V Dflcu..J"?! .tOWttf Of ill C Uiie. . Iu passing rea-duli'm lo approprinta lle wvume of the Government to ' ; :nt 01 xtrviun.ii Stale Debta, im1 lb" Fl " necoasity fir in rrcil Tariff ia "" fr.utli, ihy acted on iinteutly oa Pfdcrnl principle in n-j' CMiig ill R miWirsn uWlaniiinA "f h' amendment,1 which would oiherwiae have nullified the whole nlcl of ilia rrsolotM .;, " - We ay. let tb Republican North Carotin who were deceive ut eummer by Federal pro .MMMHy krrf fe(jwak feflocl 00 the p ft ml ha reMellon of h maodment, end 0e$ 4 by do iM DPgia to perceive titnl old ra nlifin way er ilia 'hjo kio rid 00 Ug cnl.na tnd profene Democracy on (he ilunip, acid yet b l'ederiilim fill. w ' ainof txtitim () miinil n their bsmiere ail tnwithe hull et long f ol it gr"P potkuta, and lir iwr rfeoeaoornecki. ',' . ' THE PRESlbENCY FOU Hi , , li it to be rearettethalalrewly, before Geo. farrt , uk law (, aoiae ntea tie m renlleM haty 1.. .k.i movemenU In bf eUrting eaadirltief fiir the eleciion ta Ml Tha Whim" am fivWed, and are liidin; Oajr, anaia tor Wibtter, and not a t.m nt f iea. jteeft I and if the Inter wriltre from w.Ainirton ar to be credited, tha, mo kilter ioal' ouuea aca arwinj bnub ae to the cabinet and Die eue. aion. Tliie ia what waa ta have beaa eipeeted and i-i wm have wt ohioctioo w aea. But wa much re- rret tt find thai any ana io the Democratic ranka .iHwld have tallee tnto.thi error. Wa have our par tiilitiea aa ether 00 doubt, hive Uteir pwfrreocwfc n .t ihm ia na liae to make Jbem public. Hence, we ..mt t m iu a letter of Coi Benloa to an editor of Oh, ioa paMiahH t!wt be nrifea the ar.iprietyof atMUinir lit. Vair Barea a a candwata in Hm field. 1 i WineetMaeu.re, by nyifif that aoeh waa (he cues with regard to Mr. Jrffertm and Uao. Jtekmn ; and ha mif hi hare adJed 0v Honuin and Mr. CUy llut Ibaaa are But aaaee ia point ; . We yiald to no mart ia mtt bib reepect fr the laW efita, pauiotiafu, aad reat public aerviaee of Mr. V ;irr; but wa are newilling, at thia early period, to (I hie or the name or any rain, nowever -wvini held op aa the candidate of tba Democratic party ; and wa doubt not, Mr. IVa Bvrt ia atterly wrd u' wieh a mote mtiet be any ana who bka adicaVia. y and calmly V the futara anceeaa of our party. LfV the new Adminmtration diwrluae ita policy, and eihihit . it the caantry thoae aromned meaaiirea of rvtivf, of V which we bare ill heard at machj the will ariaeV'ioae" preat mm on which mir fiUnrf btitlea are lo be lout I.U Wa know. what maf he tin f pinion of rth.-ri ; bat ! w &r w- ar auihuruM lo jmlga lru what we have ifr4, aa arr iimliiN". to ih belief, IhM ir h" aen j Umonta. wa haea tba coanrreuce U tha Ouiucrary , f thetHate . -: v ' ' ' .'. j Tba above WfW wwwib'a ikM,,fy Pf0Pf, marka we Ind ia tbaW Sllr4, and copy t endirea Ibeej, awl iprve our full approbation of the eantiorienta they contain. Wa have no duubt .f the fact, aipreeaad f tha Kditof hii belief, thkt llicy Vra tboaa oj, tha iVmocfatic party of tbia tMa and w far aa wf have aieana of judging, nut of North CitolMia'alono, hui (be 8-wtb wralty. Any aitalioa of tha jaratf queaitoaof tha aait Prv4WVia, in oaf aa wa have bofora aairf, put only prainatura, hot aftnfether lmnr rr and wouTJ Im Miicuixl t rota tha eaultmc manner hi . -, ,.- ji, rrMu a iX im 'whieh lha impradwrt aafrH mada by wmeim jj, u , tnitetaii-rfirf-yaa Buran a aawa lor- l44t baa beea rew by ih I oderaliata, w u pfof joVd fur the cmivevauce of the Qvaii over a a very clear lint ahinj' would delixhl ' Mrat rthwr ,1 iinCMier ar(J Preatoti North Union ami lliauto aae auch a mnvain tba Dmimcrelic tiaVni ond J'iricii.Hj Rail way, ahiu hnr Majeaty waa but they art chuckliuu at tha prnapect too tnw-j.J wHt n,f 7 milea aMha raiaif 34J ailea per r'-ilTli.&SMTWfo-mfo:ito treat 'Kc: i. .l. ta. . ... fbt 1 A. . IW wih viwt -k" ; . u ajv.fari.J'ivl.facUa, tha, Jr!tiilaitli.ittpl . nalhapiMutof bavrogahlnaap agthemaelvaa about' Ihfriarm'e ailcceawir; and hope to conceal ; Ineir rR diviaiuwa hy foinenlm diilttneaa in I he KepuUican rat)k J hot the piil"0u may be ooier on tbia wa j tba Rapablicana are in uo aucn uur-; ry aa theineivea tb7 euaaent to aland off,, wane it :-a Ihmh they will baldly ruh into tho ; conteal for the ueit Peatflcmy'Ufura llarriaon haa , ukeo hiaaeaL Wa have no idc-a thai W. VanX , - j s - 1- Buraa wuuld deeira lo hare hit name ihruat for-1 ward.ac antrie hava aaggnie dTei thia iima. Wa think too highly a) hia patrintiem, integrity, an I - diaoernmenl lo believe it for moonlit. One thing it aertaio, the Democratic party, ia neiihr r lo be licieteJ la by ralkraar dengmag pdilicwoa ia Ha own ranka, mt divided ar erabarraaaed by the iliallow nrta of Federal inlrigue. When it ie.li.ne 11 rally on the imperiauabla ptMKip4ee which l'iey4 prufcea, tha U-naucracy wiu nid n leaucr. , 1 orncB bkogixo! , Tha WaaMngvai Trreapomlent of ilia New Ywh Herald (tUrrieon Whi(r)ayaj ' . iilbm 11 ;v"Jp-"l"1lll'1.''." - T a - " I TV 4 wiantina ia conlemuHied among me, w nig inembrre of Cnntfreaa. with tew o adopt aoma rneaaarva lo protect tha PreaideiH aleel from lhJ impatiettce and rapecHy nin ii.M.-,j-uim -. era, who threaten lb bore him to deafh, It may n it take place until after hia arrival, and Inlha event, tho plan of ope(alion will ho tuhmillol to bim befire it ia promulgate.!. Varimia nualea bavu boea auggMtd.Tha jna pnabla imj 't 1U The Prevblenfl. receive noperawml aolici lationa for olHci-e of any rl. ; (" 2J. All npplicatione for the minor oflicee lo be made 10 lleada of tha Dt-parlmenit in artting, ihe aelix'.um; under tha gnnaral ajpervimno of the rrimMlfoi. . ; Homothing of ihia anrt will ba ho it uat ha dour, or Getleral Harriann will bavo rwlima to ear nr alecp The mah for nffica i abaolutnly awful, and rt 1 crowing worea every day. The inemhara are inunJated with applicaliona for their influence and aaaiatanre. A dia(inguibed and infl.iciitial llenreernitatye ahowed me a pilu of leltere to-day of hulk 'enough lo fill a buahej meaaure, and all on tliia euljct." Ifcra ia a picture from Whig print, let it be borne iu mind of auch ahameleaa and degrading rapacity for office, aa haa never lieforfl bfj wii notaed in Ihia Republic linca'tha day of ila eiia tenca. So wolfisbly ravaixma ara fie hungry ei poctanta, that the moal unlioard U ineamirea hate tu be adopted by I ho W big aiembera of Conrea- tn aavo ilia Preaidenl aleel from being abaolutaly run down and devoured by them. And ibnan arc tha patriot that danormced Ihe Democrate before the election at " offlea-hhldera,w and called tbem Ihe tpnilg jmrty " by way of reproach I ' J. irt f.g'O t'te : sr" ; CubliwH, e.td ilk; llli'e-r lli.it of tho "mul li'y " il 4 miimalpj of -Iff nf iiHii-p ti""!, I iL-TM ur, ul tl.f lol.4,.frMi w'J bt 10'J pmn.itie un)licaiili f if evity oilice in tli I tnd ; nit envet to wrve tlrir..uiiii y, &uil " i! in wiiitwiiing the pub lic g d.n ; CoUfW Crop ey Akbamu A meeting tu kr U on the 7tn lWcnibrr test (1843) et Greensboro, Ala., of a numlf rf?1ai.ier elkSy t urn C.-ecar, Marengo, and Prrry coiti-, ia 1U1 Slate, the purpvao of enquiring iitiri the reported d.Sr3nry Tib Cotionertip of tat aeaaon, 1J compared with that of 1839. A Ynmitt u apfxiiiiied to iiiVKHitHie 1I10 innltc-r, fr-un wbW rrporl (ho fat iwwiiia n.tn ixtuvt. 1 "... That lb t''nTi.,m pr.t l,n:ti.in in 18:59 of 76 ulan toiimia, w 17,IU1 Iwii-H, vlj,lu itw yii-IJ jfiom riiii tn ili, cuiinot ntceed 80I. r nae-nilf.. ; . , .. 1 lie 70 pitintitniim mtluild ever v variety of mil m no irf nuia 01 omuia priivueeq on ueaa piania-1 tiona, w Mually derived frota linM landa." , . , , - The commit ee aUo aubmiilit tha Ibllawinv hnan. I ' fw - i ... .. . . ..' . . I lutimi! ,tM,A ; , , . . .. . I at "foed, Tht enieminlnit the belief, from tha bnet informaiKio wa have beea. able to collect, that tha the aectHm reurnid bv thia aw'n?. wa e.rneltly invito the wlmle hid of the ft.uii.pr.. ni.Bi. u lu.id euniler moetiium. llutt an ear omnkin mav he fcrmed . . . . . - .1- aa to tha autira cnp of liKI, ap.Yosimauiig vary near-1 U w accuracy, ami mninea inaucua way aa to puitna .i vr iiuwin. 1 OT Tlie Uat aedbion of. oar W hit Letiatature J aa prearnted a arena of amuain intereat from firai to laat. What with the kcran.bliug, acufllmg, I od ...,.!., ,.r ik. r... ..- ....1 otiic.- and lba .-l.m,r, iar." ' abaai tha N.aa IKMd intaram tha Buncot.be road, andher thmga, it will be king remembered by tha g.aal pro. ple,dtbeMe,,H'-'lr.offorV andwa.a,.vrtliitH ba heoc fonh d.-ignated and knowa rrnm'.ll .Mhe, pat aad to com, aa .he OTbe lygiataiarc ailjmrofl on Tueeday the H a inat alter a ocaama ot 07 diye. A caption of the Act, public and privjue and of the Reaolu twxia ia given m Ibia paper. . If ba reader can find r-! 'TZ" "77. apii'uJedlVab) it w mure than w can do. 8ptti f Rail Roul tra Uite ia En eland. tiire ia a vaat diflreoen in the of Rml road ti.vcll.ng iu the U.aM b ait an-l E.1(1land.- yjr pcpie .....a ,, rapi..,g,.ig 10 n,..ve at me aa I 1 ' I rale of 10 or 15 nuke aa bir,but in England luie vpeed oild oh con.alen:d a ftnait'e pace for eiea.nl travpllin. The B ioi V M-mibly Chr aii 1." r.i.r.i I... h.'ahir .nj.r.n. .rtu-u . KmcUiwI - lV.t lu.h I.L. ". ' , ,,, , the Mlowing irii.irmatHMi'aiid fjcUj Tba Rail- way b-iae.it L-milon and U'rinmguam ia one hurt. dredawi iveu mih a in Hntfin. ana the averaga ordinary ped of ranainc on ih.a r.Mt.f, including all rii'ifni at tha a1 aimim, m 40 irui.ia pr buar. -..p,, ttrmt mm, t fflrtthl..tffHJff. 1IB miiiru wiiii iiib tnrvQittrv iiiki 5HKrrv lov. ipaa-iJIaT'ia ihVviiTaw'wwt n(1 injulr. which waa t a;ml li 9 mi! hour ielvdti auip:aga, or to 41 mile pei 3 hoara ilea an wiiv aitipiiaeea, or to 41 mile per hoar (f ,,,,,, tlrtW fcluive a atoppairea. . Think of bialmi4rra.fbjr4 tr etng at tha rale of 41 milea ho(J A'.alwrua ba panned the bill to a.lM4 tha G il Ttck.l ivcnu 10 ewciiujf uifiubera lo Coo- fieaa 11 im alao received the aaoctioa ol IM Uo- fernor, and i, of c.uae. it'iw tba law of the Stalo. PHttionfurn Tin f on stft.' via notica 10 tbw liai Kvvilla Argua the copy of a Pelitioa, winch ih L hiuf aava haa bean etumaively circa latd in Ka reniiraaee, praying Congreaa to im pnae doitea 'on filk Imiwned Iroin foreign 'coun triea, adr-quala ia the prnteclnwi and ancioraga ntmii if ihe growth and wvaouUcnire of domeatia Milk." ; . ; . A reaolutuMi wa paaaed by ilia Legralatuta of New ilanijM nra. al r Ute adamon, mei reeling their tSeuniora and reaiwatt'iV Iheir Repreeeatative io Congreaa Iu uaa their exnrti.Mta to pnrure the paa f.a'gwW- a raw w'paiiinig 'ilia earn day fir tha choice of Preidtiiliiil Wucira thiougtioul the Imit Sutefc ,f r,.,rt:.,. ; . Tkt Georgia Quarmntint BM.Vtn learn from Ihe Miik-dgevilUj Journal of Ilia ih ioatant, ibat the Governor of Uaorgia haa not approvad tha bill for Hat protectHHi of elavn prp',ny, dec, which . we 4uoV uieniion of laat arerk aa having paaaed tba Ii"gil.iure of Dial State. Wn hart ni intimation of lha rHia,aiid ara U'lxIdVfri conjecture why Ihe veto piwer waa enerciaed in this caae, but can not supp'wn it would hive bean dona without good cent lo Hit wImm tuih, wa wai with no ordinary interval and anxny lo learn what mHivea have induced Gov. McDonald ta withhold hia aignatura from ihe bill. H - ;-. - The Governor f Georgia haa iaatW hia Proc lamation requiring lha Bai.kaiif thai Stale lo re deem thi-ir iaaiiea in gold and ailvrr, on rtr before the 11 day of February nail, according lo Ihe act of A aaembly lately paaaed. 1j . , IVry 5ififac7ar Thn Raleigh Register ay a, that Ihe Whii voted down the ainemlnieiit of Mr. Cardwitll to ihe Land Rewduion pfiaaed bylhe fegndature, brcnuxe it was propocd with 4 view to defeat Iheir paamirV la enotb, thi wa a deeu pint ol ihe loco fnco', or Mr. Cardwell aa Heeji. Ih.il it r q nre I no hula prnfumlily to fathom it. il ii h iw ilH ad iptton of a resolution, ven by ' tho Whttu .-oil lit iing an increaae of Revenue bevmid the w m' ,if (1 .vnmi-nl,n could have t lendnncv h ihe i..i jem.de d'grcc, to defeat the. other reeolutlima Which they ware able le paw by ! r.:..e t- s -1 t thn I .' : ',mu. ) h " r I ! y Mr. I 1 ' r Uj;h, uii !frl!te ta coii p.ia' any auch f uaruweii, wouiJ n ii it ia granted, an i a y I it ,'li..,a.iln of rederar dx!triim, fcjt f 1 " ly able toaae ita auitcij .! ' cure thry dwiffj to earry 1 are not enact- 1 to defeat niea- Tba Gri t'l aoiborizej tha Pica- Ueot ta accent tint aenrLx U CUOO aoluutoera for La L::- ' 1 4 IT b volunteer to la en. ti:Ldtd k-Ul booty ta ray I..Le, and a lfn(tue of mm aa lua cowtjuarvd riMory, The Kiubhe i3 hardly liaaa aa many adveiiturera tlocbinf to her Mandard aa aha l ad in lair Jaat war with Mexico. . ECONOMY AND REPORU. ' Araon tu Rcaolutioaa paaaed by tha JLegiala lura waa one For reMiirinf tha Govenior'a reeidnnca and purchving fiirniture," (approprialea nnn . n,lA , . . ' i V?0 rrrejwira, and $1,000 lor furuitura.)-. FiW laaaa' dolfort of tba DeoDle'a awmeT ...,.. .. one dean t 14.000 to repair tho Oovarhor a Houea a M tine palaca, and purohaaa alar. did furniture Monat rout I Munatmui II, Can '""' f frt Uat aummar) how Hoy wat "" end leema it would lane 10 bawl true amount m apocia 1 ve anau nave-oempioy vitietoeom IU . I . II . a and jive an account of bia Eicelleney'a gold aponna. diahea,Hr,nid ptateaua,"dien-raga,ticc., behirakiBg. va Dava a rtaiil lo be aelonteheav tiara wbaa we bad averr reaeun to axnect thai bia new Eioal- leney would recommeod to tha LegMelure tba aala of tha palace," with ha M Frencb bedateada," and oilier uaghiocant apponenancea, and tha pur. chaea of the Raleigh tog cabin" ready furniahed b? ,hT,Pn?' Vu oo!.aod TT". "rr " I -hed V'W to?Sr0a X""?. Aot .tare I John MTTZ " 77 'TT ? 1 7 W"'7. vieaoa anu ina line, uui iwnvrrmof aioraneaa Will be gelling vaed lo them a little, by tha cod of bia term at (bia rata. . , .1. Now, aarioualy, do not the people begin to aaa that Mr. Morehaad aad tha Wbi caodidatee ''ln' eoft enongb to ha gulled by hum. 5326 t"S TXS apoona, dian rata, Ihk aligblaat objoctioa to the appropriation above. li ia propei that tha Uoveraor't llonao abould he in repair, aod wall funiahod, and if there waa ned V? M ProUbta Hogk, tba appropriation waa T.HT T"1 I I'-rwi al uasa a j m aw HV V laVW airiVVl'IWIIUI IIWU 1 j. a .1 Govaraor'a Houaa. with ihia (invars. or at u,fir faA t,a cbarra of tba eilrava. I ganca of tba Adminietration, tha chief matter of j heir epeachna, ard tha r reach bedstead, and fiae I funutare, tha principal point of thai charge. .""wm .nr,r.n.-nr... ar,a ..V. auotmer now condemoed by their own conduct 1 , - - , CENSUS OP . NORTH CAROLINA. F,oM ah-rart of tha Camnia. n..bli.hed be nroV, of ln Letratatura. wa find the aopulatioa of Nnrtn Carolina .to ba at followa 1 Nninlier kit children of Arc and amW Nm Mara of aaa. 1MJ.481; rrumher of davea,?1fl,on j frnmher of frea negroes, 12,742 ;1 oialrwrni fU. 491 4fM JFaderal populalma 57,91M r Aggre gate population M Btaia 7WJ,wai, X -Unittd Stales Bank Stock hat fallen in New York to &&, and iia lendepey laatill Wara.- Strong Wbu are Martaincd al lta ftbitrjr to aaMnna, af ter all tbenfeani obtained by bagging and borrow. tor -wbatbor i will be able; toatand ap long of forcad lempofary raaumption. It rotten to tha core. , A atatrment of ila eoadiiioa lately made with tha moat favorable ahowing posaible, pruvea tbia clearly. We intended to publish lha statement, but it haa been crowded out. J - CONGRESS. - "TbebiTl C tlrt UVnnofa ptwowiteol pre-empt 10a in favor of actual eettlere, eontinoea to a the mala aubiect of debate in tba Senate. Oa Tuee day, the 6th, Mr. Crittenden, of Keotucky, moved an amendment .te exclude alien from t participation in tba privilege of tii bill, wblch, aAer conaklarable de bale, wm rejected by t large majority another amendment limiting ita eenenia lo tree while " beads of ftnilMs," wai also rejected. On Friday, the 8th, Mr. Cnlienden, or Kemucly, aubmittad t lion to recommit Ihe bill la the Committee with in struct iooa to report auch amandmaiita thereto aa weald convert it into a plan for distributing the proceed of the i'uMic land among the hums, which w ia eh feet, moving Ihe adoption of Mr, Clay'e bill. Mr. Cel bona then moved a aa araandraent to tha aiaeodmeat of Mr. Crittenden, the bill proposed by bim lest session. to cede the Public Latvia withia the ItmlU ol tnt new Dutaaea eerttia condition. : ; The tame day, aa mieveeting debate eeeerred aa t reaolatioaaaamitud by Mr. Walker, of Miawaiippi, in relaiaw to tha lorta-Kastern Boundary, in tba eonrs eawhicar- al n i yt'- siswriicayioimetedcd a ew -fo mark ay ei preesmg bi opiaioa that Ui idea of the probability of a rupture with Ureal Drruuu,' (00 tbia niuwliun) ' wta entirely aufuuodod." hr the Hon 1 Erpreettivea,-wi the dthr ta excited, and, aa hr aa word went, war-lute aiacamioo took place, on tha aubject auUsr of another letter from Mr. r 01 to air. lorsvu, la relstioa ta the oolrage of the Caroline, and the trial of McLaod for partieipauoa ia the tame. Thia laat letter of Mr. Fox i ne improve. meat aa the tana ol wa other, bat ia of an iasulUog char acter. Mr. Joae ef Vinrinia kaa mtrodnced a bill for the at at Ivt million ef Treaaary note, ' A Card.ll ia proper to atate, and we are an. bylhe geuilernaa who ixuninaled Uan. 8auudera for Judge, tu aay . thai be made Hie nomi nation without consultation with Gen. Sauuitara, who waa from home at lha lime, and from Gen. Saundert wa learn ha waa at Franklin Court du ring J lie wboletof laat week, and bad no knowledge of an intention of any friend to bring hit name before the Legislature, at be had nothing ta ei pert, and certainly ehould hava a aired nothing from lha dominant party, who had manifoated to little respect for the claim of other who differed from them in politica, in Iheir previous election. Haleigk Standard. .; " , " , ' t TUB HEW POSITION. Mr, Clay occupy n new position on the politi. eal theatre that of refuaing to ayr what ha pro pose lo substitute lor the independent I reaaary, 1 when hi called cession of Cungrea repeal that law. Wa affirm thia to be 0. new position id our Legialalivt body probably new one in tha hit. lory of legiaialion. Ila haa peremptorily refused to tell hia aubetilute, ar to name a time withid which bo would name it. We fish lo tea whether the public will brnk Ihia conduct whether it it 10 be .t a r.p-' h a l iv ' r ' V if f ..at t 1 run I ... i Vti ' IO RiHJ I X hi abull ref to lull what ha pi.i.-e iu a ol II, an aato admit of a fur eoiiipariHonViaet-n tl.eex Uting law and the prjol pbin. ' Political wn lefa aay that in projiosing to refill a la-", three thinua ara to be ciHixidrrod 1 1. I'l.e preM:ut law 8. The a Vila of it j 3. The remedy. Thia ia what all the writera aay mual ba cnnidered ; and thia ia what haa alwaya bean done, until' now. M r. Clay relnaea to Dame bia remedy ( he refunee to'atoilbr a eompariaoo lo be Inatilulcd betwoert hia plan and the prevent law. Tbia ia what bo rofueed before bia long viail of near three weeka lo ana hia or and children at Rrookl)n. Ua baa arhal returned Troia that moat grand futlierly viait, having, perlwe, apant three houra with tba children during tba near three weeka' ahaence. In a'Hng to Itrooklyn, be waa obliged lo paaa Pbilirdciphia and New York, and Ihern ha toachad and hung the greater part of the tiro be via gone. In tbia detention at ihoae E- can, ha nay oavt arranged, with tha Di'ldla nk in Philadelphia, and tha Briliah Fedeial in laraat in New York, the plan of tha nv tank. He anay have racaoikd Uia tw intrreaia, and, there, (bra, may be ready now, no far al 4hay are eoa earned, to apeak out. . Bui in then not noothar ma tin fur keeping aaaf pan till the callod neaaion t Are! not electtooa to noma on, inbich thaanceaaa of tho nonfederatea depanda upon ibo aecrecy of . their plant T 'Take the eaaa of Virginia t n general election cornea en in that Stata in April. What would ba tha 'influence bponhat election if Mi. CUy area lo etand ap aad aay 1 If a aaka'irafa for ill JmUpemUnl Treawry it tki instant reararartna of tk depoiitu to the Bank a tki United 8taU$, mwww mvttvm yi m liy.liwl NM, and klf for PkitadtloUa. What would be tba aoeclohtue April elections w Virginia T Certain ly tba effect would be nt dieaatroue to tba Feda raiieta in that tonteat. It woul4 kjtl theat up in two-thirds of the Stale. : "Tbia being the case, Mr, Clay cannot avow hia aubetilute before that election. Even if all lha details are. .arrange I between Ih British Faderaliata ia Philadelphia and New York, at ill tha plar cannot ha avowed J to far from It, it moat ha denied, and tha denial mutt ba kept np an- -til tba elect ioa it even ' Then, Mr. Clay can rise in hia place, at lha called teaaioo proclaim bia eubatituie 1 declare it to hava bean paaaed opoo by vha people j that tba lata Preaidential rlectiua de- cided t , that nineteen olaiea are lor it, tnd thau Senator instructed to vote for it, etc., dec., dec. Tbia ia what it to be eipeeted. In Ilia meantime, tha question remain to ba triad Will tha country aubmit to tbia game of faat and loose, ppen and shot t : Will it suffer a' public man. in lha treat bueineea of lev istation, like a gamester at card, to bida his band T-7 Globe., . . . ' ! . Gov. morbiieaSs INAUGCRALi vi ' Wa lav thia document before awf readort tbia week, and wa think whan they hava penned it, they will agree with va in characterising it aa tha puny production of t JattXa miwL Our limit will not allow aa extended review of it now. Nor it it necoatary ; for merit it baa nona aava ita brevi ty, and )U defectt will ha readily detected without : oar aid. We ahall, therefore, notiet only one or Ilia Eicellency act out with n highflown com Eliinoul lo hit M illustrious predeceasor," aod there . y aignifiat bit approval of tba policy, (if policy it can be called) or that wildest of viaionarieat a po ' licy, which, had it been carried out na fay aa re commended, would hava involved tha State in a deU, wkidi poatarily anighljiot M ry ay to diacaerge, saw tow wavwnm wr tw 'Mr u t tereat of which, would have proved a burden wpoa bier people, almoet too much fur them to bear. North Carolina may tbauk bar etare that auch counsel did not prevail that there wa wisdom and orudenca euouuh in her Lcuuuture ta coun. teract tbem, or her conduion nught have been far otherwise tlud If la. 8hd ia Tree from debt, tnd, wa hope, trill rmain to.- Sbe ehould profit by tba eiample of Iodiapa, for instance whose people are taxed annually to tba amount of near mi bun dred thousand dollar, to pay the intereat of her public debt a debt incurred wader eourta of policy, etrnilar - to that recoatmended by ,uav. Slorebeada predeceator. '. I lew' much better ie it lo ba behind ether Slats "en lha career of ita. vprovemeatlbM to U reduoed by Ute wiW pre ' jijcltbt - vttionariet , -fa eeett ermdtttoit at thitT"0 , The Gorernor talk right ralianrly about M pre tecting " and w defending " the righia of the State. fie oaya, 1 ahall be extremely careful to era, 7 that North Carolina, when aha apeaka in her ova reign character, hat a right ao to speak aod when aha dote enapeak, through bar great era! - the emblem or bar eoveieigniy whim I nave I be honor fa control it it must be it shall be re- apected." ;f.';V:.,';7 Boyt, da you bear iJjftf f , , . . But what dot Gov. More bead mean hy all Ihia aluff about the M great oall' Doe ha intend lo Slay Got Pennington opoo na, nnd prostitute Forth Carolina great aeal, by turning it agajnal her T If so, IIin protect her aovereignty from tuck ndcfemlerl ' But tht moat extraordinary part of thie docu ment iaiba concluding paragraph, where he apeaka of the new State House. Oiie woo Id bav mmv poeed, from hi apoecliee laet aummer, that be would have recommended he nailing of thia splen did edifice and the erection of a Log Cabin" in rwtead.4mrtead'of-thiv'we find rma-congratulating the Assembly and himatlf, that flcy were " the first Legialatira body that tter had the honor to aaeembl 1 in ita aplandtd Ilalu," nnd At waa M the firal Executive that aver bad tha honor of being installed within it durable. wall Pl Really, Gov. Morebeetf eleclido must hava eared him of much of bialtorror of $pldor JacWamx Jl. pthcn. .;v ., -ATolic Taken Up and Committed VTIO lha Jail of Surry Countv, ia u Rockford, on Ibe 32nd day of November, 140. a negro man, who aayt bit name it Kit or Chriato par JtcWprioa -Chrwiopbir, ttyt tbtt ha it about 35 or 86 yaara of tga, about ft foet 9 or 10 inchea high ; hia com- tlexHMi ia a little yellow, hia mil hip joiut, be aayt, aa been dislocated. Christopher bad un, when committed, a brown joana coat and pantaloon ; be alao ha a crape camlet coat with him, which ia much worn, with aome other old clothing. Christopher aty oetxfongaio Moae Knight on, of Fairfield Dutricl, 8. and left hi owner about lha last of March, or firat of April, 1840. The wwner ia requested to route forward, prove property, pay charge, and lake him away. -- T A. M. KERR, Jailor. , January 32,1041. aVft or Sac Were. It" " i In thia Coui. on f'-m' tt.f 17th liiff..nn Jlt CmcSenonr, I 1, Mr. .ll..fi K. V ALJ U.Vla... Mii MAU V 1'.., dim.nhter ff Mr. Iticliard NVuliin. In ti.ia limi - ',nn li.a i : !. infant, hv te Itcv. .f mr A. Hall. Mr. VvIUJAM TUOMASO.N ioMr.NA.. CY TKD IT, widna of Mr John Troti. ( . . t. In RiHhcrrnrilloii.N.C.,mlueilay,theJ2 hmirtatit, . . hv the Rev. Jamea Wet.b, l)r. tiKORtJU K. COLfi . MAN,rLaPayette,Ga.,taMiM ELLK. Mdaugb -' ter of Samuel A. Douglaa, rf Danville, Ve. I, :. . : fa Irwlell Caintv, 00 Wednesday, the h in'tanfe by the Rev. Mr. Davie, Dr. R. T. lilriMUKKH. la Miaa MARTHA JANK, RAMSAY. 1 in- ! v i r ".a COACH-MAKINO P3TABLI3I1MNV XnllE Suhar;ribera rpapectfbllt inform tha dtli f-na pfSalkbury and eurroundinp country, liwf. they have eoromeneef the above buaineaa in all ilk varioua hranchet, id the Shop fiwriiH-rly occupied by Mr.' John I. fSUnver, on tha Bowttt caet Bireet; where ideT will Cotttntljr keep on band tik7 Vorti'ige$; I .7-) Jluttirt, Art. Thef will warrant their workmanship not to la aarpaaaed hy any in thia eection of country, aa they , -, , . . . 1 A. .,..:... T" --t-j, - - r: . Tba Subacribare will alao keep con-tantly hn hand, IlarttCM of every oVcritioo, a ibey have a nrat rat tlarnft maker. X1 Order for work frmu a distance addresaea lo tba aubseribera will ba punctually atlenoVd lo. N. B. All kind of repairing dona on lha aimrt. tat notice. , DANIEL SHAVER, 1 v D. F. HADEN. Baliabury, Jan. 22, 1841. HftlVf" i'Ffr5 A LLlb.-e Indebted to ISOUCe. tJT A tb. Estate ol J.mrt Brown, dee'd either bv Note ar Account, are re- quested to come forward and make iramadiate pay. ment, t no longer indulgence can be given. All Ihoea having claima against aaid Estate, are re queatad to present them duly. authenticaied within tha time prescribed by law, or thia notice a ill be plead in bar of Ibeir recovery, t u . t JAMES L. BROWN, EeV January 33, 1S4L " 6 ' Fresh, and Cheaper than Ever jpilE SUBSCRIBER haa lately returned from CharlatMi,'wlrere hn purchaaed a large and choice aworl of all kind of ' !; s GuocEtiiESa V . '. . which ba will anil cheaper than they ran be bungbt elsewhere in-tbia uwrket. Hit slock const! in Krt ofr , ivanna brown Sugar (first qualitv,) from 19 la 131 eta. per lb 1 " Loaf Sugar, Irat qualify, " ft : r s ' Coffee, priine qlnlity, , 1Iynn Tea,. . ,-. V; V Chnear. . IS Molaas, good, tnd heat quality. t iwM nnrilnt.- French Brandy, al from 1 60 to t4 p r gai.; Holland Gin, 1 60 lo S3 per gel'. ; Jama and N. El Uu'tf firat rale, 1 betide all kinde of Domettlo Liquors. fel rWim'Vadeha, Port; Trnc. ' ' 1 rife? adret;yiIuicuK "Malaga U a LbntlonlAle and Porter. . , The beat attornment of Family Groceries ... mrii -r- WW . - , wii liwaiWUIIIIIIIf Ull I I aver brought to Ibia market. Marraroni, vcrma- cellhi Jereatih , pruoe,. rauut., bet. doaliivv WMWfctfdr4coyi iiuis in an anus, pugir bihj uuiter cracker, Ginger N ula. - LEMONS, OBAKGES; and OYSTERS.' - Candits, all kind, at 60 ct. per Ib for cash. , Siarcb, Indigo', copper, atadder, i'ice,' ctrv namon, elovta, Malaga grapea, ginger, dto. Fiit rale chewing aiMi amoking Tobacen,' Mat- couba and Scotch 8nuS best Spanish Cigar, from ta to 00 ct. per doa. Toy of varioua kinds. - Powder and Shot Rltnra, Urea! Pina, and many other articlea. -' - - " Ta Subscriber' having rr moved hi Elal!iV tot tb'lhe opposite tide of the street from hia former eland ; be ia now titrated in Ibe house formerly occupied by Mr. Bui- fie invite the public to come, and examine, and t&ate) hie rood thinga. F. R. ttoUECHE. Baliabury, Jan. 83, 1841. Tr -N. n. All my accounla muni be ckaied befire february Utair I, by Uati or IVote ,-i-ma irieou will pleas observe tin. Call aud fiatttlo. ' : - - : ,. F. R. R. i Froapectna for Kendall' Expoaltor. i A MOd KENDALL propose lo establish a semS- aaonihry oewspaper under the above oami. 10 be devoted to the Mlowing ohjocla, via irThe tecutiiy of the riaht ff uilraae. bv ad. uuiumii wwaio poman oriDery ana naud. 3." An exposure of abuaee and corrupt in j:.: . . . " uptioot in Government, wherever known to exiat. ' hV An-expoiiino of ih arinriuk a of modern JUttkjtigandiUa&icUjipua iskwr, 1 rade, morale, and Government, embracing Ilia nature and uses of money, and a history of the origin and program of paper money in ila various forns. -To waae will he added all the lops cnmnwW m the eewKpapera of the day, with a muurv uf new car. fully compiled, forming aa accurate hiiiory U pamiug vuU. , , . Avoiding all personal alterratinna, th a paper, while it will not conceal iu prelereuces for men, will coahua iUell chiefly Iu tha clneidaiioa of &KU and pnnciplra, leaving the ruder portiooa of political controvorty to younger btncja ... Tl Exiusito will b printed in Ihe neaieat 111 inner opoo a royal sheet, tnldsd ia iUvo torim ech numbrr makiog MJilaea pageawith tn index at Ihe rtvl of aaeh volume embiwciiit one year. It will thus Sorm a bonk containing a hatury id the lunea with much tii- r aveful tnd eoterUiaing alUr. .,.; PKICK-Oii JJMiwr ptr aaMat,paiif itiilmi. No account will be kept, and the pupei will md be ent until the money he actually received. " Ittnk note will be taken at their aperte value. 1 Tu thtaa who collect and P irward wu dollars, an ad ditional copy will be rant gratia. 1 ' ltinater re permitted by law to forward ub acrinlino uiotH-y'in baif r written hy Ibeimwlvr"" ' All letter lo the Khtor niiinl be trv nr puetpa'id. Wabingto City, D C, Jxn. 12, 141. . ! ' XI t r r jfw"nj if r, JL :- m-L"- 1 ::'r;"7'' JL