AS3'A.iA..A A j f X Tns mwrnn tor tct.anTKi to tn rir ttf Br :ovTiTPrto. ;ro. r.n,t...T.,. nr ,tt r .tW roT,.,;. o. ro r .Atoft4HW,I: X . ' ' I ' . X . i X ' ' . SjivJJ' f-JC ijZlTm. 11..- -.l.r.--.':vmii:7-i -Tnni or th tt " --jrB -.' "'PUBLISHS!) WBEKI.Y:::::!:::v.CHAS. RtlSHER, .-"r .nV.l,"..7., rilphi. " X ' ,vaa Ai i ;,",.- -X' ; T Tin Worm CanotiNus in publihd every Friday. it aonmn, in advance, or 2 50, if not paid in tiirrw months trixi Ilia tone uf solwcrtbing. ' ( No p4wr xrilUtx: diuitittnUfd until til arrearage are psid, if the ttilMCritwr ia worth tne eiitwcription and the fkil ue ti notify the Editor .fra ,h lift ok uovrit before-th i ii J of ilie year eubacntwil for, " wllllis cotekred now engageuMmt. . . jfy A-hrttiitmrntt eon.pioi.ou.lf and eorrret'y in. eerted st ft per square- -(ft) 340 rras, or Jifietn lint of Ihi iaeJ tyo)tor the nr inmidn.nd 25 crate lit wfh continuitic. Curt and JudicUl tdvrrtiae. ment ' inr cent, higher h a the above rile. A d. .tlietiou of 3'J p"f cmt twui Iho rejiilf pikei wiil lrt to yil eiiMtrirt, AJvcrtnemi'iiU ecftt in t pttblicufii'fi, inii-t be mrkJ with tle mini- to of inwitk'ne dvtired, ihr they be contiiiuetf till .UrbiJ, eil ctuvd ce-'micly.u. A-.,--- -t ', ,To ewoft atteiit'i n, il lt-tt re eA'reHld to the Eii " torn bUKtnetf, mf6e frrt tif Tut toe. ; , A" iJVILVWf, I ett ot J .Jir IKard, Jr., f H iCT t N t fa tt!nrt .".i t ii. lie if the ' lnwnof S'ii.liry,eini ng Vn lb loUUOaei-!. T:ier 141 Aim tl auft Imm'I if, !' wliicb !)Oul 15 Acr i tiM f ne nnilnw,!!!! t gcwi fliieh bfanth juimr . ihrVwjjh it. t fto remei. ti) r of th tract it wi'iM lo1. Any perwo wiehi'i ii purctie', will ie ceil mi me, i'.i t.i cut oi h j ae(Cf, oi.mjr tuaJJe F tW'.' ; i - , a nit i -naiEa.. ,tt. ( AT wortj. wmI lUU., t , 1VVlhtL..K iOn W'SorflarriKrteOiiifWit, Prkwjthe Ci!k M i'e Pdl "' Hitiere, tinuck' Panatna, and ?,e ru'!y f-'f Bvwel tVnij Umyti Krle . J a it. ii C K. WtSEhLFR. 'ry-a TSA3,- a ' ti? ine,i f jMri, '1iJci;i, and Citt V rfl Xt rp'five-l anl tU; at lie f3Tav'ia "bify Drug Stnre." .J " ' '' .-.Ji:etofr, Nut. ', 1MV 55 ' r C'otl.a 1 arn. Iwte jiiM n"CiJ awf v nip 'tor e l, n hsaw L ii.'.ul.vf. If tM-?a h-ma?tr qul I .,:--'' :' - rr-. - l? " MH-n i Thou iTiiLlnjto piir ci:iw w iU pUe g7 a a cail. v -U .11. vV C. ttAVUSaielSH,Ati. AfrH il. 1840. ' - " tf. ... Je- .' . ...f . , ; ..... I . . .. l.t -iii 'f wp'j.1-. "f t!w ci;!-lirii d .Via i 'iej iiu;l. "f t!w citlrlirii- d .Yitf Z., , i1'--'JhVk wwil lo'c-il vt eeu t ttm, a ' " tt' liii no cake K t . & U. K. WllCCLLU. N.eniber 13, 1S40. t 'riSKSultrib.'rtiaaft tunioni faltft UpMlr M J.Iis by wUicb, a uii4 w uucU r t.tnir with Iho u.ul form i,f ;)i:;ai.. . H w u eouwuaui a 10 ep Ifuui Amfrtf .' Uit nt tl in koy uimi afff i'he miiiier i ciuiijnl fy tlie p.mile ai ! wa io prtwciva iw wuiite, l..d 6f coaiiw' U'U. I Una improc4 E:p:nJ!e, tht aame w.tcr wit) do at icuat uui J ukm tu.De, ami U. una. wi eLtfiuf Ajy pr.m i'iu.t w pit or t&ee p1oim. liny uuuui ui of, bj -, tiy4iia.u( appiicniMi,a mi ni a!iift Umo) l' o i.lJCf 'r l l'l'"'""'4 N. C. I liiu . i'U ;r . laiii" wt i i n'i viLe. lUJ ioi;ottiJ lrflwtiiite 'y r;eiu M.h oym.iii in uflceelul upv-rttn'il ! wji. t.r.veii), I'f, Jjpb I1..I.4U4 tm'l. twUt mT l-t Coau:y; tJui'icui Uft-4 at4 Ui4 IJ-w-ur ut Ltucuiu. (.'iutiojUri5.t!i ot lt t.Vn; A-m1m'ii M .re of UjV.iI. M, lli WU;iiia U' t Ji. il tt 'U aftf aiA l3 p:u4 wiiu IU pefltruw. t (Ktober 25, 1J. : j: ; . -;. . :. ...j-. ; .:. f 1 ,,1F. tSCIUCiUSKK It vii near wxmgion, uavm. ..... ' m . I fcu CuCiity, UaVa Una Ht)Ktd W mluim tie i'ab a Hut b will eaUr mU wuUoct iih any I'iii&4i,mI i- Ul.l!..f ill ll,n.w.iii. llu'n,bf i-J 1 1 u touii wiio wiu U.NH" , otiri-m any othi-r UiUoi t ...... ;. i . 1....1 1 .i...... -I. UrnUiu, ud in a j4 a'jioas any wutluiao in tin iU u! aK-o, lmniM aud burn tbo Dtick, il wiutcd. S.e ltuU tut lin li'i'C exp ui AKULUINU AND L.WI.NU CllILK, k. ill eutitU bun to ilwre ol public patronage. 11.) wonW roi ri!0'illi"in'ii wnthiii).' work done in tin .ine of 8 K'tn-ei. to 'liu r.n Acanmiy and the m w Irs r,.r Clork'a u.hco ID rfklubury.aa epvci.ueuk ol Liewhik. , N. 0. Tim, w eh nir wri Ane, will pw-aee lfiv,e Lvurd at the olVtceul Ue Wiwtufu Carolinin,inTil I Wwin, Aprillfl. ' u H KIN (J ilemroM of cmlmrkinii in aniutln r btii. Utft, I'uuw ntliir Iho eiiilili-liii.iiit of the Wil. i"nu i'i.s Advcktiilk lor Mle.v 1 d. not kuw Hi' a nioru tlijiUe eitnntion for eroit deairtutf niubarkini: toihe nutitij bu. e, tiiau WiIihiiiiOk, Nui'ln Curolimi. .. i . 'i'e r ma acconiinuUuiui. Aiipln atui mut. be " 1 l I. nil I ixHUiMitd. ' r.. ; . - iiii' IWmber 11. 140. r " CIS! !!!.!!. FOK WALK. THE Subscriber hevingdie powd of hie enthblieliinfiit to fc'lwver it !Mtp, hie rfiniin I' It vii Imnd 2 Cue Benxichri. Vy, V clie tirriiKfu. one it tf)m erv fine irtic!. mula '( In euoeriur -ininner! ! a number of eecond f.iwl Biroocheis Cirtieund Gtw. i all of which be wilt eell mj Jow.nd ou U,, crel,t, vli fMt bond. . ( , lie reqiit ell tlioee h.tir j opi iceounti itindine on hn bgi.lit to call aixl Mitle ibmi without further de lay- by Dole or otherwiee. JOHN I. BI1AVKIL ,- HelielHlfr, Fek 12, Hl.j -i ;( T L:Piunoj4T;utti3ace ,j s T 'fPUB SubecriWr hieing purchieed thii T '""blinhmenl end tilled it in e etvle r.wt ir me iccqnimuitiioa oi Travellere ind , w-.j .iiJ HiwYdera, know prepared for their rcceo. . mm. t.w 1 noi.r win aiwiya re lurnuneu , With Iho best the market can afford; hie BAR with a Supply of cimice Uqnorei bit EKDft aliail ai aye be kept in finv urder j and bia tit. . blea (which are very eiienye) ere well aupplied with Provender of I lie firal quality, auj itteodej by ffood and fi.H.tuI bonlier. v , lie fKiea, by etrtct attention 'to the boVineea, in pee. aim, In r eaiifnction to all who limy favor him with tluif patmuaee. And he ih.Iv h a cell and trial. ' ASDHKW Ixmstrm.N.C, Feb.41. KW. U UOHA.V HOTEL Dm JJ AVINU.purc!iaed tbal well known and lonf eataliluhrd nb!i bout?, (kniwa by the nafiH f Slaoybter'a H.rtfl.)iluated in the, Town of 8. ImlMirv , N. V., infornta bia Irienda and the public (jviti-railv, mat tlwt mimi i now. opt n for the recep tMHt ol Trnttlltr$ and Bnurder$.. .; Ill Table and Bar wftl he atipplied with the brat the mnk'l anil aorroundniK cumitry aflitrda. ; ilw Stable apwitMM and wNjiiiifully eupplied w Mb jtraiu, and pri.teitdrr, attended by faithful and alti nlne Ux'tere. j , - - ,'fiie onieiaitfued pledgee bimeelf that no eer- tun hi I.M pnrt ahall be wutin", to Kite general nti-Uc'Kn to ail who mat h-r lum with a rail. A n a v JAMEJ U COWAN. ASiili-!wry. Spt. 11, 1840. ;tf. - TTJAOUS & GlFFOiiD bavi. purchased ine HmM, liriiierlvSpitiMf, will continue the Ka.iMibN nt on the miihvIjImthI 4C le aa hereto. for-, and I eiert lliein.elvl; to uieke it a deai lablo reviitYi ce for A. BOAiniuus ANDFKAVELLERS, tin n a:k. t aibinlt, ami li.eir Bir with .the beat l.innorK, and thrir ft a bit wit!i 'atirnlite Dallam i, - J - ...iirnT-i-r "'"J-J""'-Vr'" Tim E-llilmh'iu-ut will be uinler the etcluxita inii.uucii.eui of T. A. Il4ua'c, Ir.rinerly of the Saiituiy ll .t-t. Norlli Carolina, ai.d hi lia.g ntwni on tic tu n la Kite general eati C iimlrn, S. C, Jan.. 29, 1841. 6m lYrsh, nnil J'hrnper lhau Ever." iUE bTBsCKIHER ba liey rttunied fror ( Uii''Mm, li-re Im purchaaed a large ain emit 4 it i.l all iniHle of ( whirh lie itt at II eh- a(ir than thy ran be o"4ig'it Ivahi ro in tlna m rkd. '. Hie lotk tonaiite ia nirt : ' llavaniia brown ufir, firt (J'latitt,) froul 10 to -7J i i, per IB .... ... L.IT1 --uir, fiisl ij-ialify, lica J'oil -e, prime quality, A 5 Ta. ,ri .1 J ,,.ii, jj.MHt, and lat quality." 3. I.lquorti -ujif rfinr. Frem h I JX ' 7. I 1 It. ji .Ii . .. I All n II l.f mI ft''.iloilaiid-CSin, 1 50 to 3 per gal. arf. . . j,inirt-i0S 6 n1 NrirWnni T raie7 U eidi-a til i a -f Don CBtiC LiqUOrS. -3F3 VI NFaW -Mwlih a, PuiL Tnc V. uul LUuilu.uiiue; - L"trt(in . fut'l Porter. 'The beat Bnatirtmetil of . iimily Grobqrios rvor bri.iiilii to tin mark'rt. MeearHil terma. Cf!li, Fi!nch prtinee, ' raieina, M qiialily.--5ilV Fik MmUmI, AMtjuMifi, II trMin, 8mliiiea; Nn !' nil ki nl--Sigar and fuller cracker, tiillff NllU. "' LKMONS, ORANC.r.3, nil' OYSTERS. Cttndir: all kinU, ai 5'J cl. er lb., for caih. T rtiaich, I idio'a, copK!rai, ntaild r, aptcee, cin iviiu ui, clov.-Sfr MalHBa grap:, iutror, &.C- - (an!fll Svtd f erv kind. , 4flilloi7u ir mipjtcra f all kinda Tur wbriieter called lor. . ' - Knot 'rate chowina and Hinokii Tobyrn, Mac-c-hiIm and ScMtcli dnolr U-t Spnitish Cigara, from 25 to 50 eta. nrr Ma. Toy a of varioua kimla, Vtdi-r nnil Siiot-U-iwia, ll.eal Pma, anJ n.any tthr arin lc. , . Th" SuWnlier bavinj riMnovi'J lit. Enlabliah ' iiifiit to tll opKNili' ai'la of llm etreet Irtnn '' h'a forimtr fUnd 5. If i " aiiuuled in the Ihhi' t'.rmerU u:uXid lV M'. H'"-", invites Ihr - IHlll'lC t'M,oimvH'l tX Vlll4l,.44l t Vte hi good thSaga. F. U.atUl'ECIiE. SALISBURY; A. C, FEBRUARY 19,1841. C0ACII.MAK1NG ESTABLISHMENT. I'HE SuW.ritier respectfully inform the cifi cim of Siiliabury end aurroundifij( country, that they luU commented 1 he above biieineea In all it varioua Wniicliea, ia the fch-p formerly oreupi) by Mr. JobuL Shaver, lAfi the Simih emt 8trei-l, whera they wdl rotilantly krep 00 hand ncty of , tehklea, auch - Carnages, '?Vy J-lllUU HCt, c ' J 1 Sulkies, Carryalls. They trill warrant their workmanship not ty b Murpaaaed bji any 10 thia at-cti-m of country, aa they nave oti nana a large eoppiyof the Mat (wale rials iid, alto, in their employ fjrt fate The Subacribera will aleo keep oouxtanily 00 hatid, Aiaruvmu 01 every tieacriptMi, aa tbey bate ftrat rata llarnra maker... " ' Ofdera tor work distance adVreneeJ to th aubeeribera will be punctually fttended lo. n, d. Ail kind of ri'pairiiiK itune on the abort eat nonce - DANIEL SHAVER.'. D. F. 1IADEN. Saliibury. Jan. 22. 1841. : tr A 31 A l a: school . i:t niLLcscieOraa, ::. a. . PI1E SPRING SESSION of Mr. and Mr-. BuraeH'a Hchool, wilt commence en Monday, llihof Jauuary. TERMS: . For Engliih Stiidiee, . " Latin, . . French, . ; . XDrawiug and Painfin?, V - Muaic, ' . . 117 50 10 00 15 00 10 00 25 00 Inatrucfton in Mtine will be e'ivei bv Mim Lau ra Smith, a young lady whoet qnalitkatioua are of the hint order. '.. . !' . i No deduction rpae (or 'wjSvcnce after the pupil ia entered. v Board can be hail in rapectahle (ami)iea for B10 per month, ini'ludW cveiy thing. . 1 Jununrv 29, 1-41. 41 iotice. Taken Up and Committed M)H) (he Jail i-f Surry County in ttucklord, on the ,82ud d.y id fti'teniber, lf40. a nt-uro ian, who iajuui! fiJ Kit ?rritrUiO- tr. Uttcnxtiim. -Clini jioUfTT ej Ihatl1 :hvai Stt t tJA ywai of ia.urs ftli l m 10 m.,m r.Ti,t, ? hia rnm plexion ia a liule yvilow, liia lell hip jutut, be aaya. baa been dislocated. Ubrnloplier had on, when committed, a brown teana coat and pantaloon ; he also ha a crape camlet coat with hiu, which 1 much worn, with aome other old clothing. Christopher ay heblnmat Mute Knight ob. of "Fairtield DitricfB.'C aiiif lel't lu'a owner about the latt ol March, or first el' April, 1640. Tl)e..owaeraa.nquejud:l.C4mia.4raiJ,pne pnijieriy, pay cnargea, ana like mm eay. Uick!ord, Surry Co., N. C., J uiuary" 32,1941. 6 m , A . AmuV&tralot!iOi oUce.- 'VrKvumlenMgt!ed having obtained, at the Not Term, 1840, of Rowan County t'ou,t, Let lera of Aiitu,niatrati on Ihe Estate of Bijinnn Aulin, dre'd., oot.fiVa all pra.4ia indebted 10 the aame, Iii con e forward and make immediate pay. in. nt, as the Eaiaie mui4 be closed ; and Ihoae having claims agmnat said Estate, In pnsent them within the limit of the iuw, legally autl.eimcsted, or this notice will be plead aa a bar to their ra covrrv. C. K. WHEELER, Admr. haliabiry,' Not. 13, 1840. M off at's V esciaAAc Ae VVWa " PIKENIX DITTEilS. 'PI1I2 hiyh cekibrity which these excellent Me diciitw hute acqumd, in curing almoet . very diaeaae lo which the humau frauiq ia liai)l, ia a matter lauulur with almost every intelligent per. ami. 'liny became ku wo by their Iruita heir giMd wrke have ti intvd lor lliein tliey did not thrive hy the fail h of tne cre-luloua. Iocaeai4 Coetiveneat, Dvaiep4ia, Bilioua and Liver AflitiKHia, Asthma, Files, cVttled' Paine, Rheumatiaiu, Fever and Aituoe, O.Mtmaio llcail aches. I in dure elate ot Ihe rtuids, Uuhealihy Ap nuas luciiloul to rou, ale in iKJicale Ileal, h, every kind of Weuknesa ol the Dtgeotive Organ, and in all intend Derangement ot lleahh, Uieae MEDI CINES bate iuvunably proved a eertain and lecdy remedy. Thy rcwl ore tigorim health to the moat exhausted coimtiioiiiMia. A mmkIu trial will place ihe LIFE TILLS and PME.NIX KIT- I LR3 beyond iho re,, ch of competition, in tne es timaiion of every patient. . - Prepared and aold, wlmleoale and retail, at M. B. MOFFAT'S Modtcal Odicr, 375 Broudway, Now York. N. B. Niaie are genuine uileas they have the fee aimile of John Molhit'a aigmilure. (ttr The LIFE PILLS ar told in boxs Pi ice 25 cents, 50 cmi, ami 92 vach, accord ng lu the site; and Ihe Fmimit Bitter in U.lllis, al 11 or tl each, with full diiectiona. These Valuable Medicinee ure lor tale, by CRE&S At BOGER.iiSuiuii. SPRINGS & 6UANKLE, Concord, .V. C. FOR O'.tATUITOllS niSTRIBUTION An , , ..... .... .... ,. onLTlTV1 interrating little pamphlet, entitled M MOFFAT'S MEDICAL MANUAL, designed aa a Duimiic Guide lo Ugalih containing accurate iiiformaliun cmicorning tho most pri valenl die .ses,i a, d Iho most approved remedics-by v M. M wt t A i Apply lo the Agents. . f : ' - Salisbury, N. C, October 19, 1840. .- w rav aa a(k PASSAGE e tht EYE:tGLA'J"S FL0IUD1. aurpriaingt advnture of "the Miage of the Kver3ladea, by Col. llainej and ine tep,wil be read wild mtereat, aa muclsf. the urapluc end llirillinjt dmaila of ifie incidenta, aa for the aa tie- j fuction armnjf from the fact, inn f r tue firt tune, the ecrt of the aHvajjoa 111 eliidjn purauit h been rravealcd, whim way le iinilfd a a aore promiae of .their apuedy aurrunder or oVata. .Yew NOTES ON THE PASdAGE ACROSS THE "t f :,A EVERGLADEiJ. " Colonel IIirn. v, 2J Dragoont, with Capt. 0a tidwai, Lifuta. Raukm and Ord, 81 Aitillery, Dr.' RiJHaell, and inyeeU, started fiom Fort Dallas with 00 men, a id aitteen caii'ioe. We led on the 4ih ef December at night, and proceeded up the left pronit of the Miami riter. -The night waa tery ( drtt,k and rainy, and we met with eoneiderab!e dif llculiy in attending on , account of the rapidity ol , the current and the ahoal and rocky bed of the nver. About a mile alove the forks we came to body of high aaw gras, this continued for about a mile and a half, when we came in view of the Eterglitdes, and the graae tratne.rmie ncanatvd. , The ptne barren ws kept close on our leit, unUl we came to a amal) leland on iir h p, when yr Course beeame more woa erly j ihua we continued until distant about eight milee from the m. utli ol the riter, when ('-apt. Datidwin becoming aepra tsd Irom ua we' halted to the Kward of an inland which was entirely overflowed, and Waited uutil be came up, where the night was wd in our open boats. It continued in rain oenriy all night, and our situation was any thing but comfortable. ' Dee 5 B) daylight tin morning we were op and at it witn our paddles , our courae waa gne rally Weat-SouthUect, but ibie we Varied ac cording to the direction of the choueb, and our d. pth oi water, till about 1. o'clock ( the men being very oiucli fatigued, having had to pull tneir bia through the mud and grata a greater, p irt of toe way, we inaiated uo John, our guide, e .rrymg ua to aome high tend, wuere we tiuht encamp and give ihe men a little rest. The olhVere had al most loat confiileitce in liia kouwMe ut tne coun try, at at one time ha could not tell ua in which direction the auu roe ; and at we concluded not to follow him in Ihe direction he waa Koinir ant longer, tie itu-iated that he waa rlht, aud that bia Otiject waa to carry ua where ha could hud Ihe the greateat depth of water, tnd lliat he could carry ua a nearer way, but that it was tery ahoal ; which proved in tii'e tod to be correct, aa ha bad ' not gone more than a fuw'nnlea when a a with the greaieet dilficulty we Could mov the but. Toe t olotiel cailid 10 him lo atop, a he wulj go no farther in that direct ion; but he luaiatwi tiui lhft wKni wo not jnorethHjtjiJew ,n bia ColwoeV thtirsullerennnir pfoctiff.UTw- ewmyjh, aoutrajry,M we iturt'.-tit tri al'jltc snort tioia nailed at a low tun of BUatiea, about a half a ...lie in circumference, which .atmucJ Ul all In ha etllirftlv flmnld alh ara.i.1. km uli'i. penetrating a toot auu yarde, we came to a megni "1 ucaui nine epji m 11a oenire, anoui tou yaiUa 111 11 circnune.eiice, nere we iiwna en oil imliiin a-. c a , . a 1 camp which etidemly had beou deaerted for vonM nwntb'W It W,a encircled by i"liuiiiVr orliruf i of ttiawild Pappsw ; and I wo lare and curtuu. JfMi. Jig. lreeii..a.uuul.teu ietl..jipair.dofaied- cemre. Ima is a remarkalile tree ; it Hrt ukf .JJte.lPIeaWB.;s4rtsv.eeuar larg. at tree it can hud, cuutmuiug to encircle 111 Its uiesliae wulil H deprives it of Inn, wheu it feed upon the derated muter aud bocoinea a beautilul tree. Tueae had Bajrhjiiirkedj "iKia of theiu w'aa dead, but irta lop of the other waa atill blowuing ii, lha centre, alitwiugli completely aurrounued. . We bailed, with a ureal deal ol pleasure, the touch ol dry land, aa we were wet to the akin ; it bad rau.ed all day, aud the wind blew - from Ihe north. A toon aa it became dark, we ktuuled a iarge fire dried ouraeltea got a good . supper, cat u wun a good oeai ol gusto talked over what we bad undergone, aud what we intend ed to do stretched our Itea 00 our blankeia, ami aleplaouudly aud sweetly, tail daylight warned u to be up and a doing. , . Dee, 0. Al'ier getting aome hot w.lfre, again ataried on our courae. The day has cleared off bsautifully, and we are muting alowly and vilcnlly along, in niomei.lary eiictation oflallinj in with some Lidtau caime John came Iron, the lop of a Iree Ihe nld Irom winct, he escaped, and we ' will come up to it about 12 o'clock. Ha eaye il x ia only one day's row jroui that place lo where all ihe Indians ate encamped, and we eiprcl to bate a devil oTa tight wheu we gl there. Nothing bow prtaeol uaelf to view eipect one buuiHlleaa eipaoe of .saw-uraaa and'waier, orcaffonully in " ers.ersi d with little ialaiidai all of which a e over - fjowtd. but '.be tree are im a greeo and flmriliiiig etate. No country thai I hate ever read of bears any rraemblance to it ) il aeetna like a v..t aea, filled with grass and green trvt-, ai.d expreaaly . . . I- 1 . ,b.. . ... . H . 1 ..... T which the while man would iiever aeek t drive! crimaoo akt." The I,uliin re,Mt iiii Ckkkt .1 VA l... ...!... . . . ,(.. . 1 J ... ... inrm. m na.a Binni v. w ho, ir nnrui, ma go a'nng with a grtai 0il el en.. lie, r-ai-ned Hie laltod, aa-expauieJ, auout 12 o'clook. 1 JrV' i.e., we can ui sight, the Colonel look lour rn-e, with Lieut. Rankin, and want abend, Adrii frJ pninUd and drtttrd kimirifnnd mil tirwwra 4ikt ludxmt, that they could scarcely lliemselvea, tie tect the impoeiiion. lie directed Un til. U.d lo follow with ibe rett.of lha vams, and Captain Davidawi, aa he waa Unas I, is remain behind with the largo boats, 1 was in tiie m it canoe to Leui, Ord, who, aa he waa turning to give aome order 16 hja men, luat hia balame, and auc'i a pienv auiuiiMirset " I never did t a " he carrtmi boat, provisiona, amiuuHitiuii, aiid gun all wuh hiim When his bead appeared on the surface of ihe water, he said to me, ug, ahead with boats," I i iwrled mt handken hii'f in my inou h and ev. poraied. The order waalo keep just in aihi of thi Colonel, aiel, in case he aliould not be ble io roanags lha force on Ihe island, lo come lo bis assistance; buttlm delay threw mo beliind, and I hhi lost eight of, and wuh the greateat difficulty r 1 .L. . 1 '.J r U-.l i . ' found, the inland. We had lit wade thraigh mu I and water three or (our hundred yards, up lo our wain, before we gained dry land ; here we fuiiil a corn field of about ah acre, and tbo richest land 1 have ever even, being one black heap of soil of endless depth. ' Ihis mluiid is called Iron, the Indian7 aaaie of the wild fig, Uo ev mo thheco." II Ao.'c .ViJr 1,0(& Il bring early we did not reii im', r i,, 1 IHihrd to snmber il,.n.l, aboot w-v-n niitr dittaiif , the uwial alo( fMi.jf piece ihe l. dmn w',en ihry timt Sum Jur$, or ge, from fao. (, to the Sfia'iiah Imimtia we arrived early in thn evtmng, a-.d had ti ()(! i,,. H1 gnmed a footing; we found hni igt,a , f,.v day oil, where I hey had l-e cutri,. hul ' eacend. the top t . fig free with John, and hn ' pomu-d out lo me our eusjre, and the ifiwtmo of the reiii iei.ndi. VV Ciild , fr to th uth Ih. piie birrrn aknina Ihw l.vetgladea, and the , gf ,he Kn am l(WM., HJru b n ooi ihe ireil The leland. o co we-fifl, bsit aiioul Jast-ogtiieaat Irom thi., and lh Mt.i.d when go imorrw, about 8.uihwet and bv South. Tliia iaiand ia Called Ef to tktt fiom dog having died wh.,li WN 6 n . C0lll,u.t ab-Mit tjaif an acre of cleared lend, but has nrter been cultitated, and ia need abate a. . cump grieind. ;.,.",. r j Dre. T.-OTngaini our cour Cr a short fJik Uiuse waa about noriji, u,e,, cl ang, d it to w nh ( weekend coutimied , ttut dircio on ,l rT.r,u noomer, wh.c.'i it callrd Cechi'y. fMl'ya, Iron, the MlH (lt , immt u and culuvatrd it.. It it d.M.nt fiom abmil a. milea, and M. tW le.rllmeat. e.Cu,,d on t,i. ,hk fig)ir ol , lun drawn a tree; and th-, iigVa 8 .,,d 9. whirl, ta Ihe hrj imhcaU.Hi of . wl,e ,, bH h hem Bing wben we' arrd here, the' Udimel, cmirery lo the opinio., of tV gm,!e, dr. lernm. not lo remain here ui.lil ,,,,,. hut took Lieut Or ahed with hi... .ud,.i CW . -rprio the n,,t M... KUo,lt w, ,h', rof. theboat.; webtJ not go, ,., uile, when we Ut t, ,la,i . lh, , .... v. CHiturd lb wandvr lo ever , unlil U.e in ibe evemng, hwi nwU) J , reach the rnland fro.., w,M-h wP Man, d .bout fwiart .and fnd John, w , MuriiW, ff u- Considered wrselvta very f.iu.,t.e resell thi itruiid agam, aa werouhl i.oi (,I:..w with m,t rer. tainty nur traila for o.,o ;ud,.u To lhd -w.,o.., inia uiu.d, ttH i.mir, brdy .f water ertniat., chang iiacouiaf, and fl,- u,i .,,. tirretii 10 the .Uth weal, uli.i-l. w.,1..,.. ... . think wo were in ihecmu.e (!, Etfrgla.l.n. It was ttt-- at i,.,l,t Whe wo r.d,-Ud i!,e ,,(I,d, where Louie,,,,, 1 Urd ha 1 ..e. But nolai.i,! aiaiMlim, Ihe ihoU.i,d chain .la wl.u-1, fl H ami wiaind n, every dinciion. ad bIHhm. il was 11 dark thai we could not diti,.Uuh ai.d frnm . ter, John never once m.d the track. F.kmhI oil tbie il,,d, when ia called by ,t,lWWi hta&t, a large l.ul built cpre ba.k, aa no er u b, . made ol boanla, c.,n,ii, t ,UV ty llfm.Vi ,;, waaqK:klyapp,opriatrd. It 1. ,ih- hreat an4 tegetawevg romiia'on jt, p.uiipn ma, hewe., y'?.V''dt.renmu.W o clock this etemog, when w ill prax-od lo InA other nlafld, which Ixtara norm 10 ib-greea writ frmiilhia. where we eip-rt in anrpriM some In. diana, as we can now aee a lares amoke m mat ' uirerfion. When e vieil 1I111, our course will tneii cbanejlojh tof Weir strong holds mi the m a board. Urc. V. lralerdiiy- about 12 o'.lmk, when Mum were-swlewp end stt wHqT,-a"?i;iif,g Vl.w 'hnw' " "'"'if. JyJe cltetHL4l.ihei-ff r.rcr, uidi i wo caimee wera appnmc linn the I. land 01, the south side. In a moment, all were up wiih lheir jrune in hand; ih UniIs weie a,l.inly approaching, and we Viug 00 lha nonh de, Lieut. RstikinwaaxnAatelyd aoea, and ruu"e alowly' along lo meet (hem. The grata waa so hih rtutttm iTi.nnnidid not dirover him uutil wiibiu a few huihJr.-d yards, when they immediately wheeled their canoe aud mt.l eif with all Iheir sire gth. But here waa elmimg 'ut snake like boaia, and our tned aoldiere. They ade the boats fairly jump out of the water When within a abort d,tiH:e, and aeem the In. di ins appriNirhing a di-ep L'kiv of auw erata. nor t.dien coino.eiK.r.1 a ruomu. lire, and wam disa bled one of ihe men and overhauled bin,. The boaia hailed al the eaw graa and Ibe (.Hiiana leuo. ed out ; but our men were as qm k ae they were, and puitu'd then! through it for a mie diatunc to a p-a.d, wherr ihey dcabled aii, arcnient. - ally wounded a squaw, who vonii . in ea cape with her clul I tm her heck. 1 1 amth. r dU reciMW they overhauled a aqjaw wi'h a girl aUait 12 yeart old, and lon:..i cliildieu: iiMikinj u. all.eightprrwais- Nuie 1 f ihem were kiileJ : and ' a soon aa we c u!d net ttis.u ilwgi, the ,,,,,4 ta Ihe bnale, we retuniad. I , . H tn.ev w .m kinir on at Ihe rare Iron, u,e (op of a Iw, and made the and ring wilu-bist-hee.uu. As mxmi ua Lieui. R .tikui stirted, I g. i a iai.o and oklnwed on ami Joined in the pnrauil, but d.d nut g. 1 up I fore they nan got into trie grK, i. ,eiriij , ,k0 -laud, Ihe Coloil ordered r oe lo nae r-a lv and awuug the two warrmra l. ilia 1,. .0 , ,.; . - 1 . , .... 1 ' i .1 n in m i whi n.f nine II mil Una ,() , . torce, ai-t w wi.l slut ab-nit ,1 .rk to hiia, k hi.... Captain Dav,da.n haa ben ever ai,.cejie starird, and he i nw ., ; i;,i M , ,," -will have to n Inrn on h.faccuuni. the. 10. TUs squaw t uead, aba dipd ab nit -ItcVlfark, and we buried her on the Niand. Shortly alirr the aq taw ripried liiat aieiiher par ly wa coming on Iht a.w tratk that Ihey rau e. ' The Colum I aeul (Kit L eiiieuiiai R.mki:! v , (I Lereompaii ing) to i,i:u'cc.t iheu.; bul waitii g uihiI neatly auusnt w had to leiurn wuh. out ni'Mtit g nny .d' H,e,n. As ti aa tbo au,, went don the camp no broken up, mid we wi re again on the water. Tiie i.i-iu w.i rr d-irk an I rainyi and the, cuide could wuh tlnf nvteai . .ir, cully keep m the trail. Whm to were ,ium a low milea u lh Mm:d. lha t olo , l .e..i'L.rt.i... aiila R inkm aud Or.! ahead I snrpnv l ,e .,Ui!. They did not reach H'utiils.i..iin.e after Minnie; but aorh waa the c'mindt'w e of ti.n L.diui.e in iheir A own aecurny, that our party wa m.t dio.eiad v. until ihey had crept up m.o it., ir camp, nuu o,- menre i brmi;. line aarrmr waa ahi .aii. and two warrnir. one bo and Sveaq i.iud h;,dt iiiaeupriHiNrt-,a f.iiakU,wlK.warh .pi -4 wocd, threw away hia aie and 1 an id bow h, u-1 lai . J hour tud cm,m ; iiitwitfi.ii.n.iii'g bis I., .itieao trrngth, ha could not eirhpo.' Hall, iN''ii U.a draguuat, punuud him aLau wfcto all ihw'tueiT -I- s 0 fcdiuoury, ha, 'fi, 1811. ; . . - , 'I V .,. r- IZ.

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