A 7 ' X. i ": HITTERS OF. -. CcL 'ror!i.t:i to CJrn. Karrlnon. Rc Hook, July 1, 118. Tit : CWJ 1 calculate on seeing you within any r.axu!:e time, tin letter would not be written j but s there i no prospect of thia, J deem (, there, fore, wurt'proi-erm' Ibis wsy to tate to you with ewliir, that-report, or falter statement, have U ui made to me of curb a, nature, end from wajr en so direct ad apparently soau Iten1i,as tacauae ' me to hesitate in tht language I should bear lo v.ifa you ; and which will, miles! positively denied fey you, rail from me auch contradiction t would be extremely unpleasant to me, and, perhaps, mot lifving to you, .:.,. ' ' It m stated, thatyou revised and corrected the w rk entitled War in the Wm," (of which Mc "AAr"it Ao iniblw author! preoertory to in ga-are, tmi giving ytt unction and au thority l the publication of a statement in relation t the defence of Lower Sandusky, moat positively i correct, ar.d which yon at the time knew to be in direct cotitradicimn of the language. wbieH' you held in (he Camp uf Seiiera, during the bombard, itnenl of Sanduoky hy the enemy. , --'Gen. Hanson," aaya lb author, M diswwering from I he (ire of the enemy, that they had nothing bat liitHt artillery, which could make no imiiresaion oo rh work, felt no apprehension for the safety of the pitrim, well knowing tint a breach could not be eileeted, and that, without forming a breach, every attempt at eacalie could be resisted by the esmaon, or words la Una amount' statenient 'a void of trjih at mriHr, a you well know, re collecting, you muat, yiMir utieaainea during the whole coiitiiiuance ef the camaiade jlr the aafety of tb garrison, ami which more than once wrung from you thia wrong language of censure of my eon-hicl " 1 wah my hand of it the blood be on tit nwu hd,rj-lguge which you had no ngltf Ui e, and which would have damned my rep iiaiiou aa ait officer, had 1 fallen oo that oeca- aion. . : ' I am informed that very lately, at a dinner in Philadelphia, wherihn tubject of the defence of , PiKlueky waa brought op, you expressed youreell iii subitaoce the "To otneera and 4dir of T n Ihhl (Trfi-.n are not deserving of distinction for it doieoce, as h h generally thought ; to the bund ao'I t!lv of I lie enemy, more than to any ei V . Inordinary exertion or skill of their, i to be as- cribwl bia defeat and their aaietyj il ia true, they did very well., but no. better Mian arty other .like r y, iiurr.tr ot trooj from my army would have dune, ' Sw., t him c uuiimiiiig on in auch an eipoaition of lite ( aiL.r at um'Ii iije, aaya my uifinuaiil, and tbcra ' " ft ll WAe, vpfm an aainnialiment that lb me , , ta!4, exoKs. an eiomslunef.t that thsT rn , orer;led, and that the commanding ofTwer had. . ieciied f r amrb aervice auch applause. Did auch rooterwtiioo ever take placet or have you ever , t tprearied yourself io auch maimer of the 6v fence :Z- Tot t5ik5unky , a to induce toe belief in any one that it a-arriaon received : ra nner plaudita lhan.it waa " - deserving ut . Aiid in a-tking ihia, may I at (he t karne twue require of yon an equally candid denial , ir adnnaaiofl of the statement of your having revi- . a4 Ibe-work td" which M'Aflee ie the ostensible t auilrnt t If it U made to apper front your answer tlul my ioformanla la reported flelv, they ahall , kux'W n t'i their conltwnoo and cot ) but if, on the MjM;f ImukI, there is an aifirmatioq on your par ot lite truth of their aiatement, I will immediately , - '' .'. , li swiii marlf ..o..wrect.he jfjIimprewNon. yon, may hive made. I will tie in New ork un .' . Hi the 1st of October next, la which. pUra 1 beg ' iliat our anr may be directed. " ' 1 ' r .... i MttHr whwwtot To 6V. Ilf. U.Ihmmm, CtiZfinMlV , W MK.tlllll V : r- .New Voa:,'Aug. II. 1816." n.t. c..; T i. ......... j .. i :. . .i i warm, waa but etpreaaiv uf my wg timt . fl had iheu ararce a dbt rfjiiiltJao! EJfeLciV etr.,rd.nar chainufl " ' Oftti-in itrlors rue. uh every deaire to tvt-twiiri jwfnaangrt trrrrpect;l"wi ' KHi.Ualo exi.rtTW mysilf aa I wiatied. (or at each 5fcHtp.t, MUt iiuplKMHQ tMOUtet, I WcBUW H OMne warm at the tU uf having ao mistaken our cU-ractt r. Nor wirl you be surprise at this, hen inforn edof the manner io which it was pro. duced. In lite 6 rat place, 1 waa never aaiisned yae rrporfV n-iitfrrtjf 8andukyrY(i .futogised individual gallantry alone, witboul any attempt at pfuciog lb facts before Hie Government in the impurtaet light they merited, thus doing an injury lo myself and other concerned : however, - tin neglect I uid ao exriMe nr at the time ; the wperaied stale uf puhiic fc-uling, unjustly direct J again4 yoursrlf, rendering it more proper, Cr '' a tint at h4, thai such facta should be withheld -' anwld lewd the lurti.er lo mere the repolalnm uf the aifair. Secondly j when 1 heard, fir more luao two year, ndicer dec U re that vou were mi mical lo hw (at lb aanaa time giving itistaice peootj a avoii appeered m Kentucky, hiahlv eorro- j boraiive of Umm declarati.ins J for, in this book. (m which it is said yoa had paaiftd your appmb Hon whiW yrt m manuscript,) a statement m givei, if lb afl-.ir of Hoodus'.y, cakulateii aaoal corn!' ;eiy to hfwn ia reputation in th opinion of the puyiiv Laulv ; when in a degre exasperated al lite f;.!w coloring given td tlie affair of Saudiwkv in the h.a k relerred lo, while revolviiur in mv blind a rm jeciure of lb real state of your feeling towards me, I accideniaily met with a stranger, who rei-itra t me a eonverwilion h had recently fectdwTthToo-.lhat pbtc tn fCT of f ouf htiTitv Leyond q'icstiun. The eonvemtiou hern alludrrl , iwueipreaed at length ia my last teller, and to it , I mL-bt have adJed anuibef fact which bad it place U th chain of connection, that yo pieaentd lo fits atranef , Z't I I'UlltJ rlt. I Iff V HV Vouched tr ita Cirrecioeas, aa it was given lo hint lief be had avowed Lrv Miration of writinf an a. rmmt of thenar.. I i;ht her relate many other i fi lap" JUf. a 4.Ui aaiw-af iwsulai . coincim" ; um i oerm it win Ecauny appeal iruio thoa I have already Haled, that I was alow In be. lteve yo capable of imfimoerfeeliivg, and thai th warmih rT which yon complain, wa the conwr. 4peor of aoi!lintti on my part to trouble you ft ith a recital of in varvoo rep.rta I bad beard, ntil al last they assumed so piaative a clumber a i imprea ue with aluMat aa entire coovictioti of thetr troth. 1 may olS these partkular in excuse for the tto and Unuag"? ot my letter; but ihey do not rua ma the I lo regret having betrayed such warm'h. You haJ a right loexprcl other treat h"tii ; arid I da not hesitate to say (tat I have wrm.ged your frufuialiip. : . . Yimr lef.er bexrs with it all th (Stiafaction lhat yew ciu'J irive. or lhat I could ask. You havdo. tueL in eir, ..ic term, the truth of lb. state nenx ih -t have been rnx !e to me, and of cnura !jfid acq'i.ttrd of every chirge of improper fe. . (.ar ' me. Th sul j-ct, I hope, ny stand at r! f .' r, at least w faraa relate to yourself. 1 Should a second edition of M'AffiV boolj be pub linhi d, I will oftr to the publisher an in.pariiiil de liul of facta in rrlmton to the affiur of amluky, a a duly which I owe to i!m brave men who sre. injured in the staieinent imw txfore the world; but ' in whatever I may say, no personal allumons shall lAmaae o yourwlf, if they can be avoided. Al- though I no longer harbor thought of your li ving ever wilfully injured u, or of your having at -any time atated thing with a view to detracll. from the menu of the defence rf Enndunky, I am very fur, at the saute time,-from placing ai I ii:d " loathe ktrongeat reliance on the activity of 'r friendthip for me. 1 once tliouilii you anxious to seek an occasion lo sjieak in praise of my service, t since find tnf mintke, and that your neglect of ma has pone so far us to caute vou oase from under your eye work containing ari incorrect account an ailair on which my reputation aa a soldier greatly depended, wlien it was fully in your power to have given the necewsary wrrertma. ruling, a I do, that I have strive a great dull w your behalf, o aware that you were conscious m my having at ooe time rendered you a very signal serf , vice, I am surprised, perhaps mortified, that you should have nralecled the very favorable npporlu nity lhat was onV'red to you of acknowledging the obligation, by generoualy publishing to the world a full account of every transaction, in relation fo the defence of 8anduky. 8uch course would not have left me among the number of those who have given proof of nere personal courage, but would have ranked me among the roll of thoa" who have rendered their country signal, services, whit it wouli have exalted you as one superior to an selfish eonaiderations, more anxioua to render ju..' tic to otheri than Jo claim it for jPOureu I pave . been educated in the belief that candor ia a virtue 1 therefore addresa you iri its utmoat aincerity. 1 do twit wish to hurt your feelings, but lo show you what my own are I am as willing oow aa I have em buen lo apeak in your favor, nor will I ever negieci an opporiunny oi ooing yu tice 10 your un litary worth end services. v I am, very respectiuuv, woura, GEORGE CROGUAX. ' Ge. HarrUon, Cincinnati. : I . H rw 0 leaks, May 24, 1!3 Sin 1 unwillingly renew our correspondence, which 1 bad iHougbt had finally closed with my letter of tbe lUlH August, 1818 1 and that 1 do ao, will, be received as an evidence thai my feelings towarda vou are al leaat not hostile. You will call w iiiiiiu iiin uiinivuiara m uurmoui wu-.wynnr- ence at Washington City, aod cannot therefore be surprised at my entering, without circumlocution, Jr' " -n lawiyw. H served with me al Lower 8anduaky, and I require it for them at your bands. It would be needleae fof me to point out in what particular lliay tiavn uftared ; to vou, at leiat, ii should be enough lo be referred to ja'Affeckllistory of tnJVatinjh Weit,nd your own Biography, recently published i i Cincinnati. What ia eaid in either of tltese bonka, calculated to place rlje transaction al Low- r Ssndu. ky in a hither point of view before the world than it claimed for the most insignificant affairs of lhat day 1 Your answer must be that of every other renter nothing. 1 ask no more myself, General lUrrison, than I have a right to claim for every aajdier who served UDdcr .rre. But might I not ask for mora al your hands t If you have on park of grateful recollection, you will answer, Did I hot sacrifice fflysetf4 ye4, more, inucn more. to save you t .Did I not, at a moment when the excitement against you throughout ' th whole Btat y4 Olyn amounted to pem-ral clsmot, when there wasalmoM iniiiiny ui-j - - .L jtnA youe frieail required of me, as necessary to reinstate you in the good opinion of the people and the army T The success of our army required that you, trio General in chief, , ahwfrvhejftffen !',! i J"- jcrt to your correction, without tAinorhatThe V I It IP hi fill IV lhat faWI tVltttPaXilr kciliaaA lVMl nM M J VUr Miili ihal,i'eu ytjwxaelf Jbehcxed, that oo my J. expresaioua in reiaU-Hi lo you much depended. Uut oi wnr i flifl rot yM enough jif what, vou hav,j dooe fur me, there ia nothing lo be told. Yoa have personally pledged youranll lo correct any false impreasiona lhat may have boen created by the pub. licatiim of the Iwo works above mentioned t io a ord,lo spefckof all IhtMga w raktkMf tn thatrarw- actions in Saiiihisky, aa they deserve We are told in M' A floe's Hwlory : Gen. Har. rison, discovering from the fire of the enemy, that he had nothing hut light artillery, which could make no impieaaion upon the works, felt not a mo ment alarmed for Ihe safely of the ffarriaon, well knowing lhat a bsaach could not be effected, and hal without effecting- breach, every attempt at' escalade wowld be euocuaNfilly repelled." General Harrison, ta this tlie Fiet T Did j o nit, during the whole of the bombardment of thirty mt hour, evince more emotion lhan eoutd have been induced by a belief thai the garrison was not etdangered t DiJyou'oot.iniheextremityofyoorapprTb'iuioie, more than oncerry ot." The Wood be on disown , no w i wasn n y nana oi II I Aud waw there on nai ia your whole camp al Seneca, (the gallaut wood axcupteo.) w!w believed that, willMul the motoVperatn jeswtanc,ahe garrtaoa ould. pre vail againnt iim altacka of the enemy I Amwer these queries, and iuirly. I demand it of you aa a right. If th stateuwot m M Atlee hook be cor. rct, then where is the merit or the defence of San dusky! 1 State candidly I ha fiicts, without ruloity .ttxJsiT7.TttT.Ttt-i it " " avaavit ibbj w ! avay I JU BVXJl ajaj udged by lua works. Tell to tbe world, lhal amen you fell back on Seneca, leaving, aa a gftxriaW for -Sandiiaky , but one hundred and fifty nvm, tlie wnrka of Ihe place were measurably defeuceleaa, that lb' lals a hiii h cunitatlaal Ik Himk liuus. a am i luoaely pl inled, that th efforts of a auigle ma could pull many of Ihem up lhat there waa Do liilea about tha work, nor any miiwa. J defence to twiMavae aw avsailiin nirevthit hii!'vew eiiiien'1!! ' -I I A "t 1 - r- 1 " - -ii- -. uig fuoUjrct Kti JwbinCtud Ibosu uowiliiiily," and lo all thia, lhat them was spired to us scarce , 40 round of musket eatndge per m.n, without a single prepared Catriilge, or on ounce of powder for the wily piece of artillery in Ihe place. Then state the appeanoce of the defence m your eoin- ingdown iuunediately after the detest and flight of ih enemy. The brave men who toiled there during ten day and oighta to put themselves in a nature of deicnca, ar aa much emitted lo credit fur it a Ihey are deserving of praise fur their gaj. lamrv after lb coming of the enemy. . , " ..: Having enlarged ow the point aa fir a may' beTdue to Ihe tm:t, I would (hen have yon apeak of every other rlrciruiataoce in relation to the af fair at Sandusky (both anterior and sulawqueni) calculated lo place it in its proper light I have been told it already ik-ciipie it proper light that every thing iu relation, to it ia well understood, and duly eppreoiiied. . Can yoa join in any expree si nns of this kind? Surely you Cannot; for you know too well what waa done on the frontier, and how much immerliatel, around Sandusky tll : ha.,, rmn. lo whU If iiiv wrvwes bave been our duly appreciated, llien truly have I been renting too contentedly upon wnai i nave none, w, public expreawion, conveying en aurance oi me great euse , in winch my services are held, has ever yet r"acbed me Yw "'"y y that I recei vd a sord from the ladies ol UnlieoJh, mat I was slso breveted by ttte President : for the fir?, f f,.l ss a soldier omrht to reel ti.r a Bid h'th " hould nnw a hie hie : a. for tbe iatier, I regard it as a ihmg f no value, and wot to b considered, for breveta had been dealt out by Ibe iiZn and of ten timee to thot who had never seen the enemy. My name waa once before Congress for a vol ot thauk, and it waa rejected asomax- iy an cxprrw ion of its approbation. , When 1 was thu flitter inl oanaed unon,' wa Cong re, in yput opinion, iufornied tX all I had done in yw Northweillt Ym will my not.' Ani whea at a very' recent prid, on, I waa eon.iielk'd by riiy necessities to ask ol ice, and an i moor uut one, and found difliculfif and vexation when I expected every thing the rel verse, had I not a right to believe thut my claima to preference were considered but of the same rank wi h' tboae ol every war applicant mrouicei The world knows that there waa a repulae of the enemy at Lower Sawluaky, but what further doe itrkoow calculated to enhance ii a Dove me mosi rif ml affairs of the warT Uoes it know that disobeyed your orders lo abandon the- place, and that thia disobedience saved your army from a precipitate retreat , and perhaps Ihe whole frontier from the incursions of a savage foe T A council of four gem.ral and field officer decided upon the propriety of falling oacit upon upper oatwusKy ; every arrangement waa made for a precipitate re treat, and the signal ot departure was to be given ai the mnmekt l mv loinins. I care not, i our order wa disobeyed, and you were thus aaved from the of retrograde step. 1 tie coweqiencee of th repub of th enemy at Lower Sandusky were, a you have known, more important than can be conceived by lbaM unacquainted with the topo graphy of the section of country under view, and tbe ooMtioo of the opposing forces, now you wnuld have fared had I been captured, yri can conjecture J at all events, W did appear lhat at thelime, you believed the enemy were then a match for vou. And what would have been tbe aihaequence of your defeat. A smoking frontier of more thaii five hundred mile in extent. hat saved the tvats and immen atores cocent rated at Cleveland under f ho direction of Major, now tirri iwtfKe attack "of iand and naval furcea upon the fl.jel ol Commodore Terry, ai Erie, al a time when iiane. - . .?a j truetioo must av Deen canain i my uisourui- i. L. J..I..-. I t&HM jiuimqv&MHluA. eoulse of the enemy on leavin Detroit inJuly, 1913, had no other oh- leet in vtew than Ihe nest roc Hon ol the neet oi Commodore Perry at Krie, and of the onliury stores and hoate at Cleaveland. He blockaded Fort Meigalherely a 'a' eovei 'Id hie real inlentinc aod lo atlord hua aa opportunity of ascertaining what reinforceuietit were marching out, that he might be assured of th safety af Detroit during hi abaeqee. Satisfied uf ibis, be left Fort Meitrs with a fore of at least three thousand Mien, (In diana included) in futheranc of the grandobject of the expedition. On reaching the point ef cm. a n a a. t ami al in entrance ol sanuusay oar, or inoian Circe refused to go furilier on the lake, without first ukimr the scalp and plunder at Furl Sandus- 7'm v i. alafment, (now in your b.) unwillingly indulged thero, ! aai!,.vi, mifia ti iui icu auu wiin neavvi Inaa. The Indian deserve to a man, and thus an -iyH.iioiL oniriiiallv well pTunned, and fraught with UfcaJT)' cwai quences irfout caow, wa tng. pieieiy oeioa.eu oy a porce oi iw men, or wlm.llllc,f. Duiihe corrraoIcfwe explain itself Ifltklilia I. al itAS aaa navaiuo. laaaaa tkaaakak ..fl... J all... . ... III ail ii-.Mar.-'- II... . .k- iw..:, HutiuiiiE twtiircfl IM uintaro iita vivii uiirrvu lllin W8 " (he w L, if-..--"-?-'- -RitttWw-r"' . . - - - G LObUiJl UHUGUAN. To Gen. Wm. II. lfarrinn Cincinnati, O. &WS)X .. I kaaff n.a w.,.o kata a. . J a,- p ria that -n am war ha bun relumed to-my let I... nf .Ka J I l rnmm. 1 1 MA. I I dgaaa. rfiwawJptf-aWyWv1 . i w tin ,in .,aT tarn , un w.wii u avaiiuwi- request, 1 had. therefore, every reason lo flitter myaelf with a belief thai I should hear from you without luu of time. I am fully decided upon ha - ving an in lacis wwrniwiw w ia iraosaciiooa at will, therefore, unices something aitisfictory be1 hortly obtained from ym, publish Ihe letter which have paased between us, that rt may be at once seen of what 1 com plain, and with bow much cause. Thi ia not offered a a threat far from it but to show you that I am In earneat, and that I may he forced b you to Lav recourse to a most disagre- aole altercatHm. Yuor. - 1 - t -GEO. CROGHAN. T Gen. Wm. ii. Ilarrit-M, Cincinnati. New OtLEatvs, September '22, 1825. Dcai Slit Your of the 311 August aa re ceived tin morumg. Let your expose of ihe San dusky affair be aa it may, my teller of Ihe 24lh 7 7; r ' ,! .! selve. lb nanm of lVJig exclusively, deny were to admit their statemeni are incorrect. , , . ., . . . 8hwldthe p.rolicrion 6f Dawsoh'aaupplemeni tity w.ththeold Federal partv T Chan- Mtifaclorjvrill,:of cr,p in Ihe matter; in truth, will be satisfied wi hmuch principle. " If the same men who constituted th lea lhan i asked for in my letter of the 24th May ; old Federal party with the very tame principle, for I car not lhat the world should know how farjand ........re now found associated under the name 1 lenrmywslf to aarv the public, and lo save you. t wh, , . p, , Mv batter nf the 2tth M. arnttrair lhat ------ - iuimi htntrti7rirTt.ia ty' I J f - ..j aa'xf aw was for yourself alone, and intended to operaie up- oa your feeing uf generosity, which, in relation to mvself. bad been dormant fir twelve years, greatly to my injury, and it wa. therefore, that I iiiiiiiin la i.ir wimi, in inn airun nainii lauiiiiaif) oi a t winch I wa. capable, those fact which aremed beat calculated to operite uron Ih. feeling I was dcatrou of catling, i.t.i action. My letter id the eh Au(iiia) wliieti yw ' Ki...r-'l .-rr--.-e- siruiiig into a thn'sTi'iTThe mr ouoouve elMraie getfulrieaa, let slip a tmrd opportunity for reoderiog justice In those who fought at Siniokv, Your. - n f UtO. CKlKill AN' T Cen. If'su . ifumaua, Cincinnati. New 0i.Ka5S, D-ceniber 20, 1825. -r, was wrmen wi.n no ".ner vmw man me one . ihemaelvea, promsa and maintain tha same princr expmased, to prove I you lhat I waa in earnest ,f(. Fem,r8,u dJ io m2 ,1JJ . , , for I had every raa--n la believe that wuboul aa . . ' necawimal hint ithe amrt. vou miirhi. in vour for T,ke 1 le Prum"M examploa i-Daul. V el- . Du Sib : I did Immediatelv anawer.yonr l'7T ,, 7 7 " oemwn. . letter td" tbe 34th October, becauViher appear. iCeJ ,n8 P"t'c AdminwiratiiK. of-Mr. Madi no csll for hate, and, moreover, I have been, ainci h 'he snme bttter viruleoc-lhat h now hurl tt mceipt.occawontilly unwell, and occupied more his fury against thxt of Van Quren, aod h abused than usually iu the buiis of my office. I wil-1 Mutism perwnallv aa bitterly a ha now abusea lingly acrede to lb proposition made by you for. Yo Buren. referring the matter beiweam u! in w-ne of our mu- Anon f :-M r. Webate colleague in tul friend, iqd wilt abide by their decision, pro. , . .- , 6 - - vided no cmlradictiax be given by you .lo thetat. Sanate of the UnHeil S..te. from Mk-chu. menu contained ia the letter which I ahall offer rt D," Thia man, when he heard ia evidence. I thtw reserve to myself tha right of , the near that the P.,itish had taken Waahinjton, rejoinm-r. ' 'rL' LCA lo lienerai Jeop, lo be laid before tha Board. rorrrp.mo.:." - o-. - Reapectrullv voura, r,FX)Rc5E (RCKJIIAN. To Of - W.ll. IIirriton, Wuthinghm City. ;rJa r ajkuiZI ESTEKN CAROLINIAN. Friday, BLPTE.TIIIEIt 85, 1 810. DEMOCBaTIC KEWBLICaN ELECTORAL TICKET. Election the 2t of November. ' iatrict-GEORGE BOWER, of Ashe county. DRL'RY DOBBlNe, of Kulberlord. HENRY FL'LLEN WIDER, of Lincoln. BURTON CRAKJE, of JtawanJ LITTLETON GWYN, of CaawelL RICHARD C. COTTON, of Chatham. lAUGIlxIN BLTliUNHofCumb'rrnd JOHN BERRY, of Granville. j out ah o. Watson, of Johoaon. WIfX: P. WILIJAMS, of Fraaklin." AlJ-:lt! W. MEBANE. of Berti. . CHARLES E JOHNSON, of Chowan . WILL: 1 KEIVNKUY, of Beautort. JAMES Bt. WHITHELD, of Greene. WILLIAM & ASHE, of Newbanover (&" Subscriber in Mekltnburg Covnlf will find their account in Ihe hand of GV T. Aktan oW,Eq., of Charlotte, who wtlj settle with ibero as fully as we could do ounelvesN' ' - ' ; IlasHi Smith, Esq., near Feinier's P. O., ia our authorised ageul io Iredell ounly and Mr. Epkraim Mavney, ii Lincoln county. Wa hope our. tntMcrilier will do u the justice to call pn these geutlemen and discharge their re apedive account, some ol which are orlong standing. . V CEUBBaTloK will be a highly interesting alldir.i Io participate in it and hear the great men who wilhe pr'eaeiil on the Kepublicans of Korfh ind'SoutB Carolina wilt flock to the battle ground. A general invitation is extended, and we hope to see puiny ot the Uepub licana of Rowan going up. It will require only a few days .aod no expense, as evvry man can take bis own proviaiona. Such another opportunity lo meet and hear aome of the moat distinguished men of the country may not soon again occur, and it is surely worth the sacrifice of a few days to be pre sent. . . COL CROGHAN AND GEN. HARRISON. I " " ICrngh We thia week make room for the letters of CoL i an to Gen. Harrison in reference In ihe North. VVWm war and ertielWy--fla!mg th fcnc'fcof the Lower Sandusky Col. Croghan earn' , plain of the injustice done him, in the account of . lhat affair a stated in aeveral bUtoriee published under the immediate supervision of Gen. Harrison hliuveir. Bui iti and we submit i nf iavaw :! r.l . , .l. 1 -.. 4 -..... uriurr commeni. in ,tn anali.ki K jv - C . . . . .L t vm rerm, . i f oC-U'iatlttadelhy ihe anawer of 1 frrx-tTjff several letter of Croghan, we sliould mention, that iVtK tirMtaTiwImaiiingJlsW lttlfMliaa!wV 'ri' Gerif.rri .r W i - -. A - auTtfiey only waitedTn intiroatioq from Ilarrisoo -j c.ls. mmjntl ; B,TC" '" ,,fr'0" ""' areconse-. 'S"pl"ly withheld. " The Hero of North Bend" is ! not anxious lhat hi spologie to Croghan, Cr the , ( unjuat, unKjail andishoM - ,. , , r , . ' rea,wr ooserT ,n? ,one ol h,,,er. ! " uure" uarrisou privately, in rcapecttul re. I monstrance for a crying wrong and flnirrftnt inina- tice,-od let it be borne in mind, that with all their recklenes, tSe Fuih ral papers have never gone r. .1 , ..n j" ., , . , , j " " ,01eU ta. ,,w cla"n Croh" io uio nonur ouu lor ne succewmi ncionce ol the . part of Lower Sanduaky, when Harrison hsd or dered bim to abandon it lo the ruemy and join 'iiin in retrial. .. WHIGg AND FEDERALISTS THE SAME. Whv is it that thnan who haaa aaatmout C. IW 1 Of wit. ... : i . t . i J pphtel. hich w have hefore mentioned, haa lately been published in Boston, full of hiatori. Cat facta of a political nature." Thia pamphlet prove two thing beyond the shadow of a doubt. " - i wjiaalhitirw Tif ltljAiita VtmJ il.-i -ii .1 . ! T 7- n- ' k 'v iZt e V , ! k'J,0 Zgnd of tha present day, ! Feattalitti in 1813 M3, and - if7j.' "T1i'art thej now call er " ,vr tl,e h,!d of the W bi party ; so in 1S12, '13, and '14 was he one of the leaders of the Federal party. He wa then in Congress, and violently oppoied the War, on every occasion when be could find ao opportunity. ' lie iiivarmbly voted aifinai aamnlm rf man stJI ihio.ai, ' t f .J latW 2nd V 3rd 4ih V Sth 6th 7tb 8th 9th - 10th Uth " 12th 13ih Uth 15th nd bi.rt.f il.e tapito!, eavi tW elmrt aireeis oi i orr.lef. lit Mr. U.. . .. . Ca and Whig raiidiktc for Gvrrw w MWaf j6, Io 1SJ4. the Hartford Couvw fc plana fur the .). ral ion of Nw Cg! Inaa uioi-r oiaica, ouu io fifW an Sihatira ,i. i'th. t ft as contemplated to farm m ctom m. tian v'tik the Priliik rrovn and kare tut ,J ViFttmly to reign evWfcst TLs teriuinatioo of the war defeated" their achekw mj . . . .. . t t . ..... va . covrreu ine conapirauirs wan ow raoe. Msh .i Iheae men are yet living, and every me l t culli kirn! ki, end goet for Uterus Another example : During the war arhea mrmfiX-nnrfgnijne Cans, with feeling of patriotic exuhatko, fecx4 they alwaya did at tbe success of their eab" arms. W hat waa the conduct of the Federal at ty f Did they join in the triumph. ttiey trom mnng ao, mat unaue to cwtoe g, disappointment at Ihe defeat of the Bchm, rnged to see the triumph of Aaaencaai area, ft, i J I...: .":IT..l"Iu .'. . V"? mrouueeo rcvoiuinaia nnu ion ja asaacbiMtStl gialature, and paastd a resolution oWbrang , occomia; a religious people like itiTwaalii rejoice at victorie in such a war aa thai. moat abominable resoUiiKsii was paaacat ay n vole of ihe Federalist, they having a enajtawj th Legislature. Of iboae who voted for tha ia. aolpioo a good many are yet Irving jt J aa arc o good Wkig$ md g. fur IJr rro. ---.-r-:;---: . .'--.v.--r. The pnbliCstinn, from which we Lav fom facta, give many other proof to show rJaat tat Whigi of lb present day are the fWrre&fe former time. This i so clear lhat no ciy will deny it. If any further proof wet axcary to establish thing so evident, let the RaWh around in th extent his owe anpaintawr anl see where all the old Federaliet are wow '-mi. Mark Ihem, and you will find lh.it alaaoat a aaq, .1 tl' , i .1 ww ' - m mey are rat nea vancrrae tsarnmmjtog. HARRlSOAi'8 STANDING AH MY" OPLMOXI To hear I h present ioaiUig rnr af Shv army" against Van Burea ft PaanaHt'e reyvjwj plan lo organize th militia, woaM.ajnxr aaaaan. ... ..-j-.. '...- .-?H:-K-.v-a,t;..7r;tt,.v--..v contained in the fallowing le:ier aa Ut 'a Ft ry lastt Here Ihe old tenllenva re aasrila ka ci,)ine, td lie mauitatiied, ly taring ihm cV-a plan Jen fold worse than Poinsett' impractiralj projc and then turn about and with bis skat party denounce Van Dure far a ) leas em. Uouable, arjuch hfcnet-recommswdsal I Taewj- man aneer at iha presrrvf militu nate, ("a snv" tern it can bo called.") II ia alaay jeataa to Greece and Rome, where the oMn-ry gave bw and finally overturoed th Republic and eatahliaanl military monarchic, e thetr rams; these he ic- corornend M fit exahijtle fir ear imstatxax. Sal 7 themoatextraordirurvV all ia, to see Get. Ilirriw one dy strongly advtirg araldretaneg g tVtt. ject nearest his heart (except taxing the Sathfelwy aW--4h!aa)'t.iMS ihwf Vtinw af eagwmia in miiiua carrttximii, aim inp wrxr oaj exexsjsuijg a plan similar to his own, prop?d by rMBen,a ' a Standing Army ft,,'- . I Hr is the loiter t VJ ' --j , -TOTUE Lf)0ISTriXE IJXioX if t. -? iXtm fUauA,' Far 1.1 ... Ilpiaj. pftStpaHaxikaalWtWiSgia the tormaiKHK ot w.k i w aa aaoara, iji sn seals tlirout Lout the Untocu be bwur In ktm. he project of aim. So hang use aw rtl I f emIeaviirWjto e ilThe-irrear k9 ..f uiilLSiiZ. aw4 - ' rT.i .J' V T ' l' " ' TTa-' " ' " - " - . . Vucitud tlie KaiwtMwTf nmrnrnt CmmmW dimbm m which Ik elrctCwrtel'lkrmttliiimrrtmwmmm iedmttko fnmopeme;-fv?ht1ttiaaTcp& Utives, ia tb Btteenui Cawgresa, I premuu a reant coouiaing tbe outline ot a syetea at aailttar asa tion of ail the yauth of the coaatry ia iW arawarf Mminine of learning, la abort, wpglecaat a PfWuni'I in .Congreas, ia. Mter Ml prawJ Jlj toasts at puMic Ouuvtvial meetutga, as wrgw twt Bavar ian ce of creating a tuti tsl deteuc sail rat la tjwcsav sctcr of our Government i . " So much has ihe aatueet occapted my anal. Bat tt has otien been luiupnaiurly mutaaaced aa the ai'w " ted " Ihlentla ftt ( art a "of tUe elder Cat, fcf my ena-ia Ha beew ia rata. Ibe aimtaai ef sar rulers ami tjie revenuea of tha ututMy lu aecaaV recled to oUiur otja.U eorwaj-rrd M ky Utrcai more imuorUuL Such, however, were sat live laaa ii of the Ronisa snd Grecna 8eualt, wwea Raawwal Oreece were free. Dor in oaaiera laaaw. a dae I ! of nruian tteua IS NSHwortal Wirtaaai PaVfUaf elder) nor ot our ow.. VV'aaeatrioa and JHtVsaav Wilt the citizen who re enrolied aa Qtt Vianvf their country, lunger suffer, wader taw groat acfW will they longer lulerat wtch a sailitie ayaarsa, 4 tern It cm be cslled.) tod aoch a a-sanea ayataaa. void of feature ot juatice, aod ever pntxiiaV f fcy 1 ican ism ! " W.LUAll TlllY 11 AjlMSOX. 3 combiaed efforts of tb Bank to dial ma thecaaw try and embarraaa trade, tt ra rtpioy revrvwa; ia the commercial cities. Th iiwponataaM lata X York are greatly iocrewajng, and .jhaaiays IwatjBj miriT most active appearance. TU enyia full of country merchanta laying ia Urge s7Tp -and tha price of exchang ho that they ax dejing an not on credit, hat with goad aaawanr. TV N llUlUtC4B BattaaV tM awaTtSSat BaBB BMaaataB I nit ajaararaaaataaMaV - "v waBs wtr iweivy B,TJ alB""" operation. All thia show that aa iwak kagar. nor pulitieal etwribmttion can long distrev the ea- ergie and praapen'y of thvs country. TCW tivtcici.: back destruction oo thair a, heads." -X-..' Anatker land slide Jar Mimunippi A deatructive slide of th Miaaaippi River kaal occurred in Plaatemint, Lnuiaiina.oa the SJ a, to the extent of fair hwndre yarda of the Levee, in front of the town. It took with it three or fear building, tsnd appreherrwon were rterttotd Cat a further .lid would take place. - A Liberty P4 nf great heiM, erected by Democratic Party aoinewhcr ia ih West, lately lnck by lightniog. Some 4 th Fedcra! E-hlora regard this a an racorrcnre of had mm for the RepuWicn cause. TVy are gwart taken. It is doubt swered " now. Dsv the worthies yet to learn "Tht t'te liphtiiin tactjV Wloar Whate'cr ti strikes.' !

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