.. i.! thai ihe outran waa perpetrated by jo sudden beat snd excilerwnl upon iheir Criwniibility. But ths British MmiUir now w thai the set was H,,,"0 ,cl I' JSyin thi cod-iHuM ulhoritte- of her MajHeiy'e !TJtat in Mjty service, obeying Um ZLat their superior authorities.'' If tlii' bed beeo ,h0 firrt u', ""'y P""1 0"'' - .. aitb Great Britun, it might not hnjre e xcited mjSinittl ibera'ie nssui.iUoo in most of " r iniMCourw with Wat great power, revolting to , , pride and spirit of ideeiideaee in a free people, tf .I ka bar desire to praam peace, bar tru poli cv would ka to do justice, and show that aonrtsy 10 ea'uala which aha baa always dsnearidod from uiherfc Tha Committee do not desire to press views ibis part of tha subject, particularly op a demand hat been made by our Government upon ihe Uuramneut of Great Britain for explanation ss ta the outrage committed, tha answer to which it ia hoped will prove satisfactory. Ai to the other points preeraled io the deetend made by the British Minister for the - liberation " of Aleiander MacLeod, the Committeo believe the of tb case to be, that the steamboat was seised ad burnt as stated bef tre, sad that a eitiaaa or citifiwof Nsw York vera murdered io the affray. And there were reseons to indues a belief that Macleod wee portietpt crimU. K He was at first arretted, sod upon yarioos testimony being taken, was then discharged. He wss afterwards arrested i saeond lime. Upon the evidence Ibenpresetitad, be wu imprisoned to swait bis trial. Tha re wu oo invssioa of British territory to seize or tabs him, Bui epos his beinf, voluntarily within our territory, ha wu arrested ss any ciliseo of the United States, charged with a -similar ofieoes, might have been. Ws know of oo la of naUaos that would oismpt a ajsa from arrest and imprisonment lor offences charged lo be committed against the peace end dignity" of a State, beeaues bs is a subject ol Great Britain, or because be coaimiited Ihe crime at the lostigstion or under ths authority of British Provincial officers ; much lees do we know of any law that would justify the Pres'deot to deliver him pp without trial, at the demand and upon the as iertton ss facts, of any agent of the British Go verntiiettV If we bad been at oped waf with Great Britain, aod MacLeod bad committed the cflencee charged, theo be might have (alleo under the rulee and regulations of war, and been treated as a pri mosr of the United Sutoe Government, and would have sees subject lo the laws of natiooa in war. But as the alleged criminal acts, in which MacLeod it charged lo bo implicated, wdre committed In prvf-xind pesce, it is a crime, as far as be rosy be cuocenwd, ad- IV against the M peace and digvitr " of the Suis of Nsw York, and her criminal juris- ilk-lion i complete sod exclusive. If the crimes committed be such as to tusks a man aoeris kuma. at gtnut aa outlaw a pirate, ia the legal accep tation of the Ursa, theo, under the law of nations, the United Stales euuf Is and tribunals would bars jurisdiction. But Ihe ooeoee charged m this cats, committed at it wu is time ot peace, as ur s wis ind.vidual was concerosd, was ooS purely against ihe lex loci, aod coming evlosively within lbs Icn-nuul jurisdiction of the tribunals of Nsw York. TU Muuatsr. ia bis teller of lbs 1 3th of Decem- W, 1840, says i M It is quits notorious that Mr. MacLeod was out one of the party engaged ia the destruction of lbs steamboat trnr t!,e ersisndad cbargsd upon which be baa been ,mprUed rests only upon the perjered tertimooy .t mrtaia Canadiaaa. outtiws aod iheir abstlors, W.- This may, psrehsne, all be eo ; but it would Vekmairal sleal to require an American Ch i iald iunadiction, sod surreoder up a riaoocr charged with. .oflsese-ep.iojJWi p,m the'Mre i Yri of any ao,aa matlsr iw high" iu auihuritjr Wheibsr MacLeod be ... it. mi railivi ia the very ouial upon which , &w.rUua TufV have a rich! to decide. Jwrii Airiio ia SUia msimail seer crmtmu cwa, ana .. - - ... . trutl hi a jsn sf At scaas, are osasntial poioUw prrbensionTul pose that there is any right m the Federal Eaecu- i.a to arrtst the vsidiet of the one, or thwart the ranedieHua f the oihar-if such a power swstad, and wars exercised, it would eflectually overthrew, aud upon a vital potat, Ihe eeparate severeigDty aod indeueodeocs of thees Buiss. . e. w. . l. i l bs reoerai r.iecouvw migm am cmuw power ioetiver- of fugitive Iron juatkea co:iKaratM4 k. tia fMham of the Wnig party in tlie muted sgainst a foreign 8uts, but vea then it might nut bs oWigslory to oo so, nniese it were wade matter of treaty stipulation. This duty and right is sn Executive has gene rally beea considered as dorinaot, until made bioding by treaty arrange ment. Bui when the metier w reversed, and de mand ia mads, nut of fugitives from justice fur of fences committed against a foreign power, but lor the hbsratloa of a men charged with efllnces against ihe peace and dignity of one of our own Elates, then It is ttval toe eomana becomes prepue IsrvM in the extreme. The (set that the efleucea acre com milled sudor the sanction of provincial suthoritiss does not alter the ease, unless we ware in a slats ol a sr. la such cases as Ihe present the power to deliver op could not he conferred upon i ha r aVral Executive bv treaty stipulation. It umiU oolv La conferred ia ihnee esses over which j iriadiclioo is clearly delegated by the Federal Cuutiiiuiion. 8uch. for instance, ss treason, ahich I an oflroce against ths conjoined sovereignly of the Stales, as defined in lbs ummiiuiioo. uver all cases, except those defined in the Coos'.itatioo, aud Iboss coming clearly under Ihe laws of nations, ths Stales have exclusive jurisdiction, ana tne iriai and nuDialiment for otlat osa aaaint tbem are in cident to their separate suvsrsiirniy. It is not tiratenilud in this esse that there ia any treaty etinulation undor which the un.and is niaauj enu she Federal Executjye, under our ejstem, has oo power but what is conferred by the CMiituinn, or bv special law of Congress. . In lbs formsr it is declared that lite Executive power is vested in a Preeideut of the United 8tataa," and that power ia then to be auintsd out and defined by special laws passed from lime to time, imposing such duties as are thought proper snd expedient by iongresa. Your Committee deem it dangerous for the Es ecutivelo exercise sny power over a subject mat ter not conferred by treaty or by law j and to ex ercise it in ens raw in ca.flict with State jurisdic linn, would be worse than dangerous; it would be usurpation. ' But your Committee forbear to press these points further st present, ami they would not have said as much on such clear questions of international law, but that in thia esse, the demand lor liberation has bean made by the accredited agent of a greet pnw er and under circumstances of peculiar aggrava tion and excitement. ' We have other points of difference with giest Britain, which add interest to every question that arises between us at present. Neither our North cailarn nor North Western boundaries art yet set tied with bar, and the subject ia not entirely free from difficulty. 8hs has recer.ilv sriwd sur ves sels snd eaen-Jsad a nower iatwieiar tht riekt ofi tntrrb, uner ihe protrxt'of surpressinj ths for - sign slave trade, which if powered in, will, weep our co.nmerr lr tUvtt ol Africa, and which ... . .... rrceuiiy m her int..rct ur-e with u, rsfuaed indemnity and denied rio,i m ' jy, on. a nyhjre.miii,, l(f Mhr 9lM ru,f inA nfaiM r ikl. v.. f.. j ' ..... . - ; - viMiieiwracy, aud wticb eon sideling her oalilary pernor, at Bermuda and her - g.uw,,, power it, me Ww4 Ind). ia of the hist importance to our Natiotml tiidmfenw.- All theaa aubjecls make every cMtion hetwn usatthis particular junclurc, of tlie dorpeatin- Beaides thia, we are pfrmaoently deatioed lo P""P. toe moat fifH.ive commercs of niMiioos. uurflsgs float side by eide, over very asa and bay, and inlet of lbs koowo globs. Bhe moves steadily upon her objects with sn ambiiion that knowa no bouude. And wherever she has bad a eondicl of inlereat shs has rarely yielded lo any power. . - ' At thie momeoi aba preaenta to (be civilised world the spectacle of Ihe greatest military and eommsrcial power m combination sver known. . . "? B9r pftaeaaioiia in sveiy quarter ol k r ' tnd kor Pu'isr comtnercial ayiiem, she bu been mads ths reaervoir of lbs wealth ol aaiiooe.v , . : :,. . - Hsr internal resources, skill, labor, and machine, ry, with her capital, are beyond cslculatioo. Ur Batumi position being about midway the coatl of Europe, gives hsr a great control evsr Ihe outlets and curreute of commerce. t Har military occupation of Gibrellery Malts, the lonuw Ldanda, and recently of St. Jean eTAere, gave her ascendancy on Ihe Mediterranean and the Invent, while 8u Helena and the Caps of Cood Hops give her poswaaioo over Ihe currents of trade along thooe sitansive eoaata. llieo Bom bay, CalcutU, aod her immense poaseieioos io lbs Eaat Indies, together with her recent movements in the China eeaa sod islanda, suibls her to siteod bar power over Ihoas vast regions that have slum. , berod bt egee io solitary aod enervated magnifi. cence. She poaaeasea Falkland Mand but to con trol the commerce thst pesaee around Cape Horn, whils Trinidad gives her all she dealres in ths Caribbean sea. Halifax H sec pint, and Ber muda at aaocicr, aland out in great force over our own coast Iron one extremity to the other. Her poMtioo all, over the 'world is at this mo ment, in a military point of view, equal to a mil lion ol men underarms. Her continual conflict in ths mighty regions of the Eaat, only enable ber officere to become skilful and to improve in the art of war, while ber great armies aud extenaive fleets druw their support from the immense eouutries seised and occupied. In the present juncture of aflairs, no etatenmaa can overlevk thean thiogs. Steam power has recently brought us so near to gether, that io the event of aoy future conflict, war vita if eftcii will be participated upon with much more rapidity than formerly. 1 Avarice and ambition are the ruling paeeioos of modern timee, aod it is in vain to shut our eyea to Ihe etate of things around us. It remains to bs seen what effect steam power is lo have Boon changing and modifying ihe whole art of defence ana war. It may bs a great engine for again lev. ling mankind, and reducing every thing to I contest of mere physical force. In that event it might be difficult to conjecture what syetem of mm timmfl Jttmc mill araaeLlAf (rat of time and espsnence. We hsve s deep stake in peace, and fondly hops the repose of the world will el be disturbed. "We have certainly not lbs least oVeire for rupture. Firmness, and a wise preparation, will long pre serve us Irorn such a cstsrtrophs. But while no temptation should ever orompt us lo do injustice aa tlie one nana, so no constoerarioa, oo tne otnei baqd sHoul't evsr induce' pa to submit lo permanent wrong from any power on earth, no matter what Ihe cunsro'ieooes may be. Your Committee would conclude by expressing a firm belief that all our points of difficulty may be honorably adjuated, and cufixeolat 10 th lmerawr atld frctmgs of toth people, and compatible with the spirit and genius IVmi lis Lyaciiarg (Fa.) Republic. THE STATE RIGHTS' WII1G& The course which has for soma time peat been South, professing to be friendly to the good old Republican principles of 1)9 and VM, ia well cal culated lo the excite astonishment and regret of all who really. bavo those principles at hesrt White they have uuceasmaly declareil their op poatlion tos National Bank, a Protective Tanfl, a system of Internal Improvement by tlie Genernl Gnvrmmeni, and indeed to at the favorite schemes of the Fedvtalisla, tbey have tealousy co-operated with a party whose ascendancy Ibtj knew would secure the triumph of each and all oT those very measures. Tbey did not herniate to unite with M Feds snd Fans I tea " in waginj an ir.dicriminais warfare agaiust Martin Van iJureiuthe Ueioucrat ic Republican candidate, who wu pledged to car ry out their own proftued principles, snd in cor dially supporting a muck chieftain" for the Pre sidei-cy, between whom aud themselves there does not txit the slightest congeniality ol political kei ing. How are ws losccuunt for Ihis strange in consistency, this unexampled infatuation 1 They tell us they have no good will for Martin Vsn Bu yen, and that they couequemiy prelerred bestow in iheir suflraiea on his competitor f- r whom they sntertsined a hiaher peral regard. Grant ed but, ss Republicsne aui patriota were they not bound, regardless of all personal hostilities aud pre juf's. to give their supin lo tlte Prtndtnt, on inn success cl wnnoe meawrea iney nave a ways pnifuased to brlteva tlie preservation of the richts of the Blatea, and tne perpeinny m our iree iniiiiiuiiuiis mainlv denet-o r r.ven it inev ois trusted Ihe political integrity of the M Litile Ma eician." we mamls.H thai they eel a required by averv conaiileraiion of pat notion a d duly, lo sus. ttin Ihe Chief Magis rate, Ihe general policy of whe Admimlratn.n th-y conscientiously sp proved, in prefurenca to hia compel itnr, who 'waa cnmpelieo by hia party BMnciauiw t" auopi a course directly at war with the principles which ho i.,rd. Tliev should have iiiiitated Ihe etamuleof Mr. Calluam and hu tfouth Cirolim friemis, whoj in' llie recent canvass, . nobly eon- tend' d for i prineipttl, not siea. Hut ihev have thouiihl proper to pursue a d ferent conrsd i they have assisted iu eleciing the Federal Audition Candidate, and in driving into retirement one of ibe most duvoted ami powerful champions nf foulhern riitbts. It is said thai Ihe Mccntrio Ur. Swift, after he had lost bia ration ality, nsar lbs close jf his life, was in the habit nf driwng nia mnsi iiniraaie acqiaiuisi " house, and then of complaining most pileously "inr ha w .a deserted by- bis frtend. It is pre eisely so with Ihe State Rights' Whigs of Ihe ftwih t inrv have exnelled the gallant and nisin lorrsied drluuilers of iheir ritlus from the councils now complain thst they are 1 of tlieJ cvuntryi' and left to fight thoir own battles, unaided a&i alorj. lx it not so! The Administration which, they have recklessly opposed at every atep, baa been true to the South, not only upne the great quae tinna af the Tariff, a National Conk, &c, but also in regard to the delicate suhjoci of Abolition, in which every citizen in the slaveholdina: Btatea w peculiarly and vitally interested. The "hero" whom tbey supported was. on lbs contrary, em phatically the candidate of the Fedsralwt and AbolitiouiMisi.aftd if any reasooable doubt wu ever enteiuined of hia hostility to 8outbero inter sale aud principles thai doubt can no longer exist nnouwicee " oy aumon'y ' inai uaniei Wehater, Francis Graoirer and Thomas Ewin are to be members of bis Cabinet But tha "Ttepubiicao portion of lbs Wbur par ty though they pursu 'd a course in the late can vass which was to ue - wholly ioexplicable," may yet retrieve much of the around Iber have lost. snd avert a portion of the mischiefs which their own conduct tbreatrns to brine upon lbs country. The path of dirty now liee directly before them, and may we not hope thai they will evince sufB cieni moral courage to tread it t Will tier not maugre Iheir ungenerous opposition to Mania Van Buren, who is about to become a private cits ten, cordially unite with Ihe Republican early ia resisting tlie Tariff, ihe distribution, a National Bank and other hig'i Federal schemes, which it is obviously ths policy of the Washington Junto to saopiT we shall see. WESTERN CAROLINIAN. Friday, trbruarr 96, 1841. The Editor will bs abseut for several sue cording weeksr Hs uks tlie indulgence of bis readers for the Isck of original matter in the white. WATCH THE FULFILMENT I Let the people not forget what they were told during the last summer's campaign, namely, that Tan Bureo and bia friende were the cause of lard tastes, aod thai if they could be turned out of powr, snd Harrison and bis friends put in, hould immediately have god snd gtonout timet. We were told thai as soon as the result of lbs coo- test waa made known, if Harrison was elected, ml once, toe lowering clouds of trouble and mooetary divtrese would paae away, and Ihe sunshine of pros perity again gladden us wib restored confidence credit, and abundance of money.' Well, Harrison baa been elected some three months, sad how is it now T Art the timet a ay better t On ihe ether aswsU are tMg a aura - Rsere candid I must adroit that hs baa been deceived, end disap. pointed. If thees sre ths Ifowoawof the Harrisno tree, what witf iht'frmiti be ia lieir' maturity f Like to the apples of the Dead 8aaf wa appreieod rotteo to the touch bitterness nod asbsa. - We say to rM hoc JtpuWicaos ef the People, maoy of whoio ware gloriously deceived by c'uuning pro fessions'of loe-cabin seal and economy, ksep in mind what you ware promised last summer, and mark tcKat will kt tkt fulfilment oftkett fnmittt Liitor'i CWrsspeaaWa. Conerass ia vary dull both lioosss are busily l&Md ia Ocacipg o.tf. a quantity of private kosmcss tbat uaa accuuiuMtou w wu. wwiva. t atn a am iiiua d. bate all parties appear to have come to as aader standing to lake no aetata oa subjects of lesding iui- (oruncs until aner we w aiarcn. It w a subject of amusing observation for a " Looker in Venice " Ilka eiysall, to Bote bow differeal tbs tsUfuaboa ot members of tongrest is bore trow Ihe hs urea tbey are made to cut in toe Mwspapera st sections ot our eouuiry. ilea whose grave sad clear opmMMM, simply and quietly expressed on the fiuor, are aitnoH decisive ol mailers not involving party ques tions, oftentnnce are sot even axnuooed im tne asws- pspen out of lb w alelropol is while a est of liule whip-per-enspers who Jump up on every question and are absolutely uf uo weight except by weir single vote, are aerulded in maoy newspapers ss sooa ot Anak ia ss- Uu. Uo you inquirs bow Us baapeaa, and why a tolerated. , '11m latter class ta mtikrti tot weir esrvi cas in questions on which lbs leaders waa party organ. isaiMM to e erougM to seal and wen lauows psr turiu ths signifiad function of ranr Tsasaee, who by tbt-ir treiuna and froth excite sad knot Is sear lbs spirit of party, la recompense, tbey receive fulsome Duties in partiaas papers. As eminent example of taw m the lion. Mr. B. trout toe out norm stale, woo has been so much bepraMed among yea. It was aaaoanced, by the wit, tbat ne would probably be the raw Secretary of ins iSsvy. I sssurs you the leading Whigs vet ersves oonteuiulalcd bis appoiniuieut io in is iroporuni separv meni, however willing tney migQl se to UcaJS tus flu ev with newspaper rainora. ' . . ' 1 drop into we senate occasionally, aiuouga taers his yst been no business of imports oca kefore A sines mv arrival, 1 alwsjs axperienee a fealine uf resret oa m . " , ua . sa a.a a .a leaving it tbat it will be a long, long time srosably, before footber auch a Sapate will be seen. Calhoun, VVebsTcr snd uisy we gwnu wso no not bene weir renown. I nave neare inese teauemee ee wnner oe easiuos,sod it wtroin rsoullecuoa I aow wrila Wbsa will the American senate stain p Stent at see time mind so wonderlully scute sod rapid u Mr. Celboua'e. vying in closeness of argument snd Coodematwa of demomintioB wun msmems'icisos sa mteuect pow erlul, coniprahenaivs snd luminous as Webster's, sad he irreal oratorical powera and other high m ilta ot Mr. Clay. Una great element of Mr. Clay a strength ap pears to me to consist ia tnie, tie w perfectly ap wita the spirit of the age bu views, opiuMina and alees are oo a level to the understanding ot the ansa ot cultiva ted mea of thia country. Mr. Calhoun at io advance of the sua. ' l be orssnixalica or tne new t-iMnet waa known yestercsy and has baas aemi-etBcially announced m the morning papers. To air. Webster ie assigned the Stale Depart meow to Mr. Hell we War, to Mr. Ewimr. of Ohio, lie Treaaurvyrlo Ur. fladirer, North Carolina, the Navy, Mr. Granger, ot Nsw York, is to bs Postmaster General, and Mr. Critten den Attorney beneral. Ill ess sppemlnMnts have cre ated t-.e ltla disMlisfaotion, ae waa Inevitable among so many expectants It is oo lbs a bole a lulerably aronf Cabinet; yet it ie .worth notlnff, that nearly all the members bskmffed to ths old Federal party. Judge Bilyer, a flxgrsnt Federalist and aristocrat, wss iweomiMiMed by lbs North Carolina delegation of Whigs without being euuiulied, sa is generally sap posed. It w hoped by some of tbs Whig party that be Will decline and Umt the uU North Bute wui he s isned with the honor of having keen oflcrtd a seat in tha Cabinet 1 Much difficulty wss found in pitching oo a Secretary ot tlie Nsvy. John uwen waa Ulked ol 'no indued waa the Hon, Mr. Stanly faraWrfhrihh. a r''ce, but be Waa not thaugkt of. A diinjruihd Whig Senator trom the South wis wsrmly prtwsed to accejit a seat in tlie Cabinet but continued Km some time to decline. He was particularly urged to take the Navv department At length he intimated hia ae sent, snd then learned that the place waa not at hia dimaitioall Yon may rely oa it that the Whig party contains wiuna ue elements er speedy dissolution. Beverei ominous shadowe have been case ihaad. Mr. Wise broke ground against it, esntioesly to bs sore, the other dsy in lbs Itousei-o-and Mr. Clay w slleged lo have dams ed the party by premature and anaulborited com ir!'ula of it on some wading measures in the Senate. li deeper causes ot discontent a list than have yet sppearrd. Tbs recent soepensioa of the United states Bsnk Ctduced a terrible shock, lie a flairs must now, it ia listed, be finally liquidated and assay well informed eersons think it will not divide tea dolls re to the share. Its fkilure involvee thonssada in ruin among whom are many orphans and widows whose fortunes wsrs in vested la stocks ot uw stak. In sll probability there will he an Extra Session of vonirass. Taers are several lopiesor interest od which I will writs yos ia s few dsya. Tours, vary truly. - -r - Iron Ike Lonekbmg (Vis.) Rtfublieon. ' v GEN. HAIUUSOfrS CABINET. Tbs Natioeai Io'alligeaeer, the organ of the Whig party, has given the names ot the several persons who are Is compose the Cabinet ot the aaeoming Adminis tration. This, perhsps, is so besuess of ours ; but we snail lass me liberty of looking into the merits and SMeriU of ansae at thenjsn who are to aid the new President ia tha admiaistratioa of Ihe sflhirs of the na. boa, though, tbaaka to our stars t we bad no band ia elevating aim to thst high ssatioa. Ths appomtmaatof Uaniei Webster to the first of fice ie ws gal of the new Admwistnlios, ie sufficient, of itself; to sump it with rsdetalism of the deepest dye. Tbs opposes! sf James Madison, one of the pil lars of the Republican party tbs rev tier of his edmitv ietislioa the efieoaent of the war of 1813-tbe bssrv lem auscreaat whs dsclared ia his plies in tbe Senate, that sooner than eote for sn sppropriatioa ta put bis own eoantry ia n proper etate of dstenee, when bmo seed by a iureura sower, he would "sse the enemy kattariag down the walls of tbe Capitol " elevated to the highest ouce at the disposal of the Presideat. What have the aVeauUiesa sortioa of the. Whig psrtv " to expect from such appointments! - "Francis Granger, of New York, Peat Master Ge neral 1" Header! what think yes of this appointmentl Tbe constant associate aod faithful ally ot Slade, Gid- dines and the other bsir-braioad Abolitionista in Con- cress, placed at the head of tbe Post Office Depart. ment 1 1 Think yon that Frank Granger, Abolitionist as hs K would interpose his authority, as Amos Kse- daii did, to arrest the eircuisuon or wcendiary aoea menu tbrouita tbe Bails I No ws venture tbe ssser- lion thst so far ss he baa the power, free in tress and egress to these doca moots, will be permitted urough oat tbs sbvehelding state We are swsre tbat soma of thelrieade of tbs nsw Post Master hereabouts, in erJer lo make it appear that be is ae Asatoteaiaf, have ' j . . A. J. 1 AI 1 VO.AA 1 A. L ranrrau a apwace mmum mj mm as loou, in warn as ie mid lo have exprasssd doubts ia reeard to toe soa- suiatioesl sewer of Cue grass to abolish slavery ia the JJirtnct of Colusabis. They take care, however, to shot their eyea to ha reesrasd sates whenever they attempt lo screen him from the chars a at Abolition ism. Prank Granger baa bean n member of Congress trom tbe State of flew York for several ysars ; aod we defy ka mends hare and elsewhere, lo point to one sola. one smglc aet which proves be is net aa Abolitionist. Ws believe the charge to he tree ia every particular, sad the appeintmset m mm dsast sssieO tha snsm of keeping up the partnership which waa entered into - at wo late eamaairn, between tbe fbaatieal crew el vrfeMb Ur. O gir, m Ckmf, aad the othse wiag sf ths f ederal party. We forbear, for tbe present, further comment on the new Cabioet. We "give bstoW the nasaee af atrof tham as they appear ia the lntellurencer. As for Geo. B. aadgavi wectetary of the Navv, we hays heard bim publicly deimnced m his own Jwuj,XperhPf jusMyJ as a aaonarcbist out and oott! - . - iecretoruof SeDaniei Wsbstsr, of "the State ot Mssaachuaetta. , . .. - Aaerstarf of tkt TVtesarf Thomas Ewing, of the Stale ot Ohio. Aserctary of Wor John Bell, of tha Btate of Ten- 'fi.-Badeer1oftM: State ot North Carolina. " PsstaMstsr Gsaaraf Francis Grtbger, of the Stats of New York. Atfsrasw Oeaerei-J. J. CriUcnden, of the State of , Jtentocky. . Prom tkt Glob. " THE BEST EXPRESSION OF THE AMERICAN DEMOCRACY WElfA VE EVER HAET The National Intelligencer establishment, which stands decided of record to the Bank of ths United Stales for about ft90,OUU, (double its worth.) announces, with official ceremony, we sew Cabinet. . Iti$ of nacesswy (says tbs organ st tbs new dynasty) toot tkt Prutdant elect okould, some days oefvre he stiiers sa lis dattss of kit high office, make seise. ion if ptrmnt tju (as chief jreeariss itpmrlmenlt of Uuw sraaaaat.'' And sfter thus sonouocmg itaeli as the M omct.L,N by uttering (far the Preetdeot elect tbe rea son tor Ibe sarty promnlgation sf the resnlta of his councils, wa have Ibe lists ths Cast net. The Madi Bonaa, which aadsnskea ta goarsnty thai General Harrison in "tkt boot expreasiea of American Demo. creef w iave evsr hod I r waa nia entrusted, with the expression of the list deeieiun of the Exseo'.ive c- ' saltations, Tbe Madaoaisa could only my that h ie earreatfy reported that Geo. tUirison bee made the following appointments." The National Intelligyeeer not only has " the pleasure ot being able to inform our readers that m all probability tbs Cabinet of the aew Prrsidant, to for to depend sa kirn will be thus com aused," but, aa we have seen, andertakes to explain why it is made before the President ie maogureted. -We paint lo these circumstances that the public m iy onderstaad at sacs where to look for authentic ax post- bona of lbs designs of the new-bora Cabinet To some if may bs surprising tbat the dependent Editors of tha Bank should bseome st once the sdopted organ of sn Aawwatraiioe pledged to reform abuses. Toss it seems a matter of coons. The cela sues and abuses of tbe Bash's origin msde the new Admin- ---wirstion-end why shseld it aot employ ths w stresses! which the Bank employed! ' But there is between ths Bsnk and the new mads NKlionaries of tbs Government a relatioaship which renders tbe kmditd condition ot ihe conductors of the National Intelligencer one of perfect Wherhood. ' Mr. Webster, (the Premier) the whols world knows, bas lived for yean spaa the Bank being its sitorney, us counsellor, its Senator, ita envoy, its every liting. If Mssaa Jeodonand Biddleeonld now be brought lethe book before the lagialaiurs of Pennsylvania, it would be found del the outfits which Mr. Webster bas levied . oa tbe sjerchsaw, wars bagatelles compared with the great aggregate sum which in tbs course of years, be baa drawn from ths Bank. It m wash wholmale politi cians ss Mr. Webstar thst bars emptied the eotlen ot the Bsak, Bad Jslt ths atockboidsn tbe tog to bold. . U.. Earing, the anooenced Secretary ot the Trsaeury', begins ha load scrip specaUtioa under tbe favor of the Bank, aad be, also, rvtaroed Mr. Btddle's patrons rs vlrith iHcredibW teal ia tnd out of Congress. Mr. Ball, the. new Secretary of War, ths public cannot have forgotten, stands rscordsd, in Mr. Tyler's report, aa eocoiniaodaled, ia "a fair kutimu tran$oe tioa,n by tbe Bank, in just one thousand dollars more than James Wataoa Webb. Ths Utter, when hs lorn, ed over to the Bank, .was found to have beea fhvorsd with ofly4wo thousand dolls ra, Whin Mr. Bufl irsva ceer his oppeeiiioa ia Congress to that institution, the rsmiasioa waa baiaooed by mty-inreetniioasBdftcility. As to pecuswry rslatmns of the subnrdinats mem- ben of the approaching Administration with the Bank, ws know nothing. Tbe Attorney General, we know, t .a... a...a.SBi...r'.AAl a e -k . nm arm tnrongnoui us issi irienu, air. ijryiger nst beeu tlwiys identified with its pnity. Of Mr. IMer, we never heard till his sppointnicnt, sml mn o!y learn thst he is sn oltrs Fuli-rilist ot' the dtp it i' v.- insomuch thst his Federalism bas alwsys slond ss a ear between Dim and political distinction iu IW'h Carotins. Tbat the Bank orna should be tskon ss the or?sn snd exponent of the views of such a Csbinet, ia then perfectly appropriate, and we could not but mil at the weak attempt of the Madiwmian lo secure the sdp. thai far ttaolf. After givintf Its " eurreoilV "Yi-piirted sbineL" it pronounces the G neiil bm ofik mtru bet tXfftitUmt of America )rsicrary r kutr. e a er aad." Having eat up for unadulterated D uwcrocy itself, ths Madiaonian supposnd nntbing won wanting but lo put this endorsement on " tht tMprfniun if On UtNsraTs Drmocrocvr to exclude the Federal luti-Jli. gencertVom fivor. , Aad ench an expression of Democracy' Dsniel Webster, of Essex Juuto and Hartutd Con vention origin, breeding and adbevioo. lHomas Cwmg, a Bsnk Federalist. John Bell, as apostate Federalist to tbs Jrcksrjl ranks, and retornim Pradiiral hi the Bank, soon better Conaidrrslion. Geom L cUdmr. aa ultra. Federalist of the old Adams school. , Francis Granger, an Abolition Federalist, ' CrittendHn, once a Democrat, now a Federalist under the baptism of the younger Adams. Ths last news from Philadelphia, (and fnxn i Bank press,) shows thst the Bank of lbs United Stales Bank stuck is still descending. Ji left tff (ssys the Inqui rer) ec 23i e 'Jo." oj wsy or threat, the loquin-r la tbat there is a rumor '(hot if tht Lrg Mature aaawU compel the' United atuta Bonk to go into ti' qmidation, Ike director! of ihmt Militmtion intend to raaasss ia' JVrw York, end Haet tht tohote of their J. ' memnt under tht frioilegti of tht Bonk of tht Vnittd ... Stmt-in WollMrttt.- Turn would be proper oa two accounts. I. ft woold be .nearer its British Owners. 2. It would relieve Penneylvania from the shame of ttpholding a charter. . notoriously obtained by bribery. TL- IH..1. J.l.l.:. r. ,L. 1T.lt. J ...! Monk noire mom ne longer are considered a earreaca. It adds, thst " taess who Laid drpot'Utt in the Bunk cannot ear their fondn, unlet ot tht current ditcounlf aad other; who hold the note of Ihe Bank, hooo ese - - to mail ie the loot often to Itsrse per cent, dismunt. U is also raatoresT lhat m txlennoo otlaiCMlmn not bet diteooortd.n What a wrone-beaded old trcntleman General Jack son was, to distrust the bouesiy of the officers sml sol- veney ot tha institution I thai be shoum, by sevenug the Government connection with the Bsnk, an some sevaa millioos of Government slock, aud prutubly ss many millions of depositesl UU be. Demotrotit Portu. We hvs never shared in the relueanee of seme ot our State Kiirhts IrieoJs to as sume the name of the Democralio psrty wlin we joiosd forces with the Adminwtrstwn of Mr. Vsu Uu- . rea m dafendinjr the Constuulkn airainst liie ssmuIU 1 of stockiobbera, projectors, and trsdinir politiLisus, whom the eensrai provalenca of debt sod the immor ality resulting from despersts gambling ip culsiioot, have been brought into power, flie true Democratic , psrty and true State aulils psrty are on..- uutrietton Mtrfury. A Young Scamp. The Baltimore Cliiioer states that a lad io that eiiy, on tbe evening of tne eclipse, persuaded Die oompaoiona that tbs eclipse cooid only be seen in nia motber'a yard, aod charged timui a cent each for sdmiestoa I The Deacon says " that follow will become a Bsnk officer yev" . Vnittd Btmtot Bent. Since tbe explosion of ths great raf ulator." it baa been stated thai nce her rssumptioe she has paid out AlUU,utio iu rp cm ; and Jet accordiog to Ha own showing, it hail on the Sib of anosry, but ri,673,48l in specie, and l,3ltl.yi7 ia Bsnk aitae. -There ia s mysiory aboui Uiis which aeods some eapiaoatioti. Uatliamro HcpubUcan. "McLtod--The Rocliester Daily Advertiser asys, -ibat a genllemsn from the region ot Luckporl, one whu a well versed In the Usrohos rusttcr wtm was iu o. wetbs'daottwtmmsd who boasted of having bean engagud ia ..lb-auiur-i sUlss that ths conviction of MvLeod m certain, if tin.' unpeacbable testimony sgsinst him hat in liifluctite with aju7.r-.Vrw Fork Standard. Tkt Difference. Nothinir is more easy for a man. er a ownhinsliou af maiy .a boara.JouUy iiicapable ; ufk. suggesting any measures of their own, of a' public char- - -tcter; w oppose those enered-ey-OUiefa, ea4 the pp nenta or the present Administration in s lew weeks . will have an opportunity of understandiDu- the material difference. iti, . . 1 -Omtmnfsi Anuiotrooryof Jefferoon't Birth Day. A writer ia tbe Bostoo Post, recommends tbat all ex- v praeeiona of individual preference for candidatae' for Piasident and Vice President, by the Democratic pir . ty, be postponed until the second dsy of April, 143, - when they msy unite in ceiebratinir tbe hundredth btrtbdsy ot the author of the Declar Jtine of American Independence, by making nominations fur the hizbset offices of the nation ol such situ, whuever they msy be, of tbe true JeOersooisn faith, who are Ihe moat M ho- neat and capable." o. Ptblit Land. Tht public diansin, held m trust by tbe General Government for tbe benefit of sll tlie Mutes lies in nine States, via : Ohio. Indiana. Illinois, Mis souri, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiins, Uichlgsn and Arkansas, ......... There have been sold 81.0S3.I9I7 screa, Granted for vsrions pnrvnaes lOltMUO - Unsold, including laeua surveyed, lMW7.7rK).i -Surveyed, I9i8(3,400,3 - Unsurveysd, &ZXf7.VU:H Received tor land sold, wI3I,BUy7..iU - . x .. MARRIED, , - In this Town, en the lfitli iiwsnt. bv tha Rev. John IXHcbcek. Mr. JK.SSK A." M Ell M.A. of thia County, lo Mat KUsANNA SWIaN'K, of this Town. , DIED, In thia Town, ee tbe 12ih instont, nf Connnnption, MARY GARNER, in the 2d year of ber age. In this Town, oa Ibe 2il instaui, an idenly, of apo plexy. Mr. ANDRKW IIOLD3tiOU3Kk.otifaiecoi a tr. ared shoot Oft yean. gDR: JAMES G.WOMACK l Cif ,A VING Wsted himself permanently in " I lU Town of tiAUSUURV, teHiers h s profeasionsl survices In ita ciixVn d tha adjacent country, in all the vsriooa brenehee-jf hie pm tession. He can be hmnd st bia Ofbce, on mani rrri ' mot duor below the office of tbe Werern taroliuxn." JalyMfMA. ' ly DU.O. iJoi'iJLAS AV1NU rein-vcl hia Otmeto nd Door f Mr. Cowan's brick row. (mrnierly orcuied by Dr. A-dibel 8nith.) nearly' opposite Michael Drown s store, pdilcly teodors l.if profesa'p'ial services to the puhlic. Salisbury, August 21, 1640. r Ducts. Killiah Powo, MAVINO assncUted tliemwlvea i-v'.'" 'ill' practice at iiisairin, rcscttul.v vm r wr-, vices, io sll the venous brsncbisof trior t Mivx .i m .... ihe public' OCT Their Oftice is in Mr. V t i hi if ,t building. J . - - Hnlb'iry,N.C.,Jinmry,tl. . tf. J I . J -V ' . A.