I &or tie:il lie p.irlim-iif . kl( tmim MURX IT KINIWllM CtHl.vt. 1 TiiE HEKRKW RliQIJlEM. 'TUiy made a funeral oration at the grave, aft'.-r which lliey piaved, then t iremg lim ftttj of tn diceaied toward Heaven, they uid, ?Go iu ptacc'" - H"' knit .tiMi'niiki. ; ,.; : (Jo thim in peace we my not irj thee linger ' Amid lite'iuiii'liglit the gtaxn of eartit. Where every joy it touched by sorrow's finger, v And tenr sncceed Uie brightest hour f mirtli: Tlune upward gaite is filed upon that dwelling Where m and sorrow never rwre re known, Ami serspln,' lip Ihe loud Iforwnrji Nwcllmg, Have caught the uiukic of celestial tone. " Go thon in peace thy home on eariN now leaving In the looc chamber of lha dead u dwell i Thou hut no portion in the sorrow tn-ev injf The hMrti1, wliixie th-puwh t'r but (pftily tell ; :A rth of light snd gbuness active thee, The hopo f Jxraut m fruition thine. And thuu w ill gX' upun the beams of jrloty Around the throi,e of Iitrsel'i Old that bmn. " Uj Ih'jU In poCo-hy rc the toved on mi weeping . Aruuiid the spot where im thy form is lain, Thcie if no cause of gm;f thtt thou art sleeping, Free from esch trial and untouched by psmj . Thv pttth has been through many scene of sorrow, Thy weary form hta needed this repose ; Cilrn be thy rest until the eternal morrow lu light and glory on thy dwelling throw. i ' tin thou in pescetemptslioii cannot sever The lie.thal now unites thee toothy God; The voico of sin if unbelief can never , , ' , renter the preeintls of thy low abode : " We leave Umtc here with mingled joy end ssdneiw, Our been ire wck our faith m low and dim. Yet to the Iord we turn, with clwstened gltMliiew, - -- And yield out ftiefid otirbrolhef tip b Htm." MISCELLANEOUS. THE COBRA DE CAffELLO, THE -HOODED '' OK SPECTACLED SNAKE Tlii deadly serpent it eo denominated, from it hcitui in the bamt ofexpsndirur. when irritated, hood over the bee, similar in apearanca to the cowl of it monk. Thoe are also two large livid co'it resembling pair of uniform lenses, conoec ted by an arch, alike corr.pleximied, which correct' "lr represunte a pair of spectacles." The bite .of , ihi snake occasions dfeath io somewhat biM tlmn very ctjwfltow rit-nwat Mrrt )f lmli-OTi w'V'g the lamy ecaaon iielreiiilv ant to ateal into hou- . era to allelic r iuelf agatiiat the inclemency of llmt dcmructive elelpeot. Dfoviiiir a danpcroiw inmate among farmliea, who are ootawar-, until it i roves too late, mat win ueaaiy reptile ia iiviiil', unooeer vtd, in the uiidm ol'tliem. 1'bero is, however, one vi(ilunt little eiiwiny to thia snake, which i ever in piirnuit of him, andTtKit it the rooogoWBT anake- weaacl. Thie creature it about the nze of u ferrety partakea largely of the odour of inuek and is capable of being domesticated, so as to be - comoaa lamiliar as aiiouse cat. Wheat i.Coi - bra de Capetlo" peceifes this weasel, be ceils himself up. etmltinK tfl the same litnt a most fee- tid eflluvium, the natural effitct "of terror and alarm. The rt""Sose tunft. tuuod hit enemy backwards and forwards, it eyet being fixed innJnsely on its victim, and when the critical opportunity oilers if' self, effect V suiWerv epring epo - his- ely-4e,-j " semng tiim behind 11'? occiput, ' atw paimog i fftlt through the epine.. Should the weiwel be .' bitten, it immediafvly acarnporsoiTiutS the garden, '"' "or some woodar tjhandj-snd edieate opow "peculiar liorb," whrchroves' aii aiitidolie agtinr ' nm - innom" of the erK.'nt.,, Thoro art few Kim iliosin India thut are without these ' little useful fli.iinnln 'vhmh run nliotit the hmiM. and are ex- .. h..rSTlirttarat : ly destructive to rjtt, mice, and other, quadrued v,,f,t, Te;rowi;tHbe----1 "caste" of imiive-ii tertrifi M Sampe Wallers," jir.auttk.fl-jcaldici'i tUH!SOmert are in tne nanoi pents.which thtv cuny Willi tiieiu iu filthy urn rlruetedJbasLoti ."irhii.i dansCHttlitTiiaSt'cK' AbiHit three years wce. one of Vim vagabond Ira lernity 'hilsj .amusing Ii snmll assemblags of spec lalor by Iho exhibition offiis feafs wilnliflargc ' Cfi"a do Capeljos," during the net jil charming "ihoTii; with()rrtihstwiT ' snakes contrived to teiice him on the wrist. The : mwr itinerant" immediately felt conscious of hit linrriblo fato brandy was copiously ndministered to him, but without producing any tnlutary effect. .11c wa conveyed to ail adjoining outhouse, whore in less than twenty minutes he expired under the " uiost agoMzing convulsion. ; r,,nrrriJiii or Trimfri. The word "con versation " i a liivurtte one Tor till' pages. ' have books entitled "Conversations with, the Dead,"" Convensif ions with this Young," tod even Conversation among the Tonibs," tVc., but . never huvarwe;Di with "Convertiioiis wiili , Tramster " on i title page, although we have often heard them, and believed that a most inmruclive vulumo might ho easily concocled out of them, by .anjtJiterary. genllenian of elegant Jwisnre. A a tamplo of the real thing I might collect, as he naunters through our eireet,on a morning ramble, trtuljuin-)a. whiiili ..tiKik plactu ytwtoidsV4Mui the UAiW-tftJase.beiweona Jowmhait and Wttewnv of one horse mil two oxen t ' Gel off, you that fnrbard. -Ye darned old fool, ye d jn't pull a pound j and you two behind, tfiati what airve doom, on - git al.T idt in you oil uu--what in naterJbe. je'staring arter-Why, don't )ou go alung to gellier kicder thi way. Dim ye, dou'l you sup f pose I know as much as all tew on ye, and so git opp. What the use of your standing there fling ing your toils tibout ; Jou don't reckon there's the bout ia aeu a initriiiiia ai mi; r.mti cnyun v free i Calvin's Calccliism spring to it pry, and -t tho Dontoo folks tee what ye can do on a pinch j ;r v .i.uii. dum bie.if vou stwll come to B'tn totw tin, fsshiona agin, I lull e oow W hoy, well I vow, if wliilo I'm stopping to talk to ye, if, "tnat ciHjotlirieFolnTt'rse i I lonwii ttfl tolniJ lo chuw that 'ere straw I" Won .Post. j Lan"" iMrrert. If a man according to law, give to another atj ornrtgo; instead of saving, "I giv you that orange," winch ono would think w.(uld bo-hat is culled nl U'gal phraseology, ' an absolnttf eonveyauce of alt right and title therein," the phraso would run thus " I give you til and mil" gular my tat and intorcst, right, title, and claim, and ad vantage of, and in, lhat trange with all the riud, akin, juice, polH and pips, and all right and dvanige thorein, wuht'ull power to Ute, cut, suck, or otherwise eat ibe san.e, or giyo the same away . i folly nnd edectually a I, the said At B., am mw entilled to bitecut, tuck, or olherwite eut or give the n.nui away, wiili or without it rind, sitiii, juice, ,u!p, and pips,aniiuig herutofoit r betcalu-r, or in any other deed or doi-ds, iusiruineiit or iiwuu. siieuH, of what nature or what kind never", lo the contrary "ny vise,ii'jtwitbilanlin" with much utoruoi flit' anie.cfiuct. Such ia tfifi language f bwy:rs; ami it is, very gravely held by, the inot learned men among them, lhat by the omission of any nl' tbn woroV, the,, right to the eaid orange would not a to the person for whose use the name is intended. Tli" Thrf. JJlii kjounj Three jolly hua- iiuiJh, out in the country, by the r:arn- of '4'ira WahVui, Jkj Hrown and Bit! Walker eat late one evening, dunking at a villtrgo tavern, until being pretty well corned, they agreed thai each one, otr returning home hnuld do the first thing hi wife told him, in default of which .he eboutd the next morning pay the bill.' They ;tlieti separated (ur the mjjlit, engaging Jo mt agin next morning and gave an honeat account of their proceeding m home, eo lur an ihc.j related to (he payinem ol the bill. .... The next morning Walker aifd Rrowo were arlyet their pottti: but it waa aorno time before W Hlnon made ins aitiMiarance. Walker began first. M Vou nee when 1 entered my boue, the candle - out, and a the fire ijave but a glirhmering of lijjht, I canie ixsar walking iccidenily into a pot of batter thdt be eakea were to be made .of thi morn ingV My wife, who waa dreadfully out of humor , at Hitting up o long, eaid to tlie aarciiMienlly, Do mil your foot in the batter f " Juit aa vou ay Mnggy," Muid 1, "and without the lunM hexiia t on I net my foot into the pot of butter, and lliAl went to bed." ' y Next Joe Brown told his storv. " My wi!e hid already retired to rrirt in our usual sleeping room, N which adjoins the kitchen, and the door of which was aiar, not being able ( navigate pertettly well you know, 1 made a dreadful clattering among the household furniture, and my wife in no very plea. aontJurw iawleAwt, Do brmkike porridgi pot . Jot !" No sooner said than done. 1 eeized hold ; of .the hail of the pot, and striking it against the chimney jam, broke It to a hundred pieces. Alter ihifiFp;t,J erjr$i. preet aodfii eWttta lure all nightTor my (tains. " r It was now Tim Watson's turn to give an ac count orhimelf J which ho did, with a very long face, is. follows s My wife gave me the most un lucky command in the world, for as I was blunder- jug up ataifs mill dark, the cried ut, Doltrruk your rotten wck, do iim" 1 II be cursed it I do, Kate, said I, as 1 gathered myselt up; "I'll s-xin-er pay the bill." And a landlord, here's the cash tor you. I hi u the last time 1 11 ever risk live , Aquatic Scenery. During the hardest of the storm the day before yesterday, we took a lounge duwuiu th. Uio4it4 the brink of a deep gulley that emptied its torrent of water into the bayou, our attention was attrac ted to the bottom oftfjfe gulley, where a drunken loafer" waa stemming the torrent, holding on to a root ast wiclioredln tb bank- Th'i66Fle11'rw7 not knowing any one was near him, was combating his fate manfully, and in calculating his chances of ecaie, give utterance to the following : Ilayu't this a oiful'sitivafion to be placed in, nohow f If I wnsa tteamlioat, a rail, or a wood pile, I'd bo tatter worth fifty centt on the dollar . than I'll ever he. agin. ; Unless I'm a. gone case now, thr haynr no truth in frenofegy.-1 -have 7 weighed all lite chances now. like a ginerat, and . find only two lhat bears in my favor; the firs! is a ' . etuhK bow Id era wf into7 and (5 ecind a special mtfrporsitioo of Trovidencef and the beet Chancer of the two iiio liin if I -,oply bad the change, I'd ', give a premium for the skunk hole -thein'a my 1 siilimcil,7lTt $8uttf Mi niintniKi1iifl!3rA!t water snake, fof about .two months, perhaps J wmiM'nt mount the firnt atump tirthnr aide tlie Bio, and flap my wings and ciow over everlastih life, - din. on this root: there hayn t 00 skunk holt in these ere oiggms Mh8J.leXJiJ!lHl,fiJ?".!!! a feet, "aiiJu my"noe was as long as- Kingdom come, it would'ut stick out much longer. , Oh Jor- .1, ... ,k.. ..I........ f l.n. .. I..... hwiTrlrertlirrttnJwryrrrjr to mo for tits codinT bat a pity lis tome phi. .(flplhropisjiemberjtl had foresight etHHigli lo buili a house over this gut. ter, with a steam engine to keep out the water 1 It they d done it hi time, they might have bad the . Ironor and gratification of saving the life of a feller . being ) but it's all day with Vou, Jerry, and a big harbor to cast anchor in. It's too bad to go off in this orful manner, when they "knows I oilers bnted water ever since I was big enough to know 'iwaut whiskey. I feel the root given wav, and since 1 don't know a prayer, here's a bit of Watt 'a Doxol- oger 10 prove i uieu a cnriHiinn ; " On the bank whore urooiied the willow, Ioug time i;;o." Ib fore Jorry got to the conclusion, he was washed- into the bayou, within a few feet of a large Hat that bad just started for the steamboat ; his eye caught the pruect ot deliverance, and he changed the burden of hi dirge into a thiilling'cry of " Heave to ! paMUier overboard and unking, with a belt of specie ! the iun what savti me makes hit fortune ! " Jerry was lishe.1 ashoro by a daikey ; ; and to show his gratitude,mviied Qtinnhey u to go to the doggery and liquor." I'tta Slur. ' India Jiigglrrt A man who in 1S'!S seated hininelf in the air, willimil any apparent support, excited as much intercut and curiosity as the auto, maton chest player who n'ttonislied all Europe ia few year ago, drawing were exhibited.in all the India ,mpert, and various conjecture formed rim -eciing tho aeciet of hi art, but no very satisfac- tgry discovery was made of the meant by which he elli-eifd an apparent impossibility. The bodiet of tho Madras j.iglwi are, so light and supnb, a to resemble linw of verpenti rather than men. ' An artwt uf this kind will place a ladder upright on the ground, and Wind himseir in and out through the rung until he reaches t ie top, decimtiing-m the same manner, keeinnir trie fodder, 'which hat u.inVi whaieverf tn a--peryndinitnf "WlTKinT Some ofthe nuwt accoiuplifbed lumbieta will spiing over an enormous elephant, r five i-amels pled abreast ; and in roie-lAUt'ihg they are not lo bo utrlone by ariy of the wondewof thi' Sadd'ei' ' Vcllt Swallowing the sword is a common operation, even by thiwe who are not considered the moft expert ; tndthey have 'varimw other rxploii -with naked weapons, of a amxt frightful uaiuttv A woman (liir femiilot aro quite rqual In men in thi kind of fcatt) will dip the point of a sword in fotne black : pigment ; the hilt is llten'fixol firmly in the ground, and after a few whirls in Ute aii, the artist lakes off portion of the pigment with her ryelicl. ,A sword and fHir dug ire rt are pleed in the ground, with tin) dges and points upwards, at eurb a die tanco from each other a to admit of a man's heed . between them, the opfrutor thru plant a mimelar firmly in the ground, sits down Unhid it, and at a bound throws hi to1 If over the acinx-tar, pitching bis head exactly iu I he cen're between I he daggers, and turning over clears 1bcru ami the sword. Walking over the naked. eUe "f S to be (M-rfWily e-y j and mum. of thi-e people ' stitk a sword in th. gr'Uiid,,aitd itep upon the point in crowing over it.N A mare agreeable riw ply of the lighiii"s and activity which would en able Uie performers to tread over flowers without lndin" them. t ahown uixjO a piece of trim linen cloth itrefchediiul rfightry in the hands of four per. mnis, which is travemeil without rullliug it or forc ing it frwn the gra-pof the holder I he lining of heavy weigh; with the eyelid ia another very in moos exhibition. Some of the optiwl decep timis are exceedingly curious ana inquirers ere un linn dav uuzxled to iruess how idnnts and llower can be instantaneously produced from seeds. F.Tari'trtition. S there be an? one manner ism that is universal among mankind, it is that of coloring too highly the things we describe. We cannot be content with t simple relation of truth we must exaggerate we must overdraw we must hsve "a little toe much red in the brush." Who ever heard of a dark oiglnV that waWt pitch dark t of a stout man that was not strong as a lior for of a miry road that waa not up to the kseal" I would walk fifty miles on foot" to see that man who never caricatures the subject on which he speak J but where is such a one 10, be found ? From " rosy morn to dewy eve," in our common Conversation, we rue constantly outraging the truth. If somewhat wakeful in the night, we have scarcely had a wink of sleep ;" if our sleeves get a little damp in a shower, we are " at wet at if dragged through a brook j" if a breexe Wow up while we are in the clmpt tlie channel," tne wave are sure to " run mountains high j" and if a man grow rich, we all say that " he rolls in money." No later than yesterday, a friend of mine, who wouto hrkv from wilful ' mWepresenlation, told me hastily, as lie passed, that the newspaper bad " nothing in it but advert women!," and that he had sent off, by the Shrewsbury eoach.'a codhVh as ig Isli Jackaxr-TC in describiitg common things, most likely proceed from the love of the ronrvellous, which mirt ol mankind entertain. We wish to affect the minds of others? what it the use of telling tale that will excite no wonder t of inaking a complaint that calls forth no eynithy 1 ot of representing a deed of injustice that will rouse' 00 indigmitiou ! . We, wish to iiwke one Dicture stnkint:, and thus, Tike the painter, are induced to pat " a little tod touch color in the brush." But, it it U thus to things 4mtHrA mtcljcm iU&iMM-Mtb blmtlimg misrepresontaiions are made. Every newsnaper hat its " Barraiiit," its "Great Sa- vma," and its Immeose Sacrifices."; M Fish nil alive " 1 not too stroug a terra for the miserably tainted,' scaly fry , offered for sale. The Irish cloth of the mercer is "fine at cambric," the stale meat of the butcher " aweet at a nut " and (he cheese- mwieer hard, toogh, lean cheeaell aa fat atiiUb ter." , 1 hese are general remarks ; how far the; afreet youT To this inquiry may be added anoth er. How far da tbey effect Ephrairn Holding t 1 am sadly afraid tfmt we both aro culpable' Not that 1 plead guilty myself, or tax you with wilful misrepresentation, fur the purpose of forwarding any individual interest, but that foci that we are both amenable to the chaige of tjwakmg lightly and tUonghtIey thai we botb, by putting occa simullff. ft. little too much red jo the, brush,' loave Kiipressioo. not warranted by. ihe kcl w relate.-firaim I hUing'i Domestic Jdreaet. '' j'lyllj ' J' ' 1 la" , lown ;toie fifty., milet. from SosiorJ the members of religiouu society were it tie praelice oT htdding conference meeting in ibe Church,. at which tbey ; made a' kind of audible confession, technically called recounting one s " experience, ftrfpr was in the habit off inviting his neighbor, Mr. L , witMn4 a- metnber,- to- attend t Ingfr-witi t ingi i one 01 wnicn nr. got up ina tiaieq to tlie congregatioo t liar lib was a great sinner thai SLJS ,....,,Jl..ll- 0 BioWiaJlUllVawjtttiuaUCVtiWft . r..r- r-. p raved. . Afie this coofession of Mr. D . Mr. who had by accident been plsced irpoo the "anxioat scar, wai callod uiion to recount his experuocf." lie arose, and with most, imper- birbabltt guiurityaiated, ohairiie.Jiad.icry .little to say of hiniseif, but the brethren would remember that be had lived for flve-and-twenty year the nearest neighbor of Mr. I) .that he knew him well, more iiilunatoly so lhau any other man and it gave him great pleasure, because he could do it with entire sincerity, fe evnfirm ike truth of all brother D had emfr$md of himtelf. Whee Mr. L sat down under Ihe visible and audible imilo of the whole congregation, I lie -parsW not excepted. Mi, D went up to him and said, , You am a rascal and a liar, and I'll lick you wheu you get out of church." 4 DIFFERENT COLORS QP MOljRN'Lvb. Iti Europe, black is generally used, because it represents darkunm, which death it like unto, ts il is a privation of life. In China, whMi it used, be. cause they hope -that iLt dead Are in heaven, the place of puritv.' In Egypt, yellow i used, be. cuse it represents the decay ing lives and Oowera, which" 1hmii etlow-te'they die awayrla Ethiopia, orowii is used, because 11 denoted the color of tlie earth from whence we come, and to which we return. In some parts uf Turkey, blue 1 usud; because ifresembtea the sky. wbere.ihev ho(o the duad ire gtMie ; but in other pant, purple and tiolet, because being a mixture of black and blue, represents, a it were, sorrow uo the one ide. and hope on Ihe other naifii.N nr iniMiurnr Tht harned Dr. Wterhoueriutty denomina- ted the - American Jenner." while professor of i Xatuml H.rtorv Ilir.arJ l?n.riv u..n. v,r. "i igo, made an artificial insect, to the limbs of which -4weeent4 ememmneaw w4t.im while be bcblu.ji 1 . ) i bis limid. lecturing, ami permitting every pupil lu impact it, j none of whom cmdd tell to whit elnsv of ittsrets it j belonged, though, lliey all tiehevej it to be a real I hvm creature, the Doctor tho addrrKd ihem : " 1 supjHHrt, yomn geml-men, you wish tu be in - formed of ihe name of this bug ; had you eaamioeJ il more attentively, you would have a,! perceived mat 11 was a Hum bog. " Pa ! what it it, that you and elder B are drinking V said a litlle bv, Ihe other day to his t faiheiy " Il u hard cider my mn." " Why la t Pa, I thought ymi and el .ter B. were officer ofthe To.tnt.1 . -..i 1:..- 1.1,- " - w good."' llo-,h child, you talk enlirxdy loo much, don't you know it i the only way to dufit them readfut Loco Focus, ait J tave our beloved Country V ".' r 'J Crandtired by the AML1UCAX LCLll'Si;, the Champion of Amriea-Winner of the Crwtf Match Knee, the North again .... . fhf South9 2 0,000 aside ! ' ; TIIE TIIOUOUGII-BUED HORSE, the AM LlllC AX II RED by Col. Wade Hampton of South Curo- linn, will make his second Sendon at Saliibury, which commenced on the 2. 1st ultimo, and will end on the 20A of June next, at 120 the ; Season, and , $30 to insure, the money to be paid as soon is the Mare it ascertained to be in foal, or tht properly changes owners; and fifty cent to the groom. (KT Maretsent from a distance will be well at tended to, and fed with grain at 30 cents per day. To IhuiM that wish it, a good lot will be furnished . grntiHi..but itt.no iOttauct-witt bo teepwwihle Utt- accidente or escapes. : - ' R. W, .iiDNG. Salisbury, K. C, March 13, 1H4U. i!B--r PEDlOREEs I Certify lhat LATH was bred by me, am) that he was foaled in the Spring of 1833. He waa got ,by Godolphin, his dam Pocahontas, by Sir Archy j bit grand-dam Young Lottery, also by Sir Archy, out of Col. SingletoriV celebrated Lottery, by imported Bedford out of tlie imported mare An- illina findulnhin was ffot bv Ecliiwe i bis dam Sylph, by Hicphestion out of Lottery by imported . Bedford, &C Hiephestion was got by the import ed Buzzard out of the dam of Sir Archy." DESCRIPTION. PERFORM AXCE, dre LA HI W a line bey, without white, 15 hand 3 incet high, with' good bone and capital action. At throe year old, he won the produce, stake at Co. I. .... .:u k.uia lil.i M. 'I'., !.,.'- nil.. lUIIIUia, IHU UIIIQ IID.I.I WW.,.!.! f.lllll w iiiiv, Uuisy, and Captain Spami' coli, Convention, nine other paying forfeit. t wo weeks afterwards ba won the jockey club purse, three mile heats, at Augusta, beating Kite auia distancing Black Bird. At Charleston, he wat beaten by Clodhopper for the jockey club puree, three mile beats ; being very much amiss, he was drawn after the firt heat. At 4 years old, he won the jiickey club purse, four mile heats, at Camden, beating bir Kenneth and Dorabella at three heals ; losing the' first in consc. quence of bolting when several leugilis in advance uLilMtjfkldMiR 1 stand . and getting entangled aiiHmg 4ne carria ges, he austained an injury which occasioned hie withdrawal from the turf. . - ;..., .Latli, W4 a race JJorsaof the, ilrat claM, which -he evinced in his trials with Bay Maria, Charlotte Kuase, and Kitty tleth, aud in point of blood he ia inferior to none, whether imported "or native.' Hit constitution n robust, he having never been sick, and his temper goodr-Hi color, form, and action 3peatf for thenrselves. ln a word, Lath unites in himself at many claims to public patronage at any young Stullion that Hinow. - " ' . ' ' WADE HAMPTON. - Willwood,Jau:?2,183a. -" .,",, ;w From the above certificate of Coj. Hamoton. wh bred and had Lath Irained for the Turf, it will be seen that he considered him a race horse of the first class not only from the races he has men tioned as hating run piiblicTy", bill "irow prTvale tri., ' als he hat made with horses which are now on th ' Turf, and mnoing: with 4lopsdtrsJlftBuiccti. J"i J wiU abw be observtd by hit certificate, thai, he eonsidere4 1 b " supaiwed by ajiy horse, imported or native, 1 consider if entirely unnecessary to attempt to eulogise Lath, either for hit performances on the A TtwCroa tM:tu Jut blood, juice wmwytp&h' is so well attested. But will "remark, that Lath : bat uot :only .descended :fron w4bwdi btrt baj-"" Come from stock both aire and graiid-tire, dam and grand-dam, that are ofthe ruruimj blood. For j i-c . , ' "" v"'l'wwnuo-Mitiuui nnit;f w Amer tean tkjhpse. eo'well fctoww tr-tfee 1tmttl tljid " VwTU, iusde' Bw ;tini. 'iu.' (he greaT7nalcFm north against the south, 30,000 aside, in 1 inin tee and 87'tcondtiwtch 19tilipti'Vow!ircoiiJ!!r tidefabit eclat. ' This race gained luni the memo. rable name uf the champion of the north X.'."r ' il-.r.-:"".:.ri'r i-- r- 1- ma da mai redBy le"remwiH1BiFXreliy'' w hotereT" putation is a rarer, cVc, standa unquestioned, both . in England and America. The grand dam of Lath, Old Lottery, bred by Ihe great southern aointeur"' of hones, Col, R. Singleton of South Carulina, hat produced more fine race -horses than any other mare in. the Cuion. "Thus, it will be seen thaf there it uuited in Lath two of the beas studs in the outb, Hampton' and jjglciou's crossed with i Cen. Colo' of ibai north. ' . . Tlie (tublio is now presented with such in oppor- ; lunity of huproving the blood of lhat noble and useful annual, tfiti Florae, as rarely occur! in this " section of country. , And Ihe poblic can have irr addition, in 1 short time, the opportunity of judg- iiig more satisfactorily of Lath bldbd," oic.,' by -his colts of jast.Spring't get, is it it expected there -will be many of them, dropped by mares in this section in t Jew dy, Asa turn wei geiler Lath stands almost unrivalled; at is proven bv hit last Springjs services so few pf U10, largejiaiubor of... uarya put iu nun ima proving iu joat. . . ' , ' R! VV.j V N. B. Mares sent from a distance wijj alwayi flnsj Lath at home, as he will not be removed from bit twble in SlisbtH, ttiider-anr t!iwmstaicet, during tho 8eas. March 13, 1940. 'WHS SUBdtTUBER living near Lexington, Dvid. in County, takes this method to inform tha lub- lie list lie will emer mo toinian i Pons, either in Davids-m, Rowan, or Cabarrus Coun lJ huuse rsctorir-s, or any other kind of ! u,lang neat or line K, to tmud them as elieap, a. durable, ami in M jond etfle at any .workman in Una country. -i--, - - . -. lla wdl aiao. mould and burn the Brick, if wanted. He wiists tint hi kmg expeiieuce in -77 MOCLpiNO AND LAYING fiRICK. '. , will entitle him to a shire ot public pstronsge. Ho would refer gentlemen wishing work dune in his l.lnKT n.i... ,.. il,. V..,,.l ..l.,. ....I .1 1 fire pro, Clark' office ia Salisbury, a specimens of Hun wot k.- , '.' . . N. B. TleHe wi-tiiiif work done, will please leave wmd at the. oftieo of the WestHra Ctmliniae, and it sliall be pnnctusllv attended to. - - 1 ' ROBERT COX. DsVidmm, April Is. 1KB. . . . , MUFF ATS LIL;E TILLS fc? HITTERS. 'pHE 1JFE GIVING FILLS AND riBT.NIX 1,1 1 " eemtirateii, nm m mucti nted bv n..i..ir...n . ... " " - "Uhe ttUicu-d in evry twrt ofthe emntrv.i now ti. ceued aud fi sale hy the Subscribers - CIIF4S 4. lit Kit' R, Aj-enta. -Mers. Srnimt &. ihanklb, in C'(ncird, N. C, are alw Avnts li the same - . --- 1. S. Set advert isemeat. April I, r a f ""1 j r "1IK Sntihcrilsir tulo.'H Un tm-ilul ,.r ;. 1'iihlic, thai he ttiil luiitiini,.. tr .,". : CCTTIX-STOXR iimsl, at bis Cinimie Unary. ..,. . Saln-bury, near the . -Id thsrlesom n-.(t r .' able to supply all ordtrb ;,r MILL-SToM"-! " - w in re w betit grit, and on the shortOKt notito. lot!,-., ' ALSO , for Sdle. at the lowest prices, WINDOW SILLS. DOOR KILLS, IM)011 sr,.. Dlll!l!ll IIITII T1IV1 l)fiPIu n., 1 1-' '"."o oiu.i GOLD CK1NDERS, Ac. t,- Ac i. HOULKHOUSEK.Sto,,-,,,,, Suliebury, Oct itb, 1S11J. " """-' "t'u sr. N. B. Orders for my of the above ,JL. rp. directed to me at SbIihIhii-v u.ii i.. ... ended to. J . J' puactuktl' V II. Moffat's Ak V &x 'IMIESE nicdicinei ard iodulted for their iheir mauilest and sensible uctiou in ...r! the springs and channels ot life, and eudum- u tided case which have been made public, and bTl most every species 01 msease to which the htiw frame is liable, the happy effects of M0FKir2 LIFE FILLS AND FHEMX BITTEtisll been gratefully and publicly acknowledged bv it persons benefitted, and who were previously quainted with the beautifully pliitosophicil pics upiJU wuitu urcjr om tuinpouiiilca, arJ tl which Ihev cousequmtiy tel. ' 'Ihe LIFE MtiblCLNLS recommen:? K- elvos in dtseaset of every descripiioii. Tlwif operation it lo loosen from (he coats of the Moitt, aud bowel! the varioat impuritiet and crud,),,, constantly settling around ifiemj and to Kut Ibe hardened fiecet which collett in the tiw,,., liout ofthe small intVslinea. Other medicine, 1,. ty paniany cwanse incse, ana itave toch toikf massot behind to produce habitual eoativ with all itt train of evils, or sudden diarrba-!i, its imminent dangers. This fact is well known all regular anatomists, who examine the , bowjls after death s end hence the prefab $ these well informed menagaiiwl quack uici.,. or medicinea prepared and herulded to Ike p. oy igiBirom pciow. jtiio stscuuu U.'cl q( Life Medicines is to cleanse the kidneyi aj lct bladder, and by this meant, the liver and the ku n iM,kAUbjMi.ctiiua on ,.the gutariiy oi..the .lumary jorgstis. jm blood, which takes itt red colof f"m Hie ofthe liver and the iungt before it passe L,uu by food cowing from clean stomach, courses fn. ly through the veins, renews every part of the ro, tern, and triumphantly mount the banner of tkik in ihe blooming cheek. , ;.'. i.JlpnaiILVlJihIe Life Medicine liaiVbf. thoroughly lested, and pronounced a soveidn r medy fof Dyspepnia, Flaiulency, l'a I pi tat ion f t'e Heart, Lost of Appetite, ilearl-buru and flus. ache, ilesllesaness, 111 temper, Anxiety, hutgy bud Melancholy , Cost i venous, Diarrhaa, Chofrn, Fevers of all kinds, Rhumatisin, Gout, Dwpw! rill kinds, Gravel,. Worms,'-Asthma and CoflMimp tion, ScurvyV Ulcers, Inveterate Sorei, Scorl , Eruptions -and Bad Complexion, Frupttre t T plaints,' Sallow, Cloudy, end other disagree? k Complexion, BaltRlnHirorErysipelat,-Cis. Colds and Influenza, and various other couipEnis which afllict the human Irame. Iii Fcvu 11 AotB, particularly,'th Lite MidiclneiTitiv tt rncd eniineptly,siiccessful; so" inuch 8 that mik Fever and Ague District, I'hystciuut ilmmi uu. versally prescribe them. - f All that Mr. Moflat n quire of hit patienti t to be particular ie taking the Life Medtcine etrk-rty WSLM&tM liliing thai he huusdf my say in their lavor, that he hopes to gain credo. Il is alone by the results of a fair trial. TV " at a. domestic guide la faoalih Thi littl snaiti forbarfijeert fubttwhrrl,'WrThrptirpei'of t? plaining more fully Mr. Mofiiit's theory ofdix :- and-will be found iiighty ;intpreting.tO seeking health. Itireata non prevalent dm! and tho cause thereof. Price 1'5 cents f-r by- MrrWoflatV gMTh'prrlenlfTr4;-" 1 bese Vnluable Medicine are for sale rv - - - CltWS J BOCl'X Salisbury, N. CL, May 1, 1JU.' . . . 'I1I1E Subscriber living seven miles south c.1' .c , burv, intends keeuius cnrManllv on l.aiul, ). ble ind Oriuite Slabs exprcwtly for TO.MIJ .'sSTONKS, so that he can execute any order iu Uist J-iae, oe shortest not wo,. , . s . ' Atso ' ' llti ready 1o exrctite Inv wort which mT ' tor in SCULl'TURIXC, .HTO-NE-CU'lTI-N GRAVING, 3lvh ind he twures thoMi who i liim with tlieir work, that unle.-m well done' lo-cnutract, be has mrpay. A complete large Dairy Trough !r sale, cut for the jmrposrot preserving milk rofd: - A;r : ' Subscriber. " , . ' .November 1st, is?l)j . ,fVo Owners ot MVWs. 'PUB Subscriber bst in vnjtrnvtdp attnl ..L AlilKby which, a mill will da uiuth b-" with the twoal form of Spimlles. Il ' as to keep from healing 01 killing the meal ins . ncr, "f he-ronner it an confinid hy the ways to preserve it balance, sud of coinw t f -rubbing ofthe stones.. " i . I thipk,by this bnprnved Spindle, tin " will rtoat lesl ene-lOfrii inon tm.inej.- . oTsuaenor lioaTTt JT Any person wishing to use one oft!'"' "; may oMain one ot more, by making apph'-" in 1 short time) te the Sutxicriber at Ah - -JC it, C I think the probable i 'H - KVi lor the Paleat and Spiadle retdy for - , in suecoirmwrailSr: C,T. lv.'Fi"K ter, Joseph Hall and cWl. Fiterof I1'11' (lilhretb Dickson and David J. Rairt' 1,1 Charles Griftiih of Rowan; Addiiwn ,Mi'rf" sun, and VV illiam ! of Surrn all of 1" ' ' ry ploaset) wuh its pcrfnrmancev - - ' CI1.P Qi-tnbor 2Ti, 'V? A'ciiU Kenan!-;. 11 UNA WAY ftom the Suhscrrbcr, ou M(-k I i April. l$n"t h"11 b ' ' FJl'T. I will five the above Reward, noi r fhf lf-f an;)rtrhenion and delltf W W ,(! , t sii v-i tgain.4 harboring or employ i"J ,'" j itttbe penalty of the Itw.;.; TOillA ' Row ft Coontf, June 5, 141 J , . MATCHLESS SANATIVE . i. for K-l h . X olM:riber,at Milledgeville, n.c- - .w. r.. K Febrnaty VI, mtn. -

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