WESTERN- CAROLINIAN. ji.ii ji.ji.jjjj -Tk hot irttnTi:i to "iik hiitbH rrwi iiv riK cons-rimm, ok t-ioHHurtu it to thi itatrh, All krsbivrd to thi sum Kr rctivkit. o to thh rKnriH. Amrndnrnti to the Canttuwjon, Artu le X.. ! umber ot Volume 21. j SALISBURY, N. O, APRIL 9, 1$41. Wholc JYumbcr 1,085. nrnur Timi or Til pUBUSHEl) WEEKI.Y:n::::::::CHA8. P. FISH E It, ' dt'or Af rrupritlor. ,THi WasTiaii Cawumm I published every Friday, it i per annum, jn aufttnce, or $1 50, if not paid in throe months t'roir the tuna of subscribing. No paper aill M diaootitiniiod until ll arrearages are pid, If ihe sub-crihcj ii worm the subscription ; and the fail uretii notify the Editor of a wish naijc'i'.riuii,i U-n j on k ihtii tot-fur the end of ihe year subscribed fur, wilf be cxinlord s new ga;.'e:nenl. Advrrutrmmtt conpicuouiilv nd correctly In sertwl at 41 Pr "quire- -of :34tl esu, or Jiftrm hit ot this oxti'i typvf) tt thu lii st insertion, eud ' cent ft.r I'll') conttuunftce. - Court end Judicial advortise uviu Pt cent, higher tUn the tbov rale. A da. ducti u of !Mj jwr cut. from the regular prices will b- mirln to vitally ilvertir, (ftp Advertisements ti'nt in tM' publication, must be marked with lite num ber uf WM-rli'MHi d.-eiro., or they will be continued till forM, sod cHared scrmdingly. To sr-tur aUeniim, ill let'ers addressed to the Edi tor on susuie, muit it free of toting. . Salisbury VemaVa Academy. fp'IR seiond session of thi Institution will cum mettce tin Monday, March, StQ.h, Mill urvlei the cam oi Mis Baker, assisted hy her sister M M.ryL. Baker. Terms, H, 10, 13 50 for ibe diifrwtl cUnn, Music imi the Piitnosud Gui tar. $ii each. Drawing end painting 910. Pupva cbard from the luoe of entrance, Vol do V'ouliott made afterwarr fjflilierice.- 8uli4Uifv, March 26, 141. 6w IM.U. . DUIULAS rJ V INO removed his Oflke to 2nd Door of Mr. Coa'a brick ro , (fu.K occopieil ly Dr. Ashyi Smith,) ihiii y (((("i" Mic'url Kr-iod'a store, f liiely tenders hs pridoMifial eervices to th riblic. Saii-bory, Aui-uit 21, 1"40. r Docta Killian & Powc, U AVIVG awciatid thoiuseKca tiyrtW, t'ihe jiuctice of Medf.ii-e, rwpncttully offer their r 10 all Xtut varioua Branches of tkoir pmfr iwiua In Tlia" MiC-T'TBcirttBtt-T iir Mrr Weart knr - tlav- . (Mfsti iri, N. CTiniiary flTlUt ' t. j flAVJXU UciM himaVli pmwaaeatly 10 i-Ja - proft'1umil ik-rrices to its trorns and Hie tdimitTrmtrTi tii all the Tirlrm brancwof b Bm tM.rd.ur b--..w Uuff'of tUe "AN M-era Carolmnit. juiy a. 414a iy, JSolicc, TflK SALISBURY UXm Tt'RINCi COMPANY MvtngroiM TiitcVtnia"iiiiii, are iv.w prejMf1 Id &irfu!i dealt rs tih Cotton Yarn ot a Miuerior qnaluy ou tavirtbt frrn.a. J. R1HI)F BROWNE, A n't 8qU.S..ry, D-c, H, 1"40. r NOTICE.- 'IVIE firm of t Bmceni A M. W, AleaooVr, baa ihia day dissolve I by mutual Consent. All pen me having clai i.e at iiiit said Coinjiaoy, will preut thm 10 A. Ueuceui, wiw la tuny euinur Uud lt aeitle trie saiue. M. W. ALEXANDER. ' , A. BENCENI. e Mirch.mi. " COACH-MAKINO USTABLISIIMENT n IE'S.ilKr.ilw retwwtfully ioform th cm i 1, i, ,.f ilislwrv tod eurrHj'idine ciHMilry, thut tt'f v bavn commenced (he abuve buirvs in all Us vnn mis braiwVa. i ihe 81n f.irmeriy oreoptw bv Mr. John I. Shaver, on the 8.itb eaal Sireol wt. re 1'ioy wilt eoiianily krep oo hand ridiy of vehicles, such as liaruurhes, Uuceitt, Swkir, Cigt, Carryalls. - ST, -m IL ir '-l-ft They will warrant their workmanship not to lie S'lrrmeJ hvunv hi this sectinn of C"iiulry, " th'V on li.,od a'lurno upity of the lst materialnj .li, 111 their employ fiM mte workmen. V 'u'.M rihers will also keep comtlanlly on himd, H .rui i ev.ry tlescripli they have a fmi rate llnrnras maker. Ortler for work Irom a ilitinre addreited to Ihu ssWrioera will be punctuailv attetidt-d to. N. B. All kind of reivsirinir done on ihe aWt notice. DANIEL SlllVKR, D. F. II A DEN FalinlHiry, Jam 22, 1841. TP et MOFFAT rt LIFK FILLS BITTERS. r nilK I II.K (JIVING FII-I-H AND Pll.lil AND PIliEMX - HITTERS, ao' celebrated and so much uwil bv the afflict! in every part of the c oimtry, is now re ecived and for sale by the suhwrfln-M. CRr-SS ii, UiKJER, Affenls. Menxra. Sraiwa L -'JiKKLS, ill toncord, N. C, ar nlh'iliii j MISCELLANEOUS. " tlxttacl nf m Lt Iter rum Chunn. ADVENI UttE IN CHINA. , I was poking Mimul the deserted town the day alter e were assigned to our avei localitHia, when 111 a Mieet anything but a principal one, and at a indw of a house anything but an inlehor one, I saw, or tlioulil I saw, a pair ol eyes peep 1 m Iroiu ovtr a scrben, ano a pair of binds rest inu upon ihe, lop ihereol. '1 he house had its ga tile eud to Ihe Mreci 111 which 1 was and the win-do- was the first round ihe corner. I caught lit vnMoo a I paused 1 I returned, and the eyes and hands were stilr there. Somehow or oilier I concluded Hint IHey belonged Urn feoiule; but at itwarleuil pMiiil they niijjht not, it would have been unsatisfactory to go away wondering. I therefore lot ked over niy shoulder, and, no be iiiy in sight, 1 very quietly siippt-d rtnind lo the door, ami not Hooking U im ceoaary to watt till tt wss tipentd, (I had no very distinct, idea how 1 was In eajiress my wish ou ihe subject lor there was neither knocker nor ueil,) I apidied my shoul der daei-ut'ly to it, and it yielded to the persua mii. I had hardly g t inside the lliVkhold when Ihe vye rind lisiids 1 had seen made their appear aiice, in coiiiwny witt) Ihe rest of the proprietor, ihe whole figure in a stale ol evident trepidation. I believe you know 1 do not speak Chinese, so I nude no attempt to evpUin iny If by words. I dr pjied 00 o y knees, and would have fussed the young lady's loot, but she drew back, and I, there lore kissed the ground two or three times alter which I placed myself on one knee, aod onclu dmg t list t'bioee- have hearts as well a other people, mid, probably, in Ihe rime place, 1 pressed iniii with intense earoesiiiess ami looked, 1 am not eiacily sore bow I looked but 1 ioti saw a woumii is a woiriau all over Ihe world, for her little eyes sporkletl, and her little hands put back a little veil that Waa worked in goid thread, and ber little feet pattered toward' tne a p or two ; I cannot any my god'less walked, and altogether she appeared as much impressed with my appearance as a mndeat mm sMpi reasouaUy . efcU-l , sieyer was. so surprised tu my lite at ibe ease with which 1 re assuied ber, fir, belweeo oumlvee, I expected, being of China, the precious porcelain would break lo ptecos from very fright. I had otily knell two or three minutes, stru k my left side three or four gentle slaps, and clasped my hands, just, by the be as you squeege a lemon, whtn, 1 saw 1 was anything but a mtmater in ber eyes. I woujd have giveo all possible promutMia end pnie mottey, just to have been able lo say word or two in Chinese, but it was out uf I bo qoeeiMW. I had therefor hut tine resource ; I spoke English, and told her, of course, she had nothing to tear, that no man living should harm ber, and ibal I conanlered ahe h a cetevul of toe &rV water, and aaaouuk. bewii termeot with tser radiant beaut 1 the wHImmM savages. All thi. 1 hav no doubt, ah fully com preuewiled. la return, she I 4d me, in Chinese llhal all her family had di d in terror, eie supposed, (or thai, on coming home Tuts ooe evening from a tea 4rty, ah. fiund. tha .house ttuutit j. ah, .waa prepariug i fotluw ; and had gut nearly out oi the wstero gatwneu tier heart iaiM her al ihe sitfh' of nm of "or rnenVoJ he "refurtved. Site a' Jed, that there was not a stMil in lb house but herself. mod that H had been very fnghteoed, but ah ra pot friiibnMxl any ,linger. . Jla v you fr is-en Im Mottte ii PiirtUi t Ol" course you ha Very well, then yon know how I got all this. Th bous) was a very neat ad ir, indeed 11 looked like largo tyi tbet wer five or siv, aartioenis k-adiug from on aouiner, sod upst-irs, wot etact ly what v. mean by op tair, bu? et above the other (the asMnt was a li'lbt more lhau a ge,i,t!e p!aue) a msn.T . oietj My link friend refreshed, nie wiin a luscious liquor, whieb sbw gve m iu a sm4lt gUss globe, covered with 61. agree work, and ' atandmg ou a carved ivory stem, in shape u ua lik our modern chaiupagn glasses. I think it mutt have beeu decidedly inioiicaiing In iheSecls for, tliuugh I took but lw glasses, I felt an all - ovarivhJK very anon after. I might hav gone lo sleep, but lh eurHisilv of my fair hostess kept 'me awake; and, finding that 1 was a very harm I- s thing lo play with, he pull me about almoet ' as much a if 1 had been one of their own puzzles. I think I remained Dearly lw hours wit bar ran Backing, in a quiet way, every thing in ihe h-Mse, winch ait allowed me to do, seeing th pleasure 'id novelty av roe. Thi whtde affur aptwared tu me when 1 relumed home lik a dream. If woo-eo a I over lh world ar not riddles, what are they t The giH mad m understand, a perfect ly a if she had been brought up in lh finishing academy near London, l ha i I waa m4 to tell a soul of her riistence. She s'mwed m pn.visoms. dried fruits, and cake, and wines, that would Jul her ten )ai; and, seeing that I understood I was tu be mum, which lnade her do by pretending to sew my lips tnge'her, at which she laughed hearli ly undclapjied her hands, al invited nte tocall again to which I said vea, bv sliiiping belund screen, springing forward, and selling ber fool, which, Til. .) 'I me to examine, ami, 1 can cmuueimy wt, . f l!J I.. ...... .. .. n.nrel.ka imall haf of wamu than anytning le. 1 intend to keep my promise ; a-id, if I am not found out," I .1 :i't thmk alt wtlj be, while thinas stand they do at present. 1 have hardly Hue lo add that I am, "my dear -, your , very sincerely." Awrriri Oriilor. The last number of the L 't ou H i ir'erly Review eiiut uiiB an article on American oiatots. The hihet raok-iii Ainer iraii oritorv are.astigi'ed t.. Patrick Hmtry, John diui., Fisher A me, J dm Q'ltncy Adsjis, J.mh Quinrv. Willia-n Wirt, J.iMph 8t.ry, John Rn dolph. John 1-. tJalhoon Henry t'la, Edward Kv-iett, and Diinel Welister. Aimmg these, Honrv is aloeil I clai -. the first rank, who, the nrurle say a puwu-sse ihe unlstrn genius of rato t, a much, p-rh ipn. as any othr modern, dead or living, with Iho exception of Chatham and Mirubeau. Antnlolt nfR'H'tr Sherman The following is ndntod of Rmf'-r Mmot Sherinnn: Th- R. v. Mr. B .au exceedimily dull and pr tsy rle.evmnn, was rngaged by a nrihlmring con h fur them : hoi thr v dieJi lurked lh church doors, and had no service at all. The reverend gentleman, however, waa not to be "done" in Una manner- He remained in the town, and every Sunday, twice a tiay, presented himself al the church door in full canonicals, and demanded ailniitMinn. At the c'oso of the term for which he was engitged, he employed Mr. Slier man, lo bring a suit against the parish lor bia salnry. Thaddeus llett the lawyer for Ihe parish, when the case was brought on for trial, turned to Mr. Slieiman nd said-" Brother Bheiman i not this rather a singular principle a man wishing'to be paid for nor preaching P '" Brother Betts," was the laconic reply, M if you had ever Acara n v cli:nit you would not think so ! ' " SONG. ' ' ' 1'.' , tt hbs. amuse. If thou bart crushed a flower. The root insy not be blighted, If thou hist quenched a lampk - Once more it may be lighted ; But on the harp or on the lute, The string which time bust broken, Slisll never in sweet sound Saia , Give to the touch a token I If thou brut kneed a bird, Whose voice of song could cheer thee, Still, still he may be won From the skies to wsrble near thee ; But if upon the troubled sea Thou hsst thrown a gem unheeded, Hope not Uiat wind or wave shall bring The treasure back when needed. If thou hast braised a vine. The summer's breath is besting, 1 And its clutters yet mat grow, 1 Through thj leaves their bloom rtliog; But if thou hast a cup o'erthrowa With a brighr draft filled oh! never Shall earth give back that lavished wealth To cool thy parched lip's fever ! The heart is like that cop. If thou wU) the love it bore thee, And like that jewel gone, Which the deep will not restore thee; And like tiial suing of barpor lute Whence the aweel sound is scattered ; "" Gently, oh f gently touch the chorda Too soou forever shattered ! Mr. Jefferson, while a minister in Franco, wrote to his fiieitd in this country, CoL E- Carrington " Were it left me to decide, whether w should hav a Government without newspnpera, or newspaper without a Government. I should not hesitate a moment to chouse lb latter." People are seldom perfect. When they think they have cured au imperfectiur,lha evil principle will show itsell so mew he's rle ; lik a hi man in a tight pair of brtwe'tes do sooner has he mended tb rip in lb eg than they break out behind. .JIslJ.!Mijftpi having a dispute with aooiher man, reierrsd the qotsHioa 10 debate lo th decision of a half willed creator who was lingering on the premise. M Which of in i right f" said a to th simpleton. YwmTrTOiha riitrwr? M Aod why i Mr. B. ia lb right T demanded I ih'6t her disiiu ianl . ' " " BorauM he let me lick the lai stopple. replied Ui arbiter, verv hooeatly. Befor we laugh at 'he poor fellow, lei n ciam in our own conduct, and we may discover that w hav snmotime decided, quest ions on preclielf th aam ground, slf ough hav not possesW th booesty of th ignore mun, and would, perhaps, h unwilling to confess our weakness even to ounelvee. V e shall find on iamination, that w hav fre quently decided in favor of those who 11 us lick the Isss-M stopple. " D omnibus Rrh$ tt ewieasiasi iu." Th sbov arrsp, from th riel store re n f tir respectahln coolemporary, tb editor of lit ! tot gomery 4dvrtiier, reminds ih of an anecdote, that some few yearssince, occurred at th Miwtg. me'ry Kr. A Case waa pending, in which a young as prant and Mr. T , (an Irishman, who had raised himself, by his own -eiorie na, from th , by 1 1 of humble Mutton of (ou rosy man carpeitser, lo on of lh moat successful lawyer at that bar,) wer opposite councils. Tit young gentleman opened the rase, in a very eloquent manner, .hot could not fo bear the temptation of showing off hit latin to the jury, who wer unlettered farmer. After h had concluded, Mr. T edified ihem with a proportional amount of JWiA which, he re marked they iMidmbt"unlertitod as well at they did his Inand s latin. Atotosw ntaeon. Francis 1. of France wat lh first monarch wh introduced ladies at his court.. II- said.'in a style of true gallantry that a drawing-room without lacw was like th year without spring ; or rather like the sprmg without flowers. Foteoell being one day asked, by a lord in waiting, at Versailles, what difference there was between a clock and a woman, instantly replied A cluck serve to piinl out th hours, and a woman to malt u forget them " Massachusetla, a lar back as ltMl, waa really ludicrous. Her is the law t " It is ordered hy thi mart, and th authority thereof, that for th yearl ehonainf of Assistant, the Freemen shall new lediaa Cora and Bean. Th Indian corn to manifest election, tha heana contrary. Ami if any fretian shall pot in mora than one Indian corn or bean, f w the ehoic or refusal of anv public officer, he shall forfeit for every ucli oftenc, tn pounds." 1 -Montesquieu tavs, in sneaking of a certain tri bunal, " They, her take the voice of lh majority, hut they aay Ihey have learned by experience that it would bo much better lo lake that of lh su'aor ify. since there are but few upright spirits, and a lfreat manv false ones ;" a monarchical dortrio embraced by tome of the little preset of Ihe day The French hsv no neuter tender, but pas over th feminine to lh masculine when a neutral I object i spoken of. A Strang inconsistency to ,1111s from the letst important to most so. " Ararius, a BiHho'p of Amid, sold hit church plate, thereby redeeming ven thimsand pritoner on th Tigris in Mesopotamia." " Anaxtgnras riphtlv remarked, that love make - . -"Im ir tvef," " Th leaders in Alliens looked beyon and over iheir own families. Dangerous precedent I lauda bly avoided by popular elaiesmeu Bine." M The clearest eyes do not see lb cheek below . nor the brows above them." Love ol supremacy, miscalled political glory, Hods moat, and leaves all dishonest." , w Nothing could Jorm a more curious collection of msinoim, than tnecJolti of prtftrmsnt. Could the secret history of great men U Irared, it would appear that merit ia rarely the Cut-step to ad vaoceioent. It w.mld murh oftener be found Xn be owing to superfluous qualifications sod even vices.' Hum aid of the Duke of Biii-hingltom, " that b was in full pons siii ol two of the inner ort n- 'iv qualities that an atnhasssiior cart posses English fuiiiiliarity and French levity.'" 1 " Politeness it not alwas a sign of wisdom but th want of il slwaya leave room for a a picion of folly, if folly and tmprudenc are th same. Thia is a high advaiilago on all occasions, particularly 111 embassies. H ell bred men require it ibe ill bred catch at il greedily, a fishes are attracted from Iho mud and netted by In etuu of flower and shells." " Religion and Power, lik lh Cariatede in sculpture, never fine one another ; they sometimes look ihe same ay, but oftener stand bark lo back." Conrittenry. -Toe French King interdicted amusement in the " Champs El," or gardens .of LuiemlKiurjj.' on Sunday ( himsrlf gave M le vees " on that day, which wers well attended. , j " Artaxerve-afler vanquishing lb Pirthiana, at tacked ihe Rt uaoa in Sjns with tearful success, and filled all Rome with sham and apprehension. The Emporor, let timid, and more ten.perat than bit subjqrtt addressed a letter lothe Per ian mon arch, exhorting him to cHiaohdate hi own unsta ble throne by peace aod wisdom, rather than seek a vain glory at the expense of the blood of his sub jects, and of the world's repose. The reply of the 'Persian hero wit in the True spirit of "military despot, and an oriental tuvereign Law ami princips (lie said) are lor the vulgar ; live right of Kins ia their mivht. Tell your Emperor such is my reply to his philosophic letter, and that I shall oppose my ramp tu his paner, my sword lo his pen, my blood to '11 ink, and tny aciiou to bu di Coupe." M Tb first and last despatch of Alexand r to the Senate was short but satisfactory, and con luded with tb simple and modest phrase The coun tries ctMiqoereJ by Aruxcric bav returned under tb Roman Emptr." A SQUALL si Uiiua sutasoca rc !. t. a. rvt, - asm liters nwe one anivi-nai ciaan, riser Louder than the kiud ocean- Lik peal uf echoing thunder J fiyro. ve had naea oratuig up lor in re or lour davs, or lour m order lu get cloar ot lb t end ot votv, cloar of lb whet there wat much dinger lo b apprehended, 'aoTii"7.rW ibat tlx frigate waa reduced lo her line close rfd looMMUv That wealhcr b-gan o atun a very threalenmg aspect, when all at ooce il fell , rtark :ltav U - e tups, sent don the top gallant yaitls, and in fact did everything w could thiitk of to make a wing ship, for lh ssa was ao heavy that she began to roll irvtmsiNioualy. - Suddenly III sky grew black, th thunder grumbled mi lb disuuc, while Ibe forkod light ning seemed lo threaten vtry ihiug with irwtant annihiUtion. There was a si.srp stern voir from the qusr tr deck ; it was lb Captain's. " Hands by th topsail clw lineal Clew upt Haul up your bmtlin I Lay abdl I Lav out ! Full away I" in a fw minute our gallant ship was under her euurver, and even they were closed-reeled. The Captain was a daik stern-looking man, who bad " braved lh batilv and th breetu " lor half century. He was walking th quarter in a naval uodrasa, apparently in drp thought, but I could delect hi weather wis ey directed occasionally to windward, with an evident degr of alarm. He at length broke the silence which h had maintained lor a otisiderablo time, with au order to lh first lieutenant. M Mr. Slidell, prepar lo send down lh lop tail yard, and bous th top maft I" ' All on board were astonished al hit order, yet they set about it with alacrity, and in a few mo ment mora, all waa a snug as lb g rest est skill could make her. And it was high lime. The squall which had been so long brewing, all at once cam thundering don, with an impetuosity mat 1 never before or since saw equalled. The ship waa thrown almost on ber beamend; Ihe do- reeled fore and main sail wer blown into nltandi from tb '.4lt rotr, with a noise like thunder, and every thing not se. ured in th strongest pomible manner was rushing about lit deck in wild con fusmnr Twss a tretie for Sslvator Rosa ! To Complete the panic, one of Ihe long una that com posed Ihe spar deck armament broke trom 11 laa tMiingt, and at on tremendous roll of lb ship, burst right through lh bulwark to leward, aud sunk iu melancholy silence In the h ttom. But ihe squall waa soon over. A tiht and snug ship ileticd the comhined fury tf .he elements, and we rod it out ia cooi-rin safety. Not o with th poor Westphalia, a merchant man, that w had sp-en ihe preceding day. She wst struck by the raging and luriou blast in th vary art f furling hr nysls. The consequences wer inevitable. Sha gav on deadly and nek ning lurch to leeward a hug black mountain, tonoed by now, cam rolling onit struck her ah reeled aod plungwd like soma mighty giant of Ihe dp another, and an ther she givo on ickcnmg lurch to ltwrt, and disappeared lore veil PrtjuJict. The following forcible and "beaut i ful delinea'iimnf prejudice is ascribed by Hugh Worthiugton, a la E-.tflish diviiw, to tha celebra. leJ Dr. Price. " Prejmlic may be compared tu a misty morning in October ; a man go fcrth lo an eminence and he ases al lh summit ol 1 neighboring hill, t fine picture apparent of gi gantio tatur for such th impertect medium through which he ia viewtd would mak it ippsar. II goea ftrwtrd a few step and Ihe figure advan ces towards bin;; the siae lessens at they approach ; they draw aitll nearer and Ihe extraordinary ap pearand ia gradually bul at hly diminished and al last they meet, and peihapa lh peron he has taken for a raonter proves" lo be hi own fat bur." Jugs. Th jug is th most singular utensil ; a pail, tumbler, or decanter may be rinsed, and you may satisfy yourself by optical proof that Ihe thing is clean ; but the jug ha a little hole in t lit top,: and lh interim is all darkness. No eye penetrate it,' no band move over the surface. You can clean it only by pulling' in wa'er, shaking il up, and pouring it mil. Il the water comet out clean, you judge you hav succeeded in purifying the jug and vice verja. Hence the jug it lik Ihe human heart. No mortal eve can look into it recesses, but you ran judge of ila purity or impurity only by what comet out of It. , The mind need not depend on situation, but may be rerjdared independent of external things. Go vern the imagination, and we shall bo well where soever we happuo to he placed." Vulgar, mind disiik seriout reasoning. If some nohie truth start up, they applaud for a mo ment 5 bul th nest withdraw their notic, or scru ple, not 10 attempt to shin by questioning, or aim ing lo plac it in some ludicrous poiut of view." ' " When a man despises and detest his fellow creatures, h necessarily assume that be is much belter than lh 1 est of Ihe world." "Anger n a tort of moral epidemic -springing- from vanity and selhshnes." . M Sir Thorna Moor waa united to a woman of th harsiiest tamper and the most sordid iiismiers. To o(ten th moroHene of her disposition, he persuaded her to play on th lute, viol, and other instruments, every day. W heiher it waa she had no ear for music, she herself never became liar- moijiou at lb iutrumiil th louchd. " An t musing account of the ceremonies which trend thif tnMtirijf of a king oTMoiinmalnpa, show what natKMial concern way be the sneeze of des potism. Thoa who ar near his parson whan this happens, salute him in so kind a tun that person in the antechamber hear it, and join in the arcla. mation ; in the adjoining apartments ihey do iho same, till th ooise reaches the street, and become propagated, throughout the city; so thai at each sneem ol his majesty, results a most horrid cry from th salutation of many thousands of his sub- jCt. A Sailor and a Stragtio Guardian. Th black sunuchs 111 the service of person of disiinc I lion ar ihe most intolerable, msoieiit , swaKserinir luiiMMes you evet saw. iney are alwava band. pofttery dressed, ad ra the, street they'kwHt the cauile o (he causeway," aod care no more for an English khowaga than for a water carrier or don. ky I oy. To days ago, as Csptain L -was walk ing slo Iv Towards the Tioiel at Cairo h was overtaken by ihe carriage of Ablmv P ha, the gurnvfl.inold fashioned French chariot, drawn by four horses driven by ari A rah c'hmaTT, with two or three Arab footmen sucking on behind and a dom or two running on fnrf on each stoVi Altogether a very, odd looking turn out. On thi -Weum It ClidtaiiWdlmWltrf ;1mvarn?i faoV-" rtvrind warprtHifdfld by "llititck u5uchTwho7"" thinking thai 1 1 in giaour did not move quickly enough out; of lh wav, gave him a smart cut across the shoulders with the ktorbudj (a whip made of hippopotamus bide.) but alas for poor blarkie I. Ibe Eiijjiahmati' po4eted a weapon of t!.e Kicr uf whivh ihe oriental hav no idea. The capiaiu'a fist hit ri(ht and kit on the Nubian' head and chest in a shower f Mows, from which -he in vain attenited lo defend himself with hi whip ; and he received a pretty severe punishment betoie lh crowd began lo collect, and lb captam thought it prudent to retreat into the hotel. Hav ing taken Ihe punishment of the personal, insult into his own hands, he went to Ihe Consulate, and ' desired that an apology for the national insult should be demanded from tha Governor hirrsslf; and, in reply lo the messag of lh consul, bis ex cellency aid, that if Csp'ain L would com to the seraglio next day, and point out lb offender, he should b bastinadoed until th Captain and any friend h might bring with biui wer satitfied. Next da), accordingly, th party proceeded lo th bous of Abba Pacha ; lh servants war paraded befor Ihem, and th sggrossor identified ; but, however sevsrely our countryman might have pun ished him n the spot, and in lh irritation of th moment, he had loo much good feeling to stand by and see him beaten during his plns.su re. After ihe first two pr three blows with the stick, his reelings relented, and he declared himsslf satisfied. Moor ond Atipntp continent. In the last century the B.'k of M.w were often attacked, arid their authenticity impugned, because they mentiou th eiiunc of vineyards, gripes, and eenequi,ity of siisj) in fcgypt f for Herodotus expressly declares ihere were no vineyards ia Egypt ; ami Plutarch avers that the native of that tontry abhorred wine, as being the blood tt those who rebelled gainst the goda. Tbit authority ap. peered conclusive:, cut merely 10 the sceptics who impugned ihe varacity of the Pentateuch, but even lo lh learn d Machae'is, who concluded that th us uf win wts enjoined in sacr ifice for the pur nose of makiug a br wd distinction between the re ligious usages of ihe Israelite and of tha Egypt ian. Th monuments opened by modem research, hav decided th controversy in favor of the Jew- ish Legislator. In th subterranean vaults at r.llithya, vry p.rt of th procetae connected with ihe dressing of the vine, is faithfully delinea ted J the trellice 00 which lh vine were trained, th car with which they wer watered, the collec tion of iho fruit, th treading of th win press, . add ihe slowing ol th win in amphorae, or tun, ar there, painted tu the life, and additional pro. cesses of extracting th juic from lh grape, ar represented, which see in tohtv been p culiar to the Egyptian people. M. J.'mrxd idds, that tha remaina of amphurae, or wino vet It, hav briea found in the ruin of old Eiirrtun ritke. which ar still encrusted with lh tartar deposited by I ha I wine, It ia neee-ary to account for lh trror int . I to which Herodotai hit fallc ; b wrote long I Mf.-.-.:;; e A. ' fo.' 'h s I

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