1 "Ui.ort ii.haJ!y cue) hi tUir ppwtj,; Clkdlhe vacant ptwre wish lhoa f their f pnrtwana who were torn iJcreJ to havo l!.o gu -A claim' for services renJered, wilhotil r -arc" to capacity. Io several instances so great was tl.e number of lUiniauts, and to collecting were their pretension, that serious dissensions threatened I he ,diwlu'iii of ibe parly in Nori'.i Cirolina evee btfirt (t was fiirly in existence,,', In consequence r'pj (hose disnions---this, fighting fur the spoil," many thousand W Ihe public money have bceo 1 idly squandered in eflitria lo uflecl elections, But, b'-idt', their labor of properly dividing the spoil" amongst ne clamorous and hungry Mt ""of applicant a ever scrambled" for place, or were urged by overflowing palrioliam to "lake car nf the country" in a fat office, thnir economy hat Itceo practiced in involving the State with Kill heavier liabilities for lhe beneCt of Corporate .Companies, we mean the Rail road Companies, to which whim hundred thousand of dollars wers before given away, or rather, on which, that amount wee tkrow oraw. But yet farther, their promised Reform 'wa extended to the passage V act 'of resolutione" (which wo have before tmblished and edmmentnd on) for Ihej distribution of the proceeds ef the public lands, br the assump. ion o( the State dbu, whicK if carried out io principle would burden North Caroline with heavy laiatioolo" pay the' debu of otherSuies. 'And last, we bad a Unking display of their haired of expense, and their practice of" the log-cabin 'pro. festiooa of simplicity and economy, in. the lavish appropriations made for the log-cabin4 Governor One House, and bribe Stale Ilouae. .. 1Vi i, To make a condensed statemont of I he whole, we find thM theseT Federal Reformers and professors par . excellence of economy, promised more, performed less, spent more, and did them selves aa little credit, and the State ae little honor, aa any aet that ever went to Raleigh with the credentials of Legislators, The Stale is lortu- rate, in having received no more injury at their ' their hand, though we lieliove they went to the extent of their capacity in doing all the harm they knew how, ',; ' A. ;.t . .. , , : .k.y " : -- . - t TUB CURTAIN RISE3L Tii CsdeTsliats in Omgrn have been threatening la hive a r!l-if sImuvmi ! an earl day sfter tlie fourth-ot March, miles inch ample expropriations sUIJ be voted at the present station, as slull leave no stint ol money. Accordingly, the Committee of Ways sod Moans have reported a Ml (or fitt millions of Treaaory wrfes over aad above all the revenue lor hods end eutotos that may AW intotle Tresau7. .- With this, however, the are not satisfied, but demand ten millions, and we see that Mr Bernard, of New - York, bos seeordiogly offered a proousitioa to create a kwo of .mitfiss a new National loana sort of entering wedge lor a larger one -lor a Bank lor new taxes and enlarged expenditures. JUt the people but keep their eea open, and the will soon begin lo "see sights," aa the tolas aa abooi the gold mine. POPULATION OK NORTH CX.ROUN.V Tb4jjfimr,ofjhie;8tat compared .with tliatof 1830, preaenu aonie aertons (acta to the people of North" Carolina r It ahowa lhat bor S a (e in tea yeera haa hardly increased fMr population at created. This i the eltect of emigration.' The following is a noinpnrntive iow of the two periods,' lilaStfanliyMi r '"'7, " W'fM. Tree .riw. AZaaet. la HW, 4-4.172 ljn,"4Ti4C3 11.735) ltlHliotal, W.7.VJ :i9,eT5 3.I7T 2.74i2 378 dtcrratr; la tMAvM.ji.. Arrordtnt tit-the rale ef whirli 'fiopirlatioit lb rfie in tho UniMul Stntea, North Carolina, in the lnt fen years, oui;M to have gained at leaai tirre hkidrrd tkot!wJ oil, (lor population inthi country oiblot itself in 23 yeara,) bit instead of tbia, we nive gained 1 l,04T) soor, anfwehave'dc e eiied in slave 378. Our increave in alave?, according In tbe usual ratio, ought In have been vert nearly, or quite eq'til to one iwiJrtd thm toad, bat imtesd if t)iia, we have kU ... , . Taking tbe uwal basis for ealculation, North Carolina in the cmjreef tbe lent ten yeara must have aunt out to the new countries porailaiinn rq'ial in its incrrasn to line kindred tkmumnd twit t the proportion nf negmea in thia number equate, eay one bond red thousand these, at an average'of tCOO each, would be worth frenfjr million of dollnri. The slaves yet remaining in North Carolina, at ihe lowest entimaie, may be Ruined at, at kmHtfftg milium of JolUri. , Uitmvr vry,Ttitinbai NnTth Camlfnai imJ ' nVr the new apponiimment, if the) ratio ihnulj.be. increased? will loan two or three memhere of Con gres. If the ratio be filed on the barn's of C0.000, a some think it will, North Carolina will then be eniitl'd to 10 member only ; thus loving three from her prevent number of 18. The yii'ig ami crowing Ftate nf Miiippi, hirh now has only two member, will be entitled to four nr five. "PtttPIJtrs BALL" We see from ihe Warhinginn pipnraibat the lltrri-" aim Mil in thaCCity, conMiing id memliHraot Cm. grrr and Cilitenr, are making splendid preparatione to receive fien. Ilarrienn and enstal him in power: Aiming other doings, they ate going to have a grand bo i. on th occasion, ami by way ol carrying out their system nf humbug, they rail it" th Poopl' Inait- guraiion Ball "Tbi ball is to be held in the Theatre, ami the price el adiniion i only en dollar. No dnnbt the Ticket are fixed at this low price in order that all the poor " log-cabin " peotile may afford lo at tend il.-t-In shnrt, it is the I'eophi'a Bll,n and who ever ran dm in broadcloth, etc., and py ten dollar, are welcome In go, and dance a much ia they please, Thus, on the 4th of March, 111, tho WmVglo rfaare into power, and Ihe chaneea are three to one jhat on the 4th of March, ItlS, they will Kemper out Hines Holt, Whig, has been elected by the peo plo of Georgia Infill thn tnenficy in (,'origreoa, oc casioned by Ilia reignaliim of Mr'. Colquitt. ' I'.'H . C. facre lit iccfciml i!,n w- ' I to ward f.r l.!a l;i 4 I'uimncr'a !, ,re in I' ?r , j of V.'li -ary. He baa Iteen at l.i rd.tcUady t'.oc ted United Stntea. Senator from Vircinia for ail yeara from' the 4th Murch. llie election from all account scomv to have beno tolerxted, not de , sired by the party. , A debt pnid been it was proinimNt, and ia an honor (reely conferred in con- tidencc Mr. Kives must feel it ao. . A Striking CowpJiinmi. The Globe deecrilic Mr. : .-Webster a a man of " gigantic inteltect, and " Lilli patian spirit." "' . , , i, . '. Congrrttmul A ifya. ?V4y, JtAuur ID.., ; The i)!bte in the I louse was continue! unla upon thabill iniMocfdby Mr.Jonea,chairTiaBof the Com ftiiac of Ways and Means to provula ft n.. iMin. "f r'n7 Mr. Bur.rd, a New York, tol cloded, and Mr, Lvana. t Maine, followed no the de- Jjl. A singular foatov, in the history of legislation .eloeed itself in Uji, tpwch nf Mr. Kvasv It waa Meaplioit 'fM,oib at ibe opening sod at the close Of HIS remf4.Ti,nt it was his intAnt inn unla for lk f ' a yet eenMtrmAg rail three hours in a violent nK malignant stist upon UieAdminMitra.tion, and upoo ii (Mny winging ii nirwara. , , j i m uinium a nr. bvaoe in pi si expenoiiaret u Iheeatravavanceof the Administration, and ha failure -Pi. : i - . ... to keep the publie revenue within the Dublin disburea. meota, ac., waa the mere echo, the idle repetition of wai political song which aav, Mr the pist eight or ten yean, been ao buwterously and industriouslv rnmr into " tbe ears of the American people by panie and distress makera Uiroughoat the continent. . Othor nay. and probably will fullow np tbia mercenary attack, and pro- mme aa onneeesnary oeiay in the proposed temporary relief of tbe Treawry aoaVht in the report. Mr. Bell obtained the floor, and may be expected to apeak to- - morrow. uivoe. 4 . " ABOLITION. From the' Ohio filaleraen. ' M i latt evening attended a meeting called for the purpose of having a lecture, or report, from the Rev John Keep, who hat iuat returned from hr-thind rn tbe British Queen, having apent 18 monlha in Great Britain and Ireland, soliciting funda f.ir the Oberfin Institute, on the ground that ilia an Abolition Institution. 1 ahall give you a brief eketch of bia remarks, confining myetlf strictly to ficta. II began by describing in rather eloquent lanauane hia vovaze acrcac the Atuntic. On ar riving in London, he waa 6rt introduced to tbe celebrated Geo, TbompsM and family, on whom he beatowed a lengthv. eulogy, staling that' while Brougham, O'Coonell, I ho Duke of .VVellhigton, and Gird Melbourne? each filled' their sphere in the British empire, George Thompson filled a wider spiwre than enuer m tneiui mut ne aiienoea n lew daya afier a-public meeting, at which Lord Bmugliam, O'Conoell, ind Thon.peon, were ' the priociial speskers, and that liroughara in call ing upon Thompson for a speech, pronounced biro the moat eloquent man in Ureal Britain: And yet, aaid Mr. Keep, tbia aame George Titompson, when be arrived at ISew York, could opt for bi money, -procure a nighi'a lodging for himself and family, at any of the hotels in the city. He waa oeit in troduced to Dunel O'Connell, whom be pronounc ed a genuine companionable fellow. He staled that O'Connell waa anxioua to coo lo America, ami probably would do so principally for tbe pur .pose of bating edisciwion with Calhoun, lie net l preeeoied a petition to the common Council of London, aaking for a donation in behalf of the uwrun loiuiuie, wnicn a reapecuuiiy reterrea fo a couimmee m iniriy;tnai ne urgeu uie claim of the iiiMitiition at length boiiire the Committee, JMinijng bi argiimont u,xin the fuel, that, the Ober Iinitan Al-oluioo luntitutvon j that a donation of two hundred piwnda, wae voted unanimously in the Cowmjiew MmMvhn-ff atne -befor ih f loo It wa on tlie point of pauing witb) nearly the aame unanimity, when a notonnia lory arose and elated that slavery waa recogmaed by the American upo- alitution, and that a dooatiun from the corporation of LonUoa for the purpose nf abolishing American B'averjr would IJbe.ao. improper and unjust inter, ference With our iiMtiiuiionik Tbia' turned the tide nf leelirig, and the appropriation wa lost by four votes; nut that ibere were abaonteea enough, I bin to thn oluert who. if thev hd entertain - 9A hAituMB"nf ita riaj,. would hav' attttnrtad i i 1 tfttfr Wrr nwmYu "aj'e4-tbingk 4wnpantlvv-lie next teret waa stronge, many ot.tne tniiaoiiauia bav ing engitgtd extentivoly in tlie slave trade. Here lie auccocdd beyond bia anticipations, procuring aubacriplioo from all chtMetfut nn , and among, other, fee, of Itto ik tanJ dollin eack. He !. alletwarda vimchI doliueiil pacta oflh empire, be; . ing received in the ni"t iricmily manner by the nobility and clergy, olMauiing aubwnpliona whom ever he went, iio aiieuduuaa Anil Slavery meet ing at which Prince Albert preidcd; and tbe general arniiment throoghont the empire wa lhat the A me r. can were very wicked iu tolerating slavery, and stood much in ueod of the benevolent interpooition nf her Majesi) ' Bubjecte, He also Blatod, during tho eourae of hia remark, lhat he , 4W at Sheffield very respecnWn people belonging lo the middle claw, pounding atone in the at reels f.r ait and one fourth cento per day, lo keep their families front starvation. Fine country, that I no wonder tkeg feel Jot tie poor Amend Ware. "He stated that there were several claaeet of Aboliiioniata in England. One clan were (or abol ishing slavery in America, by tbe cultivation of .eottonJaj he.-BiitUUult.XdieB-T-lhat t he na tive there were in the" situation of the Ruevaa eerfa, and wrere bought and "old"with"lhe anil " lhat.wilh thee peculiar adronUtgeo, Ibey could show thoir regard for human rights by raising suf ficient cotton to supply the Engliah market, and limn cut (iff the cotton market for the Southern States, which would ebViually abolish elavery in thorn Si a tea. Ilow sinking and clear ia the love of the Britiah Whig for tins poor negro I He then went m to show that I hero waa a airong attach ment maitiferied by l.er Majy's sultjects for the A iwiKJBiiBthiii the? coiisidrr ua theif phttdren that the war f the Revolution and the last war were both wicked and unjit that they were not approved of by the people, but were emphatically the war ol King George, who haled Anierica. Here a friend whispered to me, and aaid the speaker waa very inconsistent, for he had fresjuent y heard him preach against the last war in 1814 and MS, when roidiug in Massachusetts. Ue i it i msted that Jefferson wa much to bia me, tor en deavoring lo prejudice the people of the United State againt the people of England, in writing the Declnratiim rdj Independiwe lhat, although thai document might hava been well enough in lis (lav, yet he hoied he never should hear it read again on tbe Fourth of July, as it had a tendency to keep up thn prejudice in the minda of the A me ricnes against thn Knglish. He next spoke of the siiifultitHia of' prejudice againat cidor that it did not exist in EigUnd that it ia not uncommon for Engliah gentlemen to marry black wivea that in Hyde Park, where the Queen and her retinue, and Ihe Nobility, ride and walk for pleaaure, and where Ihe middle class fuel themaelves highly honored if permitted to do an, and where the poor it US ll it Ull- ' with liiil.ca of common lo fa j- i,:!, s t ii ,,.. coior osi i;,4ir an.n-s t I. 9 l j a Princin.il l)i. rector ofibo C.,i,k of i;,- ' (.J Cam, ,t0 (K, Ral,k with s conl black roe hui'-iirj upon bia krm that be waited unon hnr throe !i all h,m rnuiv m. aa rvfl bowed hei the utmost sts.ntion that a liUr.k man Went as a dole-ate M t:l8 World' Convention, rro.u Salam, Meaa.icbuiti, and although on hia paanage over, ho coul-i not he" admitted into the cabin, nor amotu; the steer? ,waenger. and tbe vnp'aio wa t,uiigea lo build bun a calMjnse irtid alnp ant)ng the catilu, y0t he waa received in Entn.l with i he moat marked attention that at a putty, Lady Byron drew her chair bemdo him and engaged m .a very interesting .converaatioa with him, and that at table he waa eeated beside a celebrated Countess t 1 think tb Countesa of Sun derland, lie concluded by ataling, that hia mi aion wee eminently eucceavful that he did oot Ihmb it proper tnatate how moch he received, but would eay, lhat enough wa obtained io free Ober- tin from all tier embarranmonts, beside twn thou send volumea addition -to their library. 1 will clone by etating, that 1 learned enough from the lecture to eatisly me lhat leading Kntliah noliti. eianaare in cloae alliance with iheee. Americea dieorganitera, if not the Government of England itaelf and my former conviction were airenirth. eoed by tbe developementa made hurt eveninv, that aaeitensive fund haa been procured which baa expended, and win be expended, in assiating fug live alavee to escape through Ohio (Oberlin being made a point) to Canada, where they are imme diately enrolled in Ihe British frmy. At the stogie- port of Black Kiver, I preaumi aix have neon shipped on the average per week, during tbe pact eeaeon. , Mr. Keep ia v deliver another lec ture soon, when a thiol will be among them ta kin' note." - TUE BROAD SEAL CEXTLEMAN. It will be, recollected thai tbe Abolition Convention in London, latelt transmitted to the Governor of tbe eaverai State in tbia eouatrv, a Circular on the aub- ject of the Abolition of tilatery, and the slave trade. uur. rivh v t cnnaisea, nnniuuy ana BBiy susiainea the disnity ef hjtatinn and tbe ioterritv of Southern ngnia, oy a reply ana a reproof. But Uoveroor e RiRf toNilbe broad aeal N Whir "of New Jereev the gentleman who is ao. very tenteioua of Stale right aa w insist mat toe aeai of uie cut w greater than tbe Comrtilutioo ; and ao verv much devoted to the nrinci w ujb, jra luviiicii uiv return! m inv vote of the people, writes lo the Abolition of Eng Wad in th tollowiog atyle. lie ia ready to "join hand in nana - wnn uem in idi matter end we dare aav, be would join " heart and band " to esUblinb Britiah influence in the United fclatee, Such ia Harrison VJiiggery sucb ia ttdrralitm.r-X C. HtatUard. Nawaaa, New Jeraey, July 30, 184a Sib: 1 acknowledge with great pleaaure tbe receipt of your comnionicttioo, in behalf of the Convention held ia Lmdoa on the 12th alt, oo the anbjeet of Uie ADoiition ot slavery and the aiare trade. Impreaaed aa I am,Vitb the importance and the truth of the prin ciple and views therein expreaaed, it ia my earneat entire that thw country may, at tbe earliest day ia her power, consistent with the aecurity and tbe peace of wo union, van nana IB nana wiu ue tfumaoa on the other aide of the water, in washing out th stain upon her national character. Tbe me na to be used, aa proposed by your Convention, are of a M moral, reli giou, and pacific character," and it ia by tbe means aione, i am aaiisoea, tm gmt object can be attained. new Jersey, oy aa Act pawed tbe 24lb ol Februarv 1840, baa defined her policy. By that Act every child born a alave within tbe State sieee tbe 4ih of Jul v. 1840, or which shall Uiereaner be born, ia decbrvd to be free, bat to reman jn the eharacier of an appren tice w tlie service oTlhe maatar, ir mW--a twenty-five yeara o(age, aad if a bmale, nntil the age of tweotg-one year. Under tbe eperaiiou of tbi law, alaverv baa become almost exiinct with ue, and 1 am happy to aay that, ao (ar a my observation exienoVthe eondiiio et errftwie.J of the nvaat awugawd an mv dolgeot lurm. . --w Thanking yoo for your kindnete io eoramunlcating uie proceeomga of tne ionvention, 1 remain yoormy obedient servant, ' .WILLIAM PENNINGTON, Governor ot New Jeraey. Tbwbub Cuauoa. vc., lie i MR. VAtf BURE.V8 ENEMIES AT HOME AND 'ABROAD - The false and, hypocritical instrument of th Com servatives s party which Mr. Webster say could all be stowed man omnibus accuses Mr. Van Buren with Bmjsh prediteetwesv Hear hesdisonianr--"" " Foremre Mr. Fan Buren Ass ieea eaertfeing tit right of America ( ai afection for the eowtetiee saW ohnduhmentt of the British." The hallowing extrsei, which we find noticed in the New York Htandard, shows what Toryism ra England realty thinks el Mr. Vsn Bursa. Tb London Herald la oueof the leadtng-JwninT of thrtnaemlivt party m Great Briuin. Vlobe, raon tbb atw voat sTABoaao. English CongrmtuUtmm.-'Vt uke the following preCKms extract from the Landoa Morning Herald ot la 9lb all They remiire no comment but if tbe tmpothieo of General lisrrieon point," as the Editor asaerts, we should very much doubt whether the Slate of Maine, to aay the least of the matter, would be found suetaining a Preaidont who would ao readily acknowl sdgs "just clams of England in preference to the Northeast boundary queaHon." " Th elect toa or General Harrison to lbs Presiden cy ol the United Htatee n aa event DEEPLY INTER EaTING TO ENGLAND. " Mr. Van Burnt waa the deadly enemy of Great Britain, He stimulated the various crusades spinet paper currency. He headed tbe conspiracies that were tbrmed tor the purpose of delmoding Englinh creditors out of the debu due to tjiem by America, , Jle i,tbe aliir ot t'reaSir mTinad. ' HE PROMPTED RE SISTANCE. TU THE-JUST-CUIJd OF - ENG LAND IN REFERENCE TO THE NORTHEAST BOUNDARY QUESTION. "Tb SYMPATHIES ot Harrison POINT, we be lieve, IN A DIRECTIUN THE REVERSE OF THAT TO WHICH THE PREJUDICES OF MR. VAN BUREN INCLINED. Tbe election ef General Harrison ia, in short, a result ON WHICH ENGLAND MAY CONGRAT V LATE HERSELF." - - - Iftnftitti tMeti) Unci, HOW HAVE THEY DONE IT I We copy the following from HilPd New Hamp shire patriot : ""The Whigs have met, the Democracy of ihe country ; and for the first time for many years, they have conquered. But hot have they done it I Haa it been by fair, diacussion t Has it been, a candid exposition of their principle T Or have they labored through the whole to keep their real designs out of sight, to drown every attempt at lalioiMil inquiry by noise and excitement, and eve ry where to mislead and corrupt the people t To Ihe banker they have promised greater pro fits and more perfect imwnity,1n flooding ihe commuoity with paper promises, lo be paid only when he finds it convenient to pay them. To thn poor man they have promised higher' prices for labor, and a sounder currency. - To the South they have promised Ihe " protec tion nf Southern rights," including the right of holding slaves at ita own sovereign pleasure. ' To the North they have held out tbe hvpocriti cal idea, that the elation of General flarrison would result in the abnlitinn of slavery. never tntcr eer, t a t To tlie -h:I! lli'y have .r Iru ! J Li 1 n r - J to an incrrnso of t" o TarU To t'.o North, on the o:!iT hnr:!, ibey have pretemh d to be in favor of a hih 1 anJ, I.! ,9 tlmt of 1628. ,. fi - : In all quarters, they aland pledged to a vast re duction of the expenditure. . Many of their lead- Ing men have expreaaed the opinion that in tM event of Harriaon'a election, the whole eneneanf the Government would not exceed 110,000,000 per On the other hand, they have laviahed their Eromiwra nf improvement in harbor, of canal and iail-roa1, and National Ronni to evi.ry auction nf the country. If they keen their promises, every fiver nruef I made navigable, every tjlale tmiMt be inleraected with national thoroughfares. Kail road cars will clatter at a thousand nointa at once, at the expense of the General Government. It ia by such insane and conflicting protenaion aa these that the Whig have won thousand of these unren -cling but tionest men to aupport their cause. Wa may paas over tho falso harses the "Standing Army," gold apoons," -Britiah coaches," ond "Cuba bloodhound humbug, which they have used against the present Admin istraiion. We mag forget the infamous fraud proven upon them, by which they have added Ihojaanda In their nominal popular vote. In this one fact alone, thai, the" Wbiga have made hun dreds of promisee to the people, which I ley cannot fulfil and did not expect to fulfil when, they made them, reposes their certain ruin..' Move which way they will, they mut tread on their own bro ken promises, and convet into decided enemies thousands of those who have been their most ae live Iriepds. We regret, deeply regret, tbe result or tbe (ate elections ; and yet, we fear oot the ulti mate result. Federalist has gathered around it, in a moment of excitement, thouaanda of pure , hearted men, who have no attachment Cor ita real principles, no friendship for its real leaders. Fe deralim has started like a frozen mass of ice and snow, from the hill of Massachusetts and Conuec ticut, and whirled along from State to State, every where gaining elrengtb from the storm which! it in motion, till the avalanche haa at length cov ered the valley of tbe Mimippi, ami scattered itself over the sunny 'plains of the South. The suns of two. summer wUl-dtaaolve ,iuintn .the original notbingncas whence it sprung. . ' - ( ' Another Feierml -PrincrpU Afotoed.Tbo Balti more Patriot, one of the prominent Federal prints of tint city, grves the following in an extract ot a letter from Ma distinguished Federal member ol Congress:" "I HOPE YOUR BANKS DO NOT THINK OF RESUMING SPECIE PAYMEMTS SO LONG AS THE BUB-TREASURY LAW IS IN FORCE." This advice, eommg from a rnember of the National Council at a time when the Legislatare ot Maryland M m aeaaion, and when that body will be called opon to enact law to compel the banking institution of that State to resume tbe payment of specie lor their M prom ises to T ia one of the evidencea, already given by the r party, of their determlnitioo to prevent a return of confidence to the publie mind nnlem they can accomplish their party end. 'Farther comment it un necessary. ( WHIG ECONOMY Before thaSte election, the Hall of Congress rang with charges against th Administration lor largo ex penditure and extravagance Tbe mails groaned with pamphlets on the subject, end it ftaa the topic and bur den of many a Harrison ditty at the aristocratic log Bat what de w find now 1 .Uar. B- P. and Co. . all rail atiba Secretary of th Treasury, beesusene ha Boggested yiat 4heexpene can, and whouM, be further reduced. Andtaat,butnotleat,adii,naguisHed saeanbst tnembrvoof General Harrison YCabincL railed - yeeterdav st what he m pleased ao courtoou.lv lo call ' Me Hrrw k kmd mlmott $aid the rntontfiril of portimonf, which teemeilnowje gwHelheenumeiUo .i.-. u.'.'.i.. r-. k. u ....i i lf.i A.Miwm ww. mi win i IN IV member. . ZJUiempUd-Aisa itination of ike- E-Jitor of Ike Union. By yesterday 's mail, (says the McM mo villa Gazette) we . received a private letter from Nashville dated on the 12th insi., by which we are asilosi asial .ikal BBlnsil WaaasBaqsJls.qtsL esasn ssMaslss. Iiilii isvwasv wiiea iirvm niuij as t iss. s wejes iiiivuv CcJr Harris; tb talented Erlitor of the Nn!i- v31a L'nionon thfteveniiuj nrevioua by I woof iba young Fosters, eons eJL.iL.FoatorvasJia enter,, ed tlie public room of tbe Nashville Inn onliia way to supper. It is supp wed that they both fired at biny at the aame moment one ball entered hia breast and hid not been found at the date nf nur correspondent's letter, though his lungs are thought HuTIie"veryfittle through hia arm. A fler he fell, the younger brib er attempted to shoot him again, but was prevent ed from doing ao by I wo gentlemen present. Some hopes were entertained that Col- Harris would recover, though our correspondent thinks it very doubtful KnoxtiUe ( Tmn.) Argvo. Singular Escape. A vessel was recently cap aixad near the Suilly Islsndssosndduoly lhat il did not fill witb water, the internal air biing confined, and three men and a boy who were in Ilia cab) a were ahut in and remained three days without food, and were aflerwsrd rescued. vaMHBaamnmsBBwtssiwBSBaHamanaBmaaasss ' MARRIED, In Cabarrus County, on the?lvt mvtant,bv.tbe.Rev( nam HE." Morrison, Mr. TLLTAll ATWELU of -4his County, to Miss JEMIMA, daughter of 'Mr. John Bite i welder, of Cabarrus County. In this County, en ih 7th instant, by Root. N. Flem ing, Eq., Mr. DE WITT CLINTON WILSON to Miss CAROLINE dsugbier of John Hall. n. In Montgomery County, oo tbe 1 t'h instant, by John C. Austin, Esq., Mr. THOMAS. II. TOMLLNSON to. Miss ELIZA D. LEDBLTTER. In Caharrn County, on the 17th intanU by John O. Wallace, Km.; Mr. MARTIN HARKEY to Mis MARY BARNHART. (l, TC D1V1V) HOTEL. . TtJAGUeT V GIFFORD having purchased tho Hovel, formerly Davie, will continue ihe Katabliahment no tbe aame liberal se tie ss hereto fore, and; will exert themselves to nuke it a dosi rable residence for BOARDERS AND TRAVELLETiS, , as their labia will always be eunplied with Ihe best the market affords, and their Bar with thn best Liquors, and their Stables with attentive Ostlers and abundant provender.' The Establishment will be under Ihe exclusive management of T. A. Hague, formerly of the Snliehury llotol, North Carolina, and hia long experience, will enable him to give general satis faction. . . i ' ". Cnmden, Si C, Jan., 2l, l"!!. Am - . - .lit 17 . .39C?CZs CS rplia f raiNGsS2Cr.I0N of Mn and Mr, lore!J'a Bchool, will commence on-Monday," 1 lib 01' January. .. . ' ' -, ". ' TERMS: For Kngliah Sludica, . '. t"t 50' H I .Kin, - . . . kO (HI French, . ' . ' "13 00 Drawing and Painting, ; ' 10 00 , Muaic, , . , 25 (Kl Instruction in Muic will be given tv 'Miv Lau. ra Smith, a young lady whose qualifictitiiius are of the first order. "" " "" No deduction made for absence after the pupil ia entered. " , ' Board can be hail 'in reapeclahle. familiea for 810 per month, including every thing January 29, 1841. . 4t , t !ji J m the Estate ol Jamea Brown, doc d., either by Note or Aceimni, ere re quested to come forward and make immediate pay ment, as no longer indulgence ran be given. All those having claims again! said rtte, are re. quested to present them duly autlietitirated within ihe lime prescribed by law, o thin notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. " JAMES L. BROWN, Ete'r. January 22, 1841. - 6r - Frcah, nntl Chcafr Ibnu tver. -TRUE SUBSCRIBER has lately returned from V Charleston, where lie purchased a large aid choice assort of all kinds of which he will sell cheaiierthan they can be bought elsewhere in thia nwket. Ilia stock, consists in psrt oft '"'i' . ' ., Havamia brown Sugar, (first quality,) from 10 to 12) cts. per lb - Loaf Sugar, first quality, : - 1 jsran Coffee, prime quality, I. 1 ll.T.. V LChenaer''" Molasses, good, and leat quality. f Jqaor Suprrflnr. French Brandy, al from 1 -60 lo t?l per gal.; Holland Gin, 1 60 lo (3 per gal. Jamaica and N. K. Ram first rate, besides all kind of Domestic Liquors. WINES- 'Madeira, Port. Tenc riffe, Clnnt; Muscat i Malaga, , and Champagne; ; London Ale und i'orlcr. The beet assortment of - Groceries eve brought to IhisVmarket. -Maccaroni, verma colli, French prunes, raisins, beet quality. Self Fish Mackerel, Anchovies, Herring, Sardines ; Nut of all kinds, Sugar and Butler crackers, Ginger Nuts. LEMQNS, ORANGES, an OYSTERS. ' Cnndiet, all kinds, at 60 cl. per lb., for rah. Starch, Indian's, copperas, rnadilnr, ;iiccn, cin namonLclovsr ga grapes, ginger, dtc. Glkrdcn S?4 of every kind. . G?Utlf;rataYSuppcrifLall JUndalUr niahed whenever called for. aFitst rate chewing and smoking Tobnceo, Mac- Tcouba aqd Scotch 8miff best Sani.h C'garsjjfronj,, to oti cts, per (hn. I oysol varwuia knrti.- -Powder and Shot Ra tors, Breast Pi fia,-and many oth rs nictes. ; , n. The Subscribe having removed hi E(ab!iah. ment to Ibe opposite side of Ihe street from his former stand be is row siiuatcd in the houo formerly occupied by Mr. Buis. lie invites the public in come, end examine, snd taste his good things." F. R. ROl'ECHK.' Salisbury, Jan. 22, 1841. ' ti I - ail g f aa? 7-7 "" February Court, bv Cask or Nole mv rieoda wiTT please oiswrve this.all and SettI?. Prospectus for Kendall's Expositor. AMOS KUN PALL proposes to rsiablish a eemi- rfonthly newspaper under the alAve name, to be devoted to t he" following object, vial 1. The aecurity of the right of Buflrag, by ad- ditionat las to punish bribery sod-liaun. 2. Aa exposure of abuses snd corruptions in Government, wherever known to exir. S. An expositiofl of the principles of mwern Bankinn, and iU effects upm labor, trade, morals, and (Jove rn ment. embracing the nature and usee of money, and a history of the origin and progress of paper money in ite various forms. . To tbess will Be added all the topics common in the newspaper of th day, with a summary of'newa care fully compiled, turmiog an accurate history ol passing event. Avoiding sll personal altercation, this paper, while it will hot conceal it preference for men, will confine itselt chiefly to tlie elucidation of tacts and principles, leaving tbe rudsr portions of political controversy to The Expositor will be printed in the neatest manner upon a rsyal sheet, folded ia octavo form, each number making sixteen pages, with aa index at Ihe end of each volume embracing one year, it will thua torm a book containing a history id the times with much mora useful and entertaining matter. PRICE One Dollar fee annum, paid in odeenee. No accounts will be kept, sad s)is paper will nut be sent nntil Uie money be actually rocrived. Bank notes will be taken at their specie value. To those who collect snd Kirward ton dollars, aa ad ditional copy will be sent gratis. t Postmsstea see permitted by lav scnotmn money in letters written By inemsoives. A II letter to the Editor aiust be tree or poetps id. OCT A to the pomace on this pper will be but one cent t one snd a half each number, it is in the pmer nf every maa to procure all the Important news, and a vast deal of other aserul matlsr, at not extending One Dollar amd Tkirto-oix Cents. Wsshingtoa City, a C . IM. l'ilSil. AAmiuisltivVoT'ft "NoUte. 1M1E undersigned having obtained, at the Nov. - Term, 1610, of Rowan County Court, 11 ters of Administration on tlie Estate of Renjimia Austin, dee'd., notifies all persons indebted to the same, lo come forward and make immcdiale pay. ment, as Ihe Estate must be rinsed ; and those having claims again! said F.itate, to present tliem within the limit of the law, legally authenticated, or thia notice will be plead as a bar to their re covery. C. K. WHEELER, Admr. -Salisbury, Nov. 13, 1640. , r rPO HIRE, in the country. A smart, active ne. urn WOMAN, accustomed to booe work. Apply at - i , THIS OFFICE. V- m . ..' -- . 1 (-.- 1 """-"; t.t' 7":.', , ...- .' ( '7 :'J ' V- -. .- : ' ; - . - I -I.