EBB , .; WESTERN-': . GAIIOLMIAK. .fl!E POWEH9 NOT DELEGATED TO TMB UNITED STATES Bit TV CO.ISTITVTIOJV, 50B f KOHIB1TCO BY If TO THB BTATB. All RESEBVKB TO TUB Sim RESPECTIVELY, OB TO TUB PEOPtB AJlie 4 CoHttitUtiou, Article . yumfocv 42 ot Volume 21. j SALISBURY, N. C, APRIL 2, 1841. JO.pkVt?ki!l,084 tfW.5 Ttixi or THI yj-iriuv i&Q.jvmii'.&w. I rU BLTSi IeV W EEK LY::r.:.:r.:.CU A 8. F. FISHER, 1 . Wlor n4 Proprietor.' TV Wtebb CABOtiBiABB published every fYiAijr, .'jfc p0r annum, ui advance, off 60, if not paid in ; iuZe month from tho time 6f auoscrmmg. OCT Noj n't per will be diacontimwd until all arrearage are paid, f the subscriber i worth the subscription ; end trw? fail-1 ure to fi'y W Editor of a'wish to discontinue, at least , Jw noiirii botbro the end of the year subscribed for, bo considered new engagement. -try bdonlitntnl$ eonspicuoutly and correctly In-n-rtnd l per qur(of 840 ema, otftetn lines tin tiaed yp) for ,n firtt insertion, and 25 cent , onrh crtutiiinttoce. , Court and Judicial edvertiae- in.-iil '-" per cent, higher than the above rale, A de dociwn of Ml per cent, from the regular pilce will be mvJe to yearly advertiwr. (& Advertisement sunt in fur publication, muni be marked with the num ber of iwwttiuo desired, of they will be coniinued till Ibrbid.aodfUruednceordinclyt , -j To secure attention, all h-yer addreaeed to the Edi tor on busmets, wioi be free of Votive. "SVato of NovV CaroViua, IREDELL COUNTY. Super" Vhurl of Laio, Spring Term, 111. KliMbeth A. Wiiaoo 1 ; " - . V Petition for Divorce. Jam. WiUil. " " '.i5--'- " ' tpeanng to the m'wfaclioo nf the Court that 1H0 l)elniiant Jaii.e WtUon m ikK an inhabit Uiil of Ibis rotate l It therefore ordered by the Court, that puWicatiuii bo made fir three uioolba m ihe CuroliuB Wet limau end Wen fn Caroli iiiiiu, that Ihe aeid Ja Wilson appear at tit i,ft iiujK ruif Court id Law, l 1 held at Mm Cant House to 8taivti;,o the fd Monday f i r the 3rd Monday in August iwai.tiien and there Uiir, or autJ i'umt iii heurd e mrlo, f.ittt'ffAttcafl craleraMi'ttt.-Coffaltl!; - ' Vitmi. ir Ikil.l'Wik of mrsid Girl hi the 3rd M M.la lior the 3rd Mou- MjrcUSe, 1 Ul . -3.i..-Vmact,a Fee 10- DRXJ. B. DOUGLAS I I AVINO eim.ved hi OlTit-eto Slid lloor "f 'r- Cowan'a brirk row, it m.KiW nfPimioa OT niiwi fnnin.i htbhj . . tk '.A l.k - IS L t.. .-xmmI Michn-I Hrow'aJui,p.lii-ly tendera ln ,,tuf iHinal erviota to the jwbiw. , -kbury, Augurt 21, 140. r Docts. Killian Pvovc, H AVING anocl u.'d thfHweUe' tnpptber.Tld ihi I nnetici nf Mrdwine. rrtvei Hull nffvf tlieir aer- , in All tha tirnuM hrtnitiM of trioir proipwloa lo mull'. . .. 'A ' VC-jf IIAVI.NU Watrtl hirmli ponnaneotly 10 fq the Tow of tfALLsfirKV, tradera hit SjJUv urrjiVMa.uiul actkKos lu iu citiMna and the iTim'Uc can iif.7uJ'i,lli5'01icroN '" street me rt-.ir (x-kiw the office of the eetrn CriiniaB. Til E SALISIirRY. MANITAC TL KING COM PANT havmgco.i hm;Wh1 iwieralion, are now pri imted lo turniolt rltttVte with Coikwi Tarn f a : rior finality iavjfal!o trra.a. 1 ...... ....vll.' VII 1 J. HllOlIM liIlU".MW !i alibhury, Ihr.. 11, 140. 1 -.--y. P!IK firm of a Rrno.oni it M. W. Alexander - 1 .1 Jt .. ,J,...,.li..i l.u mill iial rmiut. All I'Ui lliw U 1 , 4HW-UIW. j r ins bavin.: cWtma aiiiw4 amd Company, will nrwin havln ? clatma aiaii fm..i ihi-m i.t A. llH.ceii. who is iUHT auinor ai lo m 11I0 lite sarue. - A. 1.EXCE.NI. - Mci, 2, in. ; - it . CABINET, WOItK 'rlir K..Kr;Ki,r infiirina the VtitewjlfcJ Pblc l heconlimies the Caliinrl.TlnLIu ItllHllIf BB, " IX THE VltLAUK OF I.r.XIXGTON, NOItTN CAROLINA.. f m pn pnred lo rveeute ai t!iHtrripiioi ol work 1 tut Im-j uf husinvMi wa very liuitrrtor i"tyt',t re oikmnIiiuauU umirii.iU.nidceiuiiiiljf 'i-tr Irrmi limn i nllonled bv anV tl hr eslalj 1 ''imi iil of ihri kind in Ihia teeion ol rouniry. nler fnmi a dwinjorp thankhiliv n-ceived and !"'ni pity and faithfully exefuil. I riHl t-T, SoHiiiliiti and rlmik lakrn in e xcnanc r ..,k. NATHAN PARKS. Ifxingion, !! 7. 1840. r "FKAT'H LIFK-TILLS W HITi LHri rVW I.H.R filVINft l'ir,I.H AND I'IKENIX HI ITERS, ao c. leliru led and w much uw.-d by V atilicieil in ..wru iwrt nf ihn toiinlrv, is now re- leueu and Tor sain tv Ilia auhkrrilr. ' CRKSH Si IWHJER, Affnta. Moir. Spaivia &. Hiunki.r, in ('isicord, N. C a A ,':titi for Ihn nnin' ximtxn)iimxsxxiixiinitixxxxXi X WAIN TED, 5 J A S an Apprentirfl to the Printing liiinciw, ; bny from 14 lo 10. years of aoe. Ap- ;p'' at tliwOili'i n. iSniibluiy, Match 1?. jj '.' f MISCELLANEOUS. A SECRET WORTH KNOWING. ' ' Truth i$ strange -itr anger than JUtion.n Under tlua heading tho Lung Star publiait ca bii iuiereatiiig .talc, lor the tileudtd tlelaiia ol which wo cuiiiut find room, but muet content our ai.lve with giving the leading fads in a condensed lor in lor the btiietil ol our readem. pau, fat. t A y oung grocer of gixxt character and correct liubii, cmnnieuced buatnea in a cood nud iinprov ca ueiguouruoou. in siock .wa amau, a weie lit meaiii, and bit stock of cuatoniera weie si ill . 1 1 1 1 , 1 1. ainaflor Ilia aules hardlv ntel his tapeuaes, and he Wits evidently going 'down kill," and ao old grocer on IhCxoupoaiio corner radiclod thai be would aoon be a( tjie bottom. That the young grocer bad reason lo regret tbis opinion ol tue old grocer will appear. 1 m Utter had a daughter who had woo tho heart of the lor iner. lli otTored hiruaulf to bar and was rejected, It was done however with the iikeuraiice that lie was tho tuao of her choice, but ahe acted io obe dience to iiar father's commands. , ' AftMrea 01 tuo alloc lion 01 tue joung womau of his choice be aet bimwlf about removing the ouly obetacH) in Ihe way of (heir ui.iou the (fib er's ohjectious lo bis pecuniary proepocU. A year bad clupaed, and lo, what a change! ihe young grocer was uow v;oiug up kill with the power of a aieuui locomotive ; cuaiomurs fl-cked to his slum froiu all quar'xra, and even many bad l il ihe old establubed aland 00 tho ip wile cor nor, for the younger favorite. There was a mys tery about it which puazled ihe old grocer sorely, but which be could not unravel. 1I at length ba cauie iai ly aick with loaves and aggravation, ud vain aiienipts lo diacover Ihe secret ol h.s ooigh tor's aucctMi. Al itii junclure, Angelica for I bat was the daughter a liaine coulrived to bring about an ap parently acciiienial interview belweeu the parliea. After the old man had become, through the inter vention of the daughter, tolerably good humored, he imjuircd with great earnealuoas of the young man; bow he dad contrived to eflwt so much ir a single year, to thu extend bis buaiuess aud draw vu tbe cuttoiuers from older tlaoda. The young man evaded an answer -but injured if be had any further olw'ctioos to uis uuiou with Angelic.' " None," replied be, "provided you r veal the secret of your aucrea." Tbis I lie young man proiiuaeJ when his lap,mme was mane com plete. The IJ man cjinnionded bia prudence on this point. The aflair was all willed and ihe mar- ruueoMi to4i place. - ' I he friend ol ilia young coup a were all assent. 'bled, and among litem onu) if the customers of the two atoroa. Anifelfa aiid I huiuas l-toked as hippy as they wall could be, and (be old goulleoian wa, if rxM.blft, happier, than they. The bridal cake was atul 10 be rui, vtheu the old oiau Called OUl forM THE BKCBET- MAe, the scrot," "tha aecret," exclaimed filtf ol hers. A" ,U ! k;C ry alt mt! tnn 1 1 r save Thomas, I AMVE.KII3L. Ill !t'he'dtlewsx wUiU W Wk Tuwws iKMiy wy tii haud, and go finely" nuioed tu tlM harbiooy oT'aweet sound, fclased'Ahxelica fii'ty time over, he merely muMae lo make his wntuiiit the most smooth and de ; tared, ? U Ajr lA( dickent d 'Mt I think of that !" . . Tke PrintttU I miv the nroitar said He is a poor creature, rejoined i rim. M Uow o !" aaid my uiitln. . Ik.h;4 is hi the first place, (continued tbe Lr. nrl, looking full upon my Via:te,) because be must BititBB voriii-pleBvtTT trrfrr la hv iy-gtigTnceind -Tiidered-of intense Interest. -And with a of a momeiii, peihapsa siiurlpariigraph pops upon him ; he hastily throw it lb the coriitosilor--it i inserted and he is ruined to all intents aod pur. , pose' a." Too much the caaa,Trim,M say myuncla with a deep aiih, ' too much the cek . .- M An' please your honor," (tuHitinued Trim, ele-1 vat ins his voice, and striking into an imploring at tilude,) ao' ploase jour honor, ihia i not tlieliive social compact. He possessed a command of whole. (!o ou Trim," said my uncle, fcelmgly. "T printer sometimes (pursued ihe Corporal) bits upon a piece that pleusee him mightily, and be think it cannot but go down with hi subscribers; but alaa, air, who can calculate lha human mind ! He inserts' it aud it is all over with him. Tbey forgive other, but tbey cannot forgive a printer. II has a boat lo print for, and every 000 sets up for a critic I he pretty Mis e iclaima, N why don 1 he give us mora poetry, marriage, and brni mots T away with these stale piece." lha poll. (man claps 111s spec on nit nose, Bnn runs it -over in s-arch nf a violent invective ; he tindt none 5 he lake hi apect off, fold them, sticks them into his pocket, declaring the paper good for nothmg but tfTlHirn.L 80 it goes. Every one thinks it ought to be printed exprewdy for himself, aa he is a sub acrilwr f and yet alter an tnis complaining, would you believe it, sir, (aid the honest Corporal, clasp Ing hi hands beseechiugly,) would you believe it, sir.lhrreares.msiiw(rtierswiiooci)oineiiaie , to cheat the primer out ol his pay II Our army wore terribly tn M inder ; but they never did any thiuz o bad a lAitf." " Never I" and undo Toby, emphatically. Crnmirrfi. vvnen Uliver irmiweii, nrcom pinied by hmSecn lary Thurlow, once went to time with Ihe Lord Mayor, lha populace rent the .:.k.i. ..i..i..:.i,..Hii,.riii air win, iirci, . ...... Willi II. V i-IU . , .-I..."! IVUI I I.,.. ... I.rf PftiliuilfiP V V.ji. 11..1 ...,ni..&u.1,u " n,.u i. ,k;. thntymi havo the voice of the people . well as Ihe voice ol Uod with vou." "A to Uod." ob- llllllKI- r.iiin.rv...i, , -.w w, ...... served Cmmwell. "we will not talk here about Him; hut for the tjiojiuUce, tliey would just be as noisy suu I'v iibi'i iiioiw ii-riiwf jvuhu. .tic ' . I .... J ' ..j .u ' ;..:J ;r .,.. I gi,n.g ... m ,.nK , . - " We never should inspect Ihe conduct of men, unless we at the same lime lake an interest in int. . at lfrmaiVi amawfasafa aitklu snaan aval aak lia an I a condition lo iflapuet and watch ourselve" I ivaj(ie wi"u iiw a aiii w v sj'i an- ( " The f trunnion of hi rhnratMer i not the chtof ciairnrnJwiifiecry 1n.u1. niauy merely wUh to find a sort oTTrerinn forcumfort. ifrrertion I for ncqiruii. ru hevtr wiatever good tliey aim at. All meh. when Ihev will not be instrucird. mvstiff, Ireiil wilh jugslnrie, and every sort ho us"pocu, and at lengh thove uide." ., x sT" " I'rom ihe Hi other Jonathan. NIAGARA. ' BT I. E. BOW. Monarch of Cataract I mailing down With a silver robe and a rafibuw crowu, , And a voice, whose everlasting tone, 1'eala over the ctrtliquoko't dreadttil moan. ' Bidding-Niswara's dunky daughters ocrnen weir oreaw in tiiy uuny water ; Ob I wail mivht tha India a warrior e. - . A typa of Oiunipotence iu tiiee. -And thou from creation's morn haat r'ollad, ' Wreuchmg the rocks front their giant hold, Ana Irettnig ma dark old wood away, . That droyt its leaves in thv fleecy aprsy ; Wbda like tba ice of tha Northern sea, Tby bad has y wlded itself to thee J And still taou dasbeet in Uiunder down, v ita a adver robe and a raiubu n. Tbe bills salute thee for mile around, And the caverns answer a sullen sound : Aud. Hi trees bend down to thy dreid abyss ; And tbe lily stoop to thy troubled kiss; Aad the breeae comes up from thy ehaltered breast, And at ire the down of thy eagle's nest t And tha bravest quail as they look at thee, Tuundermg ob lo the ocean tea. Mightiest of Cataracts I thou bar', known A- conqueror on thy diasy throne, - When over the eastern barriers curled. Tbe wave that swallowed a guilty world. uni uien, thy terrible voice waa still At the auunv aide ot a aummer't bill. And nought wat beard but the tpirit'i sigh,. As the Ark on its misty wings swept by. Wathingtou, Jan. 31, 1S11. tronlht LotiJon Furgrt-Mc XoL. OLD FRIENDS TOGETHER. . Oh, time is sweet, when toaoa moot, With Spring's sweet breath around them, And aweet the cost, when beaita are tost If those we love havt found them. And sweet tlie oiiud, that still caii find A atar to darkest weather : But nought .to me so aweet can be, As old friends met together ! - Those (rood days old, when Youth was bold, And 1'iuie stole winfft to speed it. Aad Youth ne'er knew how fast Time flew, Or knowing, did not heed it i Though gay each brow tharmeets us now, For Ape brings winiry wsalher - Yrt uought can be so sweet lo sea As those old friends together '. Tbe few long known, whom yeara have ahown, Wilb hearts that friendship blesses; And hand lo cheer, perdiauoe, a tsar, To soothe a friend's distresses ; .Who beiped aod tried, still side by side, A friend to face hard weather ! O, thua may we yet joy to see And meet eld friends together I ROUSSEAU. One of the moat extraordinary irton that ever lived was John J. Rousseau. This man, in bis origin, rue, and whole career, waa a moat atton- tailing man. lie was eminent aa a writer 00 moral philosophy ; he was 1 QHtiniruiiiwd as A boiiiicar ccoooiuist tkiilod in lightfully barmonioua to read iu Ihe language ; he I was without a rival in tha age in which he lived, fondly loved to call bia own. Aud yet, this is but comparative fame for a man I like Rousseau for whatever subject bis mind dwell uimn, or bis pen touched, he ornamented mind and heart overflow me wiib wild emoiiotia I that could not brook' reatraim, but that bora down all before them, like the overflowing burning lava this man sett but at a teacher aud re organizer of civil society. Tha world was nut his friend, 1 nor tha world a Uw i and, therefore, wilb the fool inga which he poaseaaed, it was but natural that ho I ahould desire to sea all society return to lb primi I words and imagination, and a dialectic scarcely in fenor to any human being, before or aioce hi day ; a temper burning wilb the strongest and most va- nod paasions that ever centered in a human breast ; power of sarcasm, blasting, and swiftly hurled aa the thunderbolt ; a degree of irony frightful to the timid aenae t contemplate ; and those were I bit combtnalioos, which he wielded witn the pow er, lha skill, tha fervor, and tha perseverance of a 1 gigantic but falleu angel, struggling, to assail lha I better and brighter regions pi Ihe sky. ua V' I Ada 1 ,. 1 - - . T Port. When the man of the world is de 0iiff hia davs to wastioi melancholr. for some deep disappointment j or ut tha ebbutliencaof joy, is going out to meet hia happy destiny ; the lightly, moved aod, all conceiving spirit of tho poet steps forth like the Suu from night lo day, and with soft I transition tune bi tiara o joy or care. From hi heart, its native M, aprings up lha lovely Huwer nf wisdom; and if ether while waking, I dream, and are pained with fantastic deluoions I from their every aenae, he passe tha dream of life hke one awake, and the strangest of inci'lent I to bim a part both of lb paat aud of tho future, and the poet ta.at once a teacher, a propbot, a friend of god and men. " rm' ng o..je. ,o man, .nu nerhais should both only on that interest. ..k . t . . - . 1 - . . . 1 1 .... , . , ,l .i.-..,i I . . ,. , i . . " iwicmi iw Kiiiiraim. I, ii:h.ii. wnicn w live, or e.e tue msirumoui wmcn VV mo "7 "'-"weKn "" ,U "WMfl "! .w in , I . . In rBr u' ""7 """T . ly become, the weaker our feelinga for society . I Men w no pui a arrai Tains niron moiiwie". BsruBiis. . 1 . . I I....IO!- J -- - L -c IUiK. nrnin.anii n n other, sort of nronerlv. mnA Mnasaril 1 the loaa ..rht of their brethren, whom very tew can succeed in col . . 1 -- ' - - n - I lectins about them and entertaining. , w 1 .... . , a " "- PP10 "T''," "7 I 1. iV,.n. ,..v d.ii m lral Ikwm .if Ihrv I IIIWHI wf,w , hii - ....... - ertt what ihey ahould be.Ve improve them at far u f,eV can be improved. " Tbe presence of a beloved ol jret teacis lo tnke t irom tue imapmaiion us ot.uni.iin of changea an impetuous longing to a pcaceiui 100 l,nI.' ' - ! " AW Rat T.ki a barrel vilh a lew pails of water iu it, draw a ajiio or parchiungt across tha open heal with a wring; cut it across and athwart nearly ,10, tie oiianlu-, ,Tuke some drippings aud mis' it wab meal; amear it ou tlio " middle of the parchment. Tue ruts will emull it aud treading on ihe parcluneiil it will, give way, and (bey will fall into the barrel. IV a plank for (hem to creep up Iu the ban el's brink ,ouUile,aiiJ strew aoiM oat meat 00 it. You must not let the water be loo deep, but aot a brick endways io it, and the firM ral that is caught, will inuke a ooue which will entice more, and they will iucreaso the noitfl, by that mes.ua enticing stiil more j and io fighting for the posanaoioa ol' the brick, the noise will draw others. Thus, iu cue biht, Ihe house, may be cleared of rats, be they over so many. Mica aod other vermin may Ui cauglt in a an.uUr tuauour. Be plenaant aud obliging to your neighbors ready to grant aeistaace when necessary ' Be careful ol their characters, and do nol readily betieva an ill report. Throw the mautlo of chart ly over their feeling, knowing that we are human and liable to err. Abhor a latller, and give no place to Ihe report of aucb. However strong a provocation may be, never contend fur the last word. - . As to friunds who may rail on you never be confused or in a hurry ; treat litem wilb honpuali. ty and politeness, and endeavor to make them hap py in their own way. Never teazo them to io this or that which they do nut prefer. Trie po liteness consists iu au easy and pleasant deport ment, and making our friends easy, and permitting them to enjoy ihemaelua io that way which is . most pleasing to them. at wssasasssBjasaai Two cotton wagons meeting on the road lo Au gutta, Ua., the, following dialogue took place be tween the drivers : . , " What's cotton in Augusta t" says tha one with the load. ' " Cif ton "says th other. ' The inquirer, suprmaing himself no1, lo be un derstood, repeats, " What's coron in Augusta!" " ll'a cotton," says the other, v 1 know that," say the first, " but what is it V ' Why," says the other, " 1 U-ll you it iacotlon ' Coffwi it of(oa in Augusta and every where else that ever 1 heard of." " I know that as well aa you," aayi tha first, " but what de cWwa Lrniff m Auirusta I " Whyr' it brings nothing lisere, but every body bringa cotton. " L.'ok here, save the. find waconer, with an oath, " iu hud better leave Ihe 8'ate ; (or Til lie if you don'f k'iow too m.ich lor Georgia. ' " Uow many genders are liter V asked a school master. "Three, ir," promptly replied blue eye. " What are Ihey called T " Masculine, feminine and beuter." " Pray give an example of each," said the ma Vby,.yu, s.re,Kiaaculiae, bcru.you are a - man, and-1 am fWmmne,- liecaustr I Bm a girt. " ery well proceed. "I don't-kni.w.n aaid the little cirl. "hut reclc&n Mr; Jenlim i neuter, as he's an old bach lor!" Epigram. Tho .following must either Lava been wrillco by a loafer, or a decidedly well 6rtJ poet: .- on MIS AMIS BSBAP.. 'W rjy giifcut ber,a-sasl-?idr " With every other Duller I'll be content Uh Ann Dread, And'won'l have any but her." Hard Cider. A political rhymester iu Ohio ha the following touch al Hard Cidcrisin : ,. With apple juice 4 .. . " . , The led have dono it; ' " . With the kole apple The devil won it. " . - A clear midake. Paper wuneg ha - dor.e It." J Had Satan a package of bauk notes for Adam, lie would not have gone with bis spplc to madam. Short Dialogue between Farmer aad a Bank Dt-.--""- rertar. , - Farmer t . Do you think tha Legi-Iatur oogbl lo give lo one tioneat man by Uw a privilege which it denies to another equally honest ! . Bank Director. Certainly not. F. Does not the law give lo tho who bold stock in your bank the privilege of manufacturing and lending out on interval three dollars for t , Dry dollar Ihey have paid in t . B. D. Ye so aaya our charier. F. Doe tha law allow me lo manufacture and lend out on interest three dullart for every dollar 1 have on hand ! B. D. IN by, no I suppose nol. F. Very W ell then bank stockholder have a pnvileee which farmer have eot.V Araoi t.r poutor. r Pomposity. k rar.etiou gint:ma traveirmg in the' interior of tbe thate on arming at lm lodging placa In Ihe evening. wa met hy trie .yuh r; whom he Ihua addressed, "Boy, ettneate that quadruped from the vehicle', atnbulata bim ; denote him an adequate supply of nuinlinus aliment, and when lb Aurora of the morn ahalf agnin illumine lie oriental horizon, I will award you a pecuniary compensation for your amicable hospitality." The boy not understanding1 a word, ran into the house say ing, u Mausser, hero's a Dutchman want to aee )-Hi.H . ...... , .." ..... . 1 An able tndoe was once oblicod to delivcr.the following charge to the Jury I u Gentlemen of tbe Jury, in this case the counsel on both side are un intelligible; the witnesses on both side are incred ible, find the plaintiff and defendant are both rich bad characters, that to me it ia indiflercnt which way you giva your vordict." We should endeavor to comprehend the force and meaning ol the term we bear used, lest either their obscurity keep u in ijnorance, or their am biguity lead u into error. .. , : " Pear IToman "as the man said t bis wife when she came borne fronV shopping with a four hundred dollar shawL . " ' A Trotting Retort. Tm I'urlland Tran-viipt lella the following capital uiitctlote. The iip got ' out-trotted by the lady 1 -'" - " When Hie Consiitutioh was at Malta, ita 183-, ' a' portion of her nilicera attenduJ a ball given by ' 1 (lie (lovernor ht the plar.B, which by the w; was ' Ihe lesulonc of Imi jUrand Muster of ibe far-fa- ! tued Kiiifhls of Malia. luring the evenni(, as one " of our inkers was converting with a lady of tho ' place, ' very foppib, Iwt neveitheles, what aom ladies wd'ild call a splendid looking olricef, in the ' scirlet uniform of .the Kngliah arm, rmiwcdby."'" On, any the lady "do introduce me lolhal aplnndid tuao." It happened that our oflicer was ' acquamteir with mui o he crossed over and niaJe known ihe My'a wishes. Upon hearing them. our would be Bruraruitl drew btinarlf up Iu Lis full exiout in tha-drawling tone of a fAkhionable par ' uioce, M Ah t in-d e-e d 1 trot her out ! trot her cull" al the tame tune settling down hi cravat, and pulling on a moat killing aliunde. Of course after such an answer the American ofi"ner asrer lained thowishea hvfore the" iotrodiictmn. 1 Nev er mind, never mind," aut ahe, enow him here." This the officer wn d-nnund as he approached with the exquisite, the lady pulling up h r gins and sun eying tbe creature from top lo toe, al the name tune motioning Imc k with li-r hnod, exrlmm edl "Ah I ha I he won't do ha w-on't do! trot iuui backl" - , Grammatical. Simmy;H said a f.aid father to his stMi who wa j Ml atudying riglis'i gramnnir, u our rat caught a rat in which case ia the noun cat in ihi cniencel" teTjie nominatioe," re plied 801 my. Very good very god, indeeJ but the rat it the rut in tha nominative ease, loo." Why no air,' bsituted Sammy, " Ihe ral, sir, i in is in ye sir, the iiit is in " What !" Why, sir, be' in a eery bad cap indeed, air 1" M You're a smart boy, CNiuiuiy, ynu are you may go down to the head. H"il.-f At a banquet, when aolvinsr enicma was V one of (he diversions of Alexander and his ullii i r-i, , the ei.igma given waa, " What it that wlm li did not come lasl year-iina nol coma this year, and will not come next ear." A digressed officer started up and said, " It certaiulv must be our ar rears i fiHiy. 1 he Kiiii; wa ao diverted al this witty reply, that he cnuimaud d him to be paici up, and also .increased hia salary. Rank." Home people look on disasreerrnt tf external circumstance as a fearful thing, und can not ren.edy it. 1 wish not to persuade any one,' 1 with In act according to my own pereuai(n I mean not to set to others an example, nor do I act without example it ia interior disagreements only 1 1 111 1 frighten me; a frame that dues i.oi fct w hat it is meant 10 hld ; t'.ucli pomp and little re al enjoyment; wealth and avarice, nobtlify and rodenpsn, youth and pndHntrr, poveity and cereni' nies, these are Ihe things wnich, would iinnihi late mo, however it may ple the Worid lostarrp and rate them " . , Thread a needle Jlafcin-tbe eve" with a vrorrttvtf'w pAta the" tieid oTllte-Seetlie, wnFrare muter ti l ring, anJ pull the thread through a few inches '..j wards the hsnd; rap the long end nf the tl:;tai tightly round the finder, regularly all downlUj.a.., to reduce its size. 'Then hiv bold of the (hart i-r-i j)d Unwi tt-Tbe.llired ring will gradually remove it from the 6nger. This never failing, method will remove tho lightest rm Without difficulty, however much swollen the finger n ay be. . A : rawyerrwho wsi loinetlmea forgitfljl, having been engaged to plead the ca isoof mi otTecUi:., l. gauby a)ing,"l know ihe prisoner al liieddr ... he hu the characlcr of being a itioet coiw-.o)., -in., and impudeiiVfouiidre"--liere shine pits.i .,;.,. pcred hnn llut prisoner w.is hi client, when iu immediately aduW Uul what gmal aud ' pno-i niao ever hveJ who waa nol haat-ly caiumr.iaieif Ly niauy of hi coiuiorrie H' ' An Oyster fVieJ.Th fiiHowing ' an,3ij;ne metitol b marriage at Ceaoibocburh, Pa., (. pears in Ihe Tel-grapli ai.d Adve.-i,,- 0f ihw place, on the 4'h iostaut : v ' fc Married, on Thorly evening, the 31t u'l!, by the Rev. J. B wen, Mr. Alu:., Fry, u M. Suan Oy tier,' ail of this piace. f-From lit CkarLun Ceaner. COLD WATER. A CURE FOR TliK CROir,' We last week copied from I e Roch- sler iV uo cral, caie in which the Crojp was very pron j.ilv cored by the use of cold wster. The fi,;im u, u't, w the original experiment cf the kind. ElB i Our liule son, no uearly three yoars 1 , has been tubjecl la the troup troiu early iniaiicv. When he was about uimmtliu!(!,he hJa pretty severe attack, and before b wu nine motitli-, t-id, !m had two oth r aCacks. lit ev.U of lln- ca me a ty siciao wa' promptly csleJ in, and ihe tUilu ws treated in the usual luonuer, with aimiivs. on -. pajegorU't, A.C., Oi.c, aoJ at taoh luno, eituer In-ui . I it' f . i wo urigiitHi uist-asr, ir irom tne ireatmenl ol ma case, the Croup sytupim weie followed by a fever, which la. ted several davs, snd in one instance more llitu a week requiring meJicsl aneodance daily. About fair o'clock iu Ijte nighf of day. Uforo vestrrdav. wa were awakened from our sW,, hu Ki. . - - - .'j . . distress, lie waa laboring under a severe attack ..1.1 .1. ... 01 ine vronp. 114 ureatnod wnn great dilhculiv, and seemed alinoMt aufTiX'stud' Hi couch was extremely hoarse and cnaipy, and he could bardla speak in a whisjter, auJ all the symptoms grew worse rapidly, , , We rose immediately and took bim from bia Led, and stnpt him, anil began to bathe bim all over witfc cold water, but, mo: freely about (he throat, bed, and clieift ; and hia mother look a ear of cnH water ai.d poured it upon tha back of his neck'an t ihua we coniinued Ut bathe him till he became quite chilly. W then nibbed him off bnkly till (he akin wa dry and aontewhat excited. Uut aa there j was still considerate heal in the .throat, wa took A napkin, doubled eU or eight times, and wet it iiT cota water, and men. covered Ihi with a dry clutbi ana 100a mm una bee between bis pareula. H , AlmoM immediaiely, when we began to apply the cold water, the symptom began to subside tery fart, and be salj, with a grateful lone, tnat be fell better. ; la the morning he rose,"! cronjiv-nmpiom re. S. - -V 1...

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