t ox rr at. : ' 1 ' a " ' L jr as k nw V I 4i e &' e. "A. I' kV ' r bna v i aV' ha, . - awaU !ea? iky f Syk .pat ftt :Ki. "aisT" cl arf tsf a. ti tded i : f ! Ik'! . - .i ... ...i , .1 ,i ..t ; i .rirf ami imiHt'itlc" 1) a ;'' tlio money! thai Ifc MMtMy b ;.iiiii to tlio whole people gbould be appropriated lu uiukiiig ri U and canal 01 ajm id thebaic," to toe support d eii pmra e'.aent f domestic iitiimifiietiircs.". That j aubhc debt abmiM bo a!!,et la g; on itierea inta ittHi w money in the trcitsury to pay it oflj purdcr 10 WiTtti iute lliis money tn building up and ru,ug eom part of the Uoiou at tbe expen.su ( j uiheis! That the people should nol wily pay Utt io the shape of o MjtifnrTtiir ft "aupport 'HanutaditWtV but the money in the public jrjjc JlecteJ fiOlely'vr the support of tUov sud" " payment jiublie debt, tliould k gtveo 10 oljct .f Internal Improve. ajstit,"W 'ocr!J Ihe'jirofitaVniie Mauulautu ier! ' Can Suuthero own support candidate pro fessing aucb principle ! Ve cannot believe it 1 Vf e cannot believe timt the" Farmer and Median 0 will k duped into the support ol a party bo make noisy, and open mow bud ' proclaiimtiori of jnai for their interest whili their aett show them is (kor f uwnatrouf iiid unconstitutional doc trine advanced in.ihn reilutiim above. Again say, that thetM' re'jiutim are ih) learaay m iceixid baud evidence of H irrison'a Tarifl and In leroal Improvement priuciplea. They are copied froat liiaJotirnut il c 1 f, publwlied in Ohio in 1820, wlwch bate, open to the inaction of aiy man. - fj" i, Ja lu ought fur .Tlie litborof t seek bat enabled aotue of the ILirrisoo party to (tit fifilf a twrniUlng meant (ot an addre to the ftaflt ot RowanAnd Davie -'Hin;ir-, and intended uao answer to the certified copy of Harrixon'a U and toll to K'U hite men, published hy the Rowan Central, Committee, Thia thing haa a nimber ot wimea ained to it, ome of which re tatwaud charge to bate beeu placed there with- et the kooa ledge or auihrinty of tlje indivkluala Mverat u uient declare they never aw the pnper or !ii(l K, until ahown I ienn with their names tttacb. alter jta publication: and we euteitaio ao dnuk but that many of the name were nlhe M.ui Huiiiiifi.. uliuid ibrrit willnutt 1I10 LnAttlHirfi awiCow'iv oMke' owmnn'riTrittMrxk -f he wtintir itiir t a wretched, Ininc, halt, ai.d awkward at teoipt at " whipping the de'Littuiiheatunyi( ciatowived in trie, true rpint 4 a County Court law toibbler, bat a miserably poor ahow to come from Us literary " pwrty. hy the way, waa the wri M athamed or afraid to sign hia own name amongst (h ted f Front Ita long wimlco ehiptnicas and no puiat altompt at argument and fason, the paterni iy ef -the thwig urprrtty entity pnwfRd.T f l Coo jib notbiiir1o anaVrr or talk eboiitt in parlicu Wr and iliarvfore we ili drop the aubjecU V THE HARRISON PARTY. Ot aft the coalition that have ever eti!od in JL1,mb,,Ijl.,'0C? 1' ranked esone arnonwl the latxMi of the earth, the loj cabin and hard cidor Wtjiippara of the prewent dav, Vnrijhe moat x Ufcttduwyv-raiMug on uu. poittMwl principlea, but made up of the oiJ.I and nJd of all factions and pWrtiea, tbey work togettler f r one single pur pwt to elevntee dumb Candidate and weak old r.ia to the Presidi-nry, til bopinjt thereby to ac JaJhjsJ JV'av &wl swiwitiwing'lh'rwHT, r The AK'lftofl- f sas, who amnumred old Mr. Ilarriaou, the (worn tocmie of the South, and incendiary plotters to 'shatuwraai ieiri'yifr'' teaeer tiir Muntry Uisrrced by quietly sutTeriitg tat iosults of a Foreign power. ' - .. - The Fstleral atipenrter of the black cockade nd Alien and Sedition tur administration of old JJta Aifama. . . T:e revilvr of J. flora m and the Republican hrtv. . r i- The Tatifl anil Inteiuul Improvement party of me orta and Soil, Tlie advwsiesef all B uik Monopolies, and ea. jecfs'ly of a I'mted State Batk, to rule the coun 17 i:likth entihtMs WwpotUtn of oioncy power d Foreign, iofl'ietice, end to regulate " traJc ifauist the South and speculate rm the money ol pet;i!e, cutitrary to tlie Cunsutution and the TheNcsr soma of the dirrdunt material which awU up llie mas wf the Ilarrimw Party. . They re atich aa ao State Rights Republican who is xtinuftit of bii principle will be fMind acting with. A aw atiikliiig ut the f n ksof the Harrison party, tott arouod hi in end see with whom he ia aaancia acting with bis old friend and former f It hs acting with the dialinguitJiod Roiuh jae whntu he cooiidored as true patriots in for- " J t If net, it moat f illow, fliat cither fAe have eerted their principle, or kt baa. Doth b right, I)-ea h ant then, beoi.ne hiin to P1 and Cmsi.lo aatruatwly whHher be resy, nr t lro I la it BftJialila thai a iitniutilu ,f ilia - -J'"-- f ile Right RepoUicaa party would abindon their fWrptosT 1 it mrt more probable thet a k M he M aatrsy- by fclse itwoe t We a!j ouf fwuv.-- AH wen aia Ibbre lo error wie but "- persiat la it, when uncovered. It does seem , lhat when'RiMtharn RiTiublicana eie Cat l" MeOuili'i, Troop, snd a bost f other, in ail fhe teiditif Stite llitita pieit of liui Jaith( 1 "rayed loeether ia one cause, il noght to bs strong nwoce te them Ifiat it is 'he ri-'M one. - 4 ,, : ., ,BT of ths lathers of Uie laid predicted a sens " mint the anMrtil of slavry, nd Uiey were "wfi? ths nwwa ...l. 1 ... lit...... .1 ... 1.. . wv r.iBi, vi iin, ura ml .'ill attt5sio,,rc0,ntr;."" - ' : 8' y ao AWititmisi of 0'iio, i 1 a Jlong argV - vwt on t!i l uioo of ihe State. He e-ills it ae the Abolitionist to pe never, or eepa- - from tHo SiMith rattier than atlow i!ie inaiitutioa slavery to. remain. Th-we ere the Northern "fSmhtro lUrrin Ttiea. - -." ;s r ' The ion j . ,y i.nr"Ht S.. ,!,?, - fijiisi . pw.j.ifl Mr r.v.-'rntive mi !, ' indicnied It fore tl.e w,rk!. Tl.o (.Yu.ii.iree ..1 Ktectiorio, eflor the mot Jalmriy.is inv Mention. t!mi h,u evr l'i!fn pl ice in Vwgrcw, made their rvp-irt on Mia Kiih instant, f.om which it upp-are that the iovesiijjutiMB Unt rvxtilted in the irmmph ant wwce.-M of the lomocratic member, and Gov. Penitinsion and hi tools, with their broad ae.il of a, Lave. rficiye damp of dirnce md in. famy thit all the water of ihu grimt.dee'p can iK'irr a!i mU It waa a!!:gud,ua will be recollected, tl t.t the DcniocrHt'ia menilmra had olkt.nned a nominuf ma jority by illegal vine, birt behold it turna out, that a hiujority of the illegal volea pidled were f und . ttn the other aidu, and lha( the Republicans have gHined . jiinny good, vote hich were rejwsted. U hen the result ol the inveali nation appeared in the Riport made to the House, the Federal mem ber neein to havo been thrown into utter conlu aionHiii? greatly at a Im to know how- to hrtok tkdr falL The i'hairman of the Coiiunitlee on making the Report, moved to print it, together with the minority report, ami lay the auhject ever for several dnya, doiibtleM with the viuw of giving limo Io the" liouae for ita full emmiwitiotu Agattwt. tlii pro'poiM'iou to " print, the Federal member made violent opposition, and one of them, io order to ooiuuiiie timt, at that lute periotl of the aen. aion, and -eiuvn off the quoation, called' for the reading of all the pnjei." When the Republican ntemWj taw tlie ffone that wa playing, they de- , teruiined to meet them on their own ground, and prevent a aacnttou of the public interest, by thia oiiprinr.i)ld inanoeiiyering. . They accordingly it atill and hoard the Reports of the tmijority and minority read throulr from beginning l end. Thia dona, they culled for the previou queitioa 'on the Resolution conHruiing .the m-nta to the Doinoctatic member, nud duierinined to take' it before ac'j'Hiriiing.' Tlmy bad in tlie rlrat iiisiance, it will bo roiimn.berpd. projiosed W lay the ques tion over for four or five day, that the member might have tin ie to examine the Report and pa-. per after being printed, but u the federalist Urcedtlw loading of all "JJi '!Sr,etj wL'i7-?-?'"-- , i .1.. fiiCI, Tfierie wJ'cerlttiiily no rwceiwityTor further di-lnv. After the Houhb had datermined to take , . " terrible fliittering, in . the Federal rank, ome asked Io be excuwd from voting, other in defiance of tlie II. ae, declared they would uorvote, all arming furrow at being caught Irt IhCir own trap. Their maiKBuveriiig and raving however were alike unavailing,. 1W the Iluuae pentuted in it deter mination to bring 1 he maltbr o a close, and accordingly the question wa taken, and tbe.Kfl' publican member were confirmed .in their right to eeata, by a vole of 102 tn 22. Thus ha tuded ibe f.iinou New Jcraey cni-e ; in the dofi-.at of the disracefiit fraud aJlonipiodanJiWr'leriml iiifiirny of tJov. Pinning'on nnd hi ci cwxpirntor. Tlie people huve triumphed, and ll the people THE EXl'LOaiNO JiXJ'EDlTlO. . Recent accounts mention the return of some of the rowels rninnosinir the anuadron of this exnedi- lion, to rWv. fSooih W.t.-a fTmn. a f fir' HI .ftMithfrn OeW t.MMOiriH. 1 JIO mini VtlS,lirH nCi;H Hal lUl 8'bojinrjrr.rar htritnde 6 i dcgrecat20 niUiute South, lorgtluiie 154 degree, 18 minute bant. Que of Jha.. v.ccJk...nl urammttlTOVa "'Slit' HitiW i"'iTiAr"Tii!riu.n fr.Vin fi'iLir.Ti JVVr-lW-.VH. - f-ditet'f I-ittrd-mitei fjawatlhogri - toiiP, stantly exposed to ahipwreck from heavy gales of .rmWtmm-tfMmiMrvrV , , . ,. , ,,,,,, . blamed, aotne weighing upwards of 100 pounds. ' The Southern Literary McMaengtr fr June is m .air table ;-lhnugh we have bad no leisure lo . ., do more than glauce over It. I lie 'J1J?1J as well as the hivD commemiation we nave seen rr 7 r-. r . . of il, from dillerent quarters, are evidence that Ihe c .i.,l.. 1 . ... -;,i. !k.i ik present numlier luHy euMniti I ho high literary tin ran ji of the ork. V. . - C-tT fen. Harrison, otherwuie ealled Gen, Mum, others. ii the "certificate candidate " tf the Fed eral Abolition Bankparly, baa in limes past do ctored his belief that a United Statca Bank was unconstitutional f hot say neveriheless, if such ao imtiilutioa should be chartered by (mgres, he 'would not veto the bill. He ia sworn to support the Constitution, believes a measure uncoiwtitution al, aud yet agrees to approve it L Can any body JooU in,, tbeW man trw brsottrgT- over Gen., Harrison' oteor selling fre while hey firat rkottjj lbl Jwdtd Oa t all W tne oaruarous law; mey men ajaerieu.. inai u waa for crimjon wemjo be adcl,'and fltially havfj - coma to admit the facta an4 openly justify the prin ciple.!, Tlii i tike the lawyer' speech in fhe case of the lea kettle which bad been borrowed snd broke: " May it please jrmir honor, we take three ry.eiioj.J in this rff fem-e ' irt ttid fiat pl.rti' ant dny that we aver borrowed the lea kettle in the second place, we contend that it waa cracked wheq wa fttt it, end in tlie third piece, that it wa whole w hen we relumed il. . . The prugrta of aiCiVi It U the atadinu dosigo of tlt Southera Ftdermlista to conceal the onward atrrde that Aboittuvn ia- making at the North; their object lu d-ung so, ia to (orwafd the cause of iha Abolition candidate, Geo. Slum, by ieeping every thing out of view thai eotild by auy p(iiliility injure bim, or iaduce impeniueot n.qui tiesJifrom the "ignorant people " concerning bts opinions, But let a 4 Southern men be deceived by the at artifVces: AWtioai.Tm is irafkH'g ntpid litridci,an4 threaten by iu mad and uegftemrd fanaticism, not only tbe destruction tf il.u Futon, but danger to Religion itself The New York - Ef aogelist " ale : " Akft. tionitm, m the true ami CvthoUr se,? l!ie 'erit, never had ao powerful a grap on IV- n ml of the American Na'tun, a at the nre.;t t.r,' row iiik vr-ri iiN i aui.ivnn,; i-Ut liirn: Tlie rx curn nci s if t! c prrnent can vnc in thia Cuiuly bave.lion the ri.uracter of Hie t'tiU ral l'nk puriy in a in.inni r D vrr butore aren by riiany d" tin. . ' llcuig 'pVrlectlf ei.niin of tlie vfk tica.uf their cauM, llo'V early ifet:r:iiim-di tollow in tli tifir,-iw of tliir i!iii?lriiH! lrti'"r, vd Mr, Hum- win, to ket-pdatk U firfe tUe 'oj!e, inJ play Oiegumv of mum a tar as pwmblo. Totliw ml, ih'y not only contluclH to iiiiike no declination el' oniiuuo f"T the public rye " tliemrelvr, bi:l to 'do all in their aower to prevent the llepublican patty from, doing mieilher. V it!i itiiTTiSii.tl horror ol fVH-eiM'ra, tliey ilroiiml to '( tlie li-lit, :nl Willi U.e uiiI auiiwciiy 4 tlul cIiim, th-y bve enuotvorid to prvvent Its U-mg' t ea by the people. K.'iriwmg lint " tiuili Hi niiliij and will pre- nit, tlu;:r whole aun lull Uet n to Ii.uh tlie Ut.i i, anil it lnu even b"wi th dirty wurk of some to diKeminate lalhnod; 'l'lie tiynt objict, lioever,"of their labor ha tor home time, beoii directed te enibarra and pre vent a free an t toll distention before the people. l'h: J npintfiot itiauiA'led4tlf it CapU'Trexler' miiler (-round on the 3d ol July. VVLen Jiultfa Baunder, the Kepublican tJaiidiunU) lor Uovemor, iiisde hi appear ance, wiili the ilcaign of ddresii)g the people accord ing to notice previouxly given, witne of the Federal llnrrinon caruinJuie and purty mot atrunuouly oo- jicted to hi spiking, and perintel id ding to, until uirormeu cy Jin.'e Aaunuera itim lie cmne tlior lu tpeak, and onlewi ttio people rtfutied to hear him peak, he would, without tlit-ir luvor or levc, and io tiruunce of their ibiociion. Ao everwbeloiiiijj- voice of liie people replied, "hear bim," and be t, heard Willi rucIi efliict ae h'l(nnl die heart of tbjVderil D-ink tiieu."" Uu th" 4;h, al tbtir hard cider crmnl in Sain. bury, rattier than let Judge tSaumlera, who was in Town, be heard in answer to their en ndhlale who wm brought to the show tOiU'uk. thev nimie luiu oiav mum. tit daring to refuse Jnde Sa under leave tu be heard, tliey were eoniielel, ui oruer io prevent lac Uitcumion, to Keep sir. Alorthesj Ironi sixiukms. After Air. iigf w agreed upon aa Elector fi Una iiuurict, Im- prucewled tu the dimcUHrge ot the du tie imponeil by lite noniiiwtion, to attend tha .Tax gatherings aoU addreva the pooplo. The liarrinon Candidate have continually ubjcctiil to Ins being heaid, and some or the Harrison party have uDiturinly and re peatedly attempted to interrupt bis addresby noi", disturbance and diversUinot the crowd toother object. Tbi haa been done, I aay, uTiiformly and itpeat-dly, with cooduct, nearly approaching to dieeracetul out rage, up tit Saturday last, whenya ecune occurred such as haa never before been witneiw-d in the ronniy of Uowan. On Fridny, the day Jn-foru, both the til ctom tiir tin District, attended a( .Morgan' Mutter gruuiul, and aildrewH-d the oenplc, Willi th free Gunsent of the County Caii-lidatea-rtlii June, the JUrfwi men, their Llector w present, inakini; no o'j-ic Hon, a they before had done, lo tlie rt( ht ut the Klectur to snk M.uia.jM.umtw.t,--,nr4.wtT;Wirw.-nn . tl.. 'l1. . . II.. ..kl. .U.ll I Hi 'appear Mrv Craie onlj m-imth! dxlnte denied Mr. Craige vhe right tu apek. After koine contention, it vaa agreed that Mr. Jones ahiaild Jone commenced and concluded I peeco of. one honr. made up entirely ot alang abuse of the Administration and Uie Republican party. of this County, Mr. Cratije theo-pror.eeded tn reply to him, when, as I aatd before, a sceua oi di-igraccfui outride aud violent interruotiia was auemptcd such a Tieter befure occurred in ltcw in County. I DilT'-rent expedients were tried to attract the sties lion of Uie crowd present, amf draw them off from heariiif Mr. Craiire; whn, boeverTll failed, trmn personal threat and uisuleut. boCyuig, a violent dis- turbinof ensued, which ao interrupted the speak in that Mr. Craije wa eutiiely unable to proceed, nd fi nally desisted frosu any a tempt to make himself heard in Hie midst of the upioar anil contusion. ", r Now, I appeal to the calm jtidment of reflrcting and candid men, to any -whether the things are Cot highly outre ifeoes. When was the tune ever known in Rowan Cuunfy before, that any. party or any' net of -aser mimyt'wvtrfVitm xssemiVfymfiSij:' indro-dyuui, by rurflm ta Ihrmts snd violence in order to prevent Ihs peod! from hesrnif koth aidea and judging fir. themselves! Is?s. it not sliow tint tliey are afraid of the light and the truth 1 Never, since the days of black Cwkude reduralisin, have stick insolent j ' mfa 'it OTmi WP IhH lis. i w n-imir prrj wr, rrr p.. i, . i '.' in.ii miv ' A" lareaL'ee. iieit-eiitiMmt -s -nrrn, -wrre, Tntvaieiiea. wtui uHib and doath by tlie minion of power, a Republe cana wlio aclkeeexna.-aia liiiw ll.raalonod with- Tt'lr" iIr.f..or. wiliea only I ijm.1ljtfe.lL rFgam nttrftw JilifeWlit ibe- party witf'br far fromf ,JT .... i,, .ud -m-w.Uh. .hlhpr 4h Itkitfh. - ,nt - rf Kowaa are to be deterred from acting and voting is they please, hy th inctnlion of ttHiuU-fw Y 7.. tt' wine wawting itusiience 01 eiuiv coins, iam iisrrisoe party nave no principles opmhich ihey uke a stand. They rely upon log cabin and hard eider paradea to gull the people into a . upport of their dumb candidate. They are afraid to ! in fif(f 1 wlore llie people, hence their efSirt of depertio to . . . - .1 . . . . .., ...... 1 1 gag taw ano force, riuer inan iti uie (rum oc nearu. ; I cannot belit-ye titer UieoTa Kepubhcaua of Rowan and lavie will be either deceived by their humbnyv or Miiiinit tn their irrsoleiit dictatum. 1 (Sir one Will neither be deterred by bullyiain nor tbreaia from raining my voice 10 denounce, and if need be, my arm to resist them. We are not yet lubjitcied to the Alien and Se dition taw of black cockbde Federalism, and so Vaig aa the people are true to theinawlvea and Republican prin ciples, we never will bo. 1 -' A REPUBLICAN. for tub wertta casolimu. V , EKPIlUNh AGOXIra o" ROWAN FEDERAIJSM: Ma. Euiroa : Have you read Hie paper to which tbo names of a number of individual are attached, just puwwied -et the vtatchiris'ii' T mice. pnipoHing lo be a reply to Uie Circular iwued by tlie K.-pnh-base -Caulsal -Cueaetittee 'fVwae"OW'-he-uetecf sl iifraaia.' Jews fur walimg vVhite anew and wtsneir fur d;bl f If you have oo!, do get one and read it, if - . - ;rt , r.re pTdductioeV The aetlior of Uu piece you can muaier the paiience nceajisry nrlxiirs is evidently a " rceo-bora " iu publics, and eomwitted w many blundent, Viirdities snd ruiereprnuiiona ui it. Gut heM not eign his own name lo it, Den.H WouM the leidinu men of the party m town or tlie eoentrv sign rt. 1'nis new political scribe mnst have had in Ilia nnad'scye the eelebraled feat ef Falstalf 's fii;lit with the twelve men in buckram, wha he. wrote it. iron me raciuiy wnn wntvn he laid tluwu premn a disaun d of by l(w HoimUlll'Un t 'Ciiir.,! L'onmul. tee, and then wenltownrk likea valiant man lod.aprove them. I shall not attempt a defence nl' the Circular of the Central tiiuniiM'-e, aa the facts it sets barib csno4 be dispriwi'd by either tie oritur or tlie wriiings of luo M''l Hrty-t'iey are sehattlrsM MJr....tJiif t ey iiliFlWWry .Trifl UiTI tureiof thno , ,iafk wait.. tie over the political history If their author, (icis, liar- risoe. Tbe Rowan Central Comntittas did sot, ia their Ad dr., ti.teod to convey tbe meaning thai a free negro could purchase a While servant ta Indiana j their tn. marks npon that sohj-t were tiiti tulcd to apttty lo tlra Ohio ktw, endt-r wbicb no man wtll dare dispute that a free nejjro Oould purchase a white serant i-yet, by a rred constraction, the asllnrt of this federal addreaa have raisea an iaMte neyer thonirht of by the Central Committee, snd ma.fs it the burden of tlieic sor.gl, B it my purprsrMr. Eluor, in tlies.1 f,. ln,t , to five y.0 and your ri'b ra the hint how tbta a-ldr. aa "to the frecoien . Kensn aidl'v it "Lia on, I I, ll,.r-M l, VT4; V)t. liai'lS M Sllietl Ul ill" NO! Hid fl liio wh- name i resigned to it, see it, or nmd tt, or ' fd, klore jlmir names were put to it or ei ihey mil aotliortre theif names hi h" pirt lo H 1 . SO! I sasr(,ai,d dig runfraWtrds, th.it auit.eof l'ie i. nl 1 1 i.l ua la wh.M- rMinssre lo tint e -, never .w it, never n ad it, or hi ard it i,-.,d, did i 'i I.d o Uo-ir names ht be ( ut lo ii, amf d.d nul know aut it ct'U'aiiitJ Until tltey taw it prmV.', S id f fTlf J to ,t vs i'l Id freemen 'f 'Ton an ..ceiil iiu' linil I! re mi s-iy to a p club ( i- ht., , :--I'H III I"" 1 O' Nill-lirV, nan County, bv the 4 ,!,-,:. fU' who vei: ti to rii; I ni''uiH,il ncd -.iry, get lowetj it and Imve i piei wi.l ten, to wloch .y rr vlmiiK'il or e!'r:)l! I i-i'.'il tlo-ir owu names, but cfpt it the li uuevd worthy men H fu'h '( lie County, l!:e purjvs-e of etintmg p-diti-rI t,T-rt ! Shsmo ! . Siinuel i il pn.-ibi) tlt Kepnbluiin llvian ca be ru'J aiil deiuud io by toeh tri;!H, niij by Vueb trick.!.'! ' . V t'"r ' ' 1 m;iu chirfff., Mr, JvlsUr, that the writer or wrn-r of the litid-bi!1 alluded to, wftro eiilier n'.rnitl c adismed to kiu bis or their mime to it, oil ;cwirf t iw the weknerti of the prnductim, and the many bure ( Meed miwprefientnHoiif it cent Ami I ttu"t r. tea vtht five tlioiiMiml r.iipii s have been Sirucl, oil", ef rmii f.r dlKtrilmiUio in tlio adjiiiiig Cotinties s weit a? this. Our flieiiHij everywhere limiM be r.fii!y l ex piate this altumpt at dirtatkm by a junto of iVuVraluits St Sahet:ury, . - r- I will al inform our frieiuls in the nljoininj Dhiii tiiw, th't this priHliictton fprmi? from Ui Ut dying Ijimir of ItuwiO Feduralisei. I'cacc to it he J r ..- - -" -SV.NTAX." . .- -.- fob tu a WETrH?.eAnotiiui. ; i M a Korroa : I wa at Morjrno'a on lajt Ft i.la y, a nd heard the (peeche of the two Electors of this Ihstmt, Mr. ("ihlvvcll touk the leaii. lie conunniced by re nurkiriK the preM'iit einburru-etl state of the country, the scarcity of money, nud couunercwl ditlrui all ol wliiidi he attributed injirectlf to the Adniinwlratioii, or ' rather to tien. J.ickaon, bt Cause he .vetoed tlie Cmtnj 8tal.i Bank, rviiHived the tKnK-tta, Ac, llie old alang, 'iiiiir to uiury oioraiU -uiiHHieery lo a fepetnee here; alter uluibiiliriy; tke eudwrraaitiiieula no ex ieUug to these cause, he Wttot ou tit a labored (Menu of the United Slato ll-ok, iiuiatuig tint il W4 the , only piMHble nieaiat ot rtfuiating the cutrency, a.mi i stiiring liie country to piJifity. llavlii coimuiiied (owe time in tin atteinpte posed on to a dvmolndi . ingr denunciation ot Mr. Van Iturea, and Wmmd up by detene of llnrrison' lasr to aet T-nito men, inain Uining timt it ws better to sell a tecuiun into bondage rather than send him to prison lor noil piyinoot ot fmos and cwte The; were Uie nwiD puuikoi bi addrena, il. Ian ing from die ground generally taken iy hi patty. Ftrt-t, in advocating a U. ri. Umik wtucii tew ol th. iu ' now undertake to do, and aeeoodiy, to admitting liar nwin' Imuiaiie pilicy, which I have never bcaid ma oy of tiie party pretend to attempt belme. Mr. Cald- well wa at least candid and opuo in an acknowledge ment of b.lh these iuipurtant cbargea, lieruudiire de- nied by the Harrison partv. and be deserve credit tor r boiiemy iq oienly dvocnfiig tlicse two things, ooe of which uie nepuiwicaim hoiu lo tie uccormtmrtionat and ; hiifhly mexpwiivnt and danjrerook;--tlie other odmua ( and eutrjgeoua. When he had concluded, Mr. Craigellcn' "d active numitier of the I'reebytertan Church; MIowrd. ,11 nwceedod to ajiuw. in a nimner the most conclusive, that the " hard rnnes" so'oiiicb harni-1 - .-.i- r. -i . " ' " -f "i npon oy uie opp,-ihtri. s.re ,Uut laauttiuf isaMv ,-,i.eaiih.iunwljkrt 4-hM''4hwertf-tlrmlgtlt' is!Jtut.llly by thoaiwW niteriorenteoftbe llauita in spoculatiops, by their excessive issue of paper their nol.-s and duea. makinir monev scarce, as at ere sent,- end time hard. Jdr. Craife urged a reasons ' why no Southern Republican can Mipport (ien. Uarri son, his fHmiiiiittioii by Abolnion influence; hia Anl C.....I ..I'. I .... . . Southern fWdmga bis refusal to declare lu prneiplea4 "whciTijiuitioni; bit private inumattona td Abolirioe lee IngH to the North, and Anti-Abolition to thw Houlh, pnivmg htm unworthy to be treated; hu. Tariff and Inter nal bnprm erncnt principles ; ari J Ms vole is admitted by Mr. Caldwell, to sell white wen into bondage tor fine aiMTctwrji, incurred for' Committinir trivial Seneca. - Mr.7Croige objected moul auerunukly to the principle snvuncra ny nis opponent w JIWtlllcattbD of Uu civil law, that tt waa better to tfZ a toan than unpriarm bun. Ho vindicated. Mr. Van Duron from the eberge of being opposed lo Uie laaf wajVaud ahowed that he was not only its advocnte, jrHHie of the nut activ p.siiioter of tlie nieasuru. He defended the Stale R'ghta party from the charge of ineotisiatencfin eep- ,J??r'Z .'';, jm ur.Hikjsmi atuutMomJiutUi ciwid ivil do oiliorwHie- tn the pruaedt contoal, ince,'t' "?llb ot away, um whicli she has wittreil, . Van Burea and fib party Juve taken their Und on the great doctrine of our psrtyv in oppeeilion te a Protec tive TsrilT, Internal luiprovetnent, and Monopolies, while Ueo. Harrison is in favor of all these, so that it i a aupport of Harrison that would he inconf irteryt. soSftSTWitl fiiius-'eye view of Mr. Craige'e spoeeh, whirh wa powerful andconvineing tbruuwliaiL The . iteiMitiiican partv of tin durtriet have been fortunate In securing the ssrviees of such represenralive, Ind in their principle are sustained at all times jjj. IbfijajM gaming even a fe vote. Tlie eif. cjf such diecos- ston must tell, aa it haa already done, in favor of the A HEARER. roa TBI WKwrras cxaounua, WAGONERS, BEWARE ! . Ma. KllToai Aa I wa mint in Cheraw the tither daHtlMit,-4 -ma muircii, in ntisou county, wuere, ey u.a aide M the road, the Federal cideriies have built a kis-eabin. and asked to light and come in and take something o drink. I walked to the dsr, and saw that thev had a tub or two of Hard Cider aitling Inside, prepared, of course, ss e osu to caicn wagnm r and other pacra bv. I informed (lie comisny that 1 neillun wanted any rf their Cider or Federal nrtneiplcs, and went.nn. leaving tbe cutcrilr cursing md railing at my nee- fiicotnsi. vni my returns i waa again attack, and threatened with a nobbing', unless 1 Would co in and jnia in their revelry ; but Ming Uk n wuh an appre hension that a dreafina bv a negro with a waeon wlno would out be veiy agratoabju, Ihey periiiilt4 uie to . pasa in pnaee. , Wasionera going by UuTvea lo Cberaw should be pre pa rod to resent the insult of the n.ob uatwlly --swtrWed arwind me jrwtlt lutj tt Uie aiortsaiid loe-ea- bin: Thia dey we baa hero contrived expressly to catch toitvrudoo. wM da.to gd loto puwcrThey gilJrt6it.i a Tartar, bownver, when they tttai.k : . A ROWAN WAfiONEBuL roa tbi westebii t iaou.tuV Wko tkalt dn-idt when DoeUH dissgyes fn- Ma. Eiinoa: The manner in whab the Federaeta attempt to got ovnt (Jan. larrtann'a vMatos. ll whiu Diea and women ftir debt, rt truly ruliculund T'hey certity fin! ino wny and then aaother, and every new rnm nm inv"'Tf ine ni;ui ,:.m. . f , Tnor trf liie Addrotat issued from tlie .Watchman olfioo a day or two since, wva that a tree negro em. Id not buy a white servant in Indiana; for, the same IVgiabiiure lhat paawd lb faw tut eetlmir hiie men snd wnmen It dshti and -whiB Miem wrath llnrrii nhu, . .... il .... ' ,,U Istv e lie sm dy, ewmrld.Lg free negroee U. ooy- and cues the very law rwelt. teriifWd ko by im Ftoral members of Congress W'fllisnis, Hclwrry, fa v n ami tStwiW. We I. tint as what tho R.i t.'v.i....i.i. - . u. miiri, , certify to. - t , 4- .'T. ' But a writer, who ncctipii fbur enlnmn in tbe Rs 1v'gh Register ot tha llih imd., in eoutevormg to aruve ilstt free negroes could ant buy while aervtiiii in Indiana, inserts that the prohibtUiry cliii-e is in llie 1 Wih section of Uie (ate. Hear hims Whatsaya Uis Oik actH J this smne isar ea thia fteadT Aud afler qii..tmg the 9tb aeetam, ha any a: h j( tppsrent , tliat It cifuld not bsve tv en overlrwknd'ji for (tie aeetkms quoted are ttie .Ktlh and 8It, so thai to raadrng thebrH rrrer furtb porpnas of deteclun a portion, tlu-y must have read tb- iMk atkm a staiva,? and that, thorefiire, our Ksput'Ucs o 'members d Congress, n copying the atiband 31M section (sulhofiring tho tale, &cO'muM bivs aeen the U:h sectiorr tir, and Ought lo have co pied H too. Ho, the R twan Federalist c rtily one way, aad th Raleigh Federalist Cemfiea directly to llm Cotitmry. Now, which ad of certiflera are we to be. " bevel Or onr'.t w W bt !nv either? ' " ' a I 7! v,t.. N f 4 h i -1 I i VI. A iNceee at t I. i: M r'pi'io Hriy veilnil'ii , . 'nivt.-i li en oil! I b II i nW the o! 11 cn nu, aiui hlii i -the "tNUn," wlm , t and "lie noon timed uk an mnui.c i f i an Ihr i h, ! :.irr-e t'lt ei.u v t . i, . . i ."i 1 j. ii y :j. - ! ! .i i" f-.i !,.' : " si -CiiV" : ( O U ' (,!J. I..rs;i ft I:, ' " v',i:k oi." i ii 4'b m' J ,'y, ' It! the " t it er , ) ir-n'i;,:. 'to V !he i'iet h' ve1 for i be l.i.:," i ! lllh t tt: in le;l 'tie- i evlu'd, ' H'ni n-l..d ii 'l.i r, tn. i ,'.,'i 4l,ai l i'i f fi'''..- n r;d flu- ru in: pi, th.i i 14.1 I' t at Io .'. Ill II t! ii . 'Ului H I.Bl.t i i , d r.y w..i.v- ;..,, i k j, Callilt," s. iti.- i-'i.,!" fle-.'iw fs s: , guud buiitoretiik,' otv-li . !i-;.'iWRd .y tuther :;,vi uiwti to : " "d e ibfir Junnt for. .':d ili.j', v.e have pUnt) i b e'y of ltm4 ant llu.i , uliieli had been pi'iiil ia tlio "Cabin."' '1'hey ehioved tjieir lUiwrk-oiiie visitor the mandate, 4th tlio -conking nU'iHtila, The old lidy t,r.n am-iii all hyim- ericy aud ilHceptKin, used fo( tne puipuse ef electing ' Harrison, wlio, it etecteir, nor rtooiK. would sell anmu M you (tildresviag herself to all around,) for dubta jimi have ouitraeiee in order to procure In election. Il , wa intimated llial p-ihiih would buy in the event . of anch utile. "Ah !" ) le, M rl I wan dopmtd to purchase men, tliia would bo the ..last : p!ro I should think of tiuding them." Tin hkt aiuleiice was a pneer, and was illy, received, drawing out aeveral un cmrteou rctorUv, Alter thia, the' viadort turned Ui her hetl, and awda her exit, , : ". . ., A"d it eiuie to pa af i r he w" out of sight, that -alt the worshippers of the modern idol looked one upon, anuther With deep consternation and ssul, what loan ner of mue u Uu, tlur dare enwe ven m onr midst add ui auoh blsspheuuiw agsinst our dol, trnn wb.Hii we look tor so much Uvlp tn this our time of need. We know at Iron wher.ua she came nor whither she bus pi. - VVe tluirefiire. e-lt upon wt-.lM to tmt. the calamity of being viiited by such an evil spirit any " Pr. Duncan of fHilo, compares the policy of llm AbolitioniMs and Fedt raliam, in dumhfuundtrin , their candidate, to the policy of the Ostrich, wbi Ii thinks to conceal ita Us'y by poking ft bead in a bole,-' " - . '." ' t" ' t . ju" .'. ..... ...! '.. ' jt : . ' " IiEFAH CKD TKW LIFfi, ' ' ' On the 14th inst., at lier residence, in the vicinity rt thia Town, Mrs. KUZAllETM 8. TV FOWi; cn-.rt ut-Wm. K, Powe, Ej., in the -43id yeai of her ;; after a prvrt(eed and nMist Da in In I illness of tM,.ii week, bur with the utmost christian patience aud, tesignetioft. -rf .-" " --? ::-- For many yonra past 5lra, Puwa had beea a conit-' and ai'.oroed tier profeaskin by all tlie shrittian virtues, .IH TI'C V. i h.h M.jMfiW W.AJWtlaCittWLiaMld -iusf ftodtSr! diiiet w-ftte.-hfl has; nxiw bjl ..Jiacuiiwn: v - -rawftdt)Kiiif'fiftd iiiiic childrco to aiourna k winch Li JMyat.4srjo.ua JWieed the dispermalum wbieh bee-vsp- - uxiwd from ao Jarge a family, imt of whom are yet in the Jejideragejwf JhWJiowI, s-ckniftisn wmtfiert-wtwfe" rixsti.ple, csres, inrtfueiions and prayer acmncd inui pensaldn lo the formation (A their charooter.-' Yet in thia lull cup ot bitterness, which they lisve been c,!b d lo drink. Inert, are mercies and axiuHoiationa loixed. viuck ca rMotrnt be overhaiked nor despised. The u!i wrncn mm exceiient LJiuy experienced flunn2 the whole continuance of her acute miH.mni'si tlio ntire roairsenre with which slits contemplated the p proach of death v-;ih fuittj and calmaesa with whxli ' , alio parted witft every airuibor of hr dear familv, and commitU'd litem lo tlie care of the Armikhty ; Uis ap propriate exnoruiione awl auvice aiis gavs -to cacii one; her desire to depart and be with CliriM, all these and ma ay more circumstance aressured up in Uie heart and o.onwir) of the bereaved family arefsvot.r which did,' In hi infinite, mercy, fiat Vouclu-ult to koulhe the di4Juoaaa.j4 kindjo their graliluJ thut they were BlewtHj with ucn a relative, and to e...c tliaiM to follow her example, that eventually tliey m iuuJb(rs taJiiat. .iabttitatiGo JMuMUlulltavaiM' imlehWr--' auu which m mvrviai ui ui aveti wr ins sauna. .'. J Sister, thou art gone befltf oa.;i;., , " - V , Ahd thy aaimiy soul ia flown, ' ' T Where toara trs wip'd from 'every eye, ' ' Ftotrf tfiu 1iuHlieo"ef tits lUh. And from oars and fear released, v . 'hrTOThe"1ftelJ Euatc friiui UuBIn5."V - IliAod Ibc i ieary are at tea,-- ' - H Sin can never Uirrt thee nowV ': ' ': Jvmivww; isdSeaaJssjiajs Jor Ihy meek trust In Jesus ChrM And there thou rt sure to meet tli gowl, . -'. ' Whom ori earth thou kived'at best. , ' , .V i Where the wicked cease from troubling!!: ...awjI thrwctu-yarB -iTt."v' -w... ' ', ' . CommNMicn'ral In tin County,' ra ttia llth iusUnl, Mr. JAMES Ll'CKiU, aged abmii 49 yea re, t . Valuable Lands for Sale. . i Tihe house o Hugh Brown," between thrrn snd four mile above Wilkesboro', and oo I ho Yadkin River, there will be eold, on ibe 22nd and 3rd day of Septembor next, thrcd adVcral trai is of land, containing - laOOOAClVES, or mora, thnt constftute the firm wliernnn'he lives, U Lend lie orf fioth fide of Hie Y.idkin River, nnd contain at least, 125 acre of Vadkiu bottom, .bcaidpi . qiutuiiiy f gifjd upUntiV; JtWo,'-)!) Acre of Laud, iiu ilia a ater tf 1st w 1'or It and" Reddin's River; aln, one undivided-half of two lota, iuihe To wa sJL AV Jkcaboro' f on of snid mta adjoin the Public sqtm re, and a a situation for business equal to any in tl.o Town. ""Alio, oTtTiaa5!ii an3 20tVtJaya, liiera will 1 sold on the preinnife, in Aahe (Wnly, 6 10 Acres of Land, ailuatetLjifi Meet Camp-creek, Valuable fif it meadow land and it convenience for a atoek farm ; alvi, 125 Acre, ou 1'me Swamp Creek, and CI n aa k a, .a . . - - ar rr Arri) nn iha ithMt.iiniy ald Lands.will be aold on a credit of threa jnd four yar, and will be sold by mo ea Kxecuior uu. der the Will of J .hu Brown, . II A MILTON lilU) U N. Kx't "Wri inhn I'.rrrrrfl. dec "if. yjlkesborot, N. C.-Ju!v 2 1, 1 6 10. -' . ' ' V . - Afn, there witf be tuU on Uie 22nd and 2:rd day of Hopiemlier ncxtut tb hocao of the alajvo- named Hugh Jfrown, . . a . ' ' HORSES, Cat tie, Uoga, and Bheep, . 1 a qoaniity of good Wheat, of the growth of 18.')') crop of Wheat and Corn of ihiyeark grnwib ; Rya wl-)i lIooMtii.tirahtT KHchitv Furni tore, IVrming Utensil j .Alsi. on the 25th and Vflth, a parcel of STOCK CATTLE on liie pre- ' miso in Aal.o, on Meet Camp Creek For more lull information coiM-rning the Land abovo de scribed, persona desiriHis lo purchase are referred lo Hugh Brown, in" Wilkes, and John Miller, who resides on the Mect Cinnp Lands. ' - .: HAMILTON nnowN. J.i.y t i, i n. ,,jK

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