A ft ' i- iw Ui Jum-ntL Vila FAST TEAS. Com goo F.etor gooti The year Oa tu dark tor recline, A4 memory foumi it marblo brew Iter wreath of sorrow twiaMt .While we in tear tad eibaiit bowed, . Deboki lb table boa re and shroud O'er where the pale moon shine Like lito funeral torch, who glow But Itfbia tbe atfo-ij kotow. Why Ha we weep 1 Are not tbe sty - bull barotng o er our world, "Likeaagel-wingtof Paradise la ihoir high hoaiee unfurled S ,y Weaves not the wind u dreamy tun. Ami barns uot tt yon holy moon V Are 0.4 th blue waves curl'J . Aloug tbe glorious Deep, as bright Beneath tbe Sou' Unclouded Ugbl I Why do we weepl Th year bath pxttew A ut lien putted before, -Bonriug its drk, mysterious wrecks To Hie eternal shore ' J 01 dim fwgeifuliiess. Will tot ' - lu un-uuiiy anon be ell lor jot 1 lu, very akin no inure I - lave id! lately I bestd the tomh 7 Our tear wtt pell end burujl plume. . - - For o'er each heart the iroo year Pass weari y and slow, V Like sluggish tides which ever noire . lu their mysterious flow, Gone ere the lights wIiom lustre gjv A radiant glory to each wave Un Bemp'a tee below ! And withering bung Life's cher'wheJ flower tseueain the wing ol biitered Hour. No row the EJen-B:rd of hop lltr sung of gladm weave, But, drooping, tit within the bower . Ot Autumn's withered losses. And harps, wbich caught her angel tone, Now feeoly in tne nighKir rpueo ; ' And the lone s;Mril grieves O'er wreck, where fearfully sublime , Mcuwl tbe wild wixird brow ot Time. ' And Love in leaning sadly pale Above'AGecliim' tomb, Lke a feint rmnhow glittering- o'er . The cartwi's ghastly gloom. ' ' Fond" wretch ! In vim her accent (all Ou aleeping form and fearful pall! Can her frt chapletjilooin l"n w;ltf rhg ij'i r the icy bltti ! " ' it ler.mro with Ibe spirit iMcdl , Jml Hrong ambi'.itn he who reared t. A't! )u titan (urm, ;!h iht-.tinr or madly giasped " Thv fid u nig of the atprtu , W hrtp "ijilc now 1 Hi dream all fled, . ' -Fer bi tter lliej the int ded - Where manhooir boom warm Leapt not at Glory' whirlwind call : . In the looe grave torgoltea 1L 'Tin well to wrp ! our silent lean ihnulJ wet the retting bier ! Trra i ftly n uml the burial plac I Of the deperUo yen. I ! even now the tiirging wave Of 'be dim future bvU the grave) Of the pl al'vp .r b-re !- Urk ! Murk I wi.nl arun'4 above ui well ? Aam ! It , tht midcight bell ! ,W ?aine tc bear it tor wf know The utiiK,iefiK-e of old : . What trll f-that anotbMj ."Fii'Ot the Abvi htn rolled It min'a'y ttr!c ! awake t awaket bpinU tf.i Vtiy ptnt ptn'mm rtiak i o gd.neniig cruai nrnun i Ui ! op. and ee .the race itnin-7-v,..., . , 'mtfrT rprem The r;il with their dark weight, - , Aid i ven !Su.. nay aiiik beneath Tie brooding w:nii of Fate: Not o wish tl.ee ! o'er tying time Thy form mty, Gud-like, tower wiblime, ili.iiMiatb-elatel Up! np! luiinortal ! Year but twine y (uoVrtug pur.beu oy bravery moe tinnf.- CatZJAW. Ah ! Ctiildhood beautiiul my ate 'lJb:iLvfctJUfcluieiJA.aJi.aroujbeavae a treaaure bouse id winders. Sweet and ceutle sea oa of beiug I whoae t wer brine oa the period l ripening, or bloom bat to wither and (de in their loveliness litne of " Ibick-coimng j.'j aiv; tearal ol tear that i quickly away, a if they rlid not behn.g lo thee, uf joys that linger and abide voiif and eel make the long dav eburt time ol weakosss ! yet uf pieer to charm the eye of ge irora their bre." Lbildliood! what a mystery art thou, and what n.jaterie dt tbou deal with. , What myrtery ia there in thy unfolding faraltie, thai call forth wonder from those that gm, upon bee, aud seem to thy self at time ilmu! a if they were attange ieuiii,Mv.nec uf an earlier being! What mystery i there in t'hy thought, when thou wri first ttrugulii'g togrn-pt.il infinite and eternal ! vhen thou art told of uituiorlal region wneiethuw nail suder onward Imever, ami eaieet even tu the teaching tnscs uf uuihoriiy , " It rantiol, father H- 11 connot be I ice. U. Deny. A good wx v-An individual residing in court y , wneu unuer ae, crtoiractHla i!bi, amounting in "near sixlttiii du1Urs,whh be ieojei tu pay, He was sued, a:td employ i d so Attorney tj lhi p'ace, lo oVIend tne rax. What-i your deeme, deiuai.uea nia iouoeii l',ead my minority, aid the client, when 1 contracted ihe delrf. (lie I havenonflpr ifef.( t ' Yvn 1 1 Hi 1 1 pi 11 il Hill Couitetl. 1'liey proceeded to the Juatu e'a Cixirt . wkere the lea was m .uVr.nl s icceedeA, Tlw Court deciiled tu Lvor uf tb young wan, and IImi c rem 1 or utti ut pa ail eet But tbia te the boat of Hie j..tv A snlile mefH had yet lo be mad between Client and Cuun eL Tbia was aooa brought about Ly a dun fr.rn tne CuuiweU v nst do yiu rlnrge f,.r ywir. aer ice, ' Col. 7 Iwemy dolUrs. sir. Twent n.ul oxcummmnI the Client, whv I was sued lor only .nteen u!lara. I had belter have paid that ou you neo, repiico ine lawyer, ind lor iit doing o, yow shall Dow fork up to ine twenty so out with it. sir, and leerp tu pay your honest debts in future. . The twenty wes forked uji, and the wolierer will, w hope, pioiii by his ep ritiKC Geo. Journal, i - - ' ". A Sthoolma tier Who was fond of the nan of Xrug s the glube, waa asked ihe diOerenrs iMitwveH gravity and gravtiaiMMt 1 When I've droi'k bte glaaees of gro," replied the pedsgngu, toy gravity tariitliet sod ui) ravitaiiuo begins t operate." 1 T . - - 'Hurry and cunning are tbe apprentices of De. tiatcb and Skill; but oeiiuer uf tbeut ever loarn Tieli eetei'e trade, 1 .,() s i : . .. , I L ....t- !i I .'id I.jv p!ij a re Jiiiiita, te rpfinie until thnwe ef ViriiiU t.itl tr'nitri Ibe ginia bank iuce tiit, an4 feo!d Ihut ty woula retumo inniicdirileiv Hf'r the .allnure Iwulte. llfre' e caief;rjr.' Th two there fore stand bobbing at eark otSor like a cupl of ve r polite gentlemen of the old chnol, enlnrcing precedence in pnaning a doorway, " Wulk in. ir (IU.) " Aflwr you, ir." (Bow) " Not fr the . world, ir." (Itow ) " Ewue me, rr. .iviw.j I bear tmrdon. sir." ( Bow.) Zmio-I I when will the fool gel into the houne." CharkHwi Mercury. Pope'i ttia Pope's oath was, God nwnd me. A linle boy to whom he had refused a penny, loehed at hi diminutive iture, cried nut, u God mend yoo, indoed I it would be lens trouble to make a new one." "t '- " ' HuMfiunf to thi Tpmh.U New OrJeans, a vhort time inre, a .Mr. Tomb, aged 3-1 years, e. pouted a Mr. Butlr-r, aged 63. It isquii tmiural, My the Bee, tlMt Mr. Bmlrr, at her g should think of hMeuiiig to tbe tomb. Y PROSPECTUS Of Til MECKLENBURG JEJTERSONIAN. It is proponed to ea'aUuh, ia the Town of Charlotte, MctkleuDurg Count, N. C, a weekly new p per, un dertbe above title, to be edited and publiabee by the auhatribwr. The publicatioo of the "Mtcatamuao JarraaauDua " will commence by tbe 11 of January next, or a ooa a material can be procured. It will -ce printed with entirely new and lair type, on paper of the best quality, and atLrded to soiixcribets at jciiO in advance, (on the receipt ef the tira Dumber,) or 4 it out paid m advance. The preept i me flrt effort that has been made te , eataUikti sa organ l the birth-place ot Americas la. iieendctce, through wbxb the toctriueaot ibe Deuto. cratic party could be lively promulgated arid eetemied in which the great principles of Libert v and Equality lor which the.Atrjrander, the folk, and their heroic compatriots periled their alt, oa the Stlut Jiay, 1775, could find at all limes aa anahriuking advocate, lis auccee reM chiefly with the Republican party ot Meek lenburg and to Ihein, and lb KepuWicto ul the ur rounding couulry, tbe appeal m uow made lor aupporL The Juriaaunu wilt aattume a ita political creed, too lannmark of the Republican party, tbe doctriues eettbrtb in the Kentucky and Virginia Keaoluiion believing, as tbe underaigned eoea, that Ui autlior of theae papers who bore a conepicuooa part lu training our syateui of Government, were beat uuilifled to hand don to posterity a correct exposition of it true apint tbe beat judge of what power were delegalctl by, sod what reaente to, the Slate. ll will oppose, as dangerous to oar free rnatitutions, . the spirit ot' mmtupol, which has been stealthily, but steadily increasing in the country from tbe (bunoatioa of our Government. The most odiou feature in this syjtem m, that it robs the uv, imptrtffttbty, to en rich the raw: It clothes a tew wealthy uwividuals wilb power aot only to control the wages of the labor ing onu, but alao at their pleasure to lunate or d pre the comnierre and boaiuea of tbe wbolu couatry eitiag a apint of eiiravagance, whicb.it terminate m pecuniary ruin, and loo often Uie moral degradatma of' ita victim. Thi (yatem must be thoroughly rtform eaf beU- ' hope avw setttee prosperity siuile alike upoe all our cititens. To aid in producing ms . rtform, will 6 on of tb aaaua ekjMt T taa iwwwmm Mia. - It wilt war against mJiiiw pnnlegt$, or partial Itgiilututn, uuuer whatever guiae granted by . our Leg uut urea; aud, theretori!, willoppoau the c-'iaN.,. rermg or umiee state viae, nuernii iinprovementi ... by.jJldw.Uowwi My em, sod the oW Krieral echein of the General Gvvermnent ae-umiiig to pay to foreign money cImiw ger Uie lap assaWat mUlioHt of dollar, burrowed by . s few rilaies tor local purpuae. A a suetKa ui titai loiportaBce to the South, sod on which, from vartoo osummi, m etery day aesuminj. a ttior mometloo snd aeiui aapect, lbs Jsrsasxc - Ml will keep ll reader regularly and accurately ai- vawj UU nr uorev o inrincro AOiiiiiiouwm. 11 MMMte jdat.io ir etnJl. . pberveia, that Uie parti, ten pree of the Muulli have hittierio lieeriloiTaiieht upr bi MtbtecV' We atiall, tberetore, without h ar ot J)rig4oos)fcea4'eHitafwiiV rooWIeala'' to et in awakening the People of the r'outb te doe vigilance and a acoae of their real danger. While a portioii ul the column of tbe Jsrraaaoaua ill bdevoi4 to political dueuMion. the crttLinbv Ifll tt Motatt, Literutmt, Agrtcuitnet, sod Uie Max CMete Arte, sua 11 not be oaglccted. . vt 11b the choiceat selctions on the subjecia, snd a doeauaotiiy ul tighr reading, Ihe Editor hopes to render bit sbl agreeeote and priifiiabl to ail class in HociCy. ' Order foe th paper, ddred, pottmgi paid, to the "Eihtor of th JeOertonita, Coarlutc, N. C ," wUI be pro .ptly eooiplied with. - 1 Any prifei who will prticure tit subscriber, and be reaonruubie their subscript tout, sdll bars a numbtr of the paper gratia. Postmasters ire reqiested to set ss AgMiU iur Ibe paper, in receiving and forwsrding subirritiera names snd subscript km.. . r JOS. W. HAjlPfON. November 0, 1340. , - l CABINET WORK. JUK Fohacriber iiif rm the public that he continue tho Itutin(fs, A IN THE VIl.LAOE O? WIS" I! u ..JJI ff. LEXINGTON, NORTXIMOI.tN A. He i prepared to rieeute all dew1itiir r.f work in hi lint ol btiine m a very Minermr ') h, a re. 2rda workmsiktliip and materia!. And cerMiivly on -lover termt than is aftVrrfed bv ant other esiab- liahmenl of Ihe kind in tin ifgion ul country. 1 fu,U" f""" ' '''"' 'f.rrt 1. .nj r"-.-!- lrt priMi.pilv and fiutMolly everoted. Produce, ricaiitlmg and Plank iVen in extrhane forwnrk. NATHAN PAKKS. at . e a aa ' i "Lexmpfin, rt-n. 7. tiftti. . r p HK Subscriber living seven miles south of 9li. , a burv, tnUnda keepmg coristaully o hand, Mar ble and (irsmte M.ths expressly for t, ' TOMB STONDS, o thit he can execute any order ia :hat Line, en the shortest notice. - to . fie is read to exeeMte any work which may he called or in SCULP rURINO. NTONB-CU ITING, F.. GRAVINO, tux, ami he aasnre thte who may favor " bna with their work, that unlets well dona according lo contract, he has no pay. A complete Urge IHiry Trough lor tale, cnl of Rock for Hi purpose il preserving milk cool. Apply to the rhibw.ribf-r. ENOCH E. PHILLIP November I t. 19. . . f. . " r MtWKH "-: "Of ceere dwription for tmU, al Mi 0$. 9 r m T TUS I'lllUUELPlIU SATURDAY COUUIEIl- - . .,,1 TUJi COUKIlill ia on aa firm and independent I ba at a any pnper iwued, al liointt or alirunl, and ll am plo mean will be alway einpriiyed to make it enual, aa a .1'AMILY MiSWiUUim to an journal pub lished. kisaPEttUAMir! fcSI'.iBU.-Sli wKM. The Courier w an niUepuihlenl puper, loarteaaly pu suing a trai;rht-(urward courto, aud supporting the btwi tutoreat ot THE I'UULiC Tbia approved Family Paper is strictly (KT XEV TUAL i.V FOUUva A!il HKLlUlUjCA) ths uncoiDDrouiiauiir uowment of sll UUACKKll It uiaioiain. a Inch l OAri Uf .MUtlM, ana n sa article will appear in ita page, which iouid not find place at every Dreaide. , ) - The anparlleled patroniige, Irotn every section el tile eminlrv. la Ilia b.vt eviilellc of it SOOrot!.' ll has suikeo snd will continue ut apeak lor itstslt. It list amUacea over 2 l.OUi uotnMr. rxltndwg from the Lakti to iht Ocean, sud Cunbiaing all inteN eat snd classes ot tln republic, bach number V lue Courier contain a much matter as would - - aiafiyo, Volume, The cost of which alone would be the price of the pa per lor whole year. The general character ol the Courier i well kooWit lis column couum a great variety of ' Tauts, sasBATivta, cssaTa, aioeaApwiaa, etc., y Tcgdher mib articlMoo Science, Pin Arts, Ilealtli, Gnnmerce, Mechanics Literature, Agriculture, ' MaiiuWcturea, Foreign New, "' New Pubiicabons, Morality, ledieine. The Miik Culture, 1'einpirince, Faniiiv Circle,.. Domeetic Intelligence, Coucation, AmuKfHueiita, Facet ia. lluMHMOUtfouliCtt ArUclea, I'he Drama, City Mailer,' Amuaing itliacollny, I'he Maiket, The Muairal World. Correcl Price Current, tsoif-rjuucati d Men, l.it of In ilvem Bankr, Divcounl and Exchange, Letter troni Lurvpe, lliaiory, Tile Claariica, I'biloaopliy, And all other matters diiciied io a Universal Family Journal Imrnmhlng altoi-ttier a vast, and, we b neve, a ii, ten sling a varil ot ouu b vRd m any other Journal, embracing at eject a tor: ' ' . Farmers, Tradesmen, Merchants, Teachers, Mechanics, x A riisaiis, Men ot Leisure, Sludeiits, ind every Clan of our Country The COURIER may alwav be DLTKNi KD UP ON, aa nothing important I permitted to eKo a lice in it column It will always t MTiit CLLi' t vLt ILLt US AUiV.UATS. . . Our arrangements enehh? ua to draw from the whole range ol the current Literature of Europe, and our &r respondent at home embrace many if the t .l nter. of the country. A ssrie of POPULAR TALES, of unequalled lutereat sad value, will follow 10 eooctaiit In the Courier is inserted the munc of the most tx)txi- lsr A us, B'l!eK snd bongr, as wmn s tlioy are un portetl; an thai country ra)ers may have the must p, (Hilar muaie tor Ihs tOMd, the pMitO, Uie guitar or otuer ini'ruinenU, as earn as published, wlncn if paid lor separaieiv wooiu cip iiiie fCrlpiljii. J im p. rTi-cteiT feirangemenl t to be Jauull4 ui no Uu jowrwl Oil: TilHMIS. j-Ttej' W hen iolivilualf with to sobwrih to the Conner, sore wsy i io eucloae the money in s leur, snd iti. rttu to ua,' i be piotmaaier will itoibly pulu'ly remit, b.4 we w ieh the m n Cases, it it inevt il.eiV plcamire, to act as r stents. Clubs of ten will be Jurm; OBiryeT,vproviiei me irxeiey DC sent u tree ul pvnl see aud UMouot.) Ir aMA. i-BaHwtittTrWu7TK ilTi eonv prstis Threo copm for five dolUr. - au.ua liute mill be reeevved nr 1 1 eem""- Our trpiwl. the r'wfr4)!eae nng STrVt rt'a'afiTiiew subMsnpiions. ! T U E M A HKETS. AT.nJBURY, FEBRUARY. 13, Vsil Bron, 8 a 10 ilron, 41.7, h s 19 AO a li.'l Het, 8i 1 4 Urd, Brandy, (peach) 4l '!o'as4 " Do . (apple) IWeaVi V.ns, : Butter, lua wie, Bwai, ' 13 s rtk, Baling,""" Ha Zi tdce, (urrtrt) 9 V IS a -Jtj 4. 10 a i:j iiais Rupe, - ID l'.'Mnijtr, (bmwn) aioo, (clean) ea I )u (lo . 11 a Zti rorn, . . 25 (I u ) fil 25 a 1 Mt Cotfee, - 141 lMck) &37) 40l Floor, $4 23 s f 4 &i St. el, (blmie lit a Feathers, boaoi On (cast 1'a.iuw, Vhiaki.y, 2ja.U PsJ 80s Flaxaeed, k a Do OiL 1U0 AT FAYETTE VI IXE, KLBRUAhY 3. 11L .v Brandy, (peach) Do (apple) Bicon, 456(1 40 a 45 Ua in 12 a 15 rja lu I', anient, Urd, .Molawei, Natl. ' Sail, (tiOrl) '.Ii a 4 1 Va 10 27 a 6), a 7 Bteawax, - B itter, . B!e lipe, , Gttt'ee, ., ' 7.1 Do (k) tt50afrVe7i iugtr, (liruwu) ti a l lo- (lump) " ItJ D (wf,) Ha 'M 14 a 131 Luitoo, J m Cotton Ji i i- Coiin, 40 a lib Candlea, 1 17 r hatred, 1 HI 115 Flour, $15fJiull I oUc(o,(leat) 4 a ul AMieat, (fh Whiskey, ,! AT CIIF.RAW, H. C. FKBR.UARY 3. 1841. r'lour, a-)i(!afri Beef, (scarce) 9s5 ea 10 1 HtCfMI, 1 1 Ihiusir,.--'- Fcatntrx, 40 4. 10 a li ,20 a. Urd, (wjurce) "11 a ivi B-eiX, . Mulswe, & s mi liA s 40 4 a c J ID s it fi?i s (il Jtagjipg, l tola. Uaie Hope, 10 a :Ue,(100 Ibn) Cil(, Cr4tm, 1 '4 l-t H a 10 40 a 50 silt; (aek) Do (nuthi I) Cure, (rrre) AT CAMDCt, O, JANUARY '.-O, 1M1 Hi 10 60 ttfoO 37 s 4 3 10 1 U 4.)afirj aiXi Beef, Htctio Butter, Uesawax, - Baling, Male Rope, Cotr.e, A a ft 10 14 irt ! Vt 1 1014 14 a 10 Cotbin, Corn, Flour, . Feathers, lrd. Atola Oals, MATCIILI&:4 .SANATIVH. 'PlltS invalunbln Medirtue is for salo by th sub-cntxir, at Milleilgeville, Montgi.nirry Co., N.C . W. E. IU UAtili - Fehrnare 31, 140. r r ' '10 UlUlv, in the eountrg.- A mnrt, active tie gru WOMAN, avcustuinert lo hms w..rk.( . Apply at . iUlS OFFlUR. Largest Cjcriptioa liite Vorldi! TO method of inrorhiiog the MIK utcriDeriai wZ..".m ti,. k Public, that he still eontinuea io ineee of 0- UWWit-t mile South cf aauuai,i u i -l.nr. hs Is Sahaburv, near the W i-narie. un n- .. -ablsto .upply all order ft MILL-BIONLS of tne best grit, ami on tne niorwm ' auso t.r Sale, at the lowrt prices, . . ' WINDOW SILLS, DOOIl SI 14A , 'J: ROUGH BUILDING ROta8,TUi o GOLD GRINDERS, 4e. V. c. - J. 10ULSH0USEtt,Slooe-Cnner. Ssli.t7,Oct!th,lCU9. lt v i-i (k. .. r ihs above wronght arti. cles,'direct4 lo mt al Satwhory, will ba puncysllvt. ii ' mi v.- v raospECTUS v:,,:, .' "' , ot Tat , .. iretlern Carolina Temperance Jlivocate, niAy poper dttotti is Ihr Ttmfrn Reform, ruUhdtAhtilte,N.V..onioJtt4 A avii BY P. K. M'ANALLY. A Taapaaaaca lwtanoa that wa held al this . place early tu oteuiUr, resolved on puuuming p , per of the aliove titk- anVclircter, and appointed Ut. Mo Ditka..!! and I). R .VAnally to Conduct it From the many preying - engagements, Ur. UkNa 'resuj baa, he oeei., it iiupmcti. khle br hi to be recognised as one of the euih.ia, tiii ugh bs will cheertully use sll hi inrtiteiica (ithrrwiae, to ronwte its in erest; tbe noc rier therefore, pmcetus W iue tbie Pruspeetu nt hi own ntuue. ou a hi mat u will oe auieo m tne undertaking, ly ail the ti.enot tbe rempi-rsnce cauae ttirouj"i"ut Uie cum 'j: ii t. at tne pap' 01 soon hive an e'.erinivMr;C',iiiii. It seta uf Iht ii mjfiiH I hum l' y-u as maae a OKwl taineal aipai-- l.,i' iMJ.-:, Uf"" nd of dollar are amm ij r,-?'u 'xii sltueatiea, al Circuwt the race Uaik, a'V i witnte lie pam are pared,the luxury .J tetu- ut a , wk bin gone, and uu laUe iitj,. ton . i a:.ce (Ve intef eta ul political ep.rnliS Can w ik.1 J amitevb.lig IB Cauae thai irnwi be fct.f lo e Hue parioi, pi.nao tliMpiat, and cbtiKtianl i.tCu:Kci there are ool tew, very lew,ucii papers in sll lb houUme coun'r. I'he U t(i ru psii ul .Uiiruiin.,lii eiru part . M IT . . I'. ...... .J " --- IMIItflL. Isrlv, uvea pvriuJical ol tin kind, and a m lot Tou uow loy wiH-ther Uiey aball bav rt. v t he very kiw price al which ll wis Bi d by the Couventtrti, will make it uecery, tint a very large utkacriptKiu be bad, twiore the uUnciuo ul it eaa be joslitke. " TLRMd ' : " Tht Wetter CsveiiM Temperance AaWel will be publiahed on a medium socet, W quarlw Iwui, each number making i igbi pi;v. ai will lie luruWied at tbe very low pnt ol i i'y ( a cpy V her sin. gl cuokw are Uki o, liw pyinei.t mium be uiao iava ruoiy upoe the reeepliou ot ibe Ut number. fj Pttiuatr, inl.im puuiiab' rawl papera, Bd all tViiutsteia ol Ute Oip. , are aulMUiaee ageels, II1'LL1IL.M iO lilt CLODi:. Proopettut far the Cungrtttvtut Ulobe seal Appeudis. The work wi.l be pii hinted by ua, curing tb p iproachmg aesaioa ottongrenj 'I by nave bad such a wide circulation m tne un'.id states, and toeir eaetul neaa aud cheaputa are so UDiverttaily atkooie.,ged, i bat We deem M uuuetearj to give a dti,l aecouul uf what ihe future liumorrs w.,i eutUiru tulbut ll Ul.. ay. Ut Uiey Will U liivalust.li', lo all woe Hwl aa l I ! li a inamp i TiTm 9 ia I U'""" ' ". n.a.iim u uie uaitee Btan Tpernap m the woriu. Our pniou at tbe seat ot Uo-. tcrniuent, enaoi.i. u. to priui tliem al so kiw a rate. coiiipelle jt i.i . the pweert mg of Cow-' WM m detail, Lu ur i; : Mprr... 4 D euneH. turrVS tirttii'i " mii s sumII xpease to change litem I11 U,e I j'Ui U lite tengrelujsl Uiooc ana Ap peudis . ll' not M loeae tinaioataoees, we ceil id n it t.i-'-'i- .'1 ineiH tor Ml limes the suim clwrged. !u .::.( ,ir a 1 ej'tn wine h i i I 11, tw Males, lue whit psuef. ,t- vmk oit Lrmt.d, would sell tur aa much a ' m u up or toe eiuy prcm f v ii u t'.-m;!, and Ih -wTin"Tr' ' vr-t i-erf-riTe yea and ly on al. ii, ;.i'i' ' ihmj. f vwt It at pub liialU-r einal. n I, r .irM-ii---riiWJ,m','',rMt t 111, ltTT U v..qni.. r ir'" !: ipai. Ve . xrxvt to puoin Uiree ii'..t- I -r i' j twu weak ol the srtMiou The Append' et.nt'iiir tl aperc:i(4 the members t full leiigifi, wtillfO ouLiy lUuwn Vr f mtm r prmled" l l lite aame toriH-sa Ipe Coi.griva.iw tl U) iir. . ii is published aa fat a ihe tpetiki.es taa ou (irjareu cj Ihe member. " ' ... . i'mu id these works is rouiplei in iiaell. Hut it rt teauaule loi every uhribr lo ha butu; Ucauas, if 1 1 te annum be snibyoillr ,n Uie sytK-pais ut a a peer k in fie longreMXHiti u.oi;, or any titmai or its cor lecifMW, it may 0 remuved t oitce, by rakmog to Uis ipee in the A(prod.X. - Imietes to bi h sre sent to subscribers, ss aooa aa tiiet cm be prepared, aller Ibe adjuurnmenl ol Con gn-a"-' TERMS. ' For one cipy of the Cnrigrewuooal Globe , , ft For copy 14 tne Appendix (l hit cp e ot eitlier ul lh above works will be ten. Inr t- t waive totnea he $10, and a ptuportiunale nomt tf'tait. Cupii tor a larger aum. ' ; - Pays -nia may be transmitted by mail eotfesereid. aiuur rik. - Ihe noUe of sny lucorpmaicd twnk in . Ute United tttaics, current la lb tocttoa ut couulry wnrre a auuwriuer ewqi will pa receive. ... , lo insure sll Ihe numbers, Ihe subacrtulioiia should be here by Uie 14ih U December next, si farthest. "Toe Democrat papers with which we exchange, ll pe give tM Fnwpecto I lew insert mu. . OCT faiiea) mill ht paid to esy raVf-, unlet the numey ocmimpanttt it. ' ',. L . BLAIR & RITES, Washington City, Nov. 80, lHW. Hook Bindery. WILLIAM HUNTER, Book-Binder. I N FORM 8 the public thai he Mill came on an IveaiHiahnwnt uf lh above kiil in CnxbihTIB, N 'fh Carolina, a few dmr mmjiIi of the Viui. H -v eg. at he OMM-eive, a thoriHigli knowledge of ii.i 1.,, ......... 1.. i...i . 1 - 'in may wt-h to patiumw miM, that their Work isll bfl dory m h. er) b'al at)l!,(trung,and on Hrcum niKlaliiiB terms Itrnktand Hher arin l tent from a distance lo he bound, will he promptly attended to ami care lully relumed when dona. Tho puhlie are request, ed 10 give mo a trial. , . (& Ordera left at t',e W,.tern Carolinian; Of lire will he unriually f-.rwsrded for cuititileiitln. Cf.arli.ltc. Feb. 7, 1-40. f ' MOFFATH LIFK PILLS W RITTKUS. - Bt n f.KM, celHbtatsd. snd to morn used ht the aflict.4 M wvery part uf th county, is now r cuid stid for sale by the Hnbacriber - m a . SRrM & ER, Aeenta. Mesar Beaiaua 3l 8uatt, 0 Cunc.d, N. Care i!m Ajonls tor the aau.c. ' P. ft Bee awvcttxaiaieBhtVfti a " y . I - . - IHS nnjer ' ui AJmSiiiiitrator tf t ', Docl. lu nt.n, ..;..a f.-r e !e the tatuable belonging to the folate of the ileceaaed. -aw.,j iderye rxirimo of the tutketion ws made by Dr eotj. coiiMta of Cold, Eilvrr, Copper, and Lad OrtL tha mineral recicn ef this country hmidesa oum. oer iwam irom kutoiw. cuiuntihc gentlemen, or literary institutions deairu.jr 0 purchase the wiiuid, vi i"" awiMwi, enn nave larthtr information u application by tetter to the under. , The collection will he sv.ld aa aootj as a reasoat. ble price uiay be oflrred lor it. , Salisbury, M. C, Dec 4, 16 W. if, ICo TratVets. rPHBtreeelling eommunity are respectfully Inform. . ed tUt the rlubacriber is bow ranning his linsdi. reel IrwB Haleigh b wsy of Fituooro, ami Ashboro' to Salisbury, in small Northern mad Coache nf th firrf order; testing Raleigh on Mondays snd Thursday it 10 A; M., srrtving in Saliabury Beit days at 10 P. M. Leaving febilismjry oa Tuesdays and Fridays at 3 A. M., arriving in Ka'etgh next data at 10 P. M. , Ilia bone are good, and drivera psrticulsrl earefal snd accommodating. . , . JOEL UcLEAN. Feb. IJ, 1839. ... ;.. ...c , u - " N. E Seau aecared at the Usnston Hotel . Proipectot for Kendall' Expositor. x MOd KENDALL priiwaaes to eihli,hasernL iX uxmtbly newspaper under the above name, to be devoted to the following objecla, via I 1. The eecuuiy of the right of soflraje, hy l0 ditiooni laws to punish bribery end fraud. 2. Aa exposure of abuses unJ corruption in Gmeroment, wherever known t evisi. 3. An exposition of the princiUa of modern Bauhirg, and it! tflorte wrxm labor, tra.le, iiMrls,S tud (overainenf. emhrsctnj the ns'ure and eee of mooey, and 1 hisiery of tde origin and progress i paper xnuiiry in us various lorn a. .. lo these will be i:Med all the Irtni'ct romrmn in the newapaper of' tbe day, with a imuiary of aews car, fully compiled, iiraamg an sccur'e hutoryol pawn events. Avoiding sll pervooal sltrrcatkui, tha paper, while' it will not enacael its prefei-n!es 11 men, will cnofise nsi-ll cbe-flyVi the elMCwlsu of facts and principlef, . leaving the ruder portions of political eontroversy te yuu'iger handa. . . The Eiuesitor will be printed in Ihe neatest manner up s rojsi sheet, lolded in ctsvo hn-m, each nomber making uteea page, with sa imles at th end of each volume embracing on year. It will thu furm a boot eantaming a history of Uie tunc with much raur aaeful and eolertaining matter. PKICE-Om DoUae met1 annum, paid in ere. No account will be kept, and the oapr will not be sent until the money be aclttally received. runs notes win be taken at their apver taloe. -To those who collect and f nearal tea dollar, an ad. ditiooal eopy will be sent gratis. . Poatmssters are permitud by law to (vwsrd sub- eertntion money io Mt rs written b themselves. 1 All letters U tbe hMilur rntrst be tree or postpaid. UV na iu P""C on iiia pnix-r win ne ool one nnnl i i n a ur even iminW.iria io the snrer of evcrr-aw- '' trnoroitii new.. -1 - ""J1 f rJ" "u' " i not exceewii.. Oma . iniiiilini -7. u- V B.,41(, IX.IL.: "V PROPOSALS For Tietctpepeti the (i'l of RaUiek,tabt tolled 1 ; TIIC SOUTHERN TCIE3J ' JToe mtc4 h? Htnry-I..To6Ier" Propiwafe ol this sxri MiF.t.d-in. lew will be mad in Ibis case, U.I the will all be re deemed.' .. '. - . 'f hweetrti of 'the yrttyipvt'tT.IRi jm'ewEi' ningmtee literary W.crlWtiy wi k Politic. thn m customary with lb prty Pre. Ita main character, however, will be politic) and it d.tftriuee'of the Jtf. The flrsC nsvnhsr wilfTe iej lnt the 4ih of 7"-h 1 ext. it a aumcM'ni number of anlMrr.h... u. vbiameJ la justify the andentkin A it cinm ba rvgtroea perfectly cert tu t hit euc'i wilf bttbicsae. .. o subscriber ucxpvctod lopy u . d he recti ves tbe paper. v - w. - -- 1 aiaw win vw inn Ul aame W IIU in Ksteiga Regiater," and it will be puld.afd twice a areek da. ring th ae4onauf th General iwmnhlt. and wki at all other tune. Tbe pric wil k. Four Dollars per MilUiaa 4 1 . - . ,v - EvftypewnUwhmthipfrtWeni, will please, . a em a all nav obcrii4 w'.i met be suoniaMl lobe detironelo pTromss iiwnJ.rfskiog, transmit their names to Ihe Eliloe, at IVwiovton. North Ctr olins. i :C To the Public. 1Kn tinderaigned respectfully jri(,rm the Pub." I, thai ihey art still engaged in carrying oa A -ttsiTOaBirtv Attlieirold aland in Rowan count v. near China Gruve.TO mile auuth of Salisburr. -Thet Bitter tbemselve that, wlih their king experience al the business, ami devoting lo it their unremitting per. tonal attention, togoi her with Jhir late improve. men! ia their system of ranning, to he able to manufacture Lr-alher of a snuerior nu.!;i.. a cheap u-rui a any made ia I hi country. Ihy nuw have 011 band very l-irge and au. perior stock rf Leather, of all kti.dt, which Ihey ar desirous of llmj w modente termt for eaah, or on tune lu punctual dealer. - $0T Dry aud green II idee taken in etching for Leather, - Also, will be road. on ahort tiolice. Rlaekamith.' Ili llows worth from eight to twenty dolliit v. rymg arcoromf to mxf, (KrThry invite all peraooi wishing Inpurrhnte Leihr, lo rail and examine their stock before porcliaainj elsewhere. II. & W. C. MILLER. Rowan Co., Ang. 7, 1840. . If. - Taken Up and Committed, TO the Jail of Datidson County, on ihct 14th inst., a negro hoy, who any hit name it TOM, ami lhal he belong la Honrv 8tncklndMwho livet near fprincfield in Iba Stat of faeorgia. flid H)y is a very likely mulatto, mt fret aeverj irn liea high had on when committed Kentucky jeans coat and pant and lo ahirt. Tha owimr is requceied to come forwatd, prove property, pay chargee, and lake him awav. W. WOMACK, Jailor. .A . Vnher 17, 184fi . " I r -.1 A" ;-:

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