: HOI! AN HOTEL 13 : "X I AVINQ purchaxed thai well known ami lung rstamisiiea iiiiDiic house, (.known oy tne name jf SUutihtrr1 tfotf-l, situated in the Town of Sa iisborv, N- C, informs his friends and tW public p t .itraMv, timt the ime if now open for lh itcep- ' iUkXM i Dax will be supplied with thSI aV4 the ir. laud surroundnig country aflorde. Iks 9t.itl?t) -pacioue and bountifully supplied grit, id provender, attended by feubJul and aUteotive Ostlers. The underaicned pledge tinweV thai M tur bo oa hi part shall be wanting, is gift general (MlKtaciioQ lo all who assy favor bint wits call. J4MES L. COM AN. SnlMibury Sr pt. IV, 1M0. if. 35 (LATE DAVIS') nOTEL. Ill AGUE V GIFFORD having purchseed " the Hotel, formerly Davis', will continue the LataWiahment on the aaine liberal scjIs at hereto fore, and will exert themaelvee to make it l dei table residence for BOARDERS AND TRAVELLERS, aa tHeir table will alwaya be aupplied with the beat the market atTortf, and their Bur with the best Liquor, and their Stable with attentive Ostler and abundant provender Tbe Establishment will be under the exclusive na agement of T. A. Hague, formerly of the Salisbury Hot!, North Carolina, and hie long experience, will enable him to give general eatia faction. Camden, S. C, Jan., 29, 1841. Im AT Wholesale and Retail, at . W HEELERS'. GRAY'S or Harrison's Oiut moot, Beckwitb'a Pills. .'Mortal's PiIU and Bitters, llouck's Panacea, and Bernard' remedy for Bowel Complaint, for Sale by C. B. dt C. K. WHEELER. safw FRESH TEAS, fjtSyl Win, Spirits, Tobacco, and Cigars, 1 I I Just received and for sale, at the Sails- Ba bury Drug Store. Salisbury, Nov. I!0,440. r von fiJUuiv, 'pHE underaigned, as Administrator of the lte a ' Doct. Austin, offers far. sale the vuloable belonging to the Estate of the deceased. A con siderable portion of the collection wne made by Dr. Austin hiniself with much care, and principally consists of Gold, Silver, Copper, and Lead Orei, in their various natural combinations, selected from the mineral regions of this country ; besides num. bet obtained from Europe. Scientific gentlemen, ot literary institutions desiring to purchase the whole, or any part of the Cabinet, can have farther information ou application by letter to the under signed. The collection will be sold aa soon as s reasooa bls price may 1st oflered fer it. CL WHEELER, Adrai. Salisbury, If. C, Dec. 4, 1840. tf . . IS. K ' Kb Cotton lam. MIE Sub-iilwrs, Agents for the Lexington Cot- 1 . ... LT. ......-. u..Milrl inform lt,a ruihlir that lhv hjve juv r-c-ivd Mini now offer for sale, wbolessle - a-. ''. 'he Cotton Varn of said Factory, coo-:-tmj of various iiumwrs. The sipermr quali ties ill chrfiaeif i of the Yarns of this Factory are so well ifted aii'i known as to need no recoui nifiid.iHi'n from us Those wishing to pur chase will please give us a calL - C. ft. d C. bl. WHEELER, Agte. Apr ! 24. 1540. tf. O' t a nipu t vn 'w&$S9 llOlSt-KCErERSL, ErfeTomae. SALISBURY COFFEE-HOUSE. QrpiIE Subscriber takes pleasure in informing hie - friends and customers, tbat he has just return. ed from Charleston with larire supply ef Groce ries of every description, and ventures to ssr, tbat be has as great an assortment aa any of the North era Citiee, which be will sell low for cash or on a short credit to punctual dealers. 1 be Subscriber s customers will remember that he published a notice in the papere of thie place, requesting bis customers who were indebted to call and settle, and those who bsve not done it, may rest aetured, il it is not done before our nest Court, may expect to Cod them in the hands of an officer for collection. F. R. ROUECHE. CONCORD COFFEE-HOUSE. TUE Subscriber respectfully announces to the citizens of Concord and surrounding country, that he nas opcoed a Urocery store in the Town of Concord, where be will keep constantly on hand a large supply el uroceries, - eccB AS WINES and LIQUORS, imported and domestic ; aitc Suga Coffee, Bread, Crackers, Cheese, Lemons, French Prunes, Cakes, Raisins, Candies of all kinds, Toys, prime cbewinz and smoking Tobacco, Spanish Sesars of the beet quality. Garden Seed of all kinds, Indigo, Copperas, Madder, Ginger, Spice, Pepper, Almonds, Cloves, Cinnamon, Eng. Iish Walnuts, Maccaroni, Vermaaelli, Sardines, Herrings, essences of Cinnamon, Cloves, Pepper, mint, and a variety of other articles too tedious to mention. The Subseribsr hopes by strict attention to bo. sinew to merit a liberal share of public patronage. F. R. ROUECHE. March 12, 1841. tt ' The M Mecbleaburg leffersooiao," and Charlotte Journal will insert the MCeooord CooWUauae," three aneefca, and send tberr accounts to Sahsbory. Bt2! kivi trtth ripply ot the celebrateo iveis ia ha mm Shaker? Harden !erda, of all kinds. I ThoKe wishing Setui for the oexl year, would do well to call or seud soon, as thev " iro like hot rakea." C. B. (a C. K. WHEELER. November 13, 140. w " CAUUIAGC rou 1AL - THE Hohscriber fnrmg di Onaed of bis establishment to Htxver 4. Ilsdep, has remsin ins- on hand 2 fins Bsrouehes, "3 Carryalls, 1 Bueey, 1 8nU kv, 2 close terraces, one ot them a very fine article, made ! in a superior msnosr ; slso a numtier of second-hand Barouches, Canisges and Gigs, nil uf which he will sell very low, and on s long credit, for a eonrf hood. lie ro'i all those hsving open account standing on hi bonks to call snd settle them without further de lay, by note or otherwm. JOHN I. SHAVER. Hali-bnrr, Fee. 12, HI. TV Book Bindery. WILLIAM HUNTER, Book.Binier. INFORMS the public that be still carries en an Eabliahment of the above kind in Cuiuni, North Carolina, a few doors south of the Mint. Having aa he conceives a thorough knowledge of bis business, he feels no.hssjjation in assuring those ; wiw msy wian to peirooize nim, ins I ineir work ehetl be dowhrrhrybmsy;strong;-tndw svvvueBasvwsiiii aewi SBSSsw Books and outer an tries Not from a distance te be bound, will be promptly attended to and careful, ly returned when. done. The public are request ed to give me s trial. (T Orders left at the Western Carolinian Of fice will be punctually forwarded for completion.--v. Charlotte, Feb. 7. 1840- MoffaV. Y egeUUt Wit WW COACINMAK1NG ESTABLISHMENT, BTt HE Subscribers resDectfullv inform the citi- tens of Salisbury and surrounding country, that they have commenced the above business in all tie various brandies, in the Shop formerly occupied bv Mr. John I. Shaver, on the South east Street, whrre tliev will constantly keep on band a va- ret ( vehicle, such ss (tfrn St dsss Carriages, vLUOj Barouches, Buggies, , Sulkies, dig', Carryalls. Thev will warrant their workmanship not to be 4- b any this seetiw uf ewewtry, aehey-f rnee s have on tmnd a large supply of the nest materials; slo, in their employ fiixt rale workmen. The Sitwcnbers will also keep constantly oft hand, Harursst of every dtscrtptinn, as they have S rirst rate Harness maker. Orders tor work from a distance addressed to the ulwcnbere will be punctueily attended to. N. B. All kind of repairing done on the short t notice. DANIEL SHAVER, D. F. 11 A DEN Ssliabury, Jan. 22, 1841. tt . r-MX " PH(ENIX BITTERS. 'THE high celebrity whwh these eicellent Me. dicioee have acquired, in curing almost every disease to which the human frame ta liable, te a Miter familiar with almost every intelligent per. son. They became known by their fruits their good works have testified for them they did not thrive by the faits of the credulous. IS case oi Costiveneee, Dyspepsia, Bilious and Liver Affections, Asthma, files. Settled Pains, Rheumatism, Fevers snd Agoee, Obstinate Head aches, Impure stats of the Fluids, Unhealthy Ap pearance ef the Skin, Nervosa Debility, the 8ck sees incident to Females is Delicate Health, every kind of Wee knees ot the Digestive Organs, and in all general Derangements of Health, these MEDI CINES have invariably proved a certain and. speedy remedy. They restore vigorous health to the most exhausted constitutions. A mnirle trial will plsce the LIFE PILLS and PHOENIX BIT. TERS beyond the reach of competition, in the es timation of every patient. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, at W M B. MOFFAT'S Medical' Office. 376 Broadway. New-York. N. B. None are genuine unices they have the fae simile of John Mudat's signature. KT The LIFE PILLS are aold in boxes- mi THE FAMILY MnVSPAPER. Largest Subscription In the World!! THE PHILADELPHIA SATURDAY COURIER. THE COURIER is on as firm and independent a ba sis ss any papor usued, at borne or abroad, and its am ple means will be alwtya employed to make it equal, is a FAMILY NEWSuAlJER, to anv journal pub- lished. U is a PEKMAMCN r l AtiUslli t. 1. The Courier is sn independent paper, fearlessly pur Miiinif a tnnrhufbrward course, aud sunuortinir the best interest et i JUS PUBLIC;. . This approved Family fspcr is strictly (tt- A'ElM TRAL L POLITICS AND RELIUlONUtai the uncom prom wing opponent of all QUACKEKi. It maintains s ouzo lUNE OF MOHALM, snd sot aa article will appear in ite pages, which should sot and nlsce at every fireside. The unparalleled patronage, Irom every section of the country, w tne best evidence ot its approval, u has stwken and will continue to apeak for itself. Its m. emorscss over 34,04t) eaoscrtiers, tsteniing frm tk Loses te As Qcesa, and cotubining all inter- ssts and cUsass ot the republic Lacb oumbet or ue Courier contains aa muck natter as would Fill a liuo, Volume, The cost of which alone would be Ike price of the pa per tor a .whole year. The general character of (he Courier is well known. Its eoluuos couiain a great variety ef talcs, iamattvis, aaaAia, sMeaAseiiBs, Together with articles on Science, Fine Aria, Mechanics, Agriculture, Manufactures, Foreign News, New Publications, Morality, Medicine, The Silk Culture, Temperance, Family Circle, Self-Educsted Men, Health, Commerce, Literature, Domestic Intelligence, Education, Ainussmeats, Faeetia, Humorous Poetical Articles, The Drains, City Mstters, Amusing Mwcellsoy, The Msrksta, The Musical World, Correct Prices Current, List of Insolvent Banks, Discount aud Exchange, Letters trom burope, History, TheClaencs, Philosophy, And all other mattcradiscuswed in a Universal Family Journal furoishine sltogether ss vsst, and, we believe, aa interesting a variety as cm ee sens' in say otKer Journal, embracing subjects lor Farmers, . Mechanics, Tradesmen, Artisans, Merchants, Men of Leisure, Teachers, Students, And 'ererjr Class of our Country. The COURIER may always be DEPENDED UP ON, as nothing important U permitted to escape s no tice in its columns. It will alwaya t'AITHt'L'LL Y FULFILL ITS AUREEMEXTS. Our arrangements enable us to draw from the whole range of the current Literature of Europe, end our Cor respondent al home embrace many of the best Writers of the country. A series of POPULAR TALES, of onequalled interest and value, will follow in constant succession, In the Courierie inserted the music of the most dodo Isr Airs, Btllsds, and Song a, as soon aa they are im ported; su that country readers nay hsve the most popular music for the voice, the piano, the guitar or other instruments, ss soon as published, which if paid tor separately wonW cost more than the price ot sub scription. 1 his perfected arrangement is te be found IB no other journal of the kind. PROSPECTUS -or THB Western Carvlina Temperance Mvocate, A nwnlfcty payer delated to the Ttmperane Reform, 1 TublUhed at ArksiHe, v. V., sue VMM BY D. R. M'ANALLY. A Trmhsauci Cofirasrios tbat waa held, at Ibis plsce esrly in cieplouitier, resolved on publishing a pa tier of the above title and character, and appointed Dr. Juhu Dickson and l. R. M'Anally to conduct it I mm the many presaing enegements, Dr. Dickson aireauy baa, ha deeme it inierseticahie Mr nun w am rccu;ii u one of the editors, though he will cheerfully use sll iuouence otherwise, to promote us m erest, uw subscriber therefore, proceeds to issue this rrospeclus m his own name, with a hope that be will oe a weo la the undertaking, by all the frieude of the Temperance cause throughout the country, end thai the paper ma; soon have an eitensive circulation. Friendt of th TVmeersftce Cents to you we make a most eeroest appeal while thousand upon tbos ssndsof soiiare are annoaiiy eapenoeaai uieeues, si circuses, at the race track, at groceries, while no pains are spared, the liuary of retirement and ease foregone, and no labor deemed loo sever to advauce the luter. eats of political aspirants, can yea not do something in a cause that must he dear to every true patriot, ptinan thropist, and chrwlisa ! Recollect there ere but few, very few, suck papers in all the Southern country. The Westers part of North Carolina, u Western part of Virginia, and the Easter a pert of Tenuewee particu larly, need a periodical ot tins kind, and it m lor you now to ay whether they shall have it The very low price at which it was fixed by the Convention, will make h necessary, that s very large subacription be bad, before the publication of it can be juatinei TEKalSL - Tin We$tm Carolina Temperci AJvecefs will be published on a medium sheet, m ousrto form, each number making eight pages, end will be furnished at the very low price of ily Cents a copy. Where sin gle copies are taken, the payment must be msoe una riakiy upon the reception of the first number. fjjr Postmasters, editors or publishers of papers, and all Ministers of the Gospel, are authorised sgenta. " REVSa DCSTAII Or THB (Ef VBUC. . PROPOSALS ' For s Anssswper ra (A Ci of Raleigh, to be called THE SOUTHERN TIMES ; To be Edited by Henry I. Toole. wCsMI Yk'ffrV Si tROSPECTHa OF TBI RIIXKLENBUIIG JETTET.SONIAN. OUR TEit.US. -Ky Tbr enee or-the COUlF4t te eelr Sm esV vance. "Wben- indivitfuaW'a'isn' Trka6sr1WBe""CbWe' a sure way la to enclone the mnney in e letter, and d rect it to us. The Pustmastera will probably politely remit, ior we wish thejt in all cases, u it meet their pleasure, to set as our agents. 1 jr Clubs of ten will be furnished with ten papers for one year, (provided the money be sent es free ot post age and discount) tor $1& .:.;Tbh Dallam vnttwocere rh i nree copies toy BvenuUscs. $5 at one time will be received for 3 yesrs. Uor friends, the Postmasters, will please oblige remitting arrearage and new subscriptioos. Proposals of this sort usually abound in promises; few will be made in this case, but ui'ny will ail be re deemed. . v The deaign of' the pn?poed paper tUtiVre somewhat from that at any now published in thin' City : combi ning more literary Miscellany Willi Politics, than w cuMtomarj with the patty Prewt, lu main tlismctef, however, will be pthitenl and its doctruiee ef the Jtf. fermnian school. "tw"' s The first number will be issued sboal the 4th of Msrch nest, it a Mtificwnt eumber el sobarfibers is obtained to justify tne uminrtaking As II cannot be regarded ss perfectly ceruiu tt aluui-h will be the esse, no subscriber m expec,led U pay until be receives the paper. The site will be sbont the same with the M Raleigh Register," and it will be published twice a week do ring the sessions of Uis General Aaaembly, and weekly at all other times. The price will be Pour Dollars per annum. , Every person to whom mis proposal js sent, will please, aa soon as all have subscribed who msy be supposed to be desirous to patronise the undertaking, transmit their names to the Editor, at Washington, North Csr olina. - Printing of every Description, THE MARKETS. AT .SALISBURY, MARCH 26, 'IM1. . V rrtT-iV Jel 3Lt5t7 - i- a 3HrWJVJPfsrt, ' ' MrA .'"VIV" Jtr f I iU It . BM' . b vai W . V sy mi M W 1 naaw i, 1 ' It is proposed to establish, is the Town ot Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, N. C, a weekly newspaaer, n. der the above title, to be edued and publishes by tka aubacriber. The publicelieii of the ilBCKtsaaeae JarvaasoaiiUi " will commence by the let of Jsaaarv next, or aa soon aa materials can be procured. It will -be printed with entirely new and fair type, on paper of the beet eualiiy, and aiJurded to subscribers at $2 W ia advance, (on the receipt of the first number,) or 3 if not pam in aa vance. The present is the Bret snort tnat nas been bads to establish an organ at the birth-place of American hw dependence, through which the doctrines oi the Demo, c ratio party could be freely promulgated and defended-. in which tlie great principles Of Lineny and Equality for which the AUnnder$, tlie Polks, and their heroin compatriots periled their all, on the 20th May, 1775, eould find at all times an unshrinking advocate, lit success rests ehiefly With tbe rUpublicaa party of Mack lenborg and to them, ana the Jiepuniicana ot the sur rounding country, tbe appeal it now made lor support The jiurrsasomaB will assume as its political creed, those Isndmsrka of the Republican party, tbe dectrutea set forth in lbs Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions believing, ss the nndemgnedvdoes, mat tu sutlion of these papers, who bore s conspicuous part in fresnor our system of Govsraineut were best qualified to haul now a to posterity a correct exposition ot its true sprit the best jodgee of what powers were delegated by, and what reserved to, tne CHatea. It will oppose, as darigcrous to our free institouuna. the apirit of aaonoeofv, which baa been atealtlult. bat steadily increasing in the country from tbe fbundstka of our Government The most odious feature io thai system ia, tbat it robs the at, imperctpttolf, to en. rich the raw: It clothes a tew Wealthy individuals with power not only to control tbe wagea of tbe labur ing man, but also st their pleasure to uiAele or depress the commerce aiei busineaa of the whoUjojmtry-i. ciUJii a sunt of extravafance, winch tt terounales ia pecunisry ruin, and too olten Uie moral segrauatwa of te victiina. i bis system most be faorewgate rtsnw- ed before we csn bops to see settled prosperity anile alike upon all our citiaene. Te aid is producing ihw reform, will be one of the main objecta of tbe Jama. swaua It will war against sxciusits stristegss, or for I let Ugiilmlton, under whatever guise granted by our LeKUhuurea ; aud, tliereibre, will oppose the char tering of a United State Bank, Internal Improvements by the Federal Government, a tevival ot the Tarif Kyeteta, and the new Fsdersl scheme of the General Government assuming to pay to foreign money ehaa gere the two AameVtd miiluma of iolimt, borrowed by a few tiialee for local purpose. A a que too of vital unporleuce to the South, and one which, from various causes, is every day assuming s mora momentous and awlul aspect, tbe Jsrmae misb will keep its readers regularly and accurately ad vwed on the subject of Northern AbolKioaism. It muat be evident to all candid observers, tbat lbs parti san presses of the tJoulh have hitherto been toe stleat upon this subject We abait, therefore, without fiat being dsoounoed ss aa slarmwl, lead our bumble sis to assist ia nwakenuig the Peopls of the reutb to due'vigtlanee and s ssaseof ihew real dangnr. . ' While a poruoa of the columns of the JatTBaaosiaB will be devoted to political dnxuseios, the greet inte rests of MU, LUtroiuto, Agneutiura, and the Als c&eaie Arts, shall not be uegtocieeV With the choicest seleeiMMs on these subjects, and a due tosBtity ot light reading, the Uitor hopes io rendcraw sheet sgreeabJe snd pruntsble to all clsssee m dueiery. Order tor tbe psper, stldrrassd, esgs paid, to tie - Editor of tbe Jeffenonian, Charlotte, N. C," will to promptly complied with. Any psrsoa wis) will pr score six subscribers, and be rwrptiMbleWllMir of tne naner eratu Puaiuiajters ere requested to act aa Agents tor the psper, in receiving anil forwsrdirif subaci iters' names aud SiihacitptiMA..- JOii. v, HAMKfO.N. November B, 1SV, Bacon, Beet, Brandy, (peach) I Camlet Butter, Beeswax, Bsgging, Bale Hope, Cotton, (clean) Corn, - Coffee, Ploor, Featbera, llaiseed, 8 a 10 SO a 35 10 a Ha ai 18 a 25 10 a U, 8a 25 a Us 18 II2J4I 35 a 871 (Mia Do Oil, 1U0 Iron, 41 a 7 Lard, fj a 10 Molasses, f0 s fi LNsils, Ms 0 Oats, 15 a W I'ork, 4 a Rice, (quart) 124 Sutra r, (brown) 10 a Vi Do (loaL) la2U LSaK, (bu.) $1 25 a $1 50 Do (sack) i37da S4U0 &rel,(blite 10 a Uo (cast Uj s UO Tallow. 124 Whiskty, 30 s AT FAVETTEVILLE, MARCH Brandy, (peach) Do (apple) B.con, Beeswsx, Butter, Bale Rope, Coffee, Cotton, Cotton Bagging, Corn, i Candles, arding i. ti i To TraeWtrsi ffflHE travelling community are respectfully inform X ed that tbe riubscriber is now running hir line di reet from Raleigh by way of Pittsboro andAshboro' to 8alisbary, is email Northern made Coaches of the first order, Isavu'ig Raleigh on Monday and Therarisys st 10 A. M . srnviag in Kalishury next day at 10 P. M. LMving Halwbury on Tueedayrad Friday at9 A. arriving ta Ra'eigh next dave si 10 P. U. v - Hw horses ere good. Bad drivers particularly careful and acoomroodatms, JOEL klcLKAN.; - Feb. 12, lN3ft - . .--r.-tt..". - R B. fdeats eecsred st Uit Msaskm Hotel. . . to lbs size snd the rhosnix Bitters in bottles, st II or $2 each, with full directions. These Valuable Medicioee are for aals by CREbS Ac BtXIF.R.o.SV.ifWy. , SPRINGS it SHANKLE, Concord, JV. C. FOR GRATUITOUS DISTRIBUTION An interesting little pamphlet, entitled 14 M OF FATS MEDICAL MANUAL, designed as a Demoslic Guide to Hxalth containing accurate information coocernKvg tbe most prevalent diseases, and tks most approved remedies by JiVM. B. MOFFAT." Apply to the Agents. . Salisbury, N. C, October 10, 1840. BEING sjeairousof embarking in another bnsi neee, I sow ofler the setablmlimeut of lbs Wit. insTuti AnvEaTista for sale. I do not know of a mors eligible situation for persona desirous of embarking in the printing bust 45 a 60 40a45 7a 8 25 15 a 10 8 a 10 12 a l:i Ball 20 a 25 40 a 50 17 Flaxseed, Flour, 1 10 s 1 15 450 a $550 13, 1811. Feathera, X74 a 40 lard, .. . fi a 10 Molasses, 27 a 30 Nairn, '61 a 7 Salt, (bushel) 75 Do (sk.) WW t fib! gTthromn) 6 J a 12 lo (lump; Do (loaf,) Tobacco, (leaf) Wheat WbMke; Wool. . 16 18 a 20 aS 35 15 a 20 rIIK Subscriber take this method of informing the A Pablic, that be still continues to cany on the bo ss oi ' n"nnf fnvtv as Bsost, at hia Granite U'tary, srven miles South of iMlisbury, near the Hd Charlefloo roal, where he I able to supply all orders fit MILL-STONES of the best grit, and on the shortest notice. SLSO . ; forHale, at the lowest prices, WINDOW SILLS, DOOR SILLS, DOOR STEPS, ROUGH BUILDING KOCKS, TOMBSTONES, GOLD GRINDERS, Ac. Ac. Ac. J. noULS)IOUSER,Sue-Cutter. Saliebory, Oct 25th, IKS).. it N. B Orders for any of the above wrouvht arti- dee, directed to me at Salisbury, will be punctually atT ended to. J. il. AT CHERAW, 8. C, Beef, (scarce) Bacon, Butter, " Bsciiwax, Bstfgmg, Bile Rope, Coffee, Cotton, Corn, (scarce) Baft 8 a 10 13 a 20 20 a 25 25 a 28 10 a U a 13 eta 10 40 a SO FEBRUARY- 24. 1841 Flour, $550aifi Fee there,. Lard, (scarce) MoUasea, him Rice, (100 lbs) Softer, .Salt, (Mick) ' Do X.bushl) 40 a 45 It a 12 la 00 XI a 40 4 a til 10 a U Vi73 87 a 1 AT CAMDEN, a C, MARCH 17v 1S41. Beer, Baoon, Buuer, Beaswsx, Bsgging, Bale Rope, Coffee, 6 a Cotton, 84 a 11 BalO Corn, 50 18 a 25 Flour, . 150 ll a 25 Feathera, 37 a 45 24 a 24 Lard, 10 a 12 10 a 14 Molasaoa, 45 a M 14 a 19 Oats, 45 a 50 tbaa Wflmingtonf North Carolina. Terms uecommodating. Application must bs) postpaid. - . ? F, C. HILL. wcj8m!jeTll,i?f. , r MATCHLESS -SANATIVE. fpm.S iiivaluable Medicine ie for sale by the subscriber, si Miiiengeviiie, pionigouiery co, .i n W V nlTII4M. i February 21, 1840. r IILAM4N every itacriptian for tola, at Mis 0$rf. TO TUIV PCnislCe 'piIE SUB-SCRIBFR living near Lsaington, David-- son County, iskcs this mt tliod to inlorm the Pub- lie that be will enter int contract with any Person, or persona, either in Davidson, Rowan, or Cabarrus t-oiin. tic, who wish houses, taclorit-e, or any other kind of buildinirs erected of Urick, to build tlnin a clicap, a durable, and in aa good sty Is as any wmkman in Una country. - ' - .-- - - ne win atvo, mould and burn tlie Brirk, il wanted. IIS trusts thai his long experience iu MOULDING ANU LAY I Mi KUICK, will entitle htm to a share of pubU iUuuage.' He woukl refer gentlumeii wikliin work done in hi Line of Booiuew, to the Fmle Ai.aiit int ami Hit new tire proof Clerk'a oiBc m Siibur),as speciutuu ul his work. N. B. Those wishing work done, will please leave word at the othVe ol Hie Western Carnlinian, and it hail be puncluallv atloiided to.. - K' llir.K T UOA. Davidsdn, April 18, IKM. if AtAinYmsVialov's NoWtc. IHRundenignd having ordaineti, at the Nov. Term, 18J0, of Rowau Coimty Court, Let (era of Adminisfrsiion mi lite F.siain uf llenjHmio Auntin, rfee'd., nutifi' s sll Mrwrtia tndi btcd to the ' same, to come forwsid and make nun ediate pay. nienl, aa the Es ia o must be cliw.l j and tfiose having claims againel said Keiate; to pr seut litem' withm the limy of. ihe nw,,ki(iilly auli eimcated, tr ibis notice will be plead as bar to their re-, covery. C. K. WHKKLKK, Admr. Salitbury, Nv. 13, 140. r jon I'ltiTiici, Nettlo and rrpedilmuly.rxrented al I A is fjer. - Prospect aa for Kendall's Expositor. ,,a aiua AtvaUAllWMae te sjaUShaa aeesn-- .luowbly oewnap uadee ihe above Tntme.lo " ' be devoted to the following objects, vis t " 1. i be eccutny of the right of auflrago, by ad- ditioual law to punish bribery and fraud. xrA itt poaure buvt"and6rruirinns m Government, wherever known ia exist. 8. As s position nf tlie prinotpls of modern Banking, snd He effects upon labor, trade, moral, nd Uovernment. einbiacm tbe natuis snd ssea of money, and a hialnry of the origin and progress of paper money io Us various forme. l o these will he adees au the topice coramee in the newspapers of the day, with a nummary of aewa care fully compiled, forming an accurate history ot passing events. . ' Avoiding all personal altercations, tine paper, while it will not onncesl its prelemoces for men, will conhne ilsell chiefly to the elucidation of facta and principle, leaving tbe ruder portion of political coatrovsny to younger henda, The tsiwettor will be printed in tlie neatest manner npon a royal sheet, toMed -in octsvo form, esch number making sixteen pages, with an uulsx at the end of eaeh volume embracing nne year. It will tbua form a bk containing a history of the timea with much more neful and entertaining ntier. I'UICE One Dollar per annum, paid in ode nee. No accounts will be kept, and the paper will not he sent until the money be actually received. liana notca will be taken at their apucie value. To those who collect and forward ten dollars, an ad; d it tonal copy will be sent gratis. Postmasters are permitted by lew to forward sub motion money in letters written by themselves. All letters to the Eltior must be tree or postpaid. tO Aa to the postage on this psper will be but one rent to one snd a half each number, it is in the pswer of every man to procure all the important news, snd a . vast riral of mtirr uvfUt litaner, at nut exceeding On DiUUr and 'Airly tt'i Cenli. Ws-hmgton City, D. C, Jsn. 12, lll. 'Vo Owners ot MUs. ' jHl" Subscriber has an tn.pt ore d patent Spindle lot A Miila, by which, a mill will do much butter lbs" with the usual form uf Npimllee It is so conxtructtd a to keep from healing or ktlline the meal in anv man ner. The runner m so confined by tlie Spindle aa al waya in preserve its balance, snd of course there is no rubbing of the stones. I think, by this Improved Hpinrlle, thr seme wafer will do at least one-third more buiine, and the meal of superior quality. Any person wiabir.g to use one of these Spindle", msy obtain one or more, by making application, f with in s short time) to tlie Subscriber at Mnckxville, iHiis Co. N. C. I think the probable cost will not exceed ICMMor the Pstent and Spindle ready for use. The following persmia have my Patent Mill Spindle in auece-eful operation Col. V, F. Kelly, Thn. Fos ter, Jom-nh 1111 snd Ssm'L Foster of Dsvie County; itiilbreth Dickson snd David 3. Rsmsnur of Lincoln) !ciirle Griffith of Rowan; A'ldiwm Moore of David rem, and William I of Surry, all of whom are high (y piead with Its perfurniaoce. L M. GILBERT. October 25, 1930. tf

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