noir.?n or frmnss. ' Mr. Filer pri tit-'J a Bill ;iiu',i.- I (Vint jlllir,'(Vr'k'' jurifuuii'iii ,'U-i t!ni'utis ll-vm c'iiiiiy. ' ' Mr. Winston, from (ho .committee m I be Jodi jury, reported a II. II providing lor reatoritijr t. Ui tiCciiiZ '.shfji, peraoiw convicted of iiifmimtn. ,mn-9. Ti. se Bui were rtJ thn firm time ami ' motion nl Mr. Fleming, , ''"' Tint Cmcmitme on E-'o"'' ' 7iii-IiiI.NI IIKI'.lirC illlil lilt: X IIC.I U-UCV i ihHiiO, till' t!!l'vl'VV"""? K " l.'tT7 'unH, among the I nl Omfit; m 'thin Siate.lti prijK.tiiSt7Fi iH;ir FrdVf ) i motion 'of Mr, (Invcs, llie Committee on the j Kliriary wm lii1,ruc,"' i,l,V,'re whether or not iiio law on L'sury in this Slate lined wuciiditifiit -. flf Young printed ' petition from M,,,ry tititsena-of llie enormia, of Iredell, Mocklcnburir ind Lincoln; tnjnnhtiftwith 111 to carry Iheir prayer Intoi-rtot.'eiitiivd a Hill to layoff and ea" uWith-H -cmwitjrby the- ti:ime,;,jif (rjlmw.-tfutrt -UH wae read ib-Ttrt time atia1 uawd, pud, mi motion of Mry loung, pitted to (he comniUlcc nn Pfopovitinne and UrievaiicV- " , Received LwaJb Jennie tl engrmmed LBill to ptrcliBae a Library, which wu read the first time md paw J. . Alto, a proposition to refer to. A Joint Soleet (Iniinntttee of three, on the pnrt of ec'h Home, a letter from the Hon. Ym. (innton, oo.h tiuhjct ir repairing tlieSiutuf of Washington. VCoueur ri;dJ.u, 1 --- The Hill authorising the aevcral County ISourt In provide fur cunipens,iitnn to tlio Warden oftlie i I'.mr, wna the avnoud time and passtl,, The 'Kill to lay'otl and elnhlih a County by Hie mw of Stiinlvr vM rd The -hird -rime uui, M-d. ypus'i'2, Na.ve4.fl. The Kill lo jay off and rts!lijh a county by ihe fi'imo ol Clnielaiiil, wa ruiid three turn.- and .nfd. Yeaa 53, N'iv 51. " ! Tim Bill lo l.iv otf Miid rralilih b county by t'ir iwvv nf C'rtliiwi'll, win re ul the m.cuiid tunc! and rj''Cted. Vcbm 'lt Nayn t57. 'Monday, Deremher 7. Mr. Spruitl 'a nppiiril,d oir the pan of the tV ran-, io wuit on Mr. Morehcad, and iidurui Iiiiiio! hin i'liic;ioo tva unvfrnor. i J,,,,! omnvdeeimjhe parf f the Senate, toj mTrFTiiTiFlTi , i nure 111 1 tie tiered ny or an e-nra ae on 01 thi l,"iihttire-Mcnr fchepord, Dockery, Orr.i Mrrlt-rij ii ;i.fii:iJ t hb c'immittw ir. Ii I'J l i tii'j uii'iiiiiiin- i.ii 1 iivnc . ,.ffi.H.ui.i x.4ii-un',-ui .wniim ui if-nwn, it nurd. ; '..''.'. . ' ' Jiuy't. VVaifdlo, Penaior fleet for the Couti'y nt Omnce, pparHl, waa qualified, aad lotik- hta nl. - . On. motion "f Mr.' 8prur1l, tha Judiciary Com mitfce'wcre- inilrtipted to Inqilire and report whit a iinrimnt are'iiefnry to be ma'da lo tbe law rrfrmn to the Siierdfa returns of the Goveruur'a tlu'liuti ' - , ; ' HOfJS-'E OF COMMONS. Vfr. Poyden tntrodnred a liill for the entttblih meiil and bettor regulation of common SchiKila. . Rf-ad (irnl lime and oaaHjfd. Jriiuea Urahain, thu member elect from the i-'iuntv of Orange, lo fill Ihe vacancy nccaHied by inn 're.iianatiijri of W, Atiruhair ipein.-d( pro duccd hiacrcdontiafa, waqnaltrird ami took bis suit. ABdl toJncorpiratottiB t Nmcnril Mdim uciurmi; Cnnipniiv; and a niil m ciiinpal''Milmi';lrScra-tri 1td,-tttwimMiiiiiiihf.yeawiwure id iu time aid paaw'"r"' V ; tA i.meaftage, wna recr-ived from ibo Seiwie, Vaareeinjr, tu raiitt.Jiint SHcct comniiliee of fiva noiVtho part ol csch Idmae,. lo inquire) in'o the' "w.' of boWnijl an Ksira l!e(wnin of the Ie jjinlaHire, and informing timi Meir. Khepard, Orr, (icltiv,' Clmman,- and I'asreur, form - their Welti appoin'eu oil urn pun i um irmw.. - Tha SSpeakT "laid belnrn lha tl'inse, atntemejnlii Hindu bv the J 11k of Nortn tndma, and by iVe aoum of lb"" I.-wtiiuiiona. Ordered that ttteneF.- t ,, . . :'. SENATE. " - ." " syWarfrry, Dffrmber 9. Mr.' Morahead from tha enriniiiilee on; the Jn - j-nry to whom waa reared tb Metmrml- tr"m ""'Penjwmormi' praving the Lewltiluro to aid in sup .prenMiijt thOWJlariainjf irom tnr pn:asirf u- m Anient apinta, rrorre4tmt "he ' remedy lo (be evil ' to be I'mind in a dim aiid rijt enforce inr nt ul l if I.iwa no in force, and tfi lhe?tiipjriibaliiiti i,,iil ccnuurc of the yirtqoui rorti.m ol ti.Ksy. Cimriirri'd in. '" On miTion of Trlw tlctd, tho Mili'ury Commit. wr innrticied to inquire imo the exprdn nci i.f nmendirrjl llie c-tisline law in relation to Vulim tc r r ('omp''"ie. .7. P 1 kf rv pre?rited ft B II to amend an ,r iil'tlie UiviiI S.allilra, I he codec tinii and inaiiai"meiit of a reremie for ttim ; w'lich pi'wed 11 firnt tvfdinc. 1 On motion of Mr. M.mre, tbe vote on the R. pirt on th Miitmroil from Perqiiimmii, on Ihe ex , , nw of awlenl npirite, wn rrcnimi'lered. Mr.- Slfimfd then moved that the Memorial he re-; comiouicd ta t;ieame coiiimiitee. wub ir.tmc tio;ii in n-port a Bdl amen"liiiir'tbe'taw, ao aalnairj ttionz". In'e linprmotimenl of p.-rmiwnellirifj liq inr without licence, and to prohibit the reroverv "I miv didita for liquoM, less Ihnn five dollar. Mr. Itorltery mov-d that they be further inatrocted In provide for tbeTfirri'ilbum':. nnder penalfyr f -ho-p'l'iHinicn', non-rciilenta from m'Wmp lea than a (Sllon. Ol motion of Mr. ChtlfiMO, tbe whole r.niiivt laid on tha table. The Bill to an'horiie the construction of the ilalriih atil WeMcrti Tornpike Roid ai rei) Vi ...-.,iin iliHf. !' wtirn Mr. DicH'-it a-'-'r Ine Senate at aoma length in oppnutimi lo t'ie I pswitge id Ihe liill ; niter wnicn, 11 wa tain on me Ubie until lo.mnrroi. " lln milion of "Mr." Mohre, tbe Jidi-tarr mm mitlne were inirncted to "inq'tir int.i the etpdi. rnry iif a t al'ermjf Ihe etinlio? law aa to enable a a-curity tn absolve himanjf from lojjal rcpmi. biltty,- if the ob'iiee rinea rt"t eommenca eal proceeding In cnlb-cl within a certain , time, aiier notice 10 that cflcri haa lieen' given by llteaecunty nr bi accoi. , (The poccfirfing nf the IIoiims for thie dy are cri'vd'id out j II F.INO deairona of embarkins in iofber iioii ' nea, I now offrr ihe ratahliahmeni of tin) M'il- itrtRTTjv AovEtTi'F.a foraale. 1 di not know of a mre eligible aitintinn fir ,r'ona deTTnf embarkine in the printing l uo. "ol1iarrWnmTn2toiyNortn rtSr'4ina7 . Ti-rm accommodating. , A pptica'iori pmt l.e p-m pvd, F. C. IULI- -Itceemlier 11,1'biO. t I ritlav, I)errm!Kr IS 11. 1 - : efml nmiromiatttnia.' To Ctyrrrjmdrnti received loo laie lor imerUtm: aiiiill mnimm am: wetk. W olittd SiipticU Jo lay titt- 'Mtair M".fiW nin. rt-ndKra to day, Wt iSie riekv iti-tiit- -tnimMmum' of CunretM tilt Tualny, (irevmimd il .niwm ilii tifiie tu rmcb UN until tun lutr fm 1h wt !" piitKn.. It i an hIiIu, iiiyi.iliid Hud t'Miit:um. tiiiuuiitttinT dning equal boiMir lo tiw head Bud .Wwrft ill W. Van Burea. It will be ptvpii wto wifc, 1 roNGiin-iS. Monday, the th itmiant, w tilt dnv mrnnrrimf Ut the opoiiing .or ,,(ie pramut eawini fLw$nmh..limw,mt m in fUtffUfi. on Mik!, th-'-h t ' but in conr:qunce of tbc $rwl tanwwW ttw tti immih, 1 Oar hat owuaiard an ern.wout aiate- weatbifr, for a few daya pmmiu,iii!li umwmll beavy armw Ntoruia.lbe road wrrei 'bMUnfi '' and fn.zii aa, in a cral, : the rail riM.da,orFrealU'lvtardliriiTB i!in.iiTmTW,'i - linir hiiid.-red bv tlmae ran. a iilW.ti mum.! lr if meoiliern nt not in' r, (I ' q.mnrtn n Mandy, or in the Sr-rmte ;Wm, -,1Tir.ij 4 ; u ,j. i.'inu.i uu nwiii" r-ww"" f iej waa apjmmted t wait mi Ihe 3'f-eadimttantti ii fini him,- Hi uwibI, of the rfHtH2;tlim anil frriiii-: ueaa ol' the' two Uuim to.-KmMiiniMVjtii.'''' ImirieilialelV.Hhirr'ttiia. 3Jr- it mini imwrnitinm that bewraild,he!t.&..ts.a 21st ru,e f tl,e Hnifie adojiiieri in Junprw !hW , , . ,v r , . . 1 . . .. . r, u p-'Ulioii, nxnKtfwK woiiitiorn, nr mtiim nreuinff llio't t ii utta F --'Vfln' '--,, ?,).jjMni'liia n r--iQimtjTit-wfBiiiBtnOBK1Nm saiMawvr ase awwi aa'ta! t itn tw1 lunibia, or any iSlale ar 1 errwiiry, nr iiw re tbii ' botwaen the KtatmW Twitnra nt'tiw Tmmai ftmrn.' 'in wliich It now ?kw1. ahall ae nenvifti An Uin- ji-Mt-"... or entertatnod ia any war wiwtevai: ; 4 Tbe Ilouae then adjuuriicd, u tbcre tu rjim .' rura io tbe SenaJe. . .... ... , I v , , On Hediiwday1lrJ.n Mr. Adams, .inmMtiance of tiiH noi'it ;-,ilr before, offored a jwwlomm tta daw WflmttiMwtt aiandmg rule of the Bouan, phrtwi itbnvr:i, !le- tm 'Ptoded. ,. . . 'iJMV. Jenifer of IdaTylanrl, wared rrn 'toy fttj: rfkiuilutlon nil ill 1ul.l .ttiiu .ttintifir TuflrTr miAf- , , .-., .iwtinMHti.. dr.nrriii the occurrence ii a war wttb remark, from Mr. AdaoH,req,t,,,p t.ihnw-rt.i. fw mim, frC!immu ,,,,, pm. aa be did not then wtend to bawitla-nMHatj.j. r,lrM: ,..nBt, to rMWonte w-ft i with dj wn. S n uie ft ir' Uwr Shutf jtHmwot pniitr'tif rc:iie c-inmreriwwl nwMnrhm.-. ' 'ibai waa.Taal oh the table br a woip nf S una 'n 01? twyV ; - - -r -.' - j;.1f iq,iufna .lew. yinf that Gm, ' . Tbe JlL'Mnne of the Jwmlont wa-ffmrrr ttntlt"i,""T'"7 w-th-piwh air. anJ waa "in omiie.jri.-nci before tire Unto by tbe rJpttker, "atl,-ntrr!rvm ! m"' oapmbibla thn he w.-mld IV tlmmamd np,e, orrtd iS r mtmo-i! Sirr tlie traeof tha flown. Oo mdtim-,1te IBonartfiPti-1 ' STATE LEGISLATEHE.. Ojr extract of the irepiWpTHrawdrfina'aMil how h been doine at Haleiott Tttf . - fioti mi fnr 'baa been liruiibc ate., h'.' ' . KU,;-r,T.':.;;i VTITiUKTIi'mi- nl Julcriin, iiiiirirtotnmai,.iini ol JjMataJliEttj .J ;. ti o - as wdu and impmcticibte n mim be -aiiiimwih Among olhera of Una eort, wcniMnil rr '.tinuiinn of a,T,-rnpike from Bnimsh !t fBtinrmnibn, nrni' wore i ha n the arJrnQpi'lLtio: ynieiaiiMawtT4i4T'''!i! Tm.j!i nfucafcf artfft" bumtfra lhm.jao , fSiH propwd for .tta con runtmn, whtrii wvc-mtib limbed laat week. Tne taxi Raieiab Regiamr jivea m wrmm of a bl iw lip in riie M big Tiinba, naincti maw tut-; " " cMiidered the bewviiiiiip i(f ttiewiU.'!'ni,hw. !' TMZ TARIFF. ( (t-e-uni; the esplnamn amw i to la- f Tie ;' cirnwfirruia vnU m.l du if, we ii.leiid to 'ltese'r pi.e, Mr. Wat, JI. JVae aviatt we j "w T'K hfaumj id the aayina Si,ourTcaH j. pr-ttv iornuil Tea-lIUe ut D! due an.,"" "'' N,,rrtr" Harris allien on eoemtfai of W iilgjn. TlereTeMn,,t, Tinri "l,,'r 'fe.r'aot fWI a?Halel. Mi.,rr.-wtn,a.iiiian.mrtUi.1a'lumaaai..ttmT.! 'r'" P!iH'," tTniiod .Stati-a i.i-Me, wt au Shephrd'a h beo of a rrmW m tWHtmrHiJ 't!""S fh P"l"y -t i to prevail political p-aitiorta oM'terf d.iuit Wmieir mitH'' tim "-bonMaitoia, apawka of the rniet adruiri-r, and piaee bun N.eJarm 'wylniu ' - , t" We wait furtlmr :Mlimi Hm , .' a relation of tlitt'Stam of . . ' Imlure aayiii( ant nmra. . r AM LiJ'iiA KLhtUiii. . . ; Smn trf - Jhixleailing2jwp,ny m menmr nr: tlie oi'cer.i ol an exira t-iuii ul .(..imfn. mnni.- ateiy tin: 4iu ot narcu. 'I'wn nm mipnlmrti Sir me now AiJinme.lrtiin 1o eimiimnwe namHImni:; rr-' t.4l iiw iib-i r,'.jrv. ami ldf liw .imMrmttira-ainui ' . - J' lor rerliartermg auu:T jValun'al linnk. rlmnnroiiB an camion, ancxiuiiio in-w vTiTwei.'vjtfi a en?i!aiii;e,.lii-l.in3 tHiejioiir tuii Tonnti. 'ITai "ninr' the wnt i ciHiHiuiiiOr u atilnn. lli?l timm 4iiii the lieiiHKtmlic psrt' rre waitnie tow viilmi'tiim twit r da Tlie eoHiperal ot anworn. U wtte.Ca,!ri.- inlen-alinj; acenc. larifl'anii .in, TutiH. lti niu Ariti-Un.K. AikNiinat awl .AiiU'-AnoMteai. ilioa Win-.' tilulijatl will tun outlier m tm-'h"" ;jrrwen - ' Uf-f rrm t ' " ' ;" - - ' ELECTORAL CUUUiKL i TH m iilerat the Eletnm! G)U-e ilTiiie.iiUi; met hi Kalei-ti mi tue !ti iimuhI. 3. 'WiiliiMti, -' eleeiMi Premriein of tlie Collep:. awl Ijlmina 't ectiitry. Two oieineeta, -4 Imrrw aVJwml .a llurke, nd Jl.vul F. Cabiweli i' Inwsmlxmij- iiaant;. their plc wwte anpjiliew hy Hi'" aiimnm fii; n 111.1 . Jot, ot Eii'tiund Jot-. ,if i ii,n. iiii hutiHt .1. Unit of DavaiiaNi The Colbn trnui vota! 1r 'W',iliooi- ili.i ilarriHio and Jn!in Tvinr (or J'rbii.'iii niu; iS e dent of the IJinied bwleg. ' Tie; (j'-ntleniep rnmpnanqftrie 3IrefetH; 'Celt-"?' Virjiio. 0"een,lil"j ih iiii inmiiid mi '.Wtnaaaiiivv tlie . Vie B-tp'n or Hreient, em) K rwn. ,jMitmx, S-r, Vie Pn-aideni ot '-he linnet r.iiti m- a iw tutr I, voted lor Jm K lii tl aaiiuwur for 3C.f -tewiefil. Ti ?!.ntf-j Sji,im tftt (if t 'oaUutf, ig f fl 1 TyiiMur h h- n 'mnj ' ir t'j i r I 'Wiirtimiti Hi wmhim rsb nivmcflta in Jmrin. - t , Tm nwjmrw ! borrow in aumrj ttmn the . V !o Htim Oaiik on own fii noirn, iulr.ii iKiht Bknba of Philatlripliia. At the kr r owOh. i urn ii-trcl Hi all i ill ifcneiilMOM, vh ti t urn it' viiih ir iwu B nits, and if waa cnu-i st i, .1 lujitnlc wiipihrr tlifsw w.ini.1 UMae vU. sW -i.i;--h'Omit jironwd, Jimiii 1(f ih Wlr? winrs mil i!t.i i ); h: rti fmrnr-f -iC . ..r V!.jJ.J ooi.-n -a lirin;'! biwti 'i 'In; S-i-a1!' '' " ' !'IV;iu..i iv-mia ; ! Pi. ..-4 nl .'!M'M!' Will ! i it tn niro 1 rnatl'lrila-i m.tiimn;iW,l.: ,n !jn:,.r it lui.i-r. in tc -itw Itomm of ?:. inM-mi'ltif-d t e.B. 'Mvinm u lt', rfi. -! ! ri'iiptiii'i itiiv be i')PCl.-d ' hrii: Wm It " j ' I .. ,.u.:l't Tfm mnrit tr-r'tn ui nn our in r nt t n- iiint Tl w-d be .. ii tl v.-fv !iir irt in lns.J.i ir thnt nlil Mr.1 idtnt.viinii. r 'iiii- xiMUmj T'nsi WKo liV ttif so1 ji-ct w!yin mv, an MMfiimnMi hmis (nld V the Whigs hrt mrij. I "a . ... , , ,..,,-.) quwu.-.3as! or hni wmrrtMi, tli m-1 . ilirr. mnir cn, "in mmpw rr pik-v w!nam act rx'ttrr and : snnr Him ftniiBvi'r. Thn aff di'trrinirvd In jwTMirt ti t1tcrcnMrw..,vjihimt v:elilinrn inch, t t hi . . ' t BI. tiV .it II iir. AtiaiiM "fi'miiily iiowr. i AtiaiiM "fi'minly iiowarA ' ' lT? 'Plf .r l"rm( f",,nrl liiia Kllltn i,Ainiic.r..ila ! mtml ut ibe tune. ' tT"i Thl HT.T!iH SBXATOHA m"" W'lf.iW6ar)r'wa eb:H .Sown io I . .i-l - - .. ! T tta..iwn'a h. ,, ' ,, .. 1L . r i lltiav IJimrp Uiitibara, wiiiom -jriiiiit wruice e,nrw j 1UV jw,, llS, tmn elft the itljh. turn ul liriBTBHi., tSfmfor lor that Wale for aix yeara !lrim.!lta4lit nf'iS'irch next, in atam Mr. Liimpkm. ',Jktw term-the "n- Tim oi wa m B.-rrij t jJiravS'illanTj-Seatti-ririgft j M w f.'f M j maiaiMMarj ; lji tW'tp-ew aiiwa.t; lH tww - r - -..-"""'mr- . .- " "-..v, ..rramwwto rttman mrr.faviirMi to the rronti n IO 'm itiiinMeji. T! fir nf Jonrv haalMaa fiid en fur thi nwii,TiraItii ot" i' -!) 'J. .Mnret;uj i0.erir nt thit j!ta.. "Cms rawracar kjJ! Uln pJ'.ta ia prriwnca of me, C'-yalaiure. .. . r- - . . J.-Y1' . m--t '"'"- i, 6Mlirf it U tt&mtnbt llie ft.llll l irnl.nn of itwoeil'the traitcif .Hiatet .'and T.-a. wU.thmaitfta aHB4a.aaaatf.of Miller, new in Ar- ! Uwmm, w the r. tna Thm would be imlierthe Saiak'axtiau4 audiatlid amiirratioa to that loimiry vet ji1"" '- - - . .. ' . Tia Preeiaprfrtf Tox in Ina Meewipe to .t apreSf 03arei aa,Ma Jiott time mee in tl-a iT ' A'BCT"' h" Wr'""n I wi vi j tm.. a-.i" w Vtttior. UIIMVr Of a'f- ' L'imivwia. mil ii m henltii artd cmditmn Ut th deiil and' diachaige !!ia dotiea pertaining In lux rank. ; rt-T..v.i. mi..i. 1... t. 1 J.4 j-.-. tii'.ii 1 ir? jr T"T I , l 1 IH R T. ' 1 1 i.,, i a:.. ....r .r . mlline illl urn mynn i;if ,i .n. . ... " I -f- n.. . . .. . . nnaw,, a waa jpierally rxjicctia, tuUiojrthe ch:ok l TTie .t,ig"!!i CIiririn:!e of the ili mi; "T o arrHit roli:U raie, or rather the grunt match iiiiw ii uir iiy.jciny i,ir ypsieniij, over IV' ltaynttc (vnitWi !( (Tlti J in tba di-frat of, Mi .in"le iieaL Time. T .mmiites ftl uccmnk. Alter 'ahich'lia j drsw,v, and ILtoa took tbe reauy." i irtxjir wh I ila f-yH.TresimrT o mewiMe their ibffirultteii. 'Hiey liart'm Bnk, , Itwy rmnrMi evil. 'I he Pao. .nanrna 'wn rcmmcd and fcriuj.i dLht t - "" ' 1"M't-'Kx Co y-ViPuPiifi'it, ?Viy.TH Vtir;T"JI7il "re. muvnl of I lie Peotetut Tunf jwia increaM-d for mipj Jebt, tbereforit (be Tar,!! nnraba reueaed. -n, i ' .. . . k naia .v.iriui-rii iu o ictriiie wimt aav . i- . - I UOkV 111. ILjlULpUL niulf J fail tjintl-, fli,i;Tll OAROIJNM BANKS. Frnm t aoitemettt in a fate number nf the Co '!bfiibtn- ffiittie C.'irotioiao, f.ttic'minifm, batoli. B inlii aewt fortli 10 Rfjtorta made by llieni tu the ly. Hiiiur, we Hn Ui- following in'onnaiewi ; - ritalvrnwrnt oi lnii m eireniaimu, r-1.0ii (mf 1,7' Xiu -iJ ')' ill 'in, anJ not i:i ciita'siloo, i 3,37 S J 1 Yimmiit in afn-l e rn)ii.'i, ... 2.77:117 371 .V.nount of ucie 111 lln ir vauita, . 'JJi tiJirHl 71 f .Tiiwim 'if eirml-tt-on nr-r aneri, l..IM-i fill 3iNiM.tbi. !'-y !i J.i- i'.a ia B.mi ! Judgnaotn ml 3-iiit Etrbvnjtfi, lli.tHiH 7 ); ' ' ( i (CrTAe F-dnral' fnn dormj t'ie rVmo"rR'ir ', 'tdimrHatratintt of M u tui S in linrmr,' p'optetert ; a ' litt if ! to '"Ti th rootithe of l ollke 'iiilnen and depr1 e t;; ul riie lilierty of ejierrb. ! IT.ieu. afn-ww li- psurnr, n4 -o -tint (.i02rT row ilia I'iw if 1 1 iev p!fie. ' 'Till M. MTi. f'ril J timrb-n, E' H and Co., bnw it an aiin al thai time ' , xz . and atini T 01 rftmr eti pact m titfi'ie h ddi-rt f ; .We .ha wr. ft'hana nn io pnnrip'c at Onejf Uineir.U at !ij;Ucr. ...- - - . 1 - l(,lm:"-' ! ,1 ', h' fi ' lal I"'' H li'.U'J'Jl.HrJ tr fx- M'-i-fso ti.- a. 5 .'T , i i ; I I i Wll'T. , I i.i l'..UI" mui ':'! n . j! iu ; i : t "2 t l.y him itu oti.i.i;, -.- -. --- t k lilt i:nt: umniiv . I'LiUJ;: i.i:K;'it;.. 'tv 1 1 ' h i' s! M V pittJIBH" . f t h;ii, in I j It. i i. Ii-h.'v a 0 'A II! 1H t ' . m, I? iwnn, .nd 1".' '1, nj i '.', tfi Iv. U K.'tr cV-tl l H-ir; -t . H fi. ;ii'.iliiti?.l Sii:n't.irv. M t' ii,. i .. . I ., , i ,. t ir- r,. -s ' . llnnrn nc ('iuiiIt a-iimalxo tn J. M-' V tni) (i. T. I.i ci-m. Tu." tiil..n.jr R.-j" iiwri f t'lpn sMtimittt.J ami nnniirauiy artuj.lnv it I lff IW'W 0 t - - t Rt-'f4, Th t if drtiia'ile anJ Hi iM' ' t.'i oiittr tu- ett(!ibi, initii ;.rtK ftm'', tl ietwn l tao, pl4 ftp will find LitlJ '.' -VI lM:Wirf. rUtrrua,' .Koaari, aal lr ; fjf pit? t iw Vril-V of tfmit, and w hi'Nf lur m cntro, n-nx fnwil a iif Strw' and Bi-ttUr'a IH tKuriv cfini i!ilt fdJirV ; ttvm Sutenvill aa.1 t-barnarr, ruiimnj t,i . . t . SmiUi. fend Slu,ltir mud i j..iilot.Mt fuiauaj i ih ai, . West -.-. HriJvii, father, Tit we d-nir ainl r m4 lh j ..... r..lL. 1 1...' I ... nl lUtla ford ui coniult ..a liiii i!f-f CSTSii fMi" Will ?1rcf l AdmmiMralwwt to fullilt o,".uL:ut l-t ; deeming- it proper 't ''M',he nriwitsai- Th hae b.en told al thai Ibey t r . .. .ill -feiii; it'.Wk kM !- AVmW. iutier, Ttlara Commiile W)i hm t each i.t Hii itii iiinJ appaaed W - f'-r with the nmpie; t aenrrtaia the adan,-. a-!jcenre ln !bey can be rr(.VrJ by cbanc-of th lvm.ijiitutli aif 111, l.lirik twi ni'laV lJMI.i1t: rd Ilk hltr b.ty.- .r (Km at,, I k .-tianaata4as ah m U 4t ka , r ... lM r. ... a - - , Krih.r nnw rr to call a public nineliai; at ai.y iww y,j, lii.f think neceiwy, .',' wtuch haa not Vet diMilavHd itwlf. 'W'aaftall, Atrr Kiwb'r trt llie lt R(WlKi", tbe (iHnmf pt- . . ' r , , v 7 . j .. . .ii. ..i L. bow err, await tw oefenifulatif th new Admin. a na were un-niuH-d a tOmmillee ! the wt tl(ririfi ) " - .,firr,a: UrJv rt Uurtoaaad AVsaad-r .yCotkerf; irate talmly. . From the many promt which iWolni'alcbErwm mj Anlrew Sprin-.of Met klm.j bate b-e made, mocH will be epi-cte.t pf it, atid hirgj Thf. and KnVrt !Wir of laterrua; ihe errtstiorta mNt be rabi!i1, or it will fall Jme 1. K'rr ami t'ol Jimea Jme. u ot Kuui, a-w ,iWat awiuli) luw. .Y. 0. iVd'ir G'rriU U ttlrrn. itmm i Ttira'-ranH Wffl. (ItrffaTai lf.JlI. : ' ni tntrrd, Tb:,t fbe prucinilmi: meeitnf V? ., in tbif-.L nr.o'iiifii. t'tiarhitle. and Niu4irt ' Ipn.. v- Wli. IL taJi.U,ttrfunuo. IWpBlt :1, ,4 " -T,r7t A. M. KKKRWi.tcrewry, , Mm..,iy..-"rj,i!ravaiiaaa itdRfi'TI'iN. caippain, 10 charge tha pt;-n-nt A Jmiiio-'ratioo 'with proscribing all p-ranii frOm hul.itrg Ti.e, fjr jenl ia tionaaly ooahiff hta operation aanwt njiini'Mi' aike ; and omy of thn iienly rr'rm- iibem, he it at the aame ttmoaeekmircvery -. tueiid ttia iystBirt of a n-taUalorj procra. V ji-pporutiity of nejiatin wt'b them fur the jiea- -CBiId re rr.lo uutaucee, in our u viiv.lhut wmto 'cU lormmatioq nf lb war, ami tbtir emigra pri've llie f,i Inn y of the charge, a iUioot-ar-rkiu itua 10 l.m bomea of tfieir brebra i the WimU Uilher t tiduoce ; but, for tle pncn(.we will give j lonur r'-adura the lidlowmj facta takeu.(uoin tbe Ulsfer KJluhltcan, aod tle-m leiretle candid mitid to judjro' w bet her tbe eh,rge of the Fdral prewsea hua fnundaiion aoflicienl W auatain it t ' ' " H'a bava hefora ua a docuaatil cmtamin j tin inmea and Ilia ailarte, and aeiim furth tbe fx biital aeiitinicnta of ihe jrentk-mea enptoyed aa clcrka, Ac, in the d.nVrem U-pattineiila a 4 Ba reaita at Waaliinst'Hi. From thia dacamenf, it employed thirt'ti Fe!erlil, or Wiij,tndficce Dtrniocratt. Ihe wn learn mot of tho a iom paid to the former, l f 17,060; to the latter.f .1, 1 90. I ii the Treasury iKjwnifietit llwre are eight Ihoiucrnt and fair Whin. K ilrii- of the Crn. ftin 1 ii . j , 1 .. , l-iu v crlf.rott,u4a,.U.lbyWJu etl.r) In the rirat eooi(troiier a U.ln- toera ara eiwi u i ...1 ... iut.i. Ti- i .1.! first amount to 9 650, and of tha lat to $7,400. t M....n,i,..!.'. ir,-. iK.r- ...t I'l ll': ' f ....... m - .- ...... w ' -f U hi m ami I mr IVm r jj. r. intr.jixciv-tj . . ' 'i" inui . in i.c rirsa r1V,l,a tlo. ,r- oe,fc(. puJ &1 )ii,ad I U-t,! .) djii. 1 1 rh .vcoii I Ao'iii'ir o.lire t:ie-e are u'i 1 - ti ' . j.i ' aeven W Uiut and ait Ib-mocrata, and Ibcf receive, io,.' . j . - i, ' 1 .1 ! 1 a . . ,t .. . . iKMimrrai to iiiarfrra M tuif Iba Aral rece,,i 7,'i'), aod tiie ltt, $Ji,(KtO. In ihe Fourth Audttof'a office there are i;bt Bv-nvctiie, wth la'iea nmoontin to ft.oO j and tit W higa, with 3"i0. In Ihe Fifth Ao btor'a orhe there are it U'hiiv, whoao ealarie anHMi.i to 7.500. aiul fiva Dttinoriais wioiotcDiva Vt lX In itteTra j . ..IT'...A t. III..... If . I , . I mini iiiiilc u 10 aiv ii;ni " ii-i; ion i.ifir .moeral ta lormer receive tJ,75f, and tha lal ' .- tee. 4WM. I- .U- 11 .L . n wvanj a mnw 1 a 1 irw - vevenieeii Wbin and Club! IOKicrl, the f.rfour heinj in Ihe reieipt of 813,15(1, and the U'ter nt ' 97,5'0. lo tU tieorral Laod O.lice lurre are! loriy-two liemocraia and Iweoly ooa W oiga ; to itielunncr tbe wm of t,H(3'' i putdj 10 tbej lHti(o, 9.'a,o-tt. ia tne tHicitfr a ottice inere ii oner I bnnocrat, witb a twlary of tl.JStf, and two' .Wbifraeach havm; $l,.'Ml. lo thenrocaef tlie ! Auditor for Iba Puat 4)nVa tHera are Ihirtf la-mo. fri, ul twtnty tbrua IVbij.; tba Cat ecta iv li.r.i W'Lu. f 11 fi.Mt t-im $)fi,b(MI, and toe 44, ri'J.tftW. Ia the. Navy ;0ilil7ir?nrirfs'ir whaa aalarie aroouot to f 3 600. In tbe Pateo! OrRee tlu-r I not a tangle Democrat a'l lHoe attached to ir, fificeo peranna in all, heinj Whif, fkM unid aiariea amnuot In fte.(i5o)., witm tbe-frtltr!!-aluive ewunw mud.hera are trwrH'ae, riiMlian, PerKonii, I'omroaodinf lieirrai'a, Adju'aiil dorofril', Kiguieer'a, Qjarier uavier Geijeral, Pjj mlcr Umrral a, . uimiaary tj.'aerir; ftib atatanca. Ordjianee, and Hur.i iieneral'a eife.. C. MS total oft-hty cl-rt,. J aho,t fiitj fir tinim, girl twaivmi m 1.111 a nit ne Tte Ojtp Mft In the preaciit AHiiii-iietralton. S "hum tne itu-cr.iu.2 uct. it wilt retiiir b iieicetvcd that tne AJ.m iu1ratiXl'" not puraoed f,Menp-trr p'1 er.- T-rere eat h-r if'-rM hot . . " . v f u t'iere have beeo mere removal 10 New l "f, aiace 'lbtir eblnin f 8 "Ward, ihva have, laden tJw niHirt tbeijeneral tJirreni'te nt ainr March, I't'JtKl T'hriHijj'iouf llie .country, Iter ara aiau bterativa lin I i ili.tioiiai oTicea held by W hia-by men s b . Iiiive lilfin'd bard lo brm alvrnt the IlirriMia Irnimjib which lr? 1ijiaced miri., TUit tfc Whip are rtying out,eai, ao'e'y hrcame lliry waul. I'l oVreiva the' X-..ple ntt ;.pr,.nnj I.,., . i.t .t.. ,.f I A i lull, MM if k a,,M.! J :m I ti'if i ;t";nion to oi,ikaa gi-ru-rul f,r..:ijift.- faf' epimho nkfl. tcu tia. Jm il toe puicure vt In aml'KTtiC.pirty tnj-orry o' t ha'ioS J e'et we have 1.0 rena m ( r u ' al'ig !T a tt w u act GM t ....i: t-...t . - . rntlv in our own. latiV -. ',' " a AVbw-ere politician, no f -iHt-of -l.'C't'yrbfce Ijeao 1- y can lio y huogl J-it ibi? f jitu ,Wiiy wt a l.-ar e!i"2 11 rn t lUa a f Ve! of war-t : tWini! Mini pntalt Utft ... aj-ara that tbore la a maj of FMra!i 0 , fM, ( j.A w .Pr(., m,,t,rv ' ampfnyed, wkw rwewaef Wef jbatjaf tbe t ' JteJbk.ium.-hxm-i,k 77". ' ' Funeral clarka t ama tn.b,C, j fntbtarin lh H'.hoo ami tha other bidmr -rr-of-oWm.-4rrtho4Vp.r i '. t, ; '.i. t w h, ol mi nmii dicir ii4i-, .,!.(jv.(""',t'intiir! ;..'arM Hittablij; and wi;r ,-'t'V ' ti a ra-wH"'-'M nl w'ef., ... .. .,. S.;r,4i n.: jxv,i'. ' 'rly ; f i y i -41 ',. t- ! l'd 10 4 r i. , i!-.,! i a-fc.ii. jaiu. U, thh k' Ig ;.i. r-i,:- n4 dmrwi 'tu Hit W'-fld,' b - - 1- ! it"' ti- rr ial,!t. i Tm criiiraj i . .'U ti('J . jH intcrMi j!t i, t-,-M!'rm l,r.l iHitfjirpnn, i"ih.',ei tf t ij -r.-tt- llm. Ilrrt! -tf tt f t-t tim r r ftjxfr frJ 'Ifvik lnJ. if - ti!! m Ik aid rmiiitn! n n, if i true,liu t.i tlwy Kf a-.l 'uthi y arr T ,Mr..W,ti,.. P r W 11. .! H' t f. fl'til-H .1I.U III 111. ... ..." ' .1 ca-vi-irt t ill rr n-unc7. ao ituatire iira;i iv tfi. tn h t i-r -, . .What of H'ftry "; ! U d Ui Vitr will iivr worli well to- ' fiti'r ; i a Le ul Iwve ' go to Eoglauif, o ; iie U-jjhi in luiw, lo -iiuV nut bj nt ijtl (le ml l'rfiHlei,lial campaign. i!ul tl.ei iberawilt I ! ptaytnc at the aau- ' rV.l.t Hirk lik 4hmiiiwI nf nthir nt rnlmrilMM- . ' ' . . . ' .. .k ' , " . ' . ' . '. h L m.w th..l Km i liiiiiltiii UDiin l;a rmU r - 9 -r a n ao. IJ.jt ii people Imve tcn promised btllrr Umr'i .!. -1 1 .1 II 'fk I . J - ,r,.u, w r, im . . . . I . I B at t - fmv ",d "f,be ,,li"n, ,t!8 n,lv?r' I wt wi t ccii!Nttii pit.;iimio. o ah km. per- " i -,M.,w,f " m'j. UMm mm inRneiwe in knri rirfw" ttm le Ci.iAn. Ve ii,iMib below a eopv aU tier receiver by ltUliir. n W, 1...1.1 .i.r.t lnnMiul. UUJLlUUbo lhAtWU.M.l'UillL,MiuAlLjtyi ibfi. inre a;d ritent of the military operattmia agaiiiat jlriJiiuaJWijja.tUait rcaot.faaUb'iia ana id'icl in lireakmE. tf the iec"tmliiKra entered ini sea. It wul boaeeo Ibat tha Cnnimandinrf . lino QeKa Aaat or FumiOA. ) ' ..' Feat JCiao, Swi. tk !Si " (-' .Sia" x i bav the honor, te arknnwbig tha ra'" of y nor tetter of the t)!h inatant. - ! Tn wbo'e army i now, and will remain, in pur. oit of tlie enomy. Every imlnrrment ia however held out to thetrt to treat. Th bnnrta of llaiick TaxrwHif an4 Ti?er-lnil are icrned by a da. ivrbrwa nf tba l I.ifintrv. Tb ?th in 0.1 w in ' I iVe WM.L The rfoi a, ot whirh aif rotn;vn;i.-a " reioient Mtw the eooo'ry bet wen thfe II.IMeiniiyn and U iU.lrfCoiliie. Th lt regiment i arootmg aloof the fi i!f shore Mow Tampa, with boita aecnmpauied by a ateamer and two aehootiert. I bv i(eiiMv thee movementa nncntttrx, aa j alenea t'tey iw.ike pie lniwy rteufioni anil ! It ia , , . J -'"'" I bey ba ii.ot j ,a,"'J" T the North of For Km they n.akeocea-- . V" -"" 1 I -. , f . . . . .:;.-'; r?T?!'a.'....M.BiJi.j, taint ie-oa,M td I (bey ought t d, ibeir lau.iliea and atrotig. l II I ... . anTeeaaiiwi av-ntte"atenaiwiewt atbe- -A,;., l II.I.l . . . , ; e- ""7 U'1 wfi tbeiH, a tlicv bad iriven me and the . ' r . , P"f;y rcutated amranc of their if.lcrmiualimi la fW-rite. Ibia want of faith baa not v 11,11 ulirj; -aII.J 10 C-IIUIIIItinirMTe Wllltllia SentiiMib-a, and I have detjiaiched thrra of tbe delegation with tbeir rotweot, tu hold jiiitrciurae auh tlieir relatiooa and fricuda. j I will coot in lie-every ever' ion to fulfil' the reqntten.imta of Iba Govtinnx-) t .jr lo aly or iilhrrw,?. , , . , . I ahall k-ave thie p!re in a few Imurt J "" "'' !' wm ub nuuiiimn , rT ..,., ... I.,..,-.,.. . 11 V .11. I J. . ICI I.CWIIIHL'iy. I am, r, very rewciAVIv, , Tmar nU't ar rvanl,' W. K. ARMIiTF.AB. . Brijr. Geo. (Tom Ar.i d" Flordi. The Hon. th Bt rrT tr Va. . . ( ' IranUf rated U Joha Q liivy A -Siy, th CooirreMii! Ilwl il.n I mr donng which ba oreio d lb' I'r-e- :cbi' were hie uabaauk veara. . rbir were hot r.r.m uuhaauw vr. Tha Irfd h merer ot !. ll itriin. MARRICD, At tlie reai 'oee nt Mrs. Marj ,V. flee'e, ffelie. the I i'h lnl ,i, bv It e Kev I (km f. lrt, AKCH1BAUI lllMr;KSii,S, Iv-a,, to M M.HY K., rfaatititel of ifca-tta-tV. fk-Tj-tca' U Ki trand ef ua .ac 1 la thia Tawn.oa TueHla evmmu, tbe 15 h inatunt. bv the Rev.jin l N:leea. Ofit I l A f I WtHWxiN - I ruUhmt)W,U, Mia. ASS MARIA, daagb. ' ' . ; 2. . DIED, In Dittrbirtt,Ht Uie Il'h in Mra. MARG4- r wf-mvn tnr-wr in'iveroenn noreaarv, ai j ,t,m U). , m El-T Hai!pCp, ia Iba TOfft j - Aa Oi..-uwy .ce el tboduaaacd ara our next ''" ... j L n 1. , ' ' t PnKSbriber hat foriaila at bit Xoraeriea, - tn n,ldi (ini.iv. S a Ure amor. mi o Ftint Trta, Aa.t (ptiufwisiwvf - . , 1 : ,5 ,p i-t , . l" Siu r i r a a . a. Jix.ii.u f '. Ttn ale a fie leetiiai of-.. :aa5ij.pAtt4fr.'a " ".Tteev wit be de'iv, rl ol m.f" feax.v.1! t',". onr fr.eii Leti;ytotat llie or ' r'. , U.i,"l; Piaedr( V. ,gn"'a . t Wrat-a-Hi all ep- rtrf. f': laeitbj" U'iji'atd. lb reel fo L'x ; 1i, N. . . iiz. '..x 1;. JltrffilfiJlH. " -. - .cv-v. x. X - ; x ''iMliuip . t . I I 1 s