-J 'V. iy .!' ft Ri , i'" :.'.ri I'fl, tn x; !; ,r ) !)'., a a i t iii' !' MI f !i" fIVC I 1i e ff rn .'it' t t unr c hi u '.i , Mrf!v (' i him fr-'t hi uno-iisfe position, r.o (inr'intH Ii4e t'e unii'u.fiing Criili-r Id !ciiy t'ul li!r cr -uiied it, !l tn charge in nii ill k r:r' a rahm-nv, boraa-a I erx-ke f i iu (. tifn it oVcr.l. We are told tl.at In sj-oerho j tii It t-ri atwwcr ery conceivable noi-sli-m Let us a U'bu!J you, if JiJ rrtt.ifc ut, recommend j I'orjif to eppmorutr all tho surplus revenue Id fnn is kihI rinaurin it our !st f Would voe sign Lrtil increasing the Tariff to jo-nttd t krg surplus fur Ihil purpose f Ii toes soeeclt! trt'1 lllrs answer m nor, ituosfv ' GF.ORG K M'W-'FFIII. Von f4 Il'j4ijtni (.V. C) Rrpublira: !IlXZ ruH " KAKRI.SUM AM) RITOKMr Tli Xn!i lrjltii AHiiWy has Uoo t-lectrd to Iu f-.rm ini tyf, all to mt'ife jdiin mia. en miil ei ( rji.-kv.jj; titce bv tUo rot ; and it m no fcirm, if j Umg lv the puWic wMice yjHiC im jwrtafrt nislieri"tht KhrtW eni;igp thfir ntleotiifO mitten i-f-r hn ttifio Hiiihii'gt"ri City, ftnd wofihy.aiiy Wiiij; Rfvf nir.t miiitun t acromp. Jiti irwHew, cooiimrvd with'tlje refurm of hicti, it wre JejrdRtiiu t he a Ju.lj a Gnfnor- Senator, r mii a n!mbr uf ihnWhijj Central CiMitmri !. . The AJtiiiiii-tia'ion of our OovprnAT rlrrt will he tiiifiraitfl by a gtat pruciicnl rcAfm, M'e jihall Imte nme of Jmr tnjtty pledja no. Th! Hr!i B.!fi VVIi'j; p-triy itl hSt tl honor la rry into tit ci ti.e grniij.- ayittm of practical ji-forra IhM rvrr ticirtirfitr lrii aitrmpte.d,; aid Ji-m th-t hiftj. b thwarted l' It wifyjct at wife by a f.u-tioui minority of Demr.raU, public i mnton hm;id h d;rc'-d In th tuibiecl at oiicw. htawl crff ih"!, iVwcralf, and ee hat tla V big Kefiriw-rf immrd n.nng. Firm, the.. The Bute Honta ia narly compte ld ; Imi the 'ir! nn which it i erected will to t m:ld- Soma pple aro talkinj about m o wall aiid irm ffee b it aurely a I'm rd Ifiici", utrfkcd afl ritii-red, wuld be noro afl-r i he !i'iw)0 f-f r lg Cabin axrelnra ; and il i r ciimn"i'"''I Jy Lie NiidiliixDii i iuhu-c&Uiu uf u economy. ite poblie troarnia al Waahmg tne Crt. trmtri the C'amtoi and Prewderri't htm-e, are cuchiued by " mono aalln and iron fmieca," . and if irwae. iave tfen so paimut Ut the nlam re- te r ."-? H l !i. i I' m) lit a vr i litun tlm oeace aod qiwt of Uie lu-lurmere irr Nortfc Ctrtiluia In Nittocfuee endr a fpert-te in " liojrd protett tvainxt it m tune to make it certain 1J.it no aueh outrig hll be prartited upon their foijiical iibilit)e- Lg Cubim and worm Ifiice went band im bam) ttu (air f ithera j anil be i a traitor to the ilocmiMM nt uoim itoiorm, , who advncaiea a " alie nail or ao " iroo fence ltirannot bf. ". &cfnd- il rumored, np n pronndi worthy of r-mderjij., OiM thclarae" taawmrrir fl em ix-t aura that 1 ay!! it right,) holdinp each 100 randtea. bare reached Raleigh, and hare been de. . eipid for publie tir-and that hy cot 8500 fflcbaggrepate tl,W Thee exnie ran t't holdeia with French, miiw, llk tbe in U iMinriKtonCity.ba! gnathe Tippeaiwe Club pi est pain, but irWyflfay beafiy now. Tbo Re t.Truier wrly wit! not pr.nil"uf h tiling to b tomnnt and wetl m W htr Awb'r.'-N.wf Witt ' it b mid of a TipiwanoB L'giIatyre, U)M thry amef ffUMilmi tl,:vr.iNet a iMftwrw AwiW.ieii. . j-eiwe in hUlin a tiiiK .'T Ner writ w Jjwg abin Wbij; agiw t WMbr eendlcitickV with iintiia Frewh wmfl, and thit cwt the "i-ne .. f'tHt dolloriL jnrT-Kl, IM h lent Imrki o "t'rmrf,'t)nrliWfi P-retRft part Ux.'V.eerf! uni'tf i i, and u!d ocr again, limn that a Reform iimjori 1y ehtrulil br p'lihv nfaueh exirafif ncevjiuile- " ''"'riic'raryT TmiiFffiT12ffiF "'Sif''' wit rrBevirJ 'royal" light r Whi of the Raleigh lmHti twt-emturbf n Y rer-bwt TtT-itinrcomTW; '"iidflkxirIlrt"llurri w'timca any atop to Re t-itwye-TW?orevfVfff1tih,rtt fliiSl' oTth'is"pniic1." l ie you tic eoitWtMiUii-lv Mtioreaio doniiiiiiuie ; Ie accomplnthed.. The French thing mut be put Tliirdly. Tbe Ftate llonae t ahtait to he fur nlitwrrfrTimfyieprn't aayi they ere le lhimak rilk " and " fill ornament." Will the Rclormera allow thiat Neve. . Calico, with picture of old Tip end hi bore, will be substitu ted lor the " Mlk D.iois'li," an-i some sort of Log 4 'abut image tr Gilt Eagle.", To doubt this. . will be lo qtn tin the hieiy of Whig profvs. atone. Hsve ntit the pe.s.1 gone f jt Reform, and are not tlie R"l.irro-ni in a eiotorify.- This, thn, will be aintirr crrsi R of iti acttouiii'iihed. ) hia , f Raleigh bo tt moil relieve you to antinpnte it. You who cou'd not toWrate the nhl of ucb iniquitous arii-toeraey. Fourthly. It ia an undoubted fact, that the Com . rnssisiers (nt ttuildiog the Cspilwt bsve ciKitrlctcJ ' f r alwul t)0 mahngsny chair, at 415 or mrc for ench one. . The chairs are.tn be cushioned-eeaied t s. Only think of a It-former Htting opw cusSmoed chair that cost tlie people 13 dollai! A ctimr to each man and a man to each chair I - Will tni be endured by R f irm nwjority ! Let lhe .Ucfisrwct "a a,ritbfiitic answer. . 200 rtiairs at 1" dollar each cost M,(HK) dollars! The Assembly' mt ahoul weeks, and tbia is, tarrefore, 600 dollar a week for mahogany chaira ntk rohad wrata, Thir 1 wort inn aeveuty kilr a, day for Refinmer's aeats. r 8xickitig el. Iravsgiitre abttminab! anstocrcy ! It will be reformed. tkr biihers sat upon block and stools, mid lhy leg tested upon Uwhe. Mltatn upon 'pMventent. However disgnxsAl, AholMom I the that rVinoeracy of our day which now place lheirenemy which Itie Southern llemncrecy hsve to re si t Refurnmes. UotA mboii a4i.kiiu ! . 7 " , 1 W., While woe &nhem Whig ' are rmweui- Il anvniiti nit airtariaan mA if mil!i ttutitiittstltrhM s wsa " " -"sew timirfuwn"" 1 aUtiuld Ishsho high enough tn rewh aye, and m a4rifl tmt the CMiimuMoner wht bHiohl ! ixte4 he Ihe auabotfany chairs, li'tliey are IW rarat, their rte w sealed. They and their jew-jswa"wtll fntepjethft.-'-rr- -;rr:-r." :1' "" '- Ftiihlv. Turn K-tormer will no duulil aell the I Governor palacw" as wmmi as thry ir.eet ; and ' why nut all iu furniture I rhey are right ill ocy!e have said it tho priwiples of Relorm de- td rt. What Whig can bear the thought of "Royal I'nUr in Ihur Rcputdicau Iwark pVa our. , A brick place, Ihm-hi 4arge ric piiUrs with grand diaible Portico ad Do. 'f.r eioct, VJin, it 1 eles now. Our Go. Inia Islrigh, ai( rnorse, occupy lb Log Ca- r JN.Umleaha be dotie with the . r ke Palace, an will jrjner aolf Tt tait. At i'nt what d.- oor r.tform Gfurniture likewise. ( Ihtmmik f'srtiis irflor want with 'nt r 'h'-Pier Tableland Centre Tt?J CUirl or- Mercian S fot-Astral Umn,tt' rortdvrrplated CmmJUl. -:.TT .V,r. I t'm. Carpet, a - FRENCH It K IKS I li .';!, Wi'il ft! I t). -1 l:oeV Him or V''p -If, i r' , f, I..- .' r '';, I'l - ii'J he iCfi Ml 1'iit ,"i M l!i i-1 ..l! W "''J i not his un.hcr m di.tinld and In pmrsna! tijuf " lioi!y destroyed (or an.ilier tmi ! Yen, furm'ure mM til r" w,,h the P!-" nc) Ihe Reform will areoTWi-b i'ji too. W hat vould you Ih.nk I b-njS. cf a VI htg B'f-rntcr irinkinK hard cioVr in 14 pulse, Irnt a u ternor' mnkpgung tide !rmrd ad poured mi f a cut glaa decanter ,! in at'ver atandj Hir - cut ul tnmWerl T-" iet AerritJy cannot will not wtffi-r it. 'il ihowghi m ot-raiif-. Now, wonld it not cWk lim prngrea of rrforrt 1 hai-e her fotanee artnhted aiuood their rhef m a - palace!-tretdinf tpon tick and "rt(wi"e ea;itt loongiiij; up xi (irecmn enfaa"" kxk. ins iftto , ennrtlr nsirtora with auilt franjra lominaied by liahta ahimnfc fmre wUrr plated cn- dlftieki and airl laropi, and then flrd ht" Marble IVr Tablea " and Marblt Centre 'Fa- blr Spirit of Rffrm, rraiwi ep your duripbe to riffilaiuses and they mil jiud ati tlne in m North Carolina Palare, to incite there to actum! They wilt Se there no kttger, od tbe work of Ke- Ibrin you hare o happily begno eiil not be Juv br Lirtt." Thiupioli imiiaiinn ff repai 'ajilnn-lor oiuat tie pot dtwn. Tht di teotahle extraiagaoee niunt te arrested. The Reform prtv will do both. ho dwiiiti it f Nobody but the Demociati, and they re not aore abimr itt Lflsllv. Tb Rcfinn being in rtxliieefl, end ihej madfi, there remain a more important , question .hind. " What will they d--with th money f " , , 'The -Log Cabin ie ready furoiaW with lie, and tins, and gourdi, and there will be no need of pending Jt tM;r. - The ealico for the citHama at the Mate tiooae. will be contrilwted, no rkiubt. by the eriooa ,Tip- pecnhrtB Cluba tn the Btale who can have no fur. ther ue for their flaga and " Tip and Ty" hand kerchiell end if then ahould not auffire, liie la dil can ta their pat riotwm for wluit ie larking, and furnish aid to a M ruined eoonlry out of their wardrohei.. No need, therefore, of money for tbia objeet.1' erected hv rled by the volunteer contribution ol lbar arid Railing ainnngat the candidatea for f5enetr .. . , . , " -- - 1 r :.- 1... -:.-t. ana otner vieant omcea. y wuru ior 11, hji rv candidate be required to cotjjipleie on tingle y ft of the fene bf:re till name ahalt be allowed to go of m UwefmnhptiJJla' vektrr. flrtd-ttfeMetin"'-eneloxnrt will be tomptrtrilttiilfd d rulcrtd .betiW the third Monday of November, 1540f TCriTlueWTriKB heceiwtjrcif lijijftnprwtflf any money to. that object. To atone1 for luainf Wake county, the Tippecanoe club there feeda ail I their Reform viaitora. . So the candidate above may go along and build the fence. ' v The Bank and Rait Roada have bon prwdVrtt!y conducted If llieir Whig officer, end are all rcre able la pay their debt; and having poatiood thai duty only for the pubhe food, nt course Wry will make no application for thia money. They Ant want the money. ' Not they. , . ; The free achoola etablihed Ihronghoot the State; by an Act of 133 we all Inow to U in aucceasful operation, ao far aa achool hotinrt. acliool maMera, achool taie and school committee go; and ft only require a little lime, end you aha!! are them full of lively and iiroeperoue echolari, TThii mgi!y,itfd3t iK.ular way., I be ecnoot law ot 1943 ia mooc form, evnn, wMild only wltice. bv at; aiio'iid, it -a l far nitt cneT vfhiilltlie nwaiey be nand out t That cannot ! for the itinea are to be an envy after Geo. Harrison ia elocted that' 0 one will borrow mooeyJ 11 ne uai 10 piy inieresj lorw. "wsa up, ww, know,' mean to eWiV Brk that will py aU. old debt, and lend Ihe people money without m tewiaiwttrut: .eceotr tt iti pt'l?hoojr dl- car A borrow tiiae money and pay m'erest be- juka giuug jecurtiy.. vTW3Mtttirilir'Miir-fUt "wia our Re-' former do with the money ? "" ' - -'--.-' 4 ha bo og;;se! that the Fwa Bihawl tjmu needs a fimJrment in the war of reform, and that ' iius nimii'v wui cxacuy correct tne omiiisiua 01 . lSiH. How fortunate jo tho St.te that- thi nmi . sion bappenctl for timo nas proridentiaVj bnjht foph llio grewt denderntvm, t 1 : ' .-f M r. Alitor, 1 could jutnt out maiiT more elf els . of tho prugrmof ICcfurji if 1 tad time, ami you . bad pce. ;:..,- " JV s . ' " Oil, what a clarion career lie hefor our Re form majority of 184(1. They have it in their power to rear a monument to their ntouey roore lasting tli'iti brsta inorti durable than niarM. They will dn it, and ak en reward beenta the grateMl conhilene ot a people whom a trrteral Reformer urouIJ aut uteri re for all thit world. - K't , ti l ti rl V NO IIL'HCL'G. S. pi. Is 4i). We have been rr tested bv a gentlcinini in be' half of the Whigs' of tin plane, to disomtinje peaking of abolition and hoitmntts. Tlie irssosj assigned was, mat we would excite an improper ... . Mtng tDtigst certain caafc 0f-oar p4.pwU1i.ww. W e, unhesitatingly, refused to be silent uimo nV ieet which ia gaming importance daily, ami wkick ibmiten .Qiuiuin,.Jtj ,pil,..rrfte4;. no- aatiMiea tne geolleui.iu. (a Ltemucrai; who waited en tt of the propriety id our refusal, and wiah to inform our friend of our resolve, to keep j them apprised 01 in true issue before tlietn. e have not now only to (igbt against ati oppmesive tsnfl, a poieut and dangoroua monted inwuotioa. or an illiberal and aedional policy of Intenul Iw at Whig aholiiiiin vic'oriea in the North, H. t prejtare to atMiaiifthe fh-mocrcy who befhend us in that port of the Cmnl Kyv teaoiomted SeiFnee of wwitliu'lriwwlTigfitaT 1; Im hi tiieji are villilied and elaniiered by Asitbern Whi,' ' lot 0 ahow our gratclul aeose of ioiU-htrdiies to . thent for their nntntcnnHi,;nfTwTffi dictating their character and wre rbw Cmt4i- lution from ihe destni-iive hamla ef their fanatic! op'fooet.'s. II Ihe Whig' party amaiid truiwph, Wf must expect ntbor non-alaveholding States to pat abolitKsi aria and reaoluitoms as in Whig' Legislature ot iMew lark, fernvant, Connetrat, Mitssachusetts, hve already done . W mu4 expect Gen. HArrison lo illustrate in practice, his holy horror of slavery, and his desire lo ren it by the appropriation of the surplus revenue.- We must expect a Whig' Ctecutiv Cvnmi't, a majority '"of Tiho0 tramherrnatead of one rftiH a now) are abolitionists, to leech us how to construe the Coiatiiutioo and abide by tbetr policy. W must expect other Whig ' print, kjsitle ti N. lional Intelligencer, to publish abolition peche and disseminate them over the "ooth. We ntwst e. .oect abolition netiliom to be received and di whssmI ' " Ke Halls of Canrcm, and perpetual agititim i'-Ar H 't ,',-r"".A 1 1 .r iJ ilv, rp; .f(J!r- "i in" inr't ef e rnvr- I i-v4 i-e prF"ra' .4 tne l't!ii i'i'-n. w re o-1 to h"'l Mt-2f hi emih lliey are tliret!ol. We kn that e mm'.l irieft ihe Aiol'iern ' U'hig' -hf tie ry eww'iie on lit anrtprl J( alaiery. S titey cwSl tti be witb a baVr h hat itoclared hirr aelf a nteinber of an abofituwi wiriiy, denoun ced aiery at a political eil, and rejoieed in the aopuCnennf fieeWy when a North Aiwrimn mtn h; n-4 bmA down p T.V wi;nt to be fi, when allied wh '!. ro farmHra, ho re tr4 ail wen afi j.' in iht eoootry, wiilvot dm iiiic!k of colr; and who would d'"'a'e r fietde end cut our thruete to ed.cl )tmeliate, total aid ncMiatiietioiial eomnctpitioo. In eocb a eon. t. are cannot be teniV-r with H hi feelinga, and be deferred frofi owr purp by fek fearai and aheaa akreab H e egret that we eann.it lor t wkat I bey owe to tbe loatitutione of the South o far, to repfwrtr ua frtr defcnllrijj ttwm it the h-ixard f fnghtemn ibm timid, and harrawin the Dti.--Ui.' (-Ace.) lAiuoaxt. TttttsAomt of 4 WkigUedtr. It Mr. t-fay tail iu ! iouih Carbine and Georgia, powler on the , crideoc firee by their eh? I Just t!e tSoutbern j ,j)e people act epue it. Hear Mt. aobw, wbo, living airionjr. Fedcrahe end Abohiiooiara, caa &fl in ; the tell ih imih. or. more honest than the Southern led tell the truth, or, more honest than the Southern Wbi2. daree boWly apeak it. . The Admirintritimi . ,1 : , ' . , e i.!.L ..t l wni tmiy wy .newe - -.. A JJk ..j e.lt.fu aa f aknl IIaritffM nuwlaf ', gifetii r-wrw VJ vanw vtcrtij eiffv (i mm ai-" Federal Abolition and Ani-.Maoic uiinga do ye ' n i Ait .- t . : .1...:.. J ... -l. i' worship n f Sorely the Jr-iwlhcrn pwtle will-U'tt . aaifS-r theoMftUee u be dupeJ to t(ir rum by Uai. J while Mer Web-Jer end Adima, in coev ' paaung the erio-iin-of the Sonth, anew that rjry P ff . i?. t . t -,. know oo writ what lh-v ere b.ut. Aam, wr aay her Mr. Adam! CHarlrito Jcrcxry. Extra rl of a Jrrte "rwei JoAe Qfaiere Aliu, i- ltd Qtiirj, (ht. 27. 134, li e Uommii, a p. pointed la if-rm kirn f 'i tmimtim, m atmdidutt to tmt 2bt lart$ : 1 believe M iftta that tle whabitt of the TwS(k rnf reewtoeMl Otetnet f Maewiebu. setta ahould be l.wewarn4 that, durwz the !iSh iriHie Adimmrtioo of tba Government of thi lTwon,.M4, and DoieeMic, will be, aajhry imvw are, to avpport, trentln aadT perpetuate llw rejjrular Inntitoliim oflhcAmia.' . Mr. M'eber, in hi grat Speech lately made at Saratoga. brid the Cdbeing laii;oage t -tJtm r the ghibrwm oT lb Bontfi.'ormat Nullifying Stale Righte party that ha absorbed the Admwii-trstion, or been absorbed by it, come Imldly out with toe declaration that the period is arrived for a oUrrcf fur land, and amcng the reason aasigned lor thi project ia thi nne, " that it trill bring lit Sorih to tie grinding. J Wt tkall are, before this rimled it trio milltk lie pnriut ground, umd who the grimtert." ." e auppusft tbat Ihe f geoiwman of the nootb " to uom Mr. VYebater had lelerence is Mr. Rhett, who ooi.iksibt did assign a a rea, for ptetenng ayetenr-M direct tat ilio, that instead ol being burden In tbe S-Jth an t a benefit to tht North, it woutd be a tairdee to Imth alike, (a all tase ought ite k-l-Vi.hilMu..&.&,mama..mi0or it roww arte ie ij or it 10 me grtmuione, wuiu 11 wat equally being fhy ifcuh to the liwt what aksM MrX.UetMlei mean by Ihe decla- waa will bt the ,mrtiigroudf mnd -ko the trtwiirrt ! -,-J. -1 - .; " 1 ft a impeMille to Biifake,'bii meaning. lie einlto in aiitfipatinin over llieplorioos prospect. iJ, upoa Ue lecii of GeneralJIurriane, which be pioftave to regard awabsolutely 'certain, we are gie to avsoMf la x .linn wHth. will, bring 1 1ke Stmdh. mf the 8,th a.'oae. to Jherindstone far tke thtflMXtrrrkmitiird IMNonL: era manufacturer iu other words, Ihe Tariff ia to hs-iMwL- -a V - We have Inn' Wtd that thi- hope-w,n one' of tlie ctiiel cuotnbuier lo tbe seal which oni wtwe'itu twwu imtre wt t.niovii aow- we ht trom the hiehest authonty. What will t Mr. eWeiV &llem airie"ly Preston's, the Thompson's, the Dtwann's, re.? j moviniKentid ban and otbur obstruct iom m our They know that Ihe rUort is to be male yet they ' harbor sqd bays. ; V iay.iMjajlttrlb!UUUoJlhw tluio.otiy.a Xw Gvleaos fP TwIei. wben th struggle come they will endeavor lorcrtpHon of avnewl invented Mod Machiti, trv oigwi weir ireacnery oy aoutwnnc ot empty t Mustering. Rut ww ay U the Northern specula I tnr and t?other traitor, tbat even if they ahould succeed to electing Harrison, (ol which we have no 1 apprehenai.) the.r eilirta lo establish a Bank and ; revive the Tanff wiM be in vain. Fir even if they , sVsjU tnnmph at Washington; it would only be lo chin ia o eooatructed aa to be usee) aTtfirr'j no rouse the alumbcring enersies of Nullification. -..-r. the mud or asnd Unr t.. h. Vhortrtton Mercury. r " 'ing brought to Ihe lurfece. It works eqwallv w : "WlllC HYPOCRISY.;--. !1 Sat the depth of two or fifty feet. NOieliuodred in the hjjpocnttril cant of the amscrapulon par ' tons of mnd have been raised and Carried off at a tr opposed In Ihe present Administration, we fre-tsinsle ojx-miion. s V qoently M preteucee ef adem ration for the char ! This invention has great advantag.. The ma actee and prmeiplee of Jefermm. A party which chine eflncti it object very thomtigh! 3ni with sMgmnti W that illosirinus pal not n "joffiari " . 1 ffabn,n wiwl,Rb&, tn hi dsyvTViw pfcTenrl tv admire hi cbsraeter, in order tr deceive the peopis, wn lhy bnowi reverence hi memory . f iifurn of msny of nnrhrrwfandrtvers, more -But the VVhi rt not mil the esutioos. -J The especittlly throaan onr gTt S wtThern and Westrm tflusfnig from iteXv:YtQm irird W '1tt. 'b; ;;"" j liner, - Whtg psper, abows Ihe rwf aentimentaand we consider the Excavator invented b Mr. ef that fxifTwt. --fr- ; - Ti Mr. Mesi' exehienit.do we ewe the reom of Jacaan awi fa lie h. wis who, like Ah. aabsn, oerapM tbe sals: II it wathitsowed the wiirftttvtiwwbiriwiai ,, The sWe i true cony of Federal notiona b.at J,ftrm.wh,w memory they desecrate and tegarduritnat J ilaarsrs ihffT entmain th nani ot!fer fcatree. 1 ut 1 ttaiitso! w niggery r and . ywj w, ' - ... Ioe" for the iK-mn of JcWtrton We auimosa it ei , 4 xikmi.m.tuztk.jn. tiit jiu.iia out j. tiWaeallant iwsention.. r... .u, in the - big apparently have, to emu - tate bis q.i.liiie-,cpwdeoce and al!.-Standard, ii. Wt hi!y rl. 10 an exchange pa pr, a ciim tt p-rMM bo ue this hk. It is said that Pru4 aci l is empktyew m it wiamifae lure, anl it ta ihrs which g i it a bhm color. Pntssie eI, m awieeni rated state; is a deadly pi"n. Persoo wha im law ink, ahould be c iee- lol not i wwk tue r pen, or m any av anplv it li,d.neoreeee. o,,,i,t a.w.. .l?frld8.C,) Adrrrtitr , . . . . -- Tlr Crf-V Crop The Nortk A Wrtnnan. putr M" Twcwwtaa. Ala state that cmiplaioN are eery g wersl nmong the planter in tbat part t the rewery. of the inj.jry which the worm h diog Ie ts cotton. Tby :htok that from three h five kadre4 powKl to 'the acre, is aa much as the wilt aav U-rn n,J nSich bat recently hid fair to jkM I prarwK Irwn MilUJjti'.i'U JiJirml Union. INCCMMAlty IXK.l'JiLM S. "Ve nviie !le etiennon of tl- m ! to tlie (A Ii.wiiiji IfUi'l f( tlie (ovronr( aiiJiesned to the Hon. S-ih M. Odien, a Vlnjj nw-iiiber of Congreee from Ihe (Slate of New York, ho hu inipiotHdy. attempted to insult l!i People of Georgia by f ir warding to their thief V)8raie document! from ' Abolition Sietiea w Logland and tlaewhere, tlie nature and import ofywhirh requirea that tliey ihould tiot be either f irrulntod or publialied in the IStaier r .- . ' r, . .-. Thu Slnn'la-d of I'nion jifsilyjenioil" : M The anmrof ov. M'lrtialil totXitea, rvth honor "upon hurwlf, and the pioorl and i.lmit Mule over wbirh he preiiiln. It ajienka a Irtriuape thul will She nenoiuk'd to bv every tnm-heaiiid Gorcian, and which warn the fimntira of the c'Vequen of atte'iijUmg to cunatiniHinle tlieir foul nhjecte Kxhvtivk JtrrARTMrvr, On -r ; r-ittlMt'-". Beea-IU ifJL - V Kia : An aiWrrw to the Hon. Georfre fi. (filmer, j DreOfcexnor In office, from a foreign Abolition Conreo- 1 ; lion, lorwaroea umier your rwna aaa uietnoer 01 iw ... . - ,m -1. - 1. - . . L. - - . i I A ml ll.u. ... ., ,miWui , .ri.n.n.L,r. "T.;B1 ,,!; t. ,h- r.vin. adilrewtrd lt Mm gBnteo,iin, but upercribed to me. IV nib- jgcnptionot thiipucMge mtlie hand writing ot that nt tlrrt, which lam no doubt that Georgia i to a Wbijr member of New York, tor both. U llllll:bt. Tlie indaciooa attenipt of a liireign Omveatinn, to inter ere witn tne tree miercour oeiwetsn me oiaie UnkM1 ,w m ly intollfl w fur. Wirilintf copy ot their proceodipi to Uiu Dejart- tj,., m a aubicct which will the object intended to he aeeontpliaheil hy i(, admiui of liu ari;iiinent and all hu "k .. to agitata it, md erry not the alwve pur. P" ''her by courting foretpn alliancea, or the nae of 7 ' , . " V " entnie, ootlawi and traiiora. I am, aws. CHARLES J. WcDONALH. lion. S. M. Gates, New Yoik, , .ANOTHER UCNERAL IN THE FIELD. " Superltuoua lag the veteran on the-a,j(e,"wi!l be the melaiw holy refli-elion of every readnr of iGei, Gain' epmtle in behalf of hia friend Gen. Ilarriaon. Thwe old Ueneraia are queer fellow. Gen. Gainea amona other thioga declare! that he MJaaJBUfl,4htt.A i Wa are jurpnued to hear it, and only aorry that it eredid of teaching nun bow to tight liMiiana- henna e auppiwe tht lingular inroad in florid, . to em no all Gon. Nrotrs brrmd and lieeon, et penwc ami naif starved, und kill one liulmnl ... 10 Gen. Ilarriaon also it aeetna lie was indebted for hti.grHnd nfum of tt ayetem of nntioiml defence by' ra it. jritf aafli that we rwvG heard ia that it a eaceiveiv ridiru lou. If Tippecanoe, however, entitle Harria m to the Premrleney, Gen. Gainei'a conquest of Florida i certainly wnnething but it i a great mistake in him to suppose (hat people expect to hear from Gen. , Gain whenever . Gen. Jackstn speak. They do not even eipect him In take the field whenever Gen. Scott takes it. We propmsj Uen. Gaines as uext Whig CaWidnte ior the rrestden. ey. He haa very many of Gen. IlarrisoiTi qual-iflc-ationa. CharltMon Mercury. 1 i. ONE T110USANIJ DOLLARS .REWARI. J A rannc for the tlanderert of Mr, Tun Buret Sr The reckless Whisi " still have the hardihood Ite srt.4iiat--Mf V;a-.Rure-ppdW 1812. To test ihe sincerity of these calumniator. Vie jene ii. i.; utwerver imcrs a rewaro ol one thouwind Hollars lo any one who will privaliy aucfi evidence aa would be taken for proof to a court nf justice, that Mr. Van Bureo waa wvwr aa opponent of i he war. Those who have ao often repeated the chrierare now railed upon lo - ton ihe mark. 2 Lynchburg Republican.' yew iNVE?m:D siup- mactiie: , We call the attention of our readers to the fol lowing from ihe New. Xork Exprcaii " .Z. A oiHrltieTiipmqfbh invention -of tiwfil -Trpr chin's fir which our countrymen areeocelehrated, ! ' knos m none r -nmra genorei iwiBiwiaatuw. we-. ft( vre:.lT value, ihnn machines eslrolnlrit in im mwr'itwen and rC .,,j7P of thnf place. "M tne' editor oVscrLho M wn well adted to-effoctthe object propo-ed. tiP. a Miid Machine and Suh-Martoa E curator," patented about cighteeH okhiiImi einee, , invented by Cd.xJievea Hamilton aed M r. Bravton of this city hn exhibited." The ma- der water, the mud or nd bin taken up. ear. ried into deep water and discharged, without he. .ml f.icilitv j it can lie constructed and worked " wt vsryTTiftmeTveTte7n ira-pr1eertmp1irTrv ! render it little liable to get .out of order. r'The f Himitton and Drayton admirahty ralcalirted to im. pre oiir'means of communication, upon the wt. ny and beniitiful river with which our emmtr is , w f4?r,blv- Iniemected. Tbe oVscrintion riven (bvthe New 0rle8nt e.iior.i nteltne s-xHi. there, ta evidently that of rme coofnwted I ,), ,nm. principle a thi. and t! ia nrolaihlv en" w(n.mt . Unmih lie and lliaynm'x pttTiwrfr : Those interested in nbtaining thrmighmtt nor emm. immense benefit of free and miimneoVd ."...t;, . ..: 1 ; Ai mntyntJ w tU above named Invention, Col. i . hsa a distinct machine for culme and rem.- llSf't'a unl ralliby a very atmnle and etTcttve process. It. Is attachetf 1 the wow w flaf, bot tomed boat, knd worked by a two nor power, gine, ami i readily operated at any point, either, vertically, horizontally, or at any given angki, en that anaji or ipile may be cut nt the depth of from ten to twentv h-et under water wilh f Tie same ia 1 facility aa above the surface. j Circumstance attending ihe rec', disaster nt ! Ind.an Ky. imluce tsjlti-f that b-nh white ner. i . . .... son and negroe r leagued wilh the Indians in thir 4iteUble -warfare agaioi . the popleof . Florida. G-t. Reid,of Florida hts iud a peoe. lam Uion oAering a reward of t'200 for Hie apnre henston and delivery into cuatody, of each and eve. rv white or bluck person, or mulatto, .who btl Ie found aiding, abetting, ot in any mmiuer assist Fftjf ihe IihIi ins in their hostile movements, incursions, depredaliona oil butcheries. ii:huckatu uupvulw juxmou zuaB Tlectiat. aS&.tfrjKwaeeer. -- Irt IfeincL..GT-:W;f 3KWrar.ftaw Jird- ;i.rnn.rrmx mvin " mm, ll JilCHAliJxC.tKJTTtSflja tiL . J(H1 All l. 1V VJ?Ktv frf- 'mm : WV. wliLa8err sfTHAiaJ ,L Jtltn.KtA. Ca- JAallltS 31. WilJILa.ti,, WliXlAll fe-.VttilJI. 'ewtauo; We weed no emimnHihwwT ttweereieeiiB termiurx put foriii hj ti' hwrJ'.-yaryi. to rectum. ! mend llarrwnii to Jlie J'rosusnv, umtun ttatar eying nf the wwry itnen rlu awSpo Uti iuikuw; mamitaritttre militor -l,waiprVc nm aiwuAtr wild Tippemnoe arnica.,, U-p to tlie dy v.lien .Amuiuo. odSxWet iWvt; him on the JLurrtcrr'f!aYnt4B;t.ftiet V-wi. We," ttolwcly thfltiiir Ol oibarnit titan .with'Nu a yreat nmn in n samy. thrttwhir'iBj; tmr sneered at hat i hi line arti FreMm n pnof: Jt'Timn r'tkr ('item. "GEN. HARRISON .!:: ittJ3;TTI :i.N.- so says the iATiwKva.trrr:i:,r.GR.fi2. hT'ww4ntfflTyiei (let lb- IjitliWK toAii at 'Luvrr iiie u' -Mer rt if iu. j eat.,) till is the eJjsesiirer jrtver w' ltr t raa stlTnnrtmjj. Tkv -fsve-ot tttr-;vvr. M 'Xrm S, Hne"TWiST!trtrt;. -aewsssiMtiL'' wn- warrhrr ''"' of Gen. Hurrwou.esymjf flkt um.mnriimz ansiaV i cstmns,' h sot man at m.'tnn. .!." ' from tt Pitttinrh "Mvtmtiimrfnz: ! , 'll lH!lrt.ilol4esm-'(wia:ltfVrlVee i vansi. - No ps m 'V;-ni I!'wtrswvM iatattaci. ' red in' his faviir ; wmi ac 'tar' Ua? wwUm. rttr aa tmre j i nny h flittrni!riy wnnwi!- 's.,wtt'i,tT issa., i they art' not to ke tasun! arwir'anam. saaawractttr ment like tmt wbidi sswai , IHvh-i mmtnr.si oaariar Slat whuh Gen. 'Jttnttmt w'asnnoi.!' la their own diitr! Tiiiiian.atiwrt"etil. ter noticiajr arith dmeniMtsai. 'ttsaeanw (S'eernta. W'Utg ediroan ka-SM(j wistittaij .'4rr Vsasar, crest merit ami preiwnswa, sttteut lat!a 'jassraw Wbi? eanduune fort ite 9'rasJssL.ai, atcouat u IW fsnuhrr pTgnrfteeuH-fciau.twr; mtm uarM lolluws. '. ; - llosv rnuHi wwae wnnw at! iXarmiil rtw pea na. ie-tiir tatgawe. waBlwri ?.'!Puair,i' tlie Weat. V, iiife nt an awtntt fhnw.Se-.' . S ate " 1 party, we tain oi , ot a emid rate tsawc it' mm) X Jm- these men aewet! smcconvtcmj at wriwiWni !" - l, then, r w eneantl j be 1hk?1i ini'i s 'r oni mmmtttuLa ' ' :tv mv, ;loi: (ret., titrrmn ana aeeewi ve asm.'ua um: "lanrr easM. isvew ' sent tn wtotptn "tj?r tTTtwv t ."' ansv" -n tt-wir -srstig ijimg -rtawanw- arwi WVnrttnty,... .- . . ,, , . -:- .... . Il Cnnu', be prrt'Tn!!t.'!S?.'f": T!tmnn'!oii any thinutre tii, o seisst'iz- arr tr-w-.r-' wti about htm tmeni, uuci. ;x .''issassi- cy, -ami aarfenuw i hi.k-- i.rsia -tla. hss dooe-notnti; el.jrr.e: ire'-WiWvaa !iaw nther -remote t otefirnJi' t 4iiet ws evt ship of ILui.ifw, x.-'unv.t.?i. m V-tw-t tw' a wr.uiii rate imn. All clap that mm 4nv awfi hio ky- 'tai enm tiut w aa taw 'mtti'; : ttti .' an (irvw eabitv anil t-n wrmawrw am '" tas. aanily mn Iw -taietiir'wev: wjsT'iia Wafyrawtaw doufin mmttehmm -of Ht fmttuu- hwiismiimsiI i connifnfl' In ttnp ftrlA.- mUtttnm rstam nm man Wp hi aV. anotHer 'Wir v.;ir- sss" -H ' ih elwMctr aitrl reJitTttaiti!' Ke In 1-Ci nr Um hiiiin w.m.-ti m missihi, aa Tir di-elimi uflimif. liA..n i--iav4J particular T-.Ttcia4.iiii .raaMrw. si 4. ad.S jsrure r to UtteH.. itr-as!!! Urraiat aft" IommM atiilil'" sr- uwwiiWj'."i, 'W Iw wswesw I iniV'.S. 'T!oirfr nm uitrmac- swrw laSttJwt1 ; ptimi (mi , Imt m-trtv tmnnsi- ' 'tri tewsl iumsntf ttiat mlw-csseistwisi .; aw.ai).jtl' j rosn. milirr-rjrsiv!' may w nm mr? iiiSl uiims ;..iiiw, tv-st Whig fnrw,r stll-emm ' tto-griwsest as si(K?ncr m iwpmj ,t km- ;w9iSi.--.sa. "'' And th-' bive ?! eeeji -"tr wer ttaa i1 ktnvtng to eaait. tijWstjii.tta.lnwv tal. til mso itkm -etsrwi 'tMrr wnoi imi tt nl rn ttanp to wrtref ' ttowwrrr, mv lmlfi 'tlrt'.ssye-'Iw -wit. H!mwd an tim .'iin.M.4MC isssr av," Vi " 4 faM,l aeat; t bo elan?n tn'frai. iitrnMb, !wr-a ttwvr 1 h:a ; hut Uucaa-.y iBt tieBBilJMJyf- Tbtsrrom to JtMHnii jlWl'iijnan.tif tral wid offreHll orpin f fRuTrieai WmgrT' Whnt uul Jfofi tChern, tWiwttW '$mmmrt. the party Iwar-f tw .mt wmitTmt" toTflf ihe y lirtt ws..Tniewar ftirissvi- nmein, wntJ r.5ssjep,nsaASW.lni.saeei1, bw-ta' dei?rfed hR jiriwcqieaaaiiHssxtjpislisntlt 'thT nam 1 lie waul 4itt.TFi jrfaaat.thKjssJ!!!, Trfr" 'fan enure 'tn'ii'tiijo'o1 nun iwii rnwr tww Mi vn.". 'Sfi-cii aim wo twc1 thah Am mx urm mivu. n''tl Bt tn-ennvt tttwntt mxrsMnmmwttlnm A not her rram T;tie ItSiaX. crier- harre, ' coon km partv, Usr llaasnarjipg; ? 1 since spoke -of .turn mi Heiw oaTtbw "raw"' tempt. 3ktt wiwittatilfe iwvseth. w' Ai"'' ', rendered htm :the .ivwMJite""'""lh 'fwsl7 P" be s atulJtiv nt.mtmor.wwweJ ;w now tlie r'rssmiTewlieri-nfevvir thin 5T ad wen wlt-und ljms.".?tn!,',.J',' rrtr . rajwled4!v AtwuttMri itntaMtsaai tew l " as wneae liian; prrtt. ttlrear weathereeek Tl tain f beer kmJ."ipM-r lefi f" .rrr- nn chaire nm -wrw. 'TT m'fMvi nndT.J.hn aunrrw niwf' Wawssww ffih Mve4ua -torsy .awnr. bawei. trwtr I n ' 4th w - , Nith - Ui " - mo V lltb '1 L i-cia i3tb , 14th 15th tt m ! U s w ik d i u 1 H im -r tae acu l ..ue em net mt T r a lie m mm ami 11 ! asei ."a tiw Ta at?: .t:i ! n er itii "-h ;m '.! TT 11 --J "at :I m i em 1,, n E, a tr . n A. IT m tn t I 4 t m S c ' is i J.-L - 4i-