T J. . i VjA v 1T1I l'il H' mm- ui 1 1 nvrt T( riiF. nirr.iiTm bv thk rmn-mnmn, to MoniBrrt a nr To the h-atics, as rkseivcb tu the at km HMrBcTivsiv, o to tmr n-:nn.K. A n-n.J'm nt to tie CAiUtitio, ArtUh X- ISvunV-er 2 of Volume SALISBUUY, It a, NOVE3IBER 13, 1810. J Whole Number, I fill), A Hi 4 t I,. it fit it. rtr ft M l m -pflttJSHEl) VVKr.K.y:::!!:K!t!CUA8. P.--FISHER, tldi'.vr nud Pmjritiot.- - ' '. T!w Wemsi (,aki-',?uas if jjiiWithed t very Friday, ti2 pr annum, HI sUvjiiuo, or uj .J0, it' nut paid m tdfo uwfitli Iroui ill tune uf tmtMcrmiiig. (Jr- No u,ner will lx discontinued until ill arre iu gea are paid, g die subscriber isVwoUit the aubsenpuun ; snd Die tail (u poiiiy the Editor of a wih lodbttotitrniio.al least " tfvs miA'TU betnre the nd et the year subscribed fur, Dill be coiwidsred a new engagement " ' i (T A'i'"rlnt:n,t eotbicaouly and correctly in ' ert,d at $1 pr pire--of 31(1 or jiftetn linn - this 'l tyi") for the fir: im-ertion.arul 25 cent j 44di cuniiuuiweo, .-Court and I Judicial had vert ine. ' .mts V!5 per I'cnt. higher Hiaa the shove rates, , A de (diteliua 5;,J P" cent, fr.nu tho fftfulur pi Ices will ni!!'! ""y 'ieriiTa. AuvvrttMnicnt tut in Sir pulilicti4ri, mua lrHr(ttd i-uh the iinnv t;r'(yrnci'rtiin rtcirireii; or ihpy-.witt tw'cominuot'tltl (jrhi'f, and ftMrjf" BfC'irrtmg'ly. ' To M-cnt" Heiltii, all letter adilrwwrd, to tlie RJi i"Sr"o tatei Hrbe. free of IWse. ., . - I)R: G. Ii. DOUGLAS ; nAVINU ntmoTed hi; Ofllre to Cml ' lOOr"f Mri Cnvnn' lirirk row. (fffiw'rly wctiiili-d hy f. AtshM 8ui!l,) wmly ,ii.i MioJi K'l UrDwiiV Ktri, Hitpy Inntlitrs hit pr it'ifHiiniiil wrvicf to ih fwililiR. .rin'islniry, August 2t 1S40 . ' ' -t '?Cl'I ' HAVING Incah-d bimHi' pernwiwot-j in mijHci iil cuuu(rv' iu ail bio suniiriiielififui Ins yrih I, Midi. H" nu'b rmmd f hi Otlicw, on main su tVt J J.,l:), l?l.-:' - . ,.;...;,.,,: ll T I I KS I i wTF J -IY oliorsn.s prufticpal fry'tut to j llilie cit'r.-nl ttishury,in lli.i tnirrf,Uiidnig eim,ry, HwoJi.'' ii. in Mr, Vtet!s-.i)cv hrick-buiid. itiT, m arie npwwile J & W. "iKiv' y'ij at jro. ' ." ' .Wnlisb-irv.iN. CAnnrt !K1, IS)!), " ' if. Arriral and departure qi the flails , - AT ASt FBI) - : : sui3i:!j::y. n. c. Arviu' daily, nt 1 1 o'etock, a. ill , sntt th'parts duily at :i: ; :.: 7 h'cIik'juju. -4 V--..i-r.v' Tur!ir ) and Vri.!y t.t 14 iiiifht, sad Dep"r', "Tue'yVStiJ r tidaysat l'u'Uil,t.,'Bk. ! 4..4l',4.;U..v. r.eduds,s, ..sT.Sat.Mdsy. at ;j - Vi:."Tl- R-.. 'AiletiUr. Af.t . Arrives Jjnn iiyn, TiirMlnys, and Friiys al S ocbic p.. hi, s-hlt l).'nru Muiidnyi Tliiirsuays, uihI Ssiturutij -;-lij.'.,Iiii,k..a.-ui. j!.-.- r- A'rivt S.in.li' m iid 'Il:.tr!iiV at -1 o'clock 0. in., and '""""" carrrrtCv .siaii.; Aw nTlietr,i,Thiirtii, od !aliir.lsis at 4 . m., luu 1). y trx AKmihys, V. oniiclaj, & KriiU'y al 4 . jiu .r:iy-iFiia at i .pja.j ..a.iwj )"ji.irlg nt'?:'. d.iys at 0 .... a. hi. - . . -". FAY;CTTi:VII.!.t;-r.i. Cur.'m:1 Arrive. ;?iinhiyi,,f)J Tlmrwliy nt i jk 10, an J IV'purts l.r xt l (1 s in, : . ' : "c Tha lui.h. arc miie itttal st .(ifjtn minntr lie- 1 fHr.iticw Jepsnurt', UtfHttire all letters must t iloli eril !wviiMM in limt nine Iu en hv the HrM owil. V " ' " a.' 1 t v iv l 1 " ..i v.V.-.-.,- I 1, ... Wl.. ..... : Oct.Vr MX im s's-1. V T'.ie itiarkfl-.' AT f AU iD'j!tV, tSOVEMltR F5, l"4D -Ull, t IU Jfuii, 4ia7 I.rd, h 10 M a 6: 1) s 20 4J s S IJt 10 a K'J Jiran 'y, (peach) V','1'1 fl..;ur, B-wwax, ! Biiiit;, " ' -.Uj.i. Uyyj, . ' tuliofl, oilcan) Via ' M a .'I") tiolseSj UatH, - JO a w; IS Sii'ii'uik, " 1 5tt jHicts ((piart) 10 4 Ul! -iihiJr, (iiriiHi ) - .- -1,. . h a -i i'lHIl,.: - lif, 1 1 a IS JW, ifl ." ,-Ml f '.lWs, - - '--' I'lusewi, , 0 I a 7 J Do(Hick) ip.J7oa JJ.IIM it.l, (b.Wr "1 10 a '.. I'aiiow.; 'x ' ih SO a AT FAYF. TTEv'ILLE, OCT. 81,TSK. Eraody, (peach) lh ' lapple), lWax, 4. a 00 :na 4 j tf a 10 Fathers, Jrd," .MolsMses, . S5 a 37J H a 10 :t3a97. .aliii, v- til a 7 " 1 Whiter,1 ". " ' " Ia'ZV STtTTTto-snTtT Vt lUls Ki-, i H s 10 HVR-e, . ;, I I Vwilun, 7 a 9 i'-vUuo Bj(,jinjf, ai s 2- Off, m a 3tl- tanillc", i 17 lxeed, ftl t $1 . Uo (rk ) i 50 a 2 H7J tJnar, (brown) t)J 1'4 K (..miii) ... 16 : D,.(loaf.y. '13aJ TofiaMo.-Xat) '" Wheat, H VVbii-ke, 3. ' WoU. , . . 15 a 0 AT CilF.RAW, S. OCT..C7. 110. wr, (scarce) bci, Butter, "O Rir.ie, '-.ITe. ' 4 s B iFhHir,' ' H a tlj Featiu rs, - -13 s Si jisrd, (ware-) !!) a '2-1 j.MoU, s Hhiis 40 a - 11 a l .'i a M 40 a .0l it a Vi 10 a 14 Ilia l-.'i Kice, (1W 1W) 101 1 Su-'ar, a-p ! j "vdlj -jk) Corn, (.tcarce) " fsl a Ovi' (busbi !) p7J a 1 AT CAMDF.N, S. C-, NOV. 4, 1' 10." hi? 0 a 10 ;h c V4 a M Mall 11 a 11 Cotton, . ('.irn, " 1 loor, Feather,' lrd,'" . Ainllftes, tM. Gal) B.t.ff. R. (' ' aVi "t 'S7 s 40 Da I'.' 1') a .Mi ' 1 a W UOVVAN HOTEL. nn TU1 813ttHCttlBBas II WISH pirrhH tbVl well known nd ptl)liln-(l ullic house, (known bv the namr of Slaiij-liier's Jl.rfol,) ailuated in the Town of 8. hsbury, N. C, informs hi friends snd the public peiiersllvMhat th snme is now o)n for tlw rfce lion of Traveller ami fi,tirdml I His Table and Bar will lie imfuedLwitli tlw lost (he nmrkftl nod Mirrotiodnig country nflijrds. , giablCSI ifj'Hcious and honntifully ipplid with jtrain, aitd prnvfndr, atltfideii by fuitliful and :'atlttiti Ostlers. " i ' Thi) umlersiiim'd pWg' himlf that wt'swr Jion oil hij Hirt shall. to wanting. In vito gomrl ,sdtifartum lo nil whoWv fnvor him ith a call." '. V'-V-'V. JAMRd L. COWAN. .afiM,.iry, fVpt. II, 1R0.' tf. r Look Up! 3 jliJH sobscrilior, wi'gliinn remova to the wast, jiflr-fiw 8nlcor rent his HOUSE and LOT, m Sulwliury nihiHlcd ihi main street north-east ol Iliu I'.Kiiltii.uio ' In addition to a K'xkJ Dwelling limit, there are two well arranged Shbjs on llie Ijt a Hlit'-ksiinth and a Wood tilmp, ani both in i.id repsir; uUo, a good Ktichen, StsUea and a line liniden. '. ' , ' V nii '3uiTiai-rif J Tie vHlTt m- i ri 3 TrartiTof-'VaTuaUa i.f l.uvnl s ( reek, adjoining I obius Millar and lA t Trifxler, contaiiiing , , ton, mid oilier, containing ' . -AfL&T luo'.hof'iraci adjnninj tho OTJ.abfica mentioned, r Jt;dntaininx 77 Acrcs. - Another Iraevlving about 2i miles from Salisbu ry, adjoining .Martin Ktutts and others, containing - v A -id last tm' BK"T, a first rate trark.lyin on the waters of Crane t'rVek,lMut '2J miles east Trom Salisbury, ronlniiMii . 323 Acm, O i which there is an excellent ' ,buih w uj r.iMir auU iUiirt into.. Persons wihioii to purchase ywlimbl property ..otlhe abiuie ileacr lpliuui wim Id jlu waJL ii call. 00 Ultrtt Nov. 6 1840. . , Fy JustrcccircdJ i receiving A tnrge'iS.ixik ol MEDICIXES, r. .!, .nil MftMnA - 4i?i -PALT8,Oih, JIruiKTi Xjlaii' V,-' It i ' i '! 4. rap, INSTRU MENT8,Soap, vRsMj Spier t, Pto coa, Clgari, and WRAPPING funrs, Tobac li.ijs P.Me Boards, WR1TINO PAPtR, Atso, a large supply of " - !, r Ulnfeij aad;8plrita,Xr6 AJicnl use,) JWiUlftial.w)oleS!Jejyi.d tn roil the urussure of lb times, bv C B. &.C. K. WHEELER. Hiinlajrv, Jun 19, 1S40. ' .' .' .if. Cotton Vnrnw." IHF, Subscribers, Airema for the Lexington Cot- ion Faetory, would mfiirin low publiu that they have jost received and now idTIir for ante, wholesale and rnlsil, the Cotton Yams of snid Factory, eon siitm of vari.Mis nutiibers.Tha sperirtr quali ties ami ehsraeler of Hie Yarns of this Factory are ao well tented and known as loneed no recom- from us Those wtahln to pur chase will pleaae glie na scaU. - r ... c. b. sv Clw W HEELER, Agta.. -.- April 24, IS40. - tf. NKW liSTAHLISIIMEXT, A.- 1 j.-.. ;v IN MOCKSVILLE, DAVIE COl .NTY, N. a A "THOMAS rOSTEIt f LN Foil MS the public tliate has rsniwed from his inner stand, to his aew bioWinga en the public sriiara. ill the Town ol Mis:kville, where tie will on tmue u keep a HOUSE VP ENTERTAIN MENT. " His ll.mae is roomy sud coniimsliotis rattached to rti'u-h are aix comfortable Olhces fiif ssntletnen of lite ptft n wmnient to the Owir 1 1 btnx. ,. '1'hs aulsMirt. bee pledfes hiiittwlf " llio uhwI diligent tseiuins tu give saliatactioo In such as may call on bun. Hia Ta ble, liar tod Htsbles are prm wled ill die bo.-t nianiwr Uml tha Muntry will sdbrd, ami bis asims af Caith- Feb. 14. lt'J. ' " - . i ii,i.:i..l , a VE jut reCeivsl from rvew Kirs anu rnnauei- II uhia. kll fAteuV'S aseof tmenl of , coMiivriso ir Dry Good, ll-irdware. Tinware, Cruck'' ery.GRtX'HHlKS, )rnganl Me "' dicmea, P)'rt-?lulN, Points and till. Boots sou nmie, i ridddli-ry,a.c.,';. . umsiTrrr&rirrv , s,rt their SUirk coin,riiis almost every srt!elr, 0 incm-s liih, yelli-w complei need, d b the I'-rmrr, c-it-, or the tmkmM , jg ch . ,Vl((n Du, ,t, T of the to'-ve or ensntry- ; M. B. .Tbev will sell I ' v 7:: ' 'i 7,"ii .7;, ,ty fof cash, or to punctual :iu cuusv, PnalucA ,Mleren time; " " aiciiiiij IM, JhH. Ii Ji. lf - Attn i,i:i.Hf A;Ni) .MffLssH"'.' .Chr-i T 4 SALISBUUYV ' Female Academy. 'T'llI' Eiarciies of this inwlHiiiiwn-wcrfl returned on Monday; Novetnber 2nd, under lha crMrgo of Mis BVKKIt. Terics as heretofore 9 mli at tlH 50 for the ddfrrent clflsc. Music on to Puma and (t urtar, 85 each; - 4 r -7 " - U.I. ok...'.. a lain . . - - N TO WATCH t CLOCK REPAIRERS. 5$ fill K Subscriber wishes in em. ploy a Watch and Clock Ra pnirnr, to whom he will gise con stant wotk and good wages. None but lb use of sober and inductions habila need apply. , DAVID L. POOL. '.igatwbury.N. C.,Ocioor SJ,40. tf.. miwAm iiwwiisiiiW' If S.jisiijfcwiagl03gkgl T -WILL sell, as, TmsKui.At JohaIUrd, Xtn- Mttrrnt LAK Ifctvlrirwlihm one mfleiof thtr ..r v-Aiu-iL,: im IMafis44- Tller1 10 Afrinr t;34iattit'THif' ,.-t4.. "-" - - '., sbmii '15 Acrns is first riiti.ai!adow, and a irood flnsb branch -r4Mmij; through it Tb-reinunIJ of the tract is woodland. Any pert on wishing to purchase, will please call on me, and in case of my absence, on my sou C. F. Fwber. : -"-, - r V CIMRLES FISHER. Salisbury, Sept. 1!, 1840. ' v ' If. " ; SflHIE SuWrilicr liaving removed lohe country, has appointed Coli A. W, Brandon fcis Agent, for aetlting bis buaioesa in the Town of Salisbury, Col. R. may be fou.id at all times at tip Rowan Hotel, where all persons indebted to meSare invi ted to catl and make sHtlemoul iiumedis WM. IX CRAW FOl: N. B. Nothing biit my peculiar circumsiances Cpuld induce nie lmftkfl Uua urjjtut call ipo tny Crieod bif acttlouiorit . V.U. . Salisbury, Aug. 2S, 1840.'-'.,; ; . " t HaokM indcry. .U'UXtA-U--HUNTK!LJto I N FOR MS the public that he still carries on an -Establishment of the above kind in ChabloTtb, North Carolina, a few doors south of tha Mint. llayiotf..M jte ftoncelvea, a thorough lno ledge of. bi UiiHiiewa, be u:uls ua basiUtion in assuring those who mav wish to patronise him, thai their work fWLbfi duneio ihj.vettt.liiia , and on.' accommoaniing lerms -:- . .. R.Hikf and other articles nt from a distance to be bound, will be promptly attended to and care fully jcturaed when dwie. ,The public araequesl- ed to give me a trial. tire will be punctually lurwardeJ for completion. Charlotte, Feb. 7, IS40, Splendid Stock of Fresh Kroceriei, fcrV., ' ivrt F.f EIVSD AT TH SALISBURY COFFEE-HOUSE mu, ttoiriCiirA 4 NNOUNCESto htcisioiDers, frieiMls and the public in general, mm ne s now receiving from the Charleston market, a Urge and frash sup? ply of article in his line of busine as among which will be foued, - r ,-5 s tb? Jill kinds of Vrcsh Crntknt ; -Jltl kinds of Wine nnd l.iawort . ' Sugar i .Coffee, and ' jlolasxet; 4 ' - ' ' - - - . f I , . 1 T -- ' - msesaie or kpisii j OrungfS 7 ''id every oilier article lit the groce ry Jmeer brought lo.ttiis irkct, . - Mc. R. invites all wishing articles in bis line to f give hian call. . " . '. Salisbury, Oct 9, tSIO. tf' ' I Second and lMt Call JR. ROC EC1I E now gives rmtice, that such A' A n, ,. i,r ari-riiinf n were rf.m t.itn hirt'.u.a , ...1. j mm a.'u..-.' -.t-.i. ...... j... - ot the last Superior Court, if not paid immediately, -..11 1. .... .... r... .11......... v- - win in- ,-,1, ,-,f viifT.ii-nit i.nrwijf .COIlip 18 bun to adopt this course. . ' , Snl.slHiry, 0:t. 9. 1? 0. v, A ;,tf.!.Ji 14ULITAJIV. I?OR SAIJ1 A Mil.tary C"U o Diisiif Si good SS I ew, FsuletUH Kwild, (adter in'it.) BelC S&ii, tapsnd Festher. (KT Apply at tin mice. ' .Salulmry, N. C, October 9, lt0. fS Taken Up, AND Committed to the Jail of Cowan county, oil tlie 3rd of No- 1 veiidier, J li. a oero man by the nan of JOHN FEARS, claiming Tumir, If t7 tHrfrre. faitr iotiTTf-fr-f lertrd, wilh a scar ! The owner is re-1 quested to prove prr.oerty, pa charirea, and take M ' r(iii--u rt t .,t., h.in away. . . . VJU LOI.LRIM, Ja.U. , Nov. 6, i M'J. rr Pfrrti-.s dntifi f'ft $ih, nt fa j fMfrr. t T ; : . To Tvaccrs. f I! E travelling comiuuniiy are respectfully Inform-- d that the iubcriler i Das' rtinwnij his line di rect trisii Ualsib by war of T ttuboro' auvi A.liSc(.i' to SalrtlMiry, in atnnli Nurtberfl made CVn h" ol'tliefirt ord'.-r; leaving; Kaieijfh 00 Mondays and Thurxdavs al 10 A. M., smvintf In Snlisbury next days st 10 l'. M. Leaving tUlirtiurT 011 TueAtnysand Fridays A, M., airiviii ta RtUiyb next data at 10 V. M. His horses sre good, and drivars particularly onrelul and sccorniiK bl 1115. , . JOKL McLEAN. Fsb. Ii, is:w. It N, B. Heat jeenred at 'be Manakia Hotel, THE Subscriber informs the public that he continues the , Cabinrt-.tlasihiff , ' ., lltlkilltllM, . . IN THE VILLAGE OF LEXINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. Ho" is piepared to execute all descriptions ol work in his liUa ol buMiiessina very superior aiyte.ns re tard worK'iUDiliip and uiaterials, and cartninly on luirer ttrstXtban is atlordinl by any other estate lisbrnenl of tKe kind in this ley ion o( country, ' - Orders from1 distance thankfutly rscaived and promptly and fuWutly executed..- i " Produce, ScantlHig and Plank taken in exchange for work, NATHAN PARKS. MOFFATri LIFE FILLS y BITTKUS. Mwasr. now u. cied and tof sale by the HunwcftiMm. Messrs. Spstsos & 8, ta tsicutd, i..C.,re ilso-Aden's tor the same.- -V- P. a 8eeadvertiemeuV'--Apfir4;l!). MT(ULF.g,S SANATlT fPIIl3 ii.valuuble Medicine is for ante by the -subscriber, ut liiiijdi--fi!r. MoatiwiiiVV cu., . N.C. .' ' ' tV. K, Bl;R.HE. I February 21, 1840. V ' r THE A(JR1CULTUR1BT. j COOKED ANUi UNCOOKED FOOD. Tbero is in the Maryland AgrieuUural Report, a record of an experiment ol this kind, conclusive in ravor of the cooked tuod ; though from son it cause, the gain in either citee was nut auiib as eiight to hike ptaco whtii hogs are will fcd. This ue. Stxx wi prubabiy xtwuig ia the toed, tutit is wail known that some breeds Inks on liesb with nuire than double the idpitiity of 01 hers. , We give, in a .l A ,L. .1.-"IJ" i -"T.-. 011 ins nrsi asy 01 iuceinuer, lour snoms 01 ine antnit hreeit and lioMrtv of the aame atKa. wiim mm. weighing 183 poumb, were put iiy theuisolves, ami Mwere led on one gallon ol shelled Indutu eora, weighing seven pounds, tu each lor esvry 'i hours, :,aud ss much wates aa they wauled.!! - Fhis-sas a J full supply, and though iiot always all conaUmed, wua geucndly an. " For llielwopia vviio weighi gnihjir wdu..l7&.uuudarjses . jiKii.111 curu iiwiaJ, uy iitesoure ien pints, were nimii - into gisid musb or basty pudding, and divided be tweeo then, lr every 24 hours," I lius, these .taa, had .exact! .ball, the amount. of jswti- gjvfiu them that the urst received. Tna cooking was en poooda, or lou putts, whea made into pudding weighed an avaragvof tbrv pouinln, atid ne-a aured three gallons."., Tho evening leud of mush was usually warm, that of the morning cold. Be tween the two pigs fed it) cooked food, there was a diflerence of tuuo pounds, and a lula the allow . aura of fifteen pouuda to the amallest, wis as much as bo could eat, the other was alwitye greedy and shsrp eel. - ,.. ' , - .. -- - - -j ; Bulnre being killed, 00 the 4th of January, they were all again weighed; and those that had bwuu fed on the euro, wore louud to hate gmned, 004 rive WHinda, and the other twenty, on the same dsi ly allowance of seven pounds escb. Ot t lie pair M on cooked food, or musb, and I lie daily alhm- auce of which waa 8 ptantd. of meal -each, the greedy oua bad gained twenty three iNMinds, and llie other. tniy-.ste. This 11 no great gain, tu be sure, but taken in c-otinectto with ether expert- nieuls oi .the kind, it gives ri.t(ij.bo imitoiitnl quest si, whether, when so much corn- is sunui.lly Lliudto. bog,if a aavHig ef one ball can be made by cooking it, ia it out well worthy the attention ot farmers to adiip yuch;a"triode-iind proviufl a projier apparstus t CMpatur,. y . , ..t . SALTTOft ANIMALS. , The inijHirlaiK-e of furniahing aali to do'nesiie animals, duos out appear to bo suflicienlly unden .Mood. , 1'hough all are aware of the avidity with s-hirrh at.imiiis cat it wh?n Riven thrn. there arc- many wbu scarcely an it thtur auimala lirinigli the season. -u tt is evuieni that animals should have it nt at) tunes at their command. , 'Fhey will ventinl to their-health and eomlori. The rj-nnti-ty albeJ in ipain lor 1,000 .bee,!, is 2-1 q.miulii, pr.ibsbly wir lh amounl tho sttmu iM'i.ln-r o-i TaMj get in this country j and ibis qii-mhiy It r-m sudied by them in aUmt five months, lls-y '-Hing little in the wuilr,c while journeying to and from . tltoir nsMint-iiil paaturCS. L (Tit Soniinerville allow, ed a ton of anil to a tli(siand sheep, and lound they co!iuu'd the most in the spring and full, and at theae seasons it was probably most im ful to i n m as a security ag-jint dmeu Of iu val- " ue for aiiiniiils in a medicinal pMirt of view, the following (act, slated by the celobrsled Cuiseu, "TiTuJTtiff (frenrd rlrreH : " Before I eommenced jtvi.ie ny entt'e s.i!t, my farrier's bill avenged t i pinjnds p-r siinu.n (or " more th n 250 dollar.) and sior-e, ( hivo never paid, in any onn year, over five shillings." Where ciiMhi have Hfcet shed. trsihs with a constant sipdy d" salt io-tbem,vboold lie k'-pt for their uie. Where they irut m as'led in the fields, IroMhs ali'iutd bo pt.lj ed, n l .ti( supplmil P1aailH'Wr'f ne'i'ieiiily. There will, in evjc-"! trimL-, .(, ways lie more ur leu bus I'm. in r.iiii, bill I, should rft prevent a supply v li ha bite n fiund (i " exeellent prsctieo wbrre slicep h.un cooie tu ij. i iroojhs, to put a little Inr on tho botiniu, sprinkle salt Ujmn it. In ill's wsy a srt.Mil j ru, 1 id' thelit is lukPHwiih the salt.snd m tiut n, : found condurivu Iu lu nllb, but rnlil.nl in ihn w, ,' user the ine, serves to prevent Iliu attytks if ll 'i Ktru ovis, r beep fly.-i. rOLlTlCS OF THE DAY. ; ; Apotngut eddrtiml (o Mr. Wtbtcr.S.h9 u)hhi a tune then was -a man who hud an unruly bull, thatvwas terribly destructive tu tbu coin patehns of his iKMgblwri. .. D whsl they would, this bull tore down (lis fences, and luid lb graiw rie.a about him, as if he was. merely thruwin up so niuctt dust. On several fccaaitnis they huii at. tcntHed tu f.islen bun, sod by putting a baiter about his'tu'ck, rocj uS'on bis foi l, ami a b"rl nj.ii bis honie, hiptd tu luke away his power id" evil, ami prevent -bis further raingcs. Hut tlur bull burst his U tiers as so inuuy aiibrs id' miniv, and tesd the sticks IVum bu bead, with as mut.li ease as a boy would tuss up a cent. Despairing to restrain the ferocity ol the bull, a geucrul cm cil was bebt to devise the means of putting an end tn his devastations. ! h had come to tie suspected, that (he owner had iraiund him to his tricks, and as mote tu be bluiued thun the duiiib uiiretmuii iiid cnimal. tftrangit as it 11 my seem, tbi ie i 10 some tneii who were in favor f giving full phiy tu the bull, but the property of these, it muni be th. served, had not been touched, and inileeiL w ii 01 nisi i 1110 wijinisirs. incre were timers, nTnrmjlTtm-a statureh ml tiitrepid eld 43a;it!ii(i froiu iho reti!to-iiillennuls, who were far run. close tho.iuutter si vnee. v Hui-tlm most singular proposal of all, was that ( a grave and iinnmiuiit bull ahould have prelty much his own way, only -that hostrnuld teTcqnratnd to tic s 1 paper 'ujiuo"his , hom,!. giviiig notics every lime be mieiidtd to limke nu assault, and to promise that on no occa sion, would he do more than a certain "amount if damage. The looide, however, were too know. ing to trust to the tender mercies ( f the bull ; and tin sugcstioo of the s iao man tr'2 the wn -was dismissed, as somo said, though, we can liar" 1'"' pose iu the nnO.1 ol riuicuie7"hie8, anagToans". The moral of this story, my deur Beoalor is hat the people of the L'uiied Biates hove no fmih in so rnYeiious sou lerocious nesai as a omihiihu Bank, enpeouilly a ben it ia in the hands of grsp. ing aHd unpriiK-.tpbid owner a, and that they believe that aHit'.le paper billet posted on its (ohead, sbowmg what it is drtitig-, and that tittle tif il h. ita tail, in iie sbaiie ot a luiuialion of dividemfs, ih .about ai tfli.-iual jecuxity ajriuust . Ua-apriccaaml terror, as a pu.t of whale oil would bn aninni Iho restless heaviiig(of the ei.--jV. J. Eee. 'in'. Uarsisom aso '1i,k. In one of the lata pub- ,.ie..ilc.!!',.'?C .'.'rri'H.J.j.k't btiiuccpjutcd. tu . have said that lie and general llarrinoo nlwny agreed wheil lit CiMigreiw,. i their poIiticHl iisia.- Col. Millson, iu his ade address before ( Democralic Ass)ciation'lbe other evcniii;?, alludel 10 tbS'TCCwded" fiicls in the case". lt' isn-ifis Iroui the record, that, during 'hejihorty'riist tiey. etc in Congress together, Yens and Nsvs were t'lhru iii tmest"tWlk4S au4Mr tlM -tti-ii-wrnrK,:' ailiiin to each other FIF FY TV6 tjiV, and Im ly voted twice alike. Great similiirityof p-.liii-cat opinions tu be sure real Siame.e lwiin. TIP-A?il--fYi - Tbla iaa atrauga uuxiure of discori!an 1 1 i i rials, intended to pleaae all but dingusiing to tln majorhy; lor who wonid appruv such miituio as this! Tip says he will sij;n a bank charter, if Con jrea pus the law. Ty say s a hunk is uneoiiMiitiitiniml. f Tip is in ravorof s protective tn(J, pnr.iueil uu til grass grows In th1 at nets ol llo S-nit!.er,i cities. 1 Ty thinks the tarilT uncoiHiii-itional. Tip is for internal improvemeiits by tho genen! gmrernment. . Ty believes such improvements to b an infrHr ttHi of the Cotintilulinn. Tip anys it i I he desire, nenreal his heirt ti see the aurpluareveimx appropriated to tho e"m, 1 1 pation knd deportation of lljves wilh Conaent oi Iho Stales. ' ""Ty ThTr.ki the genera! government Ima no ri'.t tn li.teis re with slavery In the Siaits a! ail. Tp was iii fsvor ol the proclamation and f .r-o "Ty thins them both a grot invasion of Ssa!e rifhta. ; '-. '' .. Now, at Tip and Ty are swallowed by tho aatrm arty, in the oumo of hunt cid. r. m whnt do they dgreo f- Shall we have a Piendeut pulling oni! way and a Vice President another ? Tne Cabinet will ho a nice p'uca with two such i tnoti tn it. nii;fC14 Wiffp(.iiir hovvcvririn alucli Tip and Ty both agree. 'Jlity ( FmiI go against the poor man's right tu via, which makes the o very acceptable to tha Fd.IumIuIs. -Vcj) Orlfnn .''-1. . Short Mtirr. K Committee of ft a H ciiierite i in JackiMm, Mipwijipi, recently invin Thon-i. i G-Mide, Em-, to a bariiaciie to lie gimn rienr llmt ptsct. Mr. Ooode replied to their-tuvitatinri m dlo J ' (ifcHTiajiKH t 1 trii yui agaii, that you ip; birki'" up the wrung tree. THOMAS GOO DC ass iphm .' h f a Umtd Stuff Stiwtor.'Th IU;,. ! nere A'l.encan ot the 27lh u'tiino, ann-mrur l!.-) ih a'li of Jno. f. fpenro, !'.M one of trie V. i'. uiaUtra.itJla) laiuL Il4tli:ti Lhi -..a in Worcester county, on 'Fliiir.i'iuy the "i'.M t.it. Mrmlrfr f -Congm frvm Snilk Vftrn'mr, ' (lilhiwiiiJt sre ihe BK-inhem elect in th nek I V lm.rtfrw-Klals lc K. H'd !., R. 0aine: I; -. i John I -Snii'txill, F. .W. Pitkeits, ThMnt. 11. ..:-. . Sampson It, Duller, William Itntlur, Pnftirk f, r, ! wei!, and Jshioe ll-fers. William OiilV'j itl.-.r i Whig in 'he lir-(',(m ,;,-.'.eF -

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