rfff'ri 1 a tliil r.t ",, hup, b: yrcp ia 'r b rr.n- re t!u..l ars hnur- .?mIi.' Ui.:j'.i'"fa...'w. rfcci " 4 nr of aa' i! vc. i I. th fjvc'kr. r.fvM-:-..tr. Cf'.'twf" .. Ta ;. iv- t of V p-prtl- f ,j,;d if-nl "f j,,f JCul'T ia vra-av''" N in. ai ii i.t t frit- U ra ti lb I is d"" yi . ire t" t b j I r 3f" . H . m ti I a, est 1 hn I At- I loni"", I ,t dl I r.-l; I I ' --".. E STK 1 1 N C A It 0 L I N J A N. rriiir , . o v k J2 is i; i: 13, i 8 to. KESif)KNT!AL flLiXTIU"- Tii return Mow, ibow tlm .yf sitts of (hp jw-il ja U,man County. The vote of the lemotrutic r,y i lew tban id August, but Ihia lulling nil wan t.ilfil ll I'? cll.lg III" rlllllllt,- but Ml'iV fe jHuty .lid not rally their full strength tthe twllv . . .' . an Hurtn. 305 . n '. 73 . 40 ' '' CO-Jt Hat fit on. 00i. 109 lVo ; C1J. . Si'ui'ur", Vargaii'. Ibwinm.' M.H, Vftll. M.'ll, . We iiiivw WMitedJeyimd niiMiaunl liur of j'ib!i cilion to gut ulj and wiiwfHfjcry returns from JCevi' fork, IYtinlHftifl, em! Vistula, but im to thi um (Friday meruit.,?) We can form no coocluaive wmnn of the remit 'in thre large 'Stole.' Our aNMMi ro cppftieif, Coiilrarlietofy ami .erji!-x-. rtj. Nt w tliftttfitj Nmtb Cim.lu.a !. rtion i Hv;r, .-a there i ier h;.ogr any reawm. Ix ii,wr. pn wr. niiiipi fr tkci, we may expect to hear j dii IM reUt. . X - - ' - .'.! MM'. . . .' , . 0f,i!.: Sj.i'u m fir, we ate vi!iie!y iii thw Hark Hiutvm iiw' pcdmliie reaut'-. .FhrFi-deraliet rt.iai it witli l'ir tistnil bracrt confidence,' ftnm ill f,ct thiil there had Leon gain in aouie of thi: Vflf iticc ltjf hie etoetiotjl''' (Tn"tn ijr .Urt d.iiM, flit! heavy l!inin:rri'igj;imi,tif 3t Vjd and ejtpeetH- wtiuld brmf njt imr n Bjrto. The Star 111 the K.ntt i imi yet dminied tr'a, Sut-wlwivyer tl'ft'jpira'jrnL ppe flor-wrlttetlark' roefcint uid tti tiM Frt'crnli'in, ax it ! m Muii.c, e ailvnijwh'de mr ipfirnliwwiorw if the di f:nt of Dciikk rai'V I V lU trntl k-n'ii', ' , -1 xr.w ii.uii'suiari fJiiiiniw tilth; iea IIitnij.li i Cmt'rui uwt"ivel in hr drintioir to DfiniXTiiiiri prirfidra uthc d-fp f. nnd.iiii i.s ,f her eyer!i.v buh. i baa lather Mtcred in...l,eaitaM.d, ho) no wy- otitri -fw a ! -i.te -.maUiutioti ouoil 1 trwwd ai..j .i,:y ." ov r '2,H0l vulea, Jihe tlack kijof AUditmi traito in the du thronuliout Ii. j patriotic I.' ri!,'i, m-r, (.hA-ve to the rf.;rr ai.t fc'lnti'di ..... . . l Iv.n- la.i .rK- Ab.i:tii,n d.r.iH' iii, flu- he?. In iw..r ir.H- to i..;m n.-r-tf inai itiec.ujy t'l.-i,.:. "?wf"r:i"ri.-."i:iT.: t:.-.... . , r , I'um ill I' :r i:criK jjrCiit t.l'C liuii '"h t'wtik jjinlelul iiuaui, A NEW Y03K, i lp 1" ill" l .tet dnh'' we hnv-, t rl-iiiijwtd-.y IW iStritSffYVVtnif-'in Itii ,iTmiTw.T7oai'Vr i7 fii'ii-t' i! Muma hi mrj.a r'tuvcdthnf the r n nctatif f.riy rriie (i.:it v, ry eoiM.iii'rfli:t" en ' tl-eir vu .Vjl!Jn!.iicrue. ItthCl in. New Yiirfc ..UlJjxifiU..i.tWrt,tdi.uil-4'y il..'-jn trthwrrrtr, id t e LaMnu j ail of ltie,'.Site itM'ihillV M9 i-iiTii'i-iiM-i.'ii lirr . 1 iii"iTBt-d ftmn .the tutvro ! of tlm corrupt end nl ;tn It'agi.e t.f iV(!f,';tiisi i.d Aboliiii.n.' . ...NWV.jruy.'..;.;. 'r ' . II f.il. d to tiiMiici-he-r ii-iit!d hoi'cr. but M.,hirl the - b(..ti.i al" ow.r;r ario' to ail btr high pia.'fa rd fowT, i'mm i1ikh .-V Klu-t'iii kave hurled thi-in anh worn and irminiry Tor tr.P-r rVjraut "Vb'JhtWu of I.er ..i.fii "111,11." -?' Utjf,.i.i; f,r iiiiTFeJr'fiV! at J A V.'iiii.ii caiiu.Jnto, "j i rd tu tier h t her aluuo." . ... " " 1 CANVLVAMA, - ; . A',ays in tiea pa.it true to D.'mocrary.Ha we n.-v, jet fit 111 in her nrcicnt faith, Btid unanver. "i n l r dovHioti In the Constitution, Ti e Ivit 1 ba bf n ftrf.jj'it ii t. .'wirBU'ly by the treiin-d 'h yf iIie'ii viKy poir. ..All the tmnusiiar ii ' i iie of ijie Fl-jrik pn'ty, I'r inilli.ins of I'la'i jioid, La. iiCcJLfled" In turn hor front the fr:r.cirtv.of.J BLr?orU If. bp ha reaminri lcd -fcr atrtimv ddrr ij IfTgUi ioiialiiiproTr rTlTie Wyle over fraud, britjrry, luuiihii and coirupiion; i-.wtMha fate smnvrti ntf .bMatXalVuittnup.'i ui fUnti Tttra!ienH-The t'lehH been aocUjaely conteated tlmt a very Tew tw., H.-ruj too tti !, I n turtwd the acale; MAKVLANP, " .V ; Too, bs yirUfrd to the huiuUijcra, end boar. J tu t!io Wi.rbio f i!ani altoia .mI 1'i.IiY ImrrvU. bin power and Br.tiKh cold dh been loo power M for her ren'iflance. ' i yoked m the car of werali.o and AbnUii'Hi VlltOIMA .. .: we tclieve, nobly anserted tier unwavering "Jherenco to tSie doctrine of tier iiriniortej Jef- ltllt. " :' '-' - r - ' .' " ' " . i .. ............. . , The unw-dueed and utitf rrificd 0!d Itominior. i brre aUata l.aa ten and nlvray inean lo tbe foremt ranks of the IVmocra'ie aha B, unmoved by the rhaincful apcatacy of e.ime rerreant, riine ac-rviiitf Dolitician ailhin her bor " tia havVirol J their principle ond rleirrled r proWdon f(,r a jirire, eha has repelled" thir ctalioo with cr.m, and nin given rTiflnce '"tar time of inul end danger ihnt ahe ia true to; jb principle. ,.f nt fl 1 the P-iuth. The ! "iiitTier of l,rei.oi,h jg uutointid by the f-ain Fajdrraliana. T-ianrr an ah remain eo. YW bave not tha lull returns, but j'idg'' from tho , "Vxident time i.f tha Federal paper in t'iO SHiute, '.v!' ' a to lm!d vim irCna of, ! It-'miyrracv. ' , ! 1 . n Atnaf.r tbecliiirjry (,m.! .iuy v !.,.., ' it if f..!I-ti o I . , ,., Wf.i, ,, (,,,.,., Wll lW. tui,t obedience to il.e tw ,.m ,fi.-HH..t, o hi't si;i:i Biul d.t.lly em-ini.., iha ;;0 i, ',-, .l,.,ry rr'w.f Afi,,!ii,1( raito.-.' ri.e t'n.-i ,.! I) .I.'.m y ;, ;;.;,, ..f ! j v,. n f ,,M , tti liavi- hiiv viMiiHH'! 'Willi li.M Un,,K' i.tt;li for- e-i hurt on the ciirnry i: Fitl tatt.V !.. lint in jmpur hs then fjiimi iit B) .f brdf r Id " 'he Fcrlrr.lt !t i; tin;?Ti:i;itf To KSy; i.ll -if, wliii-h lrl rt'j'--!..( ii. f.,, , ,,j itprM-..ni add loutuiug, imv. riire. linir imn Hin!, (ItlJ Mlt.4U'll tiiO f.ilti lrtll.lilt of 4vuVuii wJkiiii tdi-y united no teth r thin T.ijmn, liinoted iMhtiiitiWi.nd hii equal fi t($ ihu poudl, M h is. t'uur liat.Si riiMen (o.iriv ! ie ha emtVtd rt.utli, uml iwciuo d.mtirt'd ti. Ki.fr jet m.-ire fn tui iiij'uf lUuli tjuu.Jajje. i, : V imn) nut li.o n:.vins, tut ricrtiin no ! .Vsl-i !mt t.a been mul! driuik a-nhlnnl ridr, anil guiifl to awcil the -vote of jttio Ftdcral Aboli- ' Votfd lnt wHIt, tjtlf we have no infor.-au'.iou of the rtsuli eCi'j:t from tlw Cutern earl of the Stutc, wlifte Fii'r!il paity iiiivv liiifJ inoe llio (fiiterlinr'a rli-i'iiori of '-l. 'J'iie clmmctr of iho-eretnritfi iiulnya us JoJi'5J!lhitLriifc.M!.ilt Imt tmnuilii.Hl. 'Hie "iin li.n' in all pmrwhility, pye fur old T:', tim nsrire ln.ro of many tin taught tuti!. ' ... Tiir: .nbw.yokk kli:"j ii).v ntAUii (f any ii.mi rim read t'ue hUtory wf tha friud if4iiwi by th Fcdeful mriy iii' New Yurlt t'iiy' 1 1 lSL", 'ilhcut heart ptd'.fning at the rtio ml and jKiliiicnldpgradsKion Uify display, he ifnr j',i;iie in jj'ihiical jiriifiiaoy. It mOnT cause d rp ap pr:heiiipii uiid tUi'iit in tlie brvn..t of every true pa inot of either p.ir!y, to itfloct hi twdiirrg end in Ihiiihi iiiaHi;ii iif the titcit d rt'it if liui fraouliiitis What in tiie iviinef Ldrrty, tijay e rt't eipect 1 ftriB 'iii-n wtin v.t 'ohtain hiri'i! rurtlrnia to curry ......... . .... . ..... Tftrmti.tTaJrtOT jured wrefdir- themwfWt!' Are theft truitur$ aneaile hi cwiitryV lib rty, i guilty of tran. y.h?. J''". grJ"yy!'5gM i!l"f .L,I'!! ! ty itii;)itny, ;-ty fraudulent nrinffh' a ifriti- ' (r f. Jte t a more dut'g fou ewmy, for, inaiead ' f !,r" f"r',f'i hich might Im 4ept:ihl by force, tu ifi t-ri-flv aii-atiuv awav the driitst rifiht of " y o - - - " die (H'uple In ili? tini'" of paiiy viulenoe, men limy tulciiiti', and evn atiempt to j'itily the infa ifti.iMir. niicniia tiHTcilnl by these late dirtclomue ol fraud on tbrt hiiili.it box, kit hfriMilier, tln-y tiiul w U M ,e . lMi,ir,,. rirr bit'l and iiuMt vtiiisnou at- 1 . "f - tempi rirr miule la nii n awsv tne liuerur 01 a 1W pr.-j jatpipuhBt ijLi: n&n .' :.. thor:" 8 f'HI'l "f li';Mr that renin be e.-am.l Xte i ;u rol (J.Wir'r', 'j1' FcJeral neuX Pr aii,rH4.ph-'tii'i(-thn fout woik, ahu'w tUl 110 mr-u Tm-uW Ptfi1arritlT Wait eff.ws(4fgmmw ,1,, ;.,ltll.Miit hvVi tn kei v, le i m lK31.y tW r.-Hudnlmit votes: Ttiul the ' , .;- . . irT'gorii v in York City, 1 were men cii":i'cu 01 tfrr-if .jtehiH-t- Mwui.oi-.Liivd pifeigiier W'jd Je'T - t . nM" .r . imid inn. ui.1.1 voien., ur..n..i . r"" " lamority party. . ill in amrinug nuo "'ty . : aart ,. aatiii... f - v pfHCii.'f t't got llilo :. oRiceT ; II w ahowii ly tlie ..f the pnrty. tliar ranny p-eaieg men ot 1 - .. .. i ... M.k (llM I . .l.l.ll..tll Ifl.l.irU 1,11.1 111 hiiii jr and bri'.gmg on the lian.lulent, voter, and ultetthc election, Oov. SoaaiU tipmiuiou inia name tool, (i et.laotlh, lo a lucrative nlfii in the City, thertd'V not only approving, but actitBllyTewerdiiig a (tv. S..i(l In OHM' II Coiil tri eil I" Hie pun, iwn uivuii"hm rn.iv lanii d ll u be aa cure in Inddii g his t ffice.a (J... Reward dared 110I turn him out, fur fenr of iberiehitiora he cmi14 louko. ' - '1 Iteie ia not th alighieai doold, thut bad it not briiil for the diwoveueaoffiaud practuad iolS3f, hie Fedf ml party would have again attempiail, and ferfcap wiccit-dt d, in carrying the city by the Same n r-Mn at the eln lioti ta-t week.' It ia nil SVfaiVat fixt, ibnt eeeerat bundred men rtgi irrid prevtou to the lecnon, for the Mprws pnh jme f voting, rfi R.rf forte forvtirti fo the folli and rin..t M, ai d by t Butauiethpy dared nol etai.d the te.it "I challetijro and trinl. The were not legally antnti'd to ote, Eul-Jlir abe.dweoyery.nt the -jtifarwaM . . .. . . ,r pl.d, ajiti'ait dowM the Federal party would bave . . . .' ti, t i.. .... . .... inuie iiH-an. CJ0 frauduni voter wia.ia nave "elecred FeTeraOTayi-r-id' iUtttrncre, andihe .nine Iraud wiaild hnve apain ileliraicd IngeraJl in rhrtaoVlphla. Can there '.b! any thing ii,ore con clusivo 'f 'the fraud ' jWiiK.il in' Ihise cllie in l3-, thai, the fact that" b'.'h Pj.ilkli!iia and .!..- V..rl ahrn the-oill were euurded where tlt.tfw..U r va.U J UUMIIBIP !W BWB "I'm- tt3j'-ity. " . -i-. -:; . jjmarr in i..n. o . . lartd DiitrH-t, s. c , br P'v,1fl : ""i"' guilied etatMiiia-. a'duiiwr'! Columbia. The late "tfurbai euil Riimea'aire'J inn!ta on Geo. M-'l)i;lnV by the Feiloral pic!aof Ihu rouniry, f r hi c predion of npiawn a fra-mnri, on the grcij p lineal quei.M.. of tlHt day. and the merit at ttif Piesidentmr curnttJate, d..u!il! induced from a portion of hii frimrdaof tl Ilepaililicao "party, thi pobliC manifeafatwn of t'aitinued regard for, and I I - .11 ..I conlideiice in, a nu whom r .udl v.aroima wm a. way be jiroud'lo honor. IIea'ir,l tn tl laid;' they crop the fk.'very CmJ, jn-k t'i I'" 1 "j rwaiJ IU alied 'lo ir bl.-al. ... .., '.lior. to the la 'f !' t''tl ,r..r the iiroteetioa- oftbftr fr-ft." ... .i..!;. w.,,,tj ii, Pi.li.r ilL I waa told by aweia VV bitvie aPer the Hairrtliat (Mr. am romitriiett 10 tteNnaiHtN o;e ar'aertr not ... . . - 'J'l 1 J-it..u aiwi, 4 iu.u m. duuA. ii.uia . i.miij-Auii..i. i.iui; I mi uqiima Mtonii tin i.wto aiwmamiurairvTnsi ' 1 '" "en that dy;-lot 11. we how he will atand up to In and o the S'wilh which it involve.: but I cannot rrrrt-tittff. hfM thnj II reot rat party Pra-f falstdwda on -Mr. Pmwtt.- tie-utih? that Mr.ft tftiia'nr iirf;atrriraK;..m il7rTiJmZZiZZTnZ i ica tn flii iiw i...... - .... - i I . We would udvoMTT Whig pan,-, who have at ii.. .d, urdertaHa to anl men, in the mi.m-r ymt havei of.New York, not to take twr eia-.t withtbem, rie, imlew yi'O kn ttuwn beiler, and aril nflltatl h i Governor reward Cit Ihi-w to tha pwj.tf. nttta mn b,Umt wHb iwtamityt lae af eaare,We '. .. i i! i-Hiy v, I; i i. ij If, a uiii!ji' u.'.ii' fuiih J a? t-i.lm t.,1 in l!..' lu-t ' dirty t " Ltie, i;l c;iiie mit ul kiH'KH-ilj.e Li rrnin.!.i!iiy a iiwii, hp rL.iII Lave no ruuo tu c m p! ( H'!icU '1'iMJ tjrty Im.jn,' i.Kf;u t W no, mid ftboai tl.ls eudsiliu i:y 1 i- u t,, niii) rh, are enlirely tn-ncat'i the tvu'.fmpt f imv ituleniOii. 3 f v ut' ooffrti egfin in . skik city, etpnUwij ' '. i ... .1 im.iii n m t ,t ' . .t S. t i.Ah.S4ttltwH, m.w l4wk-d FtrtietieMM ui- Iiiird tiiiRra. Oim U-i'mw - (Miiii moie than at enl wnrdiio New r'k city,ad kiIm.t aroalltrj yti58, fur suniUr svici-4. 1 i .Who Iuriii8lii;d the tluniaiidi fiif l.icing h,i rinindrflii tt hrtt htl the rxiwy come from t At the rrq.w h of Cuirp-rident, e puldiJili the mLjmntvi cmiiiuiiiuliiri, nu cdy tx the graticatioa t pne of our tritrt! in Slukee, ni u buuw Mr, HruWn's eltantoter need any defence from Mick be-' hind-back ar-iulta, as the en here related. Urnrril tVlney it tno wf II known in thne piu to require U trouble of a ipcotal amwer to bw eommoe atutf. ' i ttt th wEatcmti cAaoLmu. . Ma Enm ; In tli cour ol the prerrit political em.aijn, t Imva witiiy-ieeil two )t Jlie ..Fwli'.ral .p rolling. cixMi-iikin carvMirtlii, one at Cloinmoniivillc lst iuiii.u;r, and one at (ietumutiMi yuntcrday. At thej llfW, I mf more dritnkenness, rwt and pntknity, thun at any other public gathering in alt my lite j at the ' lift, ttwy hint co liparativclv, wore dveent eprej f CIcmtrnmsvdK 1)117 had only one log pen, ouo ball, on c"oe, and rotne half dl"?"( taqner' (twdea the petit. J coat, owtt lr tttt inconaidenit iicmocrata,) but at tmrrnanroii, tnty bail s !w pen, a liuge bail, a dry canoe, (very aptly r.'t. wanting waat UU Tip J lie in the I'rcaidiMitial chairA beridt tW. bn would nnrt Jwckhnra, coon-tskins, red-jx-pper, culer barrel, , .nd other f the ui:d emblcn ot Wbi principle-! their meat a pretty gaud, and tbey had plenty of; it-aye, enwgh f.r three time, the number of cidi'N iloe that awn aaniiilill thrM that ila fiar it ia eai. nee mat were (einoiefl mere mat day, lor it ia evi dent they whted on 4 or 3.000,-twt .mire thoa I.5tK : at the btKbot counU including boy, nejffoe and 'l, ; could be iiuiKtwml, but tbey nnulu the imwl ol Ibwe i j . . . . ' - 1 ........ yutzied hard cider, otlwr aweuva wing three TippoaJ', whother we hare acted a M-ly in ull. rtnif, coiioc feonur, Willi nomr wae appUuA i hi wnaiui up : tliet part of the frolic. I come no to what m uwre ' onfttwikrijL,iJta-.abj,et.ijiia.ciwtmtfii .Men conc.'mg 1 limn wboiii The ltcmocracy ot north f Carolina bave honored aith their conflilonce and a j. high rialion, one whom demotion to Republican princi-. pie cannot be deniud, and whose perseverance iq thej cauae at tlw oconle. ot truth and Ina eountrv. baa been! nntirinir and stalou I roeaq the lion, bed for 4'. Urom. At the loj ruilinj; ami coon-akin vliow yealer. 1 day, titi hiariea and incorruptible champion id our' cauw, an furioWy uimilvd, and meanly aiandcred by j " "lgJ:.!de .S!!C-T.''?',! v i!f lr 11 l.inculu t.ounty, and calling Iiiui.tlt4.irtn. IUI1117 I eaidat the tune, I would publij4ihiafalM'hoodi,andnow ak a place in your p.tpi'r to iio eo. A to rnany pMiUtiU talwhraTrti., rhr-y my pw ; thy are pit of ths syttein of Whig "lactic, and of the tnck 10 trade of thean travelling Federal MiMiionane; a ca '.rtr! ZT. 1tich ilie pari . I.ave apecuutiSu, ZZZ STT TTT ts?ut la .?jiiake.Dibnakvia thi tbair deapawia trujr:e tnr power. If tKi.jr tail, 11 will , Utay walked foumUielnre the ateiato where th-y dealt out u bald-face whiekey. and harangued the peoplo, and ,.,., . , . ,- . , K 1 waa Fuin; in tint Uovolutiotmry i IHU. . Mil.... MW WUMk W MU l,W Ml IVI J W l, war. Alr-.tunee ite- Irpwn- tr4-loa. these ,,,;. inj i- fc-tiajceoied aaine eoiHa.lan.bla aortiea ,V: ' . ..' ua . ..... ri..K. .... 1 J0f bj. tiMiipling to nuike the ple Wieye 1 . , ,, . , j-.w ; -TTT - ' IT i . . . X " T. : VI , a :r-Tg-ii'H.aMJMa.,aw. . Lp,Ue u,i m.aia fiitawbeeda concentiit.;him, .,. . 1 . i. i . Mr. Brown eoly .a.Mr.ee4 !! people.. onc tJWojr.lJL' ""'"L. .ii., 1 .1 .1.1 i. 1 ' ' I I ...im. WUH IIIB , Utll'il liirce n tlie coon akin party, but 1 hwrd linn at nuotber time tbere. A for1 hia going home with the mm ef a lory, it it hilee.--he neither .went borne with Mr. Ed. ney, nor imy other like bun, but alent on the. ground under a lent. Put upon what autlwrity did Mr. til ney talk or OLTiicrence at King' Mnentaml " I ar no Twm-tor.tnTTrrtriiraria have beef, aadly out of ptace there, for the DemucraU; ae.nbldto h -ar totfju and truth, and to diartia prin ciplea not to guxxlcanir cider, roll bill, dreg log pen, and puntde coon rM-nt. - JSo, he w not there, and ariU he lalka 4i it at a iiunt place, if b had been prno ent I ufpaa a hen be tnade bi charge against Mr.! Uroivn, he did not llimk there waa any one within bear alio could prooou3Ci thtrrn'ralaeof h own pr rin- I knowledge; il waa lnw,meia andahannelul dMirre ol amniucl i Una Mr. talney to make ins violent per annat attack, and toll the cuitctnptiMi hlveluwde he da! of Mr. Bruwq al Germantuni anch eonduol any in-.n ought to acini. 1 kmiw no rinaun for it, exrept that Mr. li.owu laahrd hi pfimpnu vanity and igno rance a-bMbrvcil, al amie place' or p!ac in t.'io nvHtniaitia, where thi nntabl tleneral l,d the p'e. wimptmn to meid, and attempt ti anawBr him. If Mr. Drown bad been at tiemwintun, Una Genera I. ou!d not. litve related toe alander be dal, nor aliould I bave i ,m,iiiMi r.i mpiI'i i n i. fKMiimunH-attoa : lor 1 am mora iming my toot, than pen, and trouble levTtflon Xa.rutiT, ' Itarnson jnpe'r pn'dt.e.f in MW 1 ijB Bhc,utpotiiice) generally. 1 am w!y oaeol I'. ALL. ..u.1...;. t ,1,, k IMA..'. L..1.1 ihrs ? tiMhv nteehjo" that Mr. tyny' patty hold rowi'tiit f could no Wsiiont arbeti I beard the char''' acter of a ma a ot talent and Kriking virtu, one who-n I i rreprct, aMHik'da air. itrown Dy tin Mr, 14 ney, who ha taken it upon himwtlf to lnvl over Una and other DiMfict to direct end enlighten the "igno. rant people," after be ha been defeated and rejected m hi owe District. I aaid at the time, he waa retailing (ul:h jftja, and I now raneat the charre and he ean inaketheiticatot it. -A-UKVltti'ltAT. j , , "fwa fiii'.'mfiBS FaSoU.-IU , EniToa: j our fellow, Ned llaln, baa take Untcrtrnicr ami bcti mit Th tt wWI, mJ aSt)ij ! it,. mta aramnttmla.- Il ia cftiainlv tl.e a iw-fl c uria- nmia havH nMraawil. 'I hev timl thrnMolvM feirlv bede4 al every turn, iiiuiaied iu every tut king plaeav and C'v:','1 ef evrty lirj.atid b-a tunning hypocrite an.! crward tbfl' Neu, wooid cnmi'ider it hct to do tt he ltadoiM; juil an cxpii'J paiition, cut aid run." Nod ha an idea id andu.g to be ! at: Ned ibuik, ' ' IIe that,' -tie 'and 'run aaay, " ' ; 1 rMaf live to ' lie nother in." Thi i all tme.and now air hyrvfrite, with a few w,rd img ym may go. t will wilier yai to re after .. irt .H il.a trtv ,a vroir abuitdanl inKrne. nroviited mt . . ti' ...v i i 1 i von frHiln your Ivm In home, d meddie no wire ia : ., . i .i :" ...... ;.i V....r in I... I....I IDfi ail-lira Ot mi.uii.w . i. .ih.hi.ii na.. mm prop. r!y. 0i no d-mbt a yiia thi'iik, pretty aeveiely chiairfJ: jou iriand before the pub'ic in yonr true character ol a di7merd mwereant, n. with the . . i i . r- ;...l . .i ii. bramlea wii i' a -wiih- nu . cow.iu.j nhall ere V hi, Iii..' ail c,.-r., . n m);..-t,t .m! wry ! ) ti.;) iP ;t:' ! i t '.. v. ti r.'--ihc i,i.-t lil y i:r i ' . ' r i McVfif blf ri! n.i.li. s i . t i ! i i.. i.'-tc It, N.m!, Hi, i l ii-rc wai,, it nr're. . n ni'. il .. I v, ,,.H .i r,l ii. . V 1 I ll'll. '.' i,: .!! !. i'o- II" ! y. t '. ! ii" 'ti I ,r t. kiwti Is.--, i vd!.tl iy n F.'t-'d i.-i .- tt riMi'H tuj imiww.iiih. I ,,! lni. liftciit nu n i I tho party mm!eitinitie ttitritKNV r i"iir lilliw ani ),!,,, '" t' K'SUii. l te wi.r.l u v.mr in.-, , , "it pi:! n;; I lute t.-vir.J yrni iq ..(;. r.--,h-c ttr.r- hi t it-, .,- i ,,. s.., .... ' nh i . . . t . ... . t . wttt- ...L-i , i. , I ur birernt rente. t;lit tiir mou- or rirt, in t ' aV'li!iff ni.Ni Kta iti.-,t.mt ... viin.ri( nrt)'n:tnii. Al. worl,,i.-iei,,.uJ a U.4cn ....at..,.. Jk. ot VW'd, Ned l-Takt cure in tnm ! - i I. a el ri'fr : l-" . j By tlii nifrni!H?"i Hitri; we 1srn lint Vnnvh niii ha gvtf hit tlm Sifinl AMitMMi titiitlnlato, by iwvt.i 1 nim haiiired and JifttS-tn twn huiNlred aiid nrtv 1: The glory of the aid lCwu.ao u iliAe.i f, ib (Swt 1 MKi.IwLErsPURU Jh'tt rEITcOAlANA "mT . . i . ')' - " ' - ' i New York ii alao aaid liiSova jpmeavraiiwtthe li'eio-i tt i im.jvM.-d to e'nHi-h, n ilie Town of Clrrji,"", ocrtic pany. , . ' " Mk ci.liurjr limnty, ti. ('., a tlily ni.',Mi. 1114- Virginia we yet botieve'tniVti Iter old prinfil.' ilkr'tiw anw Idk? tu be ediu'd auJ piibhulied' b 'u. Tbine'a render it eenatn iHt th Fcieral vj : i ihM.rilr, The puldicatxiti ot" Uie " .Mt'i-sbnup;!" haveoneemore nccwileif, by hmnVifjcry and frwud,' Ji.rranMMn wiil cwiuwih: by tb tt t' Jmi'uarr in pitting into u.'nce. i iirat, or f(iri niait rml can tw prwuird. lt i!i t'fd Mr. llnrrnNi, it he Uvea, wdlNw iinii?unitl ' t !riiii'.i witU entueiy in; aitdjor tijw,on pi r f -tonccvpfthe l'rvttleniml chrnr etter tlieNlth of MiiiTi "tfi U ..Sirqiiifii ami au.i l d to u;;ril...i t ! .hi in ncaL ' . ', ,f"';, (,KI !' rji.pt of jiu. lira imt.iUf,) w" 4'J ! , . . . " 11 '"!'' " ' .-, ' in.it pjiit p advance.. -v . " tui'in't wiiholJ annthcr appeal frtm hi Th-pNieiit--t4i.fi4 effort that lU'. owiL'ta public c) e. tt coniri front a mfiher of Cr"1 'tl'lh an orpn al l k Iwrtlt-pc of Aineraair ln- fnnn the interior of the A1110 of So Ymk t ; epiid,Hee, torouii 'vtuli Urn iK-vtrinwi't the lk-ii. ; Much etciteuM'iil apper fit tho pert of ' Prtf f''r ?r.i.!jt!eii! aetrti.ie J -' friend, from an apprel ..n thai the .ih ,lX" w"." ai ,tf ' i;:r , ' , ' , , 1 1 1 ... r winch the A'fM.utT, the IV.tfcanJ ly-tr tn-r.-r ab4indo!i na, and i nn our opuonamej P'"J tU'.'V ere ,n ,.,,,., u .11 . :, 1' 1--:. already ,lculituit i the cours ieary 11 f.h caw) to nurnua. Ii (m waII kn.iwt, M. .1 t).i. T). cretic party' in adhering to the H-nitii upon lite wib-' lenharVattd, to them, n-l t:m U.puwint ot U. an.-, ci ,,f Alndnimi, and ttibrnttrrrg uf m co.u.n. . miM-a ' woo-uncSeoontry, Kn '.t.l 1 mm man- lor ,?;yt. ' . , 4b4iliuuiala have liiiow.i ihu IM-' Tie Jn.Rua am wr.ie a it p..l.tirl .jt-.,t, ' . t . , , l ' , '',,, I ' . , , V w i; h, , ' ,;.,,, , which hold the hllS'lC lit the Sia:e of New 'oi k ' f " - . I P'r'J . . r t v o . . l i ,!rt rlli J11 It K'-ntuck ami V iriuuf ftn.tiiie-. ""'" W tuMern Bte into the hund of ; Mhn,m,f M lbV.mc t h ami,.., .1' ur. ladittca! ot.jiuimiil, v Admit".! .by the purest . p,tVr, h.e a r.,, ui. put in l....n,-. pairioliini, nud cotiltdmii in Ihu npurt of our , our ayujot of ti.Viimn.t, vre qu i Ml .1 to . 1 1 .'v " -(ii.mJaiLijaifliww.nrmttt,-niwflT-.yi...-.!.j. ...-'.. . ' -wim ar.tt .m 1 i mfii; my,m;i n.if,titi,it w r oncd to our dostr-ji ttMi as party ; and whether not inilunte jijraitist the Ciiiintiition lod tim (aw may not bo adunted. No one ha h i watched tj.e .MIM. ni.a.4.1 r... .k. r..-. A, ..1 il... ,i . f. 1 f .1 . 1 T . . doubt that the rrioiiil ot tlm nrron! A J.iiioo.!rati n in the North, have hithurtii la-t the bulwark of Smilhern intereat and Snuthrit Inatitulioo, and tbut there i grent dniifror lo U ajprehemW from ewn (w miml miiM ad.11i4.smn to iiw Aholi. tioitUl j but .ho.d.J the Sotnh pi. nn -ut to it- olf, eontinu inra ia thoeouie luthorla pursued cannot beucfit thm, ud miwt be auii i 1 11 to m. There ia tlieri'liire gre ift dinger from the ptoent ioct id ihingv that a..bi;iu(:catjg,pirtywtlj be fnrcd into a coinprotuto upon tin groat q ie ti.Ni. You kiiow that 1 hnve alwaya hoe (ihiii.) among llieToremoit lB iui'alnin iie'fC.ii, "and even to gruiify the 6linjf of the SomH mj own Stale for the .ike of ineuwho oiV unv.ilii.ijr to wwtain uain returnirnl who would ' repay all our .u;rifici;j with uch deep inrauitftbin.. , . Tt.. nu.,. . 1.. - 1 .... : n v ie-" tir.i m 7iiip (i i;u rHK7WilU4 Iiniur.l HI t. .- HiiiiHuiiou uiai v vitf turn in inv iw Alir intliamf ilata trat vuuL ll. ...v . f .,., J. hA L-a.'.ti. .nil... a m.;iI:I..i : . i.... 1. ri'K'ir.l to the diifinfiiiU anitaisiiiToiBauW laoiiof to which thu. Carolinian " la conducted, ae hnie . i i ...i., iiiui, , u 1IHIIII 114 , U 111' .1 .1 . Ui-0 1 1 V lo enter the. li.U, to Cfaiteod (or diemty nd enn tkmnnly conduct. lYitnr. o juaolmt inlet fer ence into our private affair, whiidi be tried lo turn to ridirnle, Y itnre hid alniidin editorial bead, calling lKiiauuii r. IJiiHer. (a m.t exemplary 111.01 niot mim n-ilrinl U I 1 ID lTLi Ij. ..i.i J. 1 j. 1 Thi la dignity ' If we had lone lo look ba k over hn pant conduct, we could ahoyy a gooil di al mom of bis gentility, hut we do not care in bandy word with aweb it caitiff. Ite unit b gelling brive alt at once, a, he l!k'buut ' Jnfiii. iina' v"ie poii iabiirSnrfHiOl a.lvia lu'iii, .j .. vhli)ir that lion' akin, i3 li ., . ' . An BMi'f lode upon hia recreant l'.nba " ' a any threat of pmiinbniKiit, thai he tun inukc, " will be loM upon u. We know him .w wll. f . . "'JVer4 L'iiriMiniiiH, ' Tkbe care, Mr. Carolinian, yuo ere too tu-.li. I any My holding Ned f ? - . CABOLIMAN3 1 Ii X)K HERE 1 ! Wiil you never Irem wiMf icfi ttntitlt Fa ton fata? Home attnlie friend ka ai4 a tpr af W,M pvlier,' Vt.; einiiHiiimif en hitet . f the iiocejd s:Mg (f thfl,yeriuinj Igikl.ttja rui.hU:h.' puDiian in following, ior me.rofiMii'MMirfi ot eve. ey-aiaa 8. ail h af 4 ha .fatamac t. , ' ; ' ' II.Rrai or RetnaaTaTtem. n"Wr. y xTuraat, Oty. Ti e n"' PttUUttit Utftrrtd. Of t. W. Fowi'f tn com- . . i -. j ,... . , . . . ... mn.no w ruaano t. mi. - , FAHMIN0 TOOI. HOLKIJOLD Rtudulwx. t win lite Senile for ndj.iurniiir'jiw of both, tlnui Tuc-niay nrxtt Laid mi laUcJJ.; lNU .K1TCI111N . I'.LltMTUitE. . - "J oi -iJ. , . i l t!lariwi trther article loo tmii m to ineolion. W'- Faul of Middirtol.nbtkinrd leave of ab ., ,w,t f mt.,(t,j i!l bo ilo, u.. o er-i.ee alter S ilurday mornrng ; and Mr. .Iwlul'j fi,rgS.pwt aal a".r..v .cwrity for the pur Well iiAcr to-morrow mon.ing, . '. -.' '.m.'-m nvn.rl.it aima'andre fhra aVdlar, eiti. -v --'ir - R - - JJ- -ft-""-r R ft '- f-A" IffiwwwlHftWitea; ta ritd ew.iT-.nrt'Teq ir'M ' ' " r i " " . ' '' aiake. iu'iid'.ato (mv.ii.iiii, ii tint eredi'oi "ol BJh vitrwlucrd. By Mr. fiahin, H etir-nd the , U M wlrt IJuf ,a,w1 m ilin!ff jWd-iVm...a right of trial by jury, la fugitive fro..tri: in; AM g(, T1WW1, nn,w;l rm9 lllBt , . , CHher Slew, and pnividnig that all writ to arr : aw r.. ,..iMJ o prew.it lh-n f..r a til. m. iit f,r ' eur-h fugitive .hall be renin.al.la in iha mainly j y.,,,.,,! iit,in h-gif time, ..r thi ti.rtire will be court, and that e removal or aitatnpt at iem.tvl ' . ,;( j il ,4 thoir recovery. from lb ; tad of i fuititiva b-d'ore trial, rc in de. , JttllN F. COWAN, Ad.nr. fianca of 4ioa "f rmttt. einH t eoaaider. ! j ,, j.w 0, B). ' fii ed ea kidiiappiiij; j referred to lha judiciary com-1 " ' "'Kill be ram.a.Ut lU.Verni.p,, . rmk? " "A AlmUXtaVor'soVltC. IIirria-0 Stalo, and why! Bi?eaot il . a riink: "T " 111 nnderatened having iditnined, t tb. N'.v. Abolitiofl State, tier wn find Vernuiilia going! Term,. IS JO, of Kow in Omuly (,'oort, lal to follow ail 1 1 lo New Yuk..- The bill introduced ! li ra of A linininlr itmli on Iht 1'aiain of Itv.-j eon ehive, i nmaitit the emlnlenpart of bes New"? Aimm, dc'J., aotifiee all peraon indel I live Y'urk 5 abirh we nalil.ahed a f-w; WM'ka ao, Ij-iine, to co-oe f-.iwi.rd and make jinmeihaM o .v - And mind, ae prihliet, that misery iNofilrnin Hai:rri-tti, lha Iiat imi-M rhMl ; u i t where the A&iiit.iiie at'ta W3i mgainfte, itn law will b! paKaed, Farmer ami planter of ihe P mi i It, an wi.li nut tu array you ait tii.xt ynuc . N'orthara brethren, but here ,i itinr tht ' rnind yrwir eri'.ii e.atai't-ial'nai." I ' tM it-- r. v. -,u.fn tj ;;t.ui U i.Mj. A' !( I- irt I :. C'l'iVAN in1i!H ",:uiy ,H",;!'' "hm !'ic tUui n.5w ..lt tttlUUf, P ot fnehda.1 o..i-ri'v ,, A v In t!f Ciu-n.im Hi Vb iiit nit, 1 V.rt Ilil. Sa.n-. Ml U.e , Mr, l'tl!I.V,iUROVN' tu Ma I'llC.-a ; . . ' A i I V' ' V uI R.;.r.k. Mr. SO All I'l.fJIlt Ui &iu l,I.MV , J . A, M . , - l.i Imrlnll I ..iHtb AM li.J Kill til. ti.m H ik Afi. .. . V ' .. ..:.V . .. . .' "7 K Vu'rV- "f''" "..iliX " in tin wHitT,n!! hit 1 w wi.'i w iy v'. fi in.' t-t , v. irkru'irv, ir, r.h.;kt p.. wu.i-ms v., ma. 71 i ii 0 s p t: q 'X u t . 1 . ' 1 H ) -t , ..f, ,ft d!.Niriti'it -lv.'i!.. I s 0tU 1B 4I ,,rv.,y f(n ib ii, .1... . iU,.utu,x. TU n7iai17Tn.t. '. in, thai it n-ta the am.Yrrr fi'i'w. tu e. f th vr i.ot only tbcwiiriti tJ, wajt A'i mww i H r!,,r l ile " ,u'"(" I b ceainierca and bwwHmot' the ahihVooit'rv- ivniJii a urn 111 rumvairam e, ttniin ti irniHiaa an I s . . . ' , , , . p-'cuuuiry into, and loi;iU'ii tu OMirU d' j.u.!ation . t' ii victim. Tht ayateia .tnaai be llmmkffotm 4 bcfnr are-can 0(a! lo w ai'ltWd pro..pi r;iy aii.il-j alike hptn all iMir'tiiiW.' To'aiiTt.i pri!ieiiitb' . rrftM, will be ee f lli inn in nlpcu ol'fii iii' mua. It a iil iivar amnit fjri'(u'n jtrtailfiit, pmrltut lrf;nluliiM, Uini.T Wi;r Uuo lnnnl.il by our 0tii4iap ; '', ihere.iir, wi!,u.Ma the ohr toiiinr rf a (iri'.-i! ?i.lca llnik. lutarnat liiiiiiinrinf nla by In 'iural t.i'tver.mi.tit, a re"Viil i,t h lafltt Hya cie, an iji iiwJrVlKrat wbouM of iha (Vi-r.t tiiyiariniif?..! to itay l ...111 iu.Hwy l!i m Hi rawi AMi.rfr.d nullui.iM of d.MTM, butr ' -i ' f " Aa q.icatitai ui w.i iutportant'eriu it. 4 iul"" &.nikhArm.mMMiim)ia ... ;, i. a iiviie iM.wneiit.iua and, wlul OHi,f, y Ji ,.i !;! i Kt.t.awt'iwHiaa' viawl-wf thmr'tcl"Tf iVnrttti-mi -"i t' aiuat be evidenl to alt eaitdnl ohs.ru r, tli t'.' !';';. MR 'preaae of the "With bavV'h-their'.ft' A-r'V i-'t.f apiai 'hi mbject We thatt, thereb-M, aithvat f.r "' Uting (t.'mHio. ed a a aliriHil, l.'iid our' lirf.n'ii u.i tu imwt in aiaakvuuir the I'tMula ot i'h- ..-1.11 '. dun vl'' l incc and t a. iiravf their real 1I111.'. r. will he devot.'d li.iHUtir dincucaon, thu (jr. ,11 r relaof .If.uft, Utnulurr, Airuul:uie, and ll.t M dmtrxm;mnmtt&jp:(Z vrmrtT.eTf.iai-.':- velectn.11 ir IheM mlij.ns and a due qi4iitify ol l .tn- rjd'Aj". he fiftitor hupia in Tni'i'r'hniTfteet vTi'r'ftiiij1""1 li.il pruhLabie lo a. I clvNe in tci.i'y. pn.iiii.liy co'iii.iHMl nil h. . Any p-ron who will procure ex ilmeritwri, anil lx 'rerpiuiaiblo I. their ul'rpti.na, al.ail bave a iiiiinb. r of the papi-r gratia . . PtwtuiaNU r r rq'"l lo trjt a Aenlii lor t.'ie paper, in lecciving ami fi.r - rtfl.vrr wibrriiH'ra' na.ne aiula.ilcii.lMH.,'; JtKS. V. HA Nil' fU.V. .T.71JTtT(; , iw LA DICS AM) r II ( f H I .-lil -1 1 IM 3 S "'a WE bovo j'Ht ti'iv'iw.l a Urg end frttk iily of Jhe celebrated V' Ll' tei AArtee'-4rtriieii Hra-ifai. of ajl kio U. Tltota e whing Seiid for tt.atu itt viatvautild il l well Iii t all or eeod'eiiofi, n tl.ey go .like hot cuke'v , un.i(jrr. wm;t:LL!t. N.rvemlrjif l. 140. v--' . - -iv ... a .TeVAiiinuslraiov's- SoVicc.- iTllIC aubicrilif bavinj n.i ibt'.cl aa AJuio.; u.'. a "tot af tie Iaa:a oi J.aapli C'uami, .'.i . wilf "flr f.r lSto,at the tnte rride'trr ; a !n n -,,,,.v f.J"'-ri ''' iero'.ial proiMtriy behMi"!' ;t llion t , tm-Mi' 1 ,i being Men, Women, and CniMrett ;' Lao imitate,' cattlk; i roc's f cottjix, I ,C()UN, RVB, OATS. FODDCIt, HAY. . hn.it..g i laim aqeiii it ,i.i J AtiaKaia4'P:rrilX! 'i ... wiihin the Iirnil of lha w, Iclly ent h-i.-l, ; or thi ujiice will ba plead a nhart'i rnr.ro eovrrc. . " CV K. WlU'I'lit'lt, Aomr. Si.hab.irvj Nov; 13, -;.

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