..; X" ). o 0 t t n. i p. i 'Ut ful rat to x . Hid lot tilt V I tlt tot " 'it, UO. ''! "u 4 W" ere. aod ' d in ' du. i lor aof this, flain rmc4 ! r tht lency " ' I mem. D till eoplt o tht lestU I keep be fin. Id. cat- PrttW . at fork L attend '. But- i Mat4t"Ft went tv s.'iir., to bear' xtelf, kt , adipoU forpart chared h baa ' erj ax ni, ix. Girl, t I family 140 ' theCourt urday.tbs ed it tlx ds of ttf - ',0.8. tp.' LAS Ao. I,' Maiuwa :. 0 lol. Dai Jell cootv ndert his ariout de- lyofNaiK V ot snperwf. nenU for a ; UorrttoiH ROWN. aker menttot: , can n alter- itgultf " 23rd of.. i iSuMA thanki, I ctutioo I .Sums,. 1 I XT inAa&'f' i otetins-" i wtges. ' A1ABKY. ' , tf - j Suliibury rod that i share will 8th of Jans i Company, wurer, 5. M. C. 3.. " Retail, or MCRPHt : : -- THE CAROLINIAN. Salisbury, Friday, JI Ai: 5, 1810. State BigJUs flfptiMittw Titfcrf. ' ''' rOR OOVEHNOB, 4 ROMULUS li; SAUNDERS. '". STATE LEGISLATURE. Senfe,ri&'Wdi)sut HENRY MILLER. Commont-JESSE A. CLEMENT, GEORGE L smith. r ; ; vr. DAVIDSON COUN' Y , Common COL. PHILIP JIEDRICK. : , , A CHANGE OF TOMB. " ' "I have em believed that every Elector hot a tight lo make thi$ call (for hii political creed) upon thou who offer thiir tervicet to the People, and that tub CANDIDATE AR BOUND TO ,, IQea. Harrison's declaration in 1922. MI HAVE COM! TO THE DCTEasnNATIOS TO ANSWEa MO SUCH COMMUHICATIOHS, EITHER FROM HIIMW OR roes." Gen. Harrison's answer to two gentlemen. who waited on him with a letter, ashing, in the most respectful terms, Iiih sentimeuta on the subject of Abo lition, in IWU. 1 ( The policy i$, that the General (Harrison) mil MO FURTHER DECLARATION Or Ilia OPINIO Nil TO MEET THE riiuc eve, while occupying hit present pntition. I Reply of Gen. Harrison's " Committee" to the Os wego Union Association. , The first declaration quoted above, wai made by Gen. Harrison in the year 1822. He then pro claimed, as we now hold, "that the candidate are ' bound to answer calls " for their political croed. He is a candidate for the high office of President or foe. How are we to account for this change ioile vid himself bound" toantwer then, how can ho refuse to answer note ? (lis friends - have-told us the reason-a Talafraid that he will be betrayedr-betruyed by answering pluin mies- -trorfaWhrverhBar'(l Suct" reasonflQ itTs7 notwithstanding, th true oner V hen the old man made the first declaration, that candidates were bound to aiuwer calls, tbore waa no necessity f ht having two acts of opinions to suit the rather opposite tastes of Abolitionists and Southern men. Now, he has (o conciliate the Abolitiotitstsi and hoodwink the South. We aro gravely told by his gvardians that it is impolitic for a man iibking our support for the Pre nidency, to tell us what Ins jioliticnl principles are ; and more, what his private opinions are on the all important subject of Abolition. This is the secret, mid it is such an one as ought to startle every sou- thorn wan.5- It is impolttir itf make any avbwalsV because, if he deelara his opinions in opposition to Abolition, lie will lose the votes of the incendi aries ; if, on tliu other hand, he declares in their awbE4aJ.t would 'not dare to recommend his cluims lo our r - - j : - support. Under tliCM piroumstuiice, the only pos (.iblo way 4m, to keep dark on every point to close hm ears to j"yerymiejitior '1gtiTa,'S6uTliftii'BaTiflr-Federa Tariff and anti l'HrriT:Trwn. This-T"he" f?yV?OJei- 'llurnsuu opinions on (he subject ofAboJiUoa,j3iid. his fnends in the Smith refer yon 1ck To a part f a xpeech niado tome where, or a letter said to be written lo somebody. Should an Abolitionist at the North ask for some expression of his opinions, he could, in like maimer, be pointed back to the jQiy-aUougei.. Jkd--.f --duels nta in 'favonrf , 'Abolition ami Emancipation. Honest men never 'wish to conceal their opinions on any subject, and tlie very fact of Uen. Harrison's refusing to declare his sentiments openly, proves that there is some thing wrong; Even admitting, for the sake of -argument, what we do not believe to be ao, namely, '"'tut lie ia not an Abolitionist, the fact of his refu ting lo av.w his 6plniona on this subject boldly, would show Ihut he is uoworthy to be trusted by . the Sooth. . : . : Let any man look at the declaration of Gen. II. which we give at the head of this article, and compare it with bis present refusal to answer all .questions, aud-rlin look still farther at the reason given by bis t Comtnlltce n for this refusal, aud, unlejs J) ja. carried way by party prejudicehe mutt ackuowledge tliaJt ibere ia a glaring inoortsie f lency in the conduct of Harrison, and a cause for (-WwrrtfrWaWoT 03p Mr, Kendall" t Addreu to the PeopUofihe IhUtd Statet. In another part of our paper will he found the, Address of Mr. Kendall to the People ot the United Slates, on the occasion of resiiming 'bt office of Postmaster General, aud resuming the tnd glows with (he spirit of patriotism. Like oany others," we have been greatly prejudiced sgainst Amos Kendall, but he has tired dmen oul jtrfCTsyyir.-Ht tertbf lhMa. Wd againat,him, ho baa built op for himself chrtcter for talentajuid patriotism that his en'e . "net may covet. In reference to the Extra Globe, which he now edits, it will certainly be one of the Ut aud cheapest papers iiK America. A. , ,' At a prod" that the " hard times " now weigh ing down this country ia wholly attributable to tbe Ranks, look at the fuel, that there ia most distress, ud embarrassment in the States that have bad the greatest, number of Banks, and where the largest ,"ea of paper trash have been made. In Missis- "Ppi and Alabama, for Instance, where the beau l,r of the Banking system hnve been csrried to 'b very perfection of swindling. ' " ";V . Meuingi 6f Royalty. Tht people of England fs sow paying rce million and a half for the wpportoJ royalty. This is. indeed. Dsvint 'he'whrstle, " . PRIXCIPWa-XOT - HAM aiCt-. . J ' JT-. JTW.-Hn mr that thi, gentle. Never, until the present time, tins a anuiiwu j .mur-Uu miuiu hii nciiim tu the uer cuuntics for the Presidency in thit ciNiotry hm Itrni-ic ucit ant i Utt irirued b.i FeJcnl friends forward, without the avowh! f curiam fiiwa. Imrii .ithw?i ' C.irum!at ith creating on which he proptwes it ad.uiuitfw il G-'t rtw hvr4 a tij party msrally do, be came ment. The Democratic Re publicaus l.r wa j.uii jiiuniT, at ttoiuih, w ure iniiirmed, and char out and set forth, openly and without togume, 1lxpA tikft wimio- tli Bon. It is mid, in his " P'inciplw wil'ch they ure Air. Vi HunT'j uwuimmtiuifc all tb ha fkc exceeded Judge re election. Theae may be mv.u Mumi W !lu down in the Resolutions adopted at ilt T-tikimnrt Convention. They are tbe jriiicij.Ses iiT Juftjnim, and all the fatliers of the republican luttU. Trn - are the old Und marks of the Eepuiilicnn for. - But how is it with tiie Harrwomte.' llawc put forth a single principle t Xa! AAba.Jir their political chart, and bf y jcry u Uatrfl ; derj" Inquire what tbetr tuith,tbry uwnr " Log Cabin." Ia abort, tbey aoeia J Ikncj Sum '"bard cider" is a sort of pauacea, loa.timea iwin: potent than even the u Matchlei&iaive,,,,a.cir amw aktbiii; ttint hi feuVral frwrnda hava pt .hini all the ills of this mortal ate Fitf wirJ w ; doubt eiceedingly whetbor amy time ml &nk'm nmm itxtliat. We will nut j that Mr. M. mucb. bard cider can be fit for the Treiltuuil Chair, or for any other station. Huri cidta autmi our cider, lor we all know, tbat ajtw W tumpt very soon becomes vinegar. afGea.Hr f ison is as fond of lord cidrr an bis frimida mv lari is, so far from its being a pKsommendatiun, it ut3 view, it is an insuperable bjoctioo fur, a amej011111? m remmda u of the rguo who who is always toping at hard cider can beiflt tbe- i" $aVp while he was running businres. It atupinea and bewrta a wBamtrreliav;aB',Hll&u aacap bia object r to divert the whiskey, and much sooner than ridii-wTtL',---.fir,fIue We have frequently heard Uaske4w( S3ia!rrrrifeuifu t Govern. call Gen. Harriaon the - hard cider in&dte.'" We can only give one reason in anawer tbtfl " "Wt t,wip f nard ""d cause be liktt th drink. Tbe other flav.Suw!i'terWf hern Ur understand the er, we heard anoUier reason : art -our muaiew 6fher gatheringa we frequlentlj ea lw lwfi nags atarted to run for cider tbeae borsea i afl.l,,WBy . n- tVuiha tnat .mako it led " cider naga ; " perhai the friend of Howieon'1?""" Bitingwtf, ban tiraw " on tbe Country at bad these sort of races in mind, bnalbfy aaneJI ' him the " bard cider candidate.'" Be this, however, it may, we have coroe Idxii conclusion, which ia: that we win bove att that the Republicans of tbi ouutrv win wnr r . i l any office, high or low, merely because lie $we hard rider. ,4iallsaWTOITO JBOCuUut iHiiwr, L-.-ri.. : it . m . appear, mat una. uarrison nas emy aouofl au no-atcaroHoa poucy, Since ue uas etu :ne supervision muo control tiia commtttw r mree Keepers ;-oeiore tnai time, aeema M the old gentleman was so imprudent a la nukr some of bis opinions ktwwo. Fi bis Jjn 1U ish conduct at Cincinnati, it ia very videta itbal the only way to keep the General ftra'rl, auil prevent ais spmimg an xne laaars ot jua ir4iuK , acyp u... g.. , ,, , , ii ia unowo mai mere waa a al luum, of Abolitionist at Cleveland, Ohio, la FmIL Smifi for the express purpose of nominating A .mlania candidates fir tbe .Preaidency. awd Tw P5sa4iivi cy: it is known that after a dicimiion,lueCamea- lion adjourned without making this tmniuuftim' and that ILrrimn was afterwards iqienly muia-' mended fav eon of the neemi.rJr.iotbeu,.m.n'r . 1. "L"1:Tk"J I 'JT'". u"4 ... . u( ,tib, , me oiam vi nil iui, iiav Vlilj out lately. It appears nsw, tbat a Whig-Hbutoim) Editor,-who was a member of the Convcntinn, gave such satisfactory . assurances ialamoirt., f"""AlH)1inoj'ijsTn" lout LiiuwuiiaionTidfy was. their Jnaa. The iollow4ng4-frsr! trnrr.i WftmtrtltoTW oriumer Harries, ... ? . . C? l;-'?m9m Ssntftia jis auiii, 3Tav teV Th atsstiiw waa mH1eTrtamrrnrTe-ia with tmniaeut fltuaatmrsimsaj: ajrswUn UtWlcl HAIDKK, Smr. fa) the for atrfTnan totmderWirnd, we think, -and tw 1 .' is siiwiiiiing1 tirytn vTritrht," X Yarbroorh, Federalists of (ho Booth will deny with such lml1. hainwa erplain . 3 Siir(iiia-(t,thitjn(r' to a brief and appropriate at this, tbat Harrison is aupported by the lbub- Jaiuwsav; wlmv tticr aiilow'uig HmuImUuos wra otlered tionists. Here it tbe extract: jjantl miHwiit . .. 3 iinmamlJTiat. momh, PwiiuciaUii'imHicana. "WJLHlMniJIinna is ins Amiwsian 'Anti-STa'very Society in thai city, a resolut i mntea caning lor nci B.nnai.iKi TOT rrceinemsntl ice rrewueni. n very Tinim-iiw Whig-Abolition editor from tbe Southern part 4f lb Slate was present. Ii UUmI to vmrmtw tnenmfrw rf . thcrSociety, oDrsulvea among olbers. that ht ianl cently been at Cincinnati, and tbat a bile there, lie ! an inwnrH-w won wneri iiarrn. nu unu ur authorised hi y, that now the General fully chuuuU with the Abolituwirts in Uioir duclrtoes and aaeammaa. How much infloence this statement liad ia Aecwiiiu: the .ctmn of the Society, we do w pretend te awe. But, Uiat the UeueraJ auUiorixed Uie au-iaie. U III. 1 1 1 I WW ' -' V HW w.n. .Hi" "' " ,.'w " ' - " reason to questk the veracity of the gentleman, aitr wta tbe medium of communication.''' " Coming in tf ikt Jntt. A Hamburg jwprr ttales that the Jewa of Conatantinople, have, wrrb 2" - '' jjswisjsjiatJtwf t-twrto, f. aama at yVard. Esnr. longer than another -ear fjr tbeir vpiwil Me.4 Kt r- JT : Whiit'itTvring' ma hommaiimi. and the sah." tf " lie does not appear within that time abrt -i Cimimtniw tfM w!Md! m nsmf .tA .CfiHSHAM then attempt to discover by wha irligKia bets Jrwrismg a sunn tna Pfcusdeat ad i'eeretanea, cognized. The Rabbi is in favor ;pni&aa:i! '. l-nristianity. Jinf a tandww a th Prwwlant and Secreuries fur The " Whigs" of Canada have lately b13 large Abolition meeting, and appointed HiAeatr to the London Convention., There i sail negroes ber is constantly tnerekatng by nana way from tlie Mates. . . - - """" 11 is rumnrai mai nenw njrrw!lZ Smpug Oie Tederal leadora, to drop Harrwin auddrriry,m! bring" out some other candidate. Tina wnald I cruel conduct towards the old man : ami besidHa, att never will do to lose alt thtt baa been said, aan, and written about " hard cider and lug rabma.'" No, no, since they have taken biro op. tbey tntMit hold on, snd sink or swim with their glorious Tip " as they call him. An Ohio paper states, that somebody j tuVtT bust of Gen. Harriaon ; and thta, ibaa omtra-H a.kiimiat jaraiaiiBta jwn-rrtr in o guiihed arliat bas lately finished a"fcmily pwwji''--s -" aamwt af .1,1.1, ..n.ni. .1 r:-.-l ;,,; L. j . - - naru ciarr, who iuc oung oui, mma 4 rwn ta 'TianJ. whwtlinr a Tippocanoa tun, and iwimr k;. k.t. iL K,-..- Jt. CL ir.;-u - " 1e , . r -,. . band, and wry eareerfly reoommwjdmg tbe dear man not to kick too nam, tor it ar tie may tUm-Um lit priarfrrff. . . SaunuiB. At mhar placaa wher he addresaeJ tbe! IrVniiev Unit W had m,t a word; to say ',ku Cuu X:k.W AJmiiuratiou, but rather mW m 1Ui aciik. V ; JLmiUr taa'ma omiiiuhw oh, in this way, we jbL ttifnwiti bits down a loco foco of the 4raas,rR. Th fact atlwt Mr. More head not mm m Elector far Bit re-election of Gen. " j OuB lw witft ft Xrl'Vaii Cuwo as Vice 8 vawiiur,, anil; n duulit auw feiiU the awkward -mt ttus aruaent pomliiMU U' bummcI that be wtmr- uE Ik Cwwirniir, but of this much wt are ' lOuC ha wiil nut be alucte J Governor in 140, Liiuiii mthadxf of election comes, he will ibiHi!uddiiiapiui.itea man. 1 "idiu otT tlia Bauk-Federnlista of the & bunaalf j amt this- w precisely jhe !! "W"8 "w,lC har ""sea, . .But it will not do, wnrnzmi tdt CM' f rite evil :-to see that tuutta Aae mak tb abundance of paper jtfbnar dli amf jlwuwr; and that the government j!hs aia aaun aji dii. wiib it thaor the man in the awwb. Tia jljt'ijtlufaas aiq)attit unt l whica prohibited tbe intnrmar a iii $uu mmx Cut any. gentleruia or lady to in jM'gttaituie aiiirgnr cnlnra;iirilhout reatraiut, in ao. Item ui at jptrtnea- Sir life. ' Ifil TW 1M af mMnertu k iKa tarrit,t .n I , it--f -i -r atimim lA hlnb5aldici.iu JateW visited,- tJmiiaBlil! or roan auioiu dollar -arf.tt.tiitBHt(fcflivthii-8vabmJiM brnmhitj. i " ' liiW BrntMrgftjia baa been elected by the Litfudisnu! ufi Canntwticut, laitod States Senator a1,, mac Stattr. m piaca of Mr. Ketta, deed. mi QmrM M Gierat Hamaoa receive the BtowaibJI and! unuHutl nama ef OJd Tip," fiom I Suldtm:m fa 0fT hirfeidtr. or from tb iaairiir witim lb Had eoore than ba'f of bis men killed in BiprrafMrfijia;ri f. -7' - CJutriuiu C CumbrtUnf, hn been tppotnted 1; ta PtHwimnt, (by and with the advice and con- mfi af Si SfmiUi,J b be Minister ta Russia. Stuutw afi tiie dure of Spain. mm tTiawwBa.ic.jls;Utij "TiiwuMiB tn. timviuuRv notice, a FarL mirtinn nf tlifll - "- " : . ; rflinmfirlraotforTabuji V riif!u'Cir. C,,,,, uUlmnx in UMamltt and irmmMnT 11 ESnu CnLlLJlU rUSUKli,airr Re-prutentative in niCem-ttime hip uidemmlent boursw .wveB the ; Wuinil nf .!, lia E amnxxa oc ! am aoonniicanSk tMrmUtmJL Tmt wh will mmiially aui aalmiily sup- Vtti isOHTLl' 3L SaCriOW. Urn. iWcmoo CWasng. Tiat rfn nmvting have entire confidence w . a.ifliiia. and. mte,TT at nmwnl St.(T P.J j im SmmiJij. ,,4 Mr fcUow. Uttiwn naattag , bmQIKji mt w,iit render a cordial support to ij fcni,, ruidulnru who mav be aoounaiad ta fce i,, we tnuntv th tbe aau Goneral .Wm. ii tT iri fkmliim. - aitw Tist Ot rflatrmaa tppoint a Cnmmittan it F.MW. aiiimmnia. a ftopubhcaa nuiiliJale to lw run iSa- ta Sntarsrse dia avnrt Aagnst CoctK.n. iMiwuowi. tturtMHi rmsinted Ui-a tlarriss, W'm. SimiV ;wt Uuvaasv 9w John Hill, and IQioaly Har IiK-miiriwtrrf OieirtiiOea. Tar sMMGn mna an uMinwd. . - UI'AIS SXIDEB, St, CUir'a. V - Cuur-rravSatuaa. , iLiiiia Sig,..' ' X. Twiaaimntav , - . ' a swia sua. sskmi nor.cAn. . -. 1 weraWittr ft!ftrmr ,iwtftrttaM Tnus SmUk. fiom ' Couawnaun. and .trnnf;' h the oatna of CVorfan, 1 rm Tru.Iurr jrnsnAeaf a great .number of Fs ilem! jilannli(r aui sapor ta w and the srfjnminir nar.wa I amhnwamt tzut Mb at mewMjfraaAr " war t-atiir.un Jirnr ni mines at tbe peopbs to whom tiny wenfi. 3h.w aenni Sirnndiesl ty asrrai Fedaralists atwifi Sfc.wturf-ilhor The fact tbat certain if Jim SUIntwi-y Ftniia ar ill direct, or indirect. ld j giiwwMiuiwiwnr w-tft SotMibtw Abolition wta, tnd tliat it "" ar ndmir opapeiwtwonr Benple, ! wcrnisr annr RiBmataL and meir v-ooeretiua mora l"Bm tnw nuiia lung wit, fur we may suoa sea us ttimuti tbaaame me Fadanlista, who .f- aeepmT on a rwomijeoce with ium AiatMaaaea, and ttiy shall dnb, we Inns be ii i:rw?c AN OBSERVER. , TtawrfSeliaih mSitMrUiMLhMleea 4 Aarawrfiw fir. OiC V) boaas only (ber rtifhrrBf mmm dreaJfulTy mutilated, and one ! j tmuiiwa an inc. Butt mad m aaea founoV I '- " ' " A Cnrolinian, t i " : "P . i" - - . jz.rv-rK uu 4 watCiMmdarrvoctted every principle which t 3 i.hJLJiSMiiMa 1 tufnST'nriain Ilennr llamaun then was with nlil Jnhn k.JL.l..;.. u--J--ririilitr-..'iTr' "r " roa the WRITER .toLists. Ma. Emroa: 1'btve cinverwtl U wveral inteUi pent IIarriMn nu'n tKMit.f?iliIJUry, cu!)CLrnili(f llarci; fcitr h'rnsal to answer tlie plain iirttioiii pni to hint bj hoiue froiulemen of V arfcb.ro, m th Stnte, inj hisopinionaon Ab.)litino,aiklothrbjecta. Tht-y ay it cannot be expected of hiia to answer every fool inn quesu.wi put m him by h deicninjr cnerties, Now, Mr Editor, I OMiulor Una s poor excuse indent, for such an msult to the uiulcrsUmiings of freemen j and, as the federal, or Harrison Whig; claim to them selves 14 ail the decency and all the talents and morals of tbe country, I propoe that some of that honett par ty here in old Rowan, add res a letter to " Old J ip, requesting; him to answer the question put to him from Wadobofougli, aud, lurlber, as . V, Jon. ha proven l.iniMeif to expoditiout a tiaud at procurina an swers, I think he could do tlie work, if it can be done at all A' th man to write letter and ft relief. In conveniug with these Harrbion t'edi.ulifti, Mr. KtliUir, when I tell them that Mr. Van Uuren stands pledirml to the South to maintain our right on the sub ject of slavery, they admit ii but, say tbey, he does so to get Southern tote ! Now, sir, does any man be lieve Hi I Gen. Harriaon, ton, would not be triad to get Southern vote! thea why does he not come out, and pledge hiniKetl in our favour on this vital question 1 By bis refuting to do to, is the inference not reasona ble, that be stands pledged agatntt u stand pledged to favour the mad schemes oi the AMitianitlt t I think an, DRt clearly. Then, suppose he should be elect 'd. President, tnd sliould observe his pledge to tlie Aboli twnista as faithfully as Mr. Vsn Uuren bas kept his to the ISoulh, what would be too consequence 1 Most awful, indeed ! and 1 boseevb my brother r aruioia lo retlect oo these tiling. . 1 Some of the Federalists say, that if Harrison is elec ted, limes will get better ; they won't tell yon by what measures, or in what way this ie to be done. , Is It by drink in jf hard eider,' and building and hauluigtbout " log cabins 1 " There's no doubt of one thing if I tar ..iiauA asabioted, be wilt turn all the Democrats out of office, and fill their placet with Federalists, Abolition ist, Bank-men, 4c, who will receive the same sala ries, but will l hit make the timet better 1 Mr. Editor, is it not atianje, that we hear men cry tngout " art rimes," till they eeem ready to burnt ' their thnxts, and at the same time they are engaged in spending large sums ot money in erecting banners, - pules, flags, and log cabin, and roasting oxen, hep, and pigs, and furnishing grand entertainments 1 And what sre these things tor f To auv vote, and mislead my brother tl.l-knocker-tliat' what it's tor ! It ia a poor businesa tr a ,man to preach up economy, when be don't practice that virtue himself. ,--, - . - : i::r a farmer. JlOKS:H0RTU CAROIJNA,--- Ml FoiToa: Tbe capital stock of two of our No:th fsroluia llsnks,nsmoJyiaba iianJtof tht Stale, aidfaavratateanT-vlsei expected to arrive at . . . ' . u: i , i . : . . c l . i me imm oi i.ape reur, w thbeb Btu.us or ouisb. i These llanks. when the mmnensinn touk clacc.bad noto. 'W.Twsaea u iw aniounioi oetween mree ana lour minions i least, or perbapa more. They have gone on, calling in this circulation, until now they have not much more --than one million and a btrf Tif notes abroad certain I r not aa much at two milliont ; tnd the process is still couiif on. With these facta before Jinn, can any man , wonder tbat money is scarce in North Carolina 1 Here is the plain cause of the scarcity of money among us, and yet these very Bank-men axe crying out "Hard ' Tunes," and charging it all on the Government, , . f ' JEFFERSON. roa tue wtartas cAaoi.iNtAN. . Ma. EqiToa; The Federal supporters ot "Old Tip" hereabout, assert that Gen, Harrison bat alwtya been a' Republican ; and they cite ta evidence, that he was appointed to office by Mr. Jefferson, the father and great head of the Republican Farty. . .'Vow, sir, 1 have yet to Jearo, thai Mr.lefIuot'ii avrappint Genrf farriseo irt office 1 tra ot oninua that be never did. He efn- - tinned farm in a a office to which he wat appointed by ' old John Adams, tbe leading blue-light and black-cockade Federalist of that day, and the author ot the odious Alien, and Sedition Lawt. ' Tbis is. the source from ll which Gen. tralitt ot the deepest .dye to ofhee, what must htve then been pen. Harrison's principles f and what mutt tbey sums be, since bis friends say he his never chang ed any or nitjpiiiictijipiaionjj - Aikin - - " 4 ! 1 " X l ii it r1 ''T"1 "I'lfT' ' 1 I IITEI1 nT&TKM I III. Ill I Ui " Gentlemen ef tht Senate f rpomihtte tTieTolIow ing persona for promotions and appointments in the .-aity.-4wa-4nrtei al i' " Fvrtt Regiment of infantry, ' .,- W illiam Jltnry Harritm, Esq., of Virgin'ut, Csp- j 'am tas la. !-. avKitrta SMmxusul . -rr-"-ti -t- r:-: john aiams." ; w " Tbbwat, June 20, 1798. f Tbe tollowing written message was received from thT President of the U. ti, by Mr. Malcom, hit Score Ury: - " Genilemtn af lk Senate: I uorainate William Henry Harriton, Esq of Virginia lo be Secretary of mo icrriiofj mum wet oi me (viver tmin. JOHN ADAMS." . - - " United SrTEa, May 12, Hx). "BuntUmen of the Senate; I nominate ICia. IL llarrtfm, of the North Westsru Territorj, to bo Gov ernor of the Indian Territory, JOHN-ADAMS." Does tny Republictn want further evidence of Har rison's Federalitm T For one, I do not ROWAN. FROM FLORIDA. Ft. AitqrjsTiJVE, May 13- sGeneri Armstead hsejrrderd arcocntratiod ol D00 men at Tort King on lha 25th of this month. Tbey avUl bampoad ef footmen arid tiorsenien, and operate in divisions of 100 each, independent of each other, in the enemy'i country. lVhe sea. son for gitberin;z graia ia near at hand, a well a r sssemblages for their green corn dance, when pre paration for war and a relation of their enterprises strengthen them to renewed eflorts in their sggres sionson the whites. Should these scouts, now charged with the duly of A airing for ., the enemy una upon tlwiii, ne may In 'tie fur ft'SUltl flifforitig" - at least from those which have been had for the bt twelve month. If the enemy shall hare die perwd into small Ttrties, a grent and valuable gain - will be efreet kH'rairtnlingrThat, tliuugb be bas sown in quiet, be shall not reap in security, linn. Armimeaa nts taken hold of el "kira in Florula with a vigorous hand. iters. " 7 , .ArrALAcnicot,A,.May 10, ' ,V w Murders by the Indians By the tteanv er Hyperion, Captain Churchill, which arrived laat evening, we have received Ihe melmicholy in. lellicence of the murder nf three more families by the Indiana since that nf . Mr. McLaue, noticed in yesterday's paper. The name, however,' of but one has been ascertained by us, that of Mr. Lamb, about eight miles from Blountstown, and within few miles of a military 'poet... Thy attacked his house oa Friday sventng, and shot him while an. deavoring to escspe. " There were in the bouse at the time of the attack, aeverat other persona, two of whom were severely wounded. After they had killed snd driven from their homtt the family, they pillaged the house, and sot on fire the dwe.ll jug. together with several out-bouses. A - i ne oilier tamtues tnai were attacked lived in the neighborhood, Several of whom were killed, but wa bavs not been able to leara their names. The Indiana Vt'io cnmuiitted these depredn. lion are s,inl to ttu inLtrr iii'ut filly or sixty, and eoncl llieiiielves in th hammocks 4Mwen the ApiMilucJiieoItt river and Tj.UuUasjU9r until a fovor- : abiu I'pi'ortunity oil -r lor them (o countiit such like iIuciIn, . This forms the fourth family which has been uiurdered in tlwt vicinity since the 23d ultimo, and it is time tomu steps were takvu tu'prevutit thciu in future. Gazette. " from the Aeu Fork Mtntug Herald of Xay 25. r . "'. - Moan at,- 3 o'clock. LTER and HIGHLY IMPORTANT raota CHINA - , AFFAIRS RAPIDLY;APP0AC,HIX0AJCR!.1I The Lehigh, Captain Rodgera, arrived yesfer day from Catito.i. She brings late and important inieltigence. When he left, every psrparation waa making by the Cehmt inla to carry on a long war agaiti.it the barbarian of that ohncure island, called F.nglund. Ity the next arrival we ahall undoubted. . ly receive th tiewa of aotuat hostilities betwocn the forces of the two countries. Neither, pnrty will back out, or show the white feather fur the present, according to the last intelligence. " ' The depatchea from England were, anxiously looked for. The Chi tie to Government have pur chased two ships of about 1,000 tons burthen, and, from appearances, intond to arm them for the pur pose of nfll-ring resistance lo the British voaseis of war, at it is fully believed that thai lintudi will take possession of Canton if they can. i l he Chinese are also collecting a large num ber of junks to aink in the channels of 4 he river, so as lo blow up the barbarians when they attempt to pass up. . ; One of the Rntish ships of war had anchored in the intide harbor of Macao, to protect the British subjects who had been ordered to leave by the Chinese authorities. - The Lehigh had several days southerly wind on her passage down the China sea, which waa fa vorable for the despatch vessel from Sincapote, and Capt. Rogers is of opinion that the declaration of war will reach China by the 20th rebmary, and a strict blockade of the port of Canton be immedi atoly instituted. ; . Captain" Rogers reports sreaking on the 10th February, in the Strait of Banco, the Dumphries, em Jawetffjei'W Ulll Ul WlllUil reported tbat the declaration of war against Cliina, bllia Jlwrtsb, left I5iflCpnrl!l m thelsl oFfebltj" ary, for China, and the Lnglish fleet,' including Sincaimre every hour, bent out the straits of HiiniLi iii oinpany with tbe-Daiiiplirtcii aiid T toiiiaa 1OUltS. f ' ' - . Mr. Morehead avows himsolf in lavor of tvNa. tionalltank. General Saunders ia against il,. We like to toe (hit. lt is placing the true question be fore" the "people. Why are not all Morehead' friends honest enough lo speak out at he does! Mr. Morehead wat called out on this subject by Judge Saunders at Chatham. He could not keep dark aa Harrison and, the log cabin do. Gon. Soundert proposed to Mr. Morehead that he, Saunders, should write to Harrison, and Mr. Morehead tu Van Buren, to ak their opinion, oil the leading question that tlie people wish to be informed about. 03" Mr. More-head would not go it Stick a pin here. crth Cqroliniaju . -ao the wAaaairroK (va.) jKmatoaus. ' . Ma. EniToa : The following isan extract from a ratter, written by a gentleman of the first reatectab.lity,.an4 who ia ready to substantiate the truth of the chare i : ... . r. i p,i iimub Tallin uen. lurrisou. i wipe erery man will nMuLn,nJ '"Jen pr.nc.ples: ; - MI tmtasnred. by h rrntlemtu nf high standing in society, who travelled Willi General tlavpiunn - r.u. J... m n. k. l ..n .,UM.I , t . 9 formiymtljih "titaa hrengbr wrfo 11.11 IIT'I. . I W OlT.RUlhUH WM 1IIT7 Hi ITIHIHIMI l,Ui toapply tine term to surt)a fiictmntjthit he" l)cjTttriicf .n.ilttuJA-ta.Liintrriiiia upen tiie questwmff aamitting Missouri into the Union aa aalave-holding State, in the witn me wiaiies ol me pnopio ol tint tata..but intinn. ted that he vol til tgtinat hit conscience; declared lint he was entirely opposed to the extension of slavery in the West, and boasted, that b- wwild.gol-lhssnppert .ofctha-AMrtwmricAn IhVwss in the prmence of AtioiiiHHiisto, tnd I am rurthor aswred, that all who heArd him were satisfied thtt be waa thoroughly and radically an Abolitionirt. - ' So much for General Harrison's Abolition princi ples. Now, if lha people are willing, with their eyes open, to take this man for their ruler, with ill hit odi ous doctrines, and his total want of capacity aa a stale, man, in the name nf God, be it ml In sackcloth snd tslict will thoy mourn the consequence of their eonsu mate folly, tnd in the bitterness ol their trails will they be forced toery "AMEN 1" to their own ruin." The river at Now Orleans continues very high. Tlie Bnlletm of the I3ih says: . ...... A good deal of apprehension wss occasioned yeatnr day by a rumor of a c.-eva in the Levee, in tbe bend above Carrol I ton. - On inquiry, we are glad to leara that there i no truth in tho report. The fact ire, that the Lsvce leaked in several places, and tho Mayor of the "city sent up tlie chain-gang to tssiat in (topping the leak tnd fortifying the enihaskmenta, Tr-aww ypttJapyitr: 7 "V ; j . - rTbe aleainer Independence, which arrived last' night . from, Cincinnati, reports all tlie, livers very, htett- and rtirrg:'Tho'water'ws on tlie lower floor of the front stores at Paducab. Cairo, on tha 8th ultimo, wa throe feet under water. The Mioussippi was rising alowly. -The Independence, wai Bnabbsto.Jand freight at Milt's r Point, on cconnt of the h,(rb wa'.or. At bachelor's Bend, fVK) hsnd were workmir to keep the river from ' breaking through the Leyoe. A Urge crevasse waa opened at Carthage, ',' . - The Arkansas river is higher thin it has been for mtny years. Thscroeks byebcome Tiveri. t" " nver tu uceair: Mdcb damage wlHTie dona by tbe in. umlation. - . - - UNITED IN WEDLOCK; In Cabarroa county, on Thursday evenini'tba.SSUi--.. H TIRE WALT, Jr., to Mi, Morrisnn, ir, Jwrj JAtAJB . ilias ELIZABETH, datmhtcr of tbs Rev, John Robinson, D. I). .. - DEPARTED THIS LIFE, . , In this Town, on Saturday, the 30th ultimo, Mrs.' ELIJ1N McLEOD, sged about 40 yenra. Ths de ceased bsd, for s number of years previous to her death, been a consistent snd piotis member of lha Pre- ' bytcrisn Church, and ws supported throoghout a kmg illness snd to lbs hour of her d-th, with the faith and , hone known only to a sincere Christian. In this Town, on Monday, the 1st instsnt, Col. IIEN ' RY GILES, in the 30th year of his sge. - The deceased wit a native of Uiis place, and for av number of years in officer in Ihe county ; expensively known and highly esteemed by his nnmprous acquaint ancea for the possession of many stcrbng qualities of r heart, wt have seldom known any one who bad more , friend snd foWe enemies. - "S ui:. i.i:a.M)i:i: killia., UESPEC1TULLY ofTershis profesalonsl services t.l tlie citizen of Salisbury, snd the i surrounding country. His office ia in Mr. West's new brick-bm!i. in?, netrly oppoaito J. & W. Murpliy's store. ' Salisbury, N. C, August 3( lW. , tf. , . i Li i ?