his own, will he very dure to fail, in tbe end ; and we uect it mailt be alio written, with equal truth, that be who doea attend solely to hia own avocations, 1 equally sure finally tajyiccwfifc ll.tlie tiwtorv 01 men wiio have become eminent either for li arnmg or riches, be atudied, it will never lie found, that they have wuicd their time in jealousies and gos aippiiujs against others in the name profewiou of hte. Hut, on the contrary, it will bt discovered that they bud no time to throw away in essaying tu injure" their" fellow ivieii, eitlwr iu busiuesa vrs rrpuiatiou. -'" '; . ' . - No mail ever yet became respected, learneu, ir rich, by constantly endeavoring to injure others. Thia baa ever been, aud ever will be true of alt proleions and conditions of civilized ble It was. upon this prme.iple, doul)tlews,lliai a 111;; n lw resnVied iRdTirir of lire uat recorilu3 tHia ruT of bis observation, durin-j t lwjg life of editorial !:ituiii! I linv ix-w.r vet known." saVS be, " an Kditiir wh conMuully tilled bis columns with ier .o.ual abuof bis neighbors, aoekiiijj thereby to dtwtroy others, who duj not in thk k.mj i n-ui-i IIMTKOV HlMEir. ' AHl) II may OC naiuiy .iu, , un ov "y v "; that the ' lirn.ni. A i . Ulil f.ntlflfr f lltl I tfttll I I till. ' I riredciit di v wtil confirm that position- . Philadelphia Saturday Courier. Yankee JtogicX Yankee went into the barof an inn in wuutry town" Pray what's the price1 of a pint of shrub 7" " Haifa dollar," was tho re. uly oftlKi tnao at'llio'lmf. " Well, then, give it 1 .. ..... . . .. .1 .... ...1 .1 1...11 me. : 1 tie Biiruti was poureu OUI, wucn ino wn rang for difiner. " Is, that your .linner1 belli " Yes." l4i What may you charge for dinner T " Half n dollar." u Well, then, I think I had bet ter not take the aliru'b. but have some dinne in- i stead." This was consented to. The Yankee I went iu, sat down to his dinner, and when it was over, was coins out of the door without paying I " Massa," mid the negro waiter, "you no pay for i vour dinner." " I know that ;. I took the dinner j - . . . .. ustead of the hrut." "ut, massa, you no pay for du .iirub." . " VVoll, I did not have the shrub, did 1, you iiitrearT" said the Yankee, walking awav. Tho uej(ro scratched bis bead : ho knew -t th.it s'imethin!r was wronir; as lie hat got no mo. uey but tie could not make it out tut me 1 annee was out ot si2b!.-(;i..u4fl ilarryaiu yJA -Infill CompUnmniSnnm years igo,'in tle village ot liounslow,' was an inn, ratline lamous 011 tbe jiadx callei ".Tlie ld UmlU" .uon aftciMbe aiTcessiim of George tho IV., rlie la7idIor"d,Tn iu Til ol loyalty, changed uis weti-Rnown, weii-irequont ,,: ia k-111(, ia mMiA fm,n ihn . t-. i.i tlw fir-b..f4wUflfTfr4 TUr m it wi,tftTrtrt ! - "v 7 " ' r. r ' . 1 in scarlet uud eold. Boniface soon bad reasou to repent of hi ostentation, fur a rival publican oeucd a bouse in the village, to which be attached the mni of " The Old Goat." Now, thoueli the old steady frequenter of the first Old Goat deserted not"" The King's Head," still all the chance cus-' torn, and nil the posting, was caught up by the in sidious interloper, by means of tiie reputation of bis iiur)edsfgur" The landlord of the King's Head was in dcsjiuir, till a happy thought eased him of all bis care. I la seut for a sign painter, and bade bim inscribe in ifamiug golden charac ters, under the portrait of his gracious Majesty, these words : " This is the original Old GuaJ." At a Into examination at tho College of Surgeons, 'rcliMMffWa would diiTlfa-mim were blown up by .gunpowder 1 " W'hy'coidy answered tho 'J'yre, " wait till be came down 'again." "Tine," said Abernatby, "ami bupK)se 1 kickod you u 'posteriori for such an impertinent reply, vhat muscles should I put in motion" " Why,", aid the young man, ' the Ikxurs ttiuLcitciisoj;a otiuyj izliiiriii.l'JxJL.tiUuijhJ jjur you directly." , . I uui w-w--atv:t. ..: .. 1 ' tr.7a.arT" IT.TTT;.t' it- r i.Tllv null I till Ullliiv ym, .H..UWIU ; 311m or tliolui. vised to obtain fuddled inspiration from that liquor which now fires the friends of old " Tip-can." j Hard-cider is the true Hippocrcno tack is nothing to it, and even your sherris-sagk, and the only merit champagne bus, as uh evolver of the poetic idea, is hecauso much of il is made from crab tipples. Pi'iCl-!'Lt!iJ.,l,,?ilJcy.-i,C5 ' Jircidct wiuch.is hard that you have to break it nlf when you have drunk your full meet us at every turn. ' We sub join a sH)cimcn,froni a speech recently made at a li! cabin Convention in" Michigan. The papers tell us that tho address, from which the extract is n sparkling gem, was delivered by a " spirited whig." I No doubt of it. SjKiakins of the excitement, Ii 1 quoraiy unu political, wtucu uua irevaucu ou a similar orcasion, boaid : I "Tbe enthusiasm pervades all things, the cattle, j tho sheep, the bogs, nil living things were excited. It bad extended to ibo birds in tho woods, who wero warbling Tip;iecaiioe skiics"; the trees of tho forest bad ripped themselves up by the roots, and were hurraing I'or old Tip." ' No doubt of il. Old Orphc.us-wns nothing to ' General Harrison. Bui lt isuulucky that tho Ti ipecanoe trees have been uprooted sojpon. They could not have becii very dcepijr set while it j seems tliet Ihe feathered choristers whicb sing Tip- iiecanne Bongs, are ' birds in the bush, which is visutvli jM h ca m n the-btrdsof fedesiil whrggery huinbirds. iVriaraftta. , Pay in Advance." William," said a mother to her little son, " if you go out in the street, I'll whip you. H The boy with a knowing look re. plied, " But, mother, if I let you whip me noir, mav I eoout alterwardsl" Painting, 1 -illlUj.rxi'totovLnlGU!Ci i 1 of Vtweord, would uow oiler bis servieeslo the Tj'ot'lie; a?an7 - "T? T- Orii.iiiiriitnl and Sisn Painter. lie ftsliers himself thai bis haiij experience in the above lUi.-ineits. and the specimens ol work he hia "executed iu io nil'?, win in; -Hmivi-.-u. iwuillllieiluillHlD. He will also atteud to any call made on him in the HOUSE PAINTINO BUSINESS, and is confident he can give satisfaction to all who may employ buu. - . , The Public is respectfully requested to call and en courage him, as he is determined to execute all work committed to him in the best psible manner. 03- Also, Paintiriji snd Trimming ill Iliads of Cat isgus, done with ueatucss' and dec psirh. - V . - J. W. RAINEY. OTCord, N.,C.fcMsrck 21, im V tf To Joiirnryiiuii onrh-!TI.tKrrK. rill IC Snbeenber wiil give atcsdy employment to two piod Journeymen Cosch-makcrs, who can come well rccoiu'iippJcd Ibr h'abitsof sobriety and industry. Their business will be.to imkeand repair Coaches, tc., or which, (if Uiey suit) be will psy Writ waves. JOHN P. MAtiKY. ,...:.. 1... . .;n . - 1..: T I Ixisgten, Oiwbcr H VW- - ; tf" MoiM's iitcVWU Sc YAVVuYS. aUKSE medicines ure indebted for tbeirtiumo to , their maii'lest and sensible action in purifying tbe springs and channels ot life, and enduing, thcui with renewed tone and vigor, lu many hundred cer tified cases which havs been made public, and in at- ; most eiery species jf disease tn which the human frame is liable, the happy eflccts of MOFFAT'S LIFE TILLS AND I'HKNIX KITi'KUS have been gratefully and publicly acknowledged by the person benefitted, and who were previously unnc. quaiuted with the beautifully philosophical princi plea upon which they are coftipouiuled, and upon which tbev consequentlv act.- The LIFE MEDICINES recommend them.". ielve in disease of every description. Their Crot opei anon is to loosen from the coats of ibe stomach aud bowels, the various' impurities and crudities twtimtTy"rtrt ,a '4smov " the liiinlened luces wnicn coiieci in in cnoiu tions of the small iulesfines. Other medicines on ly partially cleanse theie, and leave such collected maaaes bobind as to produce habitual costivenesa, with all ita train of evils, or sudden diarrhoea, with -, ita humincut dangers. This fact is well known to an regu)ttr anatomists, who examine U.e human and hence tho prejudice of " . . . these well informed men again! quack medicines, or medicines prepared and heralded to the public by ignorant persons. Ihe second ctiuct ol lhe Life Medicines is to cleanse the kidneys and the bladder,. and by this means, the liver and tbe lungs, the healthlul action of which entirely depends up-, on tho regularity of the uiinarj organs. The I.L.wl ilwjik inlri.a Um mink niAnr frrtiTl tUl limlirV 1, ;vep atMj ,he lunga belute it passes into the heart, being thus purified by them, and nourished by food c-Nining Irom a clean stomacli, courses tree ly through the veins, renews every part of the sys tem, and triumphantly mounts the banner ot ucaim iu the blooming cheek. - Moffat Vegetable Life Medicines have been thoroughly tested, and pronounced a sovereign re medy ibr Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Palpitation of the Heart, Loss of Appetite, Heart-burn and Head ache. Restlessness, Ill-temper, Anxiety, Languor and Melancholy, Cosiiveuess, Diarrhoea, Cholera, Fevers of all kinds, Rhumatismi (lout, Dropsies of all kinds. Gravel, Worms, Asthma aud Consump- It ion, Scurvy, Ulcers, Invotorate 9ores Scorbutic Eruntioirs and Bad Complexion. Eruptive com- Complexions, Salt liheum, Krysipelasr Common Colds and Influenza, and various other complaints - - 5:. - which ufilict, the human frame--- la Fnvtu - ond aouk, piiriicuiany, tne June luuuicmus nave oucn most eminently Biicceasfyl ; so much so, tbat in the .'ever and Aguo Districts, I'bystciarj.8 almost urn v-ailT hmninliii I t,rM ..." " All that Mr. Moflat requires of bis patients is to be particular in taking the Life Medicines strictly according to tho directions. It is not by a news paper notice, or by any thing that be himself may say in their favurtthat be hopes to gain credit. It t alone bv the results of a fair trial. MOFFAT'S MEDICAL MANUA'L i designed as a domestic guide lo hcallh. -This littlo pamph."" let. edited by VV, BrMofIar375 BroadwayVNejiL York, has beon published for the purpose of cx plaining more fully Mr. Moffat's theory of diseases, and will be found highly interesting to persons seeking health. It treats upon -prevalent diseases, and tbe causes thereof. Price li5 cents fur sale by 'Mr Moflal's agents genera lly-.- Those Valuable Medicines aro for sale by " Salisbury, N. C,, May 1, IS 10. Iron from fke liing'M .lloimtaiti- IRON COMPANY. f 11 IK Sulweribers have made arrangement with the A above Company, for tho reirular sunnlv ol SUPERIQRIRON,. whicb is well adapted to Wagon, and Carriage Work,, 'teriiisr " ' J. y.KPHY. -HPol3ie--Publicr-- """TtHK Subscriber takes this method of informing the -L . li biic,. that lie. sliU cuuliuuus to carry wi tlie bu- tIHCs8 of CITTINU-STONE s usunl, at his tiranitc Unary, ne en jniles Sunth of Sulisbiiry, near the -Id Churlestou road, where be is aWtrtowipply all orders tor Mtt.L-tt'l'ONI of the " best grit, and on the shortest notice. A1XI f ir Sale, at the lowest prices, WINDOW m.$, DtlOR SIl.LS, POOR STF.PS, ROUGH IH'IMtING IKM.'KH; TOM H STONCS, GOLD GKINDKRS, &c. &;. iVc. i. HOUL-SllOUSCIt, Stone-Ciilter. Salirbnry, Oct. 'J.itli, IKV.i.' ' tt'. N. 11. Orders for any of the abuvc wroiiL'lll nrti c!cs, directed tu me at (Salisbury, will bo punctually at ended tn. 1 J. f. "JpiIE Subscriber living seven miles fpiiiIi of Sali.a A bury, mltiiids keeping constantly on band, Mar ble and Granite Slabs expressly for T0.fB STONES, " m thai be caa execute . auy.jurdcr.ia IUat-Lineruo- tl4; stiufle&l luilicc. ALSO He is ready to execute snv work which mav be called GRAVING, iiv., and be assures tin who may fcvor him with their work tl.u ....1.. JL A 1. 16 cbiilracf, be lias no pay. A complete large Dairy Trough for sale, cut of Rock, for the purpose of preserving milk cool. Apply to the Subscriber. ... ' ENOCH E. PHILLIPS. November 1st, 1.330.- - - tt'. - 'Vo Owners o MiUs. r1HF. Suliscriber has an improved patent Hpindletot I .Aims, ny wnicn, a nun win do murti better than i-...-hiw7f-s;nm.rr--- Tr:-r- m . 1 . . . ' with henniaf fbrrrroT PpmiiTcs, ft is so constnictcd AStOiecroia AfaiA 0X.killiustlie lueal iuauiyuian ner. The rusner is so confined bf the Spindle as al waya to preserve its Ulance, and of course thcrs, is no rubbingof the slopes. t ;....- - .-.'-' I think, by this improved Spindle, thr same wa'er will do at least one-third niore business, and the meal of superior quality. - Any person wrshit.g to use one of thete Spindles, may obtain one or more, by making application, (with in a short time) tn the'Hubscribcr al Morksvillc, la 10 Co. N. C. I think the probtblocnst will not exceed fu'M) for the Patent and Spindle ready Ibr use. The following persons have my Patent Mill Spindle in successful oiwration : Col. , F, Kelly, Thus. Fos ter, Joseph Hull and Ssin'l. Foster of Dsvie County; fiilbreth Dickfon and David J. IUmsnur of Lincoln; Charles Griffith of Rowsn ; Addison Mnerc of Diva), ton, and William Disss of Surry, all of whom are A fy pleased with its performance. " '. ' i - L M. GILBERT. October '.T), lm tf , ; - : TWIN COTTON SEED. .. .' ' V,msllrnisntity of.ihc above SEED, taiscd by Mr- ' Will ism 1 Ikhims, foruie,rly of Davidson County, id lett for Sale at this Office, at fcj Oil per hundred. November 1st, lHft. tf A- Grandximl ly thr. AMERICAN ECLp$g i the Chamiion of America IV'irmrr of th ' I G'rnrf iWurcft Race, the Wth agaiti thi Sout h 9 ? 0 , 0 0 0 aside" THE THOROUGH-BRED HORr I RED by Col. Wade Hampton of South (W 1 ' lma, will make his second Soasonaf tialithur. which commenced on the "Hit ultimo, and villnd on the 20th of June next, at $20 tbe Seaaoo, 8'I0 to insure, tho money to be paid as'suoa mk. . Mare Is ascertained to le in foaj, or the nfn,.,. changes owners; and fitty cents to the groouw (fCT rMafts setrt-l'rutw- -distnHCj wilt te well 'tt tended to, and fed with grain at 30 cents per day" To those that wish it, n good lot will be furouhai gratia; but in no instiuice wilf I be respoiiaible for accidents or eacaiics. U. XV, JLOXR ftausDury, n. .u., Marcti li, lSlO, 2B C i PEDIGREE. .J Certify tbat I LATH was bred by me, aad -iid in tbe Sprina of 1833. II that Tie was foaled go by Uodolpbin, bis dam I'ocahautas, by 8if Arcb'y i his grund-dam Ypung Lottery, also by Sir Arcby. out of Col. Sitmleton's celebrated 1 by imported Bedford out of tho imported mare Ao vlllina. (iudolpbin was got bv Eclipse"; liU . Sylph, by Ihcphostion but of Lotfery by imporftd " Ueiiford, &c. IIu.'pbcsion wiis got by the import, ed Buzwird out of the da 111 of Sir Archy. ' DESCRIPTION, PERFORMANCE, fr LAi H is a Gne bay, without white, 15 hand J inces high, wiih good bone and capital action. At three years old, ho won the produce slake at Co lumbia, two mile Jicatg, beating Mr. Taylor's f,, Daisy, and Captain Bpann'a coll, Convention, niu others paying lorleit. l wo weeks afterwardj h von the jockey club purse, three mile beats, at i Augusta, beating Kite and disllinctng Black Bird, At Charlestfin, be was beaten by Clodhopper for ' inejocaey ciuu purse, inrce miio ncata; being very iiiucii uim, no wa urawu uer uie first heat. At 4 J ears old, he won tlie jockey club purse, fcar m,le neB"' muen, neaitrig eir ivennetl, sr - 1 HltA.,Aa ,.r iu.ri nM . qiiCnce of 4iol(ing whe'u scverul bmgllis in edvtgcr of tho field, .just before be reached tho Jiid'. stand t end Ct)imj enlsnglcd rwtigH!i,j,li g"cs71i6 lusfaiiiud an,Tnjnry"wbtcl occasioiiedt withdrawal from the turf. ', ...) . Lath was a race Horse of the first class, wkict ' 4 iw.jpyioce.4jn Jus jrijJoKitb.Py.JJaria(..iad(it.. . Kusse, and kitty tlcth, and in point of blood hes inferior to none, whether imported or native Hi constitution is robust, he having never been nidi, and his temper' good.IIis color, form, aud. actios ypeak for themselves. In a word, Lath utiitei is himself as many claims to publy patronage at arnr young Stallion tbat I know. . WADE HAMPTON.! Willwood, Jan. VI, 1 631). 4 - From tho above certificate. of ('of. Hampton, who bred and bod Lath I rained for the Turf, it.will no seen mat ne considered turn a race horsaof the first class not only from the races he has. incu lioncd as having run publicly, but from private In. as he his umde with horses which are now uo the Tu rf, and - r unu Ting- mih -ewt4der We- ftnxcsr. It considered Lath of the purest liluod uut to tie supassed by any burse, imported or native. I consider it ctitireiy unnecessary to attcniit Jo eulogise Lath, cither for his performances ua tlie Turf or ns to bis blood, sinco in every respect I is so well attested. Hut will remark, that Larx hns not only descended from p'jhjooliujj). .. twne iwm stfs-lrbfltfr mre'a'rf'a'graiid sire, dam and ! fe; r ritl d j 1 1 1 jhat nru .of .lbp..xurjuiDg...ldiJLJiL 1 in i miuuies aim ou seconds; ms grund-siro, tne Americmr Ectirtse,--cett kaaa-rr nt the flartkiaL ; south, made his time in the great match racetU j north against the south, $J(J,U0M aside, iu 7 tw 1 utes aud .17 seconds, which Eclqisc won with Cud. ! siderable eclat. This race gained bim the uienw Irable name of the champion of the north. ilii dam sired by the renowned Sir Archy, ahoss rt- pulaliuu aA ru.u;rT Lc, stands uuquetiuiied,b'iii iu England nnd A murica. The graud dam of Lath, 0!d Lottery, bred by the great southern anat" of horses, Col. R. Singleton of South Carolim, tu produced ntoro fino raco hoises than "any n'lw mare in tho I'tiion. Thus, it will be secathst there is united it. Lath (woof the best studs in lhe south, Hampton's and Singleton's, crossed fV jt.cn. Goles of the uorih. - j j The public is now presented witb'swh al p I tuiiily of improving tfie blood of that noble aid j useful animal, the Horse, rarely occurs ia-tin .section ol :uiiiilry.. And tho public can ban i addition, m a short lime, tho opportunity ol Jiwp ing more satisfacturily of Lath s blood, iff., If bis colts of last Spring's get, as it is expected thru will be unmy of theurdrop)nd by mares i section in a"lew days. As a sure foal getter stands almost unrivalled, as is oroven by bi W x t opring, rvices--!-so lew ol inw-larfe tijniii -I mares nut to him not nrovim iii foal. ' , v . R. VV, L I find Lath at home, as be will .not be removed lfro l-bis stable inSalisbury, under any circumsianetv during tho Season. March 13, 1 SI I Will (Vitltltu tVbr.fi llii J mnthiJ In tnthritl ll.C i'" son Coiintv. ubi iliw mnihivl in in lorni Uie lie that he will enter into contract with any P1' iierEnns. pniior n, n..n a 1 .inrra? I I ... ,..,wnni ...... . I LiL'H. 1. liU Ih INIW llllllw...A.l..ri,,U I tt AllH.iUii., . .1 1 ..." . ,Vr-r.ir jT,i7TTrtckrtt" iWk. to build ttcm sesr durable, and in asgood tyhj .as.any.wetk'iisfl J country. . , He will also, mould and burn tbe llrick, if wanh Ilo trusts that bis long fxpprieiif e in i t 4 MOULDING AND LAYINtJ CRI(-'K,i will entitle him to a share of public pstronifs He would refer gentlemen wifhing work dcefj1 Line of Ihismess, to tbe Female Academy arsf v". tire proof Clerk's office m Sslisbufy. as tpttiai his work., ,--. N. B. Those wishing work done, will p! , W(sd at tb oflice of the Western Carolinian, a" aball be pnnctually attended to. - - ) ' nX - v , ROBERT CO Davidson, April IS, lRjO. JL- MOFFAT LiFE riLL3 ' tf BITTC riirp'2 rpiiE A Bl" LIFE GIVING PILLS AND -. BITTERS, so celebrated, end so wca v the slllicted in every part of the country, i ceived and for sale by the Subscribers' , I .. .V,'CR1"S iV-BOGER, Ari Messrs, Spbinos i Siussts, io Coueurd, t. - lo Atjents for the same. (i jj i . o. . ucc auvcf libtuisiiv. ' if u i..ai. . aiui a. . . .