dumber X ot YoVumo Xvl.; j.Vt. fir::i Ccziuinwr: fi . . 1 , - f any it. ft f.-kt Ji,5:J(:.,,ci-:f-'".':",',;-' r " ' .', TED! Or THE , 'iwl&sed wixKtvu.ii-iicnA r. fishes, .lir.V'irrCmW'Hip'tli!iJ',1 every Fri'y, i-J'pei annum, U advance, or fcj "A if not paid in tMJ month Irjm ibe.ttme of wilwcriiiuig. .07" No p!P,i will tw 4wc6ntiOHt will! all irrMrujWisre psid, jl uw mbwrHier, Is worth the cubscription ; iJ thn fi il uwtoiwUfy the Editor of a tLh to discontinue,! let tfM MdXTH befoa lbs end of die year suWribed far, bssonsidered BeW engegeiiiot. ' J' I ir 4JwrMfini coiwixcumhiIii and correctly itv ru-dtl por q lro--o w.-or i ftm L At ttii mmi type; tor we nr insertion, aim fei cenui fgf eich citimuucts. Ccuri and Judicial advertise BR-nn " per Cc'ot. U-Uur. tlwit the ubove rate A do dicwwiof 3 1 per emit, fruui tlni regular prices will in mil t-ywiT advertisers. (KT Advertisements it itt fiif publication,' mutt be marked with tbe nura tar of iuontmis desired, nr tlicy will be continued till (urtiiJ, a.wt chased accordingly, -,. v. -.ST - f M.'(.uro attuiition, eH let'em addressed lo the di tor pa Wiusw, hum ifrw VoMiuga. -rrvsla ff.l l&lra .Globe.;;, , ... ';' y t , ... ' i ";" Ylits Piper 'itt bn pnl!lshJ imtif "lhe PMsidentlal E'ocison hi IVovcmber, IS W. witU om numbed after ltd filing Ki wsult in ctctat) and an index.v', ;,.r f,!bf Sfni oumiwni will lx iiriniwl ; an4 all pewona .. L,. ;;,., imidiutelv. nainra and money are Iretiifijd brliirp fyal wrpliM'ybai lie ;baudtcd, ill ' mm v ' Six copp .; 5 J Twcotj'fivf copien 20-J 4ml a dm aai'iic rale for' greater mioibtr. " t" Mr, Koii(U!l, kin P.MtiuiusWt GuimraV mill COntrj- "iu uTOi i jm'piS untiTTfiXvl to!fc. " , " ''.'l "T-. , -Tli uwwen of ubncribor pineurfd pm thitrrot? pjdua.afld'lb one)ri,aUouW be aent dtrtctly to hiin, tuj; paid, or ihriiUjjli pun' iuaiWM, wtitf are with. femk njes, "current In the ioclion of codntry where "'are nut more than ton prent, below specie in valuet ' . Wttpipr Will be teat anlew tbe eiouef be acluall ' V". " HAVING located hinwlf permanently in J:;? f the Town -f SALIKBITUV, tendera hia 4u&3 pnJWior! ioric t tu'ii'na and the itytcM tfnvnXtf, fci ad th varunii braneliaof his pro tiMiuik lie can b Mind at hii Office, un main eirtt tm Bjur below lb office uf thtj,, W.tof a-toruluuan." . . July a, 1:4a. j; , .r- . -v h . - DR.G.C:i)0UGLASr fawavd4iM Otltee to i0, 1, the Oilice Ho f .the Jtlaomou lanary-J7I 4i) -s'-rt, ;--r4,- jr I ESPCTFUiLY'oneriilii profioial arrvieea to Uie 4l!ieM of Ujrtrttry, th nnoandlaj' trHini;. ' Hig iwfma lii Wiiirt tttllUMMaaitt uijr, ai'aily eppitaX 4. W. Murpby tialwb-irr, Ni-C.,AoruM wyij;. If. iJttstrcritTCd -irvnfwritfl'A A'lurjo alock- o( freab and -genutne JUiJVr-S, Oia, MEXTS.Smi,- ,ryfa. VV RU ING Airo WRAPPING PAPTR iiju InrirA aunidv of ' ; Winci and Spirit, (for Medical nee,) wWh till tc .td lit whtilrwilc nird retail, at price R,y.urf, Juno" ID; 1 9 If." '' - mm.i.4 jLaV-- aef' Sanies . tf.' w soiiuia a ornii HIK Snhseribers, Agenti fir th Lexinglon Cot. tne Factory , wnpU iid'orm the pubbo that tliey hive ju rt-ceiv d and now offcr for sale, wholesale sod rvtuil, the Cotlou i arus of and 1- aclory, coo Mit ut various tiumbitrsT b eJertor quali ties aad character of the Yarns of this Factory are well touted and known as tit need .no reonm lasiattaa from as Those wishing to pur chase wi',1 pleae g iTe a a call. , a U.fX C k.,WllLBLi:R, Act.- Ai-ra 2-t, i40. -vv ."-...-:.;'-: i ltllUCKSVILIX, D VYIK r0UNTY,TJ. Gj THOMAS:: IV'tUMS lh public that BChrofmwed from kill', V.'1 Ci.MS ih public that be ha rr-tmwod from kis I'irmrr stand, to hia new building en the public in bt;:rcwTi nt'Mrickvi)l', whrre he will eon- to lji;a a UDUSa OF ilMUtrAIAJtrt. M t lLn.' n roomy and cominodioua f atraebnd te bicb ire sh :f.iiiti)ri-.ble Offices for gentlemen of the r.tll eonvpuiuiitte Uio Coiirl IIo)a. Tbe smWi. ber pl4m hirvwclf in Hie nvnnt diligent eaertwmt, to r Ntufaetinn to aueb a may call ou him. Uis Ta mraaa B-atiiea ite pttivniee in uis ocas. nneri.. enumre w itffaj.itTd n rtamnuanui fcj.-j . ' we wm.itrv wi t I Jid. sna mssorvanis arv w.ui-i .an srampi, : -j ; . . y, ? it, im.) V " -. V -.r 1' ' t Tn Jfvtjrnryiaexi .'y'-li Subciibr;r will (rivo steaJy employ metil to two oufn.'Vftirii Cosch-makt'r. who tn tome il Kcnui ii.-ii i..,! Air hthits of fc.linHv ami mduxtry. Tkrl)iuiiii-! w ill lip to make and ri'pmr Ciclii'ii, A.C., whia,'(tf tney suit) ho .ll pny liU-ral wnee. juu.i r, oi Aim i.- fcn?'i, CK tA-v 11, l-.TJ. . ., JP.HF, ubwnbfrhaaon hind '..'. ' ) i sr. ! f-.r Pair, s bis BIiup .siiVi v, three tirst rate Il4 H'.ien.' . ... - tsiucu.N jiir.r.ic!L.- bi u, isjRk h - It MATCHIX:?? S A NAT I VI'. 3 ti.V!ilni-1 !,. '-':r,:T,i)t .Mil'.c 'i.rv-illM'). r--nn in for tJ'i.'.e liy..lhe ! 'cvtile, M 'ii' .T'linTy eo. v.,r. i;riiAc;c F CON Gil ESS I O.N At. ' r""v"' v ! ; r -s from the ;V(tMl hilt:Urm9tr ' KEM VRRS Or fVIL 1.I.NCUI.N, CP "dASA, ("bkli evry IWIwil w l;:s-deemed- CMivercd in tlia of S.-ireNiutiv At' l',!' m eo.frrtiity wtU''t!ie i;,a, u v,uli a the 1:1 1, iu riyiy to Mr, Ojlc, u;wj tne pr.M'.k ui iilr.!ity of prc-o-ut proviviutit. ; tlie Utter to u.u out tiie Ufar.-ai A,;r a;i.vaj Kj( thi iiiPiutii-r coi,.UiiH f if as it monalrou lt.il a ttiiall una lur a2traciwa aa4 im.u of U'.'n.?. i.i ih PrJil.mt of tin L'nit-J State.' in' Prtnideot'e lioutie, 4t.t , ii t - ... i i t .n ka lr. Ltxcour oixaitMhl tlx it ma . lale in the eveomg, and, perctag that b ra . ti'ued by tiie ktug Mttto, it as pr.cJ to ad journ tli debate to tbe lUlowmg djy, Ut Mr. L. ' preferred ying at once what lie bad to sy. IU - began by reply ma to auioe racnarka of Mr. Ojtc, , iucuieiita) tn tlM ruaia oVbiie, ulin oocaoo, wj1.4J1.mant or the nloawrc of t!io rxviplo. Forlortv ; te count of hii reply, to Mate enaM partimtawi . ia nica m remans oa a urawr oay ti bcea iniwtated, proUbly became taiaunoVmoud, by the J r,Jo the Irhmc, suppiied the tur,.!ure, diroctod the I Kepwter for the Globe ttewapaper. After di-o- ncl.wre end iwproteinetit of the ground, and re ; sing of this preliminary matter, Mr. 1 proceeded titrcJ their occupation by the Chief Magistrate. ! io tUe main aubject bciure the Committee of. the flTw aalary may be aulHcteat for the oilicer. , On I" Whole, upon wUich be spoke as tikwsi". :.jiliispoit4 ta'te wo mm villa lite iember.':'.8a ; The hiember from PetuMyltania (aaid Mr. Lia-j eu; thf.per diem of ciht dl&n be ample cumpeiv eolo) lias inawted IhiUtheteodoocy J"my irkafitioo tr a Reprremtative inConresa ' But uues ? was to junufy the purchase of eMwtsjaotartrf)'!! arroonl.Kra tnibr himlf receive nothing t of furniture" for the PitMoVot'a hoew. r mti aiife.! J Jemaml of him to say if eight dollars a -Him I attetnnted M such uiiitictiuo. for 1 Kadti - ' ther seen tuan of the einratmoabM artklea nor I many of the esceptioaawe iuqutred into their price Tae'ar pmeiit,se fkrss It wont, was sgainst Ibat falae atamurd oTectioaaif which: meaaures the vskieof a thing by its cost, and decides upon its fitness with no reference what ever to the place or occasion for iu oee. The se lection of furniture for such an establishment is matter of taste, about which miodt may well diSer ; , and I said that while some would coustder as moat appropriate the rich and. showy, ethers wouht pre for the plain and simple to fashion t hut that, fur a nianstoQ so spsrtooe and i iMsgnihceet as tiuit 1 am not aware that fern aloe aiaon tbe Vhts, - although 1 mSy not indeed be so Iwfpy as lo meet "the approving voice of alL ilut does such dif , ' feronce.imply dereliction of principle acy where I Tne member suggests thai my sBaaner of hfe and tsbits of thinkiug may have given ova a taste tor , articles of cilravaganco. ,,,WtuU dues as know of; "my habits of Idet tkr,l can tell Tain I hey have been as honorably Uborioes, and as phtiuly repuh- i- - . I . . . . . . r .1 . - of vuoice, i sin in no wise jggofaut wuee ouucw aud elFicea which becooie the aaoiUaet station. I have beeo taught lo toil as faithfully, and to duect my thoughts as sprightly, as the)" least proud ooe here. One vessoo inore hare I learned, last, in reference to the conduct of oiheri, the loogwa i a unruly organ, kbich an evil spirit may wuulge, but which candor aud a love of truth should at all ""Oine's restrain. ' . . Mr. Chairwsn, it cao only be oeceesary lo re- ' view the remarks of the tnetaW to show the ab sorJitT of their intended aubUcation. . While be condemns the eilravagance of tbe furniture, he is siknt ia respect , ta tfee- appTpfrslwrs throegk 11CJMI wa J 1 wbich the nation had pmldest Cm the reaidenee of allows d. JBut I say he receives jbwj. bMn may. be tound n. the rn rih'ff auteonty tnantJiettr- Prest Fr of his om VieW; "Nrtitir "lliaq iu a dtTuull seen, wasfieji her too eoodnur too abuadanl. In ton! dent of rh I'micd States lhe aeoHomodaUon which I fiJelity el-wwlidro." ' He inintukos snwll matter of . v 1 T . . . . , .,. i ured. .. Dbrne appropriations eref prd"r at ih FrewiJenl's wiuare. Irt mr remarks T" J'V m'"lY A:rtW,MP.fiiwwmWlmiwM Hl.fl .lh IIWIII nil mm ill M'ii II i El the fnojtie. u hose was tbe work of coMtrucltnt the cootly mansion, and to what end was it reared 1 Merettian i furiy jearisv pw i aTrica the k.ua araa lha .-.Kaiali Ihuildiniit was erected, at the charge of 'ewe than ball a million ot dollars to the nation, aorj from that time lo the present it has been occupied in the msluer iu which it hi now used." Congress through all this interretitng period, bsve voted' the sums tV rurnwhiiftg the, piktiJ9i-9' diios for iu . canst rwction. If it were intended that he occupant should himself provide tbe fur ailure, wherefore these grants - Tay eomioeoced before the bouse vraa first takes posscaaioa of by the elder Adams, and tbe eecaauM for further supplies -he e wines been-vohiiitsnly' iatrfipated upon every, succession to tbe Presidency. . Ce sides, the vpacious halls and rutty ceilings of such a tasnwoo require euuch which would be sailed to no oi her resideooe.'.The leaanoableoossef cesa titling 4 Preetdent elect to ao eotlay exoeedtog is snnsal salary in the purchase of furniture for a house, (be occupancy of wbich he has not the election to refuse, aud the tenancy of which, at the! expiretjorjLof every four years, h at the dispo lil et' the popular voicd, with tbe certainty of live sacrifice opoa the cost of the property in the at tempt to dispone) of it for any other place or ewe, cannot gravely be enotetided for. The credit of the country it' would suffer by each aa arraagw- ment; fr eniier the odieer, by the sbrptioa of his salary in the purchase of swtaUe and ut&ctent furniiiKe itr the house, would be deprived ef toe appointed means h his proper support h Ihe at bee ort by tbe nrglect ot such piovwaon, would es- ... bthrt to the world, fn hit poidic Slitiia, the dio- criditsWeconlnretnf mfliiifkit4.it Iwulmetu mean y destitute or scantily iuraUbed wHh whatever r-"onrsketO'SUppnse'lhat ttee secominodUtioos are for lha peisonul relief, rr is lhe private advan tage iT the Prr-n I -nt. lis is made by them, and bv liie amiilitude of his saUry, emphatically the kott ot the oatioa. - Hie guests are the guest of the neon e. The LxeetWive vnansirtn te lhe place rnr regeatfB- 1 " n " per-:a " .l.. ....... the Sitting poaitioa in which, ia the person ef their Chief Maginrate-, they receive from the repress Intjvrs of other people the haetsie due to the 4JcuTil-lIers)-laV': Msvnors ana ruinnxr, lira Kcreuiw. mowir in oMuuiaciun, ir too mo-room lo tne t rest gets from the proudest and most powerful, the eu-1 dent's parlor. Tbe nvmW olijir.ts that (his is tl- lightened and mol rrfi-x-d oi the ain-Vims ol roe cart il, sre received ana emenaines iu iu unra w the hespitaltiy of the (latioal - And br0, loo, the conrtrii'i of official station sretchandbleeo,sa)s tbe taemticr, visiter sre ko;.( 'nnU:! until the biu fuoctomrM of tit Uuveramenl. and ea-, they are adroitted to an audience." When I ad tended loalt clsiwsof the ci'iasns. The ll'iuse, it ; dusmd this coimnittee, on a former day, I do. ia well known, is open la all, and is daily visited '( scribed this room as tbe apartinenl intt which visi. by many. ' 1 tt nxumica, t'ea, trisi tne its feppetidi;is are beyond the re(inrf i:ri.Uif pf ' vote station I I venture lite tIi'hi, tint so tar a lhe pri'i;iriuicr-t oT tLe Pro..J. nt is Co: cerned, (1 cp-'iik rK4 of the preent inruoiVut. but of a hnrve has Wo of way hs N ti.e oCce,) tt Would h"! pr.-fiTbl nfttpv. si Ii. ii-ri c, - dwell n", t';i.in to and I - ivy - -''' '' in ;' - 1 - - ' "' Fi." 1 . ' i W-...!J H ir It 1- ', f..r pr-f. a f.in'.',. rt.it tl r.ui-' f ti tt"t t V T- . ,1 i ' ' ,i if fa triTvr.l ! !,u, a'li furiiMh tfy-five thmitaud hi oa kal);:atidii, tliHit wall t ' ilo miiii(ai tie v!e o I.VfX r I addition tn hi s ilivry, em! lhe na of a .urui!ied h mw, ah'XiSd have liiJ gruumln bIkmiI t:i latter k-rt in orlr at the public expend. ; lla ayi tbe Pnc;Jot ouj'u to furnish lii oti lnHwa aiwl em pty hie owa yirdemtr, as i'n fttlary ia amply anf-(k-i'-tit. t have only t) a J I to wlial I havo lwfr .... , , M tbia aut.iit, ittat ioq una not ocen tne jesra, their Repfeieota!iv aiUmg in these halls, wnbout mvwioii 111 sr-ntiiiM nt or ote,tiuvo pro diY w wot sbuodaut rcconiiwns.i for the value of his hbors hare i end vet, does be keep his hand cl-aa fruta all the perquiaitrs of placet Has he no Gotrrtrijent stationery in hi room I no Congrea sweat penkmAi of costly extrjtajjai.ee at this very moment in his pocket t lias be never ordered to his lodinp the beautiful " embowrd and lace edged note paper" and " Crncy seeling wax," for the of any of LU family, or received lb bis own we a distributive share of tbe Mspoils,n in costly edition of books printed at the expenaeof the Trea sury X Sir, Jet me pot be miMUKienrfnod. I do not condemn him in ihi, for the Wjinlatiim o the (lHie are' made the burden of his comuluitil, '. Vheu, irrefore, the ipembet g'XI to has nwMituoutp aud to mtoe with ilie ohjeciions thai I bo Ulnef .Uagis- trate of the natmn 4 (in- hia mota courteous nq guage) robbing and cheating the people in receiv ing, under aa appropriation of Congress, the use off a furnished house and the care of a unrdeo 'ijoad;!; ditioo to his salary, let him, a the same time, hoeestly admit, that to his own pay he adds, at the public, charge, perquisites of considerable value, and which a colleague ol buvur. felnkiu.J on another Occam, pruoouueed, although 1 think by gross esaggeralion, equal ia amount to the perl dW.7Sir, lhe Presidenr ir much: rather iu be justified in the n?e of his furnished lodgings than lhe member in the enjoyment of his perquisites; ir the. latter may be refurd, while the former, eoosiateotly with lhe f iw'in arranjginieoMhe Governmeot, caunot be declined. - - I regret, Mr. Chairman, that it ia necessary for MtosursiMtbwengraieruIsuhiectuirtber. I fi-ar, ia doing (, I shall cihaust lhe patience of lhe committee. But the member cavils with me for sustaining, the appropriation for. (.he salary of the this had been $ uual appropriation for manv vears. ..a UJ Lua a ....I I and that ! saw no nr.w jtasoo, at this lime, for itr dieontimai.re. 1 jure nuv ia nw hand - a wtti4. rtafe from the CommissioMr of the Public Build. iogs, shosVing that the gardener, the very same in. divtdiM witMhe same character of service, and at the j.T,. e to frr rna rals of compvomtioo, hasbenn in. lhe eii).i..Tnor ?f ddressiijg lhe canmiUce, oa a former dsy p'oy ot Ilie Covernmciit Cr the continuous peri'xl uf lilaea yearn, ha vtwg been first kngaged "in 1 R25. I will read the certificate here, as notice that I shall offer it on lhe trial of the issue between the mem ber and myself be Aire my constituent - .,, Omrt ee TBS Coaaiaaiossa et Pvseic Bviuniwa. .. "J eppeervXro.lb?Uwluji.Jii'A.n I hat Joba Ouisiey was appninird gardener at lhe Presi deal's sqiMre en tbe 1st of August, 1825, at a re guUr salary ef four hundred and GAy dollars per aanea for hia services, lie has received that sa lary quarterly, up to lhe 3 1st December, 19, and is M lb is time the gardener at the PreoioVtit'a square. - . - - w. NOLAN D." 'Ia Vespecrto Ibe'groundialoui the Prf.id.-nt't hou, they, in Common with (hose around the CipiotI, are, at sll times, of eulo the public. They have been laid out and ornamented at the public chargw, aeJ if wot now cared tr by Congress, will toon become a neglected and unsijihtly waste. The Pnmiiloot has nn motive to theexprase ol their im- t ... .. . 1 .. prorrmem. iiao ine vpseioos WSHS ana cuttl valed bvrders of the beautiful enclosure within which we are here situated, they are fur the enjoy, meet of the pfophs and id the frequency ef resort lo thsoi, and the freedom with which they erf used, it bthtlyweq bow tale they ansregarusd rate. Tory are, ludi-ed,' acceiibfe lo all, and I would recommeiid te the member biiiwslf! at eome phnwiit eventide, to repair to this quiet retreat. aoo luu'jiga in urn meanaiion 10 wmcn it Invites, Agin ; It i mi Je ahemou eff-nce in me ihsi, in addition lo all ahicti is now within Sn I alnioi the llmie, I gave notice thai the committee of which 1 an a member would pmpoi, at the t re sent eewuon, a email appropriation lor one of the rniia m.tmi fmwnnily in eve; and -wfit(:tr1.lio"t entirely destitute of furniture. The bill which con. t tains that sppopriti.n has since been reported I from lhe committee, srtl cim llw Iwrwd doi- bra &r the) purchase of plain furniture, o Ameri. 'together eimoc'rrj , a(d the ravm ha ain r t wis eptmow is asstn-uar a tne o'.i -ru fi m extra. ! ordinary in ttwu. "lo the anii- r.m. ..fpn. iron " if r,ninerior crimoy or feumsn--", it rhown prt,Mi lo th"ir I'lirmloClioO lo t!,8 ..President. 1! i n.cy ' ;.v , f t'o-ir over g ir-iiri. m ail i r and f i- 1, n I wi,i( n lb prw. Vi a t I't'-I! t , n tin '"irr''rJ ) l''r- i ' t a i r, i i t i iu I l.-lft' 1 -i.t mi:, .!.!'. t t' r s nr p . . . diMt,onlighleiK,:lciti"ii.,uml,thi,ire!-Rtivc di'i.-i r. i 'i '- ctmrts of IIjro;ie, f irs-i-ith? A -'l it-H i tU-( authority ridkd upon by this M'U iVom Pcoik-vI. Vania for d'tiying a chair to hi cmutinjetil u n! Mine, in llio vrv boue provided by lhe ('op'e fr Ihnir oa honor, and in vcui for i'. ii inciii' n v for set-king to in ike provision f r their more mhis tie ttucouuiKldtii.n. lleoau-t' tlif rit!:o nf Kur.-jw keep their" vnsfiitls in servile soiting tijmo t!t.:ir ) pleasure, iathut a rta'n why a Pf publican citi.n of the Uuitud 8tnto should l ick the bojifrl ol seat, while the Preaidenl in iy ha culled from ini : table or bis study la ofler him Ihose courtcxies t,o which every free.nan is here entitled 1 If is 'tint " thus my Dumocrecy tiruches.''l'he free cttijifn of a Republic are ihmtu'tvs svercinr and the measure of their right and the respect which U their due are not to he looked for in the convention al etiquette of court., nor are they the boon of princes. If thn constituent of the mmithcr shull . visit Washington, and desire ait iutroductimi to the Chief Magtstrste, an? he dure trosriiimaell lo ac r compiitiy ihem to the White llou," 1 venture to say he will be made sensible tot!ie dofiriunry ' a hioli thn commiitee propmclo supply ; and wh it ever msy be his own views of anbaervittnry to. lhe customs of Europe, the indignant exprossion of reproof which be would hear from those to whom he should odor such an excuse for any want they ' - might witness, would bring conviction lo his mind that this was not the country of princes. What I himself a Whig, and propose a conformity to the manners and customs of aristocratic power "ping the fashions of a royal court T Himself profusaing 1 to be a Republican, and condemn that which re spect for a Republican people demands! Sir, I re : peat, this is a poor concern to be made tlie occa sioo of so much cUitmr. ; It hardly becomes the member, fr such causeto rend homilion-upon po luteal consistency to - Whor.-i-i he Hidoceinenl to w- tin mere business extiedicncy tof "Tjreail qiicViou of riufiiple, . MrCairtn, lMt , from the y ehemeticr uf lit denunciation, any should" bq led to suppuee si abandonment of parly by m, I will ever) volun teer a confession of fnitb and I here prufeas, Ire lily, and declare, that 1 am no less a Whig thnn if I bad never seetj lhe. Lseculive msnsio ; ay, lhat ( I em as much to bo confuted in fir steadfust nnno si lion to lhe present Administration a t lumen, like - the membar, I hsd the how born f si of a cohverl r r t . ' i - r " .. . iroiu araaonisin : cir, am as uioronguiy opposeu to Mr. Vtu Hurea as lhe member was devoted, at . one lime, to his jHimtrious prcdowmtf 1 I-re- garj tlie policy and leading measures of the Ad ministrstion as hoatile to the brat interests pf lha peoplo and destructive of the prosperity of the country ( and, as such, from the first, I have been il,KomPrnHing Ppponeul,atid a the silmost of mv nower shall continue lo resint them. Hot lo this 1 have not, nor slmll I demean my self, by indulging in hard names and coarse invective against the high efiicers of Government. ', ; : "t " M r Chsirmsn, 1 might now rest. It is rvot my inteolion to enter into anydrfeocaof lhe nroprioty of theparticuUr eppronriations which, ffom tune tHa I.hll'l Mnnialrnfa fit I Kan Statl irvn . Il,.nll the Chief Magistrate of the nation. Much less would 1 atlentpl a vindication of the prodigal ei- -peivditorw of t1W preVnt . have been eitrsvagsnl and wentelul enough, In all conscience, aud furnish an eihauotlc! limine for JhCtevcroet auimsdversion. w When Itad the ho- a aisnnciiv nrenemeu. in coutiectiesi -ww a tne eno- pc( now under discussion, some of the most crying abuses in the construction of the public edifices in this city, the deceptive estimates, and irresponsible profligate management of lhoe who had direction of the work, and, as I deemed, the wanton and lawless diversion of funds by the Executive, from "lder'an4'nWre'tni lion. At the proper' lime, and on suitable occa sioo, t shall be a prompt l any other lo lake to task the Administration for any and all of their misdoings. -rz iMtr-'A v; '--;-. There was one remark of lhe momher from : Pennsylvsnis mails and dwelt upon With eppa sot eomplaicericy, so extraordinary in itself, (I was about tossy, ao atrocious, lo my mind, in the only application which tan possibly be given lo it.) that I cannot permit it lo paws unnoticed. - In referring to the furniture eod cultivation of the grounds in lhe use of tho President, lhe member, said, the receiver was as bid as the other mnn.w Kir, . we all know the words of the adage" the receiver, . is as had as Iho thief. 'And who is the receiver, and who thelheif? 'From the daytoT Washing. j ton through a long ucceaion uf illustrious men; every President of the United States, including the Lelder Adams, Jefrrson, MsMMiMuiirra, "-Adamsi Jaeksnn ami ihe-pn-anut ii.rUiibmt, have receivi a tne benefit of a sinnlsr provision in their official station. Ths house, the furniture, h gar. ! deo and itui cuff i alike lhe etijovmersl of each, and at the puWic eharpir. , It may be instructive to this commiitee to be iu. ' formed of lhe grant of Congress for sotni of these ebjoris, during the several perimlsof the reject) ve administrsiHMis. '--1 bav now before me a state. ment enlisted fmra ofTicial-diicumeuls, ofjioro. eiiiitiuii fm Ittd pnrCtlae of luruTiure for ech . Presidential inrm, aflwr the removal of ths Suat of k uoemmer;l to Iho Federal city. , -By-ads tlie 3 1 of 'MaWh,7i liVipreV.; ! Vious la lhe coi!imenuiiK ui of lhe Admirntn.tii. of tbe elder Adams, Congress tlie mxds I'oliowingH 'jTiynaiHms .t , w - . ,-.. Proci-eds of aate 'of old T irnitiire, an I so nmrh ' in audilion thereto, a the Preni ImuI muy jud 'o no . , ceary, n4 exeeeiliiig jH,nil(). . ii ....... ... . . . -. . i imnng mo AUmiliiKtrtilion i t Mr. Jeflerwn ths BpproprwlKHi srooiintr 1 to ? ): (H)S). In that of Mr. -MadiH!i!i to f' .'H, ())!, ll was in thia period llott too Ii-mjhu wn . ir-k by tins Briiih upon their inr-irsnm into Wn ior win earin-r iua war, and (lie l.irmhire, which fi lbs bnj;iiiiiii lind cwt th" n en i '!! IliUVUfl! d; . anty lliouwina dol'ars, wn v.:,i!y duitm.l. : After the repair fd the ll..o-, in the jnr snd ISIS, dining tho Admin..! n;ii.i of Mr. 117 !.,.,'l- ii!I it to fie s-rejjita Him 1 lo t'ii A 1 ii.iintfali'wi 1 mi ol ; f Mr. .d.noiv-, . il. Adi;,. . 'Tint si.iicini'i'l from vi'iii-h -l rr.i ! ri ' i f 'ii. Il liw,.n:;4 l'io fs.-cia' ij;i..j-i lr it, . '. ;,' .- " Such, Mr. f'liHitii'.iii, nr the i;n.w v. '. x ifls ur not, I shuH in t ro; in -i.i -i,:, ff0i time to j'w, lisva . n v .trd ,l.y I'.-i mid lbe.e ere IU:'4 nveivci" i. nh.-m i' . U-r te'i'rs tm u w h'l, f irtit.re:in.j tie . ;. lions pr.ivii.VJ 1'V Uw tor lu: u.I e v.!.n.h ti. laineii, are rhnrnt'd .v.jili wr,l l.,n; the Tk. aiid'lifecinjr thu I'lsoiilu.." 'i 'uv-t (,,. t:,.--" it iaid "tho receiver iiohid u tbe iiu;l ! ' ", elder Ailiinw, the i!,nintk's ni'iler Ann . i freedtkn'i Jcllutsou, tlvi to ( -.uti tot of AJ.ni'i, iii i Hrauglitamnn of the licliii;i;Kn d! I.ub -peinl. .r. , the grtml spoMle of lilKirty, thu very thinfof I ),-iw. onntie - MadiWnt, the chmiipioii of thu IVihih,!. timi, lhe pairim, atslcemmt and fcige Mot-mo, t;. Btihlh'r of the Rovolutlon, th l.r.tuj ib I' - the ueputtiic tti the lira; war, tun n; . . , i i cort'prohiiaing sdviM-iiti f Nnti null honor, n : -, ami internw in lusl : ihowe are they who i -. reived the apprepriHlksis, nhd to whom the rs.!. is applied. ; iSainea ileal hwne i fan t, imri ori; I in the history of .their ronniry'e'remKra I tiy vn. nereleil eolleagiio, Ion, the learned civilian, the a. coinplibhed diplomatist, .the iucorrurtihle rtnik. Irsle, he who on this fliKir is tho mo.-.t leuile-.x in.,1 Aikhfiil of the servant of tho- iieoi le. t--eU,.r wilb the hero of New Oilenim, m il.e prentrm ti i I lbs bf't," aud tho more humble "follower in ftMitalefs',-lliey aUi an; within tho oliSurjuy uf th amo reproach. .. ,- T, :, And who is this thief? The Cntipr r f t! i United States, lhe KeprrimrrUitivca of tl e - to Kcesinn through a scric uf omra ilmn i , yeais. These are lhe men who, 'by m it,i-- T i. ; ... propriatioo in lhe ncptimfnt if tho n -Mi.i : r t - : i Pennsylvaiiis, jdmndtrtii the Tntumy un l n-l'- ' iheir tmttitutnt t- Inhere an irnhvidn-.l v : trm-eoujrfyyyfrtCft iWmln. kuj. with todigooiHMj at tho bare rerunl of the clmrs" I Where were lhe sleepless scutum! tlf the p-t plcV fight, lhe dragon goardiane' .f the BnlicJtp.-!!,. ahr'ntlW' sjhitleis iLWdlt oi'lts ireiiMire Was rio arm ruined for its prnioctiout f ureli Um jnurnal of either House of Congrexs, nml i.. i !., r voice nor vote is (iAitid agsiuHt otieuf tVwe r-jt-prnpriaiions, , If they doner vo tin character now attempted la be given them;uvr hsppens it that in forty years there has been no ru.iit .-ice to Uieir pasmnelJIuvvJispoeiis. itt iiiilw-d.-tlut in the last Congress, of which, this IViiii sh .ui m, uf more than SjiaTtnn virtue, was a men b r, no position wss onurett to grain pre i those cotrtsined inthe ptesctil Li!l? IV Mil- i ti.'- v j aitbout niyection then. . t y- , Mr. Ogie.: N member near o siysl.e jected.) t .v-'- "v- 'i Mr. IJncoln. : Who if tlij man I .; I hcr.r l i.f i... dissenliciil. If any had the virtue, at that lime, t . think it wrong; he had n.ft lhe courage to mnki? it known. - Where is the recorded vote at s mil rmi fur $ division upon lhe qnetion. ' Fir, the Inn!, i, such grams wsre thought proper upon the ori-i ml wniilsralim of thorn, andsTrbsrqutriitly'lh" y lne " been of row-M and umhiL " If the poopld wi! no WfflBMLIM!BZ.J I ' i l.iio House ; send lha furniture to auction ; an I h-sW Uho.PsideiV Uprovilfl for- bimlf k -j.4iif'.ai rf resiuence ana meaiui ot .arcnnnnotlnttun. i . ,i thn ehall appear to be the jn.'snient 4tli LahaUJafcuiud among- tlw.l u-witUiio. i t r will.' -v ' : . " : iiii4S4ni"or v"j'if; itprj jj r.iC.Hii.; li.o.l.t.-r has harp. id loud and long-jhe stylo and lii-iiinm d' the articles which have been piirclm?ed un b-r iho ppropriutious. 'In ny itniieti.ctly rrpoited re. mark, to which lite member so f'iccly refers for a text to his (olio annotations, with ths rcai.'in? ef which, for hours, ho ha oa-uun-d thn tiinsf Tni .Corowitlcev.not-a aioyU-rtiero -wss rnrttru' t specified or jilitified by tnC. . Wherefore, then, j , . t he attempt to tnnke mo renmsilile f-r such as l.u ha chosen to designate, and f-ir the t x iavscumo of which, upon th fidelity id his devnnlion luitc, . be aake a aunlence of-e)d"imitioo ? 1 did s iv, however, generally, 1 have slreudv ' v renent '. snd I now mterBte, Itiul lo ra .-, 4 1 ver - furniture spp'rs n-ither too rich nm t io i hu:, for lhe si.o and Biaguificeuce of the ni;m n, r,. r too good for the rise of the first repn n ;iiu ! ,'. ficernf a freo and sovereign popu. P.ii , ,' i 1 make no matter of peritontl pnutroveijy ,. ..', r . memlvar.' 1 aoderstand hun now to nv V,-, ' haenavef been at the house, ' How weii, t, h may comport with a. becoming rtio-h--.lv, or m :,-- justice even, Iu denuunce uimten th n which 1 : 1- dsnt and honorable men have sjuc , mil, 1 le.no for others lo consider. II eotiilen : 1 11 " nnii ie s lhe eihihitioa of ari-ioci ..tie rin ' ; .1 ;..,- kVflft,'sirj I .di-rerrd tmt"ll.C lut;i;iu il''l.ie'alil cles, hut lake my p isitem behind the rlni.-iicter i l those by whoe nmliotiiy tf,P were pmcureil. 1 msMt tfiat Tfhstever fti.11lt.hus been coamiitt'l is with i.'lhosa. who furnilied tho iiJiansiif idiri lrsvMgnnc if est rn viig.iiM-e there he witti th-; RepresontHlivns of the p-uphi, who, n-.-im sn.l sgiin, under every Administration, with a f ! kuowhxleuf the m.inner in which tin? ni'.in y would b ep"n.b-1, h ivfl n(i-i the a-rr ;n, -i "wiilwuit iwetneifn or ij-nhn v.riin I'tuu- '..... 1 that .whatever' reproiieh aMrw h-m to tbo pim i., ilHint and ueof sm li furei'inB Iuis Ih'Mi lui urr.- I Jiy 4he4iad.of At-b snr-ci .u --.n A 4aii.iirti i"-i. it, indeed, the fi hi n of tl : II.hih,- be a dignity ef rfgid spliiilor, hi.t-i ei" t s , , 1 lt'-pubaciui b.ivo becit betrayed into i',i fi.-.h -!i i iror, ; Thomas J.;f! r-. hi was nitrsnrrounted sp'.iin n:,.1. ueprotendin j Jh-nn-rut, nr. 1 p i-s.-d, in his day, for an unoMwiHntHius l.'l.i f M i.iiitrste, ami vet wo lutve ivii thai the s im ef J!),(!:)!J ih exp-nd-J Pir f'rrnitiir during the eri.nl nf his Prehli-ney J and th, ton, iu addition In liio 814,000 (ireyiou j. Iy cninid lo Ins inimeilmie prei!:.ess5r. 'llio pu. my n -1 UopuliUcan fcnu,.in uy rl Mr. Madison and iimniiers huv m-ver, lo this time, Ix-rn .!,. 1 j yef tot!,cS M.OOJ bufureatiwonriaie-l. "r ww n.l.l'-it to the royal pngivui'ry .1 years of his diniiiUi ration. Col. M1.11 - ' ' Viiiie I'ln.-us sriKtnrr it ll, fi h v. at Jiii, f liiinj rcsia' t ' i . .'i.:;isry conflict, a tJovnrii'ii? -t. : .....I -ro'-ineP,,-. .v f ,' ,!, ,,.,, ' -. ci,' 1 ,', .i.-d ms 1 1, - : -1 -i iv , ;r ..... . I find 1 .(!' in the ei rot, Inl., i'.i' C" !.;.....!.. 1 !' r I ; i b r"nl sn-o:ted to :l,tt',', ! 1 t'i t i.f C , J , 1 , 1 1 1' :t i.f V,, n ;tlrr )l ,' ' ' lit; ' s t

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