Li 1 1 l"nm,ikt T, a, i rm- rut. V.V r-'u-l want of ap.ine prevent tin from ; ,1, i-sifij numy iuitUHi article. Willi mill rfi li ii!;;fl p-tBr now abound. Among theae, we urn vinn:il" tn-ve a graphic akolch given trt Nd-!it,lH UniifO of t!.e 11th inl. of ibebr J I. nit no rfnio of Let Conn (all llie way from I. d -iri) by the Wtii of .N-o-hviIle. 'lha Com. it iwiiin wail cither confuted in, r on top of, a mi i.i .tiire hog Cbint reretvt-d with rnilthiry pomp, t -.vo or threo brilliant Whig ape.-,? nnji on the (i-nnii'd. The intiiN-Miinji priK-o-MMi marched ihrduh the street of Nashville, glorying in the hemine ,f vVlii"9r and Coooerv. W'o have only room fur the tsitcjt account furuil.ed hi rtiio I..ju ta tLo litKMt. v" ... TII WHIG GUESTV.i ' . ' A Iritis nontcrtMi now and then ' ' ' -4 1 rt-luJied by the w natal OMto,' ' Th Banner UcU hi CVmirtliipo'jitecsvslwfiyf Tiicro ii no eicuae bo witb buldio-( lite 'cuhh r.ivihm duu to In m after th tpd-wltd Mmfin-piw iit pageantry " that character- .4 In leecpt-on.""-I treachery -iHhc eu'oT It wanton oeglei t of the eon. .The coon niihi epect M'r tit-ai iiii iil from coon ihemmetv fs. " Not K bulletin baa n.prtireti not a Courier tu besn li-pak-he buck to lii't. arm all i ignorance and doubt and austaly IVijiii t i rock Stunded city ol Nli.! to the wa IWeoonl wcrtbb'iJ etbined,cif.ited," lib" ry movement wmcluni by a cnitiiiiiiie of iV-ir Vn iipp limineM. But llw fri:iMU uf lb cooei find cn inlum ill aid I hit i.ur IM)iu hhor of I he RtnnT, who in chairman of h coiumitloe, m a merciful ..Yrt ihajMi!)lic bars a rtg"i lucornplain. T"' cUniMilt;B ititva not duly 'rel'nd tu iiMu ImllctnK but they have ri.fuwid to aiuwrr reicirul m((iii rir i('ir tik; fociii't hoalilu M Mum " eMrimua It b lha wd. Whan (l)atiri gushed rwiiiwgea have viwiod citiea fn fore and bt tiu h(norJ wi.tli pore writ (((' ciiiz'U and military :(, tlmir cnun pii 'i iiae nt-vnr rafuwd lo jie rmiflfuf ii tj iimrt all the infurrMtilm rwiH-rtifli th'- r honoid .,.iet ifinl' iiugtit' Iw tluoiredr Tha rutiMict nn flu jwrt of thp Coiiii Coiiimili'"'i th s ;f rf tiki ids rmidiici of ibvif muitf Cid, "I'i'ii Wa bae ndjnrired to frrrel not h Cif t cnn f?riiii i.j Um hiiory of our nenjtibnr'a prrciou rtiiiror.. am wnh jrmi rlirfipuiiy liave iMicaib( I ,. . i'l ,litfxluMiaiuii -bMitatiip I wii-attitrinl T t lu menu v i OMrfiii, umlilillll)4 nv wn iiofti ill m , o'ifutt h(t'- (nin 4he iMsrhnnibie ijOhwh" ; '! "TV noTTVci au freWi in aoiia and atnry, C'ni wluctt tipott bemy inlori!d lliat the great liuuter, 'iJw tteou, a undrr inn Irne o(ii . which he-w'ia wttb f ifltf," erfed Ifott".. Ili-ed'iil 4r 'ap'u-j-I gi In, aiid oma"d"wn.' 1-iTur-tl.e-HiHird r 'i invited that lit ta una of a largs nutiim tu wl.itft tfn. MiHi uiiwida to accredit a Mima. 1T wiitiiial lite advica of Congrfitri.'aiHi jillur Itrf t.iiii).f ibn J'fliranMiBwi!fl of Afam'prnvUled lio utiiiuld bo eleotaft rrj-wnleuU Ano we ham (if!lmr lut'rMliHt which atcoonia I'nr all r in L-iilmra oit niiuuio Um cuun.' If lien. Mom U c.f K-d, if aurii a Minuier iaapinlHdt ' our , i. iri.l..f, iiiiinr oi hlUntn r, t to beiho U'J i,it)vtiiol tn riVi the idlice of EnvoY T siidiMdiuaf j aikf Miniaer l'li'ui(Hirirtiary nuir .'oviumtfUL Jin AittliiiiH I tt.lMiih-4aWWwwM-aimwT V " "-M !' . i!-lu" nla o tiug ,M u, M, .. )l4,BM, lld i'j,i' tr i i of porr. . , . It la lrotr tha how Uiea'tlie vrxm hot w raitoot li-ll tneiih TlniVna ltMV iyhflli'U him f ak niy Cnmiitittt'e, and In bit CuninnUeij da iuol 'it)o-cifuliy re ir Hie J u'.. ic LATC MOil THE CaGF iirm ile aUviettaare tuat a Vooualup u an . ....J ..rthilf- tt tlia niuilumnniM -lit' -Ihil v.-ik'if.' lCf, tnmitiuwli Mm! dm tdeep la perlorbi d -8.11 ,htC Tit c-Miiiuittrs) tUrrotty era niucsjlrjitlAy. hhviri'J'Tfotu 'ftlraue'tra . .BULU.T1.N (V) .... f . ? .VV uia llaiii Utiartae, lo icilr j At! bilStt:'It it- v. tUi il .plran'n the the Koyal Proleviora of lit lligi.o.-aa, Iht Coon, hava power tipuij, the tact to cootniuiiitale tu Die .i ni loo coiiiiorttibte iirleHlence, mat Ilia Cm -a lap, after a ? una "of mreuae suUvruij;,' ttaa, by purwiiiig tlie j i nenjHiona f w i ni ri ic jw 1 1 at , txeu inured t'icuiMativ iiruitn,. rur tutr lour Hours the moat learlut apprulivoaion tevailuu among hi tneiHla he lay upon hut coucn In I ' Sta'a ol altllnea whk-U M aji.ttv 4w iwltef lhtt lie wat approacbiog iliolutluu' bo clearly apparvai w.i it, Itml unaul hi I tend exclunoeai ' Ltt tint kn iia " W liereopoil the chairman ot.nta ciiii.iintien roae and inada a nioat pa I to lie aj'jtee to " lha IVieooa.'' ile lioHiUieooed Uiita . ,. i'rtrttds, touatnimr, atd iwera t W arj aa- - aemmtu mi tiii imjuiy occuamn, big WHO the lain of our ctMititry ami tne iUtt u, to waicit over tlie Jdnt and iiMiiittn' of au iltuitiriouatpirM. . And llie pmuoailiiMi akin hitn eie lha breath oi lilu baa iii 'parted ti teui H of ail thing Ihe luoirf . byniJilc. It. would boao uuU lattui Uwiuul rata- - id t. hi Ihn mil. Hit I tin world, and it would be in I ho uio.'l iiiiwriit kt ciing with Ilia tMator wim-b " tia'vw htteu iitlreadv ttv.uwd uiion" til Umd Vv'loS vwbrjj jt .uiivui. i a lu tii(.fiiMiiyk Oa, .JWMmwew'aii and lioiietuily wituf "ar aiei ireiiilMiiiltrjitejMijr m when uatuio Uai do it lutul work. 1 am lor am balintnj; trio ettoti after th Egyptian fdauiou. aou en biUiiiin hia gieaJiraawi-iue sury --it4i4 kind. I a, in or prNernng nia -im worua u oe bailed a tlie waub-wtudaui the big party in ail twie tu come " Tha iaat worua ol luo Mreal W alw iiitnn went 1 nm not alVaid to Um. ( Tbo, last wordaul Ilio lemitouuoua miiidtd Hvrou er " 1 aliall aniep- AttU too great N'wjaieun, i I. it gaaji, epu i ir un oi t iilt u csucli upon tle Inland ot ." i. ti iron and exclaimed " t4 column !'' Won Kmiwi niy cmmiryne-u win mi wim imininiM, itiirj tUa - dtwtmy may fill t it ilm' up of toe emai I filers the buy acidiiH ii, ' 'ny, tlien, 1hiM wu cut oQtt "uno fell aw.aip" Cvory oaioiiny of pre aervt'ig Itteae great anJ gloriuua mointria, in tlie archive of Wbioto, .by skiuuing Ilia cmaJ Wliy I aay, skiu Hie Cotti T Wi w.tti'j . akiu linn ! ahouted all and I vat Ayf .erf Fttrtunatoly for tlie Coou u- partially rttuttureo. At a Ut hour but uifu a Courier arnviit wiWi the lullun2 Doto j r - . - . Ca,Jjn 14. H4Q." QitMWlLStBCltni LitMija ihiW41o w u !at nf cooalsceoce hia only eiMnig coinplaini i in the frrwrta,! rCglotisol the bead, an. I hi friend are apprehensive I bit be almn'd be pin nl ia tlte lmnt Ifo$iitaL Omj save ihu Coon I Tha Whi are try it to make t!i - .ii r it a.i I '. . u i r I... .us! ..I a I--J pevpiw hf. ;i I if . - j. .,ty . . . i.i il J- i " It it an f, I .' . id t i.i-v ; l i . hi- .N it i iii irly in I1'"- i i y vitr 11", " It'iiti '-,) Him l amli.! i!e t"f t . 1 I- I iM 4 in' Fr''-i i,i-i"(,.rf, liMtf'V, mill iiiiie i 1 1 lion ralU'd Inga il Hlll'd lilht ihf nmiitry ii.ijihi lie ruii .1 with " war, poiib'tu- and Cuiiiii'-, ritlii'f iImo lu-ifU-cti'iri klmulil lake Line. I In aa grpsil'y vnl fcf'n d and abn-Pil and i ... i - fin ;ntl.fl I h. nn.' til lint nwan in eppty i" '"" iit, HI hlv Iiiiat limit, we nmir hanl a orl l hVilfriil )iiift(liy lor biiu, imr imiigriation at hi , wrmtcT. , Tu- tiry thai this Dmncratic Tarty fir called Gen. II. th htiff Cabin CaAdi.lalP in d", too ri'liculiwa to uifril a atrtmia'di-jiial. I' n fu-" tatiuii umy be iiiI with in almoat ery liouae in ' ilio cnontrv. In the "picture booka" whiib bava b-eii o winVly circulated by lli W'bi)j a gt(iM' tif ii til al lb-septum w niaila by ri-preeiilin the "Old HWo a ihw liir in a kj cabin. B"ing Mt t-4 in lh irirk, ibta laal lele ia intild Ip n-ln-vf ihi-niwlva of tb odium which aoch cimi doct an nUily flViiK. . ' . " f v T vTho fu:i la, Ilia whoU- adair i an electioneering cIiiiii; wl it ta futimti'd in eoniemjit fnr the (. 1 plu contonit tor lh-ir ri-a-nn and HnoVrnlaiidiiig.- . , L,ineoimn lupuwuan. . FcrntA Taprrn JCreper aitling by bimaelr, teadwit a II irriMHi Alnmnae. ' , PnitjfA rarmer twh a load M crn- Tafrti Ivepar I aay, friend, )ouve eoro for aalcT '" . ' ; , Fanner -ii-a. "'''.:" ' T. K VVVU, 'light, and lel'a tea if wt can drive - If oJi what do you ai-k fo ill , ,-" ? , V.. - Why, I wani ile miirkai price, I auppoae U 1a worib nUiui aewnty .:eii(-lhai' wbi 1 Jd al ll r-k. '.'::'";".-'...." V,,:".'- T. JC- Oh, but )ou Lihi there haa Wh a fine, rain aince thai - 1 think corn won't Im worth mora than fifl eeiita U' : ; ? - F. Why, what ha 4ha rain to do' with th price of ernT ; , -Ti K.-WIial haa rain to do with the price of' eorii! 'That'a a protty qm-aiioii I VVhy, don't you know, that if we hate olfiity of rain and make tfnod cr'pa, that coin will tie chi-apT ?. F. Well, tbera ia anineihiiig in that but you rave me a document the other dayy which accunea " Van Itorcn of heirf the caime of .III. f!unireje.j ting low pHt'K for tlu-ir cnp, and now you any. he rain win ninkn corn ctieap. -or unay w you ady could wake torn ofiiiiiijh to do them then. 'W if lt-ll l... v . n ...s x rv. vr;ii, mil v nn imrrn iids niiiicu reifneed Vre-ea ao much. ' . ' F.a-W II, wami't Uiere'a much uh-Trfaaury iaM f tfc, aa ilttrt- u now f - Ynwr doeumenta any -- it baa bo n in pracliral operation for three yir: but may be (tie aub-Tieatury aiaile ii" ruiuT if it did I will go for it f .. K You nia m up. Jcm cloae t Jihw'i ihiok - I Hild -you that Yan Bureii and the ub-Tf'!nry had any thin( (odo with the price of pnivinitxii. I Vlifve there waa aoioetliin about the price il (.ur, in the document 1 frnvo you. 4 , F, Ah, then, you oon't belpive it younlfj but sou try tu wake other bebeve it, by recommend-' tivK ihein lo read what others mora bold have aaid llmolll. lar a bnahel lor If. , ,.... i. Ti K H'hv, man, vu muat be a fool get a dollar a hui.Ui-1 for lit don't ynu, know that. every Jtody baa gone l work, and every n an in the emin j m wmkiny trla own Pur II T I h.-ie am' t half ronu in.i am t lmlf d 1 f many Imver s tliem uvwl lo be, and , I lWLJ!jMaiZ- TTT?M7JY'n' wwa tjw new crop I . " , - - zgxTX"""1' Il 1 Y- hv, niwO, duf ut ym tUm lh other rfty 4ba -4Wrigi w - sine in In elwigtll ''' 'T K Tirtf rtid, but-wbat da that to arfft.tlHtrrky'iat'wi f ;4-Wbv UidV'ynu any that when he wan elec- ted the Fartm-r would gel a good puce for hi pro duce, and ain't that lha alrong argumeoi by which aiMLlr to iiuti the vpeople into tber aupjKir. ot tlnrri"itri r T K. Well, you won't take BAy centjfor tnal load of corn T , . , , F. N'n, I believe I will try further, (exit.) . AWI BwWe of applying tfi-hft.)wn the mama Rtr Itwhn wi.K h prevaikM Some yekra ag't in Frwire, a country daior in RiiHnny had or d red s.imwto be applied tonne of his pniieoja attf lering from a sore Ihmul. Ou calling to see the etjeel of hi remedy, ihe fir-t peMn tie met, on en. eting the an, waa ih-t peewiw's wife, -Well, mvg'tnd worn!!." imkI the doetnr, "how ia y law huaband to day ! Seller, nod mhl ?" th, yes, surely t " aoewered ihe woman, " Ho its well aa aver and gone to the field." "tlhought o,n eiMilintied MoniMeur In Doctewr, " the leet-hea hava cured hiail Wonderful etf. el tliey have! you hava tf the tercbr, of ciairae " M Ou yea, M.iier e letear,.ibty did him a f rent deal of good; 1h nigh WdHitd aW4 tak them til." v - " '. . : "Take them all!" cried our friemL Hahv. In omi yt apply Imtmt hiled one half aud m ole a fry of lha wlher, 'lili first ltrvot down very wbJI. but Iht y nude him siet ? Bntwhwt.hf tnnk "mia-jijuitr, uoti,jh,t ciHitiiitied' abe, aeemn aoine horror- m. the iJorior s rooirte. tianeat ' fiir h wa anief ihe' tieit morning, and to day lie mi quite well." Ifinph I" en id the doctor, with a aantent ahaka of llie hend, if iher have cund htm thai aoffi. rn-nt ; but ihey woUld Lavu but-u belter applied ei icnisiiyv v:-,ji .,v From At tnrlettrm .tf-enry- ' -1 vKrrtxtritiATpKTAts; The wtoet ancient writiugaof which we nave rn- (tirinatMai,WiTeeamtiaedaiiStiince atMie, brick, mtitala, wood The IVcahnfita waa engraved on aior. -In tSreere, Italy ami E.'ypt, marble, braaa -and Wood were utwd M Iiiat .rirnl record, mohu , meutal iucr:piMn, laws, and ireaitea,'. lla-ioo , rote oil leadeu pUtea. . Tlte anelent Chineae a-ed wiaaten tablets, a did tit (iirea brl.tre IIualKl'a i i ; ' - . ; - Afterwtrds'tlierr p'aiea tf wotd were e laird ill waland Written with ihe sfufnt. Thee ra eihlota - wapw wxl -bvnwLR uiua iya itt- S.i tierordinc to PtMTft, one of i lie boya used on n break hia scmatluiailter's be-td. ' ' , " ' ;'"jfliey were ettiiieiiines fn-tnirpj topt:ther, fitrm. trig a boot of ftlr,' frtMf1 ret m bin ice to that rutik of a tree. " II mce tha term cW . ' " 'The FM'im nf the U tumn Einp'-ron,' JienstO, m l M t ;. nttes, we re oa .latea ul' ivory. - r it! i-H V' ai-'i, I'Hiiii if t f ihr.iv tfi 1" ul tl IU IUB r..; ...f mica. The r.dik of tn'fi I'""'"" "v ,1. t"'' ' ,tii rnminoii in Aa. ''The in-r twik or U'tr ..l . u I ,t. f niin f. .'if a II. t. WEI III" " , Ti Ii' 'i. .. j and the KoShh Librurf." A Litirrv a'n. jelh. r of Itnrk. wa .Tnily dt-Ww-rvd in R IV SfcaiHia uil ilia Urk of the IWch ; ami from - W," the S in lor b-och, cn ur word ot4r. NfUl wan' nwl lle papvruii of V.jl pi ? w-h'ente oor word fvprr. Tbt a kind of rah f n.wii.n in mar-by plr ea. It waa u4 wA only ft-r pfcf'e. but for nmkin-i cloth, rof, lamp i' k and Ui MonKa waa plared by bia nvahef tn au ark ti mad- of it To make par'' lh 1rt nnd pealr-d off, and llie inner Cartea or layra Vocnlb . phved crnwie ni'iiaiened. preHned, frie4, ainoothcd and i-iihrd. JJi popef ta made md.i larlv from the filiriv nHibraoea of the Bread Frui Treea. ' : . Pare humid, anil Vi-llnrri were alterwarda intr- dnred, the former made of abeep and gii ekina. the alter of the hkina of wic 'lea. I her r prearrted at Tpaal, in Sweden, a niairript efy of the Goapola, in the (Jothic tramdati'n of Vv- riia. firai IJishoU of lha tiinlbe, mo thaet colored veltuin, lettered in silver and gold, and bound in maitay ailver, '' Mat if the ancient matiuacripu eitanl ar m parchnient Piipt-r made of cotton, waa introduced by the AmU into Spam. ' ilw riMig it had been oemi in the F-mt is unknown. About the middle of thf 14t Century t Linen paper waa -tubal it tiled, whrca a Iwr was introduced into Enrocf Irom the Caat where it riad been ueed for ceuluriee. Moat f the old Ofientol inanuKiipia are upon anrb paper The oldeal English manuacrtpt oo Linen paper ia datfd 1340 ' "V' ) ' '--v " - . The t hiaei wa uaed to encrare on atone. To write on bark, and wrWtd, or .waaed tablet, the atvloa waa uaed. Wtinnca our word title. Thia waa made of iron, aharp al one end to mark "Mb, or 8 t at the other Jo rub oot or eraae. They were employed aomeiimea at daciera. C i when attacked by hia uiurderera, defended liimtrtl with one of them. . Thej boy at achnol rnae on tin f niaater with Iheai. Some Wraoo derive the jialiaa word itiltttt from the atylyv - KKetia in canea wero yaisl'lo write on aoftrrauk- ma nc' llie Etypiiiia column beinf prelerred i , fcM aiiLbj .ji ut.-neiv uml fc-ft li came next, their tim oni?iiia'iinr ia htimoe, and and canea are at ill nred by some writers in lha JJasU.iiuL.lluB !xequiU iha tratwit wtew me ni ef nnidein tiinne.l, The Hncieni ikk were superior to the modem (ii beauty and ..variety iof eitor. . Bwdft inklX all enlnra, the ancients uaedgoldawl silver Mik,ia which eapuala, Itlhm, emphatic word irere writ- tc'i in niot manuacf ipia of (he middle ages. M 'll old ilianuacnpta are without pomts or ap: era belwocn jhe word i but there are many cioep- tionav and aoinotiuie there i a period aiter eewry word. Originally thay wrote from right to left, inatea of a Mm preacnt way, which is c tiled the Imiie method. ' Ailerwards they wroia baokaard m forward : bi'roiikfdoit, a the t plnugba. The I'hiuMi write perpL-ndirulariy down, iu column of auujla,wirda. i 1 ' ' . ' . . - . The form of lenera varied in 0 nVmii cwnturi'-k. At Aral all the fetter were eaeatalaw Smalt M- terwreTtyndiirTi4 wih1harlB; oT wr tS"lrT ue sTtre IV rotb century. : By tii pnew liar form of the letter th age of manuscripts is diatmguiahed with treat accuracy from century to Tr . fh; .Kmi. -,ifu.r 4,tiur.iZX X I " '' iia v laiviaat v aaej a ' iit s wu tjaiiv at avneii w wheilC, ,v word volume.' The .heels written only oo one aide, were united at the edge hke ir-rTiaft;4- Of very emrk,-o1 v eiuk was modi'in volume would include many aocrmt II nee the great Dumber of,volutoea in lha ancient libraries. - . Jhu preaeot fitrm 4 JnwA r trWVery acretrr.'i 11 t traced bark lo Pttasnrt who hnt uetl parchment etienmvely, and was generally adopted arter the time of Auguxtua, en. art a maig the Oti eniala. , Only a tmall au ruber of eitanl tdd mare at-ript a re in roll, which i called the fcjjj ptvan mnnn ot iniioing Julius Caar introdtred lb method ef foMrng tellers and dividing them into pagee, in tha style of modern Wkv .'."""ji'.'': . V' : -i ' The R i nan preaerved tVir mora precita booka in cednr hne. H"nee the praise. rerfif of the Cedar." Tlie ml of f edar wat alio rwbbeo over ktaika to'prescrv thein. " ;. TMnarribin wa the only attaefjC proeeaa of mnl'iplying piatka. Tha ancient literature woulJ have bee whrjly bwi had it not been fur tha Christian Religion, aod Ihe institution of nnoaetarip. ' 1 1 tlie dark eg the monks were the only tranecriVr. Few lay men could write even Iheir own nameaj ibey irMtde Ih?i.r. nark;,, i1riiirlemaVtoe,.nd aeveTeihee Kw ropean nmnarchs of those time, could aot write. The inonaaterie feeing reapect4 in war, were a hat wr!MrwTorjrif BrsTes rvmying. t1e art of emK-lliahing or illoniinairuu waa prmcliervl Dv"the iiH'nV. '"' " ; g"TD TheimmV, howevefy rtewirovej Wisnv Valuabw wriltngal by ohhterattng them, siki uuig the same piirchnoJ.fir.witliHg pr etamng amrkataf 4ta r eao valu. : the revival nf tetter not a sron la this destructive p'ocee. Cicero V Rtpubhi wastww waahed nut and rrtlea seer, hut wa reined by chemical prirta, A commentary i 8t. Angus tin nn the Paalm,hd been written ever the eratwd ne wnshpd mil fcriliiut of Vveru. ii it Ha tinn in which the saint waa held, prohahly root rib- ted to the reervatinn of the mauu-crtpt. '.To the invention of printing tty ni.mMe frpev. we nas una ti1!.aiw ii!"y rtie htftaytPjl o nt axpitra. "TWi aee h a'aijjn brrl tn ivatf -rl,lhl liter is a maiiuiariory td" I-.k and leel rena mtt Oly. r No C;hrce foe thai tdvrlraemeot. ' , . " To Jviurnrj'inro t'oarh-.TIakrra. rpllE NihHtriber wtil give steady auipkiyaiettttoiw goud Journeymen C'cb-a'kerar,waa na coaae well reoin'iieadi fiir babiutof aobrietj and todoiary. Tbeir bttaniem will betUMikeand repair GeSo V e, or wbtcln Crf mey suit) be Will pay liberal war-' . " JullM P. N AUmY. L-linjIon, Ortubel 11, lSWl ' " tf .... nf .l..llii. e?e.i. 'g' ,t'.''Mtet 5-5 l ' ' or i; Mvrttmoic.' , " " .Ye 'a amtt Ewlitivh rrtru'rd ml thi f W Inveii it 'ILL V&4J lr h, at l';e Cotn'hoo" u Std d-t v f Auu.'t nest -iu'V, en lue wti'f Crt lisy, tt '.. ,f , ' . !' . ... f." . . . r -J a S,!..Uiiy orrai-4 ly Hiiiiarw i. v.raio, ni wi.rrh the aid Cr rd pnrrhaW of TIm. 1. Il-irf-. l,i i.k a Vi-tUnnm Exp" vor of l F". fak"e!l wile ag in aaid C" ird. . uo- ;- At lite' "ani fc an-.l place, "- Six Valuable feroes. JutJi mnmrtJ-A r'i nnmrl Mi ry, ifirf Biza, fill Maithiu '- Dub. . and bop Jim ; . Jk ItOT JklilHllXlWr..: On wfcarli ra ntuaiexi a fi Tbrt-ihin) and Cottoo Micbioa, and an atniiepnra L4M axijmnmjt ra. Wondanai aaa) atVra, U tatady Eiectrtww w for of P. . Davw. W. MrcS Adoar Andrew Bag- eerlT, WilUant aiioai ad other. JvJlA-..ll.. IlAtti'J!-i ? - Ju1tS,!40. ta Gn at Western Stage Line, FROM SALISBURY to ASHEYILLF, Attawgmcnt tor 840. THK abovw line it wow in full operation, and ar. rreea at, al depart rrora Halcbury at SHt t Leaees Ki!ibrrv wt Moodava, Tburadaya, arid 8a)urdts, at ft o'eka-k,1 A. M.i and arrive al AahvmV wit data at 8 'clock. P. N. Returning, leave Aafcvilte tm MWaysThunU day a, akd eturdava, at 5 o'eka-k, A. M. ; and r- LriAUSaJUry t4jawr,"ft!f' - - - . a. n rti i, ";.---".TT-.--':-.-.T.-r!-' r. w. LONG. SaJtvlilTeooeet-i-a, will 6oA nn eVUv whatever Salary, S. Cn J-a. 3, J 40. . tf C1BINET1V0UK. i-.-s.-. 1 H E-tlwciibcT informa the -public that Im continue the Cabinrl.TlaLiu? Iltiinr, ---r- IN THE VILLAGE OP - LEXINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA. He ia pfrpvred to e terete ail deMriptwMui of work ut he horuf bulnnina very swpereir y l, a re gard workratartniip atJ natetialf, an.1 reilainlv on' lorrr frrais I haa ra aAWoVd bv any other rub ' linltivtewt if Ihe kind ia (lit let too o( roootry. t?rnei ral di-laure lhai.aluny received and prMi.ntl and Ciuhrulty eerie4. J ,.CCWAKC acanUiutaiid liaiULuka.iiescti arwwrk. , . - NATHAN PARKS. UtvafcMs Few. T, 1940. V ' pnrSuWeralTtbia method of iefbmiine the aV PabSac, that fee still cnaliaues to can J oa the aa. ameMof ' ' -.' as owl a,ti.Or.aiie.q.iary. Wa cnUet .Sonth.'jnr awsryKriKaai'itiiiiaT rrate),--a,rft'Te' tn nr able ta ewppiy til otvler a. AilLLs rOVLS of the , Salts, IH Wt tarwa -A- v- WntW HLU-t.lM)ORrTl.LS.DOOrt STEPS, KULUit tR.iuui.u KtM KS. TUWB 8TOALS, rUJ UKIMiR tt aVo. Ac. i. HOLUlIOUSER..Sloo-C.tter. SalWWv.CtcL'Z-iia, IS8. it . N. B fed- r ( tnr of the -' - -SaVw- cies, airectew to aa al balwawry, wUI be Miactuallv at . j. a -''fv.T-2 !riTr"hT VZX j ,h - , ,1 Birra. ao prepwa for Ibeir racrp yiLL I taa. iua au. wim um, mraiatiea With the best the market can afford; ki B.R with a'gwej sapply of eh-Jtce Liki; bia BCUS aiiall ajaay t- kes ia ta araer; awl bat Ste. W (whacb ara wry elU ie ate awli anpplica witb rWvwler of the brat west, and aUeno by good aod rattbtad b,wten. .: H ho 5 wt auevJwe ta the oms to pet, -uo, to g ie satislacuiWi to at) a be aaay at or boa m tth tbetr tairtaaagc. Awa be on.y ak b eaU aad trial. , .jtxuKEA.taujcixitiir: Le.rtwu , CFta. 2L ISSl 4tli ....'imp .. .ii .i. t . " IKK KFT I5UOK' FOLa-TUo Subacnher A-fajwi, hi ihe atrer 4aM,4 tb-4av-tiwam, a caiUkm p.-ket B-k , rmrlaimtig some' Mbte paper. aad 99cnt lehv" The owneF eaa base bw prwjer b arf tying, 3 mt!e aouth wt Caacaarti, nts Ktbacr.hrr, after piy uu; it tbta dvwisetwrtat. . ,W. A. RItE. Jdv 11,1540. , r- JtifcCV-Ulll-1rimX . a L 5 v 1 'he J QiOiW, jf S j "he 26 b f Jutw butt, a Ni , -w.aaw otai lirttt. He nn r .1 e 4T aa Ve SVvawr wt ;b5- a 5 ieet ami 1 i wbesi bigb, tVwel iewhat bahL boavy -aaV4ip aa bad an wheejt cnwtmiired, a eaawve rwaat aat sasuuwt aai a ruaod crwne4 w kaU ., ...-i.-' .',...'- Tha Kwwer of rauj ivW it ken-by 'requeatetl lo -Nww Ccwarti, sraw ba teeferty. pay charge ami take him a wat. '," - v - " WILSWJ WOU CK, J.iW. - Lnrngtrm, ft. dX, Jwry 1 1?40 . r SOFr.TK LTFTT TILL 9 Bl1 TEUS. i 'nun iirr. Kmc ptu ad pikt.xix .-TTJ.i. a c-rVt. and o tBOes tmj hj the r i nvry mn a la catry, ai Mw re oeivrd t:A fvt ea t " F-iWImi - " . , Ff - a 1B Cac.-fd, Ji. fn ar i ' r -. - .- .. - ... M - .-. T'-'----S?- s-Mll.T. tf a . it. i, ." V SnWrilier If-avc t0 if,wm J; , Ihe public at large, th-u nt, haj(li' the above buainetui, on M.ini Sireer, n,ir. ' ('cHin fl.Hwe, wpere he ia now primal, in uratir, im mmn uoitee, CarrinscH of eirfry (IrX( j,;: on the il'iwi innderaie U-rms. t at i,f .j rable maieriabt, and in a niyle f workmai,.! ferior to none in this eecti in of Cnueiry-; ling io maae nia atay permanenT, , , I .t.inl Ifk l.t i.u. I .. ...... , ......,. ... n) . aatislacitnn to all Ihuao wliu iiav Javft, their ptt'iaiige i. , 05 Orderairom n dmtnm e will be th.,.ir eeived, and faithfully attended lo. v n. Repniriru. of every description inbiatin-- -, done with neainea and dii-pntcb, and ba bv' Iterma lo correspond WitB the times, . N. B. Oiw or two goiKl wtnkuieoini.M I line of lfuaineas will imel iib employnlnit, ;f plication oo niaue nuuii. Sariabnry, June 19'.' 1640.' CU,- 1'IIESE niedicineaafe indiVlerf (! tl.?i r t.r. lHir OiniilleNl ami aerukihla .i-t.,.,. :. .... r ' the aprtnga aud dmniwla o lifu, and idiii with renewed lone and vigor. . In niany htmiiifi'i , lifted cubmi which hatv been made puUic, an; , most every poci of diwane to which' the , fiauie ia liable, tm happy rfleel' i,f l i LIFE PILLS AND Pt':EMX KITIE & ' 1 been jfratefully ami rtoblicly atknitwlitlu' d I,, (term mi beurlitled, and who werw pw-vtnu , qtiamled with , the beautifully, pliili., tiicid ii:. pies upm Hiey are cooiixitHriitiJ, ma . which they coneeqneiilly act. - " ' wive in oweaaea oi every ui:cru.jiiiL..T 't,,' . ., ui'per atioo "ia to loeii frsim the Coats t.f ibu . I amt oowtia, iiiu vanima -iHiHtritie ana Ca . CoiiBtautly settling arntnid ihern: and in n ,. thai of the small iiiteatine.'- Other meJirini .- ly.pai4iliy:xJMiiaV4JioriHd tewWwrk'l'iil ' nnaaet behind aato prmlnca UHutlual Ciitt. wuh all it Irani of evila, or suduVn dtarrhdn, it iruuniiBut dttiiBi. T'hiaTttcl ia welt kftus all regular anutonnsta, nho t-xauiina (ha I, ( bowsoiafter ilcath: vatid litncetbe pn nJ t ,jf the? well infonm-d (iiCiingiunHt qnacl; uu;,, or inetlicints prepiitreO and heruhkd In llw ( by inoriint. peratMia.' 'Th at-tmif- rthxt m ; t Ufo Medicuife ia to cleanse tile-Ivnft.ej :, bladder, and by ihm meant, fh liveraiui U,f (,- , Ihe healthful action of which entirely-flVpet-iInf on the regularity of the uiinury 'fbrgun. T. blmid;, which lakes lis red color iiotu the . i of lira Uver aud ibo hntj helnle it ta- ii : bean, la-iiig thus purilb d hy thnn, aud ih- .?J?-.r!,," ftoin cleauatoiiiacli,ii4ii . ly ihroogh this veina, renews every part of il' i lenvwoa I riumphar t ry rnoaittri h t banner of ! f . rttTlhw ttiwrtwry'' 3 ' Mctlals Vrcetnbb- Lde Mdifineti ht V -. thonaiylily teaied, and pronooncd a mere;;'-1- iiaaUUUCXtoiaaifaw, I lalulene Whnrmr? ' ' UtaxtrIofTAppeiite ' rJ'ltuitRulllLteutfW and Melitncholy, Ctnttivenewg," IX iiil a' i. (j revert ol all kiuu, KhuimvioHn, ti-ur, lif,-;. all kinds, Oravel,.V itrntv Aathwo. and ': -liim, lllceriH Tuy ti.ratu.jjurea,.1!!ii' il. i t.m pin ma and toieplexitnJiruptim. ' Coniplextiuia, Salt Kin-mi in, r.r fii'i tun, i Colon and InfliK-iuw.'iind V iriooa other e u ; whn-h afllct tbe bumati fianen' In" Frtia Actfc, MUtK-uUf ly .4li I.te-MeoVmes hse iihihI eminently sneecat'iil ; at much an, tl ai ' Fever and Aih Uisiricts Phj tririatit aim veraally preacrilto thetu; ' ,." -. . - ' All that Mr Mori it rtmiirraof Iii pittln,'- Ibc parriculnr in takiitjj jhe J.i.fiLAtsii.W'.? ?' acroruiog io ine uiret ihui.- Il is not ly ' paper notico, or by any thing ihnt be kintal ay in Vir lavnr, that lie hope gaitj crn i i almit) by Ihe renlia of'i fnMrm1' MOFFAT'S M EOfCA L M A N IT A L : f a cf.mHT.tic gM in belth.-Tl... link V ' ' bW" Pu,,i"lw'd U l'Hrf' pluming nmreluliy Mr. lUnflMV tlieury of'i ' -and will V found highly jiulereit:ng In p ' ' w-ekinw health. Il trenta npno prevHl nl i! -and ihe cnuaev iht-reof. pnee 23 cent f by Mr. M'tfUi'satfent eni,rll ' intae vaiuaiiiu .tiitiicine rr laf M ' -;-Shottryi N. hT May T; lrttfr ' " jiooh'Hltiik N f ubiuiJlml Jiaaull r.rr Eialtlihmentof iheaU'V kn.d in I m forfti Cnnihna;! few Jia-r a'laith of ti ILivetg, a he conceives, t thorough kn" he buaotewi, be mel- no hesitation in " who may wieh l pnlroiiisa huo, that lief v lut'l V dorw in the yery best stylo, tlMtig,8 aMAmriwulnliNni taaiaia -kranin.'iTier'arlii-le A-nTTr oTu 'Si-""" I k. 1 J -III L- , I. I...I 'mult ij ii.miii, hiii um pronipny aie inn - bitty returned when dotiu. Tb public a"4" " ed Piwt mtt r int.- - , OO" Oi dei-a left al lha r.Vaii r C"' ' -fiVe wi! he lutcMnllv, forwtrilt d Cr.Cf"' L Charlotte,' Felt. T;" I o40.. i v ' ' iv - oUcc lLljj i i in Seiiaborv, three hret rate RmtJ- Ifrt'-w'. ' . , v ' . . Hlil LU.M li'1 I)rnhir 0, lKlD. - " VOTICE.-I will . the I ' A" m Salisbury, on Mmidiy 3 l! nent.'Wt-litiL-ty" N i-if rV.e 3 " mi.' ' July 110. I' ' A- 'PHIS invaluable Mmfiriia1 i J r ' subici iber, at MiHc-!eci-. ' S.C v - " - - l- ' " F.IJ iruarv 21, li. -

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