1 ' 1 I roWTESS WOT DBLE84TED TO TMR VltlTKn (TATSf Bf THH mlTITlJTIO, NOB MOHIRITRn BT IT TO THB STATES, ABB BBSBBVBO TO SI fM MCriTf.tr, OR TO TUB tROttR. Amendmenti IS tk ConttihOton, Article X . OALISBUIiY, n. C, JANUARY 29, 1841. Whole Number 1,075. ' . . : y 1 4 ' i ; ,'i ; pUBLlStIEDWEEKI.V:i3!r::CIlA8. P. FISIlEft, uVr Proprietor. - ; The Wmww Cabouwub is published ever? , at 2 P M0' dnce,or84 50, f """I thro month trout ibe time of subscribing.. OCT No Lmt will ss awcootiniwd until all srresregss are pawl, Irlhe wilwcrib worth ihe aubicription and th fail lire to notify tha Editor of wiah to discontinue, at least orb mortr before Ud eud of ilio year subscribed fur, wdl be considered a new engagement. ry MvTltml eoiiaptcuouely and correctly ro aertwi t $ 1 per square- - m or " of litis ataad ly p) lor tha first ioseruoo. and 25 cento foe Mch continuance. Court and Judicial advertiee menu 25 per cent, higher than tha above rates. A de ductKM of t enL froui the regular piicee will La msle to yearly advertiears. OCT Advertisemeats Mnl ,a publication, muat be marked with tba auw h... of iiimiUoo deairad, ur they will be continued till forbid, and charged accordingly. V , To esters attention, all UrUere addressed to tha Edi tor on bosineae, mutt he free roilagt, Vauabe an& ;,: 1 V rot-' Saio. O 1WILL toll, Trwwee of John Beard, Jr., a TR ACT f LAf? D, lying within out uwle of tbn town of 8alibury,coiaiiiiiigfrom 180 lo 200 acrea. Tlwre la 4( Acre ck-nred Land on it, of which 15 Acreaia nrt rate meadow, end loud p ff.iiri hraiK-h ruMtkftr thricH .-i'hw ree"inhr U Hie tract wood Und. Any pnrioit wiahirig lo ,M,nHiae, will plaae cull oa me, tiid in caea ol uy biice, oo my t C. F. Fwhr. S.li.Hnrr. frt 11.1840. II. COAQH-MAKINQ ESTABLISHMENT. - , , . ,, . U llUE &ilr.iibere reanrctfully Hifurn ha crti. 1IUU . I J ..- L I . . . U i. ' XuOOIl OUT I?OIl CHGll. A LL tboai indebted to tb 8ubecnber, either by Note or book account, are hereby requwated to com lufward and flank up the M wherewithal," oa or before the 18th of Febman, aa 1 aa deter- nirMid, after that day, lo aak neither " friend nor r , a a . " . . I "" fJHSI IINI WRI1 . 7 . x -.""-..7 "- I uiue will nave lo aett J y'TTTV r Ik LJil , . by Mr. John I. Shaver, nn I ha SiKtiheaet Street, where lliey will nm-lantly keep on baud a riety ot renKriea, eucn . ; OfnttCUm COfruiges Barpurhes. Sutkut, Cigs, LarryalU. They will warrant their work" a nab ip not to be aurpaaMd by any m thia bhcimu of country, aa they have ou band a Urge anpuly of the heat materiaU; and, alwi, in their employ firn rate workmen. The SulMtribera wll nlao kwp eutaiitly 00 hand, IlaroeM ol every dearriition, aa they bive Ural rate tlri-a maker. , Ordera'for w.rklroiu "t ""diatanre arldrraaej lo the ubcntra will be punctually attended lo. '. N. B. All ktud of repairing dime ihi the almrl eat notice. ' DANIEL 811 AVER, . D. F. IUDKN. ! SaliiWy.'Jan. 22. 1641. Tr ( Battle with K. VT. Long, Blienfl. - JEREMIAH M. BROWN. Buliebury, N. C, January 15, 1841. 6t Docts. Killian & Powc, IIAVIN'O aaeoeuted tbemaelvea tnrether, in the il wactice of Medicine, reepectlullv ofier their ear. vice, in all the varioua braAcbee of their proteaaion to the poblie. QZT Their UtDce in la Mr. weat e arici bailoiag. . - . . , Baliabury, N. (X, Jaaoary 8, 184L T. AT WlrotaaaieandlleuuLal WHEELERS'. r.n ava or narriaon'aOinlment.Berkwiih'a PtlU. M..li'lB Pill and Bitter, llouck'a Panacea, and Ik rnard'a leuiedy kr Bowel Comulaint, ht raie aBMBSBaaa Notice. Taken Up ejjd Committed OTltM) the Jail of Hu'rrv County, in wa DR. G. B. DOUGLAS A VINO removed hie Office lo Bad Dor of Mr. Cowan's brick row, (Criuerlv occupied by Dr. Aabbel Smith,) nearly oppoeite Michael Brown's store, politely leaders bis prufesaioMl serrices to the puMic Saliabury, Auguat 21, 1840. r DR. JAMES G.WOMACK a HAVING loeaud hunaelf aernanenfly m the Town of 8AUMBITRY, taadera bia nrbfcaaional service to ita ei'iiena and the ilaioiMiaii. m all iKa aarAna ktanrkaaohia am. Rorklord. ihi the 22nd Jay of He can be fcaind at bis O&ce.on main street veinber, lH40a rrgro iian, who 4 tbe office of the Weatera Casolinwa" by C B. At C K. WHEELER. FRESH TEAS, Wines, fym, Tobac, and Cigara, J11M rereived and U aale, at the Sain htrv I) rti Store. ' ttabury, Nor. 20. IMP. . .t . CoIIoh nrn. fl'llE Suharribers. Agents for th lxinpo Cot 1 i.M Plfirv. wtnle Mifim the miblic IU f y on! JM received sn1 now fat for ale. wheb' and retail, the Cotton 'roa ol Mid Factory, cm Ming of varimie number. The a jrwn.ir qoi tie and charaMer f.f Hie Yarn, of thia Factory ire" well teated .and known a to need no reom .m-mlalion fruni ua ThOM Wishing to pUT chase rll please give ua a calL s va me tm is Mil i r.t, nnaiu-l VlieiY DttcriiilL (.lirisiopher, mi) a Dial he i b' ui 85 r DO year ef ege aio'if 5 feet 0 r 10 itiehe high ; bis com p4etm iaa little yellow. In leu titpj.-m', he any, baa bneo dialncxie'i. Cnni"l icr ha t mi. when ciimniitted, brown jfna cat an" pantaloona ; he a lao ha a crape camM cat with hint, which ia iniieli worn, with ain r-ttier -M ehittmig. Christopher ea he In lmigM Me Knight on, d KairMd Dirfrict, 6. C, and It-t'i In owner about the laxl ol March, or firal of April, 1640. The oWner 1 rfu'Bled n riMne furwaid, pmve pr'Hierty, oay charge, and take linn away. A. M. KERR, Jailor. Rnekfrrd, Sorry Co., N. C, i . Jxmjtrv 22 1611 July 8, 184a s 6 Anrir4fl4e WHEELHKt-A ... LADIErl AND tiotMriirj:ii:RN, K have jiwt received a I .rgf and fmk aupplv f the eelehrfted Arie f, i..,..,m' Shaim' Unrifrn fl of all kind i t. fL-t fir tha next tear, would do .r.,11 inV.II or aend wo. a H.ev f like hoi Nnven.V r U. 1(- P Im7ti f 1 v ii.ttw ,f 8alilur . oti day td" r'ebiwary rB , b iiijt tn. q t'MMi' Curt 'he l-ii, .w n lO r.tvr V" w-r ttT 't h ' 1 UF.INO daircaia id enibaihing in aiHHin r ii, neaa, I now offer iln- eiablilmient of tin- W it- -niTtoToyAnytf nrs: fW eater I do not knowoT a ut-re engiw huh' peraiadeiMUo(eibBrktng inibe printing buat kml ikan Wilininalon. North Carolina. Terme accointnodaiing. Applicatuin niud be praupaid. F.C I,,,'L- Itecewbeim, l40, Ovum ot Witts. 'PUB Subicriber baa an taipvatedpalawl Spindle b I Mill, by wbicu, a'mill will do avacb bailer than .ui. ,k. mL Cm 0 8oindWe. Il Mao eonatructed a to keep from aeafiag or killing tl. meal in any man ... Tl.. ruriner m ao' eonSnei by the Hp.adle aa aW waya Id proeerve it balance, and of cosrae there m ao rubliinv of the tone. I think, by tli improved Spindli;. th. eame water will do at lei it one-third nwie butwaaa, and the meal f uinrinr oualilv. pe"re r'waKf msreBof'nJa1ew," ma. w Jilsiin am A IMirtU b toakint application, (wrth in a JMirt time) to the Sulweriuer at Mrckaville, lhe i".. V O. I think the orubahle Coat will not eicetS " . ai l !. ,k. V.iMit .nit Kmndlfl readv fiiT U". Tk. kJlMiina mimu liava HIV Patent Mill Bpindle in raful operation t-CUd NX . V Keily, Thna. r - ler. J.woh Halt irVtttam'l. foaierof Ihvie Oonnty; liilbreth Pirkaon and Dvid 1. Rmmr of Uharle Oriftiib of Rowan; A-W.-m Moure of IMvirl- nd William I urry. all ol who are aiga timrt hnuae, its I ,i1n 'I nt tu 4v tf Row Tia- ia d Land: il el try David nrh atdr of tlie , ':l tig IBliO ol P. 0enis f TMliyMt;Lli. "'riVtfroiiiiii..ie'!'D iukv Itlrirkwutiilt Mi, w UL liil Imim-r-Ale- ,40 rre .... , lying on the Nnh -ide '...I r.M.I, mlj ming the abve, auhpxt to Mra. Vt w'j Ai-r. I v,l aa the proerty 01 (J. Ur n.b 1. t -1 1 f two Kl. I'aa. Ill ny Oaliit, mw in d wr i i. ) Giahmii, and il.e Hot iwi 'f I' A l!ie, Llner uiihe Lank 01 t .u lr. Salatwi.' the valu tblt) Flwili mi w inch t lwiH' imiw iv,cM,iamiiig 150 Acres, I" Dn W. D. Dempsy TAKES Ibis method of loforroMig bis friende and the public generally, that be has relumed I roes Virginia, aod will be happy lo receive a continuance of that verj liberal patron age which be baa heretofore enjoyed. His office is at the Eagle Hotel, Statesville, N. C. December 25. 1840. ew CABINETWORK;- THE Subacriber inforrfia thej public that be continues tbe Cablaet-fflaMag IlusiBiaa, IN THE VILLAGE OF LEXINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. He ia prepared to eiecute all descnptiono ol work 10 hislineuf bwaineaalna ferysoperinff style, sere- rarda workmanship and materials, and certainly on loarer ferau than ie aflorded .fy any otber. .eeUb-li-limetit of the kind in this tegioa of country. . Orders from a diatance thsnkfully received and prmnptlv and fittthfully executed. Prure,5caotUu4arjdnatAUkeascnajei K N ATHAN PA RKS Leiingtrm, Feb. 7, 1840. t NAPOLEON. --frm tht letter (s tit XwraW Ceatawrc, dalrd at 8L Hel, Scomber 2, 184a The tsab was at this time, ia tbe presence of ' the above naoied persons, found sj aotire and per. feci as it was itnmedistely aOer lb interment of NapoUoo, 00 tbe 9th of Mejr, 1821, lac first thing removed was tbe iroa railing which eoeooi ' paaaed tbe lop part of tbe tomb, and the stone co lnf Id Which 11 had been iieorteAThe"eurAice occupied a tpwoe of about 19 (ret by 8, covered with three slabs of Portland stone, half a foot in thickness, retting upoa masonry embraced by iroa bands. These slabs were displaced a little before two o'clock. Immediately eras exposed lo view a wall, being the four sides of the vault, 1 loot 4 inches thick J width of tbe vault 4 feet 8 inches, depth II rest, length 8 feet. Under the three slab there waa a vacuum of inches. VVhea the eaith was taken awsy, tbere was a solid laysr ef Roman cement to tbe eitenl of 0 feel 10 inches. In a snort time this, was all taken sway, by much eaertioa, with chieeta. The eommiesioner, all tha time watchful, with a number of lighted Wa ter oa, then deaeeoded as br as the progree of the work would allow them, for tbe purpose of ascer taining whether sJI was right. At this Moment, when the layer of cement had been Jreasoved, a bed of 10f inches of masonry of hard stone was exposed lo view, strongly secured by iron clamps, and well ermsnted. Nearly five hours were ex pended ia aeeompliahing thia pari of the work, which at one time the Eagtiah cemaliaaiooer thought be would net be able to eecepush, snd bo therefore saw fit to issue orders lo clear away tbe exterior earth and commence taking down the north avis of tbe vault, in order to effect aa en trance to tbe chamber ia which lay tbe remains of the great deceased j but by etgbl 0 clock the ob ject (without this operation) being noalljr sccoov plumed, be gave directions 10 oeswu At ihie lime the workmen bad got to tbe depth of nearly six (et. When this mssoary had been finally removed, there was found immediately under, a Portland atone alsb, about half a foot thick, feet 7J inches long, by 8 feet wide, covering and forming the np par surface of tbe chamber. All around ibis waa crimson velvet) and between 8 and 4 o'clock tha procetMott moved from tbe tomb." t - THE REMAINS OP NAPOLEON. Dr. Guillard. who accompanied the Prince Da Joinville in the expedition to Si. Helens, has nub. Iwhed sn account of the exhumetion of Nauoleon. from which tbe following are extract 1 wTbe upper part of the leaden effin waa tjheo t and raised with the g'reateet precaution t witb- 5 1 71 !MI(1:MX H11TKUS. m:b thene excellent Me. 1 afquil UO, IS Curttlk' l! cvrry n, an fy ptoaacd with iu performancs.. 1- M. GILBERT. : . tf . tMohw 25, IKO. 1UWCU MHONttV rpilE 8UB1CRIBKR living near lxingU Dsvid. Win County, Uk.w Oil uialhod lo mlorui th 1 ub. lie thai ha will enter inn contract with any rrwm, or perwaia, either in Oavideoo. Rowan, or Ubsrm Couii. twa, who wiah nooaea, tact.irisor any other kind ol KiiiLl.n. .wbJ nl llruk. to build thuui aa Cheap, aa durable, aud in a iod atylo aa any woriniau in thia '"llowill aKmonld and burn the Brick, il wanted.- Ile truU that hia long experience in MOULDING AND LAYINU BRICK, in a:iA . .kwei nl tuibhe mlrofiilf Ho would rerr gentlemen wndnng work done in Die lino of Bu.ioem to Hie Female Acadmny aud the new fire proof Clerk'a office in Sali.bury.aa .pecimena ol k.- A. b 1 N. B. . Tlioae wiahj-g work done, will plenae lrae word at the office of the Wcstvin Carolinian, and it .llb.pnctuall,.ucndlu, QQX Davidaon, April 1R, 1939. " I'lIE Injih reli i.rsty i.i: " duine have acquiiod, dise.ine to wtix ti ti e liunii liaiut ia )iami:, ia a mailer lamiliar with aliooet eiy nite-lient per mw They became known by their fruits lieir Kood worka liave leal ire d lor litem tlmv did uut thrive by Ibe faiih of tbe credulous, la caaee ol Utiveiteae, DapeMia, Bilioua and Liver Atfccli'Mia, Aatbuui, Pilea, cVutrd Pains, Kkeuinstiam, Fevers and Auoa, Uuatinale Head, aches, Impure Male of tha FluMia, Unhealthy Ap perance of the Skiu, Ner ua Debilitv , the Sick neaa inri-tenttu FeiMlea ill D iicaie llctUh, rvrry Liud iif WeakneiM ol the IWmivf Uigutia, and il "hH geir'il "iwiiffiirTjwtiwn tlita have mvamblv on'ved ct riam ami speedy remedy. . Tle y iet..r,- i(jorou 'J,h' tha ..i-r eiliiii(t(il ff .iiafiriiiT"4i "A "aiilihrTnal will lasrrlhe LIFE PI LU.uk! putKNIX IM1 TERSVynd the reach cmnpct.titMi, 111 the ea- ttttntiti of fVr IMt l'rm.f ed a.id .! I, boh e and retail, Bl V, M. B. MOFFAT'S leiiicl 0.lie, 374 Broadway New York. N. B. N'e are aenume in,l they have the fac annile of J!" M..tKi' aignalura. rt-'W-4,l Ffr4i L4 - .'"Id Price 25 cent, SO renin, and 9i eacti, aeniru ng to the. ! 5 and ihe Puas .iit BiHera in botlk , st 81 or 82 i-eeh. Hh lull riieclioiif The'sa Valuable MedSnnea are for sale by -- C'KEfS t WMtER. of Salitburj. fcPKlNOS da M1ANKLE, t'ocol, X, C. FOR Oil ATl'l I OUS UISTRIBUTION-An inlereati.ig little pamphlei, entitled tt MOFFAl'S MEDICAL MANUAL, deatjjned as a Deniiwitc IwtiltUa Iaa lliihcotitBHil"i acrurale infiwinatitm concerning the moat prevBleol diaeeea, and I I be most eiwrovrd n-mediea by WM. B. MOl FA I. Apply lu the Agent. Saliahur), N. C, October Ifi, 1640. JSotice. THE SALISBURY MANUFAC TURING COMPANY having com me need operation, are now prepared lo furnish dealers with Cotton Yarn of a euDerior oualitv on favorable tern.. aliKbury, Uee., 11, lu. " f- " I 1 ! E Subacriber living seven miles south of Salts a tnirv. mteMa keepinc eenstssuv en Dane, aiar lbijund UnutaJs expressly for TOMB STONES, so that be eea execute aay order is that Line, oa lbs I aborted notice. ALSO- It u mdv to .aeeute an work which ma be celled tie in SC'GlPTURING. HTONE-CUTTlNO. EN-1 GIVING, aux, snd be aaeurae those who mey rarer htm with their work, that unleae well done tccorduigl lit r. iit net. I.e baa no Mt. I A complete large Dairy Trough lor sale, cut of Rock, P the purpose 1 1 preserving milk cool. Apply to th Sulftctiber. ENOCH E. PHILLIPS. November 1st. 1639. tf. cut in il waa found a coffin ol wood, in verv mi iui. and correapooding to the descriptions end recoU lections of tbe persons preseot who bad saaiated st tbe burial. Tbe lid of the third coffin havina been raised, there was tmnd a limn of tin sliirhtlr oxydised, which having also been cut th ough and raised, allowed us to see a sheet of white tin. This sheet was raised a it h tha greatest precaution oy ine nanaa or ids doctor only, and the entire body of Napoleon , appeared. : fne features bsd( suflered so little, as lo be immediately recognised. Tbe diflerent objects depueilsd in the coffin were remarked in Ihe exact poailione where they hsd been placed ; the hande were singularly well pre served the uniform, Ihe orders, the hat, hot little chanced the whole nereon, in lart, aoemed lo in dicate a recent inhu ition. .The bKly reuiaine.1 exposed lo Ibe air for only, at must, tits two tun nies iieeesasrv for Ihe surgeon totske the meawurea prescribed by bis insiruclioue, in order to pwacive it from, all further alteralinn.n Something white, which appesred to have be come detached from the lining, covered, if with a thin gaoxe, all Ihsl Ihe coffin contained. The cranium and forehead, which adhered atnmgly to . tne satin, were parttculsrly stained wit i it, but very little waa Been on Ihe lower part of the iacn. on ihe bands, or on the toes. Tbe body of the Emperor wss in sn sasy pueitioo, es when it was . placed in the coffin ; Ibe upper members were laid at length, tbe left arm and band reetine on the left thigh the lower limha T were slightly bent: tbe head, s little raised, rested on a cushion. The voluminous skull, Ibe high and hrd forehead, presented thensnlvea, covered with hard, arid ye. low teguments cUwely adhered In them. Such appeared also the contour of lire orbtia, Ihe upr edges of which were furnished with the eyebrows. Under Ihe eyelids were lilt lo b dislinuuo-hed the se perfect as it was on the day it was laid. Into ocular globes, which bsd lost very litlle ot their thews slabs, to order lo raise them, holes were volume or. form. The eyelids were completely -drilled by means of chisels, snd iron rings were closed, adhered to the subjacent parts, snd were put in, so as to lift them out. It wss now nearly hard under the pressure of the finger. Son e eye 10 o'clock, and Dr. Guillard purified the tomb with lashes were to be seen on their edges. The bones certain preparatione be had previously got reedy, of Ibe ttoe and the tegument which covered them, The slabs were then lifted to tbe surface of the were well preserved ; the lubes and nostrils slone earth with tackle fsstsoed to spars, and put at the has suflered. Tbe che ks were foil. The tegu- " side of Ihe vault, and as soon as Napoleon's coffin menu ol this pan of tbe face were remarkable for came into sight, the French chaplio sprinkled holy their softness to the touch and their whitoueae. water (Earn Bemtt) all over the tomb, and then Those of the chin were slightly blue, a lint they read a psalm de profundis," al which moment ail hH borrowed from tbe beard, which bsd grown persons present, out of ..f . irmk -off lhaic bits. aAcr . death. The chin itself hud undergone no Tba commissioners, with their wonted watchful- change, and still preserved the peculiar type of ees,Bgaia deeceaded into the vault, when they the face of Napoleon. . . ' . - found the coffin of Napoleon as sound as it waa on The thin lips were parted, and three of ihe in. tba first dsy of its deposits there, with tha excep- ciive teeth, very white, appeared under the opter lion only of a small part ol the bottom, which was 1, wpkb wss a Utile raised toward ibe left; -The: i eJightlr a.-t"jiJh ohssrved thsX the hands were perfect, not tovmYinvtog'fW Bottom ot tnis ensmoer restea upon several smsii change. Although the yoiuis were sitfl, the skin atone pillars equidistsnt from each otntr, so placed preaerved Ihsl peculiar color which Js only to be Ibat the Boskage from the adjoining hilt jnighl pas found iaJha fivingWnJTba nail of Ihe fingera-.-....: '4- ' off without injuring the chamber. This proved to were long snd adherent, and very white. The ) be an excellent precautionary measure. The Go. leg werv in booU; but in ctmsequence of the J-' veinor being unwell al PlanUtion House, hsd given opening of the seams, the last four toea were out j. Captain Alexander ordera lo proceed thus tar no each side. Tha skin of these tors were of a . without his fresence therefore, hsving got to this deed white, snd furnished with nails. The ante." 1 extent, aa officer was sent to report progress. In rior region of the throat wss much deprewwd in i the mesa ..linsv. precautiooarjf . measures were ,h middle and Ihe, fide,,.;, lb Uy 4Urd,aod Ji ' ayiptebytheaurgeoa.TB , . a I i - .. . ..I-, .l.nd Mn4 ItiwiL Umminm I - J . - I . I .1 . T i . im piiwv imw-viw! i myKmmi 10 imvb previrrwu .iimrrpriP.,.t.,preast'l - beeacerafelry tutroducer under it bhttcrfn sirfea, a,, feR arm, which I io ind to be herd and dunin and it was afterward taken to a lent, which had i.hee in thickoeaa. As lo Ihe clotoes, lby ap. keen pitched close by, for ita reception, at which peered with their colors, ao that the uiiuujcmof tbe momeot the priest read a laconic prayer (La Le- borve chsaseurs of the old guard was lo bt recog J veeduCorp egreuMy to-tr Rmmo Catholic olaed b lite darrgreen of tha oiai and it bright V-"' " forme. I red lacings. The grand cordon of Ihe legion of ' Wkaa ika mIRii kail Immi thua remnvwd. the I hmuw ik. m-.m.-i mA .k. k:i- T - -' , !'." wn ww.-w ' 'W .in 1 IITI .HIIV CommtaMonera stepped into Ihe chamber, in which breaches were partly covered by ihe hat, whiejivr " ' bad reeled his coffin for upwards of 19 years, was placed on ibe thighs. Tbsspauletu.thesisr, ".T- which chamber wss ss perfect and a dry al it waa and otber decorsiions attached lo the breast, bad oo the 9th May, 131. The outatde coffin (mabo nat their brilliancy and turned black. Tbe gokis-- , gany) was separated aod taken asundei, next lo crown of the cross of officer of the LegtoBlef ? V which was one of lead in tha highest stale of pre Hnnor hsd alone preserved its polish. Vsese of v .1 servalioa. Arrangements having been previously mlver appeared betweeu tbe legs ; one surrounded directed by Hia Excellency, in cooaeo,ueoce ef hi by ao eagle, which rose above Ibe knees Ibey indisposition, this leaden coffin was hoisted up were fouud entire, and closed. As there were snd placed within trie aarcophsgoasimt irom r ranee i tlhiona between these vsses and the parts ibey for that jMirposa. Thia done, tba Governor with touched, I uncovered them a little, ibe Kma - THE MARKETS. esaswaaaaat AT SALISBURY, JANUARY 29, 1841. lMeol,'", a:41 fharTKvi Lard, Wolasves, Boet, Brandr. (peach) lo..(aJiua)-aU- Butter, HI a 12i Beeawii, 19 a Knscinf. 18 a Bate Rope, 10 a li Cotkm,(cleaa) a a Corn, 25s C-oflfc. 14 a 18 Flour. - 84 25a 84 60 Feather. Ma 371 FlaiMed. - 0i ltd Ort; lt tWhlrtty; 8 a 10 60 a 02, 1 -a- 15 a 20 41a 121 lOal'l IB aw Oats, Pork, Rics, (qnsrt) Sugar, (brown) Ua (loa.) Salt, (be.) 12Sa8160 U0(SMk) U73B B4UU Hteel,bliis 10 s Do (cast s iu Tsllow, 12, 301 MATCHLESS SANATIVE. 11114 .....ln.hU Vlmlicinn ia fur aalo bv tne auiwritier, al MilleJgcville, Monteoiuery ct., Fehroarv 41. 1M. - ' L AT FAYETTEVILLE, DECEMBER 28, 184a Brandy, (peach) Do (aupl) Bhcon, Bmwwix, Butler, Bala Rope, Codee, (Mton, CotUai Bagging, torn. Candle. Flaxseed, Fiair, 4560 4045 8a 10 - 25 15a 90 8 a 10 aii 40 s 60 17 110 a 1 16 $4 5085 60 Feathers, 7440 Lard, f 010 MolMea, 8095 Naila, 6 a 7 Malt, (tMMhel) 75 Do (k) g2 50 a g387l Sugar, (brows) 4 a 12 Do (lump) 16 Do (loaf,) 1820 Tobacco, (UaJ) 41 a 6 Wheat, 85 Whiaker, 80 Wool, 1520 AT CllERAW, 8. C, JANUARY 19, 1841. III. AM KM 9f vtwy dweHlvea for SsU, v ! dhjc Beef, (Kree) Bacon, Butter, Beeewax, . Bagging, Bale Rope, 1 Coffee, Cotton, Cera,VNaree) Ss5 8 b 10 15a 20 2025 2528 10 a 121 121 a lo 9t 10 40 a M Flour, Feathers, Lard, (i Molsssss, Kfets, K ice, (100 lbs) iSugar, Salt, (sick) Ps (bushel) 856080 40s 11 s 124 8560 8340 84851 1014 8375 87i$l. hi Stan made their appearance, to witness too I eornmisetooer not thinkine it nshl that thev opening of tbe iimermost coffin. The upper sur- I.Kould be' removed for tha purpose of a clearer (see ol the leaoeo coma waa men careiuny re- examination." moved, when another mahogaay one waa discov. ered in a inost excelleot atato. . iaa tia or ins in. i ARRJ.VAL OF ner one iromouiareiy uoai me mumin n j.pir tI1E SEINE, loon, made of abeet tin, superficially rjorroded, was ' .. next lifted. Then appeared a white eatia envoi. Tbe Havre Jmrnal gives IB account of the en. oping tlir-bodrrwhich aalm wm tho aurgeoo- of tl lenwrna-of Napoleon tat the Seine. -himeelfTenvwed, and tha mortsl remains of the he'r P"lt rroo On T"- treat deeeassd were exposed to view, to several day the weaiber was storrrv, amJi fears were en. who knew him, andesvera! who knew him not The tertained thsl the passsge from iTherbourg would feature ol the Creicau Lieutenant had to all sp- nkull I but ss night came oojlbe wiud eubsi. aearaie euOered but very little, for ibey were A I tba weather cleared. The eoovoy ar. readily recognised. General Oourgaod on behold nfi al Havre ia the evening, and rataamed la ba ing there axclaiined, Good I very good I ! " And twxsJa. At mt Jwerday morning the drama of the seversi articles, picture. dtcM Ate., which bad National Guard aad ihe garriwoa beat the re , -Veew plaeed srowod hira-witHte the ooffW, epeeared vaittareud be-haU assMiaoeeety-ihe whole popti. aalhey wre on the day of interment. Nape, latwo of tbe Iowa and eovirona were assembled on leou's handa were in tbe same position and place tba piers, on tha height, and along the hore, ea ia which hi faithful Bertrand bad nearly twenty y looking out for ihe funeral cortege, wears before plaeed them, and looked in high As the light increased, tb vesael became per. aula of preservation. Hm order, h's uniform, hie fptible. The Nnrmandie steamer with tbe body cocked bat, which hss ever been identified with hie on board, waa distinguished taking the lead, person, were but vary little injured by ihe hand dressed ia her clothes. 8he was followed by the of lime, and tha whole wore the air of very recent Seine and tha Courrier, tlie Rodeur cutter remain, deposits but part of the satin appeared to Wave ing at large. Al seven tha convoy passed within insinuated itsell into the akin of the fare. Two a abort distance of tbe jetty, tunning st a quick -minutes only elapsed (of thia exposure, which was rale, impelled by lbs wind and ink, with verv lit. chiefly lo afford tha surgeon time lo use certain He steam on. General attention was turned ex. pteventativee to further decomposition. ' Tbe tin clusively to ibe Norraandie, which made a inajea. coffin was then closed and soldered, tha mahogany tie appearance. The coffio, covered with aa ia one secured, aod the leaden one soldered. The oroide red pall, and surrounded by burning lights, P otber leaden one withia and belonging to tha r waa tba most atnkieg object. The sun coming eophsgus sent from France, waa likewise soldered out just at this momeot, added greatly to the s fleet ' ' and sealed, when Ibe sarcophagus was locked, and of the scone. -The Journal sdds that, unfortunate. tha key then handed to Comta da Chabot, the lv, the arrangements made for the lining the jet French Commieeioiier, by Captaia Alexsnder, tha ties with National Guarda, for firing salutes, 4tc. English Commiasiuoer. Tba sarcophague, after were either badly mad or tardily executed, so some formalities of expression between the Com that tha National Guards were, not preaenl wbea mission re, was tbea placed on tba bears and tba convoy passed, and the municipal and other covered with. thpell (a vary rich one ajada of authorittca came tanning out fa the pier just ft tb A' ...... '-, ! v .' .......:v,:r:;"'''' -- ' ' : ,V''' V--l-' ... J "" ' ;.-tr..-.; " . '.-"y.. ' " " . - , . a ' a ' ., ---i r t"- v v-7 -4a - -.-t - . '.n'Aa .,V- 4TV. . -. ' v - , , - .,:.L -k