-- V .. ; 7 JlIlioTT. lXil iVitfi'oui.--A coien.po.rary, kit an arliclo on ittiuinr a at kit litb la hi uwa country' thu rvitly reruvrke on the dieltiva ot ome person to ' wotuaa eal: " W baa twa Mtd by bu 4d writer, that h who ' taeiy kvu wwiiuku about ii titKt lit dowu with Iter al table, th eel ut' eatm, though a very littoral and 04cery due, as alintiat every bo.ljr jeWJaool q , dty. that hee lo go to uwrkel with tg tiunktil, and little Kjre, it, trnia iti very . ninimiri and aa'tldine, mt antidote lu eoutimcnt 1 awd deadly foe lu t nit delicate piuu. ' We can mI eolutly ugroe onrwWe-t, wiin I hi opinion, fur we bave rather a ulgar ttute fur Rood dinner, Mid like to see wnmau Mil soinetling viae betide wlW-bun or etd, beneath life "jackel $. 'but Ik ftrguiuaut im correct w general mum and very , peritoeutly illustrate .Via. ItUtbprop'a avium, thai too much feeder y bieed depie." . h i iue tkal a woman wuh a puiali in her mouth, a piece of fal meal or. an apple dumpling, i out exactly.. , al the lima, I bo ntuat lovely obiuct in creniioo till it give ua ait il il' J ifr, uf health mid i.f ep pen;, wnicii we iiiumo,-! pryiur luwe ptciurcatpiu Aa A'aeiai Convinced . Sit lube Newton, ha viujt an acquaintance who denied (ha exietence ul a Supreme Being, took tha Wlowing method lu coovti: him ujiou hie vwu principle : Expecting hint upon a viml, ha procured a, vary handsome globe of iha aturry bo&.ooa, which couid uol ea- cap hut friend' observation, who eeizeaj I ha drat ticcaatoa to ak wheuce il came, and to whom il llamged. VNut to in,' said Sir, Isaae Newton, nor Was il even made by any petsoa ; it came hern by chance.' Thai,' replied hi akutical IruNtd, 4 ia abattlulely iuipoaaibla ( you aurely je(.' tSir ikaae Nhwiiaj. Imwevar. aertoualv oeraiatuiir in hia auterlio ia. ltkk (irraiuon la reaanu with hml Irieud Uimi lua own atlieiatical pruiciplea. Ymi will out,' auid he, believe llml lliia mu!l body 1 orijiimtrd in chance and y? you would coiiiind thai thuae heuvenly hotln a, of which tt ia a faml rr -iii!ilrt4ce, rame intcexia1anr.e without ordi-ror:e ; i(ii !' Puiaaii tbi ciiuiu td' reusomim hia fiieud wna at tirnt ctxivincd, aod ulliniattly jauitd in cordial acknowleditiiifnt o Jhe athturdily of deny ' inj th etialenca of God. V j " V , ' , - i Botirdiitff Hoshx)k otfor ftaritif. A - eoiiBidnrabla of a waj, in a neighboring city, agreed : with a landlnrd to board and iodhim for oi yenrj at Ibit ram of three dollar per week and aa h I raaio 'he habit of diirtiig w ith hia frionon, he n return prop wed to gtvtt loo likneneoiiraipsnient lor 1 good diimera. . Toe covenana in ih( ajrreeii ent weir thai in II invitatiHia, ) y rrlfi a. bead wert lo oa puJ lu the landlord for auch (jaertax, and when lha) boarder wa :abaanr froirt diannr tkr tame amount ahituli allowed him! II- look o) Cara never lo brwa any Irieud but in all cae w , abaeni from dimur ! The reaull waa, that Im got bia board and kidacing grain, und brought h a land hud in dtbt to biiu every we-k fifty cema. and at lha end of the yaar p-nd nuthing, but demanded (ireay til doiliirt aa but joei dura in virtue of the . cuuiuug ojulract Xt irk Sun. Ltfatmition.K phy iician ia Albany aay a : We rea l lal wwk a hn.irt aickeniug account of th daceaee of a fine and amiable yMjiig lady who fell a Victim of lanhitfo ahe Ucad herwlf lu d a;h ! Apait Irom the prevailing infatualimt which Icadi feiiialea to commit elegant and refined auieidn, she iaaaid to have beeu an uncorniitonjuileUigtiit anil protttiatnc -jfirl. The body pteaenied a dread'ul aiirht. The fib vem -niw-4 J.wu hui rti naiural cirrmiiierence, and the nhMi!der WaJ ere actually lapped over earh other , The eoe wa. of cc(irar, exlreinelv narrow, and not half the ''.'ftar'ir'iJ rtWMntf ii"Ift' "'ll'ha' 'c'tio'if ie"hcar f in-1 tne irtpirMofi m jic uuo toe lunva. i ue eon- aequeoce waa Death ! . . .. A tvjfifirnl teuton fir nnt fgitinf a Dutlr M. de L.ineiin and M. da ,Ionlauitev iMh re inHrksibiv ul'Iv m'iii.q'Mrielied and challeiied one iV'uxii- r. Artivedat the plare of meeting, M. de .. rm nates hiaadvcniurv ia the fo, Bnd aayt, TLliA- fj'i-rt r-hie.l j ( can't fihi -yon. Wvh -M -....r,w ,.iJ Wirtxi-o Jo 'intw thar amblrt rd.' ' H v, sir!. w!ml ijuf-e ilila .ineiiii J" lineaM I i-iT fisHft.""- AVt4-'veje)nMHr'ri,-rt-i.iV- - w siifdr"iiin !" "If I have inwilifd yuJ, I mk a ilmUHiiiid peril inn; but I have an i.Frniim'ablr reawm lr not rihiinjf with yu V -B.tr, wrrmay rme know It t"" It will oilfiid yoo."' " No, n r." " You anr 'mer' Yea, I eire ynt." " Well, air, it n thiij if we tiht, accordio( In appenraiHw, I hall kill you, and I ahail remain the ulnwt follow in th king duin." Ilia adteraary could net help Invghiiig, and they, retutnud to the cily 'xd fiienda. yivVr.-The wll known geuk.f .at, F.. f.. roerly hd-Irtte tarJn in Extent New York. mftn h thii r'i. Jed; id which he had cuiiected inanv bpuuiiAil -(tics, wnt lin h he lunk i4qaure in T" ah" wuitr to vi"tt. r-i. O.te day he bad f'tr bia Ur It.-.v. Dr. B., a tjoud old cleri'yiuata who bu'ied am. pu lltbrfw ruota knew little of vt'gfta. hie miea. Alter din er, Mr. r.,did tne ttu'iura ol lh garden to Dr. B , who aiw-red '' gt, Jf," jttl he cajld tay to hia hoat'a, ep!;iintt.:ia. After adrntriof awhile the produclioo ul many cli matea, Dr. B', atteniion waa arrevl' d by a won derail plant, which Mr. (r'.bad mnttied In L.iintiin 44 Why, Mr. F., what inthi 1 iiitilul iliing 1 You have a4 told me any thinr about il. 1 It ia certain ly a wonderful plain." " Pha , phaw T aaid F.. ia a great puaatoo, 44 why , Dr., liml'a at cabbgf.n 1 tor ant Ttrror. .Aubrey, ihe antiquary, f a late a whimaicai arcaiot of lite trir. r occaatooed by a watch, which wa an unciiiniooii ailicle in hi time. He tsleatl.et a Mr. llen,ho wa reniled to be a urcrer, b-ing at Home Laci y, to Il-otford -j'liffti t'tipirvurl 1" t"1" "" ui a ni"r w indow ; the mania came in lo make the bod, and heanug lha thing in the rate cry tick", tick, lick, presently conclooVd that it waa hit devil, (or fa- utilW), and itmk H by tlii string with the tonga and threw it uut of Ihe window into the moat lo drown the d' Vil. It hiippa-oed tltHl the airing htmg on a aprig ol an al ler ttnt grew out of tiie in mt, and :tu ciaithrmed them ih. it 'iwa tt e di vilr 8o II e good old gentleman gut hi walc'i Uam.j Th - editor of th Lan -amer I'lii-lliencervw Jour tasi " ankfd ny a Irn'inl Imv li- felt aiitte the I! t lli-i't," l a hom he lhu reptie; K."l !'' Line a man who did hi duty hnoeal. ly aod cniii:ieii'ioii-lv. Had Mr. Van Burcn re. crived the tut of every Slam in the Union W" ' ruold nt hliV:'date m.ire. We lei-l dele iti!, n ia true ; Im' jo at e- coiifident of victory at ihe next ntiempt, tail e ww t'tf now ticueaabl prty leaving lit- por:ilif ihe Vi,iie ll inse. () jr gr-t parlw art like v la'ii'it m and hi army re leaiiiij! br-lore L -nd 'rni i ih. t 'oruwalh aor rendeii.d a.ttr af j ! In eveiy ay the coiiimr. o fla. . daughter uf Lixm H, wa Ifll yms old h ) w&a murrieJ.. Ltt tome fulkt tuke i'ra Jt-I.- iWtxt PwiL ' ( . From Charh$ O'MHlfy. Aqd B le, did you know 8ir Harry By!."" ' To be aiire 1 did. Shall I over foruft iim, and hia capital blunder llml k-p! iue Ino'iit y the whole tune 1 epent in lielaml T I wa in Die Iihim when he conchtdod panepyrw? upon a fnl, by .'wllmji Tiim Ihe fiilher ot the ptx-r, mid uncle lo Lord Diii m) b inor;' " He waa ih miIv man who initl l render hv a bull whut it wui luipisilile lo convev ntor cor rectly" aaid PaworT-4 you iavahat 4 hiad with Harry lider. ' - - ' Never j let hear it. ' ' it Waa bull frum beemiiinir end. BiyW took It into hia bead, thAtU irrv wt a w ra Kt wiili whom he had a eenou row in Uoik. Harry, on the other hand, niutook llo le for old C.ipU, whom be had been purMjmg with horab whipptfig men tiona, for aoine month J they met at Kildar reet Clubhand very-frill aulloqny eatiaitndiliein ilmf ittey Wei nj-hl in ihuir conjecture J i-aeb party uoiiy ao eagaly- ready to mret rlio viewa of the oibir. It never waa a ditlicult nmitt-r to find a frtund in Dubhn f an.1, to .da ihem juatice, nrt aocooda, geaerallapeaknif , are erltcily free) fjroni any impuiulioa upon the ecu re of good breeding. No men have lea impertinent citrioaily aa to th cauae of quarrel J wwelv aiippontng that the prin 1 cip.il know ilteir own ali nr bttt, ihey eniiiKHin'y abetaio from indulj:i:ix al.y prying eiirii, but pro ceed to diacharge their fumiionaa beatthey tuay. Accordingly Sir Harry, and Dick were art, aa' ike phraae ia, at twelve pacea, and to o Bovle'a own word, for i have heard him relate the atory, , " We biased away, air, for three -rnunda. ' f put two id hi hal, and one in hia neck clnth,Hi ahota wetil all through lb akirl of mv comi." " ' " II Hpeo4th day her", aaiU '.oiwiliiie, at tbi rule ; 44 could you put them cler 1" , 44 And give u t little inure lime m Ihe world, anya 1. r y ' :T:--- ,'44Kiiaclly,,!eaidU.ck. ; . 41 Wei', they moved ua forward two pacea, and et In loading ihe piatol again.", . ."By (hi time we were eo wear that we hud full opportunity to acau eucb other facca ; well, air, i atarvd at him, and he at me.r ' ., " w nat r aaia i, i " m 44 Eh," aaid he. . 44 Howe tbi. T auid I. , 44 You're not Dilly (iipleer y he. y - 44 Devil a bit," aaid I, 41 nor 1 don't think you're Archy Devine ; and faith, air.w.'M appeared ; we we'ie fighting awav all the moruiuu for a.iiliior. fur eouieliuw ; turned out 44 it teas Kritbtr vf u$.n A Liiernrv City. There nr in the varii.ua li bra riea in Saltmi (Mam ) about 24,000 vh!hmiV. fy the recent enoa, IhecAy rnntaina 15 03 mliahil tanis. Tb bouka in the public librarian, ihervt'ore, average iiearly a volume and a half in em-t. mhabi - tanu If Ihey are uol a hiearv nroul , it i i-ot from a waul f booka. Button Trncript, Kowaa Eliqtiette. Catn, whenceiianro) Rume, exfielltd Irom the aenate Mamiliua, whom the gen eral opinion had marked out fr t -ouofllor, be- fc r i 1 frauae I had given hia wife a kiaa tit the day-litue, Hi the eiht of hia iiau"hier. utery Poverty i lha on'y iHirrtVw which ro heavier by being ihared with thoae we love. We flatter ooraelvea we've made a good im (trawioii here, a the type aaid to (he paper. The rnarr who pralenda lo know w hat h ia-pro-fouiuily .! hii wr Knowing MJIfcUlg. 44 Tti kiibweat rhat ! love th"e,'a j(.hn S-'nilh auid lo the jptVdy. Ye) 4njf ral tiwee.g"thal "profeeiT frieodaliip; not a W range uvu ('onarreree alrtrteraBtecomn dog cheap. '. ' 1 . Love may alumber jn a maidcp.'a heart, bul it -alway drvama. ' A lawyer waa once arvuard nf ditjrarinz thf Iwr, by laktng.ailver of, n rlieot. I tiMik ajlyejJ fwpfieai bilSe 1 Tf .ufdii! ' e'et "tK-W.'rtul T"i .It rrfTI fitr'bwg jhe. ftdliiatlwd itk4he wortd.-errtf t " Itapw you dWtxiill-thirMhagrMmw the ptifrHin T i A hois fi-riwa'a S-rr.--Wii,yeterdav aw a tliat reluneil In draw, aturtrd ua i limit Oil- ficullyby lying a twg tiltily-rutiitrarcloe - to hia hvad. Ancient and Modern Ileroft The votary "of war among th Roman, waa diangomlid liy abili ty of hevl ua well aa t f aroi ; while rmmy f uur iiKKleiu ben of tlm bladn are iteiijinirJtj mere' ! uppendajjia lo their wiiiitkera. ;- " r,B ,r" J ,u ,nc'n weiiirf aiM t, - I a. n . . : . I . ' . - -? r' mmTm lnem "'' - " -Albany , XtrnffP ... i i '- ' l. . 1 11 K M A ii k K T S . AT 8ALWSURY, JANUARY I-ll. Bacoo, a 10 In.n, Urd, lAlyhtaMW.,.,,, , .Maila, liala, lie jL; i a 7 w HI lleet,. 3t a 41 :iUaWi. 0 l ' a JO 41a ' rsr 10 a l .'l 1A (.applet 'M a l Butter, .Ma fii ueeawax, 19 a I'urit, Bate Kope, 111 t 12-Sucar, (!;. ") iottoa, (ciaaa; a Corn, -- V5 a CoHbe, 14 a W Flou r; jrZta i o Salt,(im) it I ..'- 1, 1 .M Do ('kj (.;i7jal SUiel, (UllatlJ lij a r eat her, - oil ol a Uu (ci.at Zt a :) r utreed, H ) 1 1 a low. U Oil, nVhiaki; 30 AT FAYmEvMLlXDrcgMBF.lt 20. law. , mnrr 40 a 4. Yaatln-ra, La'd... .. Mulanai, Xaliis , 1 1: ;-.i4 a 41 iJa 10 :c a av ei a 7 Do (.-ipl'l'-) B-.CDII, Bua-awaX, BiitU-r, . Bile R .p. 8 1-' It a 11 Ha 1(1 l a failt.t.'iititfi) 7"i Outtee, Coiton, Corn, Huijjr, OiK.-vft) a Uo (lump; in l)o (luaf, H a lid Tobaei-n,iNalj 4J a Whim, Ki W hi.- key, l Wool, 1.J a, Ojah jo a ar ('and lea, 17 Klaxteed, Flour, 1 10 a 1 l.i AT TffKRAW, a. CM JANUARY C, I'll. Beef, (nearer). :5 a.'. X 10 laj!l so 2h a U-i n-tir, jj,Vlatt. Fcitin r. 40 4.-, Wirun, Bntref, Ikwawax, Biggie', Ibie Kope, Cnti'tX; (Nil tun, " Corn, (icrce) Urd, (,(lrr II a 121 HOiurx-t, at, :t ice. (1 00 i -a) Sui'iif, 8'i .V) SI a 40 a 10 a IJ l 7 j lit a 1- 1.1 a It f s III ,.-mlL (xii'i,) 4ft a .Vi ' !) (u'f.i.1,:) 1 1 ,-tV,'t, .jim at hi MECStENDUSG JEJTEBSOKIAiM "frta bnaaweJ'to eitatiiiaTu in the Town of CbN'tte, ftttwkli-nliurir CouiiUf. .V. 0.. a weekly nvrHiaper. Vitt der tin' aBue title; to be' t-dned aud pnbln.hel .by, lb ' nitwcriUxr. I lie puohcation ot the " tMErakEMuaa Jt:rruuiMiAKH will commr-nce bv the ll of January next, or ax auon aa matariaU can M prucureil II win Le pruii;il with entirely nuw and lair typo, on paper of the beet uualitv.and aOortled to aulMcribeia at iciW in advance, (ua lb receipt uf tb tiut number,) or it not piil in auvance. . , . . i -i -. , I he nri-wiit ia the fir effort that, baa been made tu mtabliab an oran at the birut-place of American In depewlimCeVliirough which the oueirineaot the Demo prat n: party could be If inly promulgated and oalenUed - in wnicu ine grtai priucipn, ,w wtoj '" iuii.j for which Die Attxamlert, Hie I'olkh and Uieir neiow cnmMtrioU periled Uieir all, ou the tjUllt" May, 177.1, could hull at all timek ail auaiiriiiliiig auvueme. lie auccee reaU chiedy Willi lli Kepnblicaii party of Aleck- luMirg-and tat Uteat, and Hie Republican ot me u rouiMJuii' country, U appeal ia now made lor auppurt . J'be Jatrt.u will aaaame aa IU pulilicaJ creed, tliur-e lan..nuirk ul the 1U puUlicau parly, lb aocuiuee t lorili m'tliB Ki'iitucky and Virgiuia Kcbolutioua Wi ing, aa ine uaileraignt'd d.t,'tlial the auilior of j me puofi, wiio uore a cuiiau.cutMia nan iu iraiuiiiu our eyblHU ot liuverunielit, weru beat ipiahlitd lo bunu , pueuwi.olltifueVpiril- ; raweredelegataMt oy, audi i do n to wuolurity a aorrnct ex the bebl juugea ui wual puwere, it will uppoae. a. dangeruue to our free mstitulioiia, 1 the epirit ot.-iov. 'tilth tuia beeu atfa.uiily, bul ateauily inereaamtf in ttie tunntry lr.au lite (.amualiuu wbal ti"aerved lu, lite ouica. uf our Guverniuent. Tlie moot odtw leature in Una I yaluut ia, tbal it robe Uie ua.vt, Mptrtrpttb'y, 10 tu- j neb tb raw: it clottiu a lew wcaimy utuituluuia wiin pu.mr uol muy to cuuUrol iue wage luu lauur- ing man, but. alao aljbeir pleasure to lunaui or u prw ' a go niii'Tce and buaineaa ul ine wuoh. country -e- f, citiak a apiru oT.exiravagauee, wweh it ler-mintrin pecuniary turn, and too ulVeo tue -noral Jegradaiiuu a1 iu victim. I in, teiu iiiut e thuroaukturtlurtu- ad betore we can itope to au willed pn-pri.ty a...ne , alike upon all uar ciluuia, loa.d hi piuoucng im. rrorr, will be ouu yt to main oUjeU. m.lim iurvaa. aoM.ji. U wtljr agaiaat wi uruutt. or partial uirfafrioi, auder wlutew r Vuu graoUtl by our Ugi-hUrte; and, Uieretore. will upja-e ihe char- . termsroiatn.ted State Bank, fatemat Improvemei.t by ti,. federal Oovermnent, a revival .,1 inefl arid - w " Wveruiueul aMiutwg tu paylo toreigo money ebatt- A- . - i ft iia-M mil t.t bil'.l mifvirlannti tit 1 l.aa Noiilll aai.tl one wliici, trorn variout ciuaea, u lvtry uay umuuiiii0' - uvviivu i atua aaa waa aavi w , hwia$ i a more luonivulocw aud aful aiJect, Uie Jkmoiao- kiaa will keep na reader regularly and accurately au vwed on Uie auojeel of Nortberu AbuliiioUiaiu. Il piul be javideut to all caudid uoauiveia, thai tlie parti fciu pruMe ul lite Houlli litve hilherlo beea too eneut um 'lux auliject. VV e aluoi, ibetetore, willtuul luar ul being deniMiiiced a an alurunat, leuu uur -uuiltie awi J a' m f wviiui a j yie vi uuv a. uuui w ) due viuilauce and a aeurf of tlioir real d4ii-. tit Mlt lir aiintLariliirrllha Ix...a1.a ..1 la...,.. W'tute a pi.tliou ot tlie eulmnna oftite Jterkaauaua will be devutud to political uim.Ui.muu, tu r-i into rfiil of .Wur,i t,Ucituit, Agru.uliiu, au4 Ue . rAnatc Art$, haU uut be ueijl..Ckeo. v no iue tuoiusat I veleciMMi on th'-M aubji clt.aad I flue QuauUty ul li-iii j readuig. tit Ulnut ttopt to render Un aueel art-eaLiu I and umriUDla lo Ml laaw in Socie'v. hzSMJyiif '" i WfeM)il, faug fmti; to the"' wui 10 uroiiiotlv o.iiulieU vviIIl. A., r... ,i. -,..1 .. . ...i..i ....i k re.p ,.,.iuie lor Uieir auO-.riiil.ums .Ud nave a nuijoor ..wi niw,.i.M.w " un V ii i A.u.-i.i. Tjner. 111 itM-iv.nir iir.ii riinA'amiriir auiiwir.iir- na.,,- i rdmif aulkicr iber.' namea Avember , l94tV.-- " . j, M tr..i.i . r i.l t ir- hm4 vuu'tiv 6 f cyxiamc laic, lius: AMD PIICKNIX UITTEKS. '4'Hfv ht3h eelebrw- wtnih thes- exMlierit ' Mei J.Jiitiia-a 4t eaatuireaf W'eUfirYilut Vtri''ul :44 w4' bo lfuu tiled -bj o. a.i., .;. , ,,j.i, dla. lo wuicli 'Ili :.uUtimJLfl.IWi JutWu.-. mailer laminar wiin aimoal every mleili-eut uc-r ' ert mleiligeul ucr sou. '1 hey became kuuwii b lour iruila 'Heir Ood woika have lestiri.'d Kir tlieo. tin uid out - Hiri) the-ftriti of the tredulnui" la cae ol Couvei;e, DvaiMriM, Bilioua and Liver AUi-clliiiia, Athmu, Pile, bellied Patua, Klieiiiuaium, Fe.i:r and .t.uea, OlMlinale ilead BCili a, Impute alute ol tin. J luuia, Luhutilhj Ap pe.irancu of lite bUiu, Netv i.jiiili , ue "'it a nea il( MclillM Feuia.t. m Doncuie Ueal.ii, eveiy kliui oi Vveakuuea ot Iue IJ ertiVe Uraua, uuU ila nil general D..raiigeiiieuls ul ll.'aiih, liirae WLi'l Ul.N&i have lovarinuly provea ii rirl.uu ,nij iKtt-oy reoieov. I if. J fcat .r'.' vijui u-. iiea.ui in iue immi exnaunted c nultiuii... A numlo tiiiti ill place the Llt E l'LLs and V itJ.M.V lil 1. I KrCS oey.iiid tne icuco ul cuiiipeutluu, in tue l naiaiuMt 4 evtry pnitenl. Prepared uml ?"td, wtuHtnale and retail, l V M. II. MOH A i'a .VKd.cul Oliice, 375 Undwai, NoW York. Af, untitle o J.i.ui li.i!.ii aigualure tO" The Lll'H PILLS ar.- wild in bo-e Pi'icc25 veiiiii,:) cei.i, and 2 e.ico. acoiru tu i he u- aud the Pnomix ilitier m ituiiii , 91 r $d eaeli, wilh lull diiHCtiini. The; Valitiihle Meihcmea are for wile bv t RFaJ A. IJOiiLK, vf SuUibury. SPKISUS At rsHANKJUU Cawin ujrd, JV. C. FOR G tA TLI T0U3 DISTRIBU H)N-A.i intPreaiiug hilie pamphlet, enliiie.l ' MOr'F.V I 'd MKIM;aL MANUAL. ueaigoed a a D.m.k VmM to M.'.itiT; CoiiUiiiiog accuiale mini mal ion cniceiiiin .the moat prevalent diae uva, ai.ii lit mont approved rentediea by W M. B. MoFFA T." Apply lo ihe Aeiit. PaiiKTiury, N. ('., Oi lobVr lfl, '110.7 CABlNETWOttK; I HE hulmcriber iidortne ih jmjIiIic Ibut he. Cotitiuue Ihe tabiiifl-.nnLiii't; iSuwiiuaM, IS THE VIUGBOF LnXIXGTON. OIITII CAROLINA. Ilu ia ii re is red to eteeute all deernialiiMia ol work in hia duo of buaineaa in a very aupenor ij le, re girdit aorkmanahio and nialeriala, ami certainly on imir term thnii ia ii Horded by any other eatub liihrneM of the kind id thia legion ol country. Orkr fnim a dial mace Ibanklully received, and promidlv and Ctithfully e)tituied. , ' . ' l'indu:e, Scantling aud Plunk taken inexrhange f..r word, r - f , NATHAN PARKS, i Lfimtoo, Feb. 7, tWO. - ; ' er ma. trestcrn Carotin i Tt'W'W HWitt m-mthly ;xi('r drvnird le tUt 'i'.frw' li'fvrm, : i'aWif tUmt AtAraoV--, A'. t, und tdiUi A TaaraaAHta l'ov-''u that, waa b. Id a ibia tll.ee varly iu jKrtH,iitx r; iva-lved oa-pu'uOnm, a 44 UaoVe.liae aed timrudel, a appumU-a i. Joha I'Kkf'i and i. H. AlVUiaV tcmaiuei.iU. roi IbO mat.) prelt.i! eniageuieliU, V'4""4' haa, it practicable t-K Iikh id be reeopnUed .a on uf W mub b ft& fcltawiuily e-a bia iudUeny..oUK'ru, to provMe WJiip'i ia bia owe name,' wnn a hop 0l oe vllt U. ani. U idf the undertaking, by ad the Inenoa ot the I einporaitc vauao thiougiioul Uie country, aud Uml lu paper um) auou have au ektenaive circuialioo. tru-AU of (In TmifrftiHcr taaae w you we o , a moat earneal. at.peai-wliile ibouHiaea upon thou aaouaot doliara are aifnually eapunueu at tneairea, at c.rciw-s, at tlie ruce track, at grocertea, while uo paine r apiied, Uie luiury m iiiireaient and eaae lureginie, -aud no labor ueeuie too aevere lo adkance the lulN eat ul political aajiiranb", call you uol do auinclhmg m a cauae ilwl inual rw dear iu every tim palrioi, pUilud tnropiat, aud chriatiau I Kecollecl tnere are bul (, Very tew, aucto paper in all Hie txiuUnrn couiury. Hhi rvealtrn part ot iortii Carolina, to mtrii part ol Virginia, bum ll.e tiaaleiu part ot I -iinec purlieu larly, need a peimuical ot Una kiud, ail It ia lui you now to aiy woeilier Uiey aliali have lU - " - t he wry kw price at which il waa livd by tHc tMiventtoiH will make it uvceuary, llml a v. iy M0 eubteriDiioa oe lutl. tieiore the wiIj.icuLah l a c .1 tie jUlUctt, . - TEK iS. IAe;Wttrr'C'toJiitt i'lmprrmice Atlutcale wii) be puul.vJ uii a uicumiu iict, in i rtu lorm, each 4J441JW 4Wlk"' P-ii u- ni ue iurm,.o-t tlie vetv low price ul i'r'V l-Wii a copy, kv here em aw i-keii, tne p-yiocul n.u. i m. u,a..e ....a- ui lu lacrpnuo ol loo hm uh.tvi. uV f-lu.ti eaiWi.ur puim.. tv,t pn. r .,u ' Aimiaitra ui me u.p.'M ar -jm " : . : " ' ( a a-.i-.il ii 1 a If a 4ai ..VLt Vo;nlfcf or the C'uar f iuui UivM Al tr , ..,.v,.4 1 1 - wofk- . & uuu,,..,.d M- u.. k,. .. . hMClJ1, , . ,,, Col ft.- t , . . ,., .,, 4j.,11 ...... .,A i(l) CllluHJlta. uu. m, M, ,t.llv .t k.w.... (wt Vke (l0.1 a u,,,,,.,., lU ... , wu.t VlK. ,uluie liam. , Ku.u. i,eui, . , i. Uiui H(J, ll,wiuaj.i w.u miM umit tU. m Ut. . Cu(l.,fc , au. iKm ),t.. t..ui M , . t tll,a . w. cllt, ,v ,1 ,,.. t t.. , verumvul, maoit u .o un..i ti. va are'vompuiieu to pu: a ilUllta. vviliptliM a . l(j l lomi .1 in' 1 '' - - -. pUiililA. II II villi iI.jl l.ll . Ji Codkj uul puiio . ln.ui iui ... lu atuv uanaifl mc tu.iv.j upm wlnCii titue tkuika ale pi.u a.il bit 4 inucn a we ci.m-t i..r luc iiu..i.....mi.. t ue Con r i in UmOt i i.uur up ul Uie Cat'y prtlCbti.lJj l;l Uik'ltkU llus vi iiUi.klir, ami Oil- peeciL ol lot uiouiuvia ui im a. - i i.e y i aial niy uo ad iiuiuaul u..j' i no t'i.vu. h u iu liaoou a U a lite uun.n.-n ol ute nr. j h.ki-. an... a iiMiur tmKiii iur a uujju. icu uaiM i lt cwi l au aiAU iii fina. i, mi... s : bumii pe. a l)!. I Ui Ji,.il lil(..c ta-a v.- r k I I'tviJ Wvva Ul till' KM.UU. , iiM,lMl4..H.MMl.l.ll1 -1 l!l ' '. i-t , al iUll ILIii.i, l H w . , . il; a liuU j tmnaimrlurm iir-- -v.aTtK.c- u i r" ' m- , tue touuiUer. i lalkl.i laJaaaal h u lia.l 1 a... f , . . a pr-j- ieu by tdcnoi UIvm W.if aa ia twiibitl IB o- l Lacli i La a '" ,u' "i MVtt Cauav- U, - Wila i n J. """ " ICItitrau Ua '(W.'u m Uie AiiinU'- - tieee lo kit are aenf to airtaitntKW, ta aoon aa tatv cm bv prt.pa(ei, aluir Utv aajjuiuuial ul l oai- ' terms. For ouc copy uf the Coorvawonal Cl iU i for copy ui iue .-tpuvuilia t1 iMJl cupw uj eiUiei ul ilia above wurlu aid be aeif lor BVI, twelve luUiralW IU. Uaa, ii,.... t.w-w.uutt' ' bc-r ol Eiibita tor l'r li jtuu -.''m-4' aJ4Ulr1l, v.- u. ull . "y .neii: a uun.rijrr ri;sit, Mill ik Hii't.'C. l o iiHUire all Itie nil onera, Lie nutiik iib be here uy. JUe. 14 III oL. iet.i,Muuuf. u-t. l.itn. iH I he Ui-iuu.-rtiic w;j. i. itn .v.. t;j fun;i., Will p:ease gi.e tuui I rnejn clii I-' u.. m.i.i. ... .u uttt i,iio,i av.i'l On uiU in uiij iiln, uniH the mumey mtxvuiunut ;. ' IJL.IK 6l 1UVEU Waahmgtoa City, -Nut. go, i'l". ISouh JJiiuknj. WILLIAM IH'.NTKK, Uoltk-Vindtr. !I Nl OHMS the public Ihnl he atill rarro on ho : i.it itilialinn iil ol the above kind in t H tHLurrt., .Ninlli Caroliit, a Un door mhiiIi of the Mini. . Having, aa be couceivee, a Ihorough knowk-dge of lua buaineaa, he fuel no heatUtem in aaauriug thime wtvMiiay wiatt lu palronine bun, that Iheir work hall be done in Ihe very boat ety le, strong, and on 'W'ifH'na " BMika and utber article ent from a durtanoa to i tt-mmt, will be prompilv attended lu and cru- nJTP""y itetbriieJwImn AaJmT"Tiie "puliric uris'reijueiu i ed lo give loo trial. . HCr Order left at the Wentem Carolinian Ot.. (Wo will bn undeally fitrwardud fur cmnpleitou. Charlotte, Feb. 7, Is tu. t- TO Till PUUlilC. ? 'HE Su'jtacritier inke tin iue !- Public, tnat nemttr alii.... ...4 . in ill in.. anieaa ut aii.S Ua.Wa.taa, ifuaiial, at hi Grami Canary, aeten tmle Hmiih uf Holintiury, near the ld t hriiu.n riun', ! re ne i able lu aupply all nrder for ailLI -M U.r.6 ul thu bort grit, ami ou the aierleat ootic. Atao furSale, at tie low elt pru:ea . ..,,. WI.NDtivV SH,I, Ixxitt MILLH, IHM)R STEI'S, IIOUUII BL'H.DI.Vti H(J4'KS,TOMB.sru.NES, GOLD GKlNDEIt!), le. Vo. Ac. J. IIOUUSIIOUSKR. Kharti-Cutter. Saliabury,(Jet. 'aSilh, llDW. tf. S. K , Ordera liar my of th above wmuuht arti cle, directed lo nie al ISalinhury; will be punctually al ended to. J. it. MUFF ATS LI Flu FILLS ii MTYKHA: 'HIIK I JFK UIVLNG PH.lJt AM) IMICENIX X lUn'KKJ, au celebrated, a I'd mi murl lird hy lit altlichal lu every part of the r.ituttry, i now re. ceived aud for aalu by the Noli nln r CHESS At IWWil-.ll, Amenta . Mt aara Sreivta ft. tntai.a, in (Jonuuid, N. C., an tint Ageula tor the (Mir'.. F. . Bv 4wiiaaicot April 4, '39. tt UoVVAN' MOTEL v. - 1 1 AVINO parchaaed that well known nnd long eatublikiied public bouM, (kuwu hv the oan.c ., rsiHUjiliter'a Hotil,) ailualed in ihe Tou T cm. Iiahury, N, C, ii.fSfim hia frtepila and the public' ueiW-rall, ihat ih.Um' i novr Wpen rtrtl.rj recen. . uoint TtvelIiiM Hot'!'. 4 "i Hi Table ami Bat will Ih aupplied tkk ih be.uhe tnarH-ud,urttfdt''a coBiiMry.jjirbj, , H.; etablta tM'W) 'nH attt'iilive Uallci. " Tlie uiAJeriiigned pledge himaeir tnafribljiirrJ ion on hi- wirt ahull be wanting, I give general ufi -faction lu all who uiav favor bim with a call, ' . vJAMIii L. cow ury.pKn, 1610.. , , ,' if. t . - dANljJ AM IAIII an. Sri'Ulwry f in"lrvelliti;' Vowittttfty r-ta rttpactrulty inlorm JL d that tlie btiVcwrr leoow ruiining Wa line c ret (rum lialeigh bvwy o FifleUiro' and Ahbuio' to .Saiirltury, iu nuiall .NuTtiiera m.iO Uaiclu- oftl dm oider ; leevuig Kaleighoa Mundaya and ThurwJaya m 10 A. U arrivmtf in Kalilmry liXxt Jaya at 10 V. ii. Uaving tali-bury ii'iuedyiid Fudaya at '4 A. II., arriving, m Ka'uigb ut't day al 1(1 P., JL Hi borne a e good, ui tin era prltcularly etrehil ami accomiiiuuaimjr,' W i. , . JUi'L AleLEAiN, . F.b. U 1-CKJ. A - . " -v U-- N. B. Hi-at aceured atth Mannkfl Hotel, A"' i-'" 4 'pilR SulaA'tilArnavitig purchaard thia "- a. rib intm imari ntif-af il in a atria n i 'Ai for the ccotiiiniitf4iin ot Traveller and 11 druMr, is no pr'!ei tut their reco .'.. iii I'AJil K Mill aiwava Uar luriiiatieti i'th'i!i? bert ihe mat lie t tan elrdf ! .. wnli a giaid anpply of choice l.iqinti; hi ; !!. ' t.i.ii I) bTu) be kepi in ftmUrjer; and kiaSt. ! '. ' (wite-h are very exieiKivi-)are ell aupplied with lJiavinier or thu drat quality, aud. aueuded by good aiNiTtitlaful bualiera. ., . v.. He lio.ra.tn atricl ittantHHi to the Bufinew. in act. .n. to f ive Mtinfiiction to alt a bo iiaty fa vol him widt their pairfinijji And ha only aak aeallapd trial. v , A.MHSKW CALUtlaM till. faeaiiiohw.N. (' Feb. !.. . . .. Ii " JltVlt! DKaifAlK OF tUt KartfMLlC. 'proposal's rVr a AVrtmarr !( V uf. tiutrigk. to U CalUi TllS BOUTttEIlN TIMES t To bf I djlt d l lieury ITiMile. - v Pr piwila ot thia wt ii-.ua l!y aU'iind in prnminra; few will lie made ia tlda ctae, bat tli-y wil' alt be W deemrd. ' ' 1 be iiu.gn of th pioewaed paiur difiera euinewkat from that ol any now publttled in Una Cit: cxnbt Jningnnwe l.iWsry SI uacelleay with Politic a, thin i eiiiornry nn um pan tx". rw main taaratm, iMieer, wdl be eUiUcal a4 Ma daetriuea of tb Jtf- 1 Vraortla.1 ffClhad. . 4 Tlie hr.t nuuitier -w:n be ''Watted alietit the Cih of hrrb nt t, it ' ifrt.'V-rit ! "tr ot MbseriSem la niMained tu pti,t t! a emlvaaifif . Aa t aaoaol be rejwdee pi ffeetty m tlMrotn"iit bth ,' mi xulwcfiUtr iaexH'ctel to pay uuld Le receive, tie patter. ! ( The aiie will be kbait the aame with Ut 44 IiK-igti "rtfttf ftrr?V!iinir t''the fli narAaWiTiWii, a'uil kit i'Li.aii.'ar y : W --"-I ai u ninrx qiwuc . i or pnee u; aa rur jav..ar par -annma. . " Kvf y prraon lo wltomthnrproptaatt ia Hit," iTJ plraserZ ion all harr anbrritied'wlid'aiay be' aiippijaed to be deairoua to .pHlrooiie the undertaking, transmit ihe if une to lit Editor, at U liin.'tiM, Nuflb Car ulilta. 4 -r-tmnrfr a 7 ., aA a a w..tm.wCT'WT IMir. underntfltd, Adniiiiiairntor tf Ihe lata al - - " , iliSlltJlVamte aaUhltl In i. i r .i !. i it oecnieu. , A con- J.ia:. -a. k.i. eiiiiti wa made ev On- -T A,i ;.;i !.,'- ;i ,iii Mioch carw, and lirHH'ue-ty i.H, -i .ia m UM, SiUtr, Uvpfnf, aiui Lmsd Of tit in their vaiiuu tt 4ural fouibirialioo, teleclrd frucu ' the iniiinal regiouaof ihtacotinlry ; brtidV uum ; la r obimiied from 1'uroue. ck-ieittinc gemlemen. or litrrary inatitutiuiia oVatrin lo potchaae the whole, or uli) pall of the CaUtH-l, a,i hinr farther lofiii ma i loo ua appl leal too by tetitr to the uihVr- Mfaed -.--;""- ;;7 - "fx 1 It c.l otiott will be axld aa aerm a a reaaoea- b!e place nary Le i tiered fur il. ('. K. WIIF.ELER, Admr. SSuttalaury, N. C.'., IVc. 4. lfW.' if. To the rublic. pHE undefaigned reapcctfullj irimruithe Pub. ,,llhlT'tlae5, Vr'TOllTetrgagilu carj j ing u4 Al their old aland iu Rowan tmtyr-Chtpa -Giuve, 10 unit Mioih ed'. Salisbury . Thej flaiUT ihi.-uiMdvra Hml, wpb iheir long ei,iiriH-e al tha hrtiioaja, and devoting lo ll ilia if vnfmiljmg pet- a.iiul atleiilHtai, teffelher with iheir uie lu.urutr. meut in ilrr ayiem of Tii:iingl to, be able to j .a.iiifueiiire Leather of a aupi-riur quality', and on j .-neap lertia en any imte in Ihia.Cuuutiy. j I'nejr now have on. hand a very lire and au ..r,.ir -'-rV ff Lint her, i.f alt LIAlL if . ate deair.maot at-ilirni hi mmlerate ti-rn.a for ru.-h. or tn timo tu reioeiiml ileulero. 0?" Dry and jreen Hidf taken lu exrhanre ft.r Inlher. - At",'vai'd be rnailn,lii nhurl i.mire, Hiiekfiiili' -Pi' lliiwa rworth fioiu eilit u Uei.iy didluta va rying Bcci'dii g to a jte, OOThey invite all orrn aii-Riiig In p-iicliaaa Ieaiher, lo mil aoj ekan.iii tin ir ti:k beiore MirrhiiHiug ilM-aln-re. H. A; W. C. MII.I.FR. Rowan CmiAiig. 7, 140. if. Take a Up end Committed, , 1 () tlie Jail of DaviiUm t.'ountv, ou tiie 14th iiWta, a nriirit b".Vi who nyn hia namn ia 'OM, and hul h belongs n Henry trii kland, aim live near Spriiiglii Id in ihe Mtai"f (teorgin. fain boy ia u very likely luuiniilo, five ii-. i wver. im lie high had on wln n Cnm nitfid KrUiiitrkv i'mna coat ami penM and tow eliirr. The owner ia reqm-fletl, to eon for want, prove prp!rpuy charea, ami uae hint awav,. vy, woa.vcK.Jaaor. ?5t October 17, 1810.

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