THE EXTftA SESSION. Xho Governor tf dm State ha uwni d Li Proc lamation, aa will bo fceen, requiring election to be beld tq the 3'tk of next month fur members ol Coagres. "" Thia we art eooaider m th first movement toward lb nfon? clamorously demanded, and earnestly promised by the coon akin orators Uat wmrwr. They have) gore into power with thia cry on their lips Ihey toll, ue the public Treasury called to en extraordinary 8esioo, which will coat the country hundred of thousand,' and rci what? Ve a mot ikkobhed.- But then, what buaineai hevo the people to knowl Gen. Hurrtoo a eluded by a " generou confidence w in hi opinion, without hi explaining any thing about them; fee and bi oratora only promised to 44 reform," and the people must continue this M generous eonfi dence," aitd let them M reform " in their own way. To be sure, it doe look like atrange way of m k,iim extravagance, to imcbimi the public expenditure by en Extra Besaimi c Congress, considering that the regular sessions coat a preiiy round mied generally to preciou little purpose, but Gen. Jlarriaon and hi Cabinet ay that weighty and important matter" require ine eariy consioe. ration of that body, and although aome curiout peo- pla think it waa their duty to have mentioned what these " weighty and important matter" were.mst did not eooaider it by any meana necessary to be t that trouble. They thought it not only unneces wrf but we conclude from aome aecret develop- mentaconceruing tbeirdeUberation on tbe subject rather impolitic to inform the country any further. The PreaidVnt ha merely issued hi proclamation requiring the Cong re, to convene next month, and the people are calkd upon to go to the' poll and vote for number Harrison men, of course to go there, and do whatever thoee Jeffertonian Repub lion." Clay and Webster, hall direct to etrry out their plane for "uroia euck, for inetance, a laying another Terifl tax-assuming the Bute Debt chartering "Regulator" to lake the place of Biddle'a broken ewiodling machine, etc, cYc . All that the worthy nwo ak ie continu ance of generoua confidence" from the people, and no impertinent prying into their polMtfi there ie not. the leaet q.ieetiiNi but we hall aor have " change" enough, and aoon e and feel too, the tflcete of -their promieed " troa." . r-.- "- -r--. Tl tVoecraor of Virgin rttigned. We lesrn fr ww late HieHwwhd oaper lm rritiw "f .i.l.wi ui Virittma. nr.iced;ir.i which iwmi to bve Bfnavt-ir-l aotM Mrprua a 010114 fri'-n .',' aad Ike public The) cause of hie reoignalnio ao- ar u ajave eccerred aa we gather the foci-v hums A denvuKl wa. Ulely made by Ike Govern, r j New-Yo'k upjn the Governor of-Virgin t;.r the eurrewfcr of "man who etood charged iii the Commie"0 of forge H 'S,w Tork aA (V:d fim j'We into Virginia, where be bad b-en tmud. Tne Govwraxu of Virgtoie refuaeJ w dhrer him op mrt'l he Goeroor of New Xk hd complied with hie demand for trio eurreodcrof ih nKr "taaler, concerning whom the Cimiro ienv baa beun aome time cnld on between the w leaoluuon paed by the Legialaturci and the Go. veroor forthwith aenl in hie resignation on 8tur uv.the lt.lhie waaadrrtbe Lr.twlature had ' a I J it ' .reed to adjourn oo the aiaouay miwwiiig, nu member had l"ft7or home, eo hat xeflti mny membera 3neifAJ Utnerul or it ft to tin fariot." Tb greedy nd ..umiftf crowd of office rgr h been acat out tinni V a(.iogton City with plain lotnnatioo of what ifwy ire yet expected to do before the epoil can be ipp-rtwoed to them. The Midaonian, one of th Fe ,Unl print ot the Ciitol. tell them to - wiit with (i"ience,w-tbetiiiM'foT thtir vi wiraiTSoT yel Tutly lome.- It wurM th;m,they hive ua rewon lor d twtwlaclion thai the PreMietit ha not. no. will kc' 1!,. aarvkece rendered, but b cnnot now "peril the Mil ergomaatiM tkmt Am raid him into poef, nd $tti tkt eewmry." That ia to aay, the party dare not jiMl yet carry out their contemplated aytem of pro crintiuo for the reward of brawling and hungry earti. ' ... .1 Bkf V L. II 1J Mm; the "Uxtaroei," aa ine tiew ior $nnm cilli them, inunl return to their borne and go to work m.,.ki;.k ihu mrrmniaotum " ecurelv, by effect. inir the elecuoa ol a party Congrea, and thee when concealment i no longer. Decenary, the mux caa be lly thrown off, and they may claim and receive then mi in a hire of the poila" The m pa r iroe on t itv in iub.Unce, that th who fought to " redeem the country," (to aecure the plunder of victory) re - fiirly entitled " to the office, and they wlw evinced desire bv their efforU (bow eUe could they evince it!) to maintain the Democreue party ia power, or ued their influence to that end are ootjot pertmttedtoretinotnee-"ii would oe maniiwi jiiKtice Ibr Uioie Who bive auffercd o long and o much, to be excluded to gratify them." The tame thing exactly might hve Ix-en exprewed briefly nd conciicly by wytng that " to the victor belong Uie fpiiil." ' Tim .polity of dn.r-rring prownption Ml n" next election, i the only one, that print declare, to prevent "a lofuf diibaading of partit " (i. e.: the lunl cider party) " and an entire re-organ ixauon." No doubt, and even thia einnol do it ; it diva are Ireidy numbered, and the Federal dynasty of Webktor nd CUy i filed to more pecdy dMclution than, mat of cither of the Adim' before it The Bank party of Pmttnylvnnin have notnuin. led Judge Bank a their caudidiile for (inventor in oppoeilion to (iov. Porter, the preeent incumbent and Democratic nomination for re election. We tvxild think the pwpl of that State the State of Biddlo'a "great regulator," the ewindling-" mon. tnr,"had had enough of the (Joveromont offutit already. The appointment of Francia Granger a PontmaMer (encral, wi strongly opjiraed in the Senile by oni Southern Whig, on account of hi Abolition principles heretofore avowed and acted on, and with difficulty confirmed at laat. Tkt belt joke tpt.Wt Me it (tiled that the Whig piper in Ohio id the West generally, rehired to piiblinh Freaulehl Harrison' Inaugural on it flM re ception bnlievjng from tho style of the thing that it wa ' FRESHETS. Tlie Aaguna, Georgia, paper of the middle of Lai m.iBtli, give accounts of the occurrence ol a liesliet io the Savannah and other rivers of thut legion, altuM eqa , t I lid l of iy lut. not Willi Cieutly high, bowrvcr , iu the Savant, to get mto the city oo the Augusta aide, tuouli mjiue injury ie mentioned a having been duo to the wharves. On the Hamburg aide, we learn from tlie Jour, nal, the lower part of the Iowa waa overflowed and Mbewaur rownaoeon niche iWp, but no injury doue. Tim rail roam m Gforia and tiuth Carolina Jiave uiaiond ! injury by Ving broken up and waiilwd over, bmlgf aoept otf, 6iC In the lower pan of tni Jiie, the &od eeem to havo been vtry great. The Wilmington Ad ' vcriwer Mys: . 1 "The higlu-Mt frttktt line Url The Uto ram bive vwuUcu tli Uuu I'tur and Neue to in unprece- diTitry -xint. ilm itur in Hlwinx through the ittruetn of VVnyiientW, and win. on t;ie leth, within ll.... .... Ill vi mire ori i lliu rilUOUU W l'' WIIU'D CfOmMr thre ",tle" w '"i "' "t VVynei,ro'. Id Caps rer b Un eonrtautly wua down atrefcm for Uie laH two or tbiecdny. n i w now eniire- ly over the peuiutul which divide lira Nurtb-enat troin ine nortq-weat: leatiiur no Jtn vw.ble on AWm. bead point but that Uofdering the cinol.ead prNeiitmc n unaroieo waste ot water truin tliu htra khore 01 tti North-e to the WeMern ha.ik ofth Nyrtb w-vL W htva already heard of rift of ttuiber bitig bro. , ken up and wept away, and, io one case, of the low J a valuable negro fellow. Whatever mat be lb devtrnclinn 6f Dronert It will be Ie Uiaa it w.Hild have beta under the uu fteUi a month ucuce." tfc5" Wo point the people who were taught by Federal oratora to believe tiiet the llarrion Ad nn nut rat ion would change tbine at Wavhiiinn from apleodor to log cabin (implicity , to the fuel contained in the following comniumraii.m. Here ia the practice of the " economy " profi wture, and here too ia an illurtraltoo of their obaervance of the Sabbath, they who claim witb hypocritical cant to be the aiecial I'riond ot religiuu, and all the decency and molality party. , , . AVrnw tA Globe. - " THE 6oLl) HUMBUG." Ma. EciToa: Having buine at the Treawry De-ptruu-at M Mdy lit, I wi tonuhf d t If loaf mficent appearaacf tite Secretary' ruum, au dnfer cnt from wul it were Uie Htur.Jy previou. I'b wall wiiicii were then arrayed m uoxaeveutalioa wbiU, were now gUUcrnig with Ue mn txrma aMtenaU, preettUB a der g round, nehly etnttruidered witit tToki in (met, m nearly " wlrrr. r't." lbt I imegiied,. " tor a HMNweot tti Mg.ld "ofmmi 'Ht' Mr (Jotaa tl Ikwado the KaecutuV Mien baj ipruort Bled to make a dijlV B Uw Trrwaory OyariKteat, , bowever, anuo -tofot tttw aid adage teal J ant gM UhI tlitier," f atxwnaitmg that titer vu tmt aa extrewwty Itfb! MtiMrslwtw nf tW aetei. otd mm po pet. ttow aiifuottM M eiMMt, iiiiiht I. Ml k-.w ithtUiif mi Ukr p. riflr, w ih tor the mnc turn of tiie UietkUrttf fauct t ihti party wttnav grrtt etlurl tile ci Ibe euWJWdity, By waling Uie aoadow pM tut Um awbkiajKW.aad lOMitwt title y pet for tb ateewe BUhi a a 'aiurd f ti i Uimo meeiry, 1 WartMki tBat UOt wMiieal tnnwula- Uuo ii tne bacrtftary'e aaMitawnt, an twocti like ttt.e w read ol to fairy Utoa, wa accunv'arfwd By hu naa fuey and that the rami bd a-wn pfpf"t on the Aut4mtf prettmto, Biit IB d.rectk ot Mr. Kranklm ot Uiiltry." while I n rr n( the oi.prcee. dciitt iKetr ine titw of tne SfM'Ury By ihe hony d jiu at utfiA'bvyim uul irm our city, - 1 tiitnTf .jW hr fclTt rtlmf Vtirf etnl m " ;'t.$c'-if -bf Jal U,lffmoihiMt and. 'W-ii "piirr. dnr.K.if.jiuiJ.M.u.wiMii- dcaecratiou f Die l'Nritiii Motniti. And tin .the mire .'o-c...;, Mr Kwin t lnk.d upon a being pxulwrl)" in if r nti.i'-ncp o! Prtnient llanitoo, wlioau ircui.j m hia timii, iirni t-dd n that M He deeiixii t'i .r.ou cifk.uifth nn port nt and jeJeAPJttjiwtift..itii;i, .a. .xxicuiw-iiiu tUuw-eti. ten a pmtuuad TtvrTWCF r t Tie t.nin religion, and a thorough convi. tun tl .uikI in-imla, reliirio irheryvatjiif(w't te4i .r-!(Bi(oiJity) aee eoeot tally connected wt'.li Jil true and la ting bippi ee." - I aincerely hope, Mr. Cdit r that tin' future courm of the new Adinuiwtratioo no thi koleui.i auttject wil not give another aad example of the truth ol the re! mirk of . " A RMan Consul, in in early prrad of that crle- I brited Kt-putilic, tti It a uiuat itrilai contrart Wa ub- KMauie ill luv cuwuuci ui taiiuioaira iur uuiuva 01 puw er ind trt at, befiire and alter obUinin iliem they m-I-dou carrying out in Uie latter caws the pledge and pruuil-c wade in the former." HOMK.SHUN, . . Ml: OO" W are auihoriiej , announce IUYid Kra?,'a Caitdiddte for the Udice ot Couuiy Court Clejk. CI RCU MSTANl VA A LTEK CASES." The lUiiKa rrfurt to pay their di bts.and the Legivlxture ranl llie u all the mduleuce they B3k. r Tlie Si .ites find it inconvenient to pay their debts, and lax? nre laid to pruvofo tha mean. I it not a honest for a State to mmpend pay nient aa a Bunk T When tne Bauk augend payment, Me pt.plt ,r ekeaftd. '.''Why mi diff-rence I TiihI pocu!atoi iimv n I benMigtid to dell their projiertv n rw'jiru-e nd pay tlt'or debt, the bankaaupi'iiJ yinul,iMi the firapltart cheated. The wetrli' M end Hank iimy not lose upiw Statnnt.u k In l'l by them, h are loii'tly called nil to piesi-rve their tailli, and Ac peotie art taxed. I., wi.k rn, ici.iln; piinfifle u ll.r. am(!. The. pophurr liOIIK UKAIKD AND I'AXIiDTU 8VK Mil: eWXl'LAlORS FROM LOSS. But w i.ii h.n'iiy it i t-tr iimhi who utittn i.iui in the viohition "f u laiih, to neclaiin an jyil..U!lv iiho'it the iiiiportanro of prowrving the t,(tl ot i ie M iti'H ! IWioiM-Mi-y g.m for G0! FaIT.1I ON ALL lUF. : L'i tlie tiHt py ; let tne Bin pv ; , l ,,,- ,m uiMtora jny i let -very b iiy :y thut rim ; int there Ui atich indulfuce a Bank iniil other can "rant wit.i ul iifi-ltce to their own crMlitor ; hut no rioufio.i of .ii'A, public or prieotr, Mwtiontd Ay uie or e,jrnanctd by authority Ail aiii-h act are W w aimed at the pilliira whicTaiwijin t.H'ii'iy i'aeTl'. Kendall' Expotitor. "1 po'pahle kil."K wag, the nlher day, m Bk!iii ol Die late Inausuritl, t"k ccnion to t'Xrr hi ainpriH IUrhisox, iu refi'rrin" I". R an hmlory lr example appca hlu to the in Til Vtnln ol' tho, I'oioii, OiiiitteJ to . itp the ! of , hioao hoi'ij; oiii Co. mil , aa B ca" directly HI pniht.- .. . V watfial eilitot'im . .!! ntox appointeii tVari, t '.Jleoior uuder tlu nlea that he is one of the Ontii- Putting on the CdlarTht Ojlet Eetler$ not dubamled yet. We perceived, from the official, mr dtiy ago, that the had forth for putting on the collar. The Intelligencer aayat "Having elected ihoir favorite old General to the Presidency, iflliey are md favorable to hu principle, the change of Chief Migielrate will have beeu made in vuin." Tbie ia requiring a bijfh dogree of aubtni vieucy, becNUM many of the principle of the old General are Jmhu faced, while aome of them are, a yet, unproniulgatrj, JMU,(Bjrecut,lolhi jjotice ..BCbaUiiiulJn telligeucer now, to explain to our country friend, the probable motive for the very quiet time at preut enjoyed here by"th office holder. It i undeistood that all p office aetkera have been went back with promi that tbuy may hwk out lor their reward after the Congren'Moiuu election. I hi will wt an bun red to work lor on place, which, probably, none of them will get at lat. REFORM REFORM 1 REFORM! The Jirtt atep iu Refbm, made by the new ad minim ration, ia to epend (6,000 for now furniture for Preaident Harmon, end thia, too, after tolling the people that the Prcaideni' llouee waa furniahed in princely style, by Mr. Van ttureo. oik thou (and dollars, did we bjv 1 - Much more For be vide thia uin, (be prorewla of the ale of the old furniture are to be applied .to the lame purpoee. Now if the o'd furniture ba any thing like what tli " Wtiig." aaid it wa, tlie new Preaident miiet ',''. imiiwiH tiuiiii at hi command, beaidee the (i,WW. If it be not ao and there u not (e the Whij now av) any thing fit lor the Prevident'a u-, have they not out-Binned all reckoning by the fuhtthnod thev have told in Ibia reKct 1 Wnat i clearly proved in thie matter I The $8,000 ap prooriHtHHi prove that what th " Whig" B4id about economy w ia a humbug, and what they eid about Mr. Van Duron a eitravagancw waa a hum lu ; B!ij i he inference i fair tbar what they now iv ahout there ben no furniture fit for uae ie humbug. The At mi lure did very well for Mr an Luren, who told n Committee of Coogi that be deaired no aldition to it. But do aooner U the " loi cabin " President come into office hut he must have tninjrk in regal epleudor. - All the old furniture mutt be aukl at auction, and the money expended to buy new, witb 6,000 into the bargain. Standard. COL R. M. JOHNSON It lm been for ome tiro firciilated bv the Fed- erl ppr, that Cot. ft. il. Joknton had given in huadhraion loth pmeent Administration. Vt dMl n 't .inik tin foul slander worthy of eont radio turn tiil we saw that aome nf our own preeees were nnp ii bp4i by thoae who seem to be incapable of ti-Mwf iho treth. Vtw now give the report a con trdicuon in the word of (Jul. J Jinton himself. The loilowing w an extract from a letter written by him. wtiich appear in the New York Evooiog Poet of the I5ih mM: M If ruinnr can make my fnends believe that 1 have channe l or can chwige my poaitieo id politics, it i very humiliating to me. The rumor of that kiud cannot be worthy of any thing but th lie di rect frn lhoe who biv confidence in me." . The Poet : "Col Johnion is right. No man wlm b.iow Una ought to do otherwise then give a flit contradiction to the mertion that he baa be come a political w cute of Clav and Webtkb. IL diHition and demeanor, which are those of great liberality and jronal kindne, perhapi uljct him more than rnoat other men to impute tiouaof tin kind, but hi frienda owe it to him to diMctatm them the more emphatically on that T6ry fiit.-"'-'OT"i""M0 ' Tke remit of Tippecanoe Electionrrring.-Tlit hmidrfri of idle yoo .g men scattered throughout the country, and lounging about in our larpe town, furnish indnputablo evidence that many of the ri sing generation are contracting habit which, in at Wiifevnrait caoe it h rgn a mount of nr ro w a rid w retched neaa. Labor is not respected si ill should be ; aad the consequence i", that idtene takes the ptare oi iiHiuury, anu poverty, gnatty ana wreicn ed, that of cheerfulueaa and content. Baltimore American. Federal Reatoning. " The Treasury i bank rupt. We must lay additional taxes to replenish it. ...Therefore, we have about three million of dol lar a year (the of the public land) which we can give away !" Yen, the "tateamn" tell an intelligent people than the exigenciea of the Treasury are such as to require an extra seion of Congress, avowing nt ths same time, that the objoct of the extra cssion i to give away forever ab Hit three million of the annual revenue. KenJaWi Expositor. A propo A.Mr. Webster is about to be placed at the head of foreign anWa, would it nut be well to call on htm to state oo what 4th of July" he think it will be expedient to take possession of the diunited territory in Maine t He aaid aome year i go, that he was in favor of doing so on the. 4th of July ; but afterwards explained, that he did not mean the next I'h.Ken lnlV Expotilor. from th Ralltmnrt Repwblkin. ARRIVAL OF TIIE fcyALEDONI A TWENTY TW( DAYS LATER FROM ENGLAND. Dreadful catamililo of tkt America Ship Go vernor Fenner, of llJykroJ, one ABdVr7 and twenty-two lite lott, full trhrulitrParlmen fory Dtbalulk Me Lend difficult. Tie Caledonia steam whip arrived at her moor, fng in Boston harbor on Saturday, at II t o'clock, p. M- Hha sailed frnm Liverpool nn tha 4th Hi slant, and conaequently she ba n paattg of an teen day. Six hundred and forty-eight thousand passenger went conveyed during the last ail month upon tha Gnat Western Railway ; without a aingls acci dent to one of- them. Sir William Cole brook is to aitcreed Sir Joho ILirvey aa Governor of New Bruu wick, -who h i tn-pti reealled. The Globe (MtnUtrrial paper) announce that her M ijeaty i again in an " intereating aituation," at once exciting the hopes and aympathies of the nation. L wn rumored in Paria, on Thursday afternoon, that the French Cabinet wa disposed to oflor it mediation to arrange the McLeod diapute in the United State. Germany "till continues her warlike prepara tions, and without any apparent cuw. 10 The Cireasaians are atated to have gained sevo ral iniportant ucceaM over their oppressor. One of the ,trngct fort of the Romans had fallen into their hand. The contest is aaid to have been aanjruinary ; after a desperate resist ance, the whole Ruaatan garrison waa put to the aword. Tha Subline Torto armeunced, on the 4lh. in a priwlamalion, the conclusion of the Egyptian question, A Su Poteraburg letter aay that, on the SOtli ull. the cold wa o intense there that vera I ten tinels were found frozen to death at their pot i and, in consequence of this, the men have to bo relieved every ten minute. The eminent surgeon, Sir Astley Cooper, died Feb. in the 73J year of his ". - Two hundred and forty five children have been burnt to death during the pMt venr in the city nf Westmiuialer, and ttio eastern division of Middle-Mi. LivEBroot, Monday Febi 25. 4 It is our painful task to have to record one of the most ojtlau!iio!y disaster, which of late year ba taken place in the Channel, end which ha been accompanied by the loss of not lt than one buudred ai.d twenty-two men, women, tod clul dretu Th American ship Governor Fenner, Captain Aodrews, which wiled hence on Friday, at noon, for New York, came in contact on the following morning, at 9 o'clock, off llollyhead, witb the Nottingham tteamer, from Dublin, for this port. The abip struck the eteamer midshipB. 8o great waa the force of lb collision, the ahip's Imwi were stove in, and, in a lew minutes from the time of the vessels coming in contact, she tank, the captain and th mute .being the only persons, out of one hundred and twenty four soul on board, who saved their live. The Nottingham wa dread fully afiattered, but having been struck in her trongeat part, the collision, wa not fetal to her. From Captain Andrew, whom we saw on his landing from the Nottingham, yesterday forenoon, we received a verbal account of the dinar. er. It was iu eubstance aa follow j 1 We sailed frnm Liverpool oo Friday lat, at noon, the wind tiSW. Tlie crew consi d of 18 and th pacngera in the steerage of 106. We bad a full cargo of manufactured I eod. On Sat urday rooming at two o'clock, the wind blowing fresh from toe 8SW, and when the wind wa un der double-reefed topsails, the lib, spanker, and inuinstul in, saw a steamer to the windward on th larboard bow. The ship's helm wa instantly put bard a port. Tbe steamer crossed our bow, and we etruck her ngb amidships. From the force of tbe collision, it wa evident that either tbe ship or the steamer would eink. or perhaps both t in Untly 1 felt that the ship, the bows of wbicb were etov in, was sinking, Iried oat to the crew (all the passengers were below) to endeavor to save their live. Tbey, iturtead of running forward through fear ran aft. My first object waa to en deavor to aav tbe crew and passengers, but so ra pid wa lb sinking of the ehtp, 1 found it impo ble to do anything to accoropliah that object. and the mat then ran forward, and finding the ship fast sinking, I tried to jump oo the steamer. ; railing in tbe first attempt, through a momentary famines, I made a second, and jut as tbe sh wa at the water'a edge, succeeded in g rawing rope wbicb waa hanging over-the at earner 'a aide. Tbe mate saved his life by jumping from the fore yard arm oo the steamer' deck. 1 1 one minute the ship sank, with aixteen of her crew and her passengers, amounting to 123 souls. The steam er's boat wss instantly lowered for tbe purpose of making an attempt to save such of the crew and passengers as might be floating, but it unfortunately swamped alongside."' u We afterwards beard the account of 'he catas trophe given by the persona w ho were on the deck of the Nottingham wben the collUiou occurred. It ia, in substance, aa follow : " About a quarter part two o'clock-on Saturday morning, when about 15 miles to the westward of Holyhead, the weather calm, but rather thick, one -fef ing rown of the watcft upon tne mmngnaui. que naa PO Hgnt at tier - mast, while lhet earner had three lights. He re ported tho fact to tbe second mate, who was then at the wheel. The second mate hailed the ship and waa answered. He desired her to starboard the helm. This, they thought, was not done. voic from Ihe ship, which wss supposed to have ' boon that of tha captain, requested the steamer to larboard ber helm, as be. could not bring tbe ship over, sne not answering ucr iiciio. ai una uisiam, the Governor Fenner at ruck the Nottingham amid hip. In less than, fire minutes the ship filled with water, and disappeared. Ine steamer became quite motionless after the shock, and the people on board of bei were unable to make the least attempt to Buccor those oo board the ship, wbicb euck bwr foremost. The scream ot the peopl oo tne wrack were heart rending, but they soon ceased, and all wa still. Tne steamer' atarboard sid ' waa completely stove in, the paddle shall and wheel were ahivered in piece, the (larboard engine waa broken, and the funnel carried away. 17 cow warn killed, 7 more and 73 sheep were thrown overboard, and 11 died before lb veeael reached port. On Saturday evening the wreck of tbe Nottingham wa fallen in with by another steamer, ami towed mto the Mersey. H The opinion on board Ihe Nottingham waa, that the Governor Fanner's helm, instead of being put to starboard, a it enght lo have been, must hava been to port j for if it had been put to star board, tbe ship would have cleared the steamer," Tho passengers wore below in their berths when the collision between the ship and the (learner took place. Tha shock caused by it would, of course, rouse even tSose who might have been asleep. No doubt they would make a rush towards the deck Tre interval, however, which elapsed between the hock and the sinking wa so short, acarrely five minutes, that very lew, if any , eould have succeeded in reaching it. So that, in all probability, the most of them had perished in Iheir berths. The male, we understand, had been mat r ted a few day a only before the ahip aailed on ber voyage ; the captain had given his wife a brth with her husband in the cabin. When the fat of the ship became inevitable, he attempted to run aft to rescue his wife. Time failed him t Ihe intincl or self pre ervation became atrong ; he sprang up the ehroud, and reached the tteamer, aa we have already stated, by jumping from Ihe fore-yard-arm. The Nottingham wh ch now lie on the Eait tide of the Clarence dock, was yesterday viaiti d by ihoueandaoi curiou apecialors. (let board id i a complete wreck ; even the house mi the . deck adjoining are ehivered in fragment. The dead animals, cows and aheep covered the deck, and presented a ahocking light, moat of them hav. ing been disembowelled by the concussion wbiith caused their death. Correipondenct of the Kern York Sun. Ivotioo, Wednesday, March 3. The excitement here was intense when the tx wb respecting the arrest and imprisonment of M'lud waa promulgated, and the funds alightly declined in consequence. That excitement ta now over, and ihe funds have recovere'd the public being under Ihe impression that tbe next advice from the Unt ied Stales, both aa regards the case of M'Leod and the Boundary Question, will place thesa duTicuItlos between the twu Governments in a more favorable position. FRANCE. i The fortification of Pari were being forced on with extraordinary vigor. The only difTiruliv ap ears lo lie now lo obtain enough nf the timvs I war for the unnVtukitijj, vithout iium-..i'i'iy coirtjracluig a loan. L tlx; Chamber 1 r-. m, Marahal boull pn aentcd a bill for tln i- v of 60,000 mt'ii, and for mm-uaiiifc the li n'h u vr ice from seven to ciuht years I he l n . al ready pnen adopted by llieChmiibcr nf 1 puntn. ... l.UM)ATlO.a IN FRANCE. , The Rhone haa xguiu bural ihrouuh tts'tomro- rary bat kaj the river may be aeen currying away 11 a it lary e U awa, iw-lwr t tw HH-e, -ami h ven entire cott ica Uwuiler in w.iuumI f . i ia ions have lit-iou.u a picv to lt t m-iat tr.ui) Mlf, fortng ; many aie lo I eu on the r. .;.., r .i-. t their anna and vent, and crying for euccot. 'l it) cattle bavs generally gone lo tho hills, lut have been drowned m the alubk and lutms. Genetal Buge.aud ba auild for Algier. Great worka of colonization will b rotnuienced in the Metiilia, whore a uuii.berof village, surrounded by foa,are to be constructed. Two thouaand ' Swiss Catholics, u ho hava resolved on emigrating Iu America, have been invited by the r rench au thorilie In form a st ttlement in the Motidja wbers they Lave been promised au extensive tract of land. Liveptrooi. Cotton Mahkit, March 2. We bate a groat demand for cotton to day, and the sali!. amount to 7,600 bales at very full prices, with a gradually advancing maikH. Maucu 3. Wa have had another brisk day in cotton. Consumers are very active buvers.'and have taken 5,000 bales al Saturday's full prices ; in many inatauce at Jd advance on Friday's prices has been paid ; 2,000 bales are placed to specula tors' account. Today Ihe market clue with a firm and healthy feeling. MARRIED, In', on the Uth February, bv tb Re. J. Singletary, FRANK UN G. llAUGRAYE. F, of lxingun, to Uiaa JUAlvx W., daughter o: I licoiioio Parker, Ej. 1 STATE. OF NORTH CAROLINA. By Hi Excellency Jouv.M. Mobkubao, Goperwr, Captain, General and Commandtr-in VhiiJ, in and oner Ike 8lalo aforttmid. WHEREAS, ! have been duly informed by the Proclamation of Hi Excellency V ilijam II. Habbisob, Preaident of the United Siatea, that the last Mooday of Alay next, (being the 3 lit iljy there of,) ba been fixed upon by him for the meeting of the Ftrnt Seakn of the Twenty-seventh Conifn nt the Uoilod Sttte: an evrnt which repdera it txl.t-nt and necemary that die electioiia fof the Representatives from thi Stale in the next Congre ahonid be held al an earlier day than the uaaal time ol holding raid elec tions: No wt therefore, .by virtuo of tli autlioriiy. m ma .... veaied, by an Act of tint General Aeinbly of llo State entitled M An Act concerning Uie mute of cluioa ing tSenatur and Repreeentativea in the l oi.gie a of the United Slate," (RttUtd Statute of M. (;., CAa Irr Tid,) and to tlte end, that the Freemen of tin S'lteniaybe duly represented in the next Conpres, at il brat aeaawn cumwenciog aa aloreiaid, I do tianie thi uiy I'roclainanon, hereby coir, maud ing and requi ring ill Mieriua and other Returning (XHri tiol the even! Counties compnwng each (iif rional Dis trict, to c.uae Toll to be opened and kept, ind Kiee tumi tu b held, for Representative to ttic nei t'ou- grew ol tlie United Mate, on I hurwliy, the thirteenth Jay ot Miy the plice etibhlied by liw in their mprctive Countiea, for laildiug aaid Electionn. And Idoterther OKiunknd and mjuire aaul loririp, and other Rcturuinir Otficera, to meet fur Uie purport of comparing the Pulln, at tlie innra and place pre scribed by law for that ptirpose. And I do, by tin, my Proclamation, further t require the Freemen of thia Stale, to meet. in .tkw..f(tK!iea&ariim-4i i ibw, uicu auu uiera u give itme vote tor Kepre-nta f Uve," m Ihe neMHi(frea. r- In ItHtiioony wb reof I have eaiaaed Ihe r;at Seal oi ih Slit io be hereunto alfixvd, and aigued the same with uiy hind. Diaie at- the City of Raleigh, 'thia the twenty-second day of March, m ihe year ot' i.. a our iird one tbouanid eight hundraJ aud t"f1y-one, and of the Inlendtnce of the .- , vvmled States the sixiy-fiflh. - . ; - v.c - "J. MrMOREIIEATJ. ' By the Governor : . . . Ja: T. LiTiLuoNM, P. Sec'r. April !, 1841. 3t SaYuAmrj Vcuae Academy . 1 wond eession of this lustirtirion will!o"n ainM n.. M 1 Af 1 An.l ... " "'"vaj, aiarcn uin, aim under Ihe care ot Mia Baker, asiatad k. k.. Mis Mary L. Baker. Term. 19. 10. 12 &( for th differenl claaees. Music on the Piano and Gui tar, V3 each. Drawinir and paintme 110. Pupils charged from the time of entrance. Lut no deduction made afterward for absence. Salisbury, March 26, 141. 6w Corn and Oals fov Sae. 'PUB SUBSCRIBER hi it:,:,, two mils oi sl - burv, a lanre uuaotnv ol t"uit .1 ihth .., n - . - - - oate. J.l. oilAVEU. April 2, 1841. tr lMtOSPUC.TllM or a POLITICAL NEWSPAPER . TO BB BMTlrLCB THOMAS LORING, EJi.a-. rpK EXTRA STA.NDARD ia intended to aceom- modate thoee of our follow-cttiuna wl .1.,,- . cheap publication, containing sound ptilitical doctrine. arm ui nw ot in day j and will be publiahed semi monthly. The Editor will endeavor to make thia sceeptsbls to the public; rapeciall that nnrtmn h ara friendly to Democratic' Republican principles. . (nn. win dc Vi per year, pya'ii in all eaap n advince. Aa the price t low. th tarma m,,.i k complied with no paper will be sent to an m.iK. out Ihe amouat of oi ooi iua rat tdtanee, and all pa. pert will be discontinued at the end of the year, unless .... auv.m.-a wr uie second year is sent by the time tbe first expire. 7Wie enniee will he ent to one ad.lreaa. t m. year, or to different mdtvaluala. on tha n..., dollar in advance. A apecimen number will be iswied In a few day. Should ihe subscriulion tuatifv tha I,,.- brat number will be u-utsl about th lt of Ala next. Pat ) Hklaaak Q lull ' - J- ------- WaiVs or aVo -lVire .: 1 M

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