1 I -L j j . . t - k 1 1 inn mm . w v AS rv : row KM MOT DBUM&TKD TO THB VXn-BO eTATES THR UORaTITVTtOll. HOI PBOHIBltCO BT It TO Till 1 is r OALISBURY, I , J., J A 1 1 UA1 I Y I , I CI ' ,. .. - .. - HUSHED WEEKLTssssaCIIAa. F.. FISHER, , i Editor and Proyeittar. Www Camum b auMisheJ eery fVissy. Per mm,ii sslvaee, or 93 00, if Biscoalmoad anlil all imi( erspaio. sunscriBsr at worth the sumrripnoe j sua wt to notify "e Editor of ml todueontioue,el feast bobtw Man 11m bJ of ih retf subscribed for, 1 boreasHluHd m mhmmI JOAeWlisreieets msi.ceisiy aofwct'f. at $1 pat square- -O ? fl tkw sim ty pe)--for the in laserum), snd 23 Mto wa ttW inns nee. ier ana juumusi nim it 23 per essL hiffber ihsa the ihoTe rites. Ado. of 33 svr col, from ths regular at ices ill niada to ami I advertisers. OCT" Adertjement t ia for anUtcaiKin. moat be marked with tb eura of iTfthim deal red, or they will be continues till hid. aad charted aeeordinHs. lie aseara attention, all Ietra addreaaad to the Edi- a iMMiaeaa, mutt free Poelmgt. J)r. W. D. Dcmpsy TAKES tbia snetbod of inioviMug bis friend and the WuU generally, that be i returned from Virginia, and iU bo happy to cootUMMOCO of that ttry liberal pairoa- which bo baa horHnforo onj-ned. IliaofBco Itt tbo Eaglo llolal, &aloa,Ile, N. C. Uweibeff3.194. OCT 112033 SPOil Bm mCO 1E1NG deairooaof oanborkiiur mi toolbar koai j hm. I onw oder ibo aoiabliabiBeM of tbo Wu ttm AovMTiae " 1 in nut kouw of wro eligtbh ailaatiuu for ia deiruM of embnrfcing m the prmtiag Utv TaraM hccotaiBodatioib AinMteaUim mtL bo Ltpoid. r. U. HILL. ; :A, FRESITSUPPLY. V MR. ttOUECUC 1 S mt receded, at tbt f Baliaborf l Iioc," direvt (low Cborkwtoo, tbo folluwmg ankles, in bia hoe to ant t ; rc Brandy, JV Cifr, 'yifrt, Oranges, Uohims, ' x UaitiJUt . J 1 Sanlittt . Ctgvs. , ii.Wk aro of tha bnat ooatitT. aad will ba I low lor e, or t fwactoal aoalora oa .al crodil-irall and 0a ! -Saii-horT, S. C, Doc 4, 1810. ' f lh Jl. tT WhnlM.10 and ItetML af Mfct.l-t.liJ . HAT'S or HarrWaOHilwwot, Beckwitb 'a Pill, j- l R.mmI Cuittnlam'. t'l Pa' rtuaiu --"". V .. .. ..r-r-i r n TRfsn teas. rr: WiiwSpiriaTi.bw, aiil Cigara, J,f rereivea ana wr "'i -bort Dw Stare. faitoii laroi. tractorj,wJ4Ma;twpwww""7 - mod now offr for aalo, wboleaaw J riuil. tbo Cutoa Ta'raa of aaid Fariory, auav aad ebaraew at tbo Tama of ihia Fael.rfy W ii known oa to " rewww- MaKo frua. oo -Those wUblng to pur- Aoril Si, 1"M0. . ?, . - v LADIES AND noifcIaEEPEKH, L 1 Vi K have just received a - I kA auoolv of the eelebraud JVrW L t.-J ClaralfHB MTsla. of aH bioos. L " - - - i. tm Mil SCOr. www n U to call mU or saod o, as l hey - t like bol Ig," - uBse.""" ; 13, 199.. 111 RE, aa lis emuUtg. A riwart. ectivs is .waMtAssacMstiiisMrdlohyy ffW- THIS OFFICE. Appt Mr. gajaoksaa sshed tha otner aay now n friirM far Naiort-'e forming him suual). - . . . , I U- U aikn .lid i-r.ro waa wot io - - . wombs obi 1 waa considered the hand- mmm . . 1 A 1 . rul .MM Tt jMPprw sst ay tor aiwiber bo) , just to r.ua bsra. whoaa child wav rather 'mid a fMtlemaa lo a lady whom itjrt It t-'bave asarnod, - do you wish to make ma r " repbed Iba kdy, " .Nature , saved Ba tba trouble I r . a .ina bach of Iba soap lock order, who wore ItTJU fcea, bacaoaa, as ha mid, it looked 'tttT WJ nccowiew mm m v, I . aa folluwe i " . i - I SST, IfciWW, BOOM -"' ' ' - " " L, ,v --B. aad some take ma for aa Bayc-a L.wdynth.hlar tbtek yoa ara a oarroo nam, I worthy old eea captain of our acquaintance . ' i i. UmiuiJmi naaaafireraai M I0OB o a- - 7 r- - ttrl m tba fcwersia ism, 10 oring w u swm... sBoroscbmc oor eoasi, ae, aa uuai, wswn "rr" . .. m .UA ! thai captain, ioquiri one nre irsmnra. .l M A mA Mill mm ma miMtA u . . . f . . . . ,0, was ins tyj- s ; all a, rejouied rat, - bow near jsc 4 Him. Recollect, air " mid a U vem-heeper figaotettmN who was about leaving bia house wat aay in " reckoning," reeoWeci, air, if yog It your purse, didai pull it out km. iTj 7T MIBCELLANEOUB..r ADVENTURE WHILE SNIPE SUOUTINa 1ft IRELAND, M Aad on, Pat, you think you can ahow mo plan. It of omuar i Thia waa addr'oed by a ?oon aportaniaM to an I rwh peaaaat, who was bang over what waa wlrndwl tut a gate. Pat waa irtmi in : a beautiful auit of raga, wbici left aearly awry Eirt of bia brawny porann ipooMl to tha chill air at be bad not, but bia bead wan covered with a thickly matted crop of red hair, which diadained all reatrainl. In hie mouth ba held an amply duddoeu," I he alem of which waa joet long anougb to admit of being bald between hie teeth, and un der bia arm be held a beautiful click," with moat ewchauiiag kn at tbo and of It. in which waa inserted a piece of eharp irun about two Inchee wag. x - Paika, and ita maeelf an can ahow ya'a t'-e "'pee I yon may wall any that word but how do ye thiuh I cto bo after laving the farm, and the digiu, tiauo, aura P Tito aportamaa ami led at the word farm, for tha ahantao Mood aurrwanded by bog tha only aign ol , cuUivatwaj waa a oar email outatne natch, in which twa hnga warn ioeWrioaury rooting. VWoW. now, Pat, III pay yon well for tour trouble. Ara, now, ba after giving ma half a gana, and I'll ebow ya'e aa many btrda aa ya could ahute in . " Walt, ahow tha came, and wa won't qoarrtl abunt tbo muoey. H M Show yea tha aanney.aai an re we won't quar rel at alt, at all,".mid Fat. . ' ..,- " Well, bere'aa ervwn," aaid tha atranrer. on. ducing a well filled puraet "and when 1 eea tbe btrda yew ehall hava tha ntata to rV Pat'a eyea ioked aa be aaw the well filled porae, and bia fitigere fidgelted annul tha club. He tmk the money, and A ailenca atrude forth into tha moraaa. - T , . After persuing a. labyrinth like path through : tha hog for eooie time, Pal (oadnig the way in halloa aiionce, they came to aume higher ground, and ware) inttantly among tha btrda. For awne time llie aportamao pursued hie vocation, bird after aire falling, and rat proving a moat excellent re- trievert at htat a couple ni.ampe torn at the name moinenu-vBang I -4muij f went the harm!, and tha wrda were flutienoa in the atonic of death. , Inatead of pickinr up J he birda ae ueual. Pat made aapung at the tpnrtsiiMO, lud before be waa aware of hie doterminaJiuo, Pat anatebod the gua from bw handa and fkHiriahing his club over - hie bead, cried avt ' r- -- Now, ya apalpeao of an AnjUsher, what wad u i my u I waa to brake your lory skull, yer or aiige villifln Just bo afler handing me that puree with the eat ahining fiuld, or be the dub of St. - - I'mncK e'Jl oier a JJabUn again." ..(Tbe sporta- mmt haii Aid ww the purse.), M And now yev been , eo very kind aa to hod md yer money, jre'll jeet be after ebowing hi the time o day ma tad t give ua " hwild wf lb brautifui r:l(T9lJii- kiwea tba purwi.) . " ler a gnud aarueed cratur now tibk of if, ya aa I'm uiMia-ry, M vuu'il no mi . ,-.hjf4VV l .-jvui - countenance gave KMrgan : beg.) "JJ. Had luck W ye lor tit o tba world, duu t ya aa ta ve a kihx! coat oa yer dirty back, yer btitera. that's .me, Patrick U'BallaybaOirfaaeval ae much as a rag to '-'ha Jlegsiflt ehpuldrfe.jjfi i '" llut Pa't my goad fellow, you don't intend to strip ma and leave ma to pariah tnte e4U day to ,.;,. . , . - " And be japera that s a hfa that i loo good for tbe lika-of ye eo nfl wid yer chits a tors 1 sidil yer bloody lory skull ; and its little help yell get from myseii lo get out ot the bog, and be tba pow. err tf yhml Ter-way-Wtemlfr why-ya'lt be the first as sver did, and slusjld yer jest happen to die ia tbe bog, wby thin it isan me lhal Id have Ibe murtbering o ye's on ms coocience, any bow." " Wall," mid the poor sporumtin, H I suppose I must give you all ;" aud pulling Ins hand up to his breast as if lo pull ofT bw coat, he produced a bruce of double barrelled psstols, end piesenHng ihem to Ibe bead of the astouisbing robber, hs aaid, M now you murdering viliian, lead Ibe way out of Ibis bog. You shall have the pleasure of carrying my traps to towi, and if yu but turn your head, 1 will put a brace ol sultcls ihiougb your carcase. Now tbea march I" "O sure its myself aa i ll be delighted lo do that same, and with all Ihe ph-asures in life J wain'l I neiy a joking abuul ibe coal and the tings, and did'nt I iittind to after carrying yer hKrs gun, saius yer h .6r waa mulity littiuued and liid, ni"-br passioo wim a pour innocent bo), as is willing lo work all thedsys of bis I lie lor such a swale Lord as y era. If." A ltd Put ttampe'l forward wuh his load, caught in hie own trap,-for when ho arnvrd m town the police at once rectigmsd him as a daring rascal who bad lotta evadi-d in-aice ; and aa iwu persiMis had lately mysteriously diupieared uear Ibe bo",, very little doubt reuiained of their fate. JTbcyouiU-fpuflsniauJiaJ Pioat, pffabiiuiju-lJiauk. bw precauii hi and couluesi, without which, he would Have shared their comfortable renting place, J be suipe b g.Mevaotci. COFFEE. Tba use, ot rather abuse, of eoUee, ia Mid to produce feverish 'beat, anxiety, palpitation, trem bling, weakness of sight, and predisposition to apo pleiy. The quantity and tlb-cie of codes, however, difler according n tha manner in which H is roasted. If uiiuone, ita virtues will out be imparted, and ita inlusiuiks will load and o(prem iba stomach j it at be iivertlooe, it a properties will ba destroyed, It aili beat tin body aud act aa an aeirtngeut. Mua grave and Psrcival rtc..oimiid itausa in asthma i imlvnd, must perauna laboring under thai distress ing malady seem to derive benefit from its use. Toe principle of Coffoa m the cabVin,diHCvered by Kobiqitft, in the year 1 321 ; ami it istotrn nenva priucipla that its beneticial or banetul frt "tta nan be attributed. Recent eipariuii'ula tend to show I hut it la poaaisssd ol poweriot wuliriluge virtues1 To obtain thia result. iaw coti e hWn uhpJ ft given to water a greenfh huo, ani: Uiut sMturatod i baa been called iba ciliiiieif collie (jniidol has ajsd tbm prepsrauon to the imUneolof intermit-1 tent fevers h :'ja Uuin ho.iuUf Dorpatj he also ndmiuL d the raw coflec in pnwdor. la eighty caeescf this fever, scarcely ai.y resiati j the power of tbis medicine, given aiiher in powder, dacoction, or eitraet .but be sarins to consider the latter form tha bksjI nluetua!. From thia nh .i. eiaa's obeervatiuiM, oofloa may become a valuable addition to cur materia r dies, and the honxao. patbrn pnotitioiiers rnain.n that they have em ployed it with f" .t success iniariuus maladies. Dr. MMigen. y- . BCTTOf4LES8 LAKE, Tba ft ,ng is the 6nt notice which wa have ever owl .h of a very remarkable Pond, in Una. WI CAM; ' , NfW York. If the llwin anmiunl. ' en from ihe Troy Mail be true, it die- c ui a v.iua natural Dheoumarwo i " r bite Lake is situated about oua mita we, of the Pauliua Kill in tha town of Siill-water. Ii b nearly circular. It ha no visible inlet, but its out. let is a never-fiiiting stream of eonaiderable msgni-' tade.v The name m derived from ita appearance. Vk fed from a little distance, it aeema of milky v.'Jtcneaa, except a few rode in the centra, which by tha contrast appears perfectly black. . Tbe ap pearanca itself ia aingular enough, but lie cause is UN mum reaMrkable. :' .j?. i v ., '4-. Fiom the centre or dark portion of tha Lake, at stated seasons, innumerable quantities of shells are tnrowa up or various sixm and forma, but all per- fectly white. Them float to the shore; and am thrown upon the beach, or sink into shallow water. tlundreds of bushels might be gathered from the ah or after one of these neriadical nn.rinai mm tha whole soil for several rods on every side of the iac, ia compoeea w tneso aneiis, nroaen or oa- composed by tha action of lbs weather. In the centra or tha JUke, bottom has never been found, although it baa been sounded to the depth of save rai Hundred wet. ' t , , , Where, then, ia the arand deposits from which has been swelling up since the memory of man these countless myriads of untenanted shells? Is it possible (hat though fsr remote at an elevation of eeveral hundred feet above then, thie bottomless well may, by some subterranesn eommuiucation, ba connceted with tha grand ahetl marl depuaite in tne i-astera part of llie Bute. 'ji A Beautiful Rrjtetim-fiuwt, ekiqueatly saysi caonitt believe that eartn ia man a abiding "jilace.. It cannot bo that our life is cast upon the mx-an of eternity to fl oat for a moment upon its waves and atuk into nutbiiigoessL, Kiss wby. ia il lbal the glorious aepirations which leap like aoeets'from the temples of our hearts, ara for ever wandering about anealiified 1 VV hy is it that the rainbow and clouds com over ua with a beau ty that ia not of earth i and thaa pernor! and leave ua to muse tbeir lovehnexs ? Wby is it that stars .who hold tbeir foUfal round I the midnight thrnue ara aet above the grup of pur limited faculties, forever mocking ua with their unapproachable glo ry I And finally, a by ia it that bricht forms of bu man beauty , are presented ta our view end then taken from ua, leavtoia tkm i streama tf au4T.siisisi s aiw paca in Alpine torrents upon our nvsna i e are nora wr a aignwr sstiav Umb that of earth j there ia a realnvWhere the 'rWKiSiflai "i "'" 'rf. aoo. iobi eiumner ia tne ocean and where the beinge that pass before ua iiae simmows win stay in our presence forever." :jcifiiBiw picked up io a gutter on Iba night of Friday last w .ie lun, ana wnen nroueht betors the nnlir i snu asaru wnv as wny ae smpr in such a -et situation. hinml replied, "0 1 that era's nothing but the nat'. ral efloci ot manors and things. You aae the hidgiu' bouse aa I patronises ia always ran down at 'Isctioo tiroes with votes from the water works antlier plact7a that tbe reglar eustmners has lo turn out an' sleep woore loey can aniii an s aver." M You might surely have found some heller place 10 aieep in mail ine mannet, observssl the court x " I can't my lhal I could." replied Mr. Brook field, lor tbe Up rooms was foil and it'a sn months on the Hislend for being cotch d sleeping in a hall or under stairs without invitation ; an if one puts up on a stoop, thy is sure lo throw dirty water on a feller out of the winders an' in the middle of tbe streets ia taken up with processions; aa its sgainei the law ta encumber the side wslksi so I'm blow'd if there's any chance for a teller only atongsioe oi tne cure stones." The AJvanlagt of Early Training. The fol lowing dialogue is reported to have KcUired ha tweeo a medical witnens and a barrister : ' M'rrTia J bafrlrfer)-rrr rsrin tying on wel straw wars deprived of all the comfoiis of life, would it not hastsn death f D.KI. Edge Thst would grestly depend on whriher Ihey had been accustomed to them. " Mr. flayes Do vihi mean to 'a!) ua that' if a -J .. k. a. . parson lived in a horse pond, it would not be injn rious to him f Doct. Edge I think not, if he had lived sitty or seventy years in it. JJunming. In collecting d bis, groerally rpeak- ing, it ia very nonenical busini ss to rcpressnt yourself to be a poor, hsif starved devil, grratly in need of your money. Surh sppoars lo have no weight in these days. Let a rich man call on his oeDtor, ana tne money soon come but a poor. man may beg and owed ins neceasiiiee till dooms day, and nobody raree for hims . If he gats hie money ba must borrow jl. vv e wish it understood by all whn ara indebted ta us for advertising, that ae are rich and powerful that wa ara making money hand over first setting it dowa to bsga every week and that every debtor nf nura masf M fork up " on demand. Sunday Morning Ada. Sailor Yarnlk sailor was once tailing of s country where the sun wsi o hot that the inhabitants used no fire. How dp they biU their titieli then f mid an elderly lady. M W hy , you see," saiO Jack, " a big lam is rigged in the lops of tho chimneys, which bring Ihe sun in a focus, right into, the ket. lis." La me, v hat a Vvriovs world," mid Ihe old lady, ta ahe" rejilaced her specUclsv oh bar note. '.,('. , - Solitud iwtttened. To shut Up a child in the cellar, and let him have free acccm lo the mt4aet cask. v ' .1'. '- COIIOr.CQOIOIIAL. COMSIITTEC3 OF TUB BI IATE. , ' 0 Fweig Rtfotiuiu.- Messrs. Buchanan, Clsp, of Ky., Calhoun, Uoane, and Allen. ' , Oi Finance. Messrs. V right, Webster, Nich olas, Btinton, and Hubbard. . ' V Oa Commerce. Messrs. King, Davia, Norvell, Ruftglea, and Mouten. - ' 0 Altinttfucturtt. Messrs. Lumpkin, Preston, Knight, Buchanan, and Allen. 04 Agriculture. M essrs. Mouten, Dnoo, Linn, Sturgeon, and Smith, of Cuuo, . . , r - On MiliUirg idirs.-r-Mewra. Batitoti, Preston, Wall, Pierce, and Nichols. Oa tk$ Jlilitta.-Messrs. Clay, of Ala., 8nuth, oi nwiana, Anaeraon, f uiton, and Mangum. . On Natal Afuirt. Messrs. Williams, South ard, Culhbert, Tallmadga, and Tappan. On Pmblmt LaiKj. Messrs. Walker, Fulton, Clay, or Abb, Prentiss, and NorvelL " ' . - . On Pritmte Land Cfaiaa. Messrs. Linn, Be vior, Clayton,' M wten, and Huntingdon.' Oa Mian Affair .Messrs. Sevier, Linn, White, Phillips, snd Lumpkin.. . On CitUfi. Messrs. Hubbard. Youna , JJor- rick, Williams, and Huniingdisj. On Revolutionary CUtimt Meeera. Smith, of . Coun., Ckargeon, tiraham, Crittenden, and Robin ' son. , . ; , , On At I'omTVfct mnd Put JooJs.-Messrs. Robinson, Lumpkin, Wright, Fulton, anil Bender eon.' '" " ' ' ..- . On Jtsatfa ana Caaafa. Messrs. Towag , Phelps, Ilend'-M'.-i, Msnguin, and Smith, nf lodwoa. Oi Aw.ifc Measre. Pierce, Pranliss, White, Roaikr, nmi liunlingdon ' t For the JJittrict of Colmnbia-Memrt. Mer- rick, CritleoJen, Mangum, Southard, and Clayton. On tit PnUnl$nnd tk$ Patent OJict.-Messrs. Blurgeon, IJavis, rrentiss, Kobmsoo, aad Porter. On Public Buillingt Msmrs. Fulton, Mer ' rick, and. Smith, of Conn. Tt Audit and Control eontingtM Ezprntri of ftraoe. Messrs. Knight, rultou, and I'.irter. ' On Engnmed BdlZ Messrs. Henderson, Por ter, and F.velps. ' COMMITTEXS OF TUB HOUSE. Comaultet of Election. Mraara. Rives, Fill more, Medill, Aaron V, Brown, Trumao Smith, Bolls, Philip F-. Thomas, Randall, aad Rsriden. Commiltet nf H'y aad Men. Messrs. John ' W. Jonoa, Kvana, Atheriuo, Vanderpoel, Connor, Mark A. Coojier, Mason, Saltoostali, and Hub- i-bard, -- Committee of Claim. Msmrs. Russell, Daw. son, Banks, Giddings, Jared W. Williams, Gen try, John Hill, of N. C, Uslbrsitb, and Mallory. Committee on Com merce. M easrs. Cnrtia, Mil ten, Burke, Tolaod,. Habersham, Parris, Boils, Welter, and Wmthrop. Cominitftt pa PubLe Landf. Messrs. Morro w,. Lincoln, Crary, Joo. While, Fisher, GarUnd, . Jacob Thompson, Casey, and Chapman. JswimsrtM sa the font Ofict and Pont Road Messrs. McKay, Hopkins, Urif ge, Marvin, Lead sMiavJoa oolds, and John B. Thompson. f i Dittrtct of Columbia. Messrs. W. (Josl Johnson, ('I.MJ...I... II W.I.I Hawkins, and McCartyr Committee on tk Judicimru .Messrs. Ser geanl, Huffman, Tumey, Samuels, Barnard, Stanly, I ramoull, Dsiusoa II. Boiler, and Starkweather. Cssrtrsr ea' Smtmioimf ' trfai ' Messrs: Randolph, Hall, Taliaferro, Parmeoler, Montgom ery, Ely, Sweanngea, James, and Nathaniel Jouee. CoaiMtfre M Fae Bond, fwcii, Ciockett, Watterarm, McCulloch, Ureaa, Itaker, OrackeorKiee, and McCfora. Commitiea on Prion Land Catau. Mossra. Calhoun, Detlat, Wick, Win. a Heatings, Jame. s;Clssj,''Werren, Vroom, aad Boardiuan. Csemirree on Mamufactyrrt. Messrs. Adama, 1 Meat, Blade, I'lllmgfMHt, Worthington, Drom mle, Mitchell, Kastiiian, and Joba Davie, CosvsM'frr ea Agriculture. Messrs. Deberry, Dennis, McUellan, John Smith, Hammond, 8uaw, irjig, Hook, aad Ridgwav. . Cosisurtes ea Indinm Afeir. Messrs. Bell, Lewis Williams, Alford, Chum, Lucas, Hunt, John VT. Davis, Parish, aod Rvall. Ommitte on Military Affair. Masarv, Wsd dy Thompeoa, Miller, Cows, Kemble, Joha W. Allsa, Moaree, Sumter, Uoggtn, and Wa. O. Butler. . CesiSMftrw ea Ms Militia. Msssra. Keim, Car ter, tiriffin, D. D. Wagoner, Uoode, Edward Ro gers, Triplet!, P. J. Waterier, and Wm. R. Cooper. Committee on Naoal Affair. Messrs. Fraiwrii Thomas, Reed.tirinoelt, Anderson, Profnt. Naylor, ShapaedV Diekarsisi, amt Mmmiya';ss"' (wmtfrre ea Foreign Affuw't Mostrs. Pick sn, Cushing, Dromgoole, Orsnger, Hswes, Eve. rstt, Clifford, L-et, and Fine. Committee sa Ike 7rriirvf Meters.. Pope, Jeni frr, NV ru. bV Campbcll, Stusrt, BrawsUir, Garret Davis, J,s. Cooper, Morjrsn, and Dsns. Committee en Wrvosisnsry Pentium. Memr. Tilnfi rro, Carr, Andrews. Sieenrod, E. Danes, Brock way, Tsylor, Hand, and Peck. timmitlea on xssfuf Pemii$. Messrs. R Wil- Morns, I'lleii, Mweenv, and Edward Committee ea Road and Cenel. Msfwrs. Os-le. i sail a ' earn. . - srnH, inn. or irifinia, irMNiias ainith, Kayner, Bin knelt. Underwood, Crsbb, and Albert Kmith. - Ommnfee ea Patent: MeMrs. Fletcher, Bcatty, rrrniiKs, .trwnira, inn rsynter. Committee on Ihr Public ButUing mnd Ground. Messra I'etriktn, Lsuoard, Keim, John HaatHiga. and Osborne. Vtmmitte on Rental mnd. Untikd Bnii Meam. Peck,Pamsh, Jscksmn Jamaa, and Kills. . CamMiliM-oaMoMmais. Msssra. Jueeph Johnson, iMriM Johnson, Mircntno, r toya, and Andrews, CesiMiffes on MJrSifs. Msnrs. Thomas W. Wif- lisma, Henry WiUums, Jadaoa Allen, and KempahalL J Tba ail bunding Committees Sa Erpendiutt in '. tk Department were, and or the Rules, annotated at ' the last session, to continue throughout the Corurrem, wo wst nr cspsiwiiorsa ULina irsr uepmnmem, nr. Chspmaa, or MibinfS and wr.'s " r-t Wk, were appointed lo lllff vacancies, occaooed by ths re signation of Mr. Ricef GsrUyid, ol ludiana J and oa that for tbe Pot Offie VXfimcnl, Mr. Una, or Indiana. wm appointed in pltcvot Mr. Anson Brown, of New York, dea-eeed. As aVw orgtniaod, thsse Couimfttess stand ia tollowa." . , Committee on Exfenl&rf is Jfrawrlawar of JSiah.Meme, UmMrwfod, Hjrsum, Ij-rsoo, JjwviU anil TrnmhsIL - .' ,4-,r- Commute on Bxyenitare In tk Dtfmttment of lh rrrssury Mesara Eii AUiesUs, Oaa. ComttA tee pn LxjfnJtiure ia fas lW(mat af War-Mews, tow, J. Wsgsner. Holmes, J is. Cooper. Cbipman, and Ikm. ' sssag sv'lt.w tZmmitte ErnAHuteM in tk Drfmrlmmt tf Aavy. -Messrs. ltoniil, Vioderp.!, 8irnrmtoo, Oreen,snd Gerry. ,mVTm!VmmkETniilu:t' Deimtnuml nf l)!via sod fie"" - ' B'd' LoweU CimimiHrsea F.xjxnAiturt, on tk Public BuiU. vi 'SaSr r' Forn,00'G1 ISerL snd Ma The-C.rnitlee ordered on lbs 10th instant, oa the motion of John Qmncy Adama, to inquire end report reapecung Certain discrepincicsorriifiV.reric.s bttweea the manuseript docunieul of the last SessMB, respect. Inr the wjroea csptorsd ia the Spanish veamlilled m !7 "M'UU P"" docement, conaista of aieasrs. Adams, McKay, Barnard, alsdill, and Dennis. ,i IHmm! ? "7 ToUcco T". ""d oa 17 iM,vr,'fe, conaisu of CnmV EXTRACT Fr. IW.'y of the Trmmry o. - -'-saw wm aj t, lUVlrfja-yjL, IBHASDBT DrA.TM!rT, i . DmberT,1840. The onderm'rned resnectfullv rf.r lh ,,0'n n? the finances t , ie nas great pleasure in snnouncing that, da ring the present year, the enl.....A I alill further reduced J and, though Iba revenue has "v." ai, all he public engsge. whb prumptitude. I. Tlie receipts and ... . - m-wvt ,nian of trust, smf the Po 0lce haa been a. follow. : .nu?r.blL!r,',,C :TwMor oo the M of January, liHO, ia cowputed Id have - ThTa-wWej; resta, connected with tbe iotas I re- ceipta snd utpanditurm in 1839, tni X with the unavailable condition of a portion of ihe public funds, msv be seenmUieatatameiiUsnneied. Ounng the first three qoartors of the w.rmmm year, tne net reeeipu froia s customs were tlO,0sj,934 7B During the mme . period tbe re. ceipta from IsimIs were Misccllaneoua re ceipts for the ame ti'ne Esiiiuited receipts for tbe fourth quarter from all loose sources 2.C80.217 25 Tim t 3,800,000 00 These make the apgregau of ordina ry receipt, for the year Add the estimated 17,17,7(58 01 reWe'eria eipilandratereet in 1940, out of what was doe from former do but'- not svtfilable oa the 1st of Jaou-v sty last roo.ooo oo Aea- also tb stt-","'- mated ; receipts 1T " from the fourth bond of the Unw ted States Bank, 2,500,000 00 ua. irom the '-surorTrmsdry notes instead ot others redeemed, &.44O.O00 00 Arurpgite from them addilioual sources . 8,790,000 00 Thii will mike tbe Mai means ia J940. "HU ajcetsinsd and estimated It ie proper to remark, that about 7uo oon tbe sums computed ta be received Within tha mmmm from the baake above described, bsva not yet 1 been ascertained la ba paid f and if, contrary la expeo. laimu, there ehould ba a failure to oa aae earTri them until next year, a will make a difference to hat sitent is the preceding results. II. Tbe eipandituras for 1S40, exclusive of trusts and Iba Post Office, hare been ae follows : n For the "rat urwe-qperters; civil, di- plom.tic,.0ds,-c.lUosous . 4.118.248 64 For ths asms lime, military . 730.74 W For the same Ume, naval . . g.ftWW S3 Lstimstm by this Department (though higher by ths others) for all sinenses during tha fourth iu,fWr 5,000,000 00 Ttnskef eipensis for the whole yesr Add for funded debt and interest for 2,4-1340 61 .lotyioo 00 3,6,300 61 4'AimO 00 that or the cities of the District of Colombia during tbe year, ascer tained and estimated Red-'inptino of Treasury notes, inclu- aing principals tad interest ascer tained during the first three quar tern . . . . . hstimate of notes that will ba deemed in tha fourth quarter re- This will make ihe aggregate nf psy mcnta or eipeadituresnf ill k nds Leaving an available balance of mo. ny in the Treasury on ihe 31t De cember, 134(1, computed tj ba 20,643,0j0 13 1,500,833 69 na,ZAMi 01 The fonffa on hand, coniili-red not available for publie purposes, at tiie comincnceineiit, aa well aa close of Ibe present year, re described purticularly in the atalement anneieil. , , Previous to ths close of the yesr, should Ton. . grasa nam any new appropriations which maybe immediately eipewM.an additional chars in ik. extent will thus, be Imptaidd on Ifi4o,lnd if amount, ihg tn any Ctmaiderabie aum, it mia-hl nmda,.n. k." UMmMiuil Urn mMnA . . , r-"v ("-". "j , TT Jwa aaw. aneaos auQ 1 a., a ' Jl ,:', 5ai . f..:.r;.a'( iTwwhok WsrwJUt the four amissions ss" TL. ' ' V eury nnted made Octoberl.837, wh.cb mrn'i mitatanding on. the 1 4,433i8a.Thi.plb eni, amounted only .to theq:loeeofl839.nniwit LS,o(a,c9 more thaa at . v midiog the great decline'. ' ' : rrViions conuevte I nji . r , . "-s-w "a J . V -r s.

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