V i : ' t JJ Portkal Depart xncnt. 'LUI OUKJT fC4KU AT HIDOU eT0M.' THE LOST STAR. . ( L I. MUM, A lif'it Ini pone from yonder aky, A etar hit left iu ephere u The beautt'uland do they die In von bright world here t ' . Will that tier leave lonely place A darkneaten tbe nightf r r ' , Wo! tew will miM ita lovely face, , Aed amw Ibjak beavea leae bright ! What watt tboo-eur of 1 vaoiahed one ! What mystery waa thine t Thy beaut; from the East ie gone , 4 What waa thy away and etgnt . ' , , Wert tboa tke etar of opening youth 1 . . ,.- And ia it ttfon for tbee, Ita trank clad thought, ita etainleaa truth,' ' '" 80 early ceaae to be ! ' 'm"' 'Of hope t-i-and waa it to expreea JJ. :, : Hoar aoon hope ainka in abide, " Or elee ofhutuan lovelineaa , ' ' ", la eiga bow rt will fade ltow waa thy dying hk the eong, r.t la untie la toe laet; ' ' -1 .' . , ,Ad echo flung to the wind among,, . 1, And then lorever paatl , -n Of did thou aink aa etara whoto light , . . The bir moon render vara 1 ; (r-i 1 1 The tiMOt krUi tbe neit dark night Thoa did'at uot akioe again. , - 1 , Dtdat thou fade gradual from the time, The Brat great curee wei hurl'd, ' Tilt loA in aorrow end in crime, , i Etaf ofouxeeily worldl ;, ,.; '. " . Forgotten tad departed atari 1 . A lboiand gtorioue ehioe wi,-., Round the blue rwdnighl'a regal car ; . ho tbeo redieiubera Utbef.-r-Seve when tome mournful bird like me . Dreamt over beeutr cone. " And in the fate that waited thee, '' Reade what will be hie own. OLD W1STER IS COMING. Old winter ie coin hi g again alack liow try and etJd w bet ' . a lie caret nut a pin for a ehiverinjbfk, A. lle'a a aaocy old chap to white and black, . lie whiatiea hi chilU with a wonderful knack, : r"or a illy old fellow ia he ! A witty old fellow thia winter ia; A mighty old follow of glee. He crack bia jokee on the pretty aweet Alia. Tbe wrinkly old inaidee until to km, ' And freoaea the dew of their lipa fur thia , ' la the way with euch lellowe aa be ! Old winter'a a frolickaofne blade f wot ; . He ia wild in bia bunior and tree i . He'll whittle along fur Ue want of thought,' And aet all tbe war of our fur at nought. And ruiBe the lacea the pretty girle bought; Fee a frolickaome fellow ia be ! Old winter ia blowing bia guete along, And merrily ahaking the tree 1 . From morning tiM night he wHI aing hia tone ; . Now moaning and abort now bowling and krtig, ' Ilia ? oice ia loud fie- bia luaga are atroog , 1 A merry old fellow ia be! . Old winter'a I wicked old chap I ween . Aa wicked aa ever you'll aee ! '. lie wither the flowera o freali and green And bile Uie ptt nowe of the Mitw of ajjiteen, Aaahc flippantly walk in. maidenly alieeu A wicked old teltow ia he! Old winter' a lou.'h old fellow for blowa,, Aa lougit a ever youSI ace! He'll trip up otOtroltera, and rend our ehrthea, And atitien our limb from, finger to toua lie mimla not the cry or hie friend or hi foea: A drivine- old fellow at be ! ' . . T . A cunning old fulow m winter tbey aay, 7 A cunning old fellow ie be ! ' V He peep in the ere toe day by day, To aee bow we re paaawg our tiine away, Aud mark all our doinga horn grave to gay I'm afraid ha ia peeping at oie! . k SSvaf'aJKOSc waya take plara oo electitjo ground. A one oil MM polla ut ibia towualtip, on (ue 13tn,a rreocli ceotieiitan, w ho bad juai been naiuralixed.'bad hit right of audrae dwputedroo odering to vote. " I ebaileiige ou, atraaidjj puliticiaa ai tha window.'""' " fret bieo vafw well mo fight you ami re aoy liioa ven reu pleaee, aaire die vara otomeut , naire, vea Tare depoatl tat joy call 'emaaire I ooe vote one) feetke ticket, fwiro." Tbe challenge not being accepted, and an ei pUuatma truauiiig, the old Dona purteau, who had juat wwbJrawu hu alltiianc Irom ttwtpreaut auvereign of tbe " Graude Nation," departed with hia uaual tfonkome, not little pleeeed with hia firat xerciaa of ooe of the peculiar right of an American citueo. Uermamtowm Ttkrupk. - . j 1 . The M Laird of Logan " relatea a pleaaant eto- rv, ill u4 ralmv the toieeriea of priotara. An old and reeurcteblt printer, in GUwgow, waa andiy bothered with n apprentice who could or woold not be initialed into that portion uf grammar which treat of the proper ditpoatlKMi of letter into -wonk. Oae trey iiw preawrted euch ehockingty inaccurate pruof, aa made hot ntaater, aAer etanog with amazement, take the apuctaclee from bur noae, and give ibe Allowing recipe: 44 My maa t jual gnng home thia night and tell your milker to boil Fulton MlJiiiiglil'i dicti'JUry in jnilk. and take it for your inier, ae that ateme the yoly way - you U ever get apeiiing yui 11110 ye.- A caaa wa tried lately at New OrVn, ae w learn, from tlie American, iiivotviot' the uaeawn nf rhu owireialim vt aie eeewi. rah ip 1 ' " So cotitrndtciofy wa the evidence, ' that , the y ' venerable Judge, in order lo aetrju Ike eueetion, .'.,'. ordeied the gerae to be lurue(Muto ibe Creel, and "".'";" appointed two iftikeri of the Court to watch Uieir '' OHHiot.t. If the ge went to lh . houae of tha ' - , , y a plaMi(, he w .ato wvconaidered lb owner if to , '' " -V, ' he deftmlaiii, then tfte caM waa la he oWidei ie ' : 1 ' 'the dilundjni'a favor and no further dupuie-. ; ' '(. ''Tfca geee on leing let iti, made their war to V i W'i1 pwldfe, where all if litem re , -v ') -wt V:. ?1tIW tneiw4Ve'nll diy, and the .M'iutefligimce .waa, "that U cy hdi oof ivaclted the ttouM of either ft"?... 1. . t Oig " I rw jrod Ofie," aaid a withered .- !! 4jKh.ua Jan lidv tbe other ttibt at a party. ''WV F ,MI' WhyV0-i:iiHc" lie ''j'beiriif, jfcii luutao" If I did et,7 wat the rather .'iljnatoired feplyf Ilg i wtllnot regard it aa vem4.a'i,tril' for Lolieve mc, tltigl an old man, ' iuj'. ill or i)B Toune erniii nutm." . . vjWiitf '" r. ., ,v: . . v fur every 1ih infirmity take pVX their1 Jit.Wn 60 rather impair t 1 '"ry liJlt are rajnr t ' ..ra Vr ' rn if. We find in Dickaon 'a lat wofk, the Old Co- rioaity Shop," the following hit at the lawyer; u Aa doctor ecldorn take their own preeeriptim,, and divinea do not alwaye practice what they preach, eo lawyer are ahy ol meddling f ita the law on their own account, knowing it to be ,dgd tool of uncertain application, eery evpvwwive the working and rather remarkable for ita proper- -tiaa of clone ahavmg than fur ita alwaye nbavrnj the right peraoo." Ouiom fin the. name of Pareoric he Vre, aV ' moat exclusively administered fW? eara toet the nereea and at ill reetleae children. Mar, noor infant haa auflered death bv tbe ad bmuiki ra il on of thia deadly drug and bmumt a atupid brad and atupified peraoa haa it .at into the world; w toapeaVof the rmiltitudee it haa aerrtat twinre their time. It ia a moat deadly drug, mai ewene, to destroy the vital action' of tin eyitem. Hab ere who hea with their children while yotmf ! refuas to admilliirter thia anietiiir but puteontwa opiatojwjll be great gaiwswtheend. Smart far m La&Z-A centiemaiir who wae 1 ahort liroe.aJiice' Uavelling ia ihe.State Waiae, . a J . aaaa a - a. inquired t a little lad, uy wav ot teaiing u ywr ttf r'a knowledge, if he could tell him what Slate he waa in. ; A.' ' '. ", " Yea, air replied thehoy -It coaler be caflol Maiite, but it ain't nothing oow,w . 1 Nothing youiay bow tan that he T" , Why, 'cauee tt?e ateppod awt 4he State haa goue for Ilarriann, cleen oot aw j awl they doit '1 eipoct it back for lour ) ear. . . ' New Dieoeerie$. G rarlB naotbr," au i fhi ioaopher in frock; and trpwaera, " we awuat eMaas to ibciaion at the apei.aod creata a)curreMiidiag aperture at the baae, to apply it to the ta, and wt ine nra innawiion ine couieuis are im. v iivaj a wm villaVa ww wa aw wa-a- anrla and eucked it. Well, 1 ilra, what priileea the children now-a-dave have 1 M Hriatul, will your Balaam of iliiir-huand care a old r , Certaiuly, air it if arf :.nifalUbat MaUw ' "You will oblige me, then if you. will give tlie weather adoae," ' , - Y " Get out, yM impertineirt puppy. An orpkan backing. -Ami thowAwbe lia4 till a father and mother, thank God tr it. in the day when thy aoul ia full of glad tear, and aweoa boaom wherein to.ahed theat." ' s Tilt AlARkET?. AT SALISBURY. JANUARY 8, ls4X con. Beef, Brandy, (peach) Do (apple) Butter. Beeewaa, Bale Uope, Cotton, (cleaa) 8 a 10 Iron,' ' 4Ja7 a a 44 Lard, al a. UohMaea,, 3ea 30 a 85 Naik ?Ja lal2UJata, J .liatt Ma 30 fork. ' 4J a 18 a 2 Rice, (euait) ' tH 10 a 12J Sugar, (brvwa) Iff a 1IJ 8a m (kmu I'sasv Corn, 25 a Cofleek - 14 a IS Flour, . $4 25 a M 50 I Do(aack) fiT f4W pjteel,(blMe Ml Feathera,- 35 a 871 Defcaat a Flaxaeed, 60 a Ito Oil, ,100 rraiiojv, ta IWbiekey. 9a AT FAYETTE VI LLC, DECEMBER 36. Brandy, (peach) Do (applv) Biuon, Bueewax, BiUer,' Bale Rope, Colfee, Cotton, Cvtloo Bagging, Corn, ' a50 40a43 ba 10 13 a 20 8 a 10 laUij UaBj iWa'-ii 40 i 50 Fntbera, Lard, MoUaaea, Naik. -: srtTbtHften" rri a 44 fiaia -a83 Do (a) ttt.vw sq Kupx.(rwa) a 12 Jto (leMf -r .. M Do (loaQ a-l!0 Tohaeco, (leaf; 4JaS Caodloa, lTiWfaeatVf n liMfcey, fr.IJ a t50 Wool, AT CHERAW, & O, DECEMBER 30. 14. Beef, (ace, ree) SaB Floen S - 3iwaM Bacon, Butter. tjalO 15 a 30 iKaaUeri, .0ai LanLtacaree) 11 a 124 Beeewax, 'JO a 25 Motaaata, '3ia5v ABffging.-j,.,..-s kbjut -ll Bale RopeT 10 a 12J Riee,(10Uiba) Mtfj Cttfleey. vrjai n IA- jstoifiwHWejj'!f--j: Cotton. ' " 6 a j .Salt, (aaek) ' gST vtaTav, wiw 1 at swm; re J fj STATE OF NORTH CAHOUXA, i . DAVIDSON COUNTY.; Court of 'piiai and Quarter StmUmt, Xanmher Term, 1840. George Miller ) . ' AttacbmenL William Northern. IN this caer, it npoearing In the aatkcu.ai ef the Court thai the Defeiiaiit, William Nurtberw, hath abaoondod or ae conceal tuanerlf that tbe m duiary proceae of the Law cannot be levied wpon him ; It ia, therefore, ordered by the CMt,inat publication he made tor ati weeie in the Weetern Carolinian,, for the aaid William Northern to ep pear before the Juxticea of our Court 4 Pleae aud Quarter tteeaiooa, at the nest Court, iu be LeJd Jur aaid County at the Cart-UuMe in LnmUm am Ibe aecond Monday in February next, and freleev. or Judgment, jwe eamftua, will be awl ore d agmtuat bHB) and tlie property leviea;eei CaMtdeajaueal e the eattaiacttoo of the I'lauitifT eeW. -Teat CllAJiJOaL. Dee. 4, 1 840-6 PrwWa toe i --Tics' TwreVletitw . rnHEiraviTUnommenrTere Hv r . al rimla-j t N,laribar at now ttinn 4a lect rrom Mel J,.h way of Fittehoro ami Aabbara' a Nalmbery, ia email Nufyrn amde CoachnaveTtlw it order; leaving Raleigli'vgUonday and 'Jliwrndayaat 10 A.- M.f arnnnj m etaltatajryincKt day at in F, K, Leaving Saliabury ou Tadj.aiT'rar at 2 A. it arflvme m Rx'cigh etdk 111 f. i - lit boreee are good, and timer, eariHNilnvrv careful and accommuirating. J(,)fX JDcLEAXr - : Feb; 12, Irm. . . N, E tk'at aeiiirej at the?Tnid"i' Ilrfrit aj. .-. . -Ca 1' WILL eell, a Trute ufj-.hu nird. lt aj TRACT ( LAND.L- wuhinone ibileuf tbe town of Blitf r'rci4jlau 1 '-.! ta ;'"0acfea.- Tltere ia 40 Aer tlnHtt 13 Acre-1 f which I a .! UwlliJirT i:,,t e- "-..-jri.ra.K-i am er tits; uitunuc. TaU- t rnjMahk f -n arawml ian awie U-m ai e mm aa Bu oiJ tbc w J1, ad be re. am'imre uirww-w Kmwj " oauHuv? ..nil aii gMnr Vlmrn. 6 maim m'' no, Will Ihr jniimwij an hkot r- n.. .n .- - . ' I'luiB awgiuaaj awueal about that 4ib ef aiiU aa at aaiirfttoewl aumoea at auhaaaibeea m tiiuanwa Se l mTBJUrr A eaimut ae nWl . jHirWiW an. dbatawAwitt awae. iM,ulorUMr aifmBi aipyanaL Bariin-- SSmtm TLimm mVi, KeBiewRiH newHoia ar mot- --- IwiUl tai fyuiamat wee ,a aJKaflaaa.; uauur wilt k r-ua Wl8 , asra-wwtawMk.tlt-inw na C aiUMcaiUadl wtM aw be aufwawd 1m ilramnw a vartrmuar u nnfJo fbrir MrBH WB. iwejl mjrC!ituaaal aalL.iigvavcuria.fr etlin. T53 aam&wfwrmalma Anwiawwaator ef MV fato 1 Paa. Aaaiia.iawaaaWaaOawwaaaaoiw cAsiroEf off1 Etmsaaxs ivevcnigWttoCieaacef At JaeeiWo- A con eadnaaUde ataaaawaef aWmilflwiwawiato b Dr. JkttMM leaaaaoir waHk aaaarik 1 tmtmOM at CmaUL JMrnr. tieowr, Ora, 1 aa autar r JUct1 euauaami avawteetoit fiwwt lie aiaawtj wiua' anMaevutiBrj ; bewJi!anaoi 1 V- Wtiwiw4 tfrtw Caanoc StmuntLs pmtiuuf, r Strtfirarr wnnwViwi aaiwit fe miwrhimerhe aa aaart 'm 4ww fcwe fartitor ami aotiltnuaiiaa be, ham a ti lamier- I The e3haa walB By auW aw auww a eaoona ) iie maae aranr tw adSnanil it UV , x jE jidlrucil iuming; wbiBMieda ahe- ue 1. T. tM mTmrnma 'dur CimcC Let. jteeead AfliiinaWinw mat wiw Ewmw of ljwrnrn 4aa4"A,awttaVaa awatMM taWaJboaal a the j , eecmi ftewmrl aaul aaa&ar-amnanhat pay- awarv ta Cmcr'i9mW' &a etaf ; ami tboae , 4mmm f mw miii c aawtf AiO.apam itom iMlMMt; f nn miii c Mf . AiO.apm itom I .iUuti.tM liasB af a law. kajhiry auTinmneadJ ear aha autoe wul I fflnwl at hmr n rftotrr- mtev.. . ia,. V UiXU.X, AJwr. SateO)cey.36w.I. !. - w L UOWAXoUOTEL fit's I ItlMi jaaeJai eil thai emit loawat atal lung annarbuntaaa autoia: OMMaar. (UkMiNa be (hit aVItnr I'tWaiiaawta S" ilHBuara. SuCCaifeua rumih aiul tint public iiCiKiatla.ew mBW iraama arMtit tie atte rer !aaatear aTi'iaifr ia aaa ktaaxaVi a. - 1 UmTst&t ami HaTwdl a auppTwnf: with; the- 9RBtatafa4elJfKitl I rTlatemtawaljinl ImteeftTifiM MHrr j Mttm m tu jaaant aiiail hat waoriua V general I 1 tnJaaAtaw a ail! ana aaam fhwe kawa wlb ciUI. Saaarv.&aawSk lvdL ItiE minmsiiM biMUK; pueebaaeif thia -. a. LjiuuMuaumi awl. itUniO. tu aivl : r ifwsur mauHmiam uf Tr eflrr and , trr. 1 , im 1 i aaaawa) paitpaeed a then reevp-J Hon. i ttlEX auU.aataa 5 rnraudiait" " WiUl tkaT beaal vr nUlkct caa aSdrdl his SLR vjA n fu aurraia or cuoiee Liuu; hial tBOSwaiaaiiatfarrt;aWkm;H - aIhiaiar;wBrrafiar u bvwi man i "TTr "fcii "" I 4ie1ma.aOiwtlaaama arne- laaaoiiaavin ar - ! aL . 4-ue wttariiQUanilu.aU. ku, uit aavnehtin wuh jltoia ita. 1 enfv aalta a e!f and Mt CXLDCIXCCIL Lea.mrwm,aLC.r-8i TL. ISlUt . ' ToiLcPubnt . - 0 TTE muBuaamal a ianaanSifly infftewn tiat Pbh laygUot anrf aen aniflangngyat neewtyaug eai Rlennaradi atwml awKuaaant eaaney-.nene- Chute IIbiHh irm aTdittTu-, Fogy-flatter j ttinnmii ii rfVua, aHjea waau Lig ttmatLa at lite :VaaaaawaajftourMia;aai at nWte anaeiHing paa 'nuaaal amnifttwa. aytOer wr!b thenr tnnr ampreve. laweat an himar aniiiMn wf Tannings b be- utile to ieunnutoraaaaj Leadbetr ef Httnue jteJity . and im ' aa dbna atewaai aw eanr eandn an aha ewunrry.' Tij artaw mr nm hamai m aarw kraa ami ae jaaaur awa ef LaiuiWe.an nit hiwfavwhiHkthey i nee etoaewttaeff aeffkug nmuaeaiir ttma hW cudlr. wr m ewMV Wa yMtemna! diniftiaai gQ" Pay and arena llntoa atuatm eneMae I. Lt-at tote. Jk.to mm be anaanvaaa anawv arurev DOienmnitnr tVfUne a aaia ffrnm eigfta an Iwenre 4Iata va ryim avajMoaSnx earn. ..,., . . . tyTiwrw aiawa bmm wihhna pnrcheae LrwrW, a c wat.ava uiia naota aaucia nelure i jmachnaJi; iWjatn.- - . , Caava Cav. i I r i . - lb," - . r Tffl ft l..lf trHltma CuajntV, i'ut 1 1 i wa Wy. who ' ku amee. ia Tl K, ami lua( he aafttn-' aa l&tury iff atukUttMl, who Tut ! rfin " tir !if in the Stale ol Gcerxia. Si aa a wet tikf mofttto, five i Pv4 n avmiaie hijiV-hrftk a whew coMMUrited jamnntf snann aaai m pvw . J Tne '' ut ry -" h cmtie fiireaad; prove 'jtr ner i.fwt ciUareuJeaWhiawaway- . - - . ... .. , ... L. . . U )t.v aw, Vcr bale Utrc. it J-c r r V: PROSPECTUS oe tub. h ie propoaed to eatabliali, in the Town of Charlotte, ftKkleuburg Count. N. ti, a weekly neWVpaper, a uetueabueuile,tobe edited and publwueu by tbe nbatribee. , The publicalaw of the - Macauwatiao laramafmaii a urilf nunmwtnCat bv the let ot January next: er ae aooa aa materia la can be prucureu. i be prigted with eolirely new and fair type, on paper ot the boat quutiiy, and anurded to aubeeriueta tUClW w adaaoce, (0) tae receipt of the tin nuuiberj or not pviai in flfjvioCTa " " ' i': ., The preient ia lb Brat eflbrl that hal been made to -eatabliah aa organ at the birth place ot American In dependence, turough which the uoclrim-eol the IJentc entic party evuld be freely promulgated and Uelended u wbwk the great principiea w wuenv mm - hifh th ibiuaWa the JeOuk and their nerota asMipaUioto perded liteir all. on the SUtb AUy, 1775 euaidfUl at all Uioea aa uaehriuktog advueaue. Ita , toeeaaa reate chiefly wito tbe Kepablicaa party ot Hue leuburg and 10 them, and the Ot poWieane ot the euf. oaading country, the appeal m now made for aupport. Tit iMveaaauaiaJi wtil aaeuine aa IU political creed, tbaaa buaamarka ot liie Kepublicaa party, the dortiinea aetlxtla u ine Kentucky and Virginia UvaolutHMia baueaingv aa Ibe iimleraigotid doea, that the aurtMre Ummi aauera. who bure a cowpwooua part w training mr ayateoa uf Iwverurueut, wore boat uuliad to band down puvteruy a eorretl etpuaitioB 01 11a irui aHiu the beat jwlgee ol' what powera were deletratcd by, and wnatreaervdto,tliebUiea. It win oppoae, aa dangeraua to our tree inatitutiona, theemnt ot mtmufttt, which baa been atealibily, but teadily laxreaaMg in the country from the liaiUMatiu) of uur Uwernutent. The moat aalioue feature m thia yleu k that A roba tbe ai, tmftrctjuMf, u en rwa toe raw: It ckjtbca a lew wcalu.y inumiduala with power ant unly to cootrol the wagearUie labor ing man. but alau at their pleaaure to luflate or ut-preaa the ewunaerce and kawioeaaof the whole eouniry ea aitijf oaotritat eaweeairance, which it leratinatea in pwcaaiary ruin, and too Utea too moral dugraoauort of tt rtctinm. Thuaytea atuat be thoroklf rrrw td butore we can bopa to aee aettied prtMprity atuile alike upon all our cttixeoa. To-aid in pruUueiug thia rtfarm, wIU be one of the main obj'ecta uf the Jwek aaaiaAV It will war againejt txduiwt frtttfrgr, or fmrtttU trgvdalvm, unuer whatever guu grauied by our Lrgteiaiuree , aud, tberetore, will oppoau the char arog ot a United Btatae Bank, Internal Improvement by tne Federal Government, a revival ol the Tariff 7em. and the nw Federal acbcweuf tba Uvneral tauvernmeut aiaumiag to pay to fort'igu moueychau gera the laa kundrtd mtilwHM of ddtluiQ burrow ed by a few SMelea lur total purpuaea. " .". Aa a qeueUon of aital importance to tbe South, and wtucb, from varioua cauaea, m every day aaeuiuuig 'aiote muutenbiu and lul aapeotolne Jumcaao. Max will amp it readeregularly aud accurately ad ad im the auhiect ul Vtlief a AbuiinooaMt. It jouat he evident to all Candid ubaervera, Uial Jim pary. taa pranaea ot the bkjjjh have hitherto jbtn toe ettoot apnaj that aunject. Vvnhalt, therefore, without liar ot bemg denouoeed ae an aUnuuK, tond our buutbtemid ia aamat aa awakening ne reupk of tbe rial lb to due vigilance and a eanaeor tbeir real dangaaw - , wane a punaia) ul vm culauiiia ot tbe Jimuimouif will be devoted to poiilical daicuaaioo, the, ,'ual mta mtauf MormU, iMttelwt Xg rtcutturt, aod Hie Jie jraaaie .Xrts, aiall nut be aeglemed. ' With the tnutceat aviecuooa on uwaaj auojnci,aiiu a uutttuttiy or ligrti reading, the fctlilor bo pea 10 reuder hwbl agreeable at avvaJMbHLUI ;ijuaejo iCeJ. 4 Inter a ll aaoar. addrMMtd. moMlart tmiJ. I llu Etlnor ut' tbe Jefllrauntan, C'lttrk.ltc, A. W.," will be pnaopt,Iy complied with. ) , ' Auy peron who will procure aubaeribera, and be m.piawble U their aubicripttoua, aftlll have a number of the pVr gratia. ' t . , fcirtbe' namea . aud ubcnptaia JOS. VV. HAiiFI'O.N. yovouibtr , 1CT. -y.. MolTatVYegelaUe UKY'iUs 'IMl K h..h eebniy wbanh heee dxujr have acquired, tu curing 1 : .wiiaiiweii4.irtaf! - aoaltont iin-i raauiipiaiai - iat aluw.at every , dweaae to which, the human frame ia liawie, ie r 1 . . ... L . I :. .-tt. y f"" " 1 " " , lueir iruil .heir goo wwrtt neeevwinrer ior tmm-tney cm IhH thrive by lite lattfl of the credutooa. ' In cianf of Cotieueaa, Dvaurpaia, Dilioua aud Ler Ai&clbmi, Anlluua, File,' oell!e4 ' Fain, II i Rjustrti-Hiwu, Fever aad Ague. Obatiuale Head. ache. Impure atnte of the Fluid, Unhealthy Ap- r . . . .. ueae inrtoent to Fenaxlea in Delicate Healthy, every kimf ef Weekneae ol the Digeetive Urxnn, and in aQ getaaralDeraiij;euient ot Hualih, ihee MUDI. t'l.NEd hare to variably proved a -certain aud peedy remedy. TVy reatore vigdroti health la tne muet eihauatml conetitutione Atdgle trial wul piece the Ur U FILLS and FUCLMX U1T.. 1 L&o beyond ibe reach uf eutupetiiion, in the c timalai of every aMlieiit. - , Frepnred and aoid, wholesale and retail, at W M.' R. MOFFATS Medical OlLce, S75 Uoattwa, Sew-YMrk. . N. B. Nun hid genuine Uuka lltey Lnlu talaf 'MtallfO III efCnIVM M'rTll "eWJtliTllfTi ... . - A. &CT The LIFE Filet am auld in bon Prten ii eei.la, 50 ceota, and f'i Waco, acenrd ng iw tbe mtt ami the Pitobui Uiliere in bottle, ml It ur $2 earh, with full Uiiecttoir. . , Thetm Valuable. Medteinea are ftTaale by at tX)tiuVi,fihlitt.rj. fcl'UlNUS i Mil.NKLrJ. CoecurV, jY. C. FOR GRATUITOUS DISTRIBUTION An itwiafaMeUattd lllllat Half p'tlfltaj aVl MEDICAL M A.N UAL, Guide to Health utrtaiuiij; accurate uJurnmlioo euncernNig tbe VJMwt prevalent itheii, aifl lite mttet ttfpfueed rvnmlKa by M ii. MOFFAT." Apulf in the Ageiila. . ,-- -r , ..Moury, N. O, October U, 1540. i CAmNimWOM.' 'I HE BuWriber ii.rorma Ihe puhlte that he coulinuea Ihe Cabitirl-.TJaLIn; .. . Iuni:UttSy ' IN THE VILLAGK OF. 1S0RTII CAROLINA. yfW aiaJf. ... JUi' LEXINGTON, lie ie prepared to execute a'J deatriptuma of work tri hia line of butiuea in a very etipenur atyfe, aa re sard workinaiiaiiipanJ neierial,(uJ certainly on ft'uirr' trrau than ut afforded by any ether eatob-, liitnent of the kind in tin te'gion of country.. Order from a diatauce tbuuklully received anj J prtMiiptly ami toitlifully evecuied. V ' .' ProdiKe, Stiautliur aud Flunk taken in exchange for work. - NATHAN PARKS. uwtington, rco. 7, ! 9 PRCi.nnr 3 ' ' ... ' t r TBI Western Carolina TPIce'.Ucocatc. A m-nthtm paper Jttnttd In Ihr Temprrtnrt R'forrL , Vablahtimt Atlmtillt, N. C, and tdittd BV Dl R, M'ANALLY. A TsrAsca CoarasirioN that wn finj .1 ,1.;. place early in Ck'ptetnhrr, r-M)lved on pultlalung a p. per of the above title and rliar(i r,"nd iikmiiii (,' John Dickaon anil). R. At' Anally to conduct it Frnrri ine many prrwing rnra(remenig, ur. Uickam alrrady haa, hefdeeuia M unpracliciMo forhim to b roi7iiii- aa one of tke eUitore, Ihuugb fie will cheerfully am all hie ihflueace vtberwiar-, to pnimuia iu huereafi the aubacriber ttwretore, proceed, (o name thai rrumetu u ww uiat ne wui 1 auted n the umlettakirj, by all Uie frtciMl nf the Ti mperanca witx w cwniry. aiwuiiiH th0 paiier nmt aoon hate an eitcnaive eircutatHm. : ' , .,, friends of tke Timprmrr Cava to vou we n.t kit a mint earnert appeal while ihouaanda upon thou, aaoda of dollar are annually expended it theatroe, at circuaca. at the race track, at g mcerien, while no paina are aparcd, the luxury of trturement and eate foregone, and Do labor dwmed too eevele to advance Ibe intnr- t ot poinical aapiraotr, can you not da awnetbing i a cauav that mutt be dear to every true patriot, philan thmpittand ctirtotinn 1 Recollect era are but few, very few, euch paper in all lb . tWhrrn country. The Weatere part of North Caroiim, the W ektera part 1 V irgiaia, ana tbe fcaatern part ol TennnMe particu larly, need I perwiiical vt Una kind, and tt ia lot nm now to aay whether they ihalj have it. . , A; Tbe very low price at which it waa CxM hi tha ConvetilMHi, will tnake it neceaary, that a verylergif Mitocription be liad. befiwe the publtcatain of it can bo juttified. '- .. . ' ' : ( TEK-ViH, ( ' ,Te Water Comtina ftmperattet UWaf will bepublmlM-d 011 a medium alien, in rjtwttu lonit, each, number making eight paew, and will be TurntehH at tbe Very low price of Fiky f ' rpT. Where air, gle eotuet are ttken, the nnfil muH N matie inrt-' riabiy upon the reecpttoool the hrt aumher. t (pj lwtmaatera, editortdr publwhraet ppra, anrl 5 all liniaterof tbe (npek trn aniiuriH nt. strru;Tii:.T to im; a,on:v Protprctnt fwtke Omgrfuiontl CtoLtenJ Afpemlijf, - Tlieae worka will be uuhlieitcd hvn. ititriiur the anl pmachine ntBinrf of Uoiurreaa. 1 m bate hail ..cl. tWKto eirculatum in" the tnit.-d Stnirr, ami rfiftr owtul. net and cuoBpit.,- are o univetaany , kiM MgKrf, llial we derm it uiibecevaty lo gn- a uteild aorounl uf what Uf lulur :iumtT wilt contain. jSomoi it i Haty, tltat they will be imaluaulo, to all Who le a 10 . lertnx irrino procceauiga u t4Migrea. AotHhur Hib licattnn givea iheui o Mil, nor itail'ao vlteap. k ai, ln deed, toe cheapen puuliielMat in the Uuilrd SUlaa pv(b lu llte Uwala ,lef i(khi at the teatoflio. vernthent, enablra u4o Uiput ut, en .w a ft lav we ro eutnpeueil lo puulirb 4he irfec4iiiti ia' Con- g( m faHa4, tor our oty pauei. I hi mate, it re. tntAcoinpralively, hot a uf II expene to Change litem la ifle fvm of Ute Cmgrewaetui tllol and Ap ' peiMlix. 11 tt were nut M tittae tinuu.Maeo, we ooubt ik piiitlwh Ihent lur lul tiuiea the mm dtargrd. laeteoe paroi ine uiai Mata', n.a 'wMtfl paper, aptin wbti'h Uieae wukaatv prtieltiiild all tor a much aa w charge tor ihe pcblicatuira.' Tbe CeacrrMtoeW Wot t mm p t.f the'daily ' HOceedMfaul tbd l llilH OtnYtL and ll.a iMUyaun att-wnpTtruut aubjeet are given, k t pub. nance aa bum at tna anatfteaa of the two Hotteaa afivrda matter emaigu torn number;. Fjicb number Will con tain wxieeu rwyal nuie pagr, 14' ent-ll Hpei: tt e expert m pufiib(bre 0't.u t tor evury t'u week ot t e araaton f T.e Apptmtli mnUin. tt trMH-Wwaof ll iftCruteta at luil li'iigth, wnuvu m.t if thitivea arffw printed M Uteraa.Mf l.wni a tiie-tsreaainiujt titobti. it at - jmldiaU-d at lal a Ut 1 acu-a can tw'i.r.-psretl Ul the fuVinber. " " ... Kach of tlieae work ia complete In iteeH- But it if Jeairebie for verv aohacriber bt neve both; brauea, :f inrre euuuiii ne amoifoity m III 'eynnpate of a peerh u.stle.bmjaMaeuaJ rettoew, h u.i uc ruk.,vU bl ottce. by rek-utni in the eerrtTthr'-AFiHndir?";" ; p.r. - Imteaee tn hair are -r to uSrrnr m aiai Va Ihey cmbe jepaJ, alKf the e.!jmrfti...itl of tun. grea. "" ' For one copy f Ue tVoi'rdnnl UiJt. 1 ' . al -Fwt.eupy nl he Appeii&-T"mB-mi-'- -ix ropiaa of Wheri-Ttrri'saT tf.Vtti iTI ..,.r U $2, iwl4itetor aJlt,'M'r-)rriV,4it5 nuatt"" baWf ieH rg Mtfav"--.-.,..- Faym ib may be IrauwiiUed be ml hh'jm mM. at our riak. Thwaoteevf aav Niciejui-iuO twk m the United Htatea, current in the at-fcUUi t4 ccxiutre mimw m wMcnm nutwra. wt;t pe rvcvivte. -Te- toaure ell tfe net;r,The ttOKfipIiohe tttouIJ" t here by the 14:n of Decemeer t tirthrat. The Demeeraiic D4aerd with wbnrh. wa 4? It hart ft will ptoue give tbm 1'ru.pfdo i . ntiar. OO Ae nttemian mill be pmid to a. r aeVM rk atoar necntdpmiiiti '. - - . '' - CLAIR eT WY1X Waaltiugton City, No. k lii. . " - " 7 r Boo ISuidirt; " 1 N10KM9 Ihe nuUiie th .t Imi aldt , 1 Uai taat Mil IIIAK Norih Carolina, tow doer aouth t f Hie Aliui- lUniij,'. ai hu cHcrie, a thorough knodil f hi huatueat, ha fail m ltituli ij 11 auri i Ihoae who My wiah to pfoitt-e him, ihai thtir wrk hall be done in the very' Ur i to, atruy, an ! on 4;coiniiMklatiitg tcriua i " . . .. . 4Wfc and wtltwr arrietr 1 awr ft nut yctfliiice'Wr he 4k mud, atll be pruuituly etluHled ft and rare. lully returned when d.iue. J'Lo public nre lef-iieaU :d tu give ute a iriuU , ., , - ' . i'''lJ'-k at ilte WtVeru CaruIittuirf ClL -cat will be. 1 urtctuully torwaided for Cn:niktuai. Chartotte, Feh..?, ltl(;. . ' . . . r ' TO Tim wiIPIilc.;. tutJluLS AIOFF AT-JJTll f Iff SuUriWtolMaMhwfnetked nf tifbrmitin oVetgrn d at a Deiuoatic I l'o!lic, th it be atill euttiaue to carry 00 Hit be amcae of . auiiat,at bit Ci4otti 4tary, acven mi lea" South rf JJaltabury, i,ir Cie Lhariww n ri., hrr he i able to tj,0y .I) ,mU l JUILL.STU.Vj2J cf that beet grit, and 0.1 thy tlww uotite. . - - - , Bate. the lowett prieea, I . WKVDOW MILUL-DOOU SlIj.H.DOOR KTEr , iU)i;oii iu;j)i.sn rocks, tomb hto.nes, v ; GU1JJ URINDRRM, Ac. tci'c.' ' . -r' : ;'t i. llOfJI-SllOrj.sCStoiic-Cultcr.; . Sala-buty, Oct. 23th, lc4(JI. , , ; .N, U. Onler fir my of tftu iWt' wrothl aril clea, directed lo meat SUlunury, w.ll be pnnciuallr at ceded to. I .v'.: ! . . J.- 1L MOFFAT'ri LIFK 1'ILLS, tt. KITTKIW. rpiIE I.IKB G1VI.NU I'll IS 9 MI1.S AND FIKENlX -a- 111 1 1 i:.U. o eli.toai. n: and m. ik.itB iitif bv Vie am.ctod in every part a' t:,o country, 1 now i ci-Wcd vl for aala by the f .i..scribiT, ' ' v - . CViXH A. lit Kj Kit, A grata. - Mafara rpaixua at ..iki.k in LonliVil. .. 'Vtrtt. alMi Aijeuia u.4 Ute aiC. 4; -, Boo adveruaeuienL Ajnil I, '!.''" .-V . .... .w.srf --..j.. , .. , .....i.; " i .'v

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