neck cunts, but they have proceeded to collet tlieir debts aa rapidly s possible. la this way, by ma king money scarce, a depression Hikes place in ev ery thing and, prices mint full j I ha cry of " bard timW". is then started and the Government i charged ith' having produced them. The results of the la", elections in Connecticut have beep pro claimed by the Federal party, with all their Usual noise and shouting, as wonderful victory, although it is pot pretended that the Republicans have lot tn inch of ground since the Inst elections. Let us look t the pari which the" Rinks of Connecticut took in Ibis content. The following statement is taken from the reportof the Commis-iioricrs who, by few, periodically examine. the Banks of this State, and report their condition. We, will take lh"fe'nwnthi during ; which jlie election contest as 2in on for Governor and other State offices: Oo the 80th djy of Sept., tSo'J the state of 4he Banks was, i -- Loans. jJotesiu circulation.. Secie in vaults, il,l90,8W. 3,621,291. 458,733. . On the 30ih January, 1840, embracing precisely a period of four montls, the state of the Banks was f Loans. Notes in circulation. Specie in vaults. 9,598,562. 1,886,140.. , , 484,433.:, From this showing it appears, that in the small State of Connecticut alone, within the short period of four months, and that during the election con test, he Banks called in $1,935,158 of their notes, while tbey forced out of circulation in the same time, more than f2fl,000of specie. In four months diminishing lha circulation of the Slate nearly sir ty per tent .'When this is the game played over die Country, can any man doubt the cause of the " hard times." Whoever does doubt it, must be blind indeed, or his condition may be accounted for by the old adage, which saya " that none are to blind at thou mho will not see." ;. . f "STANDING AiniY7(W more.' . To hear the awful torcbodinjrs of death and devolution which the Federal Harrison humbug ged aremaking, on the impracticable plan of Mr. ...FoittseU (which, by the by, is novrivert up and abandoned by Mr. Poinsett himself, and will not be '-acted on by Congress,) who would suppose that their "veiled prophet,"- or rather, cngod hero, had proposed one ten times worse, and at an ex pense nearly equal to four times Poinsett's estimate t Yet such is1 the fact. Hear what' his opinions are from bis own mouth: . . ' Gen. Harrison says: " Instead of the few days now appropriated to the purpose of training, and thevers ft-w hours. of those days actual ly employed, some weeks at least must be devoted to the p'urpne,'end the men must be taugbt in A MI'S OF DltK-'lPLINE, those ...duties which representing faithful image of actual war, form the best school in which it can be taulU. For the accomplishment of so object so desirable, NO PAINS OR EXPENSE should be spared.! Again he says: "At the frequent reviews which should take t plscs, particularly that by the commander-in-chief, every thing Ut fascinating in military array, the whole POMP OF WAR" should be introduced to keep up the ardor of the youth, and excite the circulation or the uiuereni corps, i nave recommended UA.MI'S t'r , DISCIPLINE for instructing Uioss wlio are elresdy capable of bearing arms; but the career of military - iustruetioD for our youth, should commence as song ss their mental and bodily powers have acquired sufficient e trench. Professorships ot tactics should be estab . lished in sit our Seminaries, and etfcn the amusements of the children should resemble the irymnssia ot the Greeks, that they may grow up in the practice of those exercises, which will ensble them to beer with the du t ties ot the camp, and the labors of the field. ' it will no " doubt, (continues General Harrison,) be urged as a rea- - son, for continuing the old plan, that the ponre elsM of our ciliiens cannot spare FIVE OR SIX WEEKS IN A YEAR FROM THEIR FARMS to learn military duty. 1 know they cannot, without being psid, but is not our Government able to pay them .'. If not, they ought to make themselves so, by laying oil ADD1- - TIONAL TAXES." . ' '" 4 (fctr The hud. WstijTinian Contains l letter purport ing to belmm Aquitliii'beshire.JUq .,of Ilavie County, ill ret'eience to publication which appeared in lhn paper three weeks ago; in answer to all ut winch, we have only to make a plain statement Ou Thursday f our May Court, Mr. Cheshire came into the office of the Caroliniau f the express purpuse of reo,ncUng a contradiction through the columns uf this paper, of what he deelnreu to lie the unauthnriied ue ot his name by the Federal party how. - We were not in the Ollice at the time, but Mr. Fi.--h::r happened to be Mr. Cheshire desired hlin to write a notice saving? that he wss mrf one ot the Federal IfaYrjaou men, ss they hsd taken the liberty to publish' him previously, but tliat he claimed to be a true Republican, lly his request and at at his dictation, Mr. Finher wrote the notice end submitted it to him, he fully approved and re quested its insertion in the Csrolinttn. It wss accord ingly inserted : Mr. Cheshire received a paper trom the press cnnla irtincr the article, declared it was pre cisrly what he wished, . pot it jq las pocket, and went home. : VVa thought no niore about the matter. Three weeks afterwards, we find in th-Wirchman a letter, as we ssul Udore, purporting to be written by Mr. Cheshire, declaring his adherence to the Federal psity, and what is more strange, dimvowitir his former pub lication. We leave it to Mr. Cheshire and Ins new friends, who have involved him in this unenviable diffi culty, to settle it as they ' please. He might have de. serted the tlcpubiicsn ranks and sons over to federal llarrisonism with much less trouble, than by this sort ol wheeling snd jumping about two or three times in as many weeks. ' -t , ' 'i '" TOE TUB WKSTEHJI CSROLIMtA. ' 5 Ma. Eoitow: I here enclose vou a short corresnon- dence between myself, and several otlha Ohio Mem bers of Congress, which plesse to publish. One of the penllemoo who signs the answer to me, represents the District in which General IJarriton lives. As I remarked in tny letter, the whole auair is certainly a very small matu?r, but those who are usiuir it io Row an,' have nothing but small matters to go upon in this contest, and ot course Uiev must make the moxt ol it. I shall however soon publish a eireular address to my constituents in which I shall examine the pretensions of beneral Harrison to the Presidency. ( think I thill be able to sl;ow the esndid portion of my constituents that whatever claims liar noon miv have on the Fed eralists and Abolitionists of the North for their support, yet quite oveirun anJ troJJen down by' the Federal loomed amtincracy of the. land. The people yet have iiitpli!ence enough to thslinpuisli truth from falsehood, even in the productions of a " lierary " lawyer they can yet kluiUuguiha brick-bat from a plough-share.- The people of this County, geuerslly, I apprehend, are not fully acquainted with the plan upon which the Watchman is how conducted. In my opinion, and it is the general improtMion hereabouts, Mi. Jones is just as much tho Editor of the Wslchman note, as when bis name was to it. And 1 account for it thus: Mr. Jooo found out, probably from bis dulinruiuhed services in His friends opposed to to that institution, proclumi Win hostile to it, lie voted in the Ohio. Senate in 11, for a bill, tp $tU ss s srrixinl sny person imprisoned up on eaecutiinror ofarrieise for the non-puy inent ol a line or cost, or bulk j and the relstkui between sucli pun iia ser and prinoner would be lliat of mailer und hiihiiU. lie, tieurral llanisw, has been called upon, tune alter lime by Ihe peopUvwhoae sullrages he Seeks, 4o an swer certain questions, and put to rent Ins vonflictiiig views of NstHHisI policy; he peremptorily fetuses, and denies the right ot the people to interrogate hun. (The door is shut, and thesim of the latch has turn the Ust LegialHture, his popuTarity in this county in.) His comniitu, who Imve h,s conscience ' needed more than ordinary nursing, to keep him above water. To do this effectually, hs must retire as the mimisuf Editor, and dlscc others at the head of it thru he could wiiteas much "sort-sawder" sbotil himself and his kin, as he pleased, and have it alt published as .'JimriaJ as the productions ot the "littrury" Editors (nnrninalty) uf the Wstchuisn. lis then remarks, Mr. " Editor, t mean no oersoiwl disreaueet t the ffenlleon " whose names are to'the Watchman as its Editors, For them personally, I have the kindest feelings, . But Mr. Jones is bore aain mwiakeii fie cannot play this game here in open dsy -it'srsthor too strong, snd lie will to no it so, betoro lie gets inrougn tne sum mer camnsiapn. ' T " -. In eonelusinn, Mr. Fxlitor; I was anru'sed to see the extrsonlinsry labor Mr. Jenes sxpemle! in hm defence in the last Watchman, and hin utter failure to relieve himself in the least from the odium of having, wilfully ,it..knMri.iiitjjl U, Vmlmr ' intf Imiui lut linu .ml u . . . . ..... ... . . T I MnuKHUknMM mnlUr, i.l 111 ma l.lf niflirmlllHu involved hunsult still deeper in the mire, tosn, whiefi w,..-.. ' . ..... .1 stM ..Ii.ih Ika I 'Iib ipiiinn sa n4 Naisaf it ritm mn in their breecbee pockets, ssy "that their policy usthat the G.eeeral make no further declaration of Ins princi ples for the public eye, whilst occupying his present" position." Reielwrd. Thst Uie Federal Whig schemo lately Droniulfed. thi.t the (ienersl (iovernnient ought to s sums the debts of the Slates, arising to Foreign pow ers, when m truth, North t srolma t not muewed one dollar, would operate Jlnally, as an unjust and grievous til upon her, and ws all now, ni tne name 01 me tie publicans of .Hurry, enter our most solemn prolM sgsinst it,aa being unwise, unconstiiutioiial and oppres sive. ; . JJrsoW, That lite late attempt ol the Federal - vernnr and Privy Council of New Jersey, to pslm upon. the vMi tongress, men as represents tne trom lint State "Wlio had received a minority of the voles of the freemen of. New Jersey, waa a FRAUD, and a direct attack upon Uie elective franchise ; and involving in its- lie cannot flounder, even with "Ihe aid. of his bostcd "note laker." NO LITERARY SI AN. r ... r0R THE WISTkhS CASUM.1UN. Ma. Eniroa! It really seems that all the Federal Lawyers in the Slate have broke hose from Die Coun ty Courts, sad taken to the stumps, yes. all of thorn from lawyer GeorgoJJ. Badger, down to our neiplji bour, lawyer Bruminell. W bat does this mean 1 Whv is this so 1 When before has the lime iroiie bv in North Carolina, that we have seen such exhibitions t This very tact should awaken Uie suspicions of the peo ple, and make them diligently enquire into lha cause. On motion, the Chairman and Secretaries were re quested to sign the proceeding of this Convention. The IMilorsof "The North Carolina Ntsndsrd," snd Western Carolinian," and Other Democratic papers in the Slate aie requested to give them an insertion in their papers , 1 Un motion, the meeting aojisirneo. , tt. in. w auvjii, t;hiirmao. Jossra Consao, VViijjan 1L llowsao, Secretarica. 4 Another Fight among Cotivreumen. -We see from the Infn papers, that nnother .mall fight' ha. tiJ; I'hst ia it ! -la it becaumi the exDenses of the Govern ment are going down at 'the late ot five- millions a year ! -Is it becsuse the impost taxes are now taken w .v ..,, v.. w ... "ii. wit:j WQIV U1IUUI 1U I ( I , , t I Tantroi and i-is it becsuse the Admin-H" ' From iKe Augutta (fJs.J Chronicle mni Smlintl Friday Morning, 2i May. t On Wednesday night, when our 'first notice of m the Freshet waa penned, our city waa in the most Already had a co. ! f,V. Iforriton a FeJeralitt, and ui favor of a Standing Army " in 1800. The Federal party, aha are unw pushing forward old Gen. Harrison, TC: ' waa a most active and zealous. Federalist during the " roiijn.of terror as the Administration of .J.ihn Adam was called." Tfiey try to deny that which inflicted fines aqd imprisonment on Free- tVtHsfson'rjf BpfttrKa'oljdnfte to claim for him an association With Mr. Jeflerann and the Republicans in that dark and perilous time. Mr." Randolph charged it to his face, on the floor rfthfl Senate in 1826, and ha was forced to ac knowledge, that lie had been a friend and support er of Adams' Administration. ' On the outside of to-day's paper will be found conclusive evidence of his ccoper'atioa with that party, sud that he waa an advocate of, and strongly urged the odious and auti-republican doctrine of maintaining a " Standing Army" in 1 800. ' Being then a (Megnie in Coiigress from the North Wes tern Territory, he delivered a speech defending tlie "Standing Army," and aoninst disbnndine it. when lite same was proposed and voted for-by. all the Republicans. ,Aad let it be ninfkod further, that he had as a Delegate no vote, and had pre- MtfidWSapHW ih wrteotwirstf jmmroVlivnlAai' siiioii of ni'utralii'y between the Federal and Ue- piiblicmt piiriies of the day, fitr the purpose of car- ..r' mg-ihruu n-sttnuj-iciwu.ree--IW- -his-cornrtttuenrs by theaid uf both ; but his zal became so great that he threw Hiijo .ftCUtiftlUy nd emeeurri this " Standing Army" speech onenly fortjjfi " deriil aiJiniiiisf ration, nflJMs TipTfi' nmnihs after its deln -"imtnreff hy JinAiTrTo-"Be UoVernor of the . North West Territory- Tti-; Imdge of the Fedorulists of that day was a bluck coekndo worn on the bat, and from this, they were culled 'he " 6ura- cockade vartu" At a Rpuhiic:in Convention Intely held in Jeflorson irvrjvliidwnwrone' 'orTIieTicr rresideh'ta, an old mm by the name of Mills, who has long known On. Ilnrrison, wna called upon to say what he knew about hts political opinions. -The old man in reply, amongst other things, answered that he was in Cirktumrti when Gen. Harrison returned home from Congress, at one tune during the Administra tion of John Adams, wifA a Mark cockade in hit s it, and that all the Federalists in the city fol- J.',wd bia examplerand hoisted this odious badge ef Toryism. ' " , ' After tliese proofs and a thousand others, to show that the old man waa and still is, one of the worst u come ofT between two of the booorablos at Washington City not however, exactly in the House this time, but only in the lobby. North Ca rolina figures more largely than tn the last exhiht The present struggle is one of immonsis importance to the country snd particularly to lha Southern Slates, J and all who value the permanence of the Union, snd 1 the rightsitf'iho people, should spars no pains to make tliewsejves w niWof-tfid'lT the prmcplea snd consequences invol- :,b I :.. l l-J i. . n l e ' uj oi hit cunnuiuema ara uauinir ur- Zy '". ""u ,u 'Kmu' tween two opinions. I ssk them to wait ioriurther In. he hgnt waa between two North Carolina mem. formation before they decido. They will have ample bert : Mr. Kenneth RBVfief add Doct'r. William I opportunitica of understanding the whole suliect be-J .vino, ,ij irpj-nuuii wonigemerv r rrnnr tpe acpnanta cotiTinnea ia the papers, jLsgems ver ner Vas to blame, He first made an attack on Dr. Montgomery through the columns of the Globe, .touching a speech in which he (Mr. Rayner) felt bis sensibilities wounded ; but being rather worsted In the newspaper encounter,"he abandoned the pen and resorted to -CHARLES F1S11EH" lloesi o RerbEsasTATivca, May 29, 1 W. To Ihe Hon. John i A Welter, Alexander. DuuctnJ lViiliow Doan,n4 William Aft dtll: 1 GENTtKiiarrT here nenTton a newspaper in which you will see a loiter or the lion. Henry Clay. The , . ' iiHwavio,, vi uiui letirr una; vm my laio visit vi vk more irnlrtn argument, by ma-. ,. f mvfrBgidor.c , ... -.i. 7n .nilrp n king an assault tn,jnd upon the body, head, and constituents at two Urge meetings j one at Salisbury, shoulders of the Doctor, not exactly a the law "d the other at Lexington. In the course o my re ... . .. . ...... I mrk t madA mpntftin tS a rpnnrt. in AirrnUtwin lliml men say w.tfi p.sto s, d.rki, clubs, bludgeons, &C.,;Mf cb( whiie Mtlng Secretsry of Stale under Mr. but With one Sword Cane. Dr. Monfsomerv Waal Adams, had objected Xa. nrnnim-ed Gtnml ilarriann'a , - i ' - i - ' i r - unarmed, but, from accounts, it would teem that "ppointment as Minister to Colombia on the score of ma incompetency, it seems, in consequence ol wnal klration have arrested Internal lmprovemeiiU by thel sidirabt8-p(TrtTon "Bf Iho-cttjrbccn inundated, rund- r eaersi uovernmeni, sna cut on that source ot unjust I tne river conimuea iq rise at a leswui rale. 10 expenditure 1 Is It because, Mr. Van Iluren has do- alteniDt anv dcscriulion'of a ealamitv so awfull -l J L: J , . - I ... ':. . ' . . ' . . V yr',, nowiijiy to uie in. aulilime wonlil be worse than vain it required In famous Abolitionists Or, is it becausn they, sre A UMJmmMt,h-H iw .rt-tfwr.CTrtriiiv!rsT: slamisw Miat tin AdwMrwratW-intsfiiy'lie 'Cu-1 tl i .i. w.j ,' . . . .7 ' vernmentlo Die doctrines atid praeticrtrf tT.e Rcpob- auu" f l """Jfi ?"7 lican party of 0rJ l-lf It bo not this, why is it that ell WM comlcy Mhmorged, and the river eoniiuu the r ederat lawyers and Uoctors are In sucb a quatw mR " "" ,w pamiui one J many dary, and excitement 1 Why.frdm the ms-nnoria which I familiea were stilt in their houses, entirely. sur- lhe bluster snd snlnttpr aliiil.iiu ikt uii-,l,i limrleit -WtmtsM tn lliKnT - aif tfie County Courte are to be abolished, and all .MiejaULW Hie water making rapid inroads upon Idem. JL5M L WPW j m iherwve more wwty Vrbm rtus'fearrUT ami akrmiioiwluon Jthe v were" stiilling wes mr uie wwyers,w esses or l.c-doloreux U.ti-d Ww luUi. ..Jl k.-., Zlu.. t.. tor the Doctor, lint 1 ssk again, why is It that those 1 7 ' - ,., disciples of Law snd Physic sre taking such interest I "on' iostancea, until they were atan( to their in Una contest, t here nrnsl be some reason for it, and, 1 nrc" wsior. in una wora oi nouie, generous II I now ask is for every Farmer snd Mechanic in (he I philanthropy, many of our citizena were engaged . onniry to ttiina aooui it, tua ace u luey cannot 6ml oat all night and tn many inula ncea it waa perilous, the cause. - A LOOKER-ON. Mr. Rayner made no more at this effort than the other; so, on the whole, he had as well perhaps quit the drive, and give it up aa a bad job. Such arenee have already disgraced Congress ml-tli--cJie-Trequenrt7.' Without doitlit. thev oueht to meet the universal renrnhatinn of all osrties. bnt it would be verv Hem' nihil ia! in,2"JSW ' . i sd. rwt ! r - m .- i---' "?Wsjr eWf - If f l-frr fit Hi n Tr a tnmn unit ahI it I wsai.ll lk.k rwtaiunmr '----t;-. - ; w , . ' "vw ar-rinv i s iiik ant vi lj B Will liniip I ssid, that a letter was written to Mr. Clsv. informimrl him of what 1 said, snd Inquiring into the truth of the report. His reply is in the letter lsend you in ths newspaper, lu sny remarks, I only Mi led the eircam- stsuce as s report, which J. ha4 men heard, -wtucfi 1 1 had never snon conirsdiswd, and' therefore supposed to be true! The whole stTnir ia a very small matter. rfW'hAnofiiuTe g6nflemeii dT gel at it, that instead of the little by -play of a seuflln, as it generally proves, they nnd to tigfit it out to their hearts con temV"Thhr;wDuld behe" the evil. moaFeflectulTcui uie for l ypo; to inform me whether you ever before heard of the report alluded tol I addrem you, for the reason Mist you are Representatives from Ohio, the State -where LieueraUiuujM-reswJest-i lrOH TMK WMTKRF C01.IKIATI.- " Ma. EniToa, Sia: I see a piece published in the Watchman purporting to have been taken tVon the Whig Banner, rolative to the erection of the Harrison flag in the town of Statosville. I think the author of that must be s dealer in wooden nut-nietrs, snd that, too, by the wholessle, it is very antou'isliing what false, hoods are published about Iredell, snd more nsrticulsrlv of Slstesville. I Wss not prew'ntmyiielflhulluve been. Credibly i ii lor mod mat there could not have becu more than fifty persons engaged in it, snd tho most of them citiaens of Stsiesyille, sndjnmeien or. Mesa persons from uoi. iiickiisrus stiop, one mile (rqm the place, where the pole and log cabin were made, and from whereby w,ercJiaM luturn'iaiioii on the subject, and I would' ariviao him the next lime to know something abrmt the facts, and then stick to the truth. , . . A CITIZEN'. Statesvillc, N. C, June 2, 1R40,'1' ' c fliimmittir of Klrstiftni in ftmitrrrf T',m mn. Yours, tery resjieclfullv, . ' ' mMUUm - JURIES -Ff gWEttT"" Yasiu iaT-.QT v-i - ."'iiy.i '.'a.MK.un4flnsiKWHiiiim- rffWFTWTwrr. mmnininir a b' m inm '?Ztoaiif lyitUla casii lias oeeupied weelhritscTrmeo to "lC Jones Esq." Vou fjk ligation, and it is not yet concluded. It seems that they are necessarily required to sit during tho time that the House is in Session, otherwise they ROCKPOttD CONVENTION. rrweTrmtatttrsTrrjiir 'publicsns of this County, at our last. March Superior -Court, to he'd- pr-ewey wiemirTjftho neoDle.'knd se locl Dels'irates to confer with other Delegates, (auuoiul. :Tja jmeachvtrHMftl Dfstrict'ln the Countliqepnycniv aa the streets in many ulucea would swim the tall eat horses. When the dav dawned, our city aa pea red ss if standing in the midst of a vast sea of water, winch extended asfaftfTllie eye could reach from the highest eminence. Boots capable of earn ing forty bales of cotlon were floating through everv street in the city" '. ' with the greatest ease, and our beautiful broad atint waa from two lo ten feet deep, and in some placea ruiiuiug with the fapidtty iof a mountain tor- rent, and continued Ihrotigh the day yesterday. This mornipg- the water in the river ImaJallun so ar not to flixiirilie'citv. exornt in one or two nla. cea which aryct strong and rfeep cufrcMs Jh. witMrawnT''6f th& Wor trom the other pnr. tious of. the eity, makes bare our streets, once" beautiful and level, which presents scene to the eye which no Inngunge enn describe. Those only . who are arqusinted with the character of pur sjuil 1 , cainia ve iny conception of the damaffe doi.a le .4Ji'eta4k-iW'-wiwnyplaCT ,i.,,..ii..i.,-..... r. etl tenor lilleen feel deep. J he destruction of jptppertyJiota. puMia-and-pfiviitei fnw been itni" whether we ever hsrd the re Don that Mr. Clsv. when Secretary of State, opposed the nomination of. lienerat Harrison as minister to Colombia. We ans wer, that we have frequently beard it, and it would be could make no progress whatever In their business. : f iyn?,ad,.,if MrL CU,J, hm"l htd "er ,, .rh. iheardit! His silence heretolore on the subject, taken in The Committee consists of the following mcinhers:j connection with some other circumstances, left no JLfojPs n.f ?puih . Ctuoliua..u ; Mr, Fillmore, of New York. ,Mr. Rivet, of Virginia, jlfr. Fither, of North Carolina, jlfr. Brown, of Tennessee. Mr. JMiH.ofOhio. , ,A Mr. Smith, of Connecticut. Mr. llMIt, of Virginia. " Mr. Randall, of Mainef . itlw,'byn nu r mjnds of its trqth.' , , loura, erj respeciiuny." JOl I loa. Cfuatn Fisiiu. OI1N R WF.LLE0. Wir.LIAM IKJAN. A. DUNCAN. ' The Federalists here sre tvyinir to use the taking of tlie next eersoae;sinst the Adi'ninistrsUon, "sayinp tlrat Mt. Van llnren is going to lay a direct tax, &e As no ene but a fool ir a scoundrel would make the assertion, it is not worth contradictor " , finoxtillc (Tesn.,) Argus. -HI :.t.L . r.A .ill.l. ......... I. . sort oil ederalieta, ia it not extraordinary that his - e . u n- ... . ... . . . of eny parly would pronounce auchlyipe, and base i - , Hovsc or RspasssirrsTtrcs, May 2!), 1840."- 1 1 certainly licrdthereiwtalludedto,nng'hefnrethe dale of the Bnroch which yoo are said to have deliver- ed in North Carolina, but have no knowledge of its trjiw or juunijr..., - WILLIAM M EDI Lu Hoa, Catttn Fisnca. 100 Ik id ia fro" :r0wd--"i ,M abort; Jl 'gwirs- Ilk" bsC IdiimiBei BaTtn"! K,,p-titC.. d,Rehi'' J, poinin h Ihe pe ieirhoev bosom rom othc. onstittitk it of tlie frtf', in that lb eld in ,h Btbeew' and still is, leyscarca- llr;w, "PPl'lrs should now ..have. the. . unblushing pre- aumptioo te deny the fiiclT ,.It is but another proof -of their Cffitempt for popular intelligence. - They "Jl "W- Pania-aMeh.JttiaJuijg,J4arder'o8' sling, and log cabiil parades to turn the attention of the people from the man and the cnu?e, but 1810 ill only give them another lesson o'f -experience J!L? recurtpnce of the Cito lLatbofel them In 17 08 jnd l2S-utter defeat. : ".-- i. - -- - ' Standing firm on Frta').T-Elward J. Black, Jgti Colquitt.and Maj. Cooper three of the State trickery a the above paragraph re (era to, it is neverlhelcss true, that 'there are those pretending to thHdhjractercfJtn hesitate to retort to it, to bolster up a sinking cause, here, and elsewhere. - We fully concur in what is said above, and will waste no further nolicffon the matter than merely to hint to aN whom, it mayxon. .cefhVTniit aT mire as we can satisfactorily Ascer tain what we indirectly- hear, they thai! 4 expo sed y name, In the disgrace and contempt which their conduct "de-servca. . ';,.- lias wis hen 'n opposition to the Administration have each pub- wtied an able address declaring that ther cannot, I .SuulUea men,-nir RepubtTcans.'go for llarri- ...?.'!n ivUWmg. their deltrmiiMition te- tuwport the re-election of Mr. Vsn Buren. ' Their reasons are iven at length, why they may not, under any Circumstances whatever, .takw up Harrison ; and taj are such as in our opinion ought to be can 'ive on the mind of every' Slate Rights Repub We cannot see how if it possible, for any "w professing Republiean"principles,to think for ' moment of aupKr(ing W"ro. H., Harrison, It "t who eemmcnend his political career by sus taining the detestable principles of the Alien and 'Sedition Uw, who-wasthe advocate'of the Excise yen of tsxes, and who wore the black rockade rederafism in '93. Not only this, but who has, frun 'hat day to the present, been the advocate of Wery encroachmoot on the Constitution, whether by Congress rj the Executive. shall Uke an early opportunity of publishing me extracts from the circulars of these firm Re Nblicans, of Georgia. ureensnt Innees of ths knee' to the Administration tn vain. - It had eoarecly wheeled into the line of the artnv of spoilers, when lo oniflf..ils.fidiUMa bas-se "CcIve'JTiis reward. Dr. Aunlin has been appointed v deputy Marshal. tVmmj(foAyeriurc, FOR TTIF. WKSTES.t CAR0MMAN. Mb. Eoitor: The old sdaa that "the wounded pigeons sre known by their fluttering, was never tn my mind moreentlrtHustrstpd than iq lb fust number of thst literary sheet, the Watchman allude to the lonsr fas speech or Mr. II. C Jonea It is written in liie true style of s pettifb??ert fVill of lawyer inib- aHg-iitin"wT'" ci ir itt in ! repeci loany iiiernry lawyer or doctor, ana its learned fltchts eiiual even some of the learned productions of lbs literary Editors of the Wslchman." v - It is evident from the tone snd manner of the article iin the last.Waljchnisn,lujsde4-The Borlyimri;,'sTid purporting to be, that Mr. Jones finds bim self in a "bad box," and has no resource left, but to quibble out of it He has misrepresented Mr. Ficficr, and has no one to sustain hun but a eertnm nistin pnifhed note tsker,n to whotn he refers In his srli ele (but 1 aupw.t tit- he will low? fty-fi thf tmio.fli nf this " nolo law s evulenee, ss he has slresdy, tr I urt. In nominate Csndalstes for the next General As sembly" Delegates appeared from wanyjifjhe Di ttieta, li -- -". ' . ' On motion, Cd. If. M. Wa ugh wss celled to the Chsir, who Dricny explsiued theobieetof the meeting. Joseph Conrsd and W. H, Howard, Esq'rs., appointed Serretsries. ', V, The following preamble and resulutioos were read jnrt Mnsnimousiy concurred. !p. mense tho upper hridq Jhaa Jbctm entirely tarried jcs tvivewtwetnwn'Trf'RoCkm?, cilixena walohnd throughnut-the uny on fnuiiemisy, wun almost pamiui anxiety the lower bndge. snd the air waa rent with shoots as they saw t wtihutand "shock afler aiiock, from mountains of rsAs, mill and sin houses, 'bridges, dwellings and every class of tree from the sifinll sap- pling lolhe s:urIy oak of the forest which had been washed up, and was" borne away v by the frrcn-flQbq tfltrout,.Juli fleJj4-with fre-faeiintifut ' lohage. ' Uul during nednesdav, night the bridge gave way. .The destruction of private property a also great, many 'wood buildiiips have been en. tircly swept away, and several brick building have been undermined, and some have already hillcn, buf we cannot now give particulars. Tho wharves are still covered, and the dnmnge done to them ia not known, but is no doubt very great, as lurgo pot tiona of them are leert, floating off. Tho collars were all, with very lew exceptions, filled with wa. ler, and a large amount of merchandise ia destroy ed in them aa they filled so rapidly in some instan ces ss to afford the occupanta no time to clear them. It is a source ofgratitude tn Ihe Supreme Ruler of -events, that amid all Ihia destruction of proper. ty, mere pas pot peen, that as. we a yet hear, any oa of human life. We shall, in a day or two, col. Jnct the particulars and give whatever is of mo ment to our readers. : . - - TlVheress; it wss TeooinniendedTv a Remiblicaa meet ing assembled in this place, at our last March Supeitor Court, aa expedient and proper to hold popular meetings in esch es plain's District in the County, to Consult one with knottier on the urgent necessity of hsrmonixing conn'ieingefsimsol Domocratic Candidates for our next General Asssembly And whereas, we think it but riL'ht and tujt thst the people lhenwlvfs should have a word in savinr whom they desire to represent their interests ; snd when in pursuance of tlie above re- eominendalion of. thepeop'e. enthusiastic gatherings "hsve taken place in many of the I)itricU,snd fhdiv gales appointed In act and do for them on this dsy in Convention l Therefore, -v irsosesfThst we, ss Deleeatos from ths several - precincts in Hurry County, having examined sad inves tigated the ersirov of the Candidates Drnoosod st the dil- forent meetings, with s sincere snd. esrnist desirs to - wim snd sctirm, hsve the pratificatkm oTannmiheing to our Republican brethren throughout the county, the following unexceptionable men as Csndidstes tor seats - in the watr twtflstnre ( Wh.mssj P. Dei rTWtfmwen,.-Tlto.nii.t' T.l hista. Pi.aaaasT U IT i ass to, and Dmkkrsos TaUArnau. Resulted, further. That we regsrd the present op. port unity as highly proper to express our decided snd unstated spprolt:on of the wmlom, firmness and pa Iriotic-wtwrttoneof President Van TJuroti-of his ef forts u keep in legitimate bounds the exendilures of tne uenersi uovernment, with an eye aingle to its mit economical adrhiniatration of bia earnest wish tn aid In furnndiinr the people with a constitutional and ata ble currency i so ss to prevent our property fio'n being Sll'jrted tO flteyiStifln T pieer.M...M.l ..p.-.i.. eJiLunnKK) snd contraction of tailhless, and in msnv cs ... ,,,,i. infiirmed. tfi.n diffi..nt v ...,. rotten. inFnivctit JJanKs nu ncompromisinjr f hi,;mlf ondernr-l Mr FLher to nr. Kn . ''.KrUlily to the h-irth-rl F.?de r.S.l.doClrin.4..Urset. ni.a I,... .llnrn.ll 'sr "mil wre u innu ui iiiv nuuwiii ih-ooio III inn WSV j u.,7 ..... , .Jm. J .....J,l nni-, .mi . n i un unri t' iiKtll'-J map IS aUXJl Tliis gentleman Is evidently of a "literary" lum, as" well aa some of his brother blue lights in these parts j but liable to errora it seems, both literary Hind polilical. First, literary ' jo," friend, look back at our scrap book again, and correct your quotation'" pregnant hiugee" is an awkward mis lake, it is wsill you made tt no where else, or you might have been laughed at. Second t political Io." Dr. Austin wss appointed Deputy Marshal .not by. the Administration, but b one of your brother loii 'cabiii eiderjane, U, Daniel, bs you very ' snt'o Ihe word in your ear, don't go off next timo befiira , yoo are ready friend. . " - , Chemistry.' When butter is to. he madi if a little old butler be put Into lha cream, the butter will come from much less rhurning., Wb"n soap is to be made, if a little old soap be put into the ley and" grease, the son p wilt be made with const da mid less boilmjj Fsrswr sf iiaritvr. V htfWt'es,',h(WeVff onefl Ihe and wriiiea out. esnnot bs rereiowl ss evidence; It is tnie, Mr rhtrtr;l1inr hone bt tlie nine gentle men of the Cenlrsfc Committee who t'frnd the Csrd in the Carolinian of the UUth ultimA, sre " Literary men," none of them lawyers, Doctors, or gentlemen of leimir. They stl eat tlieir broad by tlie swesl of the brow," snd may not have euite snch emnrnirnt me-ohn-h-s as Mr. Junes snd some ot his Iriemtt scorn to be blessed with but, I have yet to learn, thai in this Re publican land, the statements of such men are to be discredited, becaooe they do pot pursue sny of tlie learned profest-inns, snd beeause they go tn convict a "literary" lawyer of having wilfullv missisted facts. with intent to mislead the public mild. Yet this hrteiTTPnTilrWl for the wants ol the Government: Resolved, Thar, lor the resaws enumerated sbnve. an ia we support wsnin vsir llnren,' we sre com. i pulled to sey, we cannot rote Mr William II. Harrison Becatiae, a we bulivvc, Lis princinles as understood '. are anU(joniM to lbs interesis of the Southern peopls t . Such a dwr. sliulm? interest does he feel In Ike policy of a high Tnriif tor the encouragement of domestiema- , nelaciaret, as to euiauiu lie would he wrtmjo aban don it, irAeiiefr (As srrr of .orfulknd Charlntnn I tltonld be. covered wiihgrnu, and oig- dmtthtm ft tends fnd no market f,r the produce snd this slnte.of mints tan s oireatg irarM to the Tariff. ' In an or- NEW FIRM. IIAVINU purchased the entire stock and inter.! ett of their lormer ('-partner, (Mr. Willeford,) wish to inform their oU riend Wot, . friends and- , ' coxtoincrs in general, that they are just receiving attheiraisnd, H rnie.j VlitiIluV,,. ..,,) , new aoptily of a lion at Cheviot, the Goueral Mys: k it lias long b-en ... .... ...... , v . - i soeinneiii' well know and whom you will hardly n wheel frni,vi i,jt back s?aint the wells of s cnlleire. a Ihe line of the army of snoilare. Aru! now, a k either rich himself or have suni rich relsttims to is lUS iron upo i nii .Tiiwin.y in i i-itt'ini ni simi 111; . . . , . k .1 1' " 1 . s r - eVfrine-tlrst a mar.rmiist be wll born," must have " 7 , ' MWM 1 "" V"- mm ,M 'uTut nd miwt ' w ' " "I'lo'ifu-iivu loum tiujcri m i.iiisn ci"iii"n. iw dj a aeaeis pron-ennun of Such S plan, we support his prntem-jriiis'Jo learning,- literature, and a prest name, or nis siaiemern are worm nornm.- nir. JneoV qaibhlmg msy snswer hts purprps to some ex tent ahrosd, out l spprenene ne win nmi mat seen an. ti-repi-'i'-Ksn, oilioos distinctions as he sttemp's toes-' tsWih h,iween hinwelf snd the members of lha Cen tral Cominiitee of Rowan, Uie stigrwa he sttemres le attach to them merely becsuse iney Happen to w i ar mies snd mechasies, will aot go down with the people f this County, Mr. ,on?s is misfako-.we are Oitj is nr. aught wok tn a day not far distant, wlu-n a North Am encan sun would not look down epoo" a aJsve." Or, m plsin Esalwn, lie wohld take from our Own pockets, '"""i; "i w. 'w pn;TTj. in mo oouui is presented to usss Uie opiiooent of the nnhsllowed scfienies of Aholitionism, To the Norik is he mainly indebted fir bis nomination to tfie exclusKm of nee, who .Was unsbje to command the Abolitiim influene. lis is tn fsvor of a United SUtea IJank and will Command j ot in .oof sectroa of rl country on. Uisl gruumL comprising almost every arlwlo usually kept in ? LU - a la " tr " i a " . . ' 1 . inn enures, aii ot wnicn, tney are iletnriiiiued to sell low for cash, or lo punctual dealers on a rca'. sotiauto credit, Titer Subso.rilrcrs wisfi to rcfurn their sincere thanks lo tlieir old friends and customers in geus ml, for the very lileral patrotmge heretofore re reived from thi'ir hands, and hope by strict atfen lion 'to husiness, to merit a continuance of the same. 'And wwh those who want lo buy CIIF.AP GOODS these hard time, to call and examine ' , their stock before purchasing elsewhere. - V " MICHAEL FREEZE, ' t JOHN STILL, Jr. June 12, l0. . fl. i - "JV. II. All persons indebted o the former Firm by' book acaouiilJ ere airsin renuestcd to eome forward and settle the same by cash or note, with Freeiodc Stall, who anTduly authorised to, grant discharges.'- . ' , wilu Vm willeford; ' ' ' ' michael freeze, " 1 kJNO. STILL, Ja. . . rieesant Gove, Cabnrtiie County, N. C, ) . ,.. - June 12, 18i0. ' " , .- .