J x 4 I .4 L .' ll jl. -...i L x -rur. I'ou j ks Mir ii:m:ua1ri to tmk i'xived siitis kv tut ,.. ... m it to ! . rru w, nag i:m:veo to tub ii ri;a nwVrivKl.T, o to tub mwi.- AriW. to Ike Constitution, Article dumber 21 o Volume 21. j V SALISBURY, N. C, KOVEMDEIt 21, 1810. Whole ;JSmnbcr, lfM. : - -r: .-rt w -V 'J ) ttuirj l il! ff " !5fli ''! rlc Is- ivss: . h " wr Upton. ttii',fi" ti'ftof' Iwiaj 'nim by, mi huanlis f mle- f.ui iiltt,. -greesble'--. i4tollie 1 dlW M, tod he i iiumber ' fl:.l."1l T o.tr enl M- ;eiil p?r.. ' dill M H4 tfI l! inx, lelld. Ithv -V luSTit' li, njf its and w MKI'l- i am iaU H ylf lril IX HIT- ii tbe t at WV.' i nails a) K HMVS ll.- kl rrnriNf - iltlll l tt i by j,.:c. FFAT3 I VnHfclk ornialMi ad Hi FFAl". OPtH. form lli inue lh Linf s ;e of .UNA. i ol work lie," rlM)ly er etui" . '"T'. itsod ff.'.r tctinn IRKS- r I E K SI S 0 V T II K jtllLLSlIED VnRKLV::;:::u'::;ClIAS. F. I'iPIlER, Li'i'vr auJ I'mptUUtr. . f(l N'tarraaN Caiiommas is published every FrUay, nlj-!"-'r annum, 1,1 advance, of sjci .'Ki, it' iiul paid m jjjtJjiiw.ih 'f",n,ij'L,l",t5 iflJ'iiWTiUigw, UCT to 'wi will bp ditfctntiiiued uittiUll arrear;ifrerepiicl, it' the subscriber" i worth the subscription ,' and the (Vil- lire w iK'nty M"' IMilot of wish to discontinue, ul least uaauvrn before tlio end of the year subscribed for, nil be considered how engagement Aiv-itiMmtM conspicuously in J correctly in jurk'd Bt f 1 por square--(of ol( emu, at fifteen linen d iiiied type) for the firnt insertion, ami '.M cciito ii ni'h eontiiiumcc,- Quirt and JudicS;.! advertise. ..i. il tit ttotl.l lSui.-lI.Attlt.iL,. l':.l.-.l A rt,l , uctjou of y i.'i" cout iVu.ii the regular pticc ; w hi'iJ t" ),3ar'V uilt'iiitisrn. OtT" AdveriicfiuciiU I i;ut in ff piiiliuiiliiiii, must In- marked tt itli liie mini-1 XM uLui<iuliiilhiAliuL,itt- l4ny yth W oolHtiit; tilt yi, clirrfcd nccuidiiifly. , Yu hi ore attention, all lol'i-rn ad.liec'd to tlio E-l-1 lurijH biMUte, mutt 6e Jree.if Pumue. . MISCELLANEOUS. 'init tLe Ijuuittn "iilttr. ttiiin i i n. iMM'ti limbed ihIiit il!iaf !liifMl. ..H h its pa iili church ovfVj;ruVn U(i ivy tin llm South bulu.j jiie jiaianituc lumso idXyei V llioch Uloi ntlior 'pars -in. 'I, and the Squho's OiaiMioti on the hill, villi ii i.,tl L'hna mid r.ioltDlT. iaNu It ku Mlmt I Imvo H'n oim -iK.-a i il;o uti Ul li.ilf 8 '" CuiillH , iii'mtr. . . . r man Ain, vie ctmrcli wuruon m Kei.ruia Trriu and 'Willi WiO ui.rJ, uiiAithu Tikon to Uvyi ti.in uian. with n nule f..c. The l-Vivher, loo. has ! . .. ,.i,i ii.lk,.! i uml r iH m' nun niiiMler m tun 'lou! (.1 ll.u. l.u!l, fati) asred as u tosai. . . , u2i. tiiao-4JiaiirJS--fU'iWii Ja -h -muuv oibera, mule end fcutalc, vl 'd oungt iiiile and wsijilc, all of tltnisi vH vvoitliv-t-iiiig iiitryJuood into Una nairutivtf but a saeha proceed"'! nuU intcfl'cro wuh nor prent ol.ji:ct, wo' auM live lU'lii to bo fitvtially dinetlla-d by those w lave mure tult tit una more l"iuru. Ut e pt'rxoi t.g; hoivevfr, we imrstiml "forget esju-i'ihily u lit ..JI'iJaM.UiL4'lJJWajml boiuul tm bistorj- A Mr. I).ni"hi. has ti.kmi lolgiug at the vvnlo FreeiMU , hot m tho village knew next to uoVj.u.gj ( lr.ru, mid l Ins cot.cn.s, so the Rood p( ffio sere at u lo how to speak ol h.m, o.io to auolUj. , Jie-tiua a civil, wcu on lavey man, reaprcuui m lim rich, a:id kind lo iltu poor bat no one can livo l ing uny.whci least ol. all in a vi.btgo, itii t,tiy..wnc.c:. n.i.1 o. w a vi.i.igu, wtvt. , i.,uktng I.. onus or fies ; anJ (lonhilc;ijL.,kv. WuuTii TiuV0 t-"l a:l "Ur iutiu.aiiv.il j fit ( 44pti"-w-itkie-iio-nvo-f tn (!v rwimanrwj 1,1 Uiu.u urouno !.u:i, ).oi (i tiot ueim lor a circu.n st.uci', winch, lor a time, pri:euli:d tho uoifhyl , ii.li i; i!aiiiol 1 c-wiord Iimui u.aBtng up their mtnds. 1 Ite lawyor, though not professioiiully emplticil liV'.Mr. lA.ugt..f. n fl I'l-covi-li-a M UIUI was peno I'Y '... I limll!0, II W l-M ...... j't U.J I 1 . ......... : 1 I . .. . liie ttluHtidn uf a boggart wKj"cou!J t-iiptu-l lorti tt,idi:i uc!i ciicuiiiiu.ii.ts, tlftt-thl- viligr of Yswi'urd cOulJ co.im to arty satisfactory concluvioii, I S.iU.h n.'ooalm.i io vvoiviv il" l-tt---"'-yH I...- ;11L . ..I 11.1 l.'-.l t.d.ri.l li l.iioivii K, - V ' "' iiwswss, was cuikr. "i uotu in li luiin : and by u e grvos, an opinion got abroe 1 that he was oor. ' Fur suii.e uioiithilio aas d p i'icjoal tu Ins payments, tiKii s.i, liir it sooioliiuus. hapieui! d-nnnT3cT waa sadly bi-ynrnfttme. " , ', Al Icugth Kaiem apjieared which most pi-opto, wiielliur livmi m lun or country, are quick to u..duisiund-A lew articit-s sent to Mr. Douglats by tlie vdlago Uropur wete not wid fur on d.diveiy. The batcher l.ud u s.uill uccouul unsettled, uud sidim ..Free man hnd t.hispcrcd to .Mrs. IVikius,; the iaWieuli, v. if-:, that hef lodger for the lo.il MX U..I.II..S-, had nrt pa d her a ing:o aixm-nce. , woro m tUu critical st.uo, aud the repu , Titiju wf "DoJg'a hUiig'tremlniug to tha oa!- j - iw, i.l.e:i ajcwvf the ullage wort hie ui'-l Pi-! yjini-f cr.U Bali, to sclilo J.iiCi'-u.g counuclcd j i'u the Aur rsttn. ' ' ' Tu.) i i.iMirthtit alLircrtltn parish bwiug' i!).--r tilled, t!is lawyer wok up the newspaper, 'which i Ua just been LrvitH. in by ttie landlord, uiot soon . rea ia a tamd i-.iaiiiior, tha following anBotti.ee; j UiUi ; . ' ' . v - - . ! "The loiig-pendKigcause.'Djuglasarcrwi Par- --ktf-xi at Ui.iglU dotalCJT'Tlid aiufifl -pfOVcilj s -JO.C.S iul." Ttie lawver Smm!iatHlv threw down the para-r -irtu1aUoriv3i3;i' ldjr tJcVpcoltd,"Said IieV uu Ifttrhao, AiinhW to iim bvl'on) bo ' commun coiiiu.Liiccd his suit, I , -JtU itve shJ him builill fiouudsr-: A 4.0 -lim.1 Uj hoii cnuipn nieuti lo-lake aucll a cause! iota court.' , Iiul I s how tbe case stood, ho has ! lci;a ltd uu b a sivmdlmii attorney, who will now j iu t likely attest him for ci :s. t?o Mr. Doog!.i ii cad o! hav i..g nut roll of five hundred pounds , -Tr,;' ",i,t .i ;. .. f-'. f iv pmr' A . ' ''' ' ' -1 never thought lhat he would help in pay poor . nte said lira viiiari;! waiUoo.- ,- .wwr, " sltcd- tn butelwr, ' wa it "' 1-Uly U,il bo viouiJ p-tir iiwir r.itu, wlifcu he fcy-ai'. pay Lis UtcaC." M I It has ma t ; iin lx4 fr ...:r.u i.aia p.u.t, tlMthuuo'olo would. s ue . hi suuc K.in.tf, and t twU t.iy Wtie so. - w " i ti i JJr. Dou-lu-s lakii a ten irotn nse f were able to l.-tiutt tii.i,nu tne school ' .'.o I,' dciiiCung Ins 'opitumit had lit "rtty catcwUlwi U.s uV'iTil uJ lo-, ho might , Ue ticca itaaso, h,. I l io iajiu total of all Ins e l1; t,:, i i,,,iv ani'Miiil to a cip.Kii. ' i . . . f. r....t. K....t "Vii.r.i t 1.4 ...'ltl'l-l IUWU VI - ' a.," .a.a t..o i.oau-Jaw ; '.' lor, tlMMigb he c -oid ; . I a IMir'tf.Nt'. ho .W ..mM ..p lo lake a mug of ale, or . . . . IS ...... itV. . p. ul a . ' wi.i..v unU naier, ifoui uov t .iifttlw,-r-ilusjcer, Ira hu tuoip no score at til ' But). ii.l VI :.t'u imoiIv good car Utat tie no 4 l:ca a moo v.i toLcco without paying fi-r it- 1,' . I-.L . jj. jSiei tLe v.da cl' pou Ill Ilia oi wdv. but alt tlOIflli ill lioaratice lud ulreudy b?envPXfPCi-d, nJ that it wan lili tibio to li t Mr. D iuIhw und-rMuild, thai mi ujiMart liViog imlhiitg but a trumpers clnim to live hundred muU a yeur-rtf sujinorl him. would no lunger lie Awtiiooutci d li tiio worthy mliuu,i. -lama 44awCM'-r- ; : f r- length, dyjiij; a momiitarv ' paM, the - clioolmster IwA up the iwwpvr," itU the idlo curnwiij- itf oiw V has )lHM,iru io rfiid.n with hi own i-yea, whatYig nhendy bea read to him by anothwr, whe.i, t hia 8-ai uttoiiisihmmil mid apparent coufjiim, Wi ma la the Cmeoi'ery that the (lamgraph hud IwAi inorrit-tly read by the Uyer, ui.d llm, tnntVid of Mr. Hooglaai", the iplaiiiiifl, having bona uiiVV.I in the suit,1io aarejHirlod to Imve i Tweik nuocesuful. - This iiniiouncemeiil ImVtng boon imide by tliu . tlm'roat adVdtitw of tor Met reading, a thing which lu always tried to iinpVeas on the minds of his achol.-trs, every" coiiiiteiiBinW onderweni a uJ. do.! clmiio. The lawyer looked as keenly at t!w iM-wsyurier, a ihtnigh Im would it out tiio jiicce I'ii oyo i theclmrch-wardeiiNiaif opcniii" hit niuulh ami raising hi brown, sal ku a stuiute ; the butcher stared at the publican,' ftiid the putili t an stured at the liulchi'r, A chipof thundor would, searcoly -hav boon more inbiaiaiioous in piuliicini an Wlitct on the wlmlo orotn. , Tim iiiioolioving lawyer W!i thH first Uftlako the nowgpapcr from llm hauda uf tlio m-lii wluiuJtur, and us siion us he tvus coiivinuid of the orrOr into . vyli.clj ho hud ful'un, ho huisl into an aflocloa m gin, a little resembling a ImiiIi. ' Vou must A he xuid, "Really furive llieiioux 1 put opoo touAut 1 woiiiod to sue whether it was possible to persuuoe you to' brieve so iirioioUiblu a Hiiuir, h lhat-.oi - fi .v.., u. isiuiy, nun, in ma idiur. pie dofoiiuanl had no evidence ta bring forward; UiMttiiiUnl lhat h wow Id hwe- atlirwerj jiidgiiH-ut to go by dcfiult, . fievor did a jury de- i Ida more uprightly, aim lhHllJiiive .reai pins auie Tn cmijira'uraimg , Mr. DoufilaHs on hi de st rvi-d suetws. ... -. ,.,i.y, " Ha ! ha ! ha !" hero burst from the oiie.n moulli of the chorch.waiileu w ho, in his tiinalWlod Io be t ry morry. , t tarr plain enough," said he, " the trick you were playing ih, and was witling to k"ep up the pike as long as pnwihle. t From lhnt It4fl -twipn lutd iiih nf I lnnln .u I lnAur tin had Out llllllh Wlnwl fctiMj. tn l.rii.r. AH nj-t ii.u -4 1.At K. ......i.i , ...A it ... ki .k ...I.,.. ;t. M A ym,f ( , i Mf D Um jo lhc 0n.ice of church- fr th -,, wlt.cla,0 lnnl) M m i l)9 lond anv w1Pr. V . ar-t 'tha l-IU n. ring on U.o laanon, that Mr. piajglans may ace ,a, ,ik are uliuoat as much pleased at .: l,M g1 f fkutm s hei hinilf. - p,10 Lps tljou.'U.iiut jwld-,iiuouU Jo 4u. u.trt ti.al he h id al Inst been aware ot the incur-re-reading "ofhe lawyer, inauttuitijrjJL. that, ha J liie VfrJi.-t been uV iloaeribod, he sltould have been j i-ilifin.l in the sfuthuenls which escaped him, 'in .a-tutuch a Hie decitiion of a ,BcUah jury would liave iin.viM . titimi p, Han ami twim -nsnlnv-fcerr ' li.at the t-alculalions uV I'xMr. Douglass had been wlfil in error. tliynuni'iiaic the good q'ulaies of "Mr. Douglas . whom ho had utw.ys considered a limn of educi 'lion, than subtract from his urerits; pronounced -Mirrn vflhy to be Classed nrrrnfi j-gvnllcmen, and ' coiwtdoreii it ih.- iiiiifoulitod inteiests of the inhuUi lauts of Yewfurri to cultivate good felioitraSip with I'he pu'olicun conf. s-ted that j he had bveo f.irly liken in, but no wonder ; ai he siioilld as soon have thou 'hi of drinking a pint ofuoftt brandy, aff diQl'r- lot! iiiViiiiiiiou from Ins good frion U. the lawyer, ino Cliuri u -varucn, ami tiw -mrnitof iimmr winy nun TIXTr)T!g'''m-(iuentErTCen 'MyrTCu"ndss, lie hud no d mill, wp u good fidlow at bottom, and he' ahou'ii be glad lo lake trout him an .order for the V'st hothead of ale ho had in bis cellar."'' Though the church. wurd u saw through tho de ceit of tliu lawyer, uiul the lawyer uialorstood the 1 icksry of the cliurcit-wardeu ( though th ubli cju luuU'd at the backing out ol t ie tcWinin ler, d the schixilmasior doii8;d Tha scllihiies ol th poliiican j jet everyone triod to persuade hi n.icj litat his hollow huurtHdites was u..Lnowo t In mijjihor. ' . When the parly broke up, t-auh individual do I'Tuiio' d in Ins own mind lo p.y some tribute of reiect to Mr. Dnugl.ia, and secure hi f.ivor; 0.U4 a!rrding' another ins'ance ol the lusincnrity end utt-amicss of those who pay hoinngo to wealth, rather tnan to worth who would honor the rich lining deioinu-d with every vice, and despise the poor tlioughadoriied with every ,ifr-rrTrn:Tf: " " Every man is ai'rieini to him that giveth gifts. All the brethren of the poor ' do' bato him ; how c 'iitiictt jriuira. d.a; Ji JiienJs go-: for itmt 4ato I" '; INGE.S'lOU.i FltENCU WINDUNG; Auegimlily'TIreiseil TaJy presented bursei a few days smcu, at an extensive sti-.p in ttie Kuo des 'Fusses' .Moiitmurte, at , furls, and asked lo see otte of tho'r hait.ioiua sitaal.' Sue wa waited up;u wilb the utiiiosrtjiolilem , 'Hid after making most careful choice ol one uf .the moet jel'-gnl crlick-s Vd ".l.u li.a'dJiti, runuisiuu tim tiu;,n mm wait uM.n hf la carry lira slu to the house of bcr hutbaud, M. Uo.ir .bouc , tue euuneui uouusi tu tua Palat Uo al. This Uly H't.'i withdrew with a "moat gracious li!irta!i .n. The y.ung liiatt sltorlty ofe.wards yroceided to tho IK-'iitisl' house, and shown into an antc c-h tn.ber, wheu4 he was t i;d M. D ir bode Wtra'.iuga-.od. Pteseully the fiueladv mada her Bpprui.coi 'Ah! you are lhee,ir," ueMid, " Mori D.uu I 1 was just go tug out, dt--fuuuig of your arrival. .Give ine the .hawl that 1 may show it to my husband; he will io.e and pay you for it p.esouiU " - Toe lady took ..... ...!, I. r.iiiuriiur tlio adi iioiiii apartment, ol it.h .i.j left the door oui, aiiJ,iiie cleik heard bor iiiaUe use of these., word : " Here w !ie young .,. .tKuit wlnun i spoke loym. May 1 beg Hint yoa w.il ii K kesp hi u. for be wai.u t returu to hi. shop !" Too tidy Uitu niade her apannc at ihe muuiod out ti.eelcik lo M. D-iirulwio with - bur.li.iier, and look her deKirutre with a fcrni'iar i ..r .i... h.u.t I.. lh' Dentist. " I at Jour .,vii.. sir.-" said Deeirabode, ami, artaugmg hi , l I l-itruu;t:t, hJ nut .ittiu casual ryisstion tu the uiipofHiluriiy, whioh had in B-raintt the unfnrto. yrnii.fr mm. Prwwnily the rwvrwtiott turned uwti liuul Suigor.v, nud, m atumer to a qvtns from Dowabodo, the yiMn in in coolVswd trial lie uiuiiiii ui:red tro.n a I.mIi ou' the (uliVide. The JJouut appra;hd, and, m iro rapidly tlmn thought, remuveJ at once both tmiii and iwutjre. The clerk w1i liiumlor-atruck.atid ilw IW-miai aid', ",'lfti"r" Vour Mer.jufuruwd m wherV Hie troublosuuw tooth lay." It will be bt lievodl that liteao words iocrtiaiKid, i.isttadol' dumoishui);, thetluik's aji:oiiiiniioiiU A long and provoking expluuatiou enstujd, from which it transpired thai the seductive ktraiijjer bad wuitcd upon M. IKnira bode, and intrtMiotl bi n to remove by surprise an unsound tuoth from Iter 'brother' lott jiw, she ha vinj brought hiurlo the" Dentist 'a hiu undiii the proioxt ol" al.owiiig a shsvii to hi wile. The pior clrk rotutue.1 to bis niiop in a slaig of the utmost confosioit, minus both shawl and tuonpy, and also with a tooth teas io his head. The authorities Imve rnstituta'd BsosTclifter iliu"inonious tulprit, tut hitherto without success The following lines, by I'rotewsor Lnfe!lmr, sre vrry fine, tha llu'rj terse otjXOially, i original tud I'.SAEM OF UF,E. Trll me not, in mournful iiuiiibeia, Lilo is but au eniptv dresui ! ' For the soul fa dead that shunters, And things are nut what they toem. N-it enjwment, and not sorrow, - Is our doktiiied mid or way : , Hut to act, that earth tomorrow fund ui wUtr llitiu to-dicy. v! , r 'Art is long, and time ia fleoting, . And our hearts, though slum and brave,' , ' Still, like iiiulll il drum, are beating - Funursl marolieii to the prave. '- - j3ivia of'greal men iliunld tetntnd m" Wn 1111 mil It ft fit If librta unlilnna am ,1-n.Hit.o- ir.v. i,i.i...i ... ' I' Focuterw on the ssiid oi uni'V ; ih'i' ' ., FioUtOis, Hut perlnpi anotlwr , Bailing o er lite s stormy oisiii, ' -hjrlorrrsiid ahipwrcckcd tfolhu f , : I oeoiug, ute tiuart again. ' l At ... it... i. .... .1 : - -. f Vith a heart hir any -tiler ' ' ' Stilllcliieving, still yurtuing, LetAn to labor and to wait. . Few know oftife's begiiininga men behold The goal achieVd... 'i ll warrior, when bis sword Flushes rod triunuih in tie noonday sun ; ( The poet, wheu bw lyre lungs ou the pain j , The siales.nan, whaa the crowd proclaim bn voice Aud mould opinion ott his gifted ton ;ua : They count uot life's ntl stcpa, aud nevir chink Uion the many aiiseraOe hours '" H hen ho)i dilerred wackness UHhe heart. '- ' They rockuu nut tlio baltlXacd the march, -t.---The loiiii privstMins of a woi youth ; . . ." ; Tltef never see the Satiuei tftf uuturlud. AVii.lja.lo.Uioi iltoUwyijhfct 1W wle ami auxious by the aiCfcly lamp, 'fill the younj poet wins tlia worV al last!" 'JV liaten tu the irnnuo long bis owl 'i'he crowd altuod the statraruart's bferv mind That makes their destiny ; but they d not truce Its struggle, or its lung eipveuncj. ..-V rz. .iisisrfiiitvMirtta-p3j anu, urn umtytoutn la budvanL c6iifiduut. and atruiic in Ikuh'.V Ig" Jbj.liBSiaaj tfrcSI, uaVtk..jiL. . A' PEEP l.VrO FUTURITY. Our friend of the Iloluica County ('m'rnnpHite has had quite 60 liiler cstlng driaiu. We are glad .... .w..u.....T v economy. The million and a half ctatb HoDsx :rT.:2u-.sr'iMWiWf to see the- reds' have concluded to adopt hauitt of. ITTt V B M-tSKM t,lilil I A list 19 "Ul 9V than 1 quasi quires."- Ohio SuiU$maa, . . ' from the Vvunopnlite. 1 ' Our Dream I Last night, after euITkiunt re turns were received. lo Cu4lv.iHtftJUA.lJl4l..UW44H-' glU.a.9UJ....VCiiiojA and dreamed a dream which ma a not bo all a dream. , We.dn-amt'd lhat Curwin wa Governor, and! Hint the W higs had a inujurity io the Legislature j Tlio most rigid system of economy bud becoadop- j ted-i-llie old Slate House hud been converted into 1 a Legislative Boarding House, and tliat the State Boarding llouse-K-ieper was elected annually by the Legislature iKut the Governor and ull the of-j ficer of 8iM boarded there together. They had j very' plain fareparched corn and hard ctdef for f breakfast ; hoe-cake aud bommony for dinner ; pone and butter-milk tor supper. I hey slept in bunks with only straw beds. They were all paidtl a day and boarded. 'IV'y had no clerk; when any member made a motion or report, &c, he re Corded it himself. Dills war crij-rpssed.and en rolled by the 'originator. They had a State Print ing Oiiice, owned by the Btnte, who hired It own roumeymen, and did it own printing. Tha quant ijdirus ? ere-put into an irefl vault, so that bam Me-4 dary could not sjfal tliem to print Cjin Btaiemans on. They had no messeiigcr ; they did their own errantls they had no Scrgoant at-armt theytnofe tniriis in loakiiig fires, and the legal procctse were served uv trie.Liuvernor They built a hivMiutn J'out 'ieflhe fashion;. or a Log Cabin. I he hjieaker set Uhhi the head of a cidt-r barrel, mid the mum hers were sealed On Hiickeve In" aud took notes on a shingle with red clial'i. A big t!'"litol wa perched above ilia heud of the Biieaker, itiM-Mid of the ealo, a diied cixiu skin hung up in ple of (he Declaration of lu-! tfrin'inlciiKC, Ogld l i ctrH oft:upiC!l tha puce ol the AilwriCMii OooMitutioti, ami a red petticoat waved on lop of the cspitol instead uf the Ameri can rlig. Josiah Scott regularly 6ieued the sitting tact) d.iy"wt'h t rtppecanoe song. " , A we e;:y.-;d upou those improveuieuls, our soul j was firvd with Tippeta me ea!, and wo shouted, t '' Ho, Chmg a ring clung," wuicU broke our slum- j ber, and apprised us tie wo had been dreaming. . ' And ve think when tliovewbo have supported the , Whi" cxiMxting such miraculous telorm, will gti waked up, Ihey will discover that they have boett j drtamiuif too. . ' " . Dr. Jolmroii very beautifully remark, that; when a friendTa curried to his grave, we ol tune ; find excuse for every weukuess and palliation lor J evry foult ; we recoileet a lliiuiaud endcarmeut j ahich uefore glided oU our mind wiilmul impre. siwis a thousand fovors uuiepuidl, a thousand du ia unperforuicdanJ wUhior In reurn, m4 much that wa may receive as thai may bestow hapjuio; and recompense thut kindness which be fore e never uuJc.'i-ls-jd-" . .. , ' tlrtm the IhMritocker far Oclol'tr. A HEMI.OI.I TUAD5TIOX. " I - al WlU.l,loX HUM. Wb'-sa the FloiiJas were en-cietl intu a trriit.i ry of the l'nitt;d Sti;ti, one of the wiliest-' cares of too Governor, William P. iival, an dirty ted ... to too iosiroctKiti - and eivrntimwi nf fie'niiUW. For this purpose, be called nuviiug of the rliied, , hi wliith be informed the m of the wih of their Great Father at Wa hiii-jton, that they nhould h ive Schools aud teacher aiming them, and Unit tln-ir ehilJren should be instruct like the children uf wite men. The chief likened with their cuio. . V - i . i . mate snonce and iloonrmu In a ln.i r nmn-K u.i. IO- t.ii crih ih. .h.a,... ,t.--. .,'tV ,.. J i ;jul W.' 41 ' m f Jo- n J:Jr . - " : i I , , Hiein froui tin measure, and when be hud rom iu. ded, bogged the interval of o d iylo dolibttrate on it. . Ou liWi lollowiug day a aolema coovoeati.m was ! . " 1 8"n ' B,w w M "v,,. held, atVhiuh ouoof Uieir chieti Addreseed ihlfd iho f,Proba1" ' " Hie Rn. whose. sake 1 have " Crovcmoruthe"uaioeof all the ret n.My broth i H?'I' from 'he strict limits which ancient er," said b aeh.va Unm thinking over the pro-'! "'J' b'.T S t Pr.ld to our set, I shall i'n.. . tv ...1 be amply paid for all the pieers ol atlhtiiia and sonu leoi'tiers.and sot up xbool nmunc ols moneus, V0 l VftrV iKitrtkltil ii.lnM.1 It. I.La. 1 ... welfare bid ltr much del.boratiou, have cmiclu-1 tW lo doelmu hiXoiler. What will do vt ry well for white inoii, wifl not do for red men. I know you white inoii say, wa all eome from'tlle sauie father and mother, Vut jim are mUtskeu. .Wo have, a tradiiioa ImndlVJ down from our lore fat hers, and we IHieve it, llmt he Great spirit whoji lie undertook to make monnade the black man; it w as his In at iiticiiipt, and pretty w ull (or a begiu iiiug, but he aoou saw tl.ul'Jie bungled ; so he de termine lo try hi Un l cWiii. He did to, aud lie made the led man, but hhhe was uot ttacllv what he waiilnd. Ho he trioS otice more, and irmdo the hitVim- ajid Jkff'I.Mf.tii, mitiafiMd .yu c;, uH.miiu.iim juu wi-iq lliaou mT. alio ; . . 1 1 T r. -. i . . . . r.. .1.... i.. i ... i tliat is tho reason I you my yoangest brother, .When (he- (Jrwal Spirit had nulo' the t h re'o '.""eel the- t.rwttl butrit had RiAtlo' lite three L!!L7ljJ'15lIUlli.j!? - J ll.t - Il.rn.. u.h. I'l.u . fl 1J I . ... ww iiv m nui II..UU.WII11 uiiuh., SI.U mnps, and papers, the second with bov and ar- w?4iin) nd44HttnlwiItMh) thiri-wwltMin'di-at'j used tit lroktngiiiitrSv'ened breoif.' A police c.tlif. axes, hoesj end hammers. " 'IVse my sii are cer was wmt to arrt M. I.umlierger, lait know the tneai; by which you are to. liva j cfuwao ing the txcelteuf chnracler oflho accumd, he among ihem accoiditig to ymir faiicy.'' jtook the piecautiiin of aeeuring also the denouncer. The white man being the (avoiite, had the fXt.Whtfi the accusation came to be inveatigated, it choice, lie passed by the box of wot king looisV WM ptwi thot the girl having one day, while wit without notice: but w nut he caiue to the weaiHi)snn her master's service received a wound in the for var end hunting, he atuj.jx-J and looked hard at theui. The red man trembled, f ir he had net hi heart upou that box. The white man, howev er, after looking upon it for a moment, passed on, and chose the box of books and poper. Tho red Dien' lui'it came next, aud you may be sure ho stuzod with joy upon the bow and arrow and torn . aluiwks. As to ll.e black mm ho had no choice leA, but to put up with the box of tools. v Ftum this it is clea-tht-- th-tiireel Swrrt irr- , I teuded the white man should h aro to read and write"; to uitdei stand all about ih moon and star ; t an J lo moke every tlitinr even ruin and whiskey., Tlmt die red man should be a first rale hunter, and a mighty warrior, but be wa not to learn a iy thing from book, as the threat Kpiril bad noVg.tXLhh lhw l JkMttdM """A .. :, ; key, lest be should kill himself with drinkiiiir -Ar-ttr tlie bluck initiju yM.llaIiaunugJui work - . . ... . . . . i Uf lnK tools, " was clear ha was to work for the w bile V-T -...i ...... i. l . . ...... ... .1.. iiu.tvy uiou, miii.it HU usi vsiiiuusu tu uot W must go according to lira wishes of tha Css)rtlpwwsft'iHsintw how to read and write i very good fvr white men, nut very uaa tor ret rv k.,.b, i., , nuux but very bad for red men. It make white) men .wwwn svrTTiT Sind Clierokecs learnt to read and write, and they . aro the greatest rascals among all the Indian.?- Thcv wont on to W'ushmgioa and amd they were .nirt. i.i ... Hr.,,1 l..iw ....I tn tult. -.1 , i n . . . . ' - inoy its'Wrois spoil a tuna pitms oi sstin-4 out lite nation at liotno koowaig anything about it And lira first linng lira nation knew of the matter, they were called together by tho Indian aent, who ahowed tein a little piece of paper, which he told tliem wa itrealy, which their broiltera bad made in tbeir ua'me, with their Ureal 1 alitor at Washington.', AudN they knew uoi wltat a trea ty was, be held up thMittie pien of pajief, nd lltey looked under it, and lo it covered a great extent "of country and lltey found that their' brethren bv knowing how to read artij write, had sold their houes and their lands, mllta gravtm of lltotr lathers, and that tbe white u.en, by kuowing bow lo read and" write, had gaineds. litem. Tell our great Father at Waabligtoii, Ihercfr.ro, lhat wn are very sorry thai we cs)'ioi reeeivelachera aiming u ; for reading aud writing tlionghNruiy good for white ineo, is verj bad for iiidisn " . Misting 3!iuutt;rii4.X package (NiKtaitiiiig about five hundred page of nunuacript, beilvg tbe .greater porjiod tijkJiitiimo-iuAitmituaJdttm ed io Messrs. Harpers and I! rot hers, of New York, ...anir.i.lntl kv thn l.ltt Mr. Jnl.it I. 11. II. .if ChttrhsUin. somewliert about tha close of lira last yeaivtt) inv uantiT or a goiuieiuait wuoso naiiiu t uot reiiwiftbornd, and who amdertook l deliver K lo lira abovenamed publisher. Tun manuscript has never rtutelted i' place nf aduieMt and tbe k VWI IUUi wilt ww wnw vra " V 1 - . . L . ii la 1 s-.lt 1. iS ..at asa.Msss-lsaraa to il proprietor. I he olr.ee of litta notfe. is, tl "p.u.-.it.'o, I., mtfi it.a hi-i...i;.ui ..r i;.. ;. tit titiiwii W whom it wa entrusted, and who may fed the f r"w ul 'l "."" propnoty of making ev-ry f!r,rt to relovor and M b. ,mrp of exper.men.teg inleet nig my r ' ' . . . . If.lila tl.M.i.irh llm inter. 1 knew in:'!,,,., real iro it. i LktirUao Mercury. '- A new ra'.igiou Ktt ha sprung up in 14.0 Wetrn parts of Aineri.:( particularly in Marietta f tliev ttylo the, its dve Halcyons, ant the rtustt novel foatur of thuir freed is, tksl " Aarwi' brt .plate, called by the Jews, Urira and Thummin, ititist bo rotrisved bt-for the resurraciioti of lira dead. IVtliirigron (;V. V.) Republican. ' Reeerte uf ' Fortune. The t. P. Marshal wfnraw Uot once iu every two or lluce dvts if gra u just Rompleied the tou-m oi Vi.xuitiati, inen tiona tb iucidenti i ' ; I met a man who had ruim d him?H by intern ticrsuce, aul was auntiMiii oo owimj. m. . im,. ... i...uvv w.v, knew in r.tial'urgh to t!.e year 1115, owner; of about (lie sauio quuutity of milk, uad their c. ?t. line proHirly, auTa ttt.r wotlh ?-0.00tl V that Uiou ih I not seeui changed by cither. fc feeauu; -time.- - Tho property ebxte, 1 have no d.;uW,x ha the sMine rfr.imals wi ll U-ets it was easily 1,!J tl at amco brought $loy,li'Ji). " J one-third ! Ihan of tha lurmp or potatoe woi.l I I found ai.i, the wUlo-.v of a di.tingui Jicd' Pro-1 m..k theui give the same qnautity, of milk, of lef. fo.Jt in en Kngli.li Cy'.V.e w.i, at t!-.e time .her q i.Uiy,'urid tliev showed fctltiT keen. The . ... . . ... baling ber buyiblo snpier "lib bor daiiyliW, u,, drr u-lt circumstanrca of p -oury. that tliuir vrrj table was firmed ol a boaid laid aero al J', barrel .. ' ' I have found in the city, two aar. iT di, t.r!v of agi (rtweeit the silliest and yuungent brotlnV worth of notice. In one instauce. Ilia oW, ; C;, aud. the ynungrst 25. in the other wl. i the father wnt-Uvingt. and a pod W ycatit, !) brut h or was 40, and the other 2. A Scrtamer, gentle niece nf frmule human ity )deped Uicun by couruwy Mi Uroeu du- i; - .1 . i ... . .1 . - . . iin.rou an unition, ir mora iiron.'riv siwn iwi'i, a . . .. ' . -. " m V i'y Is. I he toncludiug remark luri.i.h )evr i fe8 fi,ii," , I1 , ,,, . ' . . i us ft sum- I ..." " '""7 winning the approving smiles, of the nobler sex fr W f ' f lr J crcMlou1M '',u H .Jroursalvety if you d.Hik my mctirit v -1 proclaim it bore tu the luce of all Au- guild, now aasemblud around mo, and ymi aiay Ixi iruve me or not, as you plea that there is not one ttin.mg you, Tom, Dick, or Harry, that t would give a brass IhuuWo to call ' husband ' tomorrow." . A Vienna coripmulenl of t1i Ihbate gives the inlij itned account of an iiilaiiious Impoia. tion I ;mhi the' Jews, eimitur to the aflair at I'e, tnacus, which baa been kiiely maJo tt Lombcrg, in Austrian (J ilaria j ;.. .- Vu - A yswwr 'wnnwwiraaviiTlirnfW i :.. .... e ..i. c . . 1.1 . iniiiii in inn iiiiiiny 111 a miiiiiiiy 1,1m n.n.i'.i tf, jbcrer, al Tamou, went to Lemberg, and mutle i declaration before the iiMiiialrali' that she Ion declaration before lira ' nwgtslralen that she bud ttAu - 4Mspt - liy hf ninnr in t!ftwrcpi.mi!ibPr.rTir three weeks, duritlg Which time she was bh d ev'o ry other d-iy by a JowUh wrenon. and bi-r blo-J Kfdd with n stone, which fell upon her frm a house which wu-building, her master, and unstress tu stead of sending her to the hospital, had hor ta ken Kure of in their hnue, treating h r as if she had bmt their own child, calling in Catholic physietnri, who bled her twice hot uo more, a ah-siiluii-ly tVeaaary to save her life. The fcorvnnt of the lauX'y swore that when she l(l her place, ha went dwn on her knees to M. and Mine. Lu4egf iVllnwItihwm. Th ningraTi ril eirl, on hning closely inierrogatedj ciiift'a.eiltla ful.ie.. nooS of Tier doniicTatiou, and diclared that ahq had lieen rrvercoink by the pcriuasions of l.er lover ho had so iuiplucabju hatred ayaiut all Jews. f hi yioug man haT(mi t.fkin irun euvtody, and f - f - Indy (marricif," r.f a siruillinil brat, course) wu once Imublnd whom alto always aiMrsswd as ' my eherub. Upon hxing atked why she gave itv.that anp'-ll ition, she-Tepti'H Becnr)r!lt H (fori ved tMii'itun.tiiiii, and Hie finite any, the chnrubim cunlinuaui do cry." fiood, that. ' .' - f;jCTiKai. - " i out what makes you Mm! au rod!" Wb,flio f.iet i. Hub, l-6oic iC little -ftlll too hard. .VoA'i Mere, Morultstiiff John Kceve w4 nc ... . , , - . ....t M II v JU.fAJt.SJUMULJieui.Ul J. i.l.iu. usi.. iuwiij r . sir, i beg your pardon, is tins hn way to the ' work-luMusn l" John gva her a look of clerical dignity, and, point inir-to the bottle, gravely suid, No tna'sin j but ('ml is." . Running Ulnto the Ground. TUft West Kirk Session of Edinburg bus actually pasmd a resolu tion preventing Sunday funerals. It is said the mule grasshopper sings, npd not ilia fi'inalo, What a happy act the grasshopH ( must bos ihey have dumb wive. . . ' lie more careful to tulWyouriatutalinit to thoo that aro poor, or who may have been in any way distressed, wbother in mind, puise ur prospects, than you am to your more auTnmt acquuiiitum-e ; lor, rest nssmed, thai they wit) feci your neglect moid acutely ihau aithnr your equals or aupeiior. Contentment Can a man thorire God ili.it ho hirtmot given utrrr crnagfricrmuka" loin happy T No, doubtless ; for nature hi content with bill hut when u mighl bo 4wtppv-nd nn'ictrwe' t'c'-Iy " truitle td'oarHveC' ; ' ' " ."'' ' " ' So mart ihould be prodigal of time till he can Jeither cunsure the foturOj or recall the psst, BEETS FOR CATTLE. A experieucej and not siuulaii m ii hat far- uteri need, t Will give my obsorvution in feedin;; , Isntiiai In m pjikvi iJiirinff llm tn nutit iri!frii. - ' I.i ' "' " 1 - . p .. i ... i.i.. .........I. : i .... whnt I learned from hooks, at 1 wa axii'i.iii.tu J j with no lurmcr, (nor am I yet) who fed v. nil ro;j!s. At first I was at a l.ws to know how to la d llicoi, wheihfir in a rsw aiate ooked, but having du tenmned to try Uith plan 1 commenced th wurk atidtacU did well, , Young anmiitla are peculiar. !y fond nf the raw beets and lhrivaatoiiisliingly mi 1 1. ')oi ; but for cows t!i .1 pirn no ill ti.cy uro but ler htiih J, parliciilarly if h steamer can be used hi the process. I liongll milk vow should havu cannot be had. Tliu turnij and potatoes were given precii-efy a the boits ; but I cool I not del. rnunu tliat either a 1 t...ft .1.. n.i.fi.r.n. ..tft.P rltfl flfl.lIF lllhrt Cli.liriiVA viHi 1 ot:w liii.os