.1 JiiijiisJ 4 .4 i tii"if!-tfi,",!w;.i"1 ,tTTH rr.im.r ; Afnrndnfnfi to lt Constitution, Article X. !K rosrrs inr n,tw4TrTi -r " ' "; T-t csTTTrrr ov, o rn'umn.o ar it to this utite. ai is-ttrso to t stira awrexTivair, SALISBURY, JV- C, KOVEMDER C, 1840. .a H -I .jL.. f V. e 1 L..i r r, t r T K J - J&for ami YprV fSiarvM-SPKkf tm Grorrries, Uc.t rnrvt: arsri at tub SIJKmrCQFFEE-IIOUSE: r.BL aaveaee,rS 58. 4 a torn the time wnfirhift STL -; T 4..,iiiiuod antil eU arrears-' J- wjiLr.h m wort thr.aobampieMs end a&b4 81 .77, tkc Edilaref a -wa ia.eoiruniie.i before taeeea ef U year Mr-aC Sc. .1 i rz; ih. ww tar nit- -notnciir. - iB aw"- u 1 SOCMTES hi astw fnaoda M ti A- 5- be ean"c"" . aew njcotaA. ' owOy enf cr sV aa- Art ii a r - - wire isaev j -toU. Court .ad Jadated lhaa. 1 t-r cent from tbe T-fi)r awres wit J ri(j0iikaHiaaiTwi.wviry -".-.- S ..b. w.U bf aU " mtmea and awiw fi lewni l r L,et!itheoaciita, - 4 .Uittfmasmeniteft a pm rmnAw. . J The at J aabawibew U j wt. and the money, UaoW be aa Arnrtif fmMt paw. w it iMi a am mwirinc rtj 0fif'm mariiBt, a and (iraaJt aff j,f . rn::i- na at ha or aamnaaa arputig .JL't Ibniti PCutes mwt LkpioTt :; WboWale or RrtaJ ; , ' S ; ai4 aura Hlier article ta te graeei rftrta-aBfiBttHtto thBa.Hk. . Km. lLinnW all a-iahmg arttcitsa in h a line to Ilia aru. Stamd and Last Call. f Bjiic, that awh V & annvamf Bcrnania aa wns dim him DtTTiima ac 0- Hue diornur lir if m paut imnaediately , witVanraoc Sir euitacttanw Necranty eompol tWwrayOtt.gyl. if. ROWAN HOTEL. ' . A MM I 5 -iw amAe and wroBwiDig enmrfry aSuH. t ft . t i-! trwrion and ItountifultT aapp'W SZr- mJl m;,-i mm. irf onaler. aeiufe4 a? Ikiliiful and ' r AoMrioiii eitiama to frrigh ih !Virin: frli; which ara proved and Dncontroefl44. . la wFion tUa eleciioo riruomly cno ' 'ated, iha Doomcrats potted, noa hiifidred and e rt Ihoosand oles, and tha F"W'ia am hm dr4 (hoiiud. At the lata eWtwwL Lha Dsmy rrt inefnjrl llvp.ir vof about lit or It! thouaand, while th VedTnliitt haw, ta raiae4 their aEir4te te ta Handr-d and forty thrawand. Lktc auy hmrua b-i that thera are fortg linad awrf ffini aa now in Ohio, than there wra two jara ajja 1 aa fact is the aviilence of rW, aiaiApfci id cSjara trra u intklibla'aa the krapisf CViia. , But wbt f appareat from tiie agjrejr! A ia proved fra particular itacro wbrra tie De mocrau bare hy aectdwit or peraeaeranco fel out tbe oMreatea iniquity la Frmkk county, Gorgt JCJUrfr,the Preaident of I he UnrrtMO coaiantie, fay clarrd, juat on the eve of tbe atmion, thai Whiea would elect lneta ana iiamom ia of the world ; yea, by lying aad tidlimgti thin elie would do T When a tied whether auc a public declaralHm would rn inure hie party, Itr replied, H it was too near the elect to 4 auy injury F . '. In Columbians connty tlwa ka DeflMrratk ia creaite tiore ImM tear of two buodn-d aotea ; yet the Federal increaaa, according to tbeir eiectioa reiurna, ia eeven hundred aod oinrtooo, lfciee any ooe believe there baa beau aa oJdiiia in tbat county ta one year, of atae kwJre4 ami uimim Waul ootmt la Belinoot cotmty, the Centae wa tarw last 1 (kit, and there were ,77 a white atate iobcbjUaU over 21 yeere of age. At tbe lata elertioa, tbe Derooerfetic vOe waa but 138 more tbaa it waatwo yeara before, while the Federal vote purported to bare increased rune hundred and eeteaty-fcor, aad made tbe egrreirate Tte of lha coootry two-bue drcd and City, two ware rsaa me eef aaaaafr-ay wuile inhabttantt. h Mimlgomerw county there were rawer aaa C0S35TENXT. ' Wh?d MrttT Vrui Bir.n, becan Je waa the aomtnee of a uImui I The Federali. Wba annort Gen. Harrim br-CTi). ha n the BOcbmkv of a Coof ent' i Tbe FVAf nOiv. . : WbaoTfjiimi irkin, kfiit'tip b ..- ' twliUry rWftaiat Tbe Fnirraliaw. WMi erP the clainaa of Gn. Hjirriaon breast be S Ttpeecaaaa I Tbe Fcdrraliita. Wba. ia 19iT. denourved Cnventiont aa dan- fpratm ia iba Itipublic. " ewireniiona of crafl and C-jmiaxT The Frern.wa. Wh, 10 140, olxrqiHouily took tho yoke ira pofd br a Coereotioa I ' , Tba Feoeraliau. Wbacbuaa to Wa th esctie rmm pore na- trMta, goiog be BjeMurws oH rrreo !" The Federaksta. - WhABinonrt a man who led hi post in the ttuJJIa of tbe war. because he waa not made Com winder ioehC the aheep abich would be Brfl wetar, or no aneep at alt 1 Tbe Fckraltsts. Of tie Tettrl gwd mc Hi" ?. tm TV ' fnrninhi a avnoicia of lii" "cewhew of the wvf ml . ' -f 1 ' " ' t. 1 i Win how that rtHpiiivefl tlinr nntinry fiii;"o ih' B'tnher Hill j un, amnni; which i ttit fiil'w, ing from OdfO lluiliuan. Ita waa off lhA1( tr!k (ir certain: Mr. HifTinnn fitollcd Crneral JnoltHon, Sfraa't ami plorioiw' tnan, and ihinkinji e aa in TammanT Hall, bran Hennanca Van niirri, aa he prwleiiiled, for erting e-ith the old FrdprafiMa in not eupportin-j the last wnr ! A poll at the cwt tail, oa tlte blank fanfaof the old HartOI Coo ion Pederalinta who thronged around " rPcallt'l him to hi nM, and he auililfiilT fipologiertl for the eoiidurj of toe rt'wrnaia 01 uomon in me i( war.- He eil that there waa a war pirty anJa j neace partv, and that the peace party ware ai frvn patriot, and dW loaere of their country, aa the war party, t.rrry oat iy tu ptaee rwrr, n i-x. claimed, would aoee gone to the death for iliti emmtrp t ' wa wrG parchaanl that well hawa "d Vw AX -uiiitKftt pufiiie how, (koowa by the name f SimHrnnrY IL) ajtuatew ia the Towe of Sa- ttHttar XCmfurmaBia frtenda and tha IWicJ .oejiJwrfeiAaaJUaxa Kg taper' frrtr. LaS in'Turcoonty'." Arrival and Departure ?! t a5 mo SAUSBUUT, X. C .r.r": MAIIr-W. Crentbeft."4 .. d.ilr. at U clock, a. ia, aad liff oei? 7 c'cloeb, a. m. HmToelir at IS wpte.aai S-i 'WaT Wedaeadaya. atal 1 " kcfc a. m.. nd IJrpvw SuBOura. I.nea I'ndnaa Vim- ' " f i I 'In PickawaT county, wbara tha DoaocraU bad TaSEe liuiSTIzf "wiH be wpplied-wrth- thej, imtt majomt , they were beaten by aa iaaorta-1 boa of one hundrtt pertont, ebippea trora Uci-I .bojrocjnjw jority waa large eoougn 10 aiwa ieu aemf V:. .. ....... la Hamilton couoty, JWraauw came p from Louiavilta croadtd, oa the' day ai election. with peraona whototed. tftraaa MaAej Jr Ia one ward, which waa carefuny polled' tbe day before, land found to hate Democratic, majority of twenty eight, tbe Federahste ahowed a najonty rJ ima huiwired and fortv-asfen. witboat any dt- minutioo of the Democratic Tote. These are but a few of tbe more aotonoos casee of detected frauda. Eary day, aa tba aaatU come in. nroofajf aim ill r outrasaa all ar tbe .Stale, Wbo are ewaotly' prafin j a boot reform, cur- linear, wawe, c 1 The Fedkrshata. ' ' Vba ara ia fitor of the espeniive ayatem of I a teraal Icauroeeata, who wth to have CoiiRre-a lo pay 16 bond red mitt ions M debt, oealesily con traried by be Statral TWiFeiraliata. . TbAia it ttuit eorrtally fjmplain of a waate iif aabbtiata and muney, ta our National and Siaw LitaUtirea I 1 j Wka bate canaan! tba moat time ami money ia futile taoMia, faetiooa ameuaments, ana abu ana pertmaWetheat ' ..la-ll-dayaot tha laat artaiiw nf-Coogrcay lh8l!JI5. t ttnml wan weaawwt-if m be ibe Drmacratic1 members, bemdoa innu aerable raotioas totea, aod, amendment taken and A JCWb down Ar rumen!. Thera wa a Con vention of both political pn.i lately held in a lit lie village down Kaat, Ibe land where the atrip and etare are cherwhed by treemea, ana where own the etnped pig ia not forgotten. An editor a"na diatanca towarda the direction of aun down attend ed, and took part in the " dr-liberationaH of both meetinjra, an account ol which he afierwarda pub. liahed. With a degree of enndor not often found in these deeenerate dnya, he doclinea taking aidea with either rty, but wimlaup hia article with lha following remark, which ia " alike creditaWa to hia head and heart." After giving an account ni ine proceedinga, ha aaya that after a cloae invcatiga. lion of the matter, no fault could be found with the "eatablea" prepared by tha Wliiir. but that can. dor eompr-la him lo aay tbat tha Democrate kei p tha beat liquor, airHnna CMlerak. TV andefeaed pWyta himself that no ef er .jum.eB. ll gk- .aUall bt wanting, to gtva general irv4Kua ta ail who ana favor him with a rait JAE3 L. COWAN. ,n-Brr. S-lt. XI. mo. tf. rtjurriCAL mkcellany. Frvm the C?oe. T3 T2Z TECPLS CF TIE C.MTED STATES. W ramiMiett in the Gbbe of Seturday, tha JU .. w w 1 f it ,vj.v :r-;; .;.i:.z; :. " .hetar. dd. bh iu f ra uu? e . jti-u tip rRtm,. thl alone ttiacanale aroa loarfaof tba krogkt ay -iit'uTfU'gr- tk1 Df parte Monflaya. jnunwji...-. . . iniaaa tiaf haa-aver beee attempted tir any wr. leaadeiitibtit.aaPART oalt of a WllfX end rsfHw orfoied PLAM, ,.i c ,m.t tmentina thrmiirhout tha I'nited Ammi 8nBiaa and Thirfariaye mi 4 ectact - J IUpartVVdneawa.ie'tBrcarae. w j CHEEAW MAIL: J ATnltT.T1inmtiiya.nf! fiatirwar 4 ft... t aniJh r .jedaya, Wanajj. f y' a n,ii.nmnawy" Arntii Fniay at & p. nrTUL 1 1LV14 BT FRAtD, and CON'- ItiiT lha anil of a majority of tbe people , of the CnMiav Tha plan may be TtACED UJUEADT in INDIANA, in MAINE, W11IL..U. m UtulA v AttL, ta 11 YzBrB&mte aaa -pwarulaBi- vnirn. uu. w.. iv.'hk. - A correspondent of the Philadelphia Inquirer, writing from Liverpool undar date ot 7tb of Aa- t a I t enoceafment, will lea out. ""VI 4V.V nSararV a.vaama5Snaata JUWE J '.-i. j. v - j . - 'rnuie ;trwabi-aiaa afaVao7bVgagd"ia aaa ormt If IMH wWta "JMIltV' ppri.ft!HaUbaAue ih ateamboata a tba Ch he aad atbet plans evincing fraoJ uodor diagutaa, prove beyond the onembiluv af a doubt that WiUom SUmmrn r tba .fcga8jr, a3lWSWfiW. As if nothing were wanting lo etpoea the pat into which Federalism ia aeeking ta phmge tba h bertv. tha ria-hla. tba honor, aad Iba aaorality of th nation, we have dtoclomti te oa by a mmtdtm. Ijajtm-erpetiCiaaawrfaaap by tba Federal readera ol .lew I arm. ,1 aa proia the rrirtra proof, aatabliahed before a jadartal tribunal, which tboee accwerd do aot veotara lo rnrrtradirt-fce wrtra' rteeutt for aaaary a4 tba hdl tf.Importe4Jfitor$jft9em fi . .... w- ..-wim UMt Cfiaronra.i icrrt.Ti- . -a . : Mt'dan'at aTmr-::" 1 . aamaaic iM iz.;fc:,.-....w -!-r-.-r WaaaeKtelr.tiiiiWIia ftWwaatwnr;Tnwt m-iippe- - .7r:-Z ..-L. - i.-i.. w-k j . .1 -r.'l lwa nam tr Urn-! nwl tpvin to that time to re 17 ."J" h. w. cuxvee, r. . OinkoT 0, 140. -The --.- -nr al.ma thrf had FULND CPON TiT POLL BOOaU numaroue frauda, eooaiatiDg !ar EXL BXX TOTINU, of noo-rwdent Hing, ot ,o.wi;r,a4LARGEMAiin:St)F NAMES i vtjr iVJ tn ihaui A3 CI T12E.N3 of the ATFusirar.ocTOiCRsa.a" , fcc(, a 10 IK 4a0 !, (prh) 40 a la (JD'.e1 aS5 lvm. 18 a 25 nut w '"rfMa.'slcanl ?a !, s 25 a 30 14 a H Fiw. ,4ra4 'Fthwt. 35 a S7 Paret 0 a 75 n Oil lroa. Urd. .dnli Vajl. aia Jl' aaat a. atal Do r) a i jstoel.ni3 ? Io (cad!) Talle. WatfBKT, it) a tUOrta, Xfta 12i!-w5WT,tw0 I &TlA.TrTTEVlLLE,CJCT.a.lW. 2 a Jt - I 3aS"i" wa-t Wr.feecbV. 43 a 0 uddIoI 374 a 4a wa, letter, BaEie, -dK" (atka, rnaa Bajinj, Com, Cwdlen, rataiea. wal " 13a tat lejaM 6 ai 'in a 25 40 a Ml 17 .... gaaal 4ta- Feathett, Urrd, aik.: ftrpai-flawaa-t-aM - Jie tamrt j! Trfmea.flra(9 4tt wVtMNO, . . TA'iMabB?. Wotfi. an It " aE the Dtmocrats hare now in their f,3,m h FEDElAL. BAUUls, witn we mmrnr m Fli caiiuiate Ur Rrwiitatira, RITrSLV LV THE HAND OF A WELL ILW rEDERALtsT. which were turned .. .... a t f 1) r BOX at Hiram in that State, E WRaT aa the town INSIsJTED a- ttm R.VLLO r-BOXES SEARCHED . - anna. A atimlar aumaer of amlwa. Jhua piaced in tne boaea where the Fede ntiietw haif tha iapctora, ara auffkient to he jraiat-d rta iocraaaa of tha Federal vote at the m a mifvrl id iwBa- f a sriXTL.D a fetter rmm JEFFERS, TS FKDEa.vLBIl.H CONSTABLE of Bal . im. ama deteetad bv tba acriuVntal boaat- ;.tvrrnx t FEDERAL BROKER of vtw.Tturxh&ma whom it we addiewd, mrecttnir H.I BCXDOED f 0TER4 TO BE SENT TO ..k . m rrv 1 he ehtctMa of Mayo. JEF- -ms darned Tfta- lettarto babtaf a now preved bvaioemu to v!wm R1STON ahowed it, to be " I ka Mwaad kv imr or five witneaaea. nd JEFFERS grand jury ..uMimaa of tne ev w la Jeiinwrw. the TedmUt ttmrui lha tn- .ta ta tha tuwa u " lunmrinii, w y T aireota all tneaa ara aroaent ta iiani w that wbich tbe occurrencea vartooaStaiaa, that wa oar thut rapidly adverted to, bad already aa ihorLzad everv maa to belie va. Will the Ameri can people aufler a Preaioanl af iba Ceiled Steiee Lia htmada by.meana.aoca.aa people ao aoelaved and debaaed, tbat aaea of at raw can reach that lofty office by cheating aod fraud ! Ara thera any among ua ao degraded, that tbey can venture lo bold public placet br a tenure awb .. ih.a I Forbid it. Juetica I forbid it, toe rwweev k..,. ml Brkat mm Ium beeav tba cartaiatT of what we ahall be, aa a people, if are preeerre oar iuatilutiona onpolluted ! ! Wbilo wa yet write, another asiounamg tact " brought lo aa another prooT of Iba oiaoom or aigtie to which the Federal 11 era determined ta reaort- Coder tha repeated tad damrurg proee of fraud which had come lo light, tba DemorratK WIHG SPlRlt OF PROrilFXY. We bate aomewbereV read of a wierd woman, half fool, half rogoe. wM represented heraelf aa a female Meaaiab, aod pretehdrd to the gifta of mirt; VUW'MobltMTr'Ia cHf'ld ; irbira ber lftwt tmJ cjtMrvra with eoofidenxV. ahe predicted thai m f them, a vnon wamaW thea xin eicellenl bealtb, would die witbia a eheiperiod,1 which ahe A t-A Tti nmlKtioo aretned at ranee, and Kiel lha cuuiregatwa with alatm. Before llie bme bad expired, the worda of thk eeer irk pelti coa'a, were ontv prevented from beW rertrind by aa ootowerd acciderit. Criea were beard in he room of tbe dtnwel. Upon entering itVha proph- twm waa eajoo vnim in "s"' "V" t-- r" My lady bad attempted in the dead ofVight to atraaf (a bar, hut tmiad ht-t . juteiidej . X icW JW atroeg (or her per, and waa thua unable ac-la-v rreiLction. She had; in fhet, caught 1 v .Tartar, ... it, w ,q awt illuatrauaaat tDfrn'C r mKjv. Tba Federalists announced, .k. (Un rJ apennd Hlfht. Ih" aUCCCSa ol f; Vim lir v.." . " ei tWr conspiracy against the righte and Itbertiea ot lha coontrr. They blew their trumpeta on every aide tbej. filleiJLht air. jittjiliQUU-fifLiefiancc and awticipatad aktoralliayaoalaBA btoakra comradKUoa,er lorerata tha aftjhteat d.wbt.' ;AII i mmokmed. They bad determined to secure ik. aWtioa. bv tha perpetration of every epecies of ftafl " Tbey bad conemred -to-iKMiufactara . .olea, . . .?iR,V . . J!.1; to iMactiaw aa i aft-pervading ayatea of corruption aiul hribprv. With aucb Bieane and designe, rt wa wot difficult ta prophecy. Thera ia no merit ta predK-tioa, whea yoa have taken anch meane lo aecare tba raault. But. like lha petttcoat ootr, the ara eauiht ia tha very act of wrangling their -vtctrraiaiNl ae Kuat llm ilwpp'aiiiBieirTrdeniron; and ecctetnpt, wiU be Ihetr piat rewara uiooe. awa bna. IMJICTED b by tba ti s AT aiERA W, & C OCT. ?U !. Wi a. a iTW. P? bWtX, f fatoa, (warce) TaTraKKcra, "To T? TUtc, mnl 20 a 23 iMoiaaaaa. 2lla hata. 10il21lIe.flnrie) ISlali'posa. W,.Sah,f-cV Wlatiii! iVifaoabe!) teoa, bwtwtj, . 1 AT TAMPC'CS.C, CCT. llall 3Sar aa s a-.-.r mm hlB uf hjti.bi a mum weu aiwwai ww On tha Tuewlay W- laT a mm earn tha mil aluaTUal IZiZ triw "w a a. Central Committee of the State of Saw York pra poeed 10 the Whig Central Committee, that ia tbe town where mere waa wo iw w-,-"-.., 1 ntinn( mimhw of tba parta be invited to erne ooe peraon who abonld bava eoaacaaaal aad ready ncceae ta tba nepnetora ataod keep a tally r tka ntf na bnih mdem. aa a check aa tbe i- aaetnra ...and ha iwartred e We w A a trtrctori m clarrr of wae de' aaUet enra aw Irf oerr aigAl i and that ia towna whore there are u IVMm.4 motlora.thaaa .iaMtaay be .xmwW hv the Federalieta lo our fiieeda. The Wli Craerai Ccmmiitrt af Ibe dry and county of Albany "faring lekea tne propnaitiona into consideration at a fonnal neattng, aot only .,Kmt tuit yi. it hnxir fnrnVd m aaa. ltli"Z tbera ean aaarottfy the plarav Tt plaarpaftc rora rTawacaT nearly rk 4a7 9a 13ar5 5!la SlaP. lOall 14 a 14 . OlWlfflk Cora, FTooi, raaifcera, IJrrd, blolaawait Ctatt. rti I'aB tna:d. 4ii T0 HIRE, ia fie rntry A w"' - a M rm . . Ka 1,. tutma avie. rhar Federafiara awr Wa by rava "L!l-: H.heoeda that tha Federal hiavwnra a aere vter al tha election of, rtatt at the prmrtpal.electtee I B" a. hnl aa iba earaa dav with tbe ge- -J alartieaa aa PwHWtlvawa aod New Jereey, ao aluat m Up" Tr "P . I, rbeea ia the etrongwt reasoa In oe- . .k . ..a have already bea made the r-Jerai-ra. U anac aW. Trry m ttta. fteia keatacky and Mia- ITpUmRrrof abao.-' i tbo. w, defoat the Tirarar aaa of t!.- bj I""" ialina)iwSr. tba base auppoaittoe that Iba Whig inspectors of elections throughout iha State would wdata fte .A mat which tba bad ewora hitW jTTy to atemaaMSiecTasribe proaiulgitioo of auch a suppoattioo uwJeniabie eruKace inat toe naraone. or the earta who aanrtkaied H, are wn- airthv of the confidi ef Thna the era board thrown ewde thna are tha honest effort of Ibe people te protect the ballot botes openly and impotent ridieokd-tbaa it tbe desperate 10 tent 100 avowed, to hew Ibe scheme ia the manner in which it hat been bgua ! ! afarafcad IJteticm. The Whig prawlarawV- iiy at ibe rVent election in that Btate was 1T7S -Alv. heinr a lose aioea 1838 of ,609 votes. A rally on the part of the Demhcracy. aad a bur elee tioo, will give tha electoral me to Mr. Tea Barea. If too love your graodxhildrea, or expect te . CaV. iWa 421. - " w &-ud ha bwea perpetratetl wttn a 11 you juu, i' , , ZJZZtZ TtJZ prnJS .0 theUrge have J H Sa fcAioa and aa r-. ' " hAvrd Xttef. nmJ ti Dnarfeteaft. Wa hope that the VThirs of tba Ihatriet will keep a vigilant watch 1 ever Ibe boildmga of the various JUrpartmenta t TTaifurton. A fire which would destroy them all beteeeo bow end the dih of March, vmild aot be at all displeasing lo those in whose cuatddr toes al present aie. Peiertharg htellinerr. Toe the ereifi! of nor neighbor we are happy lo be able ta stare, that the abort very email article M every sease is not original, at least, it ie not pe ,,.,' him awn. Wa have seen paragraph about . .Ml nf the aame aensa. in some of the Xrw York sheave. . Of all the Irifllmg maimi atiosa agatast the officers of the General Govern ownt thva bearathe bell and to be scouted needs kail tO fcc aWWaa Jaha f ofph, the favorite son of. Georgia, Joel P. f ika rbivatrmis South Carolinian, whose tzal ia the bat war gamed htm tha appellation of - tbe arch enemy af Britain," lvy woonoury -and J. lt"luliito 'vnwW Vk weH acting the part -r iMtuM. Aaa of their clerks, end, bT the arav, we believe a majority of Ihetn are Wbipi, are' to be watched tea they commit crime of the baawet nature. War believe we do no more than t it II . ! -' '" A. i.l 1 i. mill ii-i-ir-1 1 principal thinm which struck me in r.ng. lMo7RWalyllpvhSe1 it, were the Railroads, lha Oalvaote lel. graprt. tbe Bude Light, (truly a new oiie) and tne giasa . and silk maniifacUire for eurtaina and drapery.-- Of lha"firtt, the railMa-Js-lhev majf be aaid. I think, to approach perfection as nearly as possible. They are built for agea, remarkable for ihoir maa ivenee and ningmncence arehilecturally, and for the taata,conitrt and solidity of the caraand loco-.,, motives. I travelled on all that are yet opened. The Liverpool and Birmingham, the Birmingham and Loudon, the London and Southampton, and aa far aa finished the Great Western, which ia mucn , superior in every point of view to any yet con structed, I travelled at the rate of 40 milea an hmr upon it, breakfasting in Reading, Borka, at half past eight, and walking the atreets of London before ten ! It was not without intereet to me, that on a branch road from Birmingham lo Cheltenham, just opened, 1 was whirled along by a locomotive - made hv IWrta in rmianeipnia. The Gttlvnmo Telegraph w uaen Ha -IMWJon-- id RlackwHll Railway the car on which ar worked with a rope and when lull, a galsamc wit ia touched, and eiirceasively rapid aa two ticks on a .watelhjjj The distance ia four milt-s, and were it 4,000, 1 am asaured the signal would be as instantaneous at ftyhfu!. They are laying one aown ip io"ur forVnte purposea and jUe peeled he,lM ... Tn osa aH ear ttgiano - wimh h ih an i.Bw- cfliecTOnWr only pue snd lawful aristocracy 01 numan oaiur 1 The Buo LigUi is a oeauiuui mmg in i wOT. It produces, an atmoapliere of light, concealing Ihe m&hsnOhieh- isiar'eimeay Ha brightly - the moon shines I iou can reaa me cjc oy u. v... replied my friend aa cool aa moonshine M ibit a the Bude'Light. l bejged an' explanation, an4 apparentlv aaiomslied at my innocence, he gave it. Lime and gaa are brought into tome peculiar roruci, indlhoiff'-cXii .waLJitwrk jnfxiJU.i.... of inlensely bright moonlight. 3 be House of lrdaand Commons are Tit in this manner; and it ia to be introduced into the Theatre - It ia ve. ry beautiful nnd 00 not ihineroe " moon-sirora, when I tell yoo, that the chillies and repose if moonshine, reminded me sensiblywhil regarding it, that Juliet'a apostrophe, "core thou day in night," ia now realiced. Alas for the imaginaiive race, if matter wet people, upset etery tlima in this manner. , , Tbe new mamifactura of rurtainaand bjher flra-, penea ia a very gorgeous afltir. The rich dama.k 1 .. J ..11, ...,il.ttoitti, m pattern ia woven in gisas ma y -.".8 -daeatlmg effect beyond silver and gold in ricllwas of disjiUj. ' , - hef tbst the aeed aot the supervision of a Whig eeaMtttte of tigiUnc. Asicncua waterman. it to . Why did Ilarrisoo.resica in ths midst of the v, war! B-cause he proved himself so incompetent officer, and loet tbe confidence of lha army aud SS'M Oinlat e1tti. tne"'wirT Be.'"' cause ha waa opposed to hia country and Govern ment, and had a British heart. Why did halrdCoaveitioaa aithdoaed -doora, and why were the members and officers ewora to secrecy t Because their object was Tttasosr. . . .... Why did the Harrisburg Convention which nom. ina.-d Harrison, refuse to peas any cl..l , , . .xuaa np ima bov orincipli'S I lie. aUUDf MUJ w. ----- -y , .L A.rm rwl dVclare Ibeir obiect lo Ihe peo. lla-oMhiacouoUyrfor ibcj-would baiodignautly rep'Cied. . . , - WrtydoeelHoHi veuwer w t :.in- number and officer of the Hartford fonven- 7Y J'frrt Frawsf---Tha Grand Jury ia seesloe ra Battiaaur etfT b ''HwnJ a true bill agsin Madtsoa Jrff rs, Sr the attempted fraud oalhe elec tive rraorbtv, the particolars of which have been heretofore publtabed. IV Standard. . . rVma'a.Tbe Ohio pair are filled with ac- coaats of fraoda at Ibe ballol-hoaee, on tbe 1 3th in. aL ta oromote tha electmo of corwm au'i Federal Itckel geecratly. A regular ayatem t m-A Mtnaizin dlenl voters seems to am. earned eaaHotet lh State. The lrno crata saast arouse themselvea everywhere to defcat fbi apectea of tillai ry, which we douU will be a-abed br their epnoeats to the almost eilreme l7- P.l.aJ electwo. Tbe scene enacted . : J O.eaaaassja taTtll Paat PA. 1 tKaisaa ifVn. i, the. Suteia law - - 7' - II" kaH tha rhanrea Been allowed ! I eenaii uaruni. i.t..o, ...... ... 7 , . . . prated aa a lar scale in I .:; nwrnhnf and ofR'r .a - L . . t iUm If aeaiaKttent i 'rn. ,,on wliv dome memisrsoi i ventioo, Pipport the imhecile old Clerk A (he Ham ih, Comity C-.rt ? Beeuee. ' "J.? Ihe Harriii psr". " h WfH,Id ta 1 .,F WAX in ih hands of the Federalists. Tlttlle. M.rjor F.iton c!iargd jHe Government several thousand d-Jlars. more f r eTnaea to Spain, than were deemed allowshle hy Ihe Sute Department. The Major immediately turned Whig I Gov. Call imported bloodhounds and charged ihera to !h Government. Payment waa wlu-ed- He also ,...A Whiet Comment. The Whiga praise . 1.1 k.M l.a r it.. ireea be gro V t A. arcpwmiw "" It fcTarrv 1

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