.TUVA TVT -Liill J!.; i-rv " per. 'iil-if tii 5m r,s not tructtu ro thk rwnn.fr. ri cowamTTtss. so. , oh,tEP ,tto the "., a.c .. 8rrD to rat rw acre. meir. . f . this nn.-Amrtmnti to 4e Comtitution, ArHch X- Sumte 23 'ot Volume Si. j SALISBURY, N. Cn NO VE3IBE1T 20, 1840. JJI7oc.Jinfcrf-I,CGa. ' ' ' ' waaaa mam awaawaa ewwwaatw, "WW (Mi,,, M l ( 1 ml! i Aji. a.ck.v 8vry M'u, EDI.' I'ht rial BIT." if. re life. ril'nij. '? tb xc; An MS ooife lali.nt 4 lb 'AT r tU tm efcSjp v-r- (will 1MII4- "i. ti ineoln; Ihitt XT. P. it-. Luu liter 7 in h 1 tieMt ri ill ea'M . tv rBnr, 10 M IPS. If. fi Si i lllA rwi; b.:."ir rord! r H in p" mil Ml!H ha :-P Ur - Jv. Ttm or T K ' 'ff JSOT aisT J A i OJj (172 ATT. , ' - . . PL'3Un::i) nr.Ki.v.:. ..rus. r. r, iz- ' Uui or and t'iiv, n (if, '' ' ' " " V " .r,eVEsTr.B CarolinHi i uL'mli every lJj, j, t pcf annum, ih admire, of i jtt, tf-aot ptt j)ire isoiilhj Iroia Ihe time if wtiimtritiijij. , I,nm will be discontinued untiKiil frour,,reje J ll,e iulntHT ih lnu uorttHM ; tud Um fi! urtW notify f'8 Kl'l"tf u tu ucaouaue, ai "wit 01 goKTU Mote Urn tud cM l!.e jreitr BUlMcrun tur, 1' mX bfl considered wiHortitl,.. - : fry AJertt$tMeHli coiis(KCUuUiiy nftrrct'j io-ji rtrti lt f 1 !f qiuro'Hr 310 tint, tr fifitn Itmri i ,t tliii iixed type) hir the first mcrUu.'i,uJetalf, j,,.tll,ii of 3:tl por cent Trixd the rfirolr aiwe till Ul yearly dv'eruiiar. CO" .Adverti!- tier of inoitioi Geared, itoy vt, w our.iaiuc J- tron busmesj, mnu ' rtr nf t rne MISCCLLANiiOUS. Til K CO W BOYS. "I'll ri'ad you f nutir d-ep and uargeroa. ; Fullot puil and ariverituroit ajiiTtt." . ? The iii)ifrvofing"pefKd fr-m t! .ifnnrti i (f ho vi:r J 7 70 in tli close nf Ti, wa au r5l tut time fr !'e i"lunt' PJ'Ih.Uk-. Tlicy liad de- clarrrl their Inifpi.de!i-e, had thruwo41tiie y9 a llriimrt,. 'id 'the tiu.e had rn.w armrd i.iti. tte words of a pottiot, it wan be irwi li. lt j Vir Amrricaim hadirtit rtioiiyh to Am, b4 t.l , W." The year 59'J was (wrticitlarly SiU!tiiii-i rii th fVHwatiiMi of I'iiifcidilp' te; XUn lUx i "W, lorir-remt -nrmnrnr v-rw-, tt,. .w t : riMfi m. Hint t"r Hie timiiy fiaii'i oit j r-uiu)y i iNs Verity and lt the nnuicai fftumid. i hy cnfflMtaeri nl' rr'ne'cri lone v4 tliian of rtenr drtrnntfm.-V I hry -t"-rr tiprnt mi gf, Tf-r:: tLeaw:rlii)t W t'ns Jixt - .' . J. "lie that !oV country, V Yr linj," 1 . - , ' ' . ----.r -'-- .-: It n l!i iju"riif; kt Jiuh'- Tii niii hur ; Villi ouaAatt tiitttaW-'J-i ul.WJjaiiiJj-jsaa -rc4 rcfl-jded from the ttViiMif l a e'nitaiy fq-ra!i, j bu 'Wt't.iri6i h' i'.i.la-.f liliiii. . ! 1 i J'ii h'way Iru'ji w et i.4ttMtr 1 ,a irr t:ai'ip d huo at wkt aMUie iI llio hrnvc (.iiiih!,' litM r'y. An eir ot tfc Uriiiiiiattou and tyiiiii-ciidsi! Ufciiui'd wiiti'a ituiniMoud ex(jrL-wiii RUiuiiiiH'o.'td al ul li.a age, upon w hu h "n.KVif aro ."J .vel" tJciaiuiiii lif,""'lii-rV i'id UA-i -t1in'hi tmr-ttf -in-t'ln IwKtiinUi lull, iitl Jtii ft wy IlKIICK of Itll UlU'llOillii, II,.. Jl.' l.rl Muy liko ti " tt-rior of tli dnt'lli w. I.Kii lot a iauiL p.lni.i, eud giut tuia are.-r. tiny!). " Weli, liaAt'.,! mid . ".m-iwetm.y lirnnal '' X 1 11 if iJ ciasequcm;r, air. Are Ju gt-irg tV, " Yea ; wliaj'aOjfMiitrci'.!,". Atn;ut live o.n.auy ttii; tjiiirici rosy, yin- j ""IJuVlit, jiraytr.' ,.""'" "I " Jiy-tU C'w ayaarcai thtrk at Uc'-lxr-i tia A liumi ol" lwu.ii roU d Uo ft yr-rfer. I -,L'iftiJ Jipi'-tt- UayT'f''''' waS-a-'-ttt 'tiM- 'eiNt, ,"--' v 1 wrw - i H.MI.I ly. At Hrm ho eaia, aeotxJueo t4cj Baker, 1 base hreo lohj thai I ' " are honetj, i j a-ajKiyiiwaier in.the urn:J,lt with ul iiavct-( vtral ihi.u,(id (Jul!ss. -, l" (o iki "Uii'tt the eal m I im tnw, would h anw t of ci-uiuoiiiiaje W. vimi ma a im.jr.iiuir i a a rmiiilrt. i llulll ckk, wilh a i Vd quhlicr al- I' ' Yeattxioi. I h ivol ie. U loii.i. ,,.lriou"ii f'm? a.v Jf i:i'y y"". v-. ; 4 Li a ff juinuii-goi. P'I'V r.Jurited.Ujnf miiliTimo n coinpli-iif miHamorjw- A m1 h.'infs.im .iui:chi-.e, drab Coijxijii lroa4 lr.it. .e bii'r, limi su-ict'iii d bia miliary i,.j-ji,a , sa i "race of which lind di.sappeartd, ai. w.KliPf; l.kc beting I. ail j,ie pi nee to the oV'viurvaorfi qiit dt'nit.iifiit of the hiineHl quakef.X Aiti1 U Ml eye fl.miw d trum wirfnr le braad hum , I'Kupp-r tiff ijumcot, and tsdly belted il.e evek !ip.Hiioii which it liccame him o ae ime. Tw I'Mlt-v wj raniAiviv deoiiditw! ttl a pir of td'K 11, vtN-h wer thrown acroa Lie at' r a.i s A My Rurtun niowiie.l. "(ijIMl Take 'go4 'car ff nniriiuiii aibita.. B.rlieaKt."- -r - i i Ji i...!i .V.- i.mi!Mi . 'iJi lurk U"w ith im. " " - " VTiia "HIiij"i i'Vio (in 'i'li' Vih:l)fc;;"udl'I1UV';V.iM ti- ' Vilh liiiinun : 1 In ut indeed inatsmj a tir wi'rtf necoesnv, 0T18 funtiicHH to mSi ihia tiry 1 juK'Vrr w S'a Triifi'ri)mli.io idil;-fiHi roej nuld hie aiipNwed him any other ibao a peacchd j "d hjrnitoi qiiaker. , . ' j - lie lul "proceeded aVit a mi!a into tSe Art.j 'id win turnirti; athort an;le io the md, whew Ki -aieomma'irftLi .tn a y rrrtiirnn fy. n!'. lnfnien were onir l.iu, aa vilian.i w4u'g - j "gi at one mty o(eo look opm. Bqualid wrek-k. j W wat depicted ob wy fai ,!d." ",r!'i r-tWuVrejT. hollow, by ,oiecry.lbc;.VajijH ,bi4 ttwiey. - " " k'ltu ! my friendt," aaidoiif gewiiw qusker, kva,but. Ht4er fiiihy 4uere, y Ml.Jiuiw i ill bettow upotj thee, if thiai f ihmdnal i. Bi, - f'iJ, rulcaae my beam, and foa ta liuii I ta ( 1 a ! ii lyltnn Nteitipt to eHce twv. ( hy d ua t;ioo port "couree, rumin both the biay arw ilial imn-( wrt that dyeth mil! 1 ou4d t!oe.U. tlcavunto wuw honest caB'H bol A, e wifij )mhrwe jour tiaudain the Wood 4 your feii.a .ii,? .'Hn the' Crce of jour touutry, aud " : . took he-re, TW internal hypocrite 5 ?' eatmd j of them; atop j-our lingo. Give wajwwr aaawi wy. krid curse your ptenchtiig." "J qiaker fuoibh d Crtt to one picket and ta, v I'lba.otiier; priiducinj; wime cUaug, be " othem in ailcm-e. ,Tbey cjrd tie plir wwwi it injihuh ebagna end f'w eg'4. V"' Three f1)S and four eo;prt,t IVgwie!' al( , lowing twer er three kick Upon Uie U Lw, f yck mtrtlj lUrtrd kirn into llop, they rfwh- Inc l--a n the hiiu-r muUr , .... ., . utniHi-nuu army.; u .fciAei wtT r r.,- r tr.it tM)r "ix-ewn:' kp uoo Hffd the city to atf ty. rni .fw' ra r'' B'f'"4 , h .iMed - my firct -bV iJIfr;i, tf tW urnfitr,ee mining liquor w t !.ral cri&etc I J paKj up Mam Street 'y, tv where 5f l.w cr jrrtt, und vh Cmi.iJ it t-rwrr t kVj. Eui Mil W r nrt t Meadv lMBsli k Tniemmpii to fit hi euo If ru. . -Kfs mu ncti-rfwIeiM a .jr4cal: piriiua i4 t'w mfi can- b e"! io (rrovht. and gwpiris; llw cart j-Ti .. if t j-r- tjr tlarruom .' Then Knife ) down :4 wwArig 'h kb a tittie, W & r Me4, iarA for 1 aa trrAfT lifirrn,' TU fc-Ilu wa enJent I) c id a W w btrb awfcf h kt-4igeij. lie had b'. ; ir aih Gsug Shopa of both parties, ;.: r-frf.f ha riittel cnJ; and though n ptimtm a !. en, ha enuM t.ot nUWikU fe-A twc .'" ti AtrrruA for. lijt ikrru.1 aujir, r bnli or explodtf, b.i af-r a fo-i rrptin co)jit.ttt.ji a to the AereaiaMta tf Six piie ii 4i-e. p anm, -txd hnvvj fU,S CVkAm .41 ' Mj4 he,. d nsl -AtifraA fatlLill fit C. 'fr f rai-f Wcocu.;. ". l.i Jit'ttp ulbKi;)v laa been -e.'i:r r-wt!- o f. 'How we ahj!ike to de. ir?w wit r -a iOSrTirmEny cw.h, u-rjr " Uw. aad tttdii fraiol edi i , k-lncteXtBily aVutract ourorco (Mlt lm ui a tje of v.m "'if-i t ar..jjafi!,h wtih tli pre nt arate Xw,. kr-M jt-W W a atttM aiom in moral p'.nVwr, Pal. BJ.-lVtted toUy tt down fc lri, 11 aat at in w!v Would ateiil an Ed lor h tr.-Mil kk hn ;raaf mntlier, ami take b-r 1M p t 1 h.. TV 5Wrs i 0 lirmi Jury R jo-a (lueMirt by a aiti. H-4W4tat)f ,-erse N. f, n4 I filoe.il thfl'Tetn- pfi-fnr . No! eme i n yra btirg at the nfx.fftr,.. -. vvt aw ii- eww t k tl.a witaca wttbTta kni t wrtirat awrvik J. Th Jrrt f Aitjr.-'rhw Piilnwing ia the m a tSa'Firsw la h ( xrrrxwr of Damaua, bw Uw l Aw; fcw"trVerailj;Ti Jo of i"Wi c li : A at?a3rtK4.iiatXe1S Mfc tt:. rd Cin iew bjre bn laid before jhit n4 mUiMtt itr a! and wtahe.. They t-V iw t dHecu'Wa from the whole ikatkMriTiTiba ftuflmTi Karooa who ar'tU'n . , - r.ftst Biii'-th'ffTttjiriff' i,av Wiwrred, ami t tnmre tranquility to w-, -n ' have taken ftjjht, in consilience, of tw i'wir!w'Mto ihe dftpoearaoce of father TSe- jrw hi wprvan lonKina, m the motrth of It., t t".V - - Ikiva ennMtifl that il Witt wr 4fM"iK trora a pwptcen no.neroot. 10 nnnr, - order kt a j ihnm Jew wIm K kw brew miytatiaa' efeta be ae al liberty ; aud io ii wbw. bate Ccea anvew from their Imwuc-i, I enwwaarf that rVr be permitteil to re lent r peace., -.EteH ay rfft-ne h trade or Mn-irnr, awd aoety ki U' to hit aial occupa. .4 trlJtt. Tim celebrated Ci'Ub Sorje, iTvkwery t Hr, wa caw d,y wnd aptKV by a .-..'.? vs.iI.-He4 wua a tumor m bi face, which m im ai- to wave rennwrd. Thw aktifu! pcscii- r peeaiiweaetfuteiy to operate, ahtf j-.;fc.lVe Bt twrfe t C-mt. " Tho patu:of, IT'i1 .f" r?fiJ'?..utHLwL,n 'be wrteaaaot tea! iweaoi f rauiouw. . 44 lit rteuW. i-e pa'woi rrturtwOv ned a4 into Ihe am aiu.ot 3. rsiv-::''l, 1 frwui "atwrUniC. Xw ,n,MtU ttrd Srvk.fHii.wj waa w in pi.iOt iif retw ni r, whr- k fwticwt 3il I ami: aa wathat I mt't mo hi ; I hue ma:i twelve ttmii) pc wce ibry are.' Bit, riptuwe vnw h4 ben! Tw I'eamikl paii ymi K, two wtwraaV . Tie Brif tie The CoJurcuut, Ol, feumorwa tat a, laai oJiUue Whijr, at that fMVw -we bnrrd ttwr t.s I'i-I A otHii e -" r, wtt el-n 4, ww thl, Hirt ke aivwiled " wv www wl bwW l a.i fepo-ilrd, end l.wa riC ateted a t-aive tVta 4)i rigM U ; aod) after rnt the jjiw-IK-ruw-crate tmm wert beat ww aio. tl eei.o the bier gg 'v( AVil'Ifiwt a wive tnutnphaoflf tn lie Rjcacjc SiaieiJfiiiaM (j.) Voxritr. jU Vrrpru4 PmpmlK ymir2 lady came ewer frww a rrat itt Aam to be cored," and wtjeo m-i.fi tae waref a-rc -i pi.i'n, replied, " Aa -. toai wrtticc. I be!.f t .-" fral com. plHwMlwwiih.il Suvaoot." Ikrewaa a 3- ralA'-fid drfd-f1 I askd if iie wa , , ,i f Sn -j U:" waa tle answer. tvaioiwev lt WitN,vy rti.jjtiiittiiiieed 1. k.. rU anir M mrvi fc a htihand I At t.a ttwtMiwA tae waelM;era)ed,bil her an .pa yfiiej wverieiwwfwe. wrtf WWWW wtrsCSM ttl .V aiw ithO ;. , a Whig melody. ' 5aiJjjf Hi the tttirnt imnratirr OtmimtKfit. ' . ' " Ihmnrit 'Bf B.Ve.. Hwtt hl'h tolW rriHV!i-N " II.re' heltl, U llm Wm! .Wtnjs Wy every oM lor blue w the ouw, Willi biamiy bard cider ,:. : W'liafJiijJy It c Mis e v VVbt fiiiiy to iff imtem ' r And ure we invt iioi U ba .u uif aua,X, Let' try ut injuor io. Here' Uiea to the fiht at Fort .:;., Here' Ui-q Ui ti,e hi at Fort JVIeitfs if Crofheui dkd Diiipe tiw m au .' 1 ' The Genem( tnamed the ; My banker tnet with memm, Wy wirI',T be thielded tni eil-. Msy e)e.ie nd honesty be ! ic a jt ; And democracy go to ltLi f Hrei a health to the ptr!(a Bea ' aiw iwrne-itiievet aherever ther i t t.i. .... . ' iiwe i a boaitrt to Orlo, who nukde auck a We 1 Ahmii il P.:.t...'. i .-iwui ifl,rr-siiifiii tare, Here a a bealib to him who'll btiiere . ,iVLiver Whig cd.tora ante, .'J And bte-tiDti vn tL-fwa who pancacaa ne, And bitusreat Ktndala iotliUi. , ' Ilere'a a bealUi to the rattle7ake Wise, Mocceaato John Daviii'lictt , AH chid 9 Aorthlaod, with briboa ia each UU, :: And all ot our Bntiah alliea. , Tbea ahout ! fin the abiuplaatei- caase, -iluzia lor old Tippecanoe ! ' ir hriyine can give tiie old Hero applause, . We'll aake ourseivea Jatkam-a laa FKAR. ' .. -If evile come not, tliim our fwr are aw 5 f And if they come, fcar hut aagioeo the pata. O00 1 .1 4 . .. J:VR.NX YOF, JJlUiiCT. ALL WfpiaE: -tMbkavaaujiiauaa& "'"5V.tontf'f '.yy'"! aiipeiucial, aud baa no erieio whaiefer in aov rral j impronemeut tr atnclioraiion 10 the eonditi tit f c TliS HhH-BfoT 1hrFlteper In F.;ypi, the whole of the laoda bekm to tljej Pacha ; betidei lumwlt there it 00 landed pmtMv tor, and W hlt llie abMilulwrotuHoTy of every ' that ia grown in t he count ry. The fottowinjr w ike manner hi wnicn 11 in rultivatHI: fortKioa of ImmI are divided out between the fellaha of a adlaee. wording to the numhert; aeetLeorw.eoUrm.fir Mher produce, it fetnen to thein ; ttna they aow and reap, tod vf the produce 73 put cent. U immediately ta hen t lhe Pacha'a di-pott. The remaining Si per cent. to them, wiih, however, the power to take it eta price 6xed by the Pacha uiuiwlf. aud P11511 - - 10 ! rrigwr TaerThieTi irenoraiiy dotie, and rodurea the pittance leA Iheea 1,,10,1J ..Per.clli.ro.re.i frotn. ihia they ju toaa I lie capitation which la not letted accurduu? : , t4)-retl womheribehirtnmmr otxTittayf.lygT urcording 10 noinltf at which It i rated ia i!e CrunwM bouhaf tkM im m ntfarw anab) whiiii 1 was acqqaiiiied, a village originally ratni 1 tlj?0f, reduced by the caenrtaowto 100, and bv " ''deMft'w-mfW te4r"W4 uaJSciwA4,Ww!"'S .W?, fidl capitation : ami whee I Wot there, S0 of tbe 1 41) bad bee jut baatinadoed o ettort front them 1 their proportKHi of the aunt elatwied. Afier the! capital too comoa lite tax on lb dmte irwee, rara uii.di, it. jt : 1 . J . l . r a., ... . rrinrT w w vv paxna vy urn riciii, aow mat a jiv ... piaatere w parmiwHow to tw tlten.r own wa' ter wheetVwIthoat winrir the btada witweied be- yond the overfljvr of ihe Nile, or too high fur it ta reach, would be barren. 5 . fi--.--.-r . .-" -r -fenewniiJiiirtrtfiirM mof y 4ka.4Mawd,kUiwia.waJ 4ry iwr wJaiM'.v wtai-aaww-wwawawtti 4rytwr vwM, and which pay !i per cent, in kind at the cat cf Cairo and the rhr lowna. Neil to the taia, cdhiea the Corvee in the woret form, and in eosti. nual action ; at any moment the fclUhi are babie i h anied for poolte work, iuf the trantportatw it re tuia'V of ih Uoveromeot or i(a oflicern, and thta wwboul pay or rel'erenc to tlte kiale of ibeir cit'p. ! W vuj Mhunl Ali aiatla bia lawotweW-1 lVma Alcxaiidtia to thw Nile, he did it by forcibly man-fa! ig down 150,000 nun from ail parte of the coow-1 try, and obliging thorn to eicavate wiib their band, j , aa luola they bad 004, or per hap could Dal w pro. , vidod. The eravatia waa completed in three mootba, but 30,000 di;d io tbe operaliuu. Teew 1 cornea the conr. ol tbe roneeription, which t ei ' ercited in a room cntul and arbitrary tuaoaer,' without any anrt of rule or law to rt-pnltie it. 'As ! otditr ia Riven to the chief of a diatrtct to funtiwb a j rertain mimlier rf men t Ihe he iriiw like wild T betsta wherever he ca 1 hod them, wit hoot d.wioc- tiou or exmnptioo, the weak aa well at ihe airuog,? the au-k aa welt 41a tho ia health i and aa ikerc ml bo bnller road the IVha'a Car or thaw mo rag ' great seal in Itua bwrizh tbe warvicie, be, 11 rum- i tubV. tsolleciv tiaw.ihao evwe oVmamledTW' are chained, marcbed jJowo in Ih river, and ew-1 ( tiarhed arat.U ihe-4t-ar and lamentation ef their H"i,f)i, whokoow ibat lltey ahalt probi) never mewt, aod above all, iletpair, eauae a mortality iw tWracM army beyond octtft ; mutibtKMi it mm I now cr.M.lerd ao eiemitkm, and the ctmiwiq'jewne if (tw evvfetn ia, thai from Aawauwa, at Iwe orvl t mwrti to ktepwi yw. Merelly p(ki- a yooni mail m a viU..e, and auck M ttie de- j ptmiUtino, tital if linnjit oatmi Ibey ww wm, t.iw.rc awHeeyaod i ractia immea Mi krp.r m; op htearwiy tout preeeqt I wee, tt wiil we wi -1 iirlv imimibiw for the cwMW to aw vol tn. er tju. ajivoftiieoperatiooaofagrKrulture'lbeearrwslww j . The whole of bi aircioua ayawaa a caniwd'i i into eOoct by thw crueleat ateana wt ow!w of awy 1 t.aw.t.SWfwraiwww. ranaoiprna win trtrrniy c.hi- , '" ipon-a inirrnum m 10 iwrndum Hiii whI for H.a weak ;oo w-curity rWtiaw wbw .arw! w-wt ti t!et ' of a Van 10 New York.; The "' it 'mam t L':um FokutiM tuan'i botch better off: the battttwdn and other toer arr-lied ' ..0 every orration, and tl lb arbitrary w,H of etw.Kwi:b Ue Bfv!e af t! eew R-iak. Bit laving' rv olTiccr of tlia Guveroment, la adtimaw to tbt, he rulivee of Ibw cooolrv arw rarelt emalmed I never in office of twnt.atid the whole rrermwer 1 a eittroted lo Torka. In tlmrt. the w-orM featwrrtl of the Manwluk and Tarkwh rule arw altll ml tctiv operation ; but lite method of applying tkeaa I it m-iAb mora mgemooa, and lit boavted civi'tx. VatikirX fciteoa ba wxe enltre-y tiroltwi up, 1 De liooof Miihemii Ali am.jitU I thia fi-wl beigi tfi&iA, d-w.w eoterprwa of Mr. Biddle, with Iwymid d ht w nwlB d titraordinary taierita, lm ewt cowttz xtt,iVadedtoeir inflnetv throuch know how lb brim mti p! tte rewaircea ef urn : i-imiiirr. better the hi predecewwmt 4Jt bat. l.kel ilwrwi, emirely -far-4ir imewetrwyd; 'rjio1 any relcreir-e to Ih well beiajt ut li pwfAm ; and ttaaaf with the aid f bn Coroparaa iiKntmentv be i lua, ttl tit aaf ao, applied t)i acrew with tiels of awial ititwc.or. Wbontbe lime eauie . Mr bM,af mfrml Um lli nfi ttttuvr tii' jVS'y; ii'id wry tly a tttm.ihi to foul Hi .t fcr t,1. rry l4 drp nf thr W..I. I laf had t rhf riti,,Mr. Uuk'- !irett?4li wurttotfoT ttM !. CiciM l-Ijv j j much ; the reuieify is k ono-ny." ' -Ijiw, l r..xi, lvr tl i;luMit a Mrog. I Thw riMn.dy hr a,.,;,). ,jw ,.,,, fto ,h fjrwiM, wt.i h ti bq hu!n: di..,,,rd. - We hnvp not tha iut,,, Ik.w. w, .,f y trcawvf t wjeirtrtw-s wniUe "! g ' ' t-uaiti our f..rmr aph-ttJ.wj w are free rm -"lm- x .1 Vf mtM&rr 'rI'K(-fit, th Iril."1, tk4' i meat m u e(t him; hi hurm is fcew rT tt, -o mmr't mtpiwure. tu ttva ni art- taeof ef Ite rbinf ; his wtstiea are i;iinioJia!e!v ctw toi!i,Nd a reot tb bem thai can he troured. fAkrtNi tKf-e h to ; aoU n m m4 ttutti b Iim n iSfj4 oej, aivl atl the tjuta of bonpitality arc a?Jli4 t, tia'V be m a-kej a tingle oiitMioa by tf fetwt rek:e k'nMcf, either the .rt-ron of lM'inrtv:iB) fc-vrrt VJT k( star in GMiiiwii. Jtft y T'Vw that lrHi!J innily the h aM ! v ... . . . . ; cwTcm'r. U -e. wkeiv.1 aikeii an Atab ehirf the easae t ih. fc aanwertSi ate '. : T, imrj, rue rr srsaa, im ATer what o,W his n4i r hi fi kr, li apf j rcce m LU rtaV i a bf hef j tho to?t aj Im bewt; a at ranker dfiVuiuJa our h t ; ajsnf t-I! k M pwrtakrr ol. tliJli, ho ia not aar '.seatk. k:b otiht draw lith a reply that tr-jtt te..; Bwla b preeticw hwa welcome. TWTfJe, tS Arab a'wja Irtat liVti4iit hs a wa t5;5. rj t'.rn jntLiMM hi CurtiWWT afler ard. T5t ia ccrtarrdv a leanw w hie D. many e.eaiefc!tfVsHwe.J ati would do well to arn .frawlhe A r Burl inghn -Hi faluro. i.ypm-m k beew ahwMi esek4vily aliriiuilenv f tear I yirl the wervra, ami ati'I reatli-M Witw-:r May a pwr rirtfant: haa tuiined lieolb. ly Ik ancier ratjni of. iMt. vit'MiU-diun ; and but a mpdhtd mad tiKtfied eeraon hi it sri.l 4";aBWr-tbe"weSiy tx i& arataKof ihe' niuliSu'Tea ti tmm tit a aawme .aaww-tMaaw.aa-iat.UeJW..tti . . .. ...4. ly ctrry.aadaer-wt to Wro tb jMC)Uaiil,i;r' the wj teai, Bat, aay the phyiiicmhs, li re idUiJy ; a bolkt oe a tUget wttl relieve pwin w law ease way. Bui law important aieatinn ia, will M reaweae bwmi by remurj the canae of tin, dm ajwae 1 ft i!l it but lb ewwtrary, p t'rre t" the j&eae, bf weakreiog the tt,tl fum:tioriaT Ihm at a eataWwdi duMrdr in the eyatcnt", by rroitriw a3 iU pwwera torpid t . " ; jlarriaw I e Sigkl ia IVal-I'i order to arw we 3, il aa weenaaary In bem early in life to take car of I be aw. M pv rhiidreu have their atHl perwiaaewily weakened by the caneoanewa of anrana, ia etuawig then aooa fU r birth In a TVewe eaaeme, therefore, be few etrongty imiKeasetl , e .me and aeuat, ky I w ho rcg a rd the we,tarw ef.tbeu cCprtn. T!e eyrt of iiitaitta ''WwkwWTwiBaJ"!!!!!! 9 Tt''a!0?tTT,'' ache aa acrwtKwziA diaUkt object; but thie we Vwwa aw law oat careful a winner, wiib e4 aadwrwif Uteaa to arraia I heir atght on eorb tUatw aa axe tua rwatute or dau'ini; f r ilietn to w tweethl eofilraf tA.f Ihett epa.wbicia V aw the CHiiKfjii'oti'oi'pcroi'unc'nl or UTmSu'M U.HT. l"rfLt. we the Prrtrrnitinn cf Si fit. injuries uf tiic day. fVeat t? .Ur ArtKir, Xtw Vrl Ufttld OcL V kUinVAL vr BCAESdj-C.NI I'ElJ BTATW m t he mone y twwa twvwwet, t it' awd- - New. York Slate 3'a IBM aorauit. Tb aocertamty at- laaddif taw aweattf tbe L'aited tkatea Hunk it waocacutlr aVprewMej la cwwieract at! the coolif doK Wbaca ItW peuraawef pwliticwl eveuia might m baa awn eewaea aa thw riaa-pf TWoiytrVt Tioot Oae aaawy rwaautw wrtb wkick tbe fUiladelphia pa. pert are, biieeJ, it appeart that the I'm tod Mnilet Bawk arkaowtre Ha rnabiti'y to resume) Without law wad tfce atSer Puttadclphia Iktnka. The aaatwawawtw, iMwrver, whiefcatale that ihete) Bnkt are prudJutg apf 10 ike f mted Stale B ink, at Mate t&i t y are aeekm aid throwlven from tue Hewn fiwwfe. Thw b. Uterine tyK-m, if con trwwaae, wdi aw du. Tow Ba-ikt moat atand on iweir fxw rewpneswbilit y. T)J4 attempt to bolxter liw JvJVr tWka. wa ewe great wieana of ruin leg Ha laawad Sftatee Beak ; and when the failed U year, tf ttm aouaJ C-tokt had tiwu cot her a4nfisddib New York inatiioitout, tliw-r dilfi tv wow id a, beew over. TWy have ck9wkdwd rrprah-dly that the hidebte'bieae of l3B fatted K-ate -Bunk baa been eiMwlantfvin. creatau. It Wi3 contuaoe to do aa tuilil reatimp U m 1 c&ctcil wueyewdewlly Hoot oue eytteua of Jbwt y abitrty to way therr tfrbte. -A!tai ftw Wy etd uok-r whkb.we latfif j te wyjwM of thw SowtHcrw Bankt. The tx cw Me cf IV r octmi, and Ihe prmjiect of a jKJ"cTi2t tVio a"g real' oeaao iF, ' oVT riTiEe a t toor ii of tserrajtie anew from loa real cuunw of ex. rfiC etiU. wjib ty! luaUhty r un Jliii(;iot , of iwe tai lo pty aa lowg at tbe I'mted tiutm r.mm atwwa rwy aw prey om inem, ti erder to ii (.0w Mmw, e-r a Cf'1" umiiura lieu wmunir o StlMUti lUwa ta raued aa ponncwt mrl, t lo 1 rWy tUwaJw fi'Wief wJ d Ikw UhL r..jey eyfj ITm AJ www- Mr- eer, m ft- t-nter. hrwd a vww wtew ef aNittiowt B-tok, mrf gte av kwM a to torw'itv. Neir York due ti want wwwbjef Nwl Baak bated in Pbi!adolpbi.M.MHiiat. ," - TWcestre of tatorae thuuldl be the centre .f fi I X Lnbly fttle .(tltlea I . wtrter ere C4. P.nf.iot - . , th - a 1 I ' t a -...1 L. . II . t aa nAere of law I r-ttej St a -en uu will conflict wwtted lime aI piaee, aod a.wMint of capiltl, ay P'v.DVn, w& r to a e-irrwnte.1 witti ih man-, ajetweel? Ir. EidileT i apprehend: eve tut tm'tmtm't kazH wame would arercely com taead rt cwb&Jenew of weei men, after recent eteM. I trfd ajttem nf danlijctiiijr the rmy pwite of enetetr; amj.y, HWividimuy, anu CATmetrwHy, rwe Cowotry lived bevrwHt th"ir 1" Juwii'wVcwwHl 'iaw',eai r,f any ri vert fur - awawwd irjnt, la lowoiaui n.ti, u toe ttMfe4 liaoK crwdUa, aod eitwwded dew thnmli aji the ebaia- Cooutrv ; j ami !rde iiiH Kiii!s Hi yioftiail. The i ' t!ti8 who'former'y wer Jtfi'.leJ i:li..fiM tlllllu y wero 4tuv4 with Jiriitidua pTMVriiy, wUMiyetl tiiwd't'lie meant if otbem n dor tte slim ofcr;dit ; and who are pueaoaJ of largn j nuili'ifia of IWitIiow priiertv, ar haiikrr. tnj after a rturo lo4hnt date of things Tli reach t, room Biok capilil i propotird at the reaiins way. Thio cannot, hownvr, auccced. Tle pult he mind m not prepared fur a trfw mee of i.oi iia. tiort. 1 1 nulinadea of 'Seoul who auid tUk rtriooa empltmenta, in former yearn, end engngcal in wnolMtion, waa u li ano inifwverub Hie dnio. Iry in a yerj j:rotit dr-cn-. xf!inre that iiom, !i tliow pont ine huve rrtortR'dlo lliiri"ful atid pt dueito employ metita j and nrtcr iheir uoper!y !i leclH euergiea, the rool weaUh of the cooiilr hut ''? w.f-ry i raimlly tMirtchinr lh iHtnli- j iinro'tily uh rp.wd, and tta A;litt hoi only tit, of an'i.!lcliargfd but UUncxt aceiitmilatitig in it Livor. lia iiMuoMMHi rwtl wealih ,m formed th Ikihii uf liiat lucrative bomtnem now doing, and which ii. crrawig ou a atohle bai. The jfrapm n-cul(tora are ww at work to itpaei and reverse tln ttate ot thina. Tli' i1i LlieaocHmuIaied wealihof tliectHintrv to be brii !. wilhiu the vorla of eculelion.; the are liK-kiiij Cr the public rniial to be tiift iitrwuluied with the mama which ahnll draw the imluMriou (nun thtir ptuyiuenta, cot fnrme up into town Iota, inflate fHioia, ver iw the emmtqr w hh TtiS prodiRt of fimWitiiliiiirTr ri' TOrwMr a5iiiiiji.ii;ui L ,rA,,1' ia jiiJiiirvpi; iti4l4dui,rfwrw; -a until Hie -hiikhi eotnia, and peoj io iwakine fiom .. hn rV.i ilii.VtiiPttl 1 1 Jig haa quiitait.yitli fn.jn'nf ihi ii uxiuxiry. nt, Wwnt, ami to come, rtKirtgwd to .U.cl JUtika ir WV-i"wWeiia'':"".i' V WIIIGOEftY IN VERMONT. Tltw r(U-d of the imwMPiialif.on hoa been evinced tu Vermoot, bytrmginj; x alt rho A1.lntin voice for the ll irrn.m eamlidnteei and thua ii.crwtu.in -their BlajwrrfotWf Wlki ATidT" "SWo 1 he (.otorioua f.u atic Hlude lu obmiiied near ihrre thmmand majority, ad-t-rdm to'lV f Jtu!'aiio of the National Intelligencer. Otlmr pVninoiH oiett have I won elnrted, who were oflicert iK Abohlioo Soctoiiea. Head tlte following autliemicbjttract of . a IcVer from Kntlandt V ...!!.Thej:fcauIijjior recent-eleOwwma a tfjrnhari---amph tor the Abolitiomrta. Our tljin rnor w tl. fVt Prcidnt of Umi Vermimt Anti-fHavi rv Rnrietv Wk LiHi4iwmrir-ba biu "ita'Trrt'eut, and ia oow, I iniua, one ot n ottiopra, I lie 11 one ot itt itinerant leo- tKJlJlJiUljt.ikltj;ud. iiljrawrta in wirf 4tI.m.Ihw d'K" iopeio.Hy, in diih-rettt warta ot the Bute, iio rui the pt year." M(reM , Mil U...., mnJ y.lU. V.ffi nia, a late at lSWtf, wire allowod hy U bt Jho,. perviWira bi vi.tHlof (Joveriior atid mo,l.i r .J . '! At the election in Deoaon, iiegm man prw wnled blinwU to Ihe board of authority who o. perintciided the alecUoa,cUiiu"mg W4)w4ut4d i ?' rcie h'e. prtvili-jrea of Ireeman. . Um eiwt tfrttow-waT-rrbrecTed-rri by TmiriTflie oTrTi'""" the ground that ha waa a foBiitve lve, who hd ecuped frftm eervitudn, and, bi-iiig Iiile to 1 ro. claimed, hil no claim Iw.XL'ixentlfifwJt-cppeae iSflSWrwJOSa ffiai '" in Ihe aprihg or eummerof he ecrd fr nn kta aaanilerjw that t ate, and fjy ihe irncy of iiin""' Aboliiiotipila waa Iwljied alotui thraijh the eoum try till J10 came Io Bonaon, where he baa lived ever aince. But w itb Ibia cnncluaive elate of fucm before tlmm, the bourd (every inember d" a im h wa a W hijl,) adimtlud llu alave to the oalh njiJ ... fpmtlrjna Ol i ffcciiWoV fliiiltridTn? ibat he waa a rttixeu, and aa ucli.entulrd to wIikiIhImv fir any ofJice id the ffjf. o( freemen Tint dcUim wm advoraied ami juatificd bv Iac Nortim, one ol !!m Wh'tj Slate Senator tferlfld frm "jlie roumy'of KyiUn l at out eh-clioo, who waa a memher of the board. ; ArcorduiEly the onih we admini-icred-io ttie tlave, and he toted for flute oflirert anj. f,r, Cungreaa, and oVpomied the W hij tickrt (l,,-h wa printed 00 yellow paper) in both bojea. liu vote for Cougrea waa lo V ilium KUde. . " Bird of at VatW." Tint m errapil.-iu of the Whtijt attemjit to uphold O'e'a veracity," The iiu.ie acrupuluoa allempl no eoch nplull work. We have never heard one tingle grntlrman of the Whi(( partv pretend lo defend l ie troth if OJ.v.'t to"cli. We tl'i.nol believe there it m hnift Whirr,Bt doi-Tnof are witli Govenitir Linciln," a Whijf of Maiwachuirtta, who told ()', in auh. towcoi wrhew-aw -dahveeM e epeech, that h wr a fiil alamler upon Ihe Preai.lent, Yet thtt nfieech ma ke up 4eow pronortwf 4h AYhlg tkuusd. tkiinniuii'e' Ahlfftt. Cd. Bulieock, of the New Haven (Ci.) falliidi. am, pitmjr an aeco-mt of the remarkatile i.M rhiita j tMHred at lite Bunker Hilt Federal Con. 1 "" J'"'"1 "r JUIU DK.hi-b they wtvel an they bp '""'''iT"""! M' ?9iS. ."ia, t)e j ' " """ y mov.eg me cue- -' " - . -- - ,' - ' be editor of tlrtt Coluinhia Resiier comireTj't ' mwui-.i urlin ! 'f- " k j Ac ru'tljeationt. A w ipxinh bookwller ajrer. ttte m a v tttiingino pi(ier, a new rinct of e-e. ' nl weft kteiwn workt, reCurr!d at mvaluahle hy I the Whig party, and amonii too rl. a fi. atand. ard treti, eurh at (Jli,t,riliV H tu'irt of the Credit Hyatemj" Blaic'liford'a "Iw of Fvi. d ore t" Ixxmey'e " Art of I.syin Pipit in ;iy Place;" Draper' Moral I'lliictj" Wetmore't "Advantage, of a ' Short Memory;' lu.li.ii't ,lNew Svtm of Broketaj.' t? jfi'w llutinr Amotij fhn .rhicyrt S;.wa.rtf.gi,,AcIul liUt'- - ." A Snort Method of Libelling Leltginua nd oih- or men, wnosw proieeo prmcipiet win m,t allow tlicot hi call -thw-wt ilr to pertoiml rcfn'i'n!s.

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