rl f..f fw"' r'- 'f-" r" 1 "it i 1 J. JiiLjUf ,1 V THt lOWERt HOT DELE94TKD TO THE CMITO STATU BV TliK i rrrTi.p!,.3' raonieiito it tt rrm-vxB ir.sf:Rvto to ths i irts ItaVr-'tcTi ivrtr, oa to rut rttrtev AjriWf-I lie CuftfrMMt. trtt7t JT. LISBJJltY, IV. O, JUNE 23, 184a JUyrom Commiticcnicnti 1,04 1. -e nt - -mita pit Mitrictti t frtm naelf jM Hill'- bb.r. 1 C;:" I 111 l! '. It j It 00 ti" ;v tbut r0' me"" AS or 1,1 ionlnw"'' 'V: 1 "; T K M i Of TUB -' rUBUSHED WEEKLY:::::::::::CIIA8. Fi FlrfUER, Editor and Proprietor, " . Vbttw CarOUJiu is published every Friday, ., our amtum, la sdvaoce, or tjjrj SO, if nut paid in three uwniU from the time of subscribing; iNo " .. tr fcx .iriAKIIiYii.'iil iiiiliT'.Il urpfHrM.rM .r nul rl win uc i-- - r-i 'iutxriber worth the subscription ; indthelkiU lire to notify tha Editor of a wikh to(lucontinue, t JoaHt i norm before the end of the year subscribed for, be considered dew engagement, V ifVJrwmiioniticuouHtn(l correctly In- ruJ at l p square--(of 310 i, or Jfir line j Ltu. sized type) for the first insertion, and :i5 cent menu 25 per cent higher thin the above rate. A de .lotion of t'M per ceut from the regular prices will j,e made to yearly advertisers. OS" Advertisement tent in for publication, rnutit be marked with the nuro brof insertions desired, or they will be continual till fcrbid, aod cbarKed accorainijiy. . To tcctire attention, an iwers aouresaca to we J'at . ........ l. ...,. it..., - lor on dusibohs, " "i . A D DREggJ jfl TBR FREKMEJI and VOTE I Of WORTH CABOLIXA. 'The iminerwe importanee oftlrjejcXJIrcjiJfiiu flMtiMiTvelfcxip tuierest bat awaken rd, (brn our apolnuy for thia AdJrena to the Free Aaaiui Votaof N'orih Carolina. , , CollwioiiaoT opinion, wliicli grow out of polili ul cont rove rioa, are conducive in the end to the ducovery of truth, and a frank ioveitiat1oD of the meawre trf our "government ought 4tvyet te be ducouragod. Dut every aober niirnkd man unites , , ihe totitiinent that no-a daya thcrl too niuch nawiva id too little reason ; too mucti Party and !m tittle regard- for Principle 1n "the dicuion tf uirt of our poblic oiricerii, thereje fearful riia. egnrdof truth and juiti.ee. ,. . , ' , 1 rue, the line" but wen a fearless exrure of :rime, and a prejudicjie i'TOr ifcmiili' may mil alwaya lie eay lo lucover : but then it is certain that few of the ene- fmieaof Mr. Yak Bcrkn teem to be sa watchful observe U aa they are industrious to conceal it IGreat-tTrt aifnarHmprew-Tte-puMic' iiod with the ftitoe opinion that our proppriiy mi VttajmTgfWidThnt i firiirburjuJicioua exercitie oi" M"ir authority by thn cormtitutioual ageiita of the J'Miiile if dopotic. Theue thinga ought not to be to. iDwre it no nation where all the nolid bloasing of ira more enjnyed than they are in the United ptei; and there never waaooe in which they are mrcdtp Hie grfat boJy of tha Jteople by auefe jSiukif tAcnfiCBs. The adiiuuiNtratmn of the Go lernment ha bwm conducted by Mr. Va! Rtiiex,. e btfTiVve, Willi "ua pore intention t, and eerlaioly itb at rotiieciful a CoftMideTatioo for the fyininob vJTtelmjra ofothorn, aa ever aeittaied thet'hirT1 lagmrate of any count rv ; and it w alike uiijumi hkw aml-iiijuihi to - tie-petple,- to- itennuncfi President tor f.iulia ho hat not been guilty of, id to depreciate Ihe cimtlitmu of the country be v (he high r.tnk it pmudly occupies. Why I ciiiiiiiutioiml uutliorme oHhtt bifid, or taught I III IIIUllll'll II11IIU1I ui iiiu v. w VVI IllllVIlt 1 ll.JJF nw rnx-d, except there lie tiome with to reconcile em to it overthrow ? :ioJutHm-j- IHh IM'K W-l MTIHT mi t i beware fa oltaloiits and character io ejC01"1 r j;Ht;eJa?.,J'ilM epeeubii wwsi'j' POTWTCVcTbT SOtn as are mere tools ol lac- "Tr.-ir-niti7tnr ?it't nra m.M i.... u 1.1 a. fm, ind cultivate a higher and nobler aim thau ire1y to render odioun those who are poi4e!if.'d of fitnt in the Governmeitt, in order that they may k dutpositessed and others niay vault into their va "M MW"t' f Hat Mr. Van BcrkV been treacherous lo the , -iijios and the principles upon which ho was ele '.ed lu his present high station f Let hit H s iDMty be proved by t resenting the facts to our "ii-MUmling 1 'Are Ihe measure of his A'lminu itioo unwise or unconstitutional I Let it be shown n ippeal to our reesou ! Do his opponents pro measures which are better foi tha Uepublic f I them bo pointed out and recommended (o our jtMCnts f " l)o hia enemies hold doctrine that ? a more congenial to the rights of he People? ' 1 then) declare such sentiments plainly and uu rrvvd'.y, and leave airinToltlgent Cdiiimunity to f.il : lXies the Premdmit hido hi opinions and ki the- orn enunciation of hi political princi. 1 Let hia enumioa shew this, by . exhibiting ir tills upon kirn for an expremion of his seuti on, with his refusal to answer I hem ! If those ,10 ate resisting (he election of llie. Ptetiidnnt a " '-wii tcrrn arwMM.ra-trNtrif Jfo. nW1ICe 1h"esl"hen"i1iey have no right fmplainwhen Ihe clamors liy whicli so many h endeavoring to alarm the public mindvare re r coated a's the mere ravingrof disapixiinted am- 'ion or the muttering of a factious spirit j whose Jwica depends upon creaimg political discord ' wtie would sink into" insignificance in a time l'firt Iranauillitv. T'w Republican psity,the frienrls of the Ad- i"raiion, believe that ihe President is entitled i'iViie confidence and relying upon the intellj; 1 - m nt, rriiplfl, wa r-arlvsiily inritn nn tthih1 into the facts. If these do not establish tf aimanr M. l.. I. U. -t f i.'ple,they have aeose to see it and Ihe right rfn him mi of office.- If these do not fix a J wi iii ft to mo voi'inili wi t"ch upon hit enemies who have been most " deffltnmiJiiairjM 'pcauy deceived in their character. " CHAPTER I. : V . , rvtf ! i t j few. r ai r a usiit y 'November, 1630, Mr. Vas Bphb wa elec ir'idcnt. In March, 1837, he KkA posse y that high station, in accordance with the 'dilution and the will of a msjoniy ; and in hit ptral Address he npenly rebuked the funatic.al of Aholition, by a clear declaration of his 'gutted hostility 10 it. A before hia chxjtion hj'1 pledged himsolf inflexibly lo resist this .'' f discord, so did he now renew that vow thenation and llie world and give aurnnce ;f (ple that he would VETO anv bill which : be paswd. on the subject I He hei-ded not ih f,v'"!? of the fanatics, and bent only upon Hght, he also overlooked the unmerited di- Southern oppontion. Wa he not faithful and wise and patriotic in ' thief-. - v.. vIu less than three month alter h. adminbitra lion begun, and be.lore he had do a tingle act which by the rrinoto(siiiUiy could have bad any injurious eif- cl uhiu ih DniJU, thrwi of ihemfprod, it in wuicn ino putiiic treasure wu depwued, from one end tf the Union to the rther, etofijd pay. Hi-ml bptrnTZttSSUwi 'K-trayed the na . tion'a lru Whig Uunk end Dank Whia forth. " with united in a common caima of hcwuliiy to Ihe Adminif atiuu." These a felt ot the U onimput " wero no aorjorr guilty of tint dishmieatv. than ikey became favorite f the oppotition, and tbey ! iiiitc camea on a jmni wai la re against Ihe Adnua Htratioa ever nince. No little einharraineot was elerieneed in executing the lawa, after all the .''money 'ot the nnftsn had been eeix-d by the keep ers' of it ; and io September, 1S37, the resiJoul convened Congress to advise and to provide by law i. for the relief (k t ie people and their UovermnMiU Iq compliance with the mandate of the Constitu tion j, ho ia bound to give Cong rest information of the atate ol the Union and recommend to their consideration tuch measures at be shall jdqt e etmfumd 'erpfdkiU.'' rirticle 2. Boclion 3 1 He had w right to be ailetit.eveo if he had desired to shrink lroio hi duty. - Tb-onneclion between Bsnks and the Govern-! - ment having been dissolved 1y the faithlessness pfjomf too that if the banking power of tlii me Dunne, tryi I'resident " judged it neeesmryi ana expenient to have lujthmjj more to do with . them t To dioret Dank and State i To sepkrate ' the lianlct aod Puliliet: To let the Banks alone, and to put no mae of the public inoney into their nanus J ana believing tins, he met th renpoowbili : typt bia oiriceaud-t BayoHHi;ii g it-acearxU V in.fc.T!,?, H THB VEI'K.VDENTTREA -Ditflhe PrfeM PWf ftg.fmlcaffir.,imM0 sWsiWmiwHVAT3MTr,.T!. . L .t a s - 1 coiUiarvr4heeaie r mnnded it also urged it upon Concrena lo auircest some plan for keeping and disbursing the public .......... .U.. :L-...I ..i.Ji, ...m - any aucn a one cgnkj be devised ; and he also dis linclly promised to give to their will his most hearty erkoperation. There being a majority in the (louse of Jtepresentalivea who were hostile to the' Administration, they reioctod the JxnaBtx. ORAfTBBAauBT, but proposed no aubatitute in itt ate id. . - -'.' , ,It there any fault in the President lieref ' .rAgainr The" same Kepresentatives of the Peo? tple met in Congress in December, 1837. It as the same Gmgreaa at another setion Did the President attack their right of independent judg ment or exhibit in any form the insolence of urTice! Oft the contrary, tie ''raTrnTy reviewed the ohjec lions that JJ inks and partimna had urged against Lhp IxDJirEaotwr TaKAsoaT, amt-pomterl unhe daring impudence with which the lUnka had r. , rav-d themselvit against the country ; and seeing --k.-.iiM..i:...w .l. I ..- -'l ". ' . -.."'' n" ununuio un sunomie suoiuissioa ia ma irre sponsible control (f associated yrcallli, or the adop. tioii of some system which like the ImVpondVut Trensury would m ike it the interest of the Banks to be honest and let politirs alone, be was com pelled, bv his oath, his nnirioi .. . . .r lie did it and tlie sied their asseriT TO ttr I lJa of JieuruseMatHies -refiwed Mr. Van Burcn did not stop here. II entreated '3your ReprewmjvejaJLil sornfflaf .prescribing .severe ptm'ishmnnts agaiuat public aeents who should steal the nuMie monev. .a .iln ifA.1. .r ir. 1-1: r I..I wi'w it'iu-ui iKTpitTvuiiiauvcs njiuseo iio?ir aaul to Uii aUw. ,...,..-- He deprrcatcJ lo Coneresa tho allowance of any large discretion in the Executive over the public purse. He pointed out to your RcpVnspntnlive -IrnvrThtrMiifflp ponded tho existing laws for jojjulatinir tho Trea awry of the Ionian, and earnestly invoked the m'd of this the law giving power to puss some bill which would take Ihe purse oit of Executive dis cretion and put it, where it should be, under the I 1- lr a. gusniisusiiip 01 i,.iw, ana 11 mey am nm eoncnr i'i the measures he "judged expedient and neces-! sary," then lo devise some belter, one fir Ihe per-; manuiit relief of tha Poople and thir Govvrnm'mt. His words we do not profess to repeat, but only the substance of his recommnndiiions. Now,wliH more could II r do T -Those reasons 1 bio frecoininemlaliona" of our President pissed in llie Senate, bu they wero rjucted iu the other branch of (ingress ; and finally nothing at all icot donf;. A Hong session of seven mouths or morf was coQsiimod ioijrmirtg new parties; starling candLlato for President, aod in vmlent iovertrvea against our Rulers: but no. ncl.waa uaasotLand we miijo3iM KBpresontatives ever seriously prtfxmtd any nu): sure instead of thia Indepcndeiit Tn-a-mry and the others which they had rej"ctod. Now what lea could any Congress have done for the good of the nation I hv it patriotic to leave the cuiitr- withmit neceesary iry laws, of some sort, for keninr,-artd pocket TEN THOUSAND the public money and guarding Jmtr it against anv 'dishonest use of itfvUM the People snswer for themselves ! Let the immensp default rlf S meinour and Price, after (hit nealcct by, Congress, aid Ihem in deter intnuig the question how fsr it srsi priS'f I I dTlarn tuch otlooce jtlonui and punish them accordingly Ajain :,The same Congress met in December, whioh, however, expired by law on the 4'h Marcfi,'WW.To give place 10 Ihe present Con- gress, more lren Irom the people. -t-ne-fivniu'iur iB'ri iri.uuimcnam mis ims- . sure to any Oong res which hsd been elected to op pone it-1 A ery fafge proportion of that Conijress which prfeded the present one, was chosen hy the people before the bank rxpbtsion of 137, Ind be fire the President recommended the Ilependi-itt Treasury at all. lie " belie red " in llie language of tha .Constitution, that this measure wa Mri;ie dient and ccearg.n' Ilia experience and ssga ciiyaupplied noeiherthat llie Constitution senc tioped. "The wisdojn of (kmgret. although ihrie assembled, aujigested oon ; but ht .llTe very first election of Representative to another Con:rcs the people hive sanctioned t'ii recwnmendiitioVi of Ihe Presidonr. Hn et tod firm ami unmoved when timid, counsellor shrank and treacherous Democrat forsook the people' etandard,- under the combined pressure of p'irfy clamor and bunk . panies. " In tliisalrine bus lha Pn-iilenVuffi-nded." ' To overturn tho Adiuipintratioo and sostaia (he L'anks, election hive been lrVi!w!onl!y corHluclftd; and WMjaiKigt ment r--rt4 1 by Si'ate f jnctimt aric o iwjiteract tho p iSIic t.ice But in vin; th prt"?iit Ctmgnyi, mhtoh It the first and only aia leifJinwrT5j?' I;4lenenkni .Treasury vat proposed, is t.iir eipkoeut of the piulr : siiill un uiai kiijtu ami a meyfH aie 0 IrfVor l- V.. n .-.-"-l .- mm inrmj w ttiuhic!i;i,iiiikj. , n iiaitw Mt ine oeiuue nu iu pW lo tue I.mii ol nwroiaiivea, in ooeuience to the wiH ,t the rKO. PLY', and against the nilauce of right kandrtd ranks. ;. .; .:. w. f , What triumph to Democracy I What a re proof to the treachery of venal poiiticmrts ! What a rebuke lo the insolence of Party! Wbot an evi dence of virtue hi our Presideut! What sohn- did proof of the integrity of the . People, aod of ttieir capacity lor euli-guveniment f Had this con flict terminated against the Admiui ration, it would have been a tiiumph of the Banks oer the Government of the United State!.,, if servility to party aod cowardly apjreherwottS of hard limes' haJ-Gnally defeated loo Republicaiie to this eoiiit, we solemnly bt-liete it would nave ching. ec our HJovernmetittTiiF all practical iiuruoetw', from a Governmept of A! EX to a DoootiMn of MO.VEi'. I his i no empty declamation. The uoprcjudi eed exercise of hi COOtimiB miM Kill vtialilu hi. this country can bring Hie voter and Govetament to submit lo their docU we-. tbat lhe banks are " to atop peymrut kt ph-asure, and the law dare not enforce ohednce to their charter oblisationa. for (ear of rum to the pcopiu, end thai out Free H Goveroment cannot be eooducted without he - j.aiJ nf a kml,", tlV tU reprbhean tkma of Aertee will be virtually' overiur tliA aalnc'if T tT Ka rfuL i.t s.wUM a I.,,,. M. . . .... ..... J ouiwd ra JryjitiemsjfijC who ia prepared lor Ihitf, Such . principle once put into pracUe and manured by time, nbo itosu can tiier be reversed I We are tar frnw asecrt- ing that all those who have beea bosttl to the Administration were deliberately planning an over throw of popular liberty 1 lut where ibis ia'the consequence of their party operatiwit, what mat- ters- it-lo the-peopw,- ir Those who "destroy their rights bad do evil .sraruwa. We speak of pub (ic dangers proceedipg trom Ihe act of politician and having nothing lo do with lite peraoml mo tives of our opponents. ,v lit this hasty but JkithfuT sketch, you have a history of the most prnrmneol measures of the A dininisl ration tw&, oi the warfare that has been waged against the President. Ymi m hi it bow he has 60 niareproseoted, and how hi oppo nent have factmusly rvsisW alt his eflrls to car-. ry m !""GovvfMiieri, ejipmmg every Ihing and propomag nothing.,, Jou see w it I 1ms h-arlesa ttanil ilr. Van Burea hat laaea infeoee of th Constitution, " and the self-sacrificing' aal with winch he hst mantnim-d iT7apj bat lue combine, tmns of associated wnalih ind imtrdriaie pany spirit. For himself, it had been easier to beirav his trust ! for his, CoumVr, hw ehiai.sit thit be h.wiestvofjiis Jii.rr:e miahl tiaAw hn-ycrtntv "aT'ri'pif'aiHai. But he was ncht, and ihe - sreood syhfr thought r-f ihe pn-(fli "tie wialtt! tiiirt",r owe it to him and to themsevM to shew their eonfi.lence, unariv acclamations I . .. . Thap'ter il But Iho enemies Mr. Vsn B iren, seeing that Ihe Independent Treasury must anon poss, ia spite of all their d'urtyresjst atrtlWragreae, atiTaniTcVpatiog how a short exierii"nce will falsify their cUmore against it, have lately I we red the tune ef ibeir dermncia 1 pini.u in respect lo the lodepeodent Treasury arJ are laoormg 10 exene opposition, and lo linte llmir part) ' inteirti'Sw lo fix upn thi country an irrever sible bank dymisiy. bv tlwir cries f'r rttrtHckmnt and rrfvm in the Expetutt of the Government. Uave Ihey proposed any bill to decrease ihe num. ier or w tetane or ORicert I O.ie (act at worth a hiutdred profeswonal W believe that there haslieen but one measure of the kuxl, viz : o di-HHwuh- trie vrrlary of the Cosmuotnisrr of Pen tioni. It passed by the aid of DrmocraUr rotrs, and llie President had no hesiniHM in approvir it But no Kroner was this done, than these economi cal statesmen of ihe AHWHttion bocaioe dissalis- fied with their work, and have been eadeayoring to Hdo it ever since.- Having discovered, to ibeir XltitMioXttgJ'Tr' views of the .matter of eetaiOiny weie; aftogeilier changed ! Have Ijey snt tueir time t Congrese in toting or In talking f Have Ihey not wasted the public ea . ... nnmry oy vonnsj -jai).t" 10 one fruiter auBi- kicnt to enible hfrt, it lt irrilJhe work toevnh 1H ILL A R8 for his share nf profit f Hive they notel'ognher negmried llie appropriate duties of regis! ition, and a . i . 11 r n . , . convi:nrxi no iiousti oi nrpresentativee lnto a I real theatre for Prst.tent making aod anmakiuirf i nn ui.wii.wi an nintmr. win ii ln !. lenx'id their discussion upon the auhject t)f lh public expendiiurwi have been to lately exposed by the "Jaeti andgirrr " of Mr. C oWs speech, mat very iiHin njf DC ad Jed to laoin. -Vveean-no too earnestly commend that 'able and conchi. i.ye.WsrbtiiUal - f4yfNirtlT ttewmmtfin lEeir delenoe ; ahd Ih aim iinnMlii.li-MH aaiuimmiI iT L. 1 J ...... C portrse it, if he dsres to give truth fair ply. ' We are in no mm- tin advocate Ctr extrava jsnce. v All Adiuirn'ati nt hatu h7i al ways will lie, imposed opon by ome'V their oG rs. Il U.ta M of human Oa' ire, and the bel, if nut lim only presorrative a?aiast tle Govern om-i.i ... A iig etirevagam wy frasra llie .. r . i i . ... . ..I , ufc i n-7 rjiMiwi aiwsys nivw tpent, a l I ""i "i"'!"' oi nrj, ii uin people Consent to let it lie collected from their paclrtn and put in to a public TV"3'-"ry. Tlie pMi A Jinmiiration arid its sopjvrr-i generally have cswiisiitly S'lvo eatedtht dodriue, atrt have, 'ther-fore. resisted any l-crae of thi Ttrif or 7"axf.-These lanfftaxee have levn gradually reioi-in? tiieler the " Compromi Acir ever scice Mr. Van Re ren came in't nlfice; and it ia the policy .f hm friend IoIti thete taiet dam,' Thai Act ex. pire. soin, trsi the n'Tt Ai-tm:'rsii w Turif. Thi AdmunitratK ifm;jin, ed la th policy of Itrywr thtm larrs f jt. It (jam not and catinxt ei'aockia sii-.t pm'-'. ' How fur, tlwrt-fire, it id te irui- iatj N of eh me it for out. whose puUc m -ajmtAr! fnm L-djt'i public ejt) any U Gcfl. ilamns views w this aod other great, -4 , .fur Too to ORternine only repejia tt.at -sty wilt never m practical ) irwN'ai 'weft fTaeif at:ecpta to play pHi the tjmp.uhic of tun people are lurf more itia is 'tatoreeary W a.tW f? aw, are iigwiinj the intelligent, futi cheap admioistraiion f. their Goter-wwrtt. If' inswi ting lite hitiUfvorrr f North (Carolina, by svowy it paid into the Trrary, srm&c cf Cm tUm a I.IMI CAfclX AND H.K1 grtimmUbyrtt0ptnditf A, r. . !HEa CANDIDATE," Ua!ieed hia earlier. . Bet wliy all this clamor artHt Mr. Va lijft I aJ aajre Ju-UFp-Mted frien Wir fcr LOG CA It. ahoot the expend ott the exnenditares of te Govrnuneol ! , I j , bis fault thai Ihe apropriHlim are rxlrvag4 1 By no means. , Can the Prswukait anaie law ei- ' thier to expend or to save our ntoory ? The Coo aritution aosners, A O. Can l.e lake AalUr out tX the Treasury, except what the Acts of Cmrra command him to expend ! Tie CotiiiUij ao ers, AO. Can he re'ue to ajp!y the j!Uc money which is appropriated by Origrea lo mc.fr purpose a the LAW Ttsetf-ref it:VTSet approves the object w! TV- Cwsti:. ag;no aiwwrs, HE CAXXOT. ,Jl PrtasJesji, - Uiervfore, -baa no legtslatrve powers, nt" eoaiw, no control Over the publie mouy and lite tty uit turee of the Govern milt frtrpt Vmrs'i ftnt B'fore a liw ia ptsaed be aaay rrcaunttJ tl loiti Coosiderahon of Cogr? SrweJ After h8 . is pal by Omgre t.e may TEtO it. Xr, -t if Mr. y-in Buren baa faded: to itrcie iV-- La . only constitutional power, or ertrwr u tyeeaj to a piopor msiinert and thereby has ptrmitli d say travagance which be might have prevent-!!, hjsi -aJwrtiV4li4tfrlrarvmtiri5 itr Jlom. grt. thf facts 1-Tirt Ua . jKuaiaaeseV -4hkm 4fifriiHMld t-":f ifhjf W'l-ipeiBiaje tw -C5ea.:: greaa for these. See there bwearuet!y aaJ ee- atantly he ha pressed it upoa ijwigr to aw sv member of the lloiiee. m a puW ptrk, for rewg too far T Were not hia oppoir4t dispoael to cetaaore him for bia exceeding anxiety to prevent eilraia garit appropriatiofi t - lid ik4 some of tWr eV eoorice hiio at a treapaaser p the rigbtff CVet gress f STcamf I lis V'rro. Trie PecMdeot eaav Bt rightfulfy veto any Ulf which barely apprapri ties money to carry into rS.fl a law aleedy i force."TTb"iawulJ be exertiag the tyram pewtt -of tuipendiw; jrt, not the coustitutt;!! power . vrto ursHi a bill. Again : If Ixm-reat pes a k3 providing the meaiis neccassiry to carry oo !be rations of the Ciovernmrot, altbougli st nay ex "- tain nufnerous items of enpar JotSible calrata trkiek bf liWaurfsei ought to be rea,t the . P.resideui .Caiiaut jeto- 4hm, -becMe -fc "I powr to ndosj partef Uu tillmlltmd tit al -V llf cana.it veto Vxtrr!fet i't aur aJ prov1 of I lie vest LI roesk trs A LL r of ALL!Jf he due llta JLrsi. the wbttJ. ii vernmenl will be flopped. If, lo avoid thia, be adptj the ntb'-r ahernrtive, tWse extrava;aM ap propria ion are efl tcled ia npite fif Lim. Now, ef tf-r thii fur e xpiwiUiin iaUo PjttwJV sowira. : ' i -ii ' a . 11 1 on irrr-n i'j.r.nui l mm ruuifrnju j 'rn 11 sierJfrtiwraTvrf urtcTf T37y'iluu"jiiWsi during Mr. Van PnrrnitJXilmiMittrMtiiri that aV TmtTtTKaM rrioeJad rirre Ac lea mat date aw If there hfabeen any such officval d- Uvrisnrj in .the President it is on the.rriw.jsjrtjiasd -di.trmritt" LMarrum yrtttnnmXomi itlicmt Srrrrt r ComttttLg Cett'e Hard CSAr, 4, ' If Mr. Va BcaaVt merit wereevea lev tha -1 Ilia friernl suppose; there is so Btuca ia the rourwe ind.eharaciar oCtba oppotiUuo- tW prwdeitt cms pie to renal and condemn, tnat incse anight ol tliemselre force n iate a sufipnr: of this A ta.tuv tmtion, riJ t i vouj for thelra-electiou of the Pvw ident. Guided by the secret cou'iseU of aaj irret poiwihle Executive Cnmmitte ' he party wbch lieretoiore abused the fewrtrs s'em, hive a4e ld the evil Ihey once alf-cted to abanr and bare fearfully enlarged opon it practice. TV eld - rut plan, opon which ibe RpuUiraa Ummimn ni Congress used to nomtoata a CauJiJate (ur Pre dent, waa voe by which they ati met opetJv lv!i . er, to eetect the twrlividoat Tlin pt& t red, sixl then they laid his PnnnpUt brfart the pfWc, a well as hia NAME. Bot now, thi is suUiiitft bv a private astnetatmo of Stemhrrt f C-oarr, who lay before Ihe VeoAe the NAME of iW Kder, bJt bide from Ibe public eye the PRIXCl PLES of their caiUidate ior Ibe Preaicbcr. I : i A ; jwrty whalad hendafur eWpeeeated rhe eW Ibe UiiiKltBl4 tha or, refkliuf, ami fa mine," are now banded with otbera to place suo firesi Jential chair a candidate, wboe chief sweni iei in Ihe fct that he haa bnca a General ; and it is not the leaat remarkable svmoogei H i&-vc-dem of Ihis exirsurilinary trrgiversatMei, thai a prttpotrr ef the II ui ford Cnvetio taaoaU tbcar Central M Executive Co wmittee " !J . - A party who had preteoded It asaieww in the public wilt against Ibe United Sutef Bank, bare now united their t'.rengiU to thw Btlst stxt tS--r B'lliicatUI and i" iiX-oia, to l ir ibe envotrv into creating another .N ATIONAL BANK; aod ibe consciences of sutb oi t tern as bad srrqjet tmosi .the M const iiutiooal enei'io," have so far vi'-lied ' to the potent charm of a prelended nerezmtw " - ri ITssTse ihu''seheJivr-vf-iw raMi" ' v A wm jA m 8,e W ' tor VKxjTinij ine uonKtiiiiiioi, a at J evnl p s; bottale to Abitli tan, in so much, that they aaw in r? Ibe gieatesi dnjer, aol with a Vim, a Sort tj ; II J 4 rrunm IB 1KB IJ OS CVMI 4SSJiJ'jjt. m i.-S m're to be tiuod tn our action agaiot the a.luioniis j a psrty who practiced toward aS WfM a cm-nendaUe i"wloun-, end n tnme an intolertnt distroti sbout Ah .lit i; extu they - . . have Ireom- time eernng pslila.l, and aciw- . ally u.iitel with the FAWinr bo-h, t!,e at . didate for President, who i too- !i,b o rrjeeJ the una caa mo'o 04 ine Afrxitionista, au4 loo cowardly le embrace it npenly, i A par'y whose h ideps T,'ad preenmp'urjosJy loo nirea me spirit oj mrrte.a lnncracy, ct if k 'were a tnrhutnnt dMnot of disorder, and saw ia fry warning rxiust the anc.roachiwnts of as sociated w-Hi:h" and every allton lothe Riglt$ , of Vhe MAXY sign of eytl timr and attacks npoo lue g-od HV uf sjneioty and perattinnrf ot -.'S bf Virrr f. nrw, ir f.r.9 rSiii!p lo nil l' Itrfanaof Au-iyiv lor aiarimn to pubiiri. nun as-d pru t !in j tn piplu iltef turn ' r mli ) iht t if rt!n anr Cvrmr'i ainf thcirti-ivernmeiif ta if.frrt ... . '," ',-; '': y . Adltse rropriftcrgtif Mil!imtjwd . ort .. nf Fiuict Lu '! by Stvifors and oijiers, huve berusbe iMttkuty curt-J 4 alt tricir apprelierwioue abmaJ array one tlasn'of sjneiety a a Hint au vhtrf I he I'iwrajtuiKrt the ftrl," and m their i.i tetakts by approuw:"w laws which denied to a free-iraa kisrnght of SUFFRAGE, onless h M I -REFJfOLI) WORTH OSIUlUXURKDi -IK)LLAftS,ao.J who evinced bw love for " ItJOtt FOLK5 by auofri.ig lows to SELLlTwm for Fires, aivd to WHIP the'a boMoVa for leaving"' ' iVir MISTER'S service ! ""n ' , ; - -.Fe'ilow C;iaro Tbi m a faithful miniature of tl,tltnmm petty, and ia it, we but present peTureThiil 1 TVifiirto ilie rtflstwiotty. ' We repeat therefore that lha . tJjtie It Mr. Vt Bears ought ro be exceed. ' in-Jyatroog before the popple of North Carolina -tetttsre to iau4 Ihe patty o Hied to him. Bui nam of ear fceeHeUoo will be denied amllomo ' it" tSeai bite keen dented fr Jy. '"",'. - Th'i vmd timiurof aa aJ.Ire like Hiis'wiTltmt . B-ml to gt fully, si lists time, into all the gr-jsAue of wccusttiioa siinet Ihem; but we shall" s4 iherrfjre oroti lo txpiste wooghiiitifyjji ex-jtlwu CJiafeiorrilKiff tefjrii aj inU-IIIgeiit 'U a Ft' m L . f jrjbjsjaL T Un mpoo whkh we re?y, aliall be fairly tUieJ; and whether the kdorwocea we draw from t&m''':re'''Tireiw'e.' eheely aJbout ;lo the el tbe people ' ""'" - ' ' fOUPTEttaVt lUt lt tf th Tic fVtnrrs HarritonCvl, ' Wsj b pry m(ive It eVtraet from iht vA ctsie&e ef Gtoeral Ilarrienrrto alt ffiC laerel lie any jMitc ja ta Asay- the-4'nrred Sratcf. j We ere gM itat hi old age, for he ia duw oenrr ly 70 yr.r of age) ahould be tlx- red by the ad marvsj ptils vet of those who believed it wa obecoonng a moral end reh-iou people .to re- ' el tSe f jefwa f American arms I - We ahuft av-4 stop lo cavil al Ihe otat rope roue boasting and kJ hinnaS which purtj spirit ia now able' to ' ercrse, wbee C r a quarter of a ceuiury after Ge aenl liarmoft'e taiiisns were (ought, they-who " aw t'awt frstdeat ia hi rrawe, raised Bo ahoute for iWeJIERO J....;.,l. - Ret dai, tWrfottrfiii.-lo notice, and we : ' c2 43 is f.te It ehserve the! tbtwe pwty. . turuljfctasttd la 'uuer ihe mesutH rer4 -J-4i tiui pnv'.irit erwhl ruyenf adinal-T rtrKiirJ'')frjjylibi'm HERO OF I Ut, I II MM, 6e.n they are cry me out to ihe 2.i msitQNORIXG THEIR I)F- . ' 'f"ff-ji(i' cVhiael .imJ.Q.rjMlUiwy---- - -ntwwiL'ltrbVfrniSm abi 'hw peraoa in ht . i .JbfiisLaaoeiW . - trnclet wmcb the f of his cNUilrv Pirnished - - r''"' I toa tw1i TK,aiyst aiid,. Jte ud 4 , -.J;;,T.:,,. ,Clutaiis.a 'get-e hiw t"ielrrl71r,v."tS, ,';v"t'-" ..'- . vswkw inn iw win uui it meet the invader eToorlaod. Aed a L04 life of public service waa aVioi to be crowned it isr,6, with the ofTice ol ire rresMril el I.Vr han.U if t Bratcful neo,ds. wbrsj an euenvy vsmt mi hi Us if u.,1 .,... ull,,m .OV.JyAm.Juaujaa)uiabad, first wuoed;- biea to btrav bia prty, and to become a candidate lor lie rrwHkoey on the aide of bia political an. ) ; and ihw overture failing, they at once pur. ocd tu petite fw, because he would not be a traitor (sr their sake ; torgetwl of his age; regard kJt b wotmrh; beedltM T our reprofif; iiwn. y a ih vsttoVd pride of the olJ aoldier and - mm of ibe beet mew in the world," with relentleM ciw!t. they lfciiciUi awl eancatured Ihe sins of t h ywh, and anmGed tvery weakness of hi j:ir sjmo a cruse, entil hi puLucat sirpporter r srevw AvidrsT uj thr expadirocy flf mpixiinw . hi, assl CaL J.4sme wee chose Vice Prcsit . V-iii bsd B4 by BSKMntV nt tha PKIIPI.K I And ibrs eVCsasrrw of tl. Juhnson are now ' mevthrraal tim Hrrmite ptirf of IBiQl Tacwsar Ihe a.tteatne who now "exclaim t.i hbe froyim D-f,ml 9mar ItrfemJert - Tbey robU. J.no of hi liiMWriUaZJlL-Hi vwlrv"Aoro wbtle ttsy gc the htter more praise than ho ev. er -etitrd, otmosWy atigmatiae the former,, m tbwyira.(r-das! -rarda Jicksoo. Such a Kibe feniitade of the peep feof our country. Mi J r the viotfwre U faction and.lhe injustice of party, 1 ' CHAPTER V. -"-'-'-' - -4 Xafifal lUnh,4c. WebaveeitJ lhH the Harmon parly are it 6i v of a Nation! Cenk j and this ia denied also ar ... --a .. a ..... - wax wua wa fmpnetj M these facta answer. - ut faOVfrnn of N-rh Carolina x 'imv epeiily in favor of a Bttk. The Central Committee of that psrty are all bt it be m favor of it. The aulwrdir to " fh wt'" "Etecmive Cdraa.ueewai WwsbingfiM, at far aa thev hive .dKt.lTii rsfcl, -Wti'c far - I Ban, and o are a'l the leading prewa f their etnj; aa ti ustsvrai lUrnsou h-m-wlf !e onno. j . i. l.. . . . 1 . . . . 11 r.- - wm cuiorw 1 , f)i u no known. Fact J. Taie party Iwve heret-faro aupporled tU Fasted State Conk, and lure jh where pled-'-ei I'jestwrlvea a a party, lo pif sue a dilJorcnT ewrte hrrfler. '7 nomir.aieu em 1 1 am J(M1 a tur eaemdati, aod Sir. CLAV, who openly r-r mn fr ihe Ssoefe Hall, t be V real ion of" a Vy MJ!un fctnk,- baa tkttrfullf aurrenuV- f ta the Presidency and Sr?r Urrim r Ti m he think the party' h a aiart a lUak, sch at b ha pronounced iu . sUfwaasaU toilratin&. wetfare f Fact 4. Mr. Wcb-ter, another of tha opposition , ' &voritra, resigned hi pretension to their vupport, it onW it proiuo? harmony in the IIrrison par. t. D-is ay one rfoubt about hie fpinioes t Wl k m ppoed4bat he too ha sacrificed ro party expediency ibaf rjcce4ry Regulator of ijeataiJatBWi'Wiw i -