- -' V. ' A ..;.V- - 1 i'wUrul I!rp:irl;ni'ni. 't.iut oii;vf rttiu at iumxik muivj. CUR si: OF CAIN, Oh, the wia b f th.-Lr.l i t'fibU tbintr, A' the li f.;w--t III t withers tin- b'0om nt ,r'.nj, I, ,! He '.'i. . r iliat buristoi tie hiuiiiiit' liun.um, I 1 Ii t!. i. -M'i ol Ide il'UliiC.Ci: "4111. A..,: lu! ii l4- de.r in lb f r jJt wt tho cl., lif spi-d turn ur to the c'rt f . .ill i iiv iirh herl nud a lirmit m ht face, A--', n.n . -iii'iH.' .) !(! Veto" (,- ill tio 1 1 A ... i t urn In;. been biased aii'"l;"i"l''. J A -rrrt-lj 3 brother" y.'-f "ii . k 00 Ii.LuhT"; A ; i v ,.i-c: b., (iftCAii bin) 110 louiuuin Jm sprung i' ,r 'irn.g . be-ri or tf coobi.g b longw. i i. 1 f fill Iter .wluiiilHT bill fi, , if 1. Mm of a -mr shall p-re to hi heart, ii.- ol lis children thall in-orch turn like Him", WKiiihn tMnUot ,tta cure that lutus over ma home- A ll wduof hm lcm. the fatlhful.Bml f&ir, Can mix no wei dmp. in ht'6ip.iif diiwir, For li'-r tender caress Hi'! her litunrriil breath, ' ii.ii s'ir ujlits.aoul the hoi tmiber ot death. fnA hi offering may bine onreyarilid by Heaven, .' A'lil tea ,-pinl may 'pyt.yvt reinum ui.fi ("'! very, -:, An i,i, i;rvi! nmy b rluM'd, yet no r l lo linn bring; Ohi the wnth at' tlK! Liird is 4 i!irjbtf lLinif IN ek v mr ( ip a rx'unT Ofvid out nffi'il nny tx wrMiffit; Who riff douUi'd, rn-vcr tliohj;ii; Tb tiaiilo briiliti'iip. but ltw trilft! Hiiala nut the blodu for H tiiA f u. Who think otlifra and aurpM , W.ttb alt, find nought, and lll f.'Y )l all acrirnl, then all imjilit ttand X luck till, and durknm obrnud the land.' Oduuibuadifil rpd, hut lm fiiiiid.. -ThA, pri1 liii'iiiifliry 'tnis-iiHi crowiidil, Anjy A' e World nxwi hi uiil'uld Th! riVitPd ciror ot the old I MISCELLANEOUS. . . 8 worth, in PiiilN- (urtiily, ,Mmori, i the (jruvi; of u (haiiiigriiinhtMj 'iiaianii0 chief. The editor ol the H lumbal Mouilor Ji.u ftn wen UM inUnt (H the tritiK alniiiliiiit in wid Mlerir-e lit'lori) it. Jm th lf0! wi.iiiiT tiitfhir,, Irofo nihl fall to flay hnnk, ft b rd uiiko'inn nxncpt hyXwiuj-, lu the WrxAifiH, )iiura iNit a ntHhiuchulv Ntrtn id Mu.k , 'fYe In -i-ilwfia my it t ther'Hfiini myd, irrijift "r tb , tomb if iIk rhii l'Hin. WtmV a Iom tuf world it' i, tlmt 'no rTiird can now m prerved of ih uiauiilul i (junmiioftn of Hit- ti.h tiiyj:jt,i wrwuw." An Afiirm at Sra. The captai of onn of the down eaut ar hixniHra found hionu lf nn flav Ijeealn ed in a fog t.d the ahoala near jhirtsioutjJSlll. !ii Ihn rap lain wilh the quick rarof aeHiinii,diVivred bv .1. I - .... 1 . .. .. A 1110 crtaKin avrtiun - w coroage, tiini itrere wa mother veae clow upon him, whirli mihl1 ...run a foul in abort order. He had iicitherinio - trumpet to ri"V liis neighbor warning at thfirlow . approach r 4 -the rmat rhing lie" could iliml of, wa to anil hia men drumiiiing 00 aoine enipfy raaka ; tut to no pui pow, ai (he iKKind increaneU and I ha utmmi wa nennn UTm. AiTTani etli.rt of inj-e j BHity, ne aeixfxi a lianrtipikn, and applying it lo the ear of an old grilnter that happened to b on Ixwrd, gnve it newral lurna none of the e-tel, which brought fiirth a (pieal..linol aahmri'alhe. -fi -whMe-vf our IrHvifiinliveT "englueav .'ffcaVif. iinl wa eflittuaf ; and jual be.fore rianioK in maWi juf. itia liUiKiilutV -crWl 4K-n ,-ho hrrrj-hinr V rj claim lo thi luau ut tlm lu lui, in voice ot thun der, "Sijfhoard your helm! we!; clo ashore Upon a bog yard !' il. a A Rich proud miner, having a mind lo perpetu ate hi mi iinrv, ordered hia statue lo be 'carved in'innrtile When it wa brotiuht home he ked a genttenuin if it w 4a like him 1'-Yetfirf fae ffvbrf-ani$l""'"' A ciieman, who lodged in New Bond Street, confined by iUutu.) Itwgtirramaltflvaa ,lsarmi4 tw"rtiBJt ' hHin wile Kuatli wa a 'WrrMl&rrf t'fJK!nlJsgaaa,xOTBriii,' hi 'aurvmrt-Micr qiunnteu linn ol una trnger civility i. curejKity imlueerl him icairfc,fLu.JiB 111 ah bit i.rnecl nut lo t.c no iinilertaker. It aaa then agreed Itt'lwee.i the nmaier and a rvnnt, lo miike a propo Ai:kiiiwleljitme4it for hia poltleneai lira wrvan' wna accordingly matiui'ied l way hi maiHer wa lying, and in a few day after that he wna deirt. ! Jfiifcittud444. wee olwyrd pthn TOntT'tTirj)T;lJ" Ida devoir to the ai-rvnni, with a pieaent ,f Iwn piiinen, 011 hejug i formed he watohtve Ihejub. He wa next inlro ueed to take the mraau'reof the ror, lo w hielt- h- wa proceeding wi.il. lure ai lil' rilicul a Juda. l-rnrii'tV, when auihlenly the dead" alive jumded up, gave buna heiirty hurae. lii'i!ii, urn! kicked hull down alalia. . "h , 7v k'nlf the HVW W. Iliw hulf of tU world" Jim ha ever been a jl'yatery to'the other Inf. eonie live by lueir wia aoine hv on their nreana,and very ipHi-ir kind of means they ore.- ).iw eil ihcy live " all .irl of wav." A trav filer in that -rirrnity 1;itify a.keda boy what the wVe t'nereabout did for a liviuijt When Ihe M reiilwuh nmrehoiieM, Onm Jj'i'.eiUijytVlV-fffil-jt?rnnEiri I,, 11 1 ii 1111 ay i.i.i 1 wctt,wiiuu anilji!ra- 011:0 4iT , kin V'iii, nJ aht'ii liiey don't come we akiu , 8ime ho think lite tortBhntt, nerertliele find it I niif en OL;bt "Urtive their tharacter, their cointiluti'uwt and their eit'ile, . t aafat Jurlgm. f " W. are tot ant to i'ndoa - ' ' an i ol Hie .rti.m rf iM-n haral.lv. and wilhnut in vim - V ' - - . .l i . . i i , , , . fi NMiii eni tbouuht to l ie mum- ih:il may have in-: ' , .... i, - i , . . , llnwwed Ihein. If a mSn l kmked down tu the Btreely hi fellow amtiwUtw byt-eih-r wnt pee. 1 1 tllluililr nroiw i. nle wnli one of ihe parties.) though entirely ignorant of the rnrttnf the qiiea. lem at itie. Pair pl.iy, , aJav onej bit him gain, av another ( " eejiarnte them,")- a till 111 i -imiTth th j lfld yrH'no oiie inow w liicb of Ihein ia in j t JJJJ, (lur -right, But it i humtto nature, And of course Mf , the are are bound tu put up with it . A nohlt Awr.-A French king oncq aaked a Chri.iHin bishop if he w wa noble. 'IV. k. k 1 n Disn- op replied, that hf did not Know from which one of V I .1 l ' J- I II nuaii iiirm khm no wa uescrnueu , , Your friendship i dear tfr roe," !' roer chant said when be had .to pay hi endureii nl lor hi neighbor. - . . , ... ..t .... . . .. . . Dirk, what Ho ymi talt ahNf hoiuiense 5 'tff by, abetting a bog for hia wl.-' ; ' " I'm gelling fat" at Ihe loafer aaid when be 7 I)R.(i. H. DOL'tJLAS X J VIV(r rfi v.vwl di-. OiT.relo ijncl 1 1 (I'.rn erlv ocp'ij'ii-'l lv 1r. Alilir Srritti,) m iirly 1iii(inilf Ml.'h.tel l!rnii' Vrr, p. 1ji !y Iciuit lS lil r .tl'iiMml wrvici to l!w (mblift.' ' ,, Suiistiiirv, Aiiu-it 2), 110, ; f 1 1 n.si'KirrruLLV n.T in prnr.'uiftairvicM to tiiB (.ii.i-.'ii nf ,S li!xiry, and th wirrf.uni)ifi(j uiui.rv. iltt i tiicc w in Mr, tViviV mw brick-bnibl- iik.', iji(Hl J. t . Murpliy a Ktur, K...ifv,.N. C.;Au,'Mrt-i, li" "pl JAM KS G.WOMACK fV 4 M.WI.S'fJ bicHtwH hifnwli'pwnnnntljf in ' ili T.iii .4' SAl.lSliURY, iniiltTf h profijMuiflfcl HTVitfn to tt ti'iiwnii nl .lliu adjin.nl diunirj-, in all tli vanuuii branclictiid'bu pni t'Wuii.; JIh titu b l iuml t bit t)lf.'CCvon fnanmticOt! rinvir U ,,w iii(;lficeiif the ' Weiiitru Carolinmn." 'ilyn,-17K. ' ly To Travellers. 7 j'liKsravoririjj i!.;ninunity are respectfully 'inform- id that Ui'KKijb criln f now running hi hnadi trt lrn Hnlti;K by way id.l'klujhuro' and Ahboro' lo Salisbury, m 8inal .Nortjifrn uiaiie Cuacln-g of the first ordff : h-vifij Ralegh on Miinduya and Tliuntdaya ot Id A. ,M , arnvniif in Hahisbury next day at 10 R M. l4'uli;'Salibiiry rmTiiPwiayaaiid rndyalU A. M., urivinu in lia'cb nekt da at 10 P. M. : " Hm bitraca are aood, and driver particular? careful and aocmiiinorlatin, ' JOEL WcKAN.. rrh. la, k - , u N. B. K..ata aicujred at to Manstori LllUeL. .. jhhiiinutruttt&g JXolicc. I'flE under hi jned bavma oikained Lctiera of Adinpiiairuiion on the Kslateof Elim Smart, I'-eM., ai the May Terra of Rowarfounty Court, I h W, heri.'by notifie all return mdhtd lo iid I'ntrtle to make iinmediate payinent ; nd al.tliie linving c'laiiiii n(iii the name lo prkxeiit tbeui for payment, autheiitiiyitpd necording to luw, willi 111 the lime prfc:rild fly Act of Asemulj!, or thin mitiee will bo plead in Iwr of their recovery. - ' i:Vn 1 WMt rii A.ii.i. Rownn Co., Fpl,4, 1811). .3i. tirtorm hit old! Irienoi and rimlomerf, that he haa on hand a nen'eral wipplv of iir n:le of a Mipermr qualuv. in hit line of btwinewi. .JUfcjtlUNr4atR litv.r him with a cull. 00 ternia Ihe moat nuxhtriiiH. He eurneaily requeaia all thoae indebted lo him either by note or account, lo come forward and eltle.ihe Mine between thia and Ihe next Rowan WJ&mZttfoviMijie4 to h . niotiey (0 rej.WLwJiii atock 41 Uierie5, ka. AI w)io do not coinjily with thia requett, may expect to aettlc with n oiriierthi coure will bt adopted without re IWt to iieraoiH. . - Hrtlwlmry, An. 2g, 1840. tf. CABINKT WOIIK. 1 UK "SuWriber ihfi.rma ihe public that he rontinue the -l-a im nruytmtt Ilitxintwis IN THE VILLAGE OF LEXINGTON, NORTH CAItOLLNA. He ia prepared to execute all description of woik in hi lineofhuyiMiMiua very auperinraiyte, an re gard workmanahip and material, and certainly on toer term ibiinsji uUorded by My other ett Rttfiotikrnd Ttrth fO CiiiiStitry--- -tJTde74"lom nL7anee thnnkfulTy received and promptly and faithfully Mw uird. l ' . . . ., 1 I,, L . 1 t uTO'n)i''u rww ia.Fii.itf icnnii8 ,, l.einfion. reD..L lflU -a .. lfiirrtfilb1frF Ilifra !llr. , . :.. FWIPIIl'U un:tl II10 rrealdeutia I Election n November, lHU), with, on number after- ward pwiiiB the reault 111 detail and an index. Twenty-ant number will bt1 jtiied A large surplua ofihe firrt number will be tinnted ; and all oermina tubacribini; unuiediately, wbiwe namea nd money are rewnred l!iirlljal auiplu be rkhinited," M'itT TcCeTve all th number. Termi: One copy l I Twelve enpje $1(1 Six copies 5 Twent)-tive copvea 20 and at Ihe Name rate for a greater nnuibet. Mr. Kendall, late Pimtmaater General, will Contri bulw to thia piper until November. The nameaof a'ttiacribr-ra pfocored upon Ihia pr, pictiia. autl lb umey, ahmiW br. -nt ditflly to Mm, pmU2e aid, or IbMiurb m.mler, win. are mithoi nxed by Ilia Pi'w t),rici lawa am! remilationa to trank h'rter written ty'imiaWna, enclosing money tor irawa- paper aubKmiiooa. Bmk niea, current ia the eeetion of eimntry where , rfubacubdr rvaw. will be rre!vil, provided they are not mora than ten per cent, below aoecie in value. Mo axpar will be aent unlenalhe ni,m y be rui'y rfeeiwii. v ' N11VAUR 4NGKMF.N'P" ' An Annnl aa wrt.....H .,...,nr..i.. 0 lo. hrat or Au;uirt next, a ne aerie of the I'o. r .TZ 7" L. "T ; . ; tirWarvliHI toaillMrihtfra lit alpaLrt. nf llui Ininn aiaak. c. VgarTj.. Iiml tu. B,,-i.i . ' . c-zc L t,i -ta io ma a tral. - - nrrr,-rX" :.rrn" uT...... v. ....J ... ' "! -V II taw T-H, MUU ll3 l BHIl UIWi r- ' " UVf C rilTI Onw Uillar twenty fir eopie M Five IMIar I... T I . ! I - 'I' L . 1R01He,h' ! .Miliar, l vry exterMive err- tuiatawi wliirbilia Keinrmer ha already received, en- ,, D . . ...... n w b' Propfieti to pat it at thi unuaually ehp ,e. ,t w, cm,ltniB, M nt,fl.u4,. l iA,-. , ,,...,..,.1- i y i , n 1 1 h- rr-y --"vniit In"" the old Reonblk-an UmlmarU ol ' otir nnliliel. raiih. with undeviatmit tlelity. Noelforta will be epared-la fm' ieavurtng tQ dirabue lit putHWj nine nf the mn atrnu nervertctm ol Mir P-'lit'-'ll idiiaan nlai ami in lifi'1,1,1 llirr-iT. IT rf..?,.."- t.Al..nwl 1wImm..I nf .n ..,ll- ewmt imih winca atom-Taw ewv qpward and onward career of oatioeal gMy. . The Reformer will ateUly4 teahmay !advoeta Ui ra-electwai of MarUa Van Boraa to lie frrsnirn cy, and xeViuly opiaae the pri-tcnsHKMi nf the im- - ivocne, uuTiinuaiea oi man woo na Deen nut tn , a. l i- I...., ... ... ... ' i. -.t . it . . . , ... iin..i,,iitni iu, umi Hiju I'HS-e vj ow ft urrai lwMHKai . W'tiijf pvrty. Ti e unparalleled hive price at which u ia propovwt to he pabiiali.tt, will enable all Ibooe whose means re limited to becmne pitruna of the pip r Our . Democratic friend are earneat! requested tuse Ihmr exertion ia pMcurmtr tutvicriiieris which they will pliaao hind 10. their Pvartwaaier, with th yeqntvl ll.it he khHil. Jiiratrd lUtm ,to VVrinirioa Oity, or t'iirta nioutli, Va., toTbeophiliu Fi-.k, KaiUirand I'roprtor, : jiyiq- -. .1 . ! 1 11 ' J J ' ' ..Mil I'.'Ll , AVaTranls tor Saccrc. r, -t?Vr. as. !i!K l!OAT! uf the hinters and Jlorcti.im' " i-lairi l,wl C01111H1 of CVrnw, fonmiM liiiit from (Jlicraw to C lemon direct, are now icadynii will coinmpn) ruoning early next Au jiiist.' The SaM, CaplMrKcnaiH, will I h KiVPr. The AsiH'.n apt. bulilMicK, win rui. : II tu t ween Uor"i!lowti aia Charlfnton, counting 0 Bi l' HV(tid llftCllli.MI I(y uiitcni'ttiiiijf Alton I mn lo iiuma that muy l by Iheui, the Colnianv hopnttr drvrvn -Brxf rue e Ihe uutronage ol trie public. 1 in licMi Bre ed up for w.'ii rf wi'll hi fritbt, ilnd ofle heap end expeuitioua route fur the rnimirv. raona wi!hin) to Chilet'n, could go dowjwith tlieir prmhire, and r return with their good. 1V0 chargr in -George. tmen fur' ienrfagi or tlage of gooil hipied from Chirlinton by ike i,miaiiv t iqwi, i ro- duce for New; York will delivered t onior tn ta direct to New York. the town, lo go by the pari . Th ufeiita are Rrovt Hrvan and Brother, Guorsetowu : and B. Client ; K. WaiermaiJ SlowryTr., for Charh-nt J. KL AniEGG, President. 1. Clwrnw. July, 1(540.- 8w.-- -- f. To the ublid 'HUE underained rei)l-lfu!ly inform the' Pub he., that fbev r niiliTionied in carrvmi! on At tlieir o' J aiui.d m R.4iu county, near China Grove, 10 aide aouiu of l.lwbary. They flwter Iheinselvea that, with thei lout,' exK;rience at the ausniew, rand dcvottnie to I ihoir unremitting per onal atteolion. loeether lith their lam improve meet in their ayaiem of I'aiiHii:. to be uhle to niauufuciure Iealber of iitmperior quality, and on aa cheuit lernia a auv miii' 111 thi country. I'liev now have 011 hail a very large mid ' perior atock of Leather, A all kimla, whieh they are deg-inua of delimit 011 ioderate term for caah or on lime lo puuciual doilera. OCT I ' 1 y areen llidea taken 111 exrlimse lr Jj'-atlier Alan, will be made.on alort noiice, llldckninith Bellowa-wortb from eiglrlta twenty dollat va. rymji according to w:, . 1 (JiT They inula all perima wiping lo purclmae Leallier, lo rail and cxaiiiie iheir Jilock hefore piiicliasinff eh w here. . H. i) W. C. MILLEIt. Rowan Co , Aug. 7. l l. Wit? iuf VlTK3ulenbi'r I'eeuacfila'Uiiitly on hand, goiKT- h al amtorloient hi "lor IJenTleineii'a wr. tuch ai Cooli, I'aiUulmmi, and V'eiri, of govid X 0oods, well inaJe and ltunnable. He in also prepared to mt, and mareWotaing in the miil fatkumnlde and duruMr fyr,and warranted to BU He, aTari, keepa a iril .rlinent nf fclnthiL Caaaimereiiiind V-Iiiil' t the firat quahtiea, eletKl by hiinnelt in lh New York Market, all of whicb lie, will wll btw, for Caah. N. ft He t)M cmtmoea 10 teach the artof Cutting Crmeuton the iVia jHrod jlanauf the bem Tailor in New York and Vbilailelpliia. ' . Cot nog (or &HUmer done on the abort eat ao .i.,l nr.l. r. tnirnNa dwtnce altmled to with ce- ;jpatu-Jlia liivwiliJje found irk-M r..Cwoi j'larjre brick building. ' V ' ' BBN. F. J KALKY. Tin mocksv i Ltbi:vj k, , cqut yn. c - THOMAS FOSTER f NF0RMS the public that he-bit removed from hia 1 I'trmer aland, to hi new buikl'tiga on me puunc thn Tnwn ofMockavilleAwbirre be will eon- ? untie t keepja JlUUSfi OF ViMtaaiKjri: whrch-a"r ewiifiirUtile Wricef ft R8ile ' llir. all convenient to liie Court Houe. The aubecn- ,'ber pledne himaelf W the moHl diligenf .exertMin. to :.gB HUWWnHWI WWWfWTii.; .i ..."i. - - - give tatiatactioB UBea-amay ewtrwnmrrrriia 1 y. R(( stiMmt. TitwvW m ui laVt wmw - ...m. - . p u4-trr 14 u . fPIIE Pubriber having la-en wquegted by th I 1 late Benjamin Auitin, deceaaed, to act aa Ad 1 I mimxlralor 011 hi estate, tnKetlns method o in- fnrmmu thiwe concerned, that he will, applv to Ihe mMt Coutity Cjiurl Cii Riaaa0uty, Pr Letter of Admiuittatioii 011 the eitale ol aaid deceaaed ; and reqtieta all thoe havitg Book, Perimlicala, Pa ix-ra, arlectiona from hi Cabinet of Itinera la, or any other description cf properly belonging to the Mid Benjamin Austin, dee'd., to return the aame vvilhout delay, or give aoch inlormaiion aa will in i eore it reeovery. CHS. K. WHEELER. Auguat 21, 140. . to Ilouk Uindery. 1 o A W n. IIITEn, Rook.liindrr, INFORMS the pumc that he Ntill carries on K-tnbliHhitent of he above kind in ChaBLottf. North Carolina, a fw door nouih of the Mint. Iljvmg, as he concave, a ihoroimh knowledg ot hr bmniie'", he (t elino herniation in aMrig tm ae who may wish lo mlroniar httn, that thir work alWI-tohi. ,-ihryrbetyk , aecnmnKxlaiins term 1 n....k and ..thcranicieaaent from a distance lo he bound, ill be jrnmptly attended to aud Care ,fu! v returil whet done. The puhl c are reouet ! 1 I (tt- Onler leftat the Western CamUninn Of. 'r" runct,"y forwarded for completion. Charlotte, Feh.7, 140. Taken rp and f'nmniittrd . rrthe Jmlnf 1MI'.m.ii Lounly: on ine .'mn oi June fait, a INcirro Bir who Biya hi name i Getrge, nf that he ht hmg to Starke I'errv, iiiMMrf D.Sv.; ;g..f. He my asSl bera'J'5 .yeen old ;i ia ft te(-imdj 7 ichet hih, bead omewrml tmld. heavy' unlfr-lip,and had on whetn committed, a cabinet coat ami pantalivmit' and a. round crowned w.vnl haU ' ' . '. The owner id Iwy hereby rennested lo Cproe Oirward, e- fii property, pay charge and lake hnu awajf ' ' ' .' ,WIL:i,v WOMACK, Jailor. WinatornS tr; Jo"y .1,940.; .. . r .. f J O t V UIN T 114 , i ; r EvtEt. ptcRimox, - Aj i .Veafy Bf 'xpfJitinutlf txtcitltd mt thi OS.ce, - "m ae Jmtr celled rifindrecehiitg fresh and genuine ( PA1XTS, (),U, I irore, Lrmcm fry a ME.rS,Soapt, i, Rice,S trice ,ltr A la'rjre k ol rupJSSTHU Candle, trenh fume. TObaC 4 cos, Cl gar , P...V Hoard. WlUriNU.ASO WRAPPING PAPKR, also, t large aupply of Wine and Bpiriti, (for Medical use,) Inch will beaoiJ at wholesale ml retail, ui pricta taauit lufl-pruuifi of Jue itw.y ; i; l. v 1,. r; it.r,iJi-.iv. Snlinhury, Ju.h 19, 140. , f- Cotton Varus. WE SuWribera, Agenta for the Lexington Cot- tun Kuriorv. would infm m the mtblks thai they have just received and now oiler fur ante, wholeaule and retail, the Cotton Yarna of eaid Factory, eon. mating of arioua nunOiera.-rl ha ejperior quuli-. liea and character of the Yarnt of thia Factory.are w-w(II tented and known aa to need no recom- - niendatton from u Those wianing to pur-; chaie will please give n a call. . . C B. & C. K. WHbKJUK.it,' Agta. April 24, 1840. , f-- " Valuable Lamh-for Sale. VT the houaeof Hugh Rrown, between tnree aoJ four milea alwve Willieaboro end on the Yadkin River, there will be auld, on the ii2iid and J3rd day of September next, three aeveral iroctn of laud, ciN.iaining v or more, tha conatitute the farm whereon lie live. Smd Land li on both aidei of the Yadkin River, and contain it VjmhI, 125 acres of.Yadkin bottom, lieaidea a quaiitity of gxid upland. Al, 450 Acre of Lniid,! bn the weteri of Lewi I ork and Reddic' River (V'st onfl undivided-half of two lota in the Town ofx W ilkesboro' i one of aaid Iota ndjoitm the Public qimre, and at a aituatiou for huamew equal lo anV in the Town. Alao.iou ihe aoih ftntt anth duys, mere win ne wild ihi tlie premisi'a, it Ahe(ojruy464 viiluUo- J...."-.'.v,&uf 1 . - . :. : KTla iileaii'jw Jttiiiland iU ciuivenience for a alix k Uirmj alo, 125 Acre, oii Pus Swamp Crtik, and 50 or CO Acre on the Blue Ridge. Jayl Lojttla yi!l baAoW oa. credit-of tW-l-fiiur year, and will be wild by me a Executor un der the W ill of John Brown, d'cea-ied.r HAMILTON lllVOWN, Ex'r., Of J. 4il. Brown, dee'd. Wilkcsboro', N C, Julv 24, 1S40. Alan, there will be Bold on the 2'2nd and 2Hrd day of September next, at ihe luHise of the ulaive- ..tBifl Ifnirri llmwn. HORSES, Cat tic, lioga, and . Sheep, uaiUity of pood Wheal, of the trmwth ot crop of u heiil and Corn of lb a year growth i !&)&.imd.Uid-H'iuwto lure, Farming Utenail AIo, on the 23th and : 20th, a parcel or STO;K CATTLE; on the pre nri-ca ia Ahe, n Meet Camp Creek. For more full information concerning the Land above de- cribed, poruoti deirou to purchaie are referred to Hugh Brwn, in Wilkea, and John Miller, who eaiii o th Mect-Canin Land. " HAMILTON BROWN. :dr m. riiauiiamneut and htted it in a lv e .fur.Uie luitiaiiwTit'-TrtMeriSMa 'ZKUI nvmnier, i now prejiared fur their rexeu- turn. Ilia I ABLE wijl alwayate futnisbod hi BAR with a good aupply ot choice Liquors; hi ucok) ana ii aiwaya oekepi in line order ; ami hia St a ble (which are very exten-ive, are wll aonnhni nh Xoeoder of the firnl quality, and attended bv g-ood d fcllbful boalten. 1 : S IU hope, by trict attention to the business, ia pcr on,Ho give eatisfaction to all who may favor turn with their Vlronage. And he only (alia a call and trial. . ANDREW CALDOLKCUH. Lexington. IM. U., Feb. 21, 119. 11 SPHIXG Ai SU3IMKK GOOUS. HAVE jiwt rcei'j froth, New York and Philadel phia, an cxtdqsive aaeorlmeot of BrailTO i"2J?JLZ7. C0C2S, cx)iTi! or Dry Gnnda, II irdwarr, Tinware, Crock ery.GROC'ERlES, Dmgannd Me diciiwa, Dyd-SWa, Paml and Oil, Bi ot atjd Sh.ie, Saddlery, vc-, ic. In short, tlieir Slik eoinnneaVahnoei every article lr-tlt " '--Zi -ggjW.a"r,''l',MMea... '- iN. B -'Phe-y Will t)IT lovv for rash, or to punctual dealer en time; or in exchange for cyUotry Produce. Couw.nl, Jan. 17th. 140. y tt To tho PablicT HE Subaenbcr take thi method of infornomj the a Public, thai be atill continue to carry ou the bu- sii.au of fUTTINr.-STflSfi eual, at hi Granite Quary, aeven mile South o SaltsNirr, near the ld Chrleui mad, where ho ia able to supply all onlcra fur Alll.l -bTU.NLi) of tU . oest grit, ami on, ttm .i.nri.Hii n.m.. , , --. Auao for Sale, tt the lowrert price, . WINDOW SILLS, DOOR RILLS, DOOR STEPS. ROUGH BUILDING ROOKS, TO M R TONES. ' ' GOLD GR1NDF.RS, 4c. &c ic. J. HOULSHOU3ER,8tone-Cutter. -Salisbury, Oct. 25th, 139. tf. N. B (Inler for any of the hnve wrouuhl arti cle, directed to m at Salisbury, will be Minctuallv at. tended to. J. ft Fourth if last Call! ILL persiHia iiultbied to the Subacrilier," for": Beef.orollrerwise, either by'noie or account, are earnestly requested to maku payment on of fcV fre the 10th day of SeHembrrnexl, larther ia, I dulgsiKe ciimot lie giyen. Thoe who fMil lo pay up by that timo, tnay txpect lo pay accordinj to ,,, Law. HENRY SMITH. 'Aug. 21, 1940 .:.' .' 'pilKSE medicinea are ind.-t ted fW i ej - their maiiiret and ae.iSil,' ac,in ia'Mli" the aprinj-a and chnnnel. ol l,le, m,d l with renewediooe and visor. In m,.., 1.. 1 ' 1 lined casea which bav b.en made pui.l,,. , V mosl every Rtciea of diea to which iI,m frame is liable, the lumpy "elPrta of U ii 1"! LIFE PILLS AND I'll KMX BlTrr c V , - Til, krt ......r..n.. 1 ....1.1; 1.. . , J Q urnu Ijimriuiij auu .niuiltiy Uekllowb-i!,,,., 1 perdona benefitted, and wlm.were prvi,k'-' ' ' quainted with the beautifully pliiIoaophu.V U "' plea upon whiclj they are compounded, and which they consequently net. ' " The LIFE MEDICINES recomme,,. ., elveJn dixeaee of every description. , Their V'' oiieration if to loosen from the eoata of iu ... ' mid bowel, the vanoua itnpuntiea and cmd coiiaiauuy wining arounu lliein J and to the lianlened lii-cea which colUxl' in the Mini,,), c'tiV(.!u. tiona of lite emull intestinea. Other niedieii I.. ...II.. !.., .k... 4 I ",C0(. ij pn.nai.j i.miin mow, guu icmvij aUCM CollecM inasacs behind aa to produce habitual cotivt.)eJ with nil it train nf mviU. ir BiiI.lun . it imminent danger. Thia fact ia well kouwi u all regular anatomi-ta, who xamineihe buiu bnr?l after death r and hence the ereiuA-. . llieae well informed men agatmit quack metritiiHH or medicine prepared and herulucd to the BybiJ by ignorant terson. The accond eflect of ii t m i . I t . ." ... "' tuft Liiie .ucuicine ia 10 cieanso jne kidney and i bladder, and by thi mean, the liver anil the liim., the healthful action of which entirely depeiHkia!l on the regularity of the urinary organ, Tat blood, which tiike iu red color from ihe of the liver and the tungs beloie it jm., i,,io heart, being thus purified by theirt, and nourial by fiKd coming from a clean stomach, courie,rrt. ly. lliroii'gh the vein, renew every prt of the v tern, and triumphantly mount the baimtr of healia in tne uinoming cnecK. Moflat' Vegetable Lifd Medicine W thoroughly tested, and pronounced a aovojeign n. medy for Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Palpilati of ta Heart, Lo of A pMite, Heart .burn and Hex), ache, ReileneM, III temper, Anxiety, Lin and Melancholy, CotliveneK, D. irrhd-i, Cbotn v . 1 ..11 1.:. .1 . Ul . - rnvemoi an hhius, i.noioniiaiii, noui, Uropiie all kinds, Griivel, Woiiih, Aathma and CormnrA tion, Scurvy, Ulrer. Inveterate Borea, ScorUttc Eruptions and Had Complexion, Eruptiva eo. pliiiiit, Sallow, Cloudv', and other diaaermi.i, Complexion, Salt Rheum, Kripelaa, Cominn Coll and lnllueuza, aud yuripu other CfinipUinis A;-prlTly;rtiH;f1e-Mrarc miKt eminently aticeeanful ; ao much aofiM ioth Fever and Ague District, Phyaiciun almoat versully proacribo them. AU Mt-Mr. -MvmStrteqiiiTPl fjf lit rriilSiti be particular in taking the Life Medicine Until according lo tho direction. It i nut by a at, pupef notice, or by any thing lint! he himself nut any in their luvor, Inal be hope to gam credit, ft r aliHie by the rciN" of a fair trial. ' ' .' MOFFAT'S MEDICALMANUaL: deiijnpi a a d uneaiic vuiue to neallti. 1 hi little rjaj,.k. let, edited by W. B. Mollat, 375, Broadway, Nm York, ha a been pnlilished for ' tlie purpoMi of ct. plaining more fully Mr. MolTat' theory of diaeasM, and will be found highly inlereattog t penaw necking health. It treats npon prevalent diwuw, and the cauae thereof. IVe g.Ti caauVjbf U4 by Mr...Mollr agent generally ThewTViTuuTiIo Me.acuV are 6i aaltfiy ClUd-AJCtSr- :?a1Iiwiry7N7C., May 1, 1840, ; f pill! Snbacribpr ha an improted patent Spidlr fe a ililia, by which, mill will do miicJi belter tUa Wilb tutt-mnml form ot' MjiiiiiHe'.'.ILiB ao-trtjelei --H WnfhjfTrfff r killnor the Die 1 Id ant ana. " .r-,-'.'"-'un,l mnr. !TjCW5B - miy io preaervo u jwlauce, and ot coarae U.trt uia runtiiiigoi the atone. -J Jbujk.)y. ,lhta impwyed-fvtrndertt'n will dp i Jeaat orwMlrird mere 5ttetne7iiifl the aV of niperiur quality. J: '1.. &y faiMi" wHToV.ff" jo""tiie6ncJtW&yiu, m J-Mam.biui'Sirii.H, -by matenw-a-nptTeai ItavrfltV" in a anon, uuwj to e bupicriii.r al M.vi1I,1jh Co. N. C. I think thg probable eosl will aot txcaal lor the Patent and Spindle ready for uae. lHHI1f?fW ST' m auccewhil operttioo :-Col WSJ? KpAv. TKaa. F ter, Joseph Hall and" Snn'l. F.terof Davie County; Uillireih Dirkaon and Yavid i. lUniK.r of Ijmini Cliarlc (Millith of Rowan ; Addimm Mik o Dm wm, and William Dom of Surrv. all of whom ara Atja ly pleaned with it performance. L M. GIUERT.' Oc-toVr 25, V.i i (f 'I1I1K SUB-tCRIUF.R living near Lexington, IhraJ J - aon County, taki tliianieihod'lo inform lli P- lie that lie will enter iiito.uontract with any Pew. fjemona, either in Davidson, Rowan, or ClirrutiB' ; tie, who wish hoiiars, lactone, or anyber kind f budding en-cted of Brick, to build them aebrSBl durable, and in aa good style a any workman in Uita country. : He will also, mould and burn the Brick, il wtntevU-.-Ile trusts that his long experience iu MOULDING AND i.avivh pmrKV will.i-nlille htm loa fharc nf public patronage. - He would refi-'r eontleinen wiahimr work don in kit Lmeiof Buaineas, to the Female Acadtinv and tbeart t proof CterV office in Saliabury, a' apeciinei-w' hi w-m j. N. B. Those wishing work done, will pleas It word at the olhe of the Western Carolinian, tad l shall be punctually attended to. ROBERT COX," Davhlsoo. April lCM. tf r , ' jHE Subscriber living seven mile south of fc'" i- bury, intends keeping constantly on hand, M hi anil (Iruniie HHj op:i-ly U TO.MH TONES, o that he can esecutc any order in that Line, on lest ueliee. alio- -H ia ready to exiulo any wwtc which may 1w S.r in SCULPTURING, NTONE-CUTTIN'G, EN" , GRAVING, &o and lie aaaunw tho who nwf hiui with their work, that miles well don tccordmf to contract, be baa no pay. A complete larce Dairy Trough lor tale, cat of Ric Sir the purpose ul preserving milk cool. Apply t Subscriber. ENOCH E. PHILUrS. November Isu,. , MOFFAT S LIFE TUA IllTTEKS. 'HUE LIFE CIVTNO PILLS AND riKEXI - BITTERS, so celebrated, and eo muco ud 1 the afflicted la every part of ihe country, ia bow re ceived and for tale by the Subscriber , o ; CRESS & BOGE3, A?entfc l' Measr. Sparsne A SRAtatl, ia Con curd, N. C.,tr also AgnnU for th mC - P. S. See advertisement Ap-il 4, '3!fe tf u. it

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