I WESTERN CAROLINIAN. rriiy o v e n n e u 20, 1 s i o. THE GREAT STRUGGLE , : It new dcidc J tn the election of Wm. II. liar rioo, d fill ' lbflic of President of the United gtates ff four year, from live 4tb of March oeit. In support of our profeasedt principlwT.-we have iloae what we believed V be our cfuty in oppoaing Is U utmost, hia elevation to that high office, and eipoaing the art and design of the party, !d. tri who have borno him into pjower, and given at ettaSancy to what we consider, anti-republican and pernicious doctrinew of the Fedtralm. We je labored to inform the people of lhe true iasue,f in the discusaion'of the great qtiostiooa involving .' ilifir intereat. righta and hbertieai v have beea contending for the Constitution ajaint the encroachments of the unwarrantable and u-i)awful - privilege, an! inooripfj party.- VVe have warned lh South of the dttnger to to appriihefidod fcotn any couiilpnance ktt encouragrment of Ahiolition-N inn from any bargain or intrigue with tbe.-te in tendiary cnetnica of h,er peace, by political co. operation or alliance willi them, for party purpo se; and w hve parneitly deprecated and atrug j'td against tho prevalence of the Ilurr&oitparty, nti!y believing, thai tHe Wrv: r f their eouncils would ciuaii the pri;ieri!y of the Pouth, and the wboia country, a'ml endanger the atability of I lie I'oion, if they abould succeed in getting into pow er under thaatiindard of which-, Ihrniet" Web'sler, ; - the leader 4 the Indent party, said thejr had made! Hjriison the bearer. 'Hie conieHt . jia . oert, atidi auccesa has k-cn with fins standard. The old Fv j oerai pany ir once again iriumpuam, oy tne vote It is eneujh for u to krior tliai Jbere in this de -nHanrtwiajOTj at all twieato practice what we profi-w, we have only lobnw to tiio BKeriained "will of tke twiride. and earnest! bone that the dominant Dertv maf um! ibeir power far bettor than we Mpoct. We shall ! vslcb them with vigilant eye, and ' j.idse the 1 ut by ila (mil. . A Ai for the unterrified anJ"un-aerinjj Itflmocra I ry, a ho have been beaten btit not. cleTeatcd," iu i the bitter and ferocious' coi.tcat jut ever, iheyj . .Jbould.-,fcri..ujUiau4iui. gwmfiewiion in -thff fotr-' aciniMnest of having fully. tticharged their duty, to ibeir country and to tiiooif to y couie what may hetcafter, their akirta are elear. S? troir Demert-wd -rrhty Iris place in" the gli'fioua minority, witirh hua been fighting fur -fTdripTp; To" fcfeupy" Wf rsranrin niill')"e"rai.IiaTf" thst party whose watchword was " l.ard cider," j ind whose eniblem, a coon -Iii). Lrt evry dttn-.L octal lie asaurcd, thai a few yeara boi ce, he will lik back to hia comluot ana position in the great ' Utile of 140 with proud nuluiion. When the : Sf??'H!?r:-"' shall be scattered into fiugmenta, as they a"wf-oV 'ymut oe nr -sTtmr-nw,-uim, ueu-ocraia w in , .'I..-.L i. I.-..: . principle narlv. The Demot:racv of Ihia c.Kintryi bnce is tho price of libfiiy," and bence their aur p'i, hence tire adductions of uwny-nf the unaua pxious and boncat peopk by Ibe cunning arts and ;-VfeTaTunC trT'c'cJf JT TeSTTn "sucn" Utbat just received la arour the luu bering en rgies of Democracy'. 'And now although we have been out n.anu'vnd, cut managed, aud.ao naicn, our prinripk- remain at firm and imtnuta We as the might of liberty in tbe breasts of a free ffp'e, and while thti it to the IVmocracy must bt innociWo. ; " - T-' 7T H t aijod epja oor n'd grouad, where we ip have beai, "" a!n mean to bo," ready to bitila u;i-'er under lire flig of '0?. fr tha doctrine fSutle Ki-iiisanJ Dcm K:rjcy, not dub:ing thiit -'is Imnpurary ascendancy c4" Faiieraltam will rpen the eyes of a deceived peonli, an 1 r.ws them ,to be frcue of liberty, sliould the men in poer dire k tf.-:npt the practii of their odt iu priiici;lea. . .FEDERAL TRANSPORTS 'be reins iif power or eojyed ibo oi:xjMuoily of titmpbing, jhat their preawil aucceat bat run them tliauai roadj tltey aie oluif !yiM with truis- to office. Their paper are filled with the very type, and till the eaglea, admirarjon point ttopa the priming officee can furnisb to pro l'm victor i victory 1 1 victory 1 1 1 They at a k' iti . revfilm ir. mi A nnk intr i otoet b ill ? atronffer , " a - " bard cider, till frotn Maine tiTtoOfWiina the aiveraal coon-akia party ia (X (oil korned.)- e4, verjr evident from the elect km of oW Tip" that the whole country ia thoroughly and cmh mbly O- K., a we are continually awurod by Tip-lera, and s uo eober man ia at all dipoaed doubt- The boneat portion of tba people who been made drunk by this cider-awilling party, to wheedled into the support of Federalism and oeourajement of Abolitmit, will, we have no bt, begio io open their ej ea, aftdr they tobcf a "Hie, bye and bye. - Legialatura of Alabama Convened at Tut ttix,oo tbe 2ad of this moittb, Mr.' Cotirell, T Lowndes County wat elected PreaiderJ of the ."le. and Mr. P. I Ml Secretary, without oppe- . J"1' ; Juab Dcmrtwra. 1 : 'a tbe House, . fWmuel Walker, Hwj., of Madi- Heeled Spiker over Col. E, loung, ol C", lWhig);vole, Walker 49 1 loJItf 41. Tw party vote in the Hoow, all'prearnt, would 5- Ditnocrtts, and iYhig.' . . nsrT?rlTTlTfidei.Tra fnemv. Thev bd for!.,tte.i that 'Uternal viei reacranw. nave pornru-o n. . , oower. eol.r u - .N'OK I'H .CAROLINA. , daYsc county.. . . Morktviife ; Prickhiu, Full.m, Chehirc''a Store, TuUL i'lJ. Ticitt. 1P5 408 1 . ' ' ' 14) 15 17 11 21 225 87 . ', - Federal majority, 401 Tottil Fedr vote in n..wuii ai d I)..ih. 1 fi'Vi Dcumicmiic do. ;j5 005 l'Vdeul maj. DAVIDSON COUNTY. ' '. Demm-Tulic, ' fVdVrel, 404 :m . 101 no no 77 MJ 3-J "Addurton'a. r. 45 a: K4 x Ml ' Hampton', ." Clenimouat die, Wood's, . PinktWa, , ' 15 aoo Jhmncraltc. , no 5 aoo " 351 r4i ' " - J.fcW 751 1418 414 ' IM'5 l.Ul Frdnal i,iros 1.441 , :. tin . - 1.450" KQ m l.HOi -1,(100 " r 105 1,639 . ' 2,3f0 547 ' Mm 15 2 rn M)m 614 ' ti'Ji ' i04 Montgomery, , Iavidxon, Cabarrus, Wilke,, - ' '"' Ashe, Kulherford, Lincoln, . Warren, ' 0 range. vtiiora, Rockingham, Surry, , Stokfca, ' 1 Johnaon, Cumbeifend, ' Miklenbu.'jr, Columbus, 94!) 1,241 - i 315 ;.- I I i Is yet d.Mib(fj)fHmrtwjnr.iriiwtion-c?iccdi. Late accounts arfKfaVorablo (hat the Democrats MAINE mm ii nas gone lor Uto hard cider and coonnkin prty. - - - -1, -- ;- J.l.4f.3llli&. j P8- ikta.) Governor, and iven a majority of - 0,430, Aw tlw movratic jJttHilofiit Ticket. " MASSACUi:SBTTS; A w" f', ihia old Federal State ha. gone tor lh Pt','rK, rl",i',i" . overwUir.g ma- elected Governor, and the Harrison tirket will lead in tire State at leant 15,000 voKiit, it i reported. Parwrner, (Dem..haa been reelected to Ctn- -grew in' the ftmiili tliffrtepr;" ' . ; f CONNECTICUT The majority for llsrrnon in this Sta!e of Ibe Hartford Conveution, is over 5,000 votes. NEW YORS. ; irwnvt-OTflW bT the pfivaTiwc orAEoliimn influence, baa grww for Hurnwn by about 12,000 mnyri,7Lj!J J!'a'ilt d along ille ivcr cuun. ties there were firge Demi-eralic gain and ma jorities ; but the infected dimlri of AlKilitioa went unanimously fiir their favorite, Old Tip." ' cuiyri Tf W WmUwTgii' a- jorily af imr 2000 6r the Um risoa Iwket. - ' - " ' - " . TTi;sTttTe ajKH of creation 1ms gfrr.hstH,Umim- rr., n. ............. I ne eiaci narrtMin majonry it statert ly tome Federal paper to be, 1,008. The Jd Keypione has been pirfeed seducer! from he-r high' virtue 'n ths tmlr ir of Fedeialiam fir the first time. The Democratic papers oay lhat aim ia yei I roe, but her right hive been atoleil, atftl her fair fun ataincd, by the. inrmuoua lyttcm of " pipe laying,'' fraud. The Harrison majority in lh Btatffia 813, virginiv ; Tho glorlojj and uuternfi-d old iXimiuion," the land of JetWw and of Patrick floury,' ha indig. nantly scorned the alimnre of Fa!eruliain 'and Ab 'lilio'i. She sUnJi yut proiidly iu tlm rank of the Doruocracylh!niig her rocreauf staler Slate of tlw Sutb, wbo have been faW to their intoreot, and falao to Ihemaelves, in tiowiiig to the dictation -of.thnis naniioa etie erwild neither be STlirr'efT by "Jfr.-"! wtyi lf ihnrni iitiaih)-ai;pii' of ber unworthy tons; but hat 'chuMm rather lo give them up, than yield bur virtue to tba bribery of the South't worid enemy.' Well ind u..bly ha abe fought tba bnJa.af won it too, gfttmct'finr' ftil- tHrtfer We-rbnrigtrr thar-r.r-i r7ff WiFpirTy had miatiiken thotr grmmd whe-n vliw brooht Daniel Webster, the old Fmeralit t iaci.lei mocracy to ber son. ' She baa re-awd the piwd';l nf the RiTpnblir. f-nm thp'f! .fhr hLf V .t Feduralmin, aud wiiy aif'ly o-i truu-d lo g.iard ihtj (ronlier of the Saiili. II nior and thank to ber t.a patriotiam. Tla Domorratic iimpiriiy "w mew here, lieltteon 1 aoJ 2 000, all lira returns 'notyet aeceived. "'-tv- ,- .' Has given the Ilairiir-.u lickitt a majority of .over 25,000. ' " . - - : i 'KENTUCKY i Ha dyuhilest goo ( llirTion, by a probibly incroaveJ majority since the Miiuiour li.rlioot, a. few retuma would ao mdieale, " . TENNESSEE . ' ' . Hat elected tba Harrwwi t-ckal by at et 10r rg.rMtjfrty,o- we reeW-l to Wtwr from 18 return received. , ' . T "'7' GEORGIA. ' . i . , Official return aot receivad. The Federal p?pets. rltim thst Uiere will be 9.IX)J msy-tity- 'r tl.e Huri K1 fcket. : . '- - 4 I. , i ',-f Ui IVl. fal k titt tluit IXmotracy , We ! n, t..t f. rui, uj it i Uve M the fc'ta;e. . ; " LOU J: ! . niru-4 nifj uy Lr the liarruoa fccket 3,000, fnj.u Federal piprs, 1X01 ANA la claimed to have jw-s fjt the F..irl ticket bj tiVJt mpti-j: 1 ; r ) ' MISSOURI Not fully beawl fnEi), Uit li-ju'jlKi i fate laker Deuw cratie faith. , , ..... iLU.oiaL.:.'.Q .... A rejVirted Wb',g -tin to tar at beard frUm, wtbat the .Wbig set the Sute dwaasdoutKtuL Ithatbeea hcreuifore fk-niocniik; kj a et4iiJTt!a oiajoi ityaitd mm lUiolt will - 6rm yrt, - Khe any, however. have 1,'ot auto Hie iitrd id .t'fiYk, we sbuuhl psil be attr. piwedif sU4ta4 ' ' ' : K. PARTUS IN CaXGRCSS. , ..... o view of die cbanae eooa to take place in the 'Federal Admtmatntttoo, ft may not be utimtt-rtut-I ing tf the reader to Li ow the slate of partiea in me National Ltun-iur! at present, with some eonjectur oTwliat tbr character will probably be iu the ik-xt Congrew. ' . The flloing labte exibita a correct alatemetit of their poihihn id the iMte : - Dcm. Frit lV I I KCarolma.r Dim. Ft. Maine, - 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 It 2 1 o a o 2 0 2 2 a 9 Vermont, 0 UbaPHi,av VKhipp!, Iaiuna, flUKV IiKiiaiM, I'iiikw. :..'...:. Kaiturky, Teoltwaee, ArkaaAs, . MuMOC.'llKCtt, 0 Rhode I!iv!, II OainKlicat, ' 1 i i i o i t a New York, ; 1 New Jersey, 1 iVniwylvaaia, Delaware,- . 0 Maryiind, U Virginia, 1 North Canoliua, 2 ttf Totals Uetnuu tl s FJwal .YOne Utancy Lio Vtrpinra. -..:.-;..-"! The fuHo-rtnt ar tba Snwiot-aj hor Trma f Mr. Calbmn, k. rm.a, Brown, N. Carolm. M. rrientHi, Karl itc ky. i ... Kins. AUt. Kaigat. K I.Ihk!, IbtiiViArTTnuuu.' Nxnolaa, Ijouiwiim, Walker, MtMiamppi, FalU, Ark.itMS, ' " Ke;iied. " Rujrglea, .Maine, - V ait. New Jerney, HvobtrJ,N. IU.np.br. " AnderaiMi, TeoaewH 13 Democrats and 6 Federalil ; add ilr. Strange of North Carolina, m has reaigned, ami 51 r. Preston of S.ith Carolina, whorw seal will doubtea be vacted, and there are 14 Democrata and 7 Federalists. , Of the Siaiea to eb-ct ihia winter, Georgia will FJera4krtrariii-L Dulaware, Masfachuwtta, Rhode Uao-, JLine, New Jersey-, Kentucky, Michigan, Virginia 2, North Caroiira 2. , Sjulh Carolina will elect 2 Ihiiorrats, AUba Pnva 17TisMMiipjii I, New iiampaliire 1, Illinoia 1, and Arkansas 1. Maryland trill elect I Fd.te aopply the vacancy O Icjaioned by tbe lVh'Ij-oI" thm llow. J. S. Spence. This wilt fnaka the siata of partie,with lbese cbangea only, in oett Coo reaa, 9 FotferaliMa In 23 Dcniiicrais, giving Ilia Federal party a majority in the Senate. tawrtpttiy'iy BliSlMm f KenrwamiiatweaH awHatrvHminnr " 1 i. : in Pennsylvania, Georgia, O.iio, New Jersey, Maine and other btitet, have to revolted at to uaurt tlw fpfabUi aj T'awidfBt)hJ--miijTii'y"if1 orvTir nauunai iivuture ikewiae,on . i. avt - ''.- " -4W--iie)cmoreBi""-tJnoler ihi r thtHrle'rH Mwe,iftfcr-f1ai(1a uoo hia Admiuulrstkm. If the ! - : : alinf, composed of ibe odd and end of i . . all ffii6n can a-ree it- any one meaure, it it clear, tbtfhywi4t -bvr tnpt9po en, carry il out. Tbey bate gre into office aicUtming agaiiitt extravagance ad corruption, aud with the cry of M reform " on their lip ; all thai we ak of I lie people, the old ReMiblicana, who have beu deceived by ilieir dWeiif il lurea, and hyooctincl profea-ioos into a tiipjiort of FederalUm, under the diuise of Whiggery, ia, la mark tlieir practice, now that ibey have succeeded once more) ia obi laioing power, and see bow it will agree wit) their prou.Ue and prufi-aMuna. . - iSORTU CABiiUNA. 4 If any of our readvra aot in doubt as to the po litical pomtioo of N.rt-ib Caroli.ia at hi preaent writing, it baa bocome our tljiy . ia the coursa oi human eveuta, to iwe tbera thai they need ia J mam in a flaw of uncertainty no longerr-Tbo oMj .Srwtb State W twiofeiivf '-barfl ciden coo. q-.-eoce, U O. K., full koroed.) I Wm aref aananted teacLobwfed Ibie wJmeaof our good ) abl mother, fmm k..l U.MA k-....ri,. , . r-- ",. j but IW1nrtivoar courie, fesir to aay at buia a poaaibU about itT slwoad. . j . arirof opinion, lhat tb Fedlral majority in I iba Stale will be at fc 10.000 voma, probably I " CENSUS STATISTICS. ' The Nca York HeraU give the Cilfewing iciilara of'lbo prjruiatf4i of New York City s tic il 7.Wi. Fiona lf. 207154 J07- i. -. Ml a. Female. ' HI.-T3I lo-MiW ,'iJ Tula! auiuber of whitt. TUl . " kiseka, . ' '.. " Graod otU, . 4 Wavliingtoo Cily cor.Hin a fipulatioa of 2J, 772 wmla. Richmond (Va.) of 20,152. A Hiiimre.of 10l,4w, being ta jocnufa of 20. CSSaioce 130. . ' , ' " " ' ' , ... , CiiarU.too of 41.139. . -; ,' -. ; ' v Pi tburg,jfp4-) of 60LW'V;,nr----. - r The px'iWlitioo of- iluaua u aid to be ovr fjf. ty three nullioiia. (- , The Iei.Uiura of Georgia aew.nL.fed at, Mil. (,.,!-'(!, on till 2.d nmt. 4 Ta-m Kl-x.ka of! Gretvu coi ,'v, H cloctej I'a -i-li-ut of t'a liite ; ait I I iiari4 J. Jenulna ot Aiig-i-'o, er uf the 1J.HIM ; boUi Whijjs. In The hni'ie, tint party vutn l'.r l'reido..l was, S. k 40 ( l b..' 40: in the Hue fur waker, Jcnnitg 110; Suaml c-'. A Reiiition bat been intr wlnred ino the C.cor. fria ieguaktare, ty tb Augui Coi.sHiutMMli, aaiiHit I da Siib-Trt'umiry i B(i4 MWWj a I lor its repe.il, and also another, intruding tbo Bitors aiid Hepreentativea (' ttiHt f'tate in Vnn- grw tu i pjjoo the cl).ui;r o a Naiiuiial lUuk. 4 ? ',a'e o JnMi.itnn . .imit bmim u Eju 1 Oil. Utorgta h.Kt aie a atranas w t if f U . l ar,,rmMi, buh 0 ..iU.I -1,--.a!tt(i.iou-Iowa. II tl ey ptisaboih the ReaulutioiM rvl-rrtj ! uutwliaae lmiiJiaaiMb4aitwiiHtiiai,iji lo above, wnbould like marvt'lUaikly to know what scheme ibey do favor, rrnapa, a the, stute i J:.... 1....I .l J.. . ... uioiiuuiMitu ioi mmii'l unj .,V( til (Mlika, lliev would prelsr aiiollief Pol Ivink lA-'erurw.!." - . . . ' ' "Jam, F. fiiiwawaa,' (F-d.,) baa heew. rfeciod ly the Legislature of Uhode llatid, U. Senator, in place of the Hon. N. R. Kuiglm (Fed.,) term of service expire on 4th Warch nett. . Gov. MclXwald baa recbnmteiiJfd iu hit nrra' aaae to the Leizialaturn' of Georsta. " tL&l a duv be fi.ed for the resumption of Sjiecie paymetita, . lowing tbe Banks reammablo tiu to prepare f r il, and that such ualnes be auneatd to their ro t fusal at will tutu re tboir compliance." -It i to be hoped, theae rocmuitcnjaiiona will be adopted in Georgia, and liirouy bout tht wmla country. :.-- . Ge a. Doflgt, the Democratic, candidate has burn f leeted the Ibdegate to Congre-a, finrri Iowa Tcr nita'J' IVmocratit! miijority in tbe Terrilo " rial Cwiirf.U i 13. ' " '". . , Buffalo, New York, w as viciteri by a heavy mow sturni, on the. 27tU of laat mouth. The leople i -that region have every pronpect Uf ai fioa winter, from this atari. ' - (Sir The rettlt of the Uial of PiTiiee ljra"'N'; wlwmii3 Iiie'pniwipiunoilwiira, jor the; late in sane attempt to effect an insurrectionary imive- Priuca Louis INapvta'uii,. perpetual ' imprison nient ( , Count. iMoulhojoo, 20 year detention ; - Meaauoo, 1&I Voiin, 10; Lombardj, 20 ; Par H'lin, 20 IliHjtlvt Montaubaa, A ; Forrester, 10. ' V- '; ' '' FORKKjN. ' . ; M advices from Viirope, mentiim- tm prospect of a pomb!e pacific adjiMlmont, by the allied power, of the difficulties in the Kast, betweeo tin Turkinh Sultan and tbe Pacha of -Egypt Tlie allies have recomiiitm iPJ" Jlliltni.!.bi Jfl CJMft Jlie Vkeroy. slull auh not In his ttower, tlie sentence ot deWition be revokod. and Eypt, and a part of Syria be grauted to Mehemet ' Alt. - . ' ,. Egypt ia f HtiiiaJ Irooi Dsairirtta to the Msrsboot, and 60,000 aeo are collected at Alacamlria. Ibrsbtm, tbe son of the Puctrt, bad m,-"iad orders flcuu hia ta- tber to march afunut Conainntinupla ' 'Another attempt baa hcetrmtde tn tMmwinite" t ihu'ii ' Phillippe, the French Km rf. At tiia royal carriage waa iaaviatr tha Tii)!na a'B,d ruturuing tu Ht L'lii.1 it was Orcd oa Dy the ami win. lUe.King was un- toutlied, aiul nobv of bia aut setiously injured, ona or two aiiglilly. . . ' TbaaaBMaiia waa joungmaaof Maraaillm; be w tam, and einrewHl rcrrcU thMtpi. X''ilr'l. (I A clarea that be bad no iccooipl ., nd any his only "mo- t;v wa to rid Uit country oil tvranU "" "Tlie ffrearn thi-r Pwwalvin whieheallfj jftDtn Jfetr" loraiur Liverpool oo, me jm, tiler proceeliii mine L JKW.JI11J14 00. lcJt;.paMgo..jxiur4iuJ..to Xtim -Verfcr - ttrj r ued galea (rom tlie N. E. which obstructed ber unv great, and so eihauated ber supply of tuel ai torendrr H'doubtlul, wlietber with a continuance of tbe gab. she bad tuaicient left to ensble ber to rotxJiXui-ijwul. t'mlir Ihi atate of alfaira it ws considered b JL to re turn, get a freth supply, and lake t new tlart. , Tli paar-engere bave publmliud a' card faiglily am- meaihug tbe conduct of it. ship Vouiuii, and rpr-kend-ing Hi maiia gemeut ot' the Scania in tending llie w eel IA sea on a winter oyage,wiUi a luntuid allow. ance t4 w.i. " toa Tiia wicsTKa eaoi.ia, 4 j Tuaech of your Deowcratie readora, XI r. Editor, a may b unrpmied tu dpod at tfe) result of th-i ardunu HioU biuor struirle tliriaign which we have ju4 pasted, fet aie adcreaaa few word. - - Froia a mere glance at the result, we are Impressed wilh t!i i-iea, ttut the Democnitic prjy baa Imt n c jio plelely overwhelmed- so badly Uuli o an to lorlnd Uie L hoii of a secoud rally ; but un a closer cxamiuaiion of the tuhject, we will ft ml tint t Change of a i:t lhou-ud vutet in ct'tlatn Slates Would bave elected the Democratic CanulatiK A change el' 12 tboustod vulat placed in New York, Pennsylvania, Maine aud New Jer7 would hsve carried thoH Stale lor Vaa Buien, tf badly beaten in th fnjmlufput throui;boiH Uw l naai t wt John y unify Ailsmt in Itpi. Uvn. Jack son's nnjority in tbe popular tola Being upwarda of - 7-n.T"".f.r ,nm P""' utaioritv for tn Federal Caudidata in Iha lata couIam ' Th" "J,rtJr '8 lh popular vote ia, by ne men lornnoaoja; epocny wueq n m awoe up or such a I ourtttot materia la sad been drvq toeUier hy sueb mn s it baa. Swdca, the I)emieraiie party of lb Vn,tt Bt' " n imem oflfi'"s,. reffard a imis or any mhr cuiry. IU uie ruveraea have only temled to purify it, and t acb ita marnb, ra that huiHility and sinewless viifilaiiee Without which the? caonot Ikio m lavofTMl witn a eooimiiancecf the inrauuihl ; - i id, rii iThmm, and aolitMial bieawng nw eejnyH by j tie. iv. The reverses have b J suotlier cmj ulTtct i " tfri-y lit vc drawR lf til tlifo wort!i!e Icings eIUJ ' tfJmg fniiiieimt, who 'wore mere hangars on K of fice, and stl seeh ss, bavint; no 6cJ principles, are a! waysfie.id with the strong aide; nd have thoa luft , tne great lfeeDiciatic Party fare lad anotfen ia ail H roeuuWs .with ila atatHiard p'antod en Um ramparta of t'tm l.oretitiilion, and it principles ba-d unon liteevnr lasting toun'hjtmn of Jnntico and Etj tal Righis. lio bold it tlirnatflKrut the pant great Urn'lo. in all ijinr. ten of the Union, like a city sflt out t hiil." lwi'v proclsiining it prmciplee, and et.alfenpin. disca;jiun. be&r th pvotii dtadamm; to oaeotficial etatimi, or j . Ui mem demaigiiiU art winch it waa evident war being uaed with eli'Ct by it opp'meata, tn v tbe Blind and gaia ah vote of flret-nwa. N'nt oni'.no-. aai-a), ki aH'Wtljf WtwtrTTlTm moniel iiillurnee of Um Miniry, 1.1ms Deirmcncv bsv finipht s nnbia bat. tl to suittaia our free in itatioo lo shield the poor .. ia twrmg man from tba avaricioua outuvawoo 4 the Hanker and th tju cniator they ntt rea dulcated m tK where i th feme freeman wlm wrnild wit gtnry in bi.'lonifiiijf JB sock t party ! w ho "-.ti mit rafbit be defeated t iMmmytt of IM!), tktn Ut In ni.ii a a hew & u II g F a -ii'T, T "!( rii " " : i" v.t ny the ttartt'-at !".ik:- in intw w ; ,ri lHri.liHaiw lorrrf lttr,-- v-i.t.. I, .t' ., ST-mrtiuii in imr turn., w i','. w-hc i- iui rii.v :, ji'H'we a mwkery and a Ih-wirrc auu-U: 'Jwwtuii ' : jut Ini Utivvrtiiiiftiit a 4."Mt.i tuuiirfc. f'I'e fiKid c-uim' . w tatwe n Jwwaib ibr i.-akiiJ..r. S w . . . t i rum criMma usira saw I in- urual ir iil iUuli W :ltwi " . Hut lirrot, iuiuiiaiTitlita n twist. And dim dnn;'! inn irHiiiniur. " tt,lw oftramtid, m m outturn i.-uiMuu. utt- imumBt. r Jiwn..m . i r r " 'JSrtium JlleaJ. -1 im lnrtlktirv ?T,r ihhiC t v lite lialimin Sou, torn ipant! m tnwuintxMf aAoVnMvj tZwaum fur dim malum at: ttut Jemey caau, iil MHutwar ; ' , In favor mf imwrnmug tUtr Turf', t j ll'r te n nte-a nd" 1rifl mum. b -iftr,tH tmitt, mawm W . i ..... V . T .j . tl . "That a Whig LriHiuT AiHtni! emidtntm W ffr" irwuig lue I nHKisttur wmntwr (iitnr? mat iaf hart any; hi iiemiijMiit, coin! atthmpt limi 1-h'"u omtt-hi ered cuti pova)f ;be Cmriiiuiiiais amtttiy wul newr aUnp, (if x fnonle autmnidr 8wm m miwr) milil iba 4Vwsum ltnof(i,tti! "nwiiiamrrttiM a:uf teijiieiiee iif 4iiWtiui! BBiiiew- J'liiiii. ukmi tmvi uu ii"tu ' nt( ... .-..Jtjrfi tiutoiUtlUUU. '.""".state ixraViircxc. We am inawlaedtoitne ,IUin air-ttvrt.iT Tjmk Ai it, reoewwd ny Imtt jn-.Siwi iir.ii..ni t. few, li!b we wwil 111 tin wn.,- a iin ditmniil ):. -The liejrmfetoTe.iif 36stth CtmulH' aWrnttiH Him ity eatietuay. tff 1iw ww Caniuil, ifUitfU' .it jusk. I?.. 3d. J tic tUmflitee Itilti 11, Irnu, ltrui!ir, la the Mnnata,CniLX. 2itmk,1( lawitMS,!,'. iir win eliowin tipknr uotite iim rai,tiiijf rta.Hiw-4 tT-wtwrtwrr-nr tff:"- : - L-mi U. : 'Aawwa. itf ,i-ewiliL -mm Hit .oik .Kr-f , Amui ut, w UiUNlt npw iwntv - - - ( i'kutm ila, rf .4 aaa, w -aUrtt nr im.' Dmiw kepr, ai.n intt ut J.iitiiimi fei..liiii la IM 4me of Ommnroa, trotuwa X ."K.lik.,: " Ivki, of Oram-, fH'lor) ictw-wi .wipt! mr mx twai, wi'lioiit the fnrmmiM' .iir !. idinnug) M .(t. ijef tin Crty, wat -cfeamu S'rmr.iiai; Z'.ur. ami Hit Ml a R. f k;:a,rr( tne ini' Ipuii,.ii;i(t)t TiMtMaiir. la tlie Vhbiiiimki, ultawm. If jtwaa nH fcrnimwo -.t eleatrat Donraepenr tti tfhtuirtr Sri-ini!(i; and' Uiu tatter Aaaurtant. cxirau rs 'w'rrcy-rc In Hiit County, im the itlHii -inamnu Sir H:mtl ."t V. era, E-q, Ut. J.JllN AJOJlXll WaU ZL1ZX MULL ' la Hirtie Count-, on iiw 53:1 iiirwin. Hw Hwmtt- W ... Imma, Em. hit. TiM, itt. ti'tpkT mm SlWat LZ IMNHALLUOTT. . . " HJEPAKTEI 'Tim BI?nS, ; ' -j At bis plairmiiiifc wwmyi'im' 1 ar?airrTwtty miigofUie 14tb4nUiin, Ha fisrl r!-iivL,l.ii...il itua town; ia ttre Ui'b vmw ul -li fth tfi mimn m -( ant) unwsiiu wrni .r o luDHmrn, Clnrrili Y in Ins bin, he il)utrsd :tu! y lite luitiimiiiaur a mi ral and ehrwtnm irtiH-a.--i ir mjurt'ttrxnUunn rifail a lie knew tuoi. ly Hie aniiiMtiuira itl MiimiiiHU. hi kindnem, ami tmriHtialo'; 1w :nf Hii-'j-i.i tomHy arm tnet.Jtnmriirr niir'r "Itf v;m niijnjtiT .r thirty two yatlf4'wTiuiUMe"ai jsiw iian, (.imjv 3' . . -k .. .u n-I L t-.d I Jlr:taauu ' '"j-fVA""!;' ..4PonX:- -: i- fiT tiwvft mmtnnmr ii jri- - , .J i -rSJ. .. ... rfi .,... .... ... ... .... ... -..n , . ii'-, wile-tt tn i..nj:iiu4t m une L wi ai.' SulrkUirt,4aaiwiirriMKi ifu JUli tf l emlr!ir rr' tft U t) i '''lieit.ai in,, wn!i fink? Arum, f.ir JTtviKj IT- -rlb ail ... "it W- liO.vti.cbii.Citw'iitv . e I I - ... I ',r-'-:- i. AT U bolrtfule nu Lnluii.Tfl GRiTI orflaiTi-mnVOimmmn Ti'l v ifi" P'','!, M..ffitt P.n t'ifl lirtm. JliiutiU ffoiu. "uv i I IWnard's rurmwly t-r BowhI ...iniimini. iie .i.u ftrmrm rLT.K3TT.iri. Zi 1 Witiea, Sptrira, - atitfc Ciirr jAi. I Juat Tw-etvtifl wnti Tib taiH, tflo ittii. a- liury Italic Siiiti Baliatiury, Nn.S0,t4-4i;.w- "' f ; 0il Vr, IIEftirTifev. Anm-Lnii tof- have ioat reomed and now i(TB!fin .eMiiei.-t..io ad rA the ComTifn ormli ritirf.iii aialnii; nf variitu ttumUnm f nr amjwnsim ipmii. tioa and cbarwotor iT tin-1 wri. ill tlu f in'rn aw aU 4ait -SrW 4twww aw iiiwiii no wnairm--mndatiiM from ot TLOM tl fcr- cbaje will nleaae jet x. viZL . - - c, fc. avc.- ycriiuci April 84, iNH "t"' v . i !' m -t-w -.r.- - - -, Uftl Olid fee nfl1lfenf 4i-JHr.Hr .. bamum A'iatee' art'B Mtf. if kiiui Thine wmhmg Hivd iiir tlie ! ?"iu, wnu... Well m tall or ell fion 4'i, liioi Si t ,-akea." r.2..'W.LZIL. , Nove-mW 111, 141. a TEfl'tl Iiaiimi !EL Cj'e Lj;. nt. Ki Twa u .mm 'tin- C'.'imi4.v, lorpe JUT JtviU.-Tn.aKlH. .'rufi;Ufc Hridfe, ii. ftaid lonwaw -wet !eii' .. iial'irnw .'W cmiettrning liim a.iii Jm -ilmm.'ui'j; m reived and life ral't wewnniett. ' ., , ... j.g; j. a r.-. Pvoran Co Nov. f'i, 3 4 3X 't( lllirr., in trmvf p gr W (1 AN, aiTu.nnti Ajip'y at 1 A '-'' 4J JraJifiu-ti teUtr.i Tu t'Wntav 1