infill a viul :iil uut? oiltriigeou a'l.ick on our rights; 1 liftd hetird you (hindered, villiliud, ond abused, ' the' non-slit veliotditig Whigs, who alone partition. . led in the crusade again. t yon. Vou a re ably ami faithfully defended ly Juil.'i Colquitt, M.ijor C'ior, and Colonel Alford ; and I, with jour oth ar Representatives, in anxiously eudeavmiug to ulitjiin ihe tl.Kir to add our Voices fo'tlirj indignant replication which had baen uttered in your behalf. But the' prominent men of the llemocratic paity nid No reserve your iecch for another occa di ) i ; bur fiiend hero are prepured to sustain by ihtir tola your risjht and tho interests of your constituents." I scarcely believed them ; 1 feared it w a hollow profession. But the critical tiio-i went came; tho force of t!ia (o patties' were ! drawn i:n in k'lliln nrfiit-. unH lint rimdirt wa ! ixUml to begin. 1 flood by, alinnat breathle, with iir.ticipitioti and eiititiiiiieiii ; lor I knew (but upon the result of that vote all that we held dear and. near to tw would be immediately alfi'Cted. '1 he vote wa cakt ; we cume ouaht f the fitit viclo liou safii, but acotciiedtf Who Achieved l!w vio toty fur ui f Wiia Mtved u ? Who u out Iri uoipliatitly oikhi cvcr-iii!ir,nriiLle occasion ! I aij-ner, upon my knowledge of tho ftict, the Ie. - fliWHtie-pnrtyr " howere nor uneornpromitiuifj opitKiiciitd to thu lnit ? t 8ier, upon my kuowl. ftigo of the f.ici, every. Northern VVhijj m the House, eae one, and four Southern Whty, among hotu waa J. .tut Hell of Teiineiwee, the Whig cun didate for Tweiity'Seren noil abivehold. ing iKoiifxjinti voted with u, and Htinlaiiied im, even tlmu(;ii it imht Im at the inminn iit rik and liaiurd ol litoir own flttical aninliiUuoii. I Irank ly eonfuM to you thnt the actioi of MrVan liu ren' friend, on t hut occnuion, made an imlehble impreiaiioii on imi, 1 care not fur tlieir previous courtie, althongh .froto tho beginning it ha been more favorable to u than that pureuud by the W lii-s, g cun be proven by the Journals of the llouad. I had witiii'ceil that day an net of pure devotion to principle, on their part, which drew me cloerto them, and cetwiiiced nie tbnt tlx y were our natural allies. - Look, -I prey yowy to the courae pursued by a Democratic Ht imtor from Ohio, during (hi nettdion. lie wai charged by mime of hi coiMtituent to present certain AbolU lion petition to the Kena!. Did he, an the Whig have regularly done; present them t No, he f- fused to do it ; and, in an able and patriotic ttfrdtA notiitd Jhe b'uit) publicly or In teluniil. Look Zwmj&.tUlJUto,jii:. Sauator. on. .Mr. CaU gtrrwg"thq-ptviei.t' w5Tir,'in' ttlti l.-.:.. .-l.. ----- luvrtiij- .i , . TJfJUreiTK'hit a iltip or ve! on the high tea, in time ol puice, .engaged in a Uwlul vovii(e,i ac cording Uj the taws of nationa, under the eacluwve ju risdiction ot tho Slate to which her Big belonutT; niuchtoaaif constituting a part ft;oyni!oiiiam.4f,BM Kamy T-"n,,fc1,P1B' ,rtMV ' ! "ld HTbeDemocralyofoura rj virMi ui wesoirr or oint:r uiibvoiovuio usum-, into tho port, and under the juriMhction of a iriendly power, alio ndJi.t ...cargo, ud.pftaon on boaid, wiih their property, and ail the right belonging to their iierHuuti relatione, a eatablianrd by th law ot.the -Hi iuiio, to which tlwjr belong, would be placed Under the protection which the laws ot nationa extend to the un -torinnale under ueh etfetifiMilsnce. trr: r -v; .. - S: f Ritnlttd, That th brig Enterprise, which was '" loreed unavoidably hy atrens of weatlier into Port Hamilton, Bermuo Inland, while on a lawful vnyage on the his;h eea iroin one port ot the Union to another, ciMnca within the prmciplv embraced in the foregoing rt'holutiorj; and that the seizure and detention ot the negroeion board by th local autln rity ol ihe Inland, - w tn aci m rtoiatttm or trie raws 01 nations, aim inn- ly wtjukt -otit-wn Citiasenrto whonr they MffUS"." 'TnuaeTeoIulioniriictLy recognise our righl ..' - . f. property in our negroe; they were adop: I :- -rr "alnvehnlding: V,'hrg; whtt a iolitftfy eitccptioiiah j ented himself when that vote wo taken. Were : all these actual demonstration to mako rioimpres- ! , . , v; ion on moLThey were proof to me', as strong as j huly writ, Hint Martin Van Buron was a Northern ' mmi iriih Swthrrn fettirti't. I hnd heri'tofire 'douliteinir proresitions ; for he elut his fTTeiitle had "ivoii no such actual rieinoiistrntion of their go. Theso are recorded fasts, and agninst theinl -hi errcrrinr rnay-artayvjf tney- ptise,-ni y in thu District of Columbia. Action sjieak luiid cr than words, and I am bound to supjiort him as - long n he supports U upon the question of aboli - tion ; espocinlly wlwn bi opponent, morn ohjoc lionablu on that score then he himself is, is support ed by the Northern Whig parly, wuoe course on this absorbing question is dead againut a. Mr. ? VBIrtluTfeTJliJirTa ' an Indeien'lcnt Treasury be i op)iocd to inter mil improvement by the General Government ; he t Apposed to tho assutuptinn, by !ie Fodcrnl Utiv crument, of the debts of thn State. mi atti red I hut he i opposed to a high protective Is nil'; .and I refer you to all his nie!aeiti'ce the extra esiun ot 1337, for a iiotterful and able eniKmition .f tnsny of our own Slate Rights doctrines. I will not (lelain you with U.J ebumimt pruol ot al iheso aasertiona at this tir.u. 1 huve tiieui wit me, and shall with our perniissiwi, exhibit them to you during the next summer, for your own sat isfjetion." " ' 7T ' " iFfMt th AV9 Vorik Ewtuinf I'onl. '-. If any iT our grave and sober citiiens who are fathers or young men tie.Inng'nj to te I ippeca Yoe dull in this city, sho-ifd CnJ thatuel'.t per fectly t 1-ii.ure of a mie evenif,g when the chibs urAtttUiafiatii Jaasacifcblo, fierbep U y wld eot 1 i ...... i 1 1 ........ is iu r employ mc mnu i .:. ..... w.w dropping in at tho meeting, which are public, in :rd t t -tatiafy thenwelw whst thrrr sorts am ' slmut." Tl.ty "will then be able to jti !g fir thvm eve whether thee promiscuous convivial rss: "- cintion are prnjier thing to enciHirage, and whetii--er the newspapers perfomi their duty in com (ficndinu the.a and rouiimllini4lu.ii leadot to at .' lemi. Have tuartJ limt llm w.ioir ot young " v .. nitui who are seen at tiesn plsce in a tate,of in t Ijxication u so greut a U. excite alnn een in " nvinv who at first saw wiih asiwfaction the esti.b- "' lithiweiH ( t lrjrpmirhiU s w psi I j 3rgir ' At thVAniiiioi Tenipeianeo C.Hieotiom.f the State of Cooiiev-lkul, held it N llavew- a few duy biitcs, Mr. Leonard B icon, e rlrrgyinwi, and " S. we infer from hi language a Wii, nfteral!u dm; to somo other causes which led to buck wli ' ding in toiniterance wild f , There is another reason why the cause of tend perauce i retrogriiding. H is, (ud Ivay it with " A no wialt, to olTond any per,) U i-owmg in a .great measure 40 of recent Occurrences Within "three or four mouths, intemperance, h 1 Injcome the badge of a political party ! The hard m money hurnhug Wa Imrd enough- but the jard -. cidgr htimleig will prove tnore disastroii to the country? and more degrading to those concerned 111 it. " Yes, intelligent men who hv enjoyed the - - . I benefit of christian leacliing and who live id a . laud of gosjir l light are called upon to exhibit their ehlhusiasm 10 a fiolilical tril'o, by drinking . ' lis rd tider, made hWof by" hstd brsody, tor the : Wy oCOen.: Ihrrisoul Vea-al lh- Cwivcn- ... .... :..'.- '.. ;$ ' lion iinrl r4.iiirt.i'i'-r'ifr, '! '.If mm will' take liis first I. w.o o .!! ;ciN i bring them to'ttir (ilr-'ln r the ,nt th druiikmifs ie ' ' 1 has "!! i-i-hii will be mane iu tw'H : ".nirii cider entliuiani.' ' , From all we can learn e itsi Mi that Mr. Bacon bus nut Wi w mtK tit ". a- .over estimated" the lt:j;t-r. Miitf-wtir amy thought, nf (be prudenr and fpMifi " the nifcdMirea resorted to tiy tiit :u fciiiaiii f temperance, there can J am B!-r,i.ssj wif. to)? tmtn, thai it is must dewr 1b js- rvt cW i!'- community h i mi mod ia lire ei-r2 8rr'm of temperate haluU, and thai any j.fiee.,ipi! that vice which hi the pareirt f s nmy ifcmw. so ni-ich novcrtv. tin u tunnr tti wyirf S most deplorable. T.'ie wl , Vw. p""(5 on ; jciiiig an rapidly, couta-joBv j ajMnaaf Ua. all tho fury of a new iai , tdw ru jnetie f S party whicn pretd 1 the vtiHie jiumn of gotid rnantier of itmnl. Ifilkpe aajf the Whig, any wboVaiae frtie mitm mud aftl'oi well beiej oltlieif leln-aijea, romnet in to loilt toll, tt-st hj tbeirenriiifrieal s 4 Cieur;Ke ttiey brrrig ttfwm ! wtraauisfj' reater and iihio ''crniairMit 3 fia ? even accordicj: to their - jKnian, ewt'll vfm from keeping the preaeul AiaMOiHwiia . !li;:aue-i in dtnrdr of tkt imnira (Tsao an the mod difiieuit of aQ tnaiiwlje to cum : aI tbie 'name tiling m itue re'iafwe iuu ImJ ialiv ' Tliey wio l6ve eattbljeltod iine ttiiv af drui!u!iineti., ttie Jo oWm, iil fini laalat l5t the fire they iive kindied U u-t . wii 8 tiu-tr biddii'i;. If Ilaniaoa kUxiid I wiirwwfwS, tbe triiimpii will be CekbrattHl fcy Twiiu ; ff la ahouid be.4e:aten, Im aduemrta ,a ttH r ing it, drink to drowa rrw. 1 W may be raznd to tl enrth, bul Tt lnArfi wlWdt ha once taiien root wiQ aurmta aoi ts'm in , atrenfth. - ' It m cerain!y a reruiirialJe furt ia lit j!.:.?iriJ 'history of tin country, th.rt a jmrry wtwiili itw such IxutxtH of it lofty aiam, and i t.W wmut utl iiitelhi,'ence of it members, tt'wuW m wiMtr hy nide all the ri.niirw nieltmd i iwrmawmmi, x.1 dicaii(Hi of political pruimjiW ,tr uiiAiC fel'ury,, end iiirmin an aiUnore wi14i a &tyr-u&tttg -.te. nhould etbt:lih at-bool 4if iMntaik.uua, etW a drunken cry for a aatcb-'(trd,aui mly nr" r-- ing the nmjnrity Ay auch tepedmc, Htn - -method toeceed, we ahall ma iHW tViie coiiililiiiu ol Hie A mrrtcuB wiiie Hal beaai xs biJjce. 1MIHJETANT. LE1TO- v. Chirring fntn Kmtvrtjs 11 taw iiil ) racy ot our inrr tMae luiftiilnif ro- fully ftirthe princiriW of our revnj",i,4ini tMiiirt. The npf-ou bold and ftflew cbaxacae: a. ftuml KentiM-kian can never aprtrtA iti ioftrmA-gn-ik electioneering of Gen. I iamaaa, mAetiuar- ng a soldier aod a liirh-tiitwded A atencait (inars. No man who properly jtj-rtfiiiiet tan eitiuK- ter.or the booor of ttM coordry. cku fi&.m ca tit sneaking course of IlarnaiW saicKT wfliBM Kead lite folUtw itig W-tt-r freaa Mr. VTarUiiSr,, ef lifiiinitteti, K M and tiiea stay rfcf smaa'tdr c&aar IlurriHiij can havLi'f bemj Prodsta a s caaa hd aod truly rfpuhltcaa a cao&.tnae Jit. Tm Buren. Apj-earanco mm atow. gioi - HlStucm frfttllfla klfll.l Mt TflbM ailfM. lain. Ohio -AVu a Jai tit Jfufuf l trswsv. Ma. reiToa: I ri'eive "ta row W awW.- a nit7 These nonce ofpersunal frmidHni w 4 auf ny nproriatefl; snd my only i-r4 tleA 1 n a-'iiWie- to respoad f pr.vsi ml at jc sent, iuiperio. sly den.ami ,udrv. pm. . , , . , , ' "1 , . ' Here I mipht close, but troa the trsatt S oilis esc!. it seem that my vole, at the new IVwiWaftniJ 4iortiuak I. '-.i h,iliV, in 'nliu.' -i.nllin Hi m,r J ii I i in. 1 I 1 1 1 -.1... n ,mm tti'liliiiaii sHOtMHiw im kk ,ijrwa!u..ty.M? WsffJco41-y'ioe.'"'T4 progress f Una great eaMiMtf-esvau n,f jastanwa- tTTe "WTilgii inS IWiiincfatnT "vTiS aVW a is-i&uitiiair. IhI With IfM"" Iimh'mi um jmr uiuuit- . sionsasifleignity and inlerwtf tin iidujara .miumiil That tiles csiclusiwiii are JiiroiirMi'W n.j vt .'. cQil parly relatuMW, 1 0 sow suur !u.' anii Aasnur'f avow. I shall hot undertake to. discuss tte qjst-m now presented for Hie soknua uj nil American peonie, ina nana lite ok-wihk .rit st uetlin -i(m,rt at inir mv jndement, much ol 'tie irf1 anl ':"'Htrai.ciij' " .. .. , r-s--; !--- -.:rr r-r- K -"Ji"j 1. TlMTSe Dreseni lessioa. which revea Is facts of the acter of this nl on wnl U'rrn.wH- rrwrrwaui. i w Tti ji c i mind has aullioriUtively Mttlftt tin '-ouauoh.Uiatttiiwnr elHuld be Ul and uiMoal4?od artrtra ir: tta r. iiiont triso all Bauks, Stale " Nalaatai. . 1 -Wmbs nt "ad and IfJ Itfl the PreaiAmt it a to-iunj.ira.ic ia. ,, uy upon the Burm-ritef ti wtfiH. 1 rt. seranrr at ay, he m now in danger of lM.-k:kes. H BIkl5. of the Harris mrg ltnveii'.sui, ti ifiOm-ua ut alarming cleiiittsbj b ie. Jiamisua a at u nmmnation. I he re it scmt-ihag m turn jifcH y gilii- ; taie care uf its own money w ithout the ant of these hwophy. ..., . , ; Baakav In order to determine whether this is I have lhoii?lil well nt Crf. llamssa. I l.a -1 , an ardent and animatr sefnorl as i wsa o Kf m Ibe House of Representative, on friendly tn him ; ret, 1 coiiir ihit I itt'im to. -.til I tin. Ja.iuary, 1:KW, passed a Rtmlution re r.rl orom'ltonJl.l' &f?iri 5lulj.ifr....,-wmrr tfte g-.,ataTT of the Trcasurv to examine t'ered thret men in I'-incinnal te fHfl ink Lisa skmc dishonnrahie (ptiitr lite Assecsnnm. Ta refusal ot the lkrrishurg CodvouIkiii l jiuli.hft. to tut world th principle by which is U lne mi kn nd chararterised a a party, ei.1y jn;)iryl of, in their politictl iritegnty. The awuugtj. i tt uarf ever ticBi Hsrretoti by an arriirJ"jmTj.rr50F.'Mi!lia sctjtiiesrenre ilwwis midv admosisfc mtOiifl Wat"-" Jrtjo b? the x:rtw4Juwu aauJU . " - m ninrnl tmrwir. 1 ftnrf wrw teli 'IMmttAi! itintf.. i " - - 1 . - . - - - ,...,. .a i..,,,- Himaua ttar Ine lwioer. tin msa thou'tt te placed tn tb PrrwiOJinr ism m bcasllierrftfenfntatn-eet Kiote prutrtffi. Htasniar the effiir (tie reward rf crtbt? ci a rt m,earf e vics, vrilmut rr-irard te twe rtinicfct irrw gitt wa.rt iamcd by im csudidalrv t a,l war i i ftibua t thir-tim .'rnmcrtt , Now, S'.r, I ars wholly enVl p m-kTi fs''.at In ii mi i se- juestiiini no t issu hiJixre ibe Anwssrar st.-iiR. . "aav Mr. Kim, in h. 1ale leu t ibe j-'jtt a r trail, th prnf-nrl. a-vt f-ftmir4 W till suciilrxilia Jflufi. sihilny, lht :ti;-n. Hrn-mi is ;.;.- .1 " a ual iTiit tat tmrr-H 1 nr tjuvfintnin hit bj 1, in '-xv -v khis ha m A v ; r agaih-d tbw xsi'trnw r wnrii.t to think, that Chutii!Me ierlue Fee1tairy aaaw imf hi 0iiiism t ai.rned. a , 1. rw-t. ttits u raw Of the Union he mat r qm( tm pnf ad ts! CV , verse in another. Yet, caoui 1; oua.iM;a. tiiat not nely opna tiiw, lmt aipoa axt'T vmrt wt that Cillers mta ihe e.mtw!, a tin-re a illt ntt ui reserr eitubited. ' I will not eharteOna. flstrisna rh.k Vratf taranal w ith that p. litn al mais'ty; si-tict S cvrt toss ina hold upes) our ylem, 1: ikiU- tl.i l" m. there no xhs 1tv aMpuWlnan. I it3 an mwus to him lb 1 moot sou sib. k avlnck. f 4 hm gwitr, ; no itioemeut caa h bed lo sjiV." .m autry deed,'or r the p;in-y nf an fm le. Sit it la friends, with bm Corwont, eij k tjgrt to -"awti . forther dlarstton principle tar Zi 4)4 ysV ' then is ht uoraliy ea lasih'kt jrm-m tsmmmae9 to this fanatical aect ! ilitCHuliKX fi.t uta stjuis contra4 aiUi tl.e ,ua;amui.'t fvw.: ws if a,a ipp. r,nt the i'remdwt of Uie Cmowb Ito-tsi turn lieiatsd man t of hit N.trtasra fcjenOs, tf la am - U t!i Kj.iMi an. Vot. nni litis intMiifinoi wriK-n. I of Htciji which tliu ciHitry know i' kr t'ctlii)'; vid imciinabie icivirance y dwty i.lMa-Ki. hinuihW lntl of praise, but the iay w ft .1 finC wiifMt.'ie jiiHiw'iilufthut nation will beawardetl, ! i;iia.tMi bj Uia iratiBiUtry inlliwiire of un excitwl pi iloseai attHL'i,i. fturn t wii)it of thai character, in- fw.tin m aiacn m nwiiiiaiHl prejnam.wiiu .if ealaiuity and I cliuoi aiy aialioa en In aide, j wi ff-a liiiiswlf an impnsMble harrier to lhee und i Aftarii:, Mtbef than on hia enle, whoee potfition in at j Ht4 equivocal,, and in regard to which he niaiiitains a ojvltivreHia tdenc ' X f "Wiih my luiiild poweniof observation, I cn we no triumoh lu be achieved bv the election of General liar- i PftuB, Imic Hw impl fuliiiiulion of one "t of oflicers ft ntufaer. THia mijrhr be dewrnble, did it involve ; auilMg mure. Bbt ih country ootrhj.a'Uaha invoked 6 iti iTus in General JUrriison, when he in not ' wini(f to out hi trust in the country, but appeal to m 'cmroti winniiem-e"- in advance, aa I uwitnoiiy wtmwi tf hi aeerediteif ecramittee. In eunMior lu tin eonclumon, it rive me preat pain ; a part from thoee with whom 1 have been politically ' aHMiciated I teet deeply inilebted to the county ol Fay I Hf hi ita Ppeated aniutentation of kindness to me, and have entiHavored to pay otf the dubt by a bithfol ; jHfict) at my Lime a rx I attention toit intereatnd l)itmter. I tmst that the,debt i paid if Dot very 4l awaneafa f, Cit th annuaciatko ot my conctu- virtratu I, jiuiwisiiuwui. ui; v"'- .. . , I mmw . DCtluiott.Iori'ver Dill II oui 01 mv powrr ui 4nmk if, however, the account i balnncf-d, we nhall ; aart m. peace. U. N. VVICKUrTli i. j . . THE CAROLIJVIAN. ' 11 1 1 - - - ' ' - ?alihuryt Friday, JlL 1, 1810. &fttc Righti Republica TicM. ma covenoa, ROMULUS M; SAUNDERS. 4. - T o -'wT uvvwitii f """,. fm fUmm K4 Damn HEN RY MILRtJt. s;rrti.aaii wtuwji d. crawfokd: , , DAVIDSON CO&NlY. 4 - V. Ctmm-lL PHILIP HEDR1CK, and COL t- AC7l!X HARtJRAVE. ... ' . I km irwr hslu thai rtrrw Elector hat right tr makt thit tall (tir hi political creed) Upon thou f thtir riictt lit the renpleAOJHkTrut . ' HJen. Harrisnn' declaration 'in 1824' ' 1 mraK i tiik nrrroitiiiiTiAM Tn iNiwlt w orai cotfcsi riow, kithsji ran ralon oa fwaja." 4Uuv itairisoa answer to two genllemeo who- itJ sa kirn with a letter, asking, in the most mpvctfiit tonus, hi sentiments on the subject of Abo- t m Th pifu u is that the General (Harrison) Ukit 1 naTaaa aaciaaaTtOn or bibcpimoss to mkrt ths re a tie sib, stiu tetupyinit htt present wmion. .- f Itiplf ef tJetk Harrison' "ComniitlCe' to Uie Os- Wf"r Units Asueistiuo. W ar rci'testcd to announce Jno. Sharer, Esq. candidate to represent Rowan and Davie in the , Ciniinmn of tho next Legii-lature. ; yjlKE 8 A UN i ICRS' APPOINTMENTS. s". " Q rat for (. ,wn"r- w,!f AUwm cb ol hi fellow-ctixen a. may , piease la attend at th Rillowiug time and places : , " 9 ! At Adieboro', Ramloiph County, Thursday, June 2fth i At l.(.i'n'' l)svul.-iu uo.- Miiturtlov. i7th - nti. iM h'-"T-1 "T Rnwiia 7&i&&f fAiAjfcsdle,. Buncueiba d - Tuetdai -4tlL 0Tae Ciuwnvf i)anlH County, -will -ob-fnmi the abnto liit of Judge Suundera' ap pointment, thru be will address them in Lex ing sua oo-Saturday, the '-Tth of this month. LOSSES tU GOVERNMENT by the. BANKS. i A document has been laid before Conures du- axiet ooetitng character A our reader well BDiet tone4iing character C ilU)W t!w f,,. a(JTOcalM have been in the habit . e euestintly ecntendin that the Bank are not j enly a great Blessing to the People, but aro necu- k fewly ra the Government ; indeed, they insist . . . k 1 tJ" "overnuwui caonua ny any poioiiiiy, ail ih Book ol the Department, ascertain va 0 4 rtMua au:ta and report them to the following Con- ' "pews which m the one now in session. Anions 1 tttner tact required to be ascertained, one was, 1 the anwsiBt of .pubjie moiieys...hicll had been "'. yjf?...PlkMeiKili cxjmJ bs, receivuit their note in payment of public .duet.' I ui the community to iugks fact brouglMto light 1 n 11 mis'; tllilt UJUTIllllPlll I1IU j kist by drfidcationt of Banks, x million four i-1"! 'mntf'f0'' thtiuMmi tetvn Anntrrd iVeny firt dollars! ,! C- H" - 'j ' . t J - ",1t "eeetved 1 thai 19, on the depreciation in f th v-rftie cj the note o received : This Inst is vet down at THiaiirui killioas nime itr aa AJBScvKTrT-rova kvim hcn i t dib ajsw twcttt toLtAas, which, bt mg adtled ts tho other aineunt, make the total . of Ua vefnnwnt ly Banks, upward of forty onk jiil- now oa txiiiAis . - . - - - . Ail tlu immeosc .sm has to be made up in tax- e fcTtp.d 00 the penple, and yet, when Ibe Re- iibueans lie eadeavorinjit to correct thce evils,jlidiite of the- party. Tbi we cooteml, i not nn. -w see tlia owner sad otjicers of the Banks every j ly unaalc, bu is fraught wjth jreat danger" to the aere me win m pumic ana start tneir can - ft.hirj SC the Legislature, forCotigre, and for uwr riMieocy, sparing oeimer money nor labor, k eiamxain the power uf the Banking sy stem over the country, and keep the great body of lb peo- ..i hm rjlijffl.t fur ll.eir bni-f.t. 'I'hey j"in in with tho Aljt.litioni-.lH in briisyitis fi.rwurd a wor"U out old mau for the Preideiicy, eotl even wem to think that they can bnmbooide the people into hi opport by raining panic-cry, nbout u hard times,' drenchtila them with " bard ciiler," and draj-iiiiX " log cabin " about." ' These actings and bufloonerie are an insult to . the good sense and understanding of intelligent men, and plainly how what the Bnnkite and AbtditiouUt think of tho American people. - Following the examplo ottheir Lrtthrcn Bt the North, the Balwhury Fuiieraliat are preparing to havs a Harrison celebration on the 4ih of July: they think that the freemen of Rowan can be caught in gull trap, with these Federal device but let them mark, they will find themwlve aw fully deceived. We have heard it related, that sometime about the commencement of the Revo lutinnary war, a British Lord held just such a re velling, in the town of Salisbury, aa the Federalist are about to have here on the 4th. The object of . .. . .1 1 : , . e iImu Irfiril j luuiil wait In mnkfl I one! the 0I1 ect ot the Federal fcnst i to make Federalist; "-The - -- - " - - British Iwrd (ailed in hi expectation and waa driven out of tlie ountry : the federalist will full and be delealed here, and elsewhere. .'' . ' iSdtg pr me unner on cc viuwurn iruu. - At the great hard cider Convention held in Balti more a short time since, the Federal Whig car ricd banner and flag of various eort, size, col or and deVices. These, of course, were intended ," to indicate their feeling and phiscipli:. Among mm ww : . .i t . ,r r ih the rest wa one inscribed in glaring letter,' with thetnottot .. ' -;';-py4 ' tip.-ttli:. riBirF." 1 Ye hero we ace flung ut to the wind the watchword, and rallying cry of the Federal Whig party it is: TAHirrTiRirr ! r V State Right men of the South are you to be ' numbered amongst those who " having eye aee not," and. having understanding do not consider f I Do you see i thi ominous inscription of jhe flarri? aon party openly displayed and lloating on the jRGIUdteagJ.'fft. will any of tLJaiig.e-y.uiaebtfa., under its shadow, to battle against your oldmend and former comrade! Lome out lrom among them before it ia lonjatu, fur rest nasured, if liar risen and the Abolitionist are brought into power, banner, but you will feel it in the weight of new Taxes and new burdens imposed on us. 'To be forewarned, if we are wise, is to, bo forearmed. 4 Sign enough, we have bad of fate, to tell, that tliere is danger The people should arouse them selves the ever-vigilant enemy of their rights iiiiheCcld his .banner . unfurled, atid the motto is tubs taxks I - Tie AfWiiontifi. A pretty erociousqunrrel ban lately occurred among thete gentry. The dispute originated in a question- a boot what they call " women's right set. of .them inua(lw.tbia paper xm the other side of the ipiejtioo. on the privilege end propriety of women voting, , speaking and taking eqjial part in all their public meeting; the' other set, on the contrary, main- tain that tromea have no business to take an active part in thu meeting, but ought, with all due mod esty, to sit still, and look on in silence. A certain Miss Abby Kelly takes the front miik in one of the divisions; heads the Women, white, bluck, and yellow, and lends them on to the assault ; she i jaaid tQ. be quite aq-oruZr ix, and -raakoa--the-anti aoiiUUtBua fily.,UftfUitdft,HiiitWI Im i ,laahinga-ofc t1i'elfiieiW fonp Jifejitta-achisin 4n their rank; and each party has or gaiuaod fof ilsatfi -The Jiifiioui Garrison and Miss Abby have lead off under their own ban ners and tarried the greater part, if not all, Ibe women with them ; while Arthur and Lewis Tap pan hnve established a man society of their own. Wliether or not they will ever get together again, ilJbiUlaaasx-aeitpprissv they Hre all too much alike to remain long separa ted. Wo wish themho more harm, than that they may make a perfect Kilkenny caso of it, and cat euch other up "bair and hide." THE ABOLITIONISTS int VAN BLEEN. The Federal Whig and Abolitionists certainly agree in one thing that U, in their hatred of Mr. Van Buren-The New England Abolition Con vention that met in Boston on Ihe 36th May, unani mously adopted the following Resolution: - " Retolred, That, by giving his casting vote, u Pro- ' sidt nt of the Senate of the United States, for estab lnhinii a censnrshin oVer Ihe press, and by pledging hinwelf before hi election, that " he must go into the Presidential Chair, the inflexible and onco-npnimismg opponent of any attempt on he part of Congrfs to abolish lavery in the IMstrict of Columbis, rinst the - -wwhe or the slaveholding tates,".Alarim3'M.Burea. has been tnkde the tw)l of tlie slaveholding power, and bas proved himself utterly hostile to the principles of ,. jtion Society at the age of .19 years, and say lliul -. MB tjt.ll lio.djlo the same prmcipUs that ho did , tlien ; the man who always J hi heart to appropriate the held il an obiect near ruifiu. rtmiutt W einanciiing the slave, or in mher wo,,!, who PW-.the- poor man, ,0 pay fii the pr n o- peity of the rich. A , WifionisBi and 'he,t federal ITni. It ia not, we. believe, charged againist the Federal Whigs of the South, that they are actually Abolitionists, no ime tippo!s there are many of thai crew this ideof Moii' and Dixori line; the charge is: they are supporting a man for the Presidency, who J not tmoted with the foulness of Abolitionism himself," is nevertheles unqnestionnbly the can- . 1 Institution ani Kiyht of the Southern People. J WecoutoWTlo that a is discreditable and drgra- . ding to any rt id men in the Squth to act under the Abolitiunuta, and with .them, this, and any other question.1 What a fall, my country. ve M-e .S,it!,cni V,!,., ,,,! ,. the of playing w-eond (i,(a , ', ' vile families, and to be found act:n aid., bv 7 with them, in tliir ellurts to tramjile do'D v' rigid and destroy cur Institutions; and a'l tr' through the brco of prejudice agaitt Martin Va' Un n il. """" : '"" ; ' , D We ask in all candor where is the Federal, at Ihe South who desired to see Harrison norni. natedt At the Harrisburg Convention ... Southern Delegate toted against him, but t!,. Abolitionist t had the control, and they did ContnJ ney oeimunceu x my, aim procured the nomin,. uon ui iiurnaon, aim mo ooutlicrn " Whig' hav had to yit Uto come in under them, 'nd ea r ! "uw irora tnett htW tatel Who would have thought this fimr agol - Where ia now the pride and spirit of tU Soulliern Federalist! Where their boasnwt e? Have lliey given all up, and a a Ut hoi hid biito iu inuir revnur ana eiieinie Abolitionist? It ia indeed tootrue, thatitiseven " But there is another 'Wrmln'aigin i in Tibia mit ter. Tbere exists now not-ihe shadow of doulit but thai the whole Federal Whig party t t)19' North are falling into the Abolitiou ranbitW aro acting with the Abolitionist in evory thin, and even taking ihe name. Ia a few yeamm.' there will be iw Wbig or Federal parly there jt will be awallowed up and absorbed in the Abolition band. There will, then, be but two parties: Democratic Republican and the Abolition, if Harrison should be elected it will be the case, truly believe, in twelve month. - We bave neither time nor apace now, but we in. Wend to extract from the Journal of Congrea th vote on Abolition questions, and show to our lemj. An nfivt wppk itinl ltt NnrlliAni PA.Inut It-i .- ....... i ...... -- .""mvm vui-rai , flin have uniformly voteif against the South and for fly AbnlitiooisU, while the Northern Democrat kin manfully stood up for u with vote and voice to rs. sisl their encroachments. I this not proof tj(5.' eient hat we have nothing to hope or eipect ta the Northern rederal whig party! . ... . . " -Will Southern men of .any pol i t ical'"ai tK 'axiflbr iteMriltlLikhilljSini intnd Vilh llww k cendiaries! If thp leader do, wtrushjifjqjj or the well meaning and honest of the people nil folloyMhenv ,Some may shut their cyea wilfuliy--to the danger of the present crisis ; other mtjbi ' IMJ.lluMl ja unanneat danger new Bi.""" Our only sure course ia to strengthen ths Den, ocrats of the North ; fin they are fighting th bit. tie for us, against Ihe most deadly enemy wo lure ever had since the day of our existence a a nation. (T Some of our Federal co-temporaries take .J occasion to copy, with much apparent tatUtactioa, every contemptible. publication irom the rederal organ hero, such ai I lie late effort to make i lit tle trading capital by misrepresenting i portion o!" Mr. Fisher s remarks, but they ere particukrlr careful never o even hint at any Ihing coptaVi x mow, we know that in a political way. the conceal- men! of fact i altogether in the line of their toe. 1 tion, and we morely wish to aA, if they cooiider it bonorable Or dccetit to make tx parte report of matters, anu reiue uie coininon justice ot correct ing false statement, oral least, giving both aide, whon with rathor " indecent hate " they have gn tuitously extended ' their aid in Ihe propagation of ' , common low slander. J , '. t ,1 "".. inkmirt. we-Bhould" jidg frolii ; what t!u' i edoral pera ety, we- rmist conclude tbnt 1 n Buren will hardly get a inwhrTcmrftrTeTlrctini. For a while aller the nomination at Harrisburg.tb'j did conclude to agree, that Van Buren would j New Hampshire, Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, and South Carolina, but latterly, they have take away the lour first, and now they are even cyphering WSmrth Carottairas-ao thing it ia for the old General, that Jie hea these " figurrin " literary 'Vmcn op hi siue If they gi 00 at this rate, tbey will not Icaye Vao an inch of grounrj to stand on,; .Perhaps, however, tT are poly going tipou the principle of the fello vh mode the, big wish.? He auheJ, that all ti gold and silver, and ill the Bank note too, locked Up in one great Bank house, and he bad l' key. Some one told kirn, that he wa entirely l exlravsgaot, that he ought to be eatisficd iik all the g.dd and ailver, and leave the- Bnk (or the rest of us. - Ah I. said he, my re! whenever I do ieith, to mae a am wis whi' ' m at it-; J'':; So, we auppoae, it is with the Federalists, vk'n they brag, they make a am biao, but nel f1 they will make the" discovery that bragging KT The Harrison Fedoralitit in iblfcreat pr! know, that like a boy whistling in the dakilif geniiemert .hve v to Jalk,big jiow, to kcjlh'f I. ...... - ,. . . 7,...f..:.-Citrtn,!r? ja''""' "r'.'-'ri . r - jr"-.-.w - . we commeiiceH, wns to give them friondljf.jj tinn, not to lake the word of their friend liorcto confidently - and . " halloo before they fi o' (he woods." w''';,'kK''''": - . -S .1 1 UN l I. l W - "" 4 The Utter of Mr, Ulct'ie.-We give in ojhor column, a very able and interesting le"pf from Mr. It. JV. WieUife.f. late Whig Kenturky, of considerable character and ,l"""ef j The views contained in hi letter, show him ,10,1 . man of ability. He seta forth in acIer,conc's, forcible manner, hi reasons for abandoning Federal Whig artv, with Gen. Harrison ' hrd. Some nf the most conclusive aod uiwn able of these are : " .-,n J That iho. refusal of tho llarrisbtirg Coonn to publish any of the priuciple of "' ,,.'', party, is auflieieiil to impair any confidence their political integrity. the submission of Harrion to lb ding control of a Committee his tare keep'"' .' .- i , : ' " -

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