I : ... k; 1' ..s r I' if 1 i 1 s -r 1 i f 11 'LIB IT PBaKLtaC llN vm Sim N. OOB-TO TUG PK.F.SS. r. ' ..tt lO rwrEB, A breikt the in o'er mmu'i glnwu, Aid hgV thu dsr a id fr.iwutiiT .b. . ' U'hde t!i frtil hark, caud itsd.oin, Aeail mils in viirj fast ai free Bo Iha fcr w rhl tv-Ktth thv liit, . ' JfyiBtfL! ap 4Hlttotf nrjM:" """" The fife, the jwtrrp.l'ie Dover of king, fVI.-d like mist brlor-thv rav; And me perceived th'Sie mighty thing Dwindl to atoms, eveo as they Vfmie o'er thu arth a Spirit went, Vf. tn c ard y"a 1l eloquent. V Tbe nation hesrd its Vote's. nd U Th populous rortlioiitof earth's elate Jte-erWd with ir'ad shout, th call Of FsBBnov standing o'er the grave Of uncrowned kin?, umnVjred nope, , Anil til that cruehod man's highest hope. No metre the emancipated world Bowed 'neath the dutpoi't iron rod ; Th lynit from hie throne wahurld- Men. elate no more, astumed the god A'vt Onius, with ner rtn subli.nfy ':'.' Gi'ded the wing of pawing time! !. 1'... l. r R iilitajf TriiFtlling The facilities alt.rded bv rsiiwat it well illustrated by lit fuel, t hal t he dia tauee Ulwoeii London and Y.rk i iraverted iu two bnure I" ti.ii then dpi ween L- rvJon and Lincoln, nlitMHieti Tor e "evenly utile briber (iron) Lon don Ihan Lincoln il . . . . . . . i wt.ui'i r qui re twelve tiay rnecne, carry ins fifteen pacngr rath, and one ihm.sand two hun t'ird ftoroee, tn tak oihj hundred iixl eivhi ven ptr two hundred and forty tmlr in ternty f.,ur i.imrK, ui mo rmo4 ten mnr an nour. Vim loco motive et eio en in will take ihit numbrr, and go 9-muw tne aieraor to tne itame tinn", nd, cone quentlv. i'l do lliil work of two tliuueand' four huo irti borae! . In a well knon l.mme in this ri'y, the rrmki y'wt of fri'ieir, aa ell an K'ljtlicii and Iiiah, a f"ntichm'i tt.mnjht t-iainnae the company a the exfu'tmftf an im-lli4.'!nf,and piH) liMmorrd 8ie. " Yoor country i.cn. '-lid he; " err uinltr all Ku rlo lonarcha.n " It utruo," tvpljed the Swi, "e are poi-r, aol fihl r that which w iiMMit atiind in net-d of money or pay, cll it ymt will j Lut," enid he to the i'michnian, hat do you fight UtV " Honor," eiclaiuied the in.etuou French Oian. W ell, llien, aaid the Swwa, " we both, it trenm, fight fr what we ala'id io need of motl-r-ut (of atonr $, you for honor When a man own hinmelf to bo in an error he due hut tell ytu in other woru's ilut he ta wiser than he am, , . A tun that doea lU brt he can, doe all that ha abnuU dV ? - li otan cannot find eitse with hi met If, it i to htile purpit t eeek it rlnewhere. ' ' Choose the coune of life which is the roost ri. c-'lietit,rtd mat .to will render it the mnsl delightful. . lie alii y t ! Hr do poorf f trerer imitie-i tuHioM m e tense to decline the flice of liumtn TVferlint iharitti till death;. he ihxt d. u, i liherni ruihcr of antxhvr mau'a wealth ttmn of hi own.' In Die inoniinq.tMnk whnt thou hast to do ; and a) eyht, ak th;f if what thoo hast ilone. "?p-rdrt;e"liijr wntl umlthVt will rj ice ' jnlitif- flfM.UMNwE!i;Wlirnr;: who had rcpentrdly miwed wood Iro.n Ins pile, reso(t-mghtto waTctr"ft.e thief; 55ri7"afTe lite ool h'nr for returning, he saw one of lii near neighbor approach the wood pi'x, help hnn sell' to a large armful of ordinary strrks, and de purl from toe hvre. The farmer took on h.s httilder cue of the largest slick h? ciu!dJix)d,I fvflh Wd'TVif ociijlibor, whom he overtook at ftis own ' d'Mr, wTw-Te lie Kiff""juSf TaTd3owo liTa pumler, throw inp down the o,excUiind, V I lien! jm enrjf(indd t Ktft Kp JoudiffnV'ei)tt"to mane a fir vn it a pock fog." 1 bat M Liw didn'i sie.l niur h .nn,erh,. w4b-JXuaa.liUiuiMfi Tht EnrUik IniuifecHmitA ahout tl ir y eijhl IhtHMHiid word. , This include, of couve, not only radical word, but all derivatives, fxcvbl "Ilia jreierilTod participle of erl ; to which must be added aont lew term which, though set , down in ivdiciiooery, ere either ohaoh-te or have teeereeaited tu'h Cunsiderwd forotgn. Of lhee. abdul twenty lhre thousand, nr nearly fi-.eijhthe, ar of Arif 'ii-Sh.iii origin. The majority ff the fV hn proportion we cannot aay, are Latin and Greek j Latin, ho were r, has the larirett share. The to ! on which amhitiou (ravel ha thisdi. a aok.e, the hiil.r it ascends ih mor difficult it tion, til) i ist it terniinatei mi some iWa tioo loo narrow for frirodxhip, too eteep fur suieiy, too atmrp toe repose; and where Ih occupent, bV t" sympathy if mn end below tl friend, hip of atuffJe, re mhie in the solitude, if d4 the depth, .if. his uiK-'riii(!, a Prometheus chaired to ine Ca ik' a mm an rock- PkiLidflpkui iVurfi A tut, , ricam. ' ' ' Rather fi. The Indianapolis Democrat thus ootK-ei rumor of the death of I ha 8p-k-r th Indiana llie f Krpresrntativee: "The l.w. rt-oceliur Kcoo stntfi that Hunmel Judah.Sjieak erof tie- JImwenf Brpresrutative, is dead. It is jrd for Ha ii the tat inot is not true, Slim!il he lean I'm word, h would Rod it a lijhf sque e to ;cl into a iy other, either good or bad, tf-pccixlly lirre h w known." ,ei I feai,"ia;d entifirrtiirJeloln fl rkr "'when I xplaii ed lojoo, in my last chanty, e-roHHi, llist piiiUniiiropy w-is ilia love of ouri speric, ymt i:usj bsvt uitdereto.Kl me lo a v iptcit, whirtt mny nrconnt for the siuallueas of the eoiiwe. Hotii Y will prove, I hope, by your prrarnt cou Ifibuii in, ihai you are no longer laboring ui.dvr th tame mistake" A JuJgt'i Cargt. Kn ah'e jidge of the tnl . nr. wna nnce ohiiged to delis .-r Ih nilowitig chtrg lo thjury 1 ' lieniM'Miii of lh Jiry In Ihi esse the rotiimel on bold aide ara iininteUi JiUle ; th wit nesses rm both aide arw incredible, and plnintifl end dofeoclrtot are b.tth ch ld clmracti , that to na H is lud.Cereiil which fardict." , way ou give your 1 iakt ajre out of 5il. If a little o vlr- J magnesia to aiflieU oo the "icotig tide ot Sikk.,., , , ijuivn 'ntCMKm UT l I XI. PN- k. m ax in pi i discovered, it I" a never f,i i .g remedy. Ilia dark tot disappearing as if by iNBgia.- , ' . .. .' A ritf id an. I t' newspaper, eftrr men. foMuog Hi wrwk.ot a eer;l war Plwrfn, re -join that all iM new "ra ttved, ricep! four Jkogtltnit of tekam. A Pun. A cMitWn erre time nine was showing hn fiirtn to a friend, and lit the wm time Mtoliiig its fertility. Thee eonin cndhtintm had scarcely been fin sheil lfo'r thev cnm in lojrr.toi a pi ce of land upon whrh whs a copious growth of ol I fV)H pine" you nid not trouble yoor elf." said th other, " I e;it now j.xlo f r mvflf, f r I see that vour Uiud is so p Kir that -it ta aciu illy re ft'iing." Pa,", s-iil a !it'l' white lis i rod urchh s he eveinjf )me bmk note his rt'her was count- mechnnifV an'' working nwti on bi'.k bill V " I dort'l know, mv soil." M Well, I dj pa ; I've i-a fuund ou. L' he cause they have Iw auSr mora than other people when Ilia auik fail." , There lira good hit in the following anecdote at ' that cLisa- of peop'.n who think nisnual lubor be neath I Ih attention o( t'ue gentleman I A nun with a larff family was rompln'miii of ., the difficult of ncainloinina them' all- " Out voo hse si!t Uf enonch Io rarn oirrllaV?, ami help Von, now,"" wifcl fnt'iid. ' ' T!e dtfR.-.ulty i. they are too b;g to ork," ss the answer. "Xever b eritical npvv, Jh I'" was the matiiu of an Irish pfter, remarkable for his homage to the ar.x, the only way In tho world that a true . reollorr.sn ever will aitenipi to hoik at the fault I of a pretty wouisn i to thut ki eyes." " xbvci near via or tub atruatttf. PROPOSALS For Xntpaperin ihtCUtff Rmtrigk.tukiatltd ' THE SOUTHERN TIMES ; To be Kdiled bj Henry I. Toole Proposals ol this sort muilly s bound in promises; jew will be made iu tin case, but tli-y w;l alf.be ro deemed. . . The desijjn of the proposed piper i,If-n anmewhat from that of any now. publiflied in this City : combi ning more Literary Miscellany with Politics, than is ciwouiary with the partv Pros. lumaia thancU-r, howeiW, will be political and its doctrines vf the J f fersonmn schooL , j ' ' , The first number will be issued sfoent the 4ih of March next, if sufficient nun. her ol stilnrnbera i obisined til justify the unrienak'np. . A it cannot bo refsrded at perfectly certsin that such will be '.he oaf, no subscriber, M si pec ted to psj until he receives they paper j- 'ITse t:7 wia be ah-iif the same with the " Baletjfh Repiiier,".nd 1 will lr published twice week du ring he esionVf the Genrrs! Aser.vb!, and weekly at all other tuneaX The price i:l be pour Dollar p r annum. Every person to whom this Droprwel is sent, will pli-ase. as soon ss sll have sabKrtljed who mny b? tippiwed to be desirous to patronise tht-'timlerukmjr, tmnmil their name to the E-litor, at Washington, North Car. olina. joiin i). uiimvN & c( coma itb rta rtaTB ash autrr taos wbaataa, I RESPECTFULLY tnforntbe PulJic, that they have comineured the abote busiaes io all its various branches, and will manufacture any article in their Itnd at tbr hortst notice, and on th nvwt favorable term. Ttey would invite the attention of Healer and other tnraTT anf eitamine their sturkj which Cooit in part f StUJi, Sti" lYoriu$, and KUh t, Plain and Jirpnn H'tn Wwrev .Stovrf end Pipet, Factory H'oTk Hoofing, Lock Rr fairing, $-c-r 4V They 1op bf pine tualitv to busmen ruHsithiul ner(lrmshce of or ders for work, to receive a liberal ihaie of public Ml irt:ge. . tm,w.mnl""' r "'' "o"' .....wwNi.g-.iiya ter od Le.id. . ' idibbuf y,Fl4S4V. - rr To TvacWcTSs 'J HP travelling community are respectfully infoem- 1 e. ths abe-4tirils i wow eewiir Kw-hte dw reel from Raleich bv wav of Pittaboru and Axhboro to by i SaUsbury, in small Nortliern msde Coaches nf the ftr.t i order ; ' les vTiig lfsleig'h"oh "Sliiitilays siitf TIiurdsys at ""j 10 A. M , arnvinz in Salisbury o t days st PI P. M. f ainvuiir in Ka'ein next asts at l I". JI. His hnoes are good, and drive's pariicularly carr ful snd sccomiiMxiatiug. JOEL McLLA.V. Feb. j..isaa, .. tt N. B. SeaU secure I at th Mansion Hotel. CABLMTJVORK. 1 (IE Subscriber infirm the Miblicthat he continue the , C'ahiiiel-lfikins Ihiwituaw, IN THE VILLAGE OF V LEXINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA." Jl is prep red torserute all uWnplion of work in hit line of businom in a very superior sly IfVas re. gard workmanship and materials, and ertsin!y on over terns than i sfl orded by any other evtaU liehinenl of the kind in Ibis region of country. (rdet from a distance thankfully received and promptly and faithfully executed. ' Pioduee, Standing and Plank taken in exchange lor work. NATHAN PARKS. Lexington, Frb. 7, 1 MO. ' , r ISottcc. -- 4 LL nn indtlMed to the F.'a'e of I?r A. i Hall, dee'd., ar heiehy rqneatrd lo come forward and make ininid.a!e pnvo.eij ss looger indulgence ranmit he eiven. All those having cltjtos WL'iT' "' FytpT p' ear hi itum iliTia. the tinie presented hy law, orlhi hot ice will be nlea J io bar of lln ir recovery. MARr IHLUntecnirit. . .Ui-wi j Co., N. C, Kaw. S. IWIr - - If-; N. B. Mr. Kitieherv Klliott it fithnrised" In settle the IsKtncss of the F.stste, who wi!I attend lo th settlement of t'ws fame in ta'.i-lur, on Saiiinlaya. . - , SUr.c. FaWgrsiViug. 'Illli Sobscri'.ar In in seven mile sotilh nf P!iu . Imrv, Hileiiils k -eping CooHtaiilJy op hand, Mar ble and Orantte SUtia espressly lor TOMU KTONI.S, : j ,,,,,, ,,. Pin ,ny order in thsrT.me.en the i liorlet notice. x -atn t Tl. : 1.. . . - .... ....... .. L. . L. L. . Tl J CitlAVINU, it-, md he tmures Ihoee whii my Isvnr '.him with their work, that unless well don ireordmg to contract, he has no y. A complete tsre.Dnry Trbnh tor sele, ent of Rock, ff ih purpose, f pres-'rving nolk ic,l. Apply to the Suhnhr. P.SOCH E. PHILLIPS. '- ' ' ' - "- T M 4ovinuer 0. 1V) 'Si' PROSPRCTUS 5 Or TH8 . "Sec CKLENBURG JEFFERSOMAN. II is proposed to establi-h. in the Town of Charlotte, Meekiehburf Countr.'N. C a week iiwevapapef. un derthe ibove title, lo be -edned snd putilmlifil by the s-jbnbei The publiction of the airru.BNseKu Jn(vi:Bii.iiirisM will nimmence hv the 1st of J iiiuary next, or ss Anon ss materials caa be procured, U Will b printed wth enurely new and fair type, on paper ol the beat miiliW. and attorded lo subscribes at A'2oi in wvance, (on ihe receijit of the first number,) or $3 it not paid in advtWe. ' The pr esent lAUie first efilirt that has been made to sirfabhsh anorfrvV at the birth place of American In dependence, t'lrooV h which the doctrines of the Demo cratic psrty could hiifreely promulgated and defended in. which the frual Principles it Liberty and Equality for which the A'4drr,tli PoiAs, and Uieir heroic e.viip4tmU p riled tlieir s!l,o tlm !Wih My, I775, eeuld find at all ti'iicsn unslirinkinj advocate. Its success rent chiefly wrtlaiieRepnbliesn party of Mick Jeuborjr and to them, artd llie Ilepublican ol the ur roundintf country, the sppesl is now mad for support Th Jimaaosu will sVsuine its political creed, those Un inwrks of th Kepohhcaa party, Ui doctrine srt forth io the Kntucki snd ViTifima Knsolutions Hievm, s the anrterMgtwdyoe, that th authors of ilie papers wno bore a eunrpicuutts pan in iraminK our system of Government, wer bw qualified to band Joa to poMerity a correct eipmiioa of iu true spirit the best judges of whst power war delegated by, and whatresened to, the Sutes. It will oppose, ss d meroos to oar free institutions, ths pf -t ttl ati'Htfvff, which b bocB stealthily, but steadily increasing in.lhe totnlry ffiWi the foundation of cur IwvtrnmenL Tit must uliouefrltire in tins syem i, that it rob th H!rr, impnetpUtfy, to en rich the raw: It c'otlie few weatiHv ii.uividtiair with power not only to control Uie wages of the isU tnj man, but aluo si their pleasure to infUU or depress llie commerce s .d bu-nness of Uie whole coWrj es CiliJ! s;nrit of estrsvajfance, whch it terminates in P"Ciimry ruin, snd too ofiee fic nwral degra(aiK.u iJ its victins. This syatem iniM fclAiros'(y fur tu rd befon; we can hope to e setilcd prae;e-rit;siuiie alike upon all our citizens. Tu aid in produciiy tins rrftirm, will be one of the main ot'jecta of the Jcrrw w)MU!. It will war sainut tictvtivt prtmUgt$ot partial initiation, untl-r wtintevir guits (.'ranted by our.tygifiuiures; a id, t.ieretore, will eppi ine c!irr leriiij; of s United States Bank, luterusl luipruvenientA by!tue Pedersl Government, a revival ol the Tarn)' Syetn, and the nw Podert scheme of llie General Government ar-mnint' to pay to foreign money clian jpr the (ico kunJrtJ million of dolUri, borrowed, ly a few States fir local purpowsL As a question of vital importance to the South, snd one which, froin various causes is every day assumm more momentous and awful aspect, the JcrrBMo sua will keep n reader regularly and accurately ad visti on the subject of Northern AbolituioHRn. It imiflt be evident to ill Csodid observers, that Uie parti ta a presses of lite South have hitherto been too silent upon 'his subject. We shall, therefore, without fesr or being denounced ss sn alarmist, lend our humbl aid to ansikt in awakening t People. of the fouih l duo vigilance and a sene of their real dsnger. Wioies 0rvDH of th eulumna nf the Jcr-HBoami t will be devoted to political drncu ion. lWn mu of .WWi, Li:cTum, AnciUmre, and the Mr-, ckamc Arti, shall njt be negl-cwl. With theehoiceri , selections on these subject-, snd a due quantity of light l and profitahle to all clause in SieiWy. av.M., bub. wyn-m w Taisaari .... t i.rmusB; Orders lor the us ner. addreii!. ulart mmiJ. ta lite 5i. C," will, be proniplly complied wit h.- Any person who will procure six subscribers, snd be i twspiMisy wnDtcrrpiion, aiutii niv a nuioDcrLvaoce. - - of Ih paper gratis. Postiuastetji are requested to act ss Aents lor the psp-T, in reeeiv.ng snd forwarding subecriheni' names JOS. W. IIAMPTO.N. Troapcctus for Kendall' Expositor. "a-MO KEVDALLTn'('pwrTft ratkonflilaeioT he. duuted.to th. 4Uiuwie-ohKettiria - ' - " - J"' ' i.ss WJW-rvv KB II IV Vf 1. I b security id Dm right of auffrajjrt bva. antf fiaa 2. An eimwsjre of alxises and corruDtiona 111 G ivernmefit, wherever known to tis. 3. An etposition ofjhe principle of moilern. IJaTikiiV,"lhd "il eOccis upon labor, trade, moral, hud Government, embracing the nature nnd uses nf money, and a hoUory of ihe origin and progrcas of paper money ia its various form. To these will be sdded all Ihe topic common in the newspapers of the dty, with summary of newt nrt lul'y compiled, Rtfinin an actura'.e history ot pi Ming event. - Avosling all petsnosl alurcstiona, th paper, while it wiil not eoncesl its preferences Rr men, will coohne iiselt chiefly to the elocidsiioa of fcu and principles, leaving the radcr porttoua of political controversy to yooigcr baud. ' 1 Is tisnlor, will be printed 10 the cta4 manner upon royl sheet, (okled in octavo form, each nomber making sixteen pages, with sn hide si Ihe end of each volume embracing one year, li will thus form a hoolr containing a hialory of lbs tune with much nior useful snd cntertairling n.stler. PRICK On Dollar per nusi, paid 1 Seance, No sccounts will be kept, and the paper will not be sent until th money be actually received. Bank note will be taken at tbmr specie value. To these who Collect and f irwsru ten dallsra, sn ad ditiona! & py will be sent gratis. Potruvters are permitted by law to forward aub criptsw mrniey in lett wnllsn by lliemselves. All letter to the Editor inuet be Ire or pnstpsid. OiT As lo lb ptwtsge on ihi pats-r will b but one rent to one sod a half oh number, it i in the pjwer of eveiy nun to prinr sit ih important news, snd s 1 Tsui tfeil ot other uw till mtter, it not eacediir Oaf Wellington City, D. C, Jin. 13, 1841. JSttiicc THE SALTSBPjtr MANI'TAC. Til Rl NO CO l PA N Y h. v.ng com inenced nperaiion.are now prepared lo furni.h dealer wuh Coifon Yarn of superior rj'inlity on f ivnnhle torn.. J. RHOHHS DUUilNK, Ag't Salisborr, IV., 11,1 MO. t Taken Up and Committed, TO iho Jail of Davidaon County, m Iho 14tu mm., a nur Vy, wlro ) hi name is TOM, and that be Wong lo Henry Slrteklniid, tvh livet nenr Springn-ld in ihe Stai ol Goorgm. S,iid boylia a very likely mulatto, five t'ert en inehe htjli had on win n committed Kenioeky jean Coal and pant and low' ahirt. - " Th owner i requested lo come forwaid, prove projert, pay charge, and lake him a wnv, : W. UO.MAIK, Jailor. Ocinber 17, 1940. 1 p ff rjtrtf drmytftton for tale, tt Ihit Oiflc. 1 1 hi mm 4mtm , . , ,. t Largt Subon io the World 1! . TUB P!IIUDKI.I'"li SVl'UllDVY COllillEil. .firmsnlbl'n.lent aba TI,lEr)UlUKlliroii u., at home or al.Wt't. and us a-n- - i as any ;r '" ';' ,; ,., , uull. f(liwl - ilt jnesne will be alav .taiuwvea S a FAMILY NKWSI'APF.K. H lo anv yiurnsi puu- lBUSHMMN l . (Wn'rVan I'll'' pcislmt t, JZ suiat str.ilrh..forwar,Um.rfcc,ai1luppor,t...ClhoLw . inter.! ol TIIK I'UIH.IU . ST: ! ' toNK OP JIORAl. not kn article will appear t" ' M IV Hlliiiisti"' 'w , . wloch sliould not find place at every hr. sirt. I nliice at rvery nr.'sios. . . n'e unosraWeled pi'rtma)re, Irorr i eicry section or i cnmlrj, is the be cvMeitfa aipp. ' i sicken a-nf will c-ntiiu to speak for lUs.'It ' T the i... .... na iin.ll a " - " .... i;.. . ..k.. ., !I t.OOI tniscriA rt, ri f,m Ike Ukn to tk, Octan, and i-mb.ii.ng all i uit Ms snd cUr of the republic. Uch miu.bvr of Ihe Courier conUitus as much matter as weuld rill n 14it, Voluiuf, . The cost of which slone w.rtild b th prio th pa per for a whole ycr- Tl- general chuscUr of th Curirr is well known. . I column ceniain a great '.variety of' . (- ,. T4LC, STIVM, BMW, B WSAfeiE, It, . Tege hsr with srticlesoti Fcirnce, Fiu AtU, slcchanit, Agriculture, - fllanafactare, Fureirn NewiNV Mew PublicatKMis, Morality, 5eUicme, Th Silk Culture, Tftupcrance, Familv Circle, lle.lthi Commerce, Literature, Domestic Intelligence, Educe it. s, Amusemeots, Facrlu, IIiiiimvous IVtit .l Articles, The I'rsn.a, City Matters, Amusing Miscellany, , The Markets, r ' Tli Mu-ical World, - - - -Correct Friers Current, Helf-tducated Men, Litot Insolvent Bunks, Dlscounl lud tacbange, letters from Europe, History, The Classics, Plnlonphy, And sll other msttersdiscuHssed in s Universal Family Jou'nsl-hunintiiiig aUogelheras va.t, snd, we t lie, ss niierestin? a vsriety s ran t fMd f lAer Journal, euilnicing subjects tor Formers, Mechanics, Tradesmea, Aitisiins, Merrliants, Teachers, Meu of Leisure, Siuilentii, Ind every l.i ol'our louiitrjv The COURIER y always be DKl'P.M'ED UP ONI, a notii.nir iuiprl'.nt w tiennittid to i-e-pe a no ticAin its eoluniiis It vn'l siwav. f'AlTllt l'LLY nit ILL I T.S AUK t:t: W E S r X. Our arrangeinrn's enaMe u to ia from ihe whole rnge tt currr.l Lit. rrnur ,.f KuMtw.and our t' r respotidritu al home en'ibrice teitiv i ft; bV.i r.tertw of the eWy. A s.n.e- ol POPL l.K TAI.LS, nf uneqiislled. intercut and value, will tolluw in constant succession, y In the Poorer is inserted the music of il. niost D-'PU- I 1.. Air. O.IU. .r..l lLn . .r. ik... . . .... ' t . . . m. 5., mjt iuumc tbrme vote, tha dislo. II eu.tar or LVI .EU . BUT ,nMr,ents, as woo ss published, winch if paid k,ft, nt'y wotild.os more than th jitiee ol sub. r.p,,,. Th prrtected srrsnjeeiuenl i lo be lound . 0Q fc)ura 0I tt Hi (Ml. orn TiafMis. - The trice ol lhCOvklKK orr!ra-J in ad- . When individual wish to lubscrib lo the Courier, sure wsy is foeiicloe Uie moey in a U iei, stvl ta rect il lo us. The Postmsster Vili pioiey politely remit, tor w wuh tiieat iu all cV'N U til Uis.f plessure, lo act ta our a-enta. ' r - Clubsof ten wrs) brtafuwhed'v.'i'h" ten baper Q on year, (provided th money b tn us tree CI pju I cu tJniiar m 1I1 procure the tilth Copy gratis Three epulis lur live dollars. " sewtWrrrr- sri-e-reeeiTttf 1ftrWiir"""' Our Ir ui. lh I'n' f s ai'l 11 naihiw ''"" reim ihiit:' r.r.rM.l Hid ;eW llllCr.jt'KIIV T II R K E T . ATSAUSBUilf, PclJaJvRY lU Bu con, t 10 34. n 4d a 'Mitt lfcc, Brsody, (peach) Do dapple) Buller, fVewax, Bigging, il i'ork,v Ha ft W:te,(quar: Ibi Rope, Jdal uksi, (i.r--- ) vauiooricican o a Corn, 25 Coll., 14 a ! Flour, $1 5Ka tt oil reithers, Hax-eed, D Oil, AT PAY FT Brandy, t,i"m.l.) Do Cap, lej Bacon, lleeawax, Bnltir, I'aie It.pe, t-'ofli. t 'mti.1t, (ait tun llagg.ni (rn, 41? a Caiitiire, 1 a flaaxeed, 1 Id a i .j Fiour, i b3 a toU IMI. Beef, (sctitrj rtiCon, Butter, Ih-eswax, Bugging, llile Rojie,"" Oiffee, CotU, U s ', iPiiiur, b s It) ;Pi ll,i r-. ' j.ai a I'Jtil III- l.'i .V k) . lit 4l ' 4 a.i. il 10 a li i i.'i It's M iiii, ( n- U'lllwi n, Ol) , i . ! stt 'h PI a Vli M a li H a ,li 4 i a .M ttirelOtJ.lnn Siijsr, "(-.i.li) I) j ( .t.t ,i) Corn, scarce) AT CAMDLN, S. C FKIIKCARY 11. I'll bj a - fi.'n :s? j.) i . u 4 ) n .'iu 4 ' a Oil noif. a a ft a 1(1 H H a 'St V4 a vt Pit II 14 a 10 riiiuii, Coll., F.UUl. - rentfiers, Urd, Bacon, Buller, Uoaowss, """" IfctfV't'Z. lisle ICipe, Cofiio, Mo!iiVi ! . 0u.. MATCllLli. s-ANA 1 MILS invaluable Motiicine is ft,, m,. ,v fa ...l. i. . ..... . .. ... .. N. C ' -v.. .ii.rciiu. iHIl'. 11, nr., n.l i n, V. K. -IH RAifcK r Fehrusrv '.'1 l'"40. 'jO HIRE, in iht rounf y -A -marl, soive ne gro VVOVlAN.acvusiuined t. h..ue .n,k. Apply at JHItt OFFIOH. iron, IJiJi l-srii, . 10 wolje.-,, ya0.'4 'kiln. 15a''il N S3 iS I SIS 7 - 14 N l!a P.'4 V- Uo 11 a Jill i Kit'l. C u ) . kit .a :l. . :t.4' i -. . ... . . tut k. " ' ai!ies rxia its'... , K'l IWl ;Sv.i..i.y. ZQt Kvif.i i", rf.B:a-Rv 6, isi. i" c .' . I's'AU.n. -5a i.l 1 .. , . . I j y ' Liru, , W ID a I. Hitirin'; v7 a It.) " all, 0 7 I J If. Mil, ( III. i, !j 7,-, ? I' j i (.k) J.I'JK,J lt ! Sni-sr i... vvm)..i'4 4x.'-- " '' i' '" Id , i '..' lJi 1 1 la i IMi..,, (!.)) 41 l 5 V. I.tni. " .. Wnn-k", - :;(J ..!. - IS t t f -- ' - a a riiOtTKCTL's 0 'TUB ' , ',. A mnnthli, ptp'r JeintrJ lo l, 7'mDrrrf,; o , ' Publi,h,J at A.h;iU,X C, end rfj'"' DY D. It M'ANAI.LV. V , A TrKBsra Covuirios htt i...i lace early in Septeqjtrer, revived on '.nu'.hsfm,, . !r of the above title snd rharacter, lpo 1"J R" John Dick-Hi sihI D. R M'A.,.11, , ZZ f ""J !""tl 'B-'irewcnm, lr. Dukmin . has, li deeu a it m.praciiciUe lor him to t ,.. T, wir tH uie C.OIO)., iiiou!;), ,u Wlll clierlullv u,. .11 .tlMmulihewillcheertuUvL.,. subscriber tlrrreiore, pr.enl to ns-ue tl.a I'nmLuL in his own name, ami hope Hist he will bes the undertskire. by s'l ihe friends ot the Temp-rsM. v.."iw."--, iu (iniiiioie lu-inieresf iu cae mroujiniiut toe countrv. snd tUt the pop. B, soon hat an extensive circujstion. . 1 . Frirndi tflkt Ttmitriuct Vuuul to vou w a most earnest jpeal-while th.mMmls t.p.n thw. , and of dollsrsaro annually eipended st thea!re at circus.., it the race track, at groceries, while no nam. ' sre sptrea, in luxury ol retiremen snd esse -ireonne' and no hbor deemed Ua severe to advance the mttr. ests of political sspirsntr, can youiot do something i- a caue that must be deer to every true patriot, philta thmpist, and christian ! Recollect there are but IV t ..u.k u u ;H .it ... ... i i 7j mw, iiv.il ymynim III an UI OOUWiem COtlntry The Western part of North Carolina, th Westers pari of Virginia, and th Ea.tern part 6f Tennesf psrtit g. larly, ntwl a perioiiicsl of this kind, and it is fui von now to y whether they shall have if The very low price at which it vrs Cted by t!. Conventkm, will make it recesrsry, thst very lsre sub-er,itioo b had, beilr the puWicstiwi tf it cits justifiid. , -,. r.: , - -- : TERVS. - ' '" "' V "" r T Hrifrrii Ciiom Tneprruncr AAecaft till be puWisInd oo a medium sheet, in quarto tWm, ear. number making eight paires, and will be furnished it the very low price of Fifty Vet$ a copy. Where sis g!e copies ar tiken, the payment must be made int.. riabiy upon ihe reception .r the first number, . OT Pwimssters, editors or piibjisheraef paper, all MinWter of Ih G pel, ar authorised agents. rjirrLi:.m:T CP tjh: cloxji:. Projclvt fvrtUi Congrtuional hiftniAmiit, Then work will be published hy ca, during tl; tp.. ' pruschmg sesaion of Congress. Tb-y hsv bad sucat wide CirculatMHi in Ih lulled fmien, and Ihetr iMuh nees and Cheapneia sr o uuiterrtily acknowldgrd, ihnt we deem tl unnecessary to give 1 detaded sccouU of what th future number will contain, Puffii.- h ih aay, tlist they will b iov.lualile, tu til who feel so in teiest 10 Ui pioeeedtnjsii Congrei No other pulv I l.catioo give litem so lull, wi uail so cheap. It w, is I deed, the Cheapest paid, cation 111 th Uuiled Mates 1 peikv(( in tb world, t lor p:iMtn tt Ui sest of (i ' .vcrnibrut, tuab'e as to priui them at so low a rats. ! are cimipelied to punlish the proceeding of Cot grcs in.deud, lor our dary piper. Th s done, it if quires, cowprst:vely, bu! a small taptnse lo change Ummii lo tho form of the Congressional Giooe and As. penaix. 11 11 wer not V Uirse cirtooisUnces, tt could out publish them for four timet tb turn thtrrrd. l:i some pnrt of the t'mleU ruu, th white psprr, upon winch thej works tr printed, would tell M ta ! much ts w charg lor the f ubiicaiss.s. I The ('s(rrrniiJ UU bt is msde -up of lit Cli'y , proceedings ol Ui two tloosrs ol tamgres, and tiit speeche of the Biemher condensed i'lie yeta fi n.jton all liuprUbl auhjecta ire fifi;-ll ra IWhcd as &at as Ihs 1 bnwnes of tha two House ttiorJt '"'i.iiiuia hu..ioer. Ut nuniUr will crw turn sineen rovtl quarto p ges, of m II type, v eaaert bi pubii.li line imiu'air lit every two weekt of tha atawsia. r "." ' ; . Th A;pediconUinthtpeecVof thema.bci tt lull length, wr.Uen ih t.r theissslvewi end wit.iJ ' ri t-! i CwirtaeJott'OloW-itata. ... .4mbluuia fest tii secfs cs b prepared k . tb men.br r. , r J ' Kathoi lhe4 work s fflffipkU.iiMUl!U-ettl -d'-imii for every suucnbvr bi hsv both becauae, i "'''"there shtaiM Ke ambiguity in the synopsis ol a speck ' : ib the Corgre.0!ial Globo, or any dtuial of it cur- recinew, it may remitved ( once, b refemrg to th sptth in the Appendix. . , ,, . f laiexes to boib r rof'lo tubsrriber. at eon tl 1 tliexxtaJiw pped,amee-4WH-mrnment T3f Con-"" . llLRAJA - For on e f y of :h Cu.vressonil Gwb $1 tut copy 14 ui Appem tx .1, -tot xemri)xMi&'M-' rar4twvwnTdnMti,and a prujmrUohate nun l U r of copies for t largi r sum. Paym-'tit may be trinuittcd by mi il, pmUct fuj, it our risk. 1 h note of tnv incorporated fink k lh ,flJl5 .5!"trAJturreni -itWeettrwrot cetmrry ihere s ubcriU-r re.ides, wtll he reeivd. lo liters til ihe nu nbrn, tl.e subscription s!mu!d be l, r; by Uie Uib of lKioter nextat IkribrsL The Imocrslic papeia wlih which we exihanje, wiW p!rMe give this pnp. cius t few internee. - 'jlT So Utrt'ion toll is naiJ ( k umhu hr rn'inry sccomjisnirs it. ,. . x. PLAIR tt HIVES, aJai gton City, No. t Hl ' ' TO TllV .VKWL1C. ; ' pilrSuheer.ber taktw lh method of Infurmlng Ih a I'uMic, Ust be still cootuiues to cans oa the bu- of "rinvM "rn neini.n - ...... U CTCLZt as us-iil, at hi Gr ramie tluary, seven mile South i4 .-artoiiry, nesr ti -id l h;irleoi rod, where he is nble tt. supply liK order, for MILI -STtlVKS .,f ih ; l'et grit, snd oo the shorteel notice. ' ( tjo- fr Rale, at tha htwesLprice,' ' WINDOW SII.LS, lOll S1I.I.S.DOOR STKP!?, ROU4JII BIJIIJ)1X(- KS, TQMfjyftJ5h uoui nniDFJts, &c. 4c. Ac. ' v k . k rJ' ,'"Ll,,'H)UdR.Se-Clcr. halubury.Oct V!ith.iNXI. y; N. U Orders (. tnv of the ahn ....t.. - u.ru to man oeioAofj.ill be rubcluallt sU- a , wctBjnJU'i fjitl I I ,.H)l: . "'l',,c u,l crhe oo an ,hlivi,iiei,i of ihe above kind in I'HiWoTrr j -M-nli Cnr.-limi, a few door tmrth of the Mini. I liiiv.ii.. ssl.e ciiweivM thorough knowledge ,f .-.-.un.,, n Hcisnoiieitutioii inatMiiiiig Ihos who mny v,l, i0 pslronixe him, thai their wink, thtll he .lone-m the v,t mlu.aiMnr, andooV socomm.idstiiig terii.s. a P ki nml other article sent from a distance In ' U hm.1, w-, be prnmpUy .tieiiired in and careful. Iv r. tori,ed whi n d ...c. The public are fcqtictt. -d '- '.-ivn r(. i trinl. '7-(Mere I. fl si tie H'.ern Ctroli.iitn Of-ti-e w,n be rn.!,eiu,:iy fw-warded for completion. Ctoib.il, Feb. 7, fj(). 1 . 1 ft wrttfll-wj fir, III ; ISooU ISintlery. jMOKFATS LIFII PILL'S tf lilTI LKS. Tlm..!.fIK 1'H.LS AND PIKFNJX ill I I hRS, en cek-brsied, and c much nsid oy lis at I c!.d in everv part of t io iounU, is bow re teiviid snd fr sal by the subscriber. . , CRESii Ai IK'GP.R, Agent. Msms, FPa,M,. 4. Siiai.B, in Concord, N. C , art tlwApntstw il,BMm( ar ' ' .' P. See tdvcnrsemeni. April 4, .'S!), ' it . 7

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