HI. tun rowans wot rKiT0 tub xm; statks bv the covsTrnmpw. Nog prohibited b it to thb states, abb Eir.Rvco to the suras tVpj5'iVitiir,"iiii to Tint' nontlAmtnimenlt to tie Ctmrttution, Article X.- $um)cr I ol Volume XXI. J SALISBURY, N. JUNE 19, 1840. ) JYo. from Commencement, 1,0 13,1 roe: I . tii, or IHI ' w rOBUSIIEU VVEEKLy::::.:::::;ClKk. r. FISHER, fla, U'kMTi CabouxiaB i published every Friday, at $i per anitam, in advance, or $1 $0, if not paid in thru months from the time of sntweriuing. (Or No I pel will be discontinued aiitil til arrearages ire paid, f ihf sabriber ia worth the subscription ; and the fail- . w nout'y tlio Editor of a wish to discontinue, at lesat ii iiixh before the cud of the- year subscribed for, .uje considered a new engagement, ' OCT Advertisement conspicnoiixly and correctly in- -erted at per square--(of W0 ems, or fifteen fines tan nxed t'pe)--f?he first insertion, and 25 cente I each contiiiUCourt and Judicial advertiee wenla 25 per cerikj'gher than the above ratea. A de duction of 81J peVcent. from the regular pricee will be iti-ulo to yearly advertisers. .(T Advertisements sent in for publication, rnuat be marked with the num ber of ioeei lions doaired, or they will be coiuiu'uod till forbid, and charged acaordingly. ,To secure attention, all letters addressed to the Edi tor on business, mutt be free ofl'osiage. r. Tropcctus for the lixtra Globtv, I Tin piper will m puoiianea nnui me rremiicimai HVfctioa in November, 110, with ine number after wild giing the result iu detail and an index. " . Twenty-six nambera will be issued. ' A large eurplds J llw Cm ouaibera will be printed; and ail persona Atidcltii imiadiitely, whose namea and money are itnrir-rf Icljris that surplus shall be exhausted, will rcii all the number. . ' Terms One copy 1 I Twelve copioa 10 ' copiea ' 5 I Twenty-five eofJiea 20i, sJ at the t we rate-for g fester number. .. J Mr KewUi), late Portmastcr tianoral, will cootri' butq t! Uw ua per until November. :: . Tim haniMi nf miliMrihtra mornrnit unon tliia Pros- pwUge paw, or-Utroujjii poKunaaiers, wuo are auino- TOM r the 1'unt umce lawa ana regulations to Iran p Bank note, current in the section of country where a ub&ribcr reoides, witl be received, provwed they r not more than ten per cent below specie in value. ""5ft"pspe"f Will 'WUntMVpei Wi nroncy' be" ocruulfy rtrfiird; 'Pi ' J . '.; 1." . ! '.' ,': . More Good Things JUST ItECEIVEU S: AT THE SALISBURY COFFEE-HOUSE firSI'tCTFULLY. i'yfonna liin cusMoinera and 'fl tins puliiic generally, tlut .le i ikw receiving uni opening, nt hi eatablishincn't in Balwliury, a letidid Aasoituienl nf evry ".thing deairnblev i" hit Iiiie' of buin'oeiM among which will be bund Sardine,- L ' ' Jnion, filiiiai.ia, liuds of Cracker, such Howder and Shot, . at boftpr, aweet aud "ii. ixidon Muatard t arNuta,' 'Anrtoiaj , i' . I'orU'f. Knaliah Walnn'ta, Flit rate Oyster, H'ocoaNuta, LJirAiiiQtui;iui:k.JiriKlt4Ei?I ilaalaNutc, BuaDUh'Curatii-Vat, .ibany'AIc, .NuwarkiJuWr, ,. tuccu, .r hAnrcb, Nap'v"" luxaence of Cintiamon,- Cloves, j-Aluiaaaaa,..! Ot liimla nt rnrH uU. " Browq and Loaf Sugar, ftaiaioV, -v N AlmonHi, ' AUJuwlaof Wmca, iTi. VII kinda of Lkpipra, AUof the best iiallty and , latest iinporutionai OrirtflCi. Tn2tlier with a freat variety ol wanr wroccrie two tedious to iiMMKiun, an ! which lid will sell vo-. ' rtr In fnf'cas! patronai'sj hcretoror recriveri,and.licititcotinu iince.: -. .' ' J - hVIs 14, 1840 -25i f) JvTfAS-removed ti Ollice to io. 1, 413 1 1 f the Otrka itow of ihe Mauwon li ti.UUoly occupied by Jf. l Austin. .t , s lanuary 17, l?40,..' ." fTv- - II ! ateit Hinmeit.ai ioivyayig f f f ' Rariwey's, 0-iMey , Grove, IrtKlell coun Ivi'N, C. and renpttctrully teadora hie aurvieei li tba public in tlie VarmUd dali yanmcnia 01 nia pmicxiiuu. , , . - - -January 10, 1310. ;' ""-- , Frma tif Carolina Manufacturing Co. PrlE Subacnber ha received a larce supply of Nails . . 4, (torn' lb above Cwm'aay .wiil,il -imLauperiorJ 9 Northern mak,and h ade mrrangcmenU lor a ejnilar eunplv; which will be M; wholesale or mail. " reaaonahle terroa. - aitoiiAtiU in.uvk . Nifburr. N. Mareh 27, WlV r. v To Juuriir) lacn oacb-.TIkrni. v IMIFSaba-rtber will give stsady employment to two god Journeymen Coech-makers, who can come ., Wl rcnmnwmVtl fur halMiaofaowirty aim inouatry ' Tbeiruameas will be to inakeaod reiiair Coaches, &.C.' or wicU,fif they suit) be Will pay liberal wages. , i John p, waury. j llfV"- VtJw 11, Jevv-- - -. A iVlVvkllvJ iXotitVioa . '; fflllK Subscriber kri'iw constantly on hand, a gener. j aipysortmetit ot - ' t- READY MADE CLOTHING, , tit Gentinmrn's wear, such as Coats, J'antaJonns, and Vt', of good , - i Goods,' ; eU made and faiiionable. He is also prepared lo cut, 1 make elothiog m the moat tthiannhU and durable , 'yfe, and warranted to fit. IK also, keepa a good as jrtment of Chius, Cisaiinere sind Vertin;n ol the first lulitie, selected by himself iii the New York Marjtot, " oT which be will sell low for Cabh. . J KB, He still cmtinuea to teach the art of Cutting firnientaon the imwt approved planaof the bent Jailors w York and Philadelphia. . , , 4 . ftCT Cutting for eosnmers done on the slwrtest no tice, 0j wderi iron, , jirtance aUended to with do ttti ftjp- w be fcimd in Mr. Cowan's ., brick building. , . BUN'J. F. FBALKY. : . 1 . , -1 ' ... y 11 1,1 -VarranU tor Sao cr?,-; ' . VOU are hereby commanded to parade It Uie,-Cvrt-Q A. Jloune, in Hie Town ef 8aliburv, on KaUirday, the ' 4th of July next, at 74 o'clock, A. id., equipped in the uniform of the Company, and with aix rouwbi of car ; . tridjre, for Company muster. . , ; . f' ' - - By order of the Captain. ' - , . , t ; . - JOHN IL WEANT;: O. &" Salisbury, May 29, 140. , - tp. t Great Western Stage Litic, irk- -'v .. rr."? FROM SADISB lrli Y to ASIIEVlLLF.y Jf. C. rivea at, and depart from SttlixLxiry as follnwa: Leave 8dlbvrv n Alornluya, Thursdsya, hihI Saturday a, at 6 g'cVk, A. M. ; and arrives at 4 Aahville next day at 8 o'clock, P. M. , -?' V Reiiirning, IcaVca Ahvi)lo n Monday, Tbura- rivoa at Salialwry nnxt day at 8 o'clock, P. M. j r1"" --t " ' i : ni.'vrivi . 1- " - . V till - I A. JJ. rasaeiurer leavirnr Ka!fiLlu.N C.-for Jaahville, Tenneaw, will find tin delay wbaievet Wll 1IIS IVUIV1 1". " l, IJ. (V 11, W , !..- fialiHlniry, N. C, Jan. 8, 164. , If int. LEAr ni;u KiMiiw, inff, neaKf wipoaite J. St W. Murnhv'a atwe. V Baliabury, N. Aogurt 3(1, If. ttTX,- n'E SubsctiberTiavihff purchased Uiis i t tfHi4 K'ablu-hmcnt and filled ilia a at vie I tl for the accommodation of Travellers and titi'n 'mS Boarder, ia now preparod for their reception.'- Ilia TABLK will alwave be furninhod " " i . . With the best the market can afford; UKDS aball always nelcpt iu fine ordi-r f a-Lliii' yta-' bit (which are verr rilenuvt am wnll aiiiinilf.it wuh Provender of the Bret qtiaf.W, au4 attemled BiTjraiid and fl, Wifid- tawttrt- ' f T;; j 11 houta, br strict attentioarto Hie DUHiuaw, in nef- Wmvarwffaiun tali wlMKaaayftylMl'!vWl,) uev iMirooage. , Aud be only aska a call and irinl. . 'ANDREW CAI.IM'I.RIUJII TiPxingtrHi, N- C, Feb. 21, lim 12 I : Book Mndery - .VV.TIr Ill7.TKlt, noiHa-niiiilerr -- totaWiBtimentot the above kmil in CAiiauiTfc.' North Carolina, a. w. ibKtfrsoutU if Ihe Miii t Having, aa lie conceives, a thorough knowledge of Dis Duamesa, ne tools no hesitatMm m asmtrtng those woo may. wwti to patronise him.TnM their work hall le done in (he very best style, strong, ami on accommodating terma ; '. Book and other articles sent from a distance to Tlie bound3111"beyrofnptly wtendt'd lo and care fully returned when done. I ie publio are reiiest A cd to give me a trial, .' ij . -i- v0"-Orderwieft ft the Western aroliniair Of fice will he punctually forwarded for conipletioni . Charlotte, Feb. 7, 1B40.- F SJ-H liW USTAULtSI filK VlV" INilOCKSVILLE, DAVIE COUNTY, N. C. THOMASfTOSTEU IXFOKlltj the public that he has removed from hi Jbrmer aland, te his new building on )Un pohlie , fquare, iithe Town of Mockaville, whre tic will eon ' linuto keca a HOUSK OF ENTERTAIN MKN'T. rr- His House is rousnr an mmrrHidtotia: itarh tr which are six comfortable Offices for ffenlleiuen of the't Bar. all convenient to the Court House. The subacri .bcr plmles hiqiaelT to the moat diligent exertions, to - give salmfaetion to such aa oiay call on him. His Ta : We, kUr and iiiabjes are pnwideil in Ihe bet menner ' tlnl Hie conniry will atford, and his servants are taittv firl and pTompt"" -: -- - '- - Feb. 14. 19. " . t . t ' 74 Xf -Palnllnxx s'Vwitmj .,.J."J"'.aai -iQrniISJ3ubjcrjborJia"tinff kxatfi himself in lie town t 4 of Concord, would now oflur bu services to Ihe fubiie, aa an.. -( . OriiAiiirnlnl and Isn Painter. . Ho Batiera himsolf thai his long f xpt'rienrc in the shove lloaineas, aud the specimens of work he has exeeutcd in his line, will b a somcwnl rwfnm'iiil"w,-- Jlo will al attend lo any call made on him in tfn HOUSE PAINTINO BUSINESS, . jnd i confident he can give satufscliun to all who may eino i'V him. '" ' - - - - f he Fiitific Srcsrctfully reoneateH to cilTamr en corlrage htm., as he is determined to execute all work committed to hun in the et p'switile msnnar, 03 Alao Painting sad Trimminall kinds of Cat viages, done with noaluewaml dospatcli. . - - i. W. RAINEY. Cmeord, N. C, March 21, 1. tf . ; TWIN COTTOJt SEK1). 1 amsll quintity of the sbova SEED, raiasirny Mr I William Tlimnas, wmerty n mvioson juouny left for Hale at tins Office, at l 00 per hundred. November 1st, ? , V , . - if ' VL,' w-,1s-X iimHE Subscriber Um on hand, - -? rr- and t.r tUW, al bis Klmpn in S.!.!,..,.. lhr... f.a.1 ! fi.-J lf--. . . , . i SIsJEOiN Ilir.LICK. December 0, l'S.'ti, tf. VT'''A tnart," active Negro Girl, to dotheuH s cooking and v. aching of a small fatuity, (or the hahtiice of Una year, f Apply at Ih'ut 0,Trc;e.-: Juria 5, 14- Tl f SPECTFLLLY offerf hia profiWionalaericea to - XI the citi'wna of B tliabury, and the eurrounding -Conwy; HHifl)Bjei Ir fAt. Weai'c new bricai-bditd- AEW 111131. ' -t, " , ' , f " vim s x jj s u.iuc n aiia . 1 1 A,VINU pnrahased the entira aiot lr artd inter uxt of their former ('opartiier. fMr., Wm. Willct'tird,) wish to inform lliutr old intails and cuctoniera 111 general, that Uiey are jul receiving at thmr stand, 11 miloa Murtlwest ot' Cviicord, a newnipolyof ' ;".-. ' j Siting SumUief .CVootfs, comprising almost every ajticle Uriually kept in re tail Ston;a. AH of wliigh, I hey are determined to sell low for cash, or to jnitietual dealers on a rea sonable c red iu '.:?--S,-y. The Suliwriber wieh to return their aincare ihanka 10 iht'ir old friends and custdmera iu gone, ral, for the very liberal patronage Stereuifore eivoa irum ineir nanus, ana nojwt By siricr atien lion to buciiiesa, to merit a conthiuanca of the same. Mnd h boee who want to buy CUEAP G 00 Dii these hard tunes, to caB and examine tbair etock before pujebasing ulsewbera. s,:K,y : f f MICHAEL FREEZE, - :v;JOHN STILL, Jk.' s 'June 12,140. "'j.. ; ' -6w. Nil It. AH person iodebted to the firmer Firm by book accoont,' art auin rcciiectcd to come forward and settle the same by cash ot note, Willi I revze & Still, who are duly authorized to grant oisctiargea. ? '. - t . WILLIAM WILIi1;H)RI, uJ., MIC1IAKL FREEZE, ' JN'O." STILL; Jg. ri'leasant Grove, Cabarrus CouiityrN7Cf ) f-June 12, 1810 HAVE just reeeivrd from New York and VhilkdeU phia, an exleiuiive aamnmcnt nf . " '"' ." Dry Gondii, Hardware, Tinware, Crock-. -' crv.GROCEHlES, Drugs and Me-. , 1 - lutinea, L'y H-cmuis, 1 turn niiu Oil, Roots and Bboca, 1 w bailnh'ry, &c, osc. , ' . Ia short, their Stock comprises afmoat every articlo Deeded by the farmer. Mechanic, or the Fahwnablc$ of the town or country, ' " -'.''."' t ,N. B -Tbey will aell low for caah, or to punctual dealers on lime or rn exchange for country Produce, Iail nth. iruft , t. - tit CJBLNETAVQ.BK: .. ".na ? p 11 - ; '' THE Subscriber informs the . miblie that he continues '''(' -. I, 1 - I nlf -rI--riaLii? 111 II1U T li(illCf XT " LEXINGTON, JCORTH CAROLINA. Hu is nreparcd to execute all descriptions of work in his line of business in a very superior style,asre. cards workmanship and materials, and certainly 00 fmaterj-iuao ii -Blh rded . by. Jiny sa hycaiab naTiinenroT the kind in this region nf country. Orders from a distance lhankfullv received and y, 'in i.,i t nil', iiimiiutij l Ai i,uinup Produce ,-8cantlingnndTlnnk taken In txchange for w5rarT-r-sl-r N ATIUJTrARICS. ' ' .Lexington, YvLtr18iQ.i-r- - t ..J- - urafioa. F.dorntioo is a companion which no mitifoVtune can depresjno crime destroy no enemy aliena'.e-i-no desrioiism einslave. ".At home a friood abroad an introduction -in sulitude a SO' lace in society an ornameht. It chnsten nice it poides virtue gives at once grace and govern- splendid slave a reasoning mvage vancillating between the dignity of an intelligence derived from God, and the degradation of pnsxioni participated with brute. rhiUp i upttsk't, . . " .4 Pamper. A day or te sincei old Tommy Monre,"of lliii place, 'one of that gullnnt "little IwihI of heroes, who, with the indomitable Crop- ban at 'l.eir head, defended Fort 8teplienaon against Ihe KK-Hulm.f tiie liritish during lh lanl war, waa nuked by a " Aarrlled up " Whig, if be would imt asaist in making (Jen. Ilnrriaon 1'r'esideiit. " No, iiT, Was lhtr prompt -reply of 4!ie' brave- aoldier, " ho did not come to our aintlanct, although he had plenty of men, when the llritmh were horn herding Fort Stephenson." Tho whig evnpora tad. Olive Branch. A my in prosperity forgrts every nne, unit in adversity every one forgets him. In prosjieriYyl hn appear tn, have lost hi sondes, and when loaded tliuia.(uyijiUo.Jiid.nccf tubava had aji- In his sudden elevation, he becomes discontented with all the world ; nod when whirled to the bottom ijf tho whrel nf fortune, all the -world are diacon-1 tented with hnn. ' 7 - Soon after the Coernicon SyMem of Astronomy liegan to boV'tmrnlly understood, an old Connec ticut farmer went to his parson' with the following itupiiry i DmilniiT. Ii y'mi'lieliiisw in lliiw r7w atnry Hjcy tell of the rsrtlj moving round the sun !" " Yei, certainly.' M I hi you think il is according le tV-riMure! If il's true how coulJ Jonhna.have o.iMw;iiild ilw jmufn-altuwi jWllX.'.Urtipli.r.'. quoth Uie doctor, no whit punled, "Jixhua com manded the "'! to stem still, did ho?" "Yea." " Will, it aronrf still, did it not T" " Yes," " Very ell. . Now did you ever hear thai lie set it f o- is." am in f" . ' . . - 19 r - . 'It la remarked hy somo. writer,-!hnt exces of ceromony shows wnnt of good hrvofJinx-" This is true. It is worse than an overdone beef stake. A truly well bred man ninkes every person around him fori at case ; he does not throw civilities about him with a shovel, nor tuna compliment rn a buniUo, as.he would hay witb t pitchfotk. . Iliore is no evil under ihe sun more intolerable than ultra polifenew. . . I " inoumrv is urn pampor - Imiustry is ths hst pamport to weahh or fnme. rfhe days 'of the bunk mama have pnsaed when men coum renp witiiom sowing. . t ' Anpointment been the debts; L oira you poor. tualit7 if 1 have made an appointment wnh you, and have po right M (brow away your time if I do mv own, , ' r' "' ' " . " " 1. LI I 1 I f ik rULlTICA OF THE 1)aY. Tho fol lowing ia an extract froia a Circular Address.)! the Hon, EowAao J. Dlm "to bia Coimiiluents, and pariicahiflyto the ttin Righultrty otiluorgi i" . " But, independent of this inmiperahle objection to General litirriint, 1, 111 a AViife lUghtt man, cannot support him, bncauae I twlieva bun to be a ItUivlc ctekaJe Fedrrvlitt vf the $ame damp vilhj Jht elder Adam. : If thin be proven to you by his owii words and acta, I kuow emnigh or you to be lieve that you will at least not denounce we as an . apostate from my principles for rclusinglo op- oort him for oHioe. The Alien and Sedition lawa 'lare known to have been the hateful ortpring ofi I'Vi as m 1 . a 1 Mt. M r ttie Aamimstration ot jotin Aaama; uiey niuni- ed tlmir character upon that Adruinmtration, and distinctly markod the principle and policy of the men. who supported the party then in powcr. Those were days of deep excitement t!ie Ronub licani rallying under Mr JelRrain, and the Fed eralist under Mr. Adam. In 1798, ha the confliet was nt hi height, and when every man in yihe country ."was arrayed 011 one aid or the other; I General Harrison was arpointfed by John Adnins, then Presidenl of the United Stales, '. Secretary of the territory northwest of the rivet Ohiot" and, aubsequentty when he wne a member of the House of Representatives, as a delegate from that territory, he was made Governor of Indiana by tho samo individual, who was still at the head of the Government. Would these appointments have beeq made if General Harrison bad been (he supporter of Mr. Jellpmonl I.Ki you. not know from the character of John Adams and tho limes trmhiclriw- livetL-lbjaLlherriu.llia wwatdaf ; partisan nervice 1 ' "Again the younger Adaiha Ob bia. 'Would that have been done if General tiaT ' risort had Iwerl a JtJ"erimdn3tpubica fJ"TAt; IlimiUli tlKwe biota .are ol tlie niwivea sutiinieni 10 make ont a ftrinMacit case of Federalism, let us see what Harrison himself say upon that subject. ilnJ.B2LJulm Randolph laml-himaclf-wcro. both jneinbers,pf.ihai,UjtiitMguiteJ&nalefc debate which look place between thorn in that bo dy, Mr Randolph said that t v 1 nTarrrsonl ipo an open, " ie'ahutjinit frank iuppnrter of Ike tenttion turn and btork Cockade ad ministration 7 ami tea a teafaui, frank, and emeh obponenl of the black cockade and erthlwn taw- e. minutraliun,- We differ Jandamenlally in& maUy t tee never can agree about nvuisurei or auuut men. do not mean to dictate to th gentlemen ; lot us agree to differ as gentlemen ought te do, especially nativtt of Jh same Ktavc, who are aiiopodee to cactt ptiicr tn lilies." , What was the jrenjy of General IlaTTboh'T- " i: " He conld hot refrain from making his aeknnwledg 'ment to the gentleman from Virgtnia, (Mr. Randolph) (ir tho n-Hiee hhad bon nlifSsiA lo take of hii 4l t 'hud bon'fsnd to sartriWfladiniififioH of ; (1 ir.Aaani, 1 was s rtwipiMij ami ne roniw o na, . Vimflmiitiii front Mi Cotiflie bufjued bi.m'e in 17M9 ind ru inai ecouion.'iiio geuuewao bjiu myacii uiui f.r the firirt time; harm tho statioo of Knpresentaiive ' Insn Virginia, iM 1 in the more hnmbl one of JK'le gate fnwn the Nitrl()Welorn Territory. Having no vote, 1 did not tblnk it- proper to tske part in the dn cuasion in any -of the" great political (piestlon which 1 1 . I . 1 . . . ! . 11 1 : heiirfii. of the people I represented. Tli gentlemen Jfad fiigjenom of .showing , nJ!JlLT.t'? Viyjl-'l'te "a . n lea (ifl'oltta 1 mef flioui ?rotnprivalwiifiWH)r "wis "iii tcrmi of intiiiiacv with, the wndemanTlt & ........ .v.,.. , , ... , - - v.-1 .-- 1 m .1 : " ; very prooams mat mningm iibvb uvaru 1110 atm .aeaUmcnit-J'ajuTiitilo- la tlia-llica-djuioitaiion 1 etrtainty ftlt thmo far, at leat, a to the course pursnod by it in relation to the . Government of Franco. " For Mr, ' AiUtmt, I entirlained at that time, and habf eeer since entertained, the gteatrrt respect. I brtiete him lo be an honest man and a purs patriot : and his tonduet durinsj that session proved Aim to be such. Thi opinion, I know, was entertained by those two able and uprtflu statesmen John Manhall, and , Here, then, ia the charge and the answer. Har rison was charged by John Randolph with being a supporter of ihe black eockade and sedition law administration of the elder Adams. He and hi accu-r were in ihe presence of each other, And before the country, and if he had not beep con scions of the truth of the charge he rertiinly would have denied it. On the contrary, however, ho odmiis rvciyjliing which Randolph had said of turn, and winds up tho show by delivering an cu Ingiiim oo his early friend and benefactor,' the an thorof the Alien and Sedition lawa. And yet, we are told that General HirrisVin ia" h" "JefWsoniaft Republic in ! Will the people of (ienrgia believe it! Having no- vole, lie abstained front-mingling pulihclv in debate on the great political questions of tho day, but he distinctly admits Ihnt in "pri vale conversations, as he vae intimate irith the gentleman, it it very probable that'ln ( Randolph) might have heard me (Harrison) express tenti- : steal. fatoraUs to ih. tke AJmimtlratem fa( John ArtHtns.1 i cERTAntr rtT mr... No' uiilliylnmlinir ihn finfn 1 fMlaliuia aiwl Tr..!. "Sj . -r"r- --I " avowal oT his federal principles from the mouth oi General llarris m himself, certifii:alet and letters I'rom third person are circulated in (he newspa per to prove that ha was not what hu liimself says ho wal ! ! 1 " A. man uauiil fnlm known, in private lifw, l.y il company he keepa. . If this maxim be true in poli--tica, the nominee of the HarrUlmrg Convention must certainly be recognised a a Federal!!. He M warmi v ann oftooi . supfxirieu iy .John (ujrjfy ASamsnionry Day,FraiicTsTTrn Clarke, and William Sladc; However worthy thee men may bo in their personal relations with aocie ty, it eurely wd require nojixpoeitiiMi nf mine to show that they have been, on alt leading (.uoalinna of principle nr policy, our constant nnd undeviating opp ments, Daniel Webster, loo, the moat a iwer fid, admirable,' anH cimsisieni 1'ixleraliat in the United States, has espouied his eauv. On the2Hih of Mrch, 140, writing of Harriwul, in a letter " the editors of the llarrisburg Tolograph and Intel ligencer, he aayt t " ; . ; v . .. "He ha now been selected by the reeral toic of CioM whose political principles apree wnh bisowq, to go lo the head of the column and bear up lli flag un der which, it la hopod, those principles m't bn main twined nd defended. 1 not only wwt bis hominatkm success, but intend also to dp U tliat may bacoiua a good citneo to insure it.w , . Jr Wehstec here declare he Intend to do all that may become good eilizw.lo insure General liar riaon'a election, bocaiiae he considers bim the rep. " rcscntativ of hi (Mr, Webster') principle, and becauae tie has been at-Utcted to ro to the head of the column, and fi bear uiHtheuif under which it ,i hoped those principle maybe maintained and ,: dfltJiiili'd. Are Hie potne ia me oiaie 01 uaorgiH, and imrtioularly the Siaio liighte men, prep red to ' Mhl aniler that "flkU I v uiey nui kiiuw mat lUnlc-rllternnl Iiotirovoinenf FAtitr aaaump-' li ja of Stale Dubta by the General Governtnoiit-- ' rncopiion of Abolition petitiona, and all.tlifl odiow and hit itudinarian doctrinoa which gave birth to ' ' the Proclamation, and conntilute the very esauiico of Federalism, are indelibly inacribod on it T The intelligence and eauJt.r of Die people whom 1 nave the honor lo represent, will save me the trouble of . collating and adducing, 1n' thi paiwt, numberloiM' proof which compel an alternative answe 10 tniy last quesjinn. Ada ins, Clay, and Webster, i. iiort and advocate the election of Harrison Why! ' " Ay, there's the rub," " Would that I could pro. , pound thi qtirtion' reiipectfully, buf earneatlj, to every intelligent man in Georgia, because 1 know that ihe answer weuld alio the reasons ahy . ' 41 State Right man, tmght not ta voU for1 him. ; - 7 Great merit ia claimed for General Morrison ail the poor man's friend; be is pointed to with f xuk tation aa the lg t-atnn, and Hard i iocr vanni d ite, fur the purpose, I presume, of attempting to identify his interests and association with that mtuitorioua portion of our population who earn. their bread by the sweat of their browa, For my elf, hwe lived in a log cabin for many ycar of my life and drank cold water iiwteid of hard cider, I aball not be influenced either to mpiort nr oppote him on aoeiaint nf the humility of bia dwell- ( ' iug, or the peculiarity of hiidrink. But instead of living mi ft log cabin and drinking liard cidor, ' Gen; II." I tiwlearfltirf jgcntlcinan f vfliei0Ut'. fortune, residing in compilable mansion on one taiippliwf not only wun nara ciut-r, nut w 11 11 wine of the nmal -uiiwcpiioiiaible ttaHty-'lie-twew- may, I presume he oaine by hm property hnueat- ly, Hiid slimiid be permittmi tit enjoy it wrfmmi Incurring the .odium, which la distinctly, impliea npon competence and alHuence by the clap trap"- awwtidages 10 which I btvf"rredr,,"WTiL""' however, fict connected Witrrihe Whig procea- sion which moved through Bultlmore. at ihe late Ijliirrison eelubratim in that city, which I deem ol iutiiiKciy more importance to the people tit Georgia i indicative of the principles of tho, par- t'y which will come Into power if be i clected,w , thuiii i the inimuturial question ol hi wealth or k , poverty. ItisthWj iid I eiii-pehrtrttcd td aTarrftt. upon Hi authority of a Member (he llouxe of . -lleprebentatives 1 in Jjli pracesauim.it flag, jpo X ,iarm-ptthiiitilbunced vith, thi. iignijicant motto, -upon it, JfTf, TiSR,l ako tub Taairr " ; - You liave been told byveneral llamson keep era, that q.' interest! are ably represented in 'the Cnnvciitiun which uouiinaled him tat llielVesideu. cy ; ami h hat 5oen emphatically denominated " . " the farmer of tfiCJforth Bend,", with. view to ee'ctfrVpr fifmtM-wp'r tert of the country, with which, it is said, he ia identified. ' 1 aubniit without coin ment, for yourTif fiection, a short nnnlyais of the i conioneril pan of that Convention, that the farmer and aVrAaatV - of the 800th the bone and sinew of the Slate were " ably rrpert nentea lUiaTbody, or riof. I It will serve lo show too, what nrt of men the v L.'iijivi",'.''.".i-.'"ITtt',vl,l were wno wircieo iennrui iirtrrMoii 10 go 10 JAf . fag under vhici it it kotnd their principles mow - or nominattd-and rrniiro'.'baCCouveulioii "T" waa composed of Lawyers . 05 Whig Editors -, Bank Officer ' ft tkhoolmnster ' Merchants 24 1 Lottery oltK'e-men 1 Manufacturers 10' Asoi.uinMsrs. - Htl Plantera --7- ArorrTea fro.n DtVocbacy Speculator 0 Farmcra .. , . none D octors . 3 MeclisuicS . . . ti.mi. Tsr Miits -T5 "Vorking-men . t. not one Of the above, 143 were, and are, open and avowed friend and supporter of John Q. Adam. For William II. llnrrison, then, I caiinot vote under any circumstances; of Mr. Van IJuren,' I have little to eay. I have, heretofore: Weu ooimi- sed to him, with the hope and trpectatifn of grt ling a better man.. I would gladly have voted for George M. Troup; I was among the first in Geor gia to proMiae hnn aa.a candidate for tlio rreaiden cy. I will yet vote for. hun in preference lo any man, if he is noniinatud with the boms jffie inten tion, of electing him. But if he ia to he made the mere instrument of withholding tho voto of tho State from Mr. Van Buren in order to udcanca the interest of Gen. Harrison, 1 cannot aunnort hnn, if the June Convention nominate Harrison, - I, wirtrthOrtaaiids of other Slate. Right men, wilt , be driven to Ihe auppert of the prrscnt Administru. f lion by iUtt allcrxutUiCiifluKdaiiiaa can be no escape. When I came here in Dlccid ber last, I was honestly nnd conscientiously riou. tral beween the" two" grcat-comeiidingp(iriiee" of Whig and Democrataj and I held myself in rc. serve, with Ihe determination to wipport aucii measure only a aquared up to tny principle, and to advocate that party which came nearext to the" x,iUon 1 e:ufH"0. I o the gatmn-ihment nf eto ry one, lieneral llarriau riaon was ahnrH? afterward nominated for the Presidency agaim Mr. Van Bii ren. Thi created a new Hale cf tkingt; mt,d I. watched ihe two panic narrowly for tiiu pimmm question which arose, and nn whioh I waa railed v to act ( waa the celebrated New" Jerny quosuon. " In determinating that question, I inked not, whn were the Whig or who were the Democrats; I voted upon the principle to sustain the righ'a of " those who held the conuniNiion of Governor in or der to organise the House, leaving the ultimain right M their seat to future investigation. fiince that period, I have generally voted with the Ad- minisirafjoni boeause their measurea were ttuch a - v , commuted my tupport.- Let mecall your atteii tir.n to a' few of those measures and votes. You will recollect, (can you eer forget t) the rcsolu lion introduced in the I louse by Cost Johnson, of Maryland, by which the standing rule were to lie an amended as to exclude, the reception of Aboli tiou petitions. Had yon any interest at sink in ' that question t I, myself, considered it one- of vital ' importance to the whole South Our intoret, our institutions nay, our very existence aa pro ' plo-v-dcpended on the vole which was about) ir, , taken. I tad stood hy and witnessed, for furl. ; ' v. 1 mi' f j - . su -' - ..