feeling of tfu nt :; . 1 i I v" jt neccHSiri'y j;rn ,M" if a I III loot Conflict. It is in like, nnm r, c' ir tl.ut t!,e evil origitintes in Ilia ownership s . 1 i.ia.iniHt ration by the government of the land lying; in the new State, ami eojwtiiuting larger prtii or their Territory. If, to thee e'inaiileration it be ad.lrd that the etuetion, growing mil i4 Una great rub. ject must extend to md embrace, and iofUierice in their beatings, every oilier question (r public po. . . a .a . Iiey, inusiraieo oy ine amewiment for dim ri lmliDjr.Jlli . pweed of the calea of the UoA mongjhn M:ates, which in it consequence, take fi the wiinte eirr J or txir legislation, and that it ntust enter into and iiiiljtenoe all nor political otrug. glea etpeciaUy thai in which aO other ar eoncen lted--th Presidential elect inn some cowro lien mat ba formed a 1 be distract in iufiuenra. Ih agitation and danger which must grow out of Ibis great question, w net speedily nettled. If something b not don, it m not difficult to aee that the denger from these cause and that from occupancy must run together, and that their eon lined forcea will ba altogether irresistible. Tha occupants on the public Undo lying within the Kites are voter?, with a weight , at tha polls equal to tha moat wealthy, and, of course, aa eoual infl irnra over tha o lee I ion of President and Vice Freedom, members of Conrreas. and Slate &. emments. I hasard little in asserting that, if they bars not already from their numbers, a decided in fluenee over all the eleninn in many of the new Plates they will ia a very short period, from, their , ...,., .iri-im mm mmm IO nrreOI the evil. That influence would bo felt here, and momenta would ba made to satisfy the demands of so aumeroua and powerful a class, till with their growing influence lb proposioo IHild be boUly made n give, a has keen stated, the lend without purchase, to which, fntrn the necessity of the rase, the Government will he com polled to jwld in order i avoid the danger nf being eeized and kept ii iijith uciipcw m ns uinnnriiy. Ag aim thie, tha only giound that can bo oVviwit. a tr as I can see, is tha I hate proposed 1 in opns 01 iner ioa to ma- Mate m part with ownership and administration, the Mot of the evil uo fair and rquiuMe conditions, wiih tha beet possible provisions that ran be devised to aneure the faithful periormanre of ti e cnnptct. . If that, with the f rovfoiittn auinet the danger from occu rincy, cannot prevent Ike lost of the public I mda, knew not what can. I have as atrong confidence as the nat'Jra of the sut.j-et will admit, ihst it will when perfected in its dels. Is by the wisdom of :he - Senate, pmve ell sufficient, not only in brrvenl the foe ol the pub'm d-imain, bit tu arrrwt the maay and gr..ei. g a vim, )i eWh I have al!o.led, as in. eidcui to tho eyatein as it no ciUe. Dot, if ia thai it is psHtoiu I sii..uii err, ih ell the caution I have taken to come tu a correct conclusion, I feel a wired I cannot, ia asserting that the danger would be far leas, under the amendment I wtend lo prop, than it would bo sSould ibe system eon tiiMie as it now ataiuU and that if tha public do nisin ts lobe tost, it ia lr bnlti-r it (tiould be under the former than tha letter It would be with far less intermediate haaird, ami, in the end, with h-s VHilt'iice and sme-k tu our (tnlitieal fabric. In the oon cast we cNildW nuntug but the ue of the hud, which I ahall preeroMy show j far lem limn usually estimaied, while in tlie oioer no ous cao estimate what the l mav n4 be. Uarirg now, irest, shown la the tatiWartino of the Seuaia. that nutlimg ?fc?)rtof dif-"irij of thej (tuhlie lanJ on jitst.rq ii'aliie, en i lib-rnTTiertr', ,- esnremedv the eil. ano-gmrrj agntwt-. -4 gr Incident l lb systeio, eiior tiisiing eirctm sisnres, it m.ty remains to Cotwid what would be tbt eflvcis of the me4ure on tho revenue, com- ered wuVlhe. IWiMtf 10 rnve;a I he twdiv t vmio that ,rrici -it will sear a mgWy adaualeoM wMipanMiev would yield NHre, end that wlien hmst teeVd, no, when the Tresrurr will rrewi repletiishirr, every solid ohj ction to its adoption would, I trust, be removeo. " -...-rj't ww get-et-d prenlenl mistake as t) ftueiwaid'iiw piHiilai-isVis't fiaV jsii itHimaied. Thv are estimated aa if evyaere a-fiWSJ .23 miJ J.MMiwJlbiW.tlkJcja.d. account that wily a small qnutiiy to ild be sold aiuiually at tbet p-ice, aii tbat by far the I tester poiUno of ton incooia from the sate can nuly be received lUVuugh a rig series .f yrara, ejtrmlmg ) lo a Vf T remote wrfo. f" Tr '" "8 w , tbeir true value, wa must noTTjTjijrt that tune" has the saieecflnct on tsiue, hitii dUtaace lu on msjOitlkld ami tbal, tne larjjrei unjis mi me urn versa dwindle to a point. when removed to the disUiioe of the atars an the great.-at value, when it caa m.lv bo realisx-d at remote periods, dimin Um almost Ia iwithme. Il is IN enOsrOiience ofl Ibis dkaWeue bwnoea pretcut and luturo value, that e sum paid down ia worth twice aa much us an equal sum to bo paid suteeo ycara hence, eau mated at f pr ce il, mmple interest, and four limes aa much as like sum lo bo paid at tha end f ikirtv.iwn VMM. I do Mit take fractions nf tears into the eUtiuiite. Tho prniid is (Wiliar to all who are in tho habit of calculating the no Mil aalua of arHillilirS fut fitven numlr tf traara. and ia SS BDIlllCablO In rrDllUr nilUl Hi eames fiom Und. or any other source, e it ia froia tImi tm mubIIs called an annuity. On the same f rineinle, discounts Bre inade on paymenl in ad vance. Buf" weare in the daily hawl of oer looking fhio phrm and fatntliar ptinoipV, known to every busiuoe man io th mauageuivift of his own affaire, in nelimatiiig tne value of tbo public do. main. Ioeoneeo'ieuceof ul oversight, tlie 160,. )00 000 of acres lying in Ibe new cnates have beea etimaied to bo w -rth tjWI.UUO.OtK), at tl Tmr era urn nearly eight limea greater than its Teal talut," Bujijwtng ihar il wulu gie an annuel income averaging' i,500,0t)0 annuallv, and ad. milting avery acr wijl bewddat 91 23-a sup . f witHin far greater. than will ever be realised. Tbe Committee oo Public Lands, at the last sea ion, assuming them d.ita, proved inconlcstibly that the true present value did not exceed twenty, nix niilli.mo and a half of doltar. - They ehowrd, in the first place, that permanent income lorever of 12,1400,000 would bo, worth hot fiaction more tlisu forty mm nullum of dollara in hand, a that . aim. at six nor rent, would five an eqiml incoino. They next showed, that to derive an income of 3,500,000 from Hie huudied and sixty millions of acres in the ueo Slate, would exhaust every acre ioeiehl vesrsl snd that, of course, instead of being a permmeiil ineoiie, it would bo one only far that neriml. which would retloPO Its Value to bout thirtv liMir million f doltara, which would be ita present value, if there 1,0 'Pen, tendine its sales and mansiruiiitnt. That is, huw 'aver, far from being the case. v App!)tng the same ule of ealrulatimi lo lhoanniinlrXiMM.se incident to tiieir nmnafemeiit. inclu.lmwht would ba aaved br tho Uovemment. if the Von should be made, ascertained tu be about "eMO.WO snnu illy, they find the present value ol lb ) luuuMo ba the ftm stated (120,000,000.) lhe sult.ssuming lbs data lo ba coirert, ia inconirovertiUe t " that turn would comtitutt tbe cnUro amount of the I y l; t'.c rr ;-: mm i.ui B(;i,a mst t siJa of t'iO c!.4ii.!.i r. J cUr-yd i tl a ,..,-r 1 lP"e lospply the same Brinclb! Ui t w M0 PfeetM vsiue, emler th operatkei ot Hie whole of the lands in iirtioo wld be so J, t i... i- ... - - " r- i same com, su'ject to the graduating pitKrem-whh is much more probable than thai the wbol would be sold 'this years st the present price of (1 23 per acre. I oeat sssume that equal qnamitie would be sold durieir escb period of graduation. 1 ant aasurae that the orttoa n.4 yet off.-red for sale, and which, aecordina to th. soteadrneet, would aot be suljt to rrdu tUm, Hd ,m I1'"14 ,he report of lb. Committee ZJ 'L1 !L'r,.nt. ' ! -v,v-, wvuw jmm sb average revenue do t what the .j..w,.cree are estimated te yield. Itiaproba. Z tal " M y ld. ea they WiU, fur U100 A lheWth., the laads that have sees offered, and which have not FJfV mitt 01 OMrm b" M then et tl V will, wiU that which will be mid on the Bret teduetioa to tl. iversge t 12,. I have slae astima. ted the whole period including that which is now m progrss towards tea vesr,and the first period of re. duetioo, as one period of COecn .ears, and that the enure amounv sold daring the entire period, will onlv enoel the average id the other periods of graduation, (ovayeers;) an estimate greatly aoder the train. Oe these data I have based the calculationa which hsve beea made, with great care, and I flod tbe preeent vslus of w hods would be more thaa a third mora noder the proposed amendment, tliaa aoder the exist wig system i and that the eicem would bo sufficient to ysy the 33 per cent, proposed to be allowed to ibe new (Male foe their exponas and trouble, leaving the 63 to be received by the Government, euual to the entire N present value of the lands, under the existing system. Uocb is the vast difcreoee betweed receiving s smaller amount dv annual psyments, during half of a long perind and a much larger one in like meaner during ww, u, uiv nine. . . There are but two of the data oa ahich the ealcnla twa m based, which ma be supposed to hsve any ma terial effect oa the result, which esa possibly prove to mw vrrr mimaiea , w one, mat ail ttis isnds will be sold during the period of gtaduation, which, however, w quite as probable, to my the least, as that all Will be mid in eighty years at tl 25 1 sud the other, that equal quantities would bo aohi during web step of tho reduc tion. It is not imJtroptHlo this may not prove to be the esse, ami that larger quantities would ba Sold towards ine utter stages ot the gradustton, at low pricea, thaa during th earlier stag, at higber prices, which a fleet b2 T'uil The otherNsupposition that equal earns wouugio received at each period, would, probably, be much loo low ; and the truth may probably prove to be between them but eves on f hat assumption, the pre ' sent vslue, ander tha measure propow, would greatly exceed that ander the present system ; so much so as to be quite sufficient lo cover the 13 percent proposed to be sllowed to the Stales for tbeit trouble, above the expense of managing the lands, including tha savins, to the Guvernmeat by the cession.- 1 bars s emmet! that eddiiMteal eHowaace, because irssrly eorres. ponds to that propoeed to be givea in Uit, bill for die Uihution, (introduced by the aalhor of the scheme.) to the new Hutsa, above that allowed to the old. I refer , to the bill that psased both 1 locoes, and wa vetoed by the President That allowed U per cent which, for the sake of facility in calculating, 1 bava anlareed to 13 percent V J have, I trust, now aoccessfully met tha only two ohjettiuoe which can, ia my opinion, be nrgad with acy plauMbildy a;aint the measure I intend to prepare, by provin nut only tost there would be reasonable assu rance that the Ule Would ahwe by Ibe terms of tha cession, but that it was the only measure which coald as devised to prevent the almost certain lost of the public domain, ander the operation of the system, aa it Bow rones, and uiat, tetrad of a Um, were would be so, I hsve eVa.ltifflisV . I htve sncceeded in doiog 1100, TO DS ITOIHIJ vmnmmim v-m mrr,-, Itui I eannot be uniorant that there are members from I the new State who prefer supporting ma am to me measure I intend to propose ; not tbst they think it better, but becanse they believe it hssthe best pruspoot Mi -taowinir. la- tkm a mien uutB are whsuissb. .at. m not peiaHm tint either ess pas tbe pnecsA session. It is now but a few weeks to it termination, and it is iaiposuble, in the midst ef tbe crowd of ether business, Ihst any MiporUat measure, not iodispeambte, can get through, especially a system of pre-emption and gredo ation which has beea ss long straggling, unsuccessful. . to nam both Houses. But if U eaaaot pee nam, -ferrwsrtis piuspeef tkM sf tomU ae mvst ewe yeers, sgsiost tne opposnion ot tne oomine, wuew. anuld not vUh the aid of tha present tad late Admin- , With thio prospect, I put h to my friends from the new Hutes, 1 taere not osnger m pruesing uiesw mv lated measarea, whkb cannot eetue tne vnoa ana UnM.Mi. n nest ions of tho Bublic lande, sad which, at mmm hm mimed en r moods only interesting to -tlrJSS Hiateavthat-tney-wux Joaa. no oaiy B.jsvarit me. an re, bil causa the pimsgo ot ooaoxtous m mem of all tsxMMrea, that ef distrisuliuat I ask them, caa yoa hope to oppose suecssstaiiv n mossara m parusi h. Mmtina. and wbwa. so far tram aepmliag to the reason or sympathy of Iwo-thirda of the States, secures but e reluctant vote from any of them; more from piriy fm;iiesnd aseoewtions, than toy conviction ot it ittotue or expediency t Lot me tell my friends, that ii niiTsla w to oontiaue betweea that bill end the scheme of distribution, it io, on their part, a eeeverate one. IXjVat m certaia; and there is e way lo avoid It, (if it be nut already too late,) but to enlarge the h aoeto raise it above mere focal or pecuman eonsid. i.iraia. ta the broad ind sl.vsisd around of a final sottluinent of this deep and agitating question, on Just a:id mtiaiietory principles, and thereby arrest the ennntleas evils rushisf ihroucb that channel on the coootry. Jt is only thus that an antagonist of sufficient rivh enuUI be reared an aninst the dasferous and enminiiiur schema of disUibution. A measure aaduc- lina ui man of the (States. enfurtuiMtely overwhelmed by debt, could only bo successfully opposed by one which would make a power ul appeal to truth, justice, and patriotism. A strong aa may be th appeal to th aeeessit v of embsrrassei Stale, e still stronger may ba aiade to tbe higher end more commanding considera tions ot duty aad patriot ism. Such aa issue, I believe, the measure I propose would tender to tne cooaury. i solemnly believe H to be founded on truth, and ens tamed bv iustide. and biffh constderatiees of policy and all it Heeds to ensure H success, ifl mwUke not, is the earned snd datermmed support of tbo siatee wbica noltuTlaTeTJieoeepssrTUkeTWlSB dence sod equality, uoaor ana snoe, numi w this proud OepuUlM of States, are involved. Having now proaeotad my views of tbe intendment 1 intend to offer, with motion to trik out the emend meot of tlie Booster from Kentucky, and mem mioe, i awslude with a few remarks ia reference to tbe iesdinr tesluree of bis amendment, the distrihutiiwi of the proceeds Ot 10 puwic moos sarong un It ia not ry intention to enter on the dsienssion of a mMuita which I cannot but retard aa palpaply nncon- slitutionai, aa wll aa aangerous and corrspling iniu tendency. I do not deem it necesmJli es I arjrsd fullv on the subject at tha last session. I LtLA .i ihia to make a few remarks, in order to show that, viewed under every possible aspect, it must be re- girded se either foolish, idle, or unjust, i, ..tmiitoJ m all aides that the Treasury ia tern mod, and that no part of the revenue esn be with drawn without making a corresponding deficit, whicb ....... k. unniiMi b team on the neople, in one form or another, sad that tbe withdrawal of th jwmat from tbe kind would cause s deficit so to supplied, of not less, probsbly. thse 15,000,000 snnoslly. The whole procces, llien, would consist in giving to thoowo. pie of the oevewl Bute their proportional sUmtf tho ; five millmna of th reveaoe from the Und be col. tected back from the people of th Uaitod Ststeo, In the ships of a tsx oo importa, or some oOier oubject, the mme imouot. Now, sir, I oak. is it nut clear, if B Mute should receive by hs distributive stiare less sura thsn tbe people of Ihst State would heveto psj in tax aa to itrjirtiy the defldtv It would bei on Unit pjrti m t m -;:-Kt c c " -lumij receite tlie mm a ! S w.h !J it n,n j,p , '-,. ""t tf.ey pxid itiald of s A id it Biore. wou!J it iml r o . i. , v r . i.ni.t... t i .... iieriwije. f :eina sm. f... ..k ,.;i,,. "'"J nive any clinrete be a.lonH 1' Cut two I,;""" '" I he one. (list th8utee. wl.icb wonid receive more from tlie dietril uruw llisa their poo D WrtiUil haiA l wlm.- a t .a . - ' , --m.-m w.-, v v wutll Ul nictHH I1D lliasifufflit SB . "J'.t01 ,n? '? PrPrp, act on the princi- ik.t . pmuoenng Ui weal j and lb other Inst a mamma of ii, ki.i.. .k. ' their debts, or te anmwl in &.ii i ' i V mk.A: .i ' cvirmir ifn preier ..... ineresponaibuitf f unnS btthsG.-ncrsI Gov- k k T ,4um,n " Ihemselves, without reirsrdine whether their people wihiU eoutril.ute more or lem than t!!7"?, T'T: Tbe' 'v,,u, r use. iet the peoole should sea tha , ....... J t . inwii uioir raosfer the task to the General Government, because they can take from the people ihroucb the tax on im ports, without being detected m to Ue aimwnt I take the opportunity before I sit down, to tender my think, to the honorahle jnd high minded sogjre twos Of the Senator from Minvon IMr. l.inr.) coeeid ering tha interior quarter V the Union man which be cornea toast apart the proceeds of th Isnds aea periusnent fund for the navy.1 fUr. Linn, ia aa aodihla mim ti. .... ..j ,k. defences o the country. . J I would rejoice to see such a dispositioa of it. and i T.' . 5? to that effect wmy. Kiaui7 receive k as a modifiestioa of my aiwendroent, and would regard te aa a grt imnrova msnt Thanavy,h-,taaarrhtarmordefeiio, sod eqoailv important to every seefioo-lhe North and South, tbe East sad West, inland and mabrwrd. . When j ma at the condition of ear country, and the world, II feel that too earnest and too early attention cannot be bestowed oa tbe arm of defence ea wh try must mamly rely, not only for snstsininf Ha just weight and influence in Ibe scales of nation, hot aim for protection. " WESTERN .CAROLINIAN. Friday, Febnmrjr 1, 1841, iso ewf for aease lane -Tho Whie leaders era at Wsshinirton are beirinnine to show ihmr hmU. ad make such development aa should arouse snd lane every Southern man, no matter to what party ee Claim to belong. Already, even before the new Administration h In. vested with power, yea, even before the sew President reachee Washington' Webster, Clsy, and Joha Q. Ade ems are nnfoldiog the policy, which, wiih the tone of "iHaan pursuea oy uoa. IJsm-1 mai-aad that pclicy is a A a Trr. sn4 incressed axpeaditUTea, uxea, sad ettravagance. F Uie pur- pom or creating i necessity for texctioe, they prooose r to give a way to the Hutes, the wtude proceeds of ' the I public lands, my 4 or ft millions annually, sad thea make ap thni amount, which must necessarily be raised for the public expendilurea, by foxes, taxes on tha iwn. pis. After this step M ooce taken, then comes a Na- i tioual debt, a Natiunal Baak.ia mereass of the Army, Thee scheme hss saToJ ft ..'T-Sav inm. mat alraadr n naabar of the Southern Wbixe . A . . ' m . . ' have taken tne eierm, ana are nyiogoo. Among ,, vmt. wa notice Mr.' Kivee. of Virnms. htelf distin- f ished by Mr. Vvebstersstdnveroritie tJonserva-2" uv Omuibw( together wiln llouse, and in tact all bis " Umsorvsiive corps." . home snd travel to avoid their irouaiesome smtica Tbcy come out and my openly and at once, ;tlwtthefj tions, but'lbov hsve anceasingly snnojed him with will aot go for those Wesssnrea, lit. Woe ton, who' ly long epistles setting forth their vssl clsims. WMaiaooa- tho most efficient of Harnsua s supporters: has huldl and withoat reserve, declared his opposition, and taken a bold stand against all these mrjernct rr tkaneof the Geuripa Whig membiirt re inoticaeo-'-nji . the prscf ire the epotie-nafmf gentry,-who ap, and ret use to cell tbe rights of lbs South. . Thus it 1 arsyewed such disinterested patriotism m denouncing n, that what was to often predicted before tbe e'ection, : th corrupt a of the ouce holders before tho electMo. is bow' already eomragtomsiali. Aiiuoi ctGiih,Jit pfrcioos set of csoting bypocritei t lately atado a opeech in the llouse on nsae of the i t--.m nrnwwwm r. wptca. He deelarea himself in fkvur of aa issue of (. y, sd ia the Globe'i Analysts of proceedings Ire aulliou of Jfeasury Nouj. and elamed of th , HnaM j RepreaeBtativm on the Treasury Note "scheme of a biia Tariff in disguuw,r evideat m a . . . ,., ... , ' smenainem propusN y r. mmra.ni" - - lav a tai on Wrrwina.-nlkvin.l otb9rsrticter497ih4- last momhrtbw eketeh, below-of Jsr.-H'Me'-r- J m.ni he Mr. R.rn.rd. nf.Vew Vork. to Ue believed that eomiag evcaia cast tnoir onaoowa mfara, aad be thought beeoaU see in Ibwawvementj of tbe high Tariff men of the North, a deigaNto build ; ap the maanisatunng mmohmu h ine ssennos or wo righu of tho South. . Ilia friend mu.it permit b)oi to give hie honest opiniont, for honest bs would be, in spits of any man, at aoy partyj; - , -' nr. Aiaira tne proceoasa m argue - mi im i toraiiUttf Usssrs. Bsmsrd, Evaao, Dull aim oibera, (Whip) to avail tho exaeaditaroa of GMMrameol. were to furnish a pretext for a high Tariff. Tbe ob iect of those gentlemen won to make lbs expenditures . . . l. .1. . of Uovernmeot as aign aa poswoie, w. tuom migm a alauaihie nretextfbr B hiirh TBriff." - cl . . . - . . .. ,...., Tbt m a brief extract rrora wnat at. Atrora mm or his Whig associates, their schemes dad H" I M eours of hi remarks, he charactorUd Mr. Clay's plaa for a dietnbutioa of tha public lonJi as Heny o gitdtd sott A plan to abstract some millions thus ins revenuea secret puijiag or 100 wires j ui ta riff man before Uen. tlsmeoa aam into power. Wa will next week publish a sketch ol hw renuraa, klr Alford h one of too member froui Georgia who knrf. 1 kit he waa the first of anv ia bis Slste, to tske so "Old Tin." - Wbetbor this bs so, wa are act roferm ed,but eeruia it ns that he at about to be one ot w first to drop bun. ' MR. CAUIOU.N-8 8PEKQI1. The Bttentioa of tha reader . will be arrested by the ft-siotsCaonivhi oahis oronaaition to cede the pubis) U ads, on certaia etmditiona, to tbe new Butee in which tbsy lis. This Speech, like every court ot .toe gros mine r- duosd it, wUl ba bund very able and highly ratereeting. Tbe oubject ia one ef touch jntormt and importance Mark the AirrroW-yVbila the Whig Igiala. turmof tbo Whig ftnUW of Massachusetts sod Indiana are making reports and passing resolutwod in favor ol amalgamation, tbe Demuatl Aasamb'y of tbe noble Deaiocratia Bute of New lltmpehiro, is boldly throw, lag itaeir into the Waacb fur the defence ot tfouthorn rigbta aad Soathera instUotioaa. Aa ab!a report with trong reeuluiioee m regard to the right ol n State to demand, and tha duty of tha Suieapoa which the de Inaad ia mad, to eurrender fugitive from justice, had se.a totely adopted in the Legislature of una maie, (New IlampshireO the Republic no eosUining, the Whigs opposing them. Tula action wss induced by j the two ease ot klsioe and Oaorgia, and Virginia and , Now York, It powerfully maintain the righta of; Georgia and Virginia, and eoademna the courea of Maine ond New York. The South cannot but aeknowl edge, with cordial Ming, thia voluotaTy exp'omiog from tho noble and independent "grsBit 8ute,",in bold condemnation of tho incsodiaries, and ia defunct tt Prjsthern Righta, and the Constitutiwi.. C'J.CiiU.J OF 1,). i Tbe C !!u of f'.irth Cf!iiis t'.o'vs srie extrsor diiinry fucts en k con-parative viow, in relation to the lt and ftin.a prcce J ing elections. ' ' It is will known that iii slection between Cen. Jscksoo and Mr. Adams was one of great interest, oc eaeioilliig deep and enteral sxciteinent.ro much so aa to hsve called to the polls an unusually huge cumber of The whole number of vntM elte ah ihtt ..n (in 1829) by the people ol North Carotins, wss 51.773 Tbe whole number of votes given 4 ysarsslu rwsrtls "w acamu sua usy, wss about . . SO.tKKI ' The whole nuo.berol tutes firf, and sgsirurt ratifying tbe COmtitution ws ........ 49241 nna uie wbols number of vobee given in 184JI Wa . V ,.... 81,181 Or 2880 mbre than in the eiriled rnnlro Lt.un Jackson and Adams in 1S2H. I How shsll we account for this oxtrsordinary Increase oT vote. 1 It ie answered perhaps, that since 1828, our pcpulmtto has increased, tnd that this In- creaaa ivr the additional voters. Lst s exsmiue B-ures sno sre ir this esa b sa i ehow sn incresse of only-I4J4 whkh, seeording n vtnsiw or 10.MJ comptred wrtb tbst of 1840 mim or voter to white population in lf30, would iye only 1.649 voteo-thi taken from the hefore orated, yut leavea 28,737 vote to b accounted for. - Bui I take another view of this matter. . ' itopuls ' ntkt0t tinf w 1 u ' poShlho? th" ?0tIn 1 10 "C rf hlU .i f" Co",i, h' ntio wa even still greater thaa tlitf, fur iruunce, in Buncombe, it was as u tsmpor. m or aeout 1 to every 44 -aad in lbs ease of BuncomDe we note snot her remarkable fact ft ia, that he gave 603 vote mm ia November than ia A afreet, bowing a dear increase in 3 months Iron 1.196 sati-B to lner This i equsl to the work ot the pipe kyjr " ia other parte of the country. ' We submit these remsrks and csleutstioos whh no otner vmw, use for the purpose of directing the atten tinn of candid and honest men of all parties lo the sub. ject. It is andennble that there wa to muck voting . Ihc lsst election. No argument is needed to con vince any reasoning msq -of the alarming ind destruc ttve tendency of ruih practices All who sre not thoroughly pmstttuted to the base aubwrvioocn ot psrty, must se that it is i great evil reoniruig cor reetion. ' ; II fraud snifvillsn msv ha enent. aiut.xl.mJ anJ with impunity practised lo obuin. power, instead of wi-I go-vrueg uy tne will of (n intellisent tusjority, Jfl M eheslcd hy perjury, and tha greatest scoundrel, becomea the r ret teat mi ia the Miinn. Nnm that the exciting contest ie over, H is proper that the evils is violence snnuui be coesiderad by I eo o ail part v-, ju-iuro sgsinJi id tuiura, Prttirml Amajemeiiea. A report in fsvorof sbn. ishing all law which forbid lb mUrmarrisge of blacks and whites, bss lately been mads in tbe MasMchusetU legislature. The Committee are clesr fW giving eve ry man snd wnmsn in ihst Commonwealth tbe privi lege of indulging their respective tastes ia eolors, with out let or bindianuc Very well: " Je twit." 4. 1 Afore AsWgemerum.- A resolution favorable to a re peal of the law prohibiting the intermarriafre of blacks and whites, bss passed the House of Kr preventatives ot tbe Whiff etilatnr of Indiana Wbiir. mA Ahohtfon are not joined together here, and in JJasm- causuiia I Msri Csrertoa &sWd.-The EJitnr offer this establishment for mle to " any gentlemsn of tho Dc- mocritie Itepabliesn party who is competent, and will- jog to ouatain the great principles lor which that party mm ' i ' ie.i. i i- .... - was. put uiaoe eeture -to It mi Jlnril nit mm n mmmmm m mwm vnr .. rt; - L . L. . mnm u. IhImsjImjI tli.mMttM Im vywnrggw r m....- emwdo Gen. Hmimi residence; daily since tbe eIeption. w old gentleinsa aolusftv bss been forced to quit his fine qualifications, snd rreat sccomplwbmeol, and that too without parioz the postaee, thereby rmpusinr on him a heavy Usui atleajt almtulrerfdolUraa tuoolh. '" ' wo",w' " " 7 marks. From thio it will bo seea that he is in favor of tb Trsaaury Note Bill, (for a aew issue of five mil lions.) is opposed to tbe Whig proposition for a tax on wines and silks lo aa increass nf the reveaee, by aa increase of the Tariff to sir. Clay'a bribery distribu tion system, for giving awsy tha public lands to the the Bute to an extra session cXCoagrem, in short, to Kthe whole policy of the Whig party, sa developed by Webster, Clay, Adam sod other, af Ibe Imdere in Congress, Mr. Wise regretted that, on this fccaii-m, he felt Onropelied to take the floor, being myieal!y unfit to talk for two or three ben's 00 the bill under ennstaVr lion. If bis frienda had chosen to vote in silence, without condemning the vote which he intended to giro, be Would gladly have mid nothing, lie would, too, much rather hsve preferred, before the dsbsto amse aa this question, that his friends should have met to gether as brothers, and reconciled their dilfawweee; and regretted exceedingly to differ from sn of them. They bsd advanced opinions, not only for themselves, but for tbeir party i end bad taken noon IhetneelveeVi advance opinion, on this que ion from which ho Was obliged to disssnt. Whether they would bs tbe opus Ions of the eomiag Admjnntrstion, remained ta be aeon. But be notified gentlemen that, aa far aa hi voice waa beard ia the I loom, m Ih forum, on tb floor of Cou rt whatever be had any influence hs dwcleimed m . . 1 . . . : . . : . nawmfm mm mwm mtij ..... ... epeskiag for 4he oowing Adinimsvotioo. bia fr leads nod difiered from bim, they mo n. ii some m , most not com eaoecialtv moot they not complain when no two of them hod agreed with each other for, ii what ihey Hid waa true, we should indeed bsvo n mntly policy. - Mr. W. mid, from th sigaaof the times bow before bia, be intsoded to vote fie; tha bill ander considera tion, to which he intended lo ofler aa amandiMent. lie had heretofore voted against tbo issue of Treasury notes, bee oss it wss too easy a mesne- fhr raising funds to carry on the Government, and bee us it wot B public dabt lie couecded the eonetiiutwnsl power, 'bat thought it ought to be used only in esses of great emergency. To be candid and plain, ba would vote for tbe bill for tho reasons, first, no a friend of the co ming Administration, to provide it with the mean to carry an tne uovernmeni sner ine am 01 luerco; eoc eodl. because it waa the best mesne to prevent a called aossion of Congrem; thirdly, to prevent during the tear 18 tl. tha premature revision of the aompromiM act or Tariff j and at the mme time to prevent tho seW are of the procoode of the mle of tM public lands for distribution, Mr. W. noticed letter published recently in the Richmond Enquirer, euder date ol Washington, Jan ry 14, 1941, in which it was intimated thst Mr. Wise waa drnwITected towards the coming Adntinis- Iratiou, which assertion Mr. W. pronounced an iota mo Blander, whether coming frma friend or foe. After soeakinf of the various nnrtics which bst united to defeat tho Present Administration, Mr. W avowed himself a plain Republican of the Madisoa snhoot, and warned bia friends in the ITmsr that hr. wdulJ go wih ihom aa far ta ho cdukl, Bui fohl itteia ' 1 1 i.l' li.e Iti'pi i! 't ill .( tiC'm -. v. , (uni'ral I Urr.Mii i: i'v; il It' ' i t !-!, tl" cutt y i r tiie el n t-l to m ini I'l tti. em waa ut a party triunjih, Lut a flfim. rni.nr! triumph, and il wne the duty id the l'rulrM ittt lo be the President of tbe nation tr.rt not of s p. i). .We find in the Nstional In:rll;ffenrer i;f (hf 4 h inst., the fc.llowing Tsrd tn m Mr. Wje. jirg,' i Jj part to the speech k ched sbove: To Ih ttlilon eflht Uttktmmd W kig'. I hsve to my lo the Editors of the Rid icoM Vhi. in reepofiae 10 tneir rilitnrial a IVbiufliV 'i f'-sili'fl with my name snd based apoo srt cl.n m iltc tiiiAf 1 fhorsdsv, ni in the Enquirer of 8tuniay, tlwl sift now eogneed in writing out my remsrks on the Tir sury mite bill, delivered in Committee of the Whole on theststeof the Union, on ihe27iliL fiSih -and Oiii '"""sry : tbsfl shall repit the eiscl words u"rred, se nmly ss tbr y can h recllected-iheri repoiter's note o the third day's cnntinoation WTW s,ecri snd tbe speerh ebell tie puhlirhed s m"m wnusn ana osn oaa space in the lulrfli. "' When published. It will snruk fnr ttmrnU m-A .V whether 1 hsve departed in Uie ban fmm the initio, I bave heretofore oecupied,.Bd whether now I do mt tsn upon tb only ground hlrh csn be oecspicd bt the RtfmUicm.iirm lAt migfmfw in Virginia, sad throughout the Union. , ' On the subject of ixvribMti ,ndd dutiti rmm uHltmd ioMir-in wy cfpusition to ihe-proahsrtiiai mier Ie rotaf tk Tariff fur ih repose iTri6tt lisg fa reseane frtm Ike Public Linda, or lnpw ' en rmsra TVratirry eg dittribulitig th rvsenne ro m i-. T w rr'ex' f rettiny M Tsnjf I preeame I will nor bud - mm " of my - warmest politksl friend," easing my rood eSesria sns at feast, to difler fmm me And as this cf posit Kiej ofaiine to them measure bat keen backed snd concnr dJ,no?, " Prh end rotes, made and ro- wmea inw esy, or nenstor Rives, who has just taken "i wij. ",,wpcd " b ,ul,"'y " of the Wbi.a ' of the Virginia Legislature, and of til the Whigpresers u a '"'-roorsslve ceiallyw hre 1 will eol "Tl0 d"!, ff" kin of hi warmest rol.ii. ml frfortde,1 even st Richmond. 1 heved. Une sentiment I mut sddthsf it i teimllv wmk in a public man to be deterred from dome; what he thinks right, eiMrr pg tic sVnuacmion offrieudi or Ay tkt u delight " oe. ' t 1 shall hold on to the true faith, snd fcy my fruits I hope to bo koown. But all our friends bed belter "swnsr to ae tkt t-trht, u fuu,n neo1 uiiie, I sm your obedient servant, Wlsbm jton, Fcbrosry 2, 1IL John Qnincy Adsm, Abolition petition-nreM-nter Genersl. bss made a most iW attack on J!r. Wire IB eonseenenre of h Opooaitioh te the Tariff profiOi. tions of the Northern Whirm. am) hi tr era rlghta. hot the ohl Aholitkiiisl came ofTwrtml l est , in ino auair.-it seems, as Mr. Wise will 14 lend nirjHell to the anptart of the m antes simI policy of.. Til T? 7 rMntUmn lft 'mh.ii.er sre determine.) to kill him off a rpeedily as pesihlc. In poiftimr their blurKlerbum st him and other Southern men, they bsd better take care that they sre not kicked over themselves, while they stnot wide uf tlie n ark aimed at. 1 Ai-Amfgierion.-Tlie !!mie td Reprcetfitstives r ?'I',M7'Mni W"lettd-be passed a bill pro bibiting tha intermarriage 4 whits men or women with negroes or muUttoes, under a pinslty of tr0. The bill slm provides tv inflictine s heavy p.slty ut.cn the clergyman who should aid in vk.Ut.ng it by nisiVv ing sny such, snd further snnuU the marriage contract of all rucb persons now existing, v The Dill tor the establishment of aermewei. r... rrrtsprisn sgsem. wd the hen,,e on "FJ" ffTirt mit hi a nl 111 . in KJmwrrBm. i 'ir otuaie is m w tne-g'e i r. in nr.. to n rk 1" 'it lf' ml ILi ;:u!-Iii n wlncll he vm , J i ., not I t,'. I If a would he ui.-ruiicl : sideraiiun of a "Bill te estahlith a ti.iUrm tyateru ot BsnBWntcgJraaejTs M lw,Tho.Taasury. Noto-BiM. hvlhe- aohjeet'!of gteetett '-- public interest occupying the attention of tbe Mouse, at our latest date, ' Important fartign inltlhgrnct.Lna advices from Europe place us in pomeesioa ot intelligence highly in teirotiug. ; Tha Briiwb Kjtpeilitiot; .Bgalnat,ChJB baenccmpTetelyjiKcesjiaj eMM.hJ mbmhwion of tbe "Celestial " lnpire. Mebewit Alihss beea prostrated ia rypt- Tha Cotton market in Li- . erpool remains firm at extreme pricea of the last quo- 111 afaftm , . .-y-.ry-nr-epiff rnmi i.irj-jj-.gy.-rgm.-w John Bull is of course greatly elated at all hi uc- and may be esprCed lo become more grasping and iuoulent thio ever. -- -, CoTTenpondenti ODghtrtti k-ujw thitrwr never" publish anonymous communiratiun of sny kind sect lo as wit boot the responsibity of nrue, and especially for very obvious reasons, do a pot give place to any notices of manures or deathr, tucli sa several wahsve lately received in thif way, It iaetated that the Uoa Jem JL Pyam will not to a eaaduiste far re-election to Congress. ' . . NOTICE." STP'IC Ce-mrtnervhip heretofi rs existiag ander firm ii of A. Beaeeni a R. W. Irtig. m ihw dsy dim suited by mutual consent. A. PENt.'EM. ' . - B, W. MJ.NU. , Salisbury, Feb. 4, 1841. . . T7-2w OT Aft persons that hnv rlaimo against the ' hove concern, sre reoueetcil lo present them to A. ftenceei fU patmeot, who is fully aothnriani to settle tbe mme. R. W. LONG. -rsbruarynVlW. . CARUL1GEH 10 U HALL. TIIK ft iWriVr having di. '. rosed of hie est a I.l fhuient to K barer It Hsden, bss rrmaio- ; I Tf rn hr if 2 fir tim;t 1 toy: 9 Carry lie, 1 Bufgy. 1 Fol. ) k, 2 cloee Carriei ee. e of ..mi Juem a very ene aMc'e, m a superior uRanni r elou a aumber of second-hand Baroachee, Csniaees sed Gies II nf which be will sell very low, and on a lorr credit IVt f..J "V"., , - , He requests all thoso having ope acrtant standing on his bmks to esll and settle thret wiihont mrtl.er r!c lay, by note or otherwise. JOHN SHAVER. iiamirv. tea. rz. ltl. rr " FOR SALE. fitllB undersigned, aa Administrator of Wiham Coi, will expos to public mle, oa Friday, the 20 h day of Fobruarv, at his plantation, in Uo son County, on tho Yadkiu rivi r, mar the D ill mountain, EIGHT LIKELY NEROF, . consisting of a woman and her eoveo children. Term tnadd known oo the dae of ee. - . A A HON NILLr.R, AdmV, I Ditiu,ollCl)mtt;X.C.,Feb..MLtl, J( J Bal 0m 7- J- ...... . f-

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