-"J bv -"r 1' 1 dure.,; :h- r i t "i. i hi i,ic"'itiiis '.wn. Id r ; if ,! -rts, have be-n po hu'jJjLJwljpilwi f le-m i.cul In our'frwillcf citizens achieve i who-h have pierced the gl'nw that, frs " ..Vi-ured iMir political Uon m, and dipclcd linwwffMrM forebodings which past disastera had i xnred exploits which will not anficr in em 'PH' with the most heroic efl xti i.f Ihe veter nm f olr world, whien have fully maiitained. if not enlnnced the proud and enviabl fdmof .iif gilinnt scameij-i-expeiite which have envaewl h actors nf those bright aeencs-wtTh nver ft i?i ii liun-k, and which will, yn'it public gratitude n-1- to be public virtue, call fir lb highest tea ho-aual which free" p-(U can yieM lo freemen tmo a-nng reverence for dm memories (nf lhoe who hsve died nn the fiW f honor, and act of Boc B'dnjf gratitude t their beria survivoia. "The ii-tials have see, i,' Willi great satsdsrtiofi. the prompt tn-1 I'fiieacusls measures adopted by your Hxcelleney to evert the dangers which threat fihiJ the State; sod believing as they do, that, v.itever executive authority may hsve been ex ern. for whiflh leWalire nrovimon eiled.iniftmon in ItW 1reHit nkHfllT k'lt th TnTIoWing ri.iin.rt imlhn inicniit-d lr ihf proinfttiotinl . . .".. . Kk. puMic gnttdj but waa rendered 1 iiKlifwn-lle bv llio pnnre ol etialing circuruaiancen Ibey ran riuf diHibt thtl tha menwinw t which r Kl (i-iiry haa referrH, will bo (nund to' tknrve thlniri Bj jxn'miion and atippurt. ,' ' . "The P-naia eaiimrt rrjfo the opportunity af firde he of tt'iidnn with ytiur EtCfllMwy in tin Mp'Mm ,(if the hlenl ant iHl.M'tHin with hii;h they hnv witneed the uiwniiutty nd patriouaio itilliyd by all chtaaeaof tha eoiiimunily in the present rriH, and tlrti dinpoiti'm which they have iim(iifeed tn eowbiiHi their ellurtt for the niiniio- Itirtc! if aalHnul b'nr and cMnii-on aalfiy, 1 , u That on qiwkliooa of general policy, 'or the fi neaa of iwdit idnaU for jmritrulnr aiioii, we nhould ever be exempted from difWeticea of opinion if not to I etfwcted, Divri(Hi like ttuwn arain eprrbt frutn lh Wing of our free Ciitnu lion and althmigh aninetintea carried to nn txirs which all gotnl iiien niuat deplore, they are not withmatKling, pinerally product! of much ria liwial find. - B-4 to auppoae ftitAtir-penple: ial'inn of Ibeif riahlaJ lod ptnud id tbwr national ci,Hr J Bftrjr, wiMiui, on a qieiion w reeieiirnj me apjrea. aiona bf an oneti niemyatfgiTiM1 which have poliiilt-d i'tiir aiiiVaiMT which ihrealen itfft auhver have beeniMrerttlRd' t freedom by tha blood and wilTeritij; raTt4 ftrieW auch rifal iniereat, ao welt calculated to excite alt the prtmism, t arottan al the spirit, atnl u call into action alt the energiet of the net ton, they with each other, would lie a refleciiiw tipon their diacemment, ini tht-ir charaoter, which they can never merit. " The variout olber pibjecttetibmitted by four F.'celleney to theLegi-laiiire, will rTfeivft from the Senate that prompt attentinti to which their linportatiee rntitlealheiru I m i(niiiuiii, iiiivicr, 1,1111 q lire uinir m tirit lork haa in the iticceaaful ierininaiion of the em tfoveray in whkb we are involved, and Ilia high dmtiny to which her local aiitntion, the extent . aad variei? of her reanurcea, and the valor and ptniHiain of bef citiietw,' aided bv a jiM and lib eral policy, may arrtne her, have been duly appreciated by yair liiit-elleiicy. Tn Seoftie rireeTrony pmau ineir new xiriina io reatije tlioe reat and well rHjfided e jpectnf lotia, and re. lying on the patriotism and good wive of the 1 -li T&.nA t-fTWIITOT-if"' ' ? " " I IMI(!I ill, Vt,l-l ll(lf.-t i I.T-II , l W ll, 1 r f ii.Vi mihillIKH f Hisa iiailii, will asm u, nil.jmiPm j I',,,,!! l r.1,11,1.., eiita.e 11,,.' el..s ' 4,,hssiiBr ol peace will he restored to our bleeding emmirv.' Soon sfier the Awembly met, Mr. Va Burkk introilurcl a bill to raiao by elaHeitMa.iion, ami place' t ! h" dietiow! of the if enerai Giiyerniiirjlt a.Weve - ihooAmd men for Jnno veara, a4 framed lie im. . it.w reel hts-ar4t . liWatiare-jjriJrof imroi-n vnn priieny, wiuc.it the ni-iom inw un pmsed ehn-fly- npiHt tiitme wtucb'svere' :byia alila to 1iar if. Tula set ha beea tmly described bv C'il'itu'1 Bentot)', in hi letter "tu'the comniiiiM , ol the l-ais'attirCot Miwuaetp.m bs"tm moiT :.M JIGtTIC WAJ EAST I B ICTKI ' ADOfrRD t Tins coetsTai." Th original draft of tliU lull ' still remauia on lha archives of the Senate, Willi the Flowing endorseineiitAioJheJhan Mr. tan jhrvni "The original classification hilti to he preserved as a menHMilo of the patriotism, inletlieoce, and finiiiMtas sjf the Igialuttire of IH,I5. "M. V. l, Albai.ytFab. 15, IHi." ' Shortly after this event, the ncaa of 1hi nl.iri- on victory id New Orl -aus reached Alb-iny j ami to Mr. V.ui Ilureti was immedialeU . bwhkihm) the t:isK ut cxpreaing Ilia eutiiiHxils ot the LeiiiM tore on that atirrtng event. Ilia hand penned, al t t early dny, lha res-Jutiona of g ratiiu 'a ami apiiinioe to A'tdrnr Jai kto, litlia lireeiug lha' I .( IVmocracy ol Ineir rommoo cnu'itry wis, a loture periiMt, Jo u iite their uame as camlidiii. fir the liwlie-t gifis it riMild bestow. In a word. every act of Mr. Vn Buren, every pae of the legislative j-Hirnnl of his-native lale, cootrailicls the c;ilumoie of Federaliam, He an jBiueiiLut thowarl ith as stik'li justice might ha ee. .'tuii-s cu.Ivavor toc44ivioce the peotleot N-w Y -ra lint D unit I Ot TopHiu waa ojip-iaed ti Hie war, ns 'Marliif Va1fciriTTliey',t(io3 sfifeby aile in that fearful cunleat ; and, until the death of the former, th- retained frr.each other that ardent attachment ahich springs lip between thoe who; nae onogiro ineirrxenions, ineir noies, BiMJ luetr f'ars. In Irving limes. . In the following session, Mr. Tsn Burnt was selected again to draft the answer to the Govern or's speech, after ba peace. The following are extracts jrixw IMa pemiuet tow 1 "WruIiTilie Senile eyinpathiie with those of their f- How cttii-oe on whom the sufferings and drpri vations incident to a state of b wtilHiej have fallen with peculiar frce, thejcsilnot t al strongly ex- pre iWjpowd asliaOM-JMisI they 4eriva froill Uie tt-'B-'CtVtri, iT.at" "fiis" wsrHisTWh uecj involved, arduous and ssnginnnry as it Has been, not only riehteotia in its or'gm, and sue re!ul in its prosecution, but that our ctmnl-y has arisen from the eonieat with renovated atrenth and iurreiaej glory, , Am mij the siUannees which have resulte'I to w:r cjuritry frma the late war, your Exeellencv Ijss jus;ly refcrrt'd In i!e ele-tHm of ixir iwrtewis'l clnracter, ami toiair increased nnotidence in the tfi -icy and stabdiiy of our political imriiiirtesis. While the tormer is to tne nation wealth, srei.gih and th source sT happinees, the ratter is the siiesil rorh'r of their bnoea and ein)hajie!ly the pulls ?in-n of their ItiK'nies. ' .. ' s :-- AT i ua VKY flY NK't f rot'RT or EltKOlW In 115. Mr. Van Huren was appointed Attrir i v Gi-.n-ril of tho Sla'e of New York, and r.i!..' of r - - -a of t-e r,'v r-ir:iid h t'-e f ". ID r'l "l l l tllcil l.e ! CO!!M.'.) h JJIV ,( (!' ' u. ( , .1 1. i, . be il in " wl tii'- mid no m 10 cur noire (I - im iwiJ hi Doliiirnl ormiMii and mom itut-vtfuU"!-il-tiitM ol the re publican party I and such ' Is'" ienp;.'n -hed ' Vol, ability, nrmiies snd diwrelion whirli l.e pled,lhal tie continued to be regarded, by the general awril of hi political armlM. aa the moot proimiwiit in lliuir rnitks. ll would fr rt d the limiia of ihia nki-lcb, lrc h' piricifiH and iiiduMriMia cmii-ho hi ri;ard to Ibe niirnerwi and imortant irM'a'iir which camp Ims filhn rViM' .lunitu ihiUr- tHrfhl trM but i ny br- and 1ii.H inn w md pt-rlnp liim of ilii-in, t.i whic' Im did r:ol liiru hia mgncn'iH am) pnwr. Ail mind, and whird Im did not tel Mftfcie principb'a U vtltirli )te ! adhfrrd. It Hoti!d. ndi bowftcr lw untMired llmVa rVnator, h? became a nwrnlwr f llw roort for Hie rrvinoii f worn. Ilia fir aillmf in ihnl aii)ul body, wnt at Albany in Murrh, 113. During (IihI msiioii ho cMiHrrd a vorf fnrid and elnhn. rule ftpinion iif the tnm f Bnrry and Mandell," and in aub-pquent araa-oiin many thr,' I will not be propt-r to f mwiy bia lepal arifumenia or i""" c"' " wl" """" . . . . i .A - .11 I,.. entinienla at that early permd no a topic of great intereat, and which ha for mnnv yr o(Cpiel he atlPhlioti of atKitbr eiwtniit tteatnan, whose nunie i rhwelv cofneft'd, at t 1m pr?eil moment, itb ilml of Mr. yin Burert. - Pcrrhit n neat reepecifullv Ut etamine with what profirM'ty it can bo alh-ifwl, that ewappa of thi rifHcrintiofi are ao far agiicot tne p. icy of the atnttite, aa to render the entruciwii of the court be tw projier and neceaKHry. Aa it baa tru ly been rettiarked( - Ihia elatiiie waa (iiwed tor humane ptirpuMea it waa among the firat eoncea long which' were made by that lofl 'Xilile aptrit," which haa bilhertn n atilained ita hold upon ari'ty, authoniing iinpriaonmeot for delit. Ciwviil with, the anihrr jr ol inipriTioivit lor deht, l8e w-en the exHrtjiria of rmn iiitelijnce, r-fli'Ctton and philamhrophy, to mitigate itartorj of oen who viewed it aa a practice fundamentally wrong-, a. prartice whic,h I'owea their fallow ercalnrca from iely, frorft "their, fricnda and thmr agonized wrn iliea, into the dreary wallt of priaci, j which com pel! tlftn to leitve all tlume f.icuttittng cnd(nrnietita, to become an inmate with vernvn J whitb cowfinea rhein within the aame wiilla wriir)i captain the aiidiiight incendiary and the riitli!- oajjMtof TmrTrin which tliey have committed not Inr rrnuda which thctr hav nractixed nnjjie.ftfflij. Ihi anid u'owarvi (for auch diMtim-tionanre not maile,) leu for the irifortiiiie nf If itg poor of being iniable i Io aaiTy ihe al.dtgeafmg: itornach of aome -ravenmia creditor i of men who I'm iked nnd flevtniyine the diattnction ItetwMti gtnli and innocence, which hmld uncennntly be cheriehed tM.frxwt regulated GuvcriuwtiJ J! OPINION ON BANKS AND CORPOKATIONS- I n mm tit m en r for debt. Among Mr. Va.i I'.cmtVf lubora in the 8'a'e Sen ile, may be parlictilarly noiiced b(a courae in regard to corporate power and ita alxmea, njore he, then exhibited the tame' jealouay of it by which Ihi iilaaquer,t hie haa U:eu m prominently die tingtnahed.' It waa in thoae eight je&rs thul the broad famdjilion ot the baokuig ayaiem nf the State tif New York waa laid. He opposed, with a Higle-excepton, fvery 'one" of - the imtnernua l luiJali eaWi-hedititHf h ardently-antT'gor iuy aamiaimhed hi" political menda u n and stshi, that they were creating a (fowtr thai wmild ultiiti.-itetv attemnt to subvert lha DNnrinlet of tt". I oy ,. Rrl,mh; even to thi be absented with reluctance, and while doing ao, excused it- in his place, as being in r (Tret a war measure, there are lew American statermen tltiiaw poliiitwl-earwar s nhtWu sstras-fC' 'ilf-t.;! jittJliinv aod-M-sflpiTiTrbtiFrorriiTx Mr, A!' hrSKK in regard to nnnks,.:. .. .Mt-j' if-. , , 1 1 - i Mtinai a 1 - meoced a series of erlorlS toalmll-h imiirtrJonnie'til b" nt-WTf, nrefcl inriiilltt-l8rod'S j ;DaiMi.llwy' Jni at ! tetwitylf arynnipliwh- - oient of that jtrest and philamheopie iji"f in his own Aate. H iien he whs tilweiooiitlv transfer red tn the Ni'ioonl Iyilatun, he found Cid. Ktr hard M. Johnson there iiiirodueinjr Snd adfov caiiug' the measures on the nine so! jert, which Ittavu (piiw-d (.if .lu nsneh disiinnthg't'hvnior.r' lie mured at ma-e in mio active co-operation wiin that brave and generooe m in and pnitiolie slate, etan, and conitnu-d to give him efficient awistance as long as be rntrtsoned hi the ft-nale of the United Slate. , ,. r j-osTiTirfni. ; -. - -- THE W ATERS. - The jNew Orleans True A.uerican of the 1st iisn isiys that the Mi-snwuppi bad risen a Intle, and waa I hen as high aa it bad been ai any pie vims period during the seuarm. la relation to Red Riser the same paper sas I v - - 1 "By pamj-nger arrived in the Fteamer Jo'ia Irtnhsn from'" N fTchil'hi-s" aod Aiexsn Iria, we learn ihat Red River has over fl iwed its hAnktfr m .Siin veport ii the mouth, so as to deroy aMpit of -'he cotton rrrM on its borders. Many tine plun Uttwwviesiwvet'il eel underiviiTeTrVTieiriTii L'ut m b:R NscbOocbe fue uooMIe f last week, tntr waters- were brgwmngn teredF,nnttrh plst i era, in sowe pUcrs west;, repUirting their eotloo-. as the water sub-wled. Oiithnt iart of Red Riv er knows as th Rrjrftlett jlii hot fimallabe towtands sikT planlatKriui were under'' water. In he Uollards settle me nt dwelling ousea and cotton jam e sfl ei. Alexandria as kaved front m iHrdtK by the enterprise of O. Y. Kelsoe, Eq , wImi owua a plsntitioo at the lower end, and woo levied up the town, and caused it also to be levied la the mouth to the Biymi Rapids aliove. The lower paetwf R.t Unei n iwie tUIIMIIII lis alieel of' water, from 44 to 60 miles wide, from the lowlands f the Panah if Av. yolies to tlie bighlanda ut Fimi Adam. Fur firty imb-s above the mouth, a bed taf the fiver te not tn be seen, and thr drift sjn.wsier ja iirugh the low grounds ot Avoyullea to the Atch afalsys.' It is even breaking through and coming in the rear of the pbmiatm-M on Rnymi Roeuf, at Mr. Con pioii's, extending up and down the Raynu. Tliere will be an immeiwe ia ot the cotton crop on Red River. The large and extrnsive cot Ion pt intation of Gen. Thomas, above , Alexanlna, was principally ander water. Tlie oyer(.,w is jpeater than in lS. T the inrreaeil number of rottnfl planiatnsis, the damage will (really ex reed ikal year. The waters however are begin. wing vi auosias auove. ' '' v ' ' - ;' , . V ITcufrrt nijrcnre. " If " said a lawyer pb a- ntrrXf T VZ rir g Tor tne elwiii; whoae garden had been si!'y Ji.oired by his neiehhot nitf, if 1aW is fr jrooe out of onr free snd enfijjtileued countn, that . .." . . ..' ii;r nrthb -r pg Hte tOf. i Imui i i ke,ttven jn tun d.d ir fibers 1 ! - ! at Ii....i-r Il.l'.and die at '.'r Iff n if f "r v i aoi' : v 1. THE CAROLINIAN. snli.lnirj, Tridaj, JLKV at1810. State RihtM Republican Ticket. ton 60VEB!0, ROMUkUS MJAUNDERS. STATE LEGISLATURE. " Stnrtf. for Ilman mnd Ztowe-HENRY MILLER. CV.mniJES.-E A. CLEMENT, GEOttGE L SMITH, aad WILLIAM V. CtlAWjuttu. DAVIDSON COUNTY.' - Caermoiw-COL PHILIP 11EDIUCK, and COL SAtiUEI. IIARGRAVE. i A CHANGE OF TONE. ' ' eaer MUti that caera El't.tnr hai a right tit wakf thil raff (lor hi politic! creed) upon inott whn nfi r lhnr mimen, to lh' l'vftr, anp tt thb CAaltlOATta AK i)MI TO MW . .. :;.i.it;en. Ifarrwin'a lec.larljion in lttt "I hte roar to tk vaTr-aariXATioa to Aawxa ao avcH coaNtiNicATiuNa, RiTHaa mo vniatM ok r,,M" icn. llarriwtu'a aimwer to two gentlutnn who wkiKh! m hm with a letter, arking, in tne mom reepeeiful lerma,- bt aentimonU on tlietuty ct of Abo lition, in lu4(i. ' i . Thf jH'Imj i, that thr Qenrral (Harneon) ai ruBTHKa nrcuaTio or Hiai pixioiaTo nr.i.TTHK public kva. rue neeumine at preaea mtB. IKVply of Uen. Harrison a "Comoiiuee ' to Ui Via weiro union iiwcuiatn. We are requested to anuiHince J no. Shaver, Etq a candidate to repreaetit R'lwnu and Davie in (lie m . I . . w "it. " Uominona ot tne next, uetii.riure. - fc" We have leen''.rcqneBted .'by Judge Sutin dor to Vt tliRl at the time of maktug hia tfp ly at thia pl:ice, he waa net m(;riifd nf. the tact thpl i Wo"TIarri'iiiparty TiTdf nrevinely fixed or tho same day for their paradi) and entertainment He deai res it may be undetMOfid, that be no dinoaitii ip ialetft're. wiIbbewijVMawaceupa-i lion of the day any farther than they will freely allow, lie however expects to be here. &jT The Committees appointed in the several Couniiea cumpomng this Eleeiorrtl DWtrwt to com fer together in regard to the appointment of nn EicrW on the Slate Rights Republican Ticket, have aclocted BURTON CRAlliE, I JJ., of lliiaTuwn, who has accepted the nomination. Tiie cot res poiidonce will be published net! week. THE CANDIDATES FOR GOVERNOR. Ji'Doe SkCiDiias and Ma. MoaeniAD. II rrht! rtn; 'we na vlii 1en Tairiri iTe pa n Tn the content for Governor which is now going on. We felt no deposition to handy epithets' with aueh.of . . 4ta4-fcw. -k!ff I wnrV w-f is-c .wayeawaea m- heaping calumny nnd pcrsmal above nn Jude Saunders. however, they have now pretty well exhausted their elegant vocabulary of party slang, we desire to submit a few reflections for the con- 'fpfi- fuiym 'iT ITuijnLtf .men, VnTeTitreiTrtFXpTfdrTitir unVaitating prefemicn "ItyJWfjpf!.- 'Tt the sintenee with wlueh lie h s been' everywhere a-'saileOv. hi eoeoites, is no little evwlence of his merit, ll was but yesterdn, that these same mert who are now traducing his fame as a candidate for Govern- r, atphni'led him as an able, upright Judge Can they think tho people have not sene to per, cce that he who deserved their commendation on the brnch can liarifly Ti"i vijTirlviic? luacliaracter by lartov In acquiesce in a popular demand tn been inn s candidate for the Chief M igistrnry nf ' the Stale t Yet, the only renoo for their sud len shaoge from prsie, to bitter denunciat inn ia,'het cause he is cwidvtate foi Gwernar." This Is crime qnnugh in tlieir eyes. As ,-noet ot our readera are irrstccn sara, we ss their candid attention while we ad reus to their reaeas and understanding some fmportitni firts which as il seems to us have a beiiYing on the liesliotl. r . L-t Ihem judge alter they have considered. 'Who doe nut recollect the long and arduous contest wliich was carried o;ij,to secure to tlie ffestarn- Count s tmur etwf risTs f-W ho has birgirftett that tor more than 8tf years, we were re. iunod-a C-uivsniiiKj to give usan eqtwl represents il.sn to tWItfgishtiwt-.-'' ' ,fj Who bow does not know that without a Cannes tios, nor representation never would hare been re. firmed, and the right of the people Io elect their ore Cruefrnor, would not be enjoyed by them at this day t In the time (hat tried the t-a as well as the faith of our public servants in tlie lVrsr, and du rinjr thai fwriod wHeti the whole Wmi Mlti-, as one man, to insist trpon their Rteirrs, we ask, who made the greatest sacrifice fur us, a'.d whn per severed longest in the good work even until it was Consummated by I lis final passage of the Conven hist BiHnlihn AlVMshatd.'os VLAUt BsnnderVf Mr. Merehead did not oppose it, cettaiuly, but how long did he labor for the Wnt, rather, hew soon did he nut linger, and at last quit his post tn order to pursue his own privato engagements t U rn'isted M the Assembly of 18.21, and then retired for S years t He was again at his post in the Legislature of 1326, and again ia the Legis lature of ItJJJ. After this ws hear o more of! his since, and feel no longer the weight, of his in ' fljeoc to Titidicste popota Rights. Had our rights been defended and secured t No Still he no tsiger battled fir thein in the field where . I r .' - Bv Mriu aad mauience. ne went in his as ami in his prtvate porous, and left (e llest lo fH her, . rifsei the mi :t he aWe. But witlvrnt In ail. ! !' ' -r:t V J . ' -funde.-s T'- - s k- -.,1. ;,, .1 !,e l,.i,er I, we;! , , .: 54 ' I"' li.t"fl flc t-liiee nf At- ,1 ililied him for a wM io'tlie liir(Ml.iHir". he reM.iiticd not only Hit hull, ut viihus nod iiciie in the d-fetice of a Cmvm . i- .. . . .1.- -..i.. .u twn. I M pros M'W lorn to i je-...iu rrom hi fen in defence of W extern rrhtu, and - to i i I n..ini!,.n wippirt our demanil Mr equn repruenieiiii'"" When nor Repre-ietitative ere loil-d in tnctr mcasutfi for a Convention, nrganiied tlir CommiiteWto apical t the people and tonne the R publiciina of the State todo juitice to the n em, and to yield Wk to the people.-tlie proper toorce tf nower, iho right of chooamg llieir UoVernor, Romulu M. SatinJert waa always icady to co operate, and gcticrnily acted na one of the chief ioatrumenla for iiphoWing our demand our jtnt , Icnnnd. - E-peci;illy in 1 632. J 8.13, and lH; when the wnrmeat of the fight wa't going on, nnd , tluring.tba time when auccenant aM waa fccureH over the prejudieea of mir Eaatern bnuhron, we , recngnj' the name of Romulu M. hnunfjera among ufoae of the ltmmiltee wlw freely devoted their time aud lalenta to necITPJ thai victory, nnd to whoae acrvicea o are tin dny mainly indebled for our triumph. i , : Now that the Mcatern people are clothed with their jii-it right of electing a Chief Magistrate, we Hnk it poluicnl grHtitude and a geiiermwconfi-Jetice in one who ha aervwd ihem ao faithfully, doea not cull on ua to give afiinf heed to thn iiftjurjfr To whom ia the Went moat indebted for the final tru umph in the Cmtentifi qtirt'ion ? Shnll we re ward the fearlcaa, onwaverii'g, active, nnd aucensa ful co-nljiHor of iair own cauaf bybtise; "and' false imputation, in order to elcvatn over liim a man wlio made few, or no ancrificea in mtr eervicri T and, alio in the hour of our greatest, need was neither felt nor licird 1 . , , A - - !The fact ( i intlifipiitable nnd long may an honeat and gencroua Western population remeim lr it tliat to tlie Central Committee on tha Convention, chiefly to thoao menibera of, it who resided at Raleigh, are the 'people indented for the auccea of the Convention in 1H31. We H nnt abate one j,rta from the..i.HtMrLjjkh- FMMMbfWpil. " : another .gentli.'mnn, whom name ia to finiiliiir to the public on ihts-fpiewtion, to trqirire insertion. But Romulus M. niinders was with him, and implied by a like zeal, and the rijtne principles j-fho wasjin active co-cpoialor in t!ie wrtrkWfi d' ft rfc fficivi tt "T 3T in carrying im the coo- teat. We are not to be understood as saying or intimating that Mr. More head was opposed to the West ;what we mean to say is, that h Itiggid in the good work, and turned buck (as he hnd a right to do unquestionably) to pursue his own private business. Before the. people hnd secured their rights, he " qui! the service" of the West, and we ask, is it just or proper that he should now come forward, as a " Western ". candidate to reap the honor $ of our final success, over one who lend us on o victory in our great western political eon- ; test of more than twenty years ? Gratitude forbids lit Justice rorTiidsTt P-Prmctple forbids i: 4 No, lot parliran lenders and brawling demagogues heap calumnies and alme on this t'ono wfmm we "know t4e honestTirfffffltTnuTTIiiu clrcuinto the' saSraW4vW degrade an old western lender; for iHirsolves, we cannot doubt thnt'the Peoplu of XVestern Carolina will throw aside the trammels and dictation of such . as they are, and eome forward to the support of fs-tif -hTrTryftWoiuf y caiioot Wieye that our I'noole ll tna the right which Romutfi M. SiU'srfffjgojtflfij ally auied .in obluining for them, hy awmg H-4o- dishonor oneof the leaders who was always unti ring inJtis efforts Io restore that right to tho Poo. pie. This right of voting for Governor, they will hardly' be irirlnced to exercise f r j he.folituiinv.we 5av,or. Sainrfcrs, wl aided in its recovery in order lo gri'tify the malignity of his enemies, or lo rwward the lukewarm leal nf Mr. Morehead for Wertem Rights. He who hax done o little for the West, must not c Mint on e-xciiiiig a eect jpn. . nl feeling fo thn Wel W being duhlied a WeFterri cidiilate. Where, where and how has he ecrrro the TFrsf, to cnlitlnJiim to lie en called ! We are called upon by the gratitude which is slue a faithful public e-rvanl, to coiwiJerthcso things.-'. a . ,j " . Hard Tisies. -II iw auv man if tntnlligeneeor candor enn for a inoment conlen I that tlie hard time have been braig!it upon the cmtntry bv jany .agency jjftha iverttmeti, rs -mrsrt Wfaordiulryi" Bui if the Governmctit is guilty fof Ibis charge, WXJSSSaJZVbf thi ol.Uie ccuspra poitrt out the measure by which it wasihsie? - The Goernroent has greatly re.lneed theTsrifl: Tsxes aithin a few years. Js,.iSiu.jie- cause of -hard times? If this lie so, then of course the Fedijrulils wiaild make li-nes eay agitn, by im pnaing new Taxea on the people I . " ' Tho Govrrone nl haa, within the pnrt two Vears ledmed 'ie t till'lilililirril i. .c count i y more than rersrmtlion of dollars. Is this tlie eaoe of tiie twtd tuoeat If so, the Fed -r Jnits would bring aboiita chaMj;fi and muks times letter, by ?ff!in l"! V'ttl1 - "-TWvagaiitX prj. ' 1 iliiiiti,sruT5grM4i iiiiposing up m tne people a - Nstional tlrU which they consider " Nalioiial blessing.' " ' , JJ'N the G rvemment has had no agency, as the Federal hwmlMiggere well know, in making the limes hard s the eearcity of money, which begets lite difficulties called " hsrd iimca,'' is at. Iribuiable to another cause j it conss from a quarter over which tlie Government lias nn ron trol, and hat been brought about by a power which ia seeking to root ml the Guveramenl and the Law we mean the Haxks. h,:-;v ':""- .'-1 ' .It isetated in the Treasurer's Renort to Cn.: - '-Mina branch.' in lha i;oi.u Oi the li .s J uiry, 17, th"e Rinks had in circulation notes to the sm niot el' l.V) ;;,. , ' ' M V l-t ,f J - , . i.i rt.-t'" ml i-1 In . i 1 1'( n i ti '' i Ili "i a-I doubt le hi- -re ti,,, it if teil K-ril to es t;, hi 109 fIiii! ir.un circuiuiioi) in lime jctrt 4l.me, t (M y," mi Mont, or an auuiunt e-i ul to n...,rlv n n i fj...i f. 1 ' uiru'ir lr'ir, nut ii law nu.M .! I ' lil ;.. il;.y calling in 'their n,.. . . ioing none. J hit is Hie cause of hard i, ml there ia not an intelligent candid man ' country who will take a kuiw of t1 f4P . deny that it ia ao, or charge the Government 'a the usuni j-Jeral ahng. . i : "r It ia the eenrcity of money produced h .u auddeo contraftion of tbeir iauea, and demnod rf tneif debta made by the Btn1t for political rff- wnir.u ia in cauaa ot lite "hard timet. a? the Bankaaw not nnly Blling in all tbeir w3 And lutvirltv mmji nil I lian .M A..'. .... j iiiiiiis; more ! K, have locked up in tlieir vaulta, according tw mute, warly 100 millions of gold a,,d t,, wuicn, iar nit inn prem nt DenehS It ta to the em,, munity, might aa well be mink in tha btm the aea..- . , : jTheae, nnd these onkjr, are the citiawi of the h,j t lines. ... - . .-, ,. , 1 ' ' '; '"' ' ' . SIGN'S OF, Tim TIMES. '.',;. " Within Ihe lat lew ceU, many diatinjfiriibej men heretofore fwmnging to the MWhig have renounced larriontam and declared Uattr tetiiit.n ofaopporting HJr. Van Buret,, Thptut dingiwted with the log cabin and bard eider radea of the Fedcrnfiata, nnd rrfum to enpn: dumb randidnte or adhero to a parly without pr cipleay Among other changes, we find in Knit! some of inifKirtancn, aircb as that of the oa, JT flown, formerly V. 8," Feoatnr fronTihat bvt the Hiio; Itenry DamiUi the Ilm. J?c Ikri Ja$. D. Hardin, jEaj., and R. N. YTtrklife, E-a J By any of exprenaing their cnnU'inpi for the Wi: getitleuian since he has quit their party, li fei erala turn tip tlieir delicate noaes and'calt kit greasy Bob." If he was a filthy meetoiiit thy Could not do more. H mnat ba very humili. ting to Mr Wicklifle to belreated in Una aaniMi by these napper gentlemen, wio but ibewWej lottked no to htm with hi vh reo-nnl JT.iVnUL" .1 f : .,.r'-j.V,. - h-TrrBc. I and low abuse on his nmt'ijajrridraj ititupur . o, rage and disappointment, because he has ibu doned lliem. -:" , ' t .j , ... -The rncent mot etnenta in Georgia for (be Vrs. .fife-ot llMrwnwm,- haymi4d Iti' iTejGliciir of that Slate loo, -they are rallying to the sUn.lsrJ of the administration in such numbers snd Willi i spirit lhaf will."aliame the recreant Plate Rin men who have lorgutten end disregarded l! principles, to worship'cabins, and swill sour CHkt te the glory 'of 'the Federal abotitioo csged hero." Bcfiilea the Iroej Repuhlicaiift Black, CA quitt and Cooper, -we have the natnee ef mf oibers, such aa Jjiinar, Lnjrnpkrn, Beaborn Jmrt, Beihtine, Howard, and Hardin, with crowds aema. The efforts ot ihe.Cotiventino g't.up MiiWjs ville for"helieriefit of Harrison and FeW wm.-haye- TesHred"glorti'sty t if (he "RepiBfica cause. The oenple ere ewakened nuhlie awet. ings arfralkd,.aridihcre4aajlJbu1uoue eeetsailteltw these "iai; mtfwir' .I.CCiLaLUo;joini Ouorgta can nelier be gulled nor driven into lie ranhsnfthe many colored party. Set thatauss aa certain --,' 5 Jlarriton Etulect. we suppose one ti more eiuvclusiye jn Lf0.nrivli.ng-Xtifi IIarri.a Tj,, thnn' Mumeirdv mjimLHiiirilliy-Xliein, thul tlieol-i-Genernl saer.M lua populauly at borne, by hia sole on the Mtwwun queaiioiu In one of the "pictnre bookr lives of he hero,) we have s-cn only jwn, one fcsvinjl iMtrseon ii and a man h"IJing him, ihn other n hone - 4 - t? -r -w tL-K..rua n jTrt'.hts- b ck ImUog ais-s- right hand this last is the pamphiet.) if ,iW reader will turn to I he 12th page, not qnitskil way down, he will find the following t f V- .;Iu 1810, lie (Gen, Harrison) was elected kt I Inrge majority, a member of the H mse of R'i sentatives in Courcss fMS) t)hio.y In thissttis) he sered, greatly lo his u U.aeir and to thi SATisFAcrtoJt or an co'.sriTi'K.vrs, until 1SI3; when, on the cxoiralion of bis term of servie, wasch isKn lo the Senate of !he3iate Legielatuis. " He served to the saii-factton of his con'i etrt, 6r ciMir" tlich,Te "could oK bare saenfk Mmself, nr displeased them by any rote or c duct be was immediately chosen to the Su Ls"guiflture, ihia eltowe that he was popubr tlie time. . N, lifter all, this wonderful dis)d Vutovabuut whieJi we h.va ttMPit Gun. Harrison voted once, and o ace ee'y, i mi.?J?fJb "dmissimi of Missouri io theje 18l this was tht expuaiHMMtf his term ofi4fi alien Tie returned houieweurio the ?isle isf ture, nnd introdueed and voted for R siilutin f hrmmg dirtfines preciel the reverse of wbsl fc I'rietnls claim for him by his sole in Congress, r "iw sssap wwn f mriiiinri uikt trn i ji -1 1 ' ttieir eiator!, dc.-. t. yotr against I he aduast of Missouri, unless alan.ry waa resir cted. suuri wss admitted tn when Harrison v tne Onto Li'gisl.tture votiiigiWirtnsf Its iidiui" STllUH-n for lua H.iutliitm w.ila nn Ihu ourl"1! whieii tarns out to be - much ado a If it it notln'S' Wc should have aaij uoilnng mure oil this mi' ter, as our femniks last wetk were cisielusirr. W we have heard lhe:viniiet( queittonfd.and ihisiijM we would give the ariy e-Mfsvlhing Iw'li could not di-.jH.ne, io'ap extract from oiie of picture-books." , , , . ,r. . - . . - " ' ' . ' "ftth only news which we have f nT ' port ance from Coagrett is, lhat it had been sfrc to ptit an end lo tlie debate on the SuLlTil,1 Bill on Monday, and report the same lo the l!,'"" for the fiubj question, We had vpi,,Ji pninabihiji, to bear by last mail IroiA Vac!iiiC!Jft of ila tssage, but failed lo receive lb papc TV Bitikrupt Bill bns finally passd ' Jaui ta. now ttiore the Hoee.-- - t Mi:,- - r .

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