rfi . TWf!i7 ' nrp TIT T'i UALIi & mJ ill llLciil. ; . . . . ! -' :j -THE roWRRI KOT PKlKOATltD TO THK WHTD ITATES IT TBI COHiTITCTION, KOI MOWMTftD iriT TO TBI ITATES, Atl ISSJHriD TO TBI M 1TM ftltrCCTIVtbT, O TO TM tMOrLU.-Amendment to fit CeWitntWSJ,' ..y-aw,,., '.J..? '. ' lTL...,ll.'IJ ' 11,1 ' ,i! ''" " M li" " '. " - ' '" f T i 1 I ' ,r-TtTrrrPTrF-;l iii ii i ii . i ., ..,' v ' '' - - j .- f '" ' ' ' ' " "- rTT"T""H,:? , " i , i ti 'i i i ' . '. .- . ; . '" : AriultZ. "Summer SO o Volume 21. ; SALISBURY, N. C, JANUARY XWl. rH , J a 7garJfoiv; Wiipai to. ) i-jy.IIKI JVEEKUTs::r.r:sCHAa..R FISHER, s .'sVr d i'roprietnr, , t J: . The VTwn CaousiU i published every Fry. nt J per annum, w advance, or &4 S'l, if not pax! iu tine-; uMrtii trorn lite time if ubcrihiiir. , OCT" No p , i will be discontinued until ill srruarige. are pid, ii the utwribcr ia worth lm ouWriptinn ; and the fail . tire u unity the Editor oft wil to discontinue, si leat mistii hefore the end of the year .ubtenbed fur, w,U be C'iided new eiijfsgement. " xT A'lvntiMtmtnu donapieuoual end correctly in m'ihI it ii (H-r i'ire-r" 340 tm, or Jtftetn linn ,t ut type) hr the firnt jnaertion.aml '.Vfot l.j- each continuen'coi Court and Judicial advertiee ii.. iii 'i" per c:iit. hip'wr than the above rate. A da ,t ipricn of per c-iit. fnrnl the reynlar pt ice will b. nnle to yearly edvertmwre. 0 Adfertnemeott r-ni In for publication, muK bt marked with the aunv l. r f iiiwHH'bj i)eirp4, or they will be coatiaued till (iirhiil, ami disced accrdinjrly. " ' . , To ft tenticn, all leuere ai'-lwrod lo the EJi-n-nn lwinp. m(( 6r rf o J)(e. )r.V p.Dcmpsy TAKCS thii method of iiiforining 'hie Jtiml,,si ibft unr.ll y, thai he m r:nnifd Irom Virpinm, and will 60 Jiappy In iitAivii rrui'imuiine it' that veryliberal patron, i j v iicli he haa h rftfore fij Ilia tilGee i al tli" Kajle. U-t"K StafeevUIe N. C ' ' ri ceA.ber JS10. O f AT Wh-I't'e anl Rcfmf.nt v WHF.ELKRS'. (ijMV'S orn irrit.'iO titmeol.DeekwiUi'arilU, ! MlJ:i. Pt;W i.id Hitter, II wu'k'e Paimrtia, and ' n -: .irJ's retpfitv lrk ll'iwel Complain, for rn!o I., B. At C. K. mil'KR. - FRK.4II TEAS. U'infa, Spirit, Tidwiero, and Cigjira, J nt ry'iv'il nl for al', at the tjiiha l'rv Drtijj Hiri " M,liiniry, Nnv. .', Itt). 'r ' INttoti nfn. " .rP:lK ubfribf rs, Aeule for I;iirtirton Cut tf:i IVt-iry, wiwlj infwrm the htWw i that they ij : ' put reci'ived w(J now .fB:r (or ale, w'holemHi ii i I n iail. iH Ortl'Ki Yaus of id Factory, c(i N'(o of vnn'm ri'tmnrre: Ther'tjigrtr --TtiirniciTitrwYamtrtht Fae4ry aeN- ll''lo.-fei1 au-l known a lo nrd'iio recinn caaie Trill piewi gtvp ui fvcau. :. 6. & C. K. WillU-.P., A;l. . ,:'r'l2I. ' r-.- tft -cMte-.-ftA L.VDIKS AND Th"-e Hinhiii Sttii! tir tfe ar, would d TTmSff-SCPPfctr UOU'viCttl. -JA"'jiit n t-ivd, ui thrt " S.ilnibiry CoftVe " .1 -j ," direct from CU ir'tou, tlic t'onownijf TiF'!?S TiT lilif to- mt 1 y,n,ri, U tnvtij, Xac.lrk Ci'lrr, OyJi rs, :. , Urunzri, ' r hhi'tit,. . . .. liuismSi. ,Vir'inrit - - : Cirtt .... Aflof wh!rh"hre-of the birt riility, tod will be !(.) !. t..r cWi, x pwtU4l dealer vn, i!h nwmI crJl. OH aid 1 JL. SJubuiy, N. C, Dec. 4. 1840. -- ' -1 V NEW llSTAUMSiniEMT, 1 IN MOCKSVILLE, DAVIE fIINTY,N.C. vvoitMS ih jMihlrtt that he haa reronyeil from hi t t . n 1IDUSK t CNTl!ttTAlXM:NT l't ll.vtw t roinnv nul eoirfirBidioil J .lUehed Ic iiuiih are u rwtitiblo O.Iics for jgetitincn ef ibe Kir. ali e.nvH.iH(it to tlw Court IW-e. Tlie UJtr 1 t iM hmuell' mt J.iit:t e"'";0,10 . ..t'aatialuti'H Ui.il. - nay rail on lnm. Il.sTa. :: lUrnril S'aW. n t' ,-h.h.ImI iu tin Kct n.sninr t'ini t.m ciiuiiiry will l.urJ, ti3 l i tut .ant ' faW". i.li llld IT'HIKlt. l1 ifil";v 7, lf,.. VvClxtf iif.ir.ii id iniilmikiiiL' 111 Niiuttier bimi. n, I now nrfef n?e"rtil)iiluu'nt of thu Wll 11 Norm AnvKRnar.H lr aale. ldni:iit Uikiw f a more elmible ait.l.ilion for triM i!!MrtMiil'einl,iirkiii( in the priiiliii bU'l than VV ilmn'j;i'iii. iN.irlh (..'.iiuioid. 1 . r n inToin iiiMUii."n.aul L-iition niii"i ue i i;.ul. l).-.:u.i U r 11, IM'l F. : HILL r dr.(;. iu)oi'i;las H AVINli rt-movd I.h OlTice lo JtifJ l)(Hti f Mr.' wau' brink row, (f rnmrly ocru"i by Ur. Alili nuntli,) nenr'y ojiiioaii. .iltoliiieT Brio u .tore, p.-iitoI tuinli-i Lis ir..roginn,il M-rvi'Xa to ttic public ainlulMirv, Auuit '41, l'-!". " DR. JAMES G.AVOMACK HAVING loeatud liiinefh'oermsnenOy in the Tw T AI.6IJH!IY, temler his irufuiiH.I mrvicM to it ci'iwiiJ-tnd the Jjocuut country, in all the varum brancbusof bis pro lusion, llti can lw I.hjiiJ at liU'Ollice, oil main atfCrt ojii- door below-tlie oSko -f the " V!S'rii CiroSlnian." :- Jiify:. 1640. ' lv V"i., ij 1 pwwiiw'wmi -JOB PKITI?ei- "A'ceffj ''end rpt4ttiitfy exteuHd ot Thh f fee. FRUIT TREEa' - "pilE 8ubcriber bu for aa'le al hit Nuneriea, ta DavkUon County, N. C,, a large aaeort. inent "of Fhiil Troea, dte., eonaiating of " "J- t Plum, ' CAtrriy, &C., MMACIJt I MAJIV OF THI BEST Aiucricau Ano Eur peajn ft fin 8olection of :V " 2103333,' SuQLXOiAS, Trae will be deliaered si any rcaeonablo die lanco from Lexington, at the uaua priea o baolin). Priced Catalogue, eeot gratia to all appltcaote, tbe poatag Ming paid. Uirect lo Islington, N. U, , .... S'fitj unnr CHS. MOCK. December 18, 1840. THE 8AUSBURY MANUFAC TUK1NU COMPANY having coov meneed oporatioo, art now prepared lo Auroiah dealen with Cotton Yara nf a auperior quality on favorable lern " J. RHODES BROWNE Ag , Sal'iabury, Deo. 11, 1S40. r .' Notice. . ; THE MILLEDGEV1LLE COT TON FACTOR Y.aituated in Moot. pinery County, 2f milee .Eatt of Bnliaburr, ia Dow ia full operation. Tlmw intimately acquainted with the Yarn of thia Factor, prefer It to any enantifactared in the State. .EDWARD BURRAGE.' - N. B. 1 with ro procore about. one hundred Pale, of Cotton, (liret-rala quality,) delivered at' the above Factory, which I will apin, either one h ill lor toe other, or at eight cent per lb. E. BURRAGE. December 11, 1840. 6t PROM the Sobecriber, 011 the 20th ult., an in-- dented appnrniico lo I be coopering buMoeai, by the) name of CHARLES A KEY. He ia be iwoen ail teen and aevenieen year old, nearly five feet high, eandy colored hair, tolerable fair eom plected, and ia aoanewhat hard of hearing. All pereorte are hereby cautiocvad againot harboring or employing him, aa I a in determined lo enforce the law agaimal tbote oflendinir,. A reward of Five Cent and ladaJr wilt be given lo any peraon wKo 'will JcKver'iaTd oby'loiriaC-' 1 ' ' . SILAS EARNHEtRt. fXRowaiiforily:?J& 'pIIK Hubacriberhaaan imjroWif ApttuMrlor I Milla, by which, a mill will do much butter thaa with Ibenraal form of Spindlwe. T It o conatruciad a to from ktmtiug or killing the ntral in any aiaa "ner. The fanner if" o confined br tbe 8pindle a .1 - way te preaerve ita balance, and of court, there 1 no rubbing of tbe atones. I think, by thia improved Spindle, th tame water or Mipenur qmiuy, Any peraon wiahrr.ff to nee one of the, flpipdlea, ""insy otNafft tnore,-wy wifAtog fp4o.tmwrth- in t short time) to me HutMcnber at Moekaviiie, int te Co. N.C. 1 lhin the probable coiriH-'ttot 'Meed $M lor the Patent and Spindle ready fur int. Tbe following peraon. have my Patent Mill Spindle in aucceoful operation i Col. W . F. Kelly, Tboa. Fw ter, Joeeph Ibll and Saml Foster of Davie County; Gilbreth Dtckaon and David J. Ramamir ot Liooola; 'Ch&rleTOriinUr of Rowa;-A'idwm Moore of Davie. too. and William Don of Horry, all of whom arCAijV ry pieaeed witn u penormance. . L. M. GILBERT. October 23, 1 if 'flllE Subecriber living seven miles south of 8lia- JL bury, intend keeping constantly oa band, Mar- LI J :.. ci-i l viv aai VJr.uiic oiaua caprwij m TOMB STONES, so that be eat execute lay order in that Line, on the eborteet notice. Atso He is ready to eseente eny work which ma be called Jbr ia HCULrl URIaU, HTOK-CU TThU, t.V - GRAVING, aod bo aaewree tboa. who mat iavor ""Tiiiia wW -merr work;' that onlese wtiKaWwceerdiaf to contract, nt baa no pay. t .A eomplete large Dairy Trough lot sale, cut of Roelk! kir ine purpose c 1 preserving bbui cool. Apply 10 toe Huascriber. ENOCH E. PHILLIPS. November lit. W9. ' it awBMaaaeaBBBi rpiIE SUBSCRIBER living near Lexington, David son County, takes thia method to inform the Pub lie that be will enter into contract silk any Perwn, or "periMM, either in Davidaon, Rowtn, or CkbmviXxmtn ties, who wish bouses, laeturHv, or any other kin. ol building erected of llrick, to build tbem a.clivap,at durable, and io as good style as any workman ia this country. - - - f. ii. "11 .1 u ..j i. .i : .-.J l iiv win aiw, MtMiiu bin vara tn uik) u w.utcu. He iroirt. that lira tong epeneoce in MOULDING AND LAYINU BRICK," will entitle him to a .hare of public patronage. Ile would refur gentlemen wiahing work done in bit Iine of Buainew, to the Female Academy and the new fire proof UJerk. office in 8aliabury,a. speciioeDao) hi. work. I N. & Thoae wiahing work done, will please teave word at the office of the Western Carolinian, and it shall be punctually attended to. ROBERT COX. Davidson, April IS, 1839. If MATCHLESS SANATIVE. 'piHS invaluable Medicine is tot oale by the aubicriber, at Milledgeville, Montgomery co., 'N.C. W. E. 151' RAGE February 21, 1640. rPO HIRE, in Iht couitltf,--K imert, active no gro WOMAN, aocustorood to house work. - Apply at THIS OFFICE. BLANKS Of rmrji ditcrtplion f ftdV.al Ikit Oft. MlB C E L LA NEO US. 4.1 h, BEAUTIFUL fiJCTRACT. "Co Out beneath Ibe" arched heaven To VglitV profootMl gloom, and wy', if y i eari; There it 00 God 1" Pronounce that dread blaaphemy, md each atar abotrt will reprove you for your unbroken dark: neat ot intellect every voice that float, upon lb night wind, wilt bewail your utter hopsleMaeu and dcopftir. It Ihera no God I , Wjo, ihm, unrolled Ihnt Wot tcroll, and threw upon ita high fronlie. Pce tht legiUe gleejnioga of imtnorlalily t Who fiuhioned thit green earthwith ile perpetual roll ing watfra, and in expaneo of i.land and mainf Who aclt! the foundation of iht mountaitu t Who paved the beaveot with cloud., aod attuned, amid banoera of atorroa, lh voice of lhuodera,and unchained fh lightning, that linger, and hirk, and flash in their gloom f Who gave IMbt taglt it aaft ey rit where the tempest, dwell and be.l atrong et,'arKj lo tbt duvt traoquil abode amid'the for eata that aver echo to the) ninetrelay of heir moan t Who made thee, oh, men, with ihy perfect tie. gaoco of intellect and form? Who made light pleasant tot bee, and Iht darkneaa a covering and a herald to the firwt beautiful JUahat of the morning t W(o gave tbee that malcbleaa tymmatry ot tintwa aod liinbl That regular flowing of blood t Tbe Ureproaaiblo aod daring peseione of ambition and of lovet And yej tbt 'tlninder. of heaven and tbe water, of earth art calmed f Art there no rt'xr1, that man it not swept under deluge ? Tbty re main, but tbo bow of reconciliation hang, out abovt and beneath I bent. , And tl were better tbal tbo limitleea watert and the ttroog moiiotint wtre coovulaad aod commingled together it wart bet. Htjr that Iht vary ttaA wtrt conflagrated by Are, or ahrouded ia eternal gloom, than that one aoul thotrld bt lott, whilt M.rcy kneel and plea.la for it beneath the altar o( lul.rcea.ion. About flvt orwiiy cart ago, ibert.becanM known to fame, in Iht Shandean eonat ruction oT celebrity t. within -a circle somewhat beyond tight of the mokaof ont'a bouae ont Vinceol Prieaaoiit, an illiterate brmtr in the Province of Moravia ia Germany, who having invented a. remedy for die eate, , which proved tucceaaful, accidentally or other- wise, ia some peculiar-cases, waa noised about, at the discoverer of ibe long-hidden sovereign reroe. cetded tho Sbandeulmirumri"Bt thia time hole" known over a great part of tbt continent tnd in Great Briuin. Hundred, flock to hirn, amoni whom art said to bt not a lew of iht nobility. Hit remedy ia ccU-mater and nothing ties this ukea inwardly and applied rxteroattyi but ilwayt cold. Hp eontinuet to reside tl hit littlo ftrm, and obeervea thd same simple customs he preserved ben unknown. I The gretl and Iht proud submit te tbem-rkred by tbe .charwof wfrtiftion, wnd tbo glimmering hope of health, tht rich man's bttsa, tat poor mans nchoe, they yield up their iuxunee and their eoiewdrTaa4ewgnhemwlee. to tht rigid aimplicity of the Q iaok physician. Tht following thort description of Pneeeniti mode of treatment of disease is a translation from a Ger man paper : 2r. TinitntrPnf$itfiThltMw cel.orattd physician last summer again performed great and astounding cure. His fame has already extended to America. But a lew yean ago bt wtt denomi nated an eccentric quack. A large number of pa- tieota visit him every year, among which are many of tht nobility of Europe.- lie resides near the town of Grafenburgin Germany, in a mountainous but very healthy spot. Hit method ii dirTorent from that of any othtr physician, lit uses no medicine except cold water, and ha generally cures hie pa tient in three days, but in no instance ie more than ait daye requisite. Ae toon tt tht symptoms of an inflammatory diaeaae appear tbe D.clor lakes nJinen aheeljaii!a.4 uiIimauI U.... int it effectually, ha toreada over it a vert thick blanket an a baoWIJa ihaa aiiarataaa-lU tntieM with great desptich, and laya him on the wtt sheet ia bed, wrapt thit and the blanket veryMightly around him, and covert him with several feather- bed. If Iht patient ia afflicted with a disease of the brain or other disease which occasions fever in tha bead, ha appliee also a wet linen sheet to it, hut much thicker than tht other, tnd wrap it teva rsl limoo around IbeheseVpertieularly-arouaJ tha for.liead and covert it with a blanket, Foren iu flammation of the throat he applies tha tame about the neck. ,The application, art repeated every 5, 10, IS, 20 or 30 minptet, according to Iht pro portion of Ihe fever. - i he patient, titer being ten minutee io this situation, becomes warm through out tht system, 'la some etas, where jha held it much tffected, bt applies-on or two buckets of colli water to tha back part of Iht head and neck, every time ha repetit iht application of the wet sheet. These frequent eoolioga lesson tht fever, and generally in tw hours it it entirely conquered. When thit it accompliahed, Iht patient remaina in bed with Iht wet theet around him, mart covtring it applied over the body except tbe head, which it kept at cold at possible. ' In the course of tn hour or tn hour and f half, the patient becomet heated, tnd soon tfler t perspiriticn follows, .which, l)ow aver, does not auecl ihe luug. Tha patient ianow allowed lo drink bulonly cold water, the window of the room art'throwu upon to admit tlie fresh air even in winter, which pierces through the room increases Iht perspiration. ' After remtining in thin net tea condition irom two to ttirto hours, tie . im mediately placed jnto a bathing tub aituated cteir tha bed filled with cold wtter, where he'remalns five minutes during which his whole strength' win" admit.' After the belli, he ia rubbed pnrfecily dry, it again dressed aud takes some exercise io ihe room." , t -t ; Thit method it repealed ae often a. tho 'tymp ; lomt of a frver appear and froni three to ail reie. .ihioot Iht diaeate is cured. Tlit rtepvery; Mto in a fe days, aod tht patiuqt may then pursue hi avocation without feeling any lost of strength.; All kind, of medioiiie, says Dr. Priewnita, are itn neceeeary, nay, highly dangeroua. ; All aptcee, as' well at cofTee, lea, wine, dto., are prohibited, and wkter, colJ wator only, it recommended,' and 10 be, used vtry copiously;- , . .- , ' e 0) e , " . ,i " UAKLNG IT AN OBJECT. . ; Dan Marble tells 1 good story, of a Yan kee who recently paid Arkarnat a flying visit. He went 'out there to " aottU," induced by Iht rp rtetotttiont of-o man from that Statt who was on viail to Cuoaeoiicul. Who tojd him . bt coo Id M makt a fortm " at ooce, and thai he would make it an object for him if he would toovt to Arkan aat immediately and with him. I'porf the etrength ot thit astortion the Yankee accompanied hit Ar kansas friend home, but had hardly been in the Statt half a -jy before Ihty had a regular rough and tutublt fight, in which tht Dawn Easter," got tbo worst of iU Wt gtvt iht Yankee! det criplion of tht . scrimmage ia "nearly his own words...,; , ' V V.-'""' ; You tea I went awty( ou tmong'jht daro'd catarnaraos aud bowy uvea, cot I was told I could make my ttaroil fortin jn ktoamott ttn time. Tbe f.n.rtbal coased me off, to, sed he'd makt it an object for me, aod what's wore, ted bVd dti the Ibiog that waa right, and makt aa object of me amoog hit friends aod 'quaintancet ted he'd get me all their custom, lu. Well, a lure I'd bean among tht plaguy heathen tu hours, tht chap that got ma off, wat mort'n half tmtshtd on new corn wbiakey, kicked up a row, and filially, cava me 00a of Ibt sln.igblest Ucktn'i I ever got tiuct I wte born upon sixth. Wtryt tht, lickia Eph Potiingill give me behwd tht school houtt, waa new eider and nan caket in com Denton. But ha mad hi. word good, for I wat Uellt grain lt at look ing object arttr tbt fight was over T That mum my I ietii lit T tlit'cId Boatoa Museumrwat a per fact beauty to what I wat. W hen I curnlihink . over what ht'd ted bow he'd makt an object of meirwmx hi-&itlMd.Mt.r(ti tnd so on, I thought tht mutt prudent thing 1 could du wit jest lo pull op stakes and bt oil hum, aod if over you catch roe out iu Keckaotbaw agioyou may tplit ma op into shinglt stuC I'm out to fond of bein made aa object ot, aod get tin cutiom "rin tharwty7jjwrtirfji"ra kind 11 by no mnn$ tenet" in hit erueity. When at the"tboVw"hTc1oirow".' -ed the trie make tempeet. of rain ca roatm Jbe would not allow aay one to quit the placet and seek thtlttr. lit himself tUo remained; hut he had ttveral cloaks, and changed them at ihey be came wtl. Many of tha spectators died ia con- ''teqiiancrortoldt and nmttTeeontole ihem, he invited thtm to a public tupper which lasted all through tha aighu He gave U Senate and Keighu alto a cunoot supper at tha tame time. Tbe room in which he reetivtd than waa mads perfectly black ; by each ttood a pil'ar with the nama of tho guest on it, and a sepn'chra! lamp ; caked tlavtt blacktned Ie restmble tpectrts came tnd danced a horrid measure around them, and thaa each seated himself at Ibt feet ol t guest the funeral mtala were then brought in black vee eels. All sat quaking ia tV.tnet; Donutiaa alone spnks, tnd hit discourse we of death. Al length he dismissed thtm but at the porch, instead of liJlL?W0 atunaaott, may tount strange oort, wna - . .... a a. t " .al " no 19 ""T " freely, word rame ta etch that one waa come from tha Emperor j terror returned, but it wat tgreeatty diopelled by findjng that pillar which waa ail var, Ihe iupptr utenails af valuable naitriale ana tha t'ava who had pltyed the ghset, were arrived presents from the palace. Keig Aley's Kerne Enjnrtm A itorgof Ike diieoverj of Cofet in ireeie. "It is taid that Omar, the Arab ahiek, was driv. ing from Yeman, about A. D. A50, tnd did to :ht wild.iooss. , Hs toen found it very difficult for nun , lu procure food, and teeing tht coffee berry, re sembling, aornewhtt, a cherry, he waa ttmptod ie try it. There wit a very thin pulp, scarcely more thaa tht tkin, upon tht outiido, that be could ear ; but ht hoped lo soften the kernel by boiling them, to that thty might be edible. In the courts of the process, tuch a delightful aroma greeted hit not. tri a, that he waa induced to taste tht decoction, and found it much more invigorating than the to lid. which produoed it. And, thue tht imraotl i.rtrtuet "of aoflee,. at Uvtret, aprang lev.KAi "iiaAood," It js roast rut tnJ 'fitting to he . laid toVi nry in our day, that a man has no -Wri, Ium lAmK'liimanlf .(! from eammuhinn with aa " rich' and, manifold a 'world it 'eura, or arbitrarily 10 naroen ana narrow nie uio, on any m ine tinei .onhleh it it open tnd sensitive. But' ills also! f no lost nocesmry, knd perhaps al thia time more :rerfeL to urge that a man a first vocation te to he a wwaTalwsiLjersonal being,' with a rea. labia mofartxiitiice7wllnrtajl4W P urong, efllimeral1isa.Vt R".HiA orI".i ee fonc Iheir naeceMfOorla to agii.m the b - cstV fli V4irr4-$Tpi.tim i V f Z?& A00; TThej hseSeen .Northern Ileme- Z' V - : " - 'cr, ""J a"b b" Southern members m the Na- . ,(--''.' ' l)Uloiise ofRepreeenitire,a5init Ihe whole aiioVnvorlHy eeiee, at all expeneVnf plciUlurantimilr roault.Tbey had stood in tha breach leji. til'liwje,uccat. . h U not by luyieg tling'ratu.Cilly futSuuthc'rff rights, atthtimmmcat' down and dreaming of atony roads, that we get ea. By ttanduig up and actually walking, we nod m ra. al ruHil undcf ourjNl wbteb in time, will .loa4.pt into all made that we are capable of knowiaf latai there t 4 way .more Ibid we cat aver aVeaa t -for dreamt ari but tbq confused remains of what wt already kww.;,;, , ... . '' , 1.,1 ' j y i, j- i ?1 mmmm -' . T .5 SiliTht Journal of tbe AmtrioMi Socaww ttatfct thai ihn imporutioat of Silk into low Bat ted Statot during tbt year ending 80th Septeilb,. 1 839, tmnuntod to neariy $21,000,000, which it ono-fourlb mora thaa the) amount of any item in, ported. . .Tha amount f cotloo (ooda imported waa tlt,6!,397 of iron aillO3lfC05 , of Hrth and raiwimoroa, $TjmjXH ; worsted stuff, f? 025,693 1 other tuaMfacturet of wool, 13,567,161 f one-half tbo value . of ailk and worsted tu(b,tl, 160,043 1 total woolen gnoda, tl ,881.000. lev portatinn of augor amounted to 99,924132 ; Knew 0,731 ,27. - Tbue, tan imperi.tion ol nlk ra nearly equal lo the aggregate of linen and woolen together, aud to one half of ibt otbot impurtatioQt eonibinod' Wri Argnt. ' . ... Odditia of Grtal Mcn The g reagent mm am often allectfcd by tht mvtt InviaT circwflHtaiicea, which bavaNio apparent cooaectWei with Ih erWtt they product). Aa old jrrntlemao nf wnnta we know aometliing, frk secure againat Ihe rramp whan he placed hie shoes. Ion going to bed), so that the titflit shoe waa on the left of the Mt ehoe, and the lot of tbe right next Ut Ibe heel of tbn left. If be did not bring the rihl shoe round the ether awe ia that tray, he waa liable lo tbe cnunp. Dr. Johnson used alwtys, in going up B-4t cnnrt, bt put one foot upon each stone of the paswmmil j rf he tailed, he fell certain the day would be eolncky. Duaon, toe oeieoraiea naiuranai, never wrote nut in lu'l arena, ur. Kouu, ot uuuro, etedieo' at full e inooicaU. - Aa eirnnent livine writer can nev er compote without hit slipper, on. A ceWbrated preecber of the last ceoiury could never make a sermon with his garters on. - A great Germain scholar writes, with hie braeee nd. - RetMr. tbe German critic, wrote hie coaimrntariee on tbmho. clee with a pot of porter by hie side. 'bret lectures at I lie age of it, extempore in L.tim, with hi snulf box conetantly what. band; with out he could not get en. M Come back, that's not lUt road," nid a sturdy land owner lo a man who was ciwasinc hie eetaie. "Do you ken," an id tbt wan, -wbanr Fat gangiog r No," replied tht owner. -- Well, how tbe- devil dV ye ken whether thit bt the road or no V A soldier, who waa once WAeadedJ in battle, act lip 1 terrible 1eStowing. Aw Inabiwan wiw hs -uitr, Wrth hie Wga ahA.oJljrnnwdiaji4y awng oat Bad luck te tbe hkea of ye do ye tlaok luliody " ie kilt but youre If." ' Stlf-Pre ue. W hen yon hear any one wtakin a notat tbuut himself hie saerite end hit-good iualMltlrrhit morocco boot, and new iaehiuned clothes, remember Ibat the pooreet wheel of wa gon always creak, the luudeet. The Srcrtltry of Mirabea i midle him one d. poetibK tmpoetiMe tm rried Mirabfwr;?trtmg from VP chair,"" hevtragsin owr Hatful itk word in my presence." BritutfJ JafureL In LWncfr&bw npenon. that casket of rare and eparktrog cms, we have tbe following beautiful moral deduced fruea the story of tbe hero : " Look not mournfully into tbe past; it ie I bioe. Go Girth to meet Ihe enadowy future, wtthoet fear and wtth-ewieiJy hear." , From tkt Virginia 8tnr, of Doc 18. A merder ef a aauet atrocioea chnrecter, we uaeeratsnd, waa committed in Ihn caaniy of Dm widdie, en 8eodty snormng last, hy Jeremiah Conway, on tht peraon of Edward Leww, a young maa only aboet 19 yet re ef age, wne, el the time when the murder we com -wi ted, readej with Conway 'a family. ; It appearo that Lewis had dressed himself with the intention of going la church, and wat in the act el sfepping eat of Ike portico, heeieg hie back turned toward. Conway 'a cnember-door, whan C ad ra need within a lew stew of kin, having gea heavily charged with buckshot, and fired, when Lewie (til, havmg r received tha antira contents of the won in tie neck " . ' w and been pan or fcit eeT"Toa lf tpfioeabte caust aengned for the pet set rat ion of tbt. dreadful act wet raluualy -en the part ef Cnwwayr lie has- Km many year been a taember ef the Mrtaodnt Church. kfterlhe net wtt coivmitted, Conway mad. no effort lo escape, and, when qeeetioned io relation to tht murder, positively declared thit he knew nothing a boat it. He kt been cnmmitled lo Ihn put of Diawiddit eoenty, where he awaita hit trial for thia owtrageous tct. -Tip tit r.tlrrt Ctfr ) irgmL. THE SOUTH. Georgia, Maryland, North Caroline, Lou mane, Mimiaaippi, Ttnneaaee, and Kentucky, all slave holding hUatea, have played into the band, ol tha Abolitwoiats, at the. lata alection, and toted tor Harrison. -Thit it a matter of eurprive, no less to the Abolitionist, themselves, thia to the Democrat ic party. Tbt followers of Garriaon, at the North, did not expect tny thing to favorable te thekcauae at Iht Southern aupoort of General Hairiann. They kneWtktt the Democracy of tbe North had been, of old, the M natural allies of the South," tnd Ihty hid tetn. too, this same Democracy erect- ,n ""'f tatnm ndr, 1 Knn ehitH,yVrit of Nmthern tupporters, to prevenf sq unaoeexciiament innre iq rewiin io antnnero aleve'ryl They had heard these IVmocrsIs do 'rmuiteed (br so 4itg by tht -Pederalieta generally, -' ;anu mreaieneu wmi oenrai wnenin.y returnM to their w constituent. They had witneaued alT thia and therefore we ny,they did nLanticipaie, at the lale election, any thing oa theort U ihe RouthbuT open hoetility ta Gen. llarruoo, The DcmrnrcV; turely had equahreawMi te expect a ...i . ,js '- ii ; . i 5' I ' ' i i - i 4! - ; W i . I I S i r. P. ' 4--