CAROLINIAN. - V V JUJO XL JJJd. -THH tOWCM KOTDEIKGATE0TO TUB UNITED STATKS BV THI !0atlTCTIOK, NO PgnillHITEU t IT TO THE STATUS, Ag kRUKIVlBD TO THK IT VTU BCrsCTIVEt.Y, 0 TO THR PEOfLB. Amf mlmfntl 10 tt CoMtitUliOH, Article X.- SALISBURY, N. C, JUNE 12, 184a Wo from CommcnccincnU J,042. rnrn 3 w I- il ua be- ' ci. . oil m-: m " its "'. on.... ted ? 568, '' v lB Of'- ICS, blic , the the'' "V . up. i'ba !"cy . . 11)8 died ice- ltk . ii n ftk itera, lesof 1 butic, com ' IMIW n i leeaV' U. . , .'.' lists xictly I may . igrn?tf J , New Pases,' ' rson ' sase" if sale r alu itli tie Work, '11Y. ' iin Ii " 1irk. louts I tftixij j V. uftcr. . -hi art, utltyiK . . i -j J, Mi ,-oa- Jtti'l, G, -jay hw of'n ilylo.t! itul my )' rsH . the C'1.' - , tpirui!! at tit ,, .; n $ft rhc , IhjSC'J1 illKW'"' of J)", sre'" J5F.RT Cornt.'-" tf , ; ' . Him op ihi : pfJBUSHEl) WKLy:::::::::.:CHA8. F. FliiHER, r . , Editor end I'rvprirlor. " ' " ""The WmwCakolima puW.ohid t'vfy fXrfffjr; t 2 P-f ailnum, " advsuce, or $2 50, if not paid in three months from tbe time of subscribing. Jir No paper will be discontinued ttulll all arrearage are paid, if ibe sutwribur is worth ihu subscription ; and the fail ure to notify the EJitorofa wish todieoiitinue,at leant oc mouth before the end of ilie year subscribed fur, J1 be considered a new engsgement. ; . . , ftj- AivfTiUemettii contiicouay and correctly in-Irb-d at ill our aauara--(or 340-, or Sfieen Unti of thia aizeJ type) for the firrt innortion, and 25 ceiite ,r Wh continuance. Court and Judicial advertiac menu 25 per cent biglier dmn the above rate. . A de .intmn of 311 oor cent frwn the regular price will be nude to yearl adverUra, OCT AdvertisenienU ent in for publication, must be marked with the num. ' bet of Insertion deaired, or they will be coutinywd.l! forbid, and cnarjjca accoruinciy. To Mcure attention, all Mr addreaecd to the E&i "tor oa businefa, muil bt fret of Portage. jriiHcm for flie txtra Ulohe. - This pupT will be puhliaheiS until tha Preaidential i Elwiion ui November, 10, with one nunibor after ward tiimi tbe retult in detail and an index. . 1 Twcniyniiii nurnbera will b imned. A larjeaurplut ,4' thn nrit i)iimrxra will be printed; and all peraona ibcrihm iniftnxJulcly, whoae oamea and money are rdceiyud botoro that surplus Khali be exhauited, will rieive all the nurnbera. -': -Tit mi: One copy , $11 Twelve copiea, ,fl0 . " Six coptM r 5 J Twenty-live copiea 20 . l id at the t ritt rale for a greater number. ' ' .1. JHf SJMiaiLMtt. J'oatiuaOc tiaaeralrU oatti-i buiM lo liua papi-r until November. - .'PwiMtovf auiwcribefa procured upon thie Proa- jV'dijs, Hiid the money, ahould be acnt dtrecriy- 10 himt " "j&ikjiJ poUI, i'rtlmiu'tjh pog'iiiaBti'ral who are" autl'o- rued ty Uie Poet OJico Uwa and -regulaliona to irank irttew toruien oy tnr.mumn, enclosing money wr oewp " fhuk null's eurrvnt in the flection of country where M subscrir roaidea, will be receirud, provided they , are not more tiian fn percentlwlovr tecie in value ' v . i . .i i l t jam? ptpur wn mD fvm uuivm lira umuryw vciiuaify tvertte. ; More. Good riiings AT THE SALIyURY COfFEEJIplisE I EhTfUtioforn and : tlio puliiic geueraliy.thaiiie is now recoiving and opening, at his establishment io Salisbury, a iijJiinjJidAiMiaaBiciit ofvery'.tliing oVsuaUe. Jn his line ( f bueinetts among which will be found ides, 'tPintrApples,' ; ; ' Cod fish, Macknrel, ('lieese. Kanuanas Malaga Grapes,' ' Jlyson Tea,'.., I'vwdcr snd Shot All kinds of Crackers, such as butter, sweet snd jjiii- y.flitiii.i'-'.!ii miin liondon. Mustard, -Aacloti W1tslralirtrtsr Kirsi rate Ovstors, K'ucc Nuts, CniPaiiKiii, Cloves, Peppcr.i rie, ' aud" Siiicoi" hIaTe-TOIs7 'T- Clipwiiig sad, jmokmg To- '. . ecyi-crn. : ! Nmrch, - ' Ixewark Cider, bence of i'innimoiW -T"-- Mtnt,T - : . Clovoev All kinds o( Cordials, Brown and Loa f fiujraTr, AlITiIudsdrWIfle,- Cofi'ee, All kinds of LMuora, it jMtts;- AIJ of tire best rjrrarrtj and Aliitoa'!, latent impurutions; 4 Ursine. ' 'IWtlisr with a great variety of other Groceries loo ledum to 'mention, and which be will sell ve ry low for CMt.ll,. . Moiw. Roueche returns his thanks for the liberal patronageTeretofore"fecciiid, and solicits its cotinu ance. . ; - (Feb- 180.-25. Dlt.G. B.DOUGLAS HAS renioved hie OiTice lo Io. I, i if tiin Office Row of Hie Mansion lotel, latefy occupied by lr. B. Austin . " laiwary 171940. - ,,1"- ;:iL r T5 IUmwv.m I II A3 Locate-Vhimselfyat Col. Doyid - RaiiimTv's, Oakley Grove. Iredell couni U.,ty,:N. (X. and respectfully lender hit .services to the public m the various parlmenls of hi profession.-. -v r.;auory..l0t: J H4aJ,l-Z-Z ,From the South Carvlimt Manufacturing Co. HrlE Bubseriber has received a largssnoply of ft'silr , Irorn the hov Company equal, it not so per hit, io Northern make, and has made srraniteineiiU for a (Tegular supply which will be sidd, wert or retail, OQ reSslUMb M InrnuL MIC II AIM. KliUtV. ,;. Salisbury, N. C, ilarch 27, l-4a , , r.. aurm vnuu CoatrlUTlaLtri.' PHE Subncnber will give steady employmeqt , goud Journeymen Cistch-mskers, who csn to two come Well recisnmorNled fir hibits of eobriely snd induirtry. ..Their business vvtil be Ut make and mf 4aches Ve, which, (if tuey auit) le will pay libersl wses. Z-- M-AKRYr--' 'Xinglna, QytMher 11, fiM. L ... - tf . JJOTlCE.-The Stockholder ' Manufacturing Company are - instalment of Twenty Dollars On in the Salisbury ire notified thai an nt lhi ars On each alia re Will , payable to the undersigned; on lite lth of Jjine nest, jjy order or Ihe Directors of the tUtmpanv. WM. II. IIORAH, Treasurer, ' ' 8. Al. C. , S:ilsirv, N. C'Mar 29, 1840. 3. , J QUE Subscriber has o -bsnd, I snd tor -Sale. It hi Blx'P, .''ury,thr 6ri rtJJwt H'acnns. -- - - SIMEON HIF-LICK? wmttere, 1-438. - ' . i tC . Vr ANTED. A smart, active Negro Girl, to , 'he tooking and.waliing of a small family, ' f the balance of this year. 07- Apply t this OUicc. r June5,l-4 19 A LA Tt ESPEGTFULLY infornia liia olJ friends and cuatouiera, that he haa permanently' located hiiTwelf io Salisbury. ; lie w:fl give bia pcraoiml - Mtention to the Apothecary biiMiit'aK, in he ' UasJett vngH fc.r the lnt ten year, and mty bo found at all lime either at tin reitideiice, or at III aliop, where ha will lake grvul pleasure in "waiting UjHJU att who may givd lam a call." , i v''.:Am) i i). & C. K. VVIItKLKR return their un- V ri(;'id thank 16 their friend ami cuatomer especially I'hyMciaiM and Merchants for die Very liberal patronage bcownd ukjii thuin I lie past year, and in return for llieir kindneaa anrl,liberali. ' ty, are determined' to sell litem Drug, Mexlirimi, l'aintt, re., lower than any other ahop irk North Carolina. All Physicians and othors, who order or buy Drugt, mrdicinei, Painti, dc, from them, where the price or quality do not perfectly please, - ore t alf timeii pnvilerd to return them immcdi ' ately at the aame price ; as they hold themaelvos responsible, in fell cases, to their friends and cos-, lomers for the quality of every article they sell tliem. They will opca their business with the lurgest stock of-Drv'gt- Mtdicinet, Painii, ffr ever brought into this market ; ami all those ; who may wish any thing in their line and have " the cask, or good credit, ihall be. accommodated, if strict attention to their business, good physic, and low price can do it One or both of them will at all times give their pemxidl attention to the business.-; Their shop wilt beopon at all hours for the accomrnrKlhtjon of he ski lwl .'pf 'ei'fi't&aS!K Aiedicine and directions given in all jcases. . Hkc?HII lit ion and advice of Jr. Long, lr. Douglass, and Dr. Bu-rftilirttriteF icy;jtieutioo,xitj;iihetJ)btaiued by-applying al .Jrjr. The worthy, poor, witloirt rnwmytahH "not want Tor nte Jicitie to relieve litem of their af fljciions. ; ''. February 21, 1840. -' r r ' ... Ciarden Kecl. r l'jm',rlmL"k- LARGE Assortraer 6f Of iMZ Fretii and Genuine Oar. 'V ' den SEEDS, just received iiiiiimiii m frnm Ihni Nntf Ijtkaiimi Hlia. kers, (catalogues of which can bo V?en at our store.) AUo, neat Oval Holies and Hand Swifts for Ladies, For aafeby - ; C, 13. & C. K. W 11 EE WE It. W1P, TILUXED, J1XD LhYSUED vliiSkO I El S f r r Tor aalely B.& C. K. WHEELER. . Bansuury, Jan. io, : v . "7 BaiisburV. Jan. 101640V i '- f " ' CrANISirC!GU3,.fine IVwing and Smo1 u king Tolec,.-v' -AT WIIEKLEKS' Feb 21, 1840. -TfjLSCAP, LSTfer, and "Wrapping I'opcr, Pasteboards, at wholesale by .. " ' ', and Fcbriiaiy 2S, 1840. ' m. 'nt, iiiii iTiTn nHiftTinrrfM 'i- L!Xr 9 jLTi'k8600- we!?J. iL XSHAan ' t he lh ing H- ITial w w ailifehoaB, iu( eaW et - Feb. 28, 1840. V , WHEELEK3. t TE ASTinsTaliJ Spiritirfor medical purposes, for sale by G. B. At, C. K. WHEELER. SatlsbiirTT-FetJ; -217 1-840; k "F-" 1-4 LARGE Assortment of Jewellery, Knives, L iV Ponrils. Needles. Thimbles. 4c. can be had very low, at Wholesale, by calling uMn -' , C, B- Ax C- K. WHEELER. . February 2U 1840-. riSE XOBTHKHlf Harwich cs, BUGGIES y FULK'tES, All with Harness and North ern matched Horses, may be - had nhean. kv Stiidvinir 16" . - C. B. 6i C. K. WHEELER. r j i Siilisbury,Feb. 2I,1840. r i - IVaiilral. - rNK flUNDRft) (JALLON3 of fresh color- Vf .: to, oufd-preMml Caator OIL A wly o r 7'' C D. t C. 'VHKI'.L.KK. T - jSaliiry, Jan. 24 1?J0. -; :tf. u . .-.. Cotton Varna. V rtMlf. Siihscriber. A cents for the Lexington Cot J- Ion Factory, would inform Ihe public that they "TiaVe iusl received and now offer for sale, wholesale and retail, the Cotton Yarns of said factory, con sistine of various nu miter. The superior quali fies and character of the Yams of (hi Factory are io wnll tested and known as to need no recom nifmdniinn from it- ThOSC WlBblnS tO DUf 'taae witfpicaie gtye uiacatl. r C. B. dt C. K. WHEELBll, Agta. . April 24, 1640. , . ' tf. CABINETWORK. THEWnbe?1itforms lM' public that he continue the CaliincNTlakins ' ItiiMinrmi, IN THE VILLAGE OF ' ' LEXIXfJTON, NORTH CAROLINA. He ia prepared to" execute all descnptioos of work .in his line of busioeosina xery ruwrior style, a re- rgardii workmanship and materials, and cerlamly on Imrrr ttrmt lhan is afforded by any other eslab lishment of tho kind in this leiiion o! country. Orders frwn a dnisnce thankfully received and oromntlv and fiuthfulry executed, w . Produce, Scantling and Plank taken in exchange Tor work. ' NATHAN PARKS. ' Lexington, Fb. 7, 1940. r... TWIN (WJTTON 8KEIX. 4 - - i smsll auantitr. of Ilie aboo SKED, rsiced by Mr JY Williara Tbirtnas, formerly of Davidson County, left lor Sale at this Office, at frJ w per hunUmi, i November 1st, ls). . , - ' - V G real Western 8tagc JLincl FROM SALISBURY ASHEVILLKt N. C, .Aivangcmcul lor 1810. T" smsjs "PHE above line is now in full operation, and. ar. rives at, and departs from Salisbury as follows i Leaves Safisbvr on Mondnv. TiinrKili.vs. and Sulurdavs. at 8 o'clock, A. M . mid arrivns l Ashville next days, at 6 o'clock, P. M. ; - r Returning, leaves Ashville on Mondava. Thiirs- days, and Saturdays at 5 o'clock, A. M. ; and ar rives at Salisbury next day ar 8 o'clock, P. JT. ; A. RENCIM, It. W, LOXtt. JMB, rsengeJenring Italcigh, NrC:, f6r Nashville, Tennessee, will find to delay whatever on this route. A. U. & 1L W L. Sali-ibury, N. C, Jan. 3, 1840. ' if this. m:imh:r killiai', RESPBCTFULLY ofTershis professions! sertices to the citizens of Salisbury, and the surrounding coumry. Hi office is fn Mr. W-si's new brick-build. ing, nearly opnosite J. & V. Mornhy's store. iitn. Ilarrhou and a Sfrtitdiiiff Ann) in i i. Murn-rf" from thtlPetmburgLVa.,) American Slate$nm. 1 . ci)aRioNt)EXCE.T lZ "' " . Hon. Fiakcis E. Rives jSib At.i n.iiina oi the uemocratic Vigilance tminiee held al . '-K-n! -iu-'.r....:f. .'r..r.- y. ;.,"' i umu iuivi, on uaiurtiHj cvuillllg, I lie AOin in- slant, a committee of six to wjl r Maasra, May, Osborne, AVkllace, Branch, Marti and Butt, were appointed with power to communicate with you to obtain documents which we lila. it not in our poaf er fo get bere and lo ask fie aid of Mr. J. W, Jonos and General Dromtole, if you ahould liut have ,isunf to procure Jiium. -. , .Some of Ibe otdeaHif our Committer, have a distjncr recolleclionlharabout Ihe year 1800, General llarrisoo iiade a speech in Congress, op posed jo the reduyUioD of the Standing Army, and generally 4q, fu4or of the policy pqrsued by ihe elder Adams. Ve think that the speech alluded to willtie fudndin arj old file of the Aurora," - wj''-A 7 B.i H.' MAY-jUhauman. - J.Igre-ftF Rw-iEintiATivAts, JIuy 23r W40r- ltrpoct. a. May,x,nairmairprthe Vcvuxra- tie TJvtnmiUte tf ymrrijHmdmce vf-Ptleribvrg, Sik: In reply to ao much of your communica tion aa relate io the political posture of Gen. Har rison inT800j wa havo to state, that we have ex amiood the iournals of the limine of llenreacniii the Aurora of that day It kpowa lo yourself and to your colleniTues of--tb- HemoereHe-V tgtlnc-t 5ommittce7-thnt soon after the adoption of tho Constitution of the tWfed StatratlMr?' FctferaPpa ftf liahrfcWicjl jwir' principles and policw not only by a latiiudinuui const roctimrtif therpowers -conferred ofTlliS Gov- erofutml', but by an undisguiiied admiraUoJUif JJriuJ snjtttufiona."lTiey mamrested a partiality for Great' Briliao, and her iul6resi in preference to the nations of Europe particularly France. Sogreatwefe llteif parlialiliea and prejudices io fitvor of every thing English, .that Mr. Jeflur. son denominated their feeling an "anglo mama" a niadttcss (n iavor of Ivigland. Jn Una spirit or iginated Jay's treaty. It wa openly charged by lite Republicans of that day, that it was the result of i dishonorable iltsefvienry to the wishes of ihe British MiiiHtiry. - lwa Ihe sou res of a strong ly marked pohticitJ division in ibe country. It was warmly condemned by, the Republican partyso much. , thai their Repri senlatives in Congress, with Mr. Mitdisdn in lliir front, believed thuut. selves jdstifi' d in refusing an appropriation to car. xy. it into cflect. . ...' -' - - '; - - Whilst Ibe Federal porly were matiifeiting their devotion to tbe intoreit of Great Britmn on one band, on the other they ahowed an txas- Derated sutipalhy to the French Rrpuhlie then ,rii,ntinfT into existcrtca. Tiiaii evinrM a air-Ann duixMitton to engaaein a warwiih-Fwr-Trtelp01' their-prrteeii-m. Tbrj nughr soHiMe-t indiscmi.Hta-11, slighfest errors 'of that - .',th tPvamt, no douU, would. , enthusiastic nation, in Ihe exstacies of Jheir new. borii1iheftyTwre-rnagmflcd Iftrb'mirrTil crimoi sod the citixens of America, in direct inconaistiin cy with Iheir own glorious struggle fir freedom, were instigated by Federalism lo unite with ihe crowned beads'or Europe Tin "tbeir inramous cru trade agauift the very exintenco of the French Re public jTho whole policy of ihe Administration of John Adams was, manifestly, to annoy and bar rens the Frttich Republicans, and, in very en. mitf to the' principles of their Revolution, to im- iwwte thwir siWuwosntenl I the eslsMis'nmcnt ef iheir indeiiendence upon tho great ' fundamental dnclrine of popular sovereiiriity the ioulienable fight of the people of every nation to abolish an existieg oovernnteni, ana io infKitute in hs sieaa one of their own Ire voluntary adoption. The AneiVLaw? wmM H rtolirtH thtr'tfoctrme of tmpnrtial oeotrttlity, -whilst open rerHitance' l theConsttlution, it sutieradiled judiciary to mag nified executive power, was evidently 'dem'gned to banish al Iho despotic will of Ihe rresnlentf some lUtinguinhed French refugee who by virtue of ihe lw of imiKMis and in coutorn(ity witn the ga nius of our free institutktus, bad sought an asylum within our borders. . The 8edition Law, under which Cooper and Ly on were fined and incarcerated, cooitiioW a dis tinclive feature in thn policy ul John Adams and bis associate; in Ihe administration of Ihe Fminr.l Government. Without equivocation or denial, il wa advocatod and adapted by Ihe infuriated par tizant of a President, in heart a monarchist, fur ihe avowed purpose of sn;iprcaing 1'ie voice of re. mmwtrance and reprobation, for the lawless and uncrmji'llufional purport of silencing the loud com' nlmtits of tbe constituent body against tha obnox is j I iou meaoure of their represent stives, for the hide- fnUilo Dunwso. of prcvetiiin impular reas-m -1 ' . from demons' rating that t he measures which il dmtouocwl were ol ao anti-republicti tjudeticy, and, if purauod, must end "in slwjlute diupiilisiii. or, at beat, a mixed monarchy " tfuch feetingit, ..and such a course of policy oil the part of-tho Fed tral parly who tbeii with outKtrutclied hand and firm grasp held the reins of GKverinneiit, produ cod between America and Franc wh it was fami liarly knowH in that day by the term yuan amr." Whether a etnnding army should b2 vwutei) and sustained for the purpose of iuliuiid.itin Fiance, makinir war on her commerce, an I evidencing our disapprobation of her revolutioimry aony for self government was a question which coinpiuteiy and thoroughly divided parties during the Aduiitnatrn , Jion of John Adams, and was, at that day, of pro- pondereling influence in the scale of Americuu politics. Let it be aufTicienl for the present to re mark, thai the Republican Party opposed tha ere- ation end support of th standing army of John Adams. The Federal Party originated, advoca ted, and enacted, with the approbation o the Pres. - idool, the several laws bringing ibis army info ex '. Istence.' J- -:: ' ,; . ' " ; An acl of Congress, passed 16th July, 1703, en titlod " An act to augmeut tbe army if the United - States and for other purponos," And Hgaia on (he, 3d March, 1790, an act passed, etttiilml As act for the belter organising tha troops of the United ; Slates and for oilier purpose.". ' . , v fn Ihe succeeding Congress, at it first woo, on January 7th, 1800, 'ihe following resolution was moved aiid seconded, m s " , u RruilvfJ, That so much of the act pissed the iJOih of July, one" liiomsiod seven and ninety United tSiaios, and for other purpa," a auihor:in the President ot tha Uoiiod titate to raise twelve sri : ilitionsl roeiinbnts of infantry, snd six troops of lurht drsgoons, smt to appoint two insjitr gMrale,jM ioepoc- lor gsneral, liirce origaiiier geueraia, sou an anjuiani general and o inlith of the act aaesed tiMUhim of March, one thommnd seven JiMndred and nmpty-nyicj l feitotjUeMr3'JiaU.hw, Jmij t'.sw Tlwiaitdsiir-'-enlitled, "'A irlif!t for After betteForgttiii ting or the Uuopa LThomas, Peleg VVadsworth. ltobt. Wain, Lemuel Wil- T .A lT;i.l mnA .VdKo. ......wmum mm ....ft: J II . It-.. J. - . . of tho United Stales, snd for other purixwc,' u au - thorizea the appointment of a commander of tne srmy, . and a quartermaster general, ought to be repealed."., Ordercd.' T hsf ther said Tnof ion oelcoui raTiteftoT v Committee of the wbolerjlonse.' t - -()nllie flih January, JS00, Mr. ITnrrison, (the present General Will'mm-JHonry , Harrison, the : nominee of ihe - Harrisbiirg ('mivcrrtion for the ' Presidency,) made a sj-eech against the above re aolulion. - ; ' ; , - , This Speech is to be found io Due no's Aurora of the &tli of February, 1900, and is therein thus .' reported i '" , ' ' ' "i - Mr. Harrison said : The resolution has. been & eo ahly spokon to thai it coy Id not bo exriecied to WVeceive any new light from what ho ahould add was j(!lectcd.l!ltiie had iiO idher way of expressina bwojiiuiou on any suhjoel thai I ; came before the IJouse Iban by, faking part in Ihe dcuaie not having a rote in the IIoue lietrutleu he need make no apology for rlc'mg on tlw present subject, whirh, to bun, appeared an important one; ' He was fully of opinion thai Ilie disbanding so large a portion of lh military fiiree wldjiij, jji. Ihs opinion, be was sura he spoke t.hut "of nine .tenths of his constituents, and that they would wilh ' y tmich ..ygdiwaa bear their P'pJtion of the expense wnicn wouiu oeuoenssary to inaiiuuin mese fetW4sMI " The employment of his past life, Mr. Harrison 'aid, had led him to UdievVihat loo otoch reliance was placed .oulUe. militia ,-W ere valor-or alert nes the ooly requisites in the formation of a good soldier, be ahould willingly give the militia that character. . But these are only partial qualities '"compared- wiHrltrewt whonr rhey nsy-bffTatlcrj to meet. What would their valor do if attacked by Ibe military lactic of a Bonaparte or a Nothingsbort of discipline will do for our forces. And ar our militia well disciplined f , No, sir, they are not. , . ' T ' , . , " M-'" Harrison snid he had experienced the in conveniences of a militia army, In 1784, be went out with a number of Ihe militia of his port of Ihe country against Ihe Indians. Whun brought into action, they behaved very well j they did not want courage, but after a very hort service they wanted to go borne, I hey were anxious to see ihuir (ami ties, and, therefore, nuniuers 'miserted end (eft the army in a stale which wa almost ihe cause of Its destruction. - - - - ' ' , " He had experienced aeveo year' service wilh Ihe militia, but was sorry to say, such was.their cotiducl that ha never could think of truuting the Und :r these impressions, and from this experience -we-tnew- hetmoke-the wrNf l-gwatyrbnortion flf a hi constituentj bo sincerely hoped tho reaolution would not pas. .. . This is, doubtlest, tlu) sirccch to which allusion i made Inyouf ifiiiiuuiilcatnn rn llie following Ian guajfe:.'':xincot the older, of our committee have a distinct recollection, that about Iho year' 1800, General Harrison made a speech in Congress op posed to the reluctionof the Standing Army, and generally in favor of Ibe policy pursued by the f.Mef Ada ma. r. A hove, wit Infum. y.ui,"-;., we, pursuing your indication, have found Mr. II ar rison's Speech in the Aurora, deemed by pit the old Republican good authority. r..r v ' Permit u lo remark, (as we are in friendly eor . respondenco,) that il docssi-em, that General liar ; rwMfoojdtbe rncfiw of r-tjiaitdin'ii Ahiivr that, in tin, he differed from the great mass of the Kepuhlicsns ol liiat epoch ibit he did not enter tain that condlimre injlio militia power of the Ptatos of this Federal I'uion as tb" proper and natural df;rM,o of a free people, which in solemnly embodied iriTlie VTrgrniaBill of Riyhu, and re- iterated in the inaugural address of - FlMimns Jef ferson. . ..v-.v '.-..' ' : ' WeVefor you to the annexed itriiclo tf owi '"jlill ttf Right, adopted before Ihe Dutlar itioo of Inde pendence, and to the extract, from .Mr. JoiTcrnn' : inaugural Article 12.. Bill of Rights of Virginia, adopted vin t'lsy, 1 1 ti s - ' .-, , J "That a well regulated militia, comprHiod nf Ilie" body of the people, trained to arms, ia Ibe proper, natural, and wife defence of a free State that Ftanding'iArtnien, in lime of peace, shpuld be , avoided as dangerous to liberty j and that, in all enscs, the military should be in strict wibordina ; lion, and governed by, the civil power.' '.' . V - ' -4 . ' ' y- .. .. - - . . j ... Extract from ilr Jefftriotti Inaugural ; , A well disciplined militia, our bt.l reliance ia peace, and for tbe first moments of wat, till regu- lurl may reliote them." , Tint furgoiug Volition, ProPHing reduction of tho Army, wasTfiidef ilebate for several days. Bpiug a leading party queHtion, and ill time of cfuMiderabte eaciteuicnt, it produced a g rent deal of interasl, and-aitrn iod much consequence to ilK doinrniinatioii. Th; vote which we subjoin, taken ' from the journut n( tho Houso of Represuiiiiiiivo, is, we believe, with very fow exceptions, a party ' vote, and will bu primouiwed by the oldest mem bers of your Coinniittoe, who yet retain a distinct recollection of that period? and of ihe prominent men wlio thea played their respective parts on lh . theatre of political action. . r On the 10th January, 1 BOO, the Chairmun re ported that the Commit lee of the whole House had disagreed to the resolution proposing a repeal of the acta authorizing an increase of the A rrny. Tbe question was laken that Ihe House do agree) with the Committee oT the "whole House in their' . said disagreement. ,,." xH --- f Resolved, itft he affirmative- Yeas 00, nays 30. (Gen. Harrison not votiug, because not entitled to 0,e-) i:; "" ' ' Tkmt who toted il thn nfimatm, terre-VVillism ' ' Alston, George liner, Bailey liartlett, James A. Bayard, ,. John Ihrd, Jonathan Mrice, John Brown, Christopher C. Chaniplin, Win- Cooper, Sam). V. llsns, John lsvon port,-John Dennis, Geo. IX-nt, Joseph Dickson, William rldmond, Titos. Evsns, Abie! Foster, Dwight FiMer, Jonsthan Prooman, Henry Glenn, Kauil. Goods, Chaon-' cy Goodrich, Klir.ur Goodrich; William Got dun, lliurer ' Griswold, Win- Uany Grove, Ko. Goodloe I tarn r, 'J lio.- inarMwWliySAfWirMtrJ HMBMitTfti,itrTJen-'u jvnm linger. J sums II. lutliy, John Wilkes Uitlera, Henry Lee, Silas Lee, SaniL Lyman, James Linn, John Marshall, Lewis K. Morris, Abraham Nott. Harrison U. iliitbJ Powsll, John Keed, Joint Kuuodge, Jr., Kami, tkiwalt, James Sht-al'e, Win. Shepard, HsmL Smilh. Beni. Tali- lims,atid Homy Woods, 7ni ho voted in the nrgativr, axrt Tlteoiloru JMey, Phtnuel-Biahop, Itoborv Jirowe, Gabriel Clin. tie, Witihew Clay, Win. C. Cole Claiborne, John Con- '" dit, ITtomaaT Dviii John Dawson, Joseph Eggleston, Lucas Dlniendorf, John Fowler, Albert Gallatin, Klwin Gray, Andrew Gregg, John A. Ilaqtui, Joseph lleitor, . David Holmes, Goo. Jackson, James Jones, Aaron Kit chell, Mh-hnot Lmb, Mattbew Lyori.A'aihsniel Muco'n.'j). Peter Muhlenberg, Anthony New, Juhu Nichols, Ju. J. Nicholson, John Randolph, John Smilio, Richd. Htan ford, David rJtone, Thorus Kumter, John I'aompson, Abrsm Trigg; John Triirg, Philip Vsa Cortlajidt, Joe. B. Varnuin, and Robert W illwina,, r " , The foreooing yotey which we have conied from ' tha Journal, tnconiflsTibly estaliliuhe the fact that the, RosolutrGn, declaring thai ihe act authorising Jhe gandipgrmytw)gbl.ftt bc.pule4wiui tainNl by the Iteiiubhcan Parly, Jt raiati party irtM'ton, .The old Republicans on your CoinmittAo -I, L . . Win o" -rooro cnuipoieni man we are o contrast , the B)()vand noes on this queHtion. Pur don us, 1 - -however, for making emphatic reference-to a few name on each aide. : On ihe Federal aide of the ' Samuel Goode, Roger Griswold, Willistn Bany Grovo, -Robt Goodloe lhrper, Arcbibsld Henderson, W-ilianu If. Hill, John Wikes Itinera, Henry Lee, Samuel Ly." man, JojinlarsliaJltJUrjiiHin LyiajPtiAjLfiyjtnFoWsJi. er,- Wm. C. C Claiborne, Jna Dawson, Joseph KcleHUm I.yon,7.tlniiieJ Macori, Potes-Mehlenhorg, -John VtU" " cholaa,John Rsndolph, David Htone, ThootasBnmlcr, ,' Philip Yan CortlandU. Josepb & Varaam. f General Harrinon made hi anccch on iha Oih ,A Jjinuary, 1800. On ihe 12ih day. of Msv, 100. , he' WH'sTioiiiiuafcifbn or of Indiana, and no ihe next day' his nomination was confirniod by ihe fScnnte. From these facte f iherecanbe no doubt that Geu'l Harrison was ' . completely idetiiified wilh tho old Federal party, ' ' 5 as it existed under ibe administration of J. Adam's. 1 . There are other subject" mentioned in your lt-r - ler, but they have been sjuotcd in (he ncw'npa iters, ' and are now undergoing discussion. , ' . . The speech which we furuiMh, and the party vqi ; from the jouniala, wt have not soon aa yet pub- -lisbed. . . ;. W rngret that our able, ylrtuous Fnd. dislin- .1 .: guislmd collfague, JTiio. V. Jones, hat been pio- ' vented, by severe indisposilion.l'romenguging per lonall) with usjn litis 'investigation, (which ar counts for Ihe waut of bia aigtiature to Ihii reply) the renult of which we communicate. We are au - Iborizcd losay thai not only wilj Mr. Jones, tiu f ihflalfourDi'roricraticcollengueiwiilmiisichMtr. r folly id, at nil times, ; in giving to thr Dcihijcratic T" Vigilance Commillea of Pelershurg, and to mtt iiM-niiiu menus generally mroogtiout Ilia. Stain, allsurh informntion aa they mar reouire. n.l which may be within our power lo procure. For ouraelvf, we lender yyvt oui ; willing aid. I Tn conclusion, sir, we cannot forbear to exnresa our high grsliik ation our honest pride as Virrin tani, that you and youf colleaguos manifest a de : ; termination lo investigate, on principle ihe rela. " live claim and qualifications of the camlidnie for ' the Presidency, fcir, we soeak from our heart. wtcn wo declare oor admiration of your example. You evince a noble determination to disregard ihe ' - tuBVKTM i iumun ui nvmry, ana ine wild '.'"";- 01 intoxication, by which il is endeavored loenlmt rfifl panaion am! to overwhelm the reason of the Krt"-r-.' (it is nt in your moral and political code,) encour. age a morbid appetite, and administer provoc utive i - to vniBTea inste, ior me tnuje purK)o of . rinjr papy inumpii. iwi would not base t politicnl victory upon tha degradation of iha morale ol your countrymtn! If we are "defoaied, and wo cannot n,, soch diKasier, let us preserve Ihe proud conscious. m - oi nnvnig u'Mie noiomg io impair our moral ana p -dittos! integrity of having committed no act calculated lo lesen cotifidence in the intelli gence of the Pwph', and in Iheir capacity for m;!f. e goyernnmi.t. Make known In your fellow inom. Iter of ihe committee, and lo Ihe Hpniit.i;...,-r Ihe "cockide of Virginia," the willingoew 0f our. selves and eol'ieugues to aid yon and the citirx-t.s of oor Commonwea th irenerallv. in- tha n,..,i..M strmtgle in which we aro involved. ' " ; ' W'e ae very aincerelv and respectfully", , ,' " t Your friends and fellowitiz nt, . FRANCIS E. RIVErt, . - - ' ; GEORGE C. DBOMGOOLF., v - .. 1.

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