. V '-ME WESMRM OILMAN, v. W i ! l . I . '' . m M M1MFWtlli)1 Lim I I ' I I 1U.BI ., 1, B -TUB tOWBBS HOT DRIBS TrD TO THR OlfirrO STATU BV Till COffSTITVTIOJI, HOC MOHIBITED BY IT TO TUB ITlTIS, All ItSBBVBD TO TKB IT I TBI SRSPeCTIVBLY, OR TO TUB rBOrLB. kmmdmtntt tO tkl CotljitUtion, Xttclt X- . ..,1. w i 1 S A LISBUHY, N. O, 31 ARCH 5, 1841. j Whole Number 1,080. (EAR; BM'llT2SWgi. Ducts. Killian & Po we, Si'. IlAVINa associated themselves together,' n the A practfc of Medicine, resnectfilllv offer their aer. vices, ill til the various branches of their protection lo La ....1.1 . - m, - . ..... a . . wio pjuue. meir vuicc i In Mr. West' brick Miming. , - : . ; . : fal'sbirv,N.C.,Jajiary 8, 1941. V n. DR. JAMES C.WbMACR - HAVING locstwl bimw li wrmanentiy in Ih Town of SALISBURY, tenders bit brofussionsl services to it critens end the adjacent country, in til tha various brunch' of hi pro- irsaton, I ! eaa be lonnd it tin (Mhce.on main Street oueduor below the office of the M Western Carolinian." Julys, iia ; : . , ; .-. i MISCELLANEOUS. earcelv had he stationed hiiitsell tber wbeuj hi Vrcler succeeded one another as it' be uad juat I pitched hut tent id a field of battle, tie loll met want ef combatting solitude end silence to bun I wa more awful than lh" preeowce awl jracae u n army The Duke de Trevuw (Mumer) wee appointed Governor of the province, tbo Duke de Dannie (Lefebvre) was ordered to. occupy lite Kremlin,atid take charge o( the police oi lust quarter ; the King cf Naple was.jo urue tne enemy, nolto lose eight oi them, ly pick up eirag glew and srti.d them to Napoleon. .N'ght cabie on, and aa n cam Napoleon grew a gloomy. Some carbine report bail been ueaid in ihe direction of the Kolomna gale I It wa MU rat, who, alter inaicutng nine iiuuured j-uea, anil binir Dnent in in action, bail crocii iu rapitol' of the V&re, a he would bate none a village, and overtaken the Cteoacke ou the lad imir road. Some Fienchiut'D were auoouueed who had come to eolicil their fcmperur a ciemeiicy Napol00" ordered Uiein to be bruognt in, aoxioua ly qnet inning tberaL thanking tiiuu m ome uea- rare for having com to him with new i but tit tbe J . . . . t i il ....... nret word tney utierea lie irowneu, new uuu , ,. tiiii or Til - rVBUSlIED WEEKLy:::::::::::CHAS. PJ FISHER, '-EiUrirjuti Proprietor,'' ' The Vetbr"'Caboukub ia published every FriAajf, : at 2 vot annum, in advaaca, o fil W, if not pawl in three month from the time of eubrtriUing. OCT No paper will be discontinued until all arrearage are paid, if ih utcriber i worth Die ubecription ; and the fail. ureU) noiify the Editor of a wihtodwcontinue,at least ot boiitb bctbre the end of the year aobacnUed for, will be contidered a new engagement, t !- kturthtttntnli consDicuouitli and correctly l- rrni at $1 per quare--(of 4U mu,or ) line of tbie eised type) the flret ineertion, and 23 ctnt air each conimuance. Court and Jndicial advertiee cnanu 25 per cent, higher than the abovt rate. A de duction of Ml Pjr cwtt from lite regular price will it aiaue w ymny aaveniwra. yr naimvKmmum lent in for publication, mutt be marked with tba new br of inwtion deaired, or they will be continued till forbid, and ehareed accordingly. 4 ' to ecur attention, ill leiiere addreeaed to the Edi tor oa bBwneea, taint be free of Fotagt, - ' . , : s ; i (LATE DAV1') HOTEL. m AGUE ft. UU If UHU navi g " - j' j ; lengin ifeacried. Ou beholding tha city with the threat wa Ven.g realiaed, yeNapoleou atill doubt Katabli'hiftent on tbe aame liberal c..o a hereto fure, end will evert theuwelve lo make it a deai rahle reaidence for - .. . "BOAUDEUS AND TRAVELLtllS, aa Uaeir table will atway be aupplied with the tet n,a mrV afford, and their Bat with-Ihe boat Lia-wra, and their SiaWea with attentive Oatkr and abendiHit provender Tim F..uhluhii4il will be under the ticliwive luaitftement of IV A. Haanie, furmerfy of I he habory lintel,, North Carolina, and hia Jng trmm-a. will eoama mill I) lira Keiniai (acton. . . " ' '' " " '". ; , Unden, S. C Jn 89, 1841. 6m "UOW AN HOTEL t NAPOLEON AT MOSCOW. lbe demal. lbey related in the afternoon, that the r rench army diacovered indeed arrange thing. According lo luein, moa- tbe holv CUT from the heiirhta ot Mount Salvation. I cow wa doomed Id oeatrucliob ; Mucow waa A - l. - -J I. - ' L r . . 1 i Ji It ... I, A . - . k i .. ... tit .ia.u.ti M9 uau wtu mo cam iuivgii yeara ueiure ai mo l coout nioeu uy uio ivuwiaiia iucuiki.c, u n" pecl of the fyra.nida.one hundred and ,twenly aon. rohre. It waa inipoamble, thought lie. tttousaud niu iinuiedihtely clapped their handa, At two in the morniiig(he uewa arrived of a v Witmg, " Moacow I Muacuw 1 " Alter' a long fire having broken nut in in Commercial Palace-, nnViuiitHM) in ibat eea 4 iteppet, lend as atlor the tiiteni quarter ol tbe city. Kueiupcuun gulueu cupola, all waa forgotleo, aveu lire totribleled it i it muat he .the impruUeuce of aoine euldier and blood battle ol La Muafcowa, hab hao and that bad caused the contugratlpti. an toi oe deiied the army a moch aa li jl had been a uetedt, I liel he tabued order alter order and oeapatcbed AlicPl.Michiug with out) hand the Indiau Oveau. iiieaenuer after mesceiiger. Uj light came with- , France thought abe wae about to extend the oilier out the flume being extingumhod, lor a auange to the r olar ce.' Nothing bad arrected her pro- circuii.iitatice, no where bad any engine Dean gieaa, neither the deaert ot eaod nor the deaert ol 1uimJ. Napoleon then hastened in. peraoD to the iuo. blie wa really lh Qiieen of the world, ceiie of hn diaaatef. It waa toe taull of Mortier lie who had had hereell eucceeaively crowoed in the fiult of ihe YWig Gnaid ; au arvae trout every capital.. - ttw luiprudeiice ol the aoidiera. It wk ilitn that , Tue alioot of the whole army, which broke up M truer turned the atleuliou ot Napitleou to a itarauk iueagar impatience, broogbUipNapoieou ch a tl hou e which waa ku dlmg by itaeif aa if by jbiutaell. - Ilia leemt Waa an inetpreaaibie joy, ma ic Nipojtuii aighed, and aluwiy Wended, that biighiaoej bi brow. Aa all the rest, he ex " dnipiig liead, the alepa leauingXto the cUiincd Moacow J Moscow I " Biaiiding erect iu Kremlin. ni aurrupe ; out in atiauuw a cloud waa iiumc lie nan ai lengin reacnea mat oeaired object oi diately aeea lo pe over In lore head a lie re 1 hi enterprise; in Irmit ol him.elood the aitcieot aumed hia aaddl aud otterd tbe word, " ttaii reeidenca of Ihe taar ; to hie right the choth ttmpirl ''J.'1: encloing their toaiba, lo tbe led the Senate a ral armjr balled, for Napoleon. k aping hia eye ace : and in the background tbe lofty steeple of - eljerl'iiC4iiJUi-Xh.Jfu.exaected.lh4Lfrw,l '' wkoi, whoa gilt eroaa, beforehaiid ded- that Ihe fire, aiinultaiieoualy kindled at a Ihouaand p ace, wera the work of one oud the aame will, il not of one and Ihe aame band. He wiped hi fore head, whence copioue perpirtion fljwed, and, ut taring a aigh, exclaimed, " Voitu done conmie iU oou fonla guerre I La civiliz-ttttm de Saint i'e tersbourir uoua a troimiei, et lee ltoaaea modcrue aoot touia n lee ancien acytlicai" . lie immediately ordered all who xhould be aoi Bed kindliHS. or stimulatim the lirew to be tried ' and shot : the Old Guard occupying the Kremlin, were to ataud to their arm, and every thing waa to be kept ready to quit a city which had toeo Biajght from ao great a diatance, and on the occu nation of which ao tnctch dependence bad been placed. v An hour alter tbe btnperor wa apprized mat hia order bad been executed ; a nie twenty m candiariee had bceo ahot. They had avowed that they ware lo Ihe number of nine hundred, and j that before evacuating Moacow," the Governor Roatopchiii, bad concealed them in cellar, iu or der that they might aet tire to all pnria of the ci ty. They had faithfully obeyed hi command. In that hour the (la net bad made furthor pro greaa : lite lueiiiiui luwKeu nae an niuitu cast into a sea of fire. Tha atmosphere waa loaded with burning vapour j the glaaaof the Kremlin' win. d'twa, which had been closed, cracked and fell to piece the air waa filled with ashes and dust. At that moment a last ory WMaied of" The . Kremlin i on ftretw" Napoloon grew pale with anger. Thu even ihe attcieut lace, the old Kremlin, Ihe re deoce of tbe Curs, waa riot aa crcd lo thowe political Croatrates; at lau he who had set fire to it had beeosvized. II.: wa brought before the Emperor. Il was a soldier ol tbe Kusaia police. Napoleon questioned bun, when he repent d what has already been said. Each bad hit task .' allotted to him ; that entrusted to him and eight of hie comtads w .a to fire the Kremlin. N tpole- on drove him out with diaiutt, and he was shot in the pslace court itself. THE HELD OP WATERLOO.'. I have epoken heretofore with suioo levity of the. contrast that (lists between lito English and Fr'uc character ; but it deserves more serious considers lion They are the two great nation of modern timos roost diametrically opposed, and most worthy of each other's rivalry j essentially dwtinct in their charactors, excelling iu opposite qualities, and rej. flee iug lustre on each other by their very oppoei lion, Iu nothing is this oou rust more strikingly evinced than in thi-ir military conduct.' Fur agca have they been contending, and for agee have thef crowdod each other's history with act of splendid heroism. Take the Battle of Waturho, liif, in stance, the Inst and moat memorable trial of tlttir rival prowess. Nothing could surpass tha briilninl daring on the one side, and tbe sieiuliast enduring on the other. The Ficuch cavalry bruke like waves on the compact squares of English infantry. They were seen gslloping round those sorriud wall of men, seeking in vain fur an entrance; loading uieir arms in ine air, in me nehi oi tneir eiiibuoi asm, and braving Ihe whole front of battle. The British troops, on the oilier hand, forbidden to move ot fire, stood fir hi and enduring. Their cotuutiia were ripped up by cautMiury whole ruwi were ewt'pt at a shot : the aurvivura closed their ranks. aud stood firm. In this way many column stood through tbe pelting of the into temjtest without ti ring a shot ; without any action to stir their blood, or excite their ini. Death thinned their ranks, but could not aliufe their souls. . A beautiful instance of the quick and generous impuhtes to which the French are prone, is given in Ihe case of a French cavalier, in the hottest of the action; charging furiously upon a ttrilmb offi cer, but pe.ceivmg tu the moment of assault, that bis adversary had lost his sword arm, dropping the (xtint of hia Mure, aud courteously riding on. Vace be with that gencruu warrior, whatever were hi fate I If tie went down in the storm of battle, with the foundcrmij fortune of hi ciuellain. may the turf of Waterloo grow green above In V i V v Tbe Emperor was tle o earnestly urged to quit grave I and hapmer far would be the fate ol men the palace where tha ore pursued him, but he apirit, lo sink amidst the tempest, uncousciuus of would resist the endt ncs he baa oeior mm, detest, than to survive, und mouru over tbe blighted clinuing lo his will, and ueither relusing nor sub-1 laurels of bis country. mining, tie remained deaf, inert aud in cunai'er I la this way the two armies fought through a long nation, when all at once a vague rumor ol the I and bloody day. Ihe liench with em liu.in.no Kremlin being undermined circulated about him. I valor, tbe English with cool, inflexible courage, un At Ihe same moment wera bea'd me ciieani meim rate, aa it lo leave tbe question ol superiority grenadiers calling lor him. I be news bad apteau I atilt undecidt d between two such adversaries, aiiuiiff them; tney would have their t-mperoi. and de tared if he cam not to them immediately their wotntt ttmmseTrTI tetctr Dim. . . . . :J n... one of It gate aome daputattou .( long beamed Itued by bun to be sjUttitulsd for thst ot the In Napoleon at lengtn roaoe op nis romu, bui ""j l. l- .il. ..... ij .ii .l. a t u. K hoar aria ha to aet out So much lima had bt!eu DODieinan ana juaita; jjii wnu umigua nouiu coui i " , vinm.nucu iu uv uuuica ut hiukuw. . - ...-."-.x""- "- j i- - ,t fct,. .j ,hm i...t ..i. ...... .1 ii ti i . ..h-. .,. k.i,;.- r; lost rnsr rw ouiiei waa tea, im ailm vUtEsefBi si- lure, tne sast and splendid aMftiQejrtaBieb iM.sswvrMisr'ain ar. --- m-.-. x , nor me ngniticeut view ol thai .:' i ,r.r. brought up tbe Prussians lo dstide the fortune of the fwld. .J. . : ll wa several years afterward, that 1 visited the lent e:4 eoiilrj if . lbe.CH wr asfeepf tw went -thi wgtlV rht sunscttITltsU,,, T iVISf ourehscd thai weir known nd. Irig iUihed ioltc ht1, (know by (he nafm . -a - .....-. T r ..." al.a Ii.un ni i, I ... rr. .... "- - I aa a . . . . . . . -WHabghW'ra M-net,i mxvvf iu.h..sm.v -7 f 7iuoke ar Irem tha cbimneyi Large IHghtaol wosaowa, with a world oi houasssw"-' -"""'t iivuirv, i. v., tuiuMin in. , prow iioverea rouno tne rvrenino, ana aiigoiea j ' "i - Lti it-1 - A, n ,K- .jj.i,;,!, Hi..n,.rH irom nil rnme. 11 was not racow mat ne nan f UISVll m'ltaV WMivj I SNS w v mvaj aaswHS'S'-wa ww ww 1 . Who was it that, had killed it I besf Ihe market and sarMUudnig t-u f y r. . .m. , , , ,,;., ,f u.,nir bv Ihe . Oa a sudden he was told that tha fir waa cx discover a passage. Several ardonrmiice field of Waterloo. The plouvh share haa beeu.,t, buy.,7ilkr, ita.oblivwoa "fetrrarlf tfio frsquoot harvest had nearly ohltletated ibe-veatrges-ut war." " Still the blackened ruins of floguemont Hood, a n nibM.,juUal liiw. mut ibm wdaaw4i III ,lhlS V0 nemeni, struggle, its brtkco walls, pierced by 1..1...V TU. IlilorntS MIS iricuoa rra ma ,"'v eeiierilfv, thM the same is now open f r ti JCi'p- ? r f r - - - 1 V..,..,t.v , 1 - IU Table and Car will be u; ; ' ' !. wnh ihe h ill Etatblci": i" ' 1 Willi gram, and ft iVCUT'r.Si: attenti': U -U'lrs. " - ' - The un-) 'M-d '- l 't" lioaW.;. F be waiiimg, ta iikcli.ai lu.all.ho. u.ay fnW ;nn V'Su T- , - JAMES I U' A.V tf. . . !. -cncJ an army to motion, as if leaving by n j . . - . FKtmr 11,. !?. U ,-a rnilE Subecrihcr hnvmg purcliserd this I. . A' c.i.i.'r.t.niitnt aiul tiluHl Hal saviv V--'!!? ? vr sn a iKeaniui.idSlloa'of TrivstUfi d 1 . .'."..'in . i. rr-mtrA (i the ty. liar TABLE will slwsvs b furnished Willi the best tbe market can afford; . ' k.'a''.t. . . 1 Ulnnl tt cholc IjolKlTSi hi III n.M wtin S'"" ei- w . .. ... muj .1.11 .1..... Lvnt in fine order : B'tn ttis hl.s(lh sre vert exten-ive) sre well Mpulied with ;ProenJer of the first nJ.J?D.ltVl8,'le?.rbf ?T ansamiiruinosiier. . - . . ; lis hopes, by atriet attenlioa to the bosinea. in per- 111 neau sgnm. rt wawt .1. .1. . 1 : . r ..ii.l.. ... 1 1 . . 1 . 1 1 1 1 ii u ri r iim iniiiMriMfi - ilia iiiriitnR hb. .1 i i 1 11 x i OIH3 lliorrt IIIUl UltM:it1UI BHDII'T wu II.U iiifv 1 1 1 it ,r ., A r( hands from the IMiemen lo. tUat 01 uiesw-vpofisweeeeoeoomj anotiier. a Jl.,.1. . aud who was n uncios iiilo lbeat. corumg to uiein me ivrsnuin araenai comami 1. n.n,ii. a il iha Krannh srinv. es.' e- lorty thousHnd bnglisti, Austrian, and Kuastan hdiiais and Poniatowaki exleutfed 10 tha new l .'""" rtrXZ vVt",,. .TOVMcaiureuato,,, were also ordered to explore the iieigliborbtKid of bullet, and ahahered by explosions, (hewed tha th pslace for the him irp. Alljasgerlj I deadly strife ihat.itad-lskeu place within f when ob yed7lhofficer rapidly "descending al, tbe I Caul and Britsm, heiHatad in between narrow stairs sud Berliner and Gourgaud ascending tbe walla, hand lo hand atid foot to loot, (ought from terrace, (Scarcely were lbey there when lbey were garden lo champer, with intense and coiiceniriiii d ..n.irfT. .n.iii.ifi 1 ' fivaivrrmrcuidiiiiis ui anioKeiDiueir uCiirtnit the wind and rarefaction of the air wera such that vortex of battle as from a volcanoe 1 "it wa-, they could not resist the commotion f it wae im4atd irry gorrlep44 like a-trttle hetl tiVott t artlii" rxmsible to see anything but an ocean ot names, ut far on, 1 wo or three broad apoia of rank un without aoerture or limit. wholesome jrreeja jiUI-Jnarkod- tiie-tdacer whew Ther retorned and madf ttwrr diittiM report 10 1 these rival warriors, alter their fierca, ana, tjUylfciaaiti mm INapovon. ll. .hen,po ,wngerpeeia,twi tbt lap 01 uieir :- : :.' t i ........ - .,k lOO.OOO Iba. ol nunoowdar. and a tarter ouartitT 7 aeaceuoeo id .n --t- r " " "noug.u- . 4.ll o.KU imi w,i. i,n..n , , . - . . 1 j I ahu t 'A .Utin.n.11 of lb suburb Without anv silll oi sanprire, nan pern wuna cuocaeieo in is- r . r , 1 .... f.. ...i... lj i 1 1 .k..:. depulalion preeeiiling itself. , ; wieu ouiHiiugs. uauounuy nau anuooau uieir ' ' . . . ... I I 11... ........ 11 I .... lull ,I..um. ..Iumu w.p. r...nll t he JUrshalslht'O gstnereo suoui nim,aenvtng h" ""i- t-k"7 ' j"jTrir?,J"' ..j.wr ?irtpteon, Oerrotd - IS . . I mm Bw. mm. mm BSlSM BBk IS SI son, to iv esuiiscti. w an w u..7 - " Lnington". N. C, Fab. .! u S. -ai.- m ' 1 1 ' ' ' B ' THE Subscriber having dis posed of bis establishment to NU.ar & lla'len. h reman ing Mi hand 2 fine Barouches, Crrv-slls. 1 BU.-i'V, 1 out' S I 1 1 s 7 V JL.' - 1 "Wit ' thi-ir anxkl CrumJi.a auxiatf . i ig their clo-ided broWa and wiaiful looks, gueaeed . tiial his thouhtl'wera Ih) thoughts of all. " Pa- '4ia..ce,plietca,,,aaid ba'1-S.Uioae people are so aivii ittat they, pcrhups.doaul know bow tosur- enHar. . - i' . ' Iii Iht meantime Mtftal h'ad penetratod into the . 'eit t Nanuleou. no longer able to resist his tm kaiuce. sent Gtuirfaud alter kin; Gourgaud galloped off, entered the city and joined Murat at the utoti.f-M'fchen ie'of Milsrooowick' oflkers wsj dechring la .fbe Kuig of Naples -that tne Kuuaa Gcuersl would set fir to tbe city if kt rearguard wer wt alhwed lt:iie"enoujjh to retire Gourgaud galloped back and conveyed the new to NaptJeoo, whose reply wai, Lvl 'then 'got I want alt Moscow, flout the richest palace to Ihe humblest hut." - . Gourcsud went back with the answer to Murat, rhuin he round smiost a panv oi vwm" " wera gating wilb aslonishmeut at the e in broidery k, close Camaties. one of Qf hl f(ch n,,MiM and the plumas decking Ins thsm a very One anic.e, msim j f Mr 5 . ...... ......... ! mmt a t m B supaiiw "-" , k . .J ni-j.l jnmber of second hand Bmicns n"-"' "'f"'. all of which he will ell Very lew, ana on a lu-g .v.., for a pod bond. - . , .. H ree.ets all thre hinf open sccoun standing on hi books to call sad settle "'"'nl, 'i vvu Jay, by not or otherwlne. JOUN 1-MIA tR. ;ihtirv. reft i-j. t-s', ' " .Cp ACI1-M AKING ESTABLISHMENT, intii.' K..i..;i..a reanectfullv inform lh citi ar jgaW wwi"".n - " I , . tm a.i U .,.. .,rLli.hur and surrounaingcowniry, .., t'ev hsve cn,nmencl thesbova Bstaiia in all H t t... ia ilte hh.m lormeriy " aiiuai umiivi" a - a . by Mr. John I. Shaver, on the aoutu easi o.r, where they will fon-lnily keep on hand a rtcty of tehicles, wicn (pmi.cws a-jg mi. i I ..l .1.. . B.m.1 i.i. ...a cap.1 iiurai iniorutru 'irom ut nmin."' ,i watch to their leader,, his triiikel .Jo anolUer, and when he sd mnhiiig more to give, borrowed t e ach nl ringM ol the aids-de camp. Me.imW.le ihe Kusniwh army, shelwred by tin terb-l convention, continued ujevacuale M mcow. N.mdMtu supped at Ihe'i; te. siill expecyng ll.l I. .ill uf III I 1 ' --"'' mil - I llB 1118 fill .k, i i.twn. No living being appeared and andfumnhedshd sjlouIJlte occupied by tbe u pe rn r uittcer ol ilia army, oome nouses, wnicn j lud tieeu deemed empty, would be opened ; they belonged to the middle clashes ol sticiety, arid they ' would tame or attract olhers. Lastly; we bad be ItiuU u U50.00U men, aud might await winter. With -prnig war would revive, aud wub war vie lory would return. Napoleon fell thui asleep bstwixt contanding apprehension and hope. At midnight the cry of" Fire I" wa again heard. The wind waa from tha North, and the fire had bsoken out towarda tha north. Thua chance see Hided the flamea. Tha wind drove thsm in the directum ol the Kremlin, which they approached like a burning stream. Alresdy did the starks h to the palace' roof, and fall amidst a perk of ai'il er stationed under it walla, when the wind sinii'O to tne eat. 1 he Ik nies changed their di rictioii they extended, hut removed to a distance. Siidnaiiiv a ei-iiii i tire kindled in the east, and ,iUame.i nke i'ie (irt. ou.hed bv lite wind. No further doubt could be entertained ; it was a new ncin-me of. destruction at pud by the enemyr sat the evidence N iHtleon had so lonj shrunk trout begsii To gnaw his hesrt. Fresh columns of smoke sun flame soon arose from various parts.. .The wind being still uncer tain, and constantly ahiltitig irom norib to east TinagrmlwU enVel.tpedlhe Kiemlni irom all idea. At ever moment lorreuia tlowed irom 'amazes. i- 'JMOUCHCt, ;jj Varrmlis. .. ... i.. fhey win warrant aheir workmanstnp nut .n . wnVpxaH by any ut this secti.tn ol country, a .... y , h .ve on hand a largo aopplyyol me oesi and, aUsin their employ first it workmeo -ri The rniUcriber will also keep cotwiantiy on nam., Ilaruess) of every description, jas they have a first rste Harness maker. . - Order for work from a dintnnce addresseJ to , the aubacriber will be punctually nttcmled to. N. D. All kind of repairing done no the abort est notice. DANIEL 811 WER; ' D. F. 1IADKN . Salisbury, Jan. 22, 1P41. ' every returning officer uttered tbo airange word, Mneoar ia deserted.4 Yet he Cmld nut believe - them 5 he looked -on and listened it wua the eoli tude of Ihe desert the silence in orain. ne -a at tha gulp f city of u inlis it wai Puiiiikji oi Necmpolia. , N hel.-a-. he still flattered himself that, like nrant.ua. he would find either the army at the eapitol, or the Sen nors magnanimously awaiting his arrival iu their curule chairs. To prevent auy ascapin from Muacow who had not such right, he ordered the city to be surrounded on one sido by Princ Eugene, and n the other by Puntaiowski ; .1.. n.ow .nn-ad alonir I ke'a crescent, and uveloned M.co. lie then ordered the Duke of Dantaic and the Young Guard to puh on, and pemirnie to the heafl of the eapitol. At length, afW delaying In ontty, a Jong a. he could, aeifhawuld.'(..l. uUwhat his own eye -bo-a i.l l.. ,l. iir.in.H mrnassinff the Doroimnistoll tTate!ituiniiion. d to him his Secretary Interpreter, .u. . nin,t W,ih Moscow, oidjred him to WHO W nvI mt - close to him. and whilst advancing tuwaro '.u.i ,i... ..lenea which waa only inlerrbpt 1 by III Y a-..-,. .... w . the noi of his own steps, he pul qtiesttous ti htm .k,-.. .11 i he deserted palaces, iiiotiumeiit, and j.iiin. h beheld blore him. lheii, .f...i I., entiini ii.t i that iiolrn Thabo, stoop, d, alightettfro.n hwir took P ton.por.iry aUsIa in a Inrge inn which wsa abaQ. doned like tha rent of the uity. those trtam of fire, which epresd in Ibeir turn. It was no longer a fire, but a sea of flsmes an immense tide, ever ascending toward tha loot ot die Kremlin wails. - ' , All ntiilii Na'pol oo b held with Urror tht fiery tempest: there his might epired and hia gemua w.is coiinu-red. The sun ,r over Ilia lumae, and da iignl exhibited the uijiil' disaMer. The lire had a. complMied its enormous ctrcie, orivmg the woi kmeii b. fore it, an, drawing uearer and nea.er to the K a nlm. Reports then succeeded nnn ... t .er and we bei!.tn to ascertain W w wer ihn inrMiidiaries. . a In the nurhi of the 14th, the very night or the occupatKHi, a globe ol fire had fallen upoit Pnuce TroulKilskiM palace, ana sei lire iu u. " no doubt a signal, tor at, wa viy moment mo K. li..noe was on flam, and at two or three places the conflairation made it appearance. kindled, by the tarred lancei of Kuwian police soldiers. Huwila-r had been conc.eaieo in aiiis.si all Iho stores, and the French aoldiers, in lighting tl.sm la Warm ihemsolves, had made them explode, ... tl..t the huwiizer had killed the men aud set fire to the home. All night had fcaen apent by ihe man in flvimi from h u to house, and i aee. nig the house they were in ort a ona Ihey were .n....i...u.,imlw mtl lined ttlioul any via r.llC'.UK. nfn..... - iblc cause. 'Miwcow wo evilentl dtatmod r.imi.leln desructinft Napoloft was then compelled to acknowledge to which lh St relit had been massacred; but on less whistle of lh peasant floated on Ihe air, in. reaching tha couri. no aperture was diacoreredi atead oLlha .trumpei's elamorrihe team ilowly the fkiua blocked all Ihe dwrt-wMToo Tale, labored up Ihe hill-aide, wre ahaken by the hoola At that moment an officer haateoed up out of of ruahing aquadrons; aud wide fields of corn breath, covered witbAperspiration, and hi hair waved peacefully over tbe oldier' gravis, as soul half burnt: be had found a passage i it waia mer seaa dimple over the ptuce where niaiiy a tall close postern gala which mutt epso upon the Mo ship liaa buried. . ..' kowa. Four aappere ruehed lo it, and shattered . -..,. it with their axa. Napofeon advanced between PeoanfW.--They briginala nwra lliaii two walla of rockaj hia otfkara, marshala. and half the current wit of lh day in the Great WesU guard followed t to retrace bis iiepa would now There ia a racy freshness, moreover, about tha be impossible, ha must go on. pleasantries of that region, ibat is delightful Tb officer had been mistsken ; the postern From the Missouri Journal, we have clipped tha gata opened not oo Iba river, but into a.narrow following anecdote of an eminent legal gentleman atreel which waa biasing. Napoleon aet tha ex- of that Stat. If it be a new te the reader as it ample, and rushed foreu.cal beneath an arcade of ia to ua, we will guarantee .hi. favorable audrag. fi e ; a'l tpl lowed, d. tarmim d to die with him. Being one opposed in Mr. , lata member of There was no mora roaJ, no guide, and no Congress, ha remarked a follows to Ihe jury, upon tars. They walked at random, amidst ine crack- f"nt of disagreement between them : Her ling of the flames and falling roofs. All the hou- y brother 8 and I dillnr. Now this ia very aoi were burning or burnt dowu, and from the natural. Men seldom aee thing! in tha sent light, windows aud roola of all that still stood tha flames and lbey may disagree in opinion upon Ih slight ruahed forth in pursu t of the fugitives ; beam eat principles of the lew, and that very honestly, fell, malted lead Biwd in the ffehnela every while, at the same time, neither can see any earth thing wss burning t some of the fugitives fell, ly lesson why they should and this, as they look aufTucated from want of air, or crushed under the J different aidea of tba sulject, and do not viewit" falling wrecks. W - V til it bearings. Supiwe, for illustration, a At that moment the enldiers of the 1st corps, 'han should come in heie, and boldly assert that who where in search of ths Emperor, appeared al mbrother S 's head (here ha lai.l his hand most n the middle of the fian.es: th-y recognized verp.familrary upon tha large chuckle bead of hi ki,. .k.Ut ten or iwelve aurrouiided him. s if In opponent) is a squah ! 1 oa tte other hand defend h.m strains! art ordinary fnf ilia nllt ilmnld it.amtaiin and eihiip. ttlh equal iidluence." walked before him, crying, "Par ieil pariciT Five minutes after Napoleon was in wfety, amidst I ' the ruin of a quartr burnt down inc tha mon ing.. Jl then diuhed between Iwo Mwa of vahi clea. He asked what wagons and caissons they were. The answer was that they belonged to th , - 1st corps park of artillerv, which had been saved. Every vehicle contained thousand ot pound of gunpowder, and firebrand lay between the wheels ! NapnlMn ordered tha road to Petroskoito be taken t it royal chateau, aitoate outside the city, half a league from the St. Petersburg gate, in the centra ol Princ Eugene's cantonments. There wera his head quarter lo be henceforth stsblished. " Moscow burned Iwo daya and two nighta more ; at lencth on the morning of the ihird day, the ' fl imea entirely disappeared, and through Ihe moke, hie.h covered it like a mist, Napoleon could be. hoi I the blackened and half-consumed skeleton of .. i j. ' . i-2 . j n.. . Ill noiy CHy.-AICJruiw.rr I am a. well conducted ipan," ai the drunken LusbHod ati when ha wa UA home by bit wile. TA Tailed Ye.. One of our exchange paper tell of a man who had grown solsll that bo had got quite out of the reach of his credilora. Good resolution are like oda water if they aland any length of lime before they are acted upon, they loose their strength and become " stale, flttandunfTofitablo" - that it ia a head. Now here would be a difference, undoubtedly an htmest dttlerence of Oiiiuoi. V e ungiii argue about it till dootiiM y and never agree, lou otten see men arguing upon a sub ject as empty and intiing as t.u ! Bui a third person coming in, and lookmir at tha neck anj shoulder which support it, would ty at once that 1 bad reason orrrny side : for if it was not a head, it at least occupied the pi ice of o'te, and stood where a head ouaht to he." All of this was ut. tored in the gravest and most eolemn manner ima ginable, and tha effect wa irresistibly ludicroua. An old man, who lived to the extraordinary age -of one hundred and fitly j ears,-laid down lor him. elf tbft following excollent andxroncise rule lo which he adhered, and the" result sufficiently evince their wisdom : " Keep say he, " y- ur head cool by temperance, your feel warm by exercise, RISE EARLY, go to bed soon, never rat till you are hungry ,ever drink till nature requires it." The Iitnchlhe Bar the Preu. In the tlirr words, says some one, consists the germ of a nation's liberty. If the first is pure snd just, the second inde pendent and firm, and the third tree and untrammelled, no people can ever be permanently, enslaved ; but if ei ther the bench or the bar attempt lo c nt tl tbe press, Uiey will find their own power shskeu to ilie very centre. mwmmmmm. The doTerenca between a rich and pnar mas i simply this: tha former eata when he plcaiea, and lafter vlien ha can get it. . r - t V - i 1 i i i I a-